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Making History & New Beginnings: Neil Keenan / Group K Update
December 22 2014 | From: GroupK

For approximately four years many have followed the extraordinary endeavors of Neil Keenan through numerous highs and lows.

But against all outrageous odds, his  perseverance and utter dedication to the mission have never swayed one bit.  He has held his vision and the deep understanding that he is holding the key and the right IDEAL – save the world.

Remaining steadfast in not allowing his thoughts and plans to be deterred by anyone or anything, he has always known the right way to move ahead.

There have been many opportunities to cause him to walk away from it all – incredible offers from the Cabal to go away, multiple assassination attempts on his life, and a severely painful leg injury for which he was told surgery was needed.

Any one of these events would have been enough for an ordinary man to give up, retire and wish the world good luck.  But he endured, stayed the course and kept pushing and pushing until the doors opened.  And now they have.

Not only has he and his team finally succeeded in opening the doors, the world can now see what is behind them.  Here is history in the making.

Naysayers, hateful betrayers, malevolent detractors, disinfo agents, sycophants, would-be assassins and Cabal criminals:  Rue This Day!

The Bunker Venture

In a historic precedent of enormous consequence, Neil is the first Westerner to ever enter one of the bunkers.  This one bunker (one of approximately 1,000) is a 16-acre, 4-level underground cavern filled with treasures deposited by the “Family” over many years until the present day.

Access to the bunker was not without multiple and unforeseen challenges.  A number of clearances by the Elders were required before Neil, Nelu and Jo could enter the bunker, but they remained undaunted by the long delays, lack of sleep and spare shelter conditions as they waited “on-call” for entry.

They even found some entertainment with listening to the loud mating calls of the indigenous lizards.  (Neil intends to use one of the lizard calls as a ring tone for his phone.)

A profoundly humble, pure-of-heart man, the Elder “gatekeeper” lead them to the bunker.  It is important to note that several years ago Neil underwent a ceremony conducted by the Elders to determine that his motivation was solely for the highest good — his own pureness of heart.  Only with this being indisputably established was Neil allowed to enter a bunker.

Although they were unable to obtain video inside the bunker during this first venture, what Neil and the team found were chests/boxes apparently filled with gold, jewels, museum artifacts, modern global currencies in all denominations (including 2015 US dollars printed by the Federal Reserve), and of equal magnitude, invaluable documents that detail the truth behind some of the atrocities committed against humanity.  (These documents will be used to fortify Neil’s lawsuit when it is refiled.)  If that wasn’t enough, there was even a full-sized helicopter stored inside.

Upon exiting the bunker, Neil was rewarded for his determination and courage.  The Elder gatekeeper presented him with numerous sealed and locked boxes which, as you will see in the video, required serious manual labor to break open.

Precious few have seen these boxes, much less seen them opened, because only a few have ever gotten close to them before.  Most don’t believe they exist but here is undeniable proof that they do in fact exist.  Here is the first disclosure of what one box might contain.

Before the box was opened, Neil joked that with the Keenan Team’s luck, the contents were probably from Al Capone’s vault that was moved to Asia.  In this one box were gold bars each weighing 1 kilogram (2.3 lbs) and worth approximately $50K.  The ravages of time and humidity have created oxidation and mold on the bars, but there’s no question about what lies beneath.

The Elders unequivocally support Neil and his efforts with a solid, long-term commitment to sustain his efforts.  On behalf of the world at large, we humbly thank the Elders for all that they are doing.

With these assets they are compensating Neil for some of his own expended funds and providing the backing to move forward with his operations to restore our world through humanitarian projects.  These beneficent and wise Elders have given him a “key” to enable the opening the Global Collateral Accounts.  Never before has there been such definitive proof that the Accounts exist!

While many people do not believe that there are Global Collateral Accounts, this is because the Cabal and their cronies have gone to great lengths for the world to accept this as truth.  They have everything to gain in perpetuating their programming that our destiny remains in their total control.

They would have us continue to believe that only carnage, terror and violence change the world overnight.  But we give you undeniable proof here and now that righteous and positive global events can and will manifest to transform our world.

It needs to be very clear, however, that this is not about Nesara or anything like it.  When the Accounts are finally opened, there will be much clean-up to be done and there will be humanitarian projects throughout this world, not just in the West where people will procure jobs.

There will be no hand-outs but only real work to be done to restore our civilization and live up to our potential in a reality where our species will thrive in harmony and prosperity.  These are the hard facts and to believe otherwise is nothing but delusion.

Build the Momentum!

For their part, the West must take action toward the ideal and what absolutely needs to get done.  They must find the courage to make a stand against all that is corrupt and bring real meaning to their lives with action that thwarts what is happening — the complete demise of our species.  Neil has risked all to get us to this point.

By example he has shown how one man can make a tremendous difference in this world.  It is now time to be known for your actions; to be known for leaving this world a better place than how you found it; to be known for the great potential that is inside each one of us.  Choose now the legacy that you will leave for your family and the generations to come.

Round #2 – Upcoming

What a spectacular beginning this is!  Obviously there is still an extraordinary amount of work ahead for Neil and the team, and soon the forthcoming ventures into the bunkers will yield video footage for all to see.

In watching this video you will know beyond a doubt that the Global Collateral Accounts do exist and understand how vital, and delicate, this matter will soon be.  We present this to give you an idea of some of the actual painstaking efforts involved, and, true to Keenan style, with a bit of humor.

And this is our Christmas present to you.  God bless us all – Peace and Joy to the World!

"The Opening of the Box" Video Part One

"The Opening of the Box" Video Part Two

"The Opening of the Box" Video Part Three

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“ISIL Completely Fabricated Enemy By USA” - Former CIA Contractor
December 18 2014 | From: PressTV

Former CIA contractor, Steven D. Kelley, says that the ISIL terrorist group is a completely fabricated enemy created and funded by the United States.

“This is a completely fabricated enemy,” he said in a phone interview with Press TV from Anaheim, California on Thursday.

“The funding is completely from the United States and its allies and for people to think that this enemy is something that needs to be attacked in Syria or Iraq is a farce because obviously this is something that we create it, we control and only now it has become inconvenient for us to attack this group as a legitimate enemy,” Kelley added.

He made the remarks as US President Barack Obama is under pressure to seek congressional approval before expanding Washington’s military air campaign against ISIL targets from Iraq into neighboring Syria.

The Pentagon has already launched at least 100 airstrikes on ISIL positions in northern Iraq since Obama authorized the use of force against the terrorist group earlier this month.

The White House insists it does not need explicit congressional authorization for those operations because they are intended to protect American personnel and interests inside the Arab country.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that Obama “will not hesitate to use his authority” to keep Americans safe, but added that the president was “committed to coordinating and consulting with Congress” on a decision to hit ISIL targets in Syria.

“If you want to get to the root of the problem and remove this organization, the first thing they need to do is to remove the funding and take care of entities responsible for the creation of this group,” Kelley said.

“I believe that this ISIS group would probably go away, would be easily defeated by the armies of [Syrian President] Bashar Assad,” he said.

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A Short History Lesson: From 9/11 To Warrantless Spying In New Zealand
December 12 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective

I found myself writing a comment on The Standard this morning in reaction to their publishing Brian Gould’s piece explaining why Labour outsmarted National when they voted with them to allow warrantless spying on Kiwi’s.

I found myself writing about New Zealand’s Labour party lead by Andrew Little compromising on the right of New Zealanders to be free of unlimited “Governmental” spying on them and the history leading up to these law changes.

I found myself writing about Andrew Little’s and Labour’s reprehensible and dangerous lack of insight in the Geopolitical developments over the last 13 years. In fact since the events of 9/11.

Let me explain what I mean with unlimited spying:

When you allow a “Government” even the tiniest window of unwarranted (= uncontrolled by the third arm of Government = Elite using police or other spy agencies for their own ends) spying on it’s population you might as well give them unlimited spy time.  Spying is done in secret and you can count on it the clock will only start ticking when somebody finds out they are being spied on.

History is filled with examples of what happens if a people accept the fact that their “Government” spies on them. It always ends bad and it is always used to crush dissent. It is also always brought in under the exact same motivation:

There is an enemy in our midst and we are in danger. In order to make sure the enemy doesn’t hurt us we have to be able to spy on everyone.

The difference between what populations hear and what “Governments” mean by this is also always the same.

The populations hears: We, the “Government” and you, the righteous, solid, law abiding citizens of this country, are under thread from the enemy within (Communists, Catholics, Protestants, Capitalists, Jews, Muslims, take your pick throughout history). As solid, law abiding citizens you have nothing to fear. This is your “Government” protecting you.

What the “Government” is actually saying: We (the “Government”) are under thread and the enemy could be who ever we are saying it is. And yes, that could be you, the solid, law abiding citizen who finally cracks after enforced austerity, also known as looting by the elite represented by the aforementioned “Government”,  erosion of civil liberties, endless wars perpetrated by the “Government” and other things that drive normal, solid, law abiding people to a breaking point.

The population subjected to this kind of behaviour always finds out what the “Government” actually meant when their family members and loved ones start to disappear. Because the consequence of allowing your “Government” to spy on its population. It is always more repression as the population starts to wake up to their new reality and starts to protest when innocents die or disappear.

So here is what wrote on the Standard:

Just a bit of history (I know, who needs history but you know history repeats itself if you don’t learn from it so bear with me Iprent). Around 1999 a thesis was published. It was called Rebuilding America’s defenses. It was published by a group of what we now know to be dual citizen neo-liberals calling themselves the Project for a New American Century. In it they called for a “New Pearl Harbor”.

They got their New Pearl Harbor on 9/11 and a law was quickly rolled out and pushed through under urgency. It was called the Patriot law. Turns out that law was written long before 9/11 happened.

The result was wholesale spying, TSA groin groping at airports, a no fly list, the wholesale militarization of the US police to name a few of the changes in the US.

Now what does that have to do with Andrew Little’s and Labour’s stance on the illegal “spy at will” laws (Being safe from governmental spying in your own home is a very basic human right) they just voted in, you ask?

Their compliance with the law changes proposed by our US sock puppet prime Minister show that they are dangerously naive in assuming that the law will only be used to spy on possible Muslim terrorists.

It shows that they are dangerously naive and still suffer from “We are Islands very far away from everything else so we don’t have to learn about global politics and what happened in other countries that have so far accepted unwarranted spying on their own citizens as a result of what happened on 9/11itis”.

Even if you believe the claptrap of what we have been told about who perpetrated 9/11 and why, it behooves the party Brian Gould calls THE OPPOSITION to be aware of how spy laws and no fly lists have affected the populations of other countries. If they can’t look over the border and see the bigger picture they have no place in our government!

Additionally you might want to ask yourself why Brian Gould as a member of the MSM is grooming his audience to once again look at the other head of the same dragon as the SOLE opposition party. It seems to me to be a clear case of “you will elect the people we have chosen for you to elect”.

Perhaps our puppet masters are aware that the Teflon on John Key is wearing thin and they know the populace is restless and wants a change.

At least they now know that in Andrew Little they are getting a “reasonable” man willing to “compromise” the privacy of the people of New Zealand away in favor of “safety”.

It all reminds me of a quote from Benjamin Franklin: “Those who are willing to give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

We have just taken the next step on Naomi Wolfs list towards Fascism and nobody seems to notice. Least of all Andrew Little and the Labour party.

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Addiction To Junk Food: More Than Meets The Eye
December 11 2014 | From: GreenMedInfo

When it comes to processed food, excessive amounts of sugar and hydrogenated fats is the rule rather than the exception. It is no secret anymore that there is a very distinct thread linking the increased consumption of such foods, coupled with relentless advertising campaigns and the epidemic proportions of diabetes and obesity in all age groups on a global scale.

In fact, if current trends continue, it is estimated that by 2030, more than 86% of Americans will be either overweight or obese. For some people, this picture looks dreadful enough already, but the truth is that it barely scratches the surface of the problem.

Neurobiology research has shown that food can cause serious addiction, the kind that addictive drugs do. Dr Nicole Avena and her colleagues from the department of Psychiatry, University of Florida, report that the consumption of sugar not only alters brain function and behavior, but it also elicits the same type of withdrawal symptoms like opiate drugs do.

In other words, sugar affects the opioid receptors in the brain, which are recognized by natural (endogenous or not) opioid substances. On the other hand, foods rich in fat seem to affect the brain in a different way, although they cause withdrawal-type symptoms as well. Many studies show that there is a unique relationship between emotional balance and fatty acids.

For example, a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation in 2011 tested the effects of fat consumption in healthy people while experiencing experimentally induced sad feelings. Within minutes the sad feelings were significantly alleviated and the subjects reported improved mood, while MRI scans confirmed the expected brain response.

This study is important because it shows that fat actually does not even have to be properly digested in order to modify brain functions. The mere presence of fat in the gut triggers the release of gastrointestinal hormones, which regulate neurological and emotional responses within very few minutes.

The above studies prove that junk food, high in fat and sugar, is so much more than excessive calories. It truly creates addiction on a biochemical and neurological level. It would be naive to believe that the richness of junk food in these specific compounds is an accident. Michael Moss explains in his incredible book "Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us" that the amount of secretive research invested by Big Food giants in finding the right combinations of the cheapest and most addictive ingredients for their products, is tremendous.

What neuroscience is only now starting to understand and elucidate, food companies knew it all along. And they have capitalized hard on it by selling processed food especially designed to bypass appetite control and neurological security valves of any unsuspected victim.

Due to the complexity and interconnectedness of the biological functions in the human body, the overall impact of processed food on human physiology, health, life expectancy and quality of life in this generation is still hard to estimate.

But again the full extent of this slow, but efficient, genocide cannot be not fully appreciated if the impact on the future generations is not assessed as well. Latest research shows that the diet during pregnancy has a significant impact on the nutritional choices of the offspring.

It is now confirmed that when the expectant mother follows a high-fat diet, her baby shows a measurable preference for sugar. However, this is not just a behavioral trait casually passed on to the next generation by means of mimicking the behavior of adults. On the contrary, as a result of the maternal diet, the DNA and subsequent expression of genes encoding opioid and dopamine receptors in the brain of the child is altered in a manner that promotes addiction.

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New Zealand Public Health: The Silent Crisis
December 10 2014 | From: Werewolf

How the public health system is being driven into the ground. New Zealand’s public health system has been in crisis for so long that its failings – and deteriorating performance vis a vis other developed countries – now tend to be treated as its normal mode of being.

Unmet needs are rife. In 2013, a major survey of the health system’s unmet needs reported that some 170,000 Kiwis are being turned down every year from getting onto public health waiting lists. While 280,000 Kiwis a year met the clinical threshold for elective surgery, only 110,000 were being placed on the waiting list.

To function at all, the public health system has become increasingly reliant on internationally trained medical graduates (IMGs) to cope with senior doctor shortages, while also proving increasingly unable to retain them here. (New Zealand’s dependency on IMGs to meet its health needs is the highest in the OECD.)

As the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) pointed out in a major report released in August, overseas trained senior doctors had comprised 35% of the public health workforce in 2000 (already a high proportion by international standards) and this has risen to 42%, on 2012 figures.

Even so, these foreign doctors and specialists are leaving at an accelerating rate – apparently in response to the toxic combination of high clinical workloads, relatively poor wages and conditions, and chronic delays in the provision of essential equipment. Judging by the ASMS figures, of those IMGs who first registered in 2011, nearly 40% were no longer practising in New Zealand one year later, which is more than double the percentage loss of five years earlier.

Much of the disturbing trends charted in the ASMS report – and more on them later – are a reflection of the funding shortages imposed by central government through the DHB system, under both Labour-led and National-led governments. The current shortages are also a reflection of the current government’s ideologically-driven goal of getting the books into surplus, come what may.

The result is a DHB managerial culture that places a high value on short-term cost-cutting and the deferral of investment – with a reluctance to plan long term, despite the efficiencies this could deliver.

There are few signs of improvement on the horizon. Quite the contrary. The staffing levels in New Zealand’s public health system are set to deteriorate, via a vis Australia. To take just one example : Australia is on track to meet its target of 1.5 specialists per 1,000 people by 2021. As the ASMS report indicates (p.31) to do likewise in New Zealand would require a net increase of 300 specialists a year, or roughly 80 a year above what New Zealand has managed over the past three years.

“Unless the current growth rate improves significantly, New Zealand’s total (public and private) specialist workforce target for 2021 will fall short by a headcount of approximately 560 specialists. “ While the ambit and precision of some of these figures are still in dispute, the ASMS confirmed to Werewolf that the specialist workforce in the DHB system is currently running at around 100 a year below what would be needed to reach parity with Australia by 2021.

One reason why the state of public health is not a bigger political issue is that an informal level of bi-partisan agreement exists between National and Labour about some of the public health system’s worst features. For example : the current six month waiting list system – implemented by the Clark government, and tightened under National – is a major reason for the levels of unmet need.

Getting sick people onto the waiting list forces everyone (patients, GPs and specialists alike) to game the system and exaggerate the symptoms, in order to ascend the priority ladder and gain access to treatment. Routinely, the old and the sick are being forced into competition with each other, in a bid for attention.

The other reasons why the state of the public health system is rarely in the headlines is due to (a) the professionalism of healthcare staff and (b) the internalisation by the public of the view that their public hospitals are chronically in crisis, so they shouldn’t ask for very much. As the ASMS report concludes, health professionals can be their own worst enemies in that respect :

"…While the consequences of senior medical officer (SMO) shortages are far reaching, they go largely unnoticed by the public, in part because the shortages are so entrenched.

They have become the ‘norm’ in many areas. Incursion of clinical workloads into important non-clinical [teaching and training] time has become an accepted and unavoidable fact of life for many SMOs.

This, and the high use of locums [a short-term and significantly more expensive fix] to fill service gaps temporarily, have saved many services from becoming dysfunctional – have largely kept the negative effects of shortages out of the newspapers.

Ignoring the issue, however, simply means the issue grows and the consequences become more severe further down the track."

Signs of the underlying malaise do occasionally become apparent. Every now and then, highly trained and capable clinicians will throw up their hands and leave New Zealand, generating newspaper headlines such as “Top Specialist Quits in Disgust.”

In mid-November, one such departure highlighted some of the issues behind the negative trends. Wellington Hospital lost its leading cardio-electrophysiologist, Dr Alejandro Jimenez Restrepo. Born in Colombia and trained in the US, Jimenez had arrived here in 2012 with his wife and young family, intending to settle permanently in New Zealand.

Within two and a half years, he was gone. In late November, Werewolf contacted Jimenez at his new post in Abu Dhabi, to discuss the reasons for his departure.

Read the full story at: Werewolf

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Parents Of Kapiti Coast Boy With Tumour Want Wi-Fi Out Of School
December 9 2014 | From: Stuff

A Kapiti Coast school is surveying parents about plans for classroom wi-fi after a young pupil died from brain cancer.

The parents of Ethan Wyman, who died 11 months after being diagnosed with two brain tumours, want wi-fi removed from classrooms at Te Horo School. [This story was also reported in a related article].

The board of trustees has now sent out a survey to all parents, after the Wymans expressed fears that the radiation effect of wi-fi could be linked to cancer.

But the Ministry of Education, which has been at community meetings held by the school alongside the Ministry of Health, says research shows wi-fi is safe. Damon Wyman, who still has two children at the school, says Ethan was diagnosed with the tumours four months after he was given a wi-fi-connected iPod.

His parents later discovered he had been falling asleep with it under his pillow. Even though it was on standby, it was still emitting bursts of radiation as it tried to connect to the router, Mr Wyman said.

Doctors who saw Ethan said the tumours appeared to be about three months old, Mr Wyman said. He died, aged 10, less than a year after diagnosis last August.

"We're not saying that caused it, but it seems like a bit of a coincidence. Most people would be very cautious about giving their 5-year-old a cellphone - well, this is 30 kids in a classroom [being exposed] to the same thing."

Research showed it was worth taking a precautionary approach to wi-fi. A group of parents had offered to fund cable internet as an alternative.

"To me it's a no- brainer, but as we'd be the first school in New Zealand to remove wi-fi, it's a big deal for the board."

Board chairman Steve Joss said the school was taking concerns seriously. "The board hasn't made any decisions on what to do, we're just working through the process of getting information."

The survey was delivered yesterday, and a decision would be made on December 28.

Ministry deputy secretary for education Andrew Hampton said it was working with the school to give information about wi-fi.

The Ministry of Health recently restated its position that exposure to electromagnetic fields from wi- fi equipment in schools did not pose a health risk, he said.

"The health and safety of children in our schools is critical, and the ministry will continue to work with the Ministry of Health to monitor New Zealand standards, international standards and credible research on wi-fi and radio frequency electromagnetic fields."

Although the ministry offered schools a wireless network option, it was up to boards whether they took it up.

Electromagnetic fields consultant Martin Gledhill said exposures to radio frequency fields from wi- fi gear were low, at just a tiny fraction of the public exposure limit.

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There’s Something Fishy Going On In The Gold Market
December 8 2014 | From: MoneyWeek

Bear in mind that the physical gold market (dealing in wholesale bullion delivery) is tiny in relation its paper-based cousin (futures, options, leveraged trades, collateralised obligations, ETFs, etc).

Paper beats rock

In fact, it’s estimated that the paper gold market – which should be a derivative of the physical market – is actually some 100 times larger than the physical market – ie, if everyone holding paper gold ‘stood for delivery’ at the same time, it would be impossible for every party to fulfil their obligations.

The central banks don’t like it

Because the derivative market is so large, paper gold makes physical gold’s market price. This is a problem for nervous central banks because when prices are perverted in this way, it causes anomalies in the market.

The big one right now is how the gold price seems to be completely out of kilter with underlying demand.

For example, how on earth can China and others be importing such massive amounts of physical gold – and yet the gold price refuses to budge? All sorts of theories have been posited. One is that major Western central banks have been providing physical supply to balance the books, by leasing gold into the market.

But here’s the rub: this gold may belong to other nations, which is causing anxiety for countries that rely on the Western depositories to store their gold.

World to banks: Where’s my gold?

First, it was the Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez that kicked up a stink. He demanded Venezuela’s gold back from London and the US. That was a few years ago now. Some astute nations took note. After all, Venezuela’s holdings are the 15th largest in the world – this was no piddling amount.

Then about a year and half ago, Germany was rumoured to be asking for an audit of its gold held in foreign depositories. Supposedly the American custodians said take a hike. We don’t know if that’s true or not. But what we do know is that shortly afterwards, the Germans asked for much of their gold back. 674 tons, in fact – 374 from Banque de France and 300 from the US Fed in Manhattan.

Now, this certainly wasn’t a piddling amount either. But if the stuff was in the vaults, then what’s the problem? Well, you can only imagine the Germans response to the announcement that the transfer, of their gold back to them, would take eight years to fulfil.

“What? Eight years? The Venezuelans took delivery within a couple of months. What’s going on here?”

What indeed? Perhaps the Americans placated the German delegation thus:

“Now, now, keep calm. Don’t make a fuss. If you rock the boat and everyone gets nervous, this process could take a lot longer! We don’t want anyone else getting concerned.”

A full year after Germany asked for its gold back, a trifling 37 tons had been delivered. That’s way off the 87 tons envisaged… and even that figure was allowing eight full years for delivery. What’s more, a paltry five tons came from the US. The rest was from Paris.

When asked about progress on getting its gold back, the Bundesbank was rather coy. Don’t worry, they said.

They would, though, wouldn’t they? It would hardly help to have other nations knocking on the Fed’s door asking for theirs back too now, would it?

The rumour mill is back in action

More recently, Austria was said to be giving its London custodians a prod. A report in Austrian magazine Trend suggested they were planning to send auditors to check on the country’s gold holdings in the Bank of England.

Hey up, this is how the German repatriation thing started! And Austria is no gold slouch either. Its IMF-reported reserves top 280 tons. That’s nearly half Austria’s foreign exchange reserves. They like the stuff!

In response to the rumour mill, Ewald Nowotny, governor of Austria’s central bank, recently played down matters:

“I acknowledge the request. Any grocery store is obliged to do inventory once a year.”

So the rumours of the audit appear to be true, then. And once again, the central bank tells everyone there’s nothing to see here. As I said – they would, wouldn’t they? If there’s going to be a run, then get in line early, and don’t go shouting about it.

The perfect crime

Everything I’ve laid out above is conjecture, of course. But don’t be surprised to learn that the central banks have been ‘leasing’ gold into the markets. In fact, we know for sure that they do – they’ve admitted as much.

And unlike dumping the stuff in the market – like Gordon Brown did with half our pot – lending the stuff can be done more surreptitiously. In fact, it’s the perfect crime. This way they can dump it on the markets, and still record it on their own balance sheet.

And why not? The stuff is supposed to come back again after the lease is up. But this isn’t like shorting shares. In the bullion markets, once the bullion has been lent short and dumped on the market, it’s mostly smelted into new bars that are demanded in Asia. It’s then shipped and stored in brand new vaults all over the globe.

Getting this stuff back after the lease is up could prove difficult for all the banks and hedge funds that have been shorting the stuff. ‘Only five tons delivery in one year’ kind of difficult!

Of course, if this story has legs, then it won’t be endorsed by any official any time soon. Mum’s the word. It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Venezuela, Germany, Austria… where are the whispering rumours gathering next?

And could there be an almighty run on the Western custodian banks to come?

Watch this space.

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Education Programming 101: Destroy Logic
December 6 2014 | From: JonRappoport

Once upon a time, in medieval universities, new students enrolled in the Trivium. It was the foundation curriculum. It was required. Its parts were: grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

Grammar: the interior construction of language.

Logic: the valid and invalid connections in the course of a formal argument; the method of proper reasoning; the deductive links in a chain, at the end of which appears a conclusion.

Rhetoric: oral and written presentation; the use of language to make a case; the capacity to persuade, even in the face of counter-argument.

Today, the subject matter of the Trivium is not only downplayed. It has been shattered.

This article focuses on the death of logic in schools. When the intensive handling of ideas is seen as a laughable goal for education, indoctrination is plugged in as the only alternative.

The mind of the student shifts from being an active force to being a container. The destruction of logic perverts rational thought at its core and inserts ideology masked as insight.

The actual meaning of an idea is firmly placed on the back burner. Instead? Praise or attack the people who forward ideas.

This strategy has gained great prominence.

“The revered Founders of the Republic?

Shysters, con men, slaveholders, monopolists who saw rebellion from England as the way to win greater power for themselves, at the expense of everyone else living on American soil.”

Therefore, the argument continues, and this is crucial, the Founders’ IDEAS, as expressed in the Declaration and the Constitution, were rotten to the core. The ideas can be dismissed out of hand as coming from “a bad source.”

Ideas no longer need to be judged on their sense, merit, and alignment with basic principles. Nor are they judged by their position in a well-formed argument. All that is out. Now, you only have to “look to the source” and make ALL your decisions based on “who these people really were who expressed the ideas.”

And since that’s the case, learning to think or reason is unnecessary.

In logic, this used to be called the fallacious ad hominem argument. Now it’s not called anything. It’s praised as the insightful way to do intellectual business. One by one, core ideas fall to the ax, and finally they cease to exist at all.

(To argue that very bad people have taken over an idea, and therefore the idea itself was never good, is like arguing that, since hijackers took over a plane, the plane was a despicable object altogether and probably deserved to be stolen or blown up.)

You might be surprised by the number of people who believe that the value of an idea depends entirely on who expressed the idea. If the wrong person first expressed it, it was never worthy.

Students with a vast sense of self-entitlement and meaningless self-esteem love this strategy. It allows them to parade around and call the shots and decide which ideas are important and which aren’t, without reflection. They have a scorecard of good guys and bad guys and that’s all they need.

In our teaching institutions, you could look in vain to find courses on the individual, his freedom, his power. That’s gone. It’s no accident that serious training in logic is also gone. And by serious, I mean the application of logic to formal arguments on issues that determine our future.

In many cases, instead, education is about: what group do you belong to? What are the needs of that group? Who is oppressing your group? How can you get government to solve the problem?

If you can educate the young to make snap judgments about core ideas, you eliminate their capacity to reason. You own them.

From that point on, they hold a hostile attitude toward anyone who can discuss and analyze ideas. They look at such people as an entitled and privileged class who is speaking a foreign language.

In order to engage in meaningful debate, people have to be able to recognize a train of thought and follow it. If they can’t, because they were educated not to, where are we? We’re in the dark. We’re living by slogans.

Freedom? Liberty? Collective need? Responsibility?

It doesn’t matter what ideas are on the table, because the overwhelming number of people don’t know what an idea is. They don’t know how to walk up to one and look at it from several sides.

They don’t know how to trace its implications. They don’t know how to fit that idea alongside its cousins. They don’t see a Whole. They see the ceaseless spinning machinery of an alien process, from which they’ve been excluded.

Then, no matter what shape society takes, it’s a dumb-show, as far the majority of its citizens are concerned.

The Matrix Revealed. Who solves that? The invasive State takes charge. It picks up the pieces of the wreckage it was a key actor in delivering.

The goal of educating citizens about what it means to take part in a Republic has been blunted. This was done, a step at a time, through education. Dismantling the ability to reason, employ logic, and handle ideas was the prow of that destructive campaign.

Therefore, the people who still know what logic is need to teach it in any way they can. The first steps are the hardest.

But when a student suddenly sees that world open up to him, when the lights go on, when information that was formerly a blur and a blob snaps into place as a recognizably logical (or illogical) sequence, when the student’s aimless wandering mind suddenly focuses with power…when he knows that he knows…the rewards are self-evident.

A dullness becomes bright.

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Wellington Supercity Proposed By 2016 - The Agenda 21 'Supercity' Rollout Continues
December 5 2014 | From: NationalBusinessReview

The Local Government Commission’s report on Wellington’s supercity proposes a new council and mayor by November 2016.

Comment: While the Auckland 'Supercity' adventure has been a PR-whitewashed abject failure that costs more, and diverts funding to vested interests - most do not realise the details and that they are irrelevant so long as the UN Agenda 21 gets implemented.

Comment: I once knew a person who worked in the Audit Office of the Auckland City Council who told me that if the people knew the amount of fraud, overspending and inefficency going on there would be an uproar that would topple the council.

The report was released at noon today, despite Wellington city councillor Helene Ritchie already spilling the news.

The commission has suggested the establishment of one Wellington council with eight local boards. This would mean one mayor, 21 councillors, and 60 local board members.

It forecasts financial savings of just over $30 million a year through amalgamation.

The commission says in its report it expects the Wellington local boards will have greater power than Auckland local boards for non-regulatory functions such as development consents. It also says councillors will be appointed to boards unlike Auckland, to improve communication.

The report acknowledges the case for change is not as compelling as it was in Auckland due to population figures. The proposed Great Wellington Council will serve a population comparable to Auckland City Council before the 2010 amalgamation, it says.

“Wellington does not face the growth pressures of Auckland."

“Nor does it have the level of dysfunction between current councils that was evident in Auckland prior to amalgamation,” - the report says.

The report notes that, in the 10 years to 2013, the Wellington region performed worse than the national economy on all indicators except employment growth and business unit growth.

“The Wellington economy is dominated by the government sector. To perform better it needs to diversify and significantly lift its national and international competitiveness."

“Leadership and the ability to deliver a single plan for the region will be critical to improved competitiveness and better economic outcomes."

The proposal is now open for submissions.

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On "Free Trade" Agreements: This Pertains To All Of The "Free Trade Agreements" The Cabal Is Currently Attempting To Roll Out Globally - Russell Brand & Who Does David Cameron Really Work For?
December 2 2014 | From: TheTrews

And it's all about a few people meeting in secret, with no recourse - and no accountability to the people. Sounds legit?

I'm joined by writer and activist George Monbiot as we discuss the TTIP - a treaty backed by David Cameron that would let rapacious companies subvert our laws, rights and national sovereignty.

You can subscribe to their channel here and send links to video news items of topical stories that you'd like me to analyse.

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Former Presidents Warn About The “Invisible Government” Running The United States
December 1 2014 | From: WakingTimes

And again, this is not just about the United States. Everyone is so tired with everything always being about Amerika, but the fact remains; ad nauseum, that it is one of our biggest powderkegs.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- George Santayana

Past presidents of the United States and other high profile political leaders have repeatedly issued warnings over the last 214 years that the U.S. government is under the control of an “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people."

This is not just about "America". This concerns the whole world, and given this type of evidence - when are "the people" actucally going to wake up, grow some balls; say that enough is enough and reclaim their freedom from the psychopaths that are running our world? This must be done legally and with due process of course.

According to six of our former presidents, one vice-president,  and a myriad of other high profile political leaders, an invisible government that is “incredibly evil in intent” has been in control of the U.S. government “ever since the days of Andrew Jackson” (since at least 1836). 

This is about the corruption that has taken over the world and if you are a kid in Hamilton (or anywhere else), New Zealand and you think that you can actually pay off that loan on your VTEC Honda and try to buy a house; sub-prime II. Forget it fool.

They “virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties… It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”

As a result, “we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”

The sources for the above quotes (and more) are listed below. All of the quotes in this article have been verified as authentic and have associated links to the source materials.  Also included below are statements made by David Rockefeller, Sr, former director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Federal Reserve Chairman’s Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke that appear to confirm some of the warnings.

Warnings About the Invisible Government Running the U.S.

The warnings listed below, which appear in chronological order, began with our first president – George Washington. The last president to speak out was JFK, who was assassinated. Read what they and other political leaders have said about the invisible government.

George Washington wrote that the Illuminati want to separate the People from their Government

“It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). 

That Individuals of them may… actually had 
a seperation [sic] of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.” – George Washington, 1st President of the United States (1789–1797), from a letter that Washington wrote on October 24, 1798, which can be found in the Library of Congress

For an analysis of Washington’s warning, see the article “
Library of Congress: George Washington Warns of Illuminati

“I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.” —Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States (1801–1809) and principal author of the United States Declaration of Independence (1776), in a letter written to John Taylor on May 28, 1816

“A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.” – John C. Calhoun, Vice President (1825-1832) and U.S. Senator, from a speech given on May 27, 1836

Note that it appears that Washington’s and Jefferson’s concerns regarding bankers and separation of the people from the government was realized by 1836.  This fact was confirmed in a letter written by FDR in 1933 (see below) in which he wrote that “a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.”  Jackson was the seventh president of the United States (1829-1937).  Calhoun served as Jackson’s vice-president from 1829-1832.

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.  

To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”— Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, An Autobiography, 1913 (Appendix B)

A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men… 

[W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world
- no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.” – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something.  They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” – Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, The New Freedom, 1913

“The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties, … and control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”  – New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times, March 26, 1922

“Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt…

Mr. Chairman, when the Federal Reserve act was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here… and thatthis country was to supply financial power to an international superstate — a superstate controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together toenslave the world for their own pleasure.” – Congressman Louis T. McFadden, from a speech delivered to the House of Representatives on June 10, 1932

“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945), in a letter to Colonel Edward M House dated November 21, 1933, as quoted in F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1928-1945.

“Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means… We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state… It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government… This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century… This group…is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts. It is practically irremovable.” – Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”  —J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine, 1956

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings… 

Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe…
 no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. 

If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only saythat the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.I

t is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
 Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. 

No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.” — John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech (click here for full transcript and audio).

The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world.  Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” Congressman Larry P. McDonald, November 1975, from the introduction to a book titled The Rockefeller File.

There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Daniel K. Inouye, US Senator from Hawaii, testimony at the Iran Contra Hearings, 1986

The Federal Reserve

A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves…” – John C. Calhoun

… owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.
– Theodore Roosevelt

“… one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Bank.“ 
– Louis T. McFadden

In an interview with Jim Lehrer that was aired on PBS’ News Hour on September 18, 2007 that you can watch on YouTube, formal Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, essentially, that the Federal Reserve was above the law and that no agency of government can overrule their actions:

“Jim Lehrer: “What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?”

Alan Greenspan: “Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means, basically, that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don’t frankly matter.

The fact that the Fed is above the law was demonstrated by current Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, during his appearance before Congress on March 4, 2009 (as shown in this video). Senator Bernie Sanders asked Bernanke about $2.2 trillion in American tax dollars that was lent out by Federal Reserve. Bernanke refused to provide an answer:

“Senator Sanders: “Will you tell the American people to whom you lent $2.2 trillion of their dollars? … Can you tell us who they are?”

Bernanke: “No”

David Rockefeller and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state…” – William Jenner

The Rockefellers and their allies have, for at least fifty years, been carefully following a plan to use their economic power to gain political control of first America, and then the rest of the world.” – Larry P. McDonald

In 1921 the stockholders of the Federal Reserve financed an organization called the “Council on Foreign Relations” (CFR).  A full discussion on the CFR is beyond the scope of this article.  Suffice it to say that the CFR likely plays a prominent role in the invisible government that we have been warned about.

 The CFR is alleged to be the arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members. The CFR uses its influence to push their New World Order agenda on the American people.

David Rockefeller, Sr is the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family. He is the only surviving grandchild of oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil.  Rockefeller began a lifelong association with the CFR when he joined as a director in 1949.  In Rockefeller’s 2002 autobiography “Memoirs” he wrote:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. 

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

James Warburg, son of CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] founder Paul Warburg, delivered blunt testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950:

“We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”

Cognitive Dissonance

The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”  —J. Edgar Hoover

Because of a deep rooted beliefs that the U.S. government is “for the people” and the protector of the free world, many will reject the notion of an evil shadow government.  When our beliefs are challenged or when two beliefs are inconsistent, cognitive dissonance is created. It’s human nature to try to hold our beliefs in harmony with our world view and avoid disharmony (or dissonance).

For those of you who having difficulty believing the information presented in this article, I fully  understand.  For the first 57 years of my life, I would not have believed in the possibility that a shadow government could exist.  Three years ago my world view changed. While on vacation in Mount Shasta, I came across a book titled “Global Conspiracy” that seemed strangely out of place in a metaphysical book store. 

I had never heard of the author before – some guy named David Icke.  I scanned through the book and frankly didn’t believe 99% of what I read.  But, I saw one thing that caught my attention in that I knew that I could easily verify Icke’s assertion.  I did my own research and turned out what Icke had stated was true.  That led me down a rabbit hole and many, many hundreds of hours of independent research.

So, keep an open mind, do your own research, and use discernment.   Beware that there is a ton of disinformation on the internet, much of which is intentionally placed to confuse the public.  At a CFR meeting on geoengineering (see the article “Millions Spent to Confuse Public About Geoengineering“),  M. Granger Morgan stated (it’s captured on video for you to see and hear for yourself):

First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, it’s been really quite pernicious. But there’s been literally tens of millions of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some uncertainty.

What Can We Do?

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

In addition to doing your own research, please spread the word, and get involved. The Thrive Solutions Hub is an excellent place to join with others who are taking positive action steps expose corruption and to create a world in which we can all thrive. You can watch the full Thrive movie on YouTube here.

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Study: US Is An Oligarchy, Not A Democracy
November 28 2014 | From: BBC

And it is the same wherever you are reading this, in case you had not figured that out yet.

The US is dominated by a rich and powerful elite. So concludes a recent study by Princeton University Prof Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Prof Benjamin I Page.

This is not news, you say.

Perhaps, but the two professors have conducted exhaustive research to try to present data-driven support for this conclusion. Here's how they explain it:

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organised groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.

In English: the wealthy few move policy, while the average American has little power.

The two professors came to this conclusion after reviewing answers to 1,779 survey questions asked between 1981 and 2002 on public policy issues. They broke the responses down by income level, and then determined how often certain income levels and organised interest groups saw their policy preferences enacted.

“A proposed policy change with low support among economically elite Americans (one-out-of-five in favour) is adopted only about 18% of the time," they write, "while a proposed change with high support (four-out-of-five in favour) is adopted about 45% of the time."

On the other hand:

When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and / or with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."

They conclude:

Americans do enjoy many features central to democratic governance, such as regular elections, freedom of speech and association and a widespread (if still contested) franchise. But we believe that if policymaking is dominated by powerful business organisations and a small number of affluent Americans, then America's claims to being a democratic society are seriously threatened."

Eric Zuess, writing in Counterpunch, isn't surprised by the survey's results.

"American democracy is a sham, no matter how much it's pumped by the oligarchs who run the country (and who control the nation's "news" media)," he writes. "The US, in other words, is basically similar to Russia or most other dubious 'electoral' 'democratic' countries. We weren't formerly, but we clearly are now."

This is the "Duh Report", says Death and Taxes magazine's Robyn Pennacchia. Maybe, she writes, Americans should just accept their fate.

"Perhaps we ought to suck it up, admit we have a classist society and do like England where we have a House of Lords and a House of Commoners," she writes, "instead of pretending as though we all have some kind of equal opportunity here."

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Google Should Apply ‘Right To Be Forgotten’ Worldwide – EU Watchdogs
November 28 2014 | From: RT

The European Union’s privacy watchdogs have urged the international Google search engine to apply the currently locally-functioning ‘Right to be Forgotten’ globally.

A panel of EU data protection watchdogs issued a list of guidelines calling on Google and other search engines to take down the undesired or regrettable links outside the region for “full effect.”

The ruling of the Right to be Forgotten stands for the people’s ability to remove links to personal information that is “inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant" from search results. However, current legislation applies only to local domains, such as Google.co.uk in the UK or google.fr in France.

Critics slam it for the ease with which one can perform the same search using another engine – such as Google.com – and find the desired, yet ‘hidden’, data.

The Right to be Forgotten has proven extremely popular, with thousands of requests to remove about half a million links since the ruling was introduced in May this year.

“Under EU law, everyone has a right to data protection,” the regulatory body said in a statement. “Decisions must be implemented in such a way that they guarantee the effective and complete protection of data subjects’ rights and that EU law cannot be circumvented.”

However, the new European privacy guidelines will not be officially published until Friday. As planned, they are not binding, and it’s not clear how they will be implemented outside the EU.

A spokesperson for the company, which holds nearly 85 percent of Europe’s online search market, told the Guardian, “We haven’t yet seen the Article 29 Working Party’s guidelines, but we will study them carefully when they’re published.”

The tech company has faced a series of privacy challenges this year, having agreed only to 41.5 percent of them.

Under the new ruling, people have to submit requests to search engines with links to the content that they want removed, but are not of public interest.

Read the full story at: RT

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Bizarre "Official" Illuminati Website Apparently Run By Jesuits
November 26 2014 | From: BeforeItsNews

They even have a 'TV commercial'.

Recently, I posted a news story about a Facebook page, Twitter, Commerical, and Website claiming to be the official websites for the Illuminati. As I was investigating further on the owners of this website, to my surprise, I discovered that the Jesuits are the people running the ‘Official Illuminati Website’.

In fact, the IP address is in Scottsdale, Arizona. As a side note, not too far away is the Lucifer Telescope, owned and run by the Jesuits.

Read the full story here.

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The Real Reason Wheat Is Toxic (It's Not GMO, Gluten Or Hybridisation)
November 21 2014 | From: TheHealthyHomeEconomist

The stories became far too frequent to ignore. Emails from folks with allergic or digestive issues to wheat experienced no symptoms whatsoever when they tried eating pasta on vacation in Italy.

Confused parents wondering why wheat consumption sometimes triggered autoimmune reactions in their children but not at other times.

In my own home, I’ve long pondered why my husband can eat the wheat I prepare at home, but he experiences negative digestive effects eating even a single roll in a restaurant.

There is clearly something going on with wheat that is not well known by the general public. It goes far and beyond organic versus nonorganic, gluten or hybridisation because even conventional wheat triggers no symptoms for some who eat wheat in other parts of the world.

What indeed is going on with wheat?

For quite some time, I secretly harbored the notion that wheat in the United States must, in fact, be genetically modified. GMO wheat secretly invading the North American food supply seemed the only thing that made sense and could account for the varied experiences I was hearing about.

I reasoned that it couldn’t be the gluten or wheat hybridisation. Gluten and wheat hybrids have been consumed for thousands of years. It just didn’t make sense that this could be the reason for so many people suddenly having problems with wheat and gluten in general in the past 5-10 years.

Finally, the answer came over dinner a couple of months ago with a friend who was well versed in the wheat production process. I started researching the issue for myself, and was, quite frankly, horrified at what I discovered.

The good news is that the reason wheat has become so toxic in the United States is not because it is secretly GMO as I had feared (thank goodness!). The bad news is that the problem lies with the manner in which wheat is grown and harvested by conventional wheat farmers.

You’re going to want to sit down for this one. I’ve had some folks burst into tears in horror when I passed along this information before.

Common wheat harvest protocol in [not just] the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as the practice allows for an earlier, easier and bigger harvest.

Pre-harvest application of the herbicide Roundup or other herbicides containing the deadly active ingredient glyphosate to wheat and barley as a desiccant was suggested as early as 1980. It has since become routine over the past 15 years and is used as a drying agent 7-10 days before harvest within the conventional farming community.USDA pesticides applied to wheat

According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT who has studied the issue in depth and who I recently saw present on the subject at a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis, desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990's with the result that most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with it. Seneff explains that when you expose wheat to a toxic chemical like glyphosate, it actually releases more seeds resulting in a slightly greater yield:

“It ‘goes to seed’ as it dies. At its last gasp, it releases the seed” says Dr. Seneff.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, as of 2012, 99% of durum wheat, 97% of spring wheat, and 61% of winter wheat has been treated with herbicides. This is an increase from 88% for durum wheat, 91% for spring wheat and 47% for winter wheat since 1998.

Here’s what wheat farmer Keith Lewis has to say about the practice:

"I have been a wheat farmer for 50 yrs and one wheat production practice that is very common is applying the herbicide Roundup (glyposate) just prior to harvest. Roundup is licensed for preharvest weed control. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup claims that application to plants at over 30% kernel moisture result in roundup uptake by the plant into the kernels. Farmers like this practice because Roundup kills the wheat plant allowing an earlier harvest.

A wheat field often ripens unevenly, thus applying Roundup preharvest evens up the greener parts of the field with the more mature. The result is on the less mature areas Roundup is translocated into the kernels and eventually harvested as such.

This practice is not licensed. Farmers mistakenly call it “dessication.” Consumers eating products made from wheat flour are undoubtedly consuming minute amounts of Roundup. An interesting aside, malt barley which is made into beer is not acceptable in the marketplace if it has been sprayed with preharvest Roundup. Lentils and peas are not accepted in the market place if it was sprayed with preharvest roundup….. but wheat is ok.. This farming practice greatly concerns me and it should further concern consumers of wheat products."

Here’s what wheat farmer Seth Woodland of Woodland and Wheat in Idaho had to say about the practice of using herbicides for wheat dry down:

"That practice is bad . I have fellow farmers around me that do it and it is sad. Lucky for you not all of us farm that way. Being the farmer and also the president of a business, we are proud to say that we do not use round up on our wheat ever!"

This practice is not just widespread in the United States either. The Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom reports that use of Roundup as a wheat desiccant results in glyphosate residues regularly showing up in bread samples. Other European countries are waking up to to the danger, however. In the Netherlands, use of Roundup is completely banned with France likely soon to follow.

Using Roundup on wheat crops throughout the entire growing season and even as a desiccant just prior to harvest may save the farmer money and increase profits, but it is devastating to the health of the consumer who ultimately consumes the glyphosate residue laden wheat kernels.

The chart below of skyrocketing applications of glyphosate to US wheat crops since 1990 and the incidence of celiac disease is from a December 2013 study published in the Journal Interdisciplinary Toxicology examining glyphosate pathways to autoimmune disease.

While the herbicide industry maintains that glyphosate is minimally toxic to humans, research published in the Journal "Entropy" strongly argues otherwise by shedding light on exactly how glyphosate disrupts mammalian physiology.

Authored by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff of MIT, the paper investigates glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, an overlooked component of lethal toxicity to mammals.

The currently accepted view is that ghyphosate is not harmful to humans or any mammals. This flawed view is so pervasive in the conventional farming community that Roundup salesmen have been known to foolishly drink it during presentations!

However, just because Roundup doesn’t kill you immediately doesn’t make it nontoxic. In fact, the active ingredient in Roundup lethally disrupts the all important shikimate pathway found in beneficial gut microbes which is responsible for synthesis of critical amino acids.

Friendly gut bacteria, also called probiotics, play a critical role in human health. Gut bacteria aid digestion, prevent permeability of the gastointestinal tract (which discourages the development of autoimmune disease), synthesize vitamins and provide the foundation for robust immunity. In essence:

Roundup significantly disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in the gut and contributes to permeability of the intestinal wall and consequent expression of autoimmune disease symptoms

In synergy with disruption of the biosynthesis of important amino acids via the shikimate pathway, glyphosate inhibits the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes produced by the gut microbiome. CYP enzymes are critical to human biology because they detoxify the multitude of foreign chemical compounds, xenobiotics, that we are exposed to in our modern environment today.

As a result, humans exposed to glyphosate through use of Roundup in their community or through ingestion of its residues on industrialized food products become even more vulnerable to the damaging effects of other chemicals and environmental toxins they encounter!

What’s worse is that the negative impact of glyphosate exposure is slow and insidious over months and years as inflammation gradually gains a foothold in the cellular systems of the body.

The consequences of this systemic inflammation are most of the diseases and conditions associated with the Western lifestyle:

Gastrointestinal disorders



Heart Disease





Multiple Sclerosis

Alzheimer’s disease

And the list goes on and on and on…

In a nutshell, Dr. Seneff’s study of Roundup’s ghastly glyphosate which wheat crops are being doused with uncovers the manner in which this lethal toxin harms the human body by decimating beneficial gut microbes with the tragic end result of disease, degeneration, and widespread suffering

Got the picture yet? Even if you think you have no trouble digesting wheat, it is still very wise to avoid conventional wheat as much as possible in your diet!

You Must Avoid Toxic Wheat No Matter What

The bottom line is that avoidance of conventional wheat [virtually anywhere worldwide] in the United States is absolutely imperative even if you don’t currently have a gluten allergy or wheat sensitivity. The increase in the amount of glyphosate applied to wheat closely correlates with the rise of celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

Dr. Seneff points out that the increases in these diseases are not just genetic in nature, but also have an environmental cause as not all patient symptoms are alleviated by eliminating gluten from the diet.

The effects of deadly glyphosate on your biology are so insidious that lack of symptoms today means literally nothing.

If you don’t have problems with wheat now, you will in the future if you keep eating conventionally produced, toxic wheat!

How to Eat Wheat Safely

Obviously, if you’ve already developed a sensitivity or allergy to wheat, you must avoid it.

But, if you aren’t celiac or gluten sensitive and would like to consume this ancestral food safely, you can do what we do in our home. We only source organic, preferably low gluten, unhybridised Einkorn wheat for breadmaking, pancakes, cookies etc. But, when we eat out or are purchasing food from the store, conventional wheat products are rejected without exception. This despite the fact that we have no gluten allergies whatsoever in our home – yet.

I am firmly convinced that if we did nothing, our entire family at some point would develop sensitivity to wheat or autoimmune disease in some form due to the toxic manner in which it is processed and the glyphosate residues that are contained in conventional wheat products.

What Are You Going to Do About Toxic Wheat?

How did you react to the news that wheat farmers are using Roundup, not just to kill weeds, but to dry out the wheat plants to allow for an earlier, easier and bigger harvest and that such a practice causes absorption of toxic glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, right into the wheat kernels themselves?

Did you feel outraged and violated like I did? How will you implement a conventional wheat-avoidance strategy going forward even if you haven’t yet developed a problem with gluten or wheat sensitivity?

What about other crops where Roundup is used as a pre-harvest dessicant such as barley, sugar cane, rice, seeds, dried beans and peas, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, and sugar beets? Will you only be buying these crops in organic form from now on to avoid this modern, man-made scourge?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
New Independent Australian National Print & Online Newspaper Launches
November 20 2014 | From: AustralianNationalReview

Australia's newest National Newspaper is unlike traditional media organizations, The Australian National Review is a project that aims to provide news with a difference.

Whether it is in the world of politics, business or lifestyle, the purpose of our newspaper is to present unbiased information and opinion pieces that do not necessarily adhere to mainstream propaganda.

"21st Century Media has released its own national print newspaper 'Australian National Review' around the country since November 1st."

The second edition has now been published. I have personally met Jamie McIntyre and believe he is coming from the right place with this publication. While it is not 'hard-core truther' material it will serve as a good 'thin end of the wedge' in opening the eyes of the sleeping Australian public.

Some topics covered in the first two issues include: MH17, Ebola myths, the CIA in Australia, CIA & ISIS, Australian terror laws, proven alternative cancer treatments, mass surveillance, Assange's claims about Google and the NSA, natural alternatives to antibiotics, the dangers of sugar consumption, and meditation. All of this is served up with a mix of business and travel articles with a refreshing new twist. Even if it's not your cup of tea, it is clear that it will raise awareness in Australia.

"Finally Australia has a real free and independent press, one with no editorial control by the elite, but a paper that can generate critical thinkers and critical debate and hold those spreading mistruths and deliberate propaganda in mainstream media to account.

News with a difference that will be educational, compelling and create a platform for political and social change in this country and address the real issues facing this country and the world."

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Dissolution Of Contrived Civilization
November 19 2014 | From: ZenGardner

Despite the furious efforts of the world’s Machiavellian destroyers, humanity is waking up. In our current paradigm, we’re seeing significant progress in exposing the ongoing brutal Ukraine and Gaza exterminations and furtive Syria incursion, the mass revelation of chemtrails and other neo-scientific programs, the disastrous effects of EMFs of every source, GMO food manipulation, tectronic surveillance and monitoring, and the front and center clearly induced global war and the militarisation of society.

We’re in the thick of it now. But it’s revealing itself as we speak. Don’t let these events and seeming contests of ideology throw you. There’s nothing level about this playing field, and the mass narrative is strong propaganda. Don’t even listen to it. Rely on your heart and alternative sources. Their only weapon is our consent by yielding to their lies and adopting their mindset.

Disinformation serves several purposes, the most insidious of which is to introduce doubt to your heartfelt convictions regarding the reality of what is obviously before you. Keeping the mass mind at bay is imperative to their program.

Why? If we woke up to the truth we’d stop our participation and rise up and overthrow them. And they know that.

Now factor in the genetic modification from every source, the pharmaceutical / vaccination onslaught especially on our children, the toxification of our skies, water and food, and the transhuman robotic assault – and you start to get the picture.

But we are many, they are few…never ever, ever forget that.

Major Signs of Awakening

As mentioned above, there are many manifestations that the Truth is flooding in to human consciousness. What we collectively do with this information is one thing; what we individually do with it is the key. We either activate, or we don’t.

The more who do, the greater the mass awakening. With or without the masses, the awakening is coming to pass anyway, come what may. That’s the wonderfully exciting reality.

What the naysayers and foot draggers do with it is their business, as well as their demise if they choose wrongly to ignore what is more obvious by the minute.

The onus is on humanity. And the alternative is becoming crystal clear.

The List Continues

If you need further encouragement, get involved. You’ll see signs of it everywhere. Major inroads of Truth are being made by the minute as these disgusting forces continue to attempt to forge their desired goal of a subservient, complacent and even happily servile work force. Damn them, and do it with gusto.

Don’t be deceived, it’s all a wicked charade. A ploy, a scam: a counterfeit civilization they’re trying to construct that true
conscious humanity is dissolving by the hour.

Disconnect – disobey – and de-enlist. Break your unconscious and conscious agreements. The parasites will shrivel up and disappear.

The time is now. It’s ours for the taking. And receiving.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Real Inconvenient Truth & A Call For Critical Thinking By The 99%
November 19 2014 | From: BerkeleyDailyPlanet

A person might be stoned for heresy in Berkeley if they were to question belief in global warming. But, as a decades long, left leaning, KPFA listening and sponsoring, commuter bike riding, composting, plastic avoiding, bring your own cloth grocery bag environmental activist, I am seeing too much hypocrisy and closed minded smugness, and a lack of critical thinking on the part of those who I have always thought of as my people.

I have come to the conclusion that those with liberal roots like me, have been sent on a fools errand, sucked into an unquestioning group-think and religiosity by a well-funded corporatised environmental establishment, that is scaring us into accepting top-down, pre-prescribed faux solutions that have never had public input and are designed to enrich bankers, diminish the rights of ordinary people, and funnel us into a controlled technocratic society.

We hear plenty of talk about lowering parts per million of carbon while basic principles of environmentalism are violated, such as, don’t pollute, do no harm, local control, conservation, recycle, reuse, live simply, less technology, not more.

The Democratic left has been hijacked and infiltrated, our ideals and beliefs distorted and twisted into a disciplinary social agenda, which demonises rank and file humanity, and deflects responsibility away from the real perpetrators of the destruction of our natural world.

Al Gore, the man charged with popularising the global warming theory, uses 20 times the energy of the average person in just one of his multi-million dollar homes, yet his ”carbon footprint” is never put under a spot light.

Few remember how as Vice President he used his “Earth in the Balance” environmental cred to stump for passage of NAFTA and Free Trade policies, which started the environmental race to the bottom and the wholesale giving away of local power over land and laws to multinational corporations.

Now Gore is investing with partners like Goldman Sachs in carbon trading schemes, espousing the self-enriching solution to a problem he defines. It would seem subscribers to the theory of global warming never question the designation of CO2, as the root of our environmental problems and its convenient, consequent value as a global taxable trading currency founded on the commodification of nature and a newly invented “right to pollute”.

This unverifiable system run by bankers will accelerate, not slow, the pillaging of the planet.

It is my observation that all aspects of the left alternative media from the progressive weeklies to KPFA radio, are conducting the environmental wing of the global war on terror, never missing an opportunity to frighten and guilt trip us that we will cause “game over for the planet” if we don’t vote for “climate change legislation”, aka, carbon taxes and carbon trading, and support “smart growth” policies.

We are schooled that only crazy right-wingers could possibly question the “settled science” and the “settled” remedies.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is always cited as the trusted go-to body of expertise, even though their integrity was discredited with the “Climategate” scandal based on leaked emails, in which head scientists at the IPCC, Michael Mann of Penn State and Phil Jones of East Anglia University discussed doctoring the data on the “hockey stick” graph created by Mann, and punishing scientists and scientific journals that print contradictory evidence to the theory of global warming.

So many are now feeding at the trough of climate change disaster capitalism that a rational open debate is almost impossible. City councils throughout the land are curiously all subscribing to the same developer, banker- enriching, land-grabbing policies of “smart growth”.

Unelected, unaccountable regional boards, made up of selected local officials, along with corporations and non governmental organizations are drawing up dictatorial regional plans for growth that supercede city governments, depriving citizens of the right to affect their own local land use policy.

In the name of climate change remediation, we are told we must pack more people into smaller areas of land, as our towns are being transformed into mega Manhattanized cities with tall multi-unit apartment buildings that take our sunlight, and ultimately our connection to the land and nature.

Old buildings, neighborhoods, and communities are wastefully being torn down and made over to fit the vision of elite ideologue urban planners. In the upheaval, small local independent businesses are lost and replaced with national chains.

This is not protection of nature, but a transfer of wealth, power, property ownership, and autonomy of cities, towns and rural areas, away from ordinary citizens.

Today’s "environmentalists" are working towards increased government and corporate control and surveillance over our lives through bio-hazardous technology, ie. smart grid and smart meters, with no regard for thousands of independent scientific studies proving that digital microwave radiation damages biology.

Instead of a call to decentralise, simplify and conserve, citizens worldwide are being forced to apply “smart” meters to their homes, even as they are complaining of heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, mental confusion, sleeplessness, headaches, ear ringing, dizziness and more.

A technology is neither “green” nor “sustainable” if it’s byproduct harms humans, insects, plants and animals. This unseen pollution from smart meters and smart grid infrastructure is increasing exponentially with no objections from official environmentalists.

Unlike the old meters, smart meters use energy to power themselves 24/7. They are only advantageous to a centralized corporate model of energy control.

Most shockingly, the left, who claim to have the corner on environmental stewardship, are the ones giving credence to geoengineering-solar radiation management, (the spraying of chemical nanoparticle pollution, such as aluminum oxide and sulphur dioxide via jet aircraft into the atmosphere in order to block the sun), as a solution for global warming.

On May 9, 2013, the Earth Island Institute sponsored a debate cavalierly dubbed, “Hack the Sky?” at the Brower Center in Berkeley CA. The purported adversaries were Stanford geoengineer, Ken Caldiera, and so called “ethicist”, Clive Hamilton, who belongs to the same geoengineering promoting, Solar Radiation Management Governance Group with Caldiera and other geoengineers. That very morning the two “debaters” made an appearance on liberal KALW’s “Your Call”.

A few months later the apprentices on Progressive radio KPFA”s “Full Circle” hosted the same performance duo. Why are environmental groups and left media putting on rigged debates legitimising and normalising a preposterous technology, which poisons and desecrates nature, and can only cause irreparable harm, when they should be screaming warnings from the rafters that scientists are recklessly playing God with our world.

These left media outlets are unconscionably frightening their following into accepting what amounts to nothing less than the corporate scientific intervention into our natural weather and climate systems.

The environmental establishment chooses to ignore a whole area of inquiry relevant and crucial to the climate change equation; that of scientific, military, university, and governmental, (NASA and NOAA) experimentation with our atmosphere and weather, which has been going on for many decades.

The book “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” by Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning, documents the history of military experimentation with the earth’s atmosphere, and chronicles the development (including twelve patents) of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, (HAARP), a field of giant antennas which can boil the upper atmosphere with a focused steerable billion watt electromagnetic beam, sending electromagnetic waves back onto a target on earth, causing changes in the jet stream and weather.

The Department of Defense and their military contractors operate outside of all laws that protect the environment.

Ironically, the climate change activists of today are listening to and trusting the very moneyed, powerful entities who have brought us to the brink of ecological collapse and forced us into fossil fuel dependency, for diagnosis and treatment of our environmental calamities.

The Rockefellers, one of the biggest funders and grant givers to the current environmental “movement”, have throughout the decades, used their wealth and influence derived from BIG OIL to remain in control of energy.

They financed Prohibition in the 1920s and '30s to keep farmers from making their own alcohol fuel, and worked to criminalize hemp, from which fuel was made. They killed the electric car and the municipal electric railways and influenced our government to suppress more than 5000 energy technology patents, which have potential to end our energy crisis.

The rhetoric we hear of creating economic and environmental equity among people and nations, rings hollow when you realize that the environmental establishment is being bought and commandeered by the richest fat cats in the world, who have the inordinate means to create equity overnight, and to stop their destructive environmental practices, if that were their true purpose.

Instead they are financing and manufacturing a phony grassroots campaign to pin the blame for environmental devastation on the “everyman” who is living in a world choreographed by the corporate financial elite.

Their message is that the future of the planet is impossible unless we the little people submit to the measures outlined by them. They have frightened, panicked, and demoralized the very people who would be fighting them with every breath into being the enforcement arm for their vision of our future.

Fear of climate change is being manipulated to get the left to aid in the stealing of citizen rights and the corporatization of our local government, land, business, nature and weather.

While the environmentalists are stuck on climate change, the nuclear accidents, toxic spills, pesticide contamination, deep sea oil drilling, fracking, tree cutting, electromagnetic radiation, introduction into the ecosystem of new dangerous technological compounds and organisms like GMOS, synthetic biology, nanoparticles, the geoengineering of our skies, destructive war and weapons, and much more, continue unabated.

Now left wing pundits like The Nation’s, Mark Hertsgaard, tell us to be impressed, that the big time financial fleecers and scammers, “Hank” Paulsen, hedgefund billionaire, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg have come on board with climate change, as if they haven’t always been. The War On Climate Change has gone publicly mainstream as the likes of BP, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Dow Chemical bankrolled the “Peoples” climate march in New York City in Sept. 2014.

No. It is way past time for the left to question where blind belief in billionaire, banker funded environmentalism is taking us.

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The Water Crisis Hoax: "Peak Water" - The New "Peak Oil" Myth
November 18 2014 | From: PrimaryWaterInstitute / NewScientist / ScientificAmerican / StopTheCrime

The Primary Water Institute: More scientific evidence that water Is renewable; Following on from the discovery that the earth creates oil in an ongoing process that does not take billions of years, it appears that the same is also true for water.

Click here to view a larger version of this diagram in a new window

Of course the myths of scarcity are used by the elite as tools to maintain control. In fact, we do not need to burn oil and oil derivatives at all, but by supressing free-energy alternatives and restricting us to the use of so-called "Scarce" resources we are kept in indebted serviture to the cabal. However this only work as long as the masses are uneducated as to the truth...

A recent study documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed:

"That there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean"

- Scientific American

More scientific evidence emerges that water is renewable; that the Earth makes water deep within and that we can easily access it, but that we have been tricked by the powers that be into thinking water is scarce and we are running out.

We have not been told the truth. The Earth makes water continually, within.

A New Perspective On The Source Of The Post-Napa Quake Water

As Solano County enjoys an incredible new flow of water in local creeks after the recent Napa earthquake, experts are speculating what might be the source of this “bonus from nature”.

Officials report that at least 200,000 gallons of water per day are flowing from Wild Horse Creek, with many other areas reporting similar phenomena. Water quality tests performed by local public works officials confirm that the new water is pure enough to drink.

This new water is being added to municipal drinking water supplies which is a great blessing to local residents.
Although federal government geologists report that the new flow of water is likely “shallow groundwater" suddenly released from opening of fractures, other theories exist that offer great hope for a thirsty world.

During a recent interview, Pal Pauer, a respected American hydrologist, stated that this post-earthquake release is an excellent example of “primary water”, which comes not from rain-fed, shallow aquifers, but rather from very deep sources, far below typical aquifer levels.

Primary water sources are independent of rainfall, and appear to be virtually unlimited. Although the science of primary water is not widely known, there is much evidence to support its existence.

In fact, a recent study reported in the Scientifc American documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed "that there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean":

Although primary water originates from geological processes deep within the earth, Pauer said it can be tapped (and has been tapped) for use at or near the surface of the earth. This is because primary water naturally pushes up through fracture zones in the earth’s crust, as illustrated in the diagram above.

High pressures in the earth’s mantle make this upward movement of primary water possible and inevitable. It is not necessary to drill hundreds of miles deep in order to access this abundant [and valuable] resource. In some cases, primary water can be found at the surface of the earth, as demonstrated by many natural springs.

Primary water can also be accessed by drilling near the surface (less than 200 feet). In other cases, earthquakes, such as the recent one in Napa, can remove blockages and open channels for primary water. This can facilitate sudden release of this great gift from below.

Pauer points out that there are other indications that the new-found water in Solano County is, indeed, primary water. For example, there were no major reports of sinkholes or subsidence associated with the release. If this massive volume of water had been released from a shallow aquifer an equivalent volume of water would have had to replace the volume withdrawn so rapidly (over 1,000 gallons/minute, which is over 10 times the pre-quake flow).

Otherwise, massive sinkholes / subsidence would have appeared. The lack of sinkholes or subsidence indicates that the source of these new waters must not be shallow aquifers, but must be primary in origin, from much deeper, prolific sources. These primary water sources, in fact, were so prolific, they were able to sustain surface stability even as massive volumes of water were released.

In situations such as this, as depleted aquifers are replenished by primary water, variations in flow may be expected until equilibrium is reached.

After many decades of successful primary water studies and drilling projects, Pauer has proven that we can access this abundant source and supplement our current water supply. Primary water may be tapped directly, or may be found commingled with secondary water (e.g. aquifers) fed from atmospheric sources above.

As more people become aware of this little-known science, perhaps the Napa earthquake will be remembered for helping us look "down" instead of "up" for solutions to our current, epic drought crisis.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Warning - Rothschild G20 Bloodsuckers: On November 16 2014 Personal Bank Deposits To Be Re-Classified: Not As Your Savings But As Paper Investments In Corporate Banks
November 17 2014 | From: PoliticalVelCraft / Examiner / ZeroHedge
Get Into Your Local Credit Unions Now: On November 16, the G20 will implement a new policy that makes bank deposits on par with paper investments, subjecting account holders to declines that one might experience from holding a stock or other security when the next financial banking crisis occurs.

Also See: New G20 Financial Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-ins to Confiscate Bank Deposits and Pension Funds

Additionally, all member nations of the G20 will immediately submit and pass legislation that will fulfill this program, creating a new paradigm where banks no longer recognize your deposits as money, but as liabilities and securitized capital owned and controlled by the bank or institution.

Which Cities & States Will Be The First To Default When The Economy Rolls Over?

Central Bankers & US Government Now Preparing For Dodd Frank Basel III Bail-Ins.

Iceland Dismantles The Corrupt, Arrests 10 Rothschild Bankers, Then Issues Interpol Arrest Warrant For Rothschild Banker Sigurdur Einarsson.

In essence, the Cyprus template of 2011 will be fully implemented in every major economy, and place bank depositors as the primary instrument of the next bailouts when the next crisis occur

Rothschilds Attacks Russian Cyprus Holdings: Russia Launches Surprise Large-Scale, 36 Warship Military Exercise In The Black Sea

For most Americans with savings or checking accounts in federally insured banks, normal FDIC rules on deposit insurance are still in play, but anyone with over $250,000 in any one account, or held offshore, will have their money automatically subject to bankruptcy dispursements from the courts based on a much lower rank of priority, and a much lower percentage of return.

This also includes business accounts, money market accounts, and any depository investments such as a certificate of deposit (CD).

After Sunday at the G20 meeting, the risks of holding any cash in a bank or financial institution will have to be weighed as heavily and with as much determination of risk as if you were holding a stock or municipal bond, which could decline in an instant should the financial environment bring a crisis even remotely similar to that of 2008.

From a technical perspective, this is moving in line with Murray Rothbard’s perspective on “bank deposit insurance,” which he saw as a scam:

Fractional reserve banking proved shaky, and so the New Deal, in 1933, added the lie of “bank deposit insurance,” using the benign word “insurance” to mask an arrant hoax.

When the savings and loan system went down the tubes in the late 1980s, the “deposit insurance” of the federal FSLIC [Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation] was unmasked as sheer fraud.

The “insurance” was simply the smoke-and-mirrors term for the unbacked name of the federal government.
The poor taxpayers finally bailed out the S&Ls, but now we are left with the formerly sainted FDIC [Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation], for commercial banks, which is now increasingly seen to be shaky, since the FDIC itself has less than one percent of the huge number of deposits it “insures.”

The very idea of “deposit insurance” is a swindle; how does one insure an institution (fractional reserve banking) that is inherently insolvent, and which will fall apart whenever the public finally understands the swindle?

Suppose that, tomorrow, the American public suddenly became aware of the banking swindle, and went to the banks tomorrow morning and in unison demanded cash. What would happen?

The banks would be instantly insolvent, since they could only muster 10 percent of the cash they owe their befuddled customers.

Neither would the enormous tax increase needed to bail everyone out be at all palatable.

No: the only thing the Fed could do and this would be in their power, would be to print enough money to pay off all the bank depositors.

Unfortunately, in the present state of the banking system, the result would be an immediate plunge into the horrors of hyperinflation.

Thus, the removal of protection for large depositors is eliminating the scam at this tier. It is, in other words, cutting down on moral hazard.

I suspect what is going on here is that the government is fully aware that this change will create a separation between bank deposits and government securities.

Government securities, especially short-term paper, will become a safer investment than large banks deposits. This will drive funds away from banks, private sector lending, and push funds into the direction of government sponsored debt (where there will be continued back up for such debt of the money printing presses).

Also See: Warning: Bank Deposits Will Soon No Longer Be Seen As Money But Paper Investments

Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Printed Fiat Dollars 4Xs The Value Of The Global Gold Supply In 2013 Alone

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Multinational Corporate Tyranny: Draconian New Zealand Health And Supplementary Products Bill Soon To Be Introduced
November 16 2014 | From: Jack @ TheContrail

I’ve closely read this Draft Bill this morning and it is much worse than I ever could have imagined! It is nothing less than a rubber stamp for corrupt, multinational drug companies in collusion with WHO and our own Government to highly regulate, register and licence all natural products.

Over 5,500 I’ve been told are on the Draft List already - which I can’t find in this Draft Bill here – that is a huge number of products) and effectively ban private people from using or promoting all natural products unless big pharma corporates or their agents have tested and approved them.

This will particularly apply to any natural products that are claimed to promote health, prevent or cure disease that compete with their own products and will turn all natural health product producers, distributors, users and advocates into common criminals.

This horrendous Bill is currently going through its Third Reading in the NZ Parliament, and it looks like it will be introduced early in the New Year in 2015. Of course, it is part of a similar legislative regime of tyranny happening all round the world at present promoted by the global multinational drug and pharmaceutical mafia, but it doesn’t excuse us here in New Zealand to apathetically just sit back and allow such tyrannical and oppressive legislation to pass.

If you visit the Ministry of Health Natural health and supplementary products page, then click on the ‘The Natural Health and Supplementary Bill’ and the go to the Bill itself, to appreciate what incredibly, draconian, all-encompassing fascist tyranny they propose. Go to sub-section, 40C Offence to publish certain advertisements relating to natural health and supplementary products.

Here you will read, to my mind, the greatest abomination I have ever read. (Bear in mind that many of these products to which these contemptible psychopaths refer are in fact, common natural foods, herbs, vitamins and minerals etc. which mankind has freely used or eaten for thousands of years! And now they want to licence, register and own the rights to them!

Do read the whole sub-section to get the full picture of what really, is indescribable greed and wickedness. Here is a quick extract:

Sub-section 40C (1) “A person must not publish or cause to be published (either on that person’s own account or as the agent or employee of the person seeking to promote the sale) any advertisement that -

a) directly or by implication states or suggests that a natural health and supplementary product for sale in New Zealand may be administered by- 1) injection or parental infusion; or 2) application to the eye;

b) includes any health benefit claim that directly or by implication states or suggests that a natural health and supplementary product for sale in New Zealand is able to treat or can assist in the treatment of a named condition.

(3) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding- a) $250,000, in the case of a body corporate; b) $50,000, in the case of an individual

(4) In subsection (1), - advertisement means any words, whether written, printed or spoken, and any pictorial representation or design, used or appearing to be used to promote the sale of any natural health and supplementary product and includes any trade circular, any label, and any advertisement in a trade journal
publish means -

a) insert in any newspaper or other periodical publication printed or published in New Zealand; or

b) send to any person by post or otherwise; or

c) deliver to any person or leave upon premises occupied by any person; or

d) broadcast within the meaning of the Broadcasting Act 1989; or

e) bring to the notice of the public in New Zealand in any other manner.”

This friends, is only a small part of the Bill. At least in my view, it is the most tyrannical, far-reaching, draconian, dictatorial and contemptible legislation ever to be introduced in our county’s history.

The terminology itself, because it is so wide and all-encompassing,(for example, the phrase, “bring to the notice of the public in any other manner”) brings in other Acts and penalties as well, for example, the New Zealand Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1977. http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/1977/0037/latest/w...

It’s not generally an issue I have had a lot to do with myself, and I admit I’m certainly not an expert on the general subject of health supplements at all. However, based on this draft legislation in hand, and it looks like it is going to be passed before Parliament winds up for the Parliamentary Christmas recess. All I can say is, God help us all!

What an utter disgrace that there has hardly been a murmur from the general public! Of course the media have largely been to blame too, as they have been very quite about it as well, not surprising, as they generally are owned by the same global banks that control the drug companies.

I mean, really though, what an utter shocker, that these impertinent, money-hungry, pharmaceutical and medical corporate charlatans (with their subservient bureaucratic puppets drafting this destructive legislation) even have the cheek and gall to tell us ordinary, law-abiding, thinking citizens that now the best ingredients in the very food we all eat, most of which have been commonly promoted for good health for thousands of years, now have to be officially registered, licenced or banned by an increasingly totalitarian State, in collusion with a powerful gang of fascist UN agencies and global multi-national corporate pirates, and if we don’t all comply, we soon will be prosecuted as common criminals and liars.

What an utter disgrace that almost the entire nation is just sitting back and putting up with this nonsense.

To my mind, if I can’t freely and openly express my personal opinion to others, make a statement or recommend, for example, to my friend next door, that Vitamin C will help cure his common flu or whatever, without any dictatorial government approval, licence, regulation or fear of criminal prosecution – I am no longer living in a free and open democracy.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Explaining The Methods (And Insane Reasoning) Behind The Depopulation Agenda
November 15 2014 | From: KevinGalalae

This segment describes the chemical and biological methods used covertly by the depopulation lobby to undermine human fertility, as well as the psychosocial and economic methods imposed on the world's people to subvert the family structure.

By this double pronged approach the global population is being forced into an unnatural process of decline with dire consequences on human health and irreversible damage to the intellectual and genetic endowment of humanity.

This socially engineered genocide is happening with the full knowledge and consent of religious authorities the world over, including the Catholic Church, which is why Kevin Galalae appeals to Pope Francis to speak the truth and "deliver us from evil".

There is a bit of a religious lean to this video at the end, but the content and analysis is very accurate.

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'Hunger Games: Mockingjay' Star Donald Sutherland Urges For A Youth Revolution
November 14 2014 | From: HollywoodReporter

"I wanted to end my life being part of something that revolutionizes young people. … We've wrecked this world and if you're gonna fix it, you have to do it now"

Donald Sutherland doesn't think that his Hunger Games: Mockingjay character is actually a villain [Interesting that Sutherland is known to be one of the Illuminati bloodline names].

"I think he's a really good guy, I really do, he's a bureaucrat," Sutherland clarified while on Good Morning America on Wednesday. "He's an oligarch. We have them here."

He asked for the role in the franchise because:

"I wanted to end my life being part of something that I thought would maybe catalyze and revolutionize young people because they have been so dormant. This election, it was the lowest voter representation in 72 years. Young people have to get out, you have to get out and change things, you really do. It's up to you. We've wrecked this world and if you're gonna fix it, you've gotta do it now."

He continued to a thrown-off Lara Spencer:

"If I can just see young people catalyze and go to the voting booth and have some kind of a revolutionary movement — not an armed revolutionary movement but a revolutionary movement, that would change things up."

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“Green Electricity Or Green Money?”: Why Some Environmental Groups Hamper Clean Energy
November 11 2014 | From: TakeBackYourPower

Dr. Timothy Schoechle’s new paper examines the greenwashed and harmful policies of large environmental organizations, who are resisting renewable energy technologies and supporting a multi-billion dollar allocation for new utility meters, called ‘smart’ meters, which do not have any of the benefits claimed.

A well-documented new report, “Green Electricity or Green Money?”, exposes conflicts of interest and mistaken positions on energy policy at certain large environmental organizations – such as the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the Natural Resources Defense Counsel (NRDC).

The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy (NISLAPP) released the paper earlier this week.

In “Green Electricity or Green Money?” Dr. Schoechle poses the following questions:

Why do some large environmental organizations collaborate with fossil fuel industries to obstruct, mislead and divert efforts to revamp our energy economy?

Do the significant annual capital needs of these organizations limit their independence and thus their ability to achieve meaningful environmental goals?

To what degree have these organizations lost sight of their missions, and thus lost their legitimacy as representatives of the people?

Should local news-articles-10communities provide “checks” on Big Environmentalism by taking more control of their own energy future to assure sustainability?

Are well-known “clean energy” investors interested in clean energy—or merely in green money and the “greenwashing” of their investments?

Read and download the complete 28-page report here: “Green Electricity or Green Money” by Timothy Schoechle, PhD (pdf)
or read it on the NISLAPP website

“The case below of the EDF looks at its vigorous advocacy of “smart meters”, devices that have been shown to have dubious energy merits and serious environmental, privacy, and public policy drawbacks.

The promotion of smart meters has diverted massive financial resources in directions tangential to the goals of a truly intelligent electricity grid and integration of community-based clean energy, and has fed public cynicism about the “smart grid” - the last thing one would expect a leading environmental organization to do.

The case also looks at EDF’s role in fostering the deceptive siren call of the supposedly “green” energy investment mirage by venture capitalists, financiers, and government."

Read further excerpts at: TakeBackYourPower

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Signs Of Cabal Defeat Are Now Obvious But, Expect One Last Big Push For War
November 12 2014 | From: Fulford / Wilcock / Keenan

The signs of cabal defeat are now proliferating to an extent that can no longer be hidden from any but the most deeply brainwashed people in the West. The most obvious sign is the APEC meeting winding up today in China.

Updated: See end of article for update

There three of the world’s largest oil producers, Canada, Russia and Qatar signed new deals to trade oil in Yuan. This makes it a mathematical certainty the petrodollar is finished. Russia also announced it was de-pegging the Ruble from the petrodollar.

In England, meanwhile, multiple senior politicians are working towards creating government currency to replace the 300 year old Rothschild fiat currency regime, according to MI5 sources. On November 20th, for the first time in 170 years, the British Parliament will discuss this issue. This is link to a paper on the subject that has been distributed to all British MPs.

The Japanese government is also seriously contemplating doing exactly the same thing. This means that all Japanese government debt will be written off in one fell swoop.

There are also indications the corporate government in the United States has gone into full crisis mode. For example,

When this writer tried to access the official Russian Ria Novosti news site from his computer and his tablet device, he was redirected to an obvious disinformation site called “Sputnik News.” This came after the Russian government news site put out reports that American mercenaries were shelling the crash site of Malaysian airlines flight 17. This can only be described as an attempt by the American fascist regime to prevent the Europeans from finding out it was their supposed US allies who shot the passenger plane down.

The other sign that something big is going down with the US regime is the fact the Pentagon has warned its troops to not go out with Russian or Chinese women. This is a sort of measure taken in war time to prevent military secrets from leaking out. Finally, CNN has shut down its Russian operations, again the sort of thing that happens in war time.

The Russians, for their part, have started a major push to seize the remaining ethnically Russian districts in the Ukraine as well as the gas fields in the Sea of Azov.

The US corporate government is in no position to win any war against Russia and China at this point in time because neither its NATO allies nor Japan are going to go along with such a suicidal and world-destroying plan.

The more likely outcome will be the overthrow of the US corporate government and the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America.

Another reason for cabal panic is a criminal trial that started on November 10th in London, England where evidence will be presented that the 311 tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan was a terrorist attack. The trial is being held to determine whether UK lawyer Michael Shrimpton gave false warnings about a nuclear terror threat to the 2012 London Olympics. Here is a link to a Daily Mail article about the trial.

The defendant has lined up multiple witnesses to bolster his claim that the nuclear terror threat was real and that Japan had already experienced a nuclear terror attack. This writer is scheduled to be one of the witnesses at the trial.

The trial is important because it will bring lots of information that has appeared online under the forensic scrutiny of a criminal court. If the evidence is good, it will then lead to criminal charges eventually being filed against the perpetrators of 311. The Japanese and North Koreans involved in the attack have been offered, and have accepted, amnesty in exchange for providing information about 311.

The trial is expected to be a fair one because there are proliferating signs the UK is freeing itself of cabal influence. The ongoing investigation into a high level pedophile ring there is the clearest evidence of this. British newspapers are now reporting, for example, that Sir Peter Hayman, former Deputy Head of MI6 British foreign intelligence was a pedophile rapist. Investigators into the pedophilia network are particularly interested in cases where pedophilia was used to blackmail politicians and influence government policy.

The other indication is that the British and European dominated Financial Stability Board, an international financial regulator, has come up with regulations to make sure tax payers never again have to bail out “too big to fail” financial institutions like happened after the Lehman shock of 2008. This is clearly aimed at the big US banking institutions that own the Federal Reserve Board and looted US taxpayers in 2008.

Japan is also showing signs of being ready to make a decisive break with the cabal. On November 10th, for example, this writer spent much of the day in a Rupert Murdoch owned TV studio with a group of panelists who were allowed to openly discuss previously taboo subjects.

This writer talked about how ebola was a US cabal bio-weapon, that Malaysian Air flight 370 and flight 17 shot down in the Ukraine were the same plane and that ISIS was a creation of Mossad and US intelligence. Other panelists made similar claims. One of them, blogger Richard Koshimizu, talked about a homosexual blackmail network involving senior Japanese politicians.

It remains to be seen how much of this will appear when the show is broadcast after editing but the fact that Murdoch is recording such shows is a sign at least one corporate media oligarch is interested in the truth.

Japan is expected to hold another general election in December that could lead to fundamental regime change, multiple government sources here say. There will be a big fight behind the scenes between the old guard behind Abe and the Japan revolutionary faction over the coming days to decide this issue.

Abe has been damaged in Japan after he was forced promise to stop provoking China and to eat humble pie in in order to get a token meeting with Chinese strongman Xi Jinping.

In North Korea, the US agencies recently secretly helped keep Kim Jong Un in power and prevented the take-over of that country by a Chinese led faction, according to pentagon sources. That is why North Korea released its last two American prisoners.

The Pentagon forces in Asia know that it is the Japanese and Chinese who are paying their bills these days. That is why they have an interest in acting as a peace-keeper in the region.

Wilcock comments on Fulford's new post

This is exciting news - no doubt. There are a few things going on in the inside world that Ben didn’t get here.

First of all, the Republican sweep in the Congressional elections. Both parties are compromised at this point. Neither of them are acting in the public interest. In the past the Republicans have done significant harm, including forcing a government shutdown.

They also are the root of the Neocon agenda, which represents the Rockefeller / Israeli faction as opposed to the Rothschild / British Empire faction. Any time one of these factions gets too powerful, the other one rises up against it - and this war is now red-hot. They are using their own resources to destroy each other.

The story is no longer that simple, either, because of the Alliance, which is separate from either group but has elements within both working for a greater good.

The Alliance has a new pope in place who is radically altering the Vatican, and as Ben documented here, the British government is increasingly being transformed by the Alliance, because they don’t want to go down with the obviously-sinking ship.

So, as much as left-leaning people were upset by the midterms and saw it as a defeat, I see it just the opposite. The people who voted Republican did not support Republicans, necessarily - Congress has been down around 11 to 16 percent approval. They did this out of futility - the idea that “anything is better than this.”

However, from that sense of futility also comes the deep conviction that this is the “last chance” for the Republicans to do something different. If they repeat the behaviors they have done before, which they very likely will, then it will anger everyone. Most importantly, it will spur the Alliance to finally take action on a far more direct level than they have so far.

It does appear that things have to “hit bottom” before they have any hopes of getting better. We can fully expect that the Republicans will want to play with their new gun very soon, and government shutdown will be the ammo they test-fire. They will get everyone really, really pissed off in the process.

The other big thing I didn’t see here is what the TBRNews.org insider has been leaking. This showed up on November 6th:

“A gentleman of my acquaintance told me today, privately and not on the phone or the Internet, that if the new Republican-controlled Congress threatens Putin, he will respond by dumping, at once, Russia’s holdings of US Treasury notes in the amount of 118 millions."

“What I learned from another contact is that the Russians have discussed this with the Chinese, who hold 1,269 billions in the same notes. The Chinese, I am told, did not wish to dump their holdings but the Russians pointed out that if Russia dumped theirs, the market would drop swiftly and the Chinese would be holding relatively worthless paper. The Chinese have tentatively agreed but very reluctantly."

“And I know from two German contacts that the Deutsche Bank has printed up a large number of new Mark notes for domestic use when the inevitable collapse of both the dollar and euro are manifest."

“I do love to send these little comments out because of the disbelief they cause. And I have the chance to laugh later, believe me.”

This comment shows that things are definitely reaching a critical mass. It’s not likely to just keep on lumbering along at the gradual speed we are seeing now. We are definitely in a transitional phase.

There are also a series of articles coming out, all of a sudden, on the Nazi penetration of the USG. Then at the same time we have the new Nicki Minaj video very blatantly using Nazi imagery. This is going to be in the new article I write this week.

Regarding the situation with Neil Keenan, I do not believe he is a con artist. We were all following the story of his upcoming lawsuit with great interest here on Fulford’s blog in 2011, and then it actually did appear, and was highly intricate.

Associates of mine contacted his attorney William Mulligan and there is no doubt that this was a very real and very expensive lawsuit to produce. Ben also was personally involved in some of what happened.

Neil then contacted me and sent me an enormous amount of hard, provable data. This includes a wealth of documents I did not release, due to their sensitivity, as well as a staggering number of photographs of bonds, bond boxes and bond chests of all different sorts.

The Global Collateral Accounts are absolutely real. The bunkers are absolutely real. The gold stored in them is absolutely real. The bonds are real. All of this was independently verified to me by not one, not two, but multiple other insiders. The Joseph Riad case released more images of them.

I have met and spoken with people who have been in the bunkers and described the staggering, staggering amounts of gold in them. These people had described to me, privately, what the bonds looked like, which I had not published, BEFORE Neil sent the pics. By the time I saw them I already knew what to expect.

Since this whole story is indeed real, there are plenty of cases where people get access to these bonds and then attempt to sell them to others at a profit. As I documented in Financial Tyranny, the USG very quietly tries to buy the bonds back, and real criminal penalties occur.

The Italy case was also very significant, because bonds that looked exactly like what Neil sent photographs of were seized at the border and taken very seriously. It is all too easy to write off this whole case as if it is all fraudulent, but there is such a huge variety of data - including the very well-documented atrocities involved in the initial theft of this gold on such a massive scale - that the burden of proof has been satisfied.

There have been plenty of Internet scams that have come and gone, dating all the way back to the 1990s, where someone says the Fed is going to be wiped out and that if you buy into whatever they’ve got, you will make spectacular amounts of money. One of these rings went to federal court in 2000 and 13 people were convicted.

I have been told, breathlessly, about imminent payouts and sent emails to “Get In Now” ever since 1998. Not one of them has ever worked.

What has happened with Neil does not follow the pattern of a con artist looking to scam people. I have interacted with him dozens of times in private conversation. Never once did he ask me for a single dollar. Nor has he created any type of storyline for his audience, saying that if you send him money you will profit from the defeat of the Cabal later on.

Neil has not responded yet to Jean’s accusations. I feel that he has a right to make his own statements before I say anything else. He has spent most of his time in Indonesia, as is proven by his videos, and has also been bringing needed witnesses in and paying for everything. If he did borrow money from her, I do believe he intends to pay it back.

My policy has always been not to attack anyone who is working towards the same goals we all hope to achieve. If I had given someone money and felt cheated by them, I would not publicize it, regardless of what I felt of their character. Making negative statements of any kind about people on the internet has the almost invariable effect of backfiring and causing damage to the person who did it.

Jean has fought valiantly for truth and justice, as has Neil. She also did this without any type of donation or payment model in place for her services. I therefore encourage you to help her out if you have enjoyed her site, since she obviously is hurting.It does appear that Neil is working on some very, very big stuff, and this is the main reason why he has gone silent for the time being.

None of this epic battle for freedom has been predictable, but it certainly has been interesting. I had another dream this morning, which I haven’t even finished writing up yet, suggesting the Cabal is nearing an epic defeat. And I have rebuilt my strength, am making great progress on doing my own videos, and have much more to share in the coming days.

Updated: November 12 2014 | David Wilcock

I spent all day yesterday gathering new info from insiders. Things are ramping up VERY quickly. My mind has been blown wide open. Lots of new people are starting to come forward and they may just be the first wave.

Apparently the preferred method of how the Alliance will get the planet back is going to continue to involve behind-the-scenes work for a period of time. It may or may not depending upon how fast certain things move.

Although I do not at all advocate this approach, we have the number-one source available to one of my highest-level insiders saying that we are going to see major people getting knocked off and it will be made to look like accidents. This could go on for weeks or even months. This was independently confirmed by others.

There will be a decisive shift, I was told. Some of the intel suggested it could happen fairly quickly.

The most intriguing new tidbit was that it will reach a point where everyone knows about the Cabal and what they were up to on an extremely public level. Once this happens, the media will be MANDATED to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, whether they like it or not.

I am going to keep a steady focus on getting a video pipeline established. The dream I just woke up from told me to relentlessly focus on this. There will be a need for it soon enough, as if there isn’t already.

There is some intel, which I do not believe is credible, suggesting that things could very dramatically shift in just a few weeks. Part of this job is to assess the value of certain intel and not pass things along unless they seem to help.

Many times I have heard imminent-sounding things and decided not to pass them along, and then they didn’t happen. No matter who tries to plan what, things have their own speed of traveling. Windows open and windows close. Opportunities shift on an hourly basis with the political winds.

Some of the most exciting new information concerns the secret space program. There is no question that ET activity has dramatically ramped up in and around the earth. Disclosure is very much going to be a part of this, and part of what embarrasses our shadow government is there are so many different folks out there that they honestly don’t know what the heck is going on.

The “learning curve” is going to be significant. I have been charting the progress towards Disclosure on my show and there is much more to say on this. One insider said that all this fighting over the financial system, and how we change it, is valiant but also sadly foolish, as we are right on the brink of changes so massive that money will be as obsolete as the Pony Express.

“We will see the arrest and prosecution of top banksters, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, anyone who has been violating the law.

This will target people and groups who have used lobbyists to change a law from something that was real and good for humanity into something that would further their cause.

People who have blatantly violated laws and committed treasonous acts contrary to the life and living conditions of humans are strongly likely to be arrested or certainly thwarted. This will also include a significant majority of the senate and congress in the United States.”

There you have it. The other stuff that is imminent will be fascinating if it happens, and if so we don’t have to wait long, so I am content to just “sit here watching the wheels go round and round…”

I think the only weapon the cabal have left is the media. Ironically I had a dream that said exactly that just yesterday morning. The Cabal basically no longer exists except as a tired old story that they are telling in movies, pop music, video games and media disinfo.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Dirtiest Deal You've Never Heard Of: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
November 12 2014 | From: ActionStation

Minister of Trade: Make TPPA Negotiations Public

To the Rt. Hon John Key, Prime Minister of New Zealand, the Rt. Hon Tim Groser, Minister of Trade, and the New Zealand Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement negotiators:

“I’m concerned that you are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in secret, without public consultation. All I can find out about the TPPA is based on leaked documents and detective work.

This is not acceptable. New Zealand is a democracy, which means that Kiwis have the right to know what is done in our name and to have a say.

The TPPA will have a huge impact on New Zealanders, and we want to have a say.

Make the negotiations public, and don’t trade away our future."

For more information on the TPPA, please visit: www.itsourfuture.org.nz

Also see: TPP Conclusion In 2015 Still 'Challenging', Says Power

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up To Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda
November 12 2014 | From: WakingTimes

Donald Rumsfeld, the very same politician who supports GMOs, is perhaps the singular man who got Splenda onto the market after the FDA initially refused it.

If you have gotten sick from consuming this toxic substance, you can thank him, along with its makers. Splenda was created by the British company Tate & Lyle along with the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson.

As we get closer to the holidays, many people look for ways to cut back on sugar and other indulgences so that when the New Year rolls around, they won’t have to work so hard to lose those extra pounds. While it is a good idea to avoid sugar altogether, using the artificial sweeteners Splenda or Aspartame might be even worse. There are numerous reasons you should avoid the stuff in little yellow packages (or pink, or blue). Here is why.

Donald Rumsfeld, the very same politician who supports GMOs, is perhaps the singular man who got Splenda onto the market after the FDA initially refused it. If you have gotten sick from consuming this toxic substance, you can thank him, along with its makers. Splenda was created by the British company Tate & Lyle along with the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson.

Perhaps you remember when the Coca-Cola company launched its ad campaign to fight obesity back in the early 80s? This was all part of a ploy to begin the use of aspartame, whose patent was once owned by none other than Monsanto! Ironically, there are numerous studies that show this stuff causes obesity. It doesn’t prevent obesity.

Before they started selling you Splenda, it was called NutraSweet. In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle, the chemical company that held the patent to aspartame, the active ingredient in NutraSweet, as well as Splenda and many other artificial sweeteners. Is Splenda safe? It depends who you ask.

Let’s look at a little timeline, shall we?

1901: Monsanto Chemical Works is formed.

1976: When Ford loses the 1976 election, Rumsfeld returns to private business life, and is named president and CEO of the pharmaceutical corporation G. D. Searle & Company, during which time he leads the legalization of Aspartame.

1977: Monsanto stops producing PCBs.

1997: Monsanto businesses are spun off as Solutia Inc.

1999: John Hunter is named chairman and CEO.

2000: Monsanto’s Pharmaceutical Services Division is created. Monsanto also merges with the drug-maker Pharmacia & UpJohn Inc., which took control of the Searle pharmaceutical operations, and the current Monsanto Co. was incorporated as a subsidiary in October 2000.

2002: PCB trial results in sharp drop in stock price.

Check out this video for more information.

Dr. James Bowen, a physician and biochemist, says that he developed ALS from aspartame ingestion. He has just recovered form stomach cancer also attributed to aspartame. Bowen has been researching the product since it was given free reign on the market, and it almost cost him his life. He attests that it is a horrible chemical poison that is really just chlorinated sugar.

What’s even more suspect is that Donald Rumsfeld was on the Board of Directors at Monsanto’s Searle pharmaceuticals even before he helped get aspartame through the FDA, and he has been supporting the biotech company’s plans to take over the world seed supply as well.

The sugar substitute was approved for use in foods as a sweetener in 1998. Before approving sucralose, the FDA claimed to have reviewed 110 human and animal studies, but it turns out that only 2 out of those studies were actually on humans.

Splenda is just the trademarked brand name of sucralose, and this is still one of the best selling artificial sweeteners on grocery store shelves today.

Potential Negative Effects of Splenda

Here are just a few of the negative health impacts Splenda can have on people:

Splenda and sucralose consumption alter the healthy micro-flora of the gut, making it more difficult for your immune system to work as it should while fueling gastro-intestinal diseases. In animal studies Splenda reduced the healthy gut flora by 50%! It also affected P-glycoprotein (P-gp) levels.

Splenda alters the efficacy of many drugs. While it would be better to treat your disease with natural remedies, if you are taking meds for cancer or heart disease, Splenda could be interfering with that.

Splenda may even alter genes. This sounds familiar when coming from a company who splices and dices the genome like some kind of freak show. The molecules are manipulated and this may also cause molecules in our bodies to be altered as well.

Splenda causes obesity. This toxic substance alters blood sugar levels and can lead to increased chances of getting diabetes as well as obesity. It tricks your body into eating more, and with more calories, you know what happens – unwanted weight gain.

Splenda shrinks the thymus gland by up to 40%. You need your thymus; it helps to regulate the heart and is responsible for many endocrine functions, including balancing metabolic rate. Why would you want to eat something that shrinks your thymus to the size of rat scat? Yuck.

James Turner, the chairman of the national consumer education group Citizens for Health, has expressed shock and outrage over new reports from scientists outlining the dangers of this substance.

So, while many studies point to its safety, many others (which as less discussed) have found that these artificial sweeteners are actually harmful. It’s up to you to decide whether to ingest this questionable substance or not.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
A Tangible Maths Lesson – Four Types Of Institutional Lies
November 11 2014 | From: WakeUpWorld

Despite the constraints of our educational systems, there are some excellent teachers. And there are some not so excellent instructors. We learn a lot in school, but it is also important to learn outside of school as well. Some of the most valuable lessons are not found in the teacher’s answer book, and yet some teachers operate by the book, at right angles, making no adjustments for the humanity of their students.

Not surprising given that the school system itself is geared toward creating two things: employment and expectation.

Like most people who are interested in history I dreaded math and algebra, and may actually have found my interest in history out of my disdain and fear of division and multiplication. What I didn’t realize then was how much addition and subtraction is actually involved in writing our history.

I remember the first time I learned how to add. I thought I had tackled the math thing then and there. I also remember the first time I was frozen in front of the class, unable to do long division on the chalkboard. And yet the mathematical lesson I have used the most since its revelation to me, and the one I remember most distinctly, turned out to be more than just a mathematical lesson.

A Tangible Maths Lesson

An elder grew up in a country where government lies and propaganda were commonplace. One day, when I was a child, he was grilling a friend and I on our multiplication tables. After a while he paused and said,

“Let me think of a hard one — alright, what is eight times seven?”

My friend and I deliberated and answered “fifty-six”.

“Wrong. Think again.”

Well we checked and double checked our arithmetic.



“It’s fifty-six, I think.”

“You’re wrong, it’s fifty-eight.”

“I think it’s fifty-six.”

“Wrong it’s fifty-eight.”

We held our guns, but because he was the authority figure, finally capitulated to his insistence that he held the correct answer.

“Ok fifty-eight.”

After we gave in, he explained the lesson.

Never submit to the half-truths, distortions and lies of authorities, particularly when you already know the answer.

Idiots and Elitists

The reality is, authorities are bound to distribute lies and half-truths in support of their own ends and agenda.

This lesson is huge part of George Orwell’s novels 1984 and Animal Farm. The removal and replacement of whole segments of language by those in control is a key part of the dystopian backdrop of 1984. Over time, the state dictionary shrinks, while events are changed or removed altogether from “history”.

In Animal Farm, the agreed social rules of the farm, posted in public for all to see, are progressively altered in both word and in spirit by an emerging power faction, who argue linguistic technicality while insisting that everything is unchanged and enforcing the altered “rules” to their own ends.

Orwell’s works were an eerily accurate exploration of the inherent potential for corruption in our heavily institutionalized society. The real world is full of similar such occurrences. Elitists often censor, suppress and obscure the truth, while information is removed, falsely discredited, even replaced or entirely conjured. Meanwhile, euphemisms are inserted into the wider vocabulary to steer not only people’s perceptions and decision making, but the very subjects they will reasonably consider.

“Idiots don’t question relevance and act on ignorance. Zealots question limitedly, in accordance to preconceptions. Elitists question in order to advance power and do not share information. Patriots question and share information openly.” - from The Matrix of Four.

In accordance with the Matrix of Four, there are four types of lie, all of them involving some nugget of truth. For the sake of this discussion, let’s look to the nuclear experimentation industry for examples.

The first type of lie is the addition of information. Sometimes the addition of a small bit of information can change the story entirely. For example: yes the ailing Fukushima reactor is still spewing radioactive pollution… but did you know, according to nuclear industry supporters, low level exposure to radiation is actually good for you?

The second type of lie is the subtraction of information. The removal of small key components can result in entirely different meaning. For example: with the nuclear site in Miami operating dangerous above standard ‘safety’ limits, the regulator temporarily increased the limit, averting an “emergency” by subtraction.

The third type of lie is multiplication of information. Exaggerations of situations connected with the story as well as exaggerations of extraneous information are included in the presentation to dilute it.

The fourth type of lie is division of information. The facts are interlaced with disconnects and the significance of information is separated or underplayed. To exemplify the third and fourth types: nuclear industry advocates claim nuclear energy to be ‘clean’ and ‘safe’. To support this belief (not fact), they exaggerate the relevance of nuclear’s low carbon emissions in comparison to other energy systems while ignoring or downplaying the permanent environmental destruction their nuclear waste causes and discrediting the science that clearly proves radiation exposure = cancer and death.

The problem for the ‘powers that were’ is, we each have a mind that can compute math tricks as well as self-serving political gimmicks – both of which are constants in today’s institutional operations.

Sure, this mixed up mathematics, irregular logic, circular reasoning and ill rhetoric is sometimes just due to a lack of information, combined with an unreasonable unwillingness to admit one doesn’t know everything. But given how extensive and common such twisted representations are in modern politics, one can only assume that, more often than not, we are witnessing a web of implicit agendas running counter to the assumed program of community governance. And we all know it.

So what is still sustaining a system we know is failing? Fear and hate.

Fear, Hate and Truth

Hate is the ultimate control mechanism. It prevents us from seeing the brotherhood in humanity. It enables institutions to promote (very profitable) war and killing. It creates closed-mindedness and closes the heart to spiritual healing. In is endemic to a war mentality, where both sides rationalize violent acts in the name of peace, liberty and freedom, all the while hating the evil “others” who are invariably demonized or dehumanized by the intentional rhetoric of war.

Fear is toxic and debilitating, and worst of all, much like ignorance – it is contagious. It’s no secret, most people don’t like change – particularly large scale change. Fear is by definition, an emotional response to the unknown, to a change that has not yet happened or something that does not yet exist.

And today, our institutions are designed to combat change of all kinds; we’re equipped for war, not peace. We’re busy fighting “climate change” instead of building sustainability. We have built entire institutions around such fears, constantly bracing against a perceived and mysterious threat to our future peace and security.

Ironically, it is by institutionalizing war and this culture of fear that we embed conflict, lack and separation into our collective consciousness. And it is from this point that acts of militarism and invasion become normalized in our minds.

[For a deeper look at the institutionalization of war, check out my previous article Where are the Peacemakers? Our Institutions are Designed for War]

The intentional seeding of fear and ignorance into our social psyche holds us back as a collective, limiting our knowledge of our actual (not perceived) world, our expectations and ultimately, how we manifest our future reality. Initiating a ‘flight or fight’ response, at a primal level, our self-protective impulses can propel us to take aggressive (re)actions, which in turn seed more hate and fear in those around us.

And when that fear relates to the question of social programming or collusion, the deep sense of trust and security that is embedded in our relationship with “society” and “the system” causes many to close their minds, fearful of even questioning such fundamental beliefs, and hateful toward those who do.

Truth, the antithesis of evil, exists without fear – of outsiders, of alternative perspectives, of other lifestyles, of what may be seen heard or spoken, of what may come next, of losing control, of truth itself.

In our ongoing search for truth, we invariably encounter both ignorance and pro-institutional propaganda. So, when encountering those who espouse the relative merits of our corrupted, failing structures (while often also mocking alternative views), it can very be difficult to understand which people are in fact idiots and which are entangled with elitist philosophies and institutions. Do they ignore the facts because of fear, imparted ignorance and mental numbness? Or do they perpetuate ignorance intentionally, in order to disempower – a common tactic in executing covert agenda.

The best mathematical lesson I ever learned taught me to question the deductions and answers of “authority” of all kinds. Where authority exists, so too does an imbalance of power, and from a point of imbalance, the truth is easily corrupted – by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

When you encounter un-truths, you may wonder – are they idiots, zealots or elitists? Don’t waste your energy. Your best weapon is truth. True patriots question and share information openly, free of fear and agenda. Be a patriot.

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City Of Londons' Lord Mayor Show And Procession
November10 2014 | From: Jack @ TheContrail

I thought, just for some interest, I would draw everyone’s attention to the new Lord Mayor of the City of London Corporation’s Show and Procession in London this weekend, since other than in the British Isles, the oligarchy don’t generally broadcast the event, and generally censor news reports about it in other countries as it symbolises London’s control of all world international banking and commerce.

And as they don’t like to upset the simple-minded too much by reminding all other countries (including the United States, China and Russia etc) that they are all slaves, they usually keep it more a local affair.

The City of London Corporation was founded in the 12th century, and was once controlled by the Vatican, but after Henry 8th broke with Rome, and English Protestant Jewish bankers took over the Roman Catholic Church’s assets in Britain, the British Rothschilds through their Italian agent, Torlonia, bailed out the Vatican between about 1840 and 1870 with a series of loans as the Holy See was broke, and then culminating in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty, the British Sovereign and City of London bankers with Freemasonry’s United Grand Lodge of England took over complete control of the Vatican and Holy See when the Pope became an invalid puppet.

The situation we have today is that the whole show, worldwide, is currently now run from London by a small group of devious, money hungry, power hungry, occult adepts and apostate Protestants. It is they who are the real controlling power behind bringing in the New World Order world government dictatorship. The ones who control the UN, and everything else.

It’s an extensive subject, and I have written books about it, but simplified, the Lord Mayor, who is elected once a year, rules the City of London Corporation, however it is under a ‘gentleman’s agreement’ only as the British Sovereign (presently Queen Elizabeth II) has the power to RESCIND the Lord Mayor’s massive global power at any time, and in the swearing in ceremony at the beginning of his term, the Lord Mayor takes an Oath to the Sovereign. A few books have been written incorrectly stating that this is not the case, but it is a fact the Sovereign rules the City.

In fact, the “Queen” is mentioned in Revelation 18:7. There are also three demon deities that rule of the City. The first is the Red Dragon epithet for Satan, and he is represented on the City Coat of Arms and statues of him appear throughout the City. The second two demon-deities are Gog and Magog who are the occult guardians of the the City.

The dragon and what he is to do in the last days (which most Christians believe we are living in now), was prophesied by John in AD 96 in Revelation 12, (linked to the soon-coming global mark of the 666 beast in the forehead or in the right hand for all buying and selling etc. prophesied in Revelation 13). Gog and Magog, and the details about what they are to do, and what is going to happen to them, as they come up against Israel, are prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39 (written 595-574 BC) and in Revelation 20:8.

Ezekiel 39:6 states: (Bible scholars have, for over 2,500 years, often wondered what this prophecy means) “And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD.”

Well, have a look at this remarkable photo taken of Gog and Magog in the Lord Mayor’s Show and Procession this weekend.

Note, Gog and Magog are made of wicker (which quite literally can be burned), whose end is to be burned with fire as prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel 2,500 years ago! Why are they to be burned? They are going to come up against the land of Israel and against God.

Gog is carrying what looks like a ball on a chain in his right hand. What is it? It is the Star of Lucifer symbolizing that all those in the City of London now worship Lucifer.

Magog is crowned with a dragon, the symbol of Satan who sees himself and his occult cohorts soon ruling the New World Order. Amazing how Ezekiel prophesied about these events over 2,500 years ago.

How lucky we all are to be living in exciting times such as these, when all these momentous events are beginning to happen, right now, this weekend, before our very eyes! But sadly, once again, not on the British-controlled 6 o’clock news or Anglo/American controlled media! Not bad for a devious band of apostate Protestants.

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Scientific Study: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Are The Sanest Of All
November 9 2014 | From: HumansAreFree

I was so happy to finally see a study done on the psychology of conspiracy beliefs. It goes through the importance of belief systems in the acceptance or rejection of ‘conspiracy theories.’

If you consider yourself awakened and seeking the truth – especially in government matters, people are quick to label you a crazy conspiracy theorist just so they can validate themselves.

In this study, a large group of commenters were examined on a news website, surrounding the topic of 9/11. Out of the 2,174 comments collected, 1,459 were coded as conspiracist and 715 as conventionalist. Right away its evident more people are thinking critically about ‘conspiracies’ rather than just disputing them.

What they found was that conspiracist commenters were more likely to argue against the opposing interpretation and less likely to argue in favor of their own interpretation, while the opposite was true of conventionalist commenters.

In other words, the anti-conspiracy commenters we’re pushing on their own interpretations of the situation rather than focusing on what really happened.

The conspiracists were more likely to express mistrust and made more positive and fewer negative references. They focused more on the points of what happened, rather than putting the other people down.

The data also indicated that conspiracists were largely unwilling to apply the “conspiracy theory” label to their own beliefs. They realized that label carries a negative social stigma and there is no need to plaster on these labels when trying to decode the truth.

The most important part of this study found that the conventionalist arguments tended to be much more hostile. This is apparent all over the internet, people who are trying to spread truth and awareness usually aren’t mean about it.

When people refute these ideas, it seems to always be much more aggressive. They want to push their conventional mentality so they don’t have to broaden their minds. People who want you to truly open your mind to new possibilities do it in a way that isn’t forceful and demanding.

Seeking truth happens on your own means so people who are labelled as conspiracy theorists are just trying to help awaken our world. Being considered a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is truly a noble thing.

You are pushing through the barriers of existing belief systems in order to make room for broader, more accepting beliefs. People are still very afraid and want to defend the old paradigm.

If anyone has ever invalidated your attempts to uncover the truth – keep going, it’s a brave and necessary act as our world raises it’s consciousness.

Read more about the study here.

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The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare
November 8 2014 | From: RollingStone

Meet the woman JP Morgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking

Chase whistle-blower Alayne Fleischmann risked it all

She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldn't take it anymore.

"It was like watching an old lady get mugged on the street," she says. "I thought, 'I can't sit by any longer.'"

Fleischmann is a tall, thin, quick-witted securities lawyer in her late thirties, with long blond hair, pale-blue eyes and an infectious sense of humor that has survived some very tough times. She's had to struggle to find work despite some striking skills and qualifications, a common symptom of a not-so-common condition called being a whistle-blower.

Fleischmann is the central witness in one of the biggest cases of white-collar crime in American history, possessing secrets that JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon late last year paid $9 billion (not $13 billion as regularly reported – more on that later) to keep the public from hearing.

Back in 2006, as a deal manager at the gigantic bank, Fleischmann first witnessed, then tried to stop, what she describes as "massive criminal securities fraud" in the bank's mortgage operations.

Thanks to a confidentiality agreement, she's kept her mouth shut since then.

"My closest family and friends don't know what I've been living with," she says. "Even my brother will only find out for the first time when he sees this interview."

Six years after the crisis that cratered the global economy, it's not exactly news that the country's biggest banks stole on a grand scale. That's why the more important part of Fleischmann's story is in the pains Chase and the Justice Department took to silence her.

She was blocked at every turn: by asleep-on-the-job regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission, by a court system that allowed Chase to use its billions to bury her evidence, and, finally, by officials like outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder, the chief architect of the crazily elaborate government policy of surrender, secrecy and cover-up.

"Every time I had a chance to talk, something always got in the way," Fleischmann says.

This past year she watched as Holder's Justice Department struck a series of historic settlement deals with Chase, Citigroup and Bank of America. The root bargain in these deals was cash for secrecy. The banks paid big fines, without trials or even judges – only secret negotiations that typically ended with the public shown nothing but vague, quasi-official papers called "statements of facts," which were conveniently devoid of anything like actual facts.

And now, with Holder about to leave office and his Justice Department reportedly wrapping up its final settlements, the state is effectively putting the finishing touches on what will amount to a sweeping, industrywide effort to bury the facts of a whole generation of Wall Street corruption.

"I could be sued into bankruptcy," she says. "I could lose my license to practice law. I could lose everything. But if we don't start speaking up, then this really is all we're going to get: the biggest financial cover-up in history."

Alayne Fleischmann grew up in Terrace, British Columbia, a snowbound valley town just a brisk 18-hour drive north of Vancouver. She excelled at school from a young age, making her way to Cornell Law School and then to Wall Street. Her decision to go into finance surprised those closest to her, as she had always had more idealistic ambitions.

"I helped lead a group that wrote briefs to the Human Rights Chamber for those affected by ethnic cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovina," she says. "My whole life prior to moving into securities law was human rights work."

But she had student loans to pay off, and so when Wall Street came knocking, that was that. But it wasn't like she was dragged into high finance kicking and screaming. She found she had a genuine passion for securities law and felt strongly she was doing a good thing.

"There was nothing shady about the field back then," she says. "It was very respectable."

In 2006, after a few years at a white-shoe law firm, Fleischmann ended up at Chase. The mortgage market was white-hot. Banks like Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup were furiously buying up huge pools of home loans and repackaging them as mortgage securities.

Like soybeans in processed food, these synthesized financial products wound up in everything, whether you knew it or not: your state's pension fund, another state's workers' compensation fund, maybe even the portfolio of the insurance company you were counting on to support your family if you got hit by a bus.

As a transaction manager, Fleischmann functioned as a kind of quality-control officer. Her main job was to help make sure the bank didn't buy spoiled merchandise before it got tossed into the meat grinder and sold out the other end.

A few months into her tenure, Fleischmann would later testify in a DOJ deposition, the bank hired a new manager for diligence, the group in charge of reviewing and clearing loans. Fleischmann quickly ran into a problem with this manager, technically one of her superiors. She says he told her and other employees to stop sending him e-mails. The department, it seemed, was wary of putting anything in writing when it came to its mortgage deals.

"If you sent him an e-mail, he would actually come out and yell at you," she recalls.

"The whole point of having a compliance and diligence group is to have policies that are set out clearly in writing. So to have exactly the opposite of that – that was very worrisome."

One former high-ranking federal prosecutor said that if he were taking a criminal case to trial, the information about this e-mail policy would be crucial:

"I would begin and end my opening statement with that," he says. "It shows these people knew what they were doing and were trying not to get caught."

In late 2006, not long after the "no e-mail" policy was implemented, Fleischmann and her group were asked to evaluate a packet of home loans from a mortgage originator called GreenPoint that was collectively worth about $900 million. Almost immediately, Fleischmann and some of the diligence managers who worked alongside her began to notice serious problems with this particular package of loans.

For one thing, the dates on many of them were suspiciously old. Normally, banks tried to turn loans into securities at warp speed. The idea was to go from a homeowner signing on the dotted line to an investor buying that loan in a pool of securities within two to three months. Thus it was a huge red flag to see Chase buying loans that were already seven or eight months old.

What this meant was that many of the loans in the GreenPoint deal had either been previously rejected by Chase or another bank, or were what are known as "early payment defaults." EPDs are loans that have already been sold to another bank and have been returned after the borrowers missed multiple payments. That's why the dates on them were so old.

In other words, this was the very bottom of the mortgage barrel. They were like used cars that had been towed back to the lot after throwing a rod. The industry had its own term for this sort of loan product: scratch and dent.

As Chase later admitted, it not only ended up reselling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of those crappy loans to investors, it also sold them in a mortgage pool marketed as being above subprime, a type of loan called "Alt-A."

Putting scratch-and-dent loans in an Alt-A security is a little like putting a fresh coat of paint on a bunch of junkyard wrecks and selling them as new cars.

"Everything that I thought was bad at the time," Fleischmann says, "turned out to be a million times worse." (Chase declined to comment for this article.)

When Fleischmann and her team reviewed random samples of the loans, they found that around 40 percent of them were based on overstated incomes – an astronomically high defect rate for any pool of mortgages; Chase's normal tolerance for error was five percent.

One mortgage in particular that sticks out in Fleischmann's mind involved a manicurist who claimed to have an annual income of $117,000. Fleischmann figured that even working seven days a week, this woman would have needed to work 488 days a year to make that much.

"And that's with no overhead," Fleischmann says. "It wasn't possible."

But when she and others raised objections to the toxic loans, something odd started happening. The number-crunchers who had been complaining about the loans suddenly began changing their reports.

The process she describes is strikingly similar to the way police obtain false confessions: The interrogator verbally abuses the target until he starts producing the desired answers.

"What happened," Fleischmann says, "is the head diligence manager started yelling at his team, berating them, making them do reports over and over, keeping them late at night." Then the loans started clearing.

Read the full story at: RollingStone

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Infectious Disease Controls Bill Debated
November 7 2014 | From: Scoop

A bill which allows more control over those who pose risks due to infectious diseases has been sent to select committee with wide agreement.

Health Minister Jonathan Coleman said the Health (Protection) Amendment Bill would amend outdated legislation creating protections from those carrying infectious diseases.

Dr Coleman said the Health Act did allow for some powers to protect from diseases such as Ebola these would remain, but the changes would allow for more protections and other things such as contact tracing.

There would be powers to direct for testing and in extreme cases quarantine and travel restrictions with safeguards for human rights. Enforced treatment orders would be possibly, but this would not be able to be physically enforced.

The bill also stops the commercial provision of sun bed tanning for those under the age of 18.

Annette King said Labour would support the legislation. The changes had been proposed in 2007 in wider amendments to the Health Act but these had languished due to opposition from National.

The changes would strengthen the current fragmented regime, she said.

Green MP Kevin Hague said these sorts of laws were a balancing act of protecting liberty and protection of the public.

If the balance tipped too far people who were ill or possibly ill might not present themselves for treatment because they feared the consequences, he said.

The bill was sent to the Health Committee for consideration on a voice vote.

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New Zealand Prime Minister Uses Bogus Islamic State Threat As Excuse To Ramp Up National Security And Surveillance Powers
November 6 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald

It is well known outside the cabal-run corporate media that the "Islamic State" is in fact a CIA / MOSSAD run front used as a problem-reaction-solution vehicle to further the globalist, fasacist Zionist agenda. Also see: US Allies Against ISIS Are Actually ISIS’ Main Allies

On the watch list

Government agencies had a watch list of between 30 and 40 people of concern in the "foreign fighter'' context, he said.

“These are people in or from New Zealand who are in various ways participating in extremist behaviour."

In addition to those on the watch list, another 30 or 40 were on a list of people requiring further investigation.

He said five New Zealand citizens or residents were known to be fighting in Syria but the number fighting in the region could be larger because dual citizens or New Zealanders could have left from other countries.

Others were Isis supporters who had tried to travel to Iraq and Syria to fight and who had had their passports cancelled.

Mr Key also announced a funding boost of $7 million for Security Intelligence Service across the current and next financial year to increase the number of staff to monitor and investigate foreign fighters.

He set out plans to change the law to give SIS greater powers of surveillance including video surveillance on private property, with a warrant, which the police but the SIS cannot do.

He also want the SIS to have the ability to conduct surveillance without a warrant for 48 hours in situations deemed urgent. It can take at least 48 hours to prepare paperwork for a warrant.

Game changer

Mr Key said in such cases, if the warrant was not granted, any material collected would be destroyed.

New legislation would also give the Minister of Internal Affairs power to cancel passports for up to three years, and temporarily suspend passports for up to 10 working days in urgent cases.

Mr Key described the changes as "responsible and narrow" and said they would be subject to a sunset clause.

He said the rise of such a well-resourced, globally-focused terrorist group which was highly skilled in social media recruitment was a "game changer" for this country. "ISIL exposes us to a type of threat that we lack both the legislative tools and resources to combat."

He was limited in what information he could reveal, but said there were individuals here who were attracted to carrying out similar attacks to those seen in Australia and Canada.

Mr Key said he wanted to stress that none of the people causing concern in New Zealand were representative of the Muslim community as a whole.

"The Muslim community is a peaceful one, which makes a valuable contribution to New Zealand.

"I know the vast majority of Muslim New Zealanders are as distressed by the actions of ISIL and its violent extremist message as anyone else."

Parliament this afternoon debated Mr Key's speech and proposed law changes.

Acting Labour leader Annette King said Labour broadly supported the law changes and said they "appear to be justified".

She warned that the 48-hour pre-warrant surveillance power by the SIS should not become the norm, however.

The law changes will have a sunset clause, pending a major review of intelligence agencies and their powers in the middle of next year.

She welcome the fact that the bill, once introduced, would be going to a select committee where, she said, the law would be closely examined to see if it was workable, necessary and framed appropriately.

Comment: The reality that history proves is that government never relinquish power once gained. Most of the underling politicians involved in this mess are too lowly to even be aware of what they are putting together. The draconian march towards fascism is being implemented piece by piece, leveraged by inventedfalse-flag threats.

While most of the sheeple are still seemingly incapable of thinking for themselves, behaving like 'deer in the headlights' - the tide is turning and more and more are starting to realise that these sorts of powers, as history shows, are intended by 'those at the top' to one day be deployed indiscriminately, carte blanche - across the board.

Read the full story at: NewZealandHerald

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The Former Head Of The NSA And CIA Makes Statements That Imply John Key Is Lying About Mass Surveillance
November 6 2014 | From: TV3

In a 3rd Degree report from TV3 that goes right inside both the NSA and GCSB, spies respond to mass surveillance allegations. The NSA confirms it has operatives working in New Zealand.

The Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) has responded to election week allegations it carries out mass surveillance on New Zealanders, denying its programmes are for anything other than cyber security.

Senior spies at the GCSB's headquarters in Wellington came forward this week, speaking with 3rd Degree, because of concerns of what they see as misconceptions among the New Zealand public.

Allegations by American whistleblower Edward Snowden, a former worker at US spy organisation the National Security Agency (NSA), claim the NSA maintains bases in New Zealand, collects metadata about New Zealanders and has worked with the GCSB to tap the Southern Cross internet cable to extract data.

For the full story and video click here.

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Geoff Lawton: From Prairie to Monoculture
November 6 2014 | From: GeoffLawton

Permaculture Expert Takes Viewers on a GMO Cornfield Tour: “There’s No Life Here at All…This is Not Farming”

Geoff Lawton has taught more than 6,000 students in over 30 countries on how to grow food in the most efficient and ecologically friendly way possible through permaculture design science, so he knows as well as anyone what a healthy ecosystem and healthy plants should look like.

And as you’ll see on Lawton’s recent clip of both a thriving natural prairie landscape and a GMO cornfield used for feeding animals in factory farms, the GMO cornfield simply doesn’t measure up.

In the clip, Lawton (you can follow him on Facebook here) starts off at the prairie and then crosses over to the GMO field.

“…There’s a great diversity of plants here of all types, this has supported huge herds of animals grazing through in sequenced events,” he says while examining the prairie scene. But he finds a completely different scene upon crossing the road.

“This is an Insane Way to Think About How We Produce Our Food”

The difference between walking through a prairie landscape, with tons of plant diversity and cover for the soil, and a GMO cornfield is absolutely striking, as you’ll see in the video below.

“This is not farming. This is a plant factory on the ground,” Lawton says.

“There’s no life here at all…This is a way of converting fossil fuels into money through food, that’s all.”

The big corporations that mass produce GMOs call them “sustainable,” but after viewing the video below it’s hard to imagine how anyone could think that way…


Thanks for reading! You can learn more at Geoff’s website, which is www.geofflawton.com.

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The Medical Cartel Is King In A Globalist World
November 5 2014 | From: JonRappoport

“Elites who invent reality need an unimpeachable operation, headed up by people who are relentlessly promoted as the sanest, most intelligent, competent, and caring representatives of the human race. Guess who that would be?” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

In 1976, the great critic of 20th-century society, Ivan Illich, wrote: “Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”

The medical cartel is the answer to the question: what do you with the population of Earth once they are living under a globalist oligarchy?

It’s all about managing lives, from womb to grave, and no institution serves that management better than Medicine.

First of all, you have a system that dispenses toxic drugs in an endless stream, killing in the US alone, by conservative estimate, 100,000 people per year. On top of that, medical drugs cause anywhere from two to four millions severe adverse effects annually.

Beyond this straight-out destruction, there is the turmoil, suffering, grieving, and confusion that extends in ripples, from each one of the deaths and injuries, to families, friends, and co-workers. The overall effect? Demoralization and the inability to see and think past the emotional pain—which is exactly what you want if you are a psychopath running a planet.

The medical cartel (drug companies, public health agencies, medical schools, doctors) wants to assure cradle-to-grave treatment of every person. This means 30 or 40 diagnoses of illnesses and mental disorders during a lifetime, and treatment with toxic drugs. It also means medical issues are at the forefront of every person’s mind as he/she wends through life, believing that Disease is the most important aspect of living.

People become proud, yes, proud of their diagnoses and treatment. They wear the diagnoses like badges of honor, and every social communication is an occasion for displaying badges and discussing treatments and comparing notes.

"You know, at first my doctor thought it was ADHD, but then he did one of those new brain scans, and realized it was Bipolar with a trace of genetically inherited Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Once he had the ODD under control with a major tranquilizer, he could go after the Bipolar. But then I developed tremors. So he implanted a chip…”

It’s not only a sick society, it’s a society about sickness.

Medical care is free, if by free one means: paid for by extraordinary levels of taxation.

The basic collectivist slogan, “We’re all in this together,” achieves its most fervent support from the axiom that Disease is our primary opportunity to help each other by accepting awesome tax burdens.

Of course, huge segments of the world population won’t be able to participate in modern, up-to-date, cutting-edge “care.” For them, there are several solutions. The first is vaccines seeded with chemicals and genes that reduce fertility and potency. As birth rates gradually decline, cover stories are invented to explain the phenomenon: stress; rising employment rates; the social effects of urbanization; the dissolution of the nuclear family.

The second solution is epidemics that purportedly kill off large numbers of people. These epidemics are routine frauds, based on concocted science. In the poverty-stricken Third World, announced epidemics are nothing more than cover stories; people aren’t dying because of germs; they’re dying because their water is contaminated, because of overcrowding, lack of basic sanitation, generation-to-generation starvation.

They’re dying because their fertile growing lands have been stolen. While medical experts crow about attacking the germ of the moment with (toxic) drugs and vaccines, these actual causes of death can be ignored and even enhanced.

Meanwhile, in industrialized technological sectors of the planet, psychiatry ascends to new heights of control over the educated classes. Although no so-called mental disorder has ever been diagnosed by a real laboratory test, the experts who dominate the field continue to invent new disorders at the drop of a hat.

Psychiatric patients believe they have brain conditions that must be treated with (highly toxic) drugs. The patients also believe their own aspirations are limited by their disorders, and so they acquiesce to a psychiatric model that circumscribes their lives.

At the top-end of society, new medical inventions are applied to the wealthy. Genetic enhancement is the most highly touted of these. Despite the fact that, as yet, there are no genetic treatments for any disease that work across the board, experiments will be done to extend life, to seed the unborn with special talents, to cure a wide variety of illnesses.

There will be efforts to substitute technological components for biological nature. Limbs, organs, whole body systems, brains.

The workability of high-tech pieces is not really the issue. The aim is simply to involve the rich in the entire grand experiment, thereby swallowing them up as well in a medical paradigm of existence.

At the front door of medical cartel operations, a person will be enrolled in the system while in utero, and a path will be laid out that extends all the way to the grave. Once he is on record with a medical ID package, he will be tracked and treated and tweaked without let-up.

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