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The NWO Depopulation Agenda Is The Only Explanation Why Expensive Mainstream Medicine Is Lethal
March 7 2016 | From: Geopolitics / Various

When anybody doing a research on the multiple attacks against the human body, be it through our drinking water, supposedly breathable air, or even within the pseudo healthcare medical industry itself, the answers would then lead us to our initial conclusion that this is only about economics, or capitalism in general, i.e.:

Companies’ main concern is the bottom-line, i.e  just want to extract as much profit as possible, in order  to survive the competition.

Related: Pharma marketed antidepressants to children after hiding the risk of suicide and aggression revealed by clinical trials

But, when the researcher begins to consider the following readily observable facts:

Public services are not only unsatisfactory but is outright deadly, e.g. lead poisoning is not only happening in Flint, Michigan, but is far more widespread than the media would like to entertain [here];

Government regulators adapting a policy of “approve first, recall later” in favor of a new drug that has undergone massive clinical test manipulations, making the rich drug companies even richer as the imposed penalties later on are not enough to bring them down but are serving only as added overhead for doing business [here, here];

… that same researcher will then begin to ask far and more broader questions that will hopefully carry him to the real answers, though uncomfortable they may be.

Such broader questions like:

How can the government regulate if the penalties for violations of its rules don’t serve as deterrence for future wrongdoings?"

"Why the welfare of the people is always the last thing to be considered?"

"Why was the bailout aimed only at rescuing the fate of the bankers and not the homeless people?"

"What would exactly happen if it was the people that was bailed out instead of the bankers, after all, it was their bail out money to begin with?"

"Will the economy shuts down when all the bankers have gone broke?"

"Isn’t it a fact that the direct exchange of goods and services came in first before the banking industry and the illusion of wealth in money were even invented, and therefore, the people can better survive without the latter?"

"In response, why do we need to protest first before the wrongs are corrected, if it is even corrected?"

"Who, if not the government, is there left to protect the people and serve its interest at last?"

"How many can afford to file charges against these erring companies when the victim itself is systematically robbed of his capacity to access event he barest of necessities?"

Again, these are just simple questions that cannot be answered by endlessly describing the nature of the problem itself, as the media always do

These are the questions that can only be answered logically by considering that perhaps the government is simply not serving the interests of the people who, even if they are actually the ones paying for its existence, are really not in control of the government, but only the Bankers who, as documents and scholarly studies indicate, own every other corporations on the planet.

Here’s Forbes’ acknowledgment and apology about the fact;

Three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have taken a database listing 37 million companies and investors worldwide and analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share ownerships linking them.

They built a model of who owns what
and what their revenues are and mapped the whole edifice of economic power.

They discovered that global corporate control has a distinct bow-tie shape, with a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out from the middle. Each of these 147 own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network. A total of 737 control 80% of it all.

The top 20 are at the bottom of the post. This is, say the paper’s authors, the first map of the structure of global corporate control.

The #occupy movement will eat this up as evidence for massive redistribution of wealth. The New Scientist talked to one systems theorist who is “disconcerted” at the level of interconnectedness, but not surprised. Such structures occur commonly in biology, things like fungus, lichen and weeds.

Economists say the danger comes when you combine hyperconnection with the concentration of power. The Swiss scientists warn that this can lead to an unstable environment. No Scheisse, Sherlock.”

- Forbes

And if one considers the fact that the government itself has gone from being a Republic into a mere corporation controlled by, and serves, only the Select Few, then all the confusion as to why bad things are happening, and governments can only offer bad behavior and decisions in spite of the fact that it is manned supposedly by the best our society could offer.

Related: Mysterious Georgia Guidestones Strange 2014 Update

The dire situation can only be properly explained if we consider all that’s been laid bare by those who refuse to take part of the greatest murder in the entire history of man, i.e.:

Every human being is reduced into a dead corpse, a corporation that seeks profit in order to survive and a virtual slave that feeds the bigger corporation, i.e. government, with a portion of his profit, i.e. taxes;

Corporate government itself is beholden to still another bigger government, i.e. private central bank, and has to protect all its alter egos and corporate friends, i.e. all other corporation that are serving the same generic purpose, e.g. social engineering, population regulation;

To prevent intellectual dissent, the best minds must be assimilated into a core group of fraternities that extols exclusivity, and therefore, superiority over the rest of our society, and will serve as the breeding ground for future leaders that will later on occupy highest positions in all institutions of indoctrination and control, e.g. United Nations, World Health Organization, the entire school system, the media and the entire government, effectively feeding each of them the taste and illusion of power;

Each potential leader must be inducted into the group through an initiation process, a ritual designed to put him in a very compromised position for easier control later on, i.e. through blackmail and other proven methods.

Indeed, it is more profitable for the bankers to expend attractive compensation and resources on just a few smart, sweet talking crowd rousers than to care for the multitude.

But then it still much wiser to not restrict the full potential of man through the institution of paper currency to limit access to such resources that are already provided for free by Nature. One can only wonder what level of advancements we could have achieve if all resources were made available to the thinking man.

But all those resources are hoarded and rendered unusable by the few who consider oppression as an exercise of power over another, and not an incapacity to understand that all things are One and the Same in Nature.

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac for the Sociopathic Elite, and your kneeling inside their houses of worship gives them the ultimate and godly satisfaction. Still, this is not enough.

They needed to wipe out those who will attempt to defeat their enterprise. They are actively murdering people who understand the cancer science used in vaccines that are mandated by law and required by your own caring government.

Related: Holistic Doctors Researching Autism Detected Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines, Assassinated

The well-documented depopulation agenda, cloaked inside some benevolent sounding anti-climate change agenda, or the upgraded Agenda 2030, as agreed upon by all United Nations member countries, is the only explanation why mainstream medicine can’t cure while being expensive and outright deadly.

Depopulation agenda is the only stupid rationale why instead of decades of advancements in the realm of science and technology, the quality of life has instead deteriorated to its lowest levels and will continue to deteriorate because the majority refuse to entertain a new and untried system.

Agenda 2030 Translator: Decoding The UN’s New ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals

If they are now selling water, soon, every ounce of air will be sold in bottles, too, when the massive chemtrailing is left unabated by passivity that is sure to worsen only by the nano-particulates that go with these government-sanctioned operations.

The depopulation agenda can also be confirmed not just through the obvious, highly questionable behavior of our government, yet also by looking closely at who actually wrote the doctrines being imposed by the United Nations, particularly, the Codex Alimentarius.

Here’s an extract from our eBook, Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Premium Edition;

As we gain more insights into the grave dangers of genetically modified crops, fluoride, and vaccines, the impact of this less known document which the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, through the Codex Alimentarius Commission, wrote in 1963 will become more apparent.

Codex Alimentarius (Latin for “food book”) is a set of guidelines that is promoted to protect the consumers against faulty food products and procedures. But this codex has evolved over the years to include the following policies which will become, or is already, mandatory and binding among all members of the World Trade Organization [WTO]:

GMO food labelling not required;

Banned pesticides, aluminium are among those deadly chemicals classified as food additives;

Codex recommended maximum levels of chemical which are astoundingly high as opposed to the extremely low daily recommended daily allowances for vitamins;

Dietary supplements or natural health foods are to be classified as drugs;

Codex would make vitamins and minerals illegal and not available with a prescription;

Every dairy cow is required to have Monsanto’s recombinant bovine growth hormone and all other animals for food production must be treated with antibiotics, and;

All food should be irradiated

These are just among the more than 4,000 guidelines and regulations promulgated over the years regarding everything man can possibly put into his mouth with the exception of pharmaceuticals.

While the UN-FAO may insists that codex compliance is voluntary, the World Trade Organization made it clear that in cases of trade disputes between two countries, codex compliance takes precedence over the merits of the case.

This clever method of the author having plausible deniability because the mandatory clause is not written in the actual document itself while the other arm, in this case the WTO, trying to enforce it by using as the basis for resolving disputes effectively forces each member nation to be compliant for practical purposes, is a clear indication that both the UN and WTO are long tentacles of the same Giant Octopus that also has interests in Big Pharma.

When a scheme is so huge, who among the maleducated, highly brainwashed members of our society could have a chance of figuring it out? The plot thickens when you consider whose brainchild was the codex.

During the Nuremberg trial, 25 board members, executives, and chemists of the giant chemical manufacturer and poison gas supplier to the Nazi concentration camps, IG Farben, were convicted and sent to jail, but not for long.

In 1951, they were all released and one of them proposed that if war can’t solve the problem of too much people, why not control food.

Fritz den Meer
, the executive manager of IG Farben in 1943 and convicted to crimes against humanity, who coined the phrase “Arbeit Mach Frei” which literally means “work sets you free” decorated in entrances of several concentration camps including Auschwitz, submitted this idea to his UN pals which resulted to the creation of a trade commission now known as the Codex Alementarius Commission. For crimes against humanity conviction, he served a very long sentence of six years.”

Another name that should be in everyone’s consciousness by now is Henry Kissinger, who wrote the justification to thin the herd by saying that the population of the world has been reaching critical levels in 1974:

National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (NSSM200) was completed on December 10, 1974 by the United States National Security Council under the direction of Henry Kissinger.

It was adopted as official U.S. policy by President Gerald Ford in November 1975.[citation needed] It was originally classified, but was later declassified and obtained by researchers in the early 1990s.

The basic thesis of the memorandum was that population growth in the least developed countries (LDCs) is a concern to U.S. national security, because it would tend to risk civil unrest and political instability in countries that had a high potential for economic development.

The policy gives “paramount importance” to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries.

This is to control rapid population growth which the U.S. deems inimical to the socio-political and economic growth of these countries and to the national interests of the United States, since the “U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad”, and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the United States.

It recommends that U.S. leadership “influence national leaders” and that “improved world-wide support for population-related efforts should be sought through increased emphasis on mass media and other population education and motivation programs by the UN, USIA, and USAID.”

- Wikipedia

These are established and verifiable facts that the guilty cannot rebut…


…and will worsen even further with the eventual implementation of the notorious Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement [TPP] that no lawmakers are allowed to discuss outside the boundaries of its pages.

There are more hard evidence that we have collected and for which you may have known already, than would fit into this article that should demand concrete action from all of us.

Related: Big Pharma Scientists Successfully Grow SARS 2.0 Virus “to Protect Us”

If we choose to not act today, can we therefore blame the corporate government for doing its best to make a profit by keeping the people dumb and as pliable as could be possible?

Or, should we blame ourselves for our collective indifference to the real cause of the problems confronting the very survival of humanity itself even at the presence of many alternative and more viable systemic and technological solutions?

Whoever else are we really waiting for before we take that first step towards our own salvation as a human species if not that same face we always see in the mirror?

Surely, the majority have been massively indoctrinated through the mass media ever since they were born to wait for a hero - an all too fearless, all too wise individual who will save the day and slay them all, sociopaths they are.

But hero worship has not gotten us that far, and it won’t be.

We must rise as an individual awake and aware, and as a collective bonded together by our common aspirations to live in great abundance, harmony through respect upon one another.

This is the only scenario where everyone is motivated, by default, to contribute voluntarily what one is capable of, with the foreknowledge that honor and recognition are the only compensation and reward.

By that time, service rendered in the spirit of mutual cooperation is the only valid currency.

Together, we can drive out all that is Evil, that entity who promised us heaven only when we die, and begin creating heaven here on Earth now that we are still breathing.

The technologies that could make this possible is already here and now, but they have been suppressed.

Related: British Medical Journal study exposes frightening facts about anti-depressant drugs & big pharma companies

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Huckabee: Trump Phenomenon Is A ‘Peaceful Overthrow Of The Government’
+ What The 'Trump Phenomenon' Actually Represents
March 7 2016 | From: DCclothesline / Infowars

Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee told Fox News this morning that Donald Trump’s success represents a peaceful “overthrow of the government” and that the Republican establishment should be glad it’s being achieved with “ballots not bullets”.

Huckabee, who has not officially endorsed Trump, told Fox & Friends that “people in Washington need to recognize the reason that Trump is winning is because they (his supporters) feel like people in Washington have helped them lose and they’re sick of it.”

Related: Trump: why the elite media were completely wrong about his chances

Discussing Mitt Romney’s anti-Trump speech yesterday, Gingrich said it represented “the panic of the establishment wing of the (Republican) Party,” and that the prospect of Trump becoming the nominee “absolutely drives them crazy”.

When asked why, Gingrich responded, “Well because he’s an outsider, he’s not them, he’s not part of the club, he’s uncontrollable, he hasn’t been through the initiation rites, he didn’t belong to the secret society.”

Gingrich is in a perfect position to know about “secret societies” given his affiliation with Bohemian Grove, an annual encampment that takes place every year in Monte Rio, California and is attended by some of the most powerful people in the world.

“The donor class runs the political environment in this country and people are waking up to that and they are tired of it,” added the former presidential candidate.

“That’s what this election is largely about, it’s an overthrow of the government….we ought to be glad that it is a peaceful revolution with ballots rather than one with bullets,” said Huckabee, adding that the Trump phenomenon was a “political revolution in the Republican Party and in the country.”

Huckabee accused the Republican establishment of “bed-wetting” over Trump by treating his voters as stupid while trying to select a presidential candidate rather than let the American people elect one.

The former Governor said that Trump’s supporters were coming out in droves to support him because “they’re angry at the very establishment who is going nuts because Donald Trump is doing so well – and they don’t get it that they are the problem.”

Related: How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump

Huckabee made his comments in response to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell forcefully denouncing Trump over the David Duke controversy.

The People Want the Truth: What The 'Trump Phenomenon' Represents

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The [Attempted] Final Control: TPP, TTIP, TISA Global Corporate Takeover
March 6 2016 | From: 21stCenturyWire

This is a new geopolitical war, taking place between the United States and China.

The rise of the so-called BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with countless other emerging economies, means that global power relations are gradually tipping away from the Anglo-American Axis, and towards Eurasia.

Related: Brexit better for Britain than toxic TTIP, says Joseph Stiglitz

The Anglo-American corporate confab will not allow this tectonic shift threaten their “interests.” Collectively, what the TPP, TTIP and TISA really are –  is a new global governance super structure that overrides individual sovereign nations and their laws, and even the rights of their individual citizens.

Under this new secretive regime, all are subservient to the transnational corporate hive…

WikiLeaks – The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA:

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Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, And The Laws Of Appreciation And Attraction
March 5 2016 | From: HumansAeFree

Learn how to create self-fulfilling prophecies using the law of appreciation and attraction.

The universe is full of mysteries. Over the centuries, people have tried to unravel them by delving into themselves, or taking a personal spiritual journey to discover the hidden wonders and gain wisdom.

Whereas others have delved outwards, using science and language to reflect on the mysteries and gain knowledge about the working of the universe.

However, as we know, science and engineering both have their limits set by what the human mind is willing to perceive as factual and so does not cater to laws that are observed only intuitively.

The famous inventor Nikola Tesla understood these shortcomings when he said:

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

So, today, we will introduce you to three mystical and powerful laws. These are:

  1.  Law of Appreciation
  2.  Law of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
  3.  Law of Attraction

The Law of Appreciation

All of us have experienced this in our lives: that appreciation builds, expands, and eventually happily spills into every area of our lives. Appreciation creates harmony whereas lack of appreciation simply directs us inwards towards self-consciousness, self-depreciation, and eventually self-abandonment and destruction.

In simple words, the Law of Appreciation is this: appreciation is an attractive force; indifference, and depreciation of what you have is a repulsive force. So, the question is, how grateful are you for what you have in life?

Let’s rephrase that: “Do you know what you should be and can be grateful for in your life?”

Generally, most of us have allowed ourselves to be so consumed by daily events and we forget to realize, acknowledge, and appreciate the things that we should be grateful for.

As a result, we often miss the positive things in our lives, allowing negativity to cloud our thoughts and perceptions.

However, by being grateful for something, and by showing our appreciation for what we have, we open up the space where we experience it in abundance. We feel content and happy with what we have, and hence become synced with the abundance the universe has to offer.

Hence, the more you appreciate something, the more you will start to have of it.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

Your beliefs and perceptions about yourself and the world around you, create your reality.

Sociologists call this the Pygmalion Effect, and have discovered how our regular perception, imagination, and hopes not just impact, but also create our future.

Think of all the things you say and communicate about yourself and about your life either directly to yourself or indirectly with the people around you.

These thoughts affect your behavior and how others perceive you, which in turn causes them to respond to you in a certain manner, which in turn reinforces your belief about yourself, your present life, and future.

This insight is summated under the Law of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - that the simple expectation of events or behavior that you want to materialize, can actually cause them to happen!

Although it will not be true at that time, nor come to materialize immediately, your beliefs initiate the processes and create the opportunities that make your beliefs come true.

Hence, your beliefs, when consistently communicated, become self-fulfilling prophecies. BUT REMEMBER, self-fulfilling prophecies work both ways.

Positive beliefs will initiate and create a positive reality, whereas beliefs stemming from a negative mind will cause your life to revolve around negative events.

The Law of Attraction

According to the law of self-fulfilling prophecies, your thoughts and beliefs about yourself are already creating your future. Hence, just by rethinking the stories you are telling yourself about yourself, you can directly affect your future.

The Law of Appreciation, on the other hand, informs us of the simplest method of breaking out of the cycle of negative thoughts and consequent actions: start appreciating the small stuff in life.

What happens when you combine both? Answer: The Law of Attraction.

This is the law that states that when you direct your thoughts towards anything positive and constructive, you tap into the unlimited positive energy present in the universe.

And that when those thoughts are not cluttered or drained by wandering and negative thoughts, they become focused, powerful, and capable of attracting the goodness you seek in life.

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GMO's - A Planned Human Sterility Program
March 5 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

Severe health risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are not new. Studies by scientists among others in France, Germany, Austria, since at least the 1990s, pointing to several levels of health dangers to mankind abound.

A recent study released by Egyptian researchers found that rats fed a GMO diet suffer from infertility, among other health issues. In the US similar studies were muzzled by Monsanto and the Monsanto staffed FDA.

Related: Millions for GMO propaganda: the amount of money spent to keep you in the DARK will astound you

In a 2011 paper the Institute for Responsible Technology - IRT refers to 19 animal studies linking GMOs to mostly liver and kidney organ disruption.

In the early 2000 the first Russian studies revealed reduction in fertility and birth defects in hamsters and rats. In a 2013 Russian study, scientist have discovered that mammals that eat GMO foodstuffs have difficulties to reproduce.

The study concluded that “Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for two years with ordinary soya beans which are widely used in agriculture and those contain different percentages of GMOs.

Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya [found in Serbia, as 95% of soya in the world is transgenic].”

According to Dr. Alexei Surov, who led the study on behalf of the National Association for Gene Security;

“We selected several groups of hamsters, kept them in pairs in cells and gave them ordinary food as always. We did not add anything for one group, but the other was fed with soya that contained no GMO components, while the third group [was fed] with some content of GMOs and the fourth one with increased amounts of GMOs…..

Originally everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs’ growth rate was slower, and [they] reached their sexual maturity slowly. When we got some of their cubs, we formed the new pairs of the third generation.

We failed to get cubs from these pairs which were fed with GMO foodstuffs. It was proven that these pairs lost their ability to give birth to their cubs."

Sterilization from GMOs is not an accident. Henry Kissinger, the protégé of the Rockefeller Foundation and one of the driving forces – still today – of the Bilderberg Society, not only is the author of the infamous proclamation in the early seventies:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; and who controls money can control the world;"

He also said;

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World."

This is still a (mostly unspoken) key objective of the elite, associated through different semi-secret organizations like the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission, the British Chatham House, the Economic Forum (Davos), and others.

GMO Seeds

GMOs are based on two strands; one involves insect resistance, the other is herbicide resistant and more dangerous, because it is glyphosate-tolerant. Glyphosate, known under its trade name ‘Roundup’, is however absorbed in the food fibers and has devastating health effects.

The herbicide is an endocrine-disruptor, a chemical that at certain doses can interfere with the hormone system of mammals. These disruptions may cause cancer, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects and full sterility by the third generation, as the Russian study clearly demonstrated.

In his eye-opening 2007 book Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation, F. William Engdahl points to food control and depopulation as the strategic key objectives of GMOs as put forward by Henry Kissinger already half a century ago.

A less populated Third World will give the US and world elite easier and cheaper access to needed raw materials, allowing the ‘chosen few’ to maintain a lifestyle of exuberant luxury and resources abuse.

Ellen Brown, referring to Gary Null’s documentary Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs, quotes Dr. Bruce Lipton;

“We are leading the world into the sixth mass extinction of life on this planet... Human behavior is undermining the web of life.”

Worse is to come, if and when the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is ratified by the US and its eleven Pacific partners. The TPP – much like the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, linking the US with the 28 EU countries) – is negotiated behind closed doors.

The chief agricultural negotiator for the US is the former Monsanto lobbyist, Islam Siddique. The two monster trade agreements would deprive governments from regulating transnational corporations’ activities, to the point where the rights of corporations would supersede sovereign nations laws.

Corporations would be able to set up private courts that may rule a country liable for lost profit due to legislation that may interfere with their activities.

This would particularly apply to biotech agriculture. GMOs could no longer be forbidden by individual countries.

They are integral parts of the two giant trade agreements which the US is attempting to ram down the throats of their ‘partners’ – and may do so in the general realm of vassalage which has been cultivated by Washington’s threat and sledgehammer politics – “You are either with us or you are against us” – and the latter is usually punished with devastating sanctions, if not with death of errant, non-compliant leaders.

The objective of depopulation is alive and well – and being implemented under our eyes; and We, The People, are blinded by the steady drop-by-drop of propaganda that makes us believe that these trade agreements will resolve the world’s food problems, will eliminate famine.

What they will eliminate after a few generations is peoples’ fertility.

This, coupled with the constant and continuous wars on terror and financial assassinations of entire countries (see Greece) by the so-called Bretton Woods Organizations, IMF and World Bank, working hand-in-hand with the FED and Wall Street, may eventually succeed in drastically reducing world population – if We, The People, do not wake up.

Waking up to a new form of agriculture is crucial. Back to nature and earth-friendly farming, as well as away from globalization to the notion of ‘local production for local consumption’. Russia has a strict ban on GMOs. Russia is producing about 40% of its food by permaculture methods on simple garden plots.

According to Natural Living, 80% of the country’s fruit and berries, and 66% of vegetables and about 50% of the nation’s milk are produced on dacha-type plots.

It is not too late to get away from GMOs, from planned sterility and from depopulating the globe for the benefit of a tyrant elite.

But, We the People, have to wake up, take back the sovereign control of our nations from the vassal leadership which Washington has discretely, almost imperceptibly placed at the helm of the 11 TPP and the 28 TTIP nations by stolen or manipulated elections or outright ‘regime change’.

The breaking up of the Eurozone and the European Union – both of which are in dire straits – might be the beginning of a new era of self-determination.

GMO: Seeds of Death

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How Billionaires Use Non-Profits To Bypass Governments And Force Their Agendas On Humanity
March 4 2016 | From: Alternet

As wealth becomes concentrated in fewer hands, so does political and social power via foundations and non-profits.

As wealth becomes concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the billionaire class is increasingly turning to foundations and non-profits to enact the change they would like to see in the world.

Amid the rise of philanthrocapitalism, growing numbers of critics are raising serious questions about whether this outsized influence is doing more harm than good.

In the January issue of the New York Review of Books, veteran journalist Michael Massing noted that, in the past 15 years alone, “the number of foundations with a billion dollars or more in assets has doubled, to more than eighty.”

The philanthropic sector in the United States is far more significant than in Europe, fueled in part by generous tax write-offs, which the U.S. public subsidizes to the tune of $40 billion a year.

As Massing observes, billionaires are not just handing over their money, they have ideas about how it should be used, and their vision often aligns with their own economic interests. For this reason, the philanthropy industry deserves rigorous scrutiny, not a free pass because it is in the service of good.

Massing’s argument followed a study released in January by the watchdog organization Global Policy Forum, which found that philanthropic foundations are so powerful they are allowing wealthy individuals to bypass governments and international bodies like the United Nations in pursuit of their own agendas.

What’s more, this outsized influence is concentrated in the United States, where 19 out of the top 27 largest foundations are based. These 27 foundations together possess $360 billion, write authors Jens Martens and Karolin Seitz.

Such dramatic wealth accumulation has disturbing implications.

“What is the impact of framing the problems and defining development solutions by applying the business logic of profit-making institutions to philanthropic activities, for instance by results-based management or the focus on technological quick-win solutions in the sectors of health and agriculture?" the report asks.

These questions are not new, as social movements have long raised the alarm about the global impact of the ever-expanding philanthropy sector. In 2010, the international peasant movement La Via Campesina blasted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s acquisition of Monsanto shares as proof that its role in privatizing the global food supply and exporting big agribusiness, from Africa to North America, should be viewed through a commercial rather than humanitarian lens.

“It is really shocking for the peasant organizations and social movements in Haiti to learn about the decision of the [Gates] Foundation to buy Monsanto shares while it is giving money for agricultural projects in Haiti that promote the company’s seed and agrochemicals,” said Chavannes Jean-Baptiste of the Haitian Peasant Movement of Papaye and Caribbean coordinator of La Via Campesina at the time.

“The peasant organizations in Haiti want to denounce this policy which is against the interests of 80 percent of the Haitian population, and is against peasant agriculture - the base of Haiti’s food production.”

The Gates Foundation more recently fell under scrutiny from the advocacy organization Global Justice Now, which released a report in January raising concerns about the institution’s track record on education, food and health care policies.

“The Gates Foundation has rapidly become the most influential actor in the world of global health and agricultural policies, but there’s no oversight or accountability in how that influence is managed,” said Polly Jones of Global Justice Now.

“This concentration of power and influence is even more problematic when you consider that the philanthropic vision of the Gates Foundation seems to be largely based on the values of corporate America. The foundation is relentlessly promoting big business-based initiatives such as industrial agriculture, private health care and education. But these are all potentially exacerbating the problems of poverty and lack of access to basic resources that the foundation is supposed to be alleviating.”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, raised eyebrows in December when they announced they would give away 99 percent of their wealth. As it turned out, this was not a giveaway at all, but a shifting of funds into their own limited liability company (LLC).

Just weeks later, Zuckerberg lashed out at Indian media justice advocates who raised concerns about his company’s efforts to undermine net neutrality protections in their country.

Like many others, Massing is calling for greater transparency, not only for foundations but for think tanks, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and universities. Pointing to the website Inside Philanthropy, whose stated purpose is to “pull back the curtain on one of the most powerful and dynamic forces shaping society,” Massing argues that far greater and better-resourced scrutiny is needed. “There remains the question of how to pay for all this,” writes Massing, posing: “Is there perhaps a consortium of donors out there willing to fund an operation that would part the curtains on its own world?”

But some argue that we already have all the information we need to be concerned. In December, Vandana Shiva, an ecofeminist and activist, wrote in response to Zuckerberg’s move in India that a:

“Ccollective corporate assault is underway globally. Having lined up all their ducks, veterans of corporate America such as Bill Gates are being joined by the next wave of philanthro-corporate Imperialists, including Mark Zuckerberg.”

“It is an enclosure of the commons,” she continued, “which are ‘commons’ because they guarantee access to the commoner, whether it be seed, water, information or internet.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Auckland Council’s $1.2 Billion IT Shambles
March 4 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview

Reports have filtered through about the $1.2 billion blowout by Auckland Council on IT since the supercity was formed in 2010.

This level of overspend is phenomenal and it is unclear whether the council has anything to show for it.

What is clear is the council has failed in its governance responsibilities to Aucklanders and ratepayers.

Last year, the auditor-general raised some serious concerns around the project – NewCore – which has received attention for its $100m overspend, saying the project carries “an almost certain” risk with a “major impact”.  

At the time the council responded by saying all was under control citing the following reasons: “this includes quarterly reporting to the finance and performance committee, project steering group meetings held each fortnight in line with best business practice, and independent ongoing quality assurance reporting from EY to identify issues.”

So I took a look at the reporting mentioned, and while shocked, wasn’t surprised at what I found.

A review of the finance and performance committee meeting agendas and minutes show just how badly our leaders have failed us in governance.

In 2015, the same information on the IT transformation programme was regurgitated four times when updating this committee (in FebruaryMaySeptember and December). A quick review of the minutes of each of those meetings shows no overview of any discussions, except in September when the public were excluded for reasons of commercial confidentiality.

There is no mention of how investment is turning up in actual operational savings, except broad statements around targeting savings. Any type of rigorous risk reporting framework is completely absent.

Additionally, I find it astounding there was no mention of the vast gaps in governance highlighted by the auditor-general in 2015. This is a complete failure not just by council staff accountable but the governors of Auckland.

Having worked in the IT and communications sector in senior management and governance positions during my 20-years in business, I have never seen such gross negligence at all levels of project management and people must be held accountable for this, including the cost blowout and lack of governance oversight.

For $1.2 billion, you would not only have transformed your IT systems and processes, migrated your whole staff to modern-day computing solutions, such as cloud-based communications, and have built new network infrastructure, such as a mobile network. The fact the council is attempting to combine systems is an inaccurate justification for this level of investment.

We need strong leadership focused on delivering results for Auckland. There’s quite a few steps that need to be taken in order to address this level of incompetence.

Here is where I would start:

Demand the appropriate level of reporting from those accountable in the council to governance. This includes updates on benefits realised, milestones and gating which decides whether the project is moved to the next phase, rigorous risk assessment and monitoring, and a thorough update on scope changes driving costs and benefits, as a start; 

If governance reporting is not addressed satisfactorily in a short time frame (i.e. 3-6 months), then replace those individuals to get the level of accountability that is a fundamental tenet of large capital investments like this;

Ensure the risks highlighted by the auditor-general are taken onboard by council staff accountable for this programme and risk mitigation strategies are embedded not just in the programme but governance reporting; 

Ensure the benefits, outcomes, project scope, business and technical requirements were aligned and reported on regularly at both an operational and governance level;

Not take at face value that management is doing this. It’s clear from the significant gaps in what the council says it is doing and what is turning up at the committee meetings that the most prudent assessment would be to assume the appropriate levels of reporting and risk management are just not in place; and

Ensure management is running an incredibly strict capital prioritisation process around scope changes required.

This blowout is completely unjustifiable, especially when residents in Riverhead and Maraetai can’t even afford decent footpaths in their communities.

The irony of reading the committee meetings is the talk about deferring millions of dollars of desperately needed investment that has been put on hold while the IT funding goes unmonitored and ungoverned.  

I will provide strong leadership, fresh ideas, and deliver real results for Aucklanders. I have the governance and operational experience to ensure Auckland has the right level of reporting and questions in place to avoid debacles likes this.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World
M arch 3 2016 | From: TheDailyMail

Patients are over-medicated and often given profitable drugs with 'little proven benefits,' leading doctors warn.

The Queen's former doctor has called for an urgent public enquiry into drugs firms’ ‘murky’ practices.

Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.

Queen's former doctor, Sir Richard Thompson, has backed new campaign

Experts calling for urgent public enquiry into drugs firms' 'murky' practices

They say too much medicine is doing more harm than good worldwide

And claim many drugs such as statins are less effective than thought

The physician is one of a group of six eminent doctors who today warn about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs prescribing.

The experts, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, claim that too often patients are given useless – and sometimes harmful – drugs that they do not need. They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial. And they accuse the NHS of failing to stand up to the pharmaceutical giants.

Too much medicine is doing more harm than good - and costing hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, leading experts have warned. They maintain drugs companies are developing medicines they can profit from, rather than those which are likely to be the most beneficial

Sir Richard said:

The time has come for a full and open public enquiry into the way evidence of the efficacy of drugs is obtained and revealed. 

There is real danger that some current drug treatments are much less effective than had previously been thought.

He said the campaign highlights the ‘often weak and sometimes murky basis on which the efficacy and use of drugs, particularly in the elderly, are judged."

Writing for MailOnline, Dr Malhotra says commercial conflicts of interest are contributing to an;

“Epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed patients in the UK and beyond."

Furthermore, he adds the NHS is ‘over-treating’ its patients, and claimed that the side effects of too much medicine is leading to countless deaths. And he claims the full trial data on statins – cholesterol-lowering drugs prescribed to millions - has never been published, and also points to questions about the power of Tamiflu, a drug that has cost the NHS nearly £500 million.

The group has called on Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee to conduct an independent enquiry into the safety of medicines.

They claim public funding is often allocated to medical research because it is likely to be profitable, not because it will be beneficial for patients.

Sir Richard Thompson, former-president of the Royal College of Physicians and personal doctor to the Queen for 21 years, warned tonight that many medicines are less effective than thought.

He is one of a group of six eminent doctors, led by NHS cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, who are concerned about the influence of pharmaceutical companies on drugs prescribing.

Dr Malhotra said:

“There is no doubt that a “more medicine is better” culture lies at the heart of healthcare, exacerbated by financial incentives within the system to prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures.

But there’s a more sinister barrier to making progress to raise awareness of - and thus tackle - such issues that we should be most concerned about.

And that’s the information that is being provided to doctors and patients to guide treatment decisions."

He accused drugs companies of ‘gaming the system’ by spending twice as much on marketing than on research.

Dr Malhotra says that prescription drugs often do more harm than good, with the elderly particularly at risk. One in three hospital admissions among the over-75s a result of an adverse drug reaction, he claims.

In addition to Sir Richard, Dr Malhotra is backed by Professor John Ashton, president of the Faculty of Public Health; psychiatrist Dr JS Bamrah, chairman of the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin; cardiologist Professor Rita Redberg, editor of medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine; and Professor James McCormack, a pharmaceutical scientist.

Dr Malhotra, who is launching the campaign in a personal capacity, is a trustee of the King's Fund health think tank, a member of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and advisor to the National Obesity Forum.

He is particularly critical of the dramatic recent increase of the prescribing of statins. 

Dr Malhotra also points to questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu – a flu drug the NHS spent £473m stockpiling.  A 2014 report by a panel of eminent experts concluded it was no more effective than paracetamol

NICE – the NHS drugs rationing watchdog – lowered the threshold for prescribing statins in 2014 to encourage GPs to prescribe the drugs to more people.

But it later emerged that six of the 12-strong panel received funding from drugs manufacturers - either by being paid directly to give speeches or 'advice', or through funding for research.

Dr Malhotra claims that the full data on the power of statins and their side effects have never been published.

He also points to questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu – a flu drug that the NHS spent £473million stockpiling. 

A 2014 report by a panel of eminent scientists concluded that Tamiflu was no more effective than paracetamol.

Dr Malhotra also cites an investigation by the BMJ medical journal, which earlier this month suggested that major blood thinning drug Rivaroxaban is not as safe as its trial data suggests, although the regulator stands by the drug. 

He writes:

"For the sake of our future health and the sustainability of the NHS it’s time for real collective action against “too much medicine”, starting with the Public Accounts Committee launching a full independent inquiry into the efficacy and safety of medicines."

Professor Ashton added:

"Public health relies on a comprehensive, accurate and cost effective evidence base to ensure we make decisions based on the best available research that improve and protect people’s health, as well as prioritise care in the best way for patients."

The Industry's Response

A spokesman for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said:

"All medicines undergo rigorous testing for quality, safety and efficacy by global regulators.

‘The data is also subject to continuous scrutiny during trials, once licensed and throughout the life of the medicine, including after a patent has expired."

The spokesman added:

"The assessment of a medicine – the benefits and risks it brings to patients as well as the value it provides to healthcare – is an ongoing process.

"Innovating companies discover and develop new uses for these medicines over the life of these products, and regulators and health technology assessors continue to update their assessments based on new information.

None of these procedures are “weak” or “murky” but by and large published for public scrutiny.

However, we recognise that the discussion on the evaluation of medicines is timely, and we were pleased to contribute together with many other stakeholders to the “Evaluating Evidence” policy programme of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

This dialogue is critical to achieve a shared constructive and progressive framework for the assessment of medicines."

A spokesman for NHS England last night declined to comment on the allegations.

Mailonline Exclusive: Dr Malhotra's Comments in Full...   

There is no doubt that a 'more medicine is better' culture lies at the heart of modern healthcare.

This is exacerbated by financial incentives within the system to prescribe more drugs and carry out more procedures - regardless of whether it benefits patients, it seems.

But there's a more sinister barrier to making progress that we should be most concerned about. And that's the information being provided to doctors and patients to guide treatment decisions.

Several weeks ago I was a speaker the annual British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin medical conference in Birmingham. Other speakers included the chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, the chair of the BMA and the chief executive of NHS England, Simon Stevens.

In my speech, I warned of several things that deeply concern me about the state of medicine today.

In short, these are:

Biased funding of research - funded because it is likely to be profitable, not beneficial for patients

Biased reporting in medical journals

Commercial conflicts of interests and an inability of doctors and patients to understand health statistics and risk

Over-medication is 'causing unnecessary suffering of millions and costing billions to our national economies'

All of the above are contributing to an epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed patients in the UK and beyond. But most concerning of all, this desperate situation is costing tens of thousands of lives around the world.

And not only that, it is causing unnecessary suffering of millions and costing billions to our national economies.

A few months ago, the medical director of NHS England, Sir Bruce Keogh, admitted that one in seven NHS treatments - including operations - are unnecessary and should not have been carried out on patients.

And in the US, it is estimated that one third of all healthcare activity brings no benefit to patients. This is further backed up by a point made by former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr Marcia Angell.

In a talk given at the University of Montana, in 2009, she revealed that of the 667 new drugs approved by the FDA between 2000 and 2007, only 11 per cent were were considered to be innovative or improvements on existing medications. And three quarters were essentially just copies of old ones.

Lining the Pocket of Big Pharma

Given the fact that drug companies' primary responsibility is to provide profit for shareholders - rather than patient health - this is far from surprising.

But apart from the colossal financial wastage that results from companies having go at flogging a drug twice - and therefore spending twice as much marketing drugs than they do on research and development - it's the considerable harm to patients and the public that should concern us the most.

The Food and Drug Administration reports that adverse events from prescribed medications have more than tripled in the past decade in the United States.

Previous research has linked psychiatric drugs to thousands of deaths due to suicides and drowsiness

This has resulted in more than 123,000 deaths in 2014 and 800,000 total serious patient outcomes - including hospitalisations and life threatening disability.

But this is likely to represent a gross underestimate.

One person who has long been outspoken on the dangers of modern medication is Peter Gotzsche, professor of research design and analysis at the University of Copenhagen. He estimates prescription drugs are the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

In particular, he is deeply concerned about the impact of psychiatric drugs including antidepressants and dementia drugs. Writing in the BMJ, he calculated they are responsible for more than half a million deaths in those aged over 65 in the US and European union. This is due to suicides but also because patients are over-medicated and drowsy.

In fact, it is the elderly who are most at risk of so-called polypharmacy - where a patient is taking multiple drugs.

The Patients Rattling With Pills

The problem with polypharmacy is that the more drugs you take, the more likely you are to experience side-effects that are then misinterpreted by a doctor or nurse as a symptom of disease that needs treating with additional medicine.

I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients I have treated, with sometimes three or four blood pressure medications making them dizzy and fall over. It's a vicious cycle and one that costs lives each year. 

The elderly are particularly vulnerable to polypharmacy with one in three hospital admissions in the over 75s the result of an adverse drug reaction. Many of these patients will fall and suffer a hip fracture because of medication side effects and a quarter of these will die as a result.

But what is most disturbing is that Professor Gotzsche claims much of the behaviour of the pharmaceutical industry that drives this over-prescription fulfils the criteria for 'organised crime' under US law.

'I have lost count of the number of over-medicated elderly patients I have treated, with sometimes three or four blood pressure medications making them dizzy and fall over,' Dr Malhotra told MailOnline 

Between 2007 and 2012 the majority of the largest ten pharmaceutical companies all paid considerable fines for various misdemeanours that included marketing drugs for off-label uses, misrepresentation of research results, and hiding data on harm.

But whether such fines act as deterrent is debatable when profit is the primary motivator.

In 2012 GSK landed a $3 billion fine - the largest healthcare fraud settlement in US history - for illegally marketing several drugs including an anti-depressant, a diabetes drug and one for epilepsy. But in the period covered by the settlement, it posted profits of more than $25 billion in the sales of these drugs.

Medical journals and the media can also be manipulated to serve not only as marketing vehicles for the industry but be complicit in silencing those who call for greater transparency and more independent scrutiny of scientific data.

Take a paper published by the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) last June.

We Don't Know the Truth About Statins

This claimed that a programme that aired in 2013 - which questioned the benefits of prescribing statins to those at low risk of heart disease - may have resulted in up to 2,900 people suffering a heart attack or death from stopping their medication.

I was asked to go on ABC News Australia to discuss this but unfortunately just 30 minutes before my interview was cancelled.

Had I had the opportunity, I would have given my view - that the paper provided no robust evidence of increasing hospital admissions or recorded deaths to support such claims. On the contrary, the Catalyst documentary under scrutiny is one of the most brilliant pieces of medical journalism I have seen in recent times.

A view shared by the vice president of the faculty of public health Professor Simon Capewell, who described it as 'informative, transparent, and raised legitimate concerns'. As he and I point out in an editorial published two weeks ago in medical journal BMC Medicine, community based studies reveal that almost 75 per cent of new users will stop taking their statin within a year of prescription with 62 per cent citing side effects as a reason. 

In fact, the emerging evidence suggests at best, the benefits of statins have been grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed. In recent weeks, two separate research groups in Japan and France have, independently of each other, questioned the reliability of many of the earlier industry sponsored studies that show the benefit of statins.

In fact the Japanese research went as far to even suggests that statins may be a cause of the increasing population burden of heart failure.

Dr Malhotra claims emerging evidence suggests the benefits of statins have been grossly exaggerated and side effects underplayed

Meanwhile the reputed French cardiologist Dr Michel De Lorgeril has claimed all studies published after 2006 reveal 'no benefit' of statins for cardiovascular prevention in all groups of patients.

I fully support his calls for a full reassessment of all the statin studies and until then 'physicians should be aware that the present claims about the efficacy and safety of statins is not evidence based.' Furthermore we must demand that the Clinical Trial Service Unit at Oxford University releases the raw data on statins for independent scrutiny.

It is these industry - sponsored studies that have resulted in the prescription of statins to millions worldwide, driving a multi-billion industry.

The Drugs that Don't Live Up to the Hype

But back to the wider the picture. It has been just over 10 years since John Ioannidis, professor of medicine and health policy at Stanford University, published a landmark paper explaining why most published medical research is likely to be false.

But it's not just about studies being poorly designed or stats being manipulated.

He went as far to claim 'the greater the financial interests in a given field, the less likely the research findings are to be true'.

Unfortunately, there are multiple recent examples exposing that our so-called guardians and regulators, NICE and the MHRA, are not only ill-equipped to deal with these issues. Or, as the immediate past president of the Royal College of Physicians Sir Richard Thompson told me 'are "part of the problem rather than the solution".'

NICE was called out when several leading doctors, including Sir Richard, wrote to the Secretary of State for health raising major concerns over the impartiality of the guideline development group on statins with 8 of its 12 members declaring financial ties to companies manufacturing statins and related drugs.

And in April 2014 independent scientists of the Cochrane Collaboration - considered the gold standard body of independent scientists - concluded that Britain wasted more than £500 million on the influenza drug Tamiflu.

Many clinical trials have provided flawed data, argues Dr Malhotra, and patients have been incorrectly medicated accordingly 

After gaining access to withheld clinical trials data, the body found Tamiflu was no better that paracetamol in relieving flu symptoms and had potentially serious side effects including kidney problems and psychiatric disturbance.

Nice was criticised for failing to call for the full data to be released by the pharmaceutical company manufacturing the drug before giving its hasty approval. At the time, however, manufacturer Roche said it stood behind the wealth of data for Tamiflu. 

Meanwhile an investigation by the BMJ revealed that the blood clotting test device used in a trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine was faulty giving falsely low blood thinning readings in the comparator drug warfarin.

Thus 'casting doubt onto outcomes used to support the use of the World's best-selling new oral anti-coagulant' Rivoroxaban, the journal said.

Of course NICE wouldn't have known about the faulty device but one has to question their judgement on recommending the use of the drug based upon one pharmaceutical company funded trial where there are now calls for the paper to be retracted.

Why We Need a Public Enquiry

The fact that prescriptions are at an all time high with more than 1 billion handed out every year - the figure has doubled in the past decade - should be regarded as a public health crisis in itself.

Now, when a patient comes to see me with any new symptom my first thought is could this be a medication side effect?

The system is broken and cannot be fixed by just pouring in more money. Corporate greed and systematic political failure has brought the NHS to its knees. Without full transparency and accountability no doctor can provide what we slogged through medical school and devote our heart and souls to - providing the best quality care for our patients.

Last week, responding to a series of recent scandals - including failure of institutions and universities in the UK to tackle research misconduct - former editor of the BMJ, Richard Smith, wrote:

“Something is rotten in the state of British Medicine and has been for a long time."

For the sake of our future health and the sustainability of the NHS it's time for real collective action against 'too much medicine'. This can start with the public accounts committee launching a full independent inquiry into the efficacy and safety of medicines.

I believe it is an underlying scandal that may likely to dwarf that of the Mid Staffordshire NHS scandal - where scores of patients died due to poor care, a public enquiry concluded. 

Medical science has taken a turn towards darkness. And sunlight will be its only disinfectant.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Ultimate Life Hack, 30 Incredibly Easy Steps To Truth And Freedom
March 3 2016 | From: Awaresy

Occupying, protesting, complaining, whining, shouting, screaming and blaming is futile at best and self destructive at worst.

If you want to promote absolute truth and attain genuine freedom, you might like to consider looking at these 30 suggested steps:

1. Find alternative TV channels that have no agenda to hide the truth and then compare with dozens of alternative news outlets.

2. Choose a bank that is small, local and approachable. Close any bank account with the big corporate, global, multinational mega-banks.

3. Stop investing in the stock market and other virtual investments worlds. Instead use your purchasing power and your savings to promote local and regional businesses and ventures.

4. Don’t visit big mainstream news websites to find out about current affairs. Instead use internet search engines to find out the truth. Build a list of alternative news sources and support them.

5. Instead of using social networking websites to foster relationships, turn off the virtual world and get real. Go visit a friend, invite a friend over, and organize a real-life get-together.

Divorce your hundreds of fake and worthless virtual friends and start living real friendships and relationships.

6. Don’t join any mass protests or mass gatherings. Instead organize yourself in small groups of friends and colleagues to spread the message of truth and change.

7. Stop following existing ideologies and existing mainstream opinions. Start asking questions. Be fair and honest while doing so and never fear the truth or your own condemnation.

8. Understand that political correctness, human rights, equality and other socially accepted terms have been hijacked and abused. Begin to delve deeper into the meaning of words and never let yourself be cornered with keywords, definitions and fallacies.

9. Quit any childish rebellious streaks and expressions (tattoos, dreadlocks, piercings, alternative clothing, etc.). These “alternatives” do not serve you or the cause. Instead groom yourself, discipline yourself and become genuinely yourself.

10. Be very careful with any superficial demands or promises from politicians, society, bankers or global networks. Instead learn to dedicate yourself for your own goals and demand the framework for truthful and honest aims.

11. The solution to all global problems is the truth and can only be implemented by humans. Stop following religion, ideology, mass opinion and mass media. Instead find the truth within yourself and promote it on a micro-level.

12. Accept that you are 99% brainwashed and already dehumanized, a programmed robot. Start to learn about yourself, how you became who you are and begin a process of renewal.

13. Spend your money wisely. In the capitalistic world, your money is worth more than your vote. Supporting a local butcher by buying his burgers is more powerful than eating at a fast-food restaurant.

14. Love is not just amazing but it is also precious. Instead of playing with it, learn to foster it, to promote it and once you find it cherish it and care for it (with intelligence and not obsession).

15. Beware of the mainstream notions about male and female equality. Instead of fighting your opposite gender or making your own into something that it is not, learn to understand and live what it means to be a man or a woman. While both are equally human, a man is never a woman and a woman is never a man.

16. Stop wasting your money on worthless products and services. Watching the latest film at your local cinema won’t get you further in life.

Instead go and purchase a new book every month on a topic that interests you. Educate yourself!

17. Go back to basics with everything you do. Instead of inviting a friend to an event via a social networking website, go to their house and invite them in person.

18. Stop wanting everything for free. One of the biggest reasons why we have the status quo today is because individuals are too greedy to pay for value, thus promoting low quality or giving away valuable information to corporations for free. Learn to differentiate and be prepared to pay for real value.

19. A boycott against one brand is not going to solve the problems of globalization. Solutions lie in lifestyle and in the choices you make in your everyday life and in the understanding of the bigger picture of how corporations operate. Don’t hate the player, hate the game! Stop playing the game and become a player of the truth!

20. Refrain from taking pharmaceutics and other mainstream drugs. Instead of taking cocaine to feel like you are on top of the world, learn to build up your personality.

Instead of popping a pill to fight (e.g.) your depression or anxiety, learn about yourself and what caused it in the first place.

21. Don’t get caught up in daily events. Learn to build up a network of knowledge. What happens today in country A is much more linked to what happens in country B tomorrow than you can imagine. Build up your network of knowledge and begin to try and understand the connections.

22. Quit admiring the biggest, the best, the fastest, and the strongest. Instead focus on value, quality, truth, integrity and genuine human values. Don’t copy others! Live authentically yourself!

23. Work for an employer that values what you value. Instead of focusing on the pay and the prestige of an employer, learn to choose a workplace that promotes what you value. Don’t sell your soul for a nice salary. Don’t forego a career opportunity due to limited initial pay.

24. Don’t underestimate the long-term effects.

Nothing can create change from one day to the next. Instead of ego-centered short-term goals, learn to focus on long-term effects, causes and implications of your actions.

25. Don’t put your judgment ahead of your analysis and conclusion. Instead of making assumptions, try and analyze the facts, the reality, the implications, and the true value.

26. Stop living like an animal. Quit reproducing your deficits. Break-free from your unconscious ties and biographical burdens. Learn to dissect your behavior and life patterns. Study history; History always repeats itself! Both individually as well as collectively.

27. Free yourself from any obsession with celebrities, public figures and drama queens. Instead dig up your history books and learn about the thinkers and pioneers from the past. Once you identify those from the past, seek new ones. Once you find them, promote them, support them and most importantly of all learn from them.

28. Rid yourself of prejudice and brainwashed ideals. Instead start to understand people as humans. Humans are a product of their society, biography and education and more often than not what they are fed by mass media and politics. Once you grasp that you will find new paths, real solutions and true hope.

29. Stop promoting beliefs on an ideological and dogmatic level. Islam versus Christianity is a failure. Capitalism versus Socialism is a failure. The only way forward is promoting the truth and removing the lies. Learn to differentiate between the essence and the dogmatic possessive details.

God exists; religion has only failed to show the path. Economics and politics are undisputable required entities, the theories and realities are based on details not ideologies. Learn to understand, implement and promote the realities not the ideological differences.

30. Accept that the majority of the population is brainwashed, fanatic, dogmatic, impulsive, unconsciously driven, and ultimately on a path to apocalyptic destruction. Learn to break free and teach others to do the same.

These tips are an extract from the book ‘Survive the Global Crisis – Thrive, Prosper & Grow‘ available on Amazon and Kindle.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science
March 2 2016 | From: ToolsForFreedom

Corporate junk science is an all-pervading presence in our society. It’s everywhere.

The scientific journals of the entire world, offline and online, have been flooded with so much fake science that it has, sad to say, become practically impossible for the average person to wade through all of it and sort out the wheat from the chaff.

However, the fake science I am referring to here is not unintentional or sloppy work, which is more of a minor problem in the scheme of things (since it will eventually be corrected with due diligence), but rather the deliberately fraudulent “scientific studies” which are put out by major corporations with a definite agenda in mind – usually establishing a fake scientific basis of “safety” for their products, whether they be vaccines, mobile phones, GMOs, tobacco, fluoride, soda or soft drinks, etc.

It’s nothing more than corporate junk science, and many people, including doctors, scientists and academics, have been taken in hook, line and sinker by it.

A case in point: The Volkswagen clean diesel lie

It’s time to shine the light on this ugly phenomenon. Science is meant to be about the pursuit of truth and understanding how our world works. It is truly sickening to see the extent to which it has been hijacked to serve corporate interests – to make a tiny, tiny 0.0001% rich at the expense of harming and killing the rest of mankind.

A recent study published on JAMA entitled “Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food and Drug Administration” found some very disturbing things in its sample of 57 studies that it analyzed:

Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems: falsification or submission of false information, 22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, 42 trials (74%); inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, 20 trials (35%).”

Take a look at this first finding.

It states that 39% which is around 2/5 of studies committed data falsification!

How can we possibly trust medical science when the fraud is so blatant and widespread? And it’s not as though the authors of these studies come out and admit it. The study also found that:

“Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections, retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the inspection were subsequently published.”

Another study at PLOS ONE entitled “How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data” concluded that:

It is likely that, if on average 2% of scientists admit to have falsified research at least once and up to 34% admit other questionable research practices, the actual frequencies of misconduct could be higher than this.”

In light of all of this, if we want the truth, we need to look at the whole structure of how “science” works in the real world. We need to get wise to the methods that are used by unscrupulous groups to further their agenda.

With that in mind, here is a list of the top 10 tricks used by the corporatocracy to pull the wool over your eyes by manipulating science and substituting their fake corporate junk science instead (thanks to Webster Kehr of CancerTutor.com for compiling his instructive list, from which the below points are derived).

1. Substituting Synthetic for Natural Versions of a Nutrient

Those who know a little about nutrition probably realize by now that there is a vast difference between a nutrient found in a food or plant, and its synthetic counterpart artificially made in a lab. All vitamin C is not created equal; some versions are more equal than others. The same goes for other vitamins.

It also applies to minerals, since some are derived from plant or animal matter (“organic”) whereas others are derived from rock (“inorganic”). The body can’t assimilate inorganic minerals, so all those so-called “natural” supplements full of rock and fossil-derived calcium are useless, and are actually harming your body by causing calcification.

When the corporatocracy wants a result skewed against an unpatentable natural solution and in favor of one of their patentable products, they simply use the synthetic (and less potent) version of that nutrient in the study and “find” that it is ineffective. Corporate junk science at its best!

2. Isolating Nutrients to Remove Their Power of Synergy

Here’s another trick used by corporate junk science.

If it’s trying to “scientifically prove” that a natural substance is ineffective, rather than testing the whole substance, it will isolate certain nutrients from it, declare them the only ones with any health benefit, then find them ineffective.

This is like taking a clove of garlic, declaring that allicin is the only thing in it that could possibly do any good for human health, and then disregarding the whole plant when allicin doesn’t do everything you expected. The same goes for when corporate junk science, intentionally or not, tests the wrong nutrient and declares itself finished with testing.

Nature doesn’t work like this. Plants are complex organisms. Some are composed of hundreds of different phytonutrients which work together synergistically to produce wellness in the human body. Real science would test the whole plant open-mindedly in a variety of ways to try to discover and unlock the secret to its healing potential.

3. Contaminating the Tests

Webster Kehr mentions a case involving laetrile or amygdalin (colloquially called vitamin B17). He writes that the “NIH contaminated an already bogus pill being used in a study. Natural laetrile cannot and has never given a patient the symptoms of cyanide poisoning. It simply is impossible.

The NIH refused to allow an alternative laetrile vendor to supply natural laetrile for the study – so they could create a custom pill for the study. In creating their custom bogus laetrile pill, it was not enough for them to not have any natural laetrile in the pill. A worthless pill would not have given any patient the symptoms of cyanide poisoning.

They also had to lace the pill with inorganic cyanide so that the patients would have the symptoms of cyanide poisoning

As explained in my article “Natural Cancer Cure Laetrile (Amygdalin, Vitamin B17) Works Better than Chemotherapy“, the cyanide contained in apricot kernels, apple seeds, etc. is a selective cancer cell killer. It leaves healthy cells alone, because they can disable the cyanide.

4. Altering the Treatment Plan

If corporate junk science can’t prove a natural substance itself is ineffective, then it uses the trick of altering the treatment plan, so that people are getting the correct amount of that substance.

This could be as simple as making the dosage too low or too high, or combining the substance with other foods or drink which disable its healing effects, or heating it, etc. Just like Big Pharma drugs, natural cures require a patient to follow a correct dosage and treatment plan for them to be successful in healing disease.

5. Getting Tricky with Statistics

Mark Twain once said that there are “lies, damn lies and statistics”. Corporate junk science often plays around with the numbers to emphasize one thing and hide another thing.

Big Biotech often does this with their GMO studies, for instance, never allowing a study to exceed 90 days (after which the deleterious effects of GMOs begin to emerge).

6. The False Worship of Double Blind Studies

Are double blind studies always the gold standard? As Kehr points out, “in many cases, a double blind study makes no sense in the world. For example, how could you do a double blind study comparing a person who refuses all orthodox cancer treatments with someone who goes through chemotherapy?

It is a stupid concept, because after one day a person would know which group they were in… How can you compare chemotherapy to Vitamin C in a double blind study? The chemotherapy group would have intense pain, sickness, their hair will fall out, and so on. The Vitamin C group would have no added pain, no sickness (except perhaps diarrhea), and their hair will not fall out, etc.”

7. Selecting Patients Favorable to the Agenda

The selection protocol in determining which patients to choose for a study is important, because by carefully selecting the patients in a study, you can to a large extent control the outcome of the study. Kehr gives examples of how the Mayo Clinic choose a narrow range of cancers as opposed to Pauling and Cameron when testing the efficacy of vitamin C as a natural cancer treatment.

8. Bribing the Peer-Review Group

In my article “The Massive Flaw with the Scientific Hierarchy of Evidence“, I highlighted how a distinguished 20-year medical journal editor became so appalled with the flagrant corruption of corporate junk science, she declared that it was no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published. The peer review process has itself become too corrupted.

This is from Webster Kehr:

“In June [2002], the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most respected medical journals, made a startling announcement. The editors declared that they were dropping their policy stipulating that authors of review articles of medical studies could not have financial ties to drug companies whose medicines were being analyzed.

The reason? The journal could no longer find enough independent experts. Drug company gifts and “consulting fees” are so pervasive that in any given field, you cannot find an expert who has not been paid off in some way by the industry. So the journal settled for a new standard: Their reviewers can have received no more than $10,000 [per year] from companies whose work they judge. Isn’t that comforting?"

9. Controlling the Publicisation of the Results

Most scientists are given contracts by the corporatocracy which contain a clause forbidding them to publicize results that the funders don’t like. This means that Big Pharma, Bir Agra, Big Biotech or whoever it is has the legal right to suppress the results of any study they don’t like – including being able to stop scientists from submitting such studies to a journal.

10. Controlling the Funding and Hiding the Funders

Science is, to some extent, by the admissions of one of its branches quantum physics, based on the state of the observer. So, it is unsurprising that it can be manipulated by placing the people who have your point of view in control.

An outcome is more likely to be generated when you have people expecting (or subconsciously intending) that result. On top of this, results can be bought and the true finance behind that bribery can be hidden through front groups, think tanks, shell corporations, fake grassroots (astroturf) organizations and many other means.

The 10 tricks do, of course, exist in addition to the massive category of data falsification, where corporations omit and distort results at will through all sorts of chicanery (e.g. not reporting patients who suffer side effects and instead labeling them as “non-compliant”).

Corporate junk science is like a cancer parasiting off the host and destroying humanity’s attempt for knowledge and objectivity. The time has come to expose it fully and restore truth.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed In Australia - It Starts At The TOP, Just Like In The USA And UK
March 2 2016 | From: HumansAreFree / Various

The New World Order cult that rules the world administers a Satanic Pedophilia Network, including top-level politicians like Australian Prime Ministers and US Presidents.

The Satanic Pedophilia Network which underlies the New World Order was again exposed in the last few months by another brave whistleblower. Australian woman Fiona Barrett showed a ton of courage in going public at a Sydney press conference in October 2015 and naming names.

Related: Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

Fiona, a former victim of Satanic ritual abuse and part of an international VIP pedophile ring, not only exposed the existence of the Satanic pedophilia network and its international child trafficking ring, but actually named 3 former Australian Prime Ministers and 1 former US President as perpetrators.

She reveals that this network, composed of famous actors, celebrities, judges, politicians and other high-flyers, has infiltrated all the key organizations and institutions in Australia – just as it has in the US and Britain.

Warning: What follows is graphic and requires a great deal of maturity to swallow, but if you’re interested in the real truth of what’s going on in the world, read on.

Fiona saw it all – Satanic ritual, rape, torture and murder – but actually says “the way I’ve been treated for reporting the crimes I’ve witnessed and experienced has been far worse than my original abuse experiences.”

That speaks volumes about people’s collective denial and amnesia, doesn’t it?

Pedophiles Running Rampant Down Under

Fiona proclaims that Australia is a pedophile haven. She explains how Australia took in a large number of Nazi war criminals, including her own step-grandparents. She was introduced by her own family to an international child trafficking pedophile ring based in Sydney.

Fiona Barrett, right, with her family

Some victims are kidnapped off the street, some are “bred” for it (without ever getting birth certificates – more on this later) and some are brought into it through multi-generational abuse.

These latter ones are trained and expected to become the perpetrators and future administrators of it.

Fiona has had flashbacks to being abused as young as the age of 2.

Later on, when she was still a little girl, she was dropped off at VIP parties, instructed to say “the starchild is here”, then watch as famous politicians, actors and celebrities snorted cocaine, raped her, had sex with each other, then pretended to drown her in a pool.

She wasn’t just sexually abused and raped; she also suffered Satanic ritual abuse in the form of torture (e.g. suffering cattle prodding electroshock to cause disassociation).
She reveals how this pedophile ring goes to the highest levels, and included orgies at Parliament House (in Canberra) itself.

Related: The Catholic Church Admitted in Writing to Satanic Ritual Sacrifice by Melbourne Priest

Naming the Names

Fiona names the names of the people who sexually assaulted, raped and tortured her:

Antony Kidman (actress Nicole Kidman’s father) (Nicole Kidman is a victim of the ring too, but was nasty towards fellow victim Fiona);

Dr. John Gittinger (Lithuanian Nazi concentration camp guard and CIA agent);

Former US President Richard Nixon;

Former Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam;

Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke;

Former Australian Opposition Leader Kim Beazley;

Former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating;

US Evangelist Pastor Billy Graham;

Former NSW Premier Bob Carr;

Ted Turner (CNN).

Barrett also mentions the brave Aussie politician Franca Arena, who got up in Parliament under parliamentary privilege and said there is a large pedophile ring involving politicians, judges, doctors and media moguls.

He named Kerry Packer, Bob Carr, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Robert Menzies, Alan Jones (radio announcer), Bernard King (cook), Molly Meldrum (TV presenter), Elton John (musician), John Kerr (Whitlam and Kerr were homosexual lovers) and Justice Lionel Murphy.

Fiona has drawn her abuse pictures here.

She also recalls being at Bohemian Grove. On one occasion she was in a pink bubble room and raped. On another occasion she had to participate in “Teddy Bear’s Picnic” a child rape hunt party, where children were hunted like animals and raped (as also happened to Kathy Collins and Cathy O’Brien).

Read: Australian Judge: Incest & Pedophilia ‘May be Accepted’ by Society

Witness at a Satanic Ritual in Bathurst, NSW, Australia, 1985

In this video, Barrett talks about being present at a real Satanic ritual with some of Australia’s famous people – Kim Beazley (later to become Australian Labour Party and Opposition leader) and Richie Benaud (famous Australian cricket captain and sports commentator).

She reveals how Beazley and Benaud started the ritual by worshipping their Satanic gods, chanting “Baal”, “Lucifer”, “Satan”, “Son of the Morning” and other such appellations.

She then witnessed them ceremoniously killing a pregnant mother (a “breeder” to the Satanists) in the center of the circle.

After that, they pulled out the unborn child, chopped it up with a knife, put it on a gold platter, and proceed to do a type of dark communion or Eucharist.

(Barrett mentions here that the Catholic Church communion is based on this older Satanic version of a communion – in line with my article Are Parts of Organized Religion Satanic?)

After that, she states that several hypnotized children came forward like robots, who were probably mind controlled or completely dazed. Benaud came forward with a samurai sword and sliced off the head of each child.

Then, the entire crowd of Satanists, who were sexually aroused by everything that had just taken place, broke out into a bloody orgy. They had whipped everyone up into a frenzy, and then they drunk the adrenalized blood of the woman and child. (Satanists are addicted to and get high from adrenaline in human blood.)

Lastly, Beazley forced her to take a bite of one of the decapitated heads …

Read: The Truth About Easter, Satanism and the Secret Worship of the Anunnaki

Why the Satanic Pedophilia Network?

Some may wondering at this point why I and many others are calling this the “Satanic Pedophilia Network” and not just the “Pedophilia Network“. The answer is simple:

Satanism is most definitely involved in it – in fact, it is the driving force behind it.

Fiona herself mentions in this interview that some of the criminals who abused and raped her were “just” pedophiles, and she puts former Aussie PM Gough Whitlam in this category.

Others, however, worship a dark religion called Satanism which involves the summoning of dark forces (most probably the Reptilians and/or Archons, but that is the subject of other articles) through channeling and twisted rituals, allowing these dark forces to overtake them and use them.

Then, filled with this Satanic energy (such as during rituals at Bohemian Grove), these adherents commit all sorts of perverted acts such as rape, necrophilia, torture, murder, sacrifice and cannibalism.

Banned Discovery Channel Documentary Exposes: Highest US Government Officials are Part of Pedophilia Ring

The Satanic Hierarchy

Fiona explains how the Satanic hierarchical pyramid works.

Roughly speaking, at the lowest level, you have street gangs; next, you have organized crime and the mafia; next, you have recruits into the elite club; then, above that, you have “just” pedophiles (those who rape children but who have no Satanic connection); finally, at the very top, you have the elite VIPs who are full-fledged Satanists.

Fiona states that only bloodliners can make it to the top. These people come from the 13 or so Illumanti bloodlines (as exposed by Fritz Springmeier, David Icke and other researchers).

Related: The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati

These bloodlines are revered as demigods; and the roughly 300 bloodlines or so below that can never make it to the top echelon. (Probably because they don’t have pure blood, i.e. “royal” or reptilian DNA, but again, subject for another article.)

The OTO, the Freemasons, Scientology, Catholic Church, the CIA, the Australian military and many many others are all branches of the same Satanic Pedophilia Network. It lies at the heart of the international child trafficking ring and the New World Order.

The World is Run by a Satanic Cult

It’s a tough and bitter pill to swallow, but we have to face the cold hard truth: the world is run by a Satanic cult, whose members have infiltrated the top layers and power centers of Australian, American and British society (and those of numerous other countries).

They are inter-related, and they are bound together by bloodlines and Satanism – with pedophilia, rape, murder, war and genocide to follow.

Fiona warns that every organization in Australia has been infiltrated, including hospitals, psychiatry, politics, child advocacy groups – everything.

Note the pyramid over the Australian Parliament House in Canberra

The Satanists have even created a False Memory Foundation, a fake organization set up by pedophiles, to stop true victims from coming forward with their stories, by convincing people they didn’t really experience what they experienced.

Satanic black magic rules the world. Only when enough of us truly grasp the enormity, horror and shock of this fundamental truth – now exposed by a mountain of evidence and a ton of whistleblowers and victims – can we hope to heal it by bringing these psychopaths to justice and restoring some semblance of honesty, peace and freedom to our world.

Pedophiles Down Under Fiona Barnett and David Shurter on Cancel The Cabal Show

Related: How Black Magick is used in Mind Control

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered +
Vaccines, Dead Doctors, And Depopulation: If You Haven’t Seen This Video, You Should

March 1 2016 | From: DCclothesline / TruthstreamMedia

Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which were then administrated to humans.

Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body’s main defense to naturally kill cancer cells.

According to Thebigriddle.com: Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells.

This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!

This prevents the body from utilising the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type 2 Diabetes. So basically…they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure to cancer or were successfully treating autism… they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting our precious children with are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis!

And that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose! The Doctors they killed in Florida had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information.

Depopulation 101.. add poison to vaccines… make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair with their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls.

Dr. Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air because their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting…and then their servers were brought down (this video is in the following article.)

They asked a bunch of people to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line.. and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.”

He was super nervous holding onto this info… afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story.

It’s a 19 min clip but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is definitely some of the most important news I’ve ever heard. And it needs to go viral (see below).

Related: Australian Government’s ‘no jab, no pay’ Law Sparks Run on Vaccines

Vaccines, Dead Doctors, And Depopulation: If You Haven’t Seen This Video, You Should

Autism has now skyrocketed to ONE IN 45 in the US. That means if you walked down your street right now, it’s highly likely you wouldn’t even have to go a full block before you will have passed a home with at least one autistic child living in it.

What you are about to hear may be why.

When the CDC Whistleblower story broke in the fall of 2014, the Establishment quickly went to work to black it out and cover it up. Regardless, it’s on record that a government epidemiologist admitted he and his cohorts massaged and omitted data in a study to hide a huge increase in autism following MMR vaccination.

He then promptly lawyered up with one of the most high profile whistleblower attorneys money can buy in this country and issued a statement. Then the whole thing got swept under the rug in what appears to be a purposefully overblown ebola scare and forgotten by many.

Fast forward to last summer, when a bunch of doctors began turning up dead around the country under mysterious circumstances. Some twelve doctors died within three months and many were found under suspicious circumstances (such as randomly out in the woods or suffering sudden heart attacks even though they were young and in otherwise great health).

Authorities quickly ruled some of the deaths suicides seemingly without even really investigating the circumstances surrounding the death. Some of the doctors were linked to each other through their research.

These dead doctors all seem to have one thing in common: They were studying the effects of GcMAF and/or nagalase in regards to cancer patients or links in children with autism.

We’ll get to what exactly those two things are in a moment.

One of the more high profile murders was that of Dr. James Bradstreet, whose body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river, a single gunshot wound to his chest (via Natural News):

Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his skepticism of immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine), and his progressive autism research, was raided by the FDA one week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid remain largely unknown.

Personally affected by autism, as both his son and stepson were diagnosed with the condition, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet’s work was dedicated to this cause. He even testified twice before the U.S House of Representatives about the link between vaccines and autism.

As Natural News‘ reported, leading up to his death, Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is the GC protein after it combines with vitamin D in the body, has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer."

As we all know, cancer is big business in this country. We’re talking about a 124 billion dollar industry. A number that big is naturally a matter of “national security”. One of our countries biggest products is cancer, so why anyone believes the system would ever allow a cure is beyond me.

As such, it should come as no surprise information about groundbreaking research on GcMAF’s cancer-fighting ability has not been widely distributed. In fact, we didn’t learn about it at all until doctors started dying for researching it.

While those who worked with it claimed it has reversed autism and cured cancer in studies (studies which had to be kept on the low down), consider this on the flip side: if the body is somehow inhibited in any way from producing GcMAF, the person’s immune system is utterly compromised, allowing for all manner of diseases.

Related: Watch As Amazing GcMAF Treatment Kills Cancer Cells In Real Time

This compound (or lack thereof) is linked to autism, cancer, diabetes, you name it. Without the body’s ability to produce GcMAF, a person is set up to get sick and eventually die.

An enzyme called nagalase excreted by cancer cells (and which is also a component in the envelope protein of viruses like HIV and influenza) is known to inhibit the body’s production of GcMAF.

Dr. Bradstreet et al. had all discovered in one way or another that nagalase is compromising the immune systems of people with autism and cancer etc. by inhibiting their bodies from producing GcMAF, but…

Here’s the bombshell: many of these dead doctors believed nagalase was being PURPOSEFULLY ADDED to the vaccines.

Why? Population control.

If you haven’t heard about this, you have to listen to this 19 minutes of an interview with Dr. Ted Broer on Hagmann & Hagmann.

The full interview can be found here. The interview didn’t even happen for the first hour because the site kept having mysterious technical difficulties while the show was on and the doctor kept getting disconnected. He begins by letting the audience know he is not suicidal.

Via Dr. Broer in this interview:

This information I’m about to give you right now is extremely controversial and a bunch of people have exited the planet who were working with it.

This information has been around for awhile. They knew the information they were working with and they were basically being very, very careful, supposedly and some of them were being accused of using GcMAF, and the Food and Drug Administration apparently raided several of their offices several weeks before they committed suicide or suddenly died.

…It’s going to sound complicated, but I’m going to break this down for everybody super, super easy tonight. When you first hear these terms they’re going to sound weird to you…

GC protein is a protein in the body that is used by macrophages in the body. What it does is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms and can be involved in cytokines storms, we’ll explain all these terms in a few minutes.

…Macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells. They stop cytokine storms… the GC protein in the body adds vitamin D to it… How many times have I told the listeners you have to take vitamin D every day? That’s super important.

Remember GC protein gets vitamin D added to it and the GC protein becomes what’s called GcMAF (Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor)… This GcMAF protein is human immune system enzyme protein also known as vitamin d binding protein…

This GcMAF is probably the single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells

…and what’s happening is, the immune system is being compromised by a product called nagalase."

Again, when GcMAF is inhibited, it compromises a person’s entire immune system. Period.

What these doctors found was this… that this nagalase protein enzyme they felt was being introduced into the body either virally or directly through immunizations. This is the enzyme protein that destroys the immune system.

I’m going to repeat this. Apparently since these guys are dead and I can’t talk to them. They have found that the nagalase enzyme protein that was made by cancer cells and viruses which causes immunodeficiency is being added through the immunizations either through viruses or through the immunization itself being given nagalase.

This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn’t want these guys around.

I’m not saying what happened to these guys, I’m just saying they’re not on this planet anymore. (Read more on this story at Natural News here and here.)"

Nagalase was, surprise surprise, being found in very high concentrations in children with autism. Nagalase testing is also done for cancer, AIDS, and other chronic infections.

Nagalase is like a stealth bomber. The nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb."

Dr. Broer goes on to talk about how GcMAF given to autistic children has completely erased their symptoms. That it has cured cancer. Alzheimer’s. The list goes on and on.

So, to sum it up, nagalase inhibits GcMAF, a lack of which compromises the immune system, and nagalase is linked to autism, cancer, and all manner of diseases, and the dead doctors had reportedly all figured out in one way or another that nagalase was purposefully being added to our vaccines as slow kill.

That’s the theory. Think about that for a second. Let it sink in.

And we’re told we’re horrible monsters if we don’t shoot our kids up with massive doses of vaccines because they might get measles.

The United States has the most aggressive vaccination schedule on the planet, and yet, they have one of the highest rates of infant mortality, autism is skyrocketing year after year, cancer is one in three for women and one in two for men, and pretty much every disease you can think of is on the rise there

While the vaccine link to autism has been widely discussed in alternative circles as the incidences of autism have risen sharply over the past decade, many know there’s a connection but are unsure of just precisely how it works.

Is it the heavy metals? The genetically engineered DNA? The barrage of chemicals, including polysorbate which acts as a detergent to help the chemicals in vaccines cross the blood-brain barrier more easily?

Or… is the answer much, much simpler?

Is it the addition of a known immune-system inhibiting enzyme that leaves all of us and our children immune compromised from birth and essentially set up to get sick and die?

Depopulation 101… add poison to vaccines… make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These people have no souls." (source)

We could ask a dozen doctors what they think about that theory, but… they’re all dead.

In the meantime, Dr. Broer suggests everyone take Vitamin D3 every day.

Man this world is so beyond screwed up.

And look, here’s a vaccination commercial now:

Dr. Kenneth Stoller: Vaccines Are Poisoning Children, American Pediatric Assoc. Knows It

Dr. Stoller withdrew his membership from the American Pediatric Association due to the Associations involvement in injuring children with vaccines.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
10 Ways To Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control
March 1 2016 | From: UltraCulture

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one of the world’s most prevalent methods of mind control, used by everyone from sales callers to politicians to media pundits, and it’s nasty to the core. Here’s ten ways to make sure nobody uses it on you… ever.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method for controlling people’s minds that was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, became popular in the psychoanalytic, occult and New Age worlds in the 1980s, and advertising, marketing and politics in the 1990s and 2000s.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

It’s become so interwoven with how people are communicated to and marketed at that its use is largely invisible. It’s also somewhat of a pernicious, devilish force in the world - nearly everybody in the business of influencing people has studied at least some of its techniques. Masters of it are notorious for having a Rasputin-like ability to trick people in incredible ways - most of all themselves.

After explaining a bit about what NLP is and where it came from, I’m going to break down 10 ways to inoculate yourself against its use. You’ll likely be spotting it left, right and center in the media with a few tips on what to look for. Full disclosure: During my 20s, I spent years studying New Age, magical and religious systems for changing consciousness.

One of them was NLP. I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum: I’ve had people ruthlessly use NLP to attempt to control me, and I’ve also trained in it and even used it in the advertising world.

Despite early fascination, by 2008 or so I had largely come to the conclusion that it’s next to useless - a way of manipulating language that greatly overestimates its own effectiveness as a discipline, really doesn’t achieve much in the way of any kind of lasting change, and contains no real core of respect for people or even true understanding of how people work.

After throwing it to the wayside, however, I became convinced that understanding NLP is crucial simply so that people can resist its use. It’s kind of like the whole PUA thing that was popular in the mid-00s - a group of a few techniques that worked for a few unscrupulous people until the public figured out what was going on and rejected it, like the body identifying and rejecting foreign material.

What is NLP, and Where Did it Come From?

“Neuro-linguistic programming” is a marketing term for a “science” that two Californians - Richard Bandler and John Grinder - came up with in the 1970s. Bandler was a stoner student at UC Santa Cruz (just like I later was in the 00s), then a mecca for psychedelics, hippies and radical thinking (now a mecca for Silicon Valley hopefuls).

Grinder was at the time an associate professor in linguistics at the university (he had previously served as a Captain in the US Special Forces and in the intelligence community, ahem not that this, you know, is important… aheh…). Together, they worked at modeling the techniques of Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt therapy), family therapist Virginia Satir and, most importantly, the preternaturally gifted hypnotherapist Milton Erickson.

Bandler and Grinder sought to reject much of what they saw as the ineffectiveness of talk therapy and cut straight to the heart of what techniques actually worked to produce behavioral change. Inspired by the computer revolution - Bandler was a computer science major - they also sought to develop a psychological programming language for human beings.

What they came up with was a kind of evolution of hypnotherapy - while classical hypnosis depends on techniques for putting patients into suggestive trances (even to the point of losing consciousness on command), NLP is much less heavy-handed: It’s a technique of layering subtle meaning into spoken or written language so that you can implant suggestions into a person’s unconscious mind without them knowing what you’re doing.

Though mainstream therapists rejected NLP as pseudoscientific nonsense (it has been officially peer reviewed and discredited as an intervention technique - lots more on that here), it nonetheless caught on.

It was still the 1970s, and the Human Potential Movement was in full swing - and NLP was the new darling. Immediately building a publishing, speaking and training empire, by 1980 Bandler had made over $800,000 from his creation - he was even being called on to train corporate leaders, the army and the CIA.

Self-help gurus like Tony Robbins used NLP techniques to become millionaires in the 1980s (Robbins now has an estimated net worth of $480 million). By the middle of the decade, NLP was such big business that lawsuits and wars had erupted over who had the rights to teach it, or even to use the term “NLP.”

But by that time, Bandler had bigger problems than copyright disputes: He was on trial for the alleged murder of prostitute Corine Christensen in November 1986.

The prosecution claimed that Bandler had shot Christensen, 34, point-blank in the face with a .357 Magnum in a drug deal gone bad. According to the press at the time, Bandler had discovered an even better way to get people to like him than NLP - cocaine - and become embroiled in a far darker game, even, than mind control.

A much-recommended investigation into the case published by Mother Jones in 1989 opens with these chilling lines:

In the morning Corine Christensen last snorted cocaine, she found herself, straw in hand, looking down the barrel of a .357 Magnum revolver. When the gun exploded, momentarily piercing the autumn stillness, it sent a single bullet on a diagonal path through her left nostril and into her brain.

Christensen slumped over her round oak dining table, bleeding onto its glass top, a loose-leaf notebook, and a slip of yellow memo paper on which she had scrawled, in red ink, DON’T KILL US ALL. Choking, she spit blood onto a wine goblet, a tequila bottle, and the shirt of the man who would be accused of her murder, then slid sideways off the chair and fell on her back. Within minutes she lay still.

As Christensen lay dying, two men left her rented town house in a working-class section of Santa Cruz, California. One was her former boyfriend, James Marino, an admitted cocaine dealer and convicted burglar.

The other, Richard Bandler, was known internationally as the cofounder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a controversial approach to psychology and communication. About 12 hours later, on the evening of November 3, 1986, Richard Bandler was arrested and charged with the murder.

Bandler’s defense was, simply, that Marino had killed Christensen, not him. Many at the time alleged he used NLP techniques on the stand to escape conviction.

Yet Bandler was also alleged to actually use a gun in NLP sessions in order to produce dramatic psychological changes in clients - a technique that was later mirrored by Hollywood in the movie Fight Club, in which Brad Pitt’s character pulls a gun on a gas station attendant and threatens to kill him if he doesn’t pursue his dreams in life.

That was, many said, Bandler’s MO.

Whatever the truth of the matter, Bandler was indeed let off, and the story was quickly buried - I’ve never spoken to a student of NLP who’s ever heard of the murder case, I’ll note, and I’ve spoken to a lot. 

The case hardly impeded the growing popularity of NLP, however, which was now big business, working its way not only into the toolkit of psychotherapists but also into nearly every corner of the political and advertising worlds, having grown far beyond the single personage of Richard Bandler, though he continued (and continues) to command outrageous prices for NLP trainings throughout the world.

Today, the techniques of NLP and Ericksonian-style hypnotic writing can be readily seen in the world of Internet marketing, online get-rich-quick schemes and scams.

(For more on this, see the excellent article Scamworld: ‘Get rich quick’ schemes mutate into an online monster by my friend Joseph Flatley, one of the best articles I’ve ever read on the Web.)

Their most prominent public usage has likely been by Barack Obama, whose 2008 “Change” campaign was a masterpiece of Ericksonian permissive hypnosis. The celebrity hypnotist and illusionist Derren Brown also demonstrates NLP techniques in his routine.

How Exactly Does this Thing Work?

NLP is taught in a pyramid structure, with the more advanced techniques reserved for multi-thousand-dollar seminars. To oversimplify an overcomplicated subject, it more or less works like this: First, the user (or “NLPer,” as NLP people often refer to themselves - and I should note here that the large majority of NLP people, especially those who are primarily therapists, are likely well-meaning) of NLP pays very, very close attention to the person they’re working with.

By watching subtle cues like eye movement, skin flush, pupil dilation and nervous tics, a skilled NLP person can quickly determine:

a) What side of the brain a person is predominantly using;

b) What sense (sight, smell, etc.) is most predominant in their brain;

c) How their brain stores and utilizes information (ALL of this can be gleaned from eye movements);

d) When they’re lying or making information up.

After this initial round of information gathering, the “NLPer” begins to slowly and subtly mimic the client, taking on not only their body language but also their speech mannerisms, and will begin speaking with language patterns designed to target the client’s primary sense.

An NLP person essentially carefully fakes the social cues that cause a person to drop their guard and enter a state of openness and suggestibility.

For instance, a person predominantly focused on sight will be spoken to in language using visual metaphors - ”Do you see what I’m saying?” “Look at it this way” - while a person for which hearing is the dominant sense will be spoken to in auditory language - ”Hear me out,” “I’m listening to you closely.”

By mirroring body language and linguistic patterns, the NLPer is attempting to achieve one very specific response: rapport.

Rapport is the mental and physiological state that a human enters when they let their social guard down, and it is generally achieved when a person comes to the conclusion that the person they’re talking to is just like them. See how that works, broadly?

An NLP person essentially carefully fakes the social cues that cause a person to drop their guard and enter a state of openness and suggestibility.

Once rapport is achieved, the NLPer will then begin subtly leading the interaction. Having mirrored the other person, they can now make subtle changes to actually influence the other person’s behavior.

Combined with subtle language patterns, leading questions and a whole slew of other techniques, a skilled NLPer can at this point steer the other person wherever they like, as long as the other person isn’t aware of what’s happening and thinks everything is arising organically, or has given consent.

That means it’s actually fairly hard to use NLP to get people to act out-of-character, but it can be used for engineering responses within a person’s normal range of behavior - like donating to a cause, making a decision they were putting off, or going home with you for the night if they might have considered it anyway.

From this point, the NLPer will seek to do two things - elicit and anchorEliciting happens when an NLPer uses leading and language to engineer an emotional state - for instance, hunger. Once a state has been elicited, the NLPer can then anchor it with a physical cue - for instance, touching your shoulder. In theory, if done right, the NLPer can then call up the hungry state any time they touch your shoulder in the same way. It’s conditioning, plain and simple.

How Can I Make Sure Nobody Pulls this Horseshit on Me?

I’ve had all kinds of people attempt to “NLP” me into submission, including multiple people I’ve worked for over extended periods of time, and even people I’ve been in relationships with. Consequently, I’ve developed a pretty keen immune response to it. I’ve also studied its mechanics very closely, largely to resist the nonsense of said people. Here’s a few key methods I’ve picked up.

1. Be Extremely Wary of People Copying Your Body Language

If you’re talking to somebody who may be into NLP, and you notice that they’re sitting in exactly the same way as you, or mirroring the way you have your hands, test them by making a few movements and seeing if they do the same thing. Skilled NLPers will be better at masking this than newer ones, but newer ones will always immediately copy the same movement. This is a good time to call people on their shit.

2. Move Your Eyes in Random and Unpredictable Patterns

This is freaking hilarious to do to troll NLPers. Especially in the initial stages of rapport induction, an NLP user will be paying incredibly close attention to your eyes. You may think it’s because they’re intensely interested in what you’re saying. They are, but not because they actually care about your thoughts:

This could quite possibly be going too far, however

They’re watching your eye movements to see how you store and access information. In a few minutes, they’ll not only be able to tell when you’re lying or making something up, they’ll also be able to figure out what parts of your brain you’re using when you’re speaking, which can then lead them to be so clued in to what you’re thinking that they almost come across as having some kind of psychic insight into your innermost thoughts.

A clever hack for this is just to randomly dart your eyes around - look up to the right, to the left, side to side, down… make it seem natural, but do it randomly and with no pattern. This will drive an NLP person utterly nuts because you’ll be throwing off their calibration.

3. Do Not Let Anybody Touch You

This is pretty obvious and kind of goes without saying in general. But let’s say you’re having a conversation with somebody you know is into NLP, and you find yourself in a heightened emotional state - maybe you start laughing really hard, or get really angry, or something similar - and the person you’re talking to touches you while you’re in that state.

They might, for instance, tap you on the shoulder. What just happened? They anchored you so that later, if they want to put you back into the state you were just in, they can (or so the wayward logic of NLP dictates) touch you in the same place. Just be like, oh hell no you did not.

4. Be Wary of Vague Language

One of the primary techniques that NLP took from Milton Erickson is the use of vague language to induce hypnotic trance. Erickson found that the more vague language is, the more it leads people into trance, because there is less that a person is liable to disagree with or react to. Alternately, more specific language will take a person out of trance. (Note Obama’s use of this specific technique in the “Change” campaign, a word so vague that anybody could read anything into it.)

5. Be Wary of Permissive Language

“Feel free to relax.” “You’re welcome to test drive this car if you like.” “You can enjoy this as much as you like.” Watch the f*k out for this. This was a major insight of pre-NLP hypnotists like Erickson: The best way to get somebody to do something, including going into a trance, is by allowing them to give you permission to do so. Because of this, skilled hypnotists will NEVER command you outright to do something - i.e. “Go into a trance.” They WILL say things like “Feel free to become as relaxed as you like.”

6. Be Wary of Gibberish

Nonsense phrases like “As you release this feeling more and more you will find yourself moving into present alignment with the sound of your success more and more.” This kind of gibberish is the bread and butter of the pacing-and-leading phase of NLP; the hypnotist isn’t actually saying anything, they’re just trying to program your internal emotional states and move you towards where they want you to go.

ALWAYS say “Can you be more specific about that” or “Can you explain exactly what you mean?” This does two things: It interrupts this whole technique, and it also forces the conversation into specific language, breaking the trance-inducing use of vague language we discussed in #4.

7. Read Between the Lines

NLP people will consistently use language with hidden or layered meanings. For instance “Diet, nutrition and sleep with me are the most important things, don’t you think?” On the surface, if you heard this sentence quickly, it would seem like an obvious statement that you would probably agree with without much thought.

Yes, of course diet, nutrition and sleep are important things, sure, and this person’s really into being healthy, that’s great. But what’s the layered-in message? “Diet, nutrition and sleep with me are the most important things, don’t you think?” Yep, and you just unconsciously agreed to it. Skilled NLPers can be incredibly subtle with this.

8. Watch Your Attention

Be very careful about zoning out around NLP people - it’s an invitation to leap in with an unconscious cue. Here’s an example: An NLP user who was attempting to get me to write for his blog for free noticed I appeared not to be paying attention and was looking into the distance, and then started using the technique listed in #7 by talking about how he never has to pay for anything because media outlets send him review copies of books and albums for free. “Everything for free,” he began hissing at me.I get everything. For. Free. Obvious, no?

9. Don’t Agree to Anything

If you find yourself being led to make a quick decision on something, and feel you’re being steered, leave the situation. Wait 24 hours before making any decisions, especially financial ones.

Do NOT let yourself get swept up into making an emotional decision in the spur of the moment. Sales people are armed with NLP techniques specifically for engineering impulse buys. Don’t do it. Leave, and use your rational mind.

10. Trust Your Intuition

And the foremost and primary rule: If your gut tells you somebody is fucking with you, or you feel uneasy around them, trust it. NLP people almost always seem “off,” dodgy, or like used car salesmen. Flee, or request they show you the respect of not applying NLP techniques when interacting with you.

Hopefully this short guide will be of assistance to you in resisting this annoying and pernicious modern form of black magic. Take it with you on your phone or a printout next time you’re at a used car sales lot, getting signed up for a gym membership, or watching a politician speak on TV. You’ll easily find yourself surprised how you allow yourself to notice more and more NLP techniques… more and more… don’t you think?

(For more on NLP, check out the book Introducing NLP by Joseph O’Connor or the immensely useful Neuro-Linguistic Programming for DummiesAs a bonus, here’s a great video breaking down the use of NLP techniques by media outlets on both sides of the political spectrum, from FOX News to Stephen Colbert. It gets a bit into Christian conspiracy thinking, but is VERY good information.)

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New York Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing MKUltra?
February 29 2016 | From: TheDailySheeple

A former New York Times reporter has been found murdered in the Dominican Republic following her exposure of MKUltra. 

Sarah Kershaw was found asphyxiated due to strangulation on Monday at her apartment in Sosua.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Project MKUltra, often referred to as the CIA’s mind control program, was the code name given to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the the CIA. Ms Kershaw published an article with the New York Times exploring this subject in 2008 with her article Sharing their Demons on the Web, writing:

“For people who regularly visit and write on message boards on the mind-control sites, the idea that others would describe the sites as promoting delusional and psychotic thinking is simply evidence of a cover-up of the truth.”

Abreureport.com reports:

“In her article, Ms. Kershaw wrote that people who felt they were being targeted had found the support of Missouri Representative Jim Guest, who told the Times: “I’ve had enough calls, some from credible people - professors - being targeted by nonlethal weapons. They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night.”"

Sarah Kershaw

When Ms. Kershaw wrote her article, psychotronic warfare was not legal against US citizens, but that all changed with the National Defense Authorization Act 2013. In response to the legalization of psychotronic warfare, Abreu Report published an article, writing:

“Psychotronic weapons are those that act to take away a part of the information which is stored in a man’s brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain.

These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, ‘zombification,’ or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves.”

Is it possible that Ms. Kershaw stumbled upon some new information that made her dangerous? Considering the speed at which the capabilities of psychotronic weapons has improved, the possibility is extremely high.

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That Vitamin Movie
February 29 2016 | From: AivahWerner / ThatVitaminMovie

Healing yourself with vitamins.

This summer I attended a talk given by an orthomolecular physician for parents of children with Trisomy 21 and afterwards spoke with him one on one.  It came up in discussion that a family member of his had cancer and was healed using high dosage intravenous vitamin C.

Related: Clive de Carle: How You Can Restore Your Health, Enabling Your Body To Self-Repair From Virtually Any Disease Or Affliction

Knowing how effective this is in healing cancer since I’ve done quite a bit of reading on this topic in the past, the good results were predictable. My big question was, how was he able to have this protocol used with his relative!

He told me that it helps being a physician. Unfortunately I’m not a physician but at least I now know someone in Israel who has used this tool!

In a new documentary titled That Vitamin Movie, the message is about the efficacy of vitamins in maintaining health and healing illness.

The person who made this documentary began his journey of exploration of this topic when a friend of his was helped with depression by changing his diet and getting supplements.  As he researched, he found more and more stories of those recovering with help of large doses of vitamins much larger than the daily recommended amounts.

The approach of conventional medicine is to treat the symptoms, not to get to the root of what is causing the problem. I regularly ask the doctors or dentists that I take my children to why they are having the issue we are there for, and I’ve consistently been told: “That’s the way it is. Sometimes this happens.”

The response is to prescribe medication, surgery, dental work. But the question remains, why is the problem happening?  If you don’t address the root issue that the symptoms are stemming from, you’ll continue to see health issues coming up.  And if you go the route of medication, often the side effects of one medication lead to the need for the prescription of another, and so on.

It was to explore some of these questions that this man said he set out to interview some of the world’s vitamin experts.

Dr. Andrew Saul commented in the beginning of his film that he raised his children to college without antibiotics and says very few people can say that – but I can!  I only have three children of college age, but 2 of the 3 haven’t had any antibiotics.  The third had them twice.   

Ds16 was treated with antibiotics when he had a hip infection (I wished at the time I had access to high potency intravenous vitamin C because we weren’t able to give high enough doses orally of vitamin C to counter the infection), and other than ds3, the others haven’t had any.  Bli ayin hara.

By the way, this was an issue for a potential shidduch once. The other side found out that we prefer to use natural antibiotics rather than prescription drugs to deal with illness and this was problematic for them. I had to explain to the shadchan that we’re not dogmatic about this, and that although we have used medications at time, we’ve found this approach most effective to help our family stay healthy.

I think if people understood how much research there was on the use of vitamin C alone and read even a fraction of this, they wouldn’t see the use of it as extreme but rather as logical and self-apparent why it would be the preferred approach.

(While vitamin C is repeatedly mentioned in this film, it’s not the only supplement recommended.  However, almost six years ago I wrote a detailed post with specifics of how to dose vitamin C and if you’re interested you can read it here.)

This film is a consciousness raising of the benefits of using vitamins for the average person. Vitamins can be amazingly effective in treating a huge spectrum of issues: some of those referenced by the experts in this film include depression, cancer, heart disease and ADHD.  Though I’m familiar with all the information shared, I’m feeling prompted to mentally dust off that knowledge and be more conscientious about applying it.

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TEDx: The Wireless Wake Up Call
February 28 2016 | From: EMFAnalysis

Jeromy Johnson just gave the first-ever TED Talk on wireless / EMF / smart meter health effects. And it's a real eye-opener.

Jeromy has a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering. As a Silicon Valley tech-enthusiast, he was the last person to expect the debilitating health effects he experienced when 'smart' meters were installed where he lived. There are now thousands upon thousands of others just like him.

Related: Wi-Fried?

The other major video of the week is a doc called WI-FRIED?, produced by ABC Australia.

It's excellent. And it's stirred up, predictably, the hornet's nest of deniers within industry. This prompted a fiery rebuttal from ABC Producer Maryanne Demasi on Huffington Post.

Related: Sometimes Asking Questions Provides You With Answers That May Be Uncomfortable

One thing is fore sure... the conversation is going mainstream.

Protect Your Family from EMF Pollution: TEDx Talk: Wireless Wake-Up Call

On February 6th, I had the opportunity to speak at TEDxBerkeley. The title of my talk was “Wireless Wake-Up Call.” I discussed the health effects related to the explosion in wireless technology the past few years, along with solutions that can help everyone. Within the presentation, I also talked about how we can develop technology that is much safer for humanity. Here is the video:


The following are a few pictures and experiences from that day:

Zellerbach Hall on the UC Berkeley campus is an incredible venue. It seats 2,000 people and this event was sold-out. I was the second speaker of the day and the first couple minutes on stage were a bit nerve-racking. As you will see in my opening questions, there was an uncomfortable moment for everyone (it felt like the entire room needed to pause).

It happened when I asked who knew that the fine print in every smart phone owner’s manual says to never put the phone within about 1 inch of the body. This is a truth that is currently taboo to discuss in our society, so few people know about it. However, once we got through this moment, the talk soon became fun and was well-received by many in the audience.

TEDxBerkeley hired artists to put each talk into images. It is such an incredible skill to do this in a short amount of time. Every speaker that day gave an amazing talk (it was so much fun to watch the other talks) and each presenter was given the painting of their talk as a gift that evening.

In my talk, I wanted to convey that people are indeed being harmed by this technology and that there is adequate science to show how and why this is happening. Most importantly though, I provided solutions that every family can utilize today to reduce their exposure and encouraged us all to help society wake-up.

Once this happens, our technology industries will create safe products that will move our entire society toward a healthier future.

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Cashless Crisis: “With Digital Payments, Civilization Comes To An End Until Power Is Restored”
February 28 2016 | From: SHTFPlan

As most of the Western world is pushed into abandoning cash and embracing a fully digital cashless grid, it is apparent how vulnerable populations will become in times of crisis.

If the power grid were to go down in a storm or an attack, it is readily apparent that the system of commerce would go down with it; payments would stop and desperate people would line up for help.

Related: Marc Faber On Cashless Society Insanity And Why Wall Street Hates Gold

Those with their own supplies, barter items and physical commodities will remain the most comfortable, but the very fabric of society could come unglued.

Will they really ban cash when so much could go wrong?

Paul-Martin Foss writes for the Carl Menger Center:

Cash is being displaced by credit and debit cards, which are themselves beginning to be displaced by new digital currencies and payment systems

But despite all the advances brought about by the digital revolution, there are still quite a few drawbacks. The most obvious is that it is reliant on electricity. One major hurricane knocking out power, a mid-summer brownout, or a hacker attack on the power grid could bring commerce to a halt.

With cash, transactions are still possible. With digital payments, civilization comes to an end until power is restored. Unless you have food stored or goods with which to barter, you’re out of luck. Just imagine a city like New York with no power and no way to buy or sell anything. It won’t be pretty.


With digital currencies such as Bitcoin, there is the problem that they are created out of thin air. One bitcoin represents the successful completion of a cryptographic puzzle, but all that means is that some computing power was used up to create a unique electronic file. That’s all it is, just a series of ones and zeros.

There is nothing tangible about Bitcoin and, indeed, if you lose the hard drive on which you stored your bitcoins, those bitcoins are lost forever.

On top of that, the potential for manipulation and the built-in assault of surveillance and tracking is enough to cripple liberties in the world that is cementing its patterns around this new technology.

Related: When Cash Is Outlawed... Only Outlaws Will Have Cash

What happens when online platforms don’t like your speech or your rights? What happens if their policy blocks you from buying something – like a gun – that you have the right to buy, or prevents you from spending your money, potentially freezing your account without notice. Again, the Menger Center makes the point:

Take a look at PayPal, for instance. PayPal’s terms of service forbid use of the service to buy or sell firearms, firearms parts, or firearms accessories. Many individuals who have used PayPal to sell firearms parts find their accounts frozen or shut down by PayPal.

Similar things have happened to gun stores having their bank accounts frozen or having their credit card payment processors refuse to process…


Cases such as this will only be more widespread in the future, especially as governments continue to pursue the war on cash. If cash is eliminated and electronic systems become the only way anyone can pay for anything, all it will take is a little bit of government pressure on payment system operators to stop processing payments for X or Y and voila, you can longer buy X or Y.

What good is money in the bank if you can’t use it to buy what you want? In fact, governments may dispense with pressure on payment systems and just monitor transactions as they occur, automatically rejecting payments for goods they don’t want …

Every transaction made electronically can be tracked and traced. If every purchase you make is done electronically, your entire purchase history is open to scrutiny."

The powerful banking lobby, of course, wants a digital cashless system, because it will enrich them with transaction fees and penalties, continue and expand fractional reserve lending, and give them the power to monitor all the transactions, at detailed levels with data for every purchase. But despite this monitoring, money and transactions will not necessarily be more secure.

You cannot “hold” your money, you must be able to access it, and that depends upon authorization of the system. It can be hacked or erased in a split second.

Can you keep the financial system from limiting your rights and invading your privacy?

Keiser Report: War on Cash

And how would America under the digital grid – perhaps 10x worse than Greece when the ATM's are shut down, the banks closed, the grid off and cash eradicated, while the population is forced under the yoke.

Not only is this grid vulnerable, but it is also becoming unavoidable.

Read more:

Banning Cash “Necessary to Give Central Banks More Power”

Cash Ban: Greeks Face “Permanent Cash Controls and Compulsory Use of Plastic Money”

Once Cash Is Banned They Will Be Able To Force You To Buy Products: “Just Tax Their Excess Account Balance”

Americans Face Impoverishing War on Cash: “More Big Banks Are Shunning Cash”

Want Cash? Next-Gen ATMs Demand Biometric Verification: “Smartphone and Eye Scan To Dispense Money”

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So You’ve Woken Up… Now What?
February 27 2016 | From: ZenGardner

Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject.

I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.


“What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”

This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case.

Do what consciousness tells you.

There’s really no time for fiddling around once you’ve found what you know to be the Truth, which is always something clearly outside the realm of what you’ve been indoctrinated with. It’s always life altering. And if it isn’t, you didn’t hear correctly or it fell on deaf ears. I don’t want to be counted amongst the deaf or unresponsive. Do you?

Especially when you found out that that’s exactly what perpetrates the big lie you found out about–a compliant, non-awake populace.

System Dependence is the Name of the Game

That’s the trouble with the “system”, it teaches dependency, hierarchy, and rote knowledge, where your choices are carefully narrowed down to “acceptable” alternatives within carefully confined parameters.

That’s why people feel like fish out of water when they wake up. They never learned how to truly think freely, nor did they have the knowledge tools. Instead, most everything was reversed, scrambled, confused and filed away in seeming useless obscurity.

The result is not just a marginalization of empowering Truths into the catch-all dustbins of “conspiracy theory” or wing nut stuff, but worse yet, the system does not cultivate original thought or true personal freedom or responsibility.

The real Truth is not an option in such a controlled environment. Oh, you get smatterings of truths, but drawing awake and aware conclusions is not an option to humanity’s would be Controllers.

The Wake Up Starts with a Bang – But You Have to Keep It Going

When someone awakens to the true nature of the manipulated world we live in, as well as the vast resources at our immediate conscious fingertips, it takes some doing to fully realize what that information means, as well as the vast implications on your personal life.

It can hit hard and may need some time to be digested. How it affects each of us individually is really a question of simply putting what we’ve learned into action and trusting the Universe for the consequences.

I don’t think there’s time for much else. In fact, there never has been. If you know the Truth, what are you waiting for?

While many are hoping for some kind of soft-pedaling of any kind of action call, it’s not a set formula. You just find out, and you react. And just that takes some doing, breaking off the rust of your True Self to animate and start to call the shots that were previously hindered by life long programming.

Stages of Development

For me the full wake up took on many stages of development, but the full blown realization of the vast extent of the manipulated lie and its fleshed out intricacies was a head splitting explosion that blew me past the pull of convention’s gravity so fast I’m still grinning from ear to ear as I zip through the universe..ha!

The point there being, the wake up takes on many forms and evolves. What gives the wake up traction is commitment, putting feet to your realizations.

You think TV’s bad? Turn it off. Banks are a rip off? Get out except for perhaps necessary operating funds if need be. Trapped by the ownership of housing, “might needs”, and all kinds of dumb stuff?

Dump everything you can, if that’s your understanding. Knowing “stuff owns you” is fundamental to consciousness. We all get there, but it depends on our enthusiasm…or “spirit in us”.

How many respond to just that?

Do What You Know or Face Confusion

Until people put into action what they already know, there isn’t gonna be much more to follow for them. Just a lot of flailing about in frustration because we don’t do what we already know we should do and are looking for excuses or compromised solutions to assuage our guilty conscience and hopefully preserve our personal status quo.

Sad, but true. That also includes getting right with people, making relationships honest,  and disengaging from situations of compromise. It takes courage.

Know You Are Nobody - Yet Everybody

All this is a whole lot easier when you realize you are nobody. There’s nothing to defend.

Your old senses of self were the very strings the lying matrix played upon. Get conscious and the sirens of the system don’t affect you except peripherally.

That’s a biggie. Conscious awareness is number one realizing and seeing through the higher level of awareness that is detached from this life’s experiences, and thus free to discern and identify without attachment what your life experience is.

Seeing through those eyes will bring tremendous peace and understanding.

Get Along But Don’t Compromise

Don’t fret the next steps. The universe is so vast and full of infinite possibilities there’s something for everybody. Our job is to find it for ourselves and when we find it, act on it. No, it’s not the “safe” way, or the “accepted” way.

At all. We do have to break free.

In reality the parasitic system has been sucking you dry and lying to you and everyone you love. You now no longer owe it any allegiance and can and should disengage any and every way you can. No guilt trip necessary. You are doing what is right.

Period. And that is not contingent on relationships, financial security, self image concerns, or what have you.

So get any and all attachments possible out of play. Happily. You are freeing yourself from the spider’s tentacles.

There’s Real Peace in Commitment

When you’ve resolved to go ahead and “make the break” with convention and stand up for what you know is right, it leads to a new lifestyle. How do you think these wonderful websites were formed of like-minded people who found each other and decided to make an impact with videos, interviews, articles, participation in events, etc?

How were Gandhi, Martin Luther King or other world truth bearers including the present day alternative luminaries birthed from their previous lives?

Something gelled, made total sense, resonated, and they just committed. These truth enthusiasts on the internet also somehow found each other and it clicked. It’s all about responding to the need and call and openly networking…true response-ability.

The Truth Glasses

I read this fantastic analogy and it’s never escaped me.

Finding out the whole truth is like putting on these amazing truth glasses, much like the movie “They Live”.

Here’s how they work:

1. You gotta want to put them on.

2. You can’t force someone else to put them on.

3. Once they’re on, you can’t take them off.

If you’ve found and put on the glasses, that will make total sense. If you haven’t, keep searching.

Let your heart lead you. In the words of Lao Tsu:

"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."

– Lao Tsu

*And now for Patrick Willis’ amazing rendition of an excerpt from the above article:


Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Man Who Discovered The Cause Of Cancer Wrote A Book On Curing It
February 27 2016 | From: HealthLivingSolution

Dr. Otto Warburg was the man who discovered the cause of cancer, he was awarded the nobel prize in 1931 for his work.

Initially it was my understanding that he discovered cancer but he actually discovered the cause which in my opinion is even more valuable than discovering cancer.

Related: Cancer Industry Not Looking For A Cure; They’re Too Busy Making Money & Same Amazon.Com That Banned Cancer Cure Documentaries Now All In With Big Pharma’s Toxic Cancer “Treatments” Via Its New “Go Gold” Astroturfing Campaign

Many people have recognised a problem, a disease, a tumorous lump growing on someone and labeling it a disease. The cause of that disease is even more important and relevant than the disease itself if you want to do something about it.

His work came to be known as the “Warburg Effect” or the “Warburg Hypothesis” which basically entailed that cancer cells live off sugar (glycolysis) and that they also thrive in an anaerobic environment.

These causes led me to believe the opposite would help to reverse the cancer growth. What do you think?

He’s one of the most relevant figures in our history when it comes to cancer, what causes it and how to really treat it.

Most people have no idea who this man is though, why is that? is it because of what he has to say about cancer and about disease in general? There’s no question that he was a brilliant man during his time.

Related: Dangerous Products That We’re Unknowingly Using In Our Day-To-Day Life + The Cancer Risk To People Who Drink Chlorinated Water Is 93% Higher Than Those Who Don’t

The first man to discover the cause of cancer is somewhat like the first man landing on the moon! it’s just the micro and macro scale of things.

His discovery led him to certain conclusions. These conclusions that he was led to may be true or false to you but i’m going to leave that up to you to decide.

I trust this man (the discoverer of it) more than the American Cancer Society or any other medical organization though because he’s worked to get to a place of excellence and understanding of cancer.

Large organisations that take your money for a ‘cure’ or to walk around in a circle wearing pink shirts haven’t done a whole lot with the BILLIONS of dollars poured in for research.

Related: Cancer, Cancer Everywhere... But Not In The Elite's Presidential Suites

Oddly enough Dr. Otto Warburg gave his two cents on what can be done to treat and heal cancer and what changes need to take place in the human body for the human body to no longer have cancer.

Let me say that again! the man who discovered cancer shared practical information on how cancer can cease to exist based on his understanding of cancer in his research.

So what was his thoughts on cancer? First, he was quoted as saying:

His first belief was that cancer itself cannot exist in an alkaline environment.

What conclusion could you draw from this? Foods and drinks that are alkaline are beneficial for helping to remove cancer from the human body. From his research his conclusion was that cancer can not live in an alkaline environment.

If you have cancer then wouldn’t it be a natural conclusion to put alkaline foods and drinks such as water into your body as much as possible as opposed to acidic foods which may in fact feed the cancer growth? It’s just a thought.

Beyond this Dr. Otto Warburg also said…

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.”

“All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen – a rule without exception.

Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”

Dr. Warburg has made it clear that the root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body.

Dr Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

Dr. Wargburg understood the importance of oxygen and an alkaline environment around the cancerous growth. He even went so far as to say that “No Disease, including cancer can live in an alkaline environment” too.

So from Dr. Warburg some of the best cancer and disease prevention (and healing, according to him) advice would be to give your boxy more oxygen and an alkaline environment.

Related: Modern Life Is Killing Our Children: UK Cancer Rate In Young People Up 40% In 16 Years + 12 Things A Cancer Doctor Should Never Say

How do you do that? More deep breathing. More nature. If you live in the city you are being bombarded by chemicals and decreasing oxygen levels.

The country and nature have higher levels of pure oxygen and this was one of the keys according to Dr. Warbug to help the body be in an alkaline environment.

Not only that but eating alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits can help to alkalize the body environment as well.

Believe it or not Dr. Otto Warburg also wrote a book entitled “Cancer: It’s cause and it’s Cure” which blows my mind.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Reality Check: Why McAfee Says FBI Really Wants To End Encryption, Not Hack Just One iPhone
February 26 2016 | From: TruthInMedia

By now you know that the FBI is demanding and a federal magistrate judge is ordering Apple to build a backdoor to its operating system.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation says they need it for only one phone, only this one time. But nobody is buying that, including the man who says if that is true, he can do it.

This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.

The case involves an iPhone belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters, Syed Farook. Farook’s iPhone, which was given to him by his government employer, is locked and the FBI says they can’t get into it unless they get help from Apple.

So what exactly is the FBI asking for?

To be clear, Apple cannot extract information directly from Farook’s - or anyone else’s - iPhone. That is because all data on an iPhone is encrypted.

The security measures for iOS 8, which rolled out in 2014, ensure that no one, not even Apple, can access information on an iPhone by sneaking through a software “backdoor.”

Now a federal judge says Apple has to create that backdoor. Apple says they fight this all the way to the Supreme Court.

John McAfee is the creator of McAfee security software and is one of the foremost cyber security experts in the world. I spoke to him by Skype, and he says this fight is really over encryption as a whole.

“The problem is that once you put a backdoor into a piece of software, every hacker in the world is going to find it and use it, and [then] we’re in a world of hurt,” he says.

McAfee says that if the FBI is telling the truth about their intentions and they really need to get into just this one, then he and his team of hackers have agreed to hack that San Bernardino shooter’s phone for the FBI for free. And he says they can do it in less than three weeks.

“But what I have done is said, look, you know, if in fact you are sincere in wanting to get access to just that one phone, my team and I will do it,” he says.

“We can crack it - easily. I guarantee it. There is no un-crackable encryption. We all know that.

They have not responded [to my offer] and I do not think they will because it’s not just that one phone they want. They want a key to everyone’s phone.”

McAfee does say there is a bigger issue at hand, because what the FBI and the federal government is actually doing here is a move that will destroy encryption. In an op-ed he writes;

“After years of arguments by virtually every industry specialist that back doors will be a bigger boon to hackers and to our nation’s enemies than publishing our nuclear codes.

“We all say the same thing,” McAfee says. “You can’t do it and keep us safe as a nation. . . . And you can’t do it and keep us safe as individuals. ‘Cause I guarantee that once that backdoor goes in, all of our bank accounts are going to be emptied by the the bad hackers. All of our social security numbers are going to be known.”

What you need to know is that if McAfee is right, the FBI can demonstrate their true intentions easily. Let the nation’s best hackers open that one phone. But if this move is as many people believe - actually a move to force Apple to end encryption - then the ramifications are much bigger than government and terrorists.

Breaking encryption will impact every American’s privacy, banking, finances and online identity. Encryption isn’t the tool that bad guys use to hide. It is the only thing that actually can make you safe online.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
River Stance: Water Pollution In New Zealand
February 26 2016 | From: Listener

Ecologist Mike Joy’s unsanitised views of the sorry state of our fresh waterways make him a target of vitriol. But he’s not about to change his tune.

The cool water flowing around Mike Joy’s legs looks clear and clean. If it wasn’t for a stiff southerly blasting over the Canterbury Plains and across the bed of the Selwyn River, it might even look good enough for a quick dip.

Related: Horowhenua Horowhenua pensioner bashed in late night attack after highlighting pollution of waterways to Council - not the first such incident

But looks deceive. If the pollutants that leach through our intensively farmed soils and into lowland rivers such as the Selwyn made the water run red, we’d quickly grasp the scale of the problem, says Joy. Instead, the water at Coe’s Ford – a spot where he spent blissful days as a Christchurch schoolboy in the 1960s and 70s, and where he now stands as one of New Zealand’s loudest environmental whistleblowers – is polluted by invisible toxins.

It’s high in nitrogen, which fuels the growth of slime and algae, and there are regular spikes of E coli, meaning the swimming water quality is ranked as “poor”.

Trout used to run in their tens of thousands up this stretch of the river. Christchurch anglers could knock off after a day’s work and half an hour later be casting their lines into a fishery that rivalled the fabled Turangi. But these days Fish & Game rangers count just dozens of trout.

In the middle of the river bed there’s a tell-tale black streak. “It’s Phormidium,” says Joy.  The naturally occurring algae thrives in rivers that have been altered by vegetation clearance and enriched by excess nutrients. It can quickly grow into a toxic mat across an entire river bed.

Related: A Former Councillor Speaks Out: “Toe the line and deny any pollution by the HDC” was the clear message given by Mayor

Within a fortnight of the Listener photographing Joy here, Environment Canterbury had issued a fresh alert warning people to stay away from the site, reporting “significant quantities” of the potentially toxic algae, which can cause rashes, nausea, cramps, tingling and ­numbness around the mouth and fingertips.

And which can kill. There are instances in New Zealand of dogs dying after drinking contaminated river water and licking algae-covered rocks. “It seems it will only be a matter of time before a child dies after ingesting some of this,” Joy predicts.

Typical Joy – focusing on the negatives, looking past the postcard images of crystalline alpine rivers to shout about the ailing state of streams that flow through farmland, publicly undermining our clean green image.

He became a household name three years ago after he was quoted in the New York Times on the eve of the release of The Hobbit saying the pristine environment portrayed in the film was at odds with this country’s poor showing against many international benchmarks.

Previously, an article he’d written saying that New Zealand was “delusional” about its environmental performance was used to embarrass Prime Minister John Key in a high-profile interview with the BBC’s Stephen Sackur.

After the New York Times story, political lobbyist Mark Unsworth emailed Joy, accusing the Massey University ecologist of economic sabotage and describing him and his cohorts as “the foot and mouth disease” of the tourism industry.

Most ordinary people in NZ would happily have you lot locked up,” he wrote.

Political activist Cameron Slater blogged that Joy ought to be “taken out and shot at dawn” for his treachery.

[Comment: Oh how the truth hurts. And shoot the messenger?]

The New Zealand Herald accused Joy of overstatement, and scolded that his damaging analysis had reached an international audience. When challenged by Sackur, Key shrugged off Joy’s critique as merely a “view” that could be easily countered by other scientists, and insisted that “for the most part” it’s possible to “jump into any New Zealand river” for a swim.

Looking back on the backlash, Joy says he was hurt but undeterred. “For every one Unsworth, there are 20 people who ­randomly email me or ring me and thank me for what I’m doing.”

A $1.27m clean-up to reverse environmental damage in Levin’s Lake Horowhenua began in 2014. The Listener had labelled it a “lake of shame” in 2013 when it was ranked 107th out of 114 lakes for water quality. Photo/Hagen Hopkins

The Way He Sees It

He’s carried on putting his head above the parapet, increasingly abandoning the language of academic restraint to tell the story of what he sees as an environmental “crisis”. In the past two years alone he has delivered 102 public talks to environmental, farming, community and school groups. And this month, he has published the story in a long essay, “Polluted Inheritance”.

Referencing monitoring reports and studies that normally lie beyond the public gaze in scholarly journals and the archives of regional councils, Niwa and other crown research institutes (CRIs), the essay is effectively a Mike Joy “state of the environment” report – one that paints a far bleaker picture than the official version published a month ago by the Ministry for the Environment.

Of 112 monitored lakes, a 2010 Niwa study found 44% are eutrophic – so burdened by excess agricultural nutrients that they have become murky, smelly and inhospitable to many fish, reports Joy. Almost all (90%) our lowland wetlands – the “kidneys of our waterways” – have been destroyed.

Three-quarters of our native freshwater fish are threatened with extinction (up from 20% in the early 1990s), yet only one – the grayling, which has been extinct for decades – has legal protection.

Digging through the data on more than 300 monitored river sites, he reports that more than two-thirds of those surrounded by farmland exceed Australasian guidelines for nitrogen levels in water, beyond which aquatic life starts to be affected.

That’s up from 40% in 1990. Phosphorous – the other key agricultural pollutant, carried into rivers by soil erosion – exceeds guidelines in most intensively farmed areas (although levels have been slowly falling since the late 1990s).

And then there are the tiny creatures whose presence signals the well-being of rivers – invertebrates such as mayflies and stoneflies, which are measured by the Macro­invertebrate Community Index (MCI).

Niwa has mapped MCI scores around the country, painting in red where low insect life denotes serious pollution: the map burns bright red throughout the intensively farmed regions of Canterbury, Southland, Auckland, ­Waikato and Taranaki.

We’ve squandered our environmental riches, argues Joy, and ended up with a pattern of degradation that places an inequitable burden on the poorest communities.

Yes, the pristine rivers and lakes still exist, but they are largely in national parks where people with time and money to drive or fly long distances can enjoy them, whereas the worst effects of intensive agriculture are concentrated in lowland rivers and estuaries close to where people live – places which, in the past, have been available to those with limited income for food gathering and cheap recreation.

Mike Joy inspects Phormidium on the gravel bed of the lower Selwyn River, in Canterbury. The felt-like algae can quickly take over a river bed, and can be toxic to animals and humans. Photo/Martin Hunter

Dairy Boom

How has it come to this? Farmers, claims Joy, have been “incentivised to pollute”. The dairy-cow population has doubled since 1992 without there being regulation controlling the volume of nutrients and pathogens that flow from their free-range excrement through the soils and into waterways.

This intensification has been enabled by new inputs such as palm-kernel expeller (PKE) and a 420% increase in nitrogen fertiliser use since 1990, leading to stocking rates than wouldn’t otherwise be possible. The ability of catchments to absorb the effects has simply been overwhelmed.

Twenty-five years after the dairy boom began, the Government has belatedly written environmental “bottom line” standards for freshwater into the rule book. But in Joy’s view (one shared by many others in the freshwater field), the proposed limits are so weak they would allow for further pollution, and crucial measures of aquatic health, such as the MCI index, have been left out altogether.

The underlying problem, he says, is that those who pollute don’t pay to clean up the damage. Instead, the cost falls on the public in the form of a degraded environment and lost opportunities.

In his most controversial offering yet, earlier this year he co-authored a paper (with masters’ student Kyleisha Foote and Massey University colleague Russell Death) that extrapolated from a raft of published research on the cost of environmental clean-ups to conclude that if the pollution caused by the dairy industry was properly accounted for it would exceed the industry’s total economic value.

The farming sector was scandalised, and academics including Waikato University’s Jacqueline Rowarth and Frank Scrimgeour criticised Joy and his colleagues for naivety and sloppiness.

It's not our fault bro, all we did was turn up

But if it confirmed Joy’s reputation as a stirrer and a troublemaker for the dairy industry, it seems not to have affected his standing with New Zealand’s biggest farmer, Landcorp. Suddenly, Joy – just three years ago condemned as a traitor and saboteur – has found himself inside the room with the leaders of the most influential agri-business in the country. How did that happen?

Landcorp chief executive Steven Carden says the strategy of the state-owned enterprise is to achieve both an economic return and environmental sustainability. Joy is one of six paid members of an environmental reference group to advise it on how to achieve that. “We thought we could take the safe path of finding experts who would tell us what we wanted to hear, or we could challenge ourselves and bring in people who are outspoken on the environmental impacts of dairying.”

Other group members include veteran environmentalist Guy Salmon, innovative farm consultant Alison Dewes and maverick water campaigner and businessman Angus Robson. Carden says debate in the first couple of meetings was “ferocious”, but the search now is for farming solutions that will work. “We will listen to them … It’s not a green stamp.”

On The Inside

Inside the room being listened to by influential people is a surprising place to be for a late-starting scientist who still sees himself as an outsider. Joy’s academic career didn’t begin until he was 33. He ditched school at 17, by which time his policeman father’s job had taken the family from Christchurch to Wellington. He was academically average and a bit of a bogan. “I was a hoon at school, always off chasing girls at lunchtime.”

Dogs are known to have died after contact with the algae on the Hutt River and the Ashley in North Canterbury

His first job was in a bottle recycling factory in Petone. “It was rough as guts. I went from school to a full-time job there employing people coming out of jail, overstayers …
I became the foreman at 17, running these guys driving trucks and forklifts.”

He moved to Palmerston North in pursuit of a girlfriend and got a job on a 65-cow dairy farm, which he ended up managing. “I loved it – loved the cows and the job.”

He moved on through a succession of jobs – labouring, truck driving, building. He did a stint driving taxis all night and spending his days doing up a 100-year-old yacht.

He bought an empty section up 74 council steps in the Wellington suburb of Wadestown and built a kitset house on it, which is still there.

He and his partner, Allie Hewitt, sailed across the Pacific to Tonga, and later found work on a remote outback farm in Australia.

The place was owned by two estranged brothers who lived at opposite corners of the 40,000ha property, and it hadn’t seen rain for four years.

“We killed 6000 ewes,” recalls Joy. “The farmers had $2 a head in their wool fund to get rid of them. The market was shot.” At night, he and Hewitt would go spotlighting for kangaroos, legally, to sell for dog tucker, which brought in enough cash for the farm to pay their wages.

When they returned to New Zealand in 1993, jobs were scarce, and both decided to enrol at Massey. By the third year Joy was enrolled in Death’s freshwater ecology lectures, and he became immersed in the field of biomonitoring – using animals as a measure of ecological health.

That interest became the basis for a PhD using artificial intelligence to develop predictive models of fish populations, drawing on a raft of environmental variables including climate and geology.

The models describe, with a high level of accuracy, the freshwater fish communities that ought to be present in any given spot, which can then be used as the benchmark from which to identify the reasons the actual population may be depleted. The work was published internationally and, according to Death, was globally “ground breaking”.

Up to this point, Joy had no particular concerns about farming or the effect of land use on water.

“I was a fan of farming. I’d been a farmer.” But that started to change.

“It was so frustrating, day after day, going to streams, setting up kit and finding the same old suspects – the three species that can handle any conditions instead of the 20 species that ought to have been there. At hundreds of sites, all you ever found were upland bullies and short-finned eels and a few trout.”

He started getting angry at the degradation he was seeing. Then he got angry about the failure of regulators to act on it.


Fifteen years on, that anger has driven Joy onto the podium and into the media with a frequency and stridency that have attracted both respect and resentment from his peers.

University of Otago ecologist Marc Schallenberg, president of the Freshwater Sciences Society, says for the most part Joy is simply reporting on publicly available data, and “the message he’s putting out there is right”.

Schallenberg says in his own field work on lakes and estuaries he sees the same decline in water quality that Joy describes, and the cause:

“Couldn’t really be anything else [other than agriculture], unless there is a climate-change signal that none of us has picked up yet… But when you see what’s going on the land and the sheer amount of waste that’s put onto the land – it’s not rocket science.”

But he says most scientists have no appetite for the advocacy role Joy has assumed.

“Scientists often are dispassionate people because part of our training is really just to look at the data and not get passionately involved in any particular outcome or finding …

[Joy] has taken a lot of flak and that’s one of the reasons some of us would be reticent. But I appreciate what he does, and more than anyone he has brought these issues into the public perception.”

Given what’s at stake for New Zealand’s agricultural economy, Schallenberg says there’s a tendency among vested interests to “spin” the environmental data;

“So you need people to come out and call a spade a spade and engage with the misinformation that’s out there. I’m quite grateful that Mike is that person for us.”

Waikato University ecologist Kevin Collier vouches for Joy’s scientific credentials and says the message he communicates resonates with him.

“But people make contributions in different ways. Some are more comfortable doing the science through more conventional means and some are more comfortable being a bit more out­spoken. Certainly Mike has taken a lot of hits where other people would have given up because it was too hard.”

Others are affronted by Joy’s methods. He has come out swinging against scientists from Niwa (the agency whose monitoring data he widely cites), accusing them, in the midst of the stoush over the proposed Ruataniwha irrigation scheme in Hawke’s Bay, of providing advice on nutrient limits in the Tukituki River that was biased in favour of the client:

“If you were working for Niwa and all your work came from these councils or the Ministry for the Environment … You’ve got to feed the kids and pay the mortgage. Are you going to say it’s a bad idea?”

Joy had breached a cardinal rule of scientific decorum – don’t slag off your peers in public. The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council strongly rejected his comments, and Niwa rejects the allegations as well. Ill-feeling between Joy and the CRI remains. When the Listener approached John Quinn, Niwa’s chief scientist (fresh­water and estuaries) for comment on Joy, he politely refused.

“The behaviour we would like to see is where we talk about each other’s work in the context of [conferences and personal communications], not in the media …

Having public spats is not helpful for the credibility of science.”

Waikato University’s Professor David Hamilton, immediate past president of the Freshwater Sciences Society, damns Joy with faint praise, calling his academic work “steady”. “He’s productive but he is not at the top of his field. If he was, he’d be a full professor.” Joy, he says, has raised the profile of water issues, but upset peers by casting aspersions on their independence and strayed beyond his core discipline by commenting on issues such as environmental economics and soil contamination.

The Cost Of Speaking Out

Death says his former student and long-time Massey University colleague has taken up the mantle of environmental advocate at considerable expense to his academic career. Joy is a senior lecturer and was declined for promotion to associate professor recently.

The university promotion system works on rewards for publication in scholarly journals, not for talking to community meetings or writing op-eds.

“Traditional science is meant to be about helping the wider public and communicating, but in reality there are so many barriers to doing that, that you have to make a conscious decision to do it.”


“New Zealand scientists tend to want to be like most Kiwis and not antagonise people, but if you go to conferences in the US it’s the complete opposite. They get up and criticise you – not personally – but the science. And that’s what science is meant to be. But New Zealand scientists tend not to want to do that.

They tend to want to stay among the crowd and not speak out and upset anybody …

The other unfortunate thing is funding. Most of the funding in New Zealand, in contrast to other countries, is very much tied to the Government directly or indirectly, and for whatever reason the Government is quite tightly linked with many of the industry lobby groups, particularly dairy, and dairy is certainly not very keen on us outlining that water quality in New Zealand is degrading as a result of what it is doing.”

Joy’s boss, Massey University vice-chancellor Steve Maharey, has backed the scientist through the various controversies, provided he can support his claims. (Maharey says he can.)

Steve Maharey

But for Joy, there is more at stake than tenure and job security.

There’s a fight to be had with the Government over what he sees as bogus bottom-line standards for fresh­water; there’s a battle to be won in boardrooms such as Landcorp’s to bring the true cost of environmental degradation to account; there’s a public to be enlightened.

“I’ve decided that this problem is more important to me than my career. This job is the longest job I’ve had in my life. I’m sure I’ll get by if I lose this job. I can go sailing or truck driving.

It means far more to me to put guys like [Environment Minister] Nick Smith in the spotlight than it does to keep paying the mortgage.

Maybe if I’d been a career academic I wouldn’t be like that … I’m looking for my next opportunity to tell New Zealand about this.”

The academic has become an activist, he says, “not because I chose to be, but because I have to be”.

Mike Joy was awarded the Reo mo te Awa award at the Morgan Foundation NZ River Awards on November 26, which Rebecca Macfie helped judge.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Jumping The TPPA Gun Could Backfire [Depending On Your Point Of View]
February 25 2016 | From: Greens [This is not a political endorsement but pertinent questions are asked with highly revealing answers]

Yesterday in Parliament I asked the Prime Minister if he is planning to change our laws to implement the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), even before it is clear if the US Congress will ratify it.

The Prime Minister said he was going to push ahead with changing our laws and wouldn’t wait to see if the US was going to actually ratify the agreement.

If Congress doesn’t agree to the TPPA, or if the Japanese Parliament doesn’t, the whole deal falls apart. This is because the TPPA requires ratification by countries representing at least 85 percent of the total GDP, and that means the US and Japan have to be on board.

The problem is that it’s far from clear if the US Congress will ever ratify the TPPA in its current form.

A majority is currently opposed. Some members are demanding further concessions for the US tobacco industry or the big pharmaceutical companies, which would be bad for New Zealand.

While President Obama is supportive, none of the Democratic or Republican front-runners to replace him support the TPPA.

We could find ourselves in a lose-lose situation where we’ve changed our laws to suit the TPPA, but the TPPA itself never comes into force so the tariffs and other trade barriers don’t disappear for our exporters.

So then I asked, if the TPPA becomes null and void because the US Congress dumps it, will New Zealand reverse the changes to our laws that we’ll have already made?

The Prime Minister’s answer was no. The Government won’t delay introducing and passing legislation to ratify the TPPA, and then won’t reverse the laws if it doesn’t go ahead.

Figure 1.1: Globalist minion bitches do as instructed

He seems to be saying that we could be left with several alarming changes to our laws, with absolutely no trade benefit in return. These include:

Raising the threshold at which Overseas Investment Office approval is needed from $100 million to $200 million, making it easier for overseas investors to buy up our farmland and industry.

Changing the length of copyright from 50 years to 70 years, with an annual cost of around $55 million. We’ll also need to establish new enforcement powers for Customs, and new civil and criminal penalties for copyright infringement [in part to shut down websites that expose the actions of the criminal cabal].

Changes to the Patents Act, which are likely to complicate Pharmac’s access to cheaper medicines.

Changing the Plant Varieties Act, making it harder for farmers to save seeds for use in the following season, and the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act to strengthen the rights of agricultural chemical manufacturers.

Changes to the Tariff Act and the Customs and Excise Act – dropping our tariffs for other TPPA countries.

Changes to the Trade Marks Act.

Thankfully, some of the most alarming aspects of the TPPA, such as the investor state dispute process that allows corporations to sue governments, don’t require legislative change. So if the TPPA does fall apart in the US Congress, we won’t have already swallowed that particular dead rat. But we will have swallowed others.

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Chiropractic: The Story The Medical Establishment Does Not Want You To Hear
February 25 2016 | From: UndoctoredMovie

And knowing the truth could change your life.

When people hear the word – Chiropractor – it evokes a wide range of responses. And there is a surprising reason for these mixed emotions!

The American Medical Association (and other high-profile medical organizations) were found guilty in United States Federal Court of a conspiracy to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession. While millions would attest to the 'miracles of chiropractic', a malevolent agenda sought to eliminate it.

To experienced "Undoctored" is to experience a real life Rocky story where the underdog wins. You will hear from real patients, world-class profession athletes and many experts about the best-kept healthcare secret that could change and maybe even save, your life.

To watch this brilliant documentary click here.

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Mark Zuckerberg Is Claimed To Be David Rockefeller’s Grandson - Facebook Started With $500 Million From The C.I.A.
February 24 2016 | From: GoldSilver / TapNewsWire

With all the talk about Facebook of late and the most recent bans / blocking / censorship I thought I would add my 2 cents and perhaps let people know a bit about this lad.

You know when this guy popped on the scene I was curious how he could do such a big start up. So I checked him out.

Mark Kuckerberg was revealed by the TapNewsWire. His two grandfathers are David Rockefeller and Maurice (Hank) Greenberg of AIG fame. He has an agenda, in service to the Cabal. Hell, Bill Clinton is apparently the greatgrandson of JD Rockefeller.

The change of name is I am sure deliberate to hide who he is as well as his arrest for pot. It doesn’t mean anything to me I was just curious and now with all the new nonsense I wanted to see if anyone else knew this?

The Face on Facebook belongs to Mark Zukerberg the alleged homosexual from upstate New York. But what is the most important is that his Grandfather is the 100 year old David Rockefeller. You know the one from the Trilateral Commision, The Bilderberg Group, Owner of the Chase Manhatten Bank, Council on Foreign Relations.

You read this guys bio and its like a who’s who of the NWO planners. The Likes of Henry Kissenger, who refers to us as useless eaters, Allen Dulles who was implicated in the Kennedy assasination. Board of Directors of Exxon, J P Morgan Chase.

This guy is friends with every piece of trash that wants us all dead. And then we have his son David who’s son is Mark Zukerberg whos net worth is estimated at 35.7 BILLION. Sick yet? Why he has a different name I have no idea.

A search does not reveal the names of his parents. It does list his wife Pricella Chan. So he’s 31 years old with bags full of money and the son of David Rockefeller. I have known this for a long time and I just assumed everyone else knew. So if you did forgive me if you didn’t it should make a few balls fall into place.

Zuckerberg means ‘sugar mountain’. That’s their secret word for Facebook no doubt. A mountain of information from which they can extract billions. Bill Gates comes from a multibillionaire eugenicist family, which was kept well hidden in the early years of Microsoft. The same families control it all. Yet is this story true? 

That is actually what his business card says:

Related: Mark Zuckerberg Is Claimed To Be Grandson Of David Rockefeller

It has been revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller. His true name is Jacob Greenberg, also grandson to Hank Greenberg. He is royalty.

Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man. His mugshot was taken, which looks like a younger FaceBook icon with 99% reliability. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.

Also, the Rothschilds own 8% of FaceBook shares. The hidden agenda for the FaceBook social network is to aid the growth of the police state and one world government movement.

Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller

According to the TAP Blog, the venture Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank. One can only wonder if the other giant Googlehas similar disguised progeny. The adopted name Zuckerberg means sugar mountain in German.

The fast rising social network is indeed a mountain of information from which they can extract $billions. In recent weeks, the face of FaceBook has been revealed, as numerous members making comments about their support for gun ownership have had their FB accounts frozen, Big Brother at work.

The Tap Blog is a collective of motivated researchers and writers who join forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world’s media. Unless you wish to provide the nefarious leadership crew a constant trail for your life, complete with various control gates, close your FaceBook account.

See the YouTube video that sheds more light on Big Brother . For years the Jackass has refused all invitations, since many of them are actually generated from the FB kitchen in false manner, verified numerous times. FaceBook attempts to expand from computer derived invitations, not human ones, like an electronic cancer. Refusals for LinkedIn and other social media networks are also routinely done.

The Jackass
would like to add some other famous family lines. Jimmy Carter was fathered by Joe Kennedy Sr. Thus he is half brother to John, Robert, and Edward from Camelot.

It seems that Miss Lillian the mother was Joe’s secretary, with more than dictation being taken by the woman when under the elder’s employ. That explains why Jimmy never had a father revealed during his presidency. Not to be outdone, William Jefferson Clinton is great grandson to John D Rockefeller the oil magnate.

John D Rockefeller

Bill Clinton
was selected, due to his penchant for bond fraud and keen interest in cocaine binges. After his election and residence at the Arkansas governor mansion, the AirForce base nearby to Little Rock had its runway lengthened three-fold by the CIA. It was then suitable to accommodate the larger aircraft that transported narcotics to Panama.

The hidden Camelot US Royalty of elite scum goes on.

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5 Whistle-Blowers Everyone Needs To Know
February 24 2016 | From: TheMindUnleashed

With the awakening continuing to speed up in our world, it seems that information continues to spill out of the darkness and into the light more and more with each passing week.

Whistle-blowers continue to come out and speak of what they know; both on a micro-scale (truths coming out at work, school or small community) and on the macro scale (Edward Snowden, Anna von Reitz, etc.)

These people listed below could also be seen as truth-seekers and those who encourage and inspire humanity to come together as one to create a beautiful new system that helps everyone, and not just a small group.

From the list below, I have personally found inspiration that a new day is dawning and that it is one that is positive for all of humanity and this planet. (The list is not meant to rank these people in order of importance. They each have important pieces of the grand puzzle to share with us and are equally important.)

5. Santos Bonacci  

Also known as Mr. Astrotheology, Santos Bonacci teaches and lectures on a multitude of topics including, astrology, theology, sacred geometry, the holy science, physics, anatomy and physiology, electricity, religious texts, philosophy, the magic and mystery of the Sun, natural law, language, math, syncretism and much more.

Santos lecturing on a multitude of fascinating subjects

From my view, Santos does a great job of connecting dots from many different perspectives and angles to empower us as individuals and as a collective to awaken to our shared divinity and to reclaim our personal and collective freedom and sovereignty. He has a youtube channel called Mr. Astrotheology and he is very active on his facebook page as well.

4. Anna von Reitz

Anna von Reitz has been revealing deep truths for quite some time and just  recently made a big splash in the online world when she put out an open letter  that called for the FBI and US Marshals to arrest the President, Congress and the  Secretary of the Treasury.

Anna is one of a small group of Common Law Judges  that is revealing how deep the rabbit hole goes in regards to lawfulness.

Anna has  been telling the world how the US “government” is actually an incorporated entity.

Yes, you’re reading that correctly. It is actually and technically a  corporation.

Interestingly though, Anna has hinted towards there being positive elements within the intelligence agencies and The Pentagon who are working diligently to expose this game and restore the united States of America (which is  the lawful Republic. Notice that the “u” is correctly lowercase).

Anna posts regularly on her facebook page and has over 170 pdf files of incredibly detailed writings on her website.

3. Laura Walker

Laura is a well known astrologer at Oracle Report. She is an astrologer who uses the Sabian symbols as a way to help decode the energy for a particular day, month or year. With these, she has figured out and actually foreseen false flag events.

Remember, the controlling elite use astrology to imprint their desired agenda.

However, what is important with Laura’s analysis is that she says the elite have already failed and what we are witnessing now is the last gasps of an old, worn-out system that no longer is working.

According to her analysis, the October 12th, 2015 - November 11th, 2015 lunar cycle was the elite’s best chance of pulling off their agenda and triggering martial law.

The “second Renaissance” is beginning and the old system is on it’s last leg. I highly recommend looking more into her daily and monthly analysis at her website.
It is encouraging for both those who do believe good things are coming and for those who don’t believe.

2. David Wilcock 

David Wilcock has been speaking, lecturing and interviewing for  several years and covers many topics which include UFO’s, ascension,  meditation, physics, astronomy, free energy technology, geopolitical  events and many others.

As of the past 4 years or so, much of his focus has centered around ET Disclosure and the positive global alliance that  is systematically taking down the old, corrupt system on this planet.  

Interestingly, these two topics go hand in hand and are essentially the  same as both affect each other. Disclosing the existence of other beings  in our universe does not serve the old, corrupt system as many of the  promises and lies of the old system will shatter almost overnight.

As of  this writing, things are reaching a climax behind the scenes. So much is  happening. I recommend paying attention to what David says in the coming days and weeks. He posts regularly on his facebook page and on his website. He has also said he has a new update from several of his insiders that is due to come out within the next few days.

1. Neil Keenan

To understand who Neil Keenan is and what he is working on, we must go  delve a bit into the history books. And no, not the ones found in our  schools. The real history books. Many people reading this article already  know of John F. Kennedy’s plan to expose and end The Federal Reserve and CIA as well as create a new treasury note back by precious metals.  

However, what is not all that well known is how he was going to do it  and where he was going to receive the gold and silver to create these  asset-backed treasury notes. Because that story is much too long for this  article, I’ll suggest to read into it more here, as it relates to what is known  as the global collateral accounts, 9/11 and vast gold reserves and bunkers  in Asia.

Neil Keenan with JFK and President Soekarno of Indonesia

Neil Keenan has been entrusted to protect and return the lawful rights of  this large cache of gold, silver and other assets back to the rightful owners: A group of royal Asian families.

Neil Keenan is the same man who filed a Cease and Desist order against the entire US government, The Federal Reserve, the Rothschild family, David Rockefeller and George Soros, which the original document can be seen here.

Neil Keenan has also discussed in several of his updates that when the time is right, the global alliance, which consists of intelligence agencies within the US and positive factions within The Pentagon, will make its move against those who have scammed and lied to the entire world.

Though the global collateral accounts may seem too good to be true, you can be assured that those are three words that will soon be known by all of humanity.

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Stop Censorship: Time For Us All To Finally Break Google, Facebook and Twitter?
February 23 2016 | From: TheLastGreatStand

As much as I hate to read that there are other people on the various different social platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter who are having the same kinds of problems I am facing when it comes to censorship, reading both the articles referenced below almost provided a sense of satisfaction that I’m not imagining things. 

As the video and articles below detail, the level of censorship being used by Google, Facebook, and Twitter today is bordering on simply “unbelievable” to anyone who isn’t experiencing it first hand.

When trying to explain to a person who isn’t being censored, the extent to which many of us are being silenced daily, often times we’re looked at like we have five heads.

The news media’s job is to report “news,” and yet despite social media giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter silencing an entire nations of people on social media, the mainstream media says nothing. Why? Because they’re all part of the same giant machine pushing for socialism. 

The United States is truly entering very troubling times right now, as we head full throttle towards the next iteration of a failed socialist state. Never before in history has a country the size of the United States had any measure of success under socialist principles, but that fact is completely lost on so many of today’s Americans whose only concern seems to be, “What can you do for ME?”

Thanks to the uber liberal Department of Indoctrination… excuse me… I mean Department of Education… our school system has become an abject failure. It shocks the conscious that young people are graduating from universities today with so little “knowledge” of history, that they are flocking to Bernie Sanders in droves because he’s promising them “free college tuition.”

They lack the critical thinking skills that would enable them to see past the instant gratification “wants” that idiots like Obama, or Clinton, or Sanders provide for them. As a society, we have failed these young people. How is it that an entire generation cannot grasp the fact that, “there is no such thing as a free lunch?”

Last century alone, the utopia promised by Socialist / Marxist / Communist politicians who promised a more “fair” and “equitable” lifestyle for their people came at a cost of almost 100 MILLION dead human beings. The notion that, “it will be different this time,’” is only further proof we’ve failed the youth and our education system is broken. George Santayana once famously said:

“When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

In the following video, the narrator discusses a topic that is becoming all to familiar to some Americans. Luke Rudkowski talks about the shocking and sad news about Twitter’s new algorithm along with their new “Trust and Safety Council” that will be used to censor any conservative leaning voices on what was once a platform of free speech.

In the video above, Rudkowski refers to what he calls the “Death of Twitter.” Much like Facebook, and other social mediums he explains how Twitter is no longer interested in what YOU want to get information about. Instead, Twitter is now using brand new ad friendly and brand friendly algorithms that will TELL you what you should be interested in. 

If your belief system or values don't align with those of a far left persuasion, and you decide to voice those beliefs, you can expect to get your account suspended or thrown in the “Twitter Gulag” for some indefinite amount of time.

Keep in mind, Twitter’s suspension ban, and locking notifications do not inform users which rule they have supposedly broken, instead Twitter simply states that the user has somehow impinged on the the terms of service, and their account is suspended. 

Finding out the reason an account has been punished is generally impossible on Google, Facebook, or Twitter. After first receiving an email from Facebook with a survey saying I was one of their “most valuable advertisers,” I responded asking: 

“As one of Facebook’s “most valuable advertisers,” why is it that every time ask for Facebook’s policy on posting in groups, so I can make certain I am not in violation of it, none of my emails are responded to?"

Here's the reality: If you openly favor conservative ideals like pro-life, the Second Amendment, or criticize the government’s violation of the Constitution, expect your posts to be censored heavily, or your account banned all together. Everywhere you look, Free Speech is being annihilated.

Not only are companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, censoring you, they are reporting people to Obama's new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, who has Created a Gestapo To Target Americans With “Anti-Government Views”

Anyone who reads, The Department Of Justice Prepares To Step Up War On "Domestic Extremists." will most likely be blown away at how militant the government has become about a person's belief system or their religious convictions.

Per a Department of Defense training manual obtained by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act request, we learned that the criteria a SECRET UNELECTED OBAMA OFFICIAL has for determining a “domestic extremist” is as follows: 

“Americans who are ‘reverent of individual liberty,’ and ‘suspicious of centralized federal authority’ are possible ‘extreme right-wing’ terrorists. 

The document linked above also lists people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” who are likely to be members of “hate groups.”

Finally, the document goes on to call the Founding Fathers, “extremists.”

Writing at Liberty Unyielding on Saturday, retired Naval Intelligence officer J. E. Dyer said that it’s time to “break” the Internet as we know it, starting with the big three social media and search engine sites, namely, Google, Facebook and Twitter.

“They’re all implementing policies to shut down the voices of freedom in their forums,” she said.  “It’s one thing to police obscenity and personal attacks.  It’s another thing entirely to define the word ‘gun’ as an offense, and bias content-oriented algorithms against it.”

"It’s ridiculous to “suspend” users for posting politically conservative content – and yet, in the blogger forums I correspond with, such suspensions are now commonplace.  “I’m in Facebook jail” for X number of days has become a constant refrain. 

We’re not talking about people who use expletives or make threats online. We’re talking about people who merely post conservative sentiments and memes, and links to (very mainstream) conservative websites.

The social media and browsing giants are private companies. They can run things the way they want; it’s their dime.  But that’s why they need to be broken.  They can’t be allowed to become a vehicle for marginalizing non-compliant voices.  The default model for social media and browsing needs to be variety, diversity, and freedom – not intellectual conformity.  Freedom is what needs to pay off."

She makes a sound argument, citing the weekend’s explosion over Twitter’s arbitrary suspension of blogger Robert Stacy McCain.

Twitter, she notes, has a new policy where speech is monitored and controlled by a “Trust and Safety Council,” which is run by such distinguished enemies of free speech as “Feminist Frequency and the Dangerous Speech Project.”

Orwellian? That’s putting it mildly.

Twitter, she adds, is a private company and “can live by delusional bias if it wants to; it should just have to pay a steep price for doing so.”

Twitter is also engaging win what’s known as “shadowbanning.” According to Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, it’s very real:

"Shadowbanning, sometimes known as “Stealth Banning” or “Hell Banning,” is commonly used by online community managers to block content posted by spammers.

Instead of banning a user directly (which would alert the spammer to their status, prompting them to create a new account), their content is merely hidden from public view. . .

However, Twitter isn’t merely targeting spammers.

For weeks, users have been reporting that tweets from populist conservatives, members of the alternative right, cultural libertarians, and other anti-PC dissidents have disappeared from their timelines.

A similar phenomenon is happening at Facebook, Dyer adds:

"Something similar to shadowbanning has been evident at Facebook in the last several weeks, to anyone who runs a conservative Facebook page. 

The trend that’s been especially noticeable to me is this one: meme images of the type that used to quickly get thousands of shares and likes, and dozens or hundreds of comments, can now go for days and gather only a few dozen shares and likes. 

What these images have in common is that they’re eye-catching, funny, meme-tastic – and pro-gun rights.

The conclusion is that such memes aren’t getting exposure, because Facebook’s algorithms have been biased against them.  This is probably related to Facebook’s recent banning of private, non-dealer gun sales, and presumably is not inadvertent.

“Again,” she notes, “Facebook is a private company.”  Google, she wrote, has come up “with a new extension for the Chrome browser that will literally change, to suit the pro-abortion user, the language posted to the web by originators.  The change this extension will make is to turn “pro-life” into “anti-choice.”"

She goes on to warn of a sort of “weaponised” Internet where those who do not opt in to the Orwellian thought-control can and ultimately will be made invisible and tracked like criminals.

“There was a time when it was enough for conservatives to have success with news and opinion content online.  But the Internet is being transformed at a much less visible level now: at the level of basic browsing and social media algorithms, the dynamic but obscure arrangements that enable us to ‘see’ and connect with each other to exchange information,” she said.

To deal with this, she said, we must develop an “alternet,” but that will require resources and the will to create something where freedom remains.

I’ve written time and again about the abuses meted out to users by Facebook. Facebook - recently called the world’s most dangerous censor - is already working to shape and control language in Europe, with the blessings of European governments.

“I know there are potential inventors and investors out there,” Dyer said in conclusion. 

“The market need is obvious, and will only become more so.  Get your thinking caps on, and let’s break this thing.”

Dyer continues:

"What we need now is, literally, alternatives to the existing social media and browsing giants. The giants, acting as administrators of quasi-public spaces, are becoming hostile to intellectual freedom, in a way that will soon turn into predation against it.

The model of “all the world” connecting via Facebook is going to have to be shattered, and replaced by a different model in which competition will penalize censorship."

Breaking The Web

The good news is that we have a big, disruptive watershed coming up, possibly this year, when the central organization of the Internet is taken out of the hands of the United States government. This is (re)scheduled to happen on 1 October 2016, and it very well might.

This will be an unmitigated disaster for today’s Internet freedom, if it does happen. The attacks on Web freedom will begin immediately (although they will be less visible in the U.S.). The shift will start small, but it will be real, and relentless. 

Within a short time – probably weeks, maybe even days – browsing, providing Internet service, and operating websites will become a significantly different experience for those in more-authoritarian as opposed to less-authoritarian countries.

America won’t be immune. Without a publicly accountable department of the U.S. federal government in charge, more and more things will begin to happen that hardly anyone knows about, but that will affect everyone.  Being surprised and confused that our Web experience is changing is something we can expect within months of the transfer date.

So why do I say this is good news?  Because it will force us to develop a true “alternet.” The technology is there, but the motivation has been lacking.  The day is coming when it won’t be lacking anymore.

The outlines of an Internet weaponized against us are already visible: an Internet by which we can be marginalized and punished, and over which we exert less and less discretion as to how much we want to interact with it. But that weaponizable Internet depends on being monolithic, and having the authorization-vetoes of governments hanging over it.

It’s time for a new paradigm of the Internet, one without the infrastructure features we have come to assume are inevitable. The role of the FCC, for example, needs to be fundamentally rethought. I’m not convinced we even need 95% of what the FCC does.

A lot has to break to get to a new paradigm – but a lot is going to break. The reason for a customer revolt is scheduled on the calendar, and the giant companies are helping out by trying to make college-campus censorship the standard of dialogue on the Web.

I know there are potential inventors and investors out there.  The market need is obvious, and will only become more so. Get your thinking caps on, and let’s break this thing.

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Vaccine Damage: Olivia's Long Road Back To Health + Media Blackout: France Opposes Vaccines
February 23 2016 | From: Stuff / Infowars

"Isn't it crazy that life can be one thing – and in an instant it can be changed forever," a Timaru teenager blogged at the end of last year.

Olivia in Starship Hospital in Auckland in July this year, after her heart changed rhythm and caused her to keep blacking out

Since then she has come to the conclusion that it was no coincidence she fell acutely ill after getting the HPV vaccine.

Related: Mainstream media blackout: Physicians in France join growing list of doctors who question vaccine safety

Olivia, 16, cannot prove her belief is correct, despite going through 14 months of hell.

A week after being vaccinated in July 2014 she become allergic to various foods. Then fatigue and breathing difficulties set in. Over the Christmas holidays she struggled to walk up stairs.

"Following this I got shingles, had poor vision and was dizzy every time I sat up. So basically, I spent those summer holidays in bed."

Back at school in February, Olivia had a breathing episode and her legs failed to hold her weight. She was taken to Timaru Hospital but no diagnosis was forthcoming.

Media Blackout: France Opposes Vaccines

France has punched a gaping hole in the fake consensus about vaccines.

Get used to it. We live in an Orwellian landscape. When there is a really serious story that needs to be censored, it is. It gets little or no play. It’s buried.

And vaccines is one of those stories.

Here, from thevaccinereaction.org, is a shocker: “The French National Debate on Vaccines,” by Marco Caceres, August 19:

"Between 2005 and 2010, the proportion of French people in favour or very in favour of vaccination dropped from 90% to 60% (2013 INPES Peretti-Watel health barometer). The percentage of French people between the ages of 18 and 75 who are anti-vaccination increased from 8.5% in 2005 to 38.2% in 2010.

In 2005, 58% of doctors questioned the usefulness of vaccines administered to children while 31% of doctors were expressing doubts about vaccine safety. These figures must surely have increased since then.”

France has punched a gaping hole in the fake consensus about vaccines. In the US and other countries, people are taught there is an overwhelming positive attitude about vaccines. Allowing this story about France to leak and bleed into major media would refute that lie in a second.

Not only is consensus built through relentless propaganda, but when the consensus doesn’t exist because the propaganda fails, that fact is blacked out.

To put it another way, major media exist to invent consensus, and when they can’t, they hide the fact.

American medical reporters for mainstream outlets are among the worst journalists in the world. Over the years, I’ve spoken to some of them. They try to radiate scientific authority, but behind that front they’re a) brainwashed morons or b) sold-out pharmaceutical shills.

The shills hype medical drugs, vaccines, and just-over-the horizon research breakthroughs with the phony conviction of late-night infomercial spokespeople.

One reason a high percentage of the French oppose vaccines is: out in the countryside, they still know what good clean food is. Based on several conversations I’ve had with people who live there, the fresh local produce makes American food, by comparison, taste like cardboard. The French understand that real nutrition is a key to preserving health.

That’s why pharmaceutical giants are rooting hard for GMOs and pesticides, and are, in some cases, producing them. The more GMOs and chemical poisons on the land, the lower the level of general health, and the easier it is to peddle vaccines and drugs as a necessary answer.

That’s how the game is played.

Related: France Decides to Opt Out of Vaccines

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1924 Newspaper Article Outlines Six Goals Of The Illuminati
February 22 2016 | From: TruthStreamMedia

Of course, these days the concept of the Illuminati is much less a shadowy secret society bent on world domination than a cruel inside joke MTV has played out with borrowed symbolism.

But back in 1924, people were very worried about the Illuminati’s plans to take over the world by destroying it.

This article in the June 21, 1924 edition of the Joplin Globe laid bare the six “principles” or goals of the Illuminati:

First, the abolition of government.

Second, the abolition of patriotism.

Third, the abolition of private property rights.

Fourth, the abolition of all rights of inheritance.

Fifth, the abolition of religion.

— and finally —

Sixth, the abolition of the family relations.

Marvin also notes that even though the order of the Illuminati had long since disappeared from public view by the 1920s, he was convinced it was alive and well and “responsible for all the radical efforts so well exemplified in recent years by Lenin and his followers in Russia”. The article goes on to spell it out:

“[Marvin] is assured it is operating in America today, seeking first to create mental attitude of unrest, then distrust, and finally, class hatred.”

In 1936, the Fred R. Marvin (1868-1939) mentioned by the Globe would go on to write Fools Gold: An Expose of Un-American Activities and Political Action in the United States Since 1860 (which listed him as the “Senator from Alaska” although he was not a Senator and he apparently wasn’t from Alaska either, plus Alaska didn’t even become a state officially until 1959).

The chain of custody for these covert actions lands back in the circle surrounding the likes of scheming and well-connected family dynasties such as Harriman, Bush, Dulles, Rockefeller, Rothschild and other fellow travelers, through covert financier-style foreign policy on behalf of the international banking circles to which they belong.

Related: The Actual Structure And Bloodline Families Comprising The Leadership Of The Illuminati

Read Antony Sutton’s Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution for detailed information and also Webster Tarpley’s unauthorized biography on George H.W. Bush and perhaps also the Isaacson/Thomas book The Wise Men for an unbelievable account of the behind the scenes power play by acting world architects in the lead up to and aftermath of WWII reordering.

The same characters built up other despotic regimes, not only during the 20th Century, but throughout their sordid and secret history, as with the Bavarian Illuminati‘s sponsorship of the French Revolution during which it worked to undermine the king and trampled over the masses of society.

The accounts are detailed, but can be traced through time to the order of men who today congregate at Davos, Bilderberg and above, well inside the ring of power of those orchestrating — if no longer in name, then at least in deeds — as the “Illuminati.”

But then again, there are many names; many of the groups are transient. It is a bit of a shell game, after all.

Now fast forward to today and take a look around. Notice anything…?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong
February 22 2016 | From: InfoWars

Drugs Don’t Cause Addiction: This Brilliant Animated Video Will Change Your View on Drugs Forever.

Most people think that the reason why people become addicted to drugs is solely because of the drugs themselves.

Related: Addiction Is Not Addictive

This, however, is far from the truth, as shown repeatedly by scientific studies on drug addiction. The brilliant short animated video below will explain to you why drugs don’t actually cause addiction, changing your view on drugs forever.

This video is adapted from Johann Hari's New York Times best-selling book 'Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.' For more information, and to take a quiz to see what you know about addiction, go to www.chasingthescream.com

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Should I Keep All My Savings In A Bank Or Not?
February 21 2016 | From: Jack

In answer to questions about investment and keeping money in the bank for a rainy day in anticipation of an impending global banking liquidity crisis;

Basically the global banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, and loaning it out to governments, corporations and individuals to buy shares and property thus massively inflating the value of those products. You can see numerous references to this in the Banking Crimes & Criminals section of this website.

Related: Open Bank Resolution Policy a Scary Bank Secret

This massive mountain of debt is now becoming unsustainable and to temporarily stop the stack of cards from collapsing, they are lowering interest rates down to even negative rates, to delay the inevitable which is now getting very close.

Simplified, this unethical process works like this:

A young farmer bought a farm at the end of WW2 for $NZ3000 dollars. In 2016, because of inflation in the currency it is now worth $10 million, but he is now too old to farm it so wants to sell it.

Another young farmer comes along who wants to buy it but hasn’t got the money to pay for it, so he goes to his local bank who loans him $10 million to buy it (
which money the bank has created out of thin air).

The bank give him a cheque, and the young farmer gives the old farmer his $10 million with the bank placing a mort-gage (death-bond in French) over the farm
as security for the loan which they have created out of thin air.

The old farmer, who by this time is financially well off retires to his holiday home at the beach, and says to his dear wife. Darling, what shall we do with the proceeds from the farm? Dear, she says, I think we will be conservative and just deposit it back in the bank.

So they go to their local bank to deposit the $10 million back into the same bank that wrote the cheque for the young farmer in the first place.

So all that has happened is that the ownership of the property has been transferred from the old farmer to the bank by way of their mortgage over the security. However, the increase in the deposits held by the bank has risen by $10 million.

In New Zealand, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand calls this rise massive in deposits of money created out of thin air C17 Household Deposits.

Related: International Ownership of New Zealand Banks

They keep a record each month of the growth in these deposits in all the banks registered with the Reserve Bank, as do all other countries controlled by the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, in turn controlled by the Bank of England.

If banks did not take this counterfeit toilet paper out of the system, the whole system would collapse and we would have hyperinflation. When the system soon collapses, the banks are going to steal these C17 household deposits and recapitalise the banks with peoples’ saving through a devious system called Open Bank Resolution.

Related: Reserve Bank of New Zealand: Open Bank Resolution

Here are the current statistics of C17 Household deposits of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, which shows people are re-depositing most of this massive growth in credit back into their savings accounts and superannuation funds – which all will be taken when Open Bank Resolution is implemented.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Note the growth in deposits currently is rising at about $1 to $2 billion per month at present – simply horrendous. now with $151 billion sitting in savings accounts or one and a half times the current market capitalisation of the NZ Stock market at present.

They cannot allow this money to be withdrawn to go into share of property investment as it would again double its value over night. As they continue to drop interest rates to negative interest rates, the danger of this happening is guaranteed, and thus is the period that Open Bank Resolution will occur.

Look at the list closely! But a house, commercial property or whatever, but do not leave your life savings in the bank or in a superannuation fund!

Related: Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The World’s Money?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump Vows: ‘Elect Me And You’ll Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The Twin Towers’
February 21 2016 | From: InfoWars

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has promised to make public currently guarded secrets surrounding the 9/11 attacks, should he be elected President.

Speaking at a campaign event in Bluffton, SC, Trump continued his onslaught on the Bush presidency by once again raising the issue of the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.

Related: Trump Correct About Secret 9/11 Report

"We went after Iraq, they did not knock down the World Trade Center.” Trump told those in attendance.

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center, we went after Iraq, we decimated the country, Iran’s taking over, okay.” Trump continued.

“But it wasn’t the Iraqis, you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center. Because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, okay? But you will find out.”

“But when I look at a guy like Lindsey Graham, you’ll end up being over in that war forever, you’ll start World War Three.” Trump also noted.

Trump was referring to the 28 pages of the original Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, which remain classified and withheld from the public on grounds of ‘national security’.

The pages are thought to implicate the Saudi Royal Family in financing the supposed hijackers in the United States prior to the attacks.

Speaking at a press conference regarding the missing pages in 2014, Rep. Thomas Massie lobbied for the release of the documents stating he read them and that they challenged him to reconsider everything he knew about the event.

"As I read it - we all had our own experience - I had to stop every couple pages and just sort of absorb and try to rearrange my understanding of history for the past 13 years and years leading up to that. It challenges you to rethink everything,” Massie said.

Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked Jeb Bush on the campaign trail and at debates by raising the issue of 9/11, and the intelligence warnings that were provided to the Bush administration and subsequently ignored.

Jeb Bush has avoided the issue, and even mocked those who raise it:

Earlier in the week Trump doubled down on the 9/11 accusations, stating:

"I know that the CIA and various other agencies knew that something bad was going to happen and they did nothing about it. They got it wrong.”

“The heads of the CIA and the various other agencies weren’t speaking and it was a big problem,” Trump added.

Trump’s comments have prompted establishment Republicans and conservative talking heads to label him a 9/11 truther and a “radical kook”.

Related: Trump Insider: Trump Will Audit the Fed

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Obsolete, At Birth
February 20 2016 | From: Werewolf

Already, the European Commission wants to scrap the TPP’s investor-state dispute mechanisms.

One of the great clichés of the Trans Pacific Partnership debate is that the deal is “a comprehensive, high quality, 21st century trade agreement.”

Conveniently, this flatters the self-image of TPP proponents – who like to think of themselves as rational, forward-thinking economic realists, even as they dismiss TPP critics as misinformed, overly emotional, anti-American featherbrains with an ingrained hostility to all forms of free trade.

Prime Minister John Key has gone out of his way to frame the debate in those terms

So then, what are we to make of the fact that one of the central elements of the TPP – the “investor state dispute settlement” (ISDS) mechanisms – is already obsolete? In November, barely two months after the TPP deal was completed, the European Trade Commission formally presented to the US its proposal to scrap the existing ISDS system, and to replace it in all future trade deals with an Investment Court System.

The EC envisages for instance, that this new system – and not the ISDS tribunals enshrined in the TPP – should govern any and all trade disputes arising from the upcoming Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

"The EU has formally presented to the US its proposal for a reformed approach on investment protection and a new and more transparent system for resolving disputes between investors and states: the Investment Court System...

The final text includes all the key elements of the Commission’s proposal of 16 September, which aims at safeguarding the right to regulate and create a court-like system with an appeal mechanism based on clearly defined rules, with qualified judges and transparent proceedings.

The proposal also includes additional improvements on access to the new system by small and medium sized companies.

The new system would replace the existing investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in TTIP and in all ongoing and future EU trade and investment negotiations.

Today marks the end of a long internal process in the EU to develop a modern approach on investment protection and dispute resolution for the TTIP and beyond,”
said EC Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom.

Malmstom has elaborated on the concerns that she has about the current ISDS system. Ironically, her concerns echo the same criticisms of the ISDS tribunals that TPP opponents in New Zealand have expressed, and that the likes of Key and Steven Joyce continue to pooh-pooh.

As Malstrom puts it:

"From the start of my mandate almost a year ago, ISDS has been one of the most controversial issues in my brief. I met and listened to many people and organisations, including NGOs, which voiced a number of concerns about the old, traditional system.

It’s clear to me that all these complaints had one common feature – that there is a fundamental and widespread lack of trust by the public in the fairness and impartiality of the old ISDS model. This has significantly affected the public’s acceptance of ISDS and of companies bringing such cases."

So how do we create public trust?

Malmstrom asks herself:

"We need to introduce the same elements that lead citizens to trust their domestic courts. Concretely, I want to restore trust by setting up an Investment Court System under TTIP – one that is accountable, transparent and subject to democratic principles.

It will be judges, not arbitrators, who sit on these cases. They must have qualifications comparable to those found in national domestic courts, or in international courts such as the International Court of Justice or the WTO Appellate Body.

Also – the judges will be publically appointed in advance. And, like in courts, you won’t be able to choose which judges hear your case. Furthermore, we will guarantee there is no conflict of interest. Again, like in domestic and international courts, the judges won’t be able to continue any activities which might interfere with their judicial functions. Finally, I want to introduce an Appeal Tribunal. Just like in domestic legal systems and the World Trade Organization.

The Investment Court System will also enshrine governments’ right to regulate. Our proposal includes a direct instruction to the judges, which the appeal tribunal will ensure is properly respected. All this will be done in a system where there is even greater transparency than in domestic courts, with all documents online and all hearings open to the public.

An overview of the proposal can be found here. The full text of the proposal along with a reader’s guide is also available.

In other words, the European Trade Commissioner has heard, and shares, many of the same concerns that TPP opponents have voiced about the foreign investment mechanisms contained in the TPP. Moreover, the EC has formally proposed a means to resolve them.

So… why should New Zealand – which has two years to ratify the TPP – rush into:

a) Ratifying an ISDS process that the European Commission has deemed to be faulty and

b) Where an alternative system that resolves many of its faults is in train and which

c) Is very likely to be included in the next cab off the global trade rank : the TTIP. Surely, even Phil Goff can see the wisdom of holding fire, and implementing what Malmstrom is advocating.

If we want a TPP that is truly a high quality, comprehensive, 21st century deal the answer is obvious : we should wait for as long as is possible within the two year window open to us, and seek to incorporate the Investment Court System within it. ( Probably, the US Congress won’t be voting to ratify the TPP until 2017.)

That wouldn’t make the TPP an ideal document, or even a very good deal for the wider public. But it would improve it, and it would help to remove one of the central, entirely valid public objections to it.

At the very least, we should not be rushing into rubber-stamping a deal whose most contentious feature is outmoded and out of step with where trade policy is now headed, via the upcoming TTIP.

In the meantime, Key and Joyce should stop badmouthing the New Zealanders who feel concerned about ISDS. Because it is Key and Joyce who are pushing an out-of-date measure that was never fit for purpose.

Throughout the debate on the TPP, there have been claims and counter claims about whether ISDS mechanisms do pose a threat to this nation’s sovereignty. Proponents point to previous trade deals containing ISDS provisions that have not – yet – resulted in threats to sovereignty.

These ‘so far, so good’ responses are illogical – in that they don’t follow the same logic that we pursue in areas such as arms proliferation, where we pre-emptively try to minimise the dissemination of potential dangers, rather than waiting for them to blow up in our face before deciding to act.

In that respect, surprisingly little of the sovereignty debate on the TPP has mentioned the precedents that exist in ISDS case law, which give ample reason for concern about the ability of nation states to remain able to regulate in the public interest. The rest of this article will cite some of the relevant precedents.

1. Actions Against Government’s Regulating for Environmental Reasons

Example : Bilcon of Delaware Inc v Canada et al.

One of the most contentious areas of ISDS case law is the extent to which countries can be held liable after:

a) Giving investors every indication that a project would be welcome and would proceed, but then

b) Backtracking after factors such as the environmental impact (and the political reactions to it) have been assessed. Ultimately, it all hinges on the extent to which the early representations made by the host state (or region) are deemed to have aroused ‘legitimate expectations’ among the investors that then qualify them for compensation if the project is subsequently quashed.

Obviously, countries (and needy regions) routinely make rosy overtures to investors before the full implications (and the environmental impacts and political blowback) of the project become known. Not all of these enticements render the host country legally liable.

Yet one can readily imagine the likes of John Key or Murray McCully or Steven Joyce promising the moon to a wealthy prospective foreign investor in New Zealand’s oil exploration or mining sectors, and then ordering public servants to make it happen. Any rash promises (that the permit system will be no problem etc) can return to bite a host country, in court.

Because under certain conditions, such enticements generate ‘legitimate expectations’ under the ‘fair and equitable treatment’ standard. The question becomes one of just how specific, and just how unambiguous those enticements must be in order to land the host country in multi-million dollar trouble.

The relevant cases here are Waste Management v United Mexican States, Parkerings-Compagniet AS v Republic of Lithuania, and Sampra Energy International v the Argentine Republic. In that last case, the ruling confirmed that the ‘ legitimate expectations’ rule applies ‘when the investment has been attracted and induced by means of assurances and representations.’

The 2015 case that put major heat on the TPP negotiators to reach a consensus wording about when and how ISDS provisions should apply was Bilcon v Canada, a case taken under the NAFTA trade deal.

In a majority opinion delivered last March, the courts found that Canada had to pay compensation to US investors who had been planning to build a quarry in Nova Scotia – that is, until regional and federal panels vetoed the quarry on the grounds that it would damage the environment and would ‘breach core community values.’

A Toronto Globe and Mail article on the Bilcon case can be found here.

This ruling now lays Canada open to a $300 million damages suit. It came just one month after Canada was ordered to pay $US17.3 million in compensation to Exxon Mobil (and its joint partner) after an ISDS panel ruled that the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador had violated NAFTA by imposing research requirements retro-actively onto offshore oil producers, as part of a benefits package to the local regions adjacent to where the oil was being extracted.

Good law, or a case of ‘corporate bullying’ being richly rewarded?

As University of Vienna legal expert Stefan Dudas has pointed out, the Bilcon finding against Canada was all the more important given the ‘abundance’ of ISDS treaty disputes worldwide that are related to the mining sector.

"There are more than 130 cases registered with ICSID [World Bank}alone that deal with oil, gas and mining disputes, and broken promises by host state officials is a recurring issue.”

The Bilcon firm successfully argued that Nova Scotia and Canada had shifted the goalposts on the environmental standards for the quarry after the company had responded to their welcoming noises, and Bilcon further alleged that this change of heart had been politically driven.

In his minority dissent, as reported in the Toronto Globe and Mail article cited above, University of Ottawa law professor Donald McRae counter-claimed that the Bilcon ruling represents a ‘significant intrusion’ into domestic jurisdiction, and would ‘create a chill’ among environmental review panels that will now be reluctant to rule against projects that would cause undue harm to the environment, or to human health.

Dudas, while sympathetic to the investors, reaches a not dissimilar conclusion about the Bilcon outcome :

"[It] confirms that host State representations, assurances or promises aimed at persuading a specific investor to make an investment commitment may give rise to reasonable expectations that can result in, or at least serve as starting point for a breach of the international minimum standard of treatment if the State does not live up to its word…..

While one may understand the desire of capital-importing states to attract foreign investments….a lesson to be learnt from past experience is that encouragements to invest by state officials should not be taken lightly, especially when environmental-law concerns are at stake."

So how does this relate to the TPP? Last September, the influential US Congressman Sander Levin wrote a well publicised memo seeking re-assurance that TPP negotiators would devise language to shut the stable door on the ISDS provisions, in order to ensure:

a) That the Bilcon findings could not be repeated and

b) That the burden of proof was shifted onto the investor, by requiring them to prove that any damage done to their ‘realistic’ profit expectations had truly been due to ‘arbitrary’ changes of policy by the host country.

Unfortunately, such sensible safeguards have not been built into the final TPP text – and safeguards that were contained in a leaked 2012 TPP draft of the ISDS provisions have now been dropped. Certainly, some side issues have been addressed.

Tobacco health policy by governments has been exempted from ISDS challenge, and frivolous suits will be harder to bring – yet the ambit of what can be subject to ISDS challenge has actually been expanded. Financial regulation will now be subject to ISDS.

This means that – for example – the government’s discretion to regulate the marketing of the kind of toxic instruments that created the GFC only six years ago, will henceforth be liable to ISDS challenge. Also, under the finalized TPP, the World Trade Organization rules on the creation, limitation or revocation of intellectual property rights will be ISDS-actionable. Before now, this wasn’t the case.

The list goes on…under the final TPP text, no requirement has been placed on disgruntled foreign investors to first seek redress in the New Zealand courts before launching their ISDS actions

As a consequence, foreign firms will be free to bypassd our courts and shop around overseas for an ISDS tribunal with a track record of sympathy for their grievances.

Even when governments win, they will remain be liable for ISDS tribunal costs, which as Public Citizen has pointed out, currently average around $US8 million per case. Crucially, the burden of proof in ISDS cases has not been shifted in line with the Levin memo.

It is easy to see why multinational corporations – having just had their powers to challenge, punish and intimidate sovereign governments via the ISDS tribunals whose reach has just expanded by the TPP – would be hostile to the more impartial and more transparent judicial system that Malmstrom and the European Commission is proposing to replace the ISDS tribunals.

Obviously, any future court cannot allow itself to be shackled by the narrow and flawed precedents set by that system.

In the coming weeks and months, John Key and his fellow travellers (eg, Phil Goff ) should explain why they would want to rush to ratify the TPP and the ISDS provisions it contains, when a fairer system that’s better able to allay public fears, is already waiting in the wings.

Footnote : Here are some other cases that illustrate how the ISDS procedures pose a genuine risk to the sovereign right of governments to rule in the public good. Much of this subsequent information comes from Pia Eberhardt’s July 2014 report “Investment Protection At A Crossroads” published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, a think tank associated with the Social Democratic Party (SPD). Since December 2013, the SPD has been part of a grand coalition led by Angela Merkel. Where I can, I’ve updated Eberhardt’s paper.

2. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Phase out Nuclear Plants

Example: Vattenfall v. Germany (II):

Aberhardt’s precis: ‘Since 2012, the Swedish power company Vattenfall has been suing the German government on the basis of investment protection rules in the multilateral Energy Charter Treaty.

Vattenfall wants over 3.7 billion euros in compensation for the decommissioning of the Krümmel and Brunsbuttel nuclear power plants in the context of the German nuclear phase-out following the Fukushima disaster.

Both of these fault-prone reactors were already offline when the German parliament passed the law to phase out nuclear power.’

My footnote
: A previous case brought against Germany by Vattenfall was settled via an agreement by the Germans to water down their environmental permit system, in favour of the corporation.

The settlement of this previous Vattenfall case is summarised here:

"The Vattenfall I Dispute Case (2009–2011) Regarding Environmental Regulations Applying to the Coal-Fired Power Plant Hamburg-Moorburg In 2009, the company Vattenfall filed its first complaint against the German federal government with the ICSID in Washington, D.C. This was the first (known) investor-state arbitration procedure against Germany.

At issue in that case was the construction of a new coal-fired power plant in Hamburg-Moorburg, situated on the River Elbe. The Hamburg Environmental Authority had issued a licence imposing water quality standards, which, according to Vattenfall, made the whole investment project “unviable.“

The corporation argued that the environmental permit violated the provisions set out in Part 3 of the Energy Charter Treaty regarding the promotion and protection of investments and proceeded to file a compensation claim against Germany of about €1.4 billion, plus arbitration costs and interest.

The dispute between Germany and Vattenfall was settled in the spring of 2011, with Germany agreeing to a watered down environmental permit in favour of the corporation."

It should be noted that this watering down of government regulation occurred even though the claim that Vattenfall had suffered damage had been rejected by the ISDS panel.

3. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Regulate to Limit the Environmental Damage Caused by Fracking

Example: Lone Pine v. Canada:

Aberhardt summary: ‘The oil and gas company Lone Pine has been suing Canada since 2012 for $250 million in Canadian dollars in damages. Because of the danger of environmental destruction posed by fracking, the province of Quebec issued a moratorium on the controversial deep drilling technique and in this context revoked a number of drilling licenses.'

Lone Pine is headquartered in Canada, but it is suing the country through a letterbox company in the US tax haven of Delaware based on the investment protection provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the US, Canada and Mexico.

My footnote : this case seems to be ongoing. This confidentiality order issued in March 2015 and the subsequent redactions perfectly illustrate the difficulty in the public gaining any transparency about the ISDS tribunal procedures, even though the public may end up footing the bill.

4. ISDS Actions Against Governments Seeking to Regulate to Ensure Water Protection

Example: Pacific Rim v. El Salvador:

Aberhardt : ‘Since 2009, the mining company Pacific Rim has been conducting a lawsuit against a mining moratorium in El Salvador based on the investment protection rules in the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) between the United States and several Central American countries.

The moratorium was imposed following massive popular protests against environmental destruction and water pollution from mining activities. Because Pacific Rim cannot open its planned gold mine »El Dorado« as a result, the corporation wants 301 million US dollars in compensation for the loss of the expected profits, hence about 1 per cent of the gross domestic product of the country.

Pacific Rim is headquartered in Canada (which is not a party to CAFTA) and is conducting its action through a subsidiary in the US state of Nevada.’

My footnote : a January 2016 Counterpunch article on the fracking/water protection issues in North America with respect to ISDS can be found here.

5. ISDS Actions to Limit Corporations Having to Pay Compensation for Environmental Crimes

Example: Chevron v. Ecuador:

Eberhardt: 'Since 2009, the US multinational oil company Chevron has been suing Ecuador on the basis of the United States-Ecuador investment agreement, because it had been sentenced by Ecuadorian courts to pay 9.5 billion US dollars in compensation to indigenous communities for massive environmental pollution – wrongly, according to Chevron.

To date, the three-man tribunal which is hearing the case has found in favour of the corporation and has called upon the government of Ecuador not to carry out the sentence.

Lovin' their Loosh

The fact that Ecuador has rejected this by appeal to the separation of powers in its constitution is now being interpreted by Chevron as a violation of the standard of »fair and equitable negotiation« in investment law – for which Chevron is in turn seeking compensation.'

My footnote. On January 20, 2016, a District Court of Justice panel in the Hague found in favour of Chevron on its counterclaim for a $106 million arbitration award against Ecuador. The International Court has not yet ruled on the central $9.5 billion claim. Ecuador is appealing the arbitration decision.

Clearly, this case should be special interest to Maori in their role as kaitiaki over customary rights, in the event of an oil spill. Ecuador is not only being denied compensation for the pollution damage that its indigenous communities have suffered at the hands of Big Oil, but it has been successfully counter-sued by Chevron for the way it went about bringing its suit.

6. ISDS Actions Against Governments Trying to Regulate to Protect their Banking Systems

Example: Poštová Banka & Istro-kapital v. Greece:

Eberhardt: 'The Slovak Poštová Banka and its Cypriot shareholder Istrokapital have been suing Greece since 2013 on account of the haircut on the country’s sovereign debt. In 2010, Poštová Banka had bought Greek government bonds at a knockdown price.

When Greece was negotiating a reduction of the debts with its creditors two years later, the bank opposed the haircut. The legal basis for the action is provided by bilateral investment agreements between Greece and Slovakia and between Greece and Cyprus. The level of damages demanded is not known.'

My footnote : In mid 2015, a court ruling found in favour of Greece, in a ruling that largely turned on the different treatment of loans and bonds under the relevant treaties.

Again, this ruling should be of interest to New Zealand, given the widening of the TPP’s ambit to include financial regulation.

7. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating to Raise the Minimum Wage

Example: Veolia v. Egypt:

Eberhardt summary: 'Since 2012, the French utility company Veolia has been suing Egypt based on the bilateral investment agreement between France and Egypt for an alleged breach of a contract for waste disposal in the city of Alexandria.

The city had refused to make changes to the contract which Veolia wanted in order to meet higher costs – in part due to the introduction of a minimum wage. In addition, according to Veolia, the local police had failed to prevent the massive theft of dustbins by the local population. According to media reports, Veolia wants 82 million euros in compensation.'

My footnote : as far as I can tell, this case is still pending. But there is a more extensive account of the case – and that is more sympathetic to Veolia – available here.

8. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments to Acting Reverse the Illegal Privatisation of State Assets

Example: Indorama v. Egypt:

Eberhardt summary : 'Since 2011, the Indonesian textile group Indorama has been suing Egypt because an Egyptian court ordered the re-nationalization of a textile factory that had been privatized – according to the court, unlawfully – under the Mubarak regime.

The judgement had been preceded by a strike and occupations by textile workers calling for the re-nationalization of the company and for better working conditions and wages.'
(Perry 2011)

My footnote : this case was finally settled in July 2015. The company claimed $150 million as compensation; the settlement awarded them $55 million.

9. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating to Ensure Cheaper Medicines

Example : Eli Lilly v. Canada:

Eberhardt: 'The US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly has been conducting an action since 2013 against Canada’s patent law on the basis of the investor protection in NAFTA, because Canadian courts had declared two of its patents on medicines void.

The patents for Strattera to treat attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and Zyprexa to treat schizophrenia were revoked because the promised benefit had not been adequately demonstrated in a short test phase with a small number of test persons.

Eli Lilly wants 500 million US dollars in compensation and is also attacking Canadian patent law, according to which a patent is granted only if the promised benefits of an invention can be adequately proven at the time of the patent application.'

My footnote : the progress of this case can be followed here.

The latest manoeuvre – a belated jurisdictional challenge – suggests that Canada is running out of options to avoid another defeat under NAFTA.

10. ISDS Actions to Prevent Governments from Regulating in Favour of Environmental Protection

Example: Renco v. Peru:

Eberhardt: 'Because the mining company Doe Run had not satisfied the promised environmental protection measures at a metal smelting plant in the town of La Oroya in the Peruvian Andes, the government revoked its operating licence.

As a result, the corporation has been conducting a lawsuit since 2011 based on the bilateral United States-Peru free trade agreement through its US parent, the Renco Group, for 800 million US dollars in damages.

Environmental organizations have repeatedly declared La Oroya to be one of the most polluted places in the world…'

My footnote: the outcome in this case seems to be still pending.

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The Pyramids & Orion's Belt
February 20 2016 | From: TheResonanceProject

Explore Orion's Belt and the pyramids with physicist Nassim Haramein as he points out the evidence showing the absurdity of the 'mainstream' version of reality of ancient structures - along with some mindblowing discoveries.

Nassim Haramein was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the 'Holofractographic Universe.'

Haramein has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations.

Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation and from which the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.

Read more at: TheResonanceProject

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Strangest Banking Trend that No One Thought Could Happen, Is Happening
February 19 2016 | From: AtlasObscura

For centuries, if you gave someone a loan, that money usually came with a cost. This cost, otherwise known as interest, whether formalised in legal documents, agreed to with a handshake, or enforced with an implicit or explicit threat, was one of the few constants in banking.

But for some of the world’s largest government banks, an idea that was dismissed as outlandish has recently become a strange reality: negative interest rates.

Related: Banking & Negative Interest Rates: The Truth About "Austerity": = Wealth Transfer

It's exactly as it sounds - Banks can now charge people for the privilege of holding their money.

This would seem to de-incentivize formerly desired behavior. Why would depositors continue to buy government bonds if it made more financial sense, on paper, to stuff it in their mattress?

In 2009, however, Sweden became the first country in modern times to lower interest rates below zero, both to fight the 2008 financial crisis and to avoid a so-called liquidity trap, when money becomes trapped in government banks.

Less than five years later, the European Central Bank, which administers monetary policy for the eurozone, also installed negative interest rates - currently at negative 0.3 percent.

The Bank of Japan became the most recent government bank to do so, narrowly voting in January to adopt a negative 0.1 percent rate.

Government banks for years encouraged spending by lowering interest rates on government bonds and other investments, getting ever closer to zero and, in the process, steering depositors toward spending money instead of stashing it away.

The influential British economist John Maynard Keynes [cabal minion - pictured left] predicted decades ago that government banks might someday consider negative interest rates to hasten this process, in part to help fight low inflation or deflation.

But Keynes didn’t actually think it would happen, not expecting that anyone would pay banks to hold their money instead of withdrawing it as cash.

Yet, Sweden’s 2009 lowering of rates - seemingly without many of the negative consequences that some economists had predicted - paved the way for larger government banks to experiment with the approach.

The European Central Bank lowered its rate twice more after initially going below zero in June 2014.

The phenomenon created ripples stateside even though negative interest rates remain a tough sell in the U.S. Investors felt the most immediate effects, as bank stocks in Europe took a dive after government banks went below zero.

Consumers may see lower rates but negative interest rates doesn't mean that, say, banks will suddenly give you money when you take out loans.  Retail banks probably won't be charging consumer depositors to hold their money any time soon, lest they risk a bank run

Anything is possible, though. Their swift transformation from theoretical abstraction to real possibility seemed unlikely as soon as three years ago, when former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers floated the idea, only to be dismissed by many economists, who argued then that negative interest rates would unnecessarily spook investors.

“It could affect confidence and be a challenge to the animal spirits,” Joseph LaVorgna, the chief economist for Deutsche Bank, told Bloomberg then.

Other commentators insisted that negative interest rates would likely never happen on American soil, because, as economics blogger Felix Salmon said, they were possibly "un-American.”

(Salmon did allow for the possibility that it was more of a psychological problem than a real one. If you pay fees on your checking account, he pointed out, you’re likely already paying a negative interest rate in real terms, even if you don’t know it.)

American officials also expressed skepticism. Negative interest rates weren’t an idea they considered “very seriously,” Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said in September 2015. (Some experts, meanwhile, questioned whether negative rates could potentially expose the Fed to legal risk, though the courts have generally given the Fed wide latitude in administering monetary policy.) 

Just last week, however, Yellen walked back previous statements that going below zero wasn’t much of a possibility. Yellen said that a chance of a recession in 2016 meant that the Fed would be considering every option for boosting the economy, including negative interest rates.

“I wouldn’t take those off the table,” she said.

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UK Minister Holds Top-Level Defence Talks In Wellington
+ MP Gareth Hughes Calls New Zealand Prime Minister John Key On Poor Leadership
February 19 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview

A British Foreign Office Minister is visiting New Zealand in the first top-level meeting since Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond was here a year ago.

Hugo Swire, Minister of State for Asia-Pacific, will hold talks with Foreign Minister Murray McCully, Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee and Climate Change and State Services Minister Paula Bennett.

He will also address business leaders at a Trans-Tasman Circle function and discuss the UK’s expertise in infrastructure, innovation and Smart Cities in a roundtable with the regional “metro mayors.”

While in Wellington, Mr Swire will lay a wreath at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park and visit the site of the proposed UK memorial there.

At Weta Workshops, he will inspect design and engineering plans for the UK memorial and also visit the Great War Exhibition, designed by Sir Peter Jackson.

Mr Swire will attend the opening night on Friday of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Wellington before visiting Christchurch to meet Mayor Lianne Dalziel to hear about the rebuild on the eve of the five-year anniversary of the February 22, 2011, earthquake.

Gareth Hughes On The NZ Prime Minister's Poor Leadership

Shame on the politicians (esp. PM Key) who weren't in Parliament to hear this epic speech.

Everyone should hear Gareth's wise words.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
NASA-Funded Study: Over 32 Advanced Civilizations Have Collapsed Before Us, And We’re Next In Line
February 18 2016 | From: WaldenLabs

As any long-time reader of this column knows, we routinely draw from historical lessons to highlight that this time is not different.

Throughout the 18th century, for example, France was the greatest superpower in Europe, if not the world.

But they became complacent, believing that they had some sort of ‘divine right’ to reign supreme, and that they could be as fiscally irresponsible as they liked.

The French government spent money like drunken sailors; they had substantial welfare programs, free hospitals, and grand monuments. They held vast territories overseas, engaged in constant warfare, and even had their own intrusive intelligence service that spied on King and subject alike.

Palace of Versailles

Of course, they couldn’t pay for any of this. French budget deficits were out of control, and they resorted to going heavily into debt and rapidly debasing their currency.

Stop me when this sounds familiar.

The French economy ultimately failed, bringing with it a 26-year period of hyperinflation, civil war, military conquest, and genocide.

History is full of examples, from ancient Mesopotamia to the Soviet Union, which show that whenever societies reach unsustainable levels of resource consumption and allocation, they collapse.

I’ve been writing about this for years, and the idea is now hitting mainstream.

A Research paper funded by NASA highlights this same premise. According to the authors:

"Collapses of even advanced civilizations have occurred many times in the past five thousand years, and they were frequently followed by centuries of population and cultural decline and economic regression.”

The results of their experiments show that some of the very clear trends which exist today - unsustainable resource consumption, and economic stratification that favors the elite– can very easily result in collapse.

In fact, they write that “collapse is very difficult to avoid and requires major policy changes.”

This isn’t exactly good news. But here’s the thing - between massive debts, deficits, money printing, war, resource depletion, etc., our modern society seems riddled with these risks.

And history certainly shows that dominant powers are always changing. Empires rise and fall. The global monetary system is always changing. The prevailing social contract is always changing.

But there is one FAR greater trend across history that supercedes all of the rest… and that trend is the RISE of humanity.

Human beings are fundamentally tool creators. We take problems and turn them into opportunities. We find solutions. We adapt and overcome.

The world is not coming to an end. It’s going to reset. There’s a huge difference between the two.

Think about the system that we’re living under.

A tiny elite has total control of the money supply. They wield intrusive spy networks and weapons of mass destruction.

They can confiscate the wealth of others in their sole discretion. They can indebt unborn generations. Curiously, these are the same people who are so incompetent they can’t put a website together.

It’s not working. And just about everyone knows it. We’re taught growing up that ‘We the People’ have the power to affect radical change in the voting booth. But this is another fairy tale.

Voting only changes the players. It doesn’t change the game

Technology is one major game changer. The technology exists today to completely revolutionize the way we live and govern ourselves.

Today’s system is just a 19th century model applied to a 21st century society.

I mean - a room full of men making decisions about how much money to print? It’s so antiquated it’s almost comical.

But given that the majority of Western governments borrow money just to pay interest on money they’ve already borrowed, it’s obvious the current game is almost finished.

When it ends, there will be a reset… potentially a tumultuous one.

This is why you want to have a plan B, and why you don’t want to have all of your eggs in one basket.

After all, why bother working so hard if everything you’ve ever achieved or provided for your children is tied up in a country with dismal fundamentals? If you agree with me, then feel free to share this article with your friends so they also can get a plan B in place. They’ll be glad they did.

This is just one aspect of self-reliance. You'll find more in our 100% free online Self-Reliance Catalog, a carefully curated collection of the best in self-reliance & resilience

The goal of The Self-Reliance Catalog is to help you know better what is worth getting and where and how to do the getting, whether that “thing” is a plant, a tool, a book, or even a design for a home or greenhouse.

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Russia Bans All U.S. Corn And Soy Imports Due To GMO Contamination
February 18 2016 | From: NaturalSociety

Russia’s food safety regulator Rosselkhoznadzor just announced a complete ban starting February 15 on all US corn and soy imports.

This is a huge blow to organic and GM farmers alike, though the ban will be instated due to genetically modified crop and microbial contamination.

Though the total exports to Russia from the US are small in comparison to soybean exports, totaling over $156 million in recent years, with Russia importing only 4,742 metric tons of U.S. corn, the ban will still hurt US farmers.

Assistant Director of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Alexey Alekseenko said:

“Restrictions will be imposed on imports starting from February 15. They (the US) have to establish a system to ensure safety of products imported to Russia.”

China has issued similar bans in the past due to GM contamination, and only recently did an “about face” on the issue. US corn exports to the country recently dropped by 85% after a report detailing GM contamination was released.

Putin recently said that Russians need to be protected from GM crops. The food latest ban follows that credo. According to the regulator, the corn imported from the US is often infected with dry rot of maize.

In addition, according to the Russian watchdog, corn can be used for transgenic crops in Russia. The potential damage from import and spread of quarantinable objects on the territory of Russia is estimated at 10-15 bln rubles ($126 mln-189 mln) annually.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

So, a combination of microbial disease and genetically mutated genes are both a concern for Russia, China, and multiple other countries who are refusing GM imports from the US.

Just months ago, President Putin’s meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry revealed the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Control-Matrix Is Crashing Because The Truth-Seekers Are Winning
February 17 2016 | From: ZenGardner

The way the masses view the world is a farce. Every single mainstream perspective is either purposely deceptive, or completely misses the point. Even the people in places of influence who we’re meant to trust have either sold out, or are just plain ignorant to the facts.

There’s no need to have a heavy heart though; the matrix of control is crashing because the truth-seekers are dealing heavy blows to the false narratives that have for too long shaped the collective mindset of humanity.

Of course the internet can be celebrated for being the primary mechanism which has amplified the sharing of information across location, race, culture and belief systems. In retrospect, the powers-that-will-no-longer-be would be kicking themselves for not trying harder to institute their insidious plan for humanity prior to the birth and growth of the world-wide-web.

Make no mistake though; they have been very successful on many fronts. For example, try to imagine a world where:

Most journalists don’t report the real news;

The majority of doctors don’t truly understand the causes of poor health and how to legitimately resolve it;

A high proportion of politicians don’t know how the money supply works and what the agenda is of those who control it;

Many so-called expert scientists ‘believe’ in a discredited philosophy which resembles a dogmatic religion;

The majority of teachers don’t realize they’re teaching a system of indoctrination that nowhere near gets close to the information and critical thinking that should be afforded our kids; and

The masses are not only ill-informed, divided and feverishly fighting against each other over small and irrelevant topics, but they’re also sleepwalking through one of the most majestic and reverent realities that could have ever been conceptualized.

Well, welcome to our world. 

Example One: TVNZ 'News' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit, followed by half an hour of Bread-and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated, chemtrailed masses. This is the first of two examples of the laughable unbridled investigative journalism that spoon-feeds the sheeple here in New Zealand today. But don't worry - because after that there are hours and hours of cheap and nasty, brain-numbing 'talent', cooking and home renovation embarrassments too.

As we begin what we call the 21st Century, every system that should be designed to facilitate the health and vitality of the people has been hacked with lies, deception, dysfunction and disharmony. It’s easy to think that this is an embarrassment for our species because it’s beneath our intelligence and ethical capacity, yet there’s no need to lose faith in the inevitable betterment of humanity, including the way in which we organize and economize our societies.

Why? Because all of this dysfunction has been an effective driver of the collective awakening that is rising in the hearts and minds of humanity.

The inspiring fact is that more and more people are slowly waking up and realizing we all have the opportunity to come to our own, informed opinion on the truth, pertaining to both the spiritual and systemic realities. So many more people now understand the mainstream news is not to be taken seriously as its not where we can find information which is aligned with the deeper truths.

Example Two: TV3 'Newshub' at 6pm has degenerated to half an hour of agenda-spun cherry-picked utter bullshit, followed by half an hour of Bread-and Circus distractionary sports in order to further placate the fluoridated, chemtrailed masses. For desert, another half hour of 'infotainment' twaddle follows.

They’re also acknowledging that we have the choice on what we decide to personally stand and fight for, as well as the legacy we leave for our children and our future generations.

Beware though; once we exit the matrix of control we’re faced with some serious challenges. We have a lot of inner work to do, such as designing a philosophy that ensures we’re at peace, as well as exercising patience in the quest to take back our liberties and design a legitimate and honorable future for humanity.

That’s why we’ve got to feel for those who have been long aware of the many dysfunctions of our world, especially those who have not learned peace and patience. Slowly they’ve watched:

The military-industrial-media-politico-banking complex increase their power and continue their pillage across the world;

Pharmaceutical monopolies amplifying the drugging of society, as well as keeping many of us sick so that they maximize their profits;

Movements rise up only to be vilified and disassembled, such as the Occupy Movement;

Science turned into a corporate institution, as well as further hijacked by an inaccurate and small-minded philosophy of reality;

Wars purposely created with millions of people dying for the whims of the shadow empire;

Radical extremists massaged into proxy armies to do dirty work for the collapsing power structure;

Air, medicine, food and water becoming purposely more toxic;

Governmental policy increasingly being determined by corporate/elite interests;

Police being militarized all around the globe;

The education model struggling to become less of an indoctrination system; and

The agenda of global governance becoming closer to fruition.

Some people have known about much of this for decades, so we should commend them for continuing to fight the good fight.

They might have witnessed some disheartening developments, yet as much as all this sounds dire, they’ve also seen millions of people disengage from the propaganda narratives and align themselves with the systemic and spiritual pathways that will be the next stage of our evolution.

The point is that even though we need to be patient and persevere, we should recognize and celebrate the achievements that have been made so far.

As I discussed in a previous article called “Whilst the Old System Crashes a New One is Being Built”, there are:

Economists who want to transform the Keynesian model to legitimate alternatives;

Teachers who understand the massive holes in the indoctrination system called public education;

Scientists who want to evolve the way energy is created and shared;

Health practitioners who see the limits of mechanistic and pharmacological medicine and the need for the reintroduction of natural and plant-based therapies;

Journalists who demand that the media monopolies need to be disassembled;

Environmentalists who want to transition the way food is grown and distributed;

Community leaders who aim to reintegrate them to better support its members;

Politicians who understand the democratic system has been hijacked by big money;

Activists who campaign for revolutions in our value systems; and

Futurists who want to change the systemic template for our societal health and well-being.

There are many beautiful souls who are leading the charge by attempting to redesign our society back into alignment with the natural laws of our universe. We should be one of them, regardless of which way we personally decide to contribute.

To do that, we all need to be super clear within ourselves what we believe and what we want to change. There are many ways to do it too, so finding our passions and strengths is critical to playing our own small part in the shift.

It is simply no longer acceptable to keep our heads in the sand; either we’re a minion of the system or we’re not.

Of course its difficult to completely disconnect from the way resources flow through the control channels, yet that needn’t stop us from talking about it, sharing information online and somehow contributing, no matter how small, to local and global movements which aim to transition humanity into the new paradigm of abundance.

After all, the truth is what it is, and it is exposing itself to the world by powerfully flowing through all of us.

Ultimately, we needn’t wait for the zombie apocalypse because its already arrived. Most people are good people, yet the masses have been brainwashed into thinking in ways that are absolutely nowhere near aligned to the truth.

They might be sleepwalking through a time where the tipping point for the conscious society builds, but that doesn’t mean they’re not salvageable.

That’s why we all have a responsibility to help facilitate waking up the collective so that together we’re more empowered and informed to really bring about a future of justice and honor that we can all be proud of.

To do so, let me give you some advice. Don’t get frustrated, don’t be rude, don’t belittle, don’t condemn. We all had to wake up at one stage so its hypocritical if we are.

Instead, be calm, be cool, be real, be articulate.

Know the information that you advocate like the back of your hand. If we want to be successful in helping others to face the delusions then we need to ensure their defense mechanisms aren’t raised so they’re more likely to be open and receptive to embrace the truth.

And one more thing; hang in there guys and be patient, we’ve still got a long, arduous way to go but we know all the effort will be worth every second.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Central Banks Are Trojan Horses, Looting Their Host Nations
February 17 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

A Nobel prize winning economist, former chief economist and senior vice president of the World Bank, and chairman of the President’s council of economic advisers (Joseph Stiglitz) says that the International Monetary Fund and World Bank loan money to third world countries as a way to force them to open up their markets and resources for looting by the West.

Do central banks do something similar?

Related: Capitalism Has Become Socially Dysfunctional - How We Have Fallen Victim To "Economic Hit Men"

Economics professor Richard Werner – who created the concept of quantitative easing – has documented that central banks intentionally impoverish their host countries to justify economic and legal changes which allow looting by foreign interests.

He focuses mainly on the Bank of Japan, which induced a huge bubble and then deflated it – crushing Japan’s economy in the process – as a way to promote and justify structural “reforms”.

The Bank of Japan has used a heavy hand on Japanese economy for many decades, but Japan is stuck in a horrible slump.

But Werner says the same thing about the European Central Bank (ECB).  The ECB has used loans and liquidity as a weapon to loot European nations.

Indeed, Greece (more), ItalyIreland (and here) and other European countries have all lost their national sovereignty to the ECB and the other members of the Troika.

ECB head Mario Draghi said in 2012:

"The EU should have the power to police and interfere in member states’ national budgets.


I am certain, if we want to restore confidence in the eurozone, countries will have to transfer part of their sovereignty to the European level.


Several governments have not yet understood that they lost their national sovereignty long ago. Because they ran up huge debts in the past, they are now dependent on the goodwill of the financial markets."

And yet Europe has been stuck in a depression worse than the Great Depression, largely due to the ECB’s actions.

What about America’s central bank… the Federal Reserve? Initially – contrary to what many Americans believe – the Federal Reserve had admitted that it is not really federal (more).

But – even if it’s not part of the government – hasn’t the Fed acted in America’s interest? Let’s have a look …

The Fed:

Bailed out foreign banks … more than Main Street or the American people.  The foreign banks bailed out by the Fed include Gaddafi’s Libyan bank, the Arab Banking Corp. of Bahrain, and the Banks of Bavaria and Korea

Offered to bail out Mexico, if it would agree to join the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Threw money at “several billionaires and tens of multi-millionaires”, including billionaire businessman H. Wayne Huizenga, billionaire Michael Dell of Dell computer, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, billionaire private equity honcho J. Christopher Flowers, and the wife of Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack

Bailed out wealthy corporations, including hedge funds, McDonald’s and Harley-Davidson

Artificially “front-loaded an enormous [stock] market rally”.  Professor G. William Domhoff demonstrated that the richest 10% own 81% of all stocks and mutual funds (the top 1% own 35%).  The great majority of Americans – the bottom 90% – own less than 20% of all stocks and mutual funds. So the Fed’s effort overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest Americans … and wealthy foreigninvestors

Is largely responsible for creating the worst inequality in world history

Turned its cheek and allowed massive fraud (which is destroying the economy). Fed chair Greenspan took the position that fraud could never happen.   Fed chair Bernanke also falsely stated that the big banks receiving Tarp money were healthy when they were not

Acted as cheerleader in chief for unregulated use of derivatives at least as far back as 1999 (see thisand this), and is now backstopping derivatives loss

And for subprime loans

Allowed the giant banks to grow into mega-banks, even though most independent economists and financial experts say that the economy will not recover until the giant banks are broken up. For example, Citigroup’s former chief executive says that when Citigroup was formed in 1998 out of the merger of banking and insurance giants, Greenspan told him, “I have nothing against size. It doesn’t bother me at all”

Argued that economists had conquered the business cycle, and that modern, technologically advanced financial markets are best left to police themselves

Preached that a new bubble be blown every time the last one bursts

Had a hand in Watergate and arming Saddam Hussein, according to an economist with the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee for eleven years, assisting with oversight of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently Professor of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin.  See this and this

Intentionally discouraged banks from lending to Main Street, which has increased unemployment and stalled out the economy

Moreover, the Fed’s main program for dealing with the financial crisis – quantitative easing – benefits the rich and hurts the little guy, as confirmed by former high-level Fed officials, the architect of Japan’s quantitative easing program and several academic economists.  Indeed, a high-level Federal Reserve official says quantitative easing is “the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time”.  And see this.

Some economists called the bank bailouts which the Fed helped engineer the greatest redistribution of wealth in history.

Tim Geithner – as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – was complicit in Lehman’s accounting fraud, (and see this), and pushed to pay AIG’s CDS counterparties at full value, and then to keep the deal secret. And as Robert Reich notes,

Geithner was “very much in the center of the action” regarding the secret bail out of Bear Stearns without Congressional approval. William Black points out:

"Mr. Geithner as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since October 2003, was one of those senior regulators who failed to take any effective regulatory action to prevent the crisis, but instead covered up its depth”

Timothy Getiner

Indeed, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office calls the Fed corrupt and riddled with conflicts of interest. Nobel prize-winning economist Joe Stiglitz says the World Bank would view any country which had a banking structure like the Fed as being corrupt and untrustworthy. The former vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas said said he worried that the failure of the government to provide more information about its rescue spending could signal corruption.

"Nontransparency in government programs is always associated with corruption in other countries, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be here,” he said.

But aren’t the Fed and other central banks crucial to stabilize the economy?

Not necessarily… the Fed caused the Great Depression and the current economic crisis, and many economists – including several Nobel prize winning economists – say that we should end the Fed in its current form.

They also say that the Fed does not help stabilize the economy. For example:

"Thomas Sargent, the New York University professor who was announced Monday as a winner of the Nobel in economics … cites Walter Bagehot, who “said that what he called a ‘natural’ competitive banking system without a ‘central’ bank would be better…. ‘nothing can be more surely established by a larger experience than that a Government which interferes with any trade injures that trade. The best thing undeniably that a Government can do with the Money Market is to let it take care of itself.’”

Earlier U.S. central banks caused mischief, as well.  For example,  Austrian economist Murray Rothbard wrote:

"The panics of 1837 and 1839 … were the consequence of a massive inflationary boom fueled by the Whig-run Second Bank of the United States.

Indeed, the Revolutionary War was largely due to the actions of the world’s first central bank, the Bank of England.  

Specifically, when Benjamin Franklin went to London in 1764, this is what he observed:

When he arrived, he was surprised to find rampant unemployment and poverty among the British working classes… Franklin was then asked how the American colonies managed to collect enough money to support their poor houses. He reportedly replied:

“We have no poor houses in the Colonies; and if we had some, there would be nobody to put in them, since there is, in the Colonies, not a single unemployed person, neither beggars nor tramps.”

In 1764, the Bank of England used its influence on Parliament to get a Currency Act passed that made it illegal for any of the colonies to print their own money. The colonists were forced to pay all future taxes to Britain in silver or gold. Anyone lacking in those precious metals had to borrow them at interest from the banks.

Only a year later, Franklin said, the streets of the colonies were filled with unemployed beggars, just as they were in England. The money supply had suddenly been reduced by half, leaving insufficient funds to pay for the goods and services these workers could have provided.

He maintained that it was “the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English and . . . the Revolutionary War.” This, he said, was the real reason for the Revolution: “the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction.”

(For more on the Currency Act, see this.)

And things are getting worse … rather than better.  As Professor Werner tells Washington’s Blog:

"Central banks have legally become more and more powerful in the past 30 years across the globe, yet they have become de facto less and less accountable. In fact, as I warned in my book New Paradigm in Macroeconomics in 2005, after each of the ‘recurring banking crises’, central banks are usually handed even more powers.

This also happened after the 2008 crisis. [Background here and here.] So it is clear we have a regulatory moral hazard problem: central banks seem to benefit from crises. No wonder the rise of central banks to ever larger legal powers has been accompanied not by fewer and smaller business cycles and crises, but more crises and of larger amplitude."

Georgetown University historian
 Professor Carroll Quigley argued that the aim of the powers-that-be is:

"Nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

This system is to be controlled “in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements,” central banks that “were themselves private corporations.”

Given the facts set forth above, this may be yet another conspiracy theory confirmed as conspiracy fact.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
In Syria, If You Can’t Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists
February 16 2016 | From: LandDestroyer

The BBC’s latest production is as absurd as it is transparent and abhorrent.

Upon reading the increasingly desperate headlines pumped out by the Western media as Western-backed terrorist forces begin to fold under an effective joint Syrian-Russian offensive to take the country back, readers will notice that though the term “moderate rebels” or “moderate opposition” is used often, the Western media is seemingly incapable of naming a single faction or leader among them.

Related: Journalist Eva Bartlett: “I’m Back From Syria. The Media Is Lying To You!”

The reason for this is because there are no moderates and there never were. Since 2007, the US has conspired to arm and fund extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda to overthrow the government of Syria and destabilize Iranian influence across the entire Middle East.

Exposed in Seymour Hersh’s 2007 article, “The Redirection Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?,” it stated explicitly that:

“The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda."

The “catastrophe” the Western media constantly cites in its increasingly hysterical headlines is the predictable manifestation of not Syrian and Russian security operations ongoing in Syria today, but of the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007 that has indisputably been put into play, starting in 2011 under the guise of the so-called “Arab Spring.”

If Major Yaser Abdulrahim looks like he’s never wore his FSA uniform out into the field, that’s because he hasn’t. He is not a member of the FSA at all, and is instead a commander of the Fatah Halab, an umbrella group for Al Qaeda affiliates armed and funded by both the US and Saudi Arabia. 

When the West does attempt to give names and faces to these so-called “moderates,” it is a simple matter to trace them directly back to Al Qaeda.

The BBC’s “Rebel Commander” Plays Dress-Up 

In a recent video report published by the BBC titled, “Syria conflict: Rebels ‘feel abandoned’ by Britain and US,” BBC’s Quentin Sommerville claims he “secretly” contacted US-backed rebels from Turkey.

The alleged “remote” interview was covered in both locations by professional camera crews, despite Sommerville claiming the situation was so bad, the rebels could not be reached. The “senior rebel commander inside Aleppo” interviewed by the BBC was none other than Yaser Abdulrahim.

Faylaq Al-Sham’s flag is clearly seen in the video of the BBC’s fake FSA commander when out in the field. Yaser Abdulrahim is seen out among other terrorists, missing his crisp, brand new FSA uniform and devoid of any FSA insignia. 

Despite appearing in a brand new, crisp “Free Syrian Army” uniform never worn once into the field, and sitting beside an equally pristine “Free Syrian Army” French colonial flag, Yaser Abdulrahim has absolutely no affiliations with the otherwise nonexistent “Free Syrian Army.”

Despite appearing in a brand new, crisp “Free Syrian Army” uniform never worn once into the field, and sitting beside an equally pristine “Free Syrian Army” French colonial flag, Yaser Abdulrahim has absolutely no affiliations with the otherwise nonexistent “Free Syrian Army.”

Syria: Before and after US / NATO 'intervention'

Instead, he is a commander of Faylaq Al-Sham, composed of Al Qaeda terrorists and Muslim Brotherhood extremists.

Faylaq Al-Sham and its commander Yaser Abdulrahim, according to Sommerville himself, are part of the larger Fatah Halab umbrella group which also includes Al Qaeda affiliates Ahrar ash-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam – the latter of which literally placed civilians in metal cages on rooftops to use as human shields against Syrian-Russian airstrikes.

Human Right Watch, in their report titled, “Syria: Armed Groups Use Caged Hostages to Deter Attacks,” would reveal that:

“In the course of fighting between armed groups and government forces in the nearby `Adra al-`Omalia in December 2013, Jabhat al-Nusra and Jaysh al-Islam abducted hundreds of civilians, mostly Alawites, according to the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Syria.

The hostages, many of them women and children, are being held in unidentified locations in Eastern Ghouta. The concern is that they are among those in these cages."

The Human Right Watch report is also very alarming, considering it implicates Jaysh al-Islam, a member of Yaser Abdulrahim’s Fatah Halab, as collaborating and fighting alongside US State Department listed terrorist group, Jabhat al-Nusra.

The US State Department’s official statement listing al-Nusra as a foreign terrorist organization, titled, “Terrorist Designations of the al-Nusrah Front as an Alias for al-Qa’ida in Iraq,” states:

“Since November 2011, al-Nusrah Front has claimed nearly 600 attacks – ranging from more than 40 suicide attacks to small arms and improvised explosive device operations – in major city centers including Damascus, Aleppo, Hamah, Dara, Homs, Idlib, and Dayr al-Zawr.

During these attacks numerous innocent Syrians have been killed. Through these attacks, al-Nusrah has sought to portray itself as part of the legitimate Syrian opposition while it is, in fact, an attempt by AQI to hijack the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign purposes."

It appears, ironically enough, that through the deception of the Western media, al Nusra has been amply assisted in fully hijacking “the struggles of the Syrian people for its own malign purposes.”

BBC’s “US-backed rebel commander” heads a faction that includes the terrorist Jaysh al-Islam faction who caged civilians and used them as human shields outside of Damascus. The US insists that Syria and Russia must negotiate with such organizations and that such organizations should play a role in Syria’s future.  

The BBC’s abhorrent dressing-up of literal members of Al Qaeda and their affiliates in their recent interview fits into a larger pattern of deceit aimed at salvaging the conspiracy described by Hersh in 2007, but upended when in late last year, the Russian Federation upon the invitation of the Syrian government, intervened in the conflict.

With Aleppo teetering at the edge of liberation from what are clearly terrorist forces – the BBC’s propaganda and propaganda like it being propagated by the West represents a cynical attempt to perpetuate – not end – the suffering of the Syrian people.

What is worse still, is that the BBC claims their Fatah Halab-Al Qaeda umbrella group commander dressed as a member of the “Free Syrian Army,” is “US-backed.”

This is either an attempt by the BBC to further deceive their audiences as to who the man they interviewed really was, or an inadvertent admission that the United States is in fact funding the very terrorist groups and their associates, populating their own US State Department list of foreign terrorist organizations.

Whatever the case, the fact that even a carefully staged production like the one published by the BBC is easily exposed as a deliberate attempt to cover up the terroristic identity of what’s left of the West’s “rebels,” adds further imperative to the Syrian government and their Russian, Lebanese, Iraqi, and Iranian allies to end the war and fully restore order to the entirety of Syria’s territory.

To negotiate with “rebels” who are clearly terrorists dressed in literal costumes, is an absurdity the West would never accept foisted upon them – thus, no other nation on Earth should accept the West foisting such terms upon them.

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How Big Pharma Gets Away With Selling 'P' / Methamphetamine To Children:
By Renaming It 'Adderall'

February 16 2016 | From: NaturalNews

In a recent appearance on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, drug abuse and addiction expert Carl Hart of Columbia University made a shocking claim:

There isn't much difference between the demonized street drug methamphetamine (also known as meth or crystal meth) and the prescription drug Adderall.

In a recent appearance on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, drug abuse and addiction expert Carl Hart of Columbia University made a shocking claim: There isn't much difference between the demonized street drug methamphetamine (also known as meth or crystal meth) and the prescription drug Adderall.

It's not the first time Hart has raised this idea. In a 2014 report, Hart and co-authors Joanne Csete and Don Habibi, also from Columbia, examined in depth the effects of meth on the brain, concluding that there is no discernible difference in the effects of any amphetamine, whether prescription or illicit.

FDA Says Meth Okay for ADHD, Weight Loss

First, some definitions: Amphetamines are a class of chemicals that are used both medically and recreationally. The street drug known as "meth" may refer to either methamphetamine or dextroamphetamine. "Crystal meth" is a more specific form, methamphetamine hydrochloride.

The authors of the report note that both popular and scientific literature regularly make meth out to be much stronger and more addictive than other amphetamines.

"Such statements, however, are inconsistent with the empirical evidence," they wrote. " In carefully controlled laboratory studies of human research participants, [dextroamphetamine] and methamphetamine produce nearly identical physiological and behavioral effects....

They both increase blood pressure, pulse, euphoria, and desire to take the drug in a dose-dependent manner. Essentially, they are the same drug."

That means amphetamine drugs such as Adderall - prescribed to treat narcolepsy and "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" (ADHD) in children as young as two - are in fact no different in action from meth.

In fact, the active ingredients of Adderall are actually 75 percent dextroamphetamine salts; the other 25 percent are other amphetamines. That's why the drug is also used to enhance mental and athletic performance, and recreationally to produce a euphoric "high."

There's another FDA-approved drug that's even closer to crystal meth: the active ingredient of Desoxyn is methamphetamine hydrochloride - which is, literally, crystal meth. Desoxyn is approved for treatment of ADHD (even in the absence of any nervous system dysfunction) and as a weight-loss drug.

The Absurdities of Drug War Politics

That means that Adderall, Desoxyn and other prescription amphetamines likely carry the same risks as meth. According to Hart and colleagues, one of the main risks of long-term amphetamine use is toxicity to the brain cells that produce dopamine and other monoamine neurotransmitters.

This appears to occur because large doses of amphetamine abnormally boost dopamine levels in the brain, leading to the production of cell- and DNA-destroying free radicals.

"This, in turn, could lead to persistent deficits in the functioning of dopamine-containing cells," the researchers wrote.

They note that recreational drug users may be somewhat insulated from this effect, because they tend to start with small doses and increase their usage over time. The worst effects in animal studies were seen in drug-naive animals given a large dose repeatedly.

The authors do not mention if this could happen to children abruptly given high doses of ADHD drugs.

Related: 4 Facts About ADHD That Teachers & Doctors Never Tell Parents

Other known risks of long-term amphetamine use include stroke and "paranoia mimicking full-blown psychosis."

Hart and colleagues note that the artificial division between meth and drugs such as Adderall is typical of the politics-driven "War on Drugs." In 1986, for example, Congress passed a law making the penalties for crack possession 50 times more severe than the penalties for cocaine.

But these are chemically the same drug and produce identical effects. The only major difference is that crack is typically smoked rather than snorted, leading to higher blood concentrations of the active ingredient.

"To punish crack users more harshly than powder users is analogous to punishing those who are caught smoking marijuana more harshly than those caught eating marijuana-laced brownies," the researchers wrote.

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The Human Aura And DNA: How You Choose Your Genes
February 15 2016 | From: EnergyFanatics

Every human being has an energy field around their body. Some people call it the aura, or the luminous energy field, or simply the human energy field.

The purpose of this article is not only to prove the existence of the human energy field, but also to explore the function of our DNA, the interaction between DNA and the unified field, and the influence of the human energy field on that relationship.

Ultimately, if the science is indeed correct, this is a first step to health, healing, and possibly human evolution.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” 

- Nikola Tesla

Human Energy Field and DNA – The Origin of Health

In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human biology, anatomy, and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease, and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery.

All illness has a spiritual/energetic origin. When you do not cleanse your human energy field your energetic field becomes distorted, stagnant, and impure. It becomes extremely imbalanced and charged with low-energy vibrations which cause disease in mind, and spirit, and eventually in our bodies. But why?

The reason why this occurs is because one of the major functions of our DNA is that it receives and transmits energy. This has been shown to be one of the major functions of ‘junk DNA’ (which make up about 95% of the human genome) which is what it was called before they understood what it was all about, but now it is beginning to be shown as an essential component of our biology and DNA.

One of the new discoveries in DNA as Bruce Lipton talks about is epigenetic control, which means literally “above-genetic” control. Thus the new understanding of DNA is that the genes which our DNA codes is dictated as a response to the environment. In essence we are in a perpetual process of adaptation, which means that we have the potential for continuous evolution in our environment, moreover, spontaneous evolution.

More specifically, what is it that our DNA responds to in order to determine the nature of our environment? 

Our DNA does not have eyes, or ears, so it cannot see or hear what is going on. Instead it determines the environment by ‘reading’ the energy. It receives energetic signals from the environment and interacts directly with the information and codes encoded within the unified field, reads them, and then our DNA codes and/or activates the appropriate genes suitable for the environment we are in.

What do you think happens to DNA when the human energy field is all polluted by negative energies? To answer this question, we have to look to water.

Consciousness and Water

Dr. Masaru Emoto from Japan for the last number of years has been doing some truly revolutionary work with water. What he is doing is researching the effects of human thought, emotion, andintention (directed attention) on the structure of water. (The source for this section is The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto, and it is a truly enlightening book.)

His tests involve him sending specific thoughts to water (or getting others to do so), and then he flash freezes that water so that he can take a look at the crystal formed, and examine the relationship between the energy / thought / emotion sent to the water, and the crystals that are formed as a result.

Amazingly he found that when positive thoughts, energies, and words were directed to the water, they formed beautiful, highly coherent crystals. 

Whereas when negative, angry, or hateful thoughts and emotions were directed towards the water, or in some cases with words directly, he found that there was no more coherent structure, and that the crystals froze with no sacred geometrical pattern. In other words, there was no coherence.

This work proves two things: (1) That our thoughts and emotions influence reality directly; and (2) That the type of energy matters.

What is going on with these water crystals is that when an individual thinks a certain thought, speaks a certain word, or feels in a certain way, their energy is oscillating the human energy field which restructures the geometric patterns within space according to that energy.

Then the frequency of our energy radiates throughout space (or it is transmitted non-locally – I truly have no idea) and it restructures the field in accordance with our energy, and this restructures the field – the space – around the water molecules because atoms are 99.9999% empty space.

Then when the water is flash frozen, it freezes along the geometric pattern created in the space around its molecules by human thought, emotion, and intention.

As we have seen from the images, the highest emotions of love, kindness, joy, and gratitude create highly coherent geometrical patterns in the field which creates crystals that are truly perfect, beautiful, and harmonic which resonate those emotions within us as we observe them.

Negative energies on the other hand seem to distort the natural structure of the field, vibrating the field in a discordant fashion, which create crystals that radiate a sense of ugliness, imperfection, dis-coherence, and in essence, disease. If it is possible for water crystals to look sick, ill, and literally diseased, it is these ones.


So if our bodies are 75% water, and if our genes are bio-oscillating crystalline structures which read and interpret energy, and if we are 99.999% space, then how do you think the energies within the human energy field are impacting our DNA, and most relevant of all, our health?

As I said before, the latest, and possibly the cutting edge of genetic sciences is working with epi-genetic control, meaning that our DNA and the genes which are coded are determined by the energy of our environment. Well, what determines our environment?

It is not what is out there which has the greatest impact, it is our perception of what is out there. In other words, what we believe, think, and feel to be true about our environment determines how we perceive our environment.

So if we think the world is negative, it becomes negative to us. But the opposite is also true. If we live in a state of love, happiness, and inner peace, then we perceive our environment to be the same and thus what we attract is much different.

The human energy field directly informs our DNA and is directly responsible for the genes coded, our health, any illness or disease which may appear in our body, and even our intelligence, memory, and ability to heal is directly affected. All aspects of our lives are determined by the quality of our consciousness.

The Phantom DNA Effect

"Another important piece of evidence that helps us to understand really what is going on when our DNA interacts with the unified field and with consciousness is known as the Phantom DNA Effect. It was discovered by Dr. Peter Gariaev who put DNA in a tiny quartz container and zapped it with a mild laser.

He then observed the DNA with equipment so sensitive it could detect a single photon. He found the DNA acted like a sponge, and absorbed the photons storing them in a cork-screw shaped spiral.

After he finished his experiments he removed the quartz vial with the DNA in it and left. Yet to his utter amazement when he returned to his lab he discovered that the machines were still detecting the photons of light spiraling in the same cork-screw spiral as if the DNA was still present, even though he had removed it from the machine! The spiral was visibly for a further 30 days."

Source: p.160-163 of The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock

What does this Mean?

I believe that we can safely make these deductions based off of the evidence at hand:

1. The structure of the vacuum, the unified field, actually stores information, energy, and light, which in reality are all the same thing.

2. This strongly suggests that the DNA molecule and structure is resonant with the structure of space-time. In other words its structure is somehow coherent as to cause the field to interact with it in this way once it is charged with energy, in this case a mild laser. Could it be the field responding with the codes necessary for the DNA molecule to adapt to its new environment?

3. This process infers that to some degree the DNA molecule is like a biological computer chip, an interface between our biology and the unified field. It means that an interesting function of DNA is to store light (which is information), and that this structure leaves a particularly strong energetic imprint onto the fabric of space-time. Maybe even that the process of the DNA storing energy activated an energetic construct already present in the unified field.

4. The evidence also suggests that there is communication going on between our DNA which stores energy/information/light, but it also seems that our DNA is not just informing the field and leaving an energetic imprint on the human energy field, but that the field is informing our DNA right back.

As a continually growing body of information related to energetically driven evolution is suggesting, all the codes, imprints, and information may very well be stored directly in the energetic field which creation emanates from; in essence, within light itself.

And when we are young or when our energetic fields are pure and unpolluted, our energy resonates most clearly with the universe in this state causing an unobstructed communication between our consciousness and universal consciousness, and between our DNA and the field.

When this communication is undistributed, we become the epitome of mental, spiritual, and physical health.

If our emotions were negative or incoherent, that would be disrupting the communication between the field and our DNA, and it is this above all which evidence is suggesting is the source of all disease.

The field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the universal mind, whatever you choose to call the infinite energy density of the vacuum, the fact remains that the energy of space all around us, is infinite.

In other words, it is love, for that is the highest energy that we have a name for.

As Masaru Emoto’s work shows, the more positive, loving, and compassionate the person’s energy, the higher the degree of coherence in the water crystals.

Imagine what these positive energies do to our bodies which are 75% water, and imagine the effect of that highly coherent energy on our DNA. When we align with this energy, with our source, and thus with our higher self, we are embodying this energy which clears all the negativity and energetic disturbance within us manifesting health in mind, body, and spirit.

"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” 


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The Truth About Sexuality In Ancient Greece And Rome
February 15 2016 | From: GayStarNews

GSN takes a look into homosexuality in the ancient Greco-Roman world for LGBT History Month.

Sexuality is a topic often whitewashed out of our history books, and we rarely see the place of LGBT people in the ancient world mentioned in television documentaries.

Most of us know that the ancient pagan world was more tolerant of homosexuality than the one god religions that would follow. But how tolerant were the ancient Greeks and Romans? It turns out they weren’t nearly as tolerant as you might like to think.

Neither the Greeks or the Romans had a concept of homosexuality or heterosexuality. Men were assumed to be attracted to both males and females, and to express a preference for just one sex was considered eccentric.

But as both societies were intensely patriarchal what was important in sexual relationships was the status of who did the penetrating and their age.

In this world the notion of sex between two grown men was deeply taboo as it was seen to reduce the passive partner to the level of a woman. Indeed if the Greeks and Romans did not outlaw it, it was because the shame of the act was punishment enough – though the weight of shame fell mostly on the penetrated.

Of greater taboo still was for an older man to allow himself to be penetrated by a younger man – the modern word "pathetic" derives from the Latin for such a man.

The only act considered more taboo was cunnilingus – to the Ancient’s minds as dangerously close to a man being penetrated by a woman as was possible. Contrary to popular belief, anal sex for the Greeks and Romans was primarily a heterosexual act.

There was no taboo on it occurring between men and women and it was the most reliable form of contraception available so would have been a regular part of the sex lives of any married couple.

Where sex between males was deemed acceptable to occur was between men and youths, and in theory it was only supposed to be intercrucial (where one partner grips the other’s penis between his thighs) though from the writings the Greeks and Romans have left to us, it was often not.

In both societies youths were considered to be able to consent to sex from around their mid teens, which was similar to the age that girls were considered ready for marriage, and it was acceptable for youths to be in same-sex relationships until they could grow a full beard – and for this reason, there were all manner of depilatory products on sale in order to help you keep your boyfriend respectable!

After this age in Greece, the young man was expected to find a wife and go about starting a family, having been mentored by his older partner, with the two men staying friends.

In practice, however, many of these relationships probably would have carried on behind closed doors. In Greece such relationships occurred between free born males – though there were also male prostitutes.

Many of the most famous names to come down to us in history from the Greek world have been same-sex attracted – from bisexual Alexander the Great whose father Phillip destroyed the all-gay Sacred Band of Thebes to the philosophers Plato and Socrates.

Few lesbian voices come to us from the ancient world but the lyric poet Sappho is a notable exception and her love poems for other women speak down to us through the ages. And of course, the island of her birth, Lesbos, gives us the word ‘lesbian’ that we still use today.

Sex between women wasn’t illegal, but, like the Victorians, the Greeks and Romans simply refused to believe it happened. In comparison, sex between men in the Roman world was a mostly more sinister affair.

Having sex with a free born Roman male could see you up on charges for ruining the youth’s future reputation. But slaves and foreigners were all fair game.

Male and female prostitutes openly plied their trade on the streets of Rome. But in truth any slave was a sex slave if their master so desired, and it was primarily through master-slave relationships that sex between males occurred in Ancient Rome.

Thus when the emperor Hadrian took a male lover in the form of a Bythinian youth named Antinous, as a foreigner it was perfectly acceptable for Antinous to appear in public next to the emperor and his wife Vibia Sabina as his lover.

Hadrian and Antinous were lovers for five years until Antinous fell from a boat in the Nile and drowned. Some have suggested he killed himself to avoid shaming the emperor as he grew older.

Heartbroken, Hadrian had Antinous declared a god, built temples to him all over the empire, named a star after him and built a city in Egypt, Antinopolis, in his honor.

When the Roman Empire became Christian the temples of the cult of Antinous were destroyed – though many of the statues ended up in the Vatican art collections where they were seen by the artist Raphael, who used his likeness when painting angels as his model of male perfection.

Both the Greeks and Romans could appeal to religion in their belief that their behavior was moral, though we might have a different view on what is proper today.

For the Greeks, Zeus had his male lover Ganymede, and Plato rated this love as higher than that found in marriage.

The Romans had the same gods by different names so Zeus became Jupiter and Ganymede became Catamitus.

Homosexual characters were often mocked as figures of fun in bawdy Roman comedies, but at the same time same-sex couples, cross dressers and male prostitutes would have been common sights on the streets.

And some couples did buck the discrimination that was thrown at them by publicly celebrating their commitment through same-sex marriage.

These include two emperors – Nero and Elagabalus, but we know of many others.

Such marriages were not legally recognized but by 342AD the dual Christian emperors Constantius and Constans had them banned on threat of death, and homosexuality in the Roman Empire was silenced for centuries to come.

So what is the verdict on how the Greek and Roman civilizations treated their LGBT citizens? Certainly there was a lot of discrimination and extreme social stigma for any relationship between men that fell outside of a very tight set of parameters.

However compared to what was to follow into much of the 20th Century, they were centuries ahead of their time.

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Government Versus Anarchy
February 14 2016 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Insiders versus Outsiders:

The problem: Government is the problem, NOT the solution. After nine years of grinding deepening recession, it’s time to change course.

In a democracy Governments are elected by the people to serve them, but not to be the authoritarian dictator as is the case.

Governments have taken all the power, and means to intoxicate your way of living.

They have got the power to tax, detain, imprison, torture, and send young men and women to fight wars in foreign countries that not even have been a threat.

They regulate, hamper businesses, debase the money, obstruct trade by embargos, and control anything that comes to mind. Governments clearly are not serving the public, worse they are people’s enemy,

Enforcing security checks at airports without any real protection, but creating business for its government pals. With the purpose leaving people to wonder who will safeguard them against theft and violence, convincing them that of course it is their Government as an institution that steals and aggress against them.

In virtually every Western country we see a 'red party" and a "blue party" - nothing more than two masks on the same face of the globalist agenda

People entrust the course of justice to an institution that obscenely corrupts it. People are made to remain under tutelage to surrender to government their liberties and opportunities; they wouldn’t dare be caught without.

The power of modern representative government is that it cheats the masses into believing that they are insiders too. They are encouraged to vote and to believe that their vote really matters. Obviously, it matters not at all. Generally, voters have no idea what or whom they are voting for.

Often, they get the opposite of what they thought they had voted for anyway.

Government is a phenomenon, not a system. It is best understood as a fight between the outsiders and the insiders. The insiders always control the government, and use it to take control of the outsiders. Why do they want to do so? The usual reasons are Wealth, Power, and Status.” In short: Government is an institution wherein the “insiders” steal the wealth, power and status from the “outsiders.”


Government is a monopoly. And as far as monopolies go, it is the lowest strain in the field of management that hates competition. 

Government does not steer clear of competition because it is stronger, wiser and superior in providing value to human beings, but simply because it alone has the power to keep others from being stronger, wiser and superior over it, while setting the bar pretty low for itself. So it’s no surprise that government is often the embodiment of complacent, unsupervised corruption.

Government and Banks are insolvent. And as the ruin spreads, so does the modern blight of authoritarian globalisation. Apart from regime change, there are only three things that can correct this trend. That’s the competition of the free market, the removal of the legal tender monopoly of the Central Banks given by the government, and the elimination of all regulatory bodies.

Fractional Reserve Banking: [Click on the image to open a larger version in a new window]

Most people may already understand today that banks are acting immorally. But their naive belief in government prevents them from seeing that the banks could not do what they do without the government. These are two different entities in collaboration of fleecing the people they should take care of!

Cabal’s Defeat:

The day the cabal is defeated, people will see the system for what it is, as many times before on this site logically and understandably is explained. – Don’t stop waking up people until the cabal has surrendered, as they are the criminals “behind the curtain” and correctly people realise that their only intend is to ruin all outsiders. The more people are awake the easier it is to remove the cabal for once and forever.

Most people have no idea how the financial world works. They think investments go up or down and one makes money depending on their luck or skill - just like in any other game. However they don’t know the game is rigged to the hilt.

Central banks make credit available to the big banks at preferential rates. The banks then earn a fat “spread” by making loans to government, industry, and households.

They make money from lending, and with the debt of the lending they create new money out of nothing, then again by packaging and selling the debt to investors, pension funds, and insurance companies they make even more money, while their risk is sold off to someone else in the process.

Everything is fine until the credit cycle turns down. Then marginal debtors can’t pay and marginal – subprime or junk – debt loses value. Stocks and real estate go down, too. Everybody loses money. And everyone wants the Fed and central banks to “do something.” What can they do? – Make credit even cheaper!

Central Banks’ Failure:

The day the Fed and all other central banks will cease to exist that will be the first day with really good news for all of us. The world will encounter its first price stability and real growth since more than a century ago when the Fed was founded. – As result of the central control and market manipulation by these central banks the world’s financial system has proven its failure by its abysmal performance.

The biggest problem is that people generally think this system is more virtuous because of the very things that make it destructive. As its inability to create wealth or value in the markets, which is the only proof people need to judge its true honesty.

Deceptively, these high and mighty institutions look something like this:

1. Steal productive wealth from people who help raise the standard of living

2. Use that money to regulate the disadvantaged and less productive and push them into poverty

3. Encourage much of the population in dependency

4. And subsequently point the finger at the outsiders from which the productive wealth has been stolen in the first place as the primary cause of the problems, to facilitate in the process the enrichment of the “evil capitalists” that are the insiders.

French philosopher Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903 – 1987) explained:

"Only those who know nothing of anything but their own, are completely in the dark as to the manner of Power’s behaving through thousands of years, would regard these proceedings [nationalization, the income tax, etc.] as the fruit of a particular set of doctrines."

Whether it is Socialist or Democrat, the Power must always be at war with the capitalist authorities and plunder these capitalists of their accumulated wealth; in doing so, it obeys the law of its nature.

Murray Rothbard (1926 – 1995) said:

"The last few centuries were times when men tried to place constitutional and other limits on the State, only to find that such limits, as with all other attempts, have failed.”

Friedrich von Hayek
, (1899 – 1992) of the Austrian school of economics, wrote in his seminal work the Road to Serfdom:

"By giving the government unlimited powers, the most arbitrary rule can be made legal; and in this way a democratic elected government may set up the most complete despotism imaginable.”

Power Structure:

The Khazarians – who number in the thousands – have much more power and authority than 100 million voters. Research shows that if they want legislation, they get it. Voters, on the other hand, get what they want only rarely, and probably only because the insiders want the same thing.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

This network of elites comprises the Hidden Government that rules in secrecy from behind the curtain. – Government are supposed to be “by, for, and of” the people. So people are tempted to believe that what it does is, ultimately, for their own good. It can be trusted, in other words, they look out for us. “The government is all of us.” – However the government is not all of us. It is only some of us.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World

The Hidden Government is a strange group, comprised of foreign governments, billionaire political donors, lobbyists, international corporations, global organisations, and supra-government agencies.

Together, along with domestic favoured industries, the bureaucracy itself, special interests, and cronies of various stripes and persuasions, the Freemasons, the Jesuits, and other occults, run the government and control the police, the armed forces, the financial industry, the medical industry, the education industry, and other major parts of the economy.

In the beginning, government started out small. But as time goes by, more and more people find ways to “game the system.”

They exploit the “government” to gain an advantage or privilege. As this happens, the system retains its outward appearance, but it is corrupted from the inside out so that it gradually ceases to serve the common interest that made it so successful in the first place and begins to serve, primarily, the interests of those who actually control it. In 1974 all what is happening today was already exposed and its importance explained by Robert Welch. A short summary of his speech is here.

"This may sound like a conspiracy. And it is, in a sense. But not the sort on which one could get a conviction.”

The hidden government doesn’t care what people want or whom people voted for. And it definitely doesn’t care about the nation’s safety. It cares only about its own safety.

It just develops on its own as the insiders use the government for their own purposes. This is an important point in the context of today’s war on terror. More people probably die from peanut butter allergies than from terrorist attacks. But when terrorists kill people, it occupies a big and sensitive spot in the collective media imagination.

Terrorist Threat is Made:

Terrorists pose no dangers to the Hidden Government system; they strengthen it. The threat of terrorism, then, helps scare citizens into transferring more of their money and liberty to the security industry. Those want to see terrorists flourish, not eliminated; they strengthen it. – To the contrary people might threaten it!

"If anyone gets on the government’s ‘enemies lists,’ then the NSA stored information will be used to target them.”

That is why the government so desperately wants to keep tabs on everyone.

From Washington’s Blog:

"If anyone gets on the government’s “enemies lists,” then the stored information will be used to target them. Specifically, if the government decides it doesn’t like someone, it analyses all of the data it has collected on that person and his or her associates over the last 10 years to build a case against him."

Lavrentiy Beria headed Stalin’s secret police, had no access to an NSA-style database. Still, even with his limited resources, he only said; “Show me the man, and I will find the crime.” Today, the secret police never had it so good.

And it could get a lot better for them. With the coming of a “cashless” economy, all transactions, no matter how small, may have to pass through the Hidden Government’s information technologies. With the flip of a switch, your secrets could be revealed and your money could be turned off in other words a 21st-century assassination.

How does the Hidden Government really affect us? There is no way to know for sure. But what we have found is that it is ‘not at all’ bound by the rules, goals, or financial restrictions that limit the rest of society.

The question arises; do people really need a government? The straight answer is NO, what people need is Anarchy.

What is Anarchy?

Anarchy is by the MSM purposely described for the public to be seen as hooligans rampaging through the streets, hurling bricks, stones and Molotov cocktails, generally making a nuisance for others.

However in fact it means the opposite. The word has been appropriated by the official media to be used for what is exactly the opposite of what it stands for. What they made of it is a convenient confounding definition that serves the goals of governments. Governments preside over the enslavement of individuals within their territory and frequently declare wars against those within foreign borders, like Iraq, Libya, Syria and soon Iran.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Properly understood the term anarchy derives from the Greek word anarchic, correctly translated meaning ‘without ruler’. Essentially it is ‘Freedom’ not to be enslaved and to be forced against one’s will. Freedom to act voluntarily, Freedom to associate with whomever one so desires under whatever conditions, provided they do not diminish the ability of others to enjoy the same Freedom.

Instead to fear anarchy, it is in many ways, the natural solution to our troubles. Anyone who doubts this will have trouble reconciling the fact that 99% of his or her most critical life decisions are made in a private state of anarchy.

Aren’t we All Anarchists?

Look at choosing your mate. Imagine if the government claimed the right to tell you whom to marry. What do you think would happen to the quality of human relationships under such a regime?

Now imagine the government chose your friends for you too, scheduled your social events, dinner parties and planned your weekends. Imagine a panel of bureaucrats assigned you a hobby of their choosing, prescribed for you a television channel and allotted you a specific time to watch it.

Imagine the Minster of Gastronomy chose your restaurant for you, made your menu selections and decided on your wine. What do you suppose might happen to your overall quality of life?

Few, if any, people would tolerate such intrusions on their personal liberties. And with good reason! Who would want to consummate a state-imposed marriage or, worse still, impose that obligation on an unwilling, state-selected partner? Decent individuals deserve and, should the need arise; will defend their right to chose these things for themselves.

When it comes to the most important things in life, when it comes to our family and friends and to deciding how we spend the precious time we have with them, we’re all anarchists.

It’s high time we take the shackles off for the rest of our lives and start acting like individual freedom fighters, respecting all of them.

Come to your senses and become a realist to understand and see that governments’ actions are downright nonsense, with the only purpose to curb your liberties, and enslave you.

You must fight this now. Because once you are enslaved, you can’t just realise you don’t like it anymore and decide to free yourself. This kind of enslavement is a state of being. It’s what you are on a cellular level.

When your children are barely human, they are mandatory vaccinates to be psychologically-altered, their nerve cells and synapses failing to connect, their neurodevelopmental processes dulled to the point of restricting them to sub-human level repetitive grunts and gormless beings, what are you going to do then?

The Khazarians have [not] won [but they still could unless we make a stand]. You and your descendants are now officially slave class, no better than battery chickens, and will be used for whatever purpose the elite deem suitable for you. This is a prison you can’t escape from.

We must fight and win this battle

Forward this information to all your contacts to WAKE them UP in the interest of us all.

Voice of Europe:

Defend our people from the Islamic invasion. Remember when watching this that the "cabal" have been using religion as a means to divide and conquer for many, many generations.

Subtitles are in English, French, German, and Russian.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

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Cancer Industry Now Admits That Chemo And Radiation Treatments Generate Huge Repeat Business & Repeat Profits
February 14 2016 | From: RealFarmacy

Second cancers are on the rise in the United States, according to a new study, which found that one in five new cases involve someone who has had the disease before.

The study also found that second cancers, which don’t include reoccurring cancers, but are a completely new type of cancer, have increased 300 percent since the 1970s.

First-time cancers have also spiked, increasing 70 percent in the same time frame.

The Western world of medicine is going with their usual explanation, or rather lack thereof, claiming that they are unaware of the reason for the surge but pointing to the fact that people are living longer and are therefore more at risk for the disease. But living into your 80s and 90s shouldn’t guarantee that you’ll get cancer.

While genetics are a factor, other influences such as your environment, the food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe, the vaccines you inject and even the kind of medical treatment you receive may contribute much more than your age when it comes to determining your risk for cancer.

Emerging research continues to show that pesticides, heavy metals and hormone mimickers such as BPA and BPS, as well as other environmental contaminants, greatly influence the risk of developing cancer

For those who are unfortunate enough to receive a second cancer diagnosis, the treatment you received for your first cancer may ultimately be to blame.

Are Cancer Treatments Causing More Cancer?

document [PDF] by the American Cancer Society titled “Second Cancers in Adults” admits that second cancers may be caused by cancer treatment.

“Radiation therapy was recognized as a potential cause of cancer many years ago,” according to the ACS, which also admits that most types of leukemia, including acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), can all be caused by radiation.

Most cancers caused by radiation therapy develop within just a few years of being irradiated, with the disease peaking at five to nine years following exposure.

Similarly, chemotherapy drugs have also been linked to different kinds of second cancers, with the most common being myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and AML; ALL has also been linked to these cancer drugs.

Cancer Drugs Cause at Least 40,000 Cases of New Cancer each Year in the U.S.

To help put that into perspective, about 13,000 people are diagnosed each year with MDS.

Aside from radiation and chemotherapy, other causes include toxins present in tobacco smoke, and high levels of industrial-type chemicals such as benzene, a carcinogenic petrochemical that is widely used in plastics, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, resins, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides.

Nearly another 20,000 people are diagnosed annually with AML, with more than half of those cases ending in death, and approximately 6,000 people are diagnosed with ALL each year.

This means that at least 40,000 cancer occurrences may be directly attributed to cancer drugs.

Determining how many people perish from cancer drugs is extremely difficult, as most of the deaths are recorded as being from cancer, and not the treatment.

Remember, the cancer industry is one of the world’s most lucrative businesses, generating $100 billion last year. Those profits are expected to increase at about 8 percent each year over the next three years as more and more Americans will be diagnosed and treated for cancer.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
A “Quantum Leap” To A Worldwide Paradigm Shift In Healing And Health Is Happening
February 13 2016 | From: QuantumLeap / JimHumble

After ONLY one week the “Quantum Leap” film has had over 32,000 views. Our goal is to have 100,000 people in February learn how they can “take control” of their own health!

Please get this above link to as many people as possible! We don’t want this to go viral, we want it to go “antiviral” just like MMS!

Related: MMS and Jim Humble

With personal experience of the amazing power of MMS this is something that I can thoroughly recommend to anyone for an enormous range of diseases and ailments. The reason why the MMS Protocols are so powerful is because while it is not a cure in and of itself, it provides the immune system with what it needs to be able to fight off virtually any disease caused by pathogens, bacteria and viruses.

In a world where our bodies are constantly under attack from toxic chemicals and additives in our water and food, the benefits of MMS effecetively super-charging your immune system are quite simply incredible.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use The Internet Of Things To Spy On You
February 13 2016 | From: TheGuardian

James Clapper did not name specific agency as being involved in surveillance via smart-home devices but said in congressional testimony it is a distinct possibility

The US intelligence chief has acknowledged for the first time that agencies might use a new generation of smart household devices to increase their surveillance capabilities.

Related: 'Internet of Things' an Absolute Goldmine for Big Brother, Admits Top US Spy

As increasing numbers of devices connect to the internet and to one another, the so-called internet of things promises consumers increased convenience – the remotely operated thermostat from Google-owned Nest is a leading example. But as home computing migrates away from the laptop, the tablet and the smartphone, experts warn that the security features on the coming wave of automobiles, dishwashers and alarm systems lag far behind.

In an appearance at a Washington thinktank last month, the director of the National Security Agency, Adm Michael Rogers, said that it was time to consider making the home devices “more defensible”, but did not address the opportunities that increased numbers and even categories of connected devices provide to his surveillance agency.

However, James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, was more direct in testimony submitted to the Senate on Tuesday as part of an assessment of threats facing the United States.

"In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials,” Clapper said.

Clapper did not specifically name any intelligence agency as involved in household-device surveillance. But security experts examining the internet of things take as a given that the US and other surveillance services will intercept the signals the newly networked devices emit, much as they do with those from cellphones.

Amateurs are already interested in easily compromised hardware; computer programmer John Matherly’s search engine Shodan indexes thousands of completely unsecured web-connected devices.

Online threats again topped the intelligence chief’s list of “worldwide threats” the US faces, with the mutating threat of low-intensity terrorism quickly following. While Clapper has for years used the equivocal term “evolving” when asked about the scope of the threat, he said Tuesday that Sunni violent extremism “has more groups, members, and safe havens than at any other point in history”.

The Islamic State topped the threat index, but Clapper also warned that the US-backed Saudi war in Yemen was redounding to the benefit of al-Qaida’s local affiliate.


"Homegrown extremists” are the greatest terrorist threat, rather than Islamic State or al-Qaida attacks planned from overseas. Clapper cited the San Bernardino and Chattanooga shootings as examples of lethal operations emanating from self-starting extremists “without direct guidance from [Isis] leadership”.

US intelligence officials did not foresee Isis suffering significant setbacks in 2016 despite a war in Syria and Iraq that the Pentagon has pledged to escalate. The chief of defense intelligence, Marine Lt Gen Vincent Stewart, said the jihadist army would “probably retain Sunni Arab urban centers” in 2016, even as military leaders pledged to wrest the key cities of Raqqa and Mosul from it.

Contradicting the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, Stewart said he was “less optimistic in the near term about Mosul”, saying the US and Iraqi government would “certainly not” retake it in 2016.

The negative outlook comes as Carter traveled on Tuesday to meet with his fellow defense chiefs in Brussels for a discussion on increasing their contributions against Isis.

On the Iran nuclear deal, Clapper said intelligence agencies were in a “distrust and verify mode”, but added: “We have no evidence thus far that they’re moving toward violation.”

Clapper’s admission about the surveillance potential for networked home devices is rare for a US official. But in an overlooked 2012 speech, the then CIA director David Petraeus called the surveillance implications of the internet of things “transformational … particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft”.

During testimony to both the Senate armed services committee and the intelligence panel, Clapper cited Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the Islamic State as bolstering their online espionage, disinformation, theft, propaganda and data-destruction capabilities. He warned that the US’s ability to correctly attribute the culprits of those actions would probably diminish with “improving offensive tradecraft, the use of proxies, and the creation of cover organizations”.

Clapper suggested that US adversaries had overtaken its online capabilities: “Russia and China continue to have the most sophisticated cyber programs.”

The White House’s new cybersecurity initiative, unveiled on Tuesday, pledged increased security for nontraditional networked home devices. It tasked the Department of Homeland Security to “test and certify networked devices within the ‘Internet of Things’.” It did not discuss any tension between the US’s twin cybersecurity and surveillance priorities.

Connected household devices are a potential treasure trove to intelligence agencies seeking unobtrusive ways to listen and watch a target, according to a study that Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society released last week. The study found that the signals explosion represented by the internet of things would overwhelm any privacy benefits by users of commercial encryption – even as Clapper in his testimony again alleged that the growth of encryption was having a “negative effect on intelligence gathering”.

The report’s authors cited a 2001 case in which the FBI had sought to compel a company that makes emergency communications hardware for automobiles – similar by description to OnStar, though the company was not named – to assist agents in Nevada in listening in on conversations in a client’s car.

In February 2015, news reports revealed that microphones on Samsung “smart” televisions were “always on” so as to receive any audio that it could interpret as an instruction.

"Law enforcement or intelligence agencies may start to seek orders compelling Samsung, Google, Mattel, Nest or vendors of other networked devices to push an update or flip a digital switch to intercept the ambient communications of a target,” the authors wrote.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Australia Is Actively Trying To Approve A New Way Of Vaccinating You: By Air!
February 12 2016 | From: OpenSourceTruth / YourNewsWire

Don’t wan’t to be vaccinated? well soon you may not have a choice as our loving Governments will just spray & vaccinate us through breath.  

Would you like a complimentary forced vaccination with your chemtrails Sir / Ma'am?

Aircraft Information

Registration: VH-OJU
Type code: B744
Type: Boeing 747-438
S/N: 25566
Airline: Qantas

Australia is actively trying to approve a new way of vaccinating It’s people: by air! The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is looking at a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the Australian environment

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).

PaxVax is looking to get approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.


PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possibility of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems. How can we know what’s really going on here, what’s being sprayed on us & how it will affect the natural environment?

The Australian government along with their big Pharma buddies are looking to vaccinate every person living in Australia, no exceptions. There are large pockets throughout the country where people simply will not vaccinate & the numbers are growing so this represents a great way to silently vaccinate these communities right down to an individual level, no needles & no fuss but most importantly, no choice.

Aerial vaccines have been  used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.

Forcibly Release Intentional and Controlled Release of Aerosolized GMO Vaccine

File this under “we’re f*cked” – According to a few different sources, Australia is actively trying to approve a new way of vaccinating you: by air!  An article in Prevent Disease:  The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is on its way to approve a licence application from PaxVax Australia (PaxVax) for the intentional release of a GMO vaccine consisting of live bacteria into the environment in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Victoria.

Likely one of the preferred delivery agents

According to the regulator, it qualifies as a limited and controlled release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000 (the Act).

PaxVax is seeking approval to conduct the clinical trial of a genetically modified live bacterial vaccine against cholera. Once underway the trial is expected to be completed within one year, with trial sites selected from local government areas (LGAs) in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

PaxVax has proposed a number of control measures they say will restrict the spread and persistence of the GM vaccine and its introduced genetic material, however there is always a possiblity of these restrictions failing and infecting wildlife and ecosystems.

Aerial vaccines have used in the United States directed towards animals by the use of plastic packets dropped by planes or helicopters. Sanofi (who is one of the largest vaccine manufacturers in the world) has subsidiary companies such as Merial Limited who manufacture Raboral, an oral live-virus poisonous to humans yet distributed wildlife in the masses.

West Nile Virus Spraying

In 2006 Michael Greenwood wrote an article for the Yale School of Public Health entitled, “Aerial Spraying Effectively Reduces Incidence of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Humans.” The article stated that the incidence of human West Nile virus cases can be significantly reduced through large scale aerial spraying that targets adult mosquitoes, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health.

Under the mandate for aerial spraying for specific vectors that pose a threat to human health, aerial vaccines known as DNA Vaccine Enhancements and Recombinant Vaccine against WNV may be tested or used to “protect” the people from vector infection exposures. DNA vaccine enhancements specifically use Epstein-Barr viral capside’s with multi human complement class II activators to neutralize antibodies.

The recombinant vaccines against WNV use Rabbit Beta-globulin or the poly (A) signal of the SV40 virus. In early studies of DNA vaccines it was found that the negative result studies would go into the category of future developmental research projects in gene therapy.

During the studies of poly (A) signaling of the SV40 for WNV vaccines, it was observed that WNV will lie dormant in individuals who were exposed to chicken pox, thus upon exposure to WNV aerial vaccines the potential for the release of chicken pox virus would cause a greater risk to having adult onset Shingles.

California Aerial Spraying for WNV and SV40

In February 2009 to present date, aerial spraying for the WNV occurred in major cities within the State of California. During spraying of Anaheim, CA a Caucasian female (age 50) was exposed to heavy spraying, while doing her daily exercise of walking several miles. Heavy helicopter activity occurred for several days in this area. After spraying, she experienced light headedness, nausea, muscle aches and increased low back pain.

She was evaluated for toxicological mechanisms that were associated with pesticide exposure due to aerial spraying utilizing advanced biological monitoring testing. The test results which included protein band testing utilizing Protein Coupled Response (PCR) methods were positive for KD-45. KD-45 is the protein band for SV-40 Simian Green Monkey virus.

Additional tests were performed for Epstein-Barr virus capside and Cytomeglia virus which are used in bioengineering for gene delivery systems through viral protein envelope and adenoviral protein envelope technology. The individual was positive for both; indicating a highly probable exposure to a DNA vaccination delivery system through nasal inhalation.

Pentagon Document Revealed Aerial Vaccination Plans

In the Quarterly FunVax Review in June, 2007, the report lists the objective of a project listed as ID: 149AZ2 as a preparation of a viral vector that will inhibit/decrease the expression of a specific disruption gene (VMAT2) within a human population.

It further indicates in the abstract that six method of virus dispersal were tested including high altitude release, water supply release, insect transmission, and various methods of diffusion.

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Radio Station George FM Warns Staff About Max Key
February 12 2016 | From: NZHerald

Radio DJs at George FM have been warned they will be taken off air if they say anything negative about the station's newest host, Max Key [son of Prime Minister John Key].

Key's new role at the station was unveiled last week, hosting a one-hour show on Tuesday nights. He will unveil his debut single Forget You on his first show next week.

Comment: Obviously Max Key becoming a night time host for a show on George FM has stirred up some controversy. I know I sent them an email saying what a stupid decision it was and that I would never listen again to heir station as long as he was on it. It seems their management (Media Works owned by Rupert Murdoch) have instructed all their staff to stay mum about this on air and on social media. What are you scared of George? The truth?

An unverified email reportedly sent to all George FM staff warned staff that "all social media relating to the new night George FM Night time residents must be positive.

"We will not tolerate any negativity relating to any of our new roster," the message continued. "Anyone who cannot adhere to this requirement will be taken off air instantly."

Mediaworks didn't respond to requests for comment about the statement.

When contacted by the Herald last week, Max Key said he "wasn't doing media" and didn't want to comment.

George FM founder Thane Kirby

But George FM DJ Aroha Harawira spoke out in support of Key, saying he should be judged on his musical ability and not his father's politics.

"I haven't met Max Key yet myself, I've never seen him DJ, but I heard him on George FM last night and I thought he played a pretty sweet set," Harawira wrote on her blog site.

"I value my friends' opinions and I'll give the guy a chance. I think you should too ... Say what you want about John Key, but leave his kids out of it."

Max Key's first show on George FM is on February 16, where he'll unveil his new single, Forget You, rumoured to be about his recent split from Amelia Finlayson.

In an interview on the station, Key said he'd been working on his material on his own, and he was "super excited" to release it. Co-host Jay Bulletproof said he had heard the song, and it was an "absolute banger".

"I'm proud to say I'm releasing my first single Forget You. Previewing on my first show on George fm nights, Tuesday the 16th at 10pm ... I can't wait to drop this," he wrote on Instagram.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Conspiracy: This Is Why Brazil Is Ground Zero For The Latest Bio-Engineered Pandemic
February 11 2016 | From: TheMilleniumReport

Every Major Disease Outbreak Has Been Manufactured in the Biological Weapons Laboratories of the Western Powers.

The U.S. and U.K. possess the most advanced scientific knowledge and applied technology for producing bio-weaponry, which they routinely utilize to create bio-weapons of mass destruction.

Related: Zika: Sex and Bloodsucking Vampire Bugs: the Movie

Decades ago the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) of the United States of America (in collaboration with their British counterparts) committed itself to the deliberate path of exerting full-spectrum dominance over the entire planetary realm.

The essentially Anglo-American Military-Industrial Complex undertook various and sundry endeavors simultaneously in order to fulfill this ‘critical’ mission to attain and maintain world domination.

Related: SERCO: A Corporate Octopus With Tentacles Wrapped Around The Globe

Not only did the MIC achieve nuclear superiority within the world community of nations, the U.S. Armed Services also created a global network of military bases unrivaled in world history.

One of the key pillars of attaining full spectrum dominance is the capacity to execute bio-weaponry programs surreptitiously, quickly and efficiently… anywhere on Planet Earth.  

Toward that end the many bio-weapons laboratories which now dot the landscape of the USA have worked assiduously to fabricate the perfect biological weapons for the ‘right’ applications and ‘perfect’ situations.

It’s important to understand that the USA and UK form the very backbone of a supranational entity known as the Anglo-American Axis[1].  This large group of countries, which is dedicated to maintaining the Anglo-American Empire - by every means possible - has been locked in a century-long war against the BRICS nations.

As a matter of fact, the First and Second World Wars were both waged in an effort to establish the USA as the military arm of the New World Order.  

NATO is merely an extension of the Anglo-American military juggernaut.

Related: The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

What’s the Larger Point Here?

Although it has not been declared, a full-blown World War III has been and is being waged under the radar between the AAA and the BRICS.  

The entire Middle East is obviously just one major military theater of this ongoing global conflict.  So are Africa and South America. Only on those two continents the preferred weapons of mass destruction are of a biological nature.

History of Genocide via Bio-Weapons

You see, the white man learned long ago that the people of the African continent are deathly afraid of contagious diseases and infectious epidemics. The populations of many of the South American countries suffer from the very same phobia.

They don’t understand illness and disease the way that the educated and industrialized nations of the Northern Hemisphere do. There is much superstition which still surrounds any kind of disease outbreak, especially throughout the rural areas. The resulting taboos run very deep throughout society.

With this hidden knowledge it is now quite easy to understand why so many disease outbreaks first occur in either Africa or South America.  Whether it is Ebola in West Africa or the West Nile Virus in East Africa, HIV/AIDS in West Central Africa or Malaria anywhere in Africa, Chagas disease in South America or Dengue fever throughout the whole Southern Hemisphere, so many ‘pandemics’ find their origins “south of the border”.

No one denies that the southern climes and predominant biota cultivate an extremely conducive environment for mosquito-borne diseases and the like. This scientific fact is quite well established.  

The point here is that because these ‘scary’ diseases are well known among the local populations, they can be furtively spread by those who wish to do them harm by their silent enemies to the north.  

The deliberate vector of disseminations are many to include stealth vaccinations, GMO mosquitoes, tainted prescriptions, contaminated water supplies, infected farm animals, toxic produce, corrupted restaurant food, chemtrail aerosols, etc.

This is a subtle but very important point.  These diseases are known to be common in these regions of the world; therefore, no one suspects that they have been meticulously weaponized to make them much more deadly.

They have also been precisely bio-engineered to target specific gene pools and bloodlines.  

In this fashion the Indigenous Peoples can be gradually killed off so that they no longer pose an obstacle to giving up their lands to the covetous Anglo-American corporate interests.

This very same tactic was of course used against the Native American Indians by the U.S. Federal Government that was determined to wipe out the tribes across America in order to steal their lands. That strategy really worked like a charm for them. And they have never forgotten it.  

After all, how could the Indian warriors, who contracted smallpox from the blankets provided to them by the ‘friendly’ white brothers, ever fight on the harsh battlefields?

As for the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil, how are they expected to respond to a terrible disease that shrinks the human head and arrests brain development.  Yes, that is what the Zika virus does, unless the public is being misled about the true source of this medical crisis.

Fast Forward to the 2016 Olympics in Brazil

Whenever bio-weapons of mass destruction are used with such great effect there are always several goals on the agenda of the perpetrators. The Zika virus outbreak is no exception.

Because of where the exact ground zero of this explosive epidemic is located in Brazil, it is certain that this public health disaster was quite purposefully manufactured there to disrupt the 2016 Summer Olympics.  

Brazil has already been under continuous assault by the AAA, as it represents the South American cornerstone of the BRICS economic union. The Brazilian economy is also the largest in South and Central America, therefore, it provides a much-needed financial engine to keep the BRICS momentum going throughout the world.

The AAA knew that if they took down Brazil economically, as they have been doing relentlessly on the political front, the BRICS union would be weakened considerably. The new world reserve currency would then likely stay with the still dominant petrodollar during this crucial period where it is also under serious assault.  

Both Russia and China have already undermined the petrodollar in profound and irreparable ways.  So have Iran and India and other quieter BRICS-aligned nations

The important point about Brazil is that a substantial amount of public money and resources have been allocated to this formidable and demanding enterprise known as the Summer Olympics. The private sector, as always, has also dedicated much investment to making the Olympics a commercial success.

With the Zika virus and ensuing epidemic raging in the back yard of Rio de Janeiro, what else could be expected but the second prong of the AAA strategy to sabotage the 2016 Summer Olympiad.  

See headlines below:

Exclusive: U.S. athletes should consider skipping Rio if fear Zika - Officials

Zika concerns could see Kenya withdraw from Rio 2016 Olympics

U.S. Athletes Told to Skip Rio Olympics if Concerned About Zika

Olympic fears over Zika: Athletes facing decision on whether they are willing to risk travelling to Rio for 2016 Games

Researchers Weigh Risks of Zika Spreading at Rio Olympics

Zika Virus Spurs Concerns Over Summer Olympic Games In Rio

Olympics in Brazil could spark spread of Zika virus abroad, Canadian dosc warn

Olympic organizers deny Games under threat due to Zika virus

Do you get it now?

What better way to further destroy the fragile Brazilian economy and sap the spirit of the nation?!



The Anglo-American corporatocracy has enjoyed the status of global hegemon since the advent of the Industrial Revolution.  Because of the rapacious nature of the predatory capitalism that it systematically employs, it only knows how to take from those who have what they want.  This is the way it has always been since the incorporation of the East India Company in London in 1600.

The Huge difference between now and when India was pillaged, China was plundered and Africa was raped is that the BRICS are now well aware of the true enemy and its unrelenting tactics.  

Russia and China, India and Brazil, Iran and South Africa are under constant attack by the AAA. However, they now have a very secret weapon that is being trained on the City of London and Washington, D.C.

More accurately, the BRICS have a number of secret weapons which will be employed with great consequence and awesome effect on the primary nations of the AAA.  Part II of this series will further discuss those secret weapons.  In the meantime, the reader is encouraged to contemplate the overwhelming repercussions of just one of those weapons known as: Free Enegy

Editor’s Note

It has been rightly pointed out by many that the looming Zika virus ‘pandemic’ may be to a great extent based on fraudulent data and false information.  Inasmuch as it is being reported by those agencies like WHO which are completely controlled by the AAA, why should the MSM ever be believed?  

Because of all the fake false flags and fictitious disease outbreaks occurring over many decades such as the recent Ebola scare, it’s clear that these trumpeted pandemics have a huge component of purposefully deceptive reporting.

However, it is virtually impossible to ferret out the truth about a manufactured and bogus pandemic. To what degree is there a real mosquito-borne Zika virus causing the profiled symptoms is extremely difficult to say.  Especially given the typical demographics of these types of mosquito-borne public health disasters, it’s even more challenging to arrive at the truth.  After all, they ALL occur in virtually the same geographic areas.

With that said, we leave it up to the reader to decide how much of this fastidiously ZIKA health scare is real disease and how much is phony baloney.

Author’s Note

We almost forgot to mention what the original source of the Zika virus was, as well as who originally deposited it in 1947 - the Rockefeller Foundation.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

You can see for yourself here: Zika virus 'owned' by Rockefeller Foundation


The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA


[1] Anglo-American Axis (AAA)

The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines.

Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.

(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Some Of The Biggest Lies Of Science
February 11 2016 | From: ActivistTeacher

The maintenance of the hierarchical structures that control our lives depends on Pinter’s “vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed.”

The maintenance of the hierarchical structures that control our lives depends on Pinter’s “vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed.” Therefore the main institutions that embed us into the hierarchy, such as schools, universities, and mass media and entertainment corporations, have a primary function to create and maintain this tapestry. This includes establishment scientists and all service intellectuals in charge of “interpreting” reality.

In fact, the scientists and “experts” define reality in order to bring it into conformation with the always-adapting dominant mental tapestry of the moment.

“[T]he majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in the maintenance of that power.

To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the truth, even the truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which we feed.”

– Harold Pinter, Nobel Lecture (Literature), 2005

They also invent and build new branches of the tapestry that serve specific power groups by providing new avenues of exploitation. These high priests are rewarded with high class status.

The Money Lie

The economists are a most significant example. It is probably not an accident that in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century the economists were the first professional analysts to be “broken in,” in a battle that defined the limits of academic freedom in universities. The academic system would from that point on impose a strict operational separation between inquiry and theorizing as acceptable and social reform as unacceptable.

Any academic wishing to preserve her position understood what this meant.

As a side product, academics became virtuosos at nurturing a self-image of importance despite this fatal limitation on their societal relevance, with verbiage such as: The truth is our most powerful weapon, the pen is mightier than the sword, a good idea can change the world, reason will take us out of darkness, etc.

So the enterprise of economics became devoted to masking the lie about money. Bad lending practice, price fixing and monopolistic controls were the main threats to the natural justice of a free market, and occurred only as errors in a mostly self-regulating system that could be moderated via adjustments of interest rates and other “safeguards.”

Meanwhile no mainstream economic theory makes any mention of the fact that money itself is created wholesale in a fractional reserve banking system owned by secret private interests given a licence to fabricate and deliver debt that must be paid back (with interest) from the real economy, thereby continuously concentrating ownership and power over all local and regional economies.

The 'Federal Reserve' Bank of New York

The rest of us have to earn money rather than simply fabricate it and we never own more when we die. The middle class either pays rent or a mortgage. Wage slavery is perpetuated and degraded in stable areas and installed in its most vicious varieties in all newly conquered territories.

It is quite remarkable that the largest exploitation scam (private money creation as debt) ever enacted and applied to the entire planet does not figure in economic theories.

Economists are so busy modeling the ups and downs of profits, returns, employment figures, stock values, and the benefits of mergers for mid-level exploiters that they don’t notice their avoidance of the foundational elements. They model the construction schedule while refusing to acknowledge that the terrain is an earthquake zone with vultures circling overhead.

Meanwhile the financiers write and re-write the rules themselves and again this process does not figure in macroeconomic theories. The only human element that economists consider in their “predictive” mathematical models is low-level consumer behaviour, not high-level system manipulation.

Corruption is the norm yet it does not figure. The economies, cultures and infrastructures of nations are wilfully destroyed in order to enslave via new and larger national debts for generations into the future while economists forecast alleged catastrophic consequences of defaulting on these debts…

Management tools for the bosses and smoke and mirrors for the rest of us – thank you expert economists.

The Medicine is Health Lie

We’ve all heard some MD (medical doctor) interviewed on the radio gratuitously make the bold proposal that life expectancy has increased thanks to modern medicine. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Life expectancy has increased in First World countries thanks to a historical absence of civil and territorial wars, better and more accessible food, less work and non-work accidents, and better overall living and working conditions. The single strongest indicator of personal health within and between countries is economy status, irrespective of access to medical technology and pharmaceuticals.

It’s worse than that because medicine actually has a negative impact on health. Medical errors (not counting misattributed deaths from correctly administered “treatments”) are the third leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer, and there is a large gap between this conservative underestimate in the number of medical error deaths and the fourth leading cause of death.

Since medicine can do little for heart disease and cancer and since medicine has only a small statistical positive impact in the area of trauma interventions, we conclude that public health would increase if all MDs simply disappeared. And think of all the time loss and stress that sick people would save…

One of the most dangerous places in society is the hospital. Medical errors include misdiagnoses, bad prescriptions, prescriptions of medications that should not be combined, unnecessary surgery, unnecessary or badly administered treatments including chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and corrective surgeries.

The lie extends to the myth that MDs anywhere near understand the human body. And this well guarded lie encourages us to put our faith in doctors, thereby opening the door to a well orchestrated profit bonanza for big pharma.

The first thing that Doctors Without Borders (MSF) volunteers need to do in order to contribute significantly in disaster zones is to “forget their medical training” and get to work on the priority tasks at hand: water, food, shelter, and disease propagation prevention; not vaccinating, or operating, or prescribing medication… Public health comes from safety, stability, social justice, and economic buying power, not MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) units and prescription drugs.

These bone heads routinely apply unproven “recommended treatments” and prescribe dangerous drugs for everything from high blood pressure from a sedentary lifestyle and bad nutrition, to apathy at school, to anxiety in public places, to post-adolescence erectile function, to non-conventional sleep patterns, and to all the side effects from the latter drugs.

In professional yet nonetheless remarkable reversals of logic, doctors prescribe drugs to remove symptoms that are risk indicators rather than address the causes of the risks, thereby only adding to the assault on the body.

It’s unbelievable the number that medicine has done on us: Just one more way to keep us stupid (ignorant about our own bodies) and artificially dependent on the control hierarchy. Economically disadvantaged people don’t die from not having access to medical “care” – They die from the life constraints and liabilities directly resulting from poverty. How many MDs have stated this obvious truth on the radio?

Environmental Science Lies

Exploitation via resource extraction, land use expropriation, and wage slavery creation and maintenance are devastating to indigenous populations and to the environment on continental scales. It is therefore vital to cover up the crimes under a veil of expert analysis and policy development diversion. A valued class of service intellectuals here is composed of the environmental scientists and consultants.

Environmental scientists naively and knowingly work hand in hand with finance-corporate shysters, mainstream media, politicians, and state and international bureaucrats to mask real problems and to create profit opportunities for select power elites. Here are notable examples of specific cases.

Freon and Ozone

Do you know of anyone who has been killed by the ozone hole?

The 1987 Montreal Protocol banning chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is considered a textbook case where science and responsible governance lead to a landmark treaty for the benefit of the Earth and all its inhabitants. How often does that happen?

At about the time that the DuPont patent on Freon(TM), the most widely used CFC refrigerant in the world, was expiring the mainstream media picked up on otherwise arcane scientific observations and hypotheses about ozone concentration in the upper atmosphere near the poles.

There resulted an international mobilization to criminalize CFCs and DuPont developed and patented a replacement refrigerant that was promptly certified for use.

A Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded in 1995 for a laboratory demonstration that CFCs could deplete ozone in simulated atmospheric conditions. In 2007 it was shown that the latter work may have been seriously flawed by overestimating the depletion rate by an order of magnitude, thereby invalidating the proposed mechanism for CFC-driven ozone depletion.

Not to mention that any laboratory experiment is somewhat different from the actual upper atmosphere... Is the Nobel tainted by media and special interest lobbying?

It gets better. It turns out that the Dupont replacement refrigerant is, not surprisingly, not as inert as was Freon. As a result it corrodes refrigerator cycle components at a much faster rate. Where home refrigerators and freezers lasted forever, they now burn out in eight years or so.

This has caused catastrophic increases in major appliance contributions to land fill sites across North America; spurred on by the green propaganda for obscenely efficient electrical consumptions of the new appliances under closed door (zero use) conditions.

In addition, we have been frenzied into avoiding the sun, the UV index keeps our fear of cancer and our dependence on the medical establishment alive, and a new sun block industry a la vampire protection league has been spawned.

And of course star university chemists are looking for that perfect sun block molecule that can be patented by big pharma.

And as soon as it is, I predict a surge in media interviews with skin cancer experts…

Acid Rain on the Boreal Forest

In the seventies it was acid rain. Thousands of scientists from around the world (Northern Hemisphere) studied this “most pressing environmental problem on the planet.” The boreal forest is the largest ecosystem on Earth and its millions of lakes were reportedly being killed by acid from the sky.

Coal burning plants spewed out sulphides into the atmosphere causing the rain to be acidic. The acid rain was postulated to acidify the soils and lakes in the boreal forest but the acidification was virtually impossible to detect. Pristine lakes in the hearts of national parks had to be studied for decades in attempts to detect a statistically significant acidification.

Meanwhile the lakes and their watersheds were being destroyed by the cottage industry, agriculture, forestry, mining, over fishing and tourism. None of the local and regional destruction was studied or exposed. Instead, scientists turned their gaze to distant coal burning plants, atmospheric distribution, and postulated chemical reactions occurring in rain droplets.

One study found that the spawning in aquarium of one fish species was extremely sensitive to acidity (pH). Long treatises about cation charge balance and transport were written and attention was diverted away from the destruction on the ground towards a sanitized problem of atmospheric chemistry that was the result of industrialization and progress rather than being caused by identifiable exploiters.

As a physicist and Earth scientist turned environmental scientist, I personally read virtually every single scientific paper written about acid rain and could not find an example of a demonstrated negative impact on lakes or forests from acid rain.

In my opinion, contrary to the repeated claims of the scientist authors, the research on acid rain demonstrates that acid rain could not possibly have been the problem.

This model of elite-forces-coordinated exploiter whitewashing was to play itself out on an even grander scale only decades later with global warming.

Global Warming as a Threat to Humankind

n 2005 and 2006, several years before the November 2009 Climategate scandal burst the media bubble that buoyed public opinion towards acceptance of carbon credits, cap and trade, and the associated trillion dollar finance bonanza that may still come to pass, I exposed the global warming cooptation scam in an essay that Alexander Cockburn writing in The Nation called "one of the best essays on greenhouse myth-making from a left perspective".

My essay prompted David F. Noble to research the question and write The Corporate Climate Coup to expose how the media embrace followed the finance sector’s realization of the unprecedented potential for revenues that going green could represent.

Introductory paragraphs from Global Warming: Truth or Dare? are as follows:

“I also advance that there are strong societal, institutional, and psychological motivations for having constructed and for continuing to maintain the myth of a global warming dominant threat (global warming myth, for short). I describe these motivations in terms of the workings of the scientific profession and of the global corporate and finance network and its government shadows.”

“I argue that by far the most destructive force on the planet is power-driven financiers and profit-driven corporations and their cartels backed by military might; and that the global warming myth is a red herring that contributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activists who, using any justification, feed the global warming myth have effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralized.”

Other passages read this way:

“Environmental scientists and government agencies get funding to study and monitor problems that do not threaten corporate and financial interests. It is therefore no surprise that they would attack continental-scale devastation from resource extraction via the CO2 back door. The main drawback with this strategy is that you cannot control a hungry monster by asking it not to shit as much.”

“Global warming is strictly an imaginary problem of the First World middleclass. Nobody else cares about global warming. Exploited factory workers in the Third World don’t care about global warming. Depleted uranium genetically mutilated children in Iraq don’t care about global warming. Devastated aboriginal populations the world over also can’t relate to global warming, except maybe as representing the only solidarity that we might volunteer.”

“It’s not about limited resources. [“The amount of money spent on pet food in the US and Europe each year equals the additional amount needed to provide basic food and health care for all the people in poor countries, with a sizeable amount left over.”

(UN Human Development Report, 1999)] It’s about exploitation, oppression, racism, power, and greed. Economic, human, and animal justice brings economic sustainability which in turn is always based on renewable practices.

Recognizing the basic rights of native people automatically moderates resource extraction and preserves natural habitats. Not permitting imperialist wars and interventions automatically quenches nation-scale exploitation. True democratic control over monetary policy goes a long way in removing debt-based extortion. Etc.”

And there is a thorough critique of the science as band wagon trumpeting and interested self-deception. Climategate only confirms what should be obvious to any practicing scientist: That science is a mafia when it’s not simply a sleeping pill.

[Recent development (March 2011): Incisive deconstruction of the dominant climate science narrative - here.]


It just goes on and on. What is not a lie?

Look at the recent H1N1 scam – another textbook example. It’s farcical how far these circuses go:

Antiseptic gels in every doorway at the blink of an eye; high school students getting high from drinking the alcohol in the gels; out datedness of the viral strain before the pre-paid vaccine can be mass produced; unproven effectiveness; no requirement to prove effectiveness; government guarantees to corporate manufacturers against client lawsuits; university safety officers teaching students how to cough; etc.

Pure madness. Has something triggered our genetically ingrained First World stupidity reflex? Is this part of our march towards fascism?

Here is another one. Educators promote the lie that we learn because we are taught. This lie of education is squarely denounced by radical educators.

University professors design curricula as though the students actually learn every element that is delivered whereas the truth is that students don’t learn the delivered material and everyone only learns what they learn. One could dramatically change the order in which courses are delivered and it would make no measurable difference in how much students learn.

Students deliver nonsense and professors don’t care. Obedience and indoctrination are all that matter so the only required skill is bluffing. Students know this and those that don’t don’t know what they know, don’t know themselves.

Pick any expert opinion or dominant paradigm: It’s part of a racket.

We can’t know the truth because the truth is brutal.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media
February 10 2016 | From: Sott

There is a growing trend of skepticism on the internet right now as people start to call out mainstream media for its honesty (or rather, lack thereof).

It's an important move for people in general, as there are good reasons to question the talking heads that are gifted with such a reach and influence, via a brand whose survival is based upon getting and keeping your attention.

To give someone, or some brand, the authority to tell you what is true, is one of the greatest mistakes a human being can make. Here's why.

Yes, of course, I know I'm about to tell you how to think in this article, being written on a brand you recognize, that survives on getting and keeping your attention. But at least I'm honest about that. I'm not going to attempt to prove that I know everything about every newsroom on the planet. I can only tell you about some of the common things that I have seen, in the newsrooms I have been in.

I worked in television news for 10 years from 2004 to 2015, working for primarily the finance channel of Canada, Business News Network, and since 2011, the now-deceased Sun News Network, which was an attempt at a conservative slanted broadcast in the Canadian market. It was called the 'Fox News North' by many critics, and rightfully so, to some degree.

Through this career, and especially at Sun News Network, I was privy to many off-camera conversations which really helped me see through the illusory idea that, just because you're on TV, you know what you're talking about. In fact, I grew terrified to keep producing it for that reason.

Here's the first thing that many people don't truly understand about the news media. It is biased to those that fund it.

There were many times when we were forced to cut an advertisement or cut a story or remove something from the website because an advertiser didn't want to be associated with it and, as a result, our financial livelihoods were threatened.

TV is literally at the mercy of those that fund it because it's a business. TV, as it is, has no other way to survive except for advertising revenue, which depends on getting and keeping your attention. In effect, news media is a marketing tool for advertisers, and its content is sometimes designed to match the next best product coming out of these advertisers.

The second thing that many people don't really respect is that TV and mainstream news are almost always tied to political or religious agendas. Whether Liberal or Conservative, Republican or Democrat, there are news media outlets designed to serve the flavor of the person watching. This essentially means that the same story will be told two distinctly different ways, to match the audience watching.

This means that the concept of non-media-bias is irrelevant in 2016. The moral idea of non-bias reporting has been thrown out, necessarily, because TV survives off money and that money often comes from large companies who are funding certain political sides, who require their side to win.

News isn't about news anymore, it's a marketing tool for politicians and larger corporations looking to buy votes through fear and buy customers with stupidity.

I can't count the number of times I saw story after story being put out about how bad things are in the world, only to see the supporting political party start to speak about how they are going to solve these issues.

It's like walking up to someone and throwing coffee on them, staining their shirt, knowing full well that your buddy next to you has a shirt to sell to them. It's easy to win an election when you've already primed the people to believe in what you're saying, without ever saying it.

The third thing that plagues the news media is sensationalism, and headlines that polarize audiences. It's important to 'tell it like it is and report the facts,' but often these facts are not fact checked enough and headlines get published that are later apologized for.

One of my favorite games is to re-read the news to tell what actually happened, without the extra, juicy details. As an example, this headline - 'Councillors reject salary freeze for themselves' - could really be read as 'Councillors reject salary freeze.'

Once you start taking out all of the descriptors and judgments, you realise that the world is a lot simpler to look at.

Media can easily make us believe that we should judge each other. I've seen this firsthand. Once you see, hear, or read something enough times, you start to think it's actually true. The truth is, by taking out the judgments, we can re-engage our curiosity instead of instantly activating our condemnation and resentment towards each other and the world.

However, the media is again kept alive by your attention, and the fact is, most of us will pay more attention to things that make us hate than we will pay attention to things that make us love. The media knows this, and it's playing you like a violin, if you're paying attention.

The fourth thing that occurs, almost daily, in the newsrooms is that people are constantly shifting roles. Yesterday, John (as an example) is an expert on social media.

Today, John is now an expert on terrorism, since 8am this morning, and yet, even though John has no expertise in this field whatsoever, he's given the credibility of people who can't see the truth behind the camera. Or in another example, we'll hear from the financial executive coming to tell you how to invest your stocks despite having a bottle of Jack Daniels in his coat pocket and who is himself losing money behind the scenes.

This is a huge challenge in our culture, in my perception, and I'm glad it's slowly being called out. Giving power to a talking head who hates his or her life just as much as you, has no interest in anyone else's well-being except their own, and especially doesn't care about you, and who isn't truly doing what they really love or want to do, is delusional.

Why would you pay attention to the lives of others who don't have your life's best interests in mind? This is like going to a 10 times divorcee for advice on how to stay in a marriage.

And with that said, the fifth thing is that news media rarely actually matters in your life. With all honesty, what does the life of Jian Ghomeshi, for example, have to do with you? Does it really matter to you to know that Miley Cyrus moved in with her boyfriend? Does knowing these things actually help you live a better life?

If there's one thing I am certain of it's this - the more successful you are, the less you care about the lives of anyone except those that you serve, because you're too busy caring about your customers to care about people who aren't invested in your well being. My advice is this:

Reword the headlines so that you see the facts, simply, without editorially presented emotion or judgment. This can keep you from adopting the judgments of someone who might have a life fulfillment level that's way worse than yours.

Never take what is said as the full truth. Investigate for yourself what's really happening and see both sides.

Pay attention to what actually matters to you. If you want to be successful, start paying attention to your own life.

Start telling your own evening news about what you accomplished today. Get interested in yourself and your experience here on this planet, with the time you have. This is the only way to keep yourself sane and out of the clutches of those who want to manipulate your mind for their interests.

Watch only what inspires you and helps you live and express your true calling. It's your choice to watch a worldview that's distorted by distorted people, or engage in creating a worldview that inspires you to act in it. Just because there are 'perceived problems' in the world, doesn't mean you don't have a role in doing something in it.

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5 Cancer Myths Busted
February 10 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Cancer statistics are on the rise, and the growing numbers have moved the disease to a priority issue for the global community.

As The Lancet reports, cancer deaths have increased 46% between 1990 and 2013. On Jan 1, 2016, new international development priorities called Sustainable Development Goals, will focus on decreasing premature deaths from non-communicable diseases by 2025.

PreventDisease recently reported 5 cancer facts the cancer industry promotes as myths, which are summarized below:

1. The rise in all types of cancer is due to modern diet, lifestyle, and environment. Records of lifespan prior to the 18th century are scarce, but in all records of studied prehistoric skeletons, only 200 cases of possible cancer have been found. However, from 1900-2011, cancer deaths have increased 3 foldOne researcher found that in 80% of processed food, 4 main ingredients are found which harm immunity: corn, wheat, soy, and meat.

2. Superfoods and herbs can prevent cancer. This is true in many cases.

In fact, there are 17 herbs and spices which in their own right are considered super-foods, and have been scientifically proven to prevent and treat cancer.

3. Acidic diets cause cancer. Blood pH should be within a range of 7.3 to 7.41. If the pH is lower than that range, acidosis occurs, which leads to central nervous system depression. Severe acidosis (below 7.0) can cause coma and death. If the pH rises above 7.45, the result is alkalosis. Keeping the body closer to an alkaline state (up to .05) can make a significant difference in cancer growth or suppression. Cancer cells can’t live in an alkaline environment.

4. Sugar feeds cancer. A four-year study at the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection in the Netherlands compared 111 biliary tract cancer patients with 480 controls.

Cancer risk associated with the intake of sugars, independent of other energy sources, more than doubled for the cancer patients. Another epidemiological study covering 21 modern countries (Europe, North America, Japan and others) found that sugar intake is a strong risk factor for higher breast cancer rates, especially in older women.

5. Conventional cancer treatment kills more than it cures. Five year relative survival rates for cancer are standard because after 5 years, many patients’ conditions worsen. More accurate long-term statistics would reflect ten years or more, as well as data on cost-effectiveness, immune system impact, quality of life, morbidity, and mortality. When these factors are considered, chemotherapy makes little to no contribution to cancer survival.

The stats don’t lie. A problem is rising and we are releasing this information as a means of prevention and how we in our own way can make life changing choices as a means of lessening the risk of becoming a statistic.

Things that are well known to help are: an organic diet, lessening the time spend in WI-FI environments, avoidance of refined and hidden sugars, and if possible lessening stress.

For males, regular sexual intercourse is a proven benefactor for lessening prostate cancer and lowering anxiety; Fiery Male can help in this area.

A strong immunity is important. T-cells should be kept at optimum levels, which can be helped with our Thymus gland, and DMF Melatonin, which has been used in cancer studies.

Gut health is also important, as all disease begins in the gut. Our Full Spectrum Digestive Enzyme and Laktokhan can benefit gut health tremendously. For endocrine support, try our Adrenal gland and Thyroid Support Homeopathic.

As you see, we have a lot we can do in order avoid sickness and disease, and the best defense is awareness and prevention.

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Master Conspiracy Author David Icke Is Returning To New Zealand This August
February 9 2016 | From: TheWorldWideWakeUp / DavidIcke / ConsciousEvents

It is obvious that our world is undergoing major changes with the threat of world war, an impending financial collapse, the rapid deterioration of individual and community ethics and the dehumanization of entire societies.

We live in a time where humanity is being asked to choose between apathy or taking responsibility for the world that we have helped create.

For ticket sale information visit: TheWorldWideWakeUp

Once again, David Icke has answered the call with the launch of his latest book “Phantom Self”. The “Worldwide Wake Up Tour” is sure to be a paradigm shifting experience for all that would like to push the boundaries of their consciousness.   

Forced to abandon his dream career as goalkeeper for Coventry City at the age of 21 because of rheumatoid arthritis, David Icke became a popular figure as sports presenter at the BBC while representing the Green Party as official spokesman. After recurring epiphanies that led to a journey of profound synchronicities and enquiry, Icke embarked on his current career of investigative journalism and international author.

Despite his theories often being publicly ridiculed, a strong fan following expressed through sold out seminars across the globe gave credence to his research and theories and solidified his role as publicly giving voice to questions that many did not have the strength to ask or answer.

In recent years, alternative versions of reality that were previously dismissed as “conspiracy theories” have increasingly taken up the spotlight as facts emerge in support of these sometimes controversial claims.

At the forefront of this profession is bestselling UK author and speaker, David Icke.

His “Worldwide Wake Up” Tour is the culmination of a 26 year career exposing hidden political agendas, espionage, secret societies and covert manipulation of the masses.

Often the target for mainstream media smear campaigns led by prominent political figures and media celebrities and having withstood ongoing derision, many of David Icke’s “absurd” theories have been confirmed as truth and are unfolding before our very eyes today.     

Since the early nineties and throughout his extensive career, David repeatedly made predictions of future world events based on his research at given times. He wrote extensively about a group of families linked by bloodline that control the major economies and consequently, the governments of the world.

He has exposed a hidden agenda to enslave humanity through the introduction of a fascist world government that will rule over all of humanity via a centralized world bank, a one world army and a gigantic police state. He has described a world where fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech, thought and expression is disallowed and punished by being branded as “terrorism”, and where any opposition to the ruling elite is suppressed by force and financial mechanisms of control.

According to David Icke, the planned trigger for this agenda of global control will be a third world war that will forever transform life on the planet, presenting the opportunity to usher in the New World Order to an unsuspecting and accepting, post war humanity.

David Icke will also be launching his latest book at “Worldwide Wake Up” Tour called “Phantom Self” which offers solutions to society’s challenges highlighted in his life’s work. Focusing on David’s fundamental belief that a worldwide awakening of humanity is happening where the individual undergoes an integral transformation from what he refers to as the “Phantom Self” to Universal Truth and Infinite Self.

He illustrates how deconstructing the false ego of self identification through confronting the truths of our current disempowering reality is crucial for humanity’s freedom from global tyranny.

The current state of the world is only a reflection of the inner state of the individual. In order to create a harmonious reality, it is necessary for the individual to explore the deeper realms of their own consciousness which projects onto the collective reality, unlocking our limitless potential to decide our own experience and destiny.

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McDonald’s Franchisees Say That The Business Is In Its “Final Days”
February 9 2016 | From: Ewao

It’s no secret that McDonald’s menu is not the healthiest food out there.  

It seems that after Morgan Spurlock’s independent film called Super Size Me was released back in 2004, which documented his mental and physical health after eating only Mcdonald’s food after a 30-day period, McDonald’s started to see a decline in the amount of people interested in eating at their establishment.  

In more recent months, McDonalds have been losing favor from their customer base, as more of us are becoming aware of what types of food we allow into our bodies. There has been an abundance of hype now about GMO food in general and more people are quickly losing interest in consuming food that contains GMO’s.

When interviewed about the condition and potential future of McDonald’s, one of their employees made mention that the company is in a “deep depression” and could be seeing its “final days.” Yet another employee stated that:

“We are in the throes of a deep depression, and nothing is changing,” and when on to say that “probably 30% of operators are insolvent.”

We have come such a long way in seeking out healthier food alternatives.  As more of us are becoming aware of how unhealthy our food options are, we have insisted that we have healthier food, and in doing so businesses like McDonald’s are seeing a large decline in revenue. Why is that you might ask?

It’s because they have chosen to stick with unhealthy food options while the rest of us strive for healthier options.

When asked why they thought the company was in the state that it was currently in, another employee had this to say on the matter;

“The CEO is sowing the seeds of our demise. We are a quick-serve fast-food restaurant, not a fast casual like Five Guys or Chipotle. The system may be facing its final days.”

A couple of McDonald’s executives also chose to come to the table about the condition of their company and share with us their concerns and views of their company, and said:

“The lack of consistent leadership from Oak Brook is frightening, we continue to jump from one failed initiative to another.”

Another executive also made a comment about McDonald’s;

“I have been in this business since the early 1970s but have not seen us this leaderless in all my time. The system is very lost at the moment. Our menu boards are still bloated, and we are still trying to be too many things to too many people. Things are broken from the franchisee perspective.”

It’s not too hard to see that McDonald’s is in a decline with no signs of getting better. I remember at one point, no matter where I went, McDonald’s establishments were always packed. From long lines at the drive-thru to packed eating areas on the insides. Also, the play areas always had birthday parties going on. Yet now, as I go through town Mcdonald’s is lucky to have the few sparse customers that they have, even when they are positioned in high traffic areas, there is hardly anyone there, even during busy hours.

To start off the year 2015, McDonald’s would have to start by closing a whopping 700 of its locations, due to all of us simply requesting that instead of super fancy building and sleekly designed menu boards, we just want healthier food.  Due to the leadership of McDonald’s and its failed attempts to keep us consumers coming back, not only their local sales were seeing a decline but their global ones as well.  

In the beginning months of 2015, McDonald’s had already seen a 28% drop in their overall operating revenue, and additionally they saw a 2.3% decrease in their sales. For years, McDonald’s has been experiencing a trending loss of their overall revenue, and the way future looks for McDonald’s, they may never recover.

At this rate McDonald’s will be added to the list of entities that chose to continue to poison everyone with cheaply made or synthesized food, and are now nonexistent, because instead of pushing to stay with the consciousness of its consumers, as they seek for better food quality, chose the latter path and would rather become extinct instead of grow to something amazing.

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Non-Dollar Trading: Emerging Economies Deal A Heavy Blow To Petrodollar
February 8 2016 | From: Sputnik

Experts have given the petrodollar a fatal diagnosis. Falling crude prices have accelerated the petrodollar's demise, dealing a heavy blow to the system that has long facilitated the US dollar's world reserve currency status.

Emerging economies are abandoning the US dollar as a means of payment for oil, having shifted to national currencies.

“Ditching the dollar, Iran and India have agreed to settle all outstanding crude oil dues in rupees in preparation to future trade in their national currencies. The dollar dues - $6.5 billion equaling 55 per cent of oil payment - would be deposited in National Iranian Oil Co account with Indian banks," The Indian Express reported on January 5, 2016.

Half a year earlier, Russia's state-owned oil company Gazprom Neft announced that it had started settling shipments of crude to China in the renminbi (yuan). The strategy proved effective and Russia has become Beijing's top oil exporter, outpacing Saudi Arabia.

Interestingly, part of Russia's success in China has been attributed to its willingness to accept Chinese yuan denominated currency for its oil. (And not, as others have suggested, because of any sort of allegiance to the Sino-Russo friendship.)," Elena Holodny of Business Insider noted in one of her latest articles.

Incredible as it may seem, experts recommend Saudi Arabia to follow Russia's example and switch from dollars to yuans:

“If Saudi Arabia wants to recapture its number one ranking, it needs to accept the renminbi for oil payments instead of just the dollar," Gordon Kwan, the Hong Kong-based head of regional oil and gas research at Nomura Holdings Inc. told Bloomberg back in June 2015.

What does it mean for the petrodollar?

“Two years ago, in hushed tones at first, then ever louder, the financial world began discussing that which shall never be discussed in polite company - the end of the system that according to many has framed and facilitated the US Dollar's reserve currency status: the Petrodollar…," Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, a news site for global finance, noted back in 2014.

It seems that the prognosis is about to come true.

In January 2016 Zero Hedge reported that the petrodollar's demise is obvious, bolstered by falling crude prices.

“Citing Goldman Sachs, the global investment banking firm, the media outlet noted that "a new oil price 'equilibrium' (i.e. a sustained downturn) could result in a net petrodollar drain of $24 billion per month on the way to nearly $900 billion in total by 2018."

The end of the petrodollar recycling chain would affect the world's affairs tremendously, it added.

Simultaneously, China is pushing ahead with its Silk Road Fund and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

“China will push for the yuan to play a prominent role in the settlement of AIIB transactions and may look to establish special reserves in both the AIIB and Silk Road fund to issue yuan-denominated loans," the media-outlet emphasized, adding that in November 2015 SWIFT data indicated clearly that 15 new countries had joined a list of nations settling more than ten percent of their trade deals with Beijing in the renminbi.

“The oil price slump has contributed to the first net outflow of petrodollars from financial markets with the prospect of a further drain. Meanwhile, experts observe the ascendancy of the renminbi."

Apparently, it is time to say goodbye to the petrodollar-based world order.

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Hidden Origins - Michael Tellinger
February 8 2016 | From: Gaia / Unbuntu / MichaelTellinger

Michael Tellinger, is an author of four books, scientist and explorer, who has become a real-life Indiana Jones, making ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa.

His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

Related: Unbuntu: The World You Desire Exists. It Is Real

Michael Tellinger, is an author, scientist, explorer and founder of the global UBUNTU Liberation Movement.

His continued efforts and analytical scientific approach have produced stunning new evidence that will force us to rethink our origins and rewrite our history books.

This could change everything:

Uncover the clues that expose humanity’s true origins as Michael Tellinger reveals secrets hidden within ancient stone circles and artifacts. These secrets could help us once again reclaim our true power and create a new world of abundance and opportunity for all.

Episode 1: Humanity’s Hidden Origins

Michael Tellinger presents an overview of the journey to discover humanity’s hidden origins. Everything we have been told about our history is a lie.

The stories that have shaped our society, as we know it, are falsehoods concocted by the victors of our planet’s many wars.

To go to the video player page to see Episode 1 click here.

Episode 2: The Power Of Gold

From the moment the Annunaki set foot upon our once primitive planet, the race was on to procure mass amounts of gold and hold as much power over the emerging human populations as possible.

This may be why gold has always been central to the advancement of human civilizations upon the Earth.

To go to the video player page to see Episode 2 click here

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UN Panel Rules Julian Assange Arbitrarily Detained, Entitled To Liberty & Compensation
February 7 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / RT

‘UN decision undeniable victory, Sweden & UK lost,’ Assange tells crowds in London.

The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has ruled that Wikileaks’ Julian Assange has been arbitrarily detained by the “democratic” governments of Sweden and the UK and is entitled to his freedom and compensation for detention by the two “democratic” governments.

Related: ‘UN decision undeniable victory, Sweden & UK lost,’ Assange tells crowds in London

At the beginning of Assange’s arbitary detention, I said that the detention was in violation of the rights of asylum and is akin to the Soviet Government’s refusal to allow Cardinal Mindszenty free passage from the US Embassy in Hungary when he was granted political asylum by the US government. I pointed out that in our time Washington now behaves like the Soviet dictatorship half a century ago.

The illegal actions of the Swedish and UK governments were on the orders of Washington, the corrupt government of which is determined to get Assange for publishing leaked documents revealing the criminality and mendacity of the US government.

Washington and its UK vassal claim to be defenders of the rule of law, but, of course, both governments are lawless. We will see if the rulihg has any effect on the behavior of “the two great champions of liberty.” My prediction is that the gang of criminals in Washington will not allow its vassal governments to abide by the UN decision. I hope that I am wrong.

A UN panel has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been ‘arbitrarily detained’ in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, calling upon the UK and Sweden to end Assange’s deprivation of liberty.

The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) … considered that Mr. Julian Assange was arbitrarily detained by the Governments of Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,” the statement said.

The group concluded that the WikiLeaks founder “is entitled to his freedom of movement and to compensation.”

“The Working Group considered that Mr. Assange has been subjected to different forms of deprivation of liberty: initial detention in Wandsworth Prison [in London] which was followed by house arrest and his confinement at the Ecuadorian embassy.”

The panel said that it ruled that Assange’s detention “was arbitrary” as he was “held in isolation during the first stage of detention.” Also that “the lack of diligence" by the Swedish Prosecutor in its investigations resulted in the “lengthy detention of Mr. Assange.”

The UN panel also called upon UK and Swedish authorities “to assess the situation” of the WikiLeaks founder and “ensure his safety and physical integrity” and to “facilitate the exercise of his right to freedom of movement in an expedient manner.”

The Working Group also considered that the detention should be brought to an end,” the experts concluded.

Related: Freeing Julian Assange: The Last Chapter

Read More at: RT

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