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Vodafone Dances Around GCHQ In 40,000-Word Spying Confession - Inspires Deutsche Telekom To Come Out Also
June 9 2014 | From: RT

Includes Specific Information on New Zealand and the 28 other countries

Government intelligence agencies have direct access to telecommunication companies’ infrastructure which allows them to spy and record phone calls leaving no paper trail, the UK’s largest mobile phone company Vodafone has revealed.

Note: Vodafone recently acquired Verizon in the US. Although the US is not on this list, they are nicely covered by the NSA, the American equivalent of GCHQ. Vodafone Group is second only in size to China Mobile.

The world’s second-largest mobile phone company has broken its silence over its cooperation with government agencies and their efforts to eavesdrop on unsuspecting customers, but what it fails to mention speaks the loudest.

Vodafone’s 88-page ‘Law Enforcement Disclosure Report’ reveals how 29 governments around the world use an open back door to eavesdrop on its customers’ private communications.

“In every country in which we operate, we have to abide by the laws of those countries which require us to disclose information about our customers to law enforcement agencies or other government authorities, or to block or restrict access to certain services,” the Vodafone reports says. “Those laws are designed to protect national security and public safety or to prevent or investigate crime and terrorism, and the agencies and authorities that invoke those laws insist that the information demanded from communications operators such as Vodafone is essential to their work.”

However, Vodafone’s corporate candidness stopped short of describing its alleged collaboration with GCHQ, Britain’s equivalent of the US National Security Agency.

Snowden’s whistleblowing revealed that GCHQ has tapped into transatlantic fiber optic cables in a secret program, codenamed Tempora, which reportedly allows the British spy agency access to telephone communications and Internet data on millions of people. GCHQ, documents showed, teamed up with seven telecom companies, including Vodafone.

The report provided a rather chilling assessment as to the power of the intelligence agencies when it makes the decision to spy on a private citizen.

Read the full story at: RT

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The 15 Quadrillion Dollar Vatican-Sultan Of Sulu Deal That Would Have Sunk The Planet
June 8 2014 | From: GroupK

“We are fighting the worst sons-of-bitches that ever existed on the face of the planet.”

- Neil Keenan, May 19 2014

It is good to remind ourselves and all those aware and engaged in this global conflict characterized by deceit and deception that these are the most perilous times in our collective history. A time in which our freedoms and very survival are at stake. For those who are aware of the depth and severity of what the world now faces, that understanding is both a privilege and a responsibility.

History as taught to us in the West is a concocted fairytale. What has not been deliberately altered, has been suppressed. This is true of all traditionally accepted and taught historical references but especially true when it relates to the Orient and ancient China, which influences our perception of the China of present day.

For example, we were taught in school that America was discovered in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue – “Yo Ho Yo Ho the leader of the three, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria!” It may be true that Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492 but he sure as hell did not discover it, regardless of the fact that we in the U.S.A. “officially” acknowledge or accredit Columbus for the discovery of our continent.

We in the West have been sold on an Anglo-Euro version of history. It is in fact erroneous and bears little resemblance to reality. To see and understand the real truth or larger picture requires a letting go of false concepts and dogma – or at least a willingness to look beyond what you think you know. In other words to look and think outside the box that has been meticulously constructed around us.

To dispel the Columbus discovery myth and begin to realize we have been lead down the rosy path of make-believe history, we must acknowledge the fact that there were already indigenous people living in the Americas, i.e., Mayan, Inca, and numerous Indian tribes; and, secondly, abundant evidence exists that the Americas had been previously visited or “discovered” by other Euro and Asian cultures and civilizations long before Columbus.

A deeper look into the real historical facts will be helpful in understanding the scope of deception and corruption that has been deliberately imposed upon the “non-elite,” intentionally misleading and misdirecting the general world populace to this present day.

In 1405, nearly nine decades preceding Columbus, Zheng He was appointed Admiral of the Imperial Fleet of China. He was a Muslim and a eunuch, both characteristics quite distinctive and unique, yet in Western culture we hear nothing about him.

From 1405 -33, Zheng He embarked on seven voyages each time commandeering a fleet of 300 ships with combined crew, and soldiers of 30,000. His ships were 400′ long and 160′ wide. They were equipped with livestock and enough food and supplies to feed crew and soldiers for years at a time. These aqua fortresses were awesome feats of engineering.

Researching Admiral Zheng, his annals in the Chinese Archives date back to 1405 A.D. It was Zheng He not Bartholomew Diaz or Vasco De Gama who discovered the Cape of Good Hope. By 1433 China had already circumnavigated the globe, acquired unimaginable wealth by having established a vast network of trade and diplomatic alliances– essentially harnessing the seas and conquering the world.

This is when they erected the Great Wall of China – a barrier to keep the heathens out.

Now more than ever is it imperative for those on the right side of the ledger to express truth and accuracy. Recently certain suppositions and statements regarding the Global Accounts have been made by those in positions of influence which have not been entirely accurate. It is time to set the record straight. Since the 2011 Monaco Accords, it is Neil Keenan’s position to do just that.

The Global Accounts were originally established to fund humanitarian projects throughout the world. The Western cabal, via the IMF, World Bank, and BIS, has controlled and used the accounts not to enhance the quality of life, but to enslave humanity.

Here in the United States of America our so-called federal government is beyond corrupt. It has been hijacked and turned into an instrument of evil. Everything being done in the name of “national security” and affordable healthcare is designed to corral, control, and eventually kill us.

Our individual rights and liberties have been literally stripped from us; and the NSA and a long list of other alphabet agencies track and record our every move — all achieved and enforced in the name of national security. Yes, “transnational corporate security” — where big business is in bed with government, and those at the top use fear, greed, intimidation and even murder to achieve and retain secrecy and their exalted positions.

Let us never be fooled into thinking they have our best interests at heart. The truth is, they want the vast majority of us DEAD! It’s high time we fully wake up to this!

Most recently the Vatican in collaboration with an entrusted Elder, The Sultan of Sulu, a guardian / holder of The Dragon Family Global Account assets, attempted to steal fifteen (15) Quadrillion dollars from the Dragon Family.

Their attempt was thwarted. Had this transaction been allowed to take place, the cabal’s coffers would have been replenished and the results for humanity would have been disastrous! Truly the world dodged a fateful bullet only days ago!

The arrogance and recklessness of this attempt is indicative of a false sense of ownership or entitlement present on the part of some of those entrusted to protect those assets. In some cases two and three generations have passed between the time of the original guardians or keepers of the assets, so it must now be reiterated to all the Elders: you cannot give away or sell what does not belong to you! Guardianship is not ownership!

The Book of Conveyance was established by President Sukarno, the original M1, for such a time and such a reason.

The Book of Conveyance documents and clearly indicates the role and responsibilities as guardians and keepers of the Dragon Family assets. The Dragon Family who are the only rightful owners of these assets, have had enough!

The world at large, those who have been manipulated and hoodwinked generation upon generation, have had enough! It is time that the false prophets and usurpers of the West be exposed and held accountable to the whole of humanity for who and what they are — a den of thieves.

A study of history and of the true facts reveal that the real wealth resides in the East, and always has. This is why the East is now establishing its own economic alliance, a separate economic system from the West and the United States and the petro-dollar. BRICS is product of this new paradigm away from the U.S. and world Zionist domination.

“World Zionists can best be described as the world’s largest organized crime syndicate. They appear to be soulless parasites upon the human race.

They are empowered by the Zionist City of London private Central Banksters who specialize in Babylonian Money-Magick and making money from nothing (debt-based notes presented as money) and pernicious usury.

They are generally recognized by numerous Intel insiders to be parasites on the world, war profiteers, and mass murderers behind every major war, as well as the hidden-hand behind most drug trafficking, pornography, sex trafficking, slave labor, massive banking, mortgage fraud and other and financial frauds and scams.

Using their Imaginary debt-based pretend money, they have bought and now own almost every single US Congressperson, most Supreme Court Judges, and almost every federal judge.”

- Preston James, Veterans Today

Those who choose to work with and serve these dark forces of death and destruction are being watched, and they themselves are now being “outed” and restricted of free movement upon the planet.

Each day more and more people around the world are cognizant of the atrocities committed by the Zionist/Nazi secret societies and government elite, and they are the proponents and participants of the Keenan-initiated NO FLY ZONE.

Soon there will be nowhere for them to find sanctuary or a place to hide. Their world and time upon it is rapidly shrinking.

Sultan of Sulu we are watching you!

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TPP To Live On In Other Acronyms Even If It Fails: Groser
June 7 2014 | From: Scoop

The negotiated positions of parties to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement will be crucial in developing other free trade pacts that are either emerging or on the table now, even if the current negotiations fail, says International Trade Minister Tim Groser.

Speaking in the Philippines as part of a business delegation in the capital, Manila, Groser said the TPP negotiations were now "at a crucial stage", but that if the talks were to fail, the developments they achieved would still prove useful for the ultimate liberalised trade zone, the Free Trade Area in the Asia-Pacific, otherwise known as FTAAP.

Groser described an era of "competitive liberalisation" in which many of the parties to the TPP negotiations might still pursue trade liberalisation through the Chinese-led Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, or RCEP.

“The rules negotiations are extremely advanced," said Groser of the TPP negotiations.

That includes in the contentious area of intellectual property, along with e-commerce, new rules for state-owned enterprises, competition policy, government procurement, and the movement of businesspeople
"as part of a Services outcome."

Only market access issues remained, and it was not possible to "sign off 21st century rules and ignore 20th century unresolved market access issues", many of them in agriculture.

“The 'TPP bus', if we complete the negotiation, will carry on to other destinations in the Asia Pacific," said Groser.

"Though TPP may yet still stumble if governments finally lack the courage to take the final decisive decisions to confront their highly protected sectors, there is every reason to believe TPP will be the decisive influence in creating the entire FTAAP."

The other "mega-regional deal" in play is between the US and Europe, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP.

The RCEP initiative represents an alternative to the TPP negotiations but includes the huge emerging economies of both China and India, neither of which are part of TPP, while leaving out the US and taking in all of ASEAN, Japan and Australasia.

"If TPP falters, RCEP, either in its current full form or some 'slimmed down' version is likely to take leadership of the process of Asia Pacific integration," Groser said.

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Vodafone Reveals Intelligence Agencies Have Direct Access To Telecoms Infrastructure
June 7 2014 | From: RT

In what by now has become (what may be viewed as) an almost redundant / unsurprisingly predictable statement;

Government intelligence agencies have direct access to telecommunication companies’ infrastructure which allows them to spy and record phone calls leaving no paper trail, the UK’s largest mobile phone company Vodafone has revealed.

The British operator said wires have been attached to its phone networks in some of the 29 countries in which it operates in Europe, as well as around the world [ read: New Zealand ], the Guardian reported. Governments similarly connect to other telecom groups, reportedly allowing them to listen to or record live conversations. In some cases, the surveillance agencies can also track the whereabouts of a customer.


But now Vodafone is pushing back against government surveillance through direct access to the pipes. On Friday, it will publish its first Law Enforcement Disclosure Report about how governments spy on people through the company’s infrastructure.


Agencies do not have to identify the targeted customers to the telecom companies in any way, and the direct-access systems do not require warrants.

Read the full story at: RT

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Guardian Launches SecureDrop System For Whistleblowers To Share Files
June 6 2014 | From: TheGuardian

SecureDrop platform allows sources to submit documents and data while avoiding most common forms of online tracking

SecureDrop makes use of well-known anonymising technology such as the Tor network and the Tails operating system

Access the Guardian's SecureDrop system here.

The Guardian has launched a secure platform for whistleblowers to securely submit confidential documents to the newspaper’s reporters.

The launch comes a year to the day since the Guardian posted the first of a series of NSA documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, sparking a worldwide debate on surveillance, privacy, and civil liberties.

Free speech and privacy groups alongside popular sites including Reddit, BoingBoing and Imgur, are marking the day with a Reset the Net campaign, encouraging internet users to take direct action to secure their privacy online. Several technology companies are also expected to announce new steps to protect users’ privacy over the course of the day.

The SecureDrop open-source whistleblowing platform provides a way for sources, who can choose to remain anonymous, to submit documents and data while avoiding virtually all of the most common forms of online tracking.

It makes use of well-known anonymising technology such as the Tor network and the Tails operating system, which was used by journalists working on the Snowden files.

Read the full story at: TheGuardian

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John Banks Found Guilty In Kim Dotcom Donations Case
June 5 2014 | From: NBR

John Banks had denied knowingly receiving campaign donations from Kim Dotcom. Not even his knights of Malta cross could help Banks, The Masons call it getting thrown the sour grape.

John Banks says he is surprised and disappointed by a guilty verdict against him delivered today.

The MP, found guilty of filing a false electoral return, gave a brief statement outside court today about the verdict delivered by Justice Ed Wylie.

Mr Banks, facing a media scrum of about 30, referenced a 1930s song, saying in life a little rain must fall.

Rain is still falling on him, he told media outside the Auckland High Court.

Mr Banks says his legal team will review the decision and consider all options.

He was found guilty of ‘‘transmitting a return of electoral expenses knowing that it was false in a material particular.’’

The charge relates to entries on the electoral returns for Banks’ failed 2010 Auckland Super City mayoral campaign.

The Crown alleges Mr Banks knew that a $15,000 donation was from SkyCity and two $25,000 donations were from Kim Dotcom. The donations were recorded as anonymous on a signed declaration.

Mr Banks now faces a fine of up to $10,000 and/or two years in jail. His next court appearance for sentence is scheduled August 1.

Having been found guilty of an offence punishable by prison, he will now have to resign his seat, whether or not he is actually sent to prison. His one out would be if he was discharged without conviction.

Justice Wylie told the court he believed the evidence of Dotcom witnesses in the John Banks' trial.

Read the full story at: NBR

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Updated No-Fly List
June 5 2014 | From: GroupK

Updated June 6

Neil Keenan wants to thank everyone for their help in developing the deserving globalist candidates for the No Fly Accords.

Many bad guys are squawking loudly about being on the list, but they are going to stay there because they have earned their place on that list. And many others have been added to it.

We have a wonderful network of smart and thoughtful people who have joined forces in our efforts, and they have come through in living color with names that we have overlooked — we are grateful.

The next step is for the various countries to sign and execute. Some will pass into legislation.the various countries for signatures. Each country will customise it according to their own laws.

Download the latest version of the No-Fly Accords here.

Update: June 6

The NO FLY ACCORD constitutes a world’s response to a small fascist clique of zionist rogue nations.

t is rather simple in terms but powerful in implementation. With people in political positions in this clique abusing their powers with impunity it is necessary for all other nations to be able to protect their citizenry and sovereignty from the fascist movement of this generation.

The way to do this is simple. As our mothers and fathers taught us, we just close the doors to unwanted visitors. We cannot and do not need to allow foreigners and enemies into our homes creating divisiveness and eventually taking them over entirely in our stead.

The NO FLY ACCORD prevents the opening from occurring in the first place. But we must be careful because the Globalist spit their venom on all of us at every opportunity.

With God’s help – and we know he is there watching us every second of the way – we will turn the corner and sprint across the finish line. Let us pray that the Nations that join this noble accord move quickly and either sign this accord directly, or pass it through their legislation so that it is implemented for the safety of us all.

If we fail to act and do our duty to defend our rights, our families, our homes, our nations and our environment, we just might be looking at World War III.

One thing I would like for you to look at is the list of names. Do you see what I see? Almost all of them are Zionist! How did we ever allow them to worm their way into lording over us? They will do what they want until we say NO — and that is what will be accomplished with this accord.

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Top Biochemist Calls To Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi In Schools, And Baby Monitors
June 1 2014 | From: WakingTimes

Our modern world is creating an electromagnetic soup filled with electrical pulses, radio frequencies, computer screens, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cell phones and gadgets that are emitting damaging radiation.

There are many peer-reviewed scientific studies drawing conclusions that should concern us all, but particularly for young children and pregnant women. Government agencies are even doing battle amongst themselves over outdated scientific information that still impacts current regulations.

Recently, neuroscientist and professor, Olle Johansson, PhD, offered a comprehensive view of the many issues surrounding EMFs, including an industry-wide attempt by telecom to cover up the negative consequences. It is a must-see lecture that can be viewed here.

Adding further credence to the dangers of EMFs, another well-regarded scientist who has eight international awards for his work, Prof. Martin Pall, a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, is also calling for action against common emitters of electromagnetic pollution. In the video below, you will hear how he goes so far as to say that these devices are a biohazard which need to be abolished.

As Dr. Pall mentions, there are actually 20,000 scientific papers that acknowledge the potential harm from EMFs – there should be none.

Among the well-documented effects of exposure are:

Oxidative stress.
Single strand breaks in cellular DNA.
Double strand breaks in cellular DNA.
Male and female infertility.
Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.
Loss of melatonin (which has been shown to lead to a reduction in bone density -Ed.) + Consequent sleep disruption.
Effects on brain and heart function.
Possible link between increased prevalence of EMF radiation and rise in autism.

So, as you can see, this is a full-spectrum assault on the human organism which, further, can lead to ongoing generational effects. Serious indeed.

For the full story and the video interview with James Rickards visit: WakingTimes

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'Death Of Money': Author Rickards Predicts Collapse Of Global Monetary System
May 30 2014 | From: RT

The collapse of the monetary system awaits the world in the near future, says financial expert James Rickards. Russia and China's desire to rid the US dollar of its global reserve currency status is an early sign of the “increasingly inevitable” crisis.

“China has three trillion dollars, but they are buying gold as fast as they can. China worries that the US is going to devalue the dollar through inflation so they want to have a hedge if the dollar goes down, so the gold will go up,” Rickards told RT.

As one of the key events in support of his forecast, Rickards points to the words uttered by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the 18th International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg that took place earlier this month.

“Putin said he envisions a Eurasian economic zone involving Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Russia. The Russian ruble is nowhere near ready to be a global reserve currency, but it could be a regional reserve currency,” he said, as quoted by ETF Daily News.

Rickards’ book about the demise of the dollar was released in April under quite an apocalyptic name – 'The Death of Money.' However, the author is surprised that the events are unfolding much faster than he predicted.

“If anything, the tempo of events is faster than expected. Therefore, some of these catastrophic outcomes may come sooner than I wrote about.”

For the full story and the video interview with James Rickards visit: RT

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An Overview Of Our 'Overlords', Bilderberg 2014
May 30 2014 | From: InfoWars

David knight gives an overview of the outcome of past Bilderberg meetings.

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Anti-EU Revolution, Ukraine Crisis Threatens To De-Rail Global Government
May 29 2014 | From: IntelliHub

The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.

Inside sources confirm to Infowars that the elite conference, which will take place from Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which will undoubtedly be a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting.

The TTIP represents an integral component of Bilderberg’s attempt to rescue the unipolar world by creating a “world company,” initially a free trade area, which would connect the United States with Europe. Just as the European Union started as a mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into a political federation which controls upwards of 50 per cent of its member states’ laws and regulations with total contempt for national sovereignty and democracy, TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal, only on a bigger scale.

The deal is being spearheaded by Obama’s U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a CFR member, Bilderberg’s sister organization. Froman is simultaneously helping to build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is a similar project involving Asian countries.


As well as TTIP and the fallout from the European election disaster, Bilderberg will be tackling a number of other key issues, most of which will revolve around the continued effort to centralize economic power under several different guises, including a carbon tax paid directly to the United Nations, with the financial hit being taken by individuals as big companies are granted special “waivers” that will allow them to continue to pollute.

The rumbling crisis in Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO will also be a focal point of Bilderberg 2014. Globalists now consider Vladimir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the new world order because he dared to “challenge the international system,” as John Kerry put it.

Read the full story at: IntelliHub

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The Big Dogs On Wall Street Are Starting To Get Very Nervous: Coming To America? China & Iran To Execute Bankers On Fraud Charges!
May 29 2014 | From: PoliticalVelCraft

Why are some of the biggest names in the corporate world unloading stock like there is no tomorrow, and why are some of the most prominent investors on Wall Street loudly warning about the possibility of a market crash?

Should we be alarmed that the big dogs on Wall Street are starting to get very nervous?

China executes four accused of bank fraud – Business – World business
China executes corrupt securities trader – U.S. & World News
China executes bank staff for fraud
Last Lap Dance For Rothschild: Iceland’s Viking Victory Over The Matrix Banksters!
Obama Signs Two ‘Gun’ Executive Orders Violating U.S. Laws: Duty To Defy Every Executive Order!


In aprevious article, I got very excited about a report that indicated that corporate insiders were selling nine times more of their own shares than they were buying. Well, according to a brand new Bloomberg article, insider sales of stock have outnumbered insider purchases of stock by a ratio of twelve to one over the past three months.

That is highly unusual. And right now some of the most respected investors in the financial world are ringing the alarm bells.

Read the full story at: PoliticalVelCraft

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Food Bill Passes Into Law
May 28 2014 | From: Scoop

A new food regulation bill a decade in the making has passed with general support. The third reading of the Food Bill was completed on a voice vote.

Nikki Kaye said the bill had been ten years in the making and would reduce compliance costs while ensuring greater food safety. It put in place a risk based system.

The original bill went through a major rewrite and was sent back to select committee after a backlash from many people who said it was over prescriptive and excessive.

Labour’s Damien O’Connor agreed the bill has been through a lengthy gestation, but the law was vital to New Zealand’s food production which drove the economy. A risk based system could work, but it was vital it was properly regulated and monitored.

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Cabal Payback For Donetsk Referendum With Unarmed Urban Civilian Slaughter - Neil Keenan Update
May 28 2014 | From: GroupK

With original and exclusive footage from sources inside Donetsk (see below) Neil is angry and cannot for the life of him understand how no one is stepping up to put a halt to the unarmed civilian slaughter in Donetsk. This is cabal payback for the good citizens of Donetsk having the courage to take a stand for their right to self-determination.

More can be seen in the videos below and on the Group K website

With original and exclusive footage from sources inside Donetsk (see below) Neil is angry and cannot for the life of him understand how no one is stepping up to put a halt to the unarmed civilian slaughter in Donetsk.

This is cabal payback for the good citizens of Donetsk having the courage to take a stand for their right to self-determination.

See more video at GroupK

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Russia’s Rise To Global Power
May 26 2014 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Western propaganda about events in Ukraine has two main purposes. One is to cover up, or to distract from, Washington’s role in overthrowing the elected democratic government of Ukraine. The other is to demonize Russia.

The truth is known, but truth is not a part of the Western TV and print media. The intercepted telephone call between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt reveals the two coup plotters discussing which of Washington’s stooges will be installed as Washington’s person in the new puppet government.

The intercepted telephone call between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU foreign policy official Catherine Ashton revealed suspicions, later confirmed by independent reports, that the sniper fire that killed people on both sides of the Kiev protests came from the Washington-backed side of the conflict.

To summarize, when Washington orchestrated in 2004 the “Orange Revolution” and the revolution failed to deliver Ukraine into Western hands, Washington, according to Victoria Nuland, poured $5 billion into Ukraine over the next ten years. The money went to politicians, whom Washington groomed, and to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate as educational, pro-democracy, and human rights groups, but in fact are Washington’s fifth columns.

When President Yanukovych, after considering the costs and benefits, rejected the invitation for Ukraine to join the European Union, Washington sent its well-funded NGOs into action. Protests broke out in Kiev demanding that Yanukovych change his decision and join the EU.

These protests were peaceful, but soon ultra-nationalists and neo-nazis appeared and introduced violence into the protests. The protest demands changed from “join the EU” to “overthrow Yanukovych and his government.”

Political chaos ensued. Washington installed a puppet government, which Washington represented as a democratic force against corruption. However, the ultra-nationalists and neo-nazis, such as the Right Sector, began intimidating members of Washington’s stooge government. Perhaps in response, Washington’s stooges began issuing threats against the Russian speaking population in Ukraine.

Areas of southern and eastern Ukraine are former Russian territories added to Ukraine by Soviet leaders. Lenin added Russian areas to Ukraine in early years of the Soviet Union, and Khrushchev added Crimea in 1954. The people in these Russian areas, alarmed by the destruction of Soviet war memorials commemorating the Red Army’s liberation of Ukraine from Hitler, by the banning of Russian as an official language, and by physical assaults on Russian-speaking people in Ukraine broke out in protests. Crimea voted its independence and requested reunification with Russia, and so have the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Washington, its EU puppets, and the Western media have denied that the votes in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk are sincere and spontaneous. Instead, Washington alleges that the protests leading to the votes and the votes themselves were orchestrated by the Russian government with the use of bribes, threats, and coercion. Crimea was said to be a case of Russian invasion and annexation.

These are blatant lies, and the foreign observers of the elections know it, but they have no voice in the Western media, which is a Ministry of Propaganda for Washington. Even the once proud BBC lies for Washington.

Washington has succeeded in controlling the explanation of the “Ukrainian crisis.” The unified peoples in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk have been branded “terrorists.” In contrast, the Ukrainian neo-nazis have been elevated to membership in the “democratic coalition.” Even more amazing, the neo-nazis are being described in the Western media as “liberators” of the protest regions from “terrorists.” Most likely, the Russophobic neo-nazi militias are becoming Washington’s stooge government’s army, because so many units of the Ukrainian military have been unwilling to fire on peaceful protestors.

The question before us is how will Russia’s leader, President Putin, play this game. His hesitancy or reluctance to accept Donetsk and Luhansk again as part of Russia is used by the Western media to make him look weak and intimidated. Within Russia this will be used against Putin by Washington-funded GGOs and by Russian nationalists.

Putin understands this, but Putin also understands that Washington wants him to confirm their demonized portrait of him. If Putin accepts requests from Donetsk and Luhansk to return to Russia, Washington will repeat its allegation that Russia invaded and annexed. Most likely, Putin is not weak and intimidated, but for good reasons Putin does not want to give Washington more propaganda to employ in Europe.

Washington’s press for sanctions against Russia has an obstacle in Germany. The German Chancellor, Merkel, is Washington’s vassal, but Germany’s foreign Minister, Frank Walter Steinmeier and German industry are no friends of sanctions. In addition to Germany’s dependence on natural gas from Russia, thousands of German companies are doing business in Russia, and the employment of several hundred thousands of Germans is dependent on economic relations with Russia.

Former German Chancellors, Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schroeder, have slammed Merkel for her subservience to Washington. Merkel’s position is weak, because she has stupidly put herself in the position of sacrificing the interests of Germany to Washington’s interests.

Putin, who has demonstrated that he is not the typical dumb Western politician, sees in the conflict between Washington’s pressure on Germany and Germany’s real interests a chance to break up NATO and the EU. If Germany decides, as Yanukovych did, that Germany’s interests lie in its economic relations with Russia, not in being a puppet state of Washington, can Washington overthrow the government of Germany and install a more reliable puppet?

Perhaps Germany has had enough of Washington. Still occupied by Washington’s troops 69 years after the end of World War II, Germany has had its educational practices, its history, its foreign policy, and its membership in the EU and euro mechanism coerced by Washington. If Germans have any national pride, and as a very recently unified peoples, they might still have some national pride, these impositions by Washington are too much to accept.

The last thing Germany wants is a confrontation, economic or military, with Russia. Germany’s vice chancellor, Sigmar Gabriel, said that it “was certainly not smart to create the impression in Ukraine that it had to decide between Russia and the EU.”

If the Russian government decides that Washington’s control of Ukraine, or whatever part remains after secession, is an unacceptable strategic threat to Russia, the Russian military will seize Ukraine, historically part of Russia. If Russia occupies Ukraine, there is nothing Washington can do but resort to nuclear war. NATO countries, with their own existence at stake, will not agree to this option.

Putin can take the Ukraine back whenever he wants and turn his back on the West, a declining corrupt entity mired in depression and looting by the capitalist class. The 21st century belongs to the East, to China and India. The enormous expanse of Russia sits above both of these most populous of all countries.

Russia can rise to power with the East. There is no reason for Russia to beg the West for acceptance. The basis for US foreign policy are the Brzezinski and Wolfowitz doctrines, which state that Washington must prevent the rise of Russia. Washington has no good will toward Russia and will hamper Russia at every opportunity. As long as Washington controls Europe, Russia has no prospects of being a part of the West, unless Russia becomes Washington’s puppet state, like Germany, Britain, and France.

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George Soros Sells All Shares Of Citigroup, Bank Of America And JP Morgan
May 22 2014 | From: IntelliHub

Is this a sign of trouble ahead for the banking industry?

Just over 2 decades ago banker George Soros made his most famous investment by shorting the British pound and pocketing a billion dollars in the process. Since then he has become famous for betting on stock market crashes and in some cases even rigging markets to fail for his own gain.

Just months ago, Soros made headlines by making a billion dollar stock bet against the S&P 500. At the time this was said to be a sign of trouble ahead for the US economy, as Soros has seemed to have had advance knowledge of market crashes in the past. As a result of this reputation, investors have begun to keep a close eye on his holdings.

This week investors took notice again when Soros sold his shares of three major American banks, including Bank of America, JP Morgan and Citigroup.

The Wall Street Journal reported that:

“George Soros dumped his stakes in banks and went for tech and gold miners in the first quarter, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission Thursday. Soros sold his holdings in Citigroup (NYSE:C) , J.P. Morgan (NYSE:JPM) and Bank of America (NYSE:BAC)”

In February 2009, Soros said the world financial system had effectively disintegrated, adding that there was no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.

“We witnessed the collapse of the financial system … It was placed on life support, and it’s still on life support. There’s no sign that we are anywhere near a bottom.”

- George Soros

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Prime Minister Dismisses John Campbell - Accuses Him Of Falling For Conspiracy Theories
May 21 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald

Prime Minister John Key has accused TV3 broadcaster John Campbell of falling for conspiracy theories in the wake of Campbell Live show on Tuesday about the unlawful surveillance of internet mogul Kim Dotcom by the GCSB spy agency and the appointment of its chief, Ian Fletcher.

[The Prime Minister may be well advised to have a lay down and a cup of tea before he hurts himself.]

Key suggested facetiously that Campbell turn next to whether US President Barack Obama was born in the United States, whether the American Government was behind the September 11 attacks and who killed the Kennedys.

"I've had some respect for John," Key said to reporters at Parliament, "but when you do, I suppose, two years and come up with absolutely nada, what you do is what he did which was set a whole lot of assumptions to music.

"The first I ever heard of Kim Dotcom was the 19th of January 2012."

Tuesday's show pieced together facts, largely already known, beginning with the visit to New Zealand in March 2011 of James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, and ending with the surveillance in December 2011 of Mr Dotcom, which was later discovered to be unlawful because the police and GCSB did not realize he was a New Zealand resident.

Mr Key's active involvement in the appointment of childhood acquaintance Ian Fletcher as the GCSB chief was well established last year by Labour MP Grant Robertson, including a breakfast meeting between the pair in June 2011 at the Stamford Plaza.

TV3 identified another meeting between Mr Key and Mr Fletcher, on December 12, 2011, the week surveillance of Kim Dotcom began.

Mr Fletcher was appointed in September. He did not take up the post until January 30, 2012 but was visiting New Zealand in December.

Mr Key said acting GCSB chief at the time, Simon Murdoch, brought Mr Fletcher over to see him in his Beehive office on December 12.

"I can't tell you exactly everything we talked about because I would never say that," Mr Key said "but I can tell what we didn't talk about.

"We didn't talk about Kim Dotcom because it is impossible to talk about someone you don't know."

Mr Dotcom tweeted this after that that was "the logic of a liar."

Kim Dotcom insists he has proof that Mr Key is lying when he says he first heard about him on January 19, the day before his Coatesville mansion was raided by the FBI and that the proof will force Mr Key to resign.

Mr Dotcom is facing extradition proceedings by the United Sates where he is wanted on copyright, racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud charges.

He has been giving evidence at the trial of Act MP John Banks who is charged with filing a false electoral return in 2010 by knowingly recording donations by Mr Dotcom and Sky City as anonymous.

Mr Dotcom claimed in court Mr Key had heard about him because Mr Banks told him he had told the Prime Minister about a New Year's fireworks display being put on by Mr Dotcom. Mr Key said he had "no idea what John Banks said to Kim Dotcom but all I know is he has never spoken to me about going to fireworks."

He would never go to such fireworks anyway because he always spent Christmas and New Year in Hawaii.

In February 2009, Soros said the world financial system had effectively disintegrated, adding that there was no prospect of a near-term resolution to the crisis.

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No-Fly Swatter & Straightening Out Some Family Matters - Neil Keenan Update
May 20 2014 | From: GroupK

Always two steps ahead of the cabal, Neil has moved the No-Fly Accords forward in due course. Many countries have reached out to Neil expressing their support for his latest efforts and pledging their country’s participation in this all-important effort.

Sweden and Libya have already taken well publicized actions against well known Zionists breaching their airspace against their national will. While each country must take action to accept and enforce the No-Fly Accords as it applies to their own sovereign airspace, depriving the Cabal airspace will box them in and deprive them of the room they need to further implement their genocidal Agenda 21.

While international waters cannot easily be included without time-consuming and complex multi-national treaties, depriving the Globalists airspace on a country-by-country, and then region-by-region basis effectively terminates their ability to travel internationally. When enough countries join, Cabalists’ flights patterns will look like pretzels to avoid a violation, interception, and detention, effectively grounding these self-appointed elites.

Orchestrating the Monaco Accords has been a tremendous success for Neil. They have led to the unprecedented cooperation of Asian economic powers, giving rise to BRICS, the Asian IMF, and the rise of Asian international banking and trade severed from the oppressive colonial policies of the West. Neil has full confidence that the No Fly Accords will have the same success at grounding, alienating, and quickening the decline of the Cabal.

The No Fly Zone shows the ease with which Neil turns the tables on the Cabal to the point that they have nowhere to go to achieve their sociopathic goals. The Cabal and their Agenda 21 is snowballing into a living hell on Earth and has to be cleaned up; and we have to do the cleaning – all of us have to do our part. This situation cannot survive much longer, so it’s best we deal with it now and not give them an opportunity to hurt another generation.

Closing the doors on their airspace is pounding the snews-articles-4take into the heart of this vampire. It sucks their energy out of them; it leaves them no place to run, and no place to hide.

Read the full story with video and the documentation here.

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On 9/11, Kiwi’s Being Droned, GCSB And Facial Recognition In Auckland
May 20 2014 | From: AotearoaAWiderPerspective et al

When several weeks ago the news appeared that at least one Kiwi had been a victim of a US drone attack our Government thought that the guy deserved what he got. He shouldn’t have been were he was. No judge, no jury needed. Meta data tells you everything you need to know!

What is more it now appears that GCSB was actively involved in supplying the US intelligence community with information about the man killed in the raid according to Journalist Jeremy Scahill in an interview with Patrick Gower.

This morning an article appeared in the NZ Herald. “They” are rolling out a soon to be Nation wide surveillance system in Auckland which “may” (no “may” about it. We docile Kiwi’s think we need it anyway) include facial recognition.

Read the full story here.

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Lorde Confirms Herself As An Iluminati Sellout
May 20 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald et al

There is no longer any room for sympathy for Lorde. After having a bleat and a cry about media intrusion, she unequivocably shows her true colours by "throwing the horns" in an awards ceremony after a live perfomance.

What a waste

Lorde has won two gongs at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas and performed her song Tennis Court for the first time on television. No one gets world famous, so fast - without subscribing to the illuminati music industry agenda.

The 17-year-old beat Bastille, Capital Cities, Ariana Grande and Passenger to take out the award for Top New Artist.

Her song Royals also picked up the award for Top Rock Song, ahead of tracks from Passenger, Capital Cities and two from Imagine Dragons.

AAP reported Lorde read her acceptance speech for her best new artist award from cellphone: "I really don't want to screw it up."

Too late, love.

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GMO Producers Should Be Punished As Terrorists, Russian MPs Say
May 17 2014 | From: RT

A draft law submitted to the Russian parliament seeks to impose punishment up to criminal prosecution to producers of genetically-modified organisms harmful to health or the environment.

The draft legislation submitted on Wednesday amends Russia's law regulating GMOs and some other laws and provides for disciplinary action against individuals and firms, which produce or distribute harmful biotech products and government officials who fail to properly control them.

At worst, a criminal case may be launched against a company involved in introducing unsafe GMOs into Russia. Sponsors of the bill say that the punishment for such deeds should be comparable to the punishment allotted to terrorists, if the perpetrators act knowingly and hurt many people.

“When a terrorist act is committed, only several people are usually hurt. But GMOs may hurt dozens and hundreds. The consequences are much worse. And punishment should be proportionate to the crime,” co-author Kirill Cherkasov, member of the State Duma Agriculture Committee told RT.

Russian criminal code allows for a punishment starting with 15 years in jail and up to a life sentence for terrorism.

Less severe misdeeds related to GMOs would be punishable by fines. For instance the administrative code would provide for up to 20,000 rubles (US$560) in fines for failure to report an incident of environmental pollution, which would also cover harmful GMO contamination, if sponsors of the bill have their way.

Russia gave the green light to import of GMOs and planting of bioengineered seeds as part of its accession to the WTO, but the Russian government remains skeptical of GMOs. In April, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced that his cabinet will postpone the beginning of certification of GMO plants for growth in Russia due to lack of proper infrastructure needed to test their safety.

The government also opposes imports of GMO food, saying the country has enough farmlands to provide enough regular food to feed itself.

But the new draft legislation, even if adopted, would be difficult to enforce in practice. Proving a direct link between certain GMOs and health or environmental problems could be difficult, considering that harmful effects, if they manifest, may take years to become apparent.

Critics of the draft bill also point out that it fails to suggest amendments to laws regulating textile production and pharmaceutical industry, both of which have been using genetically-altered products for years.

“The global pharmaceutical industry uses GMOs much wider than food industry does. And there is the question, who should be punished in this case – producers of medicines which are used to treat people, or those who want to ban them,” commented Aleksandr Korbut, vice-president of the Russian grain union, to Izvestia newspaper.

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Operation American Spring: Militias Promise To Oust Obama, Boehner, Holder, Pelosi And Other Top Officials This Friday
May 16 2014 | From: RT

A retired United States Army colonel expects as many as 30 million like-minded individuals will descend on Washington, DC this week and demand that President Barack Obama and other members of his administration be booted from office.

Those are just some of the demands that Col. Harry Riley, founder of “Operation American Spring,” said he’ll ask the Obama administration to adhere to when militia members and patriots of all sorts arrive in the nation’s capital on Friday and begin demonstrating against a government the group considers to be in violation of the principles established by the founders of the country.

“We are calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” Riley told the Before Its News website during an interview earlier this year.

“They have all abandoned the US Constitution,” he said, and “are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.”

Riley told Before Its News in January that he expects his Operation American Spring movement will provoke anywhere from 10 million to 30 million Americans to mobilize this week and arrive in DC, where they will participate in a “massive, gigantic effort as a last stand before America moves into a more devastating condition.”

Read the full story at: RT

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Snowden Docs: GCSB Links To US Spying Programmes
May 15 2014 | From: NewZealandHerald

New documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden show New Zealand's GCSB closely enmeshed with some of the most controversial parts of the United States' spying apparatus.

The documents were released with journalist Glenn Greenwald's new book No Place To Hide, which tells the story of Snowden's National Security Agency disclosures and what they mean.

Among the documents are a cluster relating to New Zealand which show:

Our GCSB spies were shown instructional slides on how to operate the X-Keyscore surveillance program which trawls mass harvested email addresses, phone numbers, online chat, web-based email and attachments sent;

They were privy to diplomatic espionage by other Five Eyes partners, including spying which was Canadian spies capturing the emails, text messages and phone calls between the Brazilian president and her aides;

They were briefed on the NSA's efforts to deliberately put backdoors into private companies' computer networks;

And the were given access to a program called "Homing Pigeon" which allowed in-air communications on passenger jets to be monitored.

One NSA document tells New Zealand and its other "Five Eyes" intelligence partners the ambition is to "know it all", "collect it all", "exploit it all" and "partner it all".

Read the full story at: NewZealandHerald

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Rand Paul: Audit The Fed Or I will Hold Up Nominees
May 14 2014 | From: RT

United States Senator Rand Paul says he plans to hold the appointment of three new likely members of the US Federal Reserve unless colleagues in Congress hold a vote on auditing the Fed.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

A long-time opponent of the central bank, Paul wrote Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) informing him of his plans to stall the nomination process for the new Fed members unless a bill of his brought up for a vote.

“As the Senate debates the Federal Reserve Board nominees, there is no more appropriate time to provide Congress with additional oversight and scrutiny of the actions and decisions of the central banks,” Paul wrote Reid. “Therefore, I request that my bipartisan legislation, S. 209, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, be scheduled for an up or down vote concurrently with nominees to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.”

Introduced in February 2013, that bill, if approved, would require a full audit of the Fed’s Board of Governors and the entire central banking system.

In an extract from Greenwald’s new book, titled “No Place to Hide,” the journalist states the NSA “routinely receives – or intercepts – routers, servers, and other computer network devices being exported from the US before they are delivered to the international customers.”

"The Fed's operations under a cloak of secrecy have gone on too long and the American people have a right to know what the Federal Reserve is doing with our nation's money supply," Paul said when he proposed it last year. "Audit the Fed has significant bipartisan support in Congress and across the country and the time to act on this is now."

Read the full story at: RT

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NSA Embedded Surveillance Tools Within Exported US Computer Hardware
May 13 2014 | From: RT

While the United States has warned against buying Chinese routers due to surveillance concerns, a new book about the Edward Snowden revelations states America has been intercepting and tinkering with routers intended for foreign customers.

According to Glenn Greenwald – one of the journalists entrusted with Snowden’s leaked documents – the National Security Agency has been implanting devices into routers headed overseas since at least 2010.

In an extract from Greenwald’s new book, titled “No Place to Hide,” the journalist states the NSA “routinely receives – or intercepts – routers, servers, and other computer network devices being exported from the US before they are delivered to the international customers.”

Once the agency gets its hands on these products, it embeds devices that are linked to the NSA’s own system, giving officials access to foreign networks and information from all the users connected to that network.

Read the full story at: RT

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CIA Director Admits He Visited Kiev, Refuses To Call Russia Enemy
May 12 2014 | From: RT

John Brennan, the head of the CIA, said in an interview he did go to Kiev “a few weeks ago” to talk to Ukrainian “partners and friends.” He also declined to call Russia an enemy dubbing it instead “a major power”.

Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan - apparently speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations

While talking to Fusion’s Jorge Ramos, Brennan admitted to the host’s question his visit to Ukraine’s capital in mid-April.

“I was out there to interact with our Ukrainian partners and friends. I had the opportunity to walk through the streets of Kiev and also go to Maidan Square and see the memorials to those Ukrainians trying to find liberty and freedom for their people,” he said.

Following the visit, deposed Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovich accused Brennan of de facto sanctioning a crackdown on pro-Russian activists in the country’s south-east.

Until now the CIA had not disclosed if and why Brennan had been to Kiev but White House spokesman Jay Carney confirmed that the CIA director went in Kiev as part of his trip to Europe and met with high-ranked Ukrainian officials.

In the interview with Fusion, the Brennan said that the situation in Ukraine is “something that needs to be addressed” and insisted that the US wants “the Ukrainian people to have their ability to define their future.”

We here at the CIA can work with our partners in Ukraine and other areas to give them the information, the capabilities that they need in order to bring security and stability back to their country,” said Brennan.

Read the full story at: RT

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Karen Hudes: What The Flack? - Keenan Group News
May 9 2014 | From: NeilKeenan.com

The secret cabal’s control over international markets is becoming less of a mystery as increasing numbers of markets reveal themselves so obviously to be fixed.

Carribbean Nations join the Cabal no-fly effort

This could be considered an update, but it’s a little different than usual. I noticed a post that had gone up on my site, from what I understand quite by accident, stating that Karen Hudes is a cabal shill. It was not written or approved by me. It was a draft written by a team member which was mistakenly posted before it was reviewed and approved by myself, which is required for all posts on my site. The post itself most likely would have never have reached you. But it did. It was only up for a few minutes and it went viral! Ms. Hudes responded to it saying that there was no proof of her being a cabal shill but that she has taken a lot of flack from me. It is her use of the word “flack” that I disagree with.


Now let me give you a quick insight as to what is happening in the world today with the information I have. The Asian and Russian nations are now being joined by the Caribbean nations who have reached out and requested that they also be allowed to join the NO FLY ZONE accords. Is it possible we can box the bad guys into one place with nowhere to hide?

Bear in mind that this has nothing to do with you, but with them. It will assist anyone who would need to enter the US to track them down. But I have to make sure it does not hurt any of you, as in the case of your being on a flight along with blacklisted individuals, which now number over 600. As for the NO FLY ZONE accord itself, it is still being worked out with the various parties that are joining it, or will be impacted by it. This is not as simple as one would think, but once completed it will have an immense global effect. I am working hard to see that everything I do is timely.

Read the full story at: NeilKeenan.com

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132 Nations Want Out Of The Cabal Banking System
May 8 2014 | From: NationOfChange

The secret cabal’s control over international markets is becoming less of a mystery as increasing numbers of markets reveal themselves so obviously to be fixed.

And a financial storm continues to brew. Many a clanger to come

Just in case you haven’t been keeping up with the ‘tin-foil’ hat conspiracies, increasingly proven to be true, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, is the center of a secret global economy that has bailed out American International Group Inc., huge insurance companies like AIG, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co., J.P. Morgan,Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank AG, among others.

The secret cabal’s control over international markets is becoming less of a mystery as increasing numbers of markets reveal themselves so obviously to be fixed. The cabal cheats the 99 percent with Libor interest rates, foreign exchanges, and gold, silver, and platinum price fixing.

Then there’s high-frequency trading (HFT), where Wall Street banks use supercomputers to monitor incoming stock market orders, analyze their likely impact on prices, and place orders ahead of those trades to capture a bit of the price impact, called ‘stealing’ if it were properly named.

HFT data helps to explain the frenzy in today’s markets: The most aggressive firms tend to earn the biggest profits, hence the incentive to trade as quickly and as often as possible. Furthermore, these traders make their money at the expense of everyone else, including less-aggressive high- frequency traders. It is simply the latest and greatest scam on stock holders looking for real value in a company, thinking they can compete with the big guys.

Just a few weeks ago, 132 nations decided they’ve had enough of the ‘secret’ money jig we’ve all been dancing to. One of the largest coalitions of developing nations in history has urged Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, to provide, “as soon as possible…alternative options for banking services.” 132 countries, including China are done with the funny money scheme.

Read the full story at: NationOfChange

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Anti-Surveillance Movement Calls ‘Reset The Net’ Day Of Action
May 7 2014 | From: RT

Updated June 7 - See below

More than 30 civil liberties groups and tech companies have formed a coalition against internet surveillance and NSA spying, with a ‘Reset the Net’ day of action planned for June 5 to mark a year since Edward Snowden’s leaks.

Screenshot from youtube.com/user/fightforthefutu

“Don't ask for your privacy. Take it back,” the website urges.

The site offers the opportunity for its visitors to sign a pledge: “On June 5, I will take strong steps to protect my freedom from government mass surveillance. I expect the services I use to do the same.”

The coalition has been organized by “Fight for the Future.” Among its members are Reddit, Imgur, DuckDuckGo, CREDO Mobile, and the Free Software Foundation, who are enforced by the civil liberties groups and others, as Boing Boing and Greenpeace.

The collective is calling on software developers to assimilate anti-NSA features into their products, such as mobile apps, or perhaps adding security features such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security), and Perfect Forward Secrecy which are data encoding features intended to prevent the government being a go-between for communication interceptions.

The call is simple – find some territory of the internet you can protect from prying eyes,” the ‘Reset the Net’ video states.

“Government spies have a weakness: they can hack anybody, but they can’t hack everybody,” the organizers behind the Reset the Net movement say in a video released. “Folks like the NSA depend on collecting insecure data from tapped fiber. They depend on our mistakes; mistakes we can fix.”

June 5 marks the day that Edward Snowden first broke news of en-masse surveillance programs implemented by the NSA and PRISM became a household word. The groups are dispersing a privacy package for participants to use which contain free software tools for encrypting chat logs, email, phone calls and text messaging.

Screenshot from youtube.com/user/fightforthefutu

CREDO Mobile is thought to be the anonymous telecom which is currently engaged in a constitutional battle regarding governmental utilization of National Security Letters to obtain user data.

“A year after Snowden’s shocking revelations, the NSA is still spying on innocent Americans without a warrant,” Michael Kieschnick, CEO of CREDO Mobile, told Wired magazine on Tuesday.

“CREDO will continue to demand Congress and the president take action to stop unconstitutional mass warrantless surveillance, and until we win real reform, we will encourage users to adopt encryption tools to protect their personal communications from government abuse of the 1st and 4th amendment,”
he added.

The mass action is reminiscent of a similar online mass action in 2012 against two federal anti-piracy bills – the Senate’s Protect IP Act (PIPA) and the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Thousands of websites, with the support of massive firms such as Google and Twitter - went into blackout or partial blackout in order to put a stop to the legislation.

“We can't stop targeted attacks, but we ‘can’ stop mass surveillance by building proven security into the everyday Internet,” the collective states.

Update: June 7

Yesterday was unbelievable. Together, we as everyday Internet users harnessed the power of the largest websites on earth and launched the biggest effort in human history to shut down mass surveillance on the web.

So how did we do it? Check out this infographic . We promise you will end up reading the whole thing and then feeling awesome.

Click here to see how we Reset the Net.

There's so much more to tell. We're still tallying up the numbers and collecting all the amazing stories of how the Internet came together to defend itself.

And, we're making the biggest announcement of all. Reset the Net was not just a single day of action. We're going to continue this campaign as a longterm, concerted effort to directly  block dragnet government surveillance from as much of the Internet as we can.

Each month we'll be announcing a new wave of participants who are helping Reset the Net, and escalating our demands on the largest tech companies to ensure that they're taking the most meaningful and concrete steps they possibly can to protect our privacy.

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Malcolm Fraser Warns Australia Risks War With China Unless US Military Ties Cut Back
May 6 2014 | From: SydneyMorningHerald

Australia risks being pulled into a disastrous war against China because successive Australian governments have surrendered the nation's strategic independence to Washington, former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has warned.

Pine Gap (also termed by some as 'Australia's Area 51), near Alice Springs, employs nearly 1,000 people, mainly from the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office. Originally code-named MERINO, it is the ground station for a satellite network that intercepts telephone, radio, data links, and other communications around the world. The facility currently includes a dozen radomes, a 5,600 square meter computer room, and 20-odd service and support buildings. Two of its ground antenna are part of the U.S. Defense Satellite Communications System.

With tensions rising in the East China Sea between China and Japan, Mr Fraser said there was a real danger of conflict and that he had become "very uneasy" at the level of Australia's compliance with the US's strategic interests.

Our armed forces are so closely intertwined with theirs and we really have lost the capacity to make our own strategic decisions," Mr Fraser said.

He said the high level of military integration, including through bases such as Pine Gap, meant Australia would have difficulty convincing the world that it was not taking part in a US-led conflict even if, formally, Canberra tried to stay out of it.

The comments represent the most serious questioning by a current or past government leader of the dominant assumption in Australia's foreign policy since World War II – namely, that an ever closer US alliance is inherently in Australia's security interests.

With US President Barack Obama visiting north Asia (although not China) and confirming the US would back Japan in any conflict over disputed islands in the East China Sea, Mr Fraser has called for a more basic interpretation of the ANZUS treaty, restricting its scope to consultation initially – rather than the assumption of automatic military involvement.

He has also called for a new debate about Australian-American military-to-military ties, warning that the secretive Pine Gap facility would become a military target as it would likely be pivotal to the US capability to identify and neutralise Chinese nuclear weapons sites.

Read the full story and see the video at: SydneyMorningHerald

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Judge Jeanine Unleashed: Impeach Obama - Yet Another Call To Stop The Farcical Faux-President
May 5 2014 | From: WND

Yet another call for the impeachment of a man who has been told he is untouchable. However, if Barry Soetero (or whatever his real name is this week) is not a natural born American, then he cannot legally hold the office of The President of the United States of America (The Chief Exectutive of the United States of America Corporation perhaps - which is what he is) - and so therefore he cannot be impeached. Felonious corporate activities?

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro has launched a scathing, on-air indictment of President Barack Obama, calling for his impeachment from office.

On Saturday night’s broadcast of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” Pirro uncorked a blistering verbal assault on Obama in connection with his handling of the fatal onslaught of the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, and the subsequent cover-up.

“Mr. President, it’s called an abrogation of duty,” Pirro said. “You have not taken your oath to honestly and faithfully execute the duties of your office. As commander in chief, you have NOT protected us. This dereliction of duty as commander in chief demands your impeachment.”

“You, Mr. President, have violated your constitutional oath. You have not faithfully executed your duties in the office of the president.”

Watch a 90-second clip of Judge Jeanine Pirro calling for Obama’s impeachment:

Read the full story at: WND

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Defiant Apple, Facebook And Other Tech Companies Will Inform Public Of NSA / Government Surveillance Requests
May 2 2014 | From: RT

The same technology companies that the US intelligence community has relied upon to disclose email records are now refusing to keep surveillance requests secret and informing customers when they are the subject of such requests.

In the nearly ten months since former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed extensive surveillance efforts on everyday Americans’ online activity, the companies that were forced to facilitate that surveillance have come under harsh public scrutiny.

The embarrassment ignited a series of comments from executives at Google and Facebook, among others, calling on the NSA and other agencies to either stop forcing them to provide the communications that customers trust them with, or allow them to be more transparent.

Now, according to a Thursday report in the Washington Post, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Google have updated their policies to routinely notify customers when law enforcement has requested information about them.

Yahoo enacted such a change in July, with the Post reporting Thursday that companies “have found that investigators often drop data demands to avoid having suspects learn of inquiries."

With such influential companies announcing that they will essentially ignore the warning attached to subpoenas asking them to keep knowledge of the requests to themselves, experts say other companies that spend less time in the public eye will be more willing to do so.

“It serves to chill the unbridled, cost-free collection,” Albert Gidari Jr., a partner at the firm Perkins Cole who represents multiple technology companies, told the Post. “And I think that’s a good thing.”

Not all requests will be made public. Orders from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which has denied only one NSA request in five years, will still be kept classified, as will National Security Letters from the FBI.

Peter Carr, a spokesman for the US Department of Justice, warned that the companies’ divergence from the norm constitutes a massive security flaw. He told the Post there is at least one recent example in which an early disclosure put a cooperative witness in danger, though he refused to provide any further detail.

These risks of endangering life, risking destruction of evidence, or allowing suspects to flee or intimidate witnesses are not merely hypothetical, but unfortunately routine,” Carr said.

Law enforcement’s job is also complicated by the growing number of magistrate judges who are skeptical of the government’s requests. The judicial ideology has quietly spread to courts through the country, frustrating prosecutors as much as it has excited civil libertarians.

Perhaps the most outspoken opinion, though, came from Washington DC Magistrate Judge John M. Facciola, who ruled against government requests to access the Facebook page of Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis and a request to search the iPhone of a Georgetown University student accused of making ricin.

Facciola has consistently sought narrower, more specific requests from investigators, as evidenced by an April ruling in a case unrelated to the two aforementioned investigations.

“For the sixth time,” he wrote, as quoted by the Post, “this court must be clear: if the government seizes data it knows is outside the scope of the warrant, it must either destroy the data or return it. It cannot simply keep it.”

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First United Nations WHO Report On Antibiotic Resistance Reveals ‘Serious Threat’ To Global Public Health
May 2 2014 | From: Scoop

UN Report Reveals ‘Serious Threat’ To Global Public Health - Which is interesting as the WHO along with the Pharmaceutical industry were instrumental in promoting the known, dangerous use of anti-biotics; in order to aid the implementation of their Agenda 21 world depopulation nightmare.

The WHO: The globalist - fascist entity which the world has to thanks for bringing us Geo-engineering and .Chemtrails'. The WSDO (World Sickness and Depopulation Organisation) would be a far more accurate descriptor

Antibiotic resistance – when bacteria change so antibiotics no longer work in people who need them to treat infections – is now a major threat to public health, says a new United Nations report released today.

The study, produced by the UN World Health Organization (WHO), is the first to look at antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance, globally, and provides the most comprehensive picture to date, incorporating data from 114 countries.

It reveals that this serious threat is no longer a prediction for the future; it is happening right now in every region of the world and has the potential to affect anyone, of any age, in any country, WHO pointed out in a news release.

Without urgent, coordinated action by many stakeholders, the world is headed for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries which have been treatable for decades can once again kill,” said Keiji Fukuda, WHO’s Assistant Director-General for Health Security.

“Effective antibiotics have been one of the pillars allowing us to live longer, live healthier, and benefit from modern medicine,”
Dr. Fukuda noted.

“Unless we take significant actions to improve efforts to prevent infections and also change how we produce, prescribe and use antibiotics, the world will lose more and more of these global public health goods and the implications will be devastating.”

While the report notes that resistance is occurring across many different infectious agents, it focuses on antibiotic resistance in seven different bacteria responsible for common, serious diseases such as bloodstream infections (sepsis), diarrhoea, pneumonia, urinary tract infections and gonorrhoea.

The results are cause for high concern, according to WHO, which documented resistance to antibiotics, especially “last resort” antibiotics, in all regions of the world.

For example, resistance to one of the most widely used antibacterial medicines for the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by E. coli – fluoroquinolones – is very widespread. In the 1980s, when these drugs were first introduced, resistance was virtually zero. Today, there are countries in many parts of the world where this treatment is now ineffective in more than half of patients.

WHO said that people can help tackle resistance by using antibiotics only when prescribed by a doctor; completing the full prescription, even if they feel better; and never sharing antibiotics with others or using leftover prescriptions.

Health workers and pharmacists can help tackle resistance by enhancing infection prevention and control; only prescribing and dispensing antibiotics when they are truly needed; and prescribing and dispensing the right antibiotic(s) to treat the illness.

The report, which is kick-starting a global effort led by WHO to address drug resistance, reveals that key tools to tackle antibiotic resistance, such as basic systems to track and monitor the problem, show gaps or do not exist in many countries. While some countries have taken important steps in addressing the problem, every country and individual needs to do more.

Other important actions include preventing infections from happening in the first place – through better hygiene, access to clean water, infection control in health-care facilities, and vaccination – to reduce the need for antibiotics. WHO is also calling attention to the need to develop new diagnostics, antibiotics and other tools to allow healthcare professionals to stay ahead of emerging resistance.

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Another Dead Banker: Body Of Missing New Jersey Jogger, Banker Found In Hudson River
May 2 2014 | From: DailyNews

The family of Andrew Jarzyk of Hoboken has confirmed that a body found in the Hudson River on Monday is that of the 27-year-old who had been missing since the early hours of April 1.

Nearly a month after Andrew Jarzyk went missing his family, at long last, has been given some amount of closure.

The 27-year-old's family has confirmed that a body found in the Hudson River on Monday is that of the Hoboken, N.J., jogger and banker who had been missing since the early hours of April 1.

But despite his body's recovery, his family says his death and disappearance is still deeply shrouded in mystery.

Read the full story at: DailyNews

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Scrap Foreign Investment Rules, For Country's Sake – Think Tank
May 1 2014 | From: NBR

We need to beware of globalist-aligned 'think tanks' that are staffed by the local leadership of multi-national corporations who attempt to coerce people that throwing away barriers to international investment is a good thing. It only serves the globalist fascists and their agenda - at the espense of the people.

A think tank [ The New Zealand Initiative ] has called for restrictions on foreign direct investment (FDI) to be removed, saying the country risks driving away overseas capital that could otherwise be invested in business.

[It should be noted that this 'think tank' evolved out of a merger of the New Zealand Business Round Table and the New Zealand Institute. Business round table groups are a long established vehicle of the Illuminati; with such 'round table' organisations being present in many countries].

The report, Open for Business: Removing the barriers to foreign investment, is the final in The New Zealand Initiative’s series on FDI regulation. It says New Zealand has an overly restrictive regulatory structure on inward capital flows, particularly relating to rural land.

The Overseas Investment Act 2005 requires overseas investors to prove they are of good character, willing to provide an ongoing financial commitment, as well as demonstrate their business acumen and experience. They also must become residents in New Zealand in order to acquire any rural land over five hectares – rural land covers 99.2% of the country’s land area.

"One of the curiosities is that the 'home country' [the UK] doesn't have any opposition to foreigners buying land, the US has no screening programme and post-purchase rules only," co-author Bryce Wilkinson told the launch event in Auckland.

[Is it not blatantly obvious what a stupid approach this is - and just because another country has already started to retard it's safeguards against multi-national interests, this is an argument that New Zealand should too?]

"We want to have a public debate about thether there is an issue of substance about foreign investment. It's hard to find a solution to an unidentified problem."

In their report, Dr Wilkinson and researcher Khyaati Acharya say New Zealand already has a robust set of laws relating to immigration, business activity and financial and national security that are not enhanced by the additional protections provided by the act.

The OECD ranks New Zealand as having one of the most restrictive FDI environments in the developed world.

“Foreign investors in New Zealand employ people, and contribute to the economy and increase our tax base. They are a benefit to our country but we subject them to the most onerous bureaucratic hurdles," Dr Wilkinson says.

“If similar restrictions were placed on New Zealanders investing overseas, we would be outraged, and yet we have no qualms at using this double-standard at home.”

More specific recommendations are to:

Eliminate the general prior approval screening requirement;

Amend the act to recognise the gain to the New Zealand vendor as a national benefit;

Narrow the definition of sensitive land; and

Abolish the requirement to demonstrate business acumen or financial commitment.

[ Seriously, do these points not raise alarm bells? -

"Evidence of a political and financial spider's web involving Cabinet Ministers, millionaire businessmen, senior journalists and newspaper editors in a plan to manipulate public opinion has emerged in a pile of explosive documents leaked to Investigate magazine. The documents, pictured on the following pages, show tentacles of influence spreading out from New Zealand Business Roundtable CEO Roger Kerr across virtually all the main sectors of NZ society."

- TheBriefingRoom.com referencing an Investigate Magazine story from 2008. ]

Read the full story at: NBR

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Putin: Washington Behind Ukraine Events All Along, Though Flying Low
April 30 2014 | From: RT

The US has been behind the Ukrainian crisis from the beginning, but was initially flying low, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said. He added that if sanctions continue, Russia will have to reconsider who has access to key sectors if its economy.

“I think what is happening now shows us who really was mastering the process from the beginning. But in the beginning, the United States preferred to remain in the shadow,” Putin said, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

Putin stated that since the US has taken a lead role in resolving the political crisis in Ukraine, it is “telling that they originally were behind this process, but now they just have emerged as leaders” of it.

The "Maidan cookies" policy paves the way to a broader crisis, Putin warned, referring to US officials showing up in central Kiev and encouraging protesters during demonstrations.

Reat the full story at: RT

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US-Based Ex-Barclays Staff Charged By UK In Libor Sandal
April 29 2014 | From: RT

The UK filed its first criminal proceedings against scandal-struck US-based Libor traders on Monday over the alleged rigging of global benchmark interest rates. Three former Barclays traders are to be charged, according to the UK’s Serious Fraud Office.

Jay Vijay Merchant, Alex Julian Pabon and Ryan Michael Reich are the three former New-York based Barclays employees who have been charged by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) with conspiracy to defraud.

“He is not guilty of this offense and will vigorously contest these allegations at his forthcoming trial,” British law firm Hickman & Rose, which is representing Reich, said in a statement. The lawyers for the remaining two men were not available for comment, reported Reuters.

While the SFO confirmed that the trio are in the US, they are due to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court in London on May 27. The occasion could set the ball rolling for the first extradition to the UK from the US in what has been a lengthy investigation into Libor (London interbank offered rate) manipulation.

The Libor scandal dates back to 2005. Libor is the average interest rate that underpins trillions of dollars worth of loans, contracts and mortgages through the interest rates of major London banks. The scandal drew in some of the world’s biggest financial institutions, including the Royal Bank of Scotland, UBS, and Barclays.

Barclays was the first bank to settle in the wake of the rate manipulation accusations, paying some $450 million in fines in 2012 after admitting misconduct.

The subsequent backlash forced out four top Barclays directors, including chief executive Bob Diamond in 2012, who had previously insisted that he would not resign.

So far, US and European authorities have fined 10 banks and brokerages a total of $6 billion.

Twelve people are now facing criminal charges in the US and UK, among them the three from Barclays for the manipulation of denominated Libor. Twenty-two potential co-conspirators have also been identified, but not publicly named.

The charges fall at a time when a parallel investigation is underway into foreign exchange market rigging. On March 5, the Bank of England was forced to suspend a member of staff.

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United States [Cabal Controlled Government] Insists Going After Reporters Who Publish Leaked Info 'Not Violation Of Press Freedom'
April 27 2014 | From: RT

Announcing its third annual Free the Press campaign to highlight censorship and oppression of journalists “around the world,” the US State Department made clear it doesn’t consider press freedom issues in the United States the same way it does abroad.

The aim of the third annual Free the Press campaign is to focus attention on “journalists or media outlets that are censored, attacked, threatened, or otherwise harassed because of their reporting.

”But, apparently, the US' own crackdown on journalists, particularly those involved in whistleblowing, is a completely “separate category” to be highlighted by such an event, as Jen Psaki, the spokesperson for the US State Department made clear.

Announcing its third annual Free the Press campaign to highlight censorship and oppression of journalists “around the world,” the US State Department made clear it doesn’t consider press freedom issues in the United States the same way it does abroad.

The aim of the third annual Free the Press campaign is to focus attention on “journalists or media outlets that are censored, attacked, threatened, or otherwise harassed because of their reporting.”But, apparently, the US' own crackdown on journalists, particularly those involved in whistleblowing, is a completely “separate category” to be highlighted by such an event, as JenPsaki, the spokesperson for the US State Department made clear.

Read the full story and see the video here.

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52 Year-Old French Banker 'Jumps' To Her Death In Paris
April 26 2014 | From: ZeroHedge

52 Year-Old French Banker Jumps To Her Death In Paris (After Questioning Her Superiors)

There have been 13 senior financial services executives deaths around the world this year, but the most notable thing about the sad suicide of the 14th, a 52-year-old banker at France's Bred-Banque-Populaire, is she is the first female.

As Le Parisien reports, Lydia (no surname given) jumped from the bank's Paris headquarter's 14th floor shortly before 10am. FranceTV added that sources said "she questioned her superiors before jumping out the window," but the bank denies it noting that she had been in therpapy for several years.

FranceTV and Le Parisien reports,

An employee of the Bred-Banque Populaire has committed suicide, Tuesday, April 22 in the morning at the headquarters of the bank. On her arrival at headquarters, quai de la Rapee, in the 12th arrondissement of Paris...

The incident occurred shortly before 10 am, 200 meters from the Ministry of Finance.

According to our sources, she questioned his superiors before jumping out the window, that formally denies the direction of the Bank.

"There is absolutely no evidence for designating his relationships with his hierarchy as responsible or letter or message " insists the direction of the communication FranceTV info.

It also speaks of a "very painful moment for the company" .

In an email to all employees consulted by FranceTV info, the management of the bank confirms the "death by suicide" and said "severely affected." It shows have established a psychological unit.

"For the moment, nothing puts the company in question, says the majority union SUNI-Bred/UNSA. The employee got along very well with her new team, her superior is very nice.

"According to a close," Lydia lived alone, in a difficult environment.

The human resources department states that this inhabitant of Ivry was in therapy for several years. Each describes a "secretive" but "very well known and popular" woman, but "never spoke of it."

This is the 14th (or 30th publicly acknowledged, depending on whose count you follow) financial services exective death in recent months...

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Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House & The Rothschilds Go Into Hiding
Neil Keenan Update
April 24 2014 | From: TheKeenanTeam/GroupK

Little is known what to expect from Neil Keenan. Just when you think you have him pegged, he turns it around, letting you know that you have no idea what he is actually thinking..

Once you let the fox in the hen house only bad things can happen. He brings to our attention the fact that Obama is flying to Asia only to upset the political structure and relationships between the Chinese and the Asiatic allied members of the U.S. Obama is filling their heads with promises of support and finance (“we will never desert you”) when in fact the US has been deserting everyone that they have pledged to defend.

With the proposed NO FLY ZONE, Neil delivers the idea that in the near future Obama and his cronies will have to enter through the back door, Japan, which means flying over the Pacific Ocean rather than Europe. Their quest to poison Asia is still on the table, but it cannot be accomplished without encountering serious dangers that they never expected.

Who in this world ever expected Neil Keenan to propose a NO FLY ZONE to the Russians, Chinese, Dragon Family and many others in order to eliminate from our world the poisons, death and destruction that we are now suffering from?

In point of fact, a NO FLY ZONE makes perfect sense when we look at everything happening around us. If the fox does not get into the Asiatic and Russian hen houses, then we can safely predict that their efforts to create a New World Order will be in vain. This is precisely where Neil and his team will be working with sure and swift efficiency – the No-Fly documents are being finalized now.

This is a new time – a new world! Let us take action to conquer these evils so that we can take back our world. And only by taking real action can we ever achieve this.

Featured in this post:

The atrocities happening in Donetsk, Ukraine which are not being reported by any media.

A question posed: where are the Rothschilds hiding? Putin has put the fear of the “lord” into the Rothschilds, and rightfully so seeing that even their devils cannot help them anymore.

Neil announces that our team has now been joined by extremely powerful new allies from the West, all the more assurance that our efforts will be successful.

This update is let you know what is happening and give you a taste of what’s to come.

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Lavrov: If Russian Troops Attacked, We'll Respond In Line With International Law
April 23 2014 | From: RT

Russia will retaliate if it is attacked and the interests of the Russian people are threatened, Sergey Lavrov told RT. He alleged the US has a hand in the current stand-off in Ukraine between the coup-appointed government and anti-Maidan activists.

In an interview with RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze, Sergey Lavrov said that if Russian territory comes under attack, then Moscow will respond in line with international law.

“If we are attacked, we would certainly respond. If our interests, our legitimate interests, the interests of Russians have been attacked directly, like they were in South Ossetia for example, I do not see any other way but to respond in accordance with international law,” he said.

Speaking about the buildup of troops on the Russian-Ukrainian border, Lavrov added that Russian troops have not crossed into Ukraine and remain on Russian territory.

“Russian citizens being attacked is an attack against the Russian Federation,” he told RT.

The Foreign Minister also spoke about American involvement in the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, accusing Washington of trying to manipulate the situation.

“There is no reason not to believe that the Americans are running the show,” said Lavrov, referencing US Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Kiev and its coincidence with the renewed counter-terror operation on activists in East Ukraine.

“It’s quite telling they chose the moment of the Vice President of the US’ visit to announce the resumption of this operation because the launching of this operation happened immediately after John Brennon’s [head of the CIA] visit to Kiev,” said Lavrov

The situation in Ukraine is just another example of Washington trying to gain ground in the geopolitical fight, the Russian Foreign Minister said.

“Ukraine is just one manifestation of the American unwillingness to yield in the geopolitical fight. Americans are not ready to admit that they cannot run the show in each and every part of the globe from Washington alone,” said Lavrov, adding Washington’s “ready-made solutions” cannot remedy a crisis that it does not understand.

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Princeton Researchers Conclude United States Political System Has Been Almost Completely Usurped
April 22 2014 | From: Infowars

A recent scientific study by Princeton and Northwestern universities, which has gone somewhat under reported in the mainstream media, concludes that the US is now a fully fledged oligarchy.

The paper, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens, notes that America is no longer even a Democracy, which begs the question, how far removed is the country from being the Republic envisioned and painstakingly established by Benjamin Franklin and the founding fathers.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence,” the study notes.

In other words, powerful elites have taken over the country and effectively run the government, it is official. Of the people, by the people, for the people is now a thing of the distant past. The research undertaken by the universities included the study of close to two thousand government policies enacted over a 21 year period between 1981 and 2002.

Using a framework of political models – Majoritarian Electoral Democracy, Economic Elite Domination, Majoritarian Pluralism and Biased Pluralism – researchers found that the majority of those US policies were specifically designed to benefit wealthy elites.

Read the full story at: Infowars

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