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Checkmate! U.S. Loses Syria & Turkey; Erdogan Will Visit Putin + John McCain Is “Directly Responsible” For ISIS
July 30 2016 | From: Geopolitics / Sputnik / Various

It’s confirmed: the United States is being checkmated in Syria and in Turkey. Now, Erdogan is set to visit Moscow early next month.

They will be talking about how to dispense with the CIA “moderate rebels” we know as Daesh Islamic State terrorists.

Commenting on the results of the recent meeting on Syria in Geneva between Russia, the UN and the US and on the prospects of a possible ending of the Syrian war, Russian political expert Vyacheslav Matuzov suggests that much will now depend on the talks between Russia and Turkey: if they agree, the rebels and their US / Israeli masters will lose the war.

“Turkish President Erdogan is set to visit Moscow on August 9. Prior to his meeting with President Putin there have already been a number of announcements on the joint economic projects and the readiness to open Turkey for Russian tourists,”
Matuzov, former diplomat and an expert in Arab studies told Russia’s Izvestiya newspaper.

“This means that certain political agreements are also being prepared,” he added.

The political analyst further explained that first of all, it could be about closing the Turkish-Syrian border and, as a result, cutting-off of the influx of rebels and arms into war-torn Syria.

Matuzov suggested that the issue might have been already been agreed upon.

If the border is closed, the opposition and their American masters will lose the war in Syria.

Syria: Before and After 'American Dermocracy'

In any further intra-Syrian talks, which could be scheduled at the end of August in Geneva, the US and their so-called allies will have no grounds to dictate any conditions.

This point of view has been echoed by Dr. Bassam Abu Abdallah, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at Damascus University, who told the newspaper that Syria is not counting on the negotiations in Geneva, but rather on a rapprochement between Russia and Turkey.

“The Riyadh-formed High Negotiations Committee (HNC) is prone to US influence and the influence of the Middle Eastern states and is not acting in the interests of Syria,”
he said.

While he does not expect any progress in the negotiations, the expert suggests that the failed coup attempt in Turkey will push Ankara to reconsider its foreign policy objectives.

The US has been accused of being behind the attempted military overthrow, he said. Washington is also for the further break up of Syria and for creating Kurdish autonomy.

All the above, he said, is unacceptable to Turkey, and so it will try to get closer to Russia and Iran and might make the decision to close its border with Syria which will result in a dramatic change in the balance of powers on the battlefield, he concluded.

Recent reports suggest that the next round of intra-Syrian talks could be scheduled for the end of August.

The Syrian government delegation, as well as three opposition groups - the Riyadh-formed HNC, the Moscow-Cairo and the Hmeymim groups - have been taking part in the UN-mediated Geneva talks on the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

The latest round of talks took place in Geneva on April 13-27. The HNC walked out of the negotiations, citing the continuous fighting in Syria and the lack of progress on humanitarian issues.

Both Russia and Syria are now conducting a large scale humanitarian operations after a successful establishment of humanitarian corridors for the civilians trapped inside Aleppo.

Russia and Syria are launching a large-scale humanitarian operation for Aleppo residents, Russia’s Defense Ministry said. Corridors for civilians and militants ready to lay down arms will be created to exit the city, which was Syria’s largest before the war.

“We have repeatedly called on the warring parties to reconcile, but the militants violated the silence mode each time, shelled villages, attacked the positions of government troops. As a result, a tough humanitarian situation has developed in the city of Aleppo and its suburbs,” Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Thursday.

“To assist civilians taken hostage by terrorists, as well as militants who chose to lay down their weapons, the Russian center for reconciliation of the warring parties, together with Syrian authorities, will open three humanitarian corridors there,” Shoigu added.

“I want to emphasize that we are taking this step, first and foremost, to ensure the safety of Aleppo residents,” the minister said. He has also urged international organizations to take part in the humanitarian operation in Aleppo.

According to the minister, the fourth corridor for the passage of fighters in Aleppo is being set up only because the US has not provided Russia with data on the al-Nusra Front terrorist group, which has recently been attempting to merge with other armed opposition groups in Syria.

Obama is also preventing another Saigon-like withdrawal from Afghanistan by not bringing all US soldiers home until he steps down from office.

John McCain Is “Directly Responsible” For ISIS

Related: Turkey’s secret pact with Islamic State exposed by operative behind wave of ISIS attacks

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Welfare Cull 'Pushing Vulnerable Off The Books'
July 30 2016 | From: NewZealandHerald

A welfare advocacy group is warning that thousands of Kiwis will suffer under newly implemented changes to the beneficiary system.

Auckland Action Against Poverty said the latest round of reforms, which require all sickness beneficiaries, sole parents and widows with no children under 14 to look for fulltime employment like other job seekers, would have a brutal impact on the wellbeing of hundreds of thousands of children and adults who are dependent on the state for survival.

Related: PM's homeless remarks untrue - Sallies

The reforms, which came into force on July 15, represent the biggest upheaval in the welfare state since the Social Security Act was passed by the first Labour Government in 1938.

Other new obligations include drug-testing for jobseekers in relevant industries.

Auckland Action Against Poverty spokeswoman Sarah Thompson said the changes were aimed at decreasing the number of beneficiaries in New Zealand, rather than job creation.

“All New Zealanders who end up on welfare will have more hoops to jump through or face punitive measures as the Government attempts to push them into low-paid insecure work - no matter what the downstream cost.

This is not about getting people into decent work [and] it's not about job creation. It's about cutting costs by pushing vulnerable people off the books,'' she said.

The group will hold information stalls outside three Work and Income offices in Auckland today.

Ms Thompson said there had been an increase in the number of beneficiaries who had been "sanctioned'' for slip-ups in the last two months.

Some had also had their benefits reduced due to Work and Income errors.

What are the changes?

The reforms represent the biggest upheaval in the welfare state since the Social Security Act was passed by the first Labour Government in 1938.

All sickness beneficiaries, and sole parents and widows with no children under 14, are now subject to the same requirement to look for fulltime work as other jobless people, although sickness may be accepted as a valid reason to postpone work temporarily.

Other new obligations include drug-testing for jobseekers in relevant industries, which is expected to trigger benefit cuts for up to 5800 people, and a requirement for beneficiaries to clear outstanding arrest warrants.

About 8000 beneficiaries have arrest warrants outstanding for issues such as unpaid fines. Unless they clear them within 38 days, their benefits will be halved if they have children, or stopped completely if they don't, in what is likely to be the biggest single purge of the benefit rolls since the system was created.

Papakura case study

The co-ordinator of the Pikorua Community House in a low-income part of Papakura, Michelle Neho, said many people with outstanding warrants would go back to drug-dealing rather than pay their fines.

A Herald investigation into how the changes will affect people's lives in Papakura, as a case study of a high-welfare area, has found widespread fear of the reforms even among those who are supposed to be exempted from the work-search requirements.

“A lot of people are scared about the warrants to arrest,"
Ms Neho said. "There's a lot of people that have thousands of dollars of fines outstanding." Some would rather come off the benefit than pay all their fines.

The huge reorientation of welfare shifts the focus from the short-term unemployed, which largely left other beneficiaries alone, to a new "investment approach" aimed at finding work for those who are likely to stay on benefits the longest and cost taxpayers the most - mainly the sick, disabled and sole parents.

Work and Income chief Debbie Power said 85,000 people - mainly the sick, long-term unemployed, and sole parents and widows with no children under 14 - would move today into intensive "work-focused case management" with 760 personal case managers to help them find jobs and overcome barriers such as transport and childcare costs, addictions, debts and workplace attitudes to mental illness and other conditions.

A further 1000 sole parents and 1000 people with mental health problems will be handed over to contractors who will be paid from $2250 to $16,500 for each person they place in employment for at least a year.

From earlier in the month: Sallies' disagreement over homeless action

After the Prime Minister told reporters that people living in cars were refusing help, a rift has opened up between the government and the Salvation Army.

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New Zealand Researcher Malcolm Scott - New Zealand's Climate Of Secrecy
July 29 2016 | From: SageOfQuay

As part of his post graduate work, Malcolm Scott is writing a thesis on whether New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment is engaged in a practice of intentional disinformation regarding the ongoing and persistent aerosol program in New Zealand.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

Related: Anti-Geoengineering Legal Alliance Files US 60 Day Notice Of Legal Action

Malcolm’s interest was piqued when after submitting a freedom of information request – known as an OIA in New Zealand – he received back, by accident, an internal document detailing how the Ministry responds to geoengineering inquiries. That response entailed denying that any such program exists.

That document has lead Malcolm to conclude that the New Zealand government is aware and complicit in covering up the covert operation to geoengineer the atmosphere.

Malcolm is a post-graduate student and researcher at the University of Canterbury. He is recognized by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. Prior to joining the University of Canterbury Malcolm has held academic appointments with the University of Otago, Christchurch College of Education and the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.

New Zealand Ministry for the Environment Document

Declassified: Naval Concepts of Chemical and Biological Warfare Department of Defense (1952)

Weather Forecaster Discusses Military Chaff (Chemtrails)

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Dangerous Molecules Detected In E-Cigarettes Which May Make Them More Harmful Than The Real Thing
July 29 2016 | From: PreventDisease

Penn State College of Medicine researchers have found that electronic cigarettes produce highly-reactive free radicals - molecules associated with cell damage and cancer - and may pose a health risk comparable or worse than conventional cigarettes.

The use of e-cigarettes is on the rise but research into the effects of e-cigarettes lags behind their popularity.

The number of teens and tweens using these products doubled between 2011 and 2012. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 20 percent of young adults have tried e-cigarettes, and current smokers and recent former smokers are most likely to have used them.

E-cigarettes deliver nicotine in water vapor instead of by burning tobacco. The battery-operated devices have been marketed as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. They look like the real thing. The end glows as you inhale. As you exhale, you puff out a cloud of what looks like smoke.

But we know very little about the toxic substances produced by e-cigarettes and their health effects. More evidence coming forward may ultimately validate that e-cigarettes may be more dangerous than regular cigarettes, potentially causing cancer at comparable and possible faster rates depending on the chemicals used.

E-cigarettes have triggered a fierce debate among health experts who share the same goal -- reducing the disease and death caused by tobacco. However, many now claim they are not so safe after all.

“There’s a perception that e-cigarettes are healthier than regular cigarettes, or at least not as harmful as regular cigarettes,”
said John P. Richie Jr., professor of public health sciences and pharmacology.

“While e-cigarette vapor does not contain many of the toxic substances that are known to be present in cigarette smoke,  it’s still important for us to figure out and to minimize the potential dangers that are associated with e-cigarettes.”

Previous studies have found low levels of aldehydes, chemical compounds that can cause oxidative stress and cell damage, in e-cigarette “smoke.” But until now, no one has looked for free radicals, the main source of oxidative stress from cigarette smoke. Highly reactive free radicals are a leading culprit in smoking-related cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Instead of smoke, e-cigarettes produce aerosols, tiny liquid particles suspended in a puff of air. The researchers measured free radicals in e-cigarette aerosols.

They found that e-cigarettes produce high levels of highly reactive free radicals that fall in the range of 1,000- to 100-times less than levels in regular cigarettes. Nanotechnology is also being implemeted to produced some of the chemicals involved in their manufacturing.

“This is the first study that demonstrates the fact that we have these highly reactive agents in e-cigarette aerosols,”
Richie said. Results were published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology.

“The levels of radicals that we’re seeing are more than what you might get from a heavily air-polluted area but less than what you might find in cigarette smoke,” Richie said.

The radicals are produced when the device’s heating coil heats the nicotine solution to very high temperatures.

Further research is needed to determine the health effects of highly reactive free radicals from e-cigarettes.

“This is the first step,”
Richie said. “The identification of these radicals in the aerosols means that we can’t just say e-cigarettes are safe because they don’t contain tobacco. They are potentially harmful. Now we have to find out what the harmful effects are.”

Richie is currently conducting studies to carefully measure total numbers of free radicals in e-cigarette aerosols and to identify their chemical structures.

“That will help us interpret the data better to know how dangerous they are,” he said.

Some experts are comparing replacing tobacco with e-cigarettes to heroin users switching to the painkiller methadone. The replacement may have its own risks, but is it safer, probably not.

Related: The Dangers of Nanotechnology

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Leaked DNC Emails Prove Once And For All That The Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along + FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government
July 28 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Infowars / Breitbart

To anyone who has ever been called a "conspiracy theorist," the world owes you a massive apology. As the leaked DNC emails now exhaustively prove, Hillary Clinton and the DNC actually did conspire to destroy Bernie Sanders.

It was a genuine conspiracy involving a multitude of people who acted in coordinated secrecy to deceive the public, destroy a candidate and coronate their chosen evil globalist (Hillary Clinton) as President.

Related: The Clinton Presidential Campaign just went Kaboom!

The only thing that makes this conspiracy any different than all the other true conspiracies happening right now is that they got caught.

And now, the entire leftist media -- which is also part of the very same conspiracy to thrust Clinton into office -- is trying to distract you from all this by invoking their own hilarious conspiracy theory: The Russians did it!

Yep, suddenly now the same leftist media skeptics who ridiculed anyone even hinting that the DNC was running a conspiracy to destroy Sanders is floating its own tin foil hat theories in a desperate bid to hope you won't read any of the emails that actually leaked. Those emails, it turns out, expose the DNC and Hillary Clinton as a cabal of corrupt political mafia bosses who deeply hate voters, democracy and a free press.

The DNC even rewarded top donors with political appointments to the boards of federal organizations. If you give them enough money, they'll make sure Hillary lands you a spot in your favorite federal bureaucracy (the United States Postal Service is apparently in need of several BORED members... ha ha).

Check out some of these email findings for yourself:

All the dirt (so far) from the 19,000 leaked emails: TheGatewayPundit

DNC staffers revealed as total bigots who tried to destroy Bernie Sanders by attacking his religion: GovtSlaves

Obedient MSNBC morons report "cheers" when the audience is BOOING Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the stage: (see the text along bottom of the video): ZeroHedge

It Was the Russians!

But you're not supposed to pay any attention to all the admissions of crime and corruption found in these emails. Never mind the fact that all these DNC members need to be arrested, indicted and put behind bars for 20 years to life. They're all corrupt criminals who despise democracy and use the power of their positions to rig elections and place sleazebag politicians into public office. The voters be damned!

No, you're supposed to think to yourself, "It was the Russians!" And right on cue, the leftist media is now floating the ludicrous idea that Putin loves Trump and wants Trump to win the presidency. Why is this idea so ludicrous?

Hillary Clinton is the sellout who approve the selling of America's uranium reserves to Russian mining companies, sacrificing a strategic national resource so she and her husband Bill could collect a few more million dollars in "speaking fees." (Source: CLINTON CASH book and documentary.)

In other words, the Russians get everything they want when democrats are in power, because democrats are corrupt criminals who are willing to sell anything to the Russians (as long as the donation fee is high enough to the Clinton Foundation). Thus, the idea that Putin wouldn't want Clinton in the White House is absurd.

But this is all best said by none other than Patrick Buchanan in this WND.com editorial which I offer here as a partial reprint:

Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: "All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.' And God granted it."

The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.

For a year, 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders has been saying that, under DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the party has been undercutting his campaign and hauling water for Hillary Clinton.

From the 19,200 emails dumped the weekend before Clinton's coronation, it appears the old boy is not barking mad. The deck was stacked; the referees were in the tank; the game was rigged.

For four decades, some of us have wondered what Jim McCord, security man at CREEP, and his four Cubans were looking for in DNC Chair Larry O'Brien's office at the Watergate. Now it makes sense.

Among the lovely schemes the DNC leaders worked up to gut Sanders in Christian communities of West Virginia and Kentucky, was to tell these good folks that Sanders doesn't even believe that there is a God. He's not even an agnostic; he's an atheist.

The idea was broached by DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall in an email to DNC chief executive officer Amy Dacey:

"Does [Bernie] believe in a God. He has skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and atheist."

Dacey emailed back, "Amen."

In 1960, John F. Kennedy went before the Houston ministers to assert the right of a Catholic to be president of the United States. Is the "Marshall Plan," to quietly spread word Bernie Sanders is a godless atheist, now acceptable politics in the party of Barack Obama?

If Marshall and Dacey are still around at week's end, we will know.

The WikiLeaks dump came Friday night. By Sunday, Clinton's crowd had unleashed the mechanical rabbit, and the press hounds were dutifully chasing it. The new party line: The Russians did it!

Clinton campaign chief Robert Mook told ABC, "experts are telling us that Russian state actors broke in to the DNC, took all these emails, and now they are leaking them out through the Web sites. … some experts are now telling us that this was done by the Russians for the purpose of helping Donald Trump."

Monday, Clinton chairman John Podesta said there is a "kind of bromance going on" between Trump and Vladimir Putin. Campaign flack Brian Fallon told CNN, "There is a consensus among experts that it is indeed Russia that is behind this hack of the DNC."

Purpose: Change the subject. Redirect the media away from the DNC conspiracy to sabotage Sanders' campaign.

Assange: "A Lot More Material" Will Be Released"

FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email servers, source reveals.

The Clinton Foundation is a “massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,” according to an anonymous insider who revealed why the FBI stopped short of indicting Hillary Clinton.

IRS Launches Investigation Of Clinton Foundation

Before FBI Director James Comey announced the FBI wouldn’t recommend pressing charges against Clinton, an insider with “intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case” hosted an little-publicized AMA session on 4Chan, and the statements he made on July 2 corroborate with later developments of the scandal.

There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down,”
he revealed.

People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is.”

Whether she will be [indicted] or not depends on how much info others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.

Since then, both the FBI and the DOJ declined to press charges against Clinton, and other sources revealed the Clinton Foundation is now under scrutiny.

The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people,
the source said.

Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece – albeit a big piece – of this massive sh*tstorm."

Those implicated extends to the Justice Dept.

“The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself,”
he continued.

Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.

This would explain why Bill Clinton forced himself on Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane at the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport last week; Clinton insider Larry Nichols said blackmail was likely involved.

“Bill Clinton met with Lynch, and he was there to assure her that when Hillary gets to be president she’ll be able to keep her job,”
said Nichols on the Alex Jones Show Friday.

“I would imagine he gave Lynch a slip of paper that had on it a couple of things about the career prosecutors that are working the case. What was on that? The things they have on them. The drugs, women, men, whatever.”

The source indicated the Clinton Foundation is likely a nexus of blackmail material keeping everyone in D.C. in line behind the Clintons – even those with tremendous influence.

“The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server,”
he said.

We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation.

Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.

The server was in Benghazi? Was that one of the reasons why the embassy was attacked, to destroy evidence on the Clinton Foundation?

Additionally, the source said the investigation took so long because FBI Director James Comey didn’t want to face the “Clinton Machine” and the “rest of Washington D.C.

“…This case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests,”
he continued.

“It is a very tense and uncomfortable position.”

Interestingly, the insider spoke more about Clinton’s relationship with President Obama, which seems frosty at times despite Obama currently campaigning for his former Secretary of State.

“The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the email server,”
he said. “We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the Clinton Foundation.”

“Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought.”

“Obama and Hillary do hate each other,” he said. “Hillary hates black people and Obama dislikes recklessness.”

On Thursday, Breitbart reported the FBI is “is still investigating Hillary Clinton in connection with possible corruption related to the Clinton Foundation.

‘Clinton Cash’ Movie Surpasses 500,000 Views In 48 Hours

News showed the motion picture adaptation of Clinton Cash three times in three-hour windows. In those total nine hours of Saturday and Sunday viewing, there were 290,000 video views.

Pirated versions of the film have already begun sprouting up online, with one YouTube upload alone currently showing more than 215,800 views.

In total, more than 500,000 people have pressed play on this film. But, of course, that half million views number does not take into account the massive amount of people who held watch parties or watched Clinton Cash with their family and friends during the weekend.

Indeed, several comments have been posted on Breitbart.com and various social media platforms from people saying they and their friends and family were watching the Clinton Cash movie together in groups.

It’s hard to know just how many millions of Americans may have tuned in to watch Clinton Cash during its two-day global release.

As Breitbart News reported, the film was pushed heavily on social media by more than 283,000 dyed-in-the-wool Bernie Sanders supporters, who helped catapult Clinton Cash to the top of Facebook’s trending topics list on Sunday.

Related: 21 New ‘Clinton Cash’ Revelations That Have Imperiled Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

Related: 11 Explosive Clinton Cash Facts Mainstream Media Confirm are Accurate

Due to overwhelming response and request, Breitbart News has decided to make Clinton Cash available for free forever.

Clinton Cash was directed by M.A. Taylor and was written and produced by Danny Fleurette and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon.

The film exposes the alarming pattern of record-high speaking fees to Bill Clinton and donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign contributors, which coincided with favors for those closest to the Clintons and their foundation donors while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state.

Related: Historic Civil Law Suit against Alleged War Criminal George W. Bush in California: Chilcot Report Submitted to the Ninth Circuit Court

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New Study: 528Hz Sound "Miraculously" Cleaned Oil Polluted Water In The Gulf Of Mexico
July 28 2016 | From: 528Records

A series of sounds played to oil polluted water from the Gulf of Mexico has “miraculously” cleared test samples of the deadly petrochemicals, says a well known Canadian researcher.

According to John Hutchinson, an electro-magnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C., Canada, a selection of “music” has helped purify poisoned water.

The frequencies included the “sound of Jupiter,” recently recorded by NASA, vibrating close to 528Hz frequency.

That sound energy has been determined to match the color greenish-yellow--the heart of the rainbow, the electromagnetic color spectrum, celebrated by the botanical world, according to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, who has published most on that pure tone. Nature obviously celebrates that shade, the pigment chlorophyll, to produce oxygen and energy needed for life.

According to Dr. Horowitz, Hutchinson’s study results are most promising, as they were certified by the Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama, and are consistent with studies and predictions based on the most advanced discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biophysics.

528Hz frequency, the “Miracle” note of original Solfeggio musical scale, is only one of nine “core creative frequencies” in a “Perfect Circle of Sound” that animates physical reality, like atomic energy technology, using spinning electrons vibrating with electro-resonance.

This is an image of one of the most perfect, detailed, pure water crystals ever photographed. It formed to reflect the sound of the sun.

In 2009, researcher David Sereda sent Dr. Horowitz NASA recordings of the sun along with this crystallograph produced by researchers in Russia. Later, Dr. Horowitz compared the sound of the sun, and jupiter to the pure tones of “The Perfect Circle of Sound” frequencies, including 528Hz. The Harvard trained public health expert noted 528Hz was most obviously harmonic to both recordings.

Dr. Horowitz believes 528Hz is also fundamental to “LOVE”—the “Universal Healer;” and he recommends combining the frequency of “LOVE/528,” with the “Universal Solvent” - Water - to advance “the future of medicine” - LOVE Hydrosonics.

To this end, the award winning author and film-maker publishes two online journals Hydrosonics, that discusses the powerful impacts of sounds on water, and Medical Veritas, heralding advances in natural ways to end pollution and advance healing. 

John Hutchison, is a well known scientist best known for examining The Bermuda Triangle, and explaining strange occurrences in this infamous area of the Atlantic ocean, called the “Hutchison-Effect,” all associated with electromagnetic disturbances of unknown origin. The Canadian Government has persecuted Hutchinson heavily over the years, the last time for supposedly causing his neighbor to levitate without consent.

Hutchinson’s partner, Nancy Lazaryan, a journalist from Minnesota, said their research was “intuited” to include the 528Hz sound that they observed causing oxygen to bubble up heavily from the bottom of the oil soaked Gulf  and Perdido Bay, between Florida and Alabama.

The couple started their research requesting samples of polluted Gulf water be sent to Hutchison's lab in Vancouver.  There, Hutchison and Lazaryan experimented using ancient Solfeggio sounds and Gregorian chant frequences that have been traditionally used for healing. The frequencies were applied to several polluted water samples using audio and radio waves, with wonderful results.

So Hutchison and Lazaryan packed up their lab equipment, borrowed a trailer, and farm truck, and traveled from Canada to the Gulf. Their chemical analysis from their first "open air frequencies" experiments in Perdido Bay proved to them that, “the Gulf water can be healed.”

To date, the federal government has relied on the deadly oil dispersant, Corexit, a Goldman Sach/Boots & Coots chemical causing a lot of people, and wildlife, to get sick and die.

Alternatively, Hutchinson and Lazaryan recommend a harmonic "stream of sound" to completely purify the polluted water. The couple claims the inspiration for these harmonics came from the Essenes, a sect of Israel where Jesus was a member. The Essenes "inner circle" taught the "stream of sound" as part of the Creator’s power to create.

The 528 hz tone is known by the ancients to be a "healing frequency," and many people believe it can be used to repair damaged DNA. Most recently, Dr. Horowitz, working with mathematician Marko Rodin, advanced the mathematical relationship to genetic structuring, as DNA segments reflect Rodin’s “infinity pattern,” that others predict will revolutionize everything. (click here for a Youtube presentation on this knowledge.)

In 2009, Dr. Horowitz produced Live H2O: Concert for the Living Water, in which groups from 72 countries participated by singing and chanting in 528Hz, praying for all polluted water to be blessed worldwide. 

One of the honorees at LIVE H2O was Dr. Masaru Emoto who conducted years of research sending purifying intentions and “LOVE/528Hz frequency vibrations into water with astonishing results published in dozens of languages and two New York Times bestselling books.  

Dr. Emoto actually filmed the molecular structure of the water changing from disorganized arrays of crystals in polluted water, into beautiful snowflake formations included visible “messages” as through the water was actually “conscious.”

Dr. Horowitz, among Dr. Emoto’s leading scientific supporters, explains this metaphysically by relating the power of LOVE in human hearts to the power of the Creator to respond to prayer and heart-felt loving intentions to heal the world and be helpful to one another.

Hutchison and Lazaryan, likewise, are hoping to bless the planet with their new discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico.

"We declare PEACE," says Lazaryan, "the war upon the Gulf is over."

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The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm Of The Military / Security Complex
July 27 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

How much did the military-security complex pay the Atlantic Council to publish this sales pitch to Poland to load up on US weapons systems? The sales pitch was written by arms salesmen Richard Shirreff, a partner at Strategia Worldwide Ltd., and Maciej Olex-Szczytowski, a “business adviser specializing in defense.”

The sales pitch is titled “Arming For Deterrence.” The Kremlin is unpredictable, say the arms salesmen, and could at any moment decide to attack Poland. However the Russian regime “respects a show of force” and would back down if Poland has a sufficient inventory of US weapons.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World #50: The Atlantic Council

The sales pitch encourages Poland to take many aggressive and dangerous steps toward Russia, such as targeting Russia cities and facilities including RT. But before provoking the Bear like this, Poland needs “to join the tactical nuclear capability scheme within NATO, so enabling its F-16s to be carriers of tactical nuclear ordnance.”

Poland also needs to be able to strike deep inside Russia and for this needs to purchase American long-range JASSM air-launched cruise missiles, the Navy Strike missile coastal missiles, and the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems.

Poland also needs “offensive cyber operations” and “more tandem-warhead Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs) capable of penetrating reactive armor, and also anti-aircraft (including anti-helicopter) and anti-UAV missiles. “

The bill for this deterrence against non-existent “Russian aggression” comes to “some US $26 billion” on top of planned expenditures of US $34 billion.

“Poland should move forward expeditiously with procurements,” say the arms salesmen or risk being attacked by superior Russian forces.

The zionist neocons get away with their warmongering because it is profitable for the US military/security complex. Whereas the crazed neocons want real war, the military / security complex only wants the propaganda threat of war. The numerous military / foreign policy think tanks funded by the military / security complex provide the propaganda and made-up threat.

This is a dangerous game, because the Russians see a real threat in the hostility that is directed at them.

The anti-Russian propaganda is universal and includes the Olympic Games. Washington wants Russia excluded based on the allegation that only Russians take performance-enhancing substances.

What extraordinary nonsense.

I have a relative who travels widely to test athletes of every sport, even golf, for the use of performance-enhancing substances.

It is not the Russians who have corrupted “clean sports.” It is the money that the corrupt Americans have poured into sports. To be a champion, to win the Masters at Augusta National, to win a gold medal means to be a multi-millionaire.

Sports that people once played for enjoyment are now a lucrative profession.

Money corrupts everything, and it is capitalism that turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. In capitalist regimes everything is for sale: honor, integrity, justice, truth.

Everything is reduced to the filthy lucre.

Related: Putin to Western 'Elites': Play-Time is Over

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A Generation Of Poisoning With Gender-Bender Chemicals Has Created A New Class Of Youth Who Fail To Recognize Gender At All
July 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews

The success of the globalists in perverting the minds of Western youth is evident in a new study by the Innovation Group, which found that most people between the ages of 13 and 20 – what the mainstream media and social engineers have dubbed "Generation Z" – no longer believe in strictly-defined gender identities like "male" and "female."

These gender "binaries," which are really just the pronouns humanity has been using since the beginning of time to differentiate between individuals with external reproductive equipment versus internal reproductive equipment, are now "old-fashioned" to the youth of today, which the study found are more comfortable than previous generations using gender-neutral (and grammatically incorrect) pronouns like "they" and "them" to describe a single, genderless individual.

A majority of Gen-Z respondents, 52 percent, indicated that they aren't completely heterosexual, while 35 percent – an 11 percent increase compared to "Millennials" – admit that they fall somewhere along the spectrum of bisexuality. This spectrum identification for sexuality is further reflected in the more than 38 percent of Gen-Zers who claim they don't believe gender defines a person.

As far as the types of clothes and accessories they buy, 13–20 year-olds are much more fluid when it comes to sticking to a gender norm. Only 44 percent of Gen-Zers buy clothes exclusively designed for their own gender, while an astounding 70 percent say they support the idea that bathrooms become "genderless," welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to use them.

Gen-Z is likewise more accepting of others who don't identify by any specific gender pronoun, or who identify by "non-traditional" gender pronouns like "ze;" 74 percent of Gen-Zers fall into this category compared to just 62 percent of older Millennials between the ages of 21–34. But the one thing on which both Gen-Zers and Millennials agree? More people than ever are experimenting with their gender identity.

A 16-year-old pansexual (genderless) student from Nebraska by the name of "Madeleine" told VICE that "it" (for lack of a better pronoun) learned more about gender and identity from its peers than from older people, and that "agender," or no gender at all, is a young people's phenomenon.

"I also notice that people my age are more open to gender and sexuality being fluid and subject to change," Madeleine told VICE. "For a while, I identified as asexual, but as time went on and I changed, I realized that maybe I wasn't that way anymore."

Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals are Eliminating Sex, Gender

This lack of clarity about biological identity is a product of two things: relentless media propaganda and chemical poisoning with gender-bending chemicals found in plastics, herbicides and pesticides sprayed on our food, and environmental pollution. Chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), glyphosate, soy and other hormone-disruptors are altering human genes and producing next-generation "robot" humans with no gender, and thus no identity.

It's sad, really, because it could have been prevented through reforms that protect the people rather than the chemical and drug industries that produce these toxins. Food, water, air: It's all tainted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that, more often than not, mimic the effects of estrogen, meaning they deplete testosterone and create hormone imbalances that not only confuse children, but also affect their growth and development.

Young girls are becoming more "masculine," while young boys are becoming more "feminine" – an alchemy of the two sexes both physically and mentally that's changing the landscape of culture and civilization.

We've identified many sources of EDCs through our ongoing work at the Natural News Forensics Food Lab, which I encourage you to check out in order to learn more.

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Peace Foundation Project To Get Peer Mediation In Every School In NZ
July 26 2016 | From: NewZealandPeaceFoundation

The Peace Foundation is the operating name of the Foundation for Peace Studies Aotearoa / New Zealand Inc. - Te Tuapapa Rongomau o Aotearoa.The Peace Foundation is a not for profit organisation working to build peaceful relationships among people of all ages and cultures, from personal to global through education, research and action.

The director of Platoon, Wallstreet and JFK was at Comic-Con 2016 in San Diego to discuss his new movie Snowden. Considering the topic of the movie, the panel were discussing the NSA, online privacy and government surveillance.


Are you able to make a pledge to our initiative?

And could you let your network know about this too? Every small bit helps, and adding your name to that of Louisa Wall MP, Mayor Celia Wade Brown and Jeanette Fitzsimons helps to encourage others to follow your lead. 

The work we do is the kind of educational training that a progressive Government should finance given it contributes to peaceful communities, whanau and schools, something that reaches into the very soul of Aotearoa New Zealand, does it not?   

What else can we do to realise our target and help reduce crime, violence and aggression around our country?

With 24 days to go we have raised just over $24,000 with pledges made just recently. We won't get a cent of it if we don't raise $150,000 by14 August. 

Our desirable goal is to raise $300,000 so that we can get peer mediation into a further 160 schools around the country and develop a project to get it to every single school, realising the peaceful Aotearoa NZ that drives you and me and so many others.

Latest update - With 23 days to go, 50 generous donors have pledged $24,399.50 And we have just received some FANTASTIC news!!! If we can raise further pledges of $125,603.50, a private donor has offered to TOP THIS UP WITH A PLEDGE OF $150,030 to reach our big goal of $300,033!

Which means we can roll out our peer mediation trainings to a further 160 schools AND develop a project with partners to reach every single school in New Zealand.

Please continue to share this initiative to your network, and ask your friends, your neighbours, the fellow passenger in the bus, or next to you in an Auckland traffic jam (or wherever you are in New Zealand or the world) to make a pledge for peace!

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Oliver Stone: Pokemon Go Is A New Stage In “Totalitarism” And “Surveillance Capitalism”
July 26 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

Film director Oliver Stone believes that Pokemon Go is a tool capable of collecting massive amounts of data about its users and represents a step towards “robot society”.<

The director of Platoon, Wallstreet and JFK was at Comic-Con 2016 in San Diego to discuss his new movie Snowden. Considering the topic of the movie, the panel were discussing the NSA, online privacy and government surveillance.

A question from a fan lead Oliver Stone to lash out against today’s newest worldwide phenomenon: Pokemon Go.

“It’s a new level of invasion,” Stone said of the game. “Nobody has ever seen, in the history of the world, something like Google, ever. It’s the fastest-growing business ever, and they have invested huge amounts of money into what surveillance is, which is data-mining.

They’re data-mining every person in this room for information as to what you’re buying, what it is you like, and above all, your behavior.”

- CBS News, Oliver Stone: Pokemon Go is “totalitarianism”

Oliver Stone claims that Pokemon Go is yet another step towards “surveillance capitalism”.

“Pokemon Go kicks into that. It’s everywhere. It’s what some people call surveillance capitalism. It’s the newest stage,” he said. “You’ll see a new form of, frankly, a robot society, where they will know how you want to behave and they will make the mockup that matches how you behave and feed you. It’s what they call totalitarianism.”

– Ibid.

Shortly after the game launch, observers worried about the massive amount of permissions requested by Pokemon Go upon installation. The game indeed requested full access to user’s Google Accounts on iOS. Although game developer Niantic claims to have fixed this issue, the app still collects massive amounts of data.

“Niantic may collect - among other things - your email address, IP address, the web page you were using before logging into Pokémon Go, your username, and your location. And if you use your Google account for sign-in and use an iOS device, unless you specifically revoke it, Niantic has access to your entire Google account.

That means Niantic could have read and write access to your email, Google Drive docs, and more. (It also means that if the Niantic servers are hacked, whoever hacked the servers would potentially have access to your entire Google account.

And you can bet the game’s extreme popularity has made it a target for hackers. Given the number of children playing the game, that’s a scary thought.) You can check what kind of access Niantic has to your Google account here.

It also may share this information with other parties, including the Pokémon Company that co-developed the game, “third-party service providers,” and “third parties” to conduct “research and analysis, demographic profiling, and other similar purposes.” It also, per the policy, may share any information it collects with law enforcement in response to a legal claim, to protect its own interests, or stop “illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity.”

Now, none of these privacy provisions are of themselves unique. Location-based apps from Foursquare to Tinder can and do similar things. But Pokémon Go’s incredibly granular, block-by-block map data, combined with its surging popularity, may soon make it one of, if not the most, detailed location-based social graphs ever compiled."

– Buzzfeed News, “You Should Probably Check Your Pokémon Go Privacy Settings”

Senator Al Franken, the top Democrat on the Senate Privacy and Technology Subcommittee recently sent a letter to Niantic expressing concerns about privacy.

“The letter notes that Pokémon Go collects profile and account information, location data, and data “obtained through Cookies and Web Beacons.”

The game also asks permission to do things like control vibration and prevent the phone from sleeping. Franken wants to know what information and functions exist to support and improve services, and what’s being gathered for “other purposes.”

While this release is undoubtedly impressive, I am concerned about the extent to which Niantic may be unnecessarily collecting, using, and sharing a wide range of users’ personal information without their appropriate consent”.

– arstechnica, Sen. Franken asks Pokémon Go creator: Why all the privacy problems?

Some might claim that a bunch of apps already collect all of that information and that there is nothing new under the sun.

That is correct. Pokemon Go is simply yet another incremental step towards high tech control, where users are lured to specific locations and tracked during the entire time. In short, it is yet another level of heat in the pot.

“If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly.

As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death."

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Why Does New Zealand Still Fluoridate? TV Commercial From FFNZ
July 25 2016 | From: VinnyEastwood

Why Does NZ Still Fluoridate?

TV Commercial FFNZ

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WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Says His Next Leak Will Virtually Guarantee An Indictment Of Hillary Clinton
July 25 2016 | From: ScienceIsConsent

In a recent interview with ITV, Assange said the whistleblowing website will soon be leaking documents that will provide “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict the presumptive Democratic nominee.

WikiLeaks has already published 30,322 emails from Clinton’s private email server, spanning from June 30, 2010 to August 12, 2014. While Assange didn’t specify what exactly was in the emails, he did tell ITV that WikiLeaks had “accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton, which could proceed to an indictment.”

Related: WikiLeaks posts 20,000 DNC Emails

The founder Sharon Tennison has focused on making people-people connections including the business community, Rotary clubs, etc..This delegation was organized because of concern about escalating international tensions and the danger of a drift toward world threatening military conflict.

Assange hinted that the emails slated for publication contain additional information about the Clinton Foundation. He also reminded ITV’s Robert Peston that previously released emails contained one damning piece of communication from Clinton, instructing a staffer to remove the classification settings from an official State Department communication and send it through a “nonsecure” channel.

Berto Jongman: 20,000 DNC Emails Showing Malfeasance Now Posted by WikiLeaks with Thanks to Guccifer

Assange then pointed out that the Obama administration has previously prosecuted numerous whistleblowers for violating the government’s procedures for handling classified documents.

In regard to the ongoing FBI investigation, however, Assange expressed a lack of confidence in the Obama administration’s Justice Department to indict the former Secretary of State.

“[Attorney General Loretta Lynch] is not going to indict Hillary Clinton. It’s not possible that could happen. But the FBI could push for new concessions from the Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment.”

WikiLeaks has long been a thorn in the side of the former Secretary of State, who called on President Obama to prosecute the whistleblowing site after its 2010 leak of State Department cables. Julian Assange remains confined to the Ecuadorian Embassy in downtown London, as Ecuador has promised to not hand over the WikiLeaks founder to US authorities.

Relayted: Leaked DNC Emails Confirm Democrats Rigged Primary, Reveal Extensive Media Collusion

Related: 10 ways the Democratic primary has been rigged from the start

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Five Astonishing Facts That Will Make You Want To Stop Using Plastic Containers For Good
July 24 2016 | From: NaturalNews

There are plenty of good reasons to stop using plastic containers, ranging from health and environmental concerns, to simple practicality in the kitchen.

Considering the facts, there's really no good reason to continue buying products packed or bottled in plastic, or to use plastic containers for food storage at home – except when there are no other options available.

The founder Sharon Tennison has focused on making people-people connections including the business community, Rotary clubs, etc..This delegation was organized because of concern about escalating international tensions and the danger of a drift toward world threatening military conflict.

We were in Russia in late June as they were commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

Here are the top five facts regarding plastic versus glass:

Fact #1: The environmental impact of plastic is enormous
– Enough plastic is discarded each year to circle the Earth four times, and the average American throws away nearly 200 pounds of plastic each year. Billions of pounds of plastic are polluting our oceans and threatening marine life, killing 1 million sea birds and 100,000 marine animals annually. Fifty percent of plastic containers are used once and then thrown away.

Fact #2: Plastics are a threat to human health – Chemicals leached from plastic containers enter our bodies and can lead to serious health issues. Many of the substances used to make plastic are carcinogens, while others cause hormonal imbalances, birth defects and developmental problems. Plastics often contain lead, cadmium and mercury, which can be absorbed by the food or drinks they are used to contain – and subsequently end up in our bodies.

Fact #3: Glass is better for the environment – Glass containers can be used many times and can be recycled to make new containers. Plastic containers are "down-cycled" instead. In other words, when you throw away a plastic bottle it will be turned into other products (if it manages to get recycled at all). Every time you buy a plastic water bottle, it is made from "new" plastic.

Fact #4: Glass is more practical in the kitchen – One of the best things about glass containers is that they can be used for storage, cooking and serving. The same glass food container can be used from the refrigerator to the oven to the dining table. Glass containers can be used over and over again, and can be repurposed for other uses. If you buy a glass bottle containing pasta sauce or juice, for instance, it can be washed and used for storing other foods once its contents are consumed.

Fact #5: Glass does not absorb smells or colors – Plastic containers not only leach dangerous chemicals into food, but they also absorb smells and can become discolored. Glass containers, on the other hand, do not have this problem. Glass containers are more aesthetically pleasing as well.

Kicking the Plastic Habit

Of course, it's nearly impossible to avoid all plastic packaging, but it's relatively easy to significantly reduce the amount of plastic bags, bottles and containers you buy or use.

Many products, such as bottled water for example, are available in glass containers as well as plastic. If you buy your food fresh from local sources – which you should do anyway – you can often avoid any packaging at all.

A number of foods are also available in bulk form, meaning that you can use your own recyclable containers to carry and store them. It's easy to bring your own bags for shopping so that you don't have to use more plastic bags every time you go to the supermarket.

Reducing your "plastic footprint" isn't difficult at all once you begin to become aware and start looking for alternatives. In fact, you may be amazed at how much plastic packaging you can actually avoid using once you begin changing your habits.

Many of the things plastics are used for are completely unnecessary, so why not do yourself and the environment a big favor and start kicking your plastic addiction today?

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The Myth Of “Aggressive Russia”
July 23 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

Recently I went on a 15 day visit to Russia organized by the Center for Citizen Initiatives.The group visited Moscow, the Crimean peninsula, Krasnodar (southern Russia) and St. Petersburg.

In each location we met many locals and heard diverse viewpoints. CCI has a long history promoting friendship and trying to overcome false assumptions between citizens of the USA and Russia.

The founder Sharon Tennison has focused on making people-people connections including the business community, Rotary clubs, etc..This delegation was organized because of concern about escalating international tensions and the danger of a drift toward world threatening military conflict.

We were in Russia in late June as they were commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

They call it the Great Patriotic War where 27 million Soviet citizens died. In Russia it’s a very sober occasion in which they pay tribute to the fallen, acknowledge the heroes and underscore the horrors of war. Virtually everyone in Russia lost family members in World War 2 and there seems to be a deep understanding of what war and invasion mean.

It is alarming to see the constant drumbeat in Western media that Russia is aggressive, Russia invaded Crimea, Russia is a threat. Hardly a day goes by that the New York Times does not have an editorial or news story with the assertion or insinuation that Russia is “aggressive”.

Today’s op-ed by Andrew Foxall is an example. The “think tank “ director bemoans the British departure from the European Union and suggests that Russian President Putin may be behind it:

"Mr. Putin has spent the past 16 years trying to destabilize the West….. After Brexit, the union has lost not only one of its most capable members, but also one of its two nuclear powers and one of its two seats at the United Nations Security Council...

Mr. Putin checked the European Union’s expansion when he invaded Ukraine in 2014. The Continent’s security order is now in a perilous plight: If Mr. Putin senses weakness, he will be tempted into further aggression.

It is now common to hear the claim that Russia “invaded” Ukraine and is “occupying” Crimea.

The US and allies have imposed sanctions because of the Crimean decision to separate from Ukraine and rejoin Russia. Tourist cruise ships no longer stop at Crimean ports and international airlines are prohibited from flying directly to the international airport at the Crimean capital, Simferopol. Students from Crimean universities cannot transfer their academic credits to universities internationally.

Despite the sanctions and problems, Crimea appears to be doing reasonably well. In the past two years, the airport has been rebuilt and modernized. The streets of Balaclava, Sevastopol, Simferopol and Yalta are busy and bright. No doubt things could be much better and residents want the sanctions lifted, but there were no evident signs of shortages or poverty.

On the contrary, kids were enjoying ice cream, parks were full and streets busy late into the night. The famous Artek Youth Camp near Yalta is being refurbished with new dormitories, state of the art swimming pool and gymnasium. Right now they are handling 3,000 youth in the camp at one time with 30,000 kids from all over Russia this year.

A 12 mile bridge connecting Crimea to southern Russia is now half complete. A impressive video showing the design is here.

After 22 years as part of independent Ukraine following the breakup of the Soviet Union, what drove the people of Crimea to overwhelmingly support a referendum calling for ‘re-unification’ with Russia? Was this the result of intimidation or an ‘occupation’ by Russia?

We received a very strong sense from talking with many different people in Crimea that they are happy with their decision. The impetus was not aggression from Russia; the impetus came from the violence and ultra-nationalism of the foreign backed coup in Ukraine.

Protests against Ukraine’s Yanukovych government began in November 2013 in the “Maidan” (central square) in Kiev. Protesters included right wing nationalist and Nazi sympathizers hostile to the Yanukovych government. A significant faction glorified the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.

The US was deeply involved in promoting the “Maidan” protests and strategizing how to bring in a new government. Assistant Secy of State Victoria Nuland demanded the Yanukovych government do nothing to stop or prevent the increasing vandalism, attacks and intimidation.

With thugs in the street increasingly clashing with police, the US pressed the Ukrainian government to break economic ties with Russia as a condition for closer relations with Europe and loans from the International Monetary Fund.

On the surface, the US was encouraging Ukraine to strengthen ties with the European Union but in reality Nuland’s goals were about the US, NATO and undermining Russia. This was dramatically revealed in a secretly recorded phone call between Nuland and the US Ambassador to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt.

Nuland and Pyatt discussed who should and should not be in the coup government two weeks before the coup happened. As they conspired over the phone, Nuland expressed her displeasure with the EU’s reluctance to push the coup...

“Fuck the EU”
said the woman who six weeks earlier spoke glowingly of Ukraine’s “European aspirations”.

Prior to the coup, Nuland spoke of the high US “investment” in promoting “democracy” in Ukraine. In a December 2013 speech she said:

Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991 the United States has supported Ukrainians as they build democratic skills and institutions, as they promote civic participation and good governance, all of which are preconditions for Ukraine to achieve its European aspirations.

We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals…”
(approx 7:30 into the recording / US-Ukraine Foundation, 13 December 2013).

In mid December hundreds of Crimeans traveled to Kiev in buses to join peaceful protests in opposition to the Maidan protests seen on television. They stayed in Kiev through January and into February until the violence exploded on February 18 (2014). Altogether, 82 persons were killed including 13 police and 1100 injured.

At that point, the Crimeans decided peaceful protest was useless and to return home. The bus caravan departed Kiev on Feb 20 but was stopped at night near the town of Korsun.

The buses were torched and the Crimean travelers brutalized, beaten and seven killed. When news of this reached Crimea, it was yet another cause for alarm.

A video titled “The Crimes of Euromaidan Nazis” documents the events and includes interviews with numerous passengers. These atrocities against unarmed Crimeans were done on a public highway with no intervention from local Ukrainian police.

On Feb 21 the existing government came to a compromise agreement. But that did not appease the most violent protesters or their supporters. A parliamentarian was beaten in broad daylight and threats issued. President Yanukovych fled for his life and a new government, led by Victoria Nuland’s choice Arseniy Yatsenyuk, took charge.

The US and western allies quickly recognized the new government while Russia objected it was an illegal coup. In the first days of the new government a bill was passed to make Ukrainian the sole official language of the country.

Indeed there was aggression and violence in Ukraine but it was not from Russia. Rather, evidence indicated the violence was from the forces which led the coup. This was revealed in an intercepted phone conversation between British representative to the European Union, Catherine Ashton, and the Estonian Foreign Minister, Urmas Paet.

Paet reported that he had been to Kiev and;

“There is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind snipers it was not Yanukovych, it was somebody from the new coalition.”

 Instead of probing into the facts behind this dramatic information, Ashton said “Oh gosh. We will need to look into that” and quickly moved on.

Crimeans we spoke with described their shock and outrage at the events. In just four months they witnessed violent Maidan protests, the overthrow of the elected government, beatings and killings of citizens returning from Kiev, and then the removal of Russian as an official language.

In response, local leaders recommended a Crimea wide referendum with the option to officially re-unite with the country that Crimea had been part of for over two centuries. A referendum was held on March 16. Turnout was 89% with 96% voting in favor of the “reunification of Crimea with Russia”.

With the violent overthrow of the Kiev government and clear proof of US involvement in the coup it seems highly inaccurate to say that Russia “invaded” or is “occupying” Crimea. On the contrary, it seems to be the USA and allies which are “aggressive”.

The same reversal of reality is going on with the expansion of NATO. In recent weeks NATO has placed armed forces in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. NATO military expenses are already 13 times greater than that of Russia yet NATO plans to increase military spending even more.

Meanwhile the US unilaterally withdrew from the Anti Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in 2002 and is busy building and installing ABM sites in Alaska and now eastern Europe. With a serious face they have previously claimed these sites are being installed because of the danger of “Iranian missiles” but only a fool could take that seriously.

There is the additional risk that the same sites could be converted from anti ballistic missiles to contain nuclear warheads.

Are NATO and the US preparing for war? The public should be asking hard questions to our political and military leaders as they waste our tax dollars and risk global conflagration.

When the audio recording of Nuland and Pyatt discussing how to “midwife” the Kiev coup was revealed, the State Dept spokesperson was grilled about it. She responded “That’s what diplomats do”.

Enough of the nonsense that “Russia is aggressive” when the evidence indicates it’s the USA and allies who are destabilizing other countries, escalating a new arms buildup and promoting conflict instead of diplomacy.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

HSBC Global Head Of FX Cash Trading Arrested At JFK Airport
July 22 2016 | From: ZeroHedge

A historic event took place today ago when Mark Johnson, the global head of cash FX at HSBC was arrested at JFK airport for his role in a "conspiracy to rig currency benchmarks", and specifically for frontrunning customer orders. He is the first person charged by the US in the ongoing FX rigging probe.

As Bloomberg reports, a "senior manager at HSBC Holdings Plc was arrested in New York for his role in a conspiracy to rig currency benchmarks, according to two people familiar with the matter, becoming the first person to be charged in the Justice Department’s three-year investigation into foreign-exchange rigging at global banks."

The DOJ adds that Mark Johnson, 50, a U.K. citizen and U.K. and U.S. resident, and Stuart Scott, 43, a U.K. citizen and resident, were charged by complaint with conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Johnson was arrested last night at JFK International Airport in Queens, New York, and will be arraigned later today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Lois Bloom of the Eastern District of New York.

From his bio: Johnson is global head of foreign exchange cash trading at HSBC, based in London. Prior to joining HSBC in 2010, he was founding managing partner and chief investment officer at Johnson Stewart Partners. Before that, he was global head of trading at Deutsche Bank.

More details:

Mark Johnson, HSBC’s global head of foreign exchange cash trading in London, was taken into custody at John F. Kennedy International Airport Tuesday and is scheduled to appear before a judge in federal court in Brooklyn Wednesday morning, said the people, who asked not to be named because the case hasn’t been made public. He’s charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, the people said.

According to Bloomberg, Johnson’s arrest comes more than a year after five global banks pleaded guilty to charges related to the rigging of currency benchmarks. HSBC, which wasn’t part of those criminal cases, in November 2014 agreed to pay $618 million in penalties to U.S. and British regulators to resolve currency manipulation allegations.

HSBC, which still faces investigations by the Justice Department and other authorities for the conduct, has set aside $1.3 billion for possible settlements, according to an August filing.

Rob Sherman, an HSBC spokesman, and Peter Carr, a Justice Department spokesman, declined to comment.

From the DOJ complaint:

“As alleged, the defendants placed personal and company profits ahead of their duties of trust and confidentiality owed to their client, and in doing so, defrauded their client of millions of dollars,”
stated United States Attorney Capers.

“When questioned by their client about the higher price paid for their significant transaction, the defendants wove a web of lies designed to conceal the truth and divert attention away from their fraudulent trades.

The charges and arrest announced today reflect our steadfast commitment to hold accountable corporate executives and licensed professionals who use their positions to fraudulently enrich themselves.”

“The defendants allegedly betrayed their client’s confidence, and corruptly manipulated the foreign exchange market to benefit themselves and their bank,” said Assistant Attorney General Caldwell.

“This case demonstrates the Criminal Division’s commitment to hold corporate executives, including at the world’s largest and most sophisticated institutions, responsible for their crimes.”

The full details, as revealed in the DOJ complaint, allege that in November and December 2011, Johnson and Scott misused information provided to them by a client that hired HSBC to execute a foreign exchange transaction related to a planned sale of one of the client’s foreign subsidiaries. 

HSBC was selected to execute the foreign exchange transaction – which was going to require converting approximately $3.5 billion in sales proceeds into British Pound Sterling – in October 2011. 

HSBC’s agreement with the client required the bank to keep the details of the client’s planned transaction confidential.  Instead, Johnson and Scott allegedly misused confidential information they received about the client’s transaction. 

On multiple occasions, Johnson and Scott allegedly purchased Pound Sterling for HSBC’s “proprietary” accounts, which they held until the client’s planned transaction was executed. 

The complaint alleges that, as part of the scheme, both Johnson and Scott made misrepresentations to the client about the planned foreign exchange transaction that concealed the self-serving nature of their actions. 

Specifically, the complaint alleges that Johnson and Scott caused the $3.5 billion foreign exchange transaction to be executed in a manner that was designed to spike the price of the Pound Sterling, to the benefit of HSBC and at the expense of their client. 

In total, HSBC allegedly generated profits of roughly $8,000,000 from its execution of the FX Transaction for the Victim Company, including profits generated from the front running conduct by Johnson, Scott, and other traders whom they directed.


Also on Tuesday, the U.S. Federal Reserve banned former UBS Group AG trader Matthew Gardiner from the banking industry for life for his role rigging currency benchmarks. 

Gardiner used electronic chat rooms, with names including The Cartel and The Mafia, to facilitate the rigging of foreign-exchange benchmarks and to disclose confidential customer information to traders at other banks, the Fed said in astatement Tuesday. That matter is separate from the one involving Johnson, the people said.

Recall that DOJ unwillingness to prosecute HSBC was the ultimate catalyst that prompted former AG Eric Holder to admit that some banks are "too big to prosecute." Perhaps with this arrest things are slowly starting to change.

Now, if frontrunning clients is officially an arrest-worthy offense, we can't wait for the DOJ to unleash a crackdown on criminal HFT algos whose only purpose in "life" is to do just that.

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Why The Whole Banking System Is A Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP
July 22 2016 | From: Europarle / UKIPMEPS

Strausberg, 21 May 2013.

Joint debate: Banking Union: Single national supervisory mechanism.

You might also like: Nigel Farage Q&A at the RNC in Cleveland - Donald Trump Brexit

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof That Recorded History Is Wrong
July 21 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture.

Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history. 

An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago.

“Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,”
explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich.

“Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.”

The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years +/- 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site. Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Poland’s Silesian University first announced the news at a Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008.

Professor of Classical Archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggag called this discovery “writing new pages in European and World history.”

The C14 date of 29,000 years at the Bosnian Archaeological Park was obtained from a piece of organic material retrieved from a clay layer inside the outer casing to the pyramid. It follows a sample date obtained during the 2012 dig season on material located above the concrete at 24,800 years, meaning this structure has a construction profile stretching back almost 30,000 years.

“The ancient people who built these pyramids knew the secrets of frequency and energy. They used these natural resources to develop technologies and undertake construction on scales we have never witnessed on earth,
said Dr. Osmanagich.

Evidence clearly shows that the pyramids were built as ancient energy machines aligned with the earth’s energy grid, providing energy for healing as well as power.

Ancient historians in the US have news just as astonishing as anything found in the far corners of the globe. For instance, the Rockwall discovery outside of Dallas, Texas, is only one example of how we are now re-examining ancient mysteries to reveal more about our past, right in the United States.

H2 (History 2) popular series Unearthing Ancient America recently filmed an episode about the Rockwall that will air later this year. The Texas site is a complex and massive wall ten miles in diameter built over 20,000 years ago and covered by soil seven stories below the ground.

The question is by whom was this structure built and for what purpose and, most importantly, how can knowledge left by these past civilizations help shape our future?

Newly-revealed or rediscovered traces of ancient civilizations have ignited an innate curiosity about human origins as reflected by recent coverage in mainstream media and TV. The November 2013 issue of National Geographic: 100 Greatest Mysteries Revealed-Ancient Civilizations Unearthed says;

“Sometimes cultures leave behind mysteries that baffle those who come after them, from standing stones to coded manuscripts, indications that ancient people indeed had a profound purpose.”

Forward-thinking scientists continue to pursue knowledge from our past that is useful to determine a better future. Renowned author Michal Cremo in his book Forbidden Archeology theorizes that knowledge of advanced Homo-sapiens has been suppressed or ignored by the scientific establishment because it contradicts the current views of human origins that don’t agree with the dominant paradigm.

Cremo’s body of work has been described as “a useful teaching resource, raising a wide range of issues covering aspects of knowledge transfer, sure to be provocative in the classroom.” It has been reviewed with widespread appraisal by hundreds of academic journals.

Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey

Results clearly indicate that similar advanced civilizations of humans were present all across the globe at that time in history. For example, Gobekli Tepe located in Eastern Turkey, is a vast complex of enormous megalithic stone circles with a radius of between 10 and 20 meters, much larger than the well-known Stonehenge in Great Britain.

Excavations at Gobekli Tepe that began there in 1995 revealed radio carbon dating at least 11,600 years. German archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, with the support of ArchaeoNova Institute from Heidelberg, Germany, has led the excavation of these recently-discovered pre-historic megalithic circles at the Turkey location.

“Gobekli Tepe is one of the most fascinating Neolithic locations in the world,” Dr. Klaus Schmidt claims. But as he explains in a recent report, to understand the new finds, archaeologists need to work closely with specialists in comparative religion, architectural and art theory, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, sociologists using social network theory, and others.

“It is the complex story of the earliest, large settled communities, their extensive networking, and their communal understanding of their world, perhaps even the first organized religions and their symbolic representations of the cosmos,”
as reported by Klaus Schmidt.

In addition to the megalithic structures, figures and carvings have been discovered, depicting animals of pre historic nature such as dinosaurs and other wild life. Since excavations started in 1995, four of the circles have been partially cleaned, but it is thought that there are a total of up to 50 circles hidden underground. 

These vast monoliths, soaring seven meters in height and 25 tons in mass at Gobekli Tepe, are situated right in the heart of what we perceive as the origin of civilization. This find offers new guidance to the true history of earth and our ancient civilizations.

“Our archaeological research goal is not to simply uncover all of the megalithic circles but to try to figure out their purpose,” adds Schmidt.

Bosnian Pyramid Now in Eighth Year: Proof of Advanced Civilizations from over 30,000 years ago

The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids now in the eighth year of excavation spans six square kilometers in the Visoko River Basin 40km northwest of Sarajevo. Comprised of four ancient pyramids almost three times the size of Giza and an extensive subterranean pyramid tunnel complex, new discoveries each year continue to reveal proof of a much different history of mankind on earth.

The central pyramid of the Sun rises a colossal 420 meters in to the air and has a mass of millions of tons. By comparison the Great pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the Giza plateau is 146 meters high, making the Bosnian Pyramids the largest and oldest known pyramids on the planet.

Since research began at the Bosnian site, Dr. Osmanagich has amazed the scientific and archaeological community by gathering a team of interdisciplinary engineers, physicists and researchers from around the world to conduct open and transparent investigation of the site to try and discover the true nature and purpose of this pyramidal complex.

“This is an unknown culture presenting highly-advanced arts and sciences, technology capable of forming truly massive structures and we believe in that process demonstrating an ability to harness pure energy resources,”
comments Tim Moon, who has recently joined Osmanagich as lead archeologist at the Bosnian site.

The archaeological project delivered another significant finding this year in the pyramid tunnel complex known as Ravine. Tunneling deep into a ridge line leading toward the Pyramid of the Sun the team has unearthed several megalith stones. 

Oh yeah, that one was definitely made with ropes and pulleys too. Sigh.

In August an enormous stone estimated at 25,000 kgs was uncovered approximately 400 meters into the labyrinth. This is a hugely significant find,”comments Moon. Here we have a massive stone, possibly a constructed ceramic, buried under hundreds of thousands of tons of material.

We are locating foundation walls around its perimeter and cut stone blocks.” Large quantities of artifacts have been recovered from the associated tunnels leading to the site, including effigies painted on stone, art objects and a series of hieroglyphics or ancient texts carved into the tunnel walls.

Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past.

“It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species, and this demands a clear path of shared knowledge.”

Visitors are welcome to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and its Foundation offers a volunteer program each dig season, running June to September.

To hear Dr. Sam’s interview on Lost Knowledge go here.

For more on the Bosnian Pyramids go to www.icbp.ba.

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The Incredible Hidden Life Of Trees
July 21 2016 | From: UpliftConnect

Seven amazing facts you may not know: Trees have captured the human imagination since the beginning of time. Watching their cycles of growth, shedding of leaves, and re-flowering in the spring, people have long perceived trees as powerful symbols of life, death, and renewal.

We look to them for inspiration when we need grounding energy, as their roots descending deep into the Earth remind us of our own connection to and dependence on our planet for stability and life. Trees live for hundreds or even thousands of years, and so we revere them as keepers of past secrets and sentinels of the future.

Forests cover one-third of the Earth’s landmass. They provide a home to at least 80% of land-based plants, animals, and insects. Trees are one of our main defenses against climate change, as they balance our air by absorbing carbon dioxide from human activities and turning it into oxygen; they also protect watersheds by holding our soil in place.

In honor of the International Day of Forests on March 21, here are seven incredible facts about the hidden life of trees.
tree1Trees have captured the human imagination since the beginning of time.

1. Pando, or the Trembling Giant

Pando is a grove of approximately 47,000 quaking aspen trees in Utah. This remarkable group of trees is considered a single organism, because all the trees share a single root system and each tree is genetically identical. New trees are produced by sprouting from the massive parent root system. It is estimated that Pando has been alive at least 80,000 years, making it one of the oldest living things on the planet.

Consider that when this tree colony first sprouted from the ground, humans would still not arrive on North America for another 50,000 years. In some parts of the planet, Neanderthal people were still 30,000 years from going extinct. The 106-acre grove of trees has seen unimaginable changes, living through the ice age and at times being completely burnt down above ground, but surviving and renewing itself below ground.

Pando treesThe stunning pando trees

2. More than 25% of Western pharmaceuticals originate in rainforest plants.

There are 3,000 plants currently recognized by the U.S. National Cancer Institute as active against cancer cells, and 70% of these come from rainforests. Perhaps this is why the shamans of the Amazon believe that for every human ailment, the rainforest holds a cure.

And yet, only 1% of all rainforest plants have actually been studied (by modern science) for medicinal purposes. Imagine how many valuable healing plants are destroyed or even made extinct as the rainforests are cleared at a rate of 1.5 acres per second. Due to rainforest destruction, the Earth loses approximately 137 species of plants, animals, and insects per day.

3. Not all rainforests are in tropical zones.

The Pacific Temperate Rainforest is the largest remaining coastal temperate rainforest on Earth. It is situated along the Pacific Coast and stretches from Northern California up to the Prince William Sound in Alaska. It is characterized by high amounts of rainfall, more than 10 feet per year in some areas; and in many places the forest grows right up to the shoreline. It includes the Great Bear Rainforest in western Canada, home to the Spirit Bear, a rare subspecies of black bear with a white coat.

A National Geographic article about the Great Bear Rainforest states: “Grizzlies, black bears, wolves, wolverines, humpback whales, and orcas thrive along a coast that has been home to First Nations like the Gitga’at for hundreds of generations. It’s a spooky, wild, mysterious place: There are wolves here that fish. Deer that swim. Western red cedar trees that have stood a thousand years or more. And a black bear that is white.”

Alt text hereSpirit bear in the Great Bear Rainforest

4. In many cultures, it is believed that hugging a tree releases negative energy from the human body.

Many people believe that trees, like humans and all living things, possess an energetic vibration and an aura. Because trees’ vibrations are slower and deeply connected to the Earth through their roots, connecting with trees can help us to feel safe, secure, and stable.

Most would agree that a walk in the forest or even simply gazing at a tree provides a deep feeling of peace and serenity, and can be emotionally and psychologically healing.
5. People in Malaysia maintain a very intimate relationship with trees.

Among the Sng’oi indigenous people, a person and a tree can belong together, and this relationship is maintained for life. When a person belongs with a tree, they also belong with its offspring: any trees that grow from the seeds of the first tree, no matter how far they become scattered.

Also in Malaysia, trees are planted around houses so closely that the walls of the homes may give way to the growing roots. In the graveyards, the trees are allowed to take root into graves, and it is said that the trees whisper prayers to the creator asking for the forgiveness of sins of those buried in that place.These practices speak to an ancient knowing that people and trees are intimately interconnected throughout life and forever in history.

Hugging a tree can release negative energy from the bodyHugging a tree can release negative energy from the body

6. Trees are literally saving our lives every day.

A July 2014 study showed that trees prevent $6.8 billion per year in averted health costs annually, just in the United States. It is estimated that by removing massive amounts of air pollution through their leaves, trees “prevented 850 human deaths and 670,000 cases of acute respiratory symptoms in 2010 alone.”

Studies show that trees in urban areas are removing 4 to 8 times the pollution from the air as their equivalents in rural areas. This highlights the importance of planting trees everywhere we possibly can, and especially in highly-populated areas where pollution is highest.

Trees are saving our livesTrees are an important part of our lives

7. Trees in a forest communicate with one another through underground networks.

Trees are connected below the ground by mycorrhizal fungi, which live symbiotically with the roots of the trees. Both the trees and the fungi need each other to survive. But that’s not all. Because the fungi essentially connect the roots of one tree to another, the trees can use the fungi to pass nutrients to one another.

So, for example, in winter when aspens are weaker, nearby conifers were found to pass additional nutrients to the aspens to keep them healthy. Similarly, older, more-established trees pass nutrients through the fungi to young seedlings which need to grow larger toward the sun’s light in order to survive. The largest, oldest trees in the forest serve as the hub because they possess and produce large amounts of resources, and their massive roots spread out in all directions.

When one tree is attacked by insects, it distributes pheromonal chemicals through the fungi beneath the soil to warn nearby trees of a possible attack so the other trees can prepare by changing the chemical makeup of their leaves. The fungal networks also strengthen the immune systems of the trees.

So not only do different species of trees help each other out in the forest, but fungi and even other types of plants join the underground network and communicate together to support the health of the entire ecosystem. There is documented proof that when a tree is dying, it releases its resources into the root networks so that its neighbors can benefit from the nourishment that it will no longer need - it is making the ultimate sacrifice.

Trees communicate with each other below the groundTrees communicate with each other below the ground

Natural, Sacred and Wild

In closing, here is a beautiful poem written by Clare Dakin of TreeSisters, which will help you to deepen your connection with trees and with all of nature:

Let the birds take your clothes
Let the waves undo your holding back
Let the vines unravel your tired mind
And the earth savour your sweat and tears.

Let your stories burn off like rising mist,
As your past and the false floors of curbed self love
Dissolve into butterfly wings and fire flies
As your edges blur and your Planetary Self ignites.

Let the trees bathe your breath
Let the meadows embrace you
Let the mountains and the bees remind you
Let the sky flood in and allow the clouds to guide you.

Let your undoing be as total
As your becoming is beautiful –
And when the living world has climbed inside
Enough for you to feel four legs, scales and wings.

May you finally know yourself alive as all things –
Indivisible and responsible
Reborn into wholeness
Natural, Sacred and Wild

~ Clare Dakin

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The Dangers Of The “5G” Rollout
July 20 2016 | From: TakeBackYourPower

If you care about your health, your children, your pets, your environment it is imperative that you understand the implications of this freight train that is headed down the tracks.

I hope you get the same chills down your spine I get when you read this and are compelled to take swift action!

After reading this post, get informed about the electronic soup we are all frying in. Watch what 18 world class experts are sharing on the EMF summit.

Untested 28GHz radiation blasting from millions of new hidden antennas and tuned-up "smart" meters. A corporate free-for-all, with oversight eliminated. Total, for-profit surveillance. An "internet of everything" with "hundreds of billions of microchippable products". Everywhere and everything... and eventually, everyone.

This is not sci-fi. This is FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler's insane new plan, slickly badged as "5G". The US government's own NTP cancer study inconveniently concluded that yes - cellular radiation DOES increase cancer. Now, the industy-lobbyist-turned-government-czar gave an uber-creepy speech invoking technocracy's endgame with a stomach-churning sense of urgency.

Check out Wheeler's creepy speech for yourself, here. He stammers through it like a man mostly-possessed. This is desperation on their part. They know full well that the next phase of the megalomanic rollout needs to happen before the SHTF for them, and the tipping point is reached in terms of a convergent awareness of wireless health / surveillance / technocratic insanity- and their liability.

So let's engage and make some noise. Your voice is needed today. This plan is being fast-tracked & voted on tomorrow, Thursday July 14. Let the FCC and this government know that if they do not listen to science and reason, they will be held accountable and liable for their actions. Money is not only their god - it's their language.

Speak up and stop 5G now.

This one is heavy. Hang in there. It is darkest before the dawn. But in the night, act we must.

So it's handy when you contact the FCC & reps, here once again is a list of science-based resources:

1) 34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi

2) Several thousand studies that indicate a biological effect and/or harm:





3) Radiofrequency science charts to visually compare studies, radiation intensities and biological effects

4) Apple manual states to keep your iPhone away from your body at all times

5) Study: Mobile phones are cooking men's sperm

6) Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, wireless home appliances

7) American Academy of Pediatrics warns: Limit children's exposure to cellphones

8) More than 60 international warnings on Wi-Fi and microwave radiation

9) A List of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations Taking Action On Wi-Fi (USA, Canada, UK, etc).

10) TED Talk from a former Environmental Engineer in Silicon Valley

11) Insurance giant Swiss RE has given electromagnetic frequencies the HIGHEST possible long term risk rating

12) Another insurance giant, Lloyd's of London, will not insure anything wireless

13) Risk Management Magazine - The Invisible Threat: Radiofrequency Radiation Risk

14) US CDC retracts cellphone radiation warning following pressure from industry lobbyists

15) WHO involved in suppression of additional science showing harm, since 2011

16) Study Uncovers How Electromagnetic Fields Amplify Pain in Amputees

17) CEO of 1 Billion-dollar U.K. company speaks out on microwave sickness

18) Dozens of specific scientific abstracts that all show harm

19) Solutions: Reducing Wirelesss Radiation and EMF

20) Solutions: Reducing Your EMF Exposure

21) Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals; $25 Million NTP Study Finds Brain Tumors

This is so important and you need to understand it and protect yourself, your family, and your pets. Create a safe environment and use technology wisely!  

Update: July 14, 2016

There’s no stopping this freight train.

In a unanimous vote this morning, the Federal Communications Commission approved a plan to begin readying the United States for 5G wireless networks.

It’s the biggest expansion yet and will make many more people ill!

Now more than ever you need to know how to best protect yourself and your family using technology wisely. Get informed!

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

MMS Does Not CureStupidity
July 20 2016 | From: JimHumble / MMSnews

You might say to yourself, “well, that is a different topic”. Yes, it is and let me explain to you why I feel I needed to write about this topic.

First of all, we at the Genesis II Church have the ability to “cure”, “heal” and “treat” 95+% of the world's diseases effectively and permanently! This is contrary to the “mainstream medical” procedures which only “treat” symptoms and are not in the business to cure anything!

Did you see what I just wrote? Did it sink in? If what I am saying is true then the people that trust the medical system to “cure” them of any disease are wasting their time! The whole system is set up to keep you as a client, i.e. “sick your entire life and dependent on their system”. To me, for a person to trust a system like that is pure STUPIDITY. MMS cannot cure stupidity!

The definition of “stupid” is lacking thought or intelligence.  Example: I just made another stupid mistake.

Another definition of “stupid” is silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence: Example: She was really stupid to quit her job like that. (Source)

I am not calling anyone stupid but, the action of trusting a system that cannot, will not and does not want to cure anything, is plain stupid!

Now, you might say, well, that is a little harsh and people just don't know, so they are not stupid but “ignorant” of the truth. Well, that might be correct in principle but in reality, if a person is trusting his or her life to a system that is profiting by people being sick then that is not ignorance but stupidity to me.

Every day people see the population worldwide becoming sicker and sicker. How many of us have seen friends and relatives die slow painful deaths due to mainstream medical procedures? It is not ignorance when we all see it every day.

The problem is people are lazy and do not want to take control of their own health so, they transfer the control of their most precious gift and commodity they have -LIFE- to a “medical doctor”.

The words “medical doctor” are not synonymous with truth and science.

In our world people today  “revere”, “respect” and even “worship” anyone that is called a “medical doctor”. Although, I believe people that have worked hard to achieve a certain degree deserve the recognition for their hard work, I don't believe that they should be “blindly” followed or believed as having all truth when it comes to health.

I am NOT saying that a man or woman that is studying “medicine” are not smart individuals. No, just the contrary. They are some of the smartest people I have known on an intellectual level. The “truth” is they  “sincerely” believe what they have been taught is the truth, but they are “sincerely wrong”!

The sad story is a medical doctor has been trained in a profession that DOES NOT have, as its goal, to cure ANY disease but to control symptoms of disease. This is taught in every government approved medical school in the world. “Government approved” medical schools are nothing more than medical schools that are controlled by the same people that own the pharmaceutical companies!

Medical Mafia

Paid for fraudulent research science papers: WakingScience Look at the billions pharmaceutical companies are paying for negligence and fraud by drugs “approved” by FDA! • GSK sued for 3 billion!

Pharmacuetcial heads telling the truth

HPV Vaccine

Brain damage, death and other horrors


High cholesterol scam

High blood pressure


Pharmaceutical package inserts

You see all the above facts and you still trust the pharmaceutical / medical industry? How about the fact that the Rockefeller family has ownership of every drug company in the world

There is a controversial movie called, “Vaxxed” that exposes how the MMR vaccine is linked to autism. The information is good about the CDC hiding data but the message from the producer is just plain “stupid”!  

He states that parents should wait until the 3rd year before their child receives the MMR vaccine. A child should never receive this vaccine no matter what the age!  This idea of getting the vaccine in the 3rd year is STUPID!  MMS cannot cure this kind of stupidity!

Links between MMR vaccine and Autism.

Again, I am not calling anyone stupid, only the actions of people I am calling stupid. Can you see why I would say this? Ask yourself if you are acting stupid in regard to your health?  Every person on earth needs to “take control” of his or her health! Each person needs to do their “due diligence”, meaning research it out and see what is best for his or her personal health.

I guarantee that poisoning the body with medicines, toxic chemicals and unhealthy foods is not the way. This is the “allopathic” method taught and used in 95% of the world's medical systems! You have to look elsewhere to find how to restore and maintain health. Here is a guy, Donald, that just left our Colombia Health Restoration Center. He had done his due diligence and after 10 years finally found what helped him when all other methods he tried failed!

Donald's 30 day experience at the G2 Colombian Health Restoration Center.

Another way to do your own “due diligence” and “take control” of your own health is to take the Genesis II Church On line Video Course.

Here you can not only learn how to start using MMS and the G2 sacraments that “cure” 95% of the world's diseases but learn “how to make MMS” in your own home! We now have over 1750 “health ministers” worldwide in over 120 countries! Join us and help us change the world!

Send your family and friends this link to help them understand what the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing is doing worldwide with MMS and its Sacramental protocols: www.QuantumLeap.is

It has helped a lot of people decide to do their own “due diligence” in regard to restoring or maintaining their health!

We are changing the world by the 10's of 1,000's

Archbishop Mark S. Grenon

Have you or anyone you know had good results with MMS? Please share a testimony at our MMS Testimonials site: Write a testimony.

Where to find MMS Testimonials:

MMS Video Testimonials

Written MMS Testimonials

Written MMS Testimonials - G2CFORUM.ORG

MMS Video Testimonials on YouTube

MMS Video Testimonials on Twitter

MMS Video Testimonials on Facebook

Jim Humble Interviews:

Jim Humble Talks to Freedom Central About MMS

More Jim Humble Interviews, Audio, Video

Responses to MMS Critics:

Jim Humble Responds to Rita O'Reilly RTE Current Affairs TV in Dublin Ireland (04-02-2015)

Collection of responses to MMS Critics at the Genesis II Forum

Archbishop's Response to (ABC)'s Lisa Barley Undercover Reporter (03-08-2015)

England Attacks Religous Freedom

Guides - Tutorials - Howtos:

How to make MMS: Sodium Chlorite 22.4% (YouTube)

CD Autism recovery statistics:

The book: 'Healing The Symptoms Known as Autism'.

A total of 223 children have been recovered (ATEC score of 10 or below,) using the CD Autism parasite protocol published in Kerri Rivera´s new book Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism available here. CD stands for Chlorine Dioxide, which is an inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle, anti-pathogenic.

Undeniable proof that the Red Cross cured 154 Malaria cases with MMS, in their water purification study in Uganda, 2012: This video was leaked and released 1st of July 2013 and makes it impossible for the Red Cross to keep claiming that the study never took place, as was their response to the 2nd of may video.

Red Cross cures 154 Malaria cases in Uganda with MMS: This video was released 2nd of May 2013.

Autism Moms with MMS miracle stories (videos).

Basic Science of MMS: Read more (MMS wiki)

MMS Truthful Wiki: mmswiki.is

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The Reasons Why The Globalists Are Destined To Lose
July 19 2016 | From: ActivistPost

Under the surface of almost every sociopolitical and economic event in the world there burns an ever-raging, but often unseen, war. This war, for now, is fought with fiction and with truth, with journalistic combat and with quiet individual deeds. It is defined by two sides which could not be more philosophically or spiritually separate.

On one side is a pervasive network of corporate moguls and elites, banking entities, international financial consortiums, think tanks and political puppets.

They work tirelessly to reshape public psychology and society as a whole into something they sometimes call the “New World Order;” a completely and scientifically centralized planet in which they control every aspect of government, trade, life and even moral compass. I often refer to them simply as the “Globalists,” which is how they at times refer to themselves.

On the other side is a movement that has developed organically and instinctively, growing without direct top-down “leadership,” but still guided through example by various teachers and activists, driven by a concrete set of principles based in natural law. It is composed of the religious, the agnostic and even some atheists. 

It is soldiered by people of all ethnic and financial backgrounds. These groups are tied together by a singular and resounding belief in the one vital thing they can all agree upon - the inherent and inborn rights of freedom. I call them the “Liberty Movement.”

There are those who think they do not have a dog in this fight, those who ignore it and those who are completely oblivious to it. However, EVERYONE can and will be affected by it, no exceptions. This war is for the future of the human race.

Its consequences will determine if the next generation will choose the conditions of their environment and maintain the ability to reach their true potential as individuals or if every aspect of their lives will be micromanaged for them by a faceless, soulless bureaucracy that does not have their best interests at heart.

As you can probably tell, I am not unbiased in my examination of these two sides. While some of the more “academically minded” cynics out there do attempt to marginalize the entire conflict by accusing both sides of simply trying to impose “their ideology” on the rest of humanity, I would say that such people are generally ignorant of what is at stake.

There is in fact an elemental force behind this war. I would even call it a conflagration between good and evil. For a more in-depth analysis on the evil behind globalism, read my article “Are Globalists Evil Or Just Misunderstood?

Some people don’t adhere to such absolutes or they think good and evil are fantasies created by religion to keep society in check. I have no intention of trying to convince them otherwise. All I can say is, I have seen and experienced these absolutes first hand and, therefore, I have no choice but to remain a believer.

I would also point out that the general experience of most men and women is that the act of organized and legitimate oppression is inherently evil and such actions in the name of satisfying delusional elitist narcissism are even more evil.

While these experiences are subjective, they are also universal, regardless of the culture, place or time in history. Most of us feel the same horror and the same defiance when presented with rising tyranny. We can’t necessarily explain why, but we all know.

While I am firmly on the side of liberty and am willing to fight and trade my life to stop the “New World Order” the globalists are so obsessed with, I will not turn this examination of their tactics into a blind or one-sided farce. I will point out where the elites are effective just as I will point out where they are ineffective.

It would do more harm than good to portray the globalists as “stupid” or bumbling in their efforts. They are not stupid. They are actually astonishingly clever and should not be underestimated.

They are indeed conniving and industrious, but they are not wise. For if they were wise, they would be able to see the ultimate futility of their goal and the world would be saved decades of tragedy and loss. Their cultism has dulled their senses to reality and they have abandoned truth in the name of control.

Here are some of the primary strategies that the globalists are using to gain power and work towards total centralization and why their own mindset has doomed them to failure.

Globalism vs. “Populism”

The globalists have used the method of false dichotomies for centuries to divide nations and peoples against each other in order to derive opportunity from chaos. That said, the above dichotomy is about as close to real as they have ever promoted.

As I explained in my article "Globalists Are Now Openly Demanding New World Order Centralization." the recent passage of the Brexit referendum in the U.K. has triggered a surge of new propaganda from establishment media outlets. The thrust of this propaganda is the notion that “populists” are behind the fight against globalization and these populists are going to foster the ruin of nations and the global economy. 

That is to say - globalism good, populism bad. There is a real fight between globalists and those who desire a free, decentralized and voluntary society. They have just changed some of the labels and the language. We have yet to see how effective this strategy will be for the elites, but it is very useful for them in certain respects.

The wielding of the term “populist” is about as sterilized and distant from “freedom and liberty” as you can get. It denotes not just “nationalism,” but selfish nationalism. And the association people are supposed to make in their minds is that selfish nationalism leads to destructive fascism (i.e. Nazis).  Therefore, when you hear the term “populist,” the globalists hope you will think “Nazi.”

Also, keep in mind that the narrative of the rise of populism coincides with grave warnings from the elites that such movements will cause global economic collapse if they continue to grow. Of course, the elites have been fomenting an economic collapse for years.

We have been experiencing many of the effects of it for some time. In a brilliant maneuver, the elites have attempted to re-label the liberty movement as “populist” (Nazis), and use liberty activists as a scapegoat for the fiscal time bomb THEY created.

Will the masses buy it? I don’t know. I think that depends on how effectively we expose the strategy before the breakdown becomes too entrenched. The economic collapse itself has been handled masterfully by the elites, though. There is simply no solution that can prevent it from continuing.

Even if every criminal globalist was hanging from a lamp post tomorrow and honest leadership was restored to government, the math cannot be changed and decades of struggle will be required before national economies can be made prosperous again.

Communism vs. Fascism

This is a classic ploy by the globalists to divide a culture against itself and initiate a calamity that can be used as leverage for greater centralization down the road.  If you have any doubts about fascism and communism being engineered, I highly suggest you look into the very well-documented analysis of Antony Sutton. I do not have the space here to do his investigations justice.

Today, we see elites like George Soros funding and aiding the latest incarnation of the communist hordes - namely social justice groups like Black Lives Matter. 

The collectivist psychosis and Orwellian behavior exhibited by race junkies like BLM and third-wave feminists is thoroughly pissing off conservatives who are tired of being told what to think and how to act every second of every day. And this is the point…

If you want to get a picture of America in 2016, look back at Europe during the 1930s. Communist provocateurs, some real and some fabricated by the establishment itself, ran rampant in Europe creating labor disintegration and fiscal turmoil. The elites then funded and elevated fascism as the “solution” to communism.

Normally even-handed conservatives were so enraged by the communist spitting and ankle biting that they became something just as evil in response.

The U.S. may be on the same path if we are not careful. The latest shootings in Texas will make hay for the globalists. Think about this for a moment - on one side you have Obama telling the liberals that the answer to police brutality is to federalize law enforcement even more that it already is.

On the other side, you have some Republicans arguing that a more militarized police presence will help prevent groups like BLM from causing more trouble. Notice that the only solution we are being offered here is more federal presence on our streets?

I do see, though, a rather large weakness in the plan to ignite a communist vs. fascist meltdown in the U.S., and that weakness is the existence of the Liberty Movement itself.  The movement has grown rather sophisticated in its media presence and prevalent in influence. It does have enough sway now to defuse some aspects of a rise to fascism in the political Right.

The only option the elites have is to find a way to co-opt us. If they can manipulate the Liberty Movement into supporting a fascist system, then they would be very close to winning the entire fight. This would be highly unlikely given the stubbornness of liberty proponents when adhering to their principles.

The 'elites' might be able to get a large part of the public to take sides in their false paradigm, but if they can’t con the millions that make up the Liberty Movement into the fold, then their job becomes much harder.

Moral Compass vs. Moral Relativism

Moral relativism is perhaps the pinnacle goal of the globalists. Why? Because if you can convince an entire society that their inherent conscience should be ignored and that their inborn feelings of morality are “open to interpretation,” then eventually ANY evil action can be rationalized. When evil becomes “good,” and good becomes evil, evil men will reign supreme.

The problem is, conscience is an inborn psychological product, a result of inherent archetypal dualities universal to almost all people. It is ingrained in our DNA, or our very souls if you believe in such a thing. It cannot be erased easily.

Moral relativism requires a person to treat every scenario as a “gray area.”  This is not practical. Conscience dictates that we treat every situation as potentially unique and act according to what we feel in our hearts is right given the circumstances.  This does not mean, though, that there is no black and white; or that there are no concrete rules. 

There is almost always a black and white side to any situation dealing with right and wrong.  Moral “dilemmas” are exceedingly rare.  In fact, I don’t think I have ever encountered a real moral dilemma in history or in personal experience. The only time I ever see moral dilemmas is in movies and television.

Only in television fantasy is moral relativism ever the “only way” to solve a problem. And despite the preponderance of moral relativism in our popular culture, the ideology is still having trouble taking hold.  If it was so easy to undermine conscience, then the NWO would have already achieved complete pacification. We are still far from pacification. Whoever hardwired our conscience should be applauded.

Collectivism vs. Individualism

The very core of globalism and the NWO is the position that sovereignty and individualism must be sacrificed for the “good of the group;” in other words, they promote collectivism.  Of course, groups by their very nature are abstractions; they only exist as long as the individuals within them recognize them as viable. 

Unfortunately, collectivists do not accept this fact because it would mean that the group, no matter how utopian, is not the pinnacle of human existence – rather, the individual is and always will be the pinnacle of human existence.

The elites MUST convince people that individualism is dangerous and that collectivism is the only way to prevent the tragedies wrought by those who wish to be separate

Of course, most of the tragedies we experience on a national or global scale are actually engineered by the elites, not by wild individuals or sovereign nations looking for trouble.  They then blame the very concept of sovereignty as a barbaric ritual from the past that must be abolished for the sake of all.

In order for the globalists to reinforce the need for collectivism, though, they must engage people on an individual psychological level. 

Most human beings have an inherent desire to interact with their fellow man, but they also have an inherent identity and drive to pursue their own development without interference.  We like to be a part of a group as long as our participation is healthy and voluntary and our associations are a matter of choice.

Human beings are instinctively tribal, but we have psychological and biological limits to the size of the tribe we prefer to be a part of.  Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology prevalent in the 1990s, found that there is a cognitive limit to the number of individuals any one person can maintain stable relationships with. 

Dunbar found this number to be between 100 – 200 people. A limitation also extends to the size of effective groups versus ineffective groups. He found that effective tribes and communities tend to remain between 500 - 2500 people.

The human mind does not adapt well to vast tribal groups, and recoils from the idea of a “global tribe.” The truth is, human beings function far better in smaller groups and they do not like to be forced into participating in any group, let alone larger groups. 

This may account for the feeling of isolation that is common among people who live in metropolitan areas. They are surrounded by millions of neighbors and perhaps hundreds of associates yet they still feel alone because they do not have a functioning tribe of acceptable size.

Vast numbers of people can be tied together by an ideal that resonates with them, which is the only purpose for nations to form (to protect that ideal), but that is as far as the voluntary association goes. 

Globalist collectivism is simply unnatural.  People know it unconsciously, they know it is an act of force and oppression, and will invariably move to sabotage its false tribalism as they begin to see its true colors.

Total Control vs. Reality

This is where the globalist philosophy really begins to break down. The elitist pursuit of total information awareness and total social control is truly perverse and insane, and insanity breeds delusion and weakness.  The fact is, they will NEVER complete the goal of complete micro-control. It is mathematically and psychologically impossible.

First, in any system, and in complex systems most of all, there are always elements that cannot be quantified or predicted.

To understand this issue, I recommend studying the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. To summarize, the uncertainty principle dictates that anyone observing a system in action, even from a distance, can still affect the behavior of that system indirectly or unconsciously in ways they could never predict. 

They are also limited by their ability to objectively perceive all available elements of what they observe. Unknown quantities result, predictability goes out the window and total control of that system becomes unattainable.

This principle also applies to human psychology, as numerous psychoanalysts have discovered when treating patients. The doctor, or the observer, is never able to observe their patient without indirectly affecting the behavior of their patient in unpredictable ways. Therefore, a completely objective analysis of that patient can never be obtained.

What the elites seek is a system by which they can observe and influence all of us in minute detail without triggering a reaction that they wouldn’t expect.  The laws of physics and psychology derail this level of control.  There will always be unknown quantities, free radicals, wild cards, etc. Even a seemingly perfect utopia can be brought down by a single unknown.

To break this down even further to the level of pure mathematics, I recommend study into Kurt Godel and his Incompleteness Proof. This, I believe is the ultimate example of the elites struggling against the fact of unknown quantities and failing.

Godel’s work revolved around either proving or disproving the idea that mathematicians could define “infinity” in mathematical terms. For, if infinity can be defined, then it can be understood in base mathematical axioms, and if infinity can be understood, then the universe in its entirety can be understood.

Godel discovered the opposite - his Incompleteness Proof established once and for all that infinity is a self-inclusive paradox that CANNOT be defined through mathematics. Keep in mind that a proof is a set of mathematical laws that can never be broken. Two plus two will always equal four; it will never equal anything else.

Well-known globalist Bertrand Russell worked tirelessly to show that the entirety of the universe could be broken down into numbers, writing a three-volume monstrosity called the Principia Mathematica.  Russell’s efforts were fruitless and Godel’s proof later crushed his theory. Russell railed against Godel’s proof, but to no avail.

Now, why was an elitist like Russell who openly championed scientific dictatorship so concerned by Godel? Well, because Godel, in mathematical terms, destroyed the very core of the globalist ideology.

He proved that the globalist aspirations of godhood would never be realized. There are limits to the knowledge of man, and limits to what he can control.  This is not something globalists can ever accept, for if they did, every effort they have made for decades if not centuries would be pointless.

As mentioned earlier, the issue is one of unknown quantities. Can human society ever be fully dominated? Or, is the act of rebellion against stagnating and oppressive systems a part of nature?  Is it possible that the more the elites wrap the world in a cage, the more they inspire unpredictable reactions that could undermine their authority?

This might explain the establishment’s constant attention to the idea of the “lone wolf” and the damage one person acting outside the dictates of the system can do. This is what the elites fear most: the possibility that despite all their efforts of surveillance and manipulation, individuals and groups may one day be struck by an unpredictable urge to pick up a rifle and put the globalists out of everyone’s misery. No chatter, no electronic trail, no warning.

This is why they are destined to lose. They can never know all the unknowns. They can never control all the free radicals. There will always be rebellion.

There will always be a Liberty Movement. The entirety of their utopian schematic revolves around the need to remove unknowns.

They refuse to acknowledge that control at these levels is so frail it becomes useless and mortally dangerous. In their arrogance, they have ignored the warnings of the very sciences they worship and have set their eventual end in stone. While they may leave a considerable path of destruction in their wake, it is already written; they will not win.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Going Through Some Changes, Are You?
July 19 2016 | From: WakeUpWorld

Going through some changes, are you? Whatever you do, don’t fight them. Even the seeming dark experiences. The learning curve has taken a mighty leap forward for all who are willing to listen, and follow on.

Our most precious lessons come from examining the seemingly dark places with open hearts. That’s where the gems are buried.

In order for any of us to move forward in this transitional shift into higher levels of conscious awareness we must have a full knowledge of ourselves as well as our surroundings. Only in self healing, actualization, and deep, sincere grounding can we be fitted for the challenges ahead. And this takes courage. The courage of our convictions and willingness to venture into the unknown. At any cost.

Into the Unknown

Having explored all known avenues only to find we’re not yet fully empowered nor tooled to do the job that appears to be at hand to realistically change the course of this planet’s apparent destiny, we must take this as a confirming signal to move into unknown realms. The ones unknown to each of us individually, as well as collectively.

So much has been pioneered by brave, realized souls who’ve manifested on earth through the ages. Much of the teachings they left behind appears vague, cryptic, and even inconclusive to those first coming upon them.

Such is the nature of our layered realities.

Much like prospectors or alchemists looking for treasure, each of us seeks personal fulfillment and answers to heart-held questions we’re born with. As we progress, often learning by trial and error, we’re led into new realms of thought and most notably personal experience. This shared conscious growth is often painful but always exhilarating as we venture into to what is yet unexplored territory.

Learning to Know… And Trust

Heart knowledge, also known in somewhat vague, minimizing and enigmatic nomenclature as intuition, is our true language and reliable resource. The mind only analyzes and processes in its very limited framework.

Such is the nature of our restricted understanding of the spiritual realm, as this heart knowledge is invariably defined from the mental realm with all of its ingrained handicaps and limitations. That so-called science relies on what they call verifiable, quantifiable evidence to prove something is a testament to the extent of collective man’s chosen ignorance in its lust for control and “self” preservation.

How can society ever evolve past its current self-defeating loop of shallow base-sensory limitation when only allowing evidence that concurs its own system? Again, insanity taking on profound manifestations in plain sight, yet few pay attention to these glaring limitations.

In order to break this self-reinforcing cycle we must reach deeper, outside of this planar view of reality. We must seek, sense, find and explore the realms beyond this limited physical sensory mechanism. Unfortunately anything experienced outside this physical realm is usually cloaked in some sort of religious practice, belief system or seemingly dark esoteric gobblydygook. A whole other subject in itself, but hijack these other realms they do.

We See Better in the Dark Than We Do in the Light

As what’s left of the disintegrating global structure descends into various levels of chaos before our eyes, another world is clearly emerging. As if from a parallel dimension or timeline, another creative and earth-connected form is manifesting at an exponential, albeit somewhat obscure, rate.

Burgeoning out of awakening hearts this new world is both within this old dying structure and without it simultaneously. Like the process of cell division as we watch an amoeba or organic cell divide and separate into individual organisms, humanity is coming apart from within itself.

One heart at a time, which in turn catalyses the collective process, and vice versa.

It’s during these times that we must move into extra-sensory reliance and learn to listen and respond to our newly re-empowered heart knowledge, as well as innate spiritual radar. While our 5 sense mechanisms say one thing, our hearts may be giving us a completely different message.

When the lights of this shallow perception are out, our hearts grow soundly strong in perceptive comparison. That’s why we see more clearly in the dark. There’s nothing to fear in their manipulation of our superfluous reality when we’re connected to source in such a profound and meaningful manner.

Strange, You Say?

Does this all sound vague and spacey? Not if you’re listening closely.

An unusual thing is enveloping our understanding as it morphs our literal paradigm of understanding. It’s not easy to judge since we’re the subjects of this emergence, but there is a place in each of us to take refuge and gain profound insight, as well as centered grounding.

It’s a very strange time energetically, and what things seem to be are rarely, if ever, what they are. Then mix constant shifting on every level and the awakening energetic vibrations as well as apparent desperation at times on the part of the control hierarchy, and it makes for a very fluid dynamic indeed.

We are in the midst of this shifting shift, yet if we each look inside and even around us, we are still centered. The key is to draw close to the centering source.

What Change May Come

All of the recent geopolitical as well as social changes speak to me the same; the futility of fighting “them” on their level and on their own playing ground, yet all still inside the same glass container box. No matter what people try to “change” within the system they’re still in the box.

So if it appears we’ve made some major strides or victories, all the better for them perhaps, providing a much needed release value for pent up frustrations, as well as a phony sense of security and empowerment.

Healthy skepticism is always in order in a whirled of illusions. This applies to any and every “news” item thrown into our faces, mainstream or otherwise.

Our way out and what will bring the dissolution of the control system is our personal spiritual and vibrational transformation, moving into the unknown for the tools and spiritual technologies that disempower and dissolve the ability of the hyperdimensional source of all this to control us any longer. This may be hard for some to swallow, but if we don’t identity the true source of this parasitic invasion we’re shooting blanks at a false target – and all by design.

My advice according to my current understanding is to stay grounded and centered and beware of what you put your energy into. This includes seemingly alternative information which is not just becoming overwhelming in volume and magnitude, but increasingly fear-based, polluted and downright distractive and toxic.

Let’s spend our time finding each other and co-creating the true reality – not reinforcing the false one by being lured into contacts and contests with it.

A Conscious Response

Awareness of what’s truly going on is essential, but then we need to move in response to what we’re shown; not just on this surface playing field and all its games and the constant subterfuge around us, but the avenue of personal development that needs to be pursued to see the deeper truths that lie beyond those first layers.

From deep within we will gain a much more true perspective, sense of empowerment and real freedom, and not only stop contributing to this manipulative energetic system in ways we didn’t realize, but manifest the capabilities to neutralize those influences, which are far deeper and hidden beyond this veil we call reality.

That’s my take, right now anyway. I still think participation in other stages of standing up to all this insanity is good. It’s part of the process. It wakes people up, draws them together with others, and new truths flood in as we take one step of activation at a time. But we need to move on from those primary lessons, which are inevitable!

The big question remains – what are we doing with what we’ve learned? If the playing field is rigged, why are we putting so much energy and attention on it? Where should our energy be concentrated for the best possible outcome?

One thing for sure, when we’re not willing to let go and stand back from our current paradigm and re-evaluate at any given time with no attachment…something’s amiss. This is a profound truth for any of us at any and every level.

There’s a place for everything and that we’re each on our own learning curve is one way to view it. For starters. For sure though, this is the life of higher learning and a wonderful opportunity for all, despite the external stark realities that accost us continually.

Profound truths await us at every turn. Disengaging from clever futile endeavors proposed on every level – mental, physical and spiritual – leads the way as we let go into greater truth and understanding…

Related: Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?
July 17 2016 | From: Goop / KellyBroganMD / NatutralNews / Various

The number of people - and women in particularwho are taking antidepressants worldwide ha[s skyrocketed in recent years. Here in the States, the count is at 30 million. One out of every four women in their forties and fifties takes them.

And antidepressants aren’t just being prescribed for depression; they’re being given to those of us struggling with PMS, stress, irritability, anxiety, lack of sleep, and so on. But what if antidepressants aren’t a cure for any of these conditions, or even a safe way to treat the symptoms?

Related: New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

In her book, A Mind of Your Own, Dr. Kelly Brogan (board certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and integrative holistic medicine) argues that our common understanding of depression as a disease caused by chemical imbalances in the brain is…entirely wrong.

Lifestyle imbalances, and inflammation, she explains, are actually at the root of depression and anxiety. Dr. Brogan’s case against conventional medicine - backed up by a veritable library of shocking research studies, along with personal stories we can all relate to - is very compelling.

As are her suggested solutions (and 30-day action plan) for finally feeling well and like yourself, pill-free. Below, Dr. Brogan shares a new paradigm for mental health.

A Q&A with Kelly Brogan, M.D.


One of your big arguments is that depression is not a disease, but a symptom - can you explain?


We have been told a story about depression: that it’s likely genetically driven and if it develops, it’s because of brain chemical imbalances that require management by chemical medications, often for the rest of our lives.

This is a false tale that has been sold to us by an industry that has influenced the training of doctors and has spent billions on messaging patients through direct-to-consumer advertising
. I invested my entire career in this narrative as a conventionally trained psychiatrist until I learned the truth.

In six decades, there has been no evidence of a discrete chemical imbalance that causes depression. This isn’t all that surprising, however, when you zoom out a bit to realize that depression is not one thing. It is an indication of imbalance.

It’s as if your toe hurts - it can hurt because you have an infection in the toenail, you have a string tied around it too tight, or you dropped a hammer on it. The hurting is just an invitation to investigate further to identify the best way to resolve the problem.

It is time, even according to leaders in the field, to let go of the chemical imbalance theory and take a fresh look at what the science says. Depression is rooted in inflammation, not the brain. The human body interacts with its environment with deep intelligence. Your body creates symptoms for a reason.

Depression is a meaningful symptom of a mismatch, biologically, with lifestyle - we eat a poor diet, harbor too much stress, lack sufficient physical movement, deprive ourselves of natural sunlight, expose ourselves to environmental toxins, and take too many drugs. Inflammation is the language that the body speaks, expressing imbalance, telling you that something is wrong somewhere that needs your attention.

We usually suppress these symptoms with medication, but that is like turning off the smoke alarm when you have a fire.

What if your depression is actually a thyroid imbalance? Blood sugar instability? Food intolerance or a side effect of a medication? It makes little sense to treat any of these reversible conditions with a psychiatric medication, but it’s easy to fall into the trap of the quick fix, particularly if you are a woman.

Women are twice as likely to be prescribed medication when they present to their doctors with complaints like flat mood, fogginess, poor concentration, poor motivation, and feelings of overwhelm.

Depression is an opportunity. It is a sign for us to stop and figure out what’s causing our imbalance rather than just masking, suppressing, or rerouting the symptoms. It’s a chance to choose a new story, to engage in radical transformation, to say yes to a different life experience.


Modern antidepressants are based on the idea that serotonin improves mood. But you make the case that this is all a myth - how?


Despite being taught, in my training, that antidepressants were to the depressed (and to the anxious, OCD, IBS, PTSD, bulimic, anorexic, etc.) what glasses are to the near-sighted, I don’t buy this anymore. I don’t think patients are getting the whole truth.

Here’s the deal: There is not a single human study that supports the “monoamine hypothesis” of depression, which is the idea that depression is caused by a certain kind of chemical imbalance in the brain, such as under-activity of serotonin.

The only studies in which tryptophan (an amino acid precursor to serotonin) depletion resulted in depression were in patients who had previously taken antidepressants.

Imaging studies, post-mortem suicide assessments, and animal models have never yielded consistent patterns of neurotransmitter levels, metabolites, or receptor profiles. Compelling discussions by Drs. Joanna Moncrieff and David Cohen suggest that antidepressants actually create abnormal states rather than repair them.

They use the analogy of alcohol’s disinhibiting effects: The fact that booze can ease one’s social phobia does not imply that alcohol is an appropriate treatment or a correcting agent.

Direct-to-consumer advertising in America has allowed pharmaceutical companies to “teach” the public about brain chemical imbalances and serotonin deficiencies through cleverly worded taglines and absent FDA-policing.

But they do work! Say many patients and their prescribers. And they do work! Sometimes. Thanks to active placebo effect or expectations of relief that manifest as actual physiologic changes - as demonstrated by Harvard’s Dr. Irving Kirsch, a placebo effect expert. (He also collected unpublished data to show that more studies demonstrated lack of effect compared to marginal benefit largely attributed to placebo.)


What’s the thread that connects our gut and brain to inflammation and depression?


I think that for most of us, the impact of the brain on the gut is intuitive. We’ve all had butterflies with excitement, lost our appetite when we’ve fallen in love, or had diarrhea before a big performance or event. What’s less intuitive, but now has been substantiated by two decades of medical research, is the impact of the gut on the brain.

We now understand that the gut communicates information to the brain about the environment and that the microbial ecology of our gut - the microbiome manages this communication. The language used by the body is inflammatory messengers.

In this way, depression joins the ranks of all of the diseases of modern civilization, including heart disease, autoimmunity, and cancer. The body is setting off alarm bells in the form of inflammation in an effort to adapt to perceived stressors.

The most powerful way to send a signal of safety is to heal the gut through whole foods. Ancient medical practices from Ayurveda to Chinese medicine have known this for thousands of years. We are just learning about the complex interconnectedness between all of these systems we have come to believe are separate entities.


How does food affect our mood, and what kind of diet do you recommend to your patients struggling with stress/anxiety/depression?


We don’t eat food anymore. We eat food-like products, and when we eat actual foods, they have often been grown in depleted soil, shipped across the globe, and saturated with chemicals. Food is not just fuel, though. Food is information, and it speaks to our genes.

We no longer can get away with eating food that screams at our genes. We need food that whispers a love song. The wrong food can impact your mood by driving blood sugar imbalance (which can masquerade as anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue, ADHD, and depression), by impacting your brain through your immune system in the case of dairy and wheat, and by depriving you of nutrients essential to balance hormones, your gut, your immune system, and your nervous system.

I work with a dietary template that I used to put my own Hashimoto’s thyroiditis into remission and that has worked with hundreds of patients. It is a diet high in natural fat, and organic foods, including those from animals. As a former ethical vegetarian, it has taken a lot of research, learning, and mentorship from the now late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez to appreciate the role of animal foods in healing certain conditions.

In the end, the dietary template I recommend often just “feels right” to the women it is meant to heal. It’s almost like I’m giving them permission to eat what they already know, deep down, that they should be eating.


What’s the latest research on the link between toxins and anxiety/depression?


We are swimming in a sea of 80,000+ unstudied chemicals that we never evolved, over 2.5 million years, to recognize. Our immune systems are ablaze because of it and our hormones are going haywire.

I have grave concerns about endocrine-disrupting plastics, about fluoride in our tap water that directly affects the brain and thyroid, about pesticides that decimate healthy gut bacteria, and about neurotoxic metals like mercury and aluminum.

Mostly, we are beginning to see that the dose doesn’t necessarily make the poison and that small amounts of these chemicals combine and interact with our systems in unique ways to cause significant problems, many of which manifest psychiatrically.

We have to also include medications, now the third leading cause of death in, in this discussion. Medications from antibiotics to birth control pills to antacids to over-the-counter pain relievers to even antidepressants themselves are based on a one-size-fits-all model of human physiology. This can be Russian Roulette-causing, and perpetuate chronic mental illness.


What are other important lifestyle changes that can make a significant difference?


I put food first and I work with my patients to take this “prescription” very seriously. I want them to experience an internal shift through prioritizing nutrition. When they do, they understand that the power to change their experience was always just under their nose. They don’t need a doctor or a guru. They just need to get back to basics and honor themselves.

I also ask them to start with 3-12 minutes a day of a Kundalini yoga medical meditation. We have to rewire the nervous system, our perceptions, and release fear. In my experience, this ancient technology can take you there and beyond, very quickly.

I ask them to move. This can be 20 minutes a week of high intensity, low volume interval training on an elliptical. It can be dance or yoga. I ask them to honor their sleep and we begin detoxification of their home environment - products, air, water, and electromagnetics.

We also engage in a mindset shift. Through this process, we remember what we have forgotten - that the body is best at self-healing if we just get out of our own way. We realize that we can reclaim something we gave away. Something that’s not available through a model of care based on life-long pharmaceuticals.

It’s that feeling that we are always missing something even if our symptoms are “managed.” It’s our personal power and fearlessness. With this, anything is possible, including becoming medication-free after decades of exposure. Remember, this is your journey for a reason and there are no regrets.


Which medical tests can actually help pinpoint the root cause of what we commonly think of as mood disorders?


At the very start of treatment, as my patients begin my strict dietary protocol, I order the following tests:

Thyroid function tests: TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid autoantibodies, and reverse T3

Underlying genetic variant: the MTHFR gene test (the MTHFR gene produces the MTHFR enzyme, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which is essential for several bodily processes that directly tie into mental well-being)

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency: serum vitamin B12 levels and homocysteine levels, which can detect B12 deficiency as well

Levels of inflammation: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein

Blood sugar balance: Hemoglobin A1C

Vitamin D deficiency: Levels of 25OH vitamin D in the blood


For people who are on antidepressant meds and who want to get off them, what’s your recommendation?


This has become my unintended specialty. I have learned that these medications can be some of the most challenging of all chemicals to detox from and that their withdrawal syndromes are serious.

I believe everyone deserves a chance at a new chapter and a shift in mindset to one that embraces their human experience as meaningful and rejects the illusion of the magic pill that promises to keep you punching the clock. When my patients decide they are ready to taper off of medication, first we begin with healing their body.

If you imagine yourself to be a bucket that is almost full, the stress of a taper is likely to cause overflow. If we can drain the bucket with lifestyle changes like those outlined in my program first, then the taper can be a relative breeze.

A typical pace can be determined after a “test dose” decrease of approximately 25% of the total daily dose. After 2-4 weeks, if this has been tolerated, this increment can be attempted at a pace of every 2-4 weeks. Many patients will need to drop down to 10% of the total dose, particularly closer to the final 25% of the total dose.

Because withdrawal effects can be delayed and fluctuate, it can be challenging to identify whether symptoms are related to a recent dose decrease or even a previous one. Remaining stable for several months may sometimes be necessary before proceeding.

In my practice, I never taper if fear is the dominant emotion. We have too much data that tells us about the power of what is called expectancy (belief around what is happening in treatment) to determine the outcome of an intervention. If you are afraid of life without meds, life without meds will come back to scare you.

If, on the other hand, you feel empowered, energized, and excited about awakening to your true self and moving through this window, then you will succeed. I do not start patients on meds under any circumstances, so if they struggle after a completed medication taper, we never return to meds.

This means that we ask why they are struggling, we investigate whether it is physiologic and/or psycho-spiritual, and we commit to sitting in it for a bit, making space for it, until it becomes clear. This is a different mindset. It’s one of tolerance, patience, and trust. Fear is something we name, acknowledge, and allow, but do not engage or react from.

Related: Celiac Psychosis - Can Wheat Make You Crazy?

Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

If you’ve read recent reports that state “US suicide rates surge to a 30 year high,” you might first justify the reality with the fact that things feel very wrong in our world today. On a personal, national, and planetary level, people are suffering to survive and the distress is coming from all sides – medical to economic to existential.

But you probably also wonder why more people are choosing this permanent and self-destructive path, and feel compelled to submit to seemingly logical appeals to provide these individuals more help and greater access to treatment. Surprise: that may be the last thing our population of hopeless and helpless needs. Life’s inevitable challenges are not the problem. It’s the drugs we use that are fueling suicide.

Related: Do Cavemen have the Real Cure for Depression?

While in college at MIT, I studied neuroscience, and I worked an overnight volunteer suicide hotline. Suicide and untimely deaths from substance abuse abound at MIT. I went to medical school at Cornell, and completed my residency and fellowship at Bellevue / NYU because I believed that psychiatrists had cracked the code of human suffering, and I wanted to do my part to alleviate pain.

I believed that people who were struggling had a chemical imbalance and that we needed to do our best to help them access the pharmaceutical support they would need, for the rest of their lives.

Over the past decade, through my research into the literature I’ve learned that the data tells a very different story about the safety and efficacy of psychiatric medications. In general, there are two characteristically distinct groups of individuals who commit suicide – those who have never been in psychiatric treatment, and those who have.

Contrary to what you might think, compelling evidence shows that those who have committed suicide outside of contact with psychiatric treatment, were not mentally ill and struggling in silence. In fact, they were likely influenced by significant social, cultural, and economic factors, that, compounded by a deep sense of disconnection from others and community, left self-harm as the only seemingly viable option.

With the ever-expanding diagnostic criteria that can be used to pathologize those wrestling with psychosocial stressors, many of these suicide victims are diagnosed as mentally ill by “psychological autopsy.” What if, as the literature demonstrates, improvements in income could have alleviated their “illness” as effectively as a clinical intervention?

Does that mean that they were never really mentally ill or clinically depressed, but just grappling with life circumstances? Should citizens in legitimate distress be treated with medication as if they had a brain chemical disorder?

According to available data – 3 large meta-analyses – more psychiatry means more suicide. In multi-country, large-scale longitudinal studies, suicide rates have increased while at the same time we’ve increased psychiatric funding, treatment, and access. How could this be?

As many prominent voices including Robert Whitaker, Dr. David Healy, Dr. Peter Gotzsche, Dr. Peter Breggin, Dr. Irving Kirsch, and Dr. Joanna Moncrieff have researched, the untold story of psychiatric medications includes their propensity to induce violence, in otherwise non-violent individuals, against self and others.

This is a shocking assertion:

The medications we are offering to help those in distress may be leading patients to the very outcomes we are most hoping to avoid. In this way, prescribing an antidepressant to someone who is suffering may be like holding out a knife to someone who is falling off a cliff.

In fact, based on his research, Dr. Peter Gotzsche, founder of the Nordic Cochrane Collaboration, claims, “Our citizens would be far better off if we removed all the psychotropic drugs from the market, as doctors are unable to handle them. It is inescapable that their availability creates more harm than good.”

What is he basing that statement on?

One of the concerns relates to the propensity for psychotropic drugs to have unpredictable and poorly studied effects on behavior. In fact, evidence for increased violence and impulsivity on these drugs dates back to the 1950s. The driving force appears to be an experience of akathesia, or a combination of increased energy, restlessness, and discomfort in one’s own skin.

In 2010, Thomas Moore of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices and his colleagues identified 1527 cases of violence, including homicides, disproportionally reported to the FDA for 31 drugs, including varenicline, eleven antidepressants, six sedative / hypnotics and three drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

These medications are often prescribed for daily experiences of distress ranging from the loss of a pet to marital discord - not for clinical syndromes of what we are calling mental illness. Lucire and Crotty reported in 10 cases of impulsive violence and homicide in patients who were prescribed outside of a formal psychiatric diagnosis, and who went on to commit these crimes in a state of medication-induced intoxication.

Dr. David Healy has corroborated this risk through a publication on the treatment of 20 healthy volunteers with sertraline (Zoloft), finding that two of them became acutely suicidal – a veritable smoking gun.

As Healy testified in a 2001 civil trial, even several doses of Paxil can lead an otherwise stable individual to murder his wife, daughter, granddaughter, and then kill himself. In a case series, patients with no history of suicidality went on to develop intense, violent suicidal preoccupation within 2-7 weeks of treatment with Prozac.

These cases appear to occur predominantly in people who have genetic variants that reduces their liver’s ability to metabolize drugs, compounded by the use of multiple medications.

The most recent analysis published in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine analyzed three cases of homicide and attempted suicide and determined that:

“All three cases exhibit genotype-based diminished metabolic capability that, in combination with their enzyme inhibiting / competing medications, decreased metabolism further and are the likely cause of these catastrophic events.”

But with most doctors unaware of this phenomenon and no screening measures in place to identify these high-risk individuals, psychotropic prescriptions are a Russian Roulette.

The FDA has been dancing around the evidence since 1990 when the risk of antidepressants to cause suicide was explored in a hearing but deemed too preliminary. Subsequently, in 2004, the FDA issued a black-box warning about the risk of suicide in children and adolescents prescribed antidepressants, expanded to adults in 2005, and to all antidepressants in 2010.

A reanalysis of study 329 which initially served as a landmark study in 2001 supporting the prescription of antidepressants to children, has now demonstrated that these medications are ineffective in this population and cause suicide.

Concealing and manipulating data that shows this signal of harm, including a doubling of risk of suicide with antidepressant treatment, has been an ongoing challenge to true informed consent.

In fact, a reanalysis of an influential US National Institute of Mental Health 2007 study, revealed a four-fold increase in suicide despite the fact that the initial publication claimed no increased risk relative to placebo.

As data is reanalyzed, a clearer picture of the adverse event profiles of antidepressants emerges.

From 1999-2013, psychiatric medication prescriptions have increased by a whopping 117% concurrent with a 240% increase in death rates from these medications.

No wonder Dr. Gotzsche counts psychiatric medications as the third leading cause of death, worldwide

With deteriorating outcomes in mental illness, increasing suicides, and violence, perhaps it is time to explore alternative perspectives on how to ease suffering with a focus on root cause resolution.

My patient, Lisa, reminds me of the importance of this. She attempted suicide after struggling with flat mood, fogginess, irritability, and insomnia postpartum, and being treated with Paxil.

Within two weeks, she had written a suicide note and was planning to jump off of the top of her 16-story New York apartment building.

She told me, it just made perfect sense.  Since the discovery of her note, a hospitalization, and a switch to sertraline, she has come into my care, and we have weaned her off medication and diagnosed her with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – an autoimmune condition that is common in the postpartum period.

It often entails notable mood and cognitive symptoms that can be put into remission through lifestyle and dietary change. Antidepressants were never the appropriate treatment for her and could have cost her her life.

It is time for a new approach to the complexity of mental illness and its many reversible root causes from physiologic to psychosocial. Unfortunately, the available pharmaceutical treatment options, as a one-size-fits-all, may be responsible for driving the very problem they claim to treat and prevent.

Improve Mental Health Without Prescriptions

Bombshell Study Admits Antidepressants Increase Suicide Attempts In teens And Are Completely Worthless For Treating Depression

A bombshell study published in the medical journal The Lancet admits what Natural News and others in the holistic health community have been reporting for years: antidepressants kill. On Wednesday, researchers published the most comprehensive analysis to date of the safety and efficacy of widely prescribed antidepressants in children and teens.

What they found is that the majority of antidepressants prescribed to young people have far more risks than benefits, doing essentially nothing to ease symptoms of depression, while significantly increasing suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts, CBS News is reporting.

Out of 14 antidepressants analyzed by researchers, only one – fluoxetine (marketed under the name Prozac and Sarafem) – proved effective for relieving symptoms of depression better than a placebo pill.

Venlafaxine (Effexor), on the other hand, was shown to increase the risk of suicidal tendencies in children and teens compared to a placebo and five other antidepressants.

The study results are major considering the fact that antidepressant use among young people is at an all-time high. Shockingly, children under 5-years-old are the fastest growing group being prescribed mind-altering drugs.

Most antidepressants do NOTHING to help depression, study finds

Antidepressant use among children and teens rose from 1.3 to 1.6 percent between 2005 and 2012, according to a separate study published in The Lancet.

As the authors of this latest study confirm, the implications of drugging children with powerful, mind-altering drugs is completely unpredictable, which is why international guidelines encourage doctors to use non-drug approaches including "cognitive behavioral or interpersonal therapy."

Lead study author Dr. Andrea Cipriani says that because brains in children and teens are not yet developed, it's important to lead with caution when prescribing medication, "because we don't know the potential implications in the long term ... ."

The U.S National Institutes of Health estimates that some 2.8 million children (or about 11 percent) between the ages of 12 and 17 have suffered from at least one episode of depression, for which we now know that antidepressant drugs are totally worthless.

Dr. Cipriani explains that depression in children differs widely from that of adults.

Not only is it still under-diagnosed and under-treated but also it tends to present in a different way,"
he said.

"Depressive symptoms in children and adolescents are rather undifferentiated. You notice more irritability, aggressive behavior and problems at school.

And consequences of depressive episodes in children and adolescents are dramatic because they include impairments in their social functioning but also an increased risk of suicidal ideation and attempts."

FDA privy to antidepressant harm in children for decades

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has known for more than a decade that antidepressants pose immense harm to patients, particularly children, which is why it implemented "black box" warnings in 2004 for users under the age of 24. The labels clearly state that the drugs up your chances of becoming suicidal or intensify preexisting suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Yet, irresponsible physicians continue to push harmful drugs on children and teens that alter brain chemistry. Not only that, but doctors are increasingly prescribing the drugs for off-label uses.

This was substantiated just weeks ago in a study published in the May issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), which found that nearly half of people prescribed antidepressants aren't even depressed.

After analyzing a decade of antidepressant prescription records, researchers concluded that only 55 percent were given for depression, while the remaining 45 percent was written for conditions such as anxiety, sleeping problems, pain, panic disorders and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Doctors prescribing depression pills for pretty much anything

Other off-label uses include digestive problems, eating disorders, migraines and menopausal symptoms. Twenty-nine percent of antidepressant prescriptions were written for off-label uses. The study authors expressed grave concerns about the fact that these drugs, which are proven to be dangerous, are being prescribed for conditions for which there is no evidence supporting their efficacy, or safety for that matter.

The reason doctors are pushing unproven drugs, is because they're being advised to do so by Big Pharma, and not by scientific research, said the study authors.

Further illustrating just how worthless these drugs are, medical researcher Peter Gotzsche said last year that nearly all psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, could be withdrawn from the market without damaging public health. In fact, he recommends it.

Related: Benzos: A Dance With the Devil

Related: World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day 2016

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The Hidden Costs Of PepsiCo's Palm Oil
July 18 2016 | From: SumOfUs / SayNoToPalmOil

What’s the hidden cost of the cheap palm oil used in Doritos, Cheetos, and other PepsiCo snacks found in your supermarket aisles?

It’s the countless workers exploited at the hands of the palm oil industry in South East Asia -- where PepsiCo’s products are made.

Related: Palm Oil: The dangerous ingredient you’re eating - and don’t even know it

There are stories of workers being lured to Indonesia or Malaysia, only to find themselves trapped on palm oil plantations with no money, no passport, with no days off. Those who work spraying pesticides don’t have the proper equipment, and are exposed to toxic chemicals.

Some workers don’t even get paid - especially women and children.

But we can help end the exploitation by showing solidarity with palm oil workers. Our friends at Rainforest Action Network have made a video to expose PepsiCo’s ties to the human cost of palm oil.

Please click here to help share this SumOfUs campaign so that more people are aware of these terrible practices and so that pressure can be put on PepsiCo.

PepsiCo buys a whopping 450,000 tonnes of cheap palm oil per year. Its sole producer in Indonesia is IndoFood -- one of the largest palm oil growers in the world.

IndoFood has been linked to the suffering of countless workers and the clearing of vast swathes of lush rainforest. To feed the rising global demand for palm oil, the homes of orangutans, rhinos, and elephants are being destroyed.

One by one we’re losing these endangered animals.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Working with our partners, the SumOfUs community has pushed huge companies like McDonald’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Kellogg’s, Starbucks and many more to adopt sustainable palm oil policies. By standing together, we make ourselves powerful. 

We can do it again. But we have to amp up the pressure to force PepsiCo to move.

Say No To Palm Oil

Palm oil is a type of edible vegetable oil that is derived from the palm fruit, grown on the African oil palm tree. Oil palms are originally from Western Africa, but can flourish wherever heat and rainfall are abundant.

Today, palm oil is grown throughout Africa, Asia, North America, and South America, with 85% of all palm oil globally produced and exported from Indonesia and Malaysia; but most of the time not using sustainable measures.

The industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change, animal cruelty and indigenous rights abuses in the countries where it is produced, as the land and forests must be cleared for the development of the oil palm plantations.

According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area the equivalent size of 300 football fields of rainforest is cleared each hour to make way for palm oil production. This large-scale deforestation is pushing many species to extinction, and findings show that if nothing changes species like the orangutan could become extinct in the wild within the next 5-10 years, and Sumatran tigers less than 3 years.

In total, 50 million tons of palm oil is produced annually, supplying over 30% of the world’s vegetable oil production. This single vegetable oil is found in approximately 40-50% of household products in countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and England.

Palm oil can be present in a wide variety of products, including: baked goods, confectionery, shampoo, cosmetics, cleaning agents, washing detergents and toothpaste.

Read more about palm oil at: SayNoToPalmOil

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The Nice Terror Attack, France’s Prime Minister Manuel Valls: “We Must Learn To Live With The Terror, Like Israel”
& The Nice Terror Attack: Towards A Permanent State Of Emergency?

July 17 2016 | From: GlobalResearch / GlobalResearch / Various

In the aftermath of the tragic ‘terrorist’ attack in Nice, France, one of the most popular talking points which has emerged throughout much of the western media coverage is the idea that terrorism is now a ‘normal part of our everyday lives’ and that a permanent state of military alert at home is something the public needs to get used to.

One of the central voices of this police state talking is French Prime Minister and avid Israeli advocate Manuel Valls. Earlier today Valls stated that, “France has to learn to live with terrorism.”

Related: Nice, 14th of July Massacre: Towards Martial Law? The Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Claims Responsibility?

In this way, the security state is attempting to integrate terrorism as a day-to-day 24/7, 365 day per week agenda issue – which is said to require a hyper-militarized security state, just like Israel (notice how Israel is invoked by neoconservatives and western Zionist supports ad nauseam in the security conversation), to deal with ‘the threat.’

This seems to be the cornerstone of Valls’ political relevance, which he has basically repeated over and over, for the better part of the last two years despite the fact that both the Charlie Hebdo and Paris Bataclan events exhibited very clear signs of GLADIO-style domestic terror stage play.

Back in February, at the Munich Security Conference  he stated the exact same thing:

“We have entered – we all feel it – a new era characterised by the lasting presence of ‘hyper-terrorism.

We must be fully conscious of the threat, and react with a very great force and great lucidity. There will be attacks. Large-scale attacks. It’s a certainty. This hyper-terrorism is here to stay.”

In January 2016, while addressing an Israeli lobby delegation, Valls read off a list of ‘ISIS’ terrorist attacks along with other ‘terrorist’ incidents in Israel, claiming that this was proof that, “we are in a world war”, while not ever uttering a word about Israel’s brutal, militarized occupation and their systematic ethnic cleansing regime waged against the native Palestinian residents since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

Israeli CRIF spokesman Roger Cukierman applauded Valls’s single-sided adherence to the Israeli lobby, by saying, “On a number of occasions, you said very powerful things: That anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism, that France without its Jews is no longer France,” Cukierman said. “This makes you a dear politician.”

Is this a case of the state and its transnational security conglomerates manipulating the public into unquestioningly accepting an indefinite siege mentality and a permanent, full-blown police state?

It appears once again, that we are witnessing an attempt to transform large parts of western society – through a further realignment of public and state political and economic priorities into what is commonly referred to as “security theatre,” which, in reality, has nothing to do with actual security, and everything to do with domestic political and geopolitical theatre.

Nice Terror Attack: What They’re NOT Telling You

How many dead bodies on the streets of Europe will it take for leftists to realize that we are at war?

The Nice Terror Attack: Towards A Permanent State Of Emergency?

The death toll from the Nice attacks on the 14th of July, 2016 is rising. Latest reports suggest 84 deaths and possibly one hundred more injured. There have been reports of gunfire and the driver of the truck which drove into the crowd near the beach in Nice is reported to have been shot dead.

Once again (as with the Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan attacks) there is no-one to stand trial and truthfully answer the questions that need to be asked – who and why?

At this point, there is not much that can be verified about the attack.

One cannot exclude the possibility that it may have simply been the action of an insane individual. Atrocities of that type are rare but have happened in the past. But there is, however, the strong suggestion and indeed likelihood that this atrocity is a terrorist attack by ‘Islamists’. So, what does all this mean?

French domestic intelligence (DGSI) chief Patrick Calvar warned on the 26th of June 2016 that an ‘Islamist’ attack on French children would be the trigger for a civil war. He said France was currently on the brink of that civil war. 

Calvar also predicted
 that ISIS (Da’esh) would use trucks as weapons. It is not unusual in the never-ending war on terror to hear accurate predictions by intelligence officials before attacks, with the same officials seemingly powerless to prevent them.

This ‘uncanny coincidence’ could be the defining event of our time.

French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls is on record stating that the state of emergency in France would be permanent.

There has been increasing pressure on the Hollande regime in France to change course in the Middle East. Attempts to reconcile with Russia and lift the sanctions have been blocked by Hollande and Valls.

I believe this is the trigger for a civil war French intelligence warned us about. The question is whether the war will become high intensity or continue on a relatively low-intensity trajectory. There have been police ‘whistleblowers’ in France who have warned of huge caches of arms in major cities, capable of arming hundreds of thousands of men.

However, one must be cautious in referring to such ‘whistleblowers’ as they have proven to be highly unreliable and may be spreading disinformation.

In any case, the public’s belief that we are in a ‘state of war’ and that all military interventions abroad are therefore necessary will be enough to make citizens look to the state for protection – an oligarchic state which is currently pursuing a brutal class war against workers.

As 90 percent or more of intelligence operations today involve media disinformation, we cannot possibly assume that any of the reports we are hearing are accurate. However, it is hard to see how a psyop could have been carried out in the Promenade des Anglais which is so central in Nice. What we can say for sure is that the attack serves the two constants of the war on terror dialectic. The narrative would read as follows:

1. Make the state of emergency permanent, empowering the oligarchic state and further demoralising citizens by dividing the working class along religious and racial lines. This is part of NATO’s ‘strategy of tension’ in accordance with the longstanding intelligence operation Gladio. Citizens must turn to the anti-social state for ‘security’, thus precluding social revolt.

2. Justify an all out attack on Syria to finish the job of destroying Arab civilisation, in accordance with US-NATO-Israel geopolitical interests. Only the willfully ignorant could possibly believe that ISIS is an enemy of France when the French have never had better relations with the country which openly backs them – Saudi Arabia. The intelligence reports, declassified documents and admissions of the highest officials of the French and American governments all confirm that ISIS is Israel’s Arab legion.

Both those two above-mentioned goals serve the interests of US-NATO-Israel and until the French people liberate themselves from its yoke, Zionism will continue to poison the minds of men, making them consent to policies that no honest and compassionate human being would countenance.

An awakening of working-class militancy is occurring but the labour movement in France remains divided and led by social-democratic reformists. Now, more than ever, seeing the link between terrorism and class war is essential if any political and social change is to occur.

 In an era of high-finance treason, oligarchy, austerity, and the triumph of avarice, terror increasingly becomes a feature of the normal rather than an exceptional exercise of state power.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Who Owns New Zealand's Media?
July 16 2016 | From: JMAD New Zealand Media Ownership Report / Throng / MadisonLevy / Various

The JMAD 2015 New Zealand Media Ownership Report observes that New Zealand media companies are now owned by a small number of private funds and investment banks. In the case of MediaWorks, financial ownership has intensified its profit imperatives, and led to the demolition of its news and currents affairs programmes.

In this context, it is encouraging that independent news organisations such as the National Business Review (NBR), BusinessDesk and Scoop, have continued to operate in the market.

Related: Fraudcast News: You Will Believe What the Media Tells You To

In 2015, New Zealand media companies were implementing ‘digital first’ strategies, and integrating newsrooms across the print and online platforms. Unfortunately, this didn’t put ‘journalists first’, and newsroom layoffs continued.

The revenue structures of media companies continued to encounter difficulties, and new forms of partnership and collaboration emerged.

For example, Fairfax partnered with Sky TV, The Huffington Post and The New York Times; and APN with News Corp and The Washington Post in content delivery.

Additionally, NZME, TVNZ, MediaWorks and Fairfax joined forces in advertising against companies such as Facebook and Google.

In 2015, Rupert Murdoch returned to the New Zealand media market by acquiring a 15 per cent stake in APN, publisher of The New Zealand Herald. In contrast, mining billionaire Gina Rinehart sold all of her Fairfax shares. Consequently, the investment bank Morgan Stanley became the company’s largest shareholder.

Yet again MediaWorks became owned by one financial institution. In 2013 it went into receivership under its private equity owner Ironbridge Capital. In 2015, American hedge fund Oaktree Capital emerged as the biggest MediaWorks owner.

Key events concerning New Zealand media ownership

Billionaire Gina Rinehart exits Fairfax Media

Rupert Murdoch becomes the second largest owner in APN

MediaWorks becomes owned by Oaktree Capital

Scoop crowdfunds to become a not-for-profit outlet

Three funds hold 20 per cent of Sky TV’s shares

Read the New Zealand Media Ownership 2015 report

New Zealand Media Ownership and Market Structure

From 2010 to 2015, the market structure of New Zealand media has not changed significantly. However, television broadcasting has become increasingly competitive with the arrival of on-demand and video streaming services.

During the past five years, the newspaper publishing, radioand televisionmarkets have been dominatedby the same major players: APN/NZME, Fairfax Media, MediaWorks, Sky TV, TVNZ, Radio New Zealand (RNZ), and Maori TV.

Additionally, independent news organisations such as Scoop, Allied Press, the National Business Review and BusinessDesk, maintained operations in an increasingly competitive media environment.

New Zealand Media and Entertainment (NZME) is owned by APN News and Media, an Australian media corporation headquartered in Sydney. APN is a publicly listed company owned by its shareholders, which operates both in Australia and New Zealand.

Similarly, Fairfax Media is headquartered in Sydney, and is publicly listed and owned by its shareholders. Sky TV (NZ) operates in New Zealand, and is also a public company owned by shareholders. Bauer Media, a privately owned, global media conglomerate, is headquartered in Germany.

It entered the New Zealand publishing market in 2013 by purchasing APN’s magazine staples such as The Listener, New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, Simply You and Simply You Living.

MediaWorks is privately owned, ow by American hedge fund Oaktree Capital. New Zealand has three Crown owned companies: Television New Zealand (TVNZ), Radio New Zealand (RNZ) and Maori Television. TVNZ is owned by the state, and it is commercially funded with no public service obligation.

Approximately 95 percent of its operations are funded by advertising, and its primary mandate is to pay dividends to the New Zealand government. RNZ is the only public service broadcaster in New Zealand. Its aim is:

“To provide reliable, independent and freely accessible news and information, and to give expression to New Zealand’s national identity and diversity”

- Treasury, 2014

Treasury states that “RNZ is an independent Crown entity with public funding, and has a mandate to operate in the broad public interest in accordance with the RNZ Charter”.

Maori Television, also funded by the government, is specifically required to revitalise the Maori language. According to Maori TV, its general objective is to be:

“An independent Maori television service that is relevant, effective and widely accessible”

- Maori TV, 2014

Company Ownership Focus Most Important NZ Assets
APN/NZME Shareholders Commercial The Radio Network, The New Zealand Herald, nzherald.co.nz, GrabOne
Fairfax Shareholders Commercial The Dominion Post, The Press, stuff.co.nz
MediaWorks Private Commercial TV3, FOUR, EdgeTV, TV3plus1, TV4plus1, 3NOW On Demand, 3news.co.nz, The Edge, More FM, RadioLIVE, The Breeze...
SkyTV Shareholders Commercial SkyTV, MySky, Prime, Igloo, Neon
TVNZ Crown Commercial TV ONE, TV2, TV One plus 1, TV2+1, TVNZ Ondemand, onenews.co.nz
Radio New Zealand Crown Public Service Radio New Zealand National, Radio New Zealand Concert, thewireless.co.nz
Maori TV Crown Public Service Maori Television Channel, Te Reo Channel
Bauer NZ Private Commercial Metro, The Listener, North & South, The New Zealand Women's Weekly
NBR Private Commercial The National Business Review, nbr.co.nz
Scoop Private Independent scoop.co.nz
BusinessDesk Private Independent BusinessDesk
Coliseum Sports Media Private Commercial Coliseum Sports Media

New Zealand Media: Concentration of Ownership

The week commencing 9th May 2016 is likely to be remembered by journalists in New Zealand for a very long time. In another twist in the complex, uncertain and volatile media landscape the two Australian media titans, Fairfax Media and APN announced they were engaged in discussions with a view to merging their New Zealand media assets.

These assets are Fairfax NZ and NZME, a merger of which would result in New Zealand being left with one newspaper group holding an effective monopoly over the newspapers in the large cities
, with the Otago Daily Times as the lone independent newspaper.

Loss of advertisng revenue as a result of both digital convergence and multi-platform media configurations is adversely impacting the traditional mass media operating model across the developed world.

However, these commercial realities and the frequent media ownership concentration that results have very serious potential implications for the quality of journalism.

Media ownership in New Zealand has been gradually concentrating over the past years, first moving to corporate ownership and then more latterly to financial ownership

Nonetheless, given the relatively light media regulation by government, if this move to merger is successful the public will inevitably have less choice and the role of the fourth estate will be at risk of being weakened, at the very time when the worlds of politics and business appear to becoming less and less tranparent.

Related: Media Merger Will Change the News

Over the Last Few Weeks [November 2015] Throng has Presented Adhoc Analysis of Ratings on the Free-to-Air Channels. 

Related: Corporate Media Really Is Dying: Check Out these New Statistics

This has shown a staggering 12 point decline in viewing audiences across the combined TV2 and TV3 channels. 

So where has that audience gone?

Has it migrated to other Freeview channels such as Maori Television, ChoiceTV and the timeshifted channels (TVOne+1,TV2+1 and TV3+1)?

Should advertisers be devoting more analysis to the audience and reach of these other channels?

Or has the audience shifted to the, as Throng would have you believe, anachronistic Sky?

This is highly important not just to stimulate discussion in television media in New Zealand but also highly important to the advertising community that essentially funds these channels. A one point movement in audience share in the $614million spent on television advertising in 2014 means $6.14m impact on profitability and the ability to acquire content in subsequent years.

Viewers have to go somewhere

Audience share, by its very nature, sums to 100%.  So a double digit shift in audience share has to go somewhere. At this time the data for other channels (and the plus ones) haven’t been presented and this author doesn’t have access to the audience data that the administrators enjoy.

However it would be ironic to think that the audience has migrated to watching more hours of television on the platform that the administrators go to great lengths to harangue and ridicule.

Although the demographic is incorrect publically available data shows that over the 2010-2014 Sky TV and Prime have enjoyed a 4% lift in audience share. Something that must increase the bitterness of Throng. It still begs the question – where has 8 percentage points or $50 million worth of advertising share gone?

Read more at: Throng

Related: Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media

Print Newspapers and Online News Outlets

In 2015, NZME and Fairfax maintained their duopoly in New Zealand’s print newspaper market. The three leading newspapers, including The New Zealand Herald(NZME), The Dominion Post (Fairfax), and The Press (Fairfax), saw declines in their circulation numbers.

Related: German Journalist Reveals That The CIA Has Compromised The Western Media

In June 2015, the circulation of The New Zealand Herald was 139,209, down 4.7 per cent from the previous year; the circulation of The Dominion Post was 64,851(-9.6%) and the circulation of The Press61,573(-7.8%).

However, The Dominion Post has increased its readership. According to Roy Morgan readership results, in 2015 The Dominion Post’s Monday to Saturday readership increased 3.8 per cent from the previous year to 274,000 readers, a gain of “10,000 readers per average issue”.

The readership of The New Zealand Herald was 589,000, down 3.3 per cent from 2014, but the paper remained “the country’s most-read daily newspaper”. The leading Sunday papers lost readers: the Sunday Star Times had 415,000 readers, down 1.4 per cent. However, the Herald on Sunday lost 11 percent of its readers having readership of 290,000 in the 12 months to June 2015.

In April 2015, The New Zealand Herald’s editor-in-chief Tim Murphy announced that he was stepping down.

In a media statement Jane Hastings, chief executive of NZME said: “Tim has guided The New Zealand Herald through some of the most dynamic years in the paper’s history including changing format from broadsheet to compact in 2012"

Murphy was appointed as editor-in-chief in 2001 at the age of 37, and he was the youngest person to edit the paper.

In 2015, New Zealand’s online news - in terms of unique audience - was dominated by Fairfax. Its online site stuff.co.nz became “the most popular” New Zealand based website as it overtook Trade Me as the one most visited.

In April 2015, Fairfax appointed the former nzhreald.co.nz editor Jeremy Rees as an editor for its national community titles in New Zealand.

Sinead Boucher, Fairfax Media’s executive editor, said that his role wasto develop “our strategy around communities - in print as well as in digital” as well lead innovation as Fairfax sought “to grow this very important and strong part of business".

In May 2015, stuff.co.nz had aunique audience of over 1.8 million. Boucher commented that in New Zealand:

The digital world is now defined by Google for search, Facebook for social, and Stuff for content”,
adding that “usage is the ultimate engagement metric”.

In 2014 nzherald.co.nz had a unique audience of 1.2 million, and according to NZME, in 2015 The New Zealand Herald had a “monthly digital audience of 1,383,000”, and a “total brand audience of 1,821,000".

In order to attract an even greater audience, and in preparation for digital subscriptions, The New Zealand Herald launched a new data-journalism website entitled Insights in November 2015. The paper noted that thelaunch was “a further demonstration of its commitment to in-depth journalism and new forms of storytelling".

NZME group revenue director Laura Maxwell said in a press release, that the site was “generating interest from advertising agencies which opens up opportunities for revenue generation”. In her view, by using data visualising tools, the new site “creates new immersive and creative opportunities for advertisers to align with these engaged audiences".

Another Local Paywall Goes Up, The New Zealand Herald Yet to Follow

In 2015, New Zealand media companies were driving newsroom and other changes to increase their digital and advertising income. Their need to find new revenue sources is clear, and APN illustrates the point. As mentioned earlier,its 2015 half-year profit shrank 67 per cent from the previous year. In this context,it is not surprising that NZME is contemplating paywalls.

In August, the company said thatit would introduce digital registrations for the nzherald.co.nz website by the end of year.

This move precedes introduction of digital subscriptions, or a paywall. Earlier in 2015 the company stated its intention to monetise online news with memberships, digital subscriptions, and pay as you click articles.

In May APN announced paywalls for its regional newspapers in Australia, and in August 2015 the Toowoomba Chronicle introduced charges for its online news.

In New Zealand, the National Business Review has digital subscriptions, and local newspapers Whakatane Beacon and The Ashburton Guardian have also introduced paywalls.

In October another local newspaper, independently owned The Gisborne Herald, announced that it would launch charges for its online content. The paper stated that “some important content on the site will be outside the paywall. Most critically, in a civil defence emergency all news will be freely accessible”.

The paper’s digital services cost“about two-thirds the price of a newspaper subscription - $1 for one day of viewing through to $200 for a 12-month subscription”. Fairfax introduced a paywall for the Australian Financial Review in 2011, and for its general newspapers The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2013.

Its paywall revenue has gradually increased from AUD$4.8 million in 2013 to AUD$32.7 million in 2015. At the same time its income from digital classified advertising has increased from AUD$109 million to AUD$161.5 million.


In 2015, New Zealand’s independent media outlets included the National Business Review, a privately owned financial news outlet; privately owned newspaper publisher Allied Press; Scoop, which became a trust owned not-for-profit media outlet, and BusinessDesk, a privately owned independent news provider focusing on business and financial news.

In September 2015, Scoop, the 16-year old online news publisher, became a non-profit media outlet committed to public interest journalism. The publishing company was “embedded in an independent charitable trust” entitled Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism.

Related: Recharging With Alastair Thompson, Publisher Of Scoop Media

The trust owns the publishing arm of Scoop, called The New Scoop Publishing Company. Before this change, the company’s shareholders included Margaret Thompson (Mother of Scoop’s editor and publisher Alastair Thompson), Imarda chief executive Selwyn Pellett, who held 20 per cent of the shares, and journalists Gordon Campbell, Russell Brown and Pattrick Smellie.

However, in December 2014, Margaret Thompson took full control in the company. According to the National Business Review, the ownership changes meant that “several shareholders are short of hundreds of thousands of dollars”.

Related: Alternative Media Is Winning: 60% Of Americans [ Read: The West ] Distrust Mainstream Media


The 2013 JMAD New Zealand media ownership report found that the blogosphere was thriving in New Zealand.

As was then stated, the mainstream media was becoming increasingly commercially focused,and therefore there was “a gap in public interest reporting, which bloggers are now trying to fill”.

However, the 2014 JMAD report observed after the revelations in Nicky Hager’s book Dirty Politics, that “blogs are not necessarily a counterweight to commercial media outlets”. The report stated that there is “increasing evidence of unethical alliances among bloggers, politicians, PR companies and legacy media”.

In 2015, bloggers kept breaking news stories ahead of the mainstream media. In April, Martyn Bradbury’s The Daily Blog broke a story in which an anonymous waitress revealed that Prime Minister John Key kept pulling her hair against her wishes whenvisiting an Auckland café.

After The Daily Blog published an anonymous blog written by the waitress, The New Zealand Herald named her in its story “against her wishes”. However, Shayne Currie, editor of The New Zealand Herald, said that after the paper’s gossip columnist Rachel Glucina interviewed the waitress and the café owners, “no one was in any doubt that the article, quotes and photograph would be appearing in the Herald".

After the scandal broke, Prime Minister apologised to the waitress for any offence caused. The story was covered extensively in New Zealand media and abroad by news outlets such as the BBC, the Washington Post, CNN, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Japan Time sand The Hindu.

Related: It’s Official, Alternative Media Win Over Mainstream Media

There is no publicly available, reliable data about blog readership numbers and rankings. When asked, Nielsen New Zealand failed to provide any information concerning blog readership and traffic, and therefore this report cannot discuss the visitor numbers of unique visits to these sites.

Some ofthe most well-known blogs in New Zealand include Cameron Slater’s Whale Oil blog, Martyn Bradbury’s The Daily Blog, Russell Brown’s Hard News, David Farrar’s Kiwiblog,The Standard and The Dim-Post. Other well-known blogs include Chris Trotter’s Bowalley Road and Politik, which was established by Front Page Ltd.

The company produces television news and current affairs programmes as well as television material for commercial clients. It is headed by the former TVNZ political editor Richard Harman.

New Zealand Media Ownership: Events and Patterns

The ownership structures of leading New Zealand media corporations have changed substantially in the past five years.

None of the commercial media companies are New Zealand owned, and APN is the only one with a media corporation as a substantial shareholder.

In all four commercially operated media companies ownership has concentrated in hands of financial institutions: private equity firms, investment banks, banks and managed funds.

In 2015, APN’s ownership changed substantially when long-term shareholder, the Irish Independent News and Media (INM), sold its shares along with telecom billionaire Denis O’Brien (he had substantial holdings in both INM and APN). In March, INM and O’Brien’s investment company Baycliffe Limited sold all their APN shares.

Before the sale, INM owned 18.6 per cent of APN’s shares, and Baycliffe 12.2 per cent. Following the sale, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp purchased a 14.99 per cent of APN to become thesecond largest shareholder.

APN’s Chairman Peter Cosgrove described this ownership change as a “defining moment for APN that also reflects a new era”. News Corp noted that its interest was due to APN’s “high quality portfolio of Australian and New Zealand radio and outdoor media assets and small regional print interests”.

Following the transaction, in June 2015, APN’s chief executive officer Michael Miller resigned from APN to become executive chairman of News Corp Australasia. He was followed by Ciaran Davis, who was previously chief executive officer of the Australian Radio Network (ARN) owned by APN.


In June 2013 MediaWorks was put into receivership, and consequently sold to a new holding company MediaWorks Holdings Limited; a syndicate of banks, hedge funds and private equity companies.

In April 2015, MediaWorks announced that American privately owned hedge fund Oaktree Capital owned 77.8 per cent of the company’s shares after purchasing them from Royal Bank of Scotland and Westpac.

Mark Weldon, MediaWorks chief executive officer commented that “Oaktree is an experienced, long-terminvestor into media businesses”, referring to the company’s involvement in Australian Nine Entertainment.

According to media reports, Oaktree Capital has increased its stake in MediaWorks to 100 per cent, but this hasn’t been officially confirmed.

In October, John Drinnan wrote that “in June, Oaktree took full ownership of MediaWorks, which has suffered low morale and ratings mishaps at its TV operations”. He also noted that after Weldon joined MediaWorks in 2014 as a chief executive officer, he “had a rollercoaster ride with disappointing results from TV amid a strategic shift that downgraded news and current affairs and made more use of reality formats”.

Related: The Dumbing Down Of Mainstream Media & The Agendas Driving It

Earlier in April, Nick Grant commented that MediaWorks’ CEO makes “ruthless decisions on a financial basis. Most other people will take into account various personalities and issues and stakeholders, but Mr Weldon only has one stakeholder – money”.


During the past five years, New Zealand media has undergone some substantial ownership changes. The following table lists some of the major developments in the New Zealand media market from 2011 to 2015.

In general, it can be observed that the financial ownership of APN, Fairfax Media and Sky TV has increased, and their future is determined by management funds and investment banks which are the largest shareholders in these companies.

In 2015, 20 per cent of Sky TV’s shares were owned by three financial institutions; 32 per cent of APN’s shares were in hands of four funds; 44.7 per cent of Fairfax’s shares were owned by five financial institutions, and MediaWorks was owned by one hedge fund.

At the time of writing, it is clear that the New Zealand media sector has some major structural changes ahead. APN has indicated that it may still float NZME as a separate company on the New Zealand stock market. At the time of writing MediaWorks’s future seemed uncertain, and the company’s management has indicated that it was seeking to sell the company, or to list it onthe local stock market.

During 2015 it became evident that media corporations need to pursue new partnerships and alliances while they are trying to recapture audiences, and revenues. In this context it is not surprising that ‘old enemies’ have started to find new ways to co-operate.

Competition in the New Zealand broadcasting market has become fiercer, and new entrants to the market have emerged. In 2015, American companies Netflix and Yahoo TV introduced their video streaming services in New Zealand to compete with existing broadcasters and services.

This report also notes examples of technological innovation among New Zealand media companies.

The National Business Review launched radio service; RNZ experimented with podcasts and video content; NZME introduced a new data-journalism site, and Scoop used crowd funding to help its transformation to a non-profit news organisation. Additionally some interesting new content providers, such as The Spinoff, emerged.

Related: These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

Comment: The consolidation of New Zealand media is no different in real terms than that which has been happening overseas. Such centralisation is not just about fiscal considerations, but power. We see consolidation happening in all industries and countries. It is far easier for those at the top to continue running the show, shaping the narrative and indeed in the case of the media - controlling the news and flow of information - when there are less strings to pull.

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Year Company Development
2011 NZPA Closed after 130 years in operation
  Yellow Pages Group Launch of hyperlocal site Yellow Local
  New Zealand Post Launch of Hyperlocal site Localist
  Fairfax The company sold its 34% stake in auction site TradeMe in an initial public offering (IPO)
2012 TVNZ TVNZ7 Channel closed after government stopped its funding
  APN Increased its stake in group buying site GrabOne to 100%
  SkyTV Todd Communications sold its entire stake of 11%
  Bauer Media Took over ACP and its magazines such as Metro and N orth & South
  Fairfax Sold the remainder of its TradeMe shares
  NBR Barry Coleman sold the newspaper to Todd Scott
2013 APN Sold South Island newspapers Christchurch Star and Oamaru Mail to Mainland Media
  APN Sold its New Zealand magazines including The Listener to Bauer Group
  TVNZ Closed its youth channel TVNZ U
  SkyTV Rupert Mursoch's News Limited sold its entire 44% stake in SkyTV
  MediaWorks Entered into receivership, sold to a new holding company owned by financial institutions
2014 APN INM's ownership shrinks to 18.6%
  APN Rebrands as NZME and prepares for stock market float on NZX
  Fairfax Joint venture StreamCo with Nine Entertainment
2015 APN INM and Baycliffe sell their APN shares - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp buys 14.99% of the shares, becominf the second largest shareholder
  Fairfax Billionarire Gina Rinehart sells all her shares in Fairfax
  MediaWorks Hedge fund Oaktree Capital becomes the largest shareholder
  Scoop Becomes a trust-owned non-profit media outlet, raises money via crowdfunding

More: Mainstream Media Manipulation, Societal Engineering & Government Propaganda

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Brexit And The Matrix & The Sun Sets On The British Empire: Northern Irish Want Out After Brexit
July 16 2016 | From: JonRappoport / Sputnik / Various

'Elites': “How horribly stupid Brexit people are”. The European Union and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it.

But of course, nations could get out if they decided to. Which is what just happened in Britain.

Related: Brexit-Beleaguered Banksters Back to Begging for Bailouts!

And now that it has, elites and their fear-mongering press outlets are moaning and shouting and whining: “You fools, do you have any idea what you’ve just done? You’ve thrown a wrench into the structure. Are you crazy?”


“We’re in charge. We’re the lords in the castles. You’re the peasants in the fields.”

Of course, all along, the cover story has been: the EU is a step toward paradise; it bestows grace and beauty on humanity; it erases ugly borders; it makes people One; it fosters share and care; it smooths out conflicts; it makes us brothers and sisters.

Sure it does. That’s what all huge faceless bureaucracies accomplish. When they’re exposed, all that fake goodness suddenly goes away. They spew hate. And they scream in anguish.

What’s occurring at the moment is very much like an old horror movie, where the humanoid villain is backed up against the wall, and someone tears his face away and exposes… machinery. Nothing but little wheels and cogs and wires and tubes. The truth is out.

What a monstrous joke it is that the young, in Britain, voted to remain in the EU. The EU is a right arm of Globalist forces. The same young people yammer and protest against Globalism, but because they’re absolutely clueless, they want to stay in the EU. The young: turned into hypnotic products of the education system.

There was a day, not so long ago, when the phrase “decentralization of power” meant something. It’s not used anymore. The press has it on their no-fly list.

Governments, major media, large foundations have worked the phrase out of existence. Instead, they’ve helped create every kind of special interest group under the sun - they’ve taken people who might actually want decentralization and shoved them into various groups, according to gender, race, religion, needs, and so on… and promised them “equality” and special help…as long as they go along with big government…thereby strengthening Control Central.

(And they’ve taken people who already want decentralization and propagandized them as outliers, criminals, psychiatric patients, terrorists, and racists.)

That’s the psyop game.

“We’re talking to you helpless masses now. You might want to decentralize government power? No, no, no, no. You’re looking at things the wrong way.

First of all, who are you? What’s your religion, race, gender, disability? We have the right group for you. You can achieve all your aims that way, because we help groups.

You see? We’re on your side. We, the government, are rebels, too. But we need our power to make change happen. Revolutionary change.

Don’t rebel against us. Don’t try to diminish our strength. Join us. Benefits are waiting for you. Lots and lots. Get it?”

For a moment in time, a lot of people in Britain didn’t get it. They went the other way. They peeled off one layer of centralized control over their lives.

This now sets up a classic dialectic situation. Two opposing forces in conflict. And not just in England. The same sort of reaction is peaking in other European countries who want to test the waters of defection from the EU; and of course, in the US, Trump vs. Hillary represents a “perfect polarization.” Whether or not these oppositions were covertly built in the first place behind the scenes, their existence now makes them ripe for overarching manipulation.

What shape would that manipulation take?

Among other maneuvers, such as “new reports” of increasing unemployment, trading-market chaos and downward trends, we would see an escalation of riots, protests, clashes.

And the “solution, for sake of the population,” would be “restoration of order.” Translation: even more centralized power.

However, plans don’t always work. Don’t imagine that control from above is always flawless and god-like. Defection from centralized power can take many forms, exposing many cracks in the foundation. Pillars can fall.

Major media are already on oxygen life-support. The Vatican and other crusty mainstay institutions are also sucking some of that oxygen. Because of the Web, untold numbers of people are waking up, in ways too numerous and varied to catalog. Even a few minor whiffs of freedom have their own power, and individual freedom is contagious beyond any kind of political drug or vaccine developed to stop it.

The game is afoot.

Even the most cynical interpretation of Brexit - that it was set up from behind the curtain as a way to flush out rebellion, which would then be squashed - doesn’t fully explain what just happened in Britain.

People can decide they’ve had enough of tyranny. They can take their suspicion of their leaders to a level where palliatives don’t work anymore. They can see the shape of the future that is being created for them, and they can toughen their refusal.

They can push away from the table loaded with goodies and freebies, feeling sick, feeling patronized, feeling diminished. They can turn off the talking heads that preach Official Messages. They can discover further ways their freedom is being stolen from them, and they can rebel more deeply.

Eventually, they can come to a place where they rediscover their own existence as individuals, inviolate, alive, absent of the need for a bloated super-structure of “support.”

As this rediscovery happens, you won’t see it reflected in charts of trending stories. Newly awakened individuals will be thinking and creating and muscling their way through the decaying anatomy of the Deep State, making futures that cut away the tissues of connections that formerly bound them.

But bind them no more. No more.

Related: Italy Faces Economic Collapse, Considers Cyprus-Style “Bail-Ins”

Sun Sets On The British Empire: Northern Irish Want Out After Brexit

Renewed calls for Irish unity are receiving mass public approval as the UK is in danger of losing more than one province in the wake of their decision to abandon Europe.

The residents of Northern Ireland are lining the streets of Belfast to receive Irish passports and Catholic nationalists once relegated to the backbench of public opinion are now proudly calling for a united Ireland in the wake of the ill-fated Brexit vote that may see a complete unravelling of the United Kingdom.

Northern Ireland, like neighboring Scotland, voted to stay in the European Union with 56 percent in favor despite Britain as a whole voting in favor of leaving the political-economic bloc. The chasm in national vision between the various parts of the United Kingdom are beginning to push even Protestant unionists who have long stood against Irish reunification to call for an exit from Britain’s reach.

“I was always a 'small u' unionist. But I could not in all good conscience say I could vote for Northern Ireland to remain a member of the United Kingdom,"
said Christopher Woodhouse, a 25-year-old from Belfast.

"I am softening to the idea of Irish unity, purely on economic issues. I am a European."

For years, a vast majority of Northern Ireland’s residents – many Catholics and virtually all Protestants – favored remaining part of the United Kingdom citing the economic stability compared to joining hands with their southern kin.

The fallout from Britain’s June 23 vote trounced that tried-and-true status quo calculation sending world markets reeling and erasing trillions of dollars in British wealth overnight while many wonder just what the next shoe to drop will be.

“People are saying for the first time in their life they would vote for united Ireland, having never contemplated it before,"
said Steven Agnew, the leader of Northern Ireland’s Green Party. 

The decision by many of Northern Ireland’s residents to embrace unification is not based on ethnic pride, but rather on the economic calamity that looks to punish the UK’s most impoverished province more than any other.

Northern Ireland’s largest financial institution, Ulster Bank, is already warning that the uncertainty surrounding the terms of Brexit are hindering foreign direct investment into Northern Ireland and look likely to trigger a recession and a surge in unemployment.

A danger also exists, much different than reunification, that in the wake of Brexit that the loss of EU funds for former militants, victims groups, and cross-community youth work tied to the reconciliation between Northern Ireland and the country of Ireland following years of bloody battle may tip the scales to a renewed conflict between north and south.

“We are in danger of a return to conflict – at a low intensity level – if those funds are taken away,"
said Robert McClenaghan, an Irish Republican Army member turned community worker.

"My stomach is churning at all that is happening."

The trigger for renewed fighting among the Irish may ultimately not be the removal of the so-called "peace dividend" distributed by the EU on the condition that the two sides not resume battle, but instead the re-installation of the border checks and military checkpoints of yesteryear which will almost certainly occur to prevent illegal travel by non-EU citizens in the event that Northern Ireland is carried out of the European Union by Westminster. 

“This was hardly what the Irish nationalist Sinn Fein party had in mind calling on its supporters to go to the polls and vote to remain in the European Union while the largely Protestant unionist DUP party campaigned for Britain to leave the EU knowing full well it would run roughshod on the existing peace arrangement."

Sinn Fein’s party chairman blasted the unionists and Westminster saying that the Brexit vote meant Britain had "forfeited any mandate to represent the interests of people here."

A decision to carry out a referendum remains in the future, but if the vote were carried out today many believe that Northern Ireland would vote in favor of reunification by a small margin.

“Unionists would have to rely on Catholics not wanting to be part of a united Ireland. That has been the trend up to last Friday,"
said Peter Shirlow, head of the Institute of Irish Studies at the University of Liverpool.

"But I think that trend is changing now."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Washington Has Been Obsessed With Punishing Secrecy Violations - Until Hillary Clinton + FBI Director Comey Grilled At Congressional Hearing On Clinton Emails
July 15 2016 | From: TheIntercept / JonRappoport / Various

As has been widely noted, the Obama administration has prosecuted more leakers under the 1917 Espionage Act than all prior administrations combined. Secrecy in D.C. is so revered that even the most banal documents are reflexively marked classified, making their disclosure or mishandling a felony.

As former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden said back in 2000, “Everything’s secret. I mean, I got an email saying, ‘Merry Christmas.’ It carried a top-secret NSA classification marking.”

Hillary Clinton disqualifies herself

Related: The head of the FBI's shocking admission: You are no longer under any moral or ethical obligation to obey any federal laws whatsoever... the rule of law is now vacated across America

People who leak to media outlets for the selfless purpose of informing the public - Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Drake, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden - face decades in prison.

Those who leak for more ignoble and self-serving ends - such as enabling hagiography (Leon Panetta, David Petraeus) or ingratiating oneself to one’s mistress (Petraeus) - face career destruction, though they are usually spared if they are sufficiently Important-in-D.C.

For low-level, powerless Nobodies-in-D.C., even the mere mishandling of classified informationwithout any intent to leak but merely to, say, work from home - has resulted in criminal prosecution, career destruction, and the permanent loss of security clearance.

This extreme, unforgiving, unreasonable, excessive posture toward classified information came to an instant halt in Washington - just in time to save Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations. 

FBI Director James Comey, an Obama appointee who served in the Bush DOJ, held a press conference earlier this afternoon in which he condemned Clinton on the ground that she and her colleagues were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information,” including top-secret material.

Comey also detailed that her key public statements defending her conduct - i.e., that she never sent classified information over her personal email account and had turned over all “work-related” emails to the State Department - were utterly false; insisted:

“That any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position … should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation”;
and argued that she endangered national security because of the possibility “that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal email account.” 

Comey also noted that others who have done what Clinton did “are often subject to security or administrative sanctions” - such as demotion, career harm, or loss of security clearance.

Despite all of these highly incriminating findings, Comey explained, the FBI is recommending to the Justice Department that Clinton not be charged with any crime.

“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information,”
he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

To justify this claim, Comey cited “the context of a person’s actions” and her “intent.” In other words, there is evidence that she did exactly what the criminal law prohibits, but it was more negligent and careless than malicious and deliberate.

CBS: FBI Director Grilled Over Clinton Email Investigation

Looked at in isolation, I have no particular objection to this decision. In fact, I agree with it: I don’t think what Clinton did rose to the level of criminality, and if I were in the Justice Department, I would not want to see her prosecuted for it.

I do think there was malignant intent: Using a personal email account and installing a home server always seemed to be designed, at least in part, to control her communications and hide them from FOIA and similar disclosure obligations.

As the New York Times noted in May about a highly incriminating report from the State Department’s own Auditor General:

“Emails disclosed in the report made it clear that she worried that personal emails could be publicly released under the Freedom of Information Act.”

Moreover, Comey expressly found that - contrary to her repeated statements  -

“The FBI also discovered several thousand work-related emails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014.”

The Inspector General’s report similarly, in the words of the NYT, “Undermined some of Mrs. Clinton’s previous statements defending her use of the server.”

Still, charging someone with a felony requires more than lying or unethical motives; it should require a clear intent to break the law along with substantial intended harm, none of which is sufficiently present here.

But this case does not exist in isolation. It exists in a political climate where secrecy is regarded as the highest end, where people have their lives destroyed for the most trivial - or, worse, the most well-intentioned - violations of secrecy laws, even in the absence of any evidence of harm or malignant intent.

And these are injustices that Hillary Clinton and most of her stalwart Democratic followers have never once opposed - but rather enthusiastically cheered.

In 2011, Army Private Chelsea Manning was charged with multiple felonies and faced decades in prison for leaking documents that she firmly believed the public had the right to see; unlike the documents Clinton recklessly mishandled, none of those was top secret. Nonetheless, this is what then-Secretary Clinton said in justifying her prosecution:

“I think that in an age where so much information is flying through cyberspace, we all have to be aware of the fact that some information which is sensitive, which does affect the security of individuals and relationships, deserves to be protected and we will continue to take necessary steps to do so."

Comey’s announcement also takes place in a society that imprisons more of its citizens than any other in the world by far, for more trivial offenses than any Western nation - overwhelmingly when they are poor or otherwise marginalized due to their race or ethnicity.

The sort of leniency and mercy and prosecutorial restraint Comey extended today to Hillary Clinton is simply unavailable for most Americans.

What happened here is glaringly obvious. It is the tawdry byproduct of a criminal justice mentality in which - as I documented in my 2011 book With Liberty and Justice for Some - those who wield the greatest political and economic power are virtually exempt from the rule of law even when they commit the most egregious crimes, while only those who are powerless and marginalized are harshly punished, often for the most trivial transgressions.

Trump Releases Devastating Video Showing Hillary Lie About Classified Information

FBI Director James Comey completed his investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server. His agency recommended to the Justice Department that Clinton not face criminal prosecution, despite calling Clinton and staff, 'extremely careless.' Shortly after that, Donald Trump released this video through Facebook.

Had someone who was obscure and unimportant and powerless done what Hillary Clinton did - recklessly and secretly install a shoddy home server and work with top-secret information on it, then outright lie to the public about it when they were caught - they would have been criminally charged long ago, with little fuss or objection.

But Hillary Clinton is the opposite of unimportant. She’s the multimillionaire former first lady, senator from New York, and secretary of state, supported by virtually the entire political, financial, and media establishment to be the next president, arguably the only person standing between Donald Trump and the White House.

Like the Wall Street tycoons whose systemic fraud triggered the 2008 global financial crisis, and like the military and political officials who instituted a worldwide regime of torture, Hillary Clinton is too important to be treated the same as everyone else under the law

“Felony charges appear to be reserved for people of the lowest ranks. Everyone else who does it either doesn’t get charged or gets charged with a misdemeanor,”
Virginia defense attorney Edward MacMahon told Politico last year about secrecy prosecutions.

Washington defense attorney Abbe Lowell has similarly denounced the “profound double standard” governing how the Obama DOJ prosecutes secrecy cases: “Lower-level employees are prosecuted … because they are easy targets and lack the resources and political connections to fight back.”

The fact that Clinton is who she is: that is undoubtedly what caused the FBI to accord her the massive benefit of the doubt when assessing her motives.

Her identity, rather than her conduct, was clearly a major factor in his finding nothing that was - in the words of Comey -

“Clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice.”

But a system that accords treatment based on who someone is, rather than what they’ve done, is the opposite of one conducted under the rule of law. It is, instead, one of systemic privilege. As Thomas Jefferson put it in a 1784 letter to George Washington, the ultimate foundation of any constitutional order is “the denial of every preeminence.”

Hillary Clinton has long been the beneficiary of this systemic privilege in so many ways, and today, she received her biggest gift from it yet.

The Obama-appointed FBI director gave a press conference showing that she recklessly handled top-secret information, engaged in conduct prohibited by law, and lied about it repeatedly to the public. But she won’t be prosecuted or imprisoned for any of that, so Democrats are celebrating.

But if there is to be anything positive that can come from this lowly affair, perhaps Democrats might start demanding the same reasonable leniency and prosecutorial restraint for everyone else who isn’t Hillary Clinton.

FBI Director Comey Grilled At Congressional Hearing On Clinton Emails

Congress Representatives Jason Chaffetz then Trey Gowdy ask questions of FBI Director James Comey about Hillary Clinton, her emails, her server, and her suitability to handle classified information ever again.

But also point out the double standard of Clinton being caught in lies and gross negligence (who clearly has a long record of knowing how to properly handle classified material) vs anyone else who would get (and has got) prosecuted for less.

3 Mind Boggling Facts in the Hillary Email Cover-up / Dallas Shooting

Arch-Globalist Hillary Clinton’s no-prosecution, the recent exit of Britain from the EU which torpedoed the unchecked advance of Globalism, the current Presidential campaign which features a candidate (formerly two candidates) attacking Globalism as no major candidate ever has before - all this suddenly fades from public consciousness in the specter of the Dallas shootings - the racial conflict that has been decades in the making - made in America, by Globalists, for the express purpose of Divide and Conquer -

I know full well how incompetent, stupid, amateurish, and ill-prepared government employees can be. But the dog and pony Hillary show of the last few days is truly staggering.

If the effort was to exonerate Hillary Clinton, it was done so badly the American people are more certain than ever that she is guilty as sin.

Here are the top three actions of the past few days that conspired to free her, while actually revealing how culpable she is, to anyone with a few working brain cells:

Just by chance, US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, the highest law-enforcement official in the land, runs into Bill Clinton at the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.

They talk in secret, as the FBI is wrapping up its email-scandal probe and is preparing to present its findings. This Lynch-Clinton meeting assures one and all that the fix is in. “Hillary’s guilty, but we’re going to find her innocent.”

Two: In an unprecedented move, FBI Director Comey holds a global press conference. He runs down a massive list of Hillary’s actions, leaving no doubt she is guilty of gross negligence in her handling of classified materials. But then he does an abrupt turn and recommends no prosecution, because the Bureau found no evidence she intended to do harm.

Comey knows, and ensuing press reports emphasize, that intent is not the legal issue. The Federal Penal Code (Title 18, section 793f) makes that clear. Gross negligence is sufficient for prosecution, conviction, and a sentence of up to ten years in prison.

Furthermore, why is FBI Director making his recommendation in public, before the world? His job is simply to turn over the evidence to his boss, Attorney General Lynch, who will decide whether prosecution is the next step. But since, a day earlier, Lynch inexplicably said she would blindly follow the FBI’s recommendation - thereby abdicating her duty as Attorney General - Comey is suddenly doing her job and occupying her position. He is, for the moment, the US Attorney General.

As any fool can see.

Comey is also an appellate judge, because he is interpreting Title 18 of the Federal Penal Code - and interpreting it falsely.

As any fool can see.

Three: Comey then appears before the Congress for a grilling. Are we to assume he expected to get off easily?

Of course not. He knew he would be raked over the coals, and in the process he would reveal more clearly how Hillary had violated the law.

Comey would continue to assert there was no need for prosecution, while showing the world that prosecution was exactly the proper path. And that’s what happened, during Comey’s conversation with Rep. Trey Gowdy.

Four main facts emerged out of Comey’s mouth:

When Hillary said she didn’t use her personal server to send or receive emails marked “classified,” she lied.

When Hillary said she didn’t send classified material, she lied.

When Hillary said she used only one device that was connected to her personal server, she lied. She used four.

When Hillary said she returned all work-related emails from her personal storage to the State Department, she lied. She didn’t return thousands of emails.

Comey admits all this under questioning. He further concedes that lies of this nature would normally be used to mount a prosecution.

Not only that, these lies would be used to form a circumstantial case for intent, the very issue on which Comey found Hillary “innocent.”

Could Comey, Loretta Lynch, and Obama have figured out a worse way to exonerate Hillary? It’s hard to imagine.

More likely, Obama and Lynch decided to put the egg on Comey’s face. He would have to take one for the team.

Comey, in turn, decided that if he was going to be the fall-guy, he would, in the process, lay out the details showing how guilty Hillary was. After all, his own people, his own FBI investigators, had assembled an air-tight case against Hillary. Comey knew they would boil with rage when he exonerated her.

So he threw a bone to his team. In effect, he said to them: “I have to recommend no prosecution, but I’ll expose some of what you discovered.”

The question now is, will one or more of Comey’s FBI investigators leak further devastating facts, revealing Hillary’s guilt, to the press?

By chance, this whole travesty of justice was suddenly overshadowed by the events in Dallas, where snipers shot 12 police officers and killed five.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
6 Activities That Will Enrich Your Soul + The Benefits Of Mindfulness
July 15 2016 | From: USHealthCorps / AustralianNationalReview

Our busy lives often leave us with a giant list of things we must do and seemingly no time for things we actually want to do.

While it’s important to take care of our responsibilities, it’s also crucial to our overall well-being to take care of our spirits.

Here are a few activities that will enrich your soul and help you find inner peace amid the chaos of life.

Teach Someone Something New or Learn a New Skill

Teaching someone something new can be an incredibly rewarding experience, giving you the pleasure of not only enhancing another person’s knowledge or skill set but leaving a legacy that will remain long after you’re gone.

Whether you know how to knit or crochet, paint, play the piano, or something as simple as snapping your fingers, sharing your expertise is a soul-nourishing experience. If there’s something you’d love to learn, ask an expert to tutor or mentor you and devote some time to making a better you.

Spend Some Quality Time with Four-legged Friends

If you have a friendly pet, you can enrich the lives of others while enriching your own soul by taking your furry friend to spend quality time with nursing home or assisted living residents or even hospital patients.

Of course, you should check with the facility to be sure that your pet has the required certifications. You might even consider getting your pet certified as a therapy animal so that you can spread the joy in more places.

If you don’t have a dog of your own, consider dog walking or dog boarding. It will allow you to get the mental and physical health boosts that come with spending time with animals, while also making a little extra money on the side.

Get Organized

A cluttered environment can add stress to your life, so give your home an organization overhaul. Clean out your closets and donate gently used items to charity, organize your home office, or invest in some storage baskets or cute containers to give your home an updated look while freeing up valuable space.

The sense of accomplishment you’ll get from taking care of these kinds of tasks (which, if you’re like many people, you’ve probably been procrastinating on for far too long) will result in less worry and anxiety, reduced stress, and greater peace.

Catch Up With Lost Connections

Our busy lives can often lead us to lose touch with faraway friends and family members. There’s no time like the present to fix that! Re-open the lines of communication with a phone call, an email, or even a handwritten letter.

Don’t be afraid to reach out – chances are, they’ve been thinking of you too and would love to hear from you. Whether it’s been weeks, months, or even years, reconnecting with a loved one will not only forgo feelings of loneliness, it’ll give you a chance to take a walk down memory lane and fill you with warm and fuzzies.

Curl Up with a Good Book

The busy pace of day-to-day life leaves most people with little time for recreational reading. Yet reading is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp. You don’t have to read the Encyclopedia Britannica for your brain to benefit from reading; pick up that novel you’ve been itching to start since last year and cuddle up with a cup of tea. Whether you read a true account of a historical event or a fictional work, reading allows you to escape reality and visit faraway places from the comfort of your couch.

Create a Personal Growth Plan

We all have goals in life, both professional and personal, so start creating a plan to achieve them. Make a vision board, write down your goals, and develop a strategy for becoming the person you want to be. Creating a personal growth plan is a beneficial way to look toward the future and develop an optimistic mindset about what life has in store for you.

Our giant to-do lists may try to tell us otherwise, but there’s always time for a little soul therapy. Find an activity (or two, or three!) that makes you feel happy and incorporate it into your routine. You’d be surprised at the number of benefits you’ll see in all aspects of your life when you give yourself time for joy.

Eric Johnson’s own struggles with arthritis are what inspired him to volunteer to write for USHealthCorps.org. He hopes his work on the site can help others live healthy, happy lives despite their chronic illnesses.

The Benefits Of Mindfulness

Distractions are abounding and it affects the way we work - at home and at the office. A large number of people have trouble concentrating and this is where mindfulness comes in.

A form of meditation, mindfulness helps you develop stronger concentration powers. Large corporate companies such as Apple, Google and Starbucks amongst others offer training in mindfulness for their employees.

Forbes talks about this notion and shares how it can help boost your life and your career.

So What is Mindfulness?

A simple yet effective form of meditation, mindfulness makes you more focused, helping you to gain control over unruly thoughts. It is therefore a great way to reduce daily stress as it gives you control over your thoughts and prevents pondering on negative ones.

It makes you calm and allows you to go through the day in a productive manner. Ellen Langer, a psychologist at the Harvard University says;

“Mindfulness is the process of actively noticing new things. When you do that, it puts you in the present. It makes you more sensitive to context and perspective. It’s the essence of engagement.”

She adds that the "“mindless negative evaluations” that people make and the presumptions about problems they won’t be able to solve is what makes their day stressful."

Mindfulness and its Importance

Though there are many benefits of mindfulness, the main reason so many companies are banking on it is its ability to directly improve performance. The many studies which Langer has conducted in this regard have been accurate. Here are five other reasons why companies are focussed on mindfulness:

1. It relieves stress

Stress not only affects your performance but also your personality. Forbes explains “…it’s a people killer”. According to a research conducted by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 75% of healthcare expense is due to stress and two-thirds of hospital visits are for the same reason. Stress can increase your blood pressure, lead to cancer, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases and so on. Mindfulness makes you calm and takes you out of the stress mode.

2. It helps you concentrate

Mindfulness teaches you to focus on one thing at a time and this impacts everything you do. It teaches you to avoid distractions and complete one task at a time. Though we have all been subjected to multitasking, it is in fact a productivity killing practice and mindfulness lets you overcome this.

3. It makes you more creative

Creativity will depend on your mental state. Thus, when you are rid of negative thoughts and can focus, you are more likely to be creative. You can defeat the thoughts which cover up your creative skills. You can think creatively and freely because mindfulness lets you concentrate on the present.

4. It helps improve EQ

Something which cannot be perceived easily, emotional intelligence or EQ affects the way we behave, our social bonds, interactions and the decisions we make. It is your ability to understand emotions and use this knowledge to deal with relationships. Years of research have revealed that EQ is what sets star performers apart from mediocre ones. Forbes conducted studies at its workplace and found that the top performers were also high on EQ.

5. It makes you a better person

A study by the Harvard University revealed that there was in fact a link between ‘mindfulness and prosaical behaviour’. Those who practice meditation are 50% more likely to be compassionate towards others as compared to those who don’t.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Pokémon Go Is A Government Surveillance Psyop Conspiracy?
July 14 2016 | From: Gawker / Infowars

Less than a week after Pokémon Go’s launch, our streets are already filled with packs of phone-wielding, Weedle-catching zombies.

They’re robbing our teens, filling our churches with sinners, and tricking our children into exercising.

Related: A Pokemon Go user walks into a bar

But worst of all, Pokémon Go is turning us all into an army of narcs in service of the coming New World Order.

Allow me to explain.

More Like Privacy Poli-See Everything

Lots of apps have sketchy privacy policies, that’s nothing new. But the first set of alarms go off as soon as you realize that Pokémon Go’s policy does seem a bit more liberal than most, because not only are you giving Pokémon Go access to your location and camera, you’re also giving it full access to your Google account (assuming you use that to sign in).

There’s one section of the privacy policy in particular that seems to be getting the conspiracy theorists of the world up in arms and which Reddit user Homer Simpson_Doh calls “very Orwellian”:

Most Orwellian of all is this line:

We may disclose any information about you (or your authorized child) that is in our possession or control to government or law enforcement officials or private parties.

As TechCrunch explained, Pokémon-loving millennials are far less likely to object to a few extra permissions when its Squirtle staring them in the face as they abandon their every god-given freedom than they do when Google reads their email.

Pokémon Go Comes Directly - Directly - From the Intelligence Ccommunity

And it’s not like Pokémon Go itself doesn’t already have a direct(-ish) line to the CIA. After all, Pokémon Go was created by Niantic, which was formed by John Hanke.

Now, Hanke also just so happened to help found Keyhole. What does Keyhole do, you ask? I’d tell you to go to Keyhole’s website - but you can’t. It just takes you straight to Google Earth. That’s because Keyhole was acquired by Google back in 2004.

Before that, though, Keyhole received funding from a firm called In-Q-Tel, a government-controlled venture capital firm that invests in companies that will help beef up Big Brother’s tool belt.

What’s more, the funds In-Q-Tel gave Keyhole mostly came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), whose primary mission is “collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence.”

Still unsure if Pokémon Go’s creator is a government spook? Check out this excerpt from the NGA’s in-house publication, Pathfinder Magazine:

Companies obtain customer information through avenues such as social media, mobile apps, and customer relationship-management software. They might as well be talking about Pokémon Go itself.

We’re All Government Pawns

So what exactly is the New World Order planning to do with our precious and meticulously collected data? They could take a few different paths, though they all boil down to the fact that we’re all cogs in Professor Willow’s great, big government machine.

Considering that one of Big Brother’s favorite pastimes is watching its citizens at all times always and forever, Pokémon Go is an ideal vessel for its many, many eyes. It’s addicting (kids, adults, and conspiracy-loving bloggers for Gawker.com can’t seem to put the thing for more than ten minutes at a time). And it has access to pretty much our entire phone, meaning tons of personal data and monster tracking capabilities:

Granted, Pokémon Go has a perfectly legitimate reason to want access to things like your location and camera.

It needs the former to put you on the right map and the latter to make use of its augmented reality feature.

But with those allowances, Pokémon Go (or rather, its parent company Niantic) not only knows where millions of people are at any given point, they could also very well figure out who they’re with, what’s going on around them, and where they’re likely headed next.

Remember, it doesn’t take that much to hunt someone down. All it took was one absentminded tweet for Vice to accidentally reveal the location of former fugitive and bath salts-enthusiast John McAfee.

As Reddit user fight_for_anything explains:

Obviously intelligence agencies have gained a lot of info from google maps and its street view, but this data was collected easily with driving cars.

Intel agencies may see google maps and street view as just an outline or a skeleton of the whole picture.

Getting more data, particularly that off the street and inside buildings, requires tons of man hours and foot work. a logistical nightmare.

Enter Pokemon GO, where if you are an intel agency and you want photos of the inside of a home or business, you just spawn desirable pokemon or related objects there, and let totally unaware and distracted citizens take the photos for you, with devices they paid for, and those citizens pay for the experience.

imagine all these photos going back to some database (with the augmented Pokemon removed obviously. all these photos are probably GPS tagged, as well as having the phones internal gyro embed x/y/z orientation of the camera angle in the phone. these photos could be put together, much like google street view.

So as you’re “catching ‘em all” with all the other sheep, you very well may be creating a cache of high-res, data-rich images to get siphoned directly into the CIA’s greedy little pockets. Just picture it, a year from now when Trump-appointed CIA Director Liam Neeson is trying to figure out who helped The Washington Post reporters escape from prison, all he has to do is call over to Deputy Director Sutherland. “

Check the Pokédex,” he’ll say, and up springs a Google Street View-esque simulation of every building, nook, and closet within a five-mile radius - all updated in real time.

As user fight_for_anything explains, “What if that local church is a mosque they suspect of terrorist activity? And they want photos of it, or photos of the cars around it and their plates, or photos of the people coming in and out...” Meaning that, should Director Neeson need eyes somewhere, all he as to do is tell the game to stick a Pikachu in the room and some unassuming schlub will send him a photo in no time.

But I Want to Play

If, after all this, you’re still jonesing to go Pidgey hunting despite the Truth, Reddit user leocusmus has a few safety tips:

Just like ingress. Either use a spare phone or buy a cheap used one off eBay. Set up your main phone with a VPN, turn I Wi-Fi hotspot, and play from your spare phone with a dummy gmail account.

Which is more likely to keep you hidden from Big Brother’s prying eyes, sure, but it’s important to remember that, even then, you’re still not really safe.

You’re never really safe.

Secret Pokémon GO Character Discovered!

Watch Alex on his quest to catch 'em all:

Alex Jones stumbles across a brand new undiscovered Pokémon GO character!

Related: Senator Al Franken demands Pokémon Go release privacy information

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Elation As Ashburton Council Backs Out Of Controversial Water Bottling Deal
July 14 2016 | From: Stuff

The ditching of a deal to set up a water bottling plant in Canterbury has been hailed "a win for the Ashburton community.

The Ashburton District Council has backed out of negotiations with NZ Pure Blue to sell Lot 9 of its business estate, which came with resource consent to extract billions of litres of water from aquifers beneath the town.

Related: For Sale: 40 Billion Litres Of Canterbury's Purest Water

The council had been under public pressure to drop the sale. A petition with 40,000 signatures opposing the deal was recently presented to the council.

The Bung the Bore group opposing the sale had threatened legal action, and was pursuing a judicial review of the resource consent. It is understood the decision to back out of negotiations was made at a public-excluded council meeting last week. Councillors had been sworn to secrecy until the council released the news on Monday. 

Mayor Angus McKay said the potential purchaser failed to tell the council "how they intended to run a water bottling plant from the site".

“In particular, we wanted confirmation that the plant would be using bottles not water bladders ... [this] has given us enough cause for concern to cancel the Sale and Purchase Agreement,"
he said. 

Jen Branje of Bung the Bore said the group was "elated" at the news.

“This decision is a testament to what can be achieved when communities band together to instigate change.
We hope that the outcome of our efforts will encourage others to hold their councils to account."

Green Party water spokesperson Catherine Delahunty called the decision "a win for the Ashburton community.

Everything about this backroom deal was flawed – from the lack of consultation to the secrecy around who was to buy the land," she said.

"We're glad that the council has finally seen the light and have backed down from this ridiculous deal. If they have to sell public land, which is always debatable, it could at least be for something that is endorsed by and benefits the whole community, not just those who stand to make a quick buck.

Those who profit from the use of water, like those who bottle and sell it as a premium product, should pay for the privilege."

The consent, granted by Environment Canterbury (ECan) in 2011, allowed extraction of 1.4 billion litres of pure, artesian water a year until 2046. It amounted to 40 billion litres of water in total. All water taken would have been replaced with water from a nearby stockwater race.

Some residents of drought-prone Mid Canterbury - who at times can't hose their gardens due to water restrictions - said the water was desperately needed locally.

NZ Pure Blue had offered to pay for the relocation of Ashburton's rail siding from the township to a site next to its proposed water bottling plant. The sale was extended to September 30 so it could negotiate with KiwiRail.

NZ Pure Blue has two New Zealand directors, John Paynter and Roydon Hartnett, but its ownership is concealed through a trust. Both men refused to speak to Stuff but told a local newspaper the water bottling plant could create around 100 jobs.

The council has also been criticised for a lack of transparency. Some councillors were kept in the dark about details of the sale, which McKay led.

A previous attempt to sell the site to a Chinese buyer fell through.

McKay said the council was still considering the feedback from Ngāi Tahu and Arowhenua Rūnanga, the online petition and the community deputation from two lobby groups presented to council last month.

A report on community feedback to the proposed sale would be presented at the council's July meeting. ​Branje said the group was thankful for the support from people around New Zealand.

Related Articles: 

For sale: 40 billion litres of Canterbury's purest water

Councillors kept in dark over controversial water deal

Second Canterbury property with water extraction rights up for sale

NZ Pure Blue behind Ashburton water sale deal

40,000 urge council to drop Ashburton water deal

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Putin Begs Media To Wake Up + The Demonization Of Vladimir Putin
July 13 2016 | From: Infowars / Counterpunch / Sott / Various

"How do you not understand the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction?"

The growing tension between East and West is especially worrisome in light of the general public’s departure from political awareness and its inability to survive outside of the government system.

Related: Russian President Putin signs law banning GMO production

The Demonization Of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is probably the most popular Russian leader there has ever been, polling up around a phenomenal 80% as recently as November 2015 in a study carried out by a team of American researchers.

This makes him inarguably the most popular world leader today, though you would think the opposite given the way he’s routinely depicted and demonized in the West.

Paradoxically, the main reason for Putin’s popularity in Russia is the same reason he’s so reviled in the US and Western Europe.

It comes down to the simple but salient fact that when it comes to leadership and political nous Vladimir Putin is playing chess while his counterparts in London, Washington, and Paris are playing chequers.

This is not to ascribe to the Russian leader the moral virtues of Nelson Mandela or the humanitarian instincts of Mahatma Gandhi. But neither is he the caricature regularly and vehemently described in the UK and US media.

Putin is not a villain straight from a Bond movie, sitting in a spooky castle somewhere in deepest Russia planning and plotting world domination. For that kind of ‘Masters of the Universe’ malarkey you need to take yourself to the White House in Washington, or maybe CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

No, the Russian President is a man who knows his enemy better than they know themselves, and who understands and has imbibed the truth of former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev’s statement that:

“If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf.”

What those Western ideologues and members of the liberal commentariat who’ve been lining up to attack him in their newspaper columns fail to appreciate, not to mention the army of the authors who’ve been churning out books painting Putin as a latter day Genghis Khan, is the deep scars left on the Russian psyche by the country’s exposure to freedom and democracy Western-style upon the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.

Canadian journalist and author Naomi Klein lays it out in forensic detail in her peerless work, The Shock Doctrine (Penguin, 2007). The impact of free market shock therapy on Russia under Boris Yeltsin’s presidency, Klein describes thus:

“In the absence of major famine, plague or battle, never have so many lost so much in so short a time.

By 1998 more than 80 percent of Russian farms had gone bankrupt, and roughly seventy thousand state factories had closed, creating an epidemic of unemployment. In 1989, before shock therapy, 2 million people in the Russian Federation were living in poverty, on less than $4 a day.

By the time the shock therapists had administered their ‘bitter medicine’ in the mid-nineties, 74 million Russians were living below the poverty line, according to the World Bank.”

Klein also reveals that by 1994 the Russian suicide rate had doubled and violent crime increased fourfold.

Given the devastation wrought on the Russian economy and society by Western free market gurus and their Russian disciples during that awful period, the country’s recovery to the point where it is now able to contest and resist Washington-led unipolarity where before it existed unchecked, has to count as a staggering achievement.

Putin rose to power in Russia on the back of his role in violently suppressing the Chechen uprising, which began amid the chaos of the Soviet Union’s dissolution. It was a brutal and bloody conflict in which atrocities were undoubtedly committed, as they are in every conflict, until the uprising was finally crushed and Moscow’s writ restored.

The former KGB officer was thrust into the spotlight as a key member of Boris Yeltsin’s team thereafter, viewed as a safe pair of hands, which propelled him onto the political stage and his first stint as president in 2000, when he was elected for the first time.

Some maintain that during his time with the KGB that Putin made it as far as New Zealand:

Since then Putin has worked to restore the Russian economy along with its sense of national pride and prestige on the world stage. The loss of that prestige as a result of the demise of the Soviet era had a cataclysmic effect on social cohesion in a country that had long prided itself on its achievements, especially its role in defeating the Nazis in the Second World War.

The new Russian president is credited with returning the country to its former status as a respected power that can’t and won’t be bullied by the West. The attempt to use Georgia as a cat’s paw in 2008 was swiftly dealt with, and so has the attempt to do likewise with Ukraine in 2014.

All this baloney about Putin having expansionist aims is an attempt to throw a smokescreen over the West’s own expansionist agenda in Eastern Europe with the goal of throwing a cordon sanitaire around Russia in pursuit of a cold war agenda.

Russia’s current game changing role in the Middle East, along with China’s ferocious economic growth and growing influence, is proof that the days of unipolarity and uncontested Western hegemony are drawing to a close. This more than any other factor lies at the root of the irrational Russophobia being peddled so passionately in the West.

The most populous country in Europe is not and never will be a Western colony or semi colony. For those Western ideologues that cannot conceive of any relationship with Russia other than as a deadly or defeated foe, accepting this reality is a non-negotiable condition of achieving a semblance of stability and peace in the world.

While Vladimir Putin and his government are not beyond criticism – in fact, far from it – their misdeeds pale in comparison to the record of Western governments in destroying one country after the other in the Middle East, presiding over a global economy that has sown nothing but misery and despair for millions at home and abroad, leading in the last analysis to the normalization of crisis and chaos.

Their deeds, as the man said, would shame all the devils in hell.

Related: Hysterical demonization campaign of Putin and Russia - The Pentagon's empire of whining

German Green Party Politician Speaks Out Against Demonization Of Putin

The former green state minister Ludger Volmer strongly criticizes his party's Russia policy and warns against a one-sided image of Putin. The former Minister of State in the Foreign Office, Ludger Volmer (Green), has sharply attacked his party's Russia policy.

The 64-year-old, who served under the aegis of Joschka Fischer and retired from the Bundestag in 2005, now castigates the Greens in an open letter for demonizing the Russian President Vladimir Putin and "meekly reciting NATO slogans."

This just increases the danger of escalation. This is "disgraceful for a peace party" that it is "stuck in silence."

Although it is correct to consider Putin critically according to Volmer, yet Putin's image in Germany is "one-sided."

And: "The vast majority of Russians want him." In addition, one does not have to "love the Russian national character, but when it comes to any other questionable ideology, you try to deal constructively with them, political Islamism for instance - in some instances too much so."

The former member notes: "Putin may be no role model for a libertarian democracy. But he is not a warmonger."

At the same time some aspects of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine get downplayed, such as the participation of fascists in it, while the annexation of the Crimea is not so clear a violation of international law, as the Greens insist.

On several occasions, Putin has managed to successfully outmanoeuvre the psychopathic western powers both in the Ukraine and in Syria, and by doing so has preserved countless numbers of lives. His actions here have been a display of courage, discipline and determination.

A feat like this must have also required a great deal of strength and strategic insight. Unsurprisingly, his abilities and success as a leader are reflected in his approval ratings and popularity (which significantly outweigh those of any 'leader' in the West), throughout both Russia and the rest of the world.

Aside from political skill, Putin's numerous acts of generosity toward his people demonstrate humility and kindness, both of which are qualities that are now exceedingly rare among politicians in this day and age.

In the face of constant lies spread by the West and blatant acts of aggression, Putin appears to exercise a significant degree of self-control by maintaining respectful communication, utilising an approach which is calm and collected.

Incorrect threat assessment?

Related: Vladimir Putin Is The Only Leader The West Has

Above all, there is "no serious reason to assume that Russia wants incorporate Poland or the Baltic states. An incorrect threat assessment is as dangerous as a real threat,"

Volmer therefore asks: "Why are you, except for some individual voices, being silent about the NATO / EU escalation on the eastern borders?"

The letter follows on the heels of statements by Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD), who had accused the West of "sabre rattling" and had gotten criticized for it. And representatives of the Left party had attacked the Greens with arguments comparable to Volmer's.

On Wednesday of last week word came from the Greens that it was working up a response to the letter, which was received on the Monday. The foreign policy Group spokesman Omid Nouripour told the Frankfurter Rundschau: "It's never good style to publicly criticize the work of your own successor, without first dealing with them or seeking contact with them. We are fine with the line on de-escalation, but we are not with Ludger Volmer on relativizing the breach of international law by the Kremlin."

Related: NATO focuses on "containment" of non-existing "threat from East" - Russian diplomat

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Serco: The Biggest Company You’ve Never Heard Of
July 13 2016 | From: TheLibertyBeacon / Various

How Governments world-wide give away the freedoms and rights of their citizens to the Global - Military - Industrial - Complex:

When Governments “contract out” various services they are not responsible for end results, nor do they have to be transparent about any intended or unintended consequences.

Related: Serco to pay $8m to Corrections

It is like putting “a germ of Fascism” in a Petri Dish and watching it grow. A Perfect experiment in tyranny.

The only problem is, it is not an experiment… it is today’s Reality for Humanity.

We offer a look at one of the biggest Global Government Contractors that impact your life every day without you knowing it. We start our report in the year 2009, when this Corporation started to really gain traction and attention. We will end with everything right up-to-date 2016.

Umbrella Corporation

Some have even likened Serco to the infamous Umbrella Corporation of the Resident Evil game and movie franchises, in that it's tentacles stretch all around the world into numbers markets and industries.

Looking at the interests of Serco, it is not hard to see how such a parallel could be drawn:

The following video is a segment from the ABC's Australian production 'Hungry Beast' which identifies the multinational giant 'Serco Sodexo' as an intercontinental beast whose tentacles reach from boarder to boarder.

As the ABC point out Serco run the Australian prison and immigration detention centres, soon to be the largest operator of private prisons in the UK. They run half of London's Traffic Lights and all of Dublin's.

They are the largest Air Traffic Controllers in the World, multinational transportation services provider and hold a multitude of Defence Security Contracts across the globe. They even run everything from Schools to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Serco runs navy patrol boats for the ADF, as well as search and salvage operations through their partnership with P&O which form Maritime Defense Services.

Serco runs two Australian Jails already, Acacia in WA and Borallon in Queensland

They’re one of the biggest companies In the UK for running electronic tagging of offenders under house arrest or parole.

Serco is in one of the two favored bid consortiums for the new Sydney metro rail line.

Related: Serco's contract to run Mt Eden prison not renewed

The Next Phase of Our report Moves to 2013

Serco has been labelled the “biggest company you’ve never heard of”.

It’s a private company, holding a huge number of government contracts for public services - everything from nuclear weapons defenses to out of hours doctors services. Serco is a UK company but has a global reach and chances are it’s running services near you.


And now for 2016. The following video was released by Serco as a business recruiting tool and of course the all important PR tool is not forgotten.


Serco Inc. is the Americas division of Serco Group, plc, one of the world’s leading and most admired service companies.

Serco serves Federal, state and local governments, along with the Canadian government and commercial customers.

We help our customers deliver vital services more efficiently, while increasing the satisfaction of their end customers.

Serco brings deep domain expertise and proven processes informed by over 50 years’ experience, with 100,000 people in 35 countries across the world, and over 10,000 in the Americas."

- Serco

We found Serco’s Military involvement of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance of particular interest, as stated below in the following article/release from Serco.

With all of the “data bases” connected with the many Serco operations, you can be assured your name, your movements and daily actions are part “of the record” where you come into contact with their operations.

How could they not be?

Related Articles:

Serco boss in NZ to address 'major issue' with how Mt Eden Prison is run

Serco Wins $38M Contract to Support U.S. Air Force Base in Greenland

Serco Group plc (SRP) Price Target Raised to GBX 133

Serco boss Rupert Soames: "It’s really important not to run away from your past"

Service was poor and staff bullied at Serco

Out-of-hours provider 'bullied' whistleblowers

Inmates sleep in toilets at overcrowded prison

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians + Parallels Between Israel & 1930's Germany & Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”
July 12 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / GushShalom / GlobalResearch / Various

Top Israeli General Speaks Out Against Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians.

General Golan, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, on Holocaust Memorial Day, said:

“If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016.”

Related: The Jewish Colonization of Palestine

Related: Roger Waters on Why More Artists Don’t Speak Out Against Israel: They’re Terrified

Israeli Uri Avnery, a former member of the Israeli parliament, who as a boy lived in Germany during the rise of the Nazis, has come to the support of General Golan.

General Golan, who was slated to be the next Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, and Uri Avnery, one of the bravest men on the planet, are being demonized as “self-hating Jews.”

No one is permitted to mention any truth about Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians or the support for this genocide by the two American political parties and presstitute media, not even former President Jimmy Carter.

When Carter mentioned the apartheid that characterizes present-day Israel in his book, the Jewish members of the Carter Center resigned.

Uri Averny: I Was There

"Please Don't write about Ya'ir Golan!" a friend begged me, “Anything a leftist like you writes will only harm him!"

Uri Avnery

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

So I abstained for some weeks. But I can't keep quiet any longer.

General Ya'ir Golan, the deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, made a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day. Wearing his uniform, he read a prepared, well-considered text that triggered an uproar which has not yet died down.

Dozens of articles have been published in its wake, some condemning him, some lauding him. Seems that nobody could stay indifferent.

The main sentence was: "If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016."

All hell broke loose. What! Traces of Nazism in Israel? A resemblance between what the Nazis did to us with what we are doing to the Palestinians?

Related: Shymaa's story from GAZA - "We Are the Ones"

90 years ago was 1926, one of the last years of the German republic. 80 years ago was 1936, three years after the Nazis came to power. 70 years ago was 1946, on the morrow of Hitler's suicide and the end of the Nazi Reich.

I feel compelled to write about the general's speech after all, because I was there.

As a child I was an eye-witness to the last years of the Weimar Republic (so called because its constitution was shaped in Weimar, the town of Goethe and Schiller). As a politically alert boy I witnessed the Nazi Machtergreifung ("taking power") and the first half a year of Nazi rule.

I know what Golan was speaking about. Though we belong to two different generations, we share the same background. Both our families come from small towns in Western Germany. His father and I must have had a lot in common.

There is a strict moral commandment in Israel: nothing can be compared to the Holocaust. The Holocaust is unique. It happened to us, the Jews, because we are unique. (Religious Jews would add: "Because God has chosen us".)

I have broken this commandment. Just before Golan was born, I published (in Hebrew) a book called "The Swastika", in which I recounted my childhood memories and tried to draw conclusions from them. It was on the eve of the Eichmann trial, and I was shocked by the lack of knowledge about the Nazi era among young Israelis then.

My book did not deal with the Holocaust, which took place when I was already living in Palestine, but with a question which troubled me throughout the years, and even today: how could it happen that Germany, perhaps the most cultured nation on earth at the time, the homeland of Goethe, Beethoven and Kant, could democratically elect a raving psychopath like Adolf Hitler as its leader?

The last chapter of the book was entitled "It Can Happen Here!" The title was drawn from a book by the American novelist Sinclair Lewis, called ironically "It Can't Happen Here", in which he described a Nazi take-over of the United States.

In this chapter I discussed the possibility of a Jewish Nazi-like party coming to power in Israel. My conclusion was that a Nazi party can come to power in any country on earth, if the conditions are right. Yes, in Israel, too.

The book was largely ignored by the Israeli public, which at the time was overwhelmed by the storm of emotions evoked by the terrible disclosures of the Eichmann trial.

Now comes General Golan, an esteemed professional soldier, and says the same thing.

And not as an improvised remark, but on an official occasion, wearing his general's uniform, reading from a prepared, well thought-out text. The storm broke out, and has not passed yet.

Israelis have a self-protective habit: when confronted with inconvenient truths, they evade its essence and deal with a secondary, unimportant aspect. Of all the dozens and dozens of reactions in the written press, on TV and on political platforms, almost none confronted the general's painful contention.

No, the furious debate that broke out concerns the questions: Is a high-ranking army officer allowed to voice an opinion about matters that concern the civilian establishment? And do so in army uniform? On an official occasion?

Should an army officer keep quiet about his political convictions? Or voice them only in closed sessions - "in relevant forums", as a furious Binyamin Netanyahu phrased it?

General Golan enjoys a very high degree of respect in the army. As Deputy Chief of Staff he was until now almost certainly a candidate for Chief of Staff, when the incumbent leaves the office after the customary four years.

The fulfillment of this dream shared by every General Staff officer is now very remote. In practice, Golan has sacrificed his further advancement in order to utter his warning and giving it the widest possible resonance.

One can only respect such courage. I have never met General Golan, I believe, and I don't know his political views. But I admire his act.

(Somehow I recall an article published by the British magazine Punch before World War I, when a group of junior army officers issued a statement opposing the government's policy in Ireland. The magazine said that while disapproving the opinion expressed by the mutinous officers, it took pride in the fact that such youthful officers were ready to sacrifice their careers for their convictions.)

The NAZI march to power started in 1929, when a terrible world-wide economic crisis hit Germany. A tiny, ridiculous far-right party suddenly became a political force to be reckoned with. From there it took them four years to become the largest party in the country and to take over power (though it still needed a coalition).

I was there when it happened, a boy in a family in which politics became the main topic at the dinner table. I saw how the republic broke down, gradually, slowly, step by step. I saw our family friends hoisting the swastika flag. I saw my high-school teacher raising his arm when entering the class and saying "Heil Hitler" for the first time (and then reassuring me in private that nothing had changed.)

I was the only Jew in the entire gymnasium (high school.) When the hundreds of boys – all taller than I – raised their arms to sing the Nazi anthem, and I did not, they threatened to break my bones if it happened again.

A few days later we left Germany for good.

General Golan was accused of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Nothing of the sort. A careful reading of his text shows that he compared developments in Israel to the events that led to the disintegration of the Weimar Republic. And that is a valid comparison.

Things happening in Israel, especially since the last election, bear a frightening similarity to those events. True, the process is quite different. German fascism arose from the humiliation of surrender in World War I, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium from 1923-25, the terrible economic crisis of 1929, the misery of millions of unemployed.

Israel is victorious in its frequent military actions, we live comfortable lives. The dangers threatening us are of a quite different nature. They stem from our victories, not from our defeats.

Indeed, the differences between Israel today and Germany then are far greater than the similarities. But those similarities do exist, and the general was right to point them out.

The discrimination against the Palestinians in practically all spheres of life can be compared to the treatment of the Jews in the first phase of Nazi Germany. (The oppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories resembles more the treatment of the Czechs in the "protectorate" after the Munich betrayal.)

The rain of racist bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly resembles the laws adopted by the Reichstag in the early days of the Nazi regime. Some rabbis call for a boycott of Arab shops. Like then. The call "Death to the Arabs" ("Judah verrecke"?) is regularly heard at soccer matches.

A member of parliament has called for the separation between Jewish and Arab newborns in hospital.

A Chief Rabbi has declared that Goyim (non-Jews) were created by God to serve the Jews.

Our Ministers of Education and Culture are busy subduing the schools, theater and arts to the extreme rightist line, something known in German as Gleichschaltung. The Supreme Court, the pride of Israel, is being relentlessly attacked by the Minister of Justice. The Gaza Strip is a huge ghetto.

Of course, no one in their right mind would even remotely compare Netanyahu to the Fuehrer, but there are political parties here which do emit a strong fascist smell.

The political riffraff peopling the present Netanyahu government could easily have found their place in the first Nazi government.

One of the main slogans of our present government is to replace the "old elite", considered too liberal, with a new one. One of the main Nazi slogans was to replace "das System".

By the way, when the Nazis came to power, almost all high-ranking officers of the German army were staunch anti-Nazis. They were even considering a putsch against Hitler.

Their political leader was summarily executed a year later, when Hitler liquidated his opponents in his own party. We are told that General Golan is now protected by a personal bodyguard, something that has never happened to a general in the annals of Israel.

The general did not mention the occupation and the settlements, which are under army rule. But he did mention the episode which occurred shortly before he gave this speech, and which is still shaking Israel now: in occupied Hebron, under army rule, a soldier saw a seriously wounded Palestinian lying helplessly on the ground, approached him and killed him with a shot to the head.

The victim had tried to attack some soldiers with a knife, but did not constitute a threat to anyone any more. This was a clear contravention of army standing orders, and the soldier has been hauled before a court martial.

A cry went up around the country: the soldier is a hero! He should be decorated! Netanyahu called his father to assure him of his support. Avigdor Lieberman entered the crowded courtroom in order to express his solidarity with the soldier. A few days later Netanyahu appointed Lieberman as Minister of Defense, the second most important office in Israel.

Before that, General Golan received robust support both from the Minister of Defense, Moshe Ya'alon, and the Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot. Probably this was the immediate reason for the kicking out of Ya'alon and the appointment of Lieberman in his place. It resembled a putsch.

It seems that Golan is not only a courageous officer, but a prophet, too. The inclusion of Lieberman's party in the government coalition confirms

Golan's blackest fears. This is another fatal blow to the Israeli democracy. Am I condemned to witness the same process for the second time in my life?

It is this incident that aroused the general to speak out and warn the country. I can only salute him.

ISIS is a US-Israeli Creation: Top Ten “Indications”

Related: The West has a terrorist "catch and release" program, admits proxy army is geopolitical strategy

Ten Facts Why Netanyahu Is A Criminal And That Israel Is A “Rogue State”

All of the following facts are verifiable in the public domain:

1. Netanyahu heads the only undeclared nuclear weapons entity on the planet yet still ludicrously alleges that non­ nuclear Iran is trying to exterminate the state of Israel with its 100s of warheads in its Dimona secret arsenal, (all of which are outside the inspection of the IAEA), in an abortive effort to damage the agreed Iran peace deal, painstakingly negotiated by the UN Security Council members and the EU. His convoluted political machinations, in Washington and Europe, have resulted in ignominious failure as Iran rejoins the international community.

2. His government also refuses to be a party to both the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions (CWC / BWC) to which all EU members and most other UN states are signatories

3. His right­wing, extremist government supports the continued illegal occupation and settlement of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights in violation of international law, in addition to continuing a blockade of essential materials to 1.8 million in Gaza that has received global condemnation.

4. He exerts a wholly undemocratic influence over the Republican­ AIPAC dominated US congress in Washington thereby disproportionately skewing American foreign policy in favour of Israel

5. His family background includes a documented association with terrorist organisations notably the Irgun Zvai Leumi paramilitaries

6. His government is in continued breach of the human rights provisions of the EU Association Agreement that affords Israel free trade access to the European single market

7. He allows the so­called ‘pricetag’ terrorists to continue to persecute Arab residents in the Occupied Territories by the burning and destruction of olive groves and businesses in a program of uncontrolled intimidation and violence

8. He continually threatens to restrict access to Jerusalem’s Al­ Aqsa mosque as did his failed predecessor, Ariel Sharon, apparently in a bid to provoke violence and dissent

9. He is the leader of a party whose published charter requires the ethnic cleansing of all indigenous Palestinians in order to establish a Greater Israel in all of former Palestine

10. Likud’s official agenda to establish the so­called ‘facts on the ground’ is a blatant attempt to abort the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. This illegal program has recently been condemned by China as well as by the EU, Russia and the US and is now expected to lead to economic, political and sporting sanctions.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Meteorologists And Climate Engineering Denial, Perpetuating The Lie For A Paycheck And A Pension + Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real
July 12 2016 | From: GeoengineeringWatch / GreenMedInfo

How expansive and deep is the cancer of payed denial and deception which has long since permeated so much of the science community on countless fronts? How many so called "experts" have long since sold any shred of honor and honesty they may have once possessed in exchange for a paycheck and a pension?

The blatant criminal denial of the climate engineering atrocities so visible in skies around the globe is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on populations of the planet.

Related: Aerosol Spraying Conspiracy Theory Confirmed by Obama CIA Director at CFR

AThe majority of the masses have unfortunately so far been all too willing to accept a constant parade of lies from the power structure and their paid minions on an endless list of issues. Denial is epidemic in our society, the herd mentality has so far ruled the day.

Populations have been successfully programmed to never investigate or question the "experts" or the "official narrative" no matter how obvious and glaring the lies become. We have been taught to criticize and marginalize any that dare to question.

This is the Orwellian world we live in, it is a paradigm that is leading the human race and all life toward a mathematically certain near term extinction. A complete course correction begins with publicly exposing those that are perpetuating lethal deceptions.

The six minute video below covers the cowardice and deceit that is rampant in the meteorological community.

Shining a light on the insanity
is a responsibility that must be carried by us all if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video.

Why The "Chemtrail Conspiracy" Is Real

While any discussion of the "chemtrail" phenomenon today is immediately labeled conspiracy theory, a new study provides evidence that a global covert program is underway, made possible through political, commercial, and government interests working in collusion to release extremely toxic material into the atmosphere ostensibly to "combat global warming."

Admittedly, when the topic of "chemtrails" comes up, I get a bit uneasy.  Like connecting vaccines with autism, certain topics have been so loaded with misinformation for so long that writing about them automatically invokes the specter of controversy, and not open discussion, as would be expected if discovering the truth were a priority. 

Related: Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

One highly marginalized but vocal sector of the population believes chemtrails are being sprayed on us like Raid on cockroaches by our invisible overlords to facilitate a depopulation agenda.

On the other extreme are academics unashamedly publishing papers suggesting we should play God by using various geoengineering techniques with avowedly planet wide impacts to "combat global warming."

Rarely, however, do we see anyone convincingly tying together the first-hand observational data with objective data, to prove that there is something in these persistent contrails other than frozen water vapor.

Thankfully, a groundbreaking study was recently published that did exactly this, bringing us closer to the truth than we have ever been before. The implications are simply profound and I believe may foment greatly expanded awareness and activism on the topic.

New Research Proves Coal Fly Ash Is The Source Material for "Chemtrails"

The new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health titled, "Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health," offers a convincing explanation for what is behind the so-called "chemtrail" phenomenon, revealing that the source material used to create artificial weather visible throughout the world is the extremely toxic waste material from the electric industry known as coal fly ash.

If you are not already aware, "chemtrail" is a colloquial term used to describe the persistent contrails, presumably laden with "chemicals," observed issuing from aircraft that result in the formation of artificial cloud patterns and weather.

Their existence has been almost universally written off as "conspiracy theory" by the media and government despite global evidence – as clear as day – that the weather is being manipulated with aerosols, presumably for geoengineering purposes intended to offset global warming. 

The new study, authored by San Diego resident J. Marvin Herndon, was initiated after he witnessed his region being sprayed daily by an, as of then, unidentified aerosol:

"In the spring of 2014, the author began to notice tanker-jets quite often producing white trails across the cloudless blue sky over San Diego, California. The aerosol spraying that was happening with increasing frequency was a relatively new phenomenon there.

The dry warm air above San Diego is not conducive to the formation of jet contrails, which are ice condensate. By November 2014 the tanker-jets were busy every day crisscrossing the sky spraying their aerial graffiti.

In a matter of minutes, the aerosol trails exiting the tanker-jets would start to diffuse, eventually forming cirrus-like clouds that further diffuse to form a white haze that scattered sunlight, often occluding or dimming the sun. Aerosol spraying was occasionally so intense as to make the otherwise cloudless blue sky overcast, some areas of sky turning brownish.

Sometimes the navigation lights of the tanker-jets were visible as they worked at night, their trails obscuring the stars overhead; by dawn the normally clear-blue morning sky already had a milky white haze. Regardless, aerosol spraying often continued throughout the day.

The necessity for daily aerosol emplacement stems from the relatively low spraying-altitudes in the troposphere where mixing with air readily occurs bringing down the aerosolized particulates and exposing humanity and Earth's biota to the fine-grained substance.

The author's concern about the daily exposure to ultra-fine airborne particulate matter of undisclosed composition and its concomitant effect on the health of his family and public health in general prompted the research reported here."

The Long History of Covert Geoengineering Programs

For those who have not witnessed the "chemtrail" phenomenon directly, it would be easy to write off this author's testimony as dubious or merely anecdotal. But the author rightly points out that there is already extensive evidence in the historical record of covert geoengineering programs, and which he summarizes thusly:

"Geoengineering, also called weather-modification, has been carried out for decades at much lower altitudes in the troposphere.

The recent calls for open discussion of climate control or geoengineering tend to obscure the fact that the world's military and civilian sectors have modified atmospheric conditions for many decades as has been described by science historian, James R. Fleming.

Some of the early weather-modification research resulted in programs like Project Skywater (1961–1988), the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's effort to engineer "the rivers of the sky"; the U.S. Army's Operation Ranch Hand (1961–1971), in which the herbicide Agent Orange was an infamous part; and its Project Popeye (1967–1971), used to "make mud, not war" over the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

These few examples of weather-modification, all of them secret at the time they were engaged, show that the weather is in the words of the military, "a force multiplier"

The fact is that we don't need to speculate about whether these covert programs are still happening, because the evidence is "hidden out in plain sight" for millions to see on a daily basis.  [Note: I highly suggest you watch "Artificial Clouds," to get a primer on the difference between naturally occurring contrails and "chemtrails."]

The real questions here are: What is being sprayed? Who is behind the program? Why is there no public discussion of the program and its implications to human and environmental health?

Hydro Tasmania asked to explain cloud seeding in catchment day before flooding

Coal Fly Ash "Is More Toxic Than Radioactive Waste"

While it is clear that weather modification programs focused on enhanced precipitation are being conducted across the country using silver iodide, as recently exposed by our contributor Dave Dahl's documentary "Artificial Clouds," and that the result is global changes in weather patterns, exemplified by the temperature changes observed after the post-9/11 airplane grounding, the global geoengineering program appears to be a far greater threat to planetary health.

What Herndon's research uncovered is that, "[T]oxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health."

He arrived at this conclusion through the following methods:

"Two methods are employed: (1) Comparison of 8 elements analyzed in rainwater, leached from aerosolized particulates, with corresponding elements leached into water from coal fly ash in published laboratory experiments, and (2) Comparison of 14 elements analyzed in dust collected outdoors on a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter with corresponding elements analyzed in un-leached coal fly ash material.

The results show: (1) the assemblage of elements in rainwater and in the corresponding experimental leachate are essentially identical.

At a 99% confidence interval, they have identical means (T-test) and identical variances (F-test); and (2) the assemblage of elements in the HEPA dust and in the corresponding average un-leached coal fly ash are likewise essentially identical."

Coal fly ash is a fine particle residue generated by coal combustion and is an extremely toxic material for the primary 3 reasons:

1)   Because of its nanoparticle range sizing not only can it enter more easily into human tissue through skin, oral, or pulmonary contact, but it may also have greater toxicity due to its ability to mimic hormones and/or pass through cell membranes and altering nuclear programs to adversely alter cell phenotype.

2)   It contains a wide range of heavy metals, including inorganic forms of aluminum and arsenic which are highly toxic to biological systems. It's mercury content can range as high as 1 part per million.1

3)   It contains low-dose radioisotopes which can have profound, severe chronic adverse health effects several orders of magnitude higher than present toxicological risk assessments account for. Herndon states, "Coal fly ash has been described as being more radioactive than nuclear waste."

As Herndon states:

"The consequences [of coal fly ash exposure] on public health are profound, including exposure to a variety of toxic heavy metals, radioactive elements, and neurologically-implicated chemically mobile aluminum released by body moisture in situ after inhalation or through transdermal induction."

Disturbingly, the EPA recently ruled that coal fly ash is not to be considered a "hazardous waste," despite overwhelming evidence that contains dozens of compounds that individually present a serious enough environmental and human health risk to be classified and regulated as hazardous to health.

When you consider that the EPA requires coal firing electrical plants to sequester the coal fly ash due to its known toxicity as a pollutant, the hypocrisy here is astounding.

Of course, this ruling would protect those orchestrating the behind-the-scenes geoengineering agenda of using the electrical power industry's toxic byproduct: millions of tons of coal fly ash, as a "beneficial" substance used to "combat global warming," even though the end result is the same: releasing a highly toxic material directly into the troposphere.

Profit Motive and Not Evidence Drives The Geoengineering Agenda

We already have examples of how this works.

The private sector, like the aluminum industry, colludes with the government to take a highly toxic waste product like fluoride, and then lobby to have it legally mandated to be put into the environment and our bodies via fluoridation programs

Suddenly the industry responsible for concentrating and unleashing a substance that is not legal to dump into the environment due to safety concerns gets paid to have it dumped directly into our water supply which ends up in our environment and bodies.

It's like Fluoride, all over again

A highly toxic substance is simply re-purposed and rebranded as "therapeutic" when the profit motive is compelling enough to trump ethical and legal boundaries.

As of 2005, U.S. coal-fired plants reported producing 71.1 million tons of fly ash, of which 29.1 million tons was reported reused for industrial applications.3 Were it not for this "recycling" the industry would be left with a billion dollar problem, not unlike the nuclear industry's problem with nuclear waste.

Therein alone lies a plausible motive for its use as a "geoengineering" ingredient, turning a liability into a profit center.

Herndon offers additional insight into why he thinks coal fly ash was chosen as the preferred geoengineering ingredient:

"While academicians debate geoengineering as an activity that might potentially be needed in the future, evidence suggests that Western governments/militaries moved ahead with a full scale operational geoengineering program.

But instead of mining and milling rock to produce artificial volcanic ash in sufficient volumes to cool the planet, they adopted a low-cost, pragmatic alternative, but one with consequences far more dire to life on Earth than global warming might ever be, and used coal combustion fly ash.

To make matters worse, instead of placing the material high into the stratosphere, where there is minimal mixing and the substance might remain suspended for a year or more, they opted to spray coal fly ash into the lower atmosphere, the troposphere, which mixes with the air people breathe and gets rained down to ground."

Another very important point made by Herndon is that this interventionist approach to "combat global warming" appears to have been poorly thought out, perhaps resulting in exactly the opposite of the stated intention:

"There is yet another consequence of tropospheric coal ash spraying that is contrary to cooling the Earth and has potentially far-reaching adverse ecological and public health implications: weather modification and concomitant disruption of habitats and food sources.

As reported by NASA, "Normal rainfall droplet creation involves water vapor condensing on particles in clouds. The droplets eventually coalesce together to form drops large enough to fall to Earth. However, as more and more pollution particles (aerosols) enter a rain cloud, the same amount of water becomes spread out.

These smaller water droplets float with the air and are prevented from coalescing and growing large enough for a raindrop.

Thus, the cloud yields less rainfall over the course of its lifetime compared to a clean (non-polluted) cloud of the same size".

In addition to preventing water droplets from coalescing and growing large enough to fall to Earth, coal fly ash, which formed under anhydrous conditions, will hydrate, trapping additional moisture thus further acting to prevent rainfall.

That may cause drought in some areas, floods in others, crop failure, forest die-offs, and adverse ecological impacts, especially in conjunction with the chemically-mobile-aluminum contamination from coal fly ash.

The consequences ultimately may have devastating effects on habitats and reduce human food production."

Herndon leaves us with closing remarks difficult to ignore, including a call to action that I hope our readers take to heart:

"More than a half century ago Rachel Carson called the world's attention to the unintended consequences of herbicides and pesticides widely employed by agriculture.

Instead of turning a blind eye, people everywhere became motivated to stop the worst of this environmental onslaught.

Today we are fully aware of the vast interconnected web of dependencies and symbioses that comprise life on our planet. Earth exists in a state of dynamic biological, chemical, and physical equilibrium whose complexity far exceeds the understanding of contemporary science.

The pervasive tropospheric spraying of coal fly ash threatens this equilibrium, whose delicacy or whose resilience we cannot quantify. Human health is at risk as is Earth's biota. Are we to remain silent?

Or will we exercise our primal right to speak in our own defense as a species and question the sanity of emplacing coal fly ash in Earth's perpetually moving atmosphere?"

Related Articles:

30th Anniversary Of Hansen’s First Great Global Warming Fail

Matt Ridley: The many attempts to stifle free speech on climate change

High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

Let’s just re-engineer the climate

Engineer: Decarbonization Will Result in Mass Starvation, Poverty, Civil Strife

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How George Soros Singlehandedly Created The European Refugee Crisis - And Why
July 11 2016 | From: GarretGalland

Rothschild bag man George Soros could seamlessly step into the role as the real-life version of a super-villain in a James Bond novel. To give credit where credit is due, Stephen did the considerable leg work for this article and what he uncovered surprised even me.

George Soros is trading again. The 85-year-old political activist and philanthropist hit the headlines post-Brexit saying the event had “unleashed” a financial-market crisis.

Related: George Soros: A Psychopath’s Psychopath

Well, the crisis hasn’t hit Soros just yet. He was once again on the right side of the trade, taking a short position in troubled Deutsche Bank and betting against the S&P via a 2.1-million-share put option on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF.

More interestingly, Soros recently took out a $264 million position in Barrick Gold, whose share price has jumped over 14% since Brexit. Along with this trade, Soros has sold his positions in many of his traditional holdings.

Soros had recently announced he was coming out of retirement, again.

Click on the image above to see Soros lates trades online

First retiring in 2000, the only other time Soros has publicly re-entered the markets was in 2007, when he placed a number of bearish bets on US housing and ultimately made a profit of over $1 billion from the trades.

Since the 1980s, Soros has actively been pursuing a globalist agenda; he advances this agenda through his Open Society Foundations (OSF).

What is this globalist agenda, and where does it come from?

The Humble Beginnings

The globalist seed was sowed for young George by his father, Tivadar, a Jewish lawyer who was a strong proponent of Esperanto. Esperanto is a language created in 1887 by L.L. Zamenhof, a Polish eye doctor, for the purpose of “transcending national borders” and “overcoming the natural indifference of mankind.”

Tivadar taught young George Esperanto and forced him to speak it at home. In 1936, as Hitler was hosting the Olympics in Berlin, Tivadar changed the family name from Schwartz to Soros, an Esperanto word meaning “will soar.”

George Soros, who was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, benefited greatly from his father’s decision.

Allegedly, in 1944, 14-year-old George Soros went to work for the invading Nazis. It is said that until the end of the war in 1945, he worked with a government official, helping him confiscate property from the local Jewish population.

In an 1998 interview with 60 Minutes, Soros described the year of German occupation as “the happiest time in my life.”

Soros’s Venture into Finance

When the war ended, Soros moved to London and in 1947 enrolled in the London School of Economics where he studied under Karl Popper, the Austrian-British philosopher who was one of the first proponents of an “Open Society.”

Soros then worked at several merchant banks in London before moving to New York in 1963. In 1970, he founded Soros Fund Management and in 1973 created the Quantum Fund in partnership with investor Jim Rogers.

The fund made annual returns of over 30%, cementing Soros’s reputation and putting him in a position of power—one he utilizes to this day to advance the agenda of his mentors.

The Currency Speculations That Threw Britain and Asia into Crisis

In the 1990s, Soros began a string of large bets against national currencies. The first was in 1992, when he sold short the pound sterling and made a $1 billion profit in a single day.

His next big currency speculation came in 1997. This time Soros singled out the Thai baht and, with heavy short-selling volume, destroyed the baht’s artificial peg to the US dollar, which started the Asian financial crisis.

“Humanitarian” Efforts

Today, Soros’s net worth stands at $23 billion. Since taking a back seat in his company, Soros Fund Management, in 2000, Soros has been focusing on his philanthropic efforts, which he carries out through the Open Society Foundations he founded in 1993.

So who does he donate to, and what causes does he support?

During the 1980s and 1990s, Soros used his extraordinary wealth to bankroll and fund revolutions in dozens of European nations, including Czechoslovakia, Croatia, and Yugoslavia. He achieved this by funneling money to political opposition parties, publishing houses, and independent media in these nations.

If you wonder why Soros meddled in these nations’ affairs, part of the answer may lie in the fact that during and after the chaos, he invested heavily in assets in each of the respective countries.

He then used Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs to advise the fledgling governments to privatize all public assets immediately, thus allowing Soros to sell the assets he had acquired during the turmoil into newly formed open markets.

Having succeeded in advancing his agenda in Europe through regime change - and profiting in the process - he soon turned his attention to the big stage, the United States.

The Big Time

In 2004, Soros stated;

"I deeply believe in the values of an open society. For the past 15 years I have been focusing my efforts abroad; now I am doing it in the United States.”

Since then, Soros has been funding groups such as:

The American Institute for Social Justice, whose aim is to “transform poor communities through lobbying for increased government spending on social programs”

The New America Foundation, whose aim is to “influence public opinion on such topics as environmentalism and global governance”

The Migration Policy Institute, whose aim is to “bring about an illegal immigrant resettlement policy and increase social welfare benefits for illegals”

Soros also uses his Open Society Foundations to funnel money to the progressive media outlet, Media Matters.

Soros funnels the money through a number of leftist groups, including the Tides Foundation, Center for American Progress, and the Democracy Alliance in order to circumvent the campaign finance laws he helped lobby for.

Why has Soros donated so much capital and effort to these organizations? For one simple reason: to buy political power.

Democratic politicians who go against the progressive narrative will see their funding cut and be attacked in media outlets such as Media Matters, which also directly contribute to mainstream sites such as NBC, Al Jazeera, and The New York Times.

Apart from the $5 billion Soros’s foundation has donated to groups like those cited above, he has also made huge contributions to the Democratic Party and its most prominent members, like Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and of course Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Best Friends with the Clintons

Soros’s relationship with the Clintons goes back to 1993, around the time when OSF was founded. They have become close friends, and their enduring relationship goes well beyond donor status.

According to the book, The Shadow Party, by Horowitz and Poe, at a 2004 “Take Back America” conference where Soros was speaking, the former first lady introduced him saying;

"[W]e need people like George Soros, who is fearless and willing to step up when it counts.”

Soros began supporting Hillary Clinton’s current presidential run in 2013, taking a senior role in the “Ready for Hillary” group.

Since then, Soros has donated over $15 million to pro-Clinton groups and Super PACs.

More recently, Soros has given more than $33 million to the Black Lives Matter group, which has been involved in outbreaks of social unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, in 2015.

Both of these incidents contributed to a worsening of race relations across America.

The same group heavily criticized Democratic contender Bernie Sanders for his alleged track record of supporting racial inequality, helping to undercut him as a competitive threat with one of Hillary Clinton’s most ardent constituencies.

This, of course, greatly enhances the clout Soros wields through the groups mentioned above. It is safe to assume that he is now able to drive Democratic policy, especially in an administration headed by Hillary Clinton.

Simply, what Soros wants, he gets. And it’s clear from his history that he wants to smudge away national borders and create the sort of globalist nightmare represented by the European Union.

In recent years, Soros has turned his attention back to Europe. Is it a coincidence that the continent is currently in economic and social disarray?

Another Home Run: the Ukrainian Conflict

There’s no doubt about Soros’s great influence on US foreign policy. In an October 1995 PBS interview with Charlie Rose, he said, “I do now have access [to US Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott]. There is no question. We actually work together [on Eastern European policy].”

Soros’s meddling reared its ugly head again in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which began in early 2014.

In a May 2014 interview with CNN, Soros stated he was responsible for establishing a foundation in the Ukraine that ultimately led to the overthrow of the country’s elected leader and the installation of a junta handpicked by the US State Department, at the time headed by none other than Hillary Clinton:

CNN Host: First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in Eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?

Soros: Well, I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia. And the foundation has been functioning ever since and played an important part in events now.

The war that ripped through the Ukrainian region of Donbass resulted in the deaths of over 10,000 people and the displacement of over 1.4 million people. As collateral damage, a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was shot down, killing all 298 on board.

But once again Soros was there to profit from the chaos he helped create. His prize in Ukraine was the state-owned energy monopoly Naftogaz.

Soros again had his US cronies, Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew and US consulting company McKinsey, advise the puppet government of Ukraine to privatize Naftogaz.

Although Soros’s exact stake in Naftogaz has not been disclosed, in a 2014 memo he pledged to invest up to $1 billion in Ukrainian businesses, but no other Ukrainian holdings have since been reported.

His Latest Success: The European Refugee Crisis

Soros’s agenda is fundamentally about the destruction of national borders. This has recently been shown very clearly with his funding of the European refugee crisis.

The refugee crisis has been blamed on the civil war currently raging in Syria. But did you ever wonder how all these people suddenly knew Europe would open its gates and let them in?

The refugee crisis is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. It coincided with OSF donating money to the US-based Migration Policy Institute and the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, both Soros-sponsored organizations.

Both groups advocate the resettlement of third-world Muslims into Europe.

In 2015, a Sky News reporter found “Migrant Handbooks” on the Greek island of Lesbos. It was later revealed that the handbooks, which are written in Arabic, had been given to refugees before crossing the Mediterranean by a group called “Welcome to the EU.”

Welcome to the EU is funded by - you guessed it - the Open Society Foundations.

Soros has not only backed groups that advocate the resettlement of third-world migrants into Europe, he in fact is the architect of the “Merkel Plan.”

The massive Muslim integration into Europe is a Trojan Horse plan

The Merkel Plan was created by the European Stability Initiative whose chairman Gerald Knaus is a senior fellow at none other than the Open Society Foundations.

Related: Atlantic Puppeteers: Who is Behind 'The Merkel Plan' and EU Refugee Policy

The plan proposes that Germany should grant asylum to 500,000 Syrian refugees. It also states that Germany, along with other European nations, should agree to help Turkey, a country that’s 98% Muslim, gain visa-free travel within the EU starting in 2016.

Political Discourse

The refugee crisis has raised huge concern in European countries like Hungary. In response to 7,000 migrants entering Hungarian territory per day in 2015, the Hungarian government reestablished border control in order to keep the hordes of refugees from entering the country.

Of course this did not go down well with Soros and his close allies, the Clintons.

Bill Clinton has since come out and accused both Poland and Hungary of thinking “democracy is too much trouble” and wanting to have a “Putin-like authoritarian dictatorship.”

Seeing through Clinton’s comments, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán responded by saying:

"The remarks made about Hungary and Poland… have a political dimension. These are not accidental slips of the tongue.

And these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis.

And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros.”

He went on to say that “although the mouth belongs to Clinton, the voice belongs to Soros.

Soros has since said of Orbán’s policy toward the migrants:

“His plan treats the protection of national borders as the objective and the refugees as an obstacle.

Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle.”

It’s hard to imagine that he could be any clearer in his globalist intentions.

Related: Shots Fired: Wikileaks Accuses Panama Papers' Leaker Of Being "Soros-Funded, Soft-Power Tax Dodge" + Rothschild's Primer: How To Launder Money In U.S. Real Estate And Avoid "Blacklists"

The Profit Motive

So why is Soros going to such lengths to flood Europe with hordes of third-world Muslims? We can’t be sure, but it has recently come to light that Soros has taken a large series of “bearish derivative positions” against US stocks. Apparently, he thinks that causing chaos in Europe will spread the contagion to the United States, thus sending US markets spiraling downward.

The destruction of Europe through flooding it with millions of unassimilated Muslims is a direct plan to cause economic and social chaos on the Continent.

Another example of turmoil equaling profit for George Soros, who seems to have his tentacles in most geopolitical events.

We all understand correlation is not causation. However, given Soros’s extraordinary wealth, political connections, and his long track record of seeing and profiting from chaos, he is almost certainly a catalyst for much of the geopolitical turmoil now occurring.

He is intent on destroying national borders and creating a global governance structure with unlimited powers.

From his comments directed toward Viktor Orbán, we can see he clearly views national leaders as his juniors, expecting them to become puppets that sell his narrative to the ignorant masses.

Soros sees himself as a missionary carrying out the globalist agenda taught to him by his early mentors. He uses his vast political connections to influence government policy and create crises, both economic and social, to further this agenda.

By all appearances, Soros is conspiring against humanity and is hell-bent on the destruction of Western democracies.

To any rational thinker, some global events just don’t make sense. Why, for example, would Western democracies take in millions of people whose values are completely incompatible with their own?

When we look closely at the agenda being actively promoted by the leading globalist puppet master, George Soros, things become a little clearer.

On Soros & Gold

There is a naturally occurring and constant collaboration about shared interests occurring amongst the heads of governments, corporations, investment managers and all of the bottom feeders that survive off their scraps.

What is so interesting about Soros is that he is so obvious in his intentions and persistent in their pursuit. Given the consequences of his actions, it is also clear he’s a believer in moral relativism and that the ends justify the means.

That he turns a nice buck in his crusade for what certainly rhymes with a one-world government is a Soros hallmark.

“It allows me the money needed to fund my philanthropies” he might answer to the charges he is profiting from blood in the streets he was instrumental in spilling.

Going forward when something big is happening geopolitically, I am going to start my analysis by checking under rocks for signs of Soros.

At the beginning of this article we noted that Soros has gone big into American Barrick (ABX), a leading gold producer. As of the end of March it was his single largest holding at 7.36% of his overall portfolio.

As telling, he has dumped a lot of his more conventional stocks in recent months.

Related: George Soros Sells All Shares Of Citigroup, Bank Of America And JP Morgan

Given the man’s inside track – and active manipulations – you might want to take the hint and pick up some physical gold as an insurance policy against a systematic shock.

If you already own gold, I probably wouldn’t chase it here as it has had a good run of late. Ditto silver which is up 46% year to date. But if you don’t own some, adding precious metals to your portfolio as a long-term holding, even at today’s prices, makes sense.

As always with gold shares, it is important to remember a few things:

In most cases, these are speculations. That’s because their financial metrics often don’t line up with anything looking like a good value. What you are really betting on is a revaluation of the ounces of gold or silver a company is sitting on.  Thus, if a company is sitting on one million ounces of gold and gold goes up by $100, the company just got a lot more valuable.

Never fall in love with a gold stock.  Set a rational return goal and once hit, at least scrape your original investment off the table. That way you are playing with the casino’s money.

Also per my article last week, keep in mind that should gold stocks buck the trend in a future global equities correction, the money managers who own big positions in gold stocks will almost certainly dump their holdings in order to dress up the rest of their portfolios. As the trading volume in precious metals share is relatively thin, you want to beat them out the door.
Embrace the volatility. The low trading volume of most of these stocks is a key reason they have such explosive upside. Any significant uptick in investor interest can send a stock soaring.

Here Come the Clowns

Nothing comes close to the Get Out of Jail card handed by the clowns at the FBI to Hillary over her private email servers. This despite pretty much no one disputes she broke any number of federal laws of the sort which would have landed a lesser clown in jail.

To quote FBI Director James Comey;

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

There is nuance in that statement. For starters, that there is evidence of violations. But also the stark political reality that no “reasonable prosecutor” would enforce the laws, considering who the perp is: the standard bearer for the Democrats going into this election.

Besides, going after Clinton means crossing swords with Soros and no “reasonable prosecutor” would want to do that.

Related: Wikileaks Asks If This Is The "Smoking Gun" Email That Will Bring Down Hillary + The Full List Of 92 Paychecks Hillary Collected From Wall Street

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

20 History Questions They Refuse To Answer In School
July 11 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Traditional educational systems basically teach us that the history of man only dates back to about 8,000 years ago while religious texts date mankind to approximately 6,000 years ago. It is more than obvious that there a massive push to occlude our true history and origins.

While you may not agree with some of the questions, please try to view them with an open mind.  As you’ll see, the history we have been taught has been manipulated and obscured from us.

Related: Top 10 Unexplained Ancient Artifacts

Ask yourself (or others) the following questions and feel free to comment at the end of the article!

A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929.  The map was drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, who had privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople. 

Contained within the notes found on the map, Reis stated that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the 4 BC or earlier.  Our history books tell us that Antarctica was discovered by Captain James Cook while crossing the Antarctic Circle on January 17, 1773 with the ships HMS Resolution and Adventure.

1. How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain James Cook ‘discovered’ it?

The last time Antarctica was not frozen was at least 4,000 BC, so…

2. Where did the Imperial Library of Constantinople get THEIR information and who is responsible for the initial drawing of that map?

The Imperial Library of Constantinople, in the capital city of the Byzantine Empire, was the last of the great libraries of the ancient world

A tiny figurine made of baked-clay was brought up in amongst the debris churned out by a huge drill bit during the drilling of a well in Nampa Idaho in 1889. The object is a one inch long figure with one leg broken off at the knee.

3. Is it possible that mankind has been here many times LONG Before our recorded past? 

4. How many millennia would it take for an object like this to be buried 300 feet into the ground?

5. If man evolved from ape, then why are there still apes?

According to Darwinism, man evolved from ape.

6. There are pyramids on every continent of the world.  Who built them and why were they built?

In Ecuador, one large Jade cup and 12 smaller Jade cups were found. Each of the smaller cups are a little bit different in size, but if you were to fill each one and pour them into the larger one, the contents would exactly fill the larger cup. The large cup has a perfect inlaid star constellation, showingOrion and other stars.

Klaus Dona stated, “inside the big cup it is very, very magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.”

7. If scientists say that it is impossible to have a very magnetic inside of a jade cup with a non-magnetic outside of the same cup, then who created these vessels and where are they from?

8. Long before our state-sponsored recorded history will admit that civilized man was on Earth, what culture made this coin?

In Illoinois a well bit brought up a 200,000 year old bronze coin [illustrated above] from a depth of 114 feet just outside Chillicothe, Illinois. According to the Illinois State Geological Survey, the deposits containing the coin are between 200,000 and 400,000 years old.

9. Why do all history classes exclude this information?

More than 350 artifacts were found in Ecuador in an old tunnel system.  One artifact in particular shows the same pyramid with an all-seeing eye at the top of it

Under a black light, the eye takes on an interesting hue while on the bottom of this artifact (see picture below), you can see a star map of Orion’s Belt along with writing that is older than any known writing on this planet.

According to the research of Klaus Dona, the same writing has been found all over the world, proving that there was a pre-existing GLOBAL civilization that is much older than any Sanskrit writings.

We are seeing a continuing theme involving Orion’s Belt.  The pyramids on the Giza Plateau also reflect the exact same alignment as the “3 Kings” of Orion’s Belt.

10. What visitors came to this planet from Orion’s Belt?

It’s obvious that Orion’s Belt plays a large significance in the origins of mankind. Who are these visitors from Orion’s Belt and what is their agenda?

11. What is the significance of the Orion’s Belt constellation?

12. What is the true meaning of this pyramid and why is this symbol still being used?

Professor Kurt Schildmann, former President of the German Linguistic Association, called this writing “pre-Sanskit” (older than 6,000 years old) and was able to translate the writing as follows: “The son of the creator comes.”

In the pre-religious Anunnaki creation myth, Anu had 2 sons, Enki and Enlil.  Enki, also known as Ea (as inEArth) in Sumerian texts, was loving and kind to the genetically modified humans who mined gold for the Anunnaki.

13. Does “The son of the creator comes” refer to Enki?

The Old and New Testament of the Christian bible clearly shows one vengeful god who kills millions of people while an apparently different god who is all loving.

14. Does the bible reflect the story of Enlil (Old Testament, malevolent towards humans) and Enki (New Testament, all-loving toward humans)? Who is “us” and “our”?

In the Old Testament, Genesis 1:26, it states, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

15. Ancient Ornate Vase

In 1851 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, a 4-1/2 inch high zinc and silver alloy vase was dynamited out of solid rock 15 feet below the surface. On the sides were figures of flowers in bouquet arrangements, inlaid with pure silver. The rock out of which it came is estimated to be 100,000 years old.

16. According to academia, what civilization was capable of this type of art 100,000 years ago?

Over 200 metallic spheres have been found in South Africa and are estimated to be 4,500 million years old.  There are two types of spheres: “one of solid bluish metal with white flecks, and another which is a hollow ball filled with a white spongy center” (Jimison, 1982).

17. Our recorded history tells us that civilized man has only been here anywhere between 6-8,000 years, so who made these spheres millions of years beforehand?

With the exception of stone and precious metals, virtually everything we own right now would eventually turn to dirt throughout the millennia, including all of our TV’s, cellphones, cars, planes and everything made of plastic. If by chance, some major catastrophe were to hit our planet, within 100,000 years, just about every hint of civilization would be buried under years of decay.

18. Is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in economic subservience for literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years?

All religions seem to share similar stories.

19. Is it possible that this template has been used since the earliest incarnations came to this planet, perhaps billions of years ago? 

20. When will we finally learn to live without being economic slaves to the same system of domination and control?

Three bonus questions for YOU to answer:

Why has our true history been hidden from us? What is the purpose of suppressing such information? How many times have civilizations come and gone from this planet?

Hint: See this section: Suppressed / Hidden History

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Did The Dallas Shootings Really Happen?
July 10 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

Is the Dallas police shooting a false flag affair in behalf of gun control? Is it the result of a war veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder? Is the shooting the beginning of retribution for thousands of wanton police murders of US citizens in the 21st century? Or is there some other explanation?

We will never know. The perpetrator is dead. The authorities will tell us whatever suits the purposes of authority.

Related: Dallas Shootings: White Supremacists Succeeded in Provoking Black Extremism

Related: If the Shooting of Dallas Police Surprises You, You Haven’t Been Paying Attention

Related: Culprits Behind Dallas Police Massacre Revealed

We could say that the police have brought this on themselves by their undisciplined and violent behavior toward the public. On the other hand, we can hold the police chiefs, the police unions, the mayors and city councils, the governors, prosecutors, and the Justice (sic) Department responsible for failure to hold accountable those cops who murder and commit gratuitous violence against the public.

When police execute someone, the excuse is always something like this: “He reached under his shirt to his waistband. I thought he had a gun. I didn’t want to leave my children fatherless and my wife a widow.” The murdered victim’s wife and children, if any, are of no consequence.

Conservatives, especially those taught to be fearful of crime, have scant objection to police murders. Their view is always: “The police wouldn’t have shot him without cause.” The same bias in favor of the police is why conservative jurors always convict.

The liberals tend to interpret the shootings as racism, so they want to combat racism.

The real problem is that public authorities do not protect the public from gratuitous violence. Therefore, hatred and disrespect for the police are growing. Routine murders by police–several each day, almost all of which go unpunished–are generating the kind of anger that causes people to snap and to reply to violence with violence.

If the criminal justice system applied also to the police, the police would think twice before they wantonly murder.

Being a police officer is not supposed to be risk free. A police officer should be concerned about the public, not merely his own family. We cannot accept gratuitous police violence on the grounds that the officer’s behavior is dictated by his concerns for his own family. If an officer cannot accept the risks of being a police officer, he should find a different occupation.

Police violence is out of control because mayors, prosecutors, and governors are failing the public by refusing to put a halt to it. According to conservatives, punishment deters crime, but they do not apply this to the police.

Police violence is also out of control because of the revolution in police training which teaches police to protect themselves and to subdue the suspect regardless of cost. A number of former police officers have written to me that the reason they gave up the occupation is that today police are being trained to be killers like soldiers.

If a former police officer or someone knowledgeable about this training would describe it and its history, where it originated and why, I will post it on the website.

Who is Really Responsible for the Shooting?

Black Lives Matter’ is a domestic terrorist organization that has been given legitimacy by the media and the Obama administration.

Related: Black Power Group Claims Responsibility for Killing Police in Dallas

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

New Zealand Considers Taxing Sugar While New Zealand Government Invests $240m In Coca Cola And Fast Food Chains
July 10 2016 | From: Yahoo

New figures reveal the New Zealand Superannuation Fund and ACC have invested millions of dollars of taxpayers' money into several global fast food and soft drink companies.

Releasing details of the large-scale government investments on Wednesday, RNZ News reported that, as of May 31, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund and ACC had $110 million invested in The Coca-Cola Company and its global subsidiaries.


They also invested $70m in the The Coca-Cola Company's main rival, Pepsico.

Additionally, $38m was invested into McDonalds in America and Japan, and $17m into Domino's Pizza in Britain and Australia.

In New Zealand, the Super Fund has $5m invested in Restaurant Brands, which owns restaurant chains KFC, Pizza Hut, Carl's Junior and Starbucks.

Responding to the newly released figures, Labour Party MP Jenny Salesa reiterated the widespread impact obesity is having on the country.

"Oh c'mon why is ACC & the Superfund here investing Millions in soft drinks companies when NZ has the 3rd highest obesity rate in the OECD?,"
she said on Twitter.

Dental Association spokesperson Rob Beaglehole told RNZ News he was shocked to learn of the "inappropriate" investments.

Related: MP slams fat portrayal of Maui in new Disney film

Related: Is sugar tax the answer to New Zealand's obesity epidemic?

"New Zealand is the third fattest country and has the third highest consumption of sugar in the OECD, after Mexico and the United States. The number one source of sugar for those aged 30 and under comes from sugary drinks,"
he said.

A Super Fund spokesperson told RNZ News that while it recognised nutrition was a public health issue there are no plans to introduce any divestment strategies.

"We have engaged with a number of companies on this matter and will continue to do so. We are not aware of any mainstream funds which are excluding companies on these issues,"
the spokesperson said.

The Ministry of Health currently injects $60m each year into obesity prevention programmes.

Related: Little evidence sugar tax works, think tank says

Related: Government not persuaded by health professors lobbying to introduce sugar tax

Related: Medical experts push for sugar tax

A further $40m funds dental care for children.

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Exposed: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False Pretences
July 9 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

More Obscuration From The British Establishment: Sir John Chilcot, a member of the British establishment and also a member of the Butler Inquiry, the responsibility of which was to determine if the so-called “intelligence” used as the excuse for the US/UK invasion of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was “fixed” to justify the invasion, has, after seven years of delay, finally issued its report.

Remember, there was a leaked memo from the head of British intelligence that the intelligence justifying the Iraqi Invasion was “fixed” or orchestrated to produce the justification for the invasion, a war crime under the Nuremberg standard established by the United States.

Related: Invasion of Iraq, The Secret Downing Street Memo: “Intelligence and Facts were being Fixed”

Chilcot’s job was to make this fact go away or assume less importance and to protect the Butler Inquiry’s orchestrated verdict that, despite the word of the head of British intelligence, the intelligence was not fixed.

In other words, Sir John’s assigned task under the guise of an “impartial inquiry” was to absolve former UK PM and war criminal Tony Blair not of all responsibility but of all responsibility deserving of prosecution.

Sir John’s report is akin to FBI director Comey’s report on Hillary: They did it but they didn’t do it enough to be prosecuted.

Related: Crimes Against Peace: The Chilcot Inquiry, Tony Blair and Iraq

Related: The Truth About Chilcot: The Inquiry, Who’s Who?

In the context of democratic politics, if such existed in England, Tony Blair would be in the crosshairs of the ruling UK party, the Tories or Conservatives. Yet, as both parties represent the same private interest groups, the Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron, who has announced his resignation effective next October, rushed to the opposition party’s defense and gave in Parliament what former British Ambassador Craig Murray calls a;

"Dishonest, apologia for the invasion that bore no relationship to the Chilcot report.”

The UK media, for the most part, also came out in defense of Tony Blair, the war criminal and liar, providing, according to Amb. Murray;

"Uunlimited airtime to Blair and his defender Alastair Campbell”
and “almost no airtime to those who campaigned against the war.”

Here is the judgement of a British Ambassador, Craig Murray:

“Blair is still a creature of absolute self-serving slime.”

You could make the same judgment on almost every member of the Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes.

And Hillary’s regime would be even worse. My prediction is that life on earth would not survive Hillary’s first term.

Related Articles:

Is the Coup Against Corbyn a Plot to Spare Tony Blair from War Crimes Probe?

ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Tariq Ali on Chilcot Iraq Report: Tony Blair is a War Criminal for Pushing Us into Illegal War

Behind the Headlines: Britain's Secret Wars: Interview with T.J. Coles

Chilcot, Israel and the Lobby

From Winston Churchill to Tony Blair: How British Leaders Destroyed Iraq for over a Century

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The Sugar Conspiracy - Professor John Yudkin: The Man Who Tried To Warn Us About Sugar
July 9 2016 | From: TheGuardian / TheTelegraph

In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?

Robert Lustig is a paediatric endocrinologist at the University of California who specialises in the treatment of childhood obesity. A 90-minute talk he gave in 2009, titled Sugar: The Bitter Truth, has now been viewed more than six million times on YouTube. In it, Lustig argues forcefully that fructose, a form of sugar ubiquitous in modern diets, is a “poison” culpable for America’s obesity epidemic.

A year or so before the video was posted, Lustig gave a similar talk to a conference of biochemists in Adelaide, Australia. Afterwards, a scientist in the audience approached him. Surely, the man said, you’ve read Yudkin. Lustig shook his head. John Yudkin, said the scientist, was a British professor of nutrition who had sounded the alarm on sugar back in 1972, in a book called Pure, White, and Deadly.

"If only a small fraction of what we know about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive,”
wrote Yudkin, “that material would promptly be banned.”

The book did well, but Yudkin paid a high price for it. Prominent nutritionists combined with the food industry to destroy his reputation, and his career never recovered. He died, in 1995, a disappointed, largely forgotten man.

Perhaps the Australian scientist intended a friendly warning. Lustig was certainly putting his academic reputation at risk when he embarked on a high-profile campaign against sugar. But, unlike Yudkin, Lustig is backed by a prevailing wind. We read almost every week of new research into the deleterious effects of sugar on our bodies.

In the US, the latest edition of the government’s official dietary guidelines includes a cap on sugar consumption. In the UK, the chancellor George Osborne has announced a new tax on sugary drinks.

has become dietary enemy number one.

This represents a dramatic shift in priority. For at least the last three decades, the dietary arch-villain has been saturated fat. When Yudkin was conducting his research into the effects of sugar, in the 1960s, a new nutritional orthodoxy was in the process of asserting itself. Its central tenet was that a healthy diet is a low-fat diet.

Yudkin led a diminishing band of dissenters who believed that sugar, not fat, was the more likely cause of maladies such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. But by the time he wrote his book, the commanding heights of the field had been seized by proponents of the fat hypothesis. Yudkin found himself fighting a rearguard action, and he was defeated.

Not just defeated, in fact, but buried. When Lustig returned to California, he searched for Pure, White and Deadly in bookstores and online, to no avail. Eventually, he tracked down a copy after submitting a request to his university library. On reading Yudkin’s introduction, he felt a shock of recognition.

"Holy crap,”
Lustig thought. “This guy got there 35 years before me.”

You can continue reading this article here - but be warned that it does go off on the tangent that saturated fats are also bad for you which is also mainstrame propaganda that has been proven wrong:

9 Lies About Fat That Destroyed The World's Health

Your Body Is Electrical And Runs On Electrons – NOT Sugar, Protein Or Fat!

Even though the medical establishment are still trtying to quash this new development:

Low-Carbohydrate, High Fat Diet Advice Questioned

Indeed the following article is on the same topic, and while it is correct about sugar, as the preceeding article is, it too contains red herrings about saturated fats:

John Yudkin: the man who tried to warn us about sugar

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

As The War On Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be The Big Winner?
July 8 2016 | From: EllenBrown

The war on cannabis that began in the 1930s seems to be coming to an end. Research shows that this natural plant, rather than posing a deadly danger to health, has a wide range of therapeutic benefits.

But skeptics question the sudden push for legalization, which is largely funded by wealthy investors linked to Big Ag and Big Pharma.

Related: Mexico - Nieto Proposes Marijuana Legalization

Related: Canada - Marijuana Legalization Process to Begin in Canada Next Spring

In April, Pennsylvania became the 24th state to legalize medical cannabis, a form of the plant popularly known as marijuana. That makes nearly half of US states.

A major barrier to broader legalization has been the federal law under which all cannabis – even the very useful form known as industrial hemp – is classed as a Schedule I controlled substance that cannot legally be grown in the US.

But that classification could change soon. In a letter sent to federal lawmakers in April, the US Drug Enforcement Administration said it plans to release a decision on rescheduling marijuana in the first half of 2016.

The presidential candidates are generally in favor of relaxing the law. In November 2015, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced a bill that would repeal all federal penalties for possessing and growing the plant, allowing states to establish their own marijuana laws.

Hillary Clinton would not go that far but would drop cannabis from a Schedule I drug (a deadly dangerous drug with no medical use and high potential for abuse) to Schedule II (a deadly dangerous drug with medical use and high potential for abuse).

Republican candidate Donald Trump says we are losing badly in the war on drugs, and that to win that war all drugs need to be legalized.

Related: Cannabis Saved This Man From One of the Worst Man-Made Disasters in US History

But it is Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein who has been called “weed’s biggest fan.” Speaking from the perspective of a physician and public health advocate, Stein notes that hundreds of thousands of patients suffering from chronic pain and cancers are benefiting from the availability of medical marijuana under state laws.

State economies are benefiting as well. She cites Colorado, where retail marijuana stores first opened in January 2014. Since then, Colorado’s crime rates and traffic fatalities have dropped; and tax revenue, economic output from retail marijuana sales, and jobs have increased.

Among other arguments for changing federal law is that the marijuana business currently lacks access to banking facilities. Most banks, fearful of FDIC sanctions, won’t work with the $6.7 billion marijuana industry, leaving 70% of cannabis companies without bank accounts.

"There’s a lot of money left over to address safety issues that come up or really take on projects that these local communities do not necessarily have the funds to deal with,”
said Mike Elliott, executive director of the Marijuana Industry Group. “For some communities, this tax revenue has made a huge difference.”

Related: Legal Cannabis is Literally Transforming Cities - Funding Roads, Schools, Charities and More

That means billions of dollars are sitting around in cash, encouraging tax evasion and inviting theft, to which an estimated 10% of profits are lost. But that problem too could be remedied soon. On June 16, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved an amendment to prevent the Treasury Department from punishing banks that open accounts for state-legal marijuana businesses.

Boosting trade in the new marijuana market is not a good reason for decriminalizing it, of course, if it actually poses a grave danger to health. But there have been no recorded deaths from cannabis overdose in the US.

Not that the herb can’t have problematic effects, but the hazards pale compared to alcohol (30,000 deaths annually) and to patented pharmaceuticals, which are now the leading cause of death from drug overdose. Prescription drugs taken as directed are estimated to kill 100,000 Americans per year.

Behind the War on Weed: Taking Down the World’s Largest Agricultural Crop

The greatest threat to health posed by marijuana seems to come from its criminalization. Today over 50 percent of inmates in federal prison are there for drug offenses, and marijuana tops the list. Cannabis cannot legally be grown in the US even as hemp, a form with very low psychoactivity. Why not? The answer seems to have more to do with economic competition and racism than with health.

Cannabis is actually one of the oldest domesticated crops, having been grown for industrial and medicinal purposes for millennia. Until 1883, hemp was also one of the largest agricultural crops (some say the largest).

It was the material from which most fabric, soap, fuel, paper and fiber were made. Before 1937, it was also a component of at least 2,000 medicines.

In early America, it was considered a farmer’s patriotic duty to grow hemp. Cannabis was legal tender in most of the Americas from 1631 until the early 1800s. Americans could even pay their taxes with it. Benjamin Franklin’s paper mill used cannabis.

Hemp crops produce nearly four times as much raw fiber as equivalent tree plantations; and hemp paper is finer, stronger and lasts longer than wood-based paper. Hemp was also an essential resource for any country with a shipping industry, since it was the material from which sails and rope were made.

Today hemp is legally grown for industrial use in hundreds of countries outside the US. A 1938 article in Popular Mechanics claimed it was a billion-dollar crop (the equivalent of about $16 billion today), useful in 25,000 products ranging from dynamite to cellophane. New uses continue to be found.

Claims include
eliminating smog from fuels, creating a cleaner energy source that can replace nuclear power, removing radioactive water from the soil, eliminating deforestation, and providing a very nutritious food source for humans and animals.

To powerful competitors, the plant’s myriad uses seem to have been the problem.

Cannabis competed
with the lumber industry, the oil industry, the cotton industry, the petrochemical industry and the pharmaceutical industry. In the 1930s, the plant in all its forms came under attack.

Its demonization accompanied the demonization of Mexican immigrants, who were then flooding over the border and were widely perceived to be a threat. Pot smoking was part of their indigenous culture.

Harry Anslinger, called “the father of the war on weed,” was the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, a predecessor to the Drug Enforcement Administration.

He fully embraced racism as a tool for demonizing marijuana

He made such comments as:

"Marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others,”
and “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” 

In 1937, sensational racist claims like these caused recreational marijuana to be banned; and industrial hemp was banned with it.

Classification as a Schedule I controlled substance came in the 1970s, with President Richard Nixon’s War on Drugs. The Shafer Commission, tasked with giving a final report, recommended against the classification; but Nixon ignored the commission.

According to an April 2016 article in Harper’s Magazine, the War on Drugs had political motives. Top Nixon aide John Ehrlichman is quoted as saying in a 1994 interview:

The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. . . .

We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities.

We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news.

Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

Competitor or Attractive New Market for the Pharmaceutical Industry?

The documented medical use of cannabis goes back two thousand years, but the Schedule I ban has seriously hampered medical research. Despite that obstacle, cannabis has now been shown to have significant therapeutic value for a wide range of medical conditions, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, lung disease, anxiety, muscle spasms, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, and arthritis pain.

New research has also revealed the mechanism for these wide-ranging effects. It seems the active pharmacological components of the plant mimic chemicals produced naturally by the body called endocannabinoids.

These chemicals are responsible for keeping critical biological functions in balance, including sleep, appetite, the immune system, and pain. When stress throws those functions off, the endocannabinoids move in to restore balance.

Inflammation is a common trigger of the disease process in a broad range of degenerative ailments.

Stress triggers inflammation, and cannabis relieves both inflammation and stress.

THC, the primary psychoactive component of the plant, has been found to have twenty times the anti-inflammatory power of aspirin and twice that of hydrocortisone.

CBD, the most-studied non-psychoactive component, also comes with an impressive list of therapeutic uses, including against cancer and as a super-antibiotic.

CBD has been shown to kill “superbugs” that are resistant to currently available drugs. This is a major medical breakthrough, since for some serious diseases antibiotics have reached the end of their usefulness.

Behind the Push for Legalization

The pharmaceutical industry has both much to gain and much to lose from legalization of the cannabis plant in its various natural forms. Patented pharmaceuticals have succeeded in monopolizing the drug market globally.

What that industry does not want is to be competing with a natural plant that anyone can grow in his backyard, which actually works better than very expensive pharmaceuticals without side effects.

Letitia Pepper, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, is a case in point. A vocal advocate for the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use, she says she has saved her insurance company $600,000 in the last nine years, using medical marijuana in place of a wide variety of prescription drugs to treat her otherwise crippling disease.

That is $600,000 the pharmaceutical industry has not made, on just one patient.

There are 400,000 MS sufferers in the US, and 20 million people who have been diagnosed with cancer sometime in their lives.

Cancer chemotherapy is the biggest of big business, which would be directly threatened by a cheap natural plant-based alternative.

The threat to big industry profits could explain why cannabis has been kept off the market for so long. More suspicious to Pepper and other observers is the sudden push to legalize it.

They question whether Big Pharma would allow the competition, unless it had an ace up its sleeve.

Although the movement for marijuana legalization is a decades-old grassroots effort, the big money behind the recent push has come from a few very wealthy individuals with links to Monsanto, the world’s largest seed company and producer of genetically modified seeds.

In May of this year, Bayer AG, the giant German chemical and pharmaceutical company, made a bid to buy Monsanto.

Both companies are said to be working on a cannabis-based extract.

Natural health writer Mike Adams warns:

"With the cannabis industry predicted to generate over $13 billion by 2020, becoming one of the largest agricultural markets in the nation, there should be little doubt that companies like Monsanto are simply waiting for Uncle Sam to remove the herb from its current Schedule I classification before getting into the business.

. . . Other major American commodities, like corn and soybeans, are on average between 88 and 91 percent genetically modified.

Therefore, once the cannabis industry goes national, and that is most certainly primed to happen, there will be no stopping the inevitability of cannabis becoming a prostituted product of mad science and shady corporate monopoly tactics."

With the health benefits of cannabis now well established, the battlefield has shifted from its decriminalization to who can grow it, sell it, and prescribe it. Under existing California law, patients like Pepper are able to grow and use the plant essentially for free.

New bills purporting to legalize marijuana for recreational use impose regulations that opponents say
would squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market, would heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and could wind up replacing the natural cannabis plant with patented, genetically modified (GMO) plants that must be purchased year after year.

These new bills and the Monsanto/Bayer connection will be the subject of a follow-up article. Stay tuned.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Was Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch A Mind-Control Programming Site?
July 8 2016 | From: VigilantCitizen

A recently released police report from 2003 reveals that images of underage sexuality, gore, torture, animal sacrifices, S&M and other disturbing material were found at Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. These items (and many more) point towards the ranch being used as an MKULTRA programming site.

In my previous articles about Michael Jackson, I explained how he was groomed from a young age to become a puppet of the elite. His handlers not only managed his professional career, but his entire life.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

He was the product of a corrupt and devious system that gave him fame and fortune, yet destroyed his life and soul. The endless stream of bizarre reports about Jackson, emphasized by his off-putting appearance and demeanor, lead the entire world to qualify him, at best, as a “weirdo” or, at worst, as a child abuser.

Neverland Ranch is the physical manifestation of everything Jackson was about: Boundless creativity, ostentatious innocence … and a hidden, utterly disturbing dark side. A closer look at the items extracted from the ranch throughout the years (through auctions and police investigations) tell a terrifying story about what was happening between those walls.

According to a recently released police report, the ranch was filled with shocking material that were used to groom “young children into lowering their inhibitions”. This lead investigators to claim that Jackson (alone) lured young children to his house to molest them.

God and my right (the motto of the British monarch)

Related: CIA MKULTRA: They Intended To Use Drugs For “Everything”

However, a closer look a the objects found at the ranch reveal much more than implied: There was a calculated and methodical approach to the madness, one that was clearly about “programming” children to act a specific way. This systematic process, which involves causing trauma in order to cause dissociation is  the basis of Monarch mind control (If you’ve never heard of Monarch programming, read this article first).

Everything about the ranch reeks of Monarch mind control “culture”, from the overall theme, to the artwork, to the illicit programming material. In short, Neverland Ranch was more than a creepy den for Michael Jackson: It was an elite-owned programming site. Michael Jackson was not the one running things – He was programmed to not escape Neverland. Literally.


The logo of the ranch consist of a little boy wearing a onesie sitting pensively on the moon. Or a traumatized child after dissociation.

Neverland Ranch was named after the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan – the boy who never grows up. Right from its inception, the ranch was built around a theme that is extremely significant in the world of MK-ULTRA. 

Indeed, in Monarch mind control, “Peter Pan programming” is the name of an actual script used to traumatize and program children. Through trauma and torture victims are told to dissociate to Neverland, a world of wonder and eternal youth.

"Peter Pan programming is a type of mind control programming, whereby the programmer/handler uses the occult book Peter Pan, also known as Peter Pan; or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up, written by Scottish author J.M. Barrie as a 1904 play and a 1911 novel, to reinforce programming. It is also part of Monarch programming.

During programming, victims are told to escape to ‘Neverland’ while inducing dissociation from reality. Neverland is called so because once you set foot there, you can never leave.

Peter Pan alludes to the satyr Pan - in Greek mythology, Pan is the insatiable Arcadian god of lust and magic who seduces men and women with his pipes and wantonness, the symbol of the libido, the personification of undisciplined procreation in nature."

- Peter Pan Programming, The Talking Pot

At the entrance of Neverland Ranch is an image depicting a boy looking over a horned satyr, a miniature version of Pan

Pan was a prominent Greek deity. The nature god was often depicted with horns on its head and the lower body of a goat.
Pan is a phallic deity and its animalistic features are an embodiment of the carnal and procreative impulses of men

Related: The New Mind Control: “Subliminal Stimulation”; Controlling People Without Their Knowledge

"Slaves who are subjected to Peter Pan programming have an alter persona that ‘never grows up’, and remains a child who is ‘willingly’ abused.

The mascot/identifier of Peter Pan programming is a white glove; white is the colour of purity and innocence, as children are innocent and pure.

Captain Hook, Peter’s nemesis in the story, wears a hook on his right arm because Tick Tock the Crocodile ate his right hand after Peter cut it off and threw it overboard his ship.

Captain Hook is the handler in this type of programming, and the glove represents his missing/unseen hand - the ‘unseen/invisible hands’ of mind control programmers who manipulate Monarch slaves.

Michael Jackson was programmed with a Peter Pan complex, that is why his handlers built Neverland Ranch for him to live in. He was stuck at a certain stage of childhood; and, therefore, Michael related to young boys, played with them and had sleepovers.

In his mind he was always a little boy, they did not want him to grow up. Michael was NOT a p***phile, the allegations were simply fabricated in order to traumatize him and make him easier to control as his programming was breaking down and he was fighting his enslavement.

They injected him with hormones as a pre-teen to prevent his voice from breaking. He was chemically castrated with the synthetic anti-male hormone Cyproterone, which blocks puberty and prevents the voice from maturing. 

It also prevents bodily hair and the larynx from growing, and affects the bones; leaving the body with a slight frame but a large chest. Once the treatment is finished, the patient keeps a child’s larynx all his life in a man’s body."

- Ibid.

Michael Jackson was physically and mentally altered by a group of handlers who controlled his musical career, manged his personal life and, when Jackson showed signs of rebellion, ended his life.

The Neverland Ranch was a disturbing tribute to Peter Pan programming, the script Jackson himself was subject to. Even worse, the ranch was most likely used to program other innocent children.

This picture from a French magazine says: “Neverland: He created a paradise where children live in eternal paradise.” Ironic

Related: Inside Michael Jackon's Neverland Ranch

There are several images of Jackson leading a flock of children in the ranch

Packed with toys, arcade games and even a Ferris wheel, Neverland ranch appeared to be the most fun place on Earth.

It was the exact opposite.

Here are items found in Jackson’s estate throughout the years.

2003 Police Raid

In June 2016 the website RadarOnline released the full police report (read it here) of the 2003 raid of Neverland ranch. The documents collected by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department include images of “blood, gore, animal sacrifice, child torture, adult and child nudity, female bondage and sadomasochism”.

Item descriptions inside the report often ended with this sentence:

"Based on my training, this type of material can be used as part of a “grooming” process by which people (those seeking to molest children) are able to lower the inhibitions of their intended victims and facilitate the molestation of said victims”.

- Raid Police Report

As stated above, the material found in this raid was not simply of a lustful nature. It was about a sick, twisted culture surrounding the abuse. Some of the images found in the ranch were actually drenched in MK symbolism, proving that this was about something bigger than implied in the news.

Police found various artbooks featuring children in various unsettling settings – often in “adult situations”

A mannequin with two heads : A perfect way of representing a MK slave with an alter persona

Speaking of mannequins, some recently released pictures of the raid show that the ranch contained several life-sized mannequins of children. What were they used for?

This one was found oddly placed on a Michael Jackson throne

A video from the raid revealed the existence of a secret room containing a troll doll and Peter Pan pillows. Was it used to abuse victims?

The police report mentions the discovery of various photographs with bizarre details that describe twisted mind games involving young victims.

The hand written note on the report mentions that the words “Are you scared yet” are “code message”. In MK terms: trigger words

Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed In Australia - It Starts At The TOP, Just Like In The USA And UK

Related: Major Satanic Ritual Abuse / Paedophile Network Exposed In Australia

Auction of 2009

Shortly after Jackson’s death, a massive auction was carried out to liquidate some of the most valuable items at the ranch. Although there was no outright graphic material in the auction, the overarching theme of these works disturbed quite a few observers.

This painting was one of several that depict Jackson as a modern version of the Pied Piper

The story of the Pied Piper – also known as the Pan Piper – used his magical flute to lure children away from their parents

Some details in that painting are rather strange and off-putting

And unnecessary

A painting of Peter Pan leading children to Neverland … and dissociation

In Conclusion

Although news stories are keen to depict Michael Jackson as a “drug crazed maniac” who lured children into his bed, things were clearly more complex than that.

There were people behind him. Evil, manipulative, deceitful, sadistic people who were in control of his life, who morphed the young singer from the Jackson 5 into the bizarre, physically and mentally altered Michael Jackson we know today. 

Jackson also owned this sculpture of Abraham Lincoln wondering why there are children on his lap

On top of being a slave in an evil system, he was used to lure more victims into the horrible world of mind control.

Neverland Ranch was more than Michael Jackson’s home, it was a surreal celebration of depravity while serving as an “international embassy” of Peter Pan programming.

One might ask: Was Jackson was an active participant in this?

Was he maybe programmed to do so?

Was he simply another slave wandering around the ranch, completely clueless of what was truly happening? 

Only a handful of people know the truth – those who actually ran the ranch.

One thing is certain:

When Jackson began snapping out of Neverland and reconnecting with reality, when his programming started to break and his conscience pushed him to speak up, he was pumped full of drugs until he stopped breathing.

He was sent to Neverland one final time…and they made sure he would never come back.

That is the fate of the MK slave.

His handlers?

They’ve disappeared in the shadows, scot-free and with zero publicity.

That is the fate of those protected by the elite.
Related Articles:

10 Ways To Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

How Mnemonic Is Used To Program And Control Your Mind

Confession Of A Human Programmer: Illuminati Mind Control

Television Mind Control Exposed

NY Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing MKUltra?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

WikiLeaks Rolls Out Archive Of Over 1,200 ‘Clinton Iraq War’ Emails: FBI Recommends "No Charges" Against Hillary Clinton
July 7 2016 | From: RT / ZeroHedge / Various

Surprise, surprise. The establisment want Hitlery in office no matter what. In a surprising statement, FBI director James Comey announced that Federal officials have decided not to pursue federal charges against Hillary Clinton for her private email setup, an announcement that will send a shockwave throughout national politics.

The now-infamous whistleblowing website has published an archive of what is said to be over 1,200 of Hillary Clinton's private emails pertaining to the Iraq War. Julian Assange previously said that the release would be “enough to indict her.”

Related: Trump Launches LyingCrookedHillary.com + A Clinton Expose

On Monday, WikiLeaks tweeted a link to a search aggregate of 1,258 emails that Clinton wrote or received discussing US engagement in Iraq while she headed the State Department. The Iraq War email bundle is part of a trove of Clinton's correspondence that was released by the State Department in February, under the Freedom of Information Act..

In March, WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive consisting of 30,322 emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server that she used while serving as Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents cover Clinton's correspondence from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. Out of that number, 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton.

The use of private email for state-run business has become a thorn in the side of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. With Democratic convention just weeks away, the public eye is following a close watch of a potential grand jury indictment.

Related: After FBI grilling, Hillary Clinton calls husband's chat with Attorney General 'chance meeting'

This past weekend, the FBI spent more than three hours questioning Clinton about the email scandal, but as elections loom, the Bureau has yet to issue a report on its findings.

It has been a year since inspectors general from the State Department and federal intelligence agencies referred the case of Clinton’s server to the Justice Department last July.

The FBI questioning fell days after it was reported that former president Bill Clinton had held talks with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, responsible for the government’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. Clinton denied that her husband's meeting with Lynch had anything to do with the email investigation.

Many believe that the former Secretary of State will not be indicted for her use of private email.

That’s just not going to happen," Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey, told CNN's State of the Union program Sunday. "That’s something that, to me, is not within the realm of possibility."

"I am not worried about it," Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown told ABC’s This Week on Sunday.

"There will not be an indictment, and that means she did what many secretaries of state have done in the past."

Prior to Monday's release, the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange warned that "upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton" would be enough to indict her.

We've accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton. We could proceed to an indictment," Assange told ITV.

Yet at the same time, the whistleblower said that despite overwhelming evidence calling for an indictment, Lynch “will never” proceed with the charges.

Related: Americans React With Fury: ‘If Hillary Doesn’t Follow the Law, Why Should I?’

FBI Recommends "No Charges" Against Hillary Clinton

FBI director James Comey announced that Federal officials have decided not to pursue federal charges against Hillary Clinton for her private email setup, an announcement that will send a shockwave throughout national politics.

What is shocking is Comey's admission that Clinton used not one but several different email servers, adding that 110 emails contained classified information and 8 contained top secret information, he also reported that Clinton did not turn over "several thousand" emails to the FBI and added that due to Hillary's sloppy set up, it is possible that "hostile actors" got access to Clinton's emails.

Related: Why Hillary Clinton Won't Allow Her Corporate Speeches to be Published

Yet, despite all these "facts", the FBI has decided not to proceed with recommending charges.

It appears that the FBI is implying that the only reason why no charges will be filed is because there was no "intent", and yet according to the US criminal code, specifically U.S. Code Section  793 - "Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information" subsection (f), intent in this case is not required for prosection:

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer

- Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both."

As the Hill adds, the juxtaposition is likely to inflame White House critics, who have insisted that political pressures would prevent any chance of an indictment for Clinton, regardless of the damage to national security.  Obama has previously weighed in to dismiss concerns about the investigation - to the ire of Republicans and federal investigators.

Last week, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that she would defer judgment to the FBI and career Justice Department prosecutors, following a private and extremely controversial 30-minute meeting with former President Bill Clinton.

The decision left Comey as the public face of the investigation, in what some viewed as an opportunity for the hard-nosed maverick to buck political pressures and act against Clinton. 

“It is impossible for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton,” her presumptive general election opponent, Donald Trump, said on Twitter this weekend.

“What she did was wrong! What Bill did was stupid!”

The FBI began its probe connected to Clinton last summer, when inspectors general at the State Department and federal intelligence agencies referred Clinton's "homebrew" email arrangement to the Justice Department for review. The bespoke setup might have jeopardized sensitive national secrets, investigators warned.

Roughly one-in-15 of the work-related messages that Clinton sent or received on the private server have been classified at some level, according to the trove of 30,000 emails that she handed over to the State Department. Twenty-two emails were classified as top secret - the highest level of secrecy.

In May, the State Department's inspector general released a scathing report claiming that Clinton had never asked to use the unconventional setup while in office, and that the request would have been denied if she had. Comey has been under the gun to finalize the investigation before the presidential nominating conventions later this month. 

While the FBI director has insisted that he had no deadline to complete the probe, a delay past the end of the month would have been interpreted as a sign of trouble for her campaign.

Some of the initial reactions were less then excited by the FBI's admission that while Clinton may have been "extremely careless" she did not commit a crime:

Read more at: ZeroHedge

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Michael Tellinger And Jim Marrs: Suppressed Ancient History & Real History
July 7 2016 | From: EpicVoyagers

For anyone who has taken time to explore the topics covered on whis website, it is pretty much guaranteed that you will love the material covered in the following presentation.

Michael Tellinger

Michael Tellinger explores ancient history and technologies - from where Jim Marrs explores the more recent hisorical development that have followed.

Long before the Egyptians saw the light of day, an advanced civilisation of humans lived in southern Africa mining gold. These were also the people who carved the first Horus bird, the first Sphinx, built the first Pyramids and built an accurate stone calendar right in the heart of it all.

New archaeological and scientific discoveries made by Michael Tellinger, and a team of leading scientists, show that the Sumerians and even the Egyptians inherited all their knowledge from an earlier civilisation that lived at the southern tip of Africa more than 200,000 years ago... mining gold.

Jim Marrs

Jim Marrs takes us along a timeline of "Our Occulted [ occult meaning: secret ] History" - and indeed what the historical events - the actual events that have taken place - as opposed to the "official" cabal-prescribed version of history that they hoped we would all believe.

Jim explains in detail, the how and the why, covering religion, money, wars, politics, science - you name it.

This is a double feature and is quite lenghty at just under three hours - but is is well worth the time, you won't regret it. Make some popcorn!

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Switzerland Follows Iceland In Declaring War Against The Banksters & Switzerland Withdraws Longstanding Application To Join EU
July 6 2016 | From: WakingTimes / RT

“If you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” - Josiah Stamp

Iceland has gained the admiration of populists in recent years by doing that which no other nation in the world seems to be willing or capable of doing: prosecuting criminal bankers for engineering financial collapse for profit.

Their effective revolt against the banking class, who drove the tiny nation into economic crisis in 2008, is the brightest example yet that the world does not have to be indebted in perpetuity to an austere and criminal wealthy elite. In 2015, 26 Icelandic bankers were sentenced to prison and the government ordered a bank sale to benefit the citizenry.

Inspired by Iceland’s progress, activists in Switzerland are now making an important stand against the banking cartels and have successfully petitioned to bring an initiative to public referendum that would attack the private banks where it matters most: their power to lend money they don’t actually have, and to create money out of thin air.

Switzerland will hold a referendum to decide whether to ban commercial banks from creating money.

The Swiss federal government confirmed that it would hold a plebiscite, after more than 110,000 people signed a petition calling for the central bank to be given sole power to create money in the financial system.

The campaign – led by the Swiss Sovereign Money movement and known as the Vollgeld initiative – is designed to limit financial speculation by requiring private banks to hold 100pc reserves against their deposits.

- The Telegraph

Switzerland is in a key position to play a revolutionary role in changing how global banking functions. In addition to being the world’s safest harbor for storing wealth, it is also home to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)a shadowy private company owned by many of the world’s central banks, and acting as a lender to the central banks.

The BIS is the very heart of global reserve banking, the policy that enables banks to lend money that does not actually exist in their bank deposits, but is instead literally created electronically from nothing whenever a bank extends a line of credit.

Reserve banking is the policy that guarantees insurmountable debt as the outcome of all financial transactions.

The Sovereign Money initiative in Switzerland aims to curb financial speculation, which is the intended and inevitable result of reserve banking, the tool that makes financial adventurism possible by supplying the banks with endless quantities of fiat money.

Limiting a bank’s ability to produce money from nothing would be a direct blow to the roots of the banking cartel, and would cripple their ability to manipulate the world economy. Here’s how it works, in rather simplified terms:

"…if we had access to the same computer terminals the banks have, we could magic in or out of existence all the imaginary stuff we are trained to think of as important – money – in whatever quantities we liked.

This is how it works: when they print quite a lot of this stuff there is a boom. When they print too much of it, there is inflation (actually, the printing of money is inflation). When they stop printing it or simply hold on to it, there is a depression.”

- Source

In Switzerland, 90% of all money in circulation is electronic, and for this, The National Bank of Switzerland has become the direct target of the Sovereign Money Campaign.

Swiss law has in the past required required banks to back all currency creation with collateral assets like physical silver or gold, however in recent decades the climate has changed, and, “due to the emergence of electronic payment transactions, banks have regained the opportunity to create their own money.”

The grass roots campaign said in a public statement regarding the intentions of the referendum, “banks won’t be able to create money for themselves any more, they’ll only be able to lend money that they have from savers or other banks.”

Related: Former Presidents Warn About the “Invisible Government” Running the United States

This is an interesting twist in the human saga of man vs. banks, and while it remains to be seen if the referendum passes or not, it must be pointed out that it does have its own problems, articulated by Sam Gerrans:

"… it does say that the central bank should be given sole right to create money. This would essentially leave the creation of money in the same hands as those who control the Federal Reserve or the Bank of England rather than allow them to farm out the process. But at least it shows that people are beginning to wake up to where the true power lies.

In the unlikely event that this grass-roots movement in Switzerland should get its way and its proposed legislation be enacted, and then begin to morph into something which really does threaten the banking elite, we must not be surprised if Switzerland is shortly discovered to be harboring weapons of mass destruction, or to have masterminded 9/11, or to be financing Islamic State.”

Part of the cultural conditioning of our time is an ingrained, pre-assumed dependency on sacred cow institutions like banking. Just like it is impossible for most Americans to envision a world without Democrats and Republicans, it is difficult for most people to imagine a world without predatory global banking.

Yet, there are a number of other possibilities for trading, storing wealth, and facilitating development in the world.

This is not the only economic system we can imagine, and as Iceland has proven, people can regain control of their collective wealth, so perhaps this revolution will foment further in Switzerland, presenting a chance to at least bring greater awareness to the truth about central banking.

Switzerland Withdraws Longstanding Application To Join EU

The upper house of the Swiss parliament on has voted to invalidate its 1992 application to join the European Union, backing an earlier decision by the lower house.

The vote came just a week before Britain decided to leave the EU in a referendum.

Related: Euro-court outlaws criticism of EU

Twenty-seven members of the upper house, the Council of States, voted to cancel Switzerland’s longstanding EU application, versus just 13 senators against. Two abstained.

In the aftermath of the vote, Switzerland will give formal notice to the EU to consider its application withdrawn, the country’s foreign minister, Didier Burkhalter, was quoted as saying by Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

The original motion was introduced by the conservative Swiss People’s Party MP, Lukas Reimann. It had already received overwhelming support from legislators in the lower house of parliament in March, with 126 National Council deputies voting in favor, and 46 against.

Thomas Minder, counsellor for the state of Schaffhausen and an active promoter of the concept of “Swissness,” said he was eager to “close the topic fast and painlessly” as only “a few lunatics” may want to join the EU now, he told the newspaper.

Hannes Germann, also representing Schaffhausen, highlighted the symbolic importance of the vote, comparing it to Iceland’s decision to drop its membership bid in 2015.

"Iceland had the courage and withdrew the application for membership, so no volcano erupted,”
he said, jokingly.

Switzerland’s longstanding application to join the EU has not had a significant impact on the country’s politics for more than 20 years, as its accession negotiations have been suspended since 1992 in the wake of a referendum to join the European Economic Area, when the Swiss voted down the idea of closer ties with the EU.

Some politicians even argued that the vote was an unnecessary formal procedure that didn’t make much sense as Switzerland is no longer regarded by the EU as an official candidate to join the bloc.

Related: Brexit, austerity & refugee crisis knock Britain out of global ‘soft power’ ranking lead

Filippo Lombardi, from the Christian Democratic People’s Party, said that it was “not very clever to discuss it once again,” calling the debate about Switzerland’s accession at this stage “a bit ridiculous,” Neue Zürcher Zeitung reported

Switzerland, never a member of EU, shares free trade with the union and free movement of people as part of the Schengen zone.

The timing of Switzerland’s reassurance of its sovereignty and independence from the EU institutions, if accidental, may come in handy for campaigners in the UK advocating a British exit from the EU. Polls show the UK’s referendum on EU membership, to be held in a week on June 23, as being extremely close, with Leave slightly in the lead.

Related: Reality Check: Brexit is about taking a step away from "globalism" and toward "individualism"

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

5 Years Of Saving AIDS Patients With MMS: Dr. Raj Interview
July 6 2016 | From: QuantumLeap

As many professionals are now stepping forward to disclose their testimonies and the truth behind MMS, Dr. Raj was one of the first to come forward and share her experience with MMS and AIDS patients.  

Dr. Raj has had over 5 years working with MMS and AIDS patients, and in this ground-breaking interview she tells her story straight from the heart.

Note: This is interview will be featured in our Quantum Leap EMPOWERMENT Platform when it launches, we are releasing it ahead of time to give people a preview of the quality of content and research we are dedicated to inside of our science section.  

Subtitles as well as translations in all languages will be available in due time when the platform launches, thank you for your patience!

Still haven’t seen Quantum Leap? Click here to see the documentary.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Hunter: He Was A Hacker For The NSA And He Was Willing To Talk - I Was Willing To Listen
July 5 2016 | From: TheIntercept

The message arrived at night and consisted of three words: “Good evening sir!” The sender was a hacker who had written a series of provocative memos at the National Security Agency.

His secret memos had explained - with an earthy use of slang and emojis that was unusual for an operative of the largest eavesdropping organization in the world - how the NSA breaks into the digital accounts of people who manage computer networks, and how it tries to unmask people who use Tor to browse the web anonymously.

Outlining some of the NSA’s most sensitive activities, the memos were leaked by Edward Snowden, and I had written about a few of them for The Intercept.

There is no Miss Manners for exchanging pleasantries with a man the government has trained to be the digital equivalent of a Navy SEAL. Though I had initiated the contact, I was wary of how he might respond.

The hacker had publicly expressed a visceral dislike for Snowden and had accused The Intercept of jeopardizing lives by publishing classified information. One of his memos outlined the ways the NSA reroutes (or “shapes”) the internet traffic of entire countries, and another memo was titled “I Hunt Sysadmins.” I felt sure he could hack anyone’s computer, including mine.

The only NSA workers the agency has permitted me to talk with are the ones in its public affairs office who tell me I cannot talk with anyone else. Thanks to the documents leaked by Snowden, however, I have been able to write about a few characters at the NSA.

There was, for instance, a novelist-turned-linguist who penned an ethics column for the NSA’s in-house newsletter, and there was a mid-level manager who wrote an often zany advice column called “Ask Zelda!” But their classified writings, while revealing, could not tell me everything I wanted to know about the mindset of the men and women who spy on the world for the U.S. government.

I got lucky with the hacker, because he recently left the agency for the cybersecurity industry; it would be his choice to talk, not the NSA’s. Fortunately, speaking out is his second nature. While working for the NSA, he had publicly written about his religious beliefs, and he was active on social media.

So I replied to his greeting and we began an exchange of cordial messages. He agreed to a video chat that turned into a three-hour discussion sprawling from the ethics of surveillance to the downsides of home improvements and the difficulty of securing your laptop.

"I suppose why I talk is partially a personal compulsion to not necessarily reconcile two sides or different viewpoints but to just try to be honest about the way things are,” he told me. “Does that make sense?”

The hacker was at his home, wearing a dark hoodie that bore the name of one of his favorite heavy metal bands, Lamb of God. I agreed not to use his name in my story, so I’ll just refer to him as the Lamb. I could see a dime-store bubble-gum machine behind him, a cat-scratching tree, and attractive wood beams in the ceiling.

But his home was not a tranquil place. Workmen were doing renovations, so the noise of a buzz saw and hammering intruded, his wife called him on the phone, and I could hear the sound of barking. “Sorry, my cats are taunting my dog,” he said, and later the animal in question, a black-and-white pit bull, jumped onto his lap and licked his face.

The Lamb wore a T-shirt under his hoodie and florid tattoos on his arms and smiled when I said, mostly in jest, that his unruly black beard made him look like a member of the Taliban, though without a turban. He looked very hacker, not very government.

When most of us think of hackers, we probably don’t think of government hackers. It might even seem odd that hackers would want to work for the NSA - and that the NSA would want to employ them. But the NSA employs legions of hackers, as do other agencies, including the FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS, and Department of Defense.

Additionally, there are large numbers of hackers in the corporate world, working for military contractors like Booz Allen, SAIC, and Palantir. The reason is elegantly simple: You cannot hack the world without hackers.

In popular shows and movies such as “Mr. Robot” and “The Matrix,” hackers tend to be presented as unshaven geeks loosely connected to collectives like Anonymous, or to Romanian crime syndicates that steal credit cards by the millions, or they are teenagers who don’t realize their online mischief will get them into a boatload of trouble when Mom finds out.

The stereotypes differ in many ways but share a trait: They are transgressive anti-authoritarians with low regard for social norms and laws. You would not expect these people to work for The Man, but they do, in droves. If you could poll every hacker in the U.S. and ask whether they practice their trade in dark basements or on official payrolls, a large number would likely admit to having pension plans. Who knows, it could be the majority.

This may qualify as one of the quietest triumphs for the U.S. government since 9/11: It has co-opted the skills and ideals of a group of outsiders whose anti-establishment tilt was expressed two decades ago by Matt Damon during a famous scene in Good Will Hunting. Damon, playing a math genius being recruited by the NSA, launches into a scathing riff about the agency serving the interests of government and corporate evil rather than ordinary people.

Sure, he could break a code for the NSA and reveal the location of a rebel group in North Africa or the Middle East, but the result would be a U.S. bombing attack in which “1,500 people that I never met, never had a problem with, get killed.” He turns down the offer.

In recent years, two developments have helped make hacking for the government a lot more attractive than hacking for yourself. First, the Department of Justice has cracked down on freelance hacking, whether it be altruistic or malignant. If the DOJ doesn’t like the way you hack, you are going to jail.

Meanwhile, hackers have been warmly invited to deploy their transgressive impulses in service to the homeland, because the NSA and other federal agencies have turned themselves into licensed hives of breaking into other people’s computers. For many, it’s a techno sandbox of irresistible delights, according to Gabriella Coleman, a professor at McGill University who studies hackers.

"The NSA is a very exciting place for hackers because you have unlimited resources, you have some of the best talent in the world, whether it’s cryptographers or mathematicians or hackers,”
she said. “It is just too intellectually exciting not to go there.”

Revealingly, one of the documents leaked by Snowden and published by The Intercept last year was a classified interview with a top NSA hacker (not the Lamb) who exulted that his job was awesome because “we do things that you can’t do anywhere else in the country … at least not legally.

We are gainfully employed to hack computers owned by al-Qa’ida!” Asked about the kind of people he works with at the NSA, he replied, “Hackers, geeks, nerds … There’s an annual event for hackers in Las Vegas called DEF CON, and many of us attend. When there, we feel as though we are among our bretheren! [sic] We all have a similar mindset of wanting to tear things apart, to dig in, to see how things work.”

In 2012, Gen. Keith Alexander, the NSA director at the time, even attended DEF CON wearing blue jeans and a black T-shirt that bore the logo of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an anti-surveillance organization that is beloved by hackers and other good citizens of the world.

To coincide with Alexander’s visit, the NSA had created a special webpage to recruit the hackers at DEF CON. “If you have a few, shall we say, indiscretions in your past, don’t be alarmed,” the webpage stated. “You shouldn’t automatically assume you won’t be hired.” Alexander’s personal pitch was even more direct: “In this room right here is the talent we need.”

If you are willing to become a patriot hacker, Uncle Sam wants you.

As a teenager, the Lamb was a devout Christian who attended church two or three times a week, yet he also participated in online forums for Satanists and atheists. He wanted to learn what others believed and why they believed it, and he wanted to hear their responses to questions he raised. If his beliefs could not withstand challenges from opposing ones, they might not be worth keeping.

"As a Christian, I believe the Bible, and one of the things it says is if you seek the truth, you should find it,”
he told me. “If I started to come across facts that contradicted what I believed and contradicted the way that I thought about things, I had to be open to confronting them and determining how I would integrate them into my life and my thought system.”

Before he became a hacker, the Lamb had the restless spirit of one. After high school, he attended a Christian university for a year but dropped out and joined the military as a linguist. He was assigned to the NSA, and although he told me his computer skills were modest at the time, he was intrigued by the mysteries inside the machines.

"I started doing some basic computer training, like ‘Oh, here’s how computers talk to each other and network’ and that sort of stuff,”
he said. “I enjoyed that far more than trying to maintain a language that I rarely used.”

He devoured books on computers and experimented on his own time, using an application called Wireshark to see how network data was moving to and from his own computer.

He picked up a bit of programming knowledge, and he asked agency veterans for tips. As he wrote in one of his memos, “If you want to learn crazy new things… why not walk around NSA, find people in offices that do things you find interesting, and talk to them about how they do what they do.”

Screenshot from NSA document

Like Snowden, he did not need a formal education to succeed. Snowden, after all, dropped out of high school and mastered computers through self-education. As an NSA contractor, he rose to a position that gave him access to broad swaths of the agency’s networks.

While Snowden was a systems administrator, the Lamb became an expert in network analysis and was well-versed in the crucial trick of shaping traffic from one place to another - for instance, sending it from an ISP in a foreign country to an NSA server.

The Lamb’s work was important, but his memos are remarkably irreverent, even cocky. I’ve read a fair number of NSA documents, and not one contains as much hacker and internet lingo as his; he used words like “skillz” and “internetz” and “ZOMG!” and phrases like “pwn the network” and “Dude! Map all the networks!!!” Some of what he wrote is just cheerily impudent, like the opening line of one memo: “Happy Friday my esteemed and valued intelligence Community colleagues!” Another memo began, “Welcome back, comrade!”

While poking gentle fun at the government hackers he worked with, the Lamb dismissed the amateur hackers on the outside. He identified himself and his highly trained colleagues at the NSA as a breed apart - a superior breed, much in the way that soldiers look down on weekend paintballers. Perhaps this shouldn’t be altogether surprising, because arrogance is one of the unfortunate hallmarks of the male-dominated hacker culture.

At the NSA, this hubris can perhaps serve as an ethical lubricant that eases the task of hacking other people: They are not as special as you are, they do not have the magical powers you possess, they are targets first and humans second.

As the Lamb wrote in one of his memos;

"When I first went to Blackhat/Defcon, it was with the wide-eyed anticipation of ‘I’m going to go listen to all of the talks that I can, soak up all of the information possible, and become a supar-1337-haxxor.’ What a let-down of an experience that was.

You find the most interesting topics and briefings, wait in lines to get a seat, and find yourself straining your ears to listen to someone that has basically nothing new to say. Most of the talks get hyped up exponentially past any amount of substance they actually provide.”

When I asked the Lamb where he was in the hierarchy of hackers at the NSA, he just smiled and said, “I got to the point where more people would ask me questions than I asked other people questions.” He would not delve into the classified specifics of his job - he despises Snowden for leaking classified information - but I knew a lot through his memos.

Although network analysis, the Lamb’s area of expertise, is interesting from a technical perspective, he was one step removed from the most challenging and menacing type of government hacking - executing finely tuned attacks that infiltrate individual computers.

Nonetheless, he offered this characterization of his NSA work: “They were just ridiculously cool projects that I’ll never forget.”

One of the quandaries of technology is that “cool” does not necessarily mean “ethical.”

Surveillance tools that are regarded as breakthroughs can be used to spy on innocent people as well as terrorists. This is a key part of the debate on the NSA, the concern that its formidable powers are being used, or can be used, to undermine privacy, freedom, and democracy.

The Lamb’s memos on cool ways to hunt sysadmins triggered a strong reaction when I wrote about them in 2014 with my colleague Ryan Gallagher. The memos explained how the NSA tracks down the email and Facebook accounts of systems administrators who oversee computer networks.

After plundering their accounts, the NSA can impersonate the admins to get into their computer networks and pilfer the data flowing through them. As the Lamb wrote;

"Sys admins generally are not my end target. My end target is the extremist/terrorist or government official that happens to be using the network… who better to target than the person that already has the ‘keys to the kingdom’?”

Another of his NSA memos, “Network Shaping 101,” used Yemen as a theoretical case study for secretly redirecting the entirety of a country’s internet traffic to NSA servers. The presentation, consisting of a PowerPoint slideshow, was offbeat at times, with a reference to throwing confetti in the air when a hack worked and jokey lines like, “The following section could also be renamed the ‘I’m pulling my hair out in the fetal position while screaming “Why didn’t it work?!”’ section.”

The Lamb also scribbled a hand-drawn diagram about network shaping that included a smiley face in the middle next to the phrase, “YEAH!!! MAKE DATA HAPPEN!” The diagram and slideshow were both classified as top secret.

NSA diagram on network shaping - click on the image to view a larger version in a new window

His memos are boastful, even cackling. At the end of one of the sysadmin memos, the Lamb wrote, “Current mood: scheming,” and at the end of another, “Current mood: devious.” He also listed “juche-licious” as one of his moods, ironically referring to the official ideology of North Korea.

Another memo he wrote, “Tracking Targets Through Proxies & Anonymizers,” impishly noted that the use of identity-obscuring tools like Tor “generally makes for sad analysts” in the intelligence community; this was followed by a sad face emoji. The tone of his classified writing was consistent with some of his social media posts - the Lamb’s attitude, in public as well as in private, was often outspoken and brash.

What if the shoe was on the other foot, however? When I wrote about the sysadmin memos in 2014, I wondered how their author would feel if someone used the same devious rationale to hack his computer and his life. Nearly two years later, I had the chance to find out.

"If I turn the tables on you,”
I asked the Lamb, “and say, OK, you’re a target for all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. How do you feel about being a target and that kind of justification being used to justify getting all of your credentials and the keys to your kingdom?”

The Lamb smiled. “There is no real safe, sacred ground on the internet,” he replied. “Whatever you do on the internet is an attack surface of some sort and is just something that you live with. Any time that I do something on the internet, yeah, that is on the back of my mind.

Anyone from a script kiddie to some random hacker to some other foreign intelligence service, each with their different capabilities - what could they be doing to me?”

He seemed to be putting the blame for NSA attacks on the victims - if they were too dimwitted to protect themselves from hunters like him, it was their fault.

"People don’t want to think about being targets on the internet, in spite of the fact that at this point in the game, everybody is,”
he added. “Every country spies.”

He was dead serious, no smiles any longer.

“As much as we’d like to say we will all beat our swords into plowshares and become a peaceful people, it’s not going to happen,”
he continued.

“Intelligence agencies around the world are being asked questions by their governments, and government officials don’t want to hear, ‘That’s hard to solve.’ They just say, ‘Can you solve this and can you get me the intel I’m asking for?’ Which is nation agnostic, whether that’s the NSA, the FSB, the PLA or whoever.”

The Lamb’s political ideology evoked the cold-blooded realpolitik of Henry Kissinger. There is the idyllic digital world we would like to live in, there is the dog-eat-dog digital world we actually live in - and the Lamb, as I understood it, was intensely focused on winning in the latter.

"You know, the situation is what it is,”
he said. “There are protocols that were designed years ago before anybody had any care about security, because when they were developed, nobody was foreseeing that they would be taken advantage of.…

A lot of people on the internet seem to approach the problem [with the attitude of] ‘I’m just going to walk naked outside of my house and hope that nobody looks at me.’ From a security perspective, is that a good way to go about thinking? No, horrible…

There are good ways to be more secure on the internet. But do most people use Tor? No. Do most people use Signal? No. Do most people use insecure things that most people can hack? Yes. Is that a bash against the intelligence community that people use stuff that’s easily exploitable? That’s a hard argument for me to make.”

But it wasn’t a hard argument for me to make, so I tried. Back in the 1990s, in the early days of the web, the uses and hopes for the internet were thought to be joyous and non-commercial. The web would let us talk to one another and would decentralize power and revolutionize the world in good ways.

Those were the years when the Lamb spent hours and hours in chatrooms with Satanists and atheists - just the sort of connect-us-to-each-other activity that made everyone so excited about the future. At the time, few people thought the internet would become, as Bruce Schneier describes it, a surveillance platform.

So I asked whether the Lamb felt conflicted, as Snowden did, working for an organization that turned the web further and further away from its original potential as a global platform for speaking and thinking freely.

He responded by noting that he is, by nature, a defiant type and attracted to hard problems. That’s how, without a lot of formal instruction, he became an NSA hacker - he was curious about how computers worked and he wanted to figure them out. “Technically challenging things are just inherently interesting to me,” he said. “If you tell me, ‘This can’t be done,’ I’m going to try and find a way to do it.”

I mentioned that lots of people, including Snowden, are now working on the problem of how to make the internet more secure, yet he seemed to do the opposite at the NSA by trying to find ways to track and identify people who use Tor and other anonymizers. Would he consider working on the other side of things?

He wouldn’t rule it out, he said, but dismally suggested the game was over as far as having a liberating and safe internet, because our laptops and smartphones will betray us no matter what we do with them.

"There’s the old adage that the only secure computer is one that is turned off, buried in a box ten feet underground, and never turned on,”
he said.

“From a user perspective, someone trying to find holes by day and then just live on the internet by night, there’s the expectation [that] if somebody wants to have access to your computer bad enough, they’re going to get it.

Whether that’s an intelligence agency or a cybercrimes syndicate, whoever that is, it’s probably going to happen.”

The Lamb was comfortable with the side he joined in the surveillance wars, and this sets him apart from the most common stereotypes of the men and women who devote their lives to spying on others.

Spies who do nothing but eavesdrop, slipping into computers and conversations without a trace, have a reputation in popular culture of being troubled in ways that conventional spies are not. Think of Gene Hackman in The Conversation, or Ulrich Mühe in The Lives of Others - these surveillers are haunted, as it seems they should be.

Gene Hackman in The Conversation

Conventional spies are seen as journeying into hostile lands and committing heroic or devious acts; they are men and women of action, not thought. But the people who watch, listen, or hack are not as distracted by danger or adrenaline.

They mostly labor in tranquility, in temperature-controlled offices without windows, risking bodily harm no worse than carpal tunnel syndrome, and they have an abundance of time to think about the lurking that is their occupation and the people on whom they practice it.

I have a bias against the watchers, I suppose. I have been concerned about the bureaucracies of surveillance since the 1980s, when I was a student in the Soviet Union and felt like hunted prey. The telephone in the dreary lobby of my dormitory on the banks of the Neva River in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was assumed to be bugged, and if the KGB’s devices weren’t working, the dezhurnaya who sat nearby was sure to be listening.

This was my anti-surveillance Rosebud, I guess. When I visited Russian friends, I stayed silent as I walked in their ill-lit stairwells, so that the accent of my Russian would not give away the fact a foreigner was visiting them. The walls had ears.

This was one of the great contrasts between the Soviet Union and America, where I could speak to my friends without worrying about the government listening.

The Soviet Union is long gone, but in 2016 we live under the specter of far more surveillance than anything the KGB could have dreamed of with its rudimentary bugs and fearful informers. Not just government surveillance - law enforcement can easily obtain our phone and internet records with a warrant from the nearly always compliant courts - but corporate surveillance, too.

It’s not just Google and Facebook that might know more details about our lives and friends than the KGB could have imagined in its most feverish dreams of information dominance, but even Zipcar and Amazon.

There are precautions one can take, and I did that with the Lamb. When we had our video chat, I used a computer that had been wiped clean of everything except its operating system and essential applications. Afterward, it was wiped clean again.

My concern was that the Lamb might use the session to obtain data from or about the computer I was using; there are a lot of things he might have tried, if he was in a scheming mood.

At the end of our three hours together, I mentioned to him that I had taken these precautions - and he approved.

"That’s fair,”
he said. “I’m glad you have that appreciation… From a perspective of a journalist who has access to classified information, it would be remiss to think you’re not a target of foreign intelligence services.”

He was telling me the U.S. government should be the least of my worries. He was trying to help me.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation: What We Know, What We Need To Find Out, And What You Can Do Now
July 5 2016 | From: UniversityOfMelbourne

Deans Lecture: Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.

What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use.

In this Dean’s Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis, will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks.

Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.

She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute -­ the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded non­profit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from 1994 -1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates chemical accidents.

As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations, European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, and World Bank.Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies at the University of Chicago as a

Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-­Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times.

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Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown
July 4 2016 | From: TheFinancialPost

Welcome to FP Comment’s 18th annual Junk Science Week, dedicated to exposing the scientists, NGOs, activists, politicians, journalists, media outlets, cranks and quacks who manipulate science data to achieve their objectives.

Our standard definition over the years has been this: junk science occurs when scientific facts are distorted, risk is exaggerated and the science adapted and warped by politics and ideology to serve another agenda.

Much of our content over the past 18 years has focused less on science itself and more on the NGOs, politicians and others who have found it convenient to use and abuse science as a springboard to political action.

It is easy, perhaps too easy, to follow the empty-headed foibles of a media culture that mindlessly recycles reports that bacon may cause heart disease or that cell phones cause cancer. Less easy is dealing with the much bigger problem: the break down of science itself.

In The Guardian last week, Jerome Ravetz, considered one of the world’s leading philosophers of science, reviewed what he and many others describe as “the crisis in science.” Ravetz, who has been warning of the emerging internal conflicts in science for decades, sees the crisis is spreading to the general public.

"Given the public awareness that science can be low-quality or corrupted, that whole fields can be misdirected for decades (see nutrition, on cholesterol and sugar), and that some basic fields must progress in the absence of any prospect of empirical testing (string theory), the naïve realism of previous generations becomes quite Medieval in its irrelevance to present realities.”

Present reality is that science is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. That’s the not-so-tongue-in-cheek message in Science on the Verge, a new book by European scientist Andrea Saltelli and seven other contributors. Science on the Verge is a 200-page indictment of what to the lay reader appears to be a monumental deterioration across all fields, from climate science to health research to economics.

The mere idea that “most published research results are false” should be cause for alarm.

But it is worse than that. The crisis runs through just about everything we take for granted in modern science, from the use of big data to computer models of major parts of our social, economic and natural environment and on to the often absurd uses of statistical methods to fish for predetermined conclusions.

Examples from the book help prove the point. In a chapter titled “Numbers Running Wild,” one of the book’s authors, Jeroen P. van der Sluijs of the University of Bergen, asks how is it possible for a paper in Science magazine to claim that precisely 7.9 per cent (not eight per cent or seven per cent) of the world’s species would become extinct as a result of climate change - when the total number of species is unknown?

Even odder, the species study concluded that the 7.9 per cent demonstrates:

"“The importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration.”

How, asks van de Sluijs, do the researchers jump from species extinction to carbon sequestration?

"This sounds like an opinion for which the underlying arguments are not even given.”

Others examples come from economics, a science filled with unwarranted claims to certainty and predictability. Science on the Verge recalls Nobel economist Robert Lucas’s 2003 declaration that the -

"Central problem of depression-prevention has been solved.”

Also noted is the 2004 claim by former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke that the volatility of business cycles had been tamed.

These and other economic blunders lead critics to suspect the discipline of economics:

"Had reverted to (or never developed beyond) a state of immaturity.”

Few fields and practices are exempt from scrutiny in Science on the Verge. In a chapter on evidence-based science, Andrea Saltelli - also at the University of Bergen - spreads the net wide:

"It is futile to expect, for example, that modelling approaches which have failed to predict a purely financial and economic crisis will be able to inform us accurately about the behaviour of a system involving institutions, societies, economies and ecologies.

Yet this is what we do when we apply the technique of cost – benefit analysis (CBA) to dimensions of climate change”

This kind of quantitative approach to complex systems, says Saltelli, “can only foster abuse and corruption.”

- Excerpt from Science on the verge here.

It would be wrong to suspect that Science on the Verge is the work of right-wing activists, climate skeptics and hide-bound traditionalists.

It is the work, rather, of scientists with a range of ideological views despairing over what appears to be a fundamental breakdown as science has become more and more enmeshed in the business of providing evidence for policy-making.

Science, in short, has already been corrupted. We explore just some of the examples in this year’s Junk Science Week, including the GDP factory myth, sugar scares, the social cost of carbon, the last pesticide Roundup, killer lipstick, and our annual Rubber Duckies awards.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Former CIA Agent: It's Time To Talk About What’s Really Causing Terrorism & Elites Openly Calling To Rise Up Against 'Ignorant Masses"
July 3 2016 | From: TheAntiMedia

In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, a former CIA counterterrorism agent has shared her insight into what causes such tragic, intentional carnage. Amaryllis Fox spoke for the first time publicly with Al Jazeera Plus (AJ+) about terrorism, misguided narratives on why it happens, and the underlying motivators driving it - ultimately urging  Americans and those in power to adopt a different approach in combating the ongoing violence.

If I learned one lesson from my time with the CIA, it is this: everybody believes they are the good guy,” says Fox, who is currently “in the process of getting her CIA cover rolled back,AJ+ reports. She is now a peace activist and runs Mulu,an e-commerce company supporting at-risk communities around the world.

Fox worked as a counterterrorism and intelligence official for the clandestine services during the 2000s. In her first public statement on her time there, she discussed the limitations on the American public’s perception of the war on terror:

"The conversation that’s going on in the United States right now about ISIS and about the United States overseas is more oversimplified than ever. Ask most Americans whether ISIS poses an existential threat to this country and they’ll say yes. That’s where the conversation stops.

Indeed, while a majority of Americans fear terrorism, reaching a consensus on how to tackle ISIS has proved contentious. Fox explained the simplicity of the way the conflicts are viewed on both sides:

"If you’re walking down the street in Iraq or Syria and ask anybody why America dropped bombs, you get: ‘They were waging war on Islam.’”

In America, the question is: “Why were we attacked on 9/11?

Fox says if you pose this question, “You get: they hate us because we’re free.”

However, she contests the validity of these assumptions, pointing to the powerful forces that drive conflict in the first place:

"Those are stories manufactured by a really small number of people on both sides who amass a great deal of power and wealth by convincing the rest of us to keep killing each other.

Indeed, both sides of the conflict expend significant effort campaigning to prove their crusades are justified. In the United States, after decades of prolonged conflict, the populace is largely desensitized to war and often ignorant of its current manifestations.

Fox challenges this paradigm:

"I think the question we need to be asking, as Americans examining our foreign policy, is whether or not we’re pouring kerosene on a candle. The only real way to disarm your enemy is to listen to them.

If you hear them out, if you’re brave enough to really listen to their story, you can see that more often than not, you might have made some of the same choices if you’d lived their life instead of yours.

Of course, as Americans mourn the most recent mass shooting, it is doubtful many citizens are well-versed in the U.S. foreign policy that provokes such terrorism.

Rather, they focus, understandably, on the wrong done to their nation. But Fox offered a unique perspective that lends insight to the “enemy.”

"An Al-Qaeda fighter made a point once during debriefing,”
she recounted.

“He said all these movies that America makes - like Independence Day, and the Hunger Games, and Star Wars - they’re all about a small scrappy band of rebels who will do anything in their power with the limited resources available to them to expel an outside, technological advanced invader. ‘

And what you don’t realize,’
he said, is that to us, to the rest of the world, you are the empire, and we are Luke and Han. You are the aliens and we are Will Smith.’”

However, she also challenged the Al-Qaeda fighter’s take, arguing that on both sides of  conflict, those fighting on the ground often provide the same reasons for doing so:

But the truth is that when you talk to people who are really fighting on the ground, on both sides, and ask them why they’re there, they answer with hopes for their children, specific policies that they think are cruel or unfair,” she says.

And while it may be easier to dismiss your enemy as evil, hearing them out on policy concerns is actually an amazing thing, because as long as your enemy is a subhuman psychopath that’s gonna attack you no matter what you do, this never ends. But if your enemy is a policy, however complicated - that we can work with.”

As terror attacks become an increasingly normal occurrence in the West - and as Western intervention trudges ahead unabated - hearing out enemies’ concerns may, at this point, be the most effective counterterrorism gesture the United States can make; that is, if it is truly determined to bring an end to the violence.

Elites Openly Calling To Rise Up Against 'Ignorant Masses"

In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the brazen admission from James Traub a CFR member and heir to the Bloomingdale empire.

Traub recently wrote an article for ForeignPolicy openly calling for the elites to rise up against the "fist shaking, mindless, angry, ignorant, know nothing masses.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Global Interest In New Zealand Town With Too Many Jobs
July 3 2016 | From: ChannelNewsAsia

A tiny New Zealand town that offered property for bargain prices in a bid to attract more people has been swamped with more than 5,000 enquiries from around the world, the local mayor said Friday.

Clutha District Mayor Bryan Cadogan said the South Island township of Kaitangata had more jobs than people, with a population of 800 but up to 1,000 vacancies, mostly in the thriving agricultural sector.

To boost its population, the town has been offering house-and-land packages for NZ$230,000 (US$164,000) - a good deal considering the national average is NZ$577,000, rising to NZ$955,000 in Auckland.

Cadogan said the response had been overwhelming, with global interest from people enquiring about moving to the town, which is set in a lush valley about an hour's drive from Dunedin.

"We've been smashed,"
he told TV3. "I think my PA's going to throttle me... there's over 5,000 messages on my phone, the council website's full. It's just phenomenal."

The town has a coal mine, sawmills and processing factories for the dairy industry.

"We've got so many jobs in the district, jobs aren't a problem,"
Cadogan said.

"We've got the jobs, we've got the affordable housing, we've got the beautiful lifestyle. We're pretty lucky."

He said the town had been searching for ways to attract new people for years.

"We did speed dating and a jobs fair last year," he said, admitting the latest promotion had overshadowed them all.

Cadogan said the initial offering of eight land and house packages looked set to be snapped up and the town "will just keep finding them" if interest warrants it.

"It's a neat wee town with some really positive people and I think it's a hoot of a story,"
he said.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Victorious Nigel Farage Addresses EU Assembly: ‘You’re Not Laughing Now Are You?’
July 2 2016 | From: TheGatewayPundit

UKIP leader Nigel Farage stood in front of the European Union Tuesday for the first time since the Brexit results were announced last week.

Nigel told the assembly,
“How things have changed… Isn’t it funny. When I came here 17 years ago and I said I wanted to lead a campaign to leave the European Union, you all laughed at me. Well I have to say you’re not laughing now are you?”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

10 Reasons To Drink Your Milk Raw
July 2 2016 | From: Rawmilk / Various

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #1: Raw milk is a living food.

Unlike pasteurized and ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurized milk, raw milk is a living food. Several of milk’s natural components including beneficial bacteria, food enzymes, natural vitamins and immunoglobulins are heat-sensitive.

Related: Got milk? The Dairy Industry Tricked You Into It

hese health-promoting components of natural, raw milk are destroyed by heating and therefore not present in pasteurized or UHT milk. Indeed, most foods – milk included – provide best nutrition when consumed in a raw or minimally cooked state.

While heating milk doesn’t change the mineral composition to any great degree, it does, however, change their bioavailability rendering all that lovely calcium less absorbable.

Related: The "science" that is the justification behind the need to regulate raw cows milk

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #2:

Raw milk is rich in beneficial bacteria.

As a living food, raw milk is rich in beneficial bacteria. These bacteria are critical to your health; indeed,beneficial bacteria are so critical to human health that you cannot live without them. These bacteria are responsible for stimulating and training your immune system to function correctly.

They also work in conjunction with your immune system to keep pathogenic bacteria at bay. Indeed, they can be effective in the prevention and treatment of e. coli, rotavirus and salmonella infections. By consuming foods rich in beneficial bacteria – like raw dairy products and naturally fermented foods – you can help to optimize the levels of beneficial bacteria present in your gut. These bacterial allies are destroyed by pasteurization and are absent in pasteurized and UHT milk.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #3:

Raw milk is rich in food enzymes.

As a living food, raw milk is also rich in natural food enzymes: lactase, lipase and phosphatase number among many of these natural enzymes. These enzymes help your body to better digest milk and better metabolize its vital nutrients. Without these vital enzymes, the milk’s natural sugars, fats and proteins can cause reactions in individuals prone to food intolerances.

Enzymes like phosphatase help the body to better absorb milk’s calcium while other enzymes like amylase and lactase help you digest the sugars present in milk. Lactoperoxidase, another enzyme found in raw milk, offers antimicrobial properties which, again, helps to keep potential pathogens at bay. These enzymes are painfully delicate and very heat-sensitive, pasteurizing milk destroys them and the benefits they convey to you.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #4

Raw milk is rich in natural vitamins.

The butterfat present in raw milk is rich in natural fat-soluble soluble vitamins, particularly preformed vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin E. (Learn more about fat soluble vitamins: vitamin a, d, e and k.) Raw milk is also rich in water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B-complex vitamins. A quart of raw milk from grassfed cows contains approximately 50% more vitamin E and 7% more folate than pasteurized milk.

Moreover, fresh raw milk naturally contains vitamin C which is completely absent from pasteurized milk. Vitamins, like food enzymes, are delicate and are largely destroyed by heat; therefore, pasteurized milks are fortified with vitamins – and those fortifying vitamins are synthetic, laboratory-created versions of naturally-occuring vitamins. They are not treated the same way as natural vitamins by your body.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #5:

Raw butterfat is rich in Conjugated Linoleic Acid.

Meat and milk from grass-fed animals is rich in fatty compound called Conjugated Linoleic Acid or CLA. Actually classified as a trans-fatty acid (but a good transfat!), CLA offers myriad myriad positive effects for those who consume it. Indeed, research indicates that this substance is known to fight cancer (particularly breast, intestinal and bone cancers), hypertension and adipose obesity.

If you’re sourcing your raw milk well, you’re only sourcing it from grass-fed cows which means you’re consuming this important fatty acid – something that’s missing from that factory-farmed, pasteurized and skimmed milk at the grocery store (and yes, organic milk drinkers – there’s plenty of factory farming in the organic industry too!)

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #6:

Raw milk supports small farmers, not feedlots.

Pastuerization of milk was born out of necessity – as unhealthy cows from concentrated animal feed operations produce unhealthy milk. Cows sickened by confinement and an unnatural diet of grain and mash produce lackluster, thin milk poor in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and rich in pathogenic bacteria. Sick milk from sick cows makes for sick people.

Pasteurization kills pathogenic bacteria just as it kills beneficial bacteria. Rather than tackle unsanitary practices and concentrated feed operations as the root cause of food illness caused by raw dairy products, government officials instead mandated pasteurization.

Such action allows industrial dairies to continue operating in a way that sickens their cattle. When you purchase pasteurized milk at the store – unless you’re careful about your brand – you’re purchasing it from industrial farms that promote poor health among their herd.

By contrast, raw milk is not produced on a massive, concentrated scale. Instead, raw milk producers operate small operations with fewer cattle spread out over a larger amount of space. Cows aren’t fed on feedlot grain; rather, their given space on fresh pasture and spend their time outside with access to shelter when they need it – as in the case of inclement weather.

By choosing to drink raw milk and eschew pasteurized milk, you’re supporting small, local farmers who value both their customers and their herd. You’re supporting sustainable agricultural operations not the dairy mega-industry.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #7:

Raw milk is not homogenized.

Raw milk is not homogenized; rather, the beautiful fresh raw cream rises to the top to produce a lovely creamline. You can skim this cream for use in making butter or a beautiful panna cotta, or just shake the jar up to evenly distribute the cream into the milk for drinking.

This cream and butterfat is in its whole state; it hasn’t been homogenized. Homogenization is an intense process that forcefully breaks up the fat molecules present in butterfat thus allowing them to be suspended in rather than separated from the liquid milk itself.

This forceful and intense process leaves these delicate fats subject to oxidization. Oxidized fats contribute to heart disease, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Homogenization spells bad news for your heart and your body as a whole. Fresh, raw milk is not homogenized and so the fat molecules remain intact – wholesome and healthy.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #8:

Raw milk is easier to digest.

Fresh, raw milk is easier on your stomach and digestive tract. Components naturally present in raw milk, but killed by pasteurization, enable you to digest raw milk better than cooked, pasteurized milk.

Lipase, lactase and amylase – each enzymes mentioned above – work in conjunction with macronutrients present in milk – helping you to better digest the milk as a whole food. Pasteurization, by contrast, renders milk hard to digest. This is particularly true of the proteins present in milk which are denatured by high heat.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #9:

Raw milk clabbers.

Leave a carton of pasteurized milk out on the counter for a day, and you’ll end up with a putrid, stinking glop. By contrast, raw milk will clabber as its beneficial lactic-acid producing bacteria proliferate and turn raw milk into a probiotic-rich, yogurt-like food. Bonny clabber is a traditional food originally from Scotland, though most peoples across the globe enjoy similarly clabbered milks through their traditional food heritage.

Clabbered raw milk is not only edible, but particularly healthful as its sugars have been metabolized by lactic-acid producing bacteria and continue to proliferate. Since these bacteria have been killed by heat in pasteurized milk, such milk won’t clabber; rather, molds and yeasts will rot the milk. Moreover, milk that has been subject to pasteurization at ultra-high temperatures isn’t even suitable for cheesemaking.

Reason to Drink Raw Milk #10.

Raw milk supports your local economy.

Raw milk is a delicate food and is not suited to traveling long distance, nor is it shelf-stable at room temperature. Pasteurized milks and UHT milks in particular can and do travel long distances before arriving from the dairy to your door. These milks are often mixed with the milks of several dairies prior to pasteurization so you, as a consumer, lose the opportunity to question your dairy farmer about the milk you serve your family.

Further, the money you spend on such milk is divied between your grocery store, the broker/supplier, the branded dairy and, lastly, the farmer. By purchasing raw milk locally and farmer-direct, 100% of the money you spend on your milk stays in your farmers pocket and in your local economy.

Related: Avoid Drinking Pasteurized Milk Until You Learn the Shocking Details

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Historical & Current Situations In Aotearoa New Zealand
June 30 2016 [Updated July 10 2016] | From: PeterCapper (Te Atiawa / Taranaki Tuturu / Tainui / Te Rarawa)

After 200 years of colonization many Pakeha and Maori feel they have very little knowledge of pre-colonial Aotearoa. Since the Treaty Of Waitangi signing on February 4, 1840 by over 200 mainly northern and central north island Sub-Tribal Chiefs.

The signing of the Treaty Of Waitangi led to a huge influx of foreign immigrants mainly from England hoping to start a new life away from abject poverty in their Motherland and with the penal colonies of Australia only 'across the ditch', many escaped POME's (Prisoners Of Mother England) also fled to Aotearoa / New Zealand for refuge and trade opportunities.

A major factor that led to the Treaty of Waitangi were the number of criminals escaping to Aotearoa New Zealand from New South Wales, Australia. The northern Chiefs wanted Queen Victoria to send a constabulary or some form of governance and control for the multitudes of drunken sailors plying alcohol, and the halfbreed children running everywhere. This concern came mainly from Chiefs around Russell, "The Hell Hole Of The Pacific".

Governor Hobson was sent here from NSW with the infamous treaty, where the treaty was for the Crown to create the New Zealand Government to then govern over their subjects and to govern Maori - with the 1835 Declaration of Independence and Treaty of Waitangi giving us Tino Rangatiratanga (self determination / governance) whereby the Maori maintain their sovereignty.

So Maori Sovereignty is self determination in maintaining all traditional and customary rights for all and allowing Pakeha to govern themselves. Moving forward, the Crown / New Zealand Parliament and Maori would develop 'Best Practices and Relationships' over time as a united country with two cultures that would respect each others differences so that we could assimilate together into a unique, well adjusted nation.

Whew, if only huh!

With an estimated population at that point in 1840; of 300,000 Maori and 1,200-1,500 colonial settlers, two thirds being English, Irish and Scottish and the rest a mix of mostly mainland Europeans such as French, German, Dutch, Dalmatian, Portuguese, a few Americans and quite a large contingent of Chinese (to build the railroads and search for gold in the South Island). It is today totally inconceivable that Maori ceded their sovereignty and governance of their GOD-given ancestral lands - to a handful of greedy Rothschild-owned East India Company agents, Spencer and Russell, land agents who founded The Bank Of New Zealand.

Pakeha New Zealanders know even less, if anything at all, about the far more important document signed 5 years earlier on October 28, 1835 between (again) northern and central Hapu / Iwi…

The 1835 Maori Declaration Of Independence, represented by The Confederated Chiefs Of The United Tribes Of Aotearoa, a sitting Parliament of Chieftain descendents of 1835 and 1840, and there are many today claiming this status that has basically turned the Confederated Chiefs into factions all vying for limited positions within the Confederation.

Add to this the fact that many Maori (estimated at 90%) also know very little if anything of the same founding document (The 1835 Maori Declaration Of Independence), it is no wonder many feel confused, uncertain and ostracised from their own culture and customs.

Furthermore, the fact that many Pakeha, also know very little if anything of the same founding document, (again, The 1835 Maori Declaration Of Independence) it is no wonder many feel confused about local hisotry.

So why are Maori in this predicament?

Well, being an avid war and military historian, one thing has struck me as obvious! Our Tupuna (ancestors) lie on the battlefields of South Africa, Turkey, France, Belgium, Greece, Crete, North Africa, Syria, Italy, Germany, Korea, Vietnam and throughout the Southeast Asian archipelago in there 1000's… and for what?

I can't help but recall how on their return how badly these heroes were treated after all these wars by the NZ government of the day, with many still suffering combat stress and fatigue and no mental healthcare available, menial laborious work on land no longer theirs with housing and education causing major setbacks causing many dysfunctional families that has decimated Maori whanau and communities nationwide!

These fine men who never returned from battle were to take the mantle of Tino Rangatiratanga (Self Determination) and Kawanatanga (Governance) of their respective Iwi and Hapu into a prosperous future and I can not help but remember stories from the returned veterans that it was common to see young under-age Maori recruits amongst their ranks, some as young as 14 years old, yet if an underage Pakeha tried to join up, he would be sent home immediately.

Therefore, I and others, have concluded that the government ‘intentionally’ accepted under-age young Maori recruits knowing it would devastate their future tribal Chieftain ranks as all knowledge was normally passed down to the Tuakana or eldest male who now sadly lie in the many foreign cemeteries.

Researchers worldwide are now revealing that all wars since The Battle Of Waterloo in 1815, were created and funded by the Vatican, Rothschild / Rockefeller Banking Empire, Masonic and Illuminati secret societies with the Vatican / Rothschild / Rockefeller Khazarian Zionist Transnational Criminal Cabal now infiltrated into every and endorsed by every mainly western government since - among many other secret and not so secret societies like The Knights Of Malta, The satanic Israeli Jewish Talmudic faith that Saudi Wahhabism is based and other horrors too unbelievably evil to be discussed in length here…

So did our Tupuna die in vein in some evil master-plan to rule the world by these satanic inspired sick individuals called the Cabal? It very much seems so!

Hopefully very soon all truth will be revealed to the world and with Maori language, traditions, (Tikanga) and customs (Kawa) experiencing a renaissance and exciting revival over the last 40 years, many Maori have begun their journey of seeking their whakapapa (genealogy) in order to find that missing link in their lives with multitudes of Maori of all ages taking to the stages to engage in their cultural waiata (songs), kapa haka (group performances) and haka (war dance).

The Confederated Chiefs Of United Tribes Of Aotearoa 1834 Flag

Ma pango ma whero ka oti te mahi (If Chief and worker unite together, the work gets done)

With the Waitangi based Confederated Chiefs Maori Parliament operating from the Te Tii Marae Upper and Lower House, those involved in the leadership of their respective Hapu / Iwi have found it very difficult to find consensus on many very important and pressing issues amongst those claiming the right to be on the paepae (oratory bench for elders).

The main priority of should be the implementation of governance, infrastructure and administration of their proclaimed sovereign nation recognized by King William lV himself back in 1834 being a co-designer of the 1834 United Tribes Flag. (above). However, this is not the case.

Sadly, The Confederated Chiefs Of United Tribes Of Aotearoa has become dysfunctional!

For the Confederated Chiefs of the United Tribes Of Aotearoa to continue on its present path does no one any good, and only creates friction and conflict amongst whanau that will endure for generations and impedes our long awaited prosperity and progress. THIS MUST STOP!

To reverse this, it would be advisable to firstly ensure the historical facts as to who has the right to sit in Parliament and on the paepae.

To do this one would have to sit with kaumatua and kuia (male and female elders) versed in the history of who were represented at the time of inception and have their signatures or mark on the Declaration Of Independence and / or the Treaty Of Waitangi, verified!

Without this confirmation, they have no claim to represent their Hapu / Iwi, especially without a mandate from their Hapu and whanau members.

If there are only 12 seats to fill, then others may need to be added to fairly represent their whanau, Hapu or Iwi.

Once chosen, elected or selected it is then up to the respective representatives to begin the process of governance and initiating the proper protocols and policies required to operate a nation and its governance successfully and as a full member of the Confederated Chiefs with a seat on the paepae and any other title that maybe bestowed upon them according to their constitution.

Another step in the right direction would be to proclaim independence and sovereignty though appropriate channels and begin alliances in trade, security and anywhere our new nation could be of assistance to the other including joining the BRICS alliance and the Asian Investment And Infrastructure Bank (AIIB)… in essence regaining some of the communal lifestyles and alliances of the past.

Therefore, it is also advisable to research the history of their respective Hapu / Iwi in depth as knowledge is not only power, it is a tool and a path to self determination, something every human being should aspire to!

To expect oneself to seek independence, sovereignty and self-determination alone is a very scary path due to the establishment not wanting us to be self determined in any way and it takes a thick skin to pull it off and endure that lifestyle until your time is up to ascend to the heavens. However, many are taking that path to total freedom from government interference anyway.

Maori now have a fantastic opportunity to proclaim sovereignty, either as an individual or as a collective, to be self determined and achieve the many things we know Maori are capable of!

The world is changing rapidly and many unbelievable opportunities for Maori exist NOW and many more are about to show themselves in the coming months and years. Maori must prepare and position themselves for this new paradigm and moves in this direction must be taken now.

Funding for major infrastructure and humanitarian projects are about to be released to well organized organizations with business and project plans available when the expected global financial reset occurs anytime in the very near future.

Neil Keenan and his organization, Group K, will be releasing these funds when Neil obtains access to The Global Collateral Accounts worth quazillions (thats 40 zeroes in just one account and there are up to 12) and each country will create a Non Government Organization (NGO) with no link whatsoever to the corrupt governments, banksters or even the Vatican that we are now seeing being exposed to the world.

Please ensure your Hapu / Iwi are prepared well to present to Group K their ideal project/s that suits the wishes of its people as Neil and his team are passionate about their mission to bring an end to the Cabal, release project funding and offer expert advice to bring our beautiful planet Gaia / Earth back from the brink of destruction.

Related Articles:

Disinterest In Pre-Maori History Stuns

The Real Indigenous People Of NZ

Why Treaty-Based Constitution 'A Disaster for New Zealand'

Re-Writing History: The Ongoing Treaty Of Waitangi Gravy-Train Farce

Megalithomania: The Stone People of New Zealand

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The British Woke Up - Can The Americans?
June 30 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Many thanks for the support that you give to the website and for the words of encouragement and appreciation that you send to me. The website resulted from you calling me out of retirement. It is widely read and translated into foreign languages.

I try to read every email, but it is not possible for me to read and comment on the many articles and books that you send or to respond to your questions over a wide range of issues, not all of which I know anything about.

This website is a great deal of work. In our time to be truthful is to be provocative. To write provocatively leaves little room for error or mistatement as today’s euphemism terms it. I could shill for the establishment and be wrong 98% of the time and nothing ever would be said about it. But there is no forgiveness for a provocative truth-teller.

You have open inquiring minds and you want to know. Your motives are not to protect your illusions and delusions or to reinforce your emotional needs. This is why I write for you.

If no one knows or respects truth, the world is lost. But it only takes a few to change the world. The cultural anthopologist Margaret Mead said:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Change can be for better or worse. President Reagan and a committed few overcame the resistance of the CIA and military-security complex and reduced tensions among nuclear powers by negotiating the end of the Cold War with Soviet leader Gorbachev.

During the reign of the last three US presidents, a few neoconservatives resurrected the nuclear tensions and took them to a higher level than at the peak of the Cold War.

There are hopeful signs that the neoconservative drive to World War III can be derailed. It seems that finally the Russians have caught on that America is not the Holy Grail but a government reminiscent in its aggression of Nazi Germany. Hopefully, Russian countermeasures will make even the crazed neocons think twice.

The British people, or rather a majority of those who voted, surprised the Establishment, which was confident of the success of its propaganda, by voting to save their ancient and distinguished country, the font of liberty, from disappearing into the EU, a dictatorship ruled by unaccountable appointees.

The British had enough of that with kings and decided that the future did not lie in going backward. The British vote to exit the EU could bring the unintended consequence of unravelling the EU and NATO, thus reducing Washington’s ability to foment war.

Americans need to decide that they, like the British, do not appreciate being led backward to worse times.

The Clintons and the Republican Senator from Texas, Phil Gramm, led America back to Robber Baron days by deregulating the financial system.

Related: 25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis

The senator was rewarded with a multi-million dollar banking job for overturning Great Depression era legislation that made financial capitalism workable. Americans need to understand that capitalists do not care if capitalism works for you as long as it works for them.

The collapse of the Soviet Union, due to the arrest of Gorbachev by hardline elements in the Communist Party, gave rise to the American Neoconservatives, a double handful of people closely tied to the Israeli government. These few people have involved America, for Israel’s benefit, in 15 years of warfare that has destroyed seven counries, with the cost to Americans of approximately $7 trillion dollars, according to Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes.

The obviously false excuse for this destruction of peoples and resources is the myth of “terrorism.” Most “terrorist events” in the US have been sting operations organized by the FBI in order to collect the multi-billion dollar bounty that Congress gives for preventing terrorist events.

How best to keep this bounty flowing than to organize a terrorist event and prevent it? It is debatable whether such events as 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, Sandy Hook, San Bernandino, and Orlando are false flag events or drills staged by crisis actors and presented to the public as real.

The debt associated with 15 years of Washington’s wars is now being used to attack Social Security and Medicare. The One Percent and their “free market” apologists are determined that the elderly will pay for the wars that enabled Israel to reduce Palestine to a ghetto and for the wars that enriched the profits and power of the military-secutity complex, while inflicting a massive refugee problem on Europe.

If the British, or enough of them, woke up, perhaps something similar can happen in America.

From many of you I hear your frustrations with family, friends, and associates who are content with what they hear from the BBC, Fox “News,” CNN, and the New York Times. Obviously, if everyone was intelligent and could think for themselves or even had time to consider what they are told, we would not be in the state that we are in.

Our job is to get enough people into the habit of thinking for themselves that we have the few required to change the world. (“Few” is relative. In a country of 300 million people, “few” is probably several million.)

Arguing with friends doesn’t work. Arguments generate hostility and competitiveness. Avoid arguing. Your friends and family do not know anything. They sit in front of Fox “News” and CNN.

They are brainwashed.

Perhaps one way to approach friends and family is to ask questions. For example, how can there be 103 casualties in Orlando and no visible evidence of the massive number of ambulances and EMT personnel necessary to deal with such a massive number of casualties?

I asked my readers to help me prove the official story line, and no one could come up with convincing visible evidence. How can there be such a massive event without abundant evidence?

How can powerfully constructed skyscrapers, built to withstand airplane collisions, suddenly explode allegedly as a result of minor asymmetrical damage and scattered low temperature office fires? How can the entire contents of the towers be pulverized when there is insufficient gravational energy to accomplish such pulverization?

How is it possible that WTC 7 came down in free fall acceleration in the absence of controlled demolition? Why doubt that there was controlled demolition when the owner of the WTC said on TV (still available online) that “the decision was made to pull the building?”

In case you have forgotten, you “pull” a building with controlled demolition. It takes a long time to wire a building for demolition. Obviously, Building 7 was not wired on September 11, 2001.

We are constantly informed by the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, numerous senators and representatives, by NATO commanders, by EU politicians, by presstitutes, and others, that “Russia has invaded Ukraine.”

Take a minute and think about this extraordinary lie. Clearly, evidence is no longer a factor in determining what is occuring. Assertion only rules. Take a second to look outside The Matrix. Is it really possible that Ukraine would still exist if Russia invaded? I would bet my life that within 60 hours of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine would again be part of Russia.

Remember August 2008 when the US and Israeli trained and equipped Georgian army invaded the peacekeeping realm of South Ossetia, killing Russian peace-keeping troops and Ossetian civilians. Putin was at the Beijing Olympics, but Russian armed forces quickly smashed the American/Israeli trained and equipped Georgian army. Putin held Geogia in his palm.

What did Putin do after delivering this lesson in the superiority of Russian arms? He released Georgia and returned home.

So how is it that Putin, according to the entirely of the Western political establishment and media whores, is determined to rebuild the Soviet Empire? Putin held Georgia. No power on earth could have forced him to release Georgia.

But Putin withdrew Russia’s forces and released the country. The former Georgian president is now an American operative in Ukraine.

If you consider the number of outsiders, including US citizens and the former president of Georgia, who serve in the Ukrainian government, it raises questions about the so-called “Maidan Revolution” in February 2014.

If this really was a popular uprising, and not a Washington orchestrated coup, why is there such a shortage of Ukrainians to form the new government that foreign citizens have to be brought in to rule the country?

Do not believe any official explanation of anything. Things are not true just because the government and presstitutes say so.

Keep in mind that official explanations can be cover for hidden agendas. If Washington and the media have their way, we will live in a world constructed out of lies designed to hide from us the real interests being served.

That is not the kind of world that any of us want to live in.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Ex-CIA Spy: A Global Open Source Revolution Is About To Begin
June 29 2016 | From: TheSpiritScience

When Robert David Steele speaks, people listen. Especially those within the military and intelligence communities around the world.

With his continued rhetoric on the open source everything manifesto as a way to positively transform this world for all, Mr. Steele has additionally begun discussing the world’s largest financial/gold cover-up story which has ties to JFK’s assassination and 9/11: That is, the global collateral accounts.

As a former CIA spy who has trained over 7,500 officers from over 66 countries,  Robert Steele has over 18 years experience across the U.S. Intelligence community  and an additional 20 years experience in commercial intelligence and training. He is  also a former Marine and he is the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence  Activity.

He has also written several books, which include, The Open Source Manifesto and  Intelligence For Earth: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity and Sustainability, among others.

In accord to open source everything, Robert’s motto is: The truth at any cost, lowers all other costs.

Essentially, when information, technology and resources are opened up as the  commons to all, the true cost plummets and the well-being of our planet and all living  beings here begin to thrive, as well as our social, political and financial systems.

In Robert’s own words, the open source revolution will transform our world for the better and for all.

"Sharing, not secrecy, is the means by which we realize such a lofty destiny as well as create infinite wealth. The wealth of networks, the wealth of knowledge, revolutionary wealth- all can create a nonzero, win-win Earth that works for 100% of humanity. This is the ‘utopia’ that Buckminster Fuller foresaw, now within our reach.” 

Similar models to Steele’s open source everything also include The  Venus Project: Beyond Politics, Poverty and War, which calls for a  holistic approach to changing the systems on this planet in a way that  utilizes technology and human ingenuity to provide a high standard of  living for every person by opening the planet’s resources for the use of  all– in a strategically sustainable and efficient manner.

Another model that is similar is Sustainable Human’s gift-based  community in which all who participate are volunteers and everything  created is done to “spread knowledge, ideas and alternative ways of  living that enable humanity to live in harmony with the rest of life on Earth. ”

All of these models are wonderful and appropriate to envision, and what is certain is that most of the social systems we have in place currently, must go. Fundamental change is necessary.

In an interview with The Guardian, Robert David Steele was asked his opinion on the idea that the U.S. is on the verge of revolting against the elitist 1%:

"The preconditions for revolution exist in the UK, and most Western countries [including the U.S].

The number of active pre-conditions is quite stunning, from elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialization and education, to concentrated land-holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies, especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on.” 

What then needs to happen for this to begin? Steele says:

"Preconditions are not the same as precipitants. We are waiting for our Tunisian fruit seller. The public will endure great repression, especially when most media outlets and schools are actively aiding the repressive meme of ‘you are helpless, this is the order of things.’

When we have a scandal so powerful that it cannot be ignored by the average Briton or American, we will have a revolution that overturns the corrupt political systems in both countries, and perhaps puts many banks out of business. Vaclav Handel calls this ‘The Power of the Powerless.’ One spark, one massive fire.” 

Interestingly, this interview was conducted almost exactly 2 years ago. Have we not seen the divide  between the 99% and the 1% continue to grow in that time? Humanity will not remain quiet for much longer. We are  indeed close to some big and positive changes.

Perhaps this massive  scandal/event we are waiting for is the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation or maybe it is Britain’s vote to leave the EU, potentially triggering a cascade of revolts throughout Europe and then the world, or perhaps it will be a large enough group of people becoming aware of the global collateral accounts, the world’s largest  financial/gold cover-up which has relation to JFK’s death and the  events of 9/11; a story which just three weeks ago Robert David Steele started to write about publicly:

"It never occurred to me that accidentally becoming the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, partially associated with my being the lead for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for 25 years across 66+ countries, would be vastly more important than everything I ever learned across multiple graduate degrees, as a former spy, and as co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA).

As I encounter disbelief about Neil Keenan and his role as the main juncture between the Dragon Society and the West as we move toward a global economic re-set, I have to remind myself that 80% of the public still thinks JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald; J. Edgar Hoover was a moral man; the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty by accident, and 9/11 was carried out by a bunch of “rag heads” armed with box cutters. 

I must emphasize that it was not the books that underlay my absolute confidence in Neil Keenan and the Dragon Society and the broad outlines of the coming global re-set, but rather the people behind the books that I have taken the trouble to meet, sometimes under quasi-clandestine circumstances. Sterling and Peggy Seagrave - Peggy has passed - stand out.

Their book, Gold Warriors–America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, came with a CD containing 60,000 additional documents including maps and photographs. That led me to a quasi-clandestine meeting in France to interview them for the 2004 offering of my international conference - the transcript is online - and a deep continuing relationship of trust."

The public endorsement of Neil Keenan and his team’s efforts to open the global collateral accounts from Robert David Steele is another clear indication that these accounts are indeed real and that those who are working with Neil Keenan (positive factions within The Pentagon and CIA, Russian Intelligence, presidents and prime ministers of  multiple South American countries and several Asian countries, among many other political, financial and intelligence and military groups who are all quietly and sometimes openly working for humanity’s best interest) are legitimate.

The global collateral accounts have such a deep and complex history, which can be read in great detail here. In short, they are off-ledger accounts backed by gold, silver and many other assets which were originally intended for humanitarian projects.

JFK signed what is known as the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement with President Sukarno of Indonesia, which was to use these accounts to issue a new US Treasury Note (backed by gold and silver) and end the Federal Reserve’s control over the global financial system.

Neil Keenan is now getting very close to opening these accounts for the intended purposes of transforming our world for the better through many humanitarian projects as well as the release of free energy technologies and an overhaul in the global financial system. Russia, China, Iran, Indonesia and almost the entire Eastern hemisphere is supporting this plan in one way or another.

Perhaps Robert David Steele’s ideas on an open source world will be part of the coming humanitarian projects.

As almost anyone can see when they look around either at their own lives or the world at large, everything is changing. Everything is in flux. Everything happens in cycles. The time for positive global change is now.

For more information on some of the topics mentioned above, check out these articles: 

The Inevitability of Peaceful Revolution

We Need A New, Beneficial Global Economy

The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts

The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

The Alliance That Is Taking Down The New World Order

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The New World Order Attempts To Hijack Anonymous
June 29 2016 | From: Geopolitics

“Sovereignty is responsible for every war, bloodshed and terror that has ever inflicted humankind… Human beings must unite under one world government and constitution. Giving their voice and power to one government and one authority.” – the Organization now calling itself ‘Anonymous.’

By virtue of the appeal of anonymity, the resistance group known as ‘Anonymous’ has become a worldwide phenomenon.

Since anybody with basic knowledge of hacking or content creation, and with any motive, can rightfully claim to be part of this structureless organization, Anonymous is now more of a creative commons brand than anything.

"…“Anonymous,” which is a loosely associated international network of “hacktivists.” Anonymous has no real command structure and is largely a collective of ideas. Nonetheless, it has been associated with several DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks on high profile government, corporate, and religious targets. Their unofficial mascot is the image of Guy Fawkes.”

- Source

The FBI spent years dismantling the core group of hacktivists responsible for the formation of the original group, incarcerating much of the primary brain trust which made Anonymous (Anon) a serious threat to government and corporate actors. However, Anonymous’ branded use of the Guy Fawkes mask, as popularized by the movie ‘V’ for Vendetta, helped them to achieve international household recognition.

| The brand is now synonymous with civil disobedience and electronic resistance, and in this loosely bound way, the organization lives on.

"The movement is still there, and they’re still yacking on Twitter and posting things, but you don’t hear about these guys coming forward with those large breaches… It’s just not happening, and that’s because of the dismantlement of the largest players.”

- Austin P. Berglas, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s cyber division in New York

The beauty of Anon has always been its adaptive application of leaderless resistance to a technology driven world, however, there appears to be an attempted coup taking place, and Anonymous as a headless social justice movement is being hi-jacked by a group of unknowns claiming this brand as theirs to promote a privately funded political party with a highly suspicious platform advocating for a one world government.

"Today we officially announce the unification of all people who have used the anonymous mask and its representation to protest and stand up for change. The way that the anonymous icon and name has been used by a few through fear and intimidation ends today.”

– THumP®

World, Meet ‘THumP®’

Now armed with the trademarked names, the Voice of Anonymous™, and, THumP®the co-opting of the Anonymous brand was recently introduced to the world in a 40 minute, professionally staged video announcing the public launch of The Humanity Party (THumP®).

"In March of 2015, various Anons discreetly met via the Internet and Skype to vote on a Board of Directors to lead the movement. The Board appointed one of its Anons as its Voice of Anonymous™.”


It appears the days of the synthesized robotic voice that has become synonymous with Anon are over, and from now on…

"… it’s only gonna be this one voice of this one character who decides to put on a costume that looks almost like he’s in the KKK. And he has some sort of Masonic symbols on it, he’s got these creepy clown gloves and some sort of Abba wig on, and so suddenly he’s gonna be the voice of Anonymous.”

- Source

The video presentation features a messianic Guy-Fawkes-mask-wearing, leader-type figure, dressed in white leather emblazoned with a Freemason logo modified to present the letters ‘A’ an ‘V.”

The use of secret society symbolism, such as the Freemason logo is ubiquitous in modern media, representing, in actuality, the very organizations and forces that Anonymous had always been resisting.

During the introduction to the video, the viewer is nonchalantly instructed to only pay attention to this voice, to accept it as the authorized, official Voice of Anonymous™, and to ignore any others.

"From today on, it will be easy to determine whether a message that is posted on the internet, or through any other venue of social media, is authorized by the official voice of Anonymous…

In the future, listen for and pay particular attention to the distinct nature, authority and power of the voice of Anonymous. Do not listen to any other computer generated voice, that makes threats and disrupts peace, and does not act rationally.”

The THumP® Plan – Make Everything Great Again

Who runs THumP®?

According to the website, it will be managed by, “The collective will of people who give their voice and support to what THumP® is trying to accomplish.” 

And, what exactly is THumP® trying to accomplish?

In a press release dated June, 20th, hosted by 24-7pressrelease.com, reporting from Salt Lake City, Utah, the following wasposted for public consideration:

“Establish and promote the possibility of a ONE World Government and a new Constitution that guarantees and provides worldwide basic human rights to ALL people of Earth. These inalienable human rights include the Five Basic Necessities of Life (“FBNL”): free healthy food and water, secure and safe housing, basic clothing, health and mental care, and education.

Introduce a plan to unify capitalistic and socialistic agendas and ideologies to provide the FBNL free of charge.

Promote peace and unity through education and common sense disclosures, thereby providing unprecedented evidence that the world’s major religions have been, are, and will continue to be the cause of the world’s social ills.

Unparalleled and unique, The Humanity Party does not accept donations of any kind. The movement relies on individual Anons throughout the world to use individual peaceful and legal means through social and Internet media to spread its message.”

- Source

As stated here and in the PR video, their primary goals are to abolish borders and national sovereignty, ban religion, to establish a global government that will protect the environment, protect animal rights and human individuality, while providing for everyone, the FBNL.

To accomplish this, the US Constitution will be modified.

“There is only one nation that is fully structured and endowed with the infrastructure, government, world influence, technology, means, and military might needed to step forward and save this world: the United States of America.”


Other key tenets of their platform, include: the need for individuality and diversity, the end of nationalism and national sovereignty, the abandonment of tradition, ideology, patriotism and prejudices, and the demonization of math, science and intellectualism. All of which are presented as opponents of human intelligence.

If we are all united behind this platform, why will state violence and ‘military might’ be necessary to enforce it?

As justification of the policies proposed, the video spends considerable time positioning the world’s incredible problems as the result of adults, while extolling the virtues of the minds of ‘little children,’ who, according to THumP®, have had their intelligence replaced with knowledge by grown ups:

“We were forced to accept the adult way. Their way. Regardless of how we felt about it. To impress the adults and be accepted by them, we learned their ways. Accepted their Gods. and Applied their values to ourself. We learned their science…” – THumP®

The message is directed at the younger demographic of today’s activists, capitalizing on their justifiable anger at the establishment, and dumbing down complex issues to meet an overtly neo-liberal agenda. The video also comes off as anti-family, eerily reminiscent of the disturbing picture painted by George Orwell in 1984 of an all-powerful government who destroys the family by turning children into agent’s and tools of state ideology.

Repackaging the New World Order

These aims are suspiciously similar to the long-standing goals of world elite and powerful families who control the breadth of international banking and global industry. This is the ‘1%’ that Anonymous has combated in the past, and it includes the people, groups and institutions oft-referred to as the Illuminati, or the New World Order (NWO).

For a more complete understanding of the NWO’s platform, see Dr. John Coleman’s 1983 breakdown, 21 Goals of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300

Dr. Coleman’s comprehensive, research-based list includes the following tenets:

To establish a One World Government.

To bring about the utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

To suppress all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Illuminati.

To bring about the end to all industrialization.

To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning.

To cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos.

To organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus.

THumP® is propositioning young people to adopt the endgame of the elite, while posing as the resistance. This kind of psychological operation has been seen before, most notably in the production of the Koni 2012 pre campaign which aimed to engineer public support for military interventionism in Africa.

The Humanity Party also fails to acknowledge taxation as theft, calling instead for a fair tax, then blames global inequality not on a corrupt oligarchy, but on the masses of people who support governments around the world by voting. Making a statement of defense for the 1%, THumP® says:

The humanity party does not support attack or reforms that punish the wealthy for doing what all people on earth wish they could do, have financial security for themselves or their dependents… Because of the desire of the 99% to also become wealthy the people of earth are justifying supporting current governments that are set up and established to cater more to the needs of the 1% than to the needs of the majority. This is the fault of the people who elect and support their governments.


As declared, the party does not accept donations, yet they are funded well-enough to produce studio quality staged video, professional press-releases, websites and videos. This would indicate that is privately funded, meaning that funds are coming from people who can afford to invest in propaganda, the 1%. A phone number on their site is from an area code in Pennsylvania.

Resistance is Futile, Said Anonymous, Never

The THumP® campaign may be interpreted as, “Resistance is futile. So if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” The future of Anonymous as a resistance organization is in question.

“Anonymous doesn’t even exist anymore. All the actual hackers behind it have been arrested. It has since been pseudonym government agencies use to disclose their enemies’ personal information without it looking like obvious government involvement. All recent anonymous attacks have not been on oppressive governments but rather the opposite, their enemies.”


What are your thoughts on this operation and its meaning to true global civil resistance to state tyranny? Is this legitimate? Is it another propaganda campaign of the global elite, or another Soros operation?

Is this somehow linked to Trump, Clinton and Sanders?

“Anyone who is so naive as to believe the most powerful government on earth will not crush any who pose a real threat to that power, should not be active, but rather, at home studying political history.” – Louis Beam

Take a look at the promotional presentation for The Humanity Party and the attempted hi-jacking of Anonymous by The New World Order:


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Trump: America Has A Chance To ‘Reject Rule By Global Elite’ & More
June 28 2016 | From: Geopolitics

Trump on Brexit: "Basically, they took back their country.”

Presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday congratulated the UK for voting to assert its independence from the European Union, and encouraged the American people in November to also assert their independence from the “global elite.”

Related: All Polls Favoring Clinton’s Candidacy Are Fake-Here Is How to Tell

Following the British vote to exit the EU, Trump said the election results marked a shift toward more nationalistic tendencies.

"Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence,” the Trump campaign said in a statement. “Americans will have a chance to vote for trade, immigration and foreign policies that put our citizens first.

They will have the chance to reject today’s rule by the global elite
, and to embrace real change that delivers a government of, by and for the people.”

“I hope America is watching, it will soon be time to believe in America again.”

Asked by reporters in Scotland what he thought about the Brexit vote, Trump said the British people “took back control of their country. It’s a great thing.”

Ahead of the vote, Trump had told reporters he was for the Brexit if it meant less bureaucracy for the UK.

"I would personally be more inclined to leave, for a lot of reasons, like having a lot less bureaucracy,”
he said in May.

The shock results have led many to predict Trump will be elected president in November.

Republican pollster Frank Luntz said he believed the mass populist uprising happening globally could push Trump into the White House.

"Populism is rising everywhere as people decide that government does not listen and does not care,”
said Luntz.

“But this is even more significant, because Britain has never been the source of populist uprisings like this. If Britain can vote itself out of Europe, America can vote itself in for Trump.”

Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK’s Independence Party which played a huge part in mobilizing UK citizens behind the Brexit, also speculated the momentum behind the results could usher in a Trump presidency.

"There is something happening in American politics that is perhaps a bit of a mirror of what’s happening here, a feeling in much of America, that what happens in Washington is too detached and too remote and Trump is cashing in on some of it,”
said Farage, adding, “He must have a chance of winning.”

As Infowars has reported, the idea for the European Union globalist superstate came directly out of discussions held at the secretive Bilderberg Group conference in 1955, at which European politicians considered “The necessity to bring the German people into a common European market as quickly as possible.”

Watch: Alex congratulates the people of the United Kingdom for throwing off the shackles of the globalists and making their break for freedom from the oppressive EU.



This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected - If It Goes Viral

This is why Donald Trump should be president

The American people need to realize that Donald J. Trump is our last hope. He is the only person who is capable of saving America and the Western World as a whole from falling into the depths of despair due to globalist agendas and a crippling political correctness era.

Related: George Carlin and Donald Trump “Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners”

These clips show Donald Trump from all the way back in 1986 up until present day, and they do a fantastic job at demonstrating the kind of person Trump is, and why he deserves to be the next president.

Time stamps to each segment:

1980 Rona Barrett Interview 00:10

1987 Oprah Interview 00:47

1988 GOP Convention 01:58

1989 Interview 02:55

1991 C-Span Interview 04:59

1999 Press Interview 06:05

2004 CNN Interview 06:27

2007 Larry King Live 07:00

2011 Steve Forbes Interview 07:27

2012 CNN Comments on Romney 09:08

2012 CNBC Interview on Economy 09:22

2014 Speaking at CPAC 11:18

2015 Press Event 14:17

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

These Light Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, And Even Cancer
June 28 2016 | From: TMZ

In order to save money and energy, a lot of people replaced their old standard light bulbs with eco -friendly new generation energy- saving light bulbs. Nevertheless, these energy- efficient bulbs are extremely toxic.

According to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute for German’s Federal Environment Agency, if  broken indoors, these light bulbs release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration in the air.

It was very astounding how the majority of the British people were able to figure out the fact that it’s too absurd to kill someone from the other side when your position is winning in all the surveys, independent or otherwise.

Consequently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released.

Moreover, these light bulbs have a number of negative effects for our health, including:




Cluster headaches



Inability to concentrate

Here are some more reasons to avoid these light bulbs and go back to incandescent bulbs.

Energy Saving Bulbs Contain Mercury

As previously stated, these energy- saving light bulbs contain mercury, which is a potent neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys, and it can also damage the reproductive, cardiovascular and immune system. Furthermore, mercury can cause anxiety, insomnia, memory loss, headaches, tremors, cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Energy Saving Light Bulbs Emit a Lot of UV Rays

It is generally recognized that UV-radiation is harmful for the eyes and the skin, as it can lead to skin cancer.  These energy saving lamps emit UV-B and traces of UV-C radiation.

This radiation directly attacks the immune system, and furthermore damages the skin tissues enough to prevent the proper formation of vitamin D-3.

Energy Saving Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

The study by Peter Braun at Berlin Germany’s Alab Laboratory discovered that these light bulbs contain poisonous carcinogens that could cause cancer, such as:

Naphthalene, a volatile white crystalline compound, produced by the distillation of coal tar, used in mothballs and as a raw material for chemical manufacture.

Styrene, an unsaturated liquid hydrocarbon, obtained as a petroleum byproduct.

Phenol, a mildly acidic toxic white crystalline solid, obtained from coal tar and used in chemical manufacture.
Hence, apart from the saving in energy and finances, these light bulbs pose serious health risks. Therefore, it would be wise to change back to regular incandescent bulbs, but be careful in doing so as well- since if one happens to break, the dangers are so severe.

The Environmental Protection Agency has laid out a very detailed protocol to deal with the mercury and cancer-causing chemicals in these cases, which suggests as follows:
In the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released, you should follow this emergency procedure.

Before Cleanup

People and pets should leave the room.

Open a window or door to the outdoor environment to air out the room for 5-10 minutes

If you have a central forced air heating or air conditioning system, shut it off

Collect materials needed to clean up the broken bulb

Damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces)

A glass jar with a metal lid or a sealable plastic bag

Stiff paper or cardboard

Sticky tape

During Cleanup

Do not vacuum as it could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken.

Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder, scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard.

Pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder with a sticky tape, such as duct tape. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.

Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.

After Cleanup

After cleanup, avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors, and promptly place all of them, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of.

Moreover, check with your local government about disposal requirements in your area, and if  there is no such requirement in your area, you can dispose of the materials with your household trash. However, some localities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center.

Furthermore, you should continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the heating/air conditioning system shut off for several hours afterwards.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Brexit Is Sending Shockwaves Across The Atlantic
June 27 2016 | From: Geopolitics

EU leaders cannot hide their panic as they confront the prevailing reality that Europeans are now questioning the validity of a Centralized Europe that is far from what was being advertised prior to its birth.

Frankly, just a few days ago we were deeply concerned that the Brexit campaign would lose after the false flag murder of Labour MP Jo Cox.

It was very astounding how the majority of the British people were able to figure out the fact that it’s too absurd to kill someone from the other side when your position is winning in all the surveys, independent or otherwise.

That needless murder should be the primary reason why a David Cameron resigned from the leadership this early. Remember, he did say prior to the referendum that he won’t resign even if the Remain campaign is defeated.

The only conclusion we can draw from the historic results would be that those who voted for Brexit were doing it for the sake of principle and to protest the dictatorial behavior of those unelected personalities holed up in Brussels.

Principled protest vote, of course, cannot be intimidated and subdued. They grew more emboldened as the opposition began to use dirty tactics and covert maneuvers.

Make no mistake about it, the Rothschild dynasty has profited heavily through George Soros Fund Management, in compliance to their age old tradition of betting both sides of the conflict.

Last May 16th of this year, Bloomberg reported;

"Billionaire George Soros prepared last quarter for gloomy times, dialing back his U.S. stock investments by more than a third, betting against the equities while banking on gold.

… Soros also bought bullish options contracts on 1.05 million shares in the SPDR Gold Trust, which tracks the price of bullion. What’s more, the fund took a stake in the world’s biggest producer of the metal, Barrick Gold Corp., worth $264 million at the end of March, the filing showed. Soros acquired 1.7 percent of Barrick, making it the fund’s biggest U.S.-listed holding.

… Soros’s former chief strategist, billionaire investor Stan Druckenmiller, is also bullish on gold. Earlier this month he called the yellow metal his largest currency allocation as central bankers experiment with the “absurd notion of negative interest rates.”

Gold for immediate delivery jumped 16 percent in the first three months of the year, the biggest quarterly surge since 1986, according to Bloomberg generic pricing. Shares of Toronto-based Barrick have more than doubled this year as the miner accelerates cost-cutting efforts and reduces debt. Barrick is up 39 percent since March 31."

- Bloomberg

Now, they are reaping the benefits of their having access to privileged information about the real British pulse weeks prior to yesterday’s Brexit vote.

"Bullish positions in gold and volatility and well-timed short bets on China and emerging markets, among other areas, were some of the trades that benefited hedge funds on Friday as markets digested Britons’ surprise decision to exit the European Union, according to people familiar with the matter.

… so-called “macro” fund managers George Soros and Stanley Druckenmiller, who run private firms managing family money through investments in a range of assets, appeared to be benefiting from long positions in gold, according to filings, though their overall performance numbers weren’t clear."


Another reason for a David Cameron to feel nothing more than a whore wearing a very expensive neck tie. Why would he feel otherwise, when even his own master is just another errand boy for the real power behind it all?

Evelyn de Rothschild pokes Prince Charles. And as anyone who knows their cabal history will attest, the Rothschild bloodline is above the Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) bloodline. The british [read: German] royal family are but underlings (and for a large part inbred impostors - but that is another kettle of fish.)

Now that we gain more understanding of how they played the last Brexit game, it’s time to savor on the positive prospects of where Britain will be heading in the next few years, and why the Brexit is indeed the Independence Day for the Brits…

The global implication of the successful Brexit referendum cannot be overestimated. This i s sending ripples of resistance across the Eurozone and in the United States.

"Polls recently conducted in Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Hungary also showed that these countries could follow Britain if it succeeds in leaving the EU. Euroskeptic politicians in these countries have been adding fuel to the fire, stepping up their calls for EU-exits in light of the British referendum."

- Geopolitics

"Following the referendum in Britain, in which a majority of its residents voted for the country to withdrawal from the EU, Eurosceptic politicians in other European countries have intensified their calls to follow suit, the German magazine Spiegel Online wrote."

- Sputnik

Moreover, Brexit has put in jeopardy Obama’s pet TTIP project…

"Britain’s decision to leave the European Union has damaged the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Francois Asselineau, chairman of France’s Popular Republican Front, told Sputnik."

- Sputnik

We can’t talk about the UK anymore because it will soon be entertaining another round of Scotland Independence referendum which was also rigged the last time.

In the immediate future though, here’s what’s going to happen next.

Across the Atlantic, talks of secession is beginning to unravel…

“While secession of American states is often dismissed as absurd, there are few reasons to believe that a state like Texas – to name just one example – could not immediately transition from state to nation-state.

With a large economy, port cities, oil, and easy access to European, Latin American, and even Asian economies by sea, economics arguments against such a separation fall flat.

And of course, the success of smaller states like Norway, Denmark, and Switzerland illustrate that bigness is truly unnecessary.

Naturally, many other states even beyond the biggest states- such as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina and others - could do the same. These states would all be among the largest economies on earth were they to leave the US.

“But what about national defense!” some may argue. “Wouldn’t Texas be constantly at war with the United States?” Experience suggests that Texas would be at war with the United States about as frequently as Canada has been at war with the United States: zero times since 1815.

International wars rarely erupt between countries with common languages, common histories, and common economic interests. Should Scotland secede, the UK won’t be sending in the tanks, and Scotland could easily join the realm of independent nation states, just as many American states could do the same.”

- Zerohedge

Above all, this historic event should be viewed in the larger geopolitical context beyond the Eurozone and the United States alone.

Already, there are major actions against Western hegemony elsewhere in Eurasia, and Latin America, e.g.:

Successful St. Petersburg International Economic Conference which is forcing progressive industrial entities to form a coherent scientific and technological collaboration to create a better future free of wars and conflicts;

The historic signing of peace agreement between the government of Colombia and leftist FARC rebels, ending five decades of armed struggle that arrested development in the country;

The recently concluded Sulong Pilipinas 2-day workshop between the incoming Duterte cabinet and 500 representatives from the business sectors and related stakeholders, which among others, discussed the independent position of the Philippines with regards to the Spratlys that the United States has been using as a major fulcrum in its Pivot to Asia, a war plan to encircle China and wage war thousands of miles away from home just for the sake of “freedom of navigation,” would you believe it?

Here’s Duterte narrating his conversation with US ambassador to the Philippines Philip S. Goldberg, with regards to the West Philippine Sea – China issue at large.

Aside from choosing the Maritime Silk Road of the BRICS instead of the endless US imperialistic aggression, Duterte has already accomplished so much even before his inauguration to the presidency on June 30th, e.g.:

Thousands of drug peddlers and users have already surrendered opting for rehabilitation instead of fighting it out with the police;

Formally reopened peace talks with the Communist Party of the Philippines which has been waging wars with the government for five decades;

Organized a Moro Convention to restart the peace process with various rival secessionist groups sitting on the same table, to end the 400+ year rebellion in Muslim Mindanao [the longest in the Muslim world], once and for all.

The most radical appointment as of late is the anti-mining crusader Gina Lopez, from a family of oligarchs, to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.


A known tactician, Duterte is surely pitting the oligarchs against each other on this one, as the mining stocks start to  plummet.

What these events illustrate is that even if the enemy may seem capable of exercising great power over a great multitude of the world’s population, that enormous power is quickly eroded once the people begin to see things as they really are, i.e. a grand charade of lies, treachery, deceptions and murder.

Together, we can change the rules of the game, and end the age of genocide and technocratic slavery. With our collective persistence, the Rothschild Khazarian Empire will fall.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Hydrogen Peroxide Or Soap And Water To Clean Your Wound? + Why You Should Think Twice Before Using Antibacterial Soap
June 27 2016 | From: Mercola / StumbleUpon

Getting cuts and scrapes are common, both inside and outside your home. These openings in your skin create an opportunity for bacterial growth and infections.

Initial cleaning of your wound will help to flush out unwanted bacteria and create an environment to help the open area heal.

Most people either reach for the soap and water or hydrogen peroxide to clean the area before bandaging it. You'll want to use the most effective cleaner without disturbing the tissue to encourage restoration of the area. One of these materials is definitely better to use than the other.

Why Hydrogen Peroxide is an Excellent Option

Hydrogen peroxide has been used since the 1920s as an antiseptic because it is effective at killing bacteria. An antiseptic is a substance that prevents the growth of disease-causing microorganisms, such as bacteria.

When you had a cut or scrape as a child, your mother probably reached for the brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide.

When she dabbed it on your cut, you may remember it hurt. That pain or discomfort was a result of the peroxide activating pain receptors in your cut or scrape as it killed the bacteria in the area. It is far safer and more effective than rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol than is commonly used and less staining than iodine.

Your Wound Needs Oxygen to Heal

Wound healing is a normal process your body initiates whether the wound is a paper cut or a large incision following surgery. In all cases your cuts, scrapes and wounds will heal faster, better and with less scarring when there is plenty of oxygen available.

The chemical composition of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, containing one more oxygen molecule than water whose composition is H2O. When hydrogen peroxide is put on a cut or scrape, you'll notice bubbling from the area as the hydrogen peroxide releases one oxygen molecule and becomes water.

How Hydrogen Peroxide Kills Bacteria

Hydrogen peroxide works against bacteria, breaking the cell membranes open by attracting electrons. Inside the bacteria is an enzyme called catalase, causing the fizzing you see when the hydrogen peroxide reacts with the enzyme and releases one oxygen molecule.

Hydrogen peroxide is a very good antiseptic but it isn't able to distinguish between your healthy cells and those of the bacteria in your wound. The peroxide will attract electrons from your healthy cell membranes, killing them, and react with the catalase in your cells, producing the same fizzing.

Low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are actually produced by your body after metabolizing sugar or carbohydrates, promoting wound healing.

Your cells have catalase to inactivate the hydrogen peroxide produced inside the cells, but are powerless against the hydrogen peroxide you add to your cut from the outside.

Excessive oxidative damage to your cells from external hydrogen peroxide will slow wound healing and increase your risk of scar formation. Your cells use catalase to inactivate hydrogen peroxide produced by your body to oxygen and water after insulin metabolizes sugar inside the cells.

This link between insulin, metabolized sugar, oxygenation and hydrogen peroxide produced by your body may be one reason why individuals who have insulin-resistant diabetes heal more slowly.

Most clinicians today do not recommend using antiseptic solutions of any kind to clean a cut or wound for the same reason hydrogen peroxide is not recommended. The antiseptic will often destroy your healthy cells, slow healing and increase your risk of scar tissue formation.

However if you do need a powerful and effective antiseptic peroxide is my first choice as it is far safer than rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol. I always travel with a spray bottle of peroxide as it is also useful for cleaning stains from clothes, especially when used in conjunction with soap.

The Truth About Antibacterial Soap

Although the first patent for antibacterial soap was filed in 1984 by David Poshi and Peter Divone, it was Dial bar soap that first made the claim in the 1940s. Dial didn't put "antibacterial" in their advertising, but advertised their soap as a way to get your body "super clean" by killing bacteria and germs.

Dial used a chemical, hexachlorophene, an antibacterial agent now proven to cause brain damage in infants. In 1970, the company was ordered to remove the chemical from their soap.

Once Poshi and Divone tested their chemical, triclosan, against bacteria and received the patent, Dial was the first to add it to their products claiming it "killed germs on contact."

Today, antibacterial soaps contain the chemical triclosan, despite the mountains of research demonstrating negative health concerns it triggers.

Antibacterial soap companies have mounted huge advertising campaigns, claiming the soaps would make your environment safer and provide an extra layer of protection against illness.

In December 2013, after 40 years of study, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced they would revisit the safety of triclosan, citing studies suggesting it can interfere with hormone levels in laboratory animals and increase the growth of drug-resistant bacteria.

The concern voiced by the FDA that antibacterial soap would increase drug resistance in bacteria was made on December 16, 2013. Another statement, published just three days earlier by Colleen Rogers, Ph.D., lead microbiologist at the FDA, indicated antibacterial soaps were not effective against bacteria:

"In fact, there currently is no evidence that over-the-counter (OTC) antibacterial soap products are any more effective at preventing illness than washing with plain soap and water."

In either case, a decision by the FDA is expected to be released in September 2016 after a lawsuit was brought by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), in response to decades of delays by the FDA in ruling for or against triclosan and other antibacterial substances.

Hazards of Triclosan

Triclosan is an antiseptic substance, and not recommended for cleaning cuts and scrapes because it prolongs wound healing and increases your risk of scar formation. However, there are other reasons you don't want to use antibacterial soaps in your home as well.

In June 2015, the agency responsible for oversight of chemical use in the European Union announced that triclosan would be phased out of hygiene products because the risks of using the product outweighed any perceived benefits. Research has linked the chemical substances used to make antibacterial soap with:

Endocrine hormone disruption Increased cancer risk Inhibition of aquatic bacteria and algae necessary for balanced ecosystem
Antibiotic resistance Increased allergies to peanuts and hay fever Interference with muscle contraction and activity
Biomagnification of the fat-soluble product; it appears at greater levels in tissue higher up the food chain Disrupted thyroid function Disrupts thyroid hormone gene expression
Increased liver tumors in mice    

How to Properly Wash Wounds

The best way to cleanse a cut, scrape or wound is with a safe, mild soap and plenty of water. Choose a soap without triclosan, triclocarban or fragrance. Before washing your cut, wash your hands. This helps reduce the potential for transferring bacteria from your hand to your wound.

Mild to moderate bleeding can occur while you're cleaning the wound. After cleaning, use direct pressure to stop the bleeding and elevate the area above the level of your heart if you're able. This helps to reduce the amount of blood to the area to help stop the bleeding.

Rinse your wound with water for five to 10 minutes. This helps to remove dirt and debris from the area. Cool water may feel better to you than warm water, but either is acceptable to use. If you have a sprayer on your kitchen sink, you can try using it to help clean the wound out.

After rinsing thoroughly for five to 10 minutes to remove dirt and debris, use a mild soap with a clean washcloth or piece of gauze to wash the area. Use mild pressure. Hard scrubbing can disrupt the area and prolong healing time without any added benefit to cleansing the area. Cover the area to keep it moist and clean. Wounds that are kept moist and don't scab will heal better and are less likely to scar.

Why Silver Should be in Your Medicine Cabinet

The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known since 400 B.C., and silver was commonly used as an antimicrobial agent in wound management until the early 20th century. Modern science has since confirmed silver's antimicrobial effects, It's even been shown to be effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Tests reveal that silver destabilizes the structure of the bacterial cell membrane, making it more porous, which allows the silver to enter the bacteria and kill it from the inside.

Silver-containing hydrofiber dressing has been shown to offer effective protection against proliferation of a broad range of aerobic, anaerobic and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in wounds. Silver nanoparticles incorporated into a thermosensitive gel has also been tested and found to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus.

A 2010 study also found colloidal silver effectively killed drug-resistant staph, E.coli, Salmonella, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the latter of which typically occurs in hospitals and in people with weakened immune systems. Considering the risk of contracting a drug-resistant infection from a cut or scrape, it seems reasonable to conclude that keeping a bottle of high quality silver in your medicine cabinet would be a prudent strategy, and to use it any time you get a cut, scrape or other topical wound.

Tips to Speed Healing

Once cleaned, there are several things you can do to improve the speed of wound healing and reduce the potential for scarring.

1. Honey

Honey was used to fight infection up until the early 20th century. However, the grade-A processed honey you find at the grocery store is typically nothing more than high-fructose syrup and may actually increase your risk of infection. Instead, use raw Manuka honey. This honey is produced by bees foraging on Manuka flowers and may be more effective than antibiotics against some forms of bacteria.

2. Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil has dual benefits of keeping your skin moist and improving your fibroblast proliferation and wound healing. Use only virgin coconut oil on the area twice daily.

3. DuoDERM

DuoDERM is a brand of hydrocolloid dressings covering the wound, protecting it from bacteria and keeping it moist to improve healing time. They also reduce pain in the area while providing a protective covering.

4. Avoid smoking

Avoid smoking. Wound healing requires good blood supply and smoking reduces blood supply to your skin through vasoconstriction, and smoking reduces your absorption of vitamin A, necessary for skin health and healing.

5. Nutrition

There are several choices you can make each day that will reduce your healing time and improve your overall health.

6. Beta-Carotene or Vitamin A

Foods high in vitamin A or beta-carotene are often orange-colored, such as sweet potatoes, carrots and winter squash. Do not take a vitamin A supplement if you are pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant.

7. Vitamin C

Your body uses it to make collagen and form new tissue. It is water-soluble. You can take up to 3,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Reduce the amount if you develop diarrhea.

Vitamin C interacts with some medications including chemotherapy, estrogen, warfarin and others. Check with your pharmacist for known interactions if you are taking medication. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, broccoli and berries.

8. Zinc

Stimulates wound healing and can be used as an oral supplement in zinc lozenges or applied directly to the wound in a cream form. Do NOT apply to open wounds and do not take a supplement long-term. Foods high in zinc include pumpkin seeds, oysters, veal, beef, cashews and mushrooms.

9. B-Complex vitamins

May speed wound healing and improve skin health. Foods high in many of the B vitamins include spinach, broccoli, calf's liver, lentils, parsley and bell peppers.

10. Bromelain

An enzyme found in pineapple may reduce swelling, bruising and improve healing time.

11. L-arginine

Has been used post-surgically to improve healing. Foods high in arginine include chocolate, peanuts, chicken, beef, lamb, milk and cheese.

When to See Your Doctor

You may need to see a physician for treatment of a cut or wound, either immediately after injury or sometime later for an infection. The following signs and symptoms typically require medical attention.

Your cut won't stop bleeding Your injury is very large and/or very deep Dirt or debris embedded you can't remove
Injury to an artery or deep near a bone Wound caused by an animal or human bite Wound appears to be infected: green or yellow pus, red area around the wound is expanding, the skin around the wound looks "crinkled," the area around the wound is much warmer than the surrounding skin, and red lines appear to be coming from the area.

Why You Should Think Twice Before Using Antibacterial Soap

If you're like millions of Westerners, you use antibacterial soaps or other products on a regular basis. So do hospitals, doctor's offices, and many health care venues.

It's notable then that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Apr. 30 that they may begin requiring extra safety data on antibacterial hand soaps and sanitizers that are used in healthcare settings. Otherwise, the FDA suggested that it may pull some products from the market.

Under the newly proposed rule, the agency would evaluate whether existing over-the-counter antibacterial soaps and gels designed for clinical providers are "safe and effective" - specifically, ensuring that products don't cause birth defects or lead to antibiotic resistant super germs. The move comes after some in the scientific and medical communities have expressed concern about the risks of such items, especially for those who must use the products regularly.

"Today healthcare professionals use antiseptic products much more frequently than they used to, in some cases up to 100 times per day,"
said Dr. Theresa Michele, FDA Director of the Division of Nonprescription Drug Products, in the official release. 

The agency said that it is "particularly interested in [...] the long-term safety of daily, repeated exposure to [common] ingredients."

Sound familiar? That's because the FDA initiated a similar investigation into the general consumer versions of these products in 2013. That study will conclude later this year.

Since the average person doesn't use antibacterial soaps or gels nearly as often as their doctor, should we be concerned about the most recent FDA review?

Although I don't have a need to use antibacterial preparations as often as those working in clinical environments, I do want the occasional satisfaction of a spritz of hand sanitizer.

I even feel good about it when I'm working in my other capacity in the special events industry, like I'm limiting my 'take home' contact with the hundreds of individuals I interacted with during a given party. (And hopefully also limited my guests' chances of catching a cold from their vicarious contact with everyone else through me.) 

But is it good for our health? Or, in the FDA's parlance: Is my lower-than-clinical exposure level safe for in the long run?

According to Dr. Allison Aiello, the answer is clear: absolutely not. 

"The potential risks definitely outweigh the benefits, which are none,"
said Aiello without equivocation to TIME when asked recently about antiseptic soap use. 

An epidemiologist at the Gillings School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Aiello has long crusaded against these products, especially those containing the chemical triclosan.

About half of liquid hand soaps in the US, along with a whole slew of other products, contain antibacterial chemicals like triclosan or triclocarban. In fact, it's hard to buy a household items like dish racks, toothpaste, hand soap, and even some clothing (under than name Microban) without running into these antimicrobial and antibacterial pesticides.

This should be mildly alarming, considering the results of a 2007 study for which Aiello was a lead author. Her team concludes:

"Several laboratory studies demonstrated evidence of triclosan-adapted cross-resistance to antibiotics among different species of bacteria. [...]

The lack of an additional health benefit associated with the use of triclosan-containing consumer soaps over regular soap, coupled with laboratory data demonstrating a potential risk of selecting for drug resistance, warrants further evaluation by governmental regulator regarding antibacterial product claims and advertising." 

In other words, after systematically reviewing 27 studies of antiseptic soaps containing the active ingredient triclosan, Aiello and her partners believe that some antibacterial soaps may be making antibiotic resistance super bugs.

(They also suggest that manufacturers like Dial and Softsoap may be fleecing consumers with inflated claims on their products effectiveness in the process. But we'll come back to that later.)

This should give us pause in our household germ-killing spree. Globally, bacteria have become more resistant to antimicrobials, according to the World Health Organization. So much so that the WHO said the problem "threatens the achievements of modern medicine."To emphasis the point, in mid-May, the Centers for Disease Control warned of a strain of typhoid that has become resistant to multiple antibiotics.

Given the impact that resistance can have on the success of medical treatments, perhaps we should lay off the hand sanitizer. But that's not the only reason.

Some Antiseptic Soaps May Also Promote Tumors 

A different study, released in Nov. 2014, found that triclosan promoted tumor growth. Researchers in San Diego exposed mice to the pesticide and reported that mice grew "more tumors, bigger tumors and more frequent tumors" than those rodents with no triclosan contact. They also pointed to liver scarring. 

Study author Robert Tukey, professor of chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacology at University of California, San Diego, described the results as "on the extreme end of a tumor promoter and [triclosan] does so very rapidly." Similar to Aiello, Tukey also notes that he would not personally use antibacterial products with triclosan.

Other reports imply that triclosan causes decreased thyroid hormone levels, as well as changing our ability to respond to estrogen and testosterone. 

But I Only Use Hand Sanitizer Occasionally, So My Exposure Level is TooLow to Worry About this, Right? 


Criticism of these animal studies often comes from those that claim that the rodents have been introduced to very high concentrations of the chemical that don't adequately mimic hand washing. But what about tooth brushing, hair washing, putting on exercise clothing, and handling your kitchen cutting board?

All of these products may contain triclosan or close variations of the antimicrobial pesticide, potentially leading to higher exposure than anticipated. In fact, triclosan is the most ubiquitous consumer antibacterial. It's been found in 97 percent of breast milk samples in the US as well as the urine of 75 percent of Americans over age six.

It also shows up commonly in the environment; it's one of the seven most frequently found compounds in US streams. 

You Don't Have to Believe These Studies Though; You Can Read the FDA's Own Recommendations on Antibacterial Soaps.

Surprisingly, the FDA isn't very supportive of antibacterial soaps either. An agency consumer update issued in Dec. 2013 identifies hormone disruption, antibiotic resistance, and other concerns for antiseptic products: 

"[A]ntibacterial soap products contain chemical ingredients, such as triclosan and triclocarban, which may carry unnecessary risks given that their benefits are unproven. [...]

A large number of liquid soaps labeled 'antibacterial' contain triclosan, an ingredient of concern to many environmental and industry groups. [...]

Moreover, recent data suggest that exposure to these active ingredients is higher than previously thought, raising concerns about the potential risks associated with their use regularly and over time." 

If this makes you wonder why any of these products are approved for sale at all, you're not alone. The European Union banned triclosan from materials that come into contact with food in 2010. Minnesota banned the chemical completely last year. But one only has to read the saga of Colgate's successful five year, multi-attempt process to get the FDA's blessing for triclosan-containing Colgate Total to begin to see the problems with our regulatory system.

As ATTN: has discussed before, our regulators allow manufacturers to use untested chemicals on the public as a matter of course. As a country, we "have created a system where we are testing these chemicals out on the human population," says University of Massachusetts Amherst professor Thomas Zoeller. 

"I love the idea they are all safe," Zoeller commented to the Chicago Tribune. "But when we have studies on animals that suggest otherwise, I think we're taking a huge risk." 

Given the Uncertainty, are Antibacterial Soaps Even Necessary? 

You probably saw this coming. According to the FDA, antibacterial soaps are not any more effective than regular soap and water. 

The main difference between antimicrobial products and regular soap is that antimicrobials kill the bacteria outright via additives, like pesticides or alcohol.

Meanwhile, plain soap works by helping to loosen the grip of bacteria on your hands as you scrub when following good hand washing technique. Surprisingly, that's why washing with water alone - as long as you scrub - is also an effective way of cleaning your hands.  

That means that companies are fleecing us with more expensive, antimicrobial versions of regular products as well as selling us products that we don't necessarily need: like alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

I like my CleanWell for times that I can't wash my hands. And since it doesn't have triclosan or other pesticides in it, that's likely not a problem. But I'd be better to focus on washing my hands properly - going for a full 30 seconds of scrubbing action - or on making sure my bar soap at home isn't sitting in a puddle of water that's causing it to get contaminated by germs.

Making sure our soap is actually clean, and reminding ourselves that a little bacteria is fundamental to the formation of our immune system, will go a lot further toward protecting our health than using antibacterial cleaners. It was also apparently protect us more than the FDA, who has known for years that triclosan-containing products might be dangerous.   

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Are Nanoparticles Engineered Into GM Foods Causing Cancer?
June 26 2016 | From: WakingTimes

In modern agriculture, it is not possible to only spray weeds without spraying soy and corn crops. Glyphosate is therefore genetically modified (GM) to kill only weeds while at the same time enhancing the growth of crops.

However, glyphosate does not readily penetrate the leaves of weeds and crops, and therefore is mixed with adjuvants that aid leaf penetration. For decades, nano particles (NPs) and specifically carbon nano tubes (CNTs) that readily penetrate leaves have been used as adjuvants allowing glyphosate to be carried to plant roots for more efficient absorption.

Related: Breast cancer survivor credits exercise and a raw food diet for her miraculous recovery

Upon human consumption of GM foods, most glyphosate and included NPs are rapidly excreted, but residues remain in the human gut. Indeed, the important question of NPs in GM foods is the same as that of nanotechnology in general: Do NPs contribute to the wide range of health problems?

Donald Huber, the prominent critic of GM foods claims soil-borne plant pathogens are produced that do indeed harm human health, e.g., residents living close to sprayed GM soybeans fields in Argentina developed cancers and birth defects.

However, GM food proponents argue science is still looking for, but not found Huber’s pathogen to establish the causal link between glyphosate and human health problems.

Regardless, the question remains: Is there a causal link between NPs in GM foods and human health?


In 2013, Waking Times published an article on how the food industry is poisoning the very consumers who drive their multi-billion dollar enterprises, even spending millions against the consumer’s right to informed consent, i.e., truthful GMO labeling.

Although a causal link between GM foods and cancer is not made, titanium dioxide NPs common in GM food are cited to proliferate epithelial cells of the gut and induce “tumor-like” changes common to cancer.

The Problem

Today, the problem is the effect of GM foods on human health is focused almost entirely on arguments as to whether Huber’s pathogen exists, instead of identifying the mechanism by which residues of NPs in glyphosate cause cancer by damaging human DNA. Only then would a causal link between GM foods and human health be biologically plausible.


The causal link between ingested GM foods and human health is proposed to be the DNA damage by UV radiation from NPs in glyphosate residues in the gut. Today, only UV radiation from the sun on exposed human skin is known to cause cancer, but the gut is hidden from solar UV.

How then do NPs in GM food produce UV radiation?

Currently, damage to human DNA by UV radiation from NPs has not been recognized because classical physics always allows the atoms in NP to have the heat capacity to conserve heat from the gut by a slight increase in temperature, a consequence with insignificant DNA damage.

Hence, DNA is now thought damaged upon direct contact with the NP material, but this notion can be dismissed as chemically inert NPs are also known to damage the DNA.

Quantum mechanics (QM) differs from classical physics by allowing electromagnetic (EM) radiation to be created in NPs. Unlike classical physics, QM requires the atoms in NPs to have vanishing heat capacity and therefore NP temperatures cannot increase upon absorbing heat in the gut.

Instead, the NPs conserve heat by emitting EM radiation that causes the DNA damage, and if not repaired may lead to cancer. Similarity is found with ovarian cancer from NPs in talcum powder products used in cleaning genital areas.


Vanishing heat capacity of the atom by QM is not new, but the consequence of the Planck law was formulated over a century ago. For heat capacity to vanish, however, the NP must be placed under high EM confinement, but the NP does not provide any physical is not physical confinement. Instead, NPs having high surface-to-volume ratios require absorbed heat to be momentarily confined to their surface thereby providing high EM confinement over nanoscale dimensions.

Since  the NP temperature cannot increase by QM, conservation proceeds by quantum electrodynamics (QED) converting the surface heat into EM waves standing between diametrically opposite NP surfaces. QED stands for quantum electrodynamics.

But QED here differs from the complex light-matter interaction theory advanced by Feynman and others. Simply stated:

“Absent heat capacity, heat supplied to a NP of diameter d is conserved by creating standing EM waves having half-wavelength �� / 2 = n d, where n is the NP refractive inde

x. Once the surface heat is expended in forming the standing waves, the EM confinement vanishes allowing the NP to emit EM radiation that damages the DNA of adjacent cells, e.g., zinc oxide NPs having diameter d = 50 nm and n = 2.5 emit UV-C radiation at about 254 nm, a lethal level for the DNA damage in all living systems as the pyrimidine dimers are formed that block DNA replication. Smaller NPs emit even higher frequency EM radiation. See diverse QED applications at, Ibid, 2010 – 2016."


Huber’s pathogen that links GM foods to human health is unlikely to exist as the problems (cancer, autism, birth defects, Parkinson’s, etc.) are widely diverse and cannot be linked to any single pathogen.

Indeed, the diversity of health problems suggests the presence of many different pathogens as the mechanism for their creation is the scrambling of genes from damaged DNA.

The causal link between NPs in GM food and health problems is clearly the UV radiation emitted by NPs.

To protect consumers, DNA damage tests, say comet assays, should be performed on GM foods and safe concentrations of NPs labelled accordingly.

Related: Top 10 ways food is being used RIGHT NOW as a chemical delivery system to poison brains

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You A Terrorist
June 26 2016 | From: TheIntercept

The Obama administration has quietly approved a substantial expansion of the terrorist watchlist system, authorizing a secret process that requires neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an American or foreigner as a terrorist, according to a key government document obtained by The Intercept.

The “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance,” a 166-page document issued last year by the National Counterterrorism Center, spells out the government’s secret rules for putting individuals on its main terrorist database, as well as the no fly list and the selectee list, which triggers enhanced screening at airports and border crossings.

The new guidelines allow individuals to be designated as representatives of terror organizations without any evidence they are actually connected to such organizations, and it gives a single White House official the unilateral authority to place entire “categories” of people the government is tracking onto the no fly and selectee lists.

It broadens the authority of government officials to “nominate” people to the watchlists based on what is vaguely described as “fragmentary information.” It also allows for dead people to be watchlisted.

Over the years, the Obama and Bush Administrations have fiercely resisted disclosing the criteria for placing names on the databases - though the guidelines are officially labeled as unclassified. In May, Attorney General Eric Holder even invoked the state secrets privilege to prevent watchlisting guidelines from being disclosed in litigation launched by an American who was on the no fly list.

In an affidavit, Holder called them a “clear roadmap” to the government’s terrorist-tracking apparatus, adding:

“The Watchlisting Guidance, although unclassified, contains national security information that, if disclosed… could cause significant harm to national security.”

The rulebook, which The Intercept is publishing in full, was developed behind closed doors by representatives of the nation’s intelligence, military, and law-enforcement establishment, including the Pentagon, CIA, NSA, and FBI. Emblazoned with the crests of 19 agencies, it offers the most complete and revealing look into the secret history of the government’s terror list policies to date.

It reveals a confounding and convoluted system filled with exceptions to its own rules, and it relies on the elastic concept of “reasonable suspicion” as a standard for determining whether someone is a possible threat.

Because the government tracks “suspected terrorists” as well as “known terrorists,” individuals can be watchlisted if they are suspected of being a suspected terrorist, or if they are suspected of associating with people who are suspected of terrorism activity.

“Instead of a watchlist limited to actual, known terrorists, the government has built a vast system based on the unproven and flawed premise that it can predict if a person will commit a terrorist act in the future,”
says Hina Shamsi, the head of the ACLU’s National Security Project.

“On that dangerous theory, the government is secretly blacklisting people as suspected terrorists and giving them the impossible task of proving themselves innocent of a threat they haven’t carried out.”
Shamsi, who reviewed the document, added, “These criteria should never have been kept secret.”

The document’s definition of “terrorist” activity includes actions that fall far short of bombing or hijacking. In addition to expected crimes, such as assassination or hostage-taking, the guidelines also define destruction of government property and damaging computers used by financial institutions as activities meriting placement on a list. They also define as terrorism any act that is “dangerous” to property and intended to influence government policy through intimidation.

This combination - a broad definition of what constitutes terrorism and a low threshold for designating someone a terrorist - opens the way to ensnaring innocent people in secret government dragnets. It can also be counterproductive.

When resources are devoted to tracking people who are not genuine risks to national security, the actual threats get fewer resources - and might go unnoticed.

“If reasonable suspicion is the only standard you need to label somebody, then it’s a slippery slope we’re sliding down here, because then you can label anybody anything,”
says David Gomez, a former senior FBI special agent with experience running high-profile terrorism investigations.

“Because you appear on a telephone list of somebody doesn’t make you a terrorist. That’s the kind of information that gets put in there.”

The fallout is personal too. There are severe consequences for people unfairly labeled a terrorist by the U.S. government, which shares its watchlist data with local law enforcement, foreign governments, and “private entities.”

Once the U.S. government secretly labels you a terrorist or terrorist suspect, other institutions tend to treat you as one. It can become difficult to get a job (or simply to stay out of jail). It can become burdensome - or impossible - to travel. And routine encounters with law enforcement can turn into ordeals.

A chart from the “March 2013 Watchlisting Guidance”

In 2012 Tim Healy, the former director of the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, described to CBS News how watchlists are used by police officers.

“So if you are speeding, you get pulled over, they’ll query that name,”
he said.

“And if they are encountering a known or suspected terrorist, it will pop up and say call the Terrorist Screening Center. So now the officer on the street knows he may be dealing with a known or suspected terrorist.”

Of course, the problem is that the “known or suspected terrorist” might just be an ordinary citizen who should not be treated as a menace to public safety.

Until 2001, the government did not prioritize building a watchlist system. On 9/11, the government’s list of people barred from flying included just 16 names.

Today, the no fly list has swelled to tens of thousands of “known or suspected terrorists” (the guidelines refer to them as KSTs). The selectee list subjects people to extra scrutiny and questioning at airports and border crossings.

The government has created several other databases, too. The largest is the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), which gathers terrorism information from sensitive military and intelligence sources around the world.

Because it contains classified information that cannot be widely distributed, there is yet another list, the Terrorist Screening Database, or TSDB, which has been stripped of TIDE’s classified data so that it can be shared.

When government officials refer to “the watchlist,” they are typically referring to the TSDB. (TIDE is the responsibility of the National Counterterrorism Center; the TSDB is managed by the Terrorist Screening Center at the FBI.)

In a statement, a spokesman for the National Counterterrorism Center told The Intercept that:

“The watchlisting system is an important part of our layered defense to protect the United States against future terrorist attacks”
and that “watchlisting continues to mature to meet an evolving, diffuse threat.”

He added that U.S. citizens are afforded extra protections to guard against improper listing, and that no one can be placed on a list solely for activities protected by the First Amendment. A representative of the Terrorist Screening Center did not respond to a request for comment.

The system has been criticized for years. In 2004, Sen. Ted Kennedy complained that he was barred from boarding flights on five separate occasions because his name resembled the alias of a suspected terrorist.

Two years later, CBS News obtained a copy of the no fly list and reported that it included Bolivian president Evo Morales and Lebanese parliament head Nabih Berri. One of the watchlists snared Mikey Hicks, a Cub Scout who got his first of many airport pat-downs at age two. In 2007, the Justice Department’s inspector general issued a scathing report identifying “significant weaknesses” in the system.

And in 2009, after a Nigerian terrorist was able to board a passenger flight to Detroit and nearly detonated a bomb sewn into his underwear despite his name having been placed on the TIDE list, President Obama admitted that there had been a “systemic failure.”

Obama hoped that his response to the “underwear bomber” would be a turning point. In 2010, he gave increased powers and responsibilities to the agencies that nominate individuals to the lists, placing pressure on them to add names. His administration also issued a set of new guidelines for the watchlists.

Problems persisted, however. In 2012, the U.S. Government Accountability Office published a report that bluntly noted there was no agency responsible for figuring out “whether watchlist-related screening or vetting is achieving intended results.” The guidelines were revised and expanded in 2013 - and a source within the intelligence community subsequently provided a copy to The Intercept.

“Concrete Facts are not Necessary”

The five chapters and 11 appendices of the “Watchlisting Guidance” are filled with acronyms, legal citations, and numbered paragraphs; it reads like an arcane textbook with a vocabulary all its own. Different types of data on suspected terrorists are referred to as “derogatory information,” “substantive derogatory information,” “extreme derogatory information” and “particularized derogatory information.”

The names of suspected terrorists are passed along a bureaucratic ecosystem of “originators,” “nominators,” “aggregators,” “screeners,” and “encountering agencies.” And “upgrade,” usually a happy word for travellers, is repurposed to mean that an individual has been placed on a more restrictive list.

The heart of the document revolves around the rules for placing individuals on a watchlist. “All executive departments and agencies,” the document says, are responsible for collecting and sharing information on terrorist suspects with the National Counterterrorism Center.

It sets a low standard - ”reasonable suspicion“ - for placing names on the watchlists, and offers a multitude of vague, confusing, or contradictory instructions for gauging it. In the chapter on “Minimum Substantive Derogatory Criteria” - even the title is hard to digest - the key sentence on reasonable suspicion offers little clarity:

“To meet the REASONABLE SUSPICION standard, the NOMINATOR, based on the totality of the circumstances, must rely upon articulable intelligence or information which, taken together with rational inferences from those facts, reasonably warrants a determination that an individual is known or suspected to be or has been knowingly engaged in conduct constituting, in preparation for, in aid of, or related to TERRORISM and/or TERRORIST ACTIVITIES.”

The rulebook makes no effort to define an essential phrase in the passage - ”articulable intelligence or information.” After stressing that hunches are not reasonable suspicion and that “there must be an objective factual basis” for labeling someone a terrorist, it goes on to state that no actual facts are required:

“In determining whether a REASONABLE SUSPICION exists, due weight should be given to the specific reasonable inferences that a NOMINATOR is entitled to draw from the facts in light of his/her experience and not on unfounded suspicions or hunches.

Although irrefutable evidence or concrete facts are not necessary, to be reasonable, suspicion should be as clear and as fully developed as circumstances permit.”

While the guidelines nominally prohibit nominations based on unreliable information, they explicitly regard “uncorroborated” Facebook or Twitter posts as sufficient grounds for putting an individual on one of the watchlists.

Single source information,” the guidelines state, “including but not limited to ‘walk-in,’ ‘write-in,’ or postings on social media sites, however, should not automatically be discounted…

the NOMINATING AGENCY should evaluate the credibility of the source, as well as the nature and specificity of the information, and nominate even if that source is uncorroborated.”

There are a number of loopholes for putting people onto the watchlists even if reasonable suspicion cannot be met.

One is clearly defined: The immediate family of suspected terrorists - their spouses, children, parents, or siblings - may be watchlisted without any suspicion that they themselves are engaged in terrorist activity.

But another loophole is quite broad - ”associates” who have a defined relationship with a suspected terrorist, but whose involvement in terrorist activity is not known. A third loophole is broader still - individuals with “a possible nexus” to terrorism, but for whom there is not enough “derogatory information” to meet the reasonable suspicion standard.

Americans and foreigners can be nominated for the watchlists if they are associated with a terrorist group, even if that group has not been designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government.

They can also be treated as “representatives” of a terrorist group even if they have “neither membership in nor association with the organization.” The guidelines do helpfully note that certain associations, such as providing janitorial services or delivering packages, are not grounds for being watchlisted.

The nomination system appears to lack meaningful checks and balances. Although government officials have repeatedly said there is a rigorous process for making sure no one is unfairly placed in the databases, the guidelines acknowledge that all nominations of “known terrorists” are considered justified unless the National Counterterrorism Center has evidence to the contrary.

In a recent court filing, the government disclosed that there were 468,749 KST nominations in 2013, of which only 4,915 were rejected–a rate of about one percent. The rulebook appears to invert the legal principle of due process, defining nominations as “presumptively valid.”

Profiling Categories of People

While the nomination process appears methodical on paper, in practice there is a shortcut around the entire system. Known as a “threat-based expedited upgrade,” it gives a single White House official the unilateral authority to elevate entire “categories of people” whose names appear in the larger databases onto the no fly or selectee lists. This can occur, the guidelines state, when there is a “particular threat stream” indicating that a certain type of individual may commit a terrorist act.

This extraordinary power for “categorical watchlisting” - otherwise known as profiling - is vested in the assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, a position formerly held by CIA Director John Brennan that does not require Senate confirmation.

The rulebook does not indicate what “categories of people” have been subjected to threat-based upgrades. It is not clear, for example, whether a category might be as broad as military-age males from Yemen. The guidelines do make clear that American citizens and green card holders are subject to such upgrades, though government officials are required to review their status in an “expedited” procedure.

Upgrades can remain in effect for 72 hours before being reviewed by a small committee of senior officials. If approved, they can remain in place for 30 days before a renewal is required, and can continue “until the threat no longer exists.”

“In a set of watchlisting criteria riddled with exceptions that swallow rules, this exception is perhaps the most expansive and certainly one of the most troubling,”
Shamsi, the ACLU attorney, says.

“It’s reminiscent of the Bush administration’s heavily criticized color-coded threat alerts, except that here, bureaucrats can exercise virtually standard-less authority in secret with specific negative consequences for entire categories of people.”

The National Counterterrorism Center declined to provide any details on the upgrade authority, including how often it has been exercised and for what categories of people.

Pocket Litter and Scuba Gear

The guidelines provide the clearest explanation yet of what is happening when Americans and foreigners are pulled aside at airports and border crossings by government agents. The fifth chapter, titled “Encounter Management and Analysis,” details the type of information that is targeted for collection during “encounters” with people on the watchlists, as well as the different organizations that should collect the data.

The Department of Homeland Security is described as having the largest number of encounters, but other authorities, ranging from the State Department and Coast Guard to foreign governments and “certain private entities,” are also involved in assembling “encounter packages” when watchlisted individuals cross their paths. The encounters can be face-to-face meetings or electronic interactions - for instance, when a watchlisted individual applies for a visa.

In addition to data like fingerprints, travel itineraries, identification documents and gun licenses, the rules encourage screeners to acquire health insurance information, drug prescriptions, “any cards with an electronic strip on it (hotel cards, grocery cards, gift cards, frequent flyer cards),” cellphones, email addresses, binoculars, peroxide, bank account numbers, pay stubs, academic transcripts, parking and speeding tickets, and want ads.

The digital information singled out for collection includes social media accounts, cell phone lists, speed dial numbers, laptop images, thumb drives, iPods, Kindles, and cameras. All of the information is then uploaded to the TIDE database.

Screeners are also instructed to collect data on any “pocket litter,” scuba gear, EZ Passes, library cards, and the titles of any books, along with information about their condition - ”e.g., new, dog-eared, annotated, unopened.” Business cards and conference materials are also targeted, as well as “anything with an account number” and information about any gold or jewelry worn by the watchlisted individual.

Even “animal information” - details about pets from veterinarians or tracking chips - is requested. The rulebook also encourages the collection of biometric or biographical data about the travel partners of watchlisted individuals.

The list of government entities that collect this data includes the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is neither an intelligence nor law-enforcement agency. As the rulebook notes, USAID funds foreign aid programs that promote environmentalism, health care, and education.

USAID, which presents itself as committed to fighting global poverty, nonetheless appears to serve as a conduit for sensitive intelligence about foreigners. According to the guidelines, “When USAID receives an application seeking financial assistance, prior to granting, these applications are subject to vetting by USAID intelligence analysts at the TSC.”

The guidelines do not disclose the volume of names provided by USAID, the type of information it provides, or the number and duties of the “USAID intelligence analysts.”

A USAID spokesman told The Intercept that “in certain high risk countries, such as Afghanistan, USAID has determined that vetting potential partner organizations with the terrorist watchlist is warranted to protect U.S. taxpayer dollars and to minimize the risk of inadvertent funding of terrorism.” 

He stated that since 2007, the agency has checked “the names and other personal identifying information of key individuals of contractors and grantees, and sub-recipients.”

Death and the Watchlist

The government has been widely criticized for making it impossible for people to know why they have been placed on a watchlist, and for making it nearly impossible to get off. The guidelines bluntly state that “the general policy of the U.S. Government is to neither confirm nor deny an individual’s watchlist status.” But the courts have taken exception to the official silence and footdragging: In June, a federal judge described the government’s secretive removal process as unconstitutional and “wholly ineffective.”

The difficulty of getting off the list is highlighted by a passage in the guidelines stating that an individual can be kept on the watchlist, or even placed onto the watchlist, despite being acquitted of a terrorism-related crime.

The rulebook justifies this by noting that conviction in U.S. courts requires evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, whereas watchlisting requires only a reasonable suspicion. Once suspicion is raised, even a jury’s verdict cannot erase it.

Not even death provides a guarantee of getting off the list. The guidelines say the names of dead people will stay on the list if there is reason to believe the deceased’s identity may be used by a suspected terrorist–which the National Counterterrorism Center calls a “demonstrated terrorist tactic.” In fact, for the same reason, the rules permit the deceased spouses of suspected terrorists to be placed onto the list after they have died.

For the living, the process of getting off the watchlist is simple yet opaque. A complaint can be filed through the Department of Homeland Security Traveler Redress Inquiry Program, which launches an internal review that is not subject to oversight by any court or entity outside the counterterrorism community.

The review can result in removal from a watchlist or an adjustment of watchlist status, but the individual will not be told if he or she prevails. The guidelines highlight one of the reasons why it has been difficult to get off the list - if multiple agencies have contributed information on a watchlisted individual, all of them must agree to removing him or her.

If a U.S. citizen is placed on the no fly list while abroad and is turned away from a flight bound for the U.S., the guidelines say they should be referred to the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate, which is prohibited from informing them why they were blocked from flying.

According to the rules, these individuals can be granted a “One-Time Waiver” to fly, though they will not be told that they are traveling on a waiver.

Back in the United States, they will be unable to board another flight.

The document states that nominating agencies are “under a continuing obligation” to provide exculpatory information when it emerges. It adds that the agencies are expected to conduct annual reviews of watchlisted American citizens and green card holders. It is unclear whether foreigners - or the dead - are reviewed at the same pace.

As the rulebook notes, “watchlisting is not an exact science.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump Launches LyingCrookedHillary.com + A Clinton Expose
June 25 2016 | From: Infowars / Various

A large percentage of Americans already see Hillary as "crooked."

The Trump campaign has launched LyingCrookedHillary.com which showcases “Crooked Hillary’s 10 Legendary Lies” and a notification service for Hillary’s next lie.

Related: Stanford Study Confirms Election Fraud - She is backed by the cabal establishment - what more does it take to destry the facade?

LyingCrookedHillary.com is rolling out a list of Hillary lies over time, and the first lie listed is “Hillary Lies to Benghazi Families.”

“Hillary has no shame! The Benghazi attacks were a preventable tragedy disgraced further by Hillary’s web of lies,”
the site published by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. states.

“She knew within hours that the attacks in Benghazi were a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous protest due to a You Tube Video, but she lied anyways.”

“She stood in front of the flag-draped coffins of four Americans that died serving their country and peddled the lie that the video was to blame both to the victims’ families and the American public.”

Trump, however, doesn’t have to do much to paint Hillary as “crooked;” a Gallup poll revealed that a huge portion of Americans – not just Trump supporters – view Hillary as a “liar.”

“When asked what comes to their mind when they think of Hillary Clinton, the most common unprompted responses are ‘dishonest,’ ‘liar’ or ‘dislike her,’”
Zero Hedge reported in Feb.

“What is perhaps more troubling is that in addition to the 21% of responses in the ‘dishonest/don’t trust her’ category [by far the highest percentage], another 7% of Americans use even stronger words in a similar negative vein, including ‘criminal,’ ‘crooked’ and ‘thief.’”

In comparison, only 3% of poll respondents described Hillary as a “good politician.”

“The perceptions of Hillary Clinton as dishonest are not new,”
Zero Hedge continued. “When Gallup asked the same question in 2008, ‘dishonest’ was Americans’ most frequent response.”

“And, in a Gallup poll conducted in September 2015, Americans overwhelmingly referred to the email scandal when asked to mention what they had read or heard about Clinton.”

Donald Trump's Full Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech in NYC

Wednesday 22 june 2016

When Bill Clinton was President

Related: Secret Service Agent Exposes the Clintons’ Blood-soaked Political Career in a Book

When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn't even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress.

This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.

Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood - both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration.

Next she chose Janet Reno - Bill Clinton described her selection as "my worst mistake."

You may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.

Bill Clinton allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier's radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.

A slow learner, Bill Clinton allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department.

The result: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.

Many younger votes will have no knowledge of "Travelgate." Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson - and the White House Travel Office refused to comply.

She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.

Still not convinced, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security.

When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.

Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the "bimbo eruption" and scandal defense.

Some of her decisions in the debacle were:

She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.

She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor.

After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.

Hillary's game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for 'lying under oath' to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.

Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, "I do not recall," "I have no recollection," and "I don't know" a total of 56 times while under oath.

After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.

Now there is destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the "pay to play" actions of the Clinton Foundation.

What will be next?

Hillary Clinton: A Career Criminal

Related Articles:

FBI Gets “Smoking Gun” Evidence in Clinton Email Scandal

Wikileaks Drops Hillary Email Bomb That Could End Her Campaign but FB Censored It

Wikileaks will publish ‘enough evidence’ to indict Hillary Clinton, warns Assange

Clinton Foundation "Hacked By Russians", "Foundation Vulnerabilities" Document Leaked

Hillary Clinton’s Neocon Resumé

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

This Story Could Be The Smoking Gun For False-Flag Operations + Santa Monica Terror Suspect Becomes Poster Child For Gun Grabbers
June 25 2016 | From: NeedToKnowNews / Infowars

Santa Monica; Two police officers who wish to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation say that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was found with a car full of explosives and weapons, told police he was part of a team that planned shooting attacks on gay communities in Florida and California.

Howell told police he was turning himself in because he wanted protection. His story was that he had been assured by his recruiters that he would not be harmed in the shooting but, when he heard on the news that Omar Mateen, the lead gunman in the Orlando group, had been killed by sniper fire, he realized he was being set up as a patsy and would be killed. 

Related: Robert Steele: Draft List of 63 Orlando False Flag Anomalies

Soon after that, the FBI took over the investigation, and information to the public was filtered to remove any facts that might show the Orlando shooting as a planned event involving others. GetOffTheBS 2016 Jun 15 (Story) (Cached)

It is important to remember that the police officers who are the source of this story choose to remain anonymous, so it cannot be independently verified at this time, but circumstantial evidence supports it.

For example: 

1. After the FBI took charge of the investigation, Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks changed her original report that Howell was part of a group of five people who intended to do harm at the gay-pride event in West Hollywood. Her altered report made no mention of anyone other than Howell.

2. The web site that reported this story is still carrying the article without triggering legal action against it. That is significant because, if the story is false, immediate legal action would be expected. If it is true, Howell will be killed or ‘disappeared’ to prevent him from talking, but the last thing the perpetrators would want is a public trial where witnesses can be called to testify. 

This news story could be one of the most important reports ever published in the annals of journalism

That’s quite a statement but, when you consider the nature of its content, it is no exaggeration to say that it has the potential to fundamentally change the relationship between the United States government and the American people, and that could lead to a profound change, not only in America, but the entire world. 

The story still is still unfolding, and it is likely that officialdom either will pull it off the Internet or do everything possible to discredit it but, unlike most false-flag scenarios, there are many people on the outside of the plot who can verify the accuracy of this one. In fact, there may even be an entire police department to do that. If so, the sheer number of witnesses could outweigh the threats against job security or physical safety. We shall see.

Santa Monica Terror Suspect Becomes Poster Child For Gun Grabbers

Indiana Rep. Ed DeLaney said on Tuesday the state “blew it” when it did not enforce a gun ban on James Wesley Howell, the man arrested in Santa Monica, California on weapons charges soon after the attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

Delaney, a Democrat, wants to outlaw 30-round ammunition magazines and “automatic military-type” weapons. He said Indiana has “very, very limited” gun laws.

Police records indicate Howell was in possession of a loaded AM-15, a firearm similar to an AR-15 manufactured by Anderson rifles. The AM-15 is a civilian weapon and is not fully automatic, as Delaney claims. Since Orlando, Democrats have characterized semi-automatic rifles as automatic military weapons.

Guy Relford, the owner of Tactical Firearms Training in Indianapolis and a Second Amendment attorney, told the Associated Press DeLaney “simply doesn’t understand anything about firearms.” He added that the 1994 assault weapons ban did nothing to reduce violent crime. His claim is backed up by a study by the National Institute of Justice.

“Every time we have a mass shooting what these politicians want to do is to turn around and take guns out of the hands of everybody who didn’t do it,”
Relford said.

Hillary Clinton and Obama now refer to civilian firearms as “weapons of war.” Earlier this month, Florida Rep. Alan Grayson told CNN an AR-15 can fire 700 rounds per minute.

“If [Mateen] was not able to buy a weapon that shoots off 700 rounds in a minute, a lot of those people would still be alive,”
the Democrat congressman said.

“If somebody like him had nothing worse to deal with than a Glock pistol… he might have killed three or four people and not 50. It’s way too easy to kill people in America today, and we have to think long and hard about what to do about that.”

The firearm allegedly used by Omar Mateen in Orlando was a Sig Sauer MCX rifle. It fires 45 rounds per minute. Grayson later modified his statement to say Mateen’s firearm could fire 700 rounds per minute if converted to full auto.

Police also say Howell was in possession of Shoc-Shot, a binary explosive marketed primarily for making exploding targets for firearms practice. The binary explosive cannot be ignited with a fuse or electric charge. Police told the media Howell was in possession of an “IED-type of device.”

In March, NBC’s Today Show characterized a similar product, Tannerite, as a dangerous explosive.

Bob Owens of Bearing Arms wrote:

“You can expose it to an electrical charge, and it will not detonate. You can try to ignite it with a match or a torch, or smash it with a hammer. It will not detonate.

You can shoot it will a .22 rifle or 9mm +P hollowpoint from a pistol, and it will not go off. The minimum threshold to consistently detonate a Tannerite is a FMJ [full metal jacket] bullet moving at a bare minimum of 2,000 feet-per-second.”

Howell was rated a low-level offender in Indiana on a misdemeanor intimidation conviction and ordered in April to forfeit all firearms under the terms of his probation.

Federal Effort to Outlaw Firearms Stalled

Earlier this week, the Senate refused to advance four measures on so-called gun control. Senator Susan Collins, Republican of Maine, and Senator Heidi Heitkamp, Democrat of North Dakota, responded to the defeat by announcing a proposal to prohibit gun sales to individuals on the government’s secret no-fly and selectee lists.

“Surely the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and Orlando that took so many lives are a call for compromise, a plea for bipartisan action,”
Collins said. “

Essentially, we believe if you are too dangerous to fly on an airplane, you are too dangerous to buy a gun.”

Collins was joined at a news conference announcing the proposal by Senator Tim Kaine, a Virginia Democrat who is frequently mentioned as a potential running mate for Hillary Clinton.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Another Big-Screen Movie Just Released Investigates Vaccines For Autism Implications
June 24 2016 | From: ActivistPost

Hot on the heels of the CDC-whistleblower and vaccine-fraud-documentary VAXXED, a new feature length film – Man Made Epidemic – made its debut in London (UK) at the Curzon Cinema in Soho on Thursday, June 16, 2016!

Kudos go to the producer, filmmaker Natalie Beers, and other production crew members for taking on such an overwhelming project, which took two years to complete.

Congratulations and thanks for having the fortitude to work on a much-needed investigation of vaccines, vaccinations and environmental issues relative to ever-increasing autism, also must be given to Lothar Moll, Executive Producer; Lucy Martens, Director of Photography; Simon Modery, Editor; and David Hason, Music Composer.

According to the movie’s webpage:

“Filmmaker Natalie Beer sets off on a journey around the world speaking to leading doctors, scientists and families to find out the truth about the autism epidemic and whether or not vaccines have a role to play.

The film explores the common misconception that autism is solely genetic and looks into scientists concerns over recent years about environmental factors such as medication and pesticides which continue to leave our children with physical and neurological damage."

Ask your local movie theater to show Man Made Epidemic on their movie screens as soon as possible, since it will be an excellent cinematic companion to VAXXED thereby putting much needed pressure on the U.S. HHS, CDC, FDA, the World Health Organization, and others who indiscriminately push vaccines based upon fraudulent, consensus vaccine pseudoscience!

is not to be used lightly, as there are various incidences that have exposed fraud:

1. The Simpsonwood Meeting in June 2000 to rework the CDC epidemiologist Verstraeten’s finding that vaccines cause autism. Here’s the transcript of that infamous clandestine meeting.

2. Two Merck & Company employee whistleblowers lawsuit in federal court in Philadelphia, PA, regarding Merck’s fudging for ten years the efficacy ratings of the mumps active in its MMR vaccine. Here’s The Wall Street Journal’s report on that.

3. CDC epidemiologist-whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, proved that the CDC trashed documented study evidence that the MMR vaccine caused autism in young black boys less than three years of age, and handed over copies of those ‘trashed’ documents to a member of the U.S. Congress asking for a congressional investigation, which has not happened YET. The movie VAXXED documents that embarrassing, conniving and fraudulent vaccine science story.

Probably NOTHING explains more why there should be an investigation into vaccines and vaccinology ‘science’ than the candid remarks made by the “father of American vaccines,” Dr Maurice Hilleman, MD, the Merck & Company head vaccine maker for years, discussing on video the very real problems with vaccines, their growth mediums - animals and their tissues, cancer viruses, etc. 

However, now we have to factor in, since Hilleman’s time, newly-added neurotoxic chemicals and nanoparticles [3]. See Dr Hilleman’s nonchalant disclosure, plus how cavalierly colleagues treated the information, to realize why you really have to question vaccine ingredients.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Can Brexiters Overcome False Flag Murder & Rothschild UK Collapse Fearmongering? + Soros, Rothschild Warn Of Brexit Doom; Osborne Threatens With "Suspending" Market
June 24 2016 | From: Geopolitics / ZeroHedge

We believe that the UK Brexit is just a small yet very important step towards freedom from the SuperState European Union that is managed by non-elected Khazarian Nazionists.

If successful, the people still have to deal with the bogus Saxe-Coburg- Gotha UK monarchy.

Related: EU referendum live: David Cameron resigns as UK shocks the world by voting for Brexit

Related: Here’s Why Britons Must Vote for “Leave EU” Today

Nevertheless, the big guns of the Khazarian Mafia are in full force in making statements aimed at sowing fear into the public who “will suffer from an immediate and dramatic impact on financial markets, investment, prices and jobs,” once the Brexit campaign succeeds.

These doom and gloom scenario is peddled on top of the recent false flag murder of a drugged man who, according to mainstream press, even shouted “Britain First” in reference to the “most radical” group among the Brexit campaigners.

Related: UK Labour MP Jo Cox’s Murder: A Desperate Anti-Brexit Psyop

Truth be told, most citizens of the corporate monarchy of the United Kingdom don’t have enough information about the true purpose of the European Union. This topic is summarily dismissed in the mainstream media as being just another conspiracy theory.

That’s why a mere statement of “economic consequences” from a George Soros is enough to tremble the hell out of them. According to him;

“As opinion polls on the referendum result fluctuate, I want to offer a clear set of facts, based on my six decades of experience in financial markets, to help voters understand the very real consequences of a vote to leave the EU.

The Bank of England, the Institute for Fiscal Studies and the IMF have assessed the long-term economic consequences of Brexit. They suggest an income loss of £3,000 to £5,000 annually per household – once the British economy settles down to its new steady-state five years or so after Brexit. But there are some more immediate financial consequences that have hardly been mentioned in the referendum debate.

To start off, sterling is almost certain to fall steeply and quickly if there is a vote to leave – even more so after yesterday’s rebound as markets reacted to the shift in opinion polls towards remain. “

- TheGuardian

Remember, this is just a poll which they control and not the actual voting sentiments. But they are now conditioning the mind of a failure for the Brexit.

Now, if that is true, why would the likes of Soros and his master issue statements urging the people against Brexit if indeed the Leave campaign is losing?

“I would expect this devaluation to be bigger and more disruptive than the 15% devaluation that occurred in September 1992, when I was fortunate enough to make a substantial profit for my hedge fund investors, at the expense of the Bank of England and the British government.

It is reasonable to assume, given the expectations implied by the market pricing at present, that after a Brexit vote the pound would fall by at least 15% and possibly more than 20%, from its present level of $1.46 to below $1.15 (which would be between 25% and 30% below its pre-referendum trading range of $1.50 to $1.60).

If sterling fell to this level, then ironically one pound would be worth about one euro – a method of “joining the euro” that nobody in Britain would want.

Brexiters seem to recognise that a sharp devaluation would be almost inevitable after Brexit, but argue that this would be healthy, despite the big losses of purchasing power for British households. In 1992 the devaluation actually proved very helpful to the British economy, and subsequently I was even praised for my role in helping to bring it about.

But I don’t think the 1992 experience would be repeated. That devaluation was healthy because the government was relieved of its obligation to “defend” an overvalued pound with damagingly high interest rates after the breakdown of the exchange rate mechanism. This time, a large devaluation would be much less benign than in 1992, for at least three reasons.

…Today, there are speculative forces in the markets much bigger and more powerful. And they will be eager to exploit any miscalculations by the British government or British voters. A vote for Brexit would make some people very rich – but most voters considerably poorer.

- TheGuardian

The logic being that he is the expert in currency manipulation and people should listen to him. Against that rationale is the Iceland experience when they severed their monetary policies away from the vulture bankers.

Once the initial disruptions are contained, the more independent economy will strengthen itself as the fundamentals are stabilized.

And he is not part of the “speculative forces” he is talking about, that “will be eager to exploit any miscalculations by the British government or British voters.”

Yes, he considers a vote for Brexit as a miscalculation, as if he is really good with math when even his rise to prominence in world finance is only by the virtue of his having privileged access to information within a system that has been rigged also by his cohorts.

George Soros talks with Jim Flaherty, centre, and Peter Munk, right. Soros spoke to a crowd of Canada's business elite on Monday at the Canadian International Council gala.

The truth of the matter is, these Khazarian Mafiosi are afraid that the Brexit campaign might just win because their Brexit arguments are more level headed, and for the open minded that’s a positive way to move forward.

While the Remain campaign are dwelling mostly on pessimism as if the world would end with Brexit.

This Jacob Rothschild opinion piece came much earlier…

“Success stories in any field are built on one great idea. This was certainly the case with my forebear Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who at the end of the 18th century sent his five sons to the five financial capitals of Europe to set up the first truly international banking system, a “common market”.

Operating from London, Paris, Vienna, Naples and Frankfurt, the brothers, working together to exchange information and ideas, built an extraordinary business that operated across boundaries and cultures.

A hundred and fifty years later, the foundation of the EEC operated on similar principles, namely that we are stronger…”

- TheTimes

With reference to the article’s title, when does evidence come before the action, i.e. Brexit?

The key message right there is the statement “We shouldn’t accept a diminished role on the world stage,” which is not addressed at the great people of great Britain but could only mean that the Rothschild dynasty is not ready yet to have a “diminished role” on their lives.

Here’s the kicker: Great Britain was already great before the European Union came into being. Most of all, the EU is collapsing whether Bexit succeeds or not. The only difference is, with Remain, Britons will be at the front seat when it happens.

This is the reason why the Rothschild camp is campaigning for Remain, for the UK taxpayers to absorb a major portion of the impact of the impending EU economic collapse.

To put it simply, the Rothschild dynasty is far more concerned on the accelerated collapse of their brainchild European Union through the Brexit, than being genuinely troubled over the fate of the UK.

Bear in mind, the collapse of these megacorporations  masquerading as government entities doesn’t necessarily mean the collapse of your ability to survive. In fact, your life would be a lot better without these bankers and their stooges in your midst.

So, while the Remain campaigners are focusing on fear and pessimism, the Leave campaign is straightforward in reminding that Britain will become great again, alone.


It would become even greater once the true blooded Britons kicked out their bogus and useless monarchy, together with the Rothschild banking system, after the Brexit.

Of course, that’s a tall order, but as we say here in Asia,“A journey of a thousand miles, begins only with a single step.”

That single step, my British friends, is the Brexit.

Related: Brexit: What Is It About? - Paul Craig Roberts

The Big Guns Are Out: Soros, Rothschild Warn Of Brexit Doom; Osborne Threatens With "Suspending" Market

Recently, we recounted the story of "Black Wednesday" when on September 16, 1992, the UK was forced out of the EU’s exchange-rate mechanism, or ERM, when the BOE tapped out and allowed the British pound to float freely, leading to 15% losses in the sterling. As we noted, this was George Soros' infamous trade which "broke the Bank of England" and made the Hungarian richer by over $1.5 bilion.

24 years later Soros is back, and this time he is warning against the kind of devaluation that made him a billionaire and which he believes will be unleashed by Brexit, when in a Guardian Op-Ed he wrote that U.K. voters are “grossly underestimating” the true costs of a vote to leave the EU, saying that there would be an "immediate and dramatic impact on financial markets, investment, prices and jobs."

He predicts that the pound would decline "precipitously", seeing a gargantuan drop of at least 15% and possibly >20% to below $1.15. Considering it has now become trendy for analysts to come up with ever "doomier" forecasts of just how low cable would plunge in case of Brexit, we are surprised Soros stopped there.

Here Soros makes the distinction how the collapse in cable would be different from the one that made him richer by saying that this devaluation wouldn’t be “healthy” like the one in 1992 because BOE wouldn’t cut rates, U.K. has large current account deficit and devaluation unlikely to improve manufacturing exports this time. Just don't tell that to the BOJ, which would gladly leave the EU - twice if it had to - if it meant a 20% devaluation.

“Brexit would make some people very rich - but most voters considerably poorer”; “there are speculative forces in the, markets much bigger and more powerful" than the speculators that profited from the 1967 devaluation at Britain’s expense. "A vote to leave could see the week end with a Black Friday, and serious consequences for ordinary people."

Here is the gist of Soros' scaremongering, from the Guardian op-ed titled "The Brexit crash will make all of you poorer – be warned":

“David Cameron, along with the Treasury, the Bank of England, the International Monetary Fund and others have been attacked by the leave campaign for exaggerating the economic risks of Brexit.

This criticism has been widely accepted by the British media and many financial analysts. As a result, British voters are now grossly underestimating the true costs of leaving.

As opinion polls on the referendum result fluctuate, I want to offer a clear set of facts, based on my six decades of experience in financial markets, to help voters understand the very real consequences of a vote to leave the EU."

Of course, Soros' set of facts may be clouded by his far greater equity stake in equity interests around Europe, and the globe, which would be drastially impacted by not only a Brexit, but by a European Union which is suddenly on the rocks.

From that point on, Soros' entire analysis is on the "worst case" scenario centered around a collapsing pound, something which most ironically every other central bank around the globe is so desperate to achieve:

“... Sterling is almost certain to fall steeply and quickly if there is a vote to leave– even more so after yesterday’s rebound as markets reacted to the shift in opinion polls towards remain.

I would expect this devaluation to be bigger and more disruptive than the 15% devaluation that occurred in September 1992, when I was fortunate enough to make a substantial profit for my hedge fund investors, at the expense of the Bank of England and the British government."

At least he is honest.

It is notable that Soros' warning comes just days after that of Jacob Rothschild himself who said in another Op-Ed, this time for The Times, that leaving the EU could lead to a "damaging and disorderly situation" in the UK as he urged Britons to vote 'remain'.

Just like Soros, Lord Rothschild, suddenly exhibiting a rare strain of humanitarian concern, said readers should not "risk the wellbeing of our country" and European countries are "better off together".

He said that "at present we enjoy being a permanent member of the UN security council and we are essential to the G8 and Commonwealth. But diplomacy, defence, the environment and our values of being a liberal democracy will all be at risk" adding that "I can see no good reason why we should accept our playing a diminished role on the world stage," especially if his own personal fortune would be jeopardized.


Finally, completing the doom loop, was none other than Chancellor George Osborne who, according to the Telegraph, "refused to rule out suspending trading on the London stock market if Britons vote to leave the European Union on Friday morning...

The threat from the Chancellor, made in an LBC radio interview on Monday evening, after the market had closed could force shares down in London as early as Tuesday morning

“Iain Dale, the presenter, asked Mr Osborne: “If the financial markets do plummet on Friday would you have to consider suspending trading on the FTSE?”

The Chancellor responded: “Well look, the Bank of England and the Treasury – Governor Carney and myself – we have of course discussed contingency plans.

But the sensible thing is to keep those secret and make sure you are well prepared for whatever happens but if you set them all out in advance then you rather undermine the power of those plans.”

Pushed again on the contingency plans, Mr Osborne said: “I have a responsibility to the people listening to this programme to do all I can to protect them.  “But I have to tell you that you cannot in the end protect people from the economic shock that leaving the EU would bring about.”

And in case the threat of shuttered markets was not enough, Osborne also hinted at imminent mass layoffs, suggesting that redundancy notices could be issued hours after Britons vote to leave the EU at the vote.

“Mr Osborne pointed to warnings from the London Stock Exchange there would be 100,000 job losses in the City after a Brexit.

Mr Osborne was challenged about whether redundancies warned by the bank JP Morgan could come as early as Friday – the day after the referendum. Mr Osborne replied: “I think that will start to happen very quickly, sadly.”

Amid all this gloom, Osborne presented the "only" alternative that would not lead to the imminent economic collapse he so forcefully imagines:

“He added that if the UK voted to remain there would be a “quick snap back” for the British economy, he said that “decisions will be taken and investment will come in”.

Asked if these redundancy notices would be issued on Friday morning if Britons vote to leave, Mr Osborne said: “That will start to happen very quickly sadly.”

Now if only the people will do what these noble public servants tell to do in their own best interest...

Finally, Osborne also played down claims he could be forced to leave the Treasury after the referendum amid anger form Tory backbenchers over the way he has campaigned, saying:It’s really not about my job”.

Oh but is George, just like it is in Soros and Rothschild's own self interest for the people to vote "Remain." To suggest otherwise is naive, but it may also be irrelevant.

With very little time until the vote, the scaremongering tactic, not to mention the murder of an innocent woman, may have already done its job judging by the reveral in public opinion.

In any case, one can only hope that unlike the case of the failed Greek referendum where the people voted one way only to get the opposite, no matter how the Brits vote, it will truly represent the democratic will of the majority and that particular outcome is what they get.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A New Map Of New Zealand's Wireless Networks
June 23 2016 | From: MarkHansen

This map draws lines showing the links between antennae like the one shown in the image further below. You might have seen these towers on top of hills while driving. I always wondered what they were used for, and where they connected to. Now you can see where the links go, and who they're for.

It's not just huge antenna mast towers like the one shown below. Hospitals, big businesses, cell towers, weather stations, and offshore oil rigs are connected with these radio links.

I'm really excited about being able to visualise this data - the map shows over 17,000 locations, and 26,000 point-to-point links over the whole country.

Here's the visualisation: NZ Wireless Map. Check it out!

Here's just a few interesting things I found exploring the data:

Lake Rotorua

Lakes are awesome to transmit across! They stay flat, and usually have good hills on either side. Lake Rotorua demonstates this really well - here you can see how densely it's criscrossed with links.

Auckland Skytower

The busiest place I could find, with the most links converging on one location, was the Skytower in Auckland. Here dozens, if not hundreds of wireless links converge from all over the Auckland region.


Hamilton's a very flat city, and there's not much in the way of mountain ranges nearby. I imagine this would make it difficult to transmit signals to the roofs of buildings in town. On the map, you can see how transmitting companies have dealt with this flatness - the few high buildings that do exist are used extensively:

The Hamilton Lake Water Tower (shown)

Waikato Hospital

WEL Building

Signals spread all over town from these vantage points.

Taranaki Oil/Gas fields

You don't usually notice New Zealand's offshore gasfields on maps, but they really stick out on a map of wireless links. You can see the Maui A and Maui B platforms communicating through a host of links on the Taranaki shore, and the Kupe Gas field south of the mountain.

White Island

We even have a wireless link set up to an active volcano. Awesome!


Exploring the map, I realised that it inadvertently highlights the best views in the country. Antenna masts are specifically placed for great views in all directions. Lots of research must go into finding the places with these great views before spending vast amounts of money erecting a tower.

Why not take advantage of all this research into great views next time you're deciding where to go hiking?

Getting the Data on the Map

It's all open source, available on Github. A friend showed me BarTender's work making maps of cell tower sites he made using Radio Spectrum Management's database. BarTender explains how he extracted the data from the Microsoft Access Database dump, into a SQLite database with mdb-sqlite, then used SQL queries and XML tools to manipulate the data into KML files.


Many thanks to the people at Radio Spectrum Management in the Ministry of Economic Development. They've made public a very high-quality dataset containing all the radio licences in New Zealand. Usually when dealing with datasets with tens of thousands of points, there's a few problems, but this dataset is pristine. This wouldn't have been possible without their hard work. Cheers!

Have a look, go exploring, and let me know in the blog comments if you find something interesting. Feedback is much appreciated.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Government's Disregard For Evidence Is An Own Goal
June 23 2016 | From: Scoop

By casually dismissing research showing that 90 - day employment trials have not met policy goals, the Government is undermining its own big data initiative.

The New Zealand Association of Scientists (NZAS) is alarmed at the Government’s response to a recent study by Motu researchers , and asks John Key to consider the implications of undermining his Government’s own big data initiative for short - term political gain.

“The Government has invested millions of dollars to construct a database that tracks the performance of every business and every employee in New Zealand”,
said the NZAS President Craig Stevens, ”but for New Zealanders to benefit from this investment, the Prime Minister needs to be prepared to listen to what the data says."

The 90 - day employment trials were introduced for all businesses after a pilot suggested that the trial periods “encouraged employers to take on new staff and helped those at the margins of the labour market, particularly young people, get jobs".

Using the Government’s database, Motu researchers Dr Isabelle Sin and Nathan Chappell were able to measure the impact of the trials on employment.

They found that it was very unlikely that either of these objectives had been achieved.

“By dismissing the results of Motu’s study as ‘academic’ and resorting to anecdote to justify the policy instead, said Stevens, “the Prime Minister undermines his Government’s stewardship of New Zealanders’ private data.”

"The Association calls on the Government to make responsible use of big data, and this includes ensuring that the evidence it provides is taken seriously, regardless of whether that evidence is politically palatable.

Stevens said “as a society and an economy we face challenges from many sides, to dismiss careful research is not helpful”.

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