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Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan
October 12 2015 | From: VeteransToday

Kevin Barrett: "It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists."

“So, you want to worship Satan? By all means, but leave Russia out of it. Rest assured that I will be your worst nightmare. You can quote me on that.”

Related: A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred - Paul Craig Roberts

"The world is beginning to realize that a seachange in world affairs occured on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing the Middle East and now Europe.

Two days later, Russia took over the military situation in Syria and began the destruction of the Islamic State forces."

During the Cold War, the United States and much of the West argued that the Soviet Union was a “godless nation.” Last year, Vladimir Putin took that pendulum, swung it on the other direction, and landed it on the Zionist regime. As Patrick Buchanan put it then, “In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.” Putin said:

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

The Washington Times reported then:

“In his state of the nation address, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of ‘traditional values’ against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into ‘chaotic darkness.’

“As part of this defense of ‘Christian values,’ Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to ‘insult’ the religious sensibilities of believers…

“Although Mr. Putin has never made a secret of what he says is his deep Christian faith, his first decade in power was largely free of overtly religious rhetoric. Little or no attempt was made to impose a set of values on Russians or lecture to the West on morals."

Certainly Putin put the moral equation back on the table. Kevin Barrett declared that Putin here was trying to “put the fear of God in the New World Order.

Barrett moved on to make the forceful argument that much of the Zionist establishment in the West is afraid of Putin because the establishment leaves in fear.

“Russian President Putin is resisting,”
said Barrett. “That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names.” Barrett continued to argue cogently:

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”

“It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists.

Anyone who doubts this should run the name ‘Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’ through a search engine. Aquino, an avowed Satanist and credibly-accused mass child abuser, was rewarded for his crimes against children with an appointment as Chief of Psychological Warfare for the US military.

The shock troops of the NWO’s war against religion and tradition (and Russia and Iran) are the neoconservatives. Operation Gladio terrorist Michael Ledeen explains:

‘Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace … We must destroy them to advance our historic mission.’

Putin is stopping New World Order ‘creative destruction’ in Syria and Ukraine. He is part of a growing coalition opposing the NWO – not just religious traditionalists, but also progressive anti-globalization forces, including Hugo Chavez inspired anti-imperialists in Latin America.”

Kudos for Barrett here. The regime proved Putin right by applauding the Pussy Riot, a Trotskyite group that ended up having sex (literal pornography) at the Moscow National Museum. (We have discussed this issue in the past.) As always, Neocons like Seth Mandel of Commentary were on the front line defending their brethren.

But the crucial point here is that Putin, like Emmanuel Kant and even John Adams and others, understands that a nation cannot exist without objective morality, and objective morality cannot exist without Logos, the essence and sustainer of the moral universe.

In that sense, and whether he notices it or not, Putin was implicitly or indirectly attacking the Neo-Darwinian ideology, which states that objective morality is an illusion and has no metaphysical basis. It is here that we find again that Neo-Darwinian metaphysics is intellectually useless and worthless because it denies the very essence of a moral universe.

As we have noted in the past, serious Darwinists agree that objective morality is an illusion. The noted biology philosopher Michael Ruse once again said that “there are no grounds whatsoever for being good…. Morality is flimflam.” Yet like his intellectual antecedent Charles Darwin, Ruse ends up contradicting himself in the very next sentence by saying;

“Does this mean that you can just go out and rape and pillage, behave like an ancient Roman grabbing Sabine women? Not at all. I said that there are no grounds for being good. It doesn’t follow that you should be bad."

Well, duh! If there are no grounds for objective morality, then good and bad are also illusion. There is not such a thing as rape or bad behavior. What is good for you may not be good for me, and there is no way of adjudicating competing explanations. In that kind of world, might makes right. Ruse does not really have a problem with this argument here. In fact, he moves on to say that morality:

“Is something forged in the struggle for existence and reproduction, something fashioned by natural selection. It is as much a natural human adaptation as our ears or noses or teeth or penises or vaginas. It works and it has no meaning over and above this. If all future food were Pablum, we would probably be better off without teeth."

“Morality is just a matter of emotions, like liking ice cream and sex and hating toothache and marking student papers. But it is, and has to be, a funny kind of emotion. It has to pretend that it is not that at all! If we thought that morality was no more than liking or not liking spinach, then pretty quickly it would break down."

“Before long, we would find ourselves saying something like: ‘Well, morality is a jolly good thing from a personal point of view. When I am hungry or sick, I can rely on my fellow humans to help me. But really it is all bullshit, so when they need help I can and should avoid putting myself out. There is nothing there for me.’ The trouble is that everyone would start saying this, and so very quickly there would be no morality and society would collapse and each and every one of us would suffer."

“So morality has to come across as something that is more than emotion. It has to appear to be objective, even though really it is subjective.”

Ruse, like some genetic theorists, really believes that “morality is an illusion put in place by your genes to make you a social cooperator…

This, by the way, is logically congruent with Darwin’s survival of the fittest. And survival of the fittest is logically congruent with Zionism. If evolutionary theory “explains how warfare contributed to fitness in the course of the evolution of Homo sapiens,” as scholar Bradley A. Thayer maintains, then how can a serious Darwinist say that social Darwinism or even Zionism is really bad on a consistent and logical basis?

Thayer, of course, struggles mightily to rationally defend the thesis that “Warfare contributes to fitness” and that “people wage war to gain and defend resources” while maintaining that social Darwinists were wrong in taking social Darwinism to its logical conclusion. He says that “social Darwinists perverted Charles Darwin’s argument” and:

“Distorted evolutionary explanations because they misunderstood Darwin’s ideas and were ignorant of or consciously chose to ignore the naturalistic fallacy. Those who use evolutionary theory to explain aspects of human behavior must recall the social Darwinists’ errors. Doing so makes it possible not only to avoid repeating errors but also to advance scientific understanding.”

But Thayer moves on to make this argument:

“The ultimate causation for warfare is anchored in Darwinian natural selection and inclusive fitness…. warfare can increase both the absolute and relative fitness of humans… From the classical Darwinian perspective, warfare contributes to fitness because individuals who wage war successfully are better able to survive and reproduce.”

Thayer repeats this thesis over and over in the course of the book:

An ultimate causal explanation for warfare based in evolutionary theory begins with the recognition that warfare contributes to fitness in certain circumstances because successful warfare lets the winner acquire resources".

“For evolutionary biology, a resource is any material substance that has the potential to increase the individual’s ability to survive or reproduce. As such it may be food, shelter, or territory, especially high-quality soil or wild foods; abundant firewood; or territory free of dangerous animals, such as lions, or  insect infestations, or disease; and also status coalition allies, and members of the opposite sex.”

And then this: “Warfare might be necessary then for offensive purposes, to plunder resources from others. In these circumstances, an individual becomes fitter if he can successfully attack to take the resources of others.”

Thayer cites evolutionary theorist William Durham saying that:

“War is one means by which individuals ‘may improve the material conditions of their lives and thereby increae their ability to survive and reproduce…Thus successful warfare would help the tribe gain resources, and for a swidden agricultural economy land is critically important.”

So, is Thayer really against social Darwinism? Ideologically, yes. Consistently and logically? No. I honestly don’t blame him, for his intellectual grandfather could not solve that problem either and had to live in contradiction until his dying day. Darwin declared at the end of his Origin of Species:

“Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows.”

Correct me if I am wrong here: Isn’t he saying that war and famine and death are things that will get the higher animals ahead?

Scholars of all stripes agree that this is Darwin at his best. Yet when social Darwinists took his thesis and spread it across the political spectrum, Darwin disagreed!

If the Dreadful Few are in the struggle for survival, then the Goyim must swiftly be eliminated. That is certainly consistent with Darwin’s grand scheme. If people cannot see this and try to avoid this vital contradiction, then you can be sure that they are not to be taken seriously or they do not understand logic.

So, when people are trying to maintain an objective morality by either appealing to the so-called “evolutionary theory” or even DNA, then you can be sure that those people either are out of touch with the scholarly literature, are not well equipped to understand or articulate their own position, or are just deliberately lying.

Furthermore, to appeal to reciprocal altruism to prove objective morality, a central protocol in Darwin’s grand scheme, is also a dead end because the life of Mother Theresa and countless other examples prove that this idea will not work. I was hoping that modern Darwinists would make some good improvement on this warfare theory, but so far virtually everyone has failed.

I am certainly not asking people to drop their cherished belief. In fact, there are many people who believe in the tooth fairy. But so long that this neo-Darwinian ideology remains intellectually stupid and morally indefensible, they can leave me out of it.

Going back to Putin, he said in 2013:

“People in many European countries are ashamed, and are afraid of talking about their religious convictions. [Religious] holidays are being taken away or called something else, shamefully hiding the essence of the holiday.”

The Zionist regime, of course, made the false accusation that Putin was persecuting homosexuals. But Putin moved on to diffuse the regime’s silly argument this way: “We need to respect the rights of minorities to be different, but the rights of the majority should not be in question.”

So, yes, Patrick Buchanan. Putin is one of us. Any serious politician who stands against the Mephistophelian establishment is one of us. As Friedrich Hansen of Asia Times put it;

“Make no mistake, Putin is not targeting homosexuals, as he made clear with his welcoming them to the Sotchi Olympics. It also seems only fair to remind Western readers that ever since the 1980s, Sotchi has been the center of Russia with a vibrant homosexual subculture.

Rather, Putin is addressing the whole gamut of post-modern incarnations of the ‘sex and drugs’ revolution:

Binge drinking of both genders until the doctors move in, elite illicit drug use, unmanageable crime rates, surging divorce numbers, Hook-Up sex on campus, out of wedlock births, fathers and mothers in puberty, abortion on demand, public nudism and human copulation in parks, gay promiscuity with a good conscience, swinger clubs and darkrooms, ruthless Internet dating and pornography and what have you.”

How does the regime respond? Well, you know the drill. Owen Matthews, a useful idiot, declared in the Spectator that Putin has a “new plan for world domination”!

In order to slander Putin, Matthews indirectly linked him with Willi Munzenberg, a revolutionary Jew who wanted to take the Western world to perdition at any cost. Munzenberg was so passionate about his revolutionary goal that he wrote:

We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western Civilization stink! Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.”

When Putin said that Russia will “defend traditional values that have made up the spiritual and moral foundation of civilisation in every nation for thousands of years,” Matthews declared that Putin “is on to something.” What is it? Matthews told us:

“Putin’s new mission goes deeper than political opportunism. Like the old Communist International, or Comintern, in its day, Moscow is again building an international ideological alliance.”

He again emphasized this point so that readers could get it: “And again, like the Comintern, Putin appears convinced that he is embarking on a world-historical mission.” He moved on to talking about “Putin’s conservative Comintern.”

At the other end of the political spectrum, David Cameron likened Putin to Hitler. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, among other usual suspects, have all placed Putin and Hitler on equal footing.

Historian Paul Johnson (sad to say) even went so far as to say that Putin and Hitler are basically two sides of the same coin. Johnson said that Putin;

“Believes in a strong Stalinist state. His goal is to reverse the events of 1989–the end of the Soviet state and dissolution of its enormous empire. He seeks to do this by using what remains of Russia’s Stalinist heritage: the military, a huge stockpile of nuclear weapons and immense resources of natural gas and other forms of energy.”

Johnson is sad because “there is no Churchillian voice to sound the alarm and call the democratic world to action.”

Johnson has got to be kidding. What he ends up saying is that someone like Churchill needs to step up and start lying to the West about Putin. It is so sad to read silly comments such as this by a good historian like Johnson.

But the real question is this: Why do the regime and their puppets hate Putin so much?

Well, Putin suggested back in 2013 the Soviet government was guided by a dark force whose “ideological goggles and faulty ideological perceptions collapsed.

“The first Soviet government,” Putin added, “was 80-85 percent Jewish.”

Sounds like Putin has read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together. If so, then it seems clear that he will continue to challenge the Zionist regime. Perhaps Putin has been encouraged by Solzhenitsyn’s bravery. It was Solzhenitsyn who said:

“And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: will he remain a witting servant of the lies, or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries?”

Perhaps Putin is saying enough is enough. And this maybe one reason why nearly all the major news outlets have been relentlessly slandered him.

Kevin Barrett ended up his excellent article saying, “God bless President Putin, who is putting the fear of God into the New World Order.”

Let us hope that he will never be weary in well doing, for in due season he shall reap, if he faints not.

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Buying Power: Just 158 Families Have Provided Nearly Half Of The Early Money For Efforts To Capture The White House
October 12 2015 | From: NewYorkTimes

They are overwhelmingly white, rich, older and male, in a nation that is being remade by the young, by women, and by black and brown voters. Across a sprawling country, they reside in an archipelago of wealth, exclusive neighborhoods dotting a handful of cities and towns.

And in an economy that has minted billionaires in a dizzying array of industries, most made their fortunes in just two: finance and energy.

Now they are deploying their vast wealth in the political arena, providing almost half of all the seed money raised to support Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Just 158 families, along with companies they own or control, contributed $176 million in the first phase of the campaign, a New York Times investigation found.

Not since before Watergate have so few people and businesses provided so much early money in a campaign, most of it through channels legalized by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision five years ago.

These donors’ fortunes reflect the shifting composition of the country’s economic elite. Relatively few work in the traditional ranks of corporate America, or hail from dynasties of inherited wealth. Most built their own businesses, parlaying talent and an appetite for risk into huge wealth:

They founded hedge funds in New York, bought up undervalued oil leases in Texas, made blockbusters in Hollywood. More than a dozen of the elite donors were born outside the United States, immigrating from countries like Cuba, the old Soviet Union, Pakistan, India and Israel.

But regardless of industry, the families investing the most in presidential politics overwhelmingly lean right, contributing tens of millions of dollars to support Republican candidates who have pledged to pare regulations; cut taxes on income, capital gains and inheritances; and shrink entitlement programs.

While such measures would help protect their own wealth, the donors describe their embrace of them more broadly, as the surest means of promoting economic growth and preserving a system that would allow others to prosper, too.

Read the full story at: NewYorkTimes

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Important Message Regarding NZ Natural Health And Supplementary Products Bill
October 11 2015 | From: NaturalMedicine

An important message from Health Freedom NZ: The Natural Health and Supplementary Products Bill is about to undergo its third and final reading with broad support. We doubt that there is an MP in the house that realises the harmful consequences of this Bill.

In its current form the Bill delivers the opposite of that which was outlined and agreed to by the Minister of Health in 2009 in the Joint Industry Proposal.

The Bill is drafted with a pharmaceutical mindset, implementing a list of permitted ingredients, despite all but a tiny minority of ingredients used in natural health products posing dangers. Current supplement regulations have proven perfectly capable of restricting this minority, a method known as the ‘black list’ approach – everything not on the black list is permitted.

The current bill proposes the opposite – a ‘white list’ of permitted ingredients, which renders every ingredient not on that list forbidden. The list size is woefully inadequate by comparison to the range we currently access, and given there is no history of harm from the current system, there is no reason to change.

This will wipe multitudes of natural health products off the shelves in NZ, unbelievably products which include essential nutrients which the body must get through food or supplements, and which many choose as a safer and more effective option than pharmaceutical drugs.

We will no longer be able to purchase a wide range of health products that we rely on in NZ for our health conditions.

The continued actions of behind-the-scenes bureaucrats in pushing this agenda to both injure the natural health industry and restrict New Zealanders from making their own healthcare choices is winding back the clock to 2007, when their last attempt was defeated at the 11th hour.

The human body is the last bastion of sovereignty. We must make our elected leaders ensure these bureaucrats do not infringe on our health freedom by again making it clear that this corporate agenda is not made law.

Please help us by:

Sharing this message, and our subsequent communications, to everyone you can via Email, Facebook, Twitter and any other forms of social media you use.

Write, fax, call and visit your local MP’s and opposition MPs and ask them the question WHY is the government attempting to ban the sale of nutrients which are ESSENTIAL TO HUMAN HEALTH?

Talk to your friends, family, work colleagues and associates, tell them this information, forward them more info if you can.

This attempted infringement may affect you or your family one day. We need to again send the message that health freedom shall prevail in New Zealand now and forevermore.

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Greece - The One Biggest Lie You Are Being Told By The Media
October 11 2015 | From: GlobalResearch

Every single mainstream media has the following narrative for the economic crisis in Greece: The government spent too much money and went broke; the generous banks gave them money, but Greece still can’t pay the bills because it mismanaged the money that was given. It sounds quite reasonable, right?

Except that it is a big fat lie … not only about Greece, but about other European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy and Ireland who are all experiencing various degrees of austerity. It was also the same big, fat lie that was used by banks and corporations to exploit many Latin American, Asian and African countries for many decades.

Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

In summary, the banks wrecked the Greek government, and then deliberately pushed it into unsustainable debt … while revenue-generating public assets were sold off to oligarchs and international corporations. The rest of the article is about how and why.

If you are a fan of mafia movies, you know how the mafia would take over a popular restaurant. First, they would do something to disrupt the business – stage a murder at the restaurant or start a fire. When the business starts to suffer, the Godfather would generously offer some money as a token of friendship.

In return, Greasy Thumb takes over the restaurant’s accounting, Big Joey is put in charge of procurement, and so on. Needless to say, it’s a journey down a spiral of misery for the owner who will soon be broke and, if lucky, alive.

Now, let’s map the mafia story to international finance in four stages.

Stage 1: The first and foremost reason that Greece got into trouble was the “Great Financial Crisis” of 2008 that was the brainchild of Wall Street and international bankers.

If you remember, banks came up with an awesome idea of giving subprime mortgages to anyone who can fog a mirror. They then packaged up all these ticking financial bombs and sold them as “mortgage-backed securities” for a huge profit to various financial entities in countries around the world.

A big enabler of this criminal activity was another branch of the banking system, the group of rating agencies – S&P, Fitch and Moody’s – who gave stellar ratings to these destined-to-fail financial products. Unscrupulous politicians such as Tony Blair joined Goldman Sachs and peddled these dangerous securities to pension funds and municipalities and countries around Europe. Banks and Wall Street gurus made hundreds of billions of dollars in this scheme.

But this was just Stage 1 of their enormous scam. There was much more profit to be made in the next three stages!

Stage 2 is when the financial time bombs exploded. Commercial and investment banks around the world started collapsing in a matter of weeks. Governments at local and regional level saw their investments and assets evaporate. Chaos everywhere!

Vultures like Goldman Sachs and other big banks profited enormously in three ways: one, they could buy other banks such as Lehman brothers and Washington Mutual for pennies on the dollar. Second, more heinously, Goldman Sachs and insiders such as John Paulson (who recently donated $400 million to Harvard) had made bets that these securities would blow up.

Paulson made billions, and the media celebrated his acumen. (For an analogy, imagine the terrorists betting on 9/11 and profiting from it.) Third, to scrub salt in the wound, the big banks demanded a bailout from the very citizens whose lives the bankers had ruined! Bankers have chutzpah. In the U.S., they got hundreds of billions of dollars from the taxpayers and trillions from the Federal Reserve Bank which is nothing but a front group for the bankers.

In Greece, the domestic banks got more than $30 billion of bailout from the Greek people. Let that sink in for a moment – the supposedly irresponsible Greek government had to bail out the hardcore capitalist bankers.

Stage 3 is when the banks force the government to accept massive debts. For a biology metaphor, consider a virus or a bacteria. All of them have unique strategies to weaken the immune system of the host. One of the proven techniques used by the parasitic international bankers is todowngradethe bonds of a country.

And that’s exactly what the bankers did, starting at the end of 2009. This immediately makes the interest rates (“yields”) on the bonds go up, making it more and more expensive for the country to borrow money or even just roll over the existing bonds.

From 2009 to mid 2010, the yields on 10-year Greek bonds almost tripled! This cruel financial assault brought the Greek government to its knees, and the banksters won their first debt deal of a whopping 110 billion Euros.

The banks also control the politics of nations. In 2011, when the Greek prime minister refused to accept a second massive bailout, the banks forced him out of the office and immediately replaced him with the Vice President of ECB (European Central Bank)! No elections needed. Screw democracy. And what would this new guy do? Sign on the dotted line of every paperwork that the bankers bring in.

(By the way, the very next day, the exact same thing happened in Italy where the Prime Minister resigned, only to be replaced by a banker/economist puppet. Ten days later, Spain had a premature election where a “technocrat” banker puppet won the election).

The puppet masters had the best month ever in November 2011.

Few months later, in 2012, the exact bond market manipulation was used when the banksters turned up the Greek bonds’ yields to 50%!!! This financial terrorism immediately had the desired effect: The Greek parliament agreed to a second massive bailout, even larger than the first one.

Now, here is another fact that most people don’t understand. The loans are not just simple loans like you would get from a credit card or a bank. These loans come with very special strings attached that demand privatization of a country’s assets. If you have seen Godfather III, you would remember Hyman Roth, the investor who was carving up Cuba among his friends. Replace Hyman Roth with Goldman Sachs or IMF (International Monetary Fund) or ECB, and you get the picture.

Stage 4: Now, the rape and humiliation of a nation begin. For the debt that was forced upon them, Greece had to sell many of its profitable assets to oligarchs and international corporations. And privatizations are ruthless, involving everything and anything that is profitable.

 In Greece, privatization included water, electricity, post offices, airport services, national banks, telecommunication, port authorities (which is huge in a country that is a world leader in shipping) etc.

In addition to that, the banker tyrants also get to dictate every single line item in the government’s budget. Want to cut military spending? NO! Want to raise tax on the oligarchs or big corporations? NO! Such micro-management is non-existent in any other creditor-debtor relationship.

So what happens after privatization and despotism under bankers? Of course, the government’s revenue goes down and the debt increases further.

How do you “fix” that? Of course, cut spending! Lay off public workers, cut minimum wage, cut pensions (same as our social security), cut public services, and raise taxes on things that would affect the 99% but not the 1%.

For example, pension has been cut in half and sales tax increase to more than 20%. All these measures have resulted in Greece going through a financial calamity that is worse than the Great Depression of the U.S. in the 1930s.

Of course, the ever-manipulative bankers demand immediate privatization of all media which means that the country now gets photogenic TV anchors who spew propaganda every day and tell the people that crooked and greedy banksters are saviors; and slavery under austerity is so much better than the alternative.

If every Greek person had known the truth about austerity, they wouldn’t have fallen for this. Same goes for Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and other countries going through austerity.The sad aspect of all this is that these are not unique strategies. Since World War II, these predatory practices have been used countless times by the IMF and the World Bank in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

This is the essence of the New World Order — a world owned by a handful of corporations and banks.

So, it’s time for the wonderful people of Greece to rise up like Zeus and say NO (“OXI” in Greece) to the greedy puppet masters, unpatriotic oligarchs, parasitic bankers and corrupt politicians.

Dear Greece, know that the world is praying for you. Vote NO to austerity. Say YES to freedom, independence, self-government, and democracy. Yes, democracy, the word that was invented by YOU!

And this is just the beginning - the cabal want what happened to Greece to happen everywhere.

P.S. (You can also watch this video where John Perkins – author of “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” – talks about exploitation of Latin American and Asian countries using the same tools of debt-austerity-privatization. He used to do this for a living!

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Supreme Court Justice Warns Of Coming War Against Alternative Media
October 10 2015 | From: TheBlaze

‘You Thought Obamacare Was Shocking?’: Drudge Reveals What Supreme Court Justice Said ‘To My Face’

There is growing distrust in mainstream media as more people realise it is little more than propaganda - and the establishment are scared

Matt Drudge warned in a rare interview Tuesday that future decisions on digital copyright laws could stifle free speech, including putting an end to his popular Drudge Report website.

The comments came in a radio interview with Alex Jones.

“I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face it’s over for me. Said, ‘Matt, it’s over for you. They’ve got the votes not to enforce copyright law. You’re out of there.

They’re gonna make it so headlines, you can’t even use headlines,’” Drudge said. “To have a Supreme Court justice say that to my face!”

Matt Drudge begins just after the 6 minute mark:

Drudge then warned the American public about such cases making their way up the court system.

“You thought Obamacare was shocking? You thought some of these other decisions were shocking? Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board,” he said. “Then that will end for me.”

“Fine, I’ve had a hell of a run. It’s 20 years next year – or 20 years about now. Hell of a run,”
Drudge added.

" I couldn’t have gone any farther. I feel completely, I have gone as far out of the galaxy as I can on this. I still wanna stay out here. But I have gone pretty damn far for what one individual can do in this culture. But I’m talking about the future.”

In the interview, Drudge also warned Americans against using social media platforms and dared President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to dismiss their Secret Service agents and go entirely gun-free.

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Edward Snowden’s New Revelations Are Truly Chilling
October 10 2015 | From: TrueActivist

Former intelligence contractor and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden told the BBC's Panorama that the UK intelligence centre GCHQ has the power to hack phones without their owners’ knowledge

In an interview with the BBC’s ‘Panorama’ which aired in Britain last night, Edward Snowden spoke in detail about the spying capabilities of the UK intelligence agency GCHQ.

He disclosed that government spies can legally hack into any citizen’s phone to listen in to what’s happening in the room, view files, messages and photos, pinpoint exactly where a person is (to a much more sophisticated level than a normal GPS system), and monitor a person’s every move and every conversation, even when the phone is turned off. 

These technologies are named after Smurfs, those little blue cartoon characters who had a recent Hollywood makeover. But despite the cute name, these technologies are very disturbing; each one is built to spy on you in a different way:

“Dreamy Smurf”: lets the phone be powered on and off

“Nosey Smurf”:lets spies turn the microphone on and listen in on users, even if the phone itself is turned off

“Tracker Smurf”:a geo-location tool which allows [GCHQ] to follow you with a greater precision than you would get from the typical triangulation of cellphone towers.

“Paranoid Smurf”: hides the fact that it has taken control of the phone. The tool will stop people from recognising that the phone has been tampered with if it is taken in for a service, for instance.

Snowden says: “They want to own your phone instead of you.” It sounds very much like he means we are being purposefully encouraged to buy our own tracking devices. That kinda saved the government some money, didn’t it?

His revelations should worry anyone who cares about human rights, especially in an era where the threat of terrorism is used to justify all sorts of governmental crimes against civil liberties. We have willingly given up our freedoms in the name of security; as a result we have neither.

We seem to have forgotten that to live as a free person is a basic human right: we are essentially free beings. We are born naked and without certification; we do not belong to any government nor monarchy nor individual, we don’t even belong to any nation or culture or religion- these are all social constructs.

We belong only to the universe that created us, or whatever your equivalent belief. It is therefore a natural human right not to be not be under secret surveillance by your own government, those corruptible liars who are supposedly elected by and therefore accountable to the people.

The danger for law-abiding citizens who say they have nothing to fear because they are not terrorists, beware: many peaceful British protesters have been arrested under the Prevention Of Terrorism Act since its introduction in 2005. 

Edward Snowden‘s disclosure confirms just how far the attack on civil liberties has gone since 9/11 and the London bombings. Both events have allowed governments the legal right to essentially wage war on their own people, through the Patriot Act in the USA and the Prevention Of Terrorism Act in the UK. 

In Britain, as in the USA, terrorism and activism seem to have morphed into one entity, while nobody really knows who the real terrorists are any more. A sad but absolutely realistic fact of life in 2015: if you went to a peaceful protest at weekend and got detained, you’re probably getting hacked right now.

It’s one more reason to conclude that smartphones suck. And as much as we convince ourselves how cool they are, it’s hard to deny their invention has resulted in a tendency for humans to behave like zombies, encouraged child labor, made us more lonely than ever, turned some of us into narcissistic selfieaddicts, and prevented us from communicating with those who really matter (the ones in the same room at the same time). Now, Snowden has given us yet another reason to believe that smartphones might be the dumbest thing we could have ever inflicted on ourselves.

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Watch Putin Hammer Obama: “Not Grounded In The Real World… Absolutely Unprofessional Politics”
October 9 2015 | From: DCclothesline

The Obama administration claims that Putin’s military, which now include the globally feared Spetnatz special operations teams, are attacking rebel forces opposed to Syria’s President Assad.

Russia, on the other hand, says that the so-called rebels are actually ISIS terrorists that have been funded and armed by America. Airstrikes in Syria heat up, so too has the rhetoric from both sides.

Russia, on the other hand, says that the so-called rebels are actually ISIS terrorists that have been funded and armed by America.

These comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin responding to a U.S. journalist are essential watching as they shed further light on President Obama’s failed middle east policies, especially as they relate to the Islamic State. Moreover, they provide insight into Putin’s motivations for taking action in Syria and how he views the current U.S. administration.

Via Truthstream Media:

Who on earth armed them?

Who armed the Syrians that were fighting with Assad?

Who created the necessary political and informational climate that facilitated the situation?

Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?

Do you really not understand as to who is fighting in Syria?

They are mercenaries mostly. Do you understand they are paid money?

I consider this absolutely unprofessional politics. It is not grounded in facts, in the real world.

Can they [Obama Administration] not think a step ahead? We don’t stand for this kind of politics in the U.S. We consider it wrong. It harms all parties, including you [U.S.A.].

To the President of the United States, the Vice-President and all other relevant people… Tell them that we do not want, or look for any confrontation whatsoever.

It should be clear that the propaganda machines are in full swing with outright obfuscations and geo-political machinations coming from both sides.

We have entered the next cold war. But make no mistake, this time just as before, it could very quickly turn hot.

The Russians have already warned of nuclear consequences should they be pushed into a corner and they are regularly flying strategic bombers along the West coast of the United States as a show of force. Moreover, they recently renovated over 5,000 nuclear shelters in and around Moscow.

And on a personal note, Vladimir Putin is certainly not happy that the Obama administration has seized assets from Russian politicians and business men while also threatening the personal fortune of the Russian President himself.

Wars have been fought over much less.

Perhaps one day historians will look back at 2014 and 2015 and pinpoint these years as the beginning of the next great global conflict.

Related: Russia’s Transparency in Syria A Blinding Slap to Obama

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Al Gore Sued By 30,000 Scientists For Global Warming Fraud
October 9 2015 | From: HealthWyze

Environmentalism has been politically linked to alternative medicine for many years, due to the unfortunate pervasive presence of the paganistic religions.  It is truly a tragic situation that has impeded alternative medicine in the U.S. perhaps as much as any other factor.

Related: Founder Of The Weather Channel On How The Global Warming Scare Began

At The Health Wyze Report, we believe that reducing human harm to the planet is a reasonable goal, so long as it is not given precedence over the rights and livelihoods of people. 

Increasingly, environmentalists and politicians have exploited the shoddy global warming hypothesis as a method to take away the rights of the people in a draconian manner, and to tax all of us exorbitantly.

In the past few years, there has been massive growth in the amount of people who believe that man is the primary cause of global warming, and that ironically, an ice age is somehow coming.  It really is incredible when one steps back to examine the ridiculousness of it all. 

The theory of man-made global warming has actually been widely accepted by society.  The power elites have told us that the world will come to an end if we do not reduce our consumption of fossil fuels, and lower our output of carbon dioxide (CO2). 

Dissenting scientists have been silenced, even as they explained that most CO2 is emitted from the oceans, and that CO2 does not lead to any increases in temperatures. 

In fact, the reverse is true. The warming of the earth (due to solar cycles) leads to increases in CO2.

Now, 30,000 scientists, including the founder of The Weather Channel, have come forward to sue Al Gore for fraud.  Al Gore has made massive profits in the promotion of the global warming mythology, and he played a key role in getting the 'Cap and Trade' legislation passed. Perhaps this lawsuit will finally give the thousands of 'dissenting' scientists a voice again.

Related: Australian PM's Adviser: Climate Change Is UN-Led Hoax To Create 'New World Order'

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Radicalisation Awareness Kit: Government's New Booklet For Schools Links Green Activism, 'Alternative Music' To Terrorism
October 8 2015 | From: ABC

Environmentalists and teachers are up in arms over a new Federal Government anti-radicalisation kit that links green activism and "alternative music" to terrorism.

The Minister Assisting the Prime Minister on Terrorism Michael Keenan launched the Radicalisation Awareness Kit in the form of a 32-page booklet on Monday.

Through a series of examples and fictitious case studies, the booklet aims to illustrate the circumstances which can lead young people to become radicalised. But one surprising example cites the power of the alternative music scene and environmental activism in the radicalisation process.

The case study in the 'Violent Extremism' section tells the story of a girl called 'Karen' who becomes involved in the "alternative music scene, student politics and left-wing activism" when she leaves home.

'Karen' ends up sabotaging logging machinery and being arrested "on numerous occasions" while becoming "totally cut off from her family". Jonathan La Nauze from the Australian Conservation Foundation said the booklet was misleading and potentially dangerous.

"This is very disappointing," he said. "It sounds like something that's been dreamt up in the cigar room of the Institute of Public Affairs. There's no resemblance to the way that people in Australia feel about their environment and the need to stand up to protect it.

To link standing up for the places that we love, standing up for the future of our children, to violence and extremism and terrorism, does nothing to combat a real threat to the safety of people or to respect the very peaceful and very meaningful protests that people engage in from all walks of life to ensure that we have a safe future in this country."

Despite the environmental case study, Mr Keenan said the main targets of the booklet were young people at risk of being radicalised by Islamist groups such as Islamic State.

"Of course radicalisation can take different forms but certainly their radicalisation that comes from contact with ISIL (Islamic State) - who make an enormous effort to groom people, particularly young people to commit violent acts here in Australia - is of primary concern to the government at the moment."

He said the kit was designed to help teachers understand how the radicalisation process worked, and how to respond if they felt there was somebody in their community who is susceptible to it.

"We wanted to explain to teachers who are really on the frontline of this - because we know that school children are being radicalised - to look out for certain signs that would lead them to be concerned about somebody, and if they are concerned about somebody moving down the dark path of radicalisation, moving down the path of violence, then they'll know what they can do about it," Mr Keenan said

Radicalisation Awareness Kit 'Designed to Engender Fear and Intolerance'

Maurie Mulheron, the president of the New South Wales Teachers' Federation, has also slammed the launch of the kit, describing it as a cynical exercise designed to generate fear in the community.

"I think it's a fairly cynical move by the Federal Government not to make anyone feel safer but to engender fear and intolerance," he said.

"I'm very doubtful that the Federal Government has pure motives in this area".

"They've got a track record now of trying to engender division within the community on these issues and I don't think that what they're proposing will make one iota of difference."

Mr Mulheron believes that teachers are already well trained to know when students are at risk of being radicalised, and that the Radicalisation Awareness Kit has been a massive waste of time and money.

"Schools are already happy, safe and tolerant places that bring children together, particularly public schools that bring children from all the different walks of life, different religions, different backgrounds, different socio-economic groups.

"We as teachers are very good at bringing a diverse group of young people into our schools and turning them into a community so they can take up their roles as citizens within the broader community."

Mr Keenan said groups seeking to radicalise young people started by separating them from their communities.

“ISIL go and they try to groom young people in in the same way that a paedophile might try and groom a young person. We want to make sure that the people who are on the frontline, teachers and other service workers, members of the community, are able to identify if this is happening and then know what they can do to arrest it from happening."

Few people have actually held a copy of the booklet in their hands. It was released on the first day of the school holidays, but it is available for download on the minister's website.

Assessment of the kit will continue in earnest when schools go back in two weeks' time.

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The Tide Is Turning: The Cabal Is No Longer Confident Of Success
October 7 2015 | From: MontagueKeen

They are now having to hide their plans from you, in the hope that you will never suspect what they are up to. Instead of the confident proposals they had planned to put to you, during the Pope's visit to the United States, they have had to keep it low-key, and make their changes surreptitiously, in the hope that you will not notice.

The important message to you: do not trust or accept the results of those meetings that will railroad you into a New World Order. Everything they suggest would trap you, no matter how they dress up their proposals and their promises.

Do not allow yourselves to be taken in. You believed and accepted them in the past. Look at the result: WAR after WAR. The killing of humanity through the AIR, WATER, FOOD and MEDICATION.

The destruction of Europe is happening before your eyes. This, too, was planned. Look at the people fleeing the war zone. They are but a small proportion of the people forcing an entry into Europe. Why are questions not being asked about this? What you are reading in the press is all propaganda.

Your controllers are following their agenda. Remember, "Nothing is as it seems".

They are putting aluminium and mercury into your vaccinations in order to cause you even more problems than before.

You are trapped in a SEA OF DECEPTION from birth to grave. You need to wake up to all this, to ensure your safety. Over the years, your controllers have played a waiting game, but now they want to reel you in, like fish on a hook.

Because you have started to ask questions, you have become dangerous to them, and now, they need to rush their plans forward.

This is when mistakes are made, and make them they will. They will not be able to remain hidden for much longer. Then, you will see that those whom you were taught to love and respect, actually hold you in contempt. They want rid of you, so that they can have the Earth for themselves. They have openly called you "USELESS EATERS" and "CANNON FODDER".

Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."

- Henry Kissinger

They loathe and despise you. They want what you have. It is a source of amusement to them, how you bow and scrape before them; though in reality, you are humanity itself, whose planet this is.

YOU hold the real power. Once you open up to it, and see just what you can do, everything the Cabal puts in place to keep you down, will just disappear.

Mind control has worked well for them. They use music, sport and education. Once you read and understand their plans, they can no longer trap you. You become awake and aware. FREE AT LAST. The 'box' can no longer hold you in servitude.

It is time to face some unpleasant facts about those you had trusted. This is never easy, but it must be done.

How these people took power is so horrific. It will shock you to the core. The millions who lose their lives through satanic ritual, every year, increases as the Cabal's loss of power becomes more desperate. This has to stop.

These innocents need your help and support just to survive on Earth. You are all victims of these parasites. You all suffer at their hands. You have seen what happens to those who try to expose the Cabal; they have ways to get to them and close them down.

They put so many obstacles on your path, that life becomes a constant battle just to continue.

Please do not be taken in by the plans of the Cabal. Without you, they are powerless. You could leave all the corruption behind and step forward into a new way of life, that will include all of humanity. Say goodbye to the corrupt and wish them well as they leave the Earth. Then, you can proceed to pick up the pieces and start again with a clean sheet.

Everything you need will be provided, including FREE ENERGY, which the Vatican has kept hidden from you. This will change so much for you. Embrace the future, for it will be what you have dreamed that life on Earth could be. Believe in yourselves, for you can do it, and you will do it.

This is your time to take control from the corrupt.

Seeing Veronica in Ireland last weekend, brought such joy to my heart. I thank all those who made it such an important and exciting visit. What you saw there, and experienced, is just the beginning. Ireland is about to raise itself up, out of the corrupt hands of the Vatican.

Ireland will expand and reach its full potential. All that was covered by water will rise again. You, my dear, felt the ENERGY of this and you connected with it. This is what you experienced at TARA. The Earth is responding to humanity's wish for freedom from corruption and constant war. Those who do not belong on Earth will no longer be able to stay here. It is as simple as that.

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TPP Posing Serious Threat To Global Internet Users
October 7 2015 | From: Scoop

Trans-Pacific Partnership countries announce “agreement in principle” posing serious threat to global Internet users.

Largest and most secretive agreement in the world’s history covers 40% of global trade and contains provisions to censor the Internet and rob the public domain.

Related: Here’s Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Is Just Plain Wrong

The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement reached yesterday comes as the result of over five years of negotiations and poses an extreme threat to free expression online, and poses an extreme threat to free expression online.

Although the full text of the deal won’t be available for a month, recent leaks of the Intellectual Property chapter shows participating countries face copyright overhauls, including: copyright term extensions, new provisions that would allow ISP's to block websites due to alleged infringement, and new criminal penalties for the circumvention of digital locks and rights management information.

Internet users around the world should be very concerned about this ultra-secret pact,” said OpenMedia’s Digital Rights Specialist Meghan Sali. “What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship.

It will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching – that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy.”

National governments can sign the TPP now, but most countries require a formal vote from legislators before the agreement can be ratified and brought into force. Details remain unclear as to when experts and the public will be able to perform a full analysis of the text and what it means for Internet users.

However, under Trade Promotion Authority, U.S. President Barack Obama has committed to releasing the text for public scrutiny 60 days before a final vote in Congress.

Despite pressure to complete the deal by the end of the year, analysts suggest that at this late stage the TPP will be impossible to ratify until 2016.

Related: TPPA - Corporations win, People Lose

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Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald & David Miranda Call For Global Privacy Treaty
October 7 2015 | From: DemocracyNow

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, Brazilian privacy activist David Miranda and others have launched a new campaign to establish global privacy standards.

The proposed International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection Against Improper Surveillance and Protection of Whistleblowers would require states to ban mass data collection and implement public oversight of national security programs.

The treaty would also require states to offer asylum to whistleblowers. It is being dubbed the "Snowden Treaty." At a launch event last week, Edward Snowden spoke about the need for the treaty via teleconference from Russia.

This is not a problem exclusive to the United States or the National Security Agency or the FBI or the Department of Justice or any agency of government anywhere. This is a global problem that affects all of us," Snowden said.

Watch the video statements or read the transcript at: DemocracyNow

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Islamic State Has Gone Bankrupt; Where Did All The Oil Money Go?
October 6 2015 | From: Geopolitics / Sputnik

With US tanks and armories deliberately left for the ISIS/L to use later on, the terror group did a blitzkrieg throughout North Iraq and Eastern Syria capturing all the oil fields along the way, ransacked all assets from captured civilians, raped, enslaved and trafficked the women to their benefactors in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia.

European pedophiles may be enjoying the spoils of war, too, with high probability. These madmen know not when and how to stop.

Related: The Western Alliance Is Crumbling: EU Is Abandoning U.S. on Overthrowing Assad

Fortunately, Russia’s far superior Sukhois came in to save the day and its media is already declaring “Game Over” as the Zionist Rats are scrambling for cover. Seven thousands Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in cooperation with a number of Hezbollah and Iraqi Kurdish fighters, are also sweeping the area, reports said.

Putin Explains Who Supports ISIS

These decisive military operations just threw a monkey wrench into the Nazionist grand plan of establishing a Greater Israel through the massive exploitation of Syrian Golan Heights gas deposits, among others, and the establishment of a bogus Islamic Caliphate.

Related: The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria. Oil Gas Pipeline War

Related: Goldman Sachs in Libya–Another Racket by the Dreadful Few

Related: The Islamic State militant group has started minting its own gold coins

Now, this is the kind of situation where the war hawks in Washington DC and the Jewish lobby were not really prepared of. They think the happy days will always be. The only functioning entity in their camp nowadays is their presstitutes in the mainstream media. But who even care listening?

Related: Poorly Executed Mass Shooting “Has Become Routine”

Even its own official spokesman Obama has expressed his enervation about those “routine” false flag operations with some recycled actors because they couldn’t afford to hire new production outfits anymore.

The whole enterprise is going bankrupt. Even Federal Reserve Chief Yellen is collapsing.

And so is the Islamic State.

Game Over: ISIL Short on Cash, Russian Planes Back Them Into Corner

ISIL is in serious trouble, as terrorists are being squeezed from all sides by airstrikes, meanwhile their economy is coming apart at the seams.

Islamic radicals need to take over new territories to improve their budget, but with Russian planes hovering over the Syrian sky, things aren’t that easy anymore.

Tough times have come to the self-proclaimed Islamic Caliphate with the start of Russian airstrikes: areas under ISIL control are shrinking day after day under the pressure from Russian missiles that are backing the terrorists into a corner, Svetlana Kholodnova of RIA Novosti said.

Turns out, ordinary ISIL terrorists are getting significantly poorer as a result of pay cuts. Many of them have started to flee the Caliphate despite the risk of getting their heads chopped off if caught by their former comrades-in-arms.

"Hundreds of fighters are running away from ISIL because of low salaries," Kholodnova said, citing those who managed to defect. A year ago, ISIL's finances were pretty good. Terrorists made millions of dollars from illegal oil trade, taxing folks in conquered territories, selling ancient artefacts, human trafficking, ransoms and funds from their oil-rich Persian Gulf "sponsors," Kholodnova said.

The question is: where did all the money go?

Well, first of all, the Iraqi Army pushed ISIL out of the oil wells in Iraq. Second, the United States used its channels to eradicate middlemen who helped ISIL to sell illegal oil on the black market. Furthermore, with the start of airstrikes the terrorist organization stopped receiving "cash convoys" from their sponsors due to a risk of them being destroyed, the RIA Novosti journalist explained.

In addition to all of this, with more people fleeing the Caliphate, there are fewer people for ISIL to tax. Those who still live in terrorist-controlled territories are struggling to pay their taxes and financial penalties imposed by ISIL, as the Caliphate can't provide a working economy for people to live, preferring to spend most of its budget on buying weapons.

“To revive its economy, ISIL needs take over naval ports in Tartus and Lattakia, the two richest cities on the Mediterranean coast. But now, it's too little too late. The two port-cities have bases where Russian bombers land. It will be simply unimaginable for ISIL to take over these two cities right now" Kholodnova said.

There isn't much that ISIL terrorists can do at this point. ISIL is being squeezed from all sides and quickly running out of money. The terrorists can either flee or surrender to the mercy of victors. The first choice seems better to them, especially after all the trouble and hardship they have brought to Syria and Iraq over the past few years. The time for payback is nearing.

Read more related aricles at: Geopolitics

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Meet The Hedge Funders And Billionaires Who Pillage Under The Shield Of Philanthropy
October 5 2015 | From: Alternet

For every dollar they give, they take 44 from the rest of us. America’s parasitical oligarchs are masters of public relations. One of their favorite tactics is to masquerade as defenders of the common folk while neatly arranging things behind the scenes so that they can continue to plunder unimpeded.

Perhaps nowhere is this sleight of hand displayed so artfully as it is at a particular high-profile charity with the nerve to bill itself as itself as “New York's largest poverty-fighting organization.”

British novelist Anthony Trollope once wrote;

“I have sometimes thought that there is no being so venomous, so bloodthirsty as a professed philanthropist.”

Meet the benevolent patrons of the Robin Hood Foundation.

Robin Hood in Reverse

The Robin Hood Foundation, named for that green-jerkined hero of redistribution who stole from the rich to give to the poor, is run, ironically, by some of the most rapacious capitalists the country has ever produced - men who make robber barons of previous generations look like small-time crooks.

Founded by hedge fund mogul Paul Tudor Jones, the foundation boasts 19 billionaires on its leadership boards and committees, the likes of which include this sample of American plutocracy:

- Hedge fund billionaire Steven A. Cohen, who, when he is not being probed for insider trading  (his company, SAC Capital Advisors, plead guilty to securities and wire fraud) is busy throwing parties for himself worthy of a Roman emperor at his Hamptons palace and bragging about his $700 million art collection. He suspends a 13-foot shark in formaldehyde from the ceiling his office, perhaps as an avatar of his business practices.

- Billionaire Home Depot founder Ken Langone, who threatened to turn off the charity donations if Pope Francis dared to continue criticizing capitalism and inequality, and also likened the plight of the wealthy in America to Nazi Germany.

The GOP megadonor doesn’t care for bank regulation and it’s no surprise that he is the main booster for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s presidential bid, as his plan to shred Social Security is a fond wish of the tycoon’s.

- Hedge fund billionaire Stanley Druckenmiller, funder of right-wing causes who dedicates himself to spreading deficit hysteria and ginning up generational warfare on college campuses by trying to convince young people that they are being robbed by seniors using Social Security and Medicare.

A long-time anti-tax crusader and supporter of such anti-labor enthusiasts as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Druckenmiller warned President Obama that any attempt to tax the rich to pay for social services for the poor would be futile.

By occupation (the more useless and parasitical the better), it comes as no surprise that 12 of the 19 men in leadership positions at the Robin Hood Foundation happen to be hedge fund managers.

A group called Hedge Clippers, supported by a coalition of labor unions and community groups and devoted to exposing how billionaires scheme to inflate their wealth and influence, has pointed out in a scathing report that the Robin Hood Foundation has close ties to an organization called the Managed Funds Association (MFA) that - shocker! - lobbies tirelessly for unjustified tax breaks for hedgies.

Paul Tudor Jones’s top deputy, John Torell, chairs the MFA, and 31 members of Robin Hood’s governing board and leadership committees are executives at firms that belong to the highest membership levels of the organization.

The MFA was relatively small until 2007, when Congress started eyeing the “carried interest” tax loophole. Then it brought out the heavy artillery to protect elites from paying their fair share. The carried interest loophole is the MFA’s top priority.

The King of Scams

The carried interest loophole, as economist Dean Baker put it, is likely the worst of all the:

Sneaky and squirrelly ways that the rich use to escape their tax liability.” 

It goes down like this: Hedge fund managers brazenly claim they deserve to pay a special low tax rate on the money they earn overseeing the funds they manage because, um, it’s not guaranteed. So they pay 20 percent instead of the 39.6 percent they would pay if the money were taxed as ordinary income.

They get very rich from this windfall, just ask Mitt Romney. But you know what? Lots of workers have no guarantee about the money they’ll earn, from people selling cars to the guy who just served you a burger. Do they get a special tax rate? No, they don’t. They pay full freight. In fact, almost nobody’s income is guaranteed.

You could get a pay cut tomorrow. Or a pink slip. Do you still pay regular income tax? Yep, you do.

This unfair tax break basically allows hedge fund managers to screw their fellow Americans out of money that could do things the illustrious patrons of the Robin Hood Foundation claim are so dear to their hearts, like building schools and feeding the poor.

According to a Congressional Research Service cited in the Hedge Clippers report, closing the carried interest loophole would generate $17 billion a year. How many hungry children in New York City could that feed? All of them?

The loophole makes absolutely no economic or social sense, it’s just a way for the rich to say, hey, we’re powerful enough to lobby for this insanity, so you little people just go ahead and pay for that airport where our private jets are about to land and that road where our Porsches and limos cruise. It’s a middle finger held up to every hard-working person in America. Dirt kicked in the face of the poor.

It’s a driver of inequality and encourages risky speculation on Wall Street. Hillary Clinton, perhaps hoping to ward off the threat of Bernie Sanders, has been making noise about closing the carried interest loophole, which many a politician has made before. Given the cultural focus on inequality and the egregiousness of the policy, it may just be vulnerable. Let’s hope so.

Den of Thieves

The mission statement of the Robin Hood Foundation brays about all the funding it provides for school programs, generating:

Meaningful results for families in New York's poorest neighborhoods.” Soup kitchens! Homeless shelters! Job training! The tuxedoed tycoons throw money at all these causes “to give New York’s neediest citizens the tools they need to build better lives.”

How far does this largesse actually go toward ameliorating New York’s poverty problem? Unsurprisingly, not very far at all. In fact, as Hedge Clippers points out, the poverty rate in the city has grown over the course of the Robin Hood Foundation’s history, from 20 percent in 1990 to 21.2 percent in 2012.

Guess what’s also grown? The bank accounts of 19 billionaires on the Robin Hood Foundation’s boards, which have ballooned 93 percent since 2008.

Hedge Clippers applied a delicious tactic to expose the hypocrisy at the heart of the Robin Hood Foundation with stark mathematical precision - they used the organizations own metrics as an analytical tool. The foundation is famed for using grantee evaluations, cost-benefit analyses, and performance measures, including a metrics system freakishly named “relentless monetization.”

So the Clippers applied these methods to the foundation’s hedge fund backers themselves, systematically exposing the degree to which they increase inequality and poverty.

How bad it is?  A chilling ratio summarizes just how bad - 44:1. That is to say, for every dollar the Robin Hood Foundation hedge fund managers studied give to the organization’s antipoverty efforts, they soak up $44 from the public in the form of tax avoidance and anti-tax advocacy.  The authors of the report believe that to be a conservative estimate.

Take the case of Steve Cohen, he of the shark in formaldehyde, and board member emeritus of the Robin Hood Foundation.

The tally of his recent donations to the foundation: $4,850,000.

The estimated amount he ripped off the public in 2014 by paying special low tax rates: $1,300,000,000.           

Quite a difference.

When they aren’t advocating tax swindles, members of the Robin Hood Foundation put in plenty of time fighting fair wages, trying to shred the social safety net, and killing worker protections through their associations with organizations like the Manhattan Institute, the Partnership for New York City (the voice of big business in NYC and a big foe of paid sick leave), and Fix the Debt (a notorious group devoted to crushing Social Security and Medicare).

When you think about it, it looks as if the Robin Hood Foundation members are actively trying to strip the public and strangle working people to such a degree that poverty and nickels thrown by billionaires will be all that’s left of America.  

The rest of us will all be living in Sherwood Forest.  

The Robin Hood Foundation’s new motto: Increasing poverty is our business.

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Putin Calls Out Washington - Paul Craig Roberts
October 4 2015 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Last Wednesday (28 Sept 2015) the world saw the difference between Russia and Washington. Putin’s approach is truth-based; Obama’s is vain boasts and lies, and Obama is running out of lies.

By telling the truth at a time of universal deceit, Putin committed a revolutionary act. Referring to the slaughter, destruction, and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa, and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist forces that have been unleashed, Putin asked Washington: “Do you realize what you have done?”

"We can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world.”

- President Vladimir Putin

Putin’s question reminds me of the question Joseph Welch asked witch-hunting Senator Joseph McCarthy: “Have you no sense of decency?” Welch’s question is attributed with initiating the decline of McCarthy’s career.

Perhaps Putin’s question will have the same impact and bring the reign of “American Exceptionalism” to an end. If so, Putin has launched a revolution that will overthrow the world’s subservience to Washington.

Putin stresses the legality of Russia’s intervention in Syria, which is at the request of the Syrian government. He contrasts Russia’s respect for international law with the intervention in Syria of Washington and France, governments that are violating Syria’s sovereignty with unrequested and illegal military action.

The world sees that it is Washington and its vassals who “violate international norms” and not Russia.

The sanctimonious self-righteousness, behind which hides Washington’s self-serving unilateral actions, is revealed for all to see.

Washington relies on its arsenal of lies. Washington’s media-based disinformation apparatus was too hot to trot.

Just as the BBC’s TV reporter announced the premature destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 with the building clearly still standing in the background, Washington’s lie service announced the first civilian casualties of Russian air strikes “even before our planes got in the air,” noted President Putin in his comments on Washington’s disinformation warfare.
As a consequence of their subservience to Washington, the puppet states of Europe are being overrun by refugees from Washington’s wars that Europe so mindlessly enabled.

As the cost of being Washington’s vassals comes home to Europeans, the standings of European political parties will be affected. New parties and ruling coalitions are likely to follow more independent paths in order to protect themselves from the costs of the enormous mistakes that flow from Washington’s arrogance and hubris.

The breakup of the Empire is on the horizon.

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13 Chemical Threats To Remove From Your Home
October 4 2015 | From: GreenMedInfo

While people are aware of the health risk caused by outdoor air pollution, few may consider that indoor air quality can also have a negative impact on their health. While many of these products are commonly used in the home there are healthier options available.

The average westerner spends 90 percent of their time indoors. While people are aware of the health risk caused by outdoor air pollution, few may consider that indoor air quality can also have a negative impact on their health.

According to the EPA levels of indoor air pollutants can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor pollution levels. In fact indoor air pollutants are ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health.  Since we spend so much time indoors it is important to create a healthy, toxin free environment that is safe for everyone.

1. Non Stick Cookware - It's been 40 years since nonstick pans were introduced. Although the concept is appealing to most cooks, the hazards just aren't worth it. Nonstick coating is made of polytetrafluoroethylene which release toxic gasses that are linked to cancer, organ failure, reproductive damage and other health risks.

Healthier Options: Consider using stainless steel, cast iron, or porcelain coated pans.

2. Conventional Cleaning Supplies - All purpose cleaners frequently contain toxic chemicals such as ammonia which is a very strong irritant that can cause liver and kidney damage, or bleach which can burn your skin and eyes, and irritate your lungs. Oven cleaners and drain cleaners can cause chemical burns and emit toxic fumes that harm your lungs. Even products labeled "green," such as Simply Green, are not entirely natural.   

Healthier Options: Consider nontoxic cleaning products, or make your own from ingredients around the house, such as baking soda and vinegar. Click here for recipes for homemade cleaners.

3. Air Fresheners - As time passes more negative effects are associated with these incredibly toxic products. Whether they are solids, aerosols, automatic sprayers, diffusers, or plug ins, it doesn't matter. Petrochemically-based air fresheners aggravate and can trigger respiratory problems, reproductive problems, birth defects, and are now being linked to breast cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Healthier Options: Consider open windows, air cleaners, search for the origin of the offending odor and remove it. Click here to learn more about air fresheners.

4. CFL Light Bulbs - People may appreciate the efficiency of these bulbs, as they use less electricity. However these bulbs contain mercury. If you are using these bulbs, the EPA recommends these bulbs be taken to special facilities when broken or recycled. They also offer detailed clean up instructions of broken bulbs.  Learn more.

Healthier Options: Consider sticking with the "old fashion" light bulb or LEDs till something better comes along.

5. Chemical Insecticides and Herbicides - Pests and weeds may be problematic, however the health risk of using these products may cause you to reconsider their use. RoundUp is known to create a host of physical illness. Bug sprays commonly contain cypermethrin, a known eye, skin and respiratory irritant; it is also known to have negative effects on the central nervous system. Click here to learn more about glyphosates.

Healthier Options: Consider Diatomaceous Earth, or a peppermint castile soap for insects and straight vinegar as a weed killer.

6. Chemical Fertilizers - When it rains or you water your lawn, chemical runoff enters the storm drains. This chemical soup eventually ends up in streams, rivers and the ocean, killing wildlife and destroying water quality.

Healthier Options: Consider an organic fertilizer and compost, or to be more eco friendly consider a xeriscape yard or replacing your grass with a vegetable garden.

7. Flame Retardants - Flame retardants are used in cushions, mattresses, foam pillows, hair dryers, tvs, computers, carpets, appliances, fabrics, even your telephone. The flame retardant used in mattresses, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) accumulates in blood, breast milk, fatty tissue and is linked to liver, thyroid and neuro development issues. Since most people sleep on average 6-8 hours in their bed, you may consider purchasing an organic mattress.

Healthier Options: Consider replacing items when your finances allow. Click here to read more about toxins in the home.

8. Fabric Softener and Dryer Sheets - According to the EPA and MSDS there are numerous chemicals in fabric softeners and dryer sheets, including benzyl acetate, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, limonene, A-terpineol, ethyl acetate, camphor, chloroform, linalool and pentane. Many of these chemicals are linked to central nervous system disorders, upper respiratory tract infections, and various cancers, they also trigger asthmatic responses.

Healthier Options: Consider using wool dryer balls or spiked dryer balls which fluff your clothes. Another option is to add a ½ cup of vinegar to the fabric softener compartment in your washer. The acidity level of vinegar neutralizes the laundry soap, allowing more residue to wash out in the rinse cycle, clothes come out softer, and vinegar also removes any odor on clothes. Click here to learn more about the ingredients in Fabric Softeners and Dryer Sheets.

9. Antibacterial Products - Since their widespread use we are seeing new "super-bugs" that are resistant to antibiotics. The Center for Disease Control states concern that these anti-bacterial products may be interfering with the immune systems of young children. There is also concern about the buildup of triclosan  in our bodies and our water supplies.

Healthier Options: Consider washing your hands more often in plain soap and water.

10. Plastic Shopping Bags - Plastic is forever. In the U.S. only 2% of plastic bags are recycled, the other 98% end up in landfills or the ocean.

Healthier Options: Consider reusable cloth or fabric bags. Storage crates that are easily packed up in the store and carried to your car are a great option as they are more stable than bags while driving, and have multiple uses.

11. Plastic Bottles - Most plastic bottles are made with BPA, a chemical that mimics hormones that are harmful to the endocrine system. When exposed to heat, bottles will leach these chemicals at a faster rate into your water.

Healthier Options: Consider stainless steel or glass bottles.

12. Scented Detergents - Almost all detergents contain fragrance, even those that are listed as unscented, usually have a masking ingredient to cover the scent. 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances are made from petroleum products. Many are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and damage to lungs, brain, and nerves. Fragrances are not regulated by any government or health agency. There is no law that requires fragrance ingredients to be put on product labels.

Healthier Options: Consider washing clothes in baking soda, or look for unscented laundry detergents without a masking fragrance.

13. Perfumes and Scented Soaps - As with scented detergents, 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances are made from petroleum products. Many are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and damage to lungs, brain, and nerves. Some chemicals commonly used in fragrances, such as toluene, are listed as hazardous waste worldwide. Fragrances are not regulated by any government or health agency. There is no law that requires fragrance ingredients to be put on product labels. To read more about perfumes click here.

Healthier Options: There are many organic, unscented soaps available in the marketplace. 

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Oil Is Not A Fossil Fuel
October 3 2015 | From: BeforeItsNews

The following are great interviews with Colonel Fletcher Prouty where he talks about how John D. Rockefeller ran a scam and got oil classified as a “Fossil Fuel” at a scientific conference in 1892. They had to do this so they could pretend oil was a scarce commodity to keep the prices high.

Oil is actually created inside the Earth and this can be proven because it is found far below the geologic strata at which the oldest fossils have ever been found.  

Related: Oil is Not a Fossil Fuel – It is ‘Renewable’

The first video goes over the dirty truth about Oil while the second video is a longer version of the interview with Prouty where he talks about how they gave weapons to Vietnam and Korea to set up those wars decades before the war.  

He also talks about how the global elite start wars just to kill people!  Great information here.  Also the second video has great information that shows the entire oil industry is a scam.  We haven’t even needed oil for 100 years now.  We’ve had free energy for all this time.  

The Dirty Truth About Oil – It’s Not a Fossil fuel

The Dirty Truth About War – It’s all a scam to reduce population

Related: Five Myths of the Peak Oil Theory

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Most Scientific Research Of Western Medicine Untrustable & Fraudulent, Say Insiders And Experts
October 3 2015 | From: ActivistPost

Fraudulent scientific research is rife throughout the world due to the power of monetary influence wielded by Big Pharma, the giant cartel of multinational pharmaceutical corporations started over 100 years ago by the Rockefellers.

This fraudulent scientific research is now so widespread and pervasive it is become an open secret. There is a long list of medical journal editors, doctors and professors on the “outside”, former Big Pharma employees and executives on the “inside”, as well as government officials somewhere in between, who have stepped forward as whistleblowers and acknowledged the fraud.

Related: Ex Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Comes Clean, Reveals Horrors Of Western Medicine

Money buys favorable research. Period. This is not really surprising, given the history of Rockefeller Western medicine and the fact that Big Pharma’s business model is based on “managing” disease, “treating” symptoms and keeping patients on the hamster wheel, rather than actually healing them completely.

Everyone Knows How the “Game” Works

Whistleblower Dr. Peter Rost, former vice president of Pfizer, a giant Big Pharma company, spelled it out. In the video clip embedded below, taken from the documentary One More Girl, he reveals that everyone knows how the “game” works:

"Universities, health organizations, everybody that I have encountered … are out there …. begging for money. (Big Pharma corporations) use that money to basically buy influence … (Big Pharma provides) grants for various kinds of research … make sure they (scientific researchers) became beholden … Everyone obviously knows this is how things work.

They (scientific researchers) are not going to continue to get money unless they’re saying what you (i.e. Big Pharma) want them to say. They know it, you know it, and it’s only maybe the public that doesn’t know it."

In this way, the almost the entire medical scientific community has been compromised and has become thoroughly untrustworthy.

Fraudulent Scientific Research Exposed by Medical Journal Editors and Professors

Look at what numerous key experts are saying about this epidemic of fraudulent scientific research. Dr. Richard Horton is the current editor-in-chief of the British Lancet journal, which is respected as one of the best peer-reviewed medical journals in the world.

He came out and stated:

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.

Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness."

Then look at what Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), had to say about the pervasive fraudulent scientific research:

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines … I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine."

Dr. John P.A. Ioannidis, a professor of disease prevention at Stanford University, published a study in a PLoS One paper entitled “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False.”

He found that research conclusions are less likely to be true when study samples sizes are too small, when effect sizes are even smaller, and when there are major variances in study designs, definitions, outcomes and analytical modes. He highlighted the corrupting influence of Big Pharma and concluded that:

"There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false … it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true."

Fraudulent Scientific Research Exposed by other Big Pharma Whistleblowers

Fraudulent scientific research has also been exposed by former executives and employees of the Big Pharma machine. In addition to Dr. Peter Rost, another Big Pharma whistleblower include Dr. John Virapen, author of Side Effects: Death. Confessions of a Pharma-Insider, who admits in this book that he “bribed a Swedish professor to enhance the registration of Prozac in Sweden.”

Virapen worked for 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry internationally (most notably as general manager of Eli Lilly and Company in Sweden) where he was responsible for the marketing of several Big Pharma drugs (all of them with side effects).

He exposes how Big Pharma invests more than $50,000 per physician per year to entice them to prescribe their products, how more than 75% of leading scientists in the field of medicine are “paid for”, and how illnesses are invented by the pharmaceutical industry to increase profit.

Another Big Pharma whistleblower is Gwen Olsen, a former Big Pharma sales rep who really knew how to push for a hard sell. She reveals the underhanded tactics she was taught by Big Pharma executives to ensure doctors were prescribing their drugs.

After her niece killed herself while taking antidepressants, she changed her tune and exposed the tactics. Olsen admits that she used bribery and personal connections to sell Big Pharma meds, because she found it very difficult to sell drugs on their own merit, that the true purpose of pharmaceutical drugs is social control, that Big Pharma buys up real cures to disease, or sues companies not to release genuine cures.

She also reveals how drug effects or side effects were often separated to avoid full disclosure, e.g. if the effect was on the CNS (Central Nervous System) then Big Pharma would break it down to say dizziness, fatigue, etc. so effects would look smaller.

Sadly, patients were harmed or killed due to Olsen’s (and other drugs reps like her) intentional sidestepping / misinforming physicians about a drug’s effects. Olsen refers to the “Revolving Door Syndrome”, meaning patients who are hospitalized continue to come back repeatedly, and each time lose more of their bodily functions.

The drugs were brain damaging, could induce violence and were slowly killing them. Meanwhile, many drugs are found to be not more efficacious than a sugar pill (placebo).

Fraudulent Scientific Research Exposed by Governmental Whistleblower Too

Lastly, it is also useful to note that fraudulent scientific research has been acknowledged by governmental officials too. Dr. William Thompson of the CDC (the US Center for Disease Control) made headlines last year when he bravely came forth to publicly admit that he had cooked the books and fudged the data regarding vaccines.

Here is an excerpt of his public statement from August 27th, 2014:

"My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics.

The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed."

Many people were harmed (or killed) by this instance of fraudulent scientific research, especially young black baby boys under the age of 3. Consequences for Thompson or the CDC for this fraudulent scientific research? Basically none.

Obama gave him legal immunity
– but that’s not surprising since he also singed the NDAA (claiming the right to imprison any American indefinitely without charge or trial) and initiated his weekly Kill Lists.

Don’t Fall for Appeals to “Scientific” or “Clinical” Research when Fraudulent Scientific Research is So Rife

The lesson in all this is clear: don’t believe it when you are told by anyone involved with the Western Medical Establishment that their products are based on sound, valid, scientific, clinical evidence.

Fraudulent scientific research is so widespread you can’t know anything for sure. Maybe you have to use Western Medicine, or maybe you don’t, but don’t go in blindly believing everything you’re told.

Related: Psychiatric Drugs Kill 500,000+ Western Adults Annually, Few Positive Benefits – Leading Scientist

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Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?
October 2 2015 | From: HenryMakow

Society resembles a satanic cult in many ways. One is that the rank-and-file is not privy to the real satanic hidden agenda. (Only the initiated are let in on the secret and allowed to advance.)

Poster depicts how Cabalist Jewish bankers and Freemasons are behind both sides in war. This also applies to Hitler

Similarly every institution and grouping within society follows this model. Thus, ordinary Jews and Freemasons are easier manipulated and sacrificed if necessary for the greater Evil.

"The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism."

- Rabbi Felix Mendlesohn, Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942

"World War II was a Zionist plot to make way for the foundation of the Jewish State in Palestine."

- Joseph Burg, an anti-Zionist Jew

"The Treaty of Versailles was hijacked by Jewish international financiers to create the necessary economic, social, and political and conditions necessary for Hitler to exploit."

- Lloyd George, New York Journal American, June 24th 1924

"It is from us that the all engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists and utopian dreamers of every kind...striving to overthrow all established forms of order.

All states are in torture... but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super government..."

- Protocols of Zion, 9

The Nazi party was set-up, financed and maintained by Jewish International Financiers. Once Hitler was safely elected, the Bank of England offered credit to Germany, and after the Nazis successfully invaded Czechoslovakia, it released £6 million of Czechoslovakian gold to Hitler, which was deposited in London.

When you accept the proven involvement of Jewish bankers and their political representatives to have been very involved in the funding of the Nazis re- armament, you have only two possible answers:

Either Zionists are not Jews or the Zionists wanted a mass persecution of their own people.

Both these answers are true. Many Zionists are not Jewish. Those that were knew that to further the rise and creation of the Zionist State in Palestine, they required an irrefutable need. The gathering Nazi hatred and blame towards the Jewish people for the ills of the world which led to the mass persecution, gave the Zionist elite exactly that.

Hanfstaengl with Hitler and Göring

Ernst Hanfstaengl, a close friend of Franklin Roosevelt, was also a close associate of Hitler before the war, says he was warned by the Austrian writer, Rudolf Kommer that;

"If any political party emerges with an Anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half Jewish fanatics, we shall have to watch out".

Hanfstaengl wrote that later, after experiencing the influence that Alfred Rosenberg had on Hitler, he began to realize what that remark really meant:

"I thought back to Rudolph Kommer's remark about an Anti-Semitic programme directed by Jewish or half - Jewish fanatics - Rosenberg was distinctly Jewish in appearance, although he would have been the first to protest furiously if anyone had questioned his ancestry.

Yet I used to see him most mornings sitting in a dingy café at the corner of Briennerstrasse and Augustenstrasse with a Hungarian Jew named Holoschi, who was one of his principle assistants. The man called himself Hollander in Germany and was another of these Jewish Anti-Semites...

I suspected the Aryan background of many of the others, Strasser and Streicher looked Jewish to me as well as figures like Ley, Frank and even Goebbels, who would have difficulty in proving their pedigree."

So the creation of hatred towards the Jewish race, then the grotesque treatment that followed Hitler's decrees, was hyped to enormous proportions to justify the takeover of Palestine for a Jewish Homeland. No one used this method more than Lord Victor Rothschild in his House of Lords speeches urging support for a Jewish State in Palestine.

Lord Victor Rothschild

You can see the play by the elite clearly here. To add further to this, Hitler's book Mein Kampf, was ghost written by Major General Karl Haushofer, who acknowledged that a major source for the 'ideas' it expressed came from Halford J. MacKinder, a director of the elite's London School of Economics.

Hitler a Conscious Puppet?

To what degree Hitler was aware of his puppet status? Was he a willing or unwilling pawn in this Zionist engineered heinous conflict?....

Hitler like many leaders of today was surrounded by a Zionist cabal: Heydrich, Goebbels, Rosenberg, Streicher and Eichmann.

The Jews wanted a prolonged and devastating Second World War, which would eclipse the carnage and destruction of WW I. There was not nearly enough gold in existence to provide the loan capital needed to finance the war machine required in Germany and America to fund the wartime economies of those nations.

So the Jews taught Hitler, through Feder, how to make his own money, how to circulate it, and how to engage in international trade without throwing out all of Germany's growth into the slop bucket of Jewish usury, nor let the Jews intervene in international trade and harvest the wealth of German production as middlemen.

In this way, the Jews, who also poured money directly into Germany, financed Hitler in order to ultimately destroy Germany, and much of Europe, through Jewish manufactured war.

They had done the same with their agent Napoleon Bonaparte, who considered himself to be the Jews' messiah, who tried to take Palestine for the Jews, who emancipated the Jews, and who was rewarded by the Jews with prison as punishment for promoting good Gentile-Jewish relations, which led to Jewish assimilation--the Jews most hated enemy.

Napoleon sporting the masonic 'hidden hand' gesture

Zionists welcomed the Nazis' anti Semitic policies. Like the Nazis, they believed in race-based national character and destiny. Like the Nazis, they believed Jews had no future in Germany.

The co-operation extended to political and economic spheres. Adolph Eichmann set up agricultural training camps in Austria to prepare young Jews for Kibbutz life.

He visited Palestine and conferred with Zionist leaders who confessed their true expansionist goals Think about it.

Hitler could have just confiscated all the Jewish wealth. Instead he used the "Haavara Program" to help establish the State of Israel.

On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the "Patra," exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

The Zionist "Haganah" claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land. Years later, it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius it blew up the vessel.

Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli PM said at a memorial service in 1958: "Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many."
Jack Bernstein in his book 'An American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel' stated -

"The Ashkenazi Jews, who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to Communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism.

During World War II in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler's Gestapo in persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps.

Now living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel.

To give the impression that Israel is a democracy, members of the Knesset (Israel's Congress) are elected - but it's an odd kind of election.

This is where Israel's so-called democracy stops.

It doesn't make any difference which party wins an election, the Likud or Labour Party, the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictatorial manner - giving favours to the elite clique and brutally suppressing any dissent.

Concerning Nazism/Fascism please let me clear a point. Germans are an admirable people - I dare say even great.

But in Germany, the general population was victim of the Nazis who through cunning and brutality gained power.

In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews, who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, came to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist /Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel.

Democracy is merely an illusion."

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Chemical Exposure Linked To Rising Diabetes, Obesity Risk
October 2 2015 | From: ScienceDaily

Emerging evidence ties endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to two of the biggest public health threats facing society - diabetes and obesity, according to the executive summary of an upcoming Scientific Statement issued today by the Endocrine Society.

Known EDCs include bisphenol A (BPA) found in food can linings and cash register receipts, phthalates found in plastics and cosmetics, flame retardants and pesticides. The chemicals are so common that nearly every person on Earth has been exposed to one or more.

Related: Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health

The statement's release comes as Society experts are addressing a global meeting, the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4), in Geneva, Switzerland, on the importance of using scientific approaches to limit health risks of EDC exposure.

The statement builds upon the Society's groundbreaking 2009 report, which examined the state of scientific evidence on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the risks posed to human health. In the ensuing years, additional research has found that exposure is associated with increased risk of developing diabetes and obesity.

Mounting evidence also indicates EDC exposure is connected to infertility, hormone-related cancers, neurological issues and other disorders.

EDCs contribute to health problems by mimicking, blocking or otherwise interfering with the body's natural hormones. By hijacking the body's chemical messengers, EDCs can alter the way cells develop and grow.

Known EDCs include bisphenol A (BPA) found in food can linings and cash register receipts, phthalates found in plastics and cosmetics, flame retardants and pesticides. The chemicals are so common that nearly every person on Earth has been exposed to one or more.

An economic analysis published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in March estimated that EDC exposure likely costs the European Union €157 billion ($209 billion) a year in actual health care expenses and lost earning potential.

"The evidence is more definitive than ever before - EDCs disrupt hormones in a manner that harms human health," said Andrea C. Gore, Professor and Vacek Chair of Pharmacology at the University of Texas at Austin and chair of the task force that developed the statement.

"Hundreds of studies are pointing to the same conclusion, whether they are long-term epidemiological studies in human, basic research in animals and cells, or research into groups of people with known occupational exposure to specific chemicals."

The threat is particularly great when unborn children are exposed to EDCs. Animal studies found that exposure to even tiny amounts of EDCs during the prenatal period can trigger obesity later in life.

Similarly, animal studies found that some EDCs directly target beta and alpha cells in the pancreas, fat cells, and liver cells. This can lead to insulin resistance and an overabundance of the hormone insulin in the body -- risk factors for Type 2 diabetes.

Epidemiological studies of EDC exposure in humans also point to an association with obesity and diabetes, although the research design did not allow scientists to determine causality.

The research offers insights into factors driving the rising rates of obesity and diabetes. About 35 percent of American adults are obese, and more than 29 million Americans have diabetes, according to the Society's Endocrine Facts and Figures report.

The Scientific Statement also examines evidence linking EDCs to reproductive health problems, hormone-related cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer, prostate conditions, thyroid disorders and neurodevelopmental issues. Although many of these conditions were linked to EDCs by earlier research, the number of corroborating studies continues to mount.

"It is clear we need to take action to minimize further exposure," Gore said.

"With more chemicals being introduced into the marketplace all the time, better safety testing is needed to identify new EDCs and ensure they are kept out of household goods."

In the statement, the Society calls for:

Additional research to more directly infer cause-and-effect relationships between EDC exposure and health conditions.

Regulation to ensure chemicals are tested for endocrine activity, including at low doses, prior to being permitted for use.

Calling upon "green chemists" and other industrial partners to create products that test for and eliminate potential EDCs.

Education for the public and policymakers on ways to keep EDCs out of food, water and the air, as well as ways to protect unborn children from exposure.

Click on the image above for further detail

The statement also addresses the need to recognize EDCs as an international problem. Society members are currently meeting in Geneva for the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM4).

Attending members, including Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Liège in Belgium, emphasize key principles of endocrinology that are confirmed by recent research need to be taken into account when developing policies for identifying and regulating endocrine-disrupting chemicals.

"Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals during early development can have long-lasting, even permanent consequences," said Bourguignon.

"The science is clear and it's time for policymakers to take this wealth of evidence into account as they develop legislation."

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India Permits Free Energy Technology Despite Threats From UK, US, Saudi Arabia
October 1 2015 | From: BeforeItsNews / CollectiveEvolution

India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

Years ago, Tewari has also proven the theories inside Bruce de Palma’s homopolar engine which first exposed this writer to the world of free energy technologies.

Obviously, a country cannot implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a military response from Petrodollar countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, UK, US. That’s why India has been aligning its own military program with that of Russia which at present is standing up, together with the BRICS countries, against the Nazionist cabal imposing all sorts of sanctions to destroy it.

The BRICS alliance has in the past promised to release all suppressed technologies, e.g. free energy, for our responsible utilization. It looks like they are keeping their word.

Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented in India

A Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) has been invented by Paramahamsa Tewari, electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

Paramahamsa Tewari

His background includes engineering project management for construction of nuclear power stations. The efficiency of models he has built, which have also been independently built and tested, is as high as 250%.

In November 2014, I made one of many visits to the laboratory of Paramahamsa Tewari. I had seen the basis for the RLG design in September of 2010. Mr. Tewari showed me a stiff conductor about a foot long which was allowed to rotate at the center and connected at each end with small gauge wire.

"Ere many generations pass; our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.”

 Nikola Tesla

A magnetic circuit was placed under the conductor. When a current was allowed to flow through the conductor it rotated, due to a torque induced on the conductor according to Flemings Left Hand Rule and standard theory, verified by experiments at the dawn of the electrical age.

With a simple rearrangement of the magnetic circuit, the same current produced no rotation – the torque was cancelled. I later duplicated the setup and experiment on my workbench. It is ingenious and lead to his breakthrough, the invention of a reactionless generator with greatly improved efficiency.

This experiment has lead to the design and testing of generators with efficiencies far above any previous design. The design uses the same types of materials used in current generators, but the magnetic circuit within the machine is configured to cancel back torque while inducing current and producing power.

This might be compared to the rearrangement of materials by the Wright Brothers to build a surface with lift that resulted in manned flight in a time when many, including scientists, said it was impossible. Indeed, physicists who cling to an outdated model of the properties and structure of space have declared what has been done by Tewari to be impossible.


I believe, as do the engineers in India, that this is the biggest breakthrough in rotating electrical machine design since Faraday’s invention of the electrical motor in 1832. The elimination of back torque allows all the energy generated to pass through the machine.

Michael Faraday's electric magnetic rotation apparatus (motor)

The first surviving Faraday apparatus, dating from 1822, which demonstrates his work in magnetic rotation. Faraday used this mercury bath to transform electrical energy into mechanical energy, creating the first electric motor.

Power output is determined by the strength of the excitation magnets and the synchronous reactance (resistance at 50/60 Hz) of the stator windings. Current models can be cascaded for higher output. Each machine can produce at least 2.38 times the input and can be configured in a self-running mode. Due to concentration on efficiency and design improvements the machine has not yet been configured in this manner.


The November 2013 issue of The Atlantic magazine features an article on The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel.

The RLG is more than just a product or a technical innovation. It is a fundamental change in the way that energy can be generated. It overcomes the inherent inefficiencies of AC generators.

Patents have been filed and the RLG is ready to be licensed to companies that manufacture rotating electrical machinery. In fact, discussions with companies on three continents are underway.

We believe that the RLG is a fundamental discovery, not an innovation.

Mankind’s first fundamental discovery was harnessing and controlling fire. The second was the wheel. The third was harnessing and controlling electricity. The fourth was harnessing and controlling the atom.

The RLG can turn wheels without the use of fire (fossil fuels) or the atom (nuclear plants). It is a 21st century innovation.

The first four of these innovations involved an understanding of material elements. The RLG is based on an understanding of the non-material properties of space. Paramahamsa Tewari’s search for the nature of reality has led him from study of the ancient Vedas of India to the formulation of Space Vortex Theory.
It is a new theory unifying the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity. Starting with principles described in the Vedic texts, Tewari was able to delineate a mathematical model that explains the words of Tesla when he said:

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.” 

– Nikola Tesla,“Man’s Greatest Achievement,” 1907

In Tewari’s words:

“The universal matter is created out of prana since prana is aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the primordial superfluid substratum of the universe.”

The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for the last 150 years.

The RLG operates at what has been called “over unity.” Many experienced electrical engineers engaged in the manufacture of AC generators have independently tested the RLG and confirmed the efficiency ratings that I have observed. It’s time for the physicists to get out of the way and modify their theories while the engineers go about the business of design and production.

The theory and mathematical models can be found at: Tewari.org

Read more about Tewari, his history and associates here.

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New Zealand Apparently Needs A Consul-General And A $6.2 Million Mansion In Hawaii Because 'The US Has A Large Defense Headquarters In Honolulu'
October 1 2015 | From: TheContrail / TV3

Our pretend government (corporation) is borrowing $27 million a day to keep us afloat, and has spent $6.2 mill on a house that is double the value of surrounding houses. It’s not a house it’s a mansion fit for a king.

Our corporation is also flogging off our state housing, whilst many Kiwis are homeless and doesn’t give a toss about kids in poverty. Here then is a blatant example of ‘let them eat cake’.

Something has gone terribly wrong with this country that once stamped out poverty and homelessness. Our CEO is a banker folks, he’s not a leader. He simply poses as one.

In case you missed it, the corporatization of our nation & its former government departments has led to a bottom line of maximizing profits. People no longer matter.

$6.2 Million Mansion for NZ Diplomat

Would you like to own a $6.2 million house in Hawaii? Good news – you already do. But bad news – the Government has bought the place for a diplomat.

It has inspired Story to start up a brand new segment called Silly Spending. One of the many real estate ads for the home describes it as “ultimate modern luxury".

“The crystal chandeliers are a great touch. The whole effect is one of a jewel box.”

It is 570 square metres of exceptional floor plan. It’s about four times bigger than your house, if you live in an average New Zealand home. It’s got a pool and spa deck and it’s one block from the beach. The house is almost twice the average price of houses around it.

We bought the pad last year for diplomat Rob Kaiwai. He’s New Zealand’s first-ever Consul-General in Hawaii. We set up that posting last year to help out the 14 diplomatic postings we already had across the United States.

If you’re thinking he might need his house for high-powered meetings, that’s what the office in downtown Honolulu is for.

Related: Honolulu Mansion Needs Explanation From Mccully

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Agenda 2030 Translator: Decoding The UN’s New ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals
September 30 2015 | From: 21stCenturyWire

The new UN program for global technocratic management is being unveiled this week at the 70th United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

Would you believe it even has branding and informative graphics?

Their ‘new’ agenda (this one is newer than than old one) hopes to “transform our world for the better by 2030″, and yet, few if any Americans or Western Europeans reallyunderstand what Agenda 2030 is all about.

Related: The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

Michael Snyder from the The End of The American Dream blog explains:

"Did you know that the UN is planning to launch a “new universal agenda” for humanity in September 2015? That phrase does not come from me – it is actually right in the very first paragraph of the official document that every UN member nation will formally approve at a conference later this month. 

The entire planet is going to be committing to work toward 17 sustainable development goals and 169 specific sustainable development targets, and yet there has been almost a total media blackout about this here in the United States.”

“The UN document promises that this plan will “transform our world for the better by 2030“, and yet very few Americans have even heard of the 2030 Agenda at this point.”

Thanks for the ones who do understand, and can share their findings with the rest of us…

Truthstream Media

It’s that time again: the United Nations is officially releasing the all new Agenda 2030 sustainable development plan, or what some have hailed as “the new Agenda 21 on steroids,” at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit kicking off today in New York City.

You can even read all about it on the White House Website: FACT SHEET: U.S. Global Development Policy and Agenda 2030

Since these supposedly non-binding international agreements can sometimes be a bit tricky to decode, what with all the weaponized buzz terms and semantics games, we’ve prepared a handy dandy translator on the 17 new Agenda 2030 goals below…

Click in the image to see a larger version in a new window

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Centralized banks, IMF, World Bank, Fed to control all finances, digital one world currency in a cashless society

Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: GMO

Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mass vaccination, Codex Alimentarius

Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Translation: UN propaganda, brainwashing through compulsory education from cradle to grave

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Population control through forced “Family Planning

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Privatize all water sources, don’t forget to add fluoride

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Smart grid with smart meters on everything, peak pricing

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Translation: TPP, free trade zones that favor megacorporate interests

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Translation: Toll roads, push public transit, remove free travel, environmental restrictions

Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
Translation: Even more regional government bureaucracy like a mutant octopus

Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Big brother big data surveillance state

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Translation: Forced austerity

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Translation: Cap and Trade, carbon taxes/credits, footprint taxes (aka Al Gore’s wet dream)

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Translation: Environmental restrictions, control all oceans including mineral rights from ocean floors

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: More environmental restrictions, more controlling resources and mineral rights

Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: UN “peacekeeping” missions (ex 1, ex 2), the International Court of (blind) Justice, force people together via fake refugee crises and then mediate with more “UN peacekeeping” when tension breaks out to gain more control over a region, remove 2nd Amendment in USA

Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Remove national sovereignty worldwide, promote globalism under the “authority” and bloated, Orwellian bureaucracy of the UN

And don’t forget the One World Religion under the One World Pope!

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Doctors List 50 Reasons Why You Must Stop Drinking Fluoridated Water Now
September 30 2015 | From: WakingTimes

Public water fluoridation continues to be one of the most controversial health topics in the United States and in other parts of the world.

The American Dental Association (ADA) has been, and continues to be, one of the biggest proponents of water fluoridation, although even the government has recently admitted that fluoride may not actually be helping teeth.

Related: New Evidence of Harm from Fluoridation

More scientific studies pointout that fluoride is actually very dangerous, yet this practice continues in many countries.

"In Europe, only Ireland (73%), Poland (1%), Serbia (3%), Spain (11%), and the U.K. (11%) fluoridate any of their water. Most developed countries, including Japan and 97% of the western European population, do not consume fluoridated water.

In the U.S., about 70% of public water supplies are fluoridated. This equates to approximately 185 million people, which is over half the number of people drinking artificially fluoridated water worldwide. (Source)

The case against water fluoridation continues to grow and continues to be supported by an increasing body of solid scientific research.

The information in the following list was originally compiled and presented by Paul Connett, PhD, at the Irish Fluoridation Forum in October 2000. Since then, these arguments have been updated with the assistance of James Beck, MD, PhD, Michael Connett, JD, Hardy Limeback, DDS, PhD, David McRae and Spedding Micklem, and D.Phil.

Here are their 50 top reasons why you must stop drinking fluoridated water immediately:

1. Fluoride is the only chemical added to water for the purpose of medical treatment. All other chemicals are added to improve the water’s safety or quality.

2. Fluoridation is unethical because it is forced onto the public without their consent. Informed consent is standard practice for all other medication.

3. The dose of the amount of fluoride consumed is impossible to control if administered through the public water system.

4. Fluoridated water is administered equally to everyone, without regard to age, health or vulnerability.

5. Fluoride is provided in many other sources beside water, including food, salt, dental products, pesticide residues on food, etc.

6. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient that is required by any of the body’s biological processes.

7. Fluoride levels in a nursing mother’s milk are naturally very low, thus bottle-fed babies consuming formula mixed with fluoridated water may be consuming harmful levels.

8. The kidneys of an adult are only able to excrete 50-60% of fluoride ingested each day, resulting in accumulation in the body and bones.

9. No health agency in countries that fluoridate water is monitoring the side effects or results of fluoride exposure.

10. There have been no randomized controlled trials to demonstrate the safety or effectiveness to water fluoridation.

11. Acknowledged by the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the benefit of fluoride is mainly topical, not systemic.

12. Industrialized countries that have rejected water fluoridation have experienced the same decline in childhood dental decay. See graph.

13. The difference between tooth decay among children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in the US is miniscule. See survey.

14. A study funded by the U.S. National Institute of Health found no significant relationship between tooth decay and fluoride intake in children. See study.

15. Tooth decay continues to be high in low-income communities that have had fluoridated water for years.

16. There is no noticeable rise in tooth decay in communities where fluoridation is stopped.

17. The decline in tooth decay started before water fluoridation was introduced. See graph.

18. The studies used to justify water fluoridation have been criticized as “especially rich in fallacies, improper design, invalid use of statistical methods, omissions of contrary data, and just plain muddleheadedness and hebetude.” ~ Dr. Hubert Arnold, Statistician from the University of California at Davis

19. Water fluoridation programs have massively failed to achieve their key objective of lowering dental fluorosis to 10% in children. As of 2014, 41% of American adolescents had dental fluorosis. See graph.

20. Infants consuming baby formula made with fluoridated water have the highest exposure to fluoride, which has been found to be a major risk factor in developing dental fluorosis later in life.

21. Dental fluorosis may be an indicator of wider systemic damage.

22. Evidence exists that fluoride may damage the brain, interfere with brain functions, or lead to neurotoxicity.

23. Multiple studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ.

24. Other studies have reported an association between fluoride exposure and non-IQ neurotoxic effects.

25. Studies have shown that fluoride accumulates and affects the human pineal gland. See studies.

26. Fluoride exposure affects thyroid function.

27. Fluoride causes arthritic symptoms due to a fluoride-induced bone and joint disease called skeletal fluorosis.

28. Fluoride damages bones.

29. Fluoride may result in an increase in bone fractures, particularly in the hips, in the elderly. Some studies suggest that even low-level exposure may have a detrimental effect on cortical bone density.

30. People with kidney disease are prone to higher accumulation of fluoride in their bones and blood, making them more vulnerable to bone damage.

31. Fluoride may be one of the causes of osteosarcoma (bone cancer).

32. Proponents of fluoridation have been unable to refute the Bassin-Oteosarcoma study (2006) that showed an increased risk of getting osteosarcoma in men that drank fluoridated water during mid-childhood.

33. Numerous studies have shown that fluoride administered to animals damages the male reproductive system, and other epidemiological studies have shown increased rates of infertility among men living in high-fluoride areas.

34. Individuals that are highly sensitive to low levels of fluoride can experience symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, rashes and gastro-intestinal problems.

35. Some subsets of the population, including infants, the elderly, those with impaired kidney function (see #30), those with diabetes, and those suffering from malnutrition, are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.

36. There is no margin of safety for the health effects of fluoridation.

37. Low-income families have no financial support to get alternative water supplies or to treat dental fluorosis, even though they are the ones being targeted by new fluoridation programs.

38. Black and Hispanic children are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity resulting in significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis, while, once again, their families are less able to avoid drinking fluoridated water.

39. Minorities and low-income families are not being warned about their vulnerabilities to fluoride.

40. Highest rates of tooth decay today can be found in low-income areas that have fluoridated water.

41. The chemicals used to fluoridate water are often sourced from wet scrubbing systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry. They are classified as hazardous waste and are not pharmaceutical grade.

42. There is a lack of comprehensive testing on the silicon fluorides.

43. Studies have found an association between the use of fluorosilicic acid to fluoridate water and an increased lead uptake into children’s blood.

44. Using fluoridating agents, in combination with chlorinating agents, may lead to an increase in leaching of lead from pipes and brass fittings used in water systems.

45. The status quo regarding fluoride has been followed for too long, without conducting key health studies. Many questions raised about fluoride are unsettled, and the scientific community has much less information than it should.

Side effects of fluoridation:

46. Many endorsements by organizations such as the US Public Health Service were made before any significant health studies were conducted; they were not based on any type of scientific evidence.

47. Reports used to provide necessary re-endorsements of the fluoridation practice are delivered by hand-picked panels of “well-known medical and dental researchers who actively campaigned on behalf of fluoridation.” (Fluoride Wars, Freeze and Lehr)

48. Many scientists oppose fluoridation. As of January 2012, over 4,000 professionals have signed a statement calling for an end to water fluoridation worldwide.

49. “The political pro-fluoridation stance has evolved into a dogmatic, authoritarian, essentially antiscientific posture, one that discourages open debate of scientific issues.” ~ Dr. Edward Groth, Senior Scientist at Consumers Union

50. Medical professionals opposed to fluoridation are apprehensive about speaking out in public in fear of recriminations, censorship and intimidation. Proponents use these tactics because fluoridation practice is not based on secure scientific and ethical grounds.

For a full listing of research and sources cited by Dr. Paul Connett in his presentation, and further explanation of these 50 argents against water fluoridation, can be found here.

Further arguments against water fluoridation can be viewed here.

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