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The Working Class Won The Election + Three Ways Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign Has Made History
November 11 2016 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Salon / Various

The US presidential election is historic, because the American people were able to defeat the oligarchs. Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the vicious media campaign against Donald Trump. This shows that the media and the political establishments of the political parties no longer have credibility with the American people.

It remains to be seen whether Trump can select and appoint a government that will serve him and his goals to restore American jobs and to establish friendly and respectful relations with Russia, China, Syria, and Iran.

Related: Mainstream media’s credibility crushed as Trump emerges victorious

It also remains to be seen how the Oligarchy will respond to Trump’s victory.  Wall Street and the Federal Reserve can cause an economic crisis in order to put Trump on the defensive, and they can use the crisis to force Trump to appoint one of their own as Secretary of the Treasury.

Rogue agents in the CIA and Pentagon can cause a false flag attack that would disrupt friendly relations with Russia.  Trump could make a mistake and retain neoconservatives in his government.

President-Elect Donald Trump Victory Speech - Election Night 2016

With Trump there is at least hope.  Unless Trump is obstructed by bad judgment in his appointments and by obstacles put in his way, we should expect an end to Washington’s orchestrated conflict with Russia, the removal of the US missiles on Russia’s border with Poland and Romania, the end of the conflict in Ukraine, and the end of Washington’s effort to overthrow the Syrian government.  

However, achievements such as these imply the defeat of the US Oligarchy.  Although Trump defeated Hillary, the Oligarchy still exists and is still powerful.

Trump said that he no longer sees the point of NATO 25 years after the Soviet collapse. If he sticks to his view, it means a big political change in Washington’s EU vassals. The hostility toward Russia of the current EU and NATO officials would have to cease. German Chancellor Merkel would have to change her spots or be replaced. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg would have to be dismissed.

We do not know who Trump will select to serve in his government. It is likely that Trump is unfamiliar with the various possibilities and their positions on issues. It really depends on who is advising Trump and what advice they give him. Once we see his government, we will know whether we can be hopeful for the changes that now have a chance.  

If the oligarchy is unable to control Trump and he is actually successful in curbing the power and budget of the military / security complex and in holding the financial sector politically accountable, Trump could be assassinated.  

Trump said that he will put Hillary in prison. He should first put her on trial for treason and war crimes along with all of the neoconservatives. That would clear the decks for peace with the other two major nuclear powers over whom the neoconservatives seek hegemony.

Although the neoconservatives would still have contacts in the hidden deep state, it would make it difficult for the vermin to organize false flag operations or an assassination. Rogue elements in the military / security complex could still bring off an assassination, but without neocons in the government a coverup would be more difficult.

Trump has more understanding and insight than his opponents realize. For a man such as Trump to risk acquiring so many powerful enemies and to risk his wealth and reputation, he had to have known that the people’s dissatisfaction with the ruling establishment meant he could be elected president.

We won’t know what to expect until we see who are the Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries. If it is the usual crowd, we will know Trump has been captured.

A happy lasting result of the election is the complete discrediting of the US media. The media predicted an easy Hillary victory and even Democratic Party control of the US Senate.

Even more important to the media’s loss of influence and credibility, despite the vicious media attack on Trump throughout the presidential primaries and presidential campaign, the media had no effect outside the Northeast and West coasts, the stomping grounds of the One Percent.

The rest of the country ignored the media.

I did not think the Oligarchy would allow Trump to win. However, it seems that the oligarchs were deceived by their own media propaganda. Assured that Hillary was the sure winner, they were unprepared to put into effect plans to steal the election.

Hillary is down, but not the Oligarchs. If Trump is advised to be conciliatory, to hold out his hand, and to take the establishment into his government, the American people will again be disappointed. In a country whose institutions have been so completely corrupted by the Oligarchy, it is difficult to achieve real change without bloodshed.

Three Ways Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign Has Made History

Regardless of whether GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump wins on Tuesday, this election has already been a historic one - mainly within the history of the Republican Party, of course, but also by extension for America as well.

Here are the three main ways in which Trump’s candidacy have broken historical precedent.

Related: Trump’s Victory: A Historical Upset

1. This is the first election since 1940 in which a major party nominated a presidential candidate without any governmental or military experience.

The last non-politician and non-military presidential nominee was Wendell Willkie, whom the Republicans nominated based on his strong record as a business executive. Although Willkie’s candidacy was unusual in that he had never held elected office, the Republican Party has a long history of viewing business experience as a valued qualification for public office.

It’s hardly a coincidence that George W. Bush was the first president to have an MBA or that Mitt Romney touted his business acumen as a main selling point. That said, Bush and Romney were both elected to other offices before running for president (as governors of Texas and Massachusetts, respectively), while Trump went directly from his business career to his presidential campaign.

Trump will be the first president to be elected without a career stopover in politics or the military.

2. It is the first time a presidential candidate from either party has been explicitly anti-free trade since Herbert Hoover in 1932.

It may seem hard to believe now, but there once was a time when presidential candidates didn’t dare speak out against free trade. Sure, some of the fringe-y candidates on the left or right might insinuate that trade deals like North American Free Trade Agreement and Central America Free Trade Agreement weren’t all that great, but those guys never won their party’s nomination.

The last presidential candidate -  or for that matter president - to be openly anti-free trade was Herbert Hoover more than 80 years ago. Trump, by contrast, has been a consistent opponent of free trade since the 1980s, and along with Sen. Bernie Sanders has compelled Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to become more critical of impending trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

3. This is the first time the Republican Party has nominated a candidate openly opposed by its establishment since 1964.

Until this year, the conventional wisdom was that Democratic presidential primaries were the unpredictable ones. Republicans, on the other hand, could be relied upon to coronate a candidate who had already received the party establishment’s blessing. This axiom held from Richard Nixon’s 1968 campaign straight through to Mitt Romney’s 2012 effort but was obliterated in 2016.

Not only did the GOP nod wind up going to Trump, a man loathed by his party’s establishment, but the closest runner-up was Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, someone who many establishment Republicans held in equally low regard.

The last time the party’s leadership was so thoroughly repudiated, the candidate responsible for the rebuke - Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater - wound up pushing his party to the far right, where it has remained ever since. 

It’s hard to overstate the significance of Trump’s campaign breaking these precedents. For more than half a century, the Republican Party could be relied upon to nominate candidates who had either political or military experience, passed muster with the party establishment and took “safe” positions on issues like trade policy.

These constants limited the type of person who could plausibly run for president and made sure that Republican ideology and policy were shaped in a relatively stable way. If just one of these precedents had been broken in this year’s election, that would have been an enormous development on its own.

Having three precedents broken in a single election, however, is nothing short of shocking.

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The Dark Web Isn’t All Dark
November 11 2016 | From: TheAtlantic

Despite its reputation for illegal activity, much of what goes on underneath the surface of the internet is legit.

Drugs, child porn, hitmen for hire: The dark web doesn’t have a particularly glowing reputation. When the leader of a illegal-drug marketplace called the Silk Road was arrested in 2013, many were introduced to the hidden side of the internet for the first time as the home of the notorious “eBay for drugs.”

Related: Dear Clinton Team: We Noticed You Might Need Some Email Security Tips

But because of how the dark web is organized - or rather, how it isn’t - it’s nearly impossible to determ - focuses on the strange and unusual: marketplaces for stolen Netflix credentials, personal data, and even paywalled academic research.

But the dark web and Tor, the privacy-preserving browser that’s used to access hidden sites - called onions - have myriad legitimate uses, too.

New research from Terbium Labs, a company that analyzes the dark web, took a small snapshot of onion sites - a random collection of 400 sites its web-crawling robots had found in the course of one day in August - and divided up the sites based on their purpose and content.

The results suggest that less than half of what goes on beyond the reach of search engines and traditional browsers is illegal.

The rest, it turns out, is legitimate, made up of dark-web mirrors of websites like Facebook and ProPublica, websites for companies and political parties, and forums for chatting about technology, games, privacy, or even erectile disfunction. In addition, as on the “clear” internet, a good chunk of the webpages Terbium studied hosted legal pornography: photos, videos, and written material, available for free or for sale.

“Anonymity does not equate criminality, merely a desire for privacy,” wrote Clare Gollnick and Emily Wilson, the authors of the Terbium study.

That’s not to say the slice of the dark web that the analysis looked at didn’t have its fair share of unsavory and illegal material. More than 15 percent of the sample was made up of sites selling drugs or pharmaceuticals; pages with content related to hacking, fraud, illegal porn, or terrorism turned up at least once. (A lot of these same categories of websites can be found on the clear web, too, hosted on sketchy domains or protected by passwords.)

Terbium obtained the sample for the study with the same scanner that powers Matchlight, a service I’ve written about before that crawls shady forums and marketplaces on the dark web and the clear web in search of stolen sensitive or personal data.

“We’re trying to index what people don’t want indexed,”
Danny Rogers, Terbium’s CEO, told me earlier this year. “There’s no desire to make things easy to find. Fundamentally, it’s a more hostile environment to crawl.”

That makes studying the dark web really difficult. Terbium’s researchers acknowledged that their study is limited by its scope and the decisions that human analysts made in categorizing the websites the crawler came across. To complicate matters further, the dark web is notoriously transient, with some sites disappearing after only hours.

Just a week passed between the day Terbium took its dark-web snapshot and the day its  analysts began categorizing the sites, but some amount of the 18 percent of non-functioning URLs the analysts found may have gone down even in that short a time.

The Terbium study only examined the makeup of a small chunk of the dark web - not the traffic patterns that show where users actually tend to visit. A 2014 study determined that more than 80 percent of visits to the dark web were to child-porn sites.

But, as always, it’s hard to know just who those visitors were: That traffic could have come from bots, law-enforcement agencies investigating illegal porn sites, or even a cyber attack directed at the sites.

What’s more, the hidden sites on the dark web like the ones Terbium studied probably only make up a tiny part of the internet as a whole. Estimates from Tor itself show that the number of hidden sites has hovered between 5,000 and 6,000 over the last year - and that only about 2 percent of traffic on the Tor network is visiting them.

Most people who use Tor use it to browse the clear web while preserving their privacy and anonymity.

The network allows users to visit a normal website without revealing the types of information that are often used to track people as they make their way across the internet. Tor’s privacy-preserving features can be particularly vital to journalists, human-rights advocates, or political dissidents operating in countries hostile to their work.

Related: WWW Founder Tim Berners-Lee working On A New Decentralised Web

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President Trump! Cabal Establishment In Shock
November 10 2016 | From: Infowars / NewYorkTimes / Various

It is now breaking news that Donald J. Trump has defeated Crooked Hillary and her globalist allies in the face of rigged elections and incessant mainstream media lies

Whether you love or hate him, Trump's victory is a rallying cry to liberty lovers worldwide who are sick and tired of the bought and paid for establishment media feeding us a hearty diet of lies and disinformation.

While we have a lot of work to do ahead, and we must continue to expose the crimes of Crooked Hillary and her cabal of Soros-backed operatives, I want to take a moment and thank YOU for all of your hard work in standing up against the takeover of America.

Washington Post: Trump Triumphs

Note: The following article is from the New York Times. Being an establishment NWO tool, the piece is biased, but between the weeds there are some relevant observations. The cabal establishment are in shock, and now the battle for truth and freedom really begins...

Donald John Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday in a stunning culmination of an explosive, populist and polarizing campaign that took relentless aim at the institutions and long-held ideals of American democracy.

The surprise outcome, defying late polls that showed Hillary Clinton with a modest but persistent edge, threatened convulsions throughout the country and the world, where skeptics had watched with alarm as Mr. Trump’s unvarnished overtures to disillusioned [informed] voters took hold.

The triumph for Mr. Trump, 70, a real estate developer-turned-reality television star with no government experience, was a powerful rejection of the establishment forces that had assembled against him, from the world of business to government, and the consensus they had forged on everything from trade to immigration.

The results amounted to a repudiation, not only of Mrs. Clinton, but of President Obama, whose legacy is suddenly imperiled. And it was a decisive demonstration of power by a largely overlooked coalition of mostly blue-collar white and working-class voters who felt that the promise of the United States had slipped their grasp amid decades of globalization and multiculturalism.

In Mr. Trump, a thrice-married Manhattanite who lives in a marble-wrapped three-story penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue, they found an improbable champion.

Mr. Trump’s strong showing brightened Republican hopes of retaining control of the Senate. Only one Republican-controlled seat, in Illinois, fell to Democrats early in the evening. And Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, a Republican, easily won re-election in a race that had been among the country’s most competitive.

As at November 9 2016 3:27am EST

A handful of other Republican incumbents facing difficult races were running better than expected.

Mr. Trump’s win - stretching across the battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania - seemed likely to set off financial jitters and immediate unease among international allies, many of which were startled when Mr. Trump in his campaign cast doubt on the necessity of America’s military commitments abroad and its allegiance to international economic partnerships.

From the moment he entered the campaign, with a shocking set of claims that Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals, Mr. Trump was widely underestimated as a candidate, first by his opponents for the Republican nomination and later by Mrs. Clinton, his Democratic rival. His rise was largely missed by polling organizations and data analysts.

Related: Why the Polls Are Wrong - Trump Will Win in a Landslide!

And an air of improbability trailed his campaign, to the detriment of those who dismissed his angry message, his improvisational style and his appeal to disillusioned voters. He suggested remedies that raised questions of constitutionality, [!?] like a ban on Muslims entering the United States.

But Mr. Trump’s unfiltered rallies and unshakable self-regard attracted a zealous following, fusing unsubtle identity politics with an economic populism that often defied party doctrine.

His rallies - furious, entertaining, heavy on name-calling and nationalist overtones - became the nexus of a political movement, with daily promises of sweeping victory, in the election and otherwise, and an insistence that the country’s political machinery was “rigged” against Mr. Trump and those who admired him.

He seemed to embody the success and grandeur that so many of his followers felt was missing from their own lives - and from the country itself. And he scoffed at the poll-driven word-parsing ways of modern politics, calling them a waste of time and money. Instead, he relied on his gut.

At his victory party at the New York Hilton Midtown, where a raucous crowd indulged in a cash bar and wore hats bearing his ubiquitous campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” voters expressed gratification that their voices had, at last, been heard.

“He was talking to people who weren’t being spoken to,”
said Joseph Gravagna, 37, a marketing company owner from Rockland County, N.Y. “That’s how I knew he was going to win.”

For Mrs. Clinton, the defeat signaled an astonishing end to a political dynasty that has colored Democratic politics for a generation. Eight years after losing to President Obama in the Democratic primary - and 16 years after leaving the White House for the United States Senate, as President Bill Clinton exited office - she had seemed positioned to carry on two legacies: her husband’s and the president’s.

Her shocking loss was a devastating turn for the sprawling world of Clinton aides and strategists who believed they had built an electoral machine that would swamp Mr. Trump’s ragtag band of loyal operatives and family members, many of whom had no experience running a national campaign.

On Tuesday night, stricken Clinton aides who believed that Mr. Trump had no mathematical path to victory, anxiously paced the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center as states in which they were confident of victory, like Florida and North Carolina, either fell to Mr. Trump or seemed in danger of tipping his way.

Related: “Hillary Paid Me to Commit Voter Fraud & Create Violence” Scott Foval Flips, Rats Out Clinton Campaign & DNC

Mrs. Clinton watched the grim results roll in from a suite at the nearby Peninsula Hotel, surrounded by her family, friends and advisers who had the day before celebrated her candidacy with a champagne toast on her campaign plane.

But over and over, Mrs. Clinton’s weaknesses as a candidate were exposed. She failed to excite voters hungry for change. She struggled to build trust with Americans who were baffled by her decision to use a private email server as secretary of state. And she strained to make a persuasive case for herself as a champion of the economically downtrodden after delivering perfunctory paid speeches that earned her millions of dollars.

The returns Tuesday also amounted to a historic rebuke of the Democratic Party from the white blue-collar voters who had formed the party base from the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt to Mr. Clinton’s.

Yet Mrs. Clinton and her advisers had taken for granted that states like Michigan and Wisconsin would stick with a Democratic nominee, and that she could repeat Mr. Obama’s strategy of mobilizing the party’s ascendant liberal coalition rather than pursuing a more moderate course like her husband did 24 years ago.

But not until these voters were offered a Republican who ran as an unapologetic populist, railing against foreign trade deals and illegal immigration, did they move so drastically away from their ancestral political home.

To the surprise of many on the left, white voters who had helped elect the nation’s first black president, appeared more reluctant to line up behind a white woman.

From Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, industrial towns once full of union voters who for decades offered their votes to Democratic presidential candidates, even in the party’s lean years, shifted to Mr. Trump’s Republican Party. One county in the Mahoning Valley of Ohio, Trumbull, went to Mr. Trump by a six-point margin. Four years ago, Mr. Obama won there by 22 points.

On Tuesday, the public’s verdict was rendered.

Even Mr. Trump’s full embrace of the Republican Party came exceedingly late in life, leaving members of both parties unsure about what he truly believes. He has donated heavily to both parties and has long described his politics as the transactional reality of a businessman.

Mr. Trump’s dozens of business entanglements - many of them in foreign countries - will follow him into the Oval Office, raising questions about potential conflicts of interest. His refusal to release his tax returns, and his acknowledgment that he did not pay federal income taxes for years, has left the American people with considerable gaps in their understanding of the financial dealings.

But this they do know: Mr. Trump will thoroughly reimagine the tone, standards and expectations of the presidency, molding it in his own self-aggrandizing image.

He is set to take the oath of office on Jan. 20.

Related: No Matter Who Wins: The Case Against Hillary Clinton is Alive

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How Trying To Be Happy Makes Us Unhappy & 6 Stupid Things Most People Think Are Important
November 10 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Happiness is so close yet so far away. Trying to be happy is something like trying to sleep. The more you try to sleep, the more you remain awake.

In the same way, the more you try to be happy, the more unhappy you become .

Related: 10Habits Of The Happiest People In The World

The Futility of Seeking Happiness

Most people think that happiness is a faraway object - an object that they have to go out, search, find, catch, and hold on to so tightly that it won’t escape from their hands. To them, happiness is there, in the outside world, and they try to seek it in all sorts of ways. By acquiring material wealth. By filling their houses with possessions.

By having as much sex as they can. By asserting their authority over others. By making a name of themselves. And so on and so forth. The more they seek happiness, however, the more it seems that happiness runs away from them. Just like the horizon recedes as we chase it, happiness seems to move away from us when we make an effort to approach it

But why is that so? Why is it that people who constantly try to become happy rarely seem to experience happiness?

The answer lies in the fact that happiness cannot be found in external sources, but only discovered within ourselves. That’s why no matter how much money, sex, or power you have, you won’t be happy.

Happiness doesn’t lie in accomplishments, and so happiness can never be found in the future - it is a state of being that can only be experienced in this very moment. Seek it and it’s lost. Stop seeking it, and it’s found. In fact, it’s not correct to even say that it’s found - it has always been there, part of our nature, but by seeking it somewhere else, outside of ourselves, we’ve lost touch with it.

Taking a Deep Look Within

Feeling that we are not good enough as we are, we are trying to find a way to cover up our inner void by seeking happiness in the outside world. But regardless of how much effort we put, we still feel an inner emptiness and hunger. Money can fill our pockets but not our soul. Sex can bring us short-lasting physical gratification but not inner fulfillment.

Power can make us appear strong in the eyes of others but can’t hide our inner weakness from our own eyes. When we don’t accept ourselves the way we are, nothing in the world can make us feel good about ourselves.

External objects can temporarily boost our ego, but soon enough we are faced with our inner void again.

Take a deep look within and remind yourself of the moments when you felt truly, sincerely happy. I am talking about those moments when your heart was pulsating with joy, when you felt at peace with yourself and the world, when you felt that life has been turned into a beautiful celebration. 

I bet they were moments when you let go your efforts to control your life and surrendered to the here and now. Moments of love, creativity, play, meditation. Moments when you felt complete just the way you are. Moments when you forgot about trying to be happy.

Seek Happiness So You’ll Stop Seeking It

Seeking happiness, one cannot find it, and purposefully not seeking it means giving up on it. So what can one do?

The answer lies in seeking it, even if that seems futile. And not just seeking, but seeking with the totality of your being. Seeking it until nothing else is in your mind. Sounds crazy, huh? Let me explain.

The more you seek happiness, the more you will come closer to realizing that it’s nowhere to be found. The more you seek happiness, the more you see the pointlessness of seeking it. The more effort your put into seeking happiness, the more fed up seeking it you will be. In other words, the purpose of seeking happiness is to eventually stop seeking it!

So I am not the person to suggest you to sit down, do nothing, and passively wait for happiness to appear in your life. No, happiness doesn’t work that way. At the same time, I can’t hide from you the truth that happiness can’t be sought or found.

But seeking does help, because it will at some point make you understand the whole stupidity of it. When that realization descends on you, you will get exactly what I mean.

And once you get it, you will be able to fully let go of all efforts and embrace life as it is, and in that moment, in that state of being, you’ll experience happiness in its purest form. Then, you’ll feel nothing is lacking, and everything will become clear.

Related: 50 Small Ways To Increase Your Happiness

6 Stupid Things Most People Think Are Important

Here are six stupid things that most people think are important and which shouldn’t impress you anymore.

1. The brands of your possessions. Most people have been fooled into believing that acquiring expensive stuff by well-known brands will make them look shiny, beautiful and successful, and thus base their self-esteem on material objects. Not surprisingly, they feel constantly stressed, always trying to acquire more and more and get the best that is out there. Being obsessed with buying more, they forget to pay attention to what truly matters in life, such as building intimate relationships with people, pursuing their passions, and sharing their gifts with the world.

2. The number of your “friends.” There are many who enjoy boasting about how many “friends” they have on social media and the amount of “likes” they receive from them. The reality, however, is that only few (if any at all) of them are actually their friends. If you’re one of those people, realize that to have just a few true, genuine friends — even if they can only be counted in the fingers of one hand - is far more important than having superficial relationships with thousands of people.

3. The money in your bank account. No matter how much money you’ve managed to acquire, it won’t be enough to fill your life with joy and freedom.

The majority of people desire to possess more and more money, thinking that this way they will feel good about themselves and live the dream, but even when they succeed in earning a lot of it, they sooner or later end up feeling disappointed and empty, realizing that money is not the key that opens the door to happiness. Instead of striving to succeed in collecting financial wealth, strive to succeed in things that give true fulfillment in life, such as love, creativity and play.

4. The number of hours you are busy every day. Many of us tend to think that we are important when we talk about how busy we are throughout our everyday life. We forget, however, that being busy day and in and day out without taking time to relax our mind and body can fill us with immense stress, which usually leads to physical and emotional exhaustion. Being involved doing things we love doing is fine, but not finding the time to rest and recharge our batteries can be very detrimental to our health and well-being.

5. The power you have over others. In the competitive society we’ve been brought up to, we have been conditioned to believe that proving our superiority over others is what will improve our self-confidence and provide us with a sense of personal success.

So we try in any possible way to surpass others and show how much more powerful than them we are. The result? We feel alienated in a world that we perceive as inimical to us. We also at some point come to realize that our power is only superficial, and can be taken away from us at any moment by another, which puts us under constant stress and fear.

6. The number of partners you’ve slept with. Living in a culture where we find it difficult to form intimate, love relationships with our fellow human beings, we are trying to substitute love with sex. But no matter how much sex we have, we still want more and more without end. We have become obsessed with sex, but sex can’t truly provide us with what we’re truly seeking for - a loving connection. From now on, stop searching for the next partner to sleep with, and search for that partner you can share your heart with.

Life is short, so make sure to spend it in a way that makes you truly fulfilled, without getting caught up chasing stupid things that only provide you with temporary, skin-deep gratification.

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Trump On FBI Backing Off: Clinton Being ‘Protected By A Rigged System’
+ Clinton's Guilt a 'Moot Point' - 'She Cannot Take the Oval Office'
November 9 2016 | From: Infowars / FoxNewsInsider / Various

"You can't review 650,000 emails in eight days."

But there was one omission, probably because it describes a type of administration that the Greeks never envisaged. For want of a better term, I’ll call it control-freak government.

Related: Sean Hannity Rips FBI After Clearing Criminal Hillary for the Second Time

GOP nominee Donald Trump declared Sunday that Hillary Clinton is being ‘protected by a rigged system’ as it was announced by FBI Director James Comey that the bureau is discontinuing its investigation into her home email server for a second time.

“Right now she is being protected by a rigged system. It’s a totally rigged system,”
Trump said Sunday evening during a rally in Sterling Heights, Mich.

“You can’t review 650,000 emails in eight days. You can’t do it folks.”

Trump exclaimed, referring to the sheer volume of material that was reportedly recovered from a computer belonging to the disgraced Anthony Weiner, who was in a relationship with top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Newt Gingrich Just Exposed The Real Reason Why James Comey Let Hillary Go. Oh My:

As Trump iterated his disgust at the fact that the FBI was suspending its investigation again, the raucous crowd chanted “lock her up”.

“It’s unbelievable, unbelievable, what she gets away with.”
Trump said, adding that he believes “the investigations into her crimes will go on for a long time, likely concluding in a criminal trial”.

Trump urged that the “rank and file special agents at the FBI won’t let her get away with her terrible crimes.”

Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it, the FBI knows it, the people know it,” he said. “And now it is up to the American people to deliver justice at the ballot box on November 8.” Trump told supporters.

“Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt person ever to seek the office of the presidency of the United States,” he added.

“We don’t want it taken away from us,” Trump later said of the election. “We don’t want it taken away.”

Trump surrogates also questioned how thoroughly the FBI was able to review the material and conclude that no further action was needed in the case:

Related: Is Clinton a Threat to World Peace?

Trump’s Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway appeared on the ‘Today’ show Monday morning, and described the email investigation as a ‘hot mess’.

In a further appearance on Morning Joe,Conway said:

“The fact is, serious point, we already know what Hillary Clinton would do with classified information.”

“We already know that she’s unfit and unqualified.” Conway added.

Clinton's Guilt a 'Moot Point' - 'She Cannot Take the Oval Office'

This week on JusticeJudge Jeanine Pirro offered her final Opening Statement before Election Day 2016.

Pirro laid out the case for why Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton cannot be allowed to move back into the White House.

We cannot have a country led by a president subject to ongoing criminal investigations, potential indictments and never-ending hearings.  We cannot have a president under that level of scrutiny, that inevitably leads to even more questions and more investigations,"
she said.

"Irrespective of what happens to her - whether she's indicted or even guilty - it doesn't matter. Her guilt is a moot point. She cannot take the oval office."

Pirro called Tuesday's decision "the most important election of your lifetime.":

How do you think the world is going to look at the United States when a woman under federal criminal investigation, who's lied repeatedly to the American people, is elected?  Do you think they'll take her at her word? 

How many countries already own her through the Clinton family 'charitable' foundation - which was used to raise a minimum of $100 million for her husband. How many countries like Morocco own her because they gave $12 million for five minutes with Bill Clinton?"
she said, "Just think: We can even have our own world joke."

"It's time to vote for the person who believes in the Constitution - the only one who will bring changes - the one who doesn't give a darn about political correctnes - the one who knows how to create jobs, and wants to make America great again," Pirro said.

Video: Podesta Caught Throwing Hot Tub Parties with Children

Can U.S. Elections Really Be Stolen? Yes

Is election theft possible in the United States? And might the suspects live closer to home than the Kremlin? Professor Mark Crispin Miller, author of numerous books and articles on computerized election fraud, explores the very real possibilities.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Catherine Austin Fitts: What's About To Happen To The Economy
November 9 2016 | From: Sott

"How is the government going to get people to pay their taxes if the government is not viewed as legitimate?"- Catherine Austin Fitts

The world economy is designed to fail through the mechanism of a banking system that requires all users of money to pay usury every time a transaction takes place.

Related: More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: "This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy"

In this way, the financial systems of the world can be manipulated into a managed collapse, thereby causing global chaos so that the world's nations and citizens can be tricked into demanding a global currency managed a global elite.

Who is Catherine Austin Fitts?

Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of The Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC, based in the US.

Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of a Wall Street investment bank and as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration.

Catherine offers a unique perspective on how to navigate the opportunities and risks in the global financial Isystem and political economy.

The Solari Report’s mission is to help people build wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy.

She believes that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and wealth.

Catherine graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She lives in Tennessee, USA.

Problem, reaction, solution. Economic hit man John Perkins wrote about this strategy as it was used in the 20th century to bring developing nations under the control of the international monetary fund and transnational profiteers, and at present this scheme is being globalized.

“If an EHM is completely successful, the loans are so large that the debtor is forced to default on its payments after a few years. When this happens, then like the Mafia we demand our pound of flesh.

This often includes one or more of the following: control over United Nations votes, the installation of military bases, or access to precious resources such as oil or the Panama Canal.

Of course, the debtor still owes us the money - and another country is added to our global empire."

- John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

For decades now, the dollar has been in a slow burn style of collapse, and while many journalists, primarily outside of the mainstream, have been warning the world about how and why this is happening, we're quickly approaching a turning point, where the slow burn moves into something more severe.

While at first glance this seems like a frightening potentiality, the truth is that an economic collapse may very well be our best chance at freeing ourselves from the rule of the Gods of Money.

A Whistleblower Warns Us and Gives Us Hope

Speaking to Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog news, former Wall Street banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, Catherine Austin Fitts explains why the slow burn is about to come to an end.

“The system has the capacity with monetary policy in one sense to keep going forever if the force and military capacity is there to do it, but at some point, you burn through the fat, you burn through the muscle and then you have to change institutions."

Catherine Austin Fitts

During the financial crisis of 2008, the government was able to prevent an uncontrolled firestorm collapse of the system by colluding with the chiefs of the financial sector, giving them bailouts of extraordinary magnitude, then inflating the dollar by the Federal Reserve's introduction of quantitative easing.

Eight years later, this tactic has reached its limit, however it has given the public significant reason and time to understand why our economy functions the way it does, and people are losing faith in our leadership.

"It's going to be extremely difficult to get people to continue to pay their taxes when they're highly confident the money's not being spent legally and it's going to the advantage of small parties or things that they don't understand. And so you can't move further without institutional overhaul."

- Catherine Austin Fitts

The thing that frightens her most is the fact that groups within the U.S., such as ALEC, are already calling for changes in the law and even a new constitutional convention to overhaul these institutions.

The financial sector has already been operating outside of the law and beyond the constitution for some twenty plus years, and if we haven't been using the constitution, she notes, then why do they wish to change it?

"If you want to enforce the Constitution or fix things, that's what you do. The reason you get a Constitutional Convention is you want to tear it up because you're worried, now that people realize the extent of the corruption, that they're going to try and enforce."

- Catherine Austin Fitts

Her warning is that as people continue to wake up to the corruption of our government and financial rulers, the entrenched elites who are fully invested in destroying the middle class will fight tooth and nail to prevent us from holding them accountable, by means of bringing more Draconian laws into place to protect themselves.

In this light, the economic war that is brewing isn't completely technical, it is social as well, quickly becoming class warfare. The world's financial elite are in grave danger of being held to the fire for their crimes, and surely they know they how quickly things can change in favor of the populous, as historical events like the French Revolution have shown.

Prepare Now

As individuals stuck in the debt-slave matrix, there is very little we can do to challenge this sort of massive global scheme as it's happening, however, preparing now for collapse is our best chance of chucking our burden of debt to these people, if they are even human, and of creating a future without such obvious criminal financial tyranny holding us back.

Working now to expose these criminals is imperative so that when the ball drops, ordinary people understand why, how and who is truly to blame, thereby making resisting to the takeover possible.

Taking care of personal emergency preparations by gathering healthy storable foods, networking in your community, and having plans in place to survive are absolutely necessary at this stage, and once this is done, efforts to awaken others are critical.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Rise And Rise Of Control-Freak Government
November 8 2016 | From: BreakingViews

The ancient Greeks left us several words describing various forms of government: Democracy, Autocracy and Oligarchy, to give just three examples.

But there was one omission, probably because it describes a type of administration that the Greeks never envisaged. For want of a better term, I’ll call it control-freak government.

Related: How the Oligarchy Has Prepared the Groundwork for Stealing the US Election

This is a form of government in which policy-makers, politicians and bureaucrats constantly devise new ways of controlling our behaviour on the pretext that they have to protect us from our own foolishness. Perhaps we could call it a bullyocracy.

Control-freak government is based on the supposition that we’re all basically incapable of making our own responsible decisions.

We need paternalistic minders and a suffocating regulatory regime to stop us from getting into trouble.

This busybody culture pervades our lives slowly and insidiously, eventually reaching the point where we become so accustomed to it that we assume it’s the natural order of things and accept restrictions on what we can do without a murmur of complaint.

In the meantime it restricts individual autonomy, erodes personal responsibility and piles needless extra costs on society.

One tiny example: Small-scale cheesemaker Biddy Fraser-Davies recently protested that at least half the $40,000 annual income from her four jersey cows gets swallowed up by government fees.

Fraser-Davies, who farms near Eketahuna, has been hounded for years by food safety officers from the Ministry for Primary Industries. This, incidentally, is the same government department that turns a blind eye to the large-scale, illegal dumping of fish.

Elderly women (Fraser-Davies is 74) are clearly a much more tempting target than big, hairy fishing companies . She says she was recently billed $10,000 for testing 10 of her cheeses and calculates the cost comes to $240 per kilo.

On radio recently, she recalled that after she featured on Country Calendar in 2009, the Food Safety Authority pounced within minutes because it had no record of her having filed a risk management plan. I suppose we should be impressed by the authority’s 24/7 vigilance (it was a Saturday night, after all), but this suggests an almost obsessive level of control-freakery.

To my knowledge no one ever fell sick or died from eating Fraser-Davies’ cheeses, unless she’s buried the bodies somewhere on her farm. Perhaps the MPI should send some men to start digging the place up.

To her credit, she refuses to be cowed by the public-sector commissars. This sets her apart from most timid New Zealand business owners, who keep their heads down and meekly comply. Presumably, getting offside with the enforcers is more trouble than it’s worth.

The MPI justifies its cheese-testing regime because there’s a theoretical risk of harmful pathogens. Eliminating risk can be used to justify all manner of bureaucratic meddling. It’s all part of the grand mission to create a perfect world where Nanny State keeps us all safe.

A priceless example was the edict that went out years ago forbidding brass bands from playing on the backs of trucks. I must have missed the news reports about hapless tuba players toppling from truck decks and being crushed under the wheels while playing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in Christmas parades.

Perhaps I also missed hearing the anguished cries of builders and roofers plummeting from house rooftops. There must have been an epidemic of such deaths to justify the requirement that safety scaffolding now be erected around the roofs of houses under construction.

I'm told even chimney sweepers are now saying they can’t work without protective scaffolding, which can bump up the cost of the job from $200 to $1000.

It goes without saying there’s an element of risk in many undertakings. The crucial consideration should surely be whether the action taken to minimise risk is proportionate – or, to put it another way, whether the cost of trying to eliminate risk far outweighs any possible benefit.

Compulsory scaffolding around rooftops may have averted a few broken limbs, but at what cost to house owners and home buyers?

The police, too, have been captured by a control-freak mentality. Just look at their heavy-handed enforcement of liquor controls. Wellington Police have an “alcohol harm reduction officer” (how Big Brother is that?) who gives the impression of being on a moral crusade.

And while police numbers are stretched and burglars are able to strike with apparent impunity, there always seem to be enough officers to operate drink-drive checkpoints in the hope of nabbing some harmless mug who’s unwittingly had one glass of sauvignon blanc too many.

It’s another case of low-hanging fruit. Burglars are hard to catch; women on the way home from bowls, not so much.

Speaking of which, I wrote a column in this space roughly a year ago criticising the lower drink-drive limits introduced in 2014, which I predicted would catch out responsible, otherwise law-abiding people while hard-core recidivist drunk drivers would continue to behave as they always had.

I also said I would quite likely get pinged myself, since the new limits had made it much harder to judge when you were at risk of breaking the law.

My column attracted a pompous response from an overpaid poo-bah in the New Zealand Transport Agency. He wrote that there was no such thing as safe drink-driving, thus confirming what I’d suspected: that the objective of the law change was to deter us from drinking altogether.

But here’s the thing: road deaths have increased since drink-drive limits were lowered, from 293 in 2014 to 319 in 2015 and 263 so far this year compared with 253 at this time last year.

It’s a crude measure, admittedly, but it reminds us of what the economist Milton Friedman said about the folly of judging things by their intentions rather than their results.

Of course a few more country pubs have gone out of business in the meantime, because the people who previously socialised in them are terrified of having one too many and getting caught.

But why should the city-dwelling bureaucrats worry? They never drank in them anyway. And if they go one over the limit at a fashionable Thorndon café, they can just call a cab.

Theirs is a different world from the one inhabited by the people whose lives they seek to control.

Related: Obama regime planning massive false flag terror attacks to halt a Trump victory and save democrats from being indicted

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

FBI, CIA, NYPD Officials Set To Drop The Hammer: Video Evidence Of “Bill Clinton And Six Government Officials Taking Part In Sexual Acts With Minors” To Be Released Before Election
November 8 2016 | From: DCClothesline / Various

The 2016 Presidential election is about to get even crazier. Earlier this week Joe Joseph reported that recent Wikileaks point to the Clinton family having ties to a child porn abduction ring in Haiti.

On top of that, emails appear to confirm that both Bill and Hillary Clinton previously joined convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein at his “sex slave island,” with Fox News having confirmed that Former President Bill Clinton flew with Epstein on his private jet at least 20 times. As Fox News notes, the plane was outfitted with a bed where travellers would often engage in group sex.

Related: Don’t Act So Shocked! Of Course Hillary Clinton is a Satanist

The evidence of criminal activity identified via Anthony Wiener’s laptop is so damning that the NYPD was preparing arrest warrants for a number of Clinton campaign officials. A Brietbart report indicates that the investigation was stifled earlier this week by the Justice Department after “huge pushback.”

And while the Obama administration and liberal mainstream news sources are doing everything in their power to keep the thousands of Wikileak revelations at bay, according to a developing story from the Gateway Pundit, it will be impossible for them to contain the fallout from what comes next.

As early as this weekend we could see the most explosive email, video and photographic evidence yet. According to members of the hacking collective Anonymous, 4Chan, and Hillary State Department target Kim Dotcom, a government insider has provided undeniable evidence that Bill Clinton and six other government officials engaged in sexual acts with minors.

Kim Dotcom, apparently privvy to the evidence, posted a series of Tweets this week as highlighted by The Daily Sheeple:

With the last one coming Friday evening:

It appears Dotcom’s Tweet was in reference to a 4Chan post archived at The Free Republic which indicates in no uncertain terms that a government official has the evidence that confirms Bill Clinton is indeed a sexual predator:

Related: FBI Exposes Clinton Pedophile Satanic Network

Until this month, Wikileaks and Anonymous have worked together in building an efficient, detailed, comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and 21 individuals ranging from the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Clinton foundation. These documents will show without a doubt, evidence of Treason, Obstruction of Justice, Election Fraud, Manipulation and Bribery.

This was intended to be the October surprise. But before the release of these documents, we were contacted by a member of the FBI, as well as another from the CIA, and a week later by the NYPD. All with information retaining to something much darker than we ever imagined.

Related: RNC: Comey’s Eleventh-Hour Announcement Doesn’t Change The Fact That The Clinton Foundation Is Under Investigation for Bribery

Due to the nature of these leaks, we all worked together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives:

1. That all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized, searchable, manageable way.

2. Those  who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made (This concern wasn’t without warrant).

The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails, pictures, and videos. Within these will be evidence of Bill Clinton, as we as at least 6 other Government officials, taking part in sexual acts with minors.As well as evidence of Human trafficking that also include minors. 

We believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation. In order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda.

These documents were given to us by an American Government official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered by Hillary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail. He also told us that due to the restricted access to these documents, they would soon know he was the one who released them to us.

We tried to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out. We are still not sure if this is because they became aware of the leak, or if they were scared that he may in the future. In either case, his identity will be made public in this next set of leaks so that he can be honored for the hero that he was.

We will not only be releasing these documents, but we have multiple members of the FBI, CIA, and NYPD who will be publicly verifying their authenticity once their safety is assured.

This hack has not come from Russia or anyone else they may try to blame this on. This is a leak from Americas own Government Officials who fear for their safety had the opposed them directly due to reasons that will be made clear soon.

We thank you for your patience, as well as your determination and assistance in helping us expose the corruption that has infested our own government. Democracy will be restored to America.

Remember remember the 5th of November.

Related: FBI Director Comey Just Put A Trump Sign On His Front Lawn

If true, then sometime this weekend we will see the end of the Clintons. While they can cover up tens of thousands of email chains and be protected from prosecution by the Justice Department for bribery or pay-for-play, no one will stand in the way if actual sex tapes come to light, especially if minors are involved.

Perhaps this is why FBI Director Comey operated with such haste in recent weeks and publicly re-opened the Clinton investigation, because no one will want to be a friend to Bill or Hillary after this hits the internet.

- Courtesy of SHTFplan.com

Editor’s Note: There have been rumors about this for days, but please understand that they are only rumors, until they are confirmed with a release of evidence. Sometimes we publish stories before they fully develop, but we always try to keep our readers in the loop. Mac Slavo is on the money more often than not, so I decided to publish this one as soon as I could get the information out. Stay vigilant. - Dean Garrison

Update 7:45 PM Though it is still too early to tell, it would appear that Mac Slavo was ahead of the game again. After publication of this article, the hacker group Anonymous released part 1 of the Clinton child sex scandal.

Related: FBI Agent Suspected in Hillary Email Leaks Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide

Anonymous Posts Clinton Underground Child Sex Scandal: Part 1

Anonymous just posted the first in a series of exposes on Hillary and Bill Clinton’s involvement in a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring.

Read it all - this is not a post you can skim.

Anonymous: “Part 2 will either be posted later tonight (EST) or tomorrow morning.”

Report: Bill Clinton Wasn’t Only One to Go to ‘Sex Slave Island,’ Hillary Went with Him–‘Six Times’

Background on: “Spirit Cooking"

Code words: Translations i.e. Pizza

First Some Background on “Lolita Island”

Related: Criminal Roots: A Shocking Exposé On The Clinton Family And Their Rise To Power

Citing a “well-placed source” in the New York Police Department, Blackwater USA founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince claims that among the 650,000 Huma Abedin emails on her estranged husband’s laptop is evidence Hillary Clinton, as well as former President Bill Clinton, was a visitor to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s Caribbean hideaway, known as “Orgy Island.”

Prince told the Breitbart News Daily radio show that Abedin and her estranged husband, former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, are now cooperating with authorities in multiple investigations of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“They found State Department emails,”
he said of FBI investigators.

They found a lot of other really damning criminal information, including money laundering, including the fact that Hillary went to this sex islandwith convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton went theremore than 20 times. Hillary Clinton went there at least six times.”

In May, FoxNews.com reported Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on Epstein’s infamous Boeing 727 “Lolita Express” jet than previously reported.

Flight logs show
he took at least 26 trips and apparently even ditched his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights. The manifests for the trips, between 2001 and 2003, identified fellow passengers by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.”

The jet was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls. FoxNews.com reported in Julythat attorneys for Epstein touted his close friendship with Bill Clinton and even claimed the billionaire helped start the Clinton Global Initiative.

Prince Andrew is a pal of Epstein's and has also been implicated in goings-on at the island

Emails that surfaced in August
showed famed defense attorney Roy Black was deemed too controversial to host an event for President Obama because he represented Epstein against charges of trafficking nearly three-dozen underage girls for sex for himself and his powerful friends.

Black and co-counsel Alan Dershowitz were able to secure a deal in 2008 in which Epstein pleaded guilty to only one count related to prostitution with a minor. Epstein registered as a sex offender and served, partly in home detention, just 13 months of a 19-month sentence.

‘So disgusting’

Prince said the NYPD wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making in the Weiner investigation but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department

“The amount of garbage that they found in these emails, of criminal activity by Hillary, by her immediate circle, and even by other Democratic members of Congress was so disgusting they gave it to the FBI, and they said, ‘We’re going to go public with this if you don’t reopen the investigation and you don’t do the right thing with timely indictments.”
Prince told Breitbart News Daily.

Abedin, who has been at Hillary Clinton’s side throughout the 2016 campaign, was immediately removed from the campaign trail after FBI Director James Comey informed Congress last Friday of the discovery of the 650,000 emails and the decision to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information. More here.

Below is the Anonymous post:

The Clinton investigation is now connected to a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operating within Washington, D.C.

Over the next few days, and this November 5th, we will be referencing evidence and exposing the Clinton foundations for multiple incidences of child trafficking and sex scandals.

Hillary Clinton is being investigated by the FBI for involvement in an elite Washington pedophile ring, according to veteran State Department official Steve Pieczenik.

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his relationship with Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and other famous names, and their connection to a high-level sex scandal is exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff.

The FBI wants to know everything about the Lolita Island that Jeffrey Epstein owns. Lucky for them Anthony Weiner knows a lot about the Underage sex Island that Bill Clinton would visit and Weiner is ready to Talk.

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO.

Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.

Related Articles:

Media Continued to Focus on the Fate of the U.S. Missionaries Being Held on Trafficking Charges

Statement for "After" Flight Goes Wheels Up

Haiti Prosecutors Urge Prison for US Missionary

Missionary Stumbles on Road to Haiti

One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook

The attorney who represented Laura Silsby – A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker

WikiLeaks: Pricing how much it costs to transport children

Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids

They’re in the Clinton Emails

Pitch for funding or some shit, super sketchy

This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following extradition

Jorge Puello (real name – JORGE TORRES ORELLANA) is their lawyer who also was charged in el salvador for child sex trafficking.

The children were sent to the SOS Children’s Village orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquets, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, and it became clear that most (if not all) of them were not orphans.

NLCR missionaries maintained that they were told that the children were orphaned. In turn, people in Calebasse and SOS Children’s Villages accused the missionaries of lying about their intentions.

Although the children’s relatives were told that they would be able to visit them and eventually take them back, the NLCR’s mission statement clearly outlined plans for adoption.”

“So, how was Hillary Clinton part of this, and where’s the child sex trafficking? Mostly in the fevered imaginations of the excitable internet detectives of The Donald, who decided that since Clinton discussed the case in emails with Huma Abedin and other aides, she was going out of her way to help the child abductors escape justice.

This leaves out one tiny detail: as secretary of State, Clinton’s job was to help American citizens arrested in other countries.

Huma emailed her articles about the case, and from there, Reddit decided that can only mean they’re all child traffickers trading children all over the world for sex slaves, and probably hitching rides on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex plane, too.”

For more raw links visit: DCClothesline

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Assange: Clinton Resisted FBI, And Now They’re Out For Payback + He Points Out Hillary’s Emails Confirm Oligarchic Control
November 7 2016 | From: RT / Various

Hillary Clinton sparked an FBI backlash, which is now surfacing, when she stonewalled the Feds, who were trying to investigate her private server, Julian Assange said during the John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, which is now available in full on RT.

“If you go to history of the FBI, it has become effectively America's political police. And the FBI demonstrated with taking down the former head of the CIA [David Petraeus in 2012] over classified information given to his mistress that almost no one was untouchable. The FBI is always trying to demonstrate that. ‘No one can resist us,’” Assange told the Australian journalist during the 25-minute interview.

Related: Watch / Read Full Iinterview Here

“But Hillary Clinton very conspicuously resisted the FBI's investigation. So, there is anger within the FBI because it made the FBI look weak.”

FBI director James B. Comey threw a spanner into the presidential race that threatened to become a Clinton procession last week, when he claimed that the agency had potentially obtained new information pertaining to Clinton’s use of a personal email server, set up shortly after she became Secretary of State in 2009, when they obtained the laptop of Anthony Weiner, the ex-husband of close Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Weiner was being investigated for an unrelated sexting offense.

Clinton has categorically denied mishandling classified information by using a vulnerable personal email address for State Department business. Fox News has alleged that the FBI has obtained new evidence from Weiner’s computer that shows that Clinton was “very likely hacked."

Related: The Podesta Connection to Washington Deplorables

The right-wing network has also claimed that there is a “high priority” FBI investigation into whether favors were exchanged by Clinton for donations to her husband’s foundation, though other media have refuted these claims, saying that an earlier investigation into the Clinton Foundation, which cleared the power couple, remained closed.

Assange, whose WikiLeaks website has over the last ten months released three sizable batches of emails, relating to Clinton herself, the Democratic National Committee, and her campaign manager John Podesta, said the FBI has cause to investigate Clinton.

“There's a thread that runs through all of these emails. There is quite a lot of "pay-to-play," as they call it - taking… giving access in exchange for money for many individual states, individuals and corporations. Combined with the cover-up of Hillary Clinton's emails while she was Secretary of State this has led to an environment where the pressure on the FBI [to investigate] increases,”
Assange said.

Regardless of whether Clinton ever faces charges, Assange asserted that Clinton was beholden to corporate and political entities that have been hidden from the electorate during the race to the White House.

She's this centralizing cog, so that you've got a lot of different gears in operation from the big banks like Goldman Sachs, and major elements of Wall Street, and intelligence, and people in the State Department, and the Saudis, and so on.

She's is the, if you like, the centralizer that interconnects all these different cogs. She's smooth central representation of all that, and all that is more or less what is in power now in the United States,”
stated Assange, who said that the leaked emails presented a clear picture of this nexus of influences.

Assange also insisted that despite his image, projecting hope and change, President Barack Obama became “very close to banking interests” during his own initial White House campaign in 2008.

In fact, one of the most significant Podesta emails that we released was about how the Obama cabinet was formed – and half the [first] Obama cabinet was basically nominated by a representative from Citibank. It is quite amazing,”
Assange said.

‘Libya was Hillary’s War’

According to Assange, Clinton’s emails reveal a masterplan, hatched months before the West’s intervention in Libya in March 2011, to make it the signature conflict of her tenure as secretary of state, and a podium from which to realize her presidential dreams.

Related: Former FBI Official: Clintons are a “Crime Family” & “Something Big is about to Happen”

“Libya more than anyone else's war was Hillary Clinton's war. Barack Obama initially opposed it. Who was the person who was championing it? Hillary Clinton. That's documented throughout her emails,” Assange said.

“There's more than 1,700 emails out of the 33,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails we published just about Libya. It's not about that Libya has cheap oil. She perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state something that she would use to run in the general election for president.

So late 2011, there's an internal document called the "Libya Tick Tock" that is produced for Hillary Clinton, and it's all the... it's a chronological description of how Hillary Clinton was the central figure in the destruction of the Libyan state.”

But the scheme not only failed on a personal level, after Clinton was largely blamed for allowing a jihadist ransacking of a US compound in Benghazi in 2012, but also continues to haunt the country, which remains in a state of civil war, and Europe.

Related: Associated Press reporter admits faking news stories for Hillary Clinton... stunning admission reveals how AP prints whatever the Clintons want, Facts Be Damned

As a result, there [have been] around 40,000 deaths within Libya. Jihadists moved in, ISIS moved in. That led to the European refugee and migrant crisis, because not only did you have people fleeing Libya, people then fleeing Syria, destabilization of other African countries as a result of arms flows,”
said Assange.

Over the course of the interview, Assange also expounded on his views on Donald Trump, the relationship between WikiLeaks and Russia, and his plan to leave the Ecuadorian embassy, where he has lived as a legal fugitive since 2012.

The full transcript of the interview is available here, and previous excerpts here, and here.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

In Harmony with All Life: The Open Source Way + Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality
November 7 2016 | From: RobertDavidSteele / KosmosJournal

We do not need a new paradigm but rather a return to the original indigenous paradigm that treated the Earth as a sacred Mother and understood that God was all of us, in harmony with one another and the cosmos, living by one principle (do no harm) and one practice (seventh generation thinking).

The Industrial Era has been both a blessing and a curse. It has radically altered the quality and diversity of life for a billion humans but it has also come at a great cost: the repression in extreme poverty of the other five billion; the eradication of thousands of species; and the destruction almost to a tipping point of the Earth.

Changes to the Earth that used to take ten thousand years now take three years or less. In combination, colonialism, militarism, and capitalism have squandered the wealth of the Earth, creating an elite 1% that profits from the misery, enslavement, and deception of the 99%.

A revolution is in the making, aided by the Internet. Pockets of cultural and ecological wisdom, both indigenous and modern, are now connected at the same time that the lies - such as the 935 lies that led us into the elective war on Iraq - more easily detected.

Still absent is a precipitant of revolution - our Tunisian fruit seller - and a groundswell of demand for the fundamentals of conscious evolution, the tools for information-sharing and sense-making as a collective, a new civilization, one without corruption and waste, both made possible by transformative politics, which is to say politics with integrity, based on evidence, and in the public interest.

How are we to achieve this mass elevation of humanity in the face of what some call the looming ‘sixth extinction?’ I offer three visual interventions for reflection.

Electoral Reform

With a humble apology to all of those fighting for climate change and other worthy causes, I will tell you what I told Tom Steyer: no amount of money or protest will lead to an honest hearing for any single issue as long as we continue to have a rigged system in which two parties control the public treasury and 70% percent of all eligible voters are disenfranchised. While I speak of the US in this instance, the same conditions apply in most countries, where virtual dictatorships and virtual fascism (control by banks) is the common standard.

Electoral Reform Act of 2016

I tried eight times over two years to connect with Bernie Sanders. Note that point twelve would have assured him the nomination and he, not Hillary Clinton, would be facing off against Donald Trump today, at the same time that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein would be viable nominees given the Instant Run-Off reform (point ten) as well as all the others.

The current effort to re-ignite a race war in the US, with leftist billionaires funding Black Lives Matter protests and fascist billionaires funding white paramilitary shooters killing cops and seeking to place the blame on blacks, will fail. To their credit, black leaders have identified the twin elements of this strategy.

The race war is intended to distract us from the fact that it is now clear to most that we are in a fight between the 1% who have destroyed the Earth and the hopes of humanity for their own selfish profit, and the 99% capable of creating infinite wealth.

Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)

I wrote the book itemizing over sixty opens, The Open Source Everything Manfesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust, and subsequently developed, with Michel Bauwens and Marcin Jacubowksi, the below starting point for radically expanding public appreciation for what an open source everything mindset can accomplish.

Open Source Everything

Using this approach, I was able to document how one million Somalis could be moved from ghastly United Nations resettlement camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, back to an uncontested portion of Somalia (the northeast) with three things only in abundance: dirt, sunlight, and seawater.

For a one-time cost per person of $500 (i.e., $500 million total), I documented how we could provide them all with free energy, water, housing, food, and communications.

End All Waste

We can not only lift up the five billion poor, we can eradicate waste, now documented at 50% on average across agriculture, energy, housing, health, and security, among the one billion ‘rich.’ The below diagram shows how we do that, with a tip of the hat to co-creator Bojan Radej of Slovania.

The Waste Eradication Tri-Fecto

We do not lack for money on Earth. We lack for applied collective intelligence with integrity. We lack the precipitating event that will spark the revolution in which we all say “ENOUGH!” to predatory capitalism, unilateral militarism, and virtual colonialism.

What we have in abundance, what we have repressed for centuries, is the human imagination. Electoral Reform and Open Source Everything Engineering are the twin pillars of our liberation.

Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality

Something miraculous is happening. The invisible is becoming visible. Human consciousness is taking a quantum leap into territory previously unknown as what began with just a few saints, sages, gurus, and a Savior is awakening in the hearts and minds of millions around the globe.

Human evolution is undergoing a profound shift; the proof can be seen with the naked eye. This shift is causing millennia-old beliefs and social structures to be scrutinized like never before - perhaps for the very first time.

Even world-renowned physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking has ditched his prior position in his book, The Grand Design: “belief in a creator was not incompatible with science” and now concludes that the Big Bang was as inevitable as gravity.

As science moves closer toward solving the Unifying Theory of Everything, will Dr. Hawking change his mind one more time?

Unifying Everything

What is presently emerging out of a weary world filled with very little practical value is a new and quantifiable reality being built by those already embodying a more expansive understanding of who we are and why we are here.

Most of us without a doubt have begun to ask questions - perhaps for the first time in our life. Whether you view current events as the end of the world or a new Golden Age is entirely dependent on whether you are bound by separation consciousness or have expanded beyond it into something new.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

– Albert Einstein

What is currently crumbling around us is the fruit of humanity’s misguided labor, along with a planet stressed by an outdated and unsustainable human belief system. Most human suffering is self-created and derived out of inherent ignorance and limitation found in separation consciousness.

Separation consciousness is the belief that we are separate from one another, our environment, and even God. Separation consciousness is the veil itself.

Separation Not Real

Just as its definition implies, a veil obfuscates a sun hidden by clouds, yet the sun remains ever present. Until recently, only a small number of people have transcended separation consciousness for humanity’s next stage of evolution: unity consciousness.

Whether you/we destroy ourselves is dependent on our ability to make the evolutionary leap from separation to unity consciousness where human suffering ends.

This is both the warning and reward contained within a universal prophecy spanning many cultures in various forms. The prophecy lends itself to both the physical and metaphysical planes of our lives.

With media focus on humankind’s struggle to emerge out of our collective cocoon of separation, we may be left blind to the miracle that is taking place right under our noses. The biggest story of the millennium is the reality that millions are waking up to the realization that all life is irrevocably interconnected as the One - it always was. Most of humanity was still too unevolved to “get it” until now.

The Veil is Lifting

What unifies us and all of Creation is contained within the very air that we breathe. The all-pervasive answer to the riddle of the mystery of Life is hidden within the question, enigmatically lingering within reach. It is both the tangible and intangible aspects of our world as the scientific and unscientific.

Call it by any name you wish and you’ll find it there. The secret key that unlocks the end of human suffering is contained within you as your desire to know. Have you discovered it yet?

If you believe in a higher power or organizing force - and even if you don’t - when you awaken, you will be struck with the realization that the power that fuels and binds all of the Universe is not an outside intelligence.

What not even famous cosmologist, Dr. Stephen Hawking, biologist, and atheist Richard Dawkins or even Pope Francis have yet grasped (publicly) is that the creative power that unifies us is Creation itself. There is no separation.

'God' is Creation

Creation was not a singular event, but by self-definition, it will continue into perpetuity. What is so shocking is that this means that science and religion are not in opposition of one another, but are simply left- and right-brain interpretations of the One.

Our quest for knowledge of the One is the quest for reunion with and as the One. Joining hands in a way that has been all but forgotten, darkness turns to light. Fear becomes love. Competition changes to cooperation so that lack becomes abundance. Unworthiness becomes value that ends racism, genocide, and slavery. Our planet is restored to good health.

Personal peace and of Peace on Earth depend on a new, more evolved understanding of God. It’s our time to thrive!

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Professor Who’s Predicted 30 Years Of Presidential Elections Correctly Is Doubling Down On A Trump Win
November 6 2016 | From: Yahoo / Various

Hillary Clinton may still be ahead in most national [rigged] polls, but at least one expert who is on a serious hot streak, remains convinced that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States.

American University Professor Allen J. Lichtman, who has accurately predicted the winner of every presidential election since 1984, first forecast a victory for Trump during an interview with the Washington Post.

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Granted that was before the release of the now-infamous “Access Hollywood” tape, followed by mounting allegations of sexual misconduct, which Trump attempted to counter with claims of a rigged election and that the media was conspiring against him.

Meanwhile, the tense presidential debates concluded with the suggestion from Trump that he might not accept the outcome of the election if he is not the winner.


Despite all this controversy, Mr Lichtman has not wavered from his prediction:

“By the narrowest of possible margins, the keys still point to a Trump victory,”
he told the Post this week.

As Mr Lichtman noted in this latest interview, he is not a “psychic,” nor does he “look into a crystal ball.” Rather, his projections are based on a unique system that relies on 13 True/False questions, or “keys,” to evaluate the strength of the incumbent party.

“An answer of True on these True/False questions always favors the reelection of the party in power,”
Lichtman explained.

“And if six or more of the 13 keys are False, the party in power, the party holding the White House, is the predicted loser - any six or more.”

Until last month, he said, the Democratic Party only had five keys against it. The final key that led Lichtman to make his prediction that Trump will win was “the third-party key, and that is based on an assessment that you would expect the third-party candidate, in this case the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, to get 5 percent or more of the vote.”

While “severe and unprecedented,” Lichtman said that the problems created for Trump by the “Access Hollywood” tape and subsequent sexual assault claims did not ultimately change any of the keys.

Professor Allen J. Lichtman

Still, he provided “two major qualifications” to his projection, noting that “I’m not a hedger, and I’ve never qualified before, in 30 years of predictions.”

The first qualification is that, according to Lichtman’s system, “it takes six keys to count the party in power out, and they have exactly six keys,” one of which requires that at least 5 percent of the popular vote go to Gary Johnson.

“He could slip below that, which would shift the prediction,”
Lichtman said.

The other qualification is Trump himself.

“We have never seen someone who is broadly regarded as a history-shattering, precedent-making, dangerous candidate who could change the patterns of history that have prevailed since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860,”
Lichtman said.

Though his system, which was developed by studying every presidential election between 1960 and 1980, has proven to be a reliable indicator of election outcomes for the past 20 years, Lichtman admitted that:

“This election has the potential to shatter the normal boundaries of American politics and reset everything - including, perhaps, reset the keys to the White House.”

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Donald Trump's Argument For America

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives
November 6 2016 | From: NationalBusinessReview / WakeUpNZ

The New Zealand government will continue supporting the Clinton Foundation's flagship project by donating a further $6 million despite a new wave of recent controversy surrounding the charitable organisation.

Question: WHY is John Key sending our money to a knowingly corrupt operation? Does this make him complicit in the ongoing fraudulent machinations of the Clinton related criminal Cabal activities? Does he even have any choice at this juncture? And what the hell will happen to John Key when this whole farce comes falling down given the mathematical certainty of just that outcome?

Related: Clinton Charities Raked in Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) tells NBR it has "no intention to further review our support for the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)."

CHAI began as an initiative under the Clinton Foundation but has since been separated out to a non-profit organisation with a focus on reducing the cost of HIV/AIDS medicine in sub-Saharan Africa.

CHAI accounts for almost two-thirds of the Clinton Foundation's annual income and expense according to online disclosures and was, until recently, vice-chaired by Chelsea Clinton with former US President Bill Clinton serving as a board member.

Following political pressure, CHAI released a list of all of its donors from the past six years, along with how much they had donated in August.

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It turns out, MFAT was on the list and near the top alongside the likes of the World Health Organisation, Save the Children and the Rockefeller Foundation, which all donated between &US1-5 million. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was one of CHAI's biggest donors, along with the Australian government, which donated more than $US25 million to the organisation.

MFAT says it has donated to the CHAI since 2013 through New Zealand's Aid Programme.

The programme has been providing funding and technological assistance for the agriculture-strengthening component of a project in Rwanda and Ethiopia.

MFAT had an original budget of $13.7 million to distribute to CHAI, of which $7.7 million has been distributed to date, with a further $6 million remaining. It has a $1.7 billion budget over three years, of which most will be delivered through international organisations such as CHAI, an MFAT spokesman says.

MFAT's only support for CHAI has been through the funding of a project that aims to significantly reduce child malnutrition and raise incomes in Rwanda and Ethiopia, he says.

In Hot Water

CHAI has recently found itself at the centre of controversy in the US. US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as been forced to defend the Clinton Foundation on her campaign trail, following accusations by her Republican  rival Donald Trump, along with other Republicans, that wealthy donors may be expecting favourable treatment from the US Government.

Although Mrs Clinton denies this, the foundation last month revealed that it will no longer receive donations from foreigners to corporations if Mrs Clinton won the race for the White House. But the organisation made no mention of CHAI at the time.

After weeks of speculation, in early September a CHAI spokeswoman announced that the initiative would take steps to sever ties with the Clinton family and if Mrs Clinton is elected president and would spin CHAI into a "completely independent" charity.

Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc.
Cumulative Donations By Donor (January 2010 to June 2016)

Funding Ranges: (in $USD)

Donor's Name:

1. Above $25 Million Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Affairs Canada, Ikea Foundation, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australian Government, ELMA Foundation, UK Department for International Development, UNITAID
2. $10 Million to $25 Million Children's Investment Fund Foundation, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
3. $5 Million to $10 Million Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Elton John AIDS Foundation, Embassy of Ireland, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi, STOP AIDS NOW, United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organisation

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Exposed

But CHAI does not plan on implementing restrictions on where it can raise money - meaning it can still accept donations from New Zealand.

The controversy did not stop there. Just weeks after CHAI's decision, US Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn released a 17-page report slamming CHAI's "self-serving" philanthropy in sub-Saharan Africa.

The report, titled: The Clinton Foundation and the "India Success Story: Self-serving philanthropy, watered down drugs and money in sub-Saharan Africa, alleges the Clinton Foundation "likely facilitated the distribution of watered-down HIV/AIDS medications in sub-Saharan Africa through it's Health Access Initiative [CHAI].

The report scrutinises the relationship the relationship between CHAI and Indian pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy, which partnered with the initiative in 2003, working with CHAI to combat HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Ranbaxy Laboratories, now owned by Sun Pharma, is a multinational pharmaceutical company.

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One of CHAI's main roles is to bring together buyers of antiretroviral drugs used to fight HIV/AIDS, such as governments, non-profits and multilateral aid organisations, with sellers such as Ranbaxy.

The initiative has, by most accounts been successful in bringing down the price of the lifesaving drugs and has been welcomed by the global community. But Ranbaxy has run into problems with US regulators.

Ms Blackburn's report says a former employee of the company turned whistleblower, Dinesh Thakur, confirmed the company's HIV/AIDs antiretrovirals were adulterated.

The US government took Ranbaxy to court in 2007 resulting in the company pleading guilty to seven felonies and paying a half billion dollar fine in 2013.

Related: Hillary Clinton’s Relationship With The Rothschild / Rockefeller Establishment Is Now On Full Display

Ms Blackburn also suggests the adulterated drugs may have "increased patient mortality rates" in the region.

MFAT won't comment on the report but says its funding is focused on providing technical assistance for agriculture-strengthening components of projects in Rwanda and Ethiopia, as well as working with local farmers to aid in the development of factories to produce food.

Comment: Horse shit. This is a PR spin - once the money is released to the Clinton Foundation, MFAT and the New Zealand government have NO IDEA as to what use they are put. Then again, they very may well know all too well.

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$13.7 Million Dollars Of New Zealand Taxpayer Funds Pledged To Shady Clinton Charity

It has been revealed that millions of New Zealand taxpayer dollars have been donated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) to Hillary Clinton’s charity, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), a non-profit organisation created from the Clinton Foundation with the stated goal to reduce HIV/AIDs in Africa.

An MFAT spokesman confirmed to the NBR that between January 2010 and June 2016, $7.7 million of taxpayer funds had already been donated and another $6 million was to follow, keeping to a pledge to donate $13.7 million made by the government organisation in 2013.

Related: Prime Minster John Key caught channeling millions of dollars of taxpayer's money to 'ethically compromised' Clinton Foundation

ACT party member David Seymour commented:

“In a world where New Zealanders can crowdsource to buy a beach, it’s not clear what role there is for the government to collect taxes and contribute it to a global charity which is more than capable of reaching out and raising its own money.”

The big question is, why is our government sending millions of dollars overseas while at the same time cutting funding for crucial services which desperately need the money here in New Zealand?

To fully understand how Clinton charities operate and decide whether a single taxpayer dollar should have been donated, we first need to look at some of the controversies.

Over the past 15 years, the Washington Post can reveal the charities have raised over $2 billion dollars, mainly from big corporates, foreign governments and political donors. Many have called the contributions ‘pay for play’, where powerful donors exchange funds for future political favours.

Speeches make up a large part of the revenue stream, with the Clintons earning hundreds of thousands per speech from the likes of big Wall Street banks including Goldman Sachs as revealed by WikiLeaks.

Related: The Clinton Chronicles

Hacked emails also released by WikiLeaks revealed that in 2012, Qatar pledged to donate US $1 million to the Clinton Foundation raising a question of ethics after Hillary promised that while she was serving as secretary of the state donations from foreign governments would no longer be accepted due to the potential influence on foreign policy.

It was also been revealed the Clinton charities utilised the devastating Haiti earthquake to implement disaster capitalism, funneling funds into Haiti under the pretense of aid but only for the funds to flow away from the Haitians desperately in need and instead to companies who had made previously large donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Then there is the $145 million ‘pay for play’ contributions made to the Clinton Foundation by shareholders of Canadian company Uranium One, a mining company with concessions in Kazakhstan and the US.

Uranium One sought to sell these concessions to the Russians, but the deal had to be approved by a government committee due to the implications to national security.

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In return for the contributions and the extra $500,000 Bill Clinton received in speaking fees from a Russian investment bank, the 20% purchase of US uranium assets by the Russians was approved, knowing this purchase would mean the production of more nuclear weapons against America’s own interests.

The Clinton Health Access Initiative has also had its share of controversy.

US Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn recently released a 71 page report which slammed CHAI’s “self-serving” philanthropy in Africa, after the charity was found distributing watered down HIV/AIDS medications to sick Africans.

According to the report, these cheaper drugs which were provided by Ranbaxy Laboratories:

ubjected patients to increased risks of morbidity and mortality”.

Ranbaxy later was found guilty of selling badly made generic drugs and fined a record US$500 million.

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If Hillary is elected president, she has committed to changing how the Clinton Foundation operates. Bill Clinton has said:

“The Foundation will accept contributions only from U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and U.S.- based independent foundations, whose names we will continue to make public on a quarterly basis. And we will change the official name from the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation to the Clinton Foundation. While I will continue to support the work of the Foundation, I will step down from the Board and will no longer raise funds for it.”

However, CHAI, which receives around 60% of the funds from the Clinton Foundation, has yet to decide whether it will also refuse foreign government donations if she was to win, and when asked for comment on CHAI the Clinton campaign spokesman declined.

There’s no doubt the Clinton charities have done some incredible work overseas through CHAI, but the manner in which these charities are utilised as vehicles for personal benefit can not be ignored.

With strong financial ties to Wall Street, big pharmaceuticals and other large corporate sponsors, it’s clear the charities are being used as avenues to channel funds under the guise of philanthropy.

What is of great concern here in New Zealand is the level of taxpayer funded donations made to Hillary’s charity without public knowledge, and how quiet the mainstream media has been about it.

John Key and the National Party clearly have no issue using millions of taxpayer funds as bribes, revealed by the corrupt Saudi sheep deal, so it should be of no surprise to see the government fund a shady charity found to be acting only for ‘self serving’ interests.

We need to hold our government accountable for where taxpayer funds are being applied, especially when gifted to charities operated by corrupt American political figureheads.

Our country currently can not afford to be sending millions of dollars overseas. Instead of donating the remaining $6 million pledged to CHAI, we demand that MFAT reallocate the funds within New Zealand to help assist those struggling under our poverty and homelessness crisis.

For an excellent review of the Clinton Foundation, please have a read through the Washington Post’s feature ‘Inside the Clinton Donor Network’

We also highly recommend watching the in-depth documentary ‘Clinton Cash’, which discusses the ‘pay for play’ model and resulting corruption which can be viewed here.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Putin’s Compelling Exposure Of The Egregious Lawless Behaviour Of The Western Dark Cabal In The Wake Of The True Revolution Of The Masses
November 5 2016 | From: StankovUniversalLaw / Kremlin / Various

Speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club, October 27, 2016.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin:

Related: Vladimir Putin’s Third Way: As Seen Through the Nooscope

Tarja, Heinz, Thabo, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to see you again. I want to start by thanking all of the participants in the Valdai International Discussion Club, from Russia and abroad, for your constructive part in this work, and I want to thank our distinguished guests for their readiness to take part in this open discussion.

Our esteemed moderator just wished me a good departure into retirement, and I wish myself the same when the time comes. This is the right approach and the thing to do. But I am not retired yet and am for now the leader of this big country. As such, it is fitting to show restraint and avoid displays of excessive aggressiveness. I do not think that this is my style in any case.

But I do think that we should be frank with each other, particularly here in this gathering. I think we should hold candid, open discussions, otherwise our dialogue makes no sense and would be insipid and without the slightest interest.

I think that this style of discussion is extremely needed today given the great changes taking place in the world. The theme for our meeting this year, The Future in Progress: Shaping the World of Tomorrow, is very topical.

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Last year, the Valdai forum participants discussed the problems with the current world order. Unfortunately, little has changed for the better over these last months. Indeed, it would be more honest to say that nothing has changed.

The tensions engendered by shifts in distribution of economic and political influence continue to grow. Mutual distrust creates a burden that narrows our possibilities for finding effective responses to the real threats and challenges facing the world today.

Essentially, the entire globalisation project is in crisis today and in Europe, as we know well, we hear voices now saying that multiculturalism has failed.

I think this situation is in many respects the result of mistaken, hasty and to some extent over-confident choices made by some countries’ elites a quarter-of-a-century ago. Back then, in the late 1980s-early 1990s, there was a chance not just to accelerate the globalisation process but also to give it a different quality and make it more harmonious and sustainable in nature.

But some countries that saw themselves as victors in the Cold War, not just saw themselves this way but said it openly, took the course of simply reshaping the global political and economic order to fit their own interests.

In their euphoria, they essentially abandoned substantive and equal dialogue with other actors in international life, chose not to improve or create universal institutions, and attempted instead to bring the entire world under the spread of their own organisations, norms and rules.

They chose the road of globalisation and security for their own beloved selves, for the select few, and not for all. But far from everyone was ready to agree with this.

We may as well be frank here, as we know full well that many did not agree with what was happening, but some were unable by then to respond, and others were not yet ready to respond.

The result though is that the system of international relations is in a feverish state and the global economy cannot extricate itself from systemic crisis. At the same time, rules and principles, in the economy and in politics, are constantly being distorted and we often see what only yesterday was taken as a truth and raised to dogma status reversed completely.

If the powers that be today find some standard or norm to their advantage, they force everyone else to comply.

But if tomorrow these same standards get in their way, they are swift to throw them in the bin, declare them obsolete, and set or try to set new rules.

Thus, we saw the decisions to launch airstrikes in the centre of Europe, against Belgrade, and then came Iraq, and then Libya. The operations in Afghanistan also started without the corresponding decision from the United Nations Security Council.

In their desire to shift the strategic balance in their favour these countries broke apart the international legal framework that prohibited deployment of new missile defence systems.

They created and armed terrorist groups, whose cruel actions have sent millions of civilians into flight, made millions of displaced persons and immigrants, and plunged entire regions into chaos.

We see how free trade is being sacrificed and countries use sanctions as a means of political pressure, bypass the World Trade Organisation and attempt to establish closed economic alliances with strict rules and barriers, in which the main beneficiaries are their own transnational corporations.

And we know this is happening. They see that they cannot resolve all of the problems within the WTO framework and so think, why not throw the rules and the organisation itself aside and build a new one instead. This illustrates what I just said.

At the same time, some of our partners demonstrate no desire to resolve the real international problems in the world today.

In organisations such as NATO, for example, established during the Cold War and clearly out of date today, despite all the talk about the need to adapt to the new reality, no real adaptation takes place.

We see constant attempts to turn the OSCE, a crucial mechanism for ensuring common European and also trans-Atlantic security, into an instrument in the service of someone’s foreign policy interests. The result is that this very important organisation has been hollowed out.

But they continue to churn out threats, imaginary and mythical threats such as the ‘Russian military threat’.

Related: Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. “Regime Change” in Russia… Putin is an Obstacle

This is a profitable business that can be used to pump new money into defence budgets at home, get allies to bend to a single superpower’s interests, expand NATO and bring its infrastructure, military units and arms closer to our borders.

Of course, it can be a pleasing and even profitable task to portray oneself as the defender of civilisation against the new barbarians. The only thing is that Russia has no intention of attacking anyone.

This is all quite absurd. I also read analytical materials, those written by you here today, and by your colleagues in the USA and Europe.

It is unthinkable, foolish and completely unrealistic. Europe alone has 300 million people. All of the NATO members together with the USA have a total population of 600 million, probably.

Putin Warns Americans: You're Being Distracted!

Of all the internal problems the Presidential candidates could solve - Clinton harps on about "Russian aggression" and mainstream media goes into Russophobic overdrive.

But Russia has only 146 million. It is simply absurd to even conceive such thoughts. And yet they use these ideas in pursuit of their political aims.

Another mythical and imaginary problem is what I can only call the hysteria the USA has whipped up over supposed Russian meddling in the American presidential election.

The United States has plenty of genuinely urgent problems, it would seem, from the colossal public debt to the increase in firearms violence and cases of arbitrary action by the police.

You would think that the election debates would concentrate on these and other unresolved problems, but the elite has nothing with which to reassure society, it seems, and therefore attempt to distract public attention by pointing instead to supposed Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so forth.

I have to ask myself and ask you too: Does anyone seriously imagine that Russia can somehow influence the American people’s choice? America is not some kind of ‘banana republic’, after all, but is a great power. Do correct me if I am wrong.

Putin expressed hopes that a new US president will work with him to rectify the dangerous deterioration in relations between the US and Russia. Obviously, this cannot happen if the new president is Hillary.

Related: President Putin Asks US To Stop Provoking Russia

The question is, if things continue in this vein, what awaits the world? What kind of world will we have tomorrow? Do we have answers to the questions of how to ensure stability, security and sustainable economic growth? Do we know how we will make a more prosperous world?

Sad as it is to say, there is no consensus on these issues in the world today. Maybe you have come to some common conclusions through your discussions, and I would, of course, be interested to hear them.

But it is very clear that there is a lack of strategy and ideas for the future. This creates a climate of uncertainty that has a direct impact on the public mood.

Sociological studies conducted around the world show that people in different countries and on different continents tend to see the future as murky and bleak. This is sad. The future does not entice them, but frightens them. At the same time, people see no real opportunities or means for changing anything, influencing events and shaping policy.

Yes, formally speaking, modern countries have all the attributes of democracy: Elections, freedom of speech, access to information, freedom of expression. But even in the most advanced democracies the majority of citizens have no real influence on the political process and no direct and real influence on power.

People sense an ever-growing gap between their interests and the elite’s vision of the only correct course, a course the elite itself chooses.

The result is that referendums and elections increasingly often create surprises for the authorities

People do not at all vote as the official and respectable media outlets advised them to, nor as the mainstream parties advised them to. Public movements that only recently were too far left or too far right are taking centre stage and pushing the political heavyweights aside.

At first, these inconvenient results were hastily declared anomaly or chance. But when they became more frequent, people started saying that society does not understand those at the summit of power and has not yet matured sufficiently to be able to assess the authorities’ labour for the public good.

Or they sink into hysteria and declare it the result of foreign, usually Russian, propaganda.

Friends and colleagues, I would like to have such a propaganda machine here in Russia, but regrettably, this is not the case. We have not even global mass media outlets of the likes of CNN, BBC and others. We simply do not have this kind of capability yet.

As for the claim that the fringe and populists have defeated the sensible, sober and responsible minority - we are not talking about populists or anything like that but about ordinary people, ordinary citizens who are losing trust in the ruling class. That is the problem.

By the way, with the political agenda already eviscerated as it is, and with elections ceasing to be an instrument for change but consisting instead of nothing but scandals and digging up dirt – who gave someone a pinch, who sleeps with whom, if you’ll excuse me.

This just goes beyond all boundaries. And honestly, a look at various candidates’ platforms gives the impression that they were made from the same mould – the difference is slight, if there is any.

It seems as if the elites do not see the deepening stratification in society and the erosion of the middle class, while at the same time, they implant ideological ideas that, in my opinion, are destructive to cultural and national identity.

And in certain cases, in some countries they subvert national interests and renounce sovereignty in exchange for the favour of the suzerain.

This begs the question: who is actually the fringe? The expanding class of the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy, which is in fact often not elected and not controlled by society, or the majority of citizens, who want simple and plain things – stability, free development of their countries, prospects for their lives and the lives of their children, preserving their cultural identity, and, finally, basic security for themselves and their loved ones.

People are clearly scared to see how terrorism is evolving from a distant threat to an everyday one, how a terrorist attack could occur right near them, on the next street, if not on their own street, while any makeshift item – from a home-made explosive to an ordinary truck – can be used to carry out a mass killing.

Moreover, the terrorist attacks that have taken place in the past few years in Boston and other US cities, Paris, Brussels, Nice and German cities, as well as, sadly, in our own country, show that terrorists do not need units or organised structures – they can act independently, on their own, they just need the ideological motivation against their enemies, that is, against you and us.

The terrorist threat is a clear example of how people fail to adequately evaluate the nature and causes of the growing threats. We see this in the way events in Syria are developing. No one has succeeded in stopping the bloodshed and launching a political settlement process.

One would think that we would have begun to put together a common front against terrorism now, after such lengthy negotiations, enormous effort and difficult compromises.

But this has not happened and this common front has not emerged. My personal agreements with the President of the United States have not produced results either.

There were people in Washington ready to do everything possible to prevent these agreements from being implemented in practice.

This all demonstrates an unexplainable and I would say irrational desire on the part of the Western countries to keep making the same mistakes or, as we say here in Russia, keep stepping on the same rake

We all see what is happening in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and a number of other countries. I have to ask, where are the results of the fight against terrorism and extremism? Overall, looking at the world as a whole, there are some results in particular regions and locations, but there is no global result and the terrorist threat continues to grow.

We all remember the euphoria in some capitals over the Arab Spring. Where are these fanfares today?

Russia’s calls for a joint fight against terrorism go ignored. What’s more, they continue to arm, supply and train terrorist groups in the hope of using them to achieve their own political aims.

Related: Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world

This is a very dangerous game and I address the players once again: The extremists in this case are more cunning, clever and stronger than you, and if you play these games with them, you will always lose.

Colleagues, it is clear that the international community should concentrate on the real problems facing humanity today, the resolution of which will make our world a safer and more stable place and make the system of international relations fairer and more equal.

As I said, it is essential to transform globalisation from something for a select few into something for all. It is my firm belief that we can overcome these threats and challenges only by working together on the solid foundation of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Today it is the United Nations that continues to remain an agency that is unparalleled in representativeness and universality, a unique venue for equitable dialogue. Its universal rules are necessary for including as many countries as possible in economic and humanitarian integration, guaranteeing their political responsibility and working to coordinate their actions while also preserving their sovereignty and development models.

The NSA leaked the DNC emails because they hate Hillary - Judge Napolitano

Related: Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt

We have no doubt that sovereignty is the central notion of the entire system of international relations. Respect for it and its consolidation will help underwrite peace and stability both at the national and international levels.

There are many countries that can rely on a history stretching back a thousand years, like Russia, and we have come to appreciate our identity, freedom and independence.

But we do not seek global domination, expansion or confrontation with anyone.

In our mind, real leadership lies in seeing real problems rather than attempting to invent mythical threats and use them to steamroll others.

This is exactly how Russia understands its role in global affairs today.

There are priorities without which a prosperous future for our shared planet is unthinkable and they are absolutely obvious. I won’t be saying anything new here.

First of all, there is equal and indivisible security for all states. Only after ending armed conflicts and ensuring the peaceful development of all countries will we be able to talk about economic progress and the resolution of social, humanitarian and other key problems.

It is important to fight terrorism and extremism in actuality. It has been said more than once that this evil can only be overcome by a concerted effort of all states of the world. Russia continues to offer this to all interested partners.

It is necessary to add to the international agenda the issue of restoring the Middle Eastern countries’ lasting statehood, economy and social sphere.

The mammoth scale of destruction demands drawing up a long-term comprehensive programme, a kind of Marshall Plan, to revive the war- and conflict-ridden area. Russia is certainly willing to join actively in these team efforts.

We cannot achieve global stability unless we guarantee global economic progress. It is essential to provide conditions for creative labour and economic growth at a pace that would put an end to the division of the world into permanent winners and permanent losers.

The rules of the game should give the developing economies at least a chance to catch up with those we know as developed economies.

We should work to level out the pace of economic development, and brace up backward countries and regions so as to make the fruit of economic growth and technological progress accessible to all.

Particularly, this would help to put an end to poverty, one of the worst contemporary problems.

It is also absolutely evident that economic cooperation should be mutually lucrative and rest on universal principles to enable every country to become an equal partner in global economic activities.

True, the regionalising trend in the world economy is likely to persist in the medium term. However, regional trade agreements should complement and expand not replace the universal norms and regulations.

Russia advocates the harmonisation of regional economic formats based on the principles of transparency and respect for each other’s interests. That is how we arrange the work of the Eurasian Economic Union and conduct negotiations with our partners, particularly on coordination with the Silk Road Economic Belt project, which China is implementing.

We expect it to promote an extensive Eurasian partnership, which promises to evolve into one of the formative centres of a vast Eurasian integration area. To implement this idea, 5+1 talks have begun already for an agreement on trade and economic cooperation between all participants in the process.

An important task of ours is to develop human potential. Only a world with ample opportunities for all, with highly skilled workers, access to knowledge and a great variety of ways to realise their potential can be considered truly free.

Only a world where people from different countries do not struggle to survive but lead full lives can be stable.

A decent future is impossible without environment protection and addressing climate problems. That is why the conservation of the natural world and its diversity and reducing the human impact on the environment will be a priority for the coming decades.

Another priority is global healthcare. Of course, there are many problems, such as large-scale epidemics, decreasing the mortality rate in some regions and the like. So there is enormous room for advancement.

All people in the world, not only the elite, should have the right to healthy, long and full lives.

This is a noble goal. In short, we should build the foundation for the future world today by investing in all priority areas of human development.

And of course, it is necessary to continue a broad-based discussion of our common future so that all sensible and promising initiatives are heard.

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that you, as members of the Valdai Club, will actively take part in this work.

Your expertise enables you to understand all angles of the processes underway both in Russia and in the world, forecast and evaluate long-term trends, and put forward new initiatives and recommendations that will help us find the way to the more prosperous and sustainable future that we all badly need.

Thank you very much for your attention.

Video Version of Full Speech:


Media comments on Putin”s Valdai Speech:

Putin takes part in Valdai club’s final session (LIVE UPDATES) - RT

Vladimir Putin Addresses 13th Annual Valdai Discussion Club (VIDEO) - Sputnik

Putin says Russia showing restraint in Syria but patience may run out - Reuters

Putin says Russia has no option but to clear Aleppo of militants - Reuters

Putin urges new Marshall Plan for Middle East to see recovery and growth - TASS

Putin says Russia does not plan to get militarily involved in Iraq, Libya - Reuters

Russia threat exaggerated by West to justify military spending – Putin - SKY News

Putin: Russia is not going to attack anyone - TASS

Putin is sure Russia and Ukraine will find way to end crisis - TASS

Russia’s Putin says cyber attacks are unacceptable - Reuters

Putin urges US not to provoke Russia to actively protect national interests - TASS

Calling Trump Moscow’s favorite is nonsense created by media - Putin - RT

Putin says U.S. ‘hysteria’ over Russia is election ploy - Reuters

Putin rejects claims of Russian interference in US election - AP

Russia’s Putin says Trump behaves extravagantly to get message across - Reuters

Russia’s Putin says Obama administration does not stick to any deals - Reuters

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Biggest Election Fraud In History Discovered + Former Clinton Colleague Speaks Out
November 5 2016 | From: Infowars / Various

Shocking video reveals secret software designed to rig elections.

Bev Harris, the country’s leading vote fraud expert, joined the Alex Jones Show Monday to reveal the results of a bombshell investigation into “vote shaving” software.

Related: NBC Caught Preparing Hillary Victory Results Before Election

Used in precincts all across the country, the software – deemed “the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found” – allows votes to be fractured and rounded up or down to sway the results for any candidate.

Related: How America’s Elections Are Hacked, Missing Link Discovered

According to Harris, a member of the non-partisan Black Box Voting investigative team, this latest discovery constitutes the “missing piece” that blows the lid off of wide-scale voter fraud.

Related: How Voting Machines Are Programmed In Order To Steal Elections

“It was put in the system in 2001 but it came into wide use in 2006,” Harris said. “It took someone with a special set of skills to know what to look for.”

A mini-documentary by Black Box Voting on the discovery shows real-time demonstrations with the secretive software.

Related: Vote Fraud Expert: Election Theft Algorithm Uncovered

“It can give contract signing authority to whoever the user chooses,” the video’s description states. “All political power can be converted to the hands of a few anonymous subcontractors.”

“It runs silently, invisibly, and can produce plausible results that really pass for the real thing.”

Further analysis on the malicious software provided by Alex Jones reveals how this revelation ties into the 2016 presidential election.

Related Articles:

Rigging the Rigged U.S. Elections… & A Counter- Coup?

Hillary Now Stealing The Election: Top Elections Expert

Princeton Professor Shows How Easy it Is to Hack an Election in Just 7 Minutes

Black Box Voting - Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century

The Failure of Democracy, How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

Confessed Clinton Colleague, Larry Nichols: "Hillary Must Be Stopped"

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Counter-Coup: US Intelligence Joins With WikiLeaks To “Put Down” The Criminal Cabal Seeking To Extend Control Over US Government + Hillary Clinton Goes Full Tin Foil Hat
November 4 2016 | From: StevePieczenik / NaturalNews / Infowars / Various

We are watching history unfold before us with such sound and fury that we are likely to never witness comparable events again in our lifetime.

As of today, I am now convinced that the deep state has turned on Hillary Clinton and will unveil damning evidence in the next few days that will end the Clintons' reign of terror over America and collapse her bid for the presidency.

Related: Mutiny At The FBI: Comey warned by his own agents to indict Clinton or watch the FBI's reputation go down in flames

The mainstream media, of course, will never report this news for the simple reason that they are the propaganda arm of the criminal Clinton cartel. As such, they will lie to the public to the bitter end, even as the Clinton Titanic sinks with all of them on board (in deep, frigid waters, no less, with no more lifeboats to be found).

The so-called "deep state" - the powerful insiders who really run the intelligence services and inner layers of untouchable bureaucracy - has decided Hillary Clinton is too damaged to defend any longer.

Even if she were to win by stealing the election, she would be so mired in criminal investigations and political illegitimacy that she would rip the nation to shreds while fighting for her own political survival.

It has now been decided, I believe, that Hillary Clinton will be taken out of power by releasing criminally damaging emails which have long been held by the NSA and FBI.

[Note: Remember, this article represents just one line of observation in terms of how this could play out - however the video below denotes actions that are already in play.]

Related: Unprecedented Crisis, Collapse of the Clinton Apparatus? Hacker Whistleblowers, Trump, and the FBI Converge

This will likely happen before the coming weekend. Once that is accomplished, the next goal will be to wait for President Trump to take office, then destroy the U.S. economy through a controlled, global debt collapse so that Trump can be blamed for the near collapse of western economies.

(Remember: The deep state isn't pro-Trump. They're still all about defending the establishment. But Hillary is one bridge too far for even the statists to stomach...)

Instead of allowing Hillary Clinton to take power and destroy America from the top, in other words, deep state power brokers have reverted to "Plan B" which is to let Trump take the White House, then destroy America through the controlled demolition of its currency and economy.

This is simpler than it sounds. Bringing down the debt pyramid of a nation carrying nearly $20 trillion in national debt isn't exactly rocket science. All they have to do is stand back and stop manipulating the markets and stop printing new money for a few months while raising interest rates. Monetary gravity will do the rest...

In the mean time, Hillary Clinton and a long list of her co-conspirators are going to find themselves charged with obstruction of justice, lying under oath, destruction of evidence, conspiracy, corruption and other serious charges that will lead to serious prison time for many.

The criminal racket of the Clintons is about to implode. The participants will be charged under the RICO Act for "racketeering" activities, for which ample evidence already exists.

A New Video from Steve Pieczenik Describes Some of This

In this video, intelligence insider Steve Pieczenik lays out how high-level intelligence insiders are now working in concert to "reverse the Clinton coup" that's attempting to take over America and destroy it from within.

Even if you don't believe Pieczenik - and I fully realize he's controversial in his own way - this short video is a very important "must watch" explanation to know what people in the intelligence community are doing... "we've initiated a counter-coup..."

Steve Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare. 

He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.

As we constantly emphasize, 95% of those working for the US Government are good people trapped in a bad system. A tipping point appears to have been reached in which these good people are now saying to the corrupt political class: ENOUGH!

The Clintons are Going to Go "Full Murder" In a Last Ditch, Desperate Effort to Save Themselves

Beware of what may yet unfold in the coming days. Like a cornered wild animal, the Clintons are extremely dangerous when they realize they have nothing to lose by going "full murder" in an attempt to save themselves.

I will not be surprised the least bit if bodies of people in high places start piling up over the next week. Watch for news reports of mysterious car crashes, swimming pool accidents or "natural" deaths involving people like James Comey, who'd better have armed security personnel around him at all times.

Related: Hillary Admits In Leaked Email That Clinton Donors Are Funding ISIS

Look for desperate measures such as the Clintons attempting to blackmail Obama, Comey or anyone who they think might serve as leverage to save their own skins. We might also see desperate false flag attacks unfold in the next few days, although that's increasingly unlikely since it seems the Clintons are now on their own (they would need the assistance of Obama to pull off another Sandy Hook, you see).

A Deal has Already Been Struck With Obama

Most likely, deep state operatives have already struck a deal with Obama to avoid prosecuting him for his own serious crimes as long as he stays out of the way as Hillary Clinton's head is served up on a platter.

This likely explains why Obama is now publicly saying he trusts Comey (and refuses to go to bat for Hillary). There's no love lost between Obama and the Clintons (remember 2008?).

As all this is going down, the propaganda ministry of the Clinton regime - CNN, NYT, Washington Post, etc. - is going to explode into an all-out "bat-s##t crazy" conspiracy theory phase where they blame the Russians, extraterrestrials, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster for everything that's imploding around the Clintons.

Related: The Failure of Democracy, How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

Mainstream media news reports are going to increasingly sound like sociopathic babble from crazy people grasping at whatever outlandish theories they can invoke. Maybe crop circles were created by the Russians as a secret code to Wikileaks and Donald Trump, eh?

Meanwhile, conspiratorial operatives like George Stephanopoulos fully realize they are probably going to jail for collusion and sedition, so they have nothing left to lose by desperately trying to put Hillary in the White House via any means at their disposal, including totally faking negative news against Donald Trump (which is, of course, the entire news mission of CNN at this point, a disgraced propaganda network run by anti-American traitors).

If the Vote is Stolen for Hillary Clinton, All Hell Breaks Loose

Should the globalist Soros operators manage to steal the vote, bribe the electoral voters or rig the black box voting machines sufficiently to place Hillary Clinton in the White House, all Hell breaks loose across America:

The FBI goes into full indictment mode to push criminal charges for the Clinton criminal regime.

Donald Trump launches a massive legal challenge to the election outcome, dispatching an army of lawyers to level a vast assortment of charges involving coordinated voter fraud, the rigging of voting machines, the attempted bribery of Electoral voters and so on.

The U.S. military revs up its plans for an armed military coup to depose Clinton and restore democracy. This one should be especially entertaining to watch unfold if it gets activated... (and yes, YOU will beg for a short-term military dictatorship as long as they promise to depose Clinton and restore open, fair and free elections).

Armed U.S. citizens prepare for a massive march on Washington to take back their democracy and restore a lawful society where the political elite don't get away with corruption, fraud and murder. Expect this march to be joined by police officers and federal law enforcement officials of all kinds.

Related: NSA Whistleblower: US Intelligence Worker Likely Behind DNC Leaks, Not Russia

The NSA likely goes into "full dump" mode to unleash every scrap of damning criminal evidence against Hillary Clinton. This will likely be joined by CIA assets who already have the goods on the Clintons and their "Lolita Express" pedo joy rides.

Wikileaks, Anonymous and every former NSA analyst goes into "destroy the Clintons" mode and begins to hack and expose every last shred of email evidence ever possessed by the Clintons and anyone close to them.

Anonymous alone has enough technical clout to accomplish this with little or no outside help. (I expect Kim Dotcom to be aiding this entire effort as well, as he rightly holds extreme hatred toward Hillary Clinton... as do we all, come to think of it.)

The establishment Republicans in the U.S. Congress will, as usual, meekly surrender to the democrats, pulls down their britches and bend over to prepare to take it in the rear because that's what they do best when the going gets tough.

Totally useless politicrats like John McCain can't get their pants around their ankles quickly enough when democrats start accusing them of something. These useless heaps of human baggage will be tossed out of Washington as the revolution unfolds, replaced with individuals who actually honor the U.S. Constitution (like Rep. Louie Gohmert).

I Root for All Groups Working to Save America and Expose the Criminal Politicians

Bring out the marshmallows and weiners, folks: This is going to be the most bizarre campfire front row seat to U.S. history that anyone has witnessed in over 200 years.

Try not to trip and "face plant" into the flames as all this unfolds. It might be a smart idea to have some preparedness supplies at the ready, since no one really knows just how nasty this is all going to get. (And thank God Hillary doesn't have her fingers on the nuclear launch codes, or she'd probably launch them just to change the narrative...)

Related: This Viral Video Has Hillary Running Scared

As for me, I'm with anybody who's trying to save America, restore democracy and throw the establishment criminals in prison.

Like almost everybody else, I've had enough of the lies, the corruption, the media deceptions and the incessant blood sucking parasites in Washington D.C. who are too arrogant and stupid to realize just how much they're universally despised.

The revolution is ON. Anonymous, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, the FBI and the NSA have all been activated. There's no stopping them now, and all the details of all the crimes of the Clintons are about to spill onto the stage of history, dirty deeds and all.

Be warned, you are probably not psychologically prepared for the truth about what the Clintons really are. You will probably vomit.

Internal Coup Against Hillary Clinton Has Begun: Red Alert

Inside the Invisible Government

The Path to Total Dictatorship: America's Shadow Government and Its Silent Coup

Clinton Emails Linked To Political Pedophile Sex Ring – FBI Insider

FDNY Fireworks Detail for Hillary Clinton Prompts Questions

'Clinton is in serious trouble': Internet pirate Kim Dotcom warns 'there's unpublished material yet to come'

Hillary Clinton embraces George Soros’ ‘radical’ vision of open-border world

Hillary Clinton’s Strategic Ambition In A Nutshell. “Regime Change” in Russia… Putin is an Obstacle

The World Purposely Destabilised

Hillary’s Girlfriend Caught In Yahoo Attack

Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

Wikileaks Releases Clinton Foundation Bombshell: “If This Story Gets Out, We Are Screwed”

Hillary Clinton is an alcoholic

Is This Why Comey Broke: A Stack Of Resignation Letters From Furious FBI Agents

650,000 Emails Found On Anthony Weiner's Laptop; DOJ Blocked Foundation Probe

Clinton operative 'Dirty' Donna Brazile let Hillary Clinton CHEAT at the debates

John Podesta's Best Friend At The DOJ Will Be In Charge Of The DOJ's Probe Into Huma Abedin Emails

Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia

Feds Leak Details of New Clinton Investigation / Weinergate - Could this be the end of Hillary's campaign?

The Director of the FBI Reopens the Hillary Case

Clintons Are Under Multiple FBI Investigations as Agents Are Stymied

Trey Gowdy Just Joined Trump And Gave The Best Media Attack

Guilty as Sin – Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary & the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation

Hillary Clinton Goes Full Tin Foil Hat

Clinton resorts to pushing outlandish accusations in attempt to divert attention from herself

With her campaign going up in flames, Clinton resorts to red-baiting and finger pointing, obvious projection that ironically exposes her own corruption.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Energy Follows Thought
November 4 2016 | From: Omnithought

We have all heard this phrase but I would like to go into a bit of depth as to what it means to raise it up a bit above a catch phrase or platitude.

It is a fundamental tenet of esoteric thought. Genesis tells us that "In the beginning the Earth was null and void and darkness was upon the deep". The first question that should bring to mind is "what is the deep?"

Comment: This article sounds a bit religious but the message is more a spiritual one, rather than of the 'God' of any given theology.

We’ll get to that in a moment. This nothingness then stirred and God said "Let there be Light", and divided light from the darkness. It was an act of pure spiritual will through the use of the divine mind. We haven’t actually divided the light from the darkness (its obvious source) only the idea has actually been created. A thought either created or accessed by the divine mind.

The mind created the idea before the will was able to manifest it, empowered by the desire to see it manifest. This is "the deep." The astral or desire plane is always associated with liquid and usually water.

It is interesting also that instead of just doing it we see that God crystallized this idea or thought form in a mantra or word of power; "Let there be light," and then created a physical plane change through his desire.

Thus the first manifested result of the omniscient being at the center of our system is organized sound, or vibration, and after that all that will ever be in the world is a product of vibration. The word Logos is used to describe this entity in manifestation and literally means "word".

Now why is any of this important? This first act of creation out of the mind of God is repeated in every other creative act on every level in every plane and it is used by you and I to create our world. We have talked about resonance and how we attract into our reality the things we think about most, but when we conceive of an idea and build a better mouse trap we are the creator in the microcosm.

Nothing is created without first being imagined. There has to be that moment when the creator says “wouldn’t it be cool if…” in this case the rest would be “there was light”. The image making faculty of consciousness is the mind. When we visualize and idea we are creating an image.

The energy and potential of the thought form is based on the ability of the consciousness that created, accessed, or simply organized it. We do this constantly but with little result because we are not very good a focusing our minds. The idea may just pass.

If the desire is strong enough then it is brought into physical “reality”. It is and always has been energy and has simply been organized at different levels until it has fully crystallized. The will of God creates through the love of God as do you and I.

The organizing force in this process of creation is mind. It may be the universal mind or the mind of an individual creator of some level of consciousness like that of a Logos or a human being. The process is the same. Creation is governed by the intelligence of the system.

The third ray of mind or intelligent activity gives birth to the four subsidiary rays of aspect. Only in manifestation are these aspects realized. The trinity itself stands in its potentiality even in the divine plane of Adi as the supposedly un-manifested self.

When we imagine or visualize something we are building in mental matter. Although it is interwoven with desire, another necessary aspect of the process, the mind is always the organizing force. If we are effective at visualizing what we want to “see” come about we will be more effective at bringing it about.

Visualization is an important aspect of meditation because of this. We are learning to create and through training we are taught to visualize in accordance with the things that the teacher see’s and knows as fact. The creative process and the ability to make changes are being used along proven lines and will be improved greatly.

We will eventually find our way but time can be gained through a guided and monitored approach to occult meditation. There are pitfalls that can be avoided on the way.

What we need to keep in mind is that there is a collective human consciousness that is creating all the time as well.

Groups and subgroups of subconscious and super-conscious entities creating in mental and astral matter and this is what decides the directions our in which societies move.

There is a unique way that each nationality approaches life because of its group identity. It is responsible for the beautiful colorations in cultural expression throughout the world and the thought provoking effect that is the result of some one individual swimming upstream.

It is fairly easy for us to create in line with the over-riding dream of our society and the planet herself, but to create something extraordinary requires much more personal power. These are the people we say are on a mission and will not be denied.

Their vision is so clear and the desire so strong that nothing will deter them from seeing is brought to a reality. This is why the training in business can produce, once a redirection of focus is triggered, a student of the spiritual sciences that will excel in these endeavors as well.

This is the reason for goal orientation and all of the attention that gets in business training. We want to be more effective in bringing about change on the physical plane and the only way to do that is to learn to focus our minds and visualize first.

The first creation is not done on the physical plane.

Everything we see in the physical world was first created on the mental plane. The energies were organized by the mind and brought to be through activity fired by desire. Think about the word “emotion” for a moment and how we express ourselves in this area of our lives.

We can be “moved” or “affected” by a person or a situation or even a song.

Emotions are what move us to move. If you want it bad enough you’ll go get it. It is not enough by itself but neither is the mind.

We have to be harmless in our intentions and balance and align all aspects of ourselves to our real purpose, and then we can create true beauty.

Gandhi once said “be the change you want to see in the world”.

Creation starts within.

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The Globalization Of Media: A Failing Strike Force
November 3 2016 | From: JonRappoport

I begin this piece with three quotes from my work-in-progress, The Underground:

“There is a media metaphysics. Its basic principle states that nothing exists until it becomes information. Now we have a new twist: information only becomes real when it reaches a mind already attuned to it. In other words, the tree falling in the forest makes a sound only if a user/consumer who wants a tree to fall receives video and audio of the event…”

Related: Mainstream Media Achieve Historic Milestone + Trust This: New Zealanders Don't Trust MPs, Bloggers, The Media

“Information can be dressed up a thousand different ways. But it tends to have an ‘elastic’ quality. By that I mean you eventually get to see the person who dressed it up. That’s a problem for chronic liars who inhabit the press. They expose themselves, even though they don’t want to. It takes a surprisingly small push to expose the whole operation. This is happening now, right in front of our eyes.”

“The basis of big media is theater. News is theater. Its directors and producers think they’re doing a first-rate job. But they’re sadly mistaken. Gaps and obfuscations are growing larger. The outright non-sequiturs and gibberish are becoming more apparent. The audience is wising up to the farce. Who are these fools who direct the news?

They’re simply people who want to sell their souls and have found an elite buyer. But that transaction doesn’t contain any guarantees about shelf life. Mainstream news is decaying, and the expiration date is approaching. Like civilizations, the petty princes of information rise and fall…”

Globalized media. It’s nice plan. Let’s examine it.

Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

The new technocratic media is based on profiling users. There is no impactful news unless each member of the audience is surveilled and analyzed on the basis of what he already likes and wants.

Shocking? It’s to be expected. How else would technocrats parlay the untold hours they’ve spent sizing up their consumers/users?

Several years ago, I wrote:

“Tech blather has already begun, since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post at a fire sale. Jeff Genius will invent new ways to transmit the news to ‘people on the go’ and make the Post a smashing success. Mobile devices. Multiple platforms.

Digital taking over from print. Ads customized to fit readers’ interests (profiling). News stories customized to fit readers’ interests (more profiling).”

In other words, non-news. If you thought media were irrelevant and deceptive before, you haven’t seen anything. The “new news” will create millions of virtual bubbles in which profiled users can float contentedly, under the cozy cottage roofs of their favorite little separate paradigms.

The tech giant Apple has waded into this territory with an app that will deliver news to users. Yahoo:

“Apple News, part of the upcoming iOS 9 operating system, aims to be the primary news source for users of the iPhone and iPad… Apple says its news app ‘follows over a million topics and pulls relevant stories based on your specific interests’…

Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab said the app will be important because ‘through the awesome power of default, Apple distribution puts it in an entirely other league. This [news] app will be on hundreds of millions of devices within 24 hours of its debut’.”

Translation: Profiling their users down to their toenails, Apple will present them with virtual bubbles of news they want to see and read.

Not just one overall presentation for all; no, different “news outlets” for Apple’s audiences.

Related: I Used to Be a Human Being

This introduces a whole new layer of mind control.

“You’re an Obama fan? Here are stories confirming your belief in the Prophet.”

“You want neo-con on the rocks with a conservative Republican twist? Here’s some war footage that’ll warm your heart.”

“Do you believe ‘government gridlock’ is our biggest concern? Congress can’t get anything done? We’ve got headlines for that from here to the moon.”

“Tuned into celeb gossip? Here’s your world in three minutes.”

The idea: convince users, one day at a time, that what they already believe is important IS the news of the day.

It’s Decentralized Centralization. One media giant carving its global audience up into little pieces and delivering them a whole host of different algorithmically appropriate lies and fluff and no-context psyops.

Related: Obama Decries 'Wild West' [Independent] Media Landscape

And for “fringe users?” “You’re doubtful about GMOs? Well, look at what Whole Foods is planning for their healthier produce section. Cheer up.” Nothing about Maui voters declaring a temporary ban on devastatingly toxic Monsanto/Dow experiments or the dangers of Roundup.

“You’re anti-vaccine? Sorry, you don’t count. You’re not a recognized demographic. But here’s a piece about a little unvaccinated boy who was involved in car crash on the I5.”

Does this sound like science fiction? It isn’t. It’s the mainstream look of the near-future. Search engines are already “personalizing” your inquiries. US ABC national news is climbing in the ratings because it’s giving viewers “lighter stories,” and spending less time on thorny issues like the Middle East.

Related: Who Owns New Zealand's Media?

The mainstream news business is desperately looking for audience; and treating every “user” as a profiled social-construct-bundle of superficial preferences is their answer.

“Mr. X, we’ve studied the little virtual bubble you live in, and now we can sell you your own special brand of truth.”

“Hello, audience. We’re going to pitch you on becoming full-fledged obsessed consumers, as if there is no other worthy goal in life - and then we’re going to profile you from top to bottom, to find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are, so we can hit you and trigger you with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands…”

The one-two punch.

Trey Gowdy Joins Trump and Gives a Great Mainstream Media Attack

Any actual event occurring in the world will be pre-digested by robot media editors and profilers, and then split up into variously programmed bits of information for different audiences.

Who cares what really happened? In the new world, there is no ‘what really happened’. That’s a gross misnomer. A faulty idea. A metaphysical error.

No, there is only a multi-forked media tongue that simultaneously spits out a dozen or a hundred variations of the same event…because different viewers want and expect different realities.

Related: Hidden Truths About The Mainstream News Media

In 1984, Orwell’s Big Brother was issuing a single voice into the homes of the population. That was old-school. That was primitive technology. That was achieving unity by hammering unity into people’s skulls. This, now, is the frontier of unity through diversity.

“We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for education. However, we recognize you’ll become different varieties of androids, and we’ll serve that outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.”

User A: “Wow, did you see the coverage of the border war in Chula Vista?”

User B: “War? They had a fantastic exhibit of drones down there. At least a hundred different types. And then I watched an old WW2 movie about aerial combat.”

User C: “Chula Vista? They had a great food show. This woman made a lemon pie. I could practically taste it.”

User D: “That wasn’t a border war. It was a drill. And then afterwards, these cops gave a demonstration of all their gear. Vests, shields, communication devices, flash-bangs, auto rifles with silencers, batons. I watch drills all over the country. Love them.”

User E: “Chula Vista? The only thing I saw on the news was ‘sunny and mild’ this week. I watch all the weather channels. I love them.”

BUT when a Big One comes along, like the 2016 national election in the US, the separate tunes come together and ring as one. Then the overriding need to extend Globalism’s goals (in the person of Hillary Clinton) blot out every other priority.

Related: Alternative Media Is Winning: 60% Of Americans [ Read: The West ] Distrust Mainstream Media

Then the major media twist whatever they need to twist. Then it’s the same bubble for everyone.

One problem, though. Major media have been lanced thousands of times by alt news sites, and by Wikileaks and Project Veritas. This attack has exposed the truth and the Clinton crimes.

And alt news reflects the growing interest of the public in what’s actually happening on many fronts.

The technocratic plan for the news is failing.

It was a nice plan, but… It’s turning out to be a dud.

Alt media are forcing public awareness of one giant scandal after another: Hillary/Obama support for ISIS; pro-vaccine liars; the collapse of Obamacare; the GMO hustle; pesticide damage... on and on and on.

Related: Mainstream Media Manipulation / Controlling The Narrative + Mosaic Of Facts: Inside The Information War

The result? Major media are being backed into a corner, where they must defend lies and build monolithic lies for EVERYONE all the time. The idea of creating separate news for each profiled user is collapsing.

Major media are playing defense against the rest of the world.

It’s quite a party. And it has no expiration date.

A final note: Trump, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, Drudge, and many alt news sites created a perfect storm in 2016, raining down on major media.

It was and is unprecedented.

The mainstream press has been exposed down to its roots, as never before. The lying, the collusion, the arrogant sense of entitlement, the desperation, the corruption - it’s all there to see, for anyone who has eyes and a few working brain cells.

Expect more to come, regardless of the outcome of the election. The train has really left the station…

Dear Mainstream Media…

You f**king suck! You’ve almost succeeded in destroying the 4th estate and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

This is why 94% of the American people don’t trust you. When are you going to get that through your thick skulls?

You lie, you smear, you ingratiate yourselves with wanton abandon.

Dear mainstream media: You’ve betrayed your profession, sacrificed its once sacred principles, and stabbed the American people in the back.


Related: Six Giant Corporations Control the Media, and Americans Consume 10 Hours of ‘Programming’ a Day

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Cancer, Cancer Everywhere... But Not In The Elite's Presidential Suites
November 3 2016 | From: ActivistPost

A recent cancer symposium, with a surgical focus, met in Boston to discuss how surgical oncology is experiencing “an exciting evolution and the ways in which we treat cancer are changing.”

However, there are indications that the cure for cancer may have already been found and that those who have it are keeping it close to their chests.

Related: The Man Who Discovered The Cause Of Cancer Wrote A Book On Curing It

In order to support this contention, which may be seen as alarming and extreme, one must look at the rates of cancer among the general population and compare these to the rates of cancer deaths among world leaders.

And the latter is almost non-existent.

In the US, cancer is the second leading cause of death, exceeded only by heart disease. According to recently breaking news, Australia now lists cancer as its leading cause of death. In the rest of the developed world, cancer is near the top of the list.

A recent list published by the World Cancer Research Fund International shows that Denmark leads the pack in terms of cancer rates

5 Facts On Cancer That Conventional Medicine Is Now Aggressively Claiming Are Myths + Amish Have Lower Rates Of Cancer, Ohio State Study Shows

Indeed, the list of the fifty countries with the highest cancer rates might lead one to believe that cancer is a disease of prosperity. Conspicuously absent from the list are countries in the Third World - in particular Africa.

Cancer will fell approximately ¼ of all those living in the developed world. However, this particular manifestation of the Grim Reaper gives world leaders a wide berth.

Since 1980, when the exiled Shah of Iran succumbed to lymphatic cancer in Egypt, the deaths by cancer of those leading their nations can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And what is most telling about those on this short list is where they stood on the political spectrum.

Related: Modern Life Is Killing Our Children: UK Cancer Rate In Young People Up 40% In 16 Years + 12 Things a Cancer Doctor Should Never Say

Hugo Chavez, the colorful and controversial President of Venezuela between 1999-2013, was a Socialist and prominent adversary of US foreign policy and neo-liberalism. Before succumbing to cancer in 2013, Chavez made a much publicized radio announcement in which he speculated that the US government gave him cancer.

Chavez has been quoted as saying, “Would it be so strange that they’ve invented the technology to spread cancer and we won’t know about it for 50 years?” He is also quoted as saying:

“Fidel [Castro] always told me, ‘Chávez take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat... a little needle and they inject you with I don’t know what.’ ”

Since his death Venezuela has crumbled into economic chaos.

Vaclav Havel, who was the last president of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech Republic, is somewhat of a more ambiguous character.

While he is seen as being a pivotal player in breaking up the Soviet bloc, and therefore bringing what is popularly termed “democracy” to a formerly Communist country, he may have also been serving US and CIA interests, either unintentionally or otherwise.

In his period of political dissidence, prior to ascending to power, Havel was imprisoned a number of times, the longest incarceration being four years. As President, Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and expanding NATO into Eastern European countries. Havel died of lung cancer in 2011 at the age of 75.

Related: Dangerous Products That We’re Unknowingly Using In Our Day-To-Day Life + The Cancer Risk To People Who Drink Chlorinated Water Is 93% Higher Than Those Who Don’t

Jack Layton, the head of Canada’s New Democratic Party, succumbed to “an unspecified, newly diagnosed” cancer in 2011.

The NDP occupies the furthest left of Canada’s political spectrum. Indeed, there has never been an NDP head of state in Canada.

So when the NDP swept the national parliamentary elections in 2011, winning 103 seats, the NDP became Canada’s Official Opposition. Layton’s tenancy as head of the opposition was short lived, however. Layton succumbed to cancer less than four months later, passing on in August of 2011.

He had been committed to ousting the conservative Harper government. Following Layton’s death, the NDP tumbled from its position and currently occupies third place in Canada’s parliament.

Related: 5 Cancer Myths Busted

As Prime Minister of the tiny island of Barbados, David Thompson could only marginally have been considered a world leader. The population of Barbados is less than 300,000, mostly black. Barbados, also known as “Little England,” is an independent state with the British monarch as hereditary head of state.

Thompson was in office from 2008 until October of 2010, when he passed away from pancreatic cancer, one of the most deadly forms of the Big C.

Statistically, since cancer is listed as cause of death in roughly ¼ of all deaths, one might logically expect that one quarter of the US Presidents and one quarter of the US Vice Presidents, to pick one example, would have cancer listed as cause of death.

With 44 Presidents and 47 Vice Presidents, one might think that somewhere in the realm of 24 or so might have succumbed to cancer.

However, there are none. Zero. Zilch. A search for cancer as a cause of death for German, French or British leaders in the past forty years produces only one name, that of former French President Francois Mitterrand, who succumbed to prostate cancer in 1996 at the age of 80.

Related: Hospital Fires Leading Cancer Surgeon For Telling The Truth About Medical Establishment

Mitterrand was the first French President who was a Socialist and he led the nation for fourteen years, as its longest serving President.

Since the 1972 throat cancer death of Edward VIII - who abdicated the throne in 1936 - no members of British royalty have died of cancer.

In October of this year, the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit will be convening in Paris, France. The announcement for this Summit states that “The World Cancer Leaders’ Summit brings together global decision makers who can shape the way our generation addresses the task of eliminating cancer as a life threatening disease for future generations.”

Their announcement also states:

“The Summit plays a pivotal role in this portfolio of global events by ensuring that the 2020 targets detailed in the World Cancer Declaration are appropriately recognised and addressed at the highest political levels.”

However, those at the “highest political levels” are often seen as escaping repercussions for criminal behavior and worse. The idea of the “Teflon-coated” political elite is an idea that has now gained general - albeit grim - acceptance.

Given the probability that the cure may already exist, in light of the unusual lack of incidence of fatal cancers afflicting the powerful, one might want to ask the Summit if the world leaders might be willing to share... please?

Related: The Truth About Cancer

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The Real Reason Why The UN Wants Control Over The Internet
November 2 2016 | From: DeWeeseReport

By its very nature, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a non-profit organization exclusively run by Technocrats.

As such, it is an apolitical body that is happy to serve whatever form of governance exists as long as funding is received and salaries are paid. To a Technocrat, a world run by science and technology is better than any other form of governance.

Related: The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship

That Technocrats have played a supporting role in world history is unquestioned. Scientists, engineers and technicians played a huge role in the Communist dictatorship in the former Soviet Union (For instance, see Science and the Soviet Social Order).

Related: Vampire Technocrats Fly To Jekyll Island To Stop Trump

Technocrats likewise played a central role in support of Adolph Hitler and National Socialism (See Scientists, Engineers and National Socialism). In both cases, the Technocrat goal was not necessarily Communism or Nazism, but rather the methodical exercise of science according to its Scientific Method.

In other words, the process was more important than the outcome – and in both cases, the outcome was not questioned or resisted, but simply accepted.

Reality Check: Obama Administration Has Handed Over The Internet to a Private Corporation

The reason that ICANN formerly served the interests of the United States was simply that it answered to our government’s judicial, legislative and executive branches. In other words, the U.S. held the umbrella over ICANN and that was enough to keep it working for our national interests and not for someone else’s interests.

Obama changed that when he cut ICANN loose on September 30, 2016 by letting the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) contract expire without being renewed. After expiration, we forever lost the right to renew the contract again.

So, ICANN is now a “free-agent” looking for shelter in the same way that a boll weevil looks for a cotton plant: it needs a host organization in order to practice its craft, and, I dare say, it doesn’t care one whit who that host is.

What does ICANN do?

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

It is no secret that the United Nations is making a play to become host to ICANN. In particular, the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU), run by the Peoples Republic of China, is expected to play the central role in this effort.

However, whether it is the ITU or some other UN agency is immaterial because it will still be the UN in the end.

But, why the UN? Because it is the fountainhead of the plans and operations to establish Technocracy as the sole global economic system while destroying capitalism and free enterprise. Technocracy is the issue here. Others know it as Sustainable Development or Green Economy, but the correct historical term is Technocracy.

In February 2015, the head of climate change at the UN, Christiana Figures, stated,

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution.” [emphasis added]

What is unclear about this? Sustainable Development, or Technocracy, is a resource-driven economic model regulated by energy rather than by supply and demand plus monetary currencies. In 1938, the original Technocrats defined Technocracy as

“The science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population.”

To achieve its Utopia goals, the UN must have ICANN’s steering wheel and throttle. But while everyone is stressing over Internet censorship of web sites and the suppression of free speech, the real prize is completely overlooked: The Internet of Things (IoT).

In terms of “follow the money”, IoT is expected to generate upwards of $3 trillion by 2025 and is growing at a rate of at least 30 percent per year. In other words, it is a huge market and money is flying everywhere. If the UN can figure out a way to tax this market, and they will, it will provide a windfall of income and perhaps enough to make it self-perpetuating. Currently, the UN is financed by contributions from member states.

But, what is the IoT and who cares? IoT are the connections between inanimate objects and the humans that depend upon them. The digital Smart Meter on your home communicates energy usage via WiFi to the utility company; but it also communicates with the major appliances in your home and can even control them remotely without your consent or knowledge.

The smart phone that you carry communicates with cell towers and localized signal receptors to create a map of your every movement. Smart home technology lets your stereo send sound to remote wireless speakers and to light bulbs equipped with sensors.

The security camera that you installed to watch your home while you were on vacation can communicate with other cameras, microphones, the police department, etc. Examples go on and on.

ICANN issues the so-called IP addresses that are assigned to all these devices on a global basis. The original addressing scheme, IPV4, was based on four blocks of up to three digits each, punctuated with a period (e.g., This scheme allows for a discrete address for up to 16.8 million devices.

A few years ago, IPV4 ran out of numbers, forcing Internet service providers, corporations and other organizations to improvise internal numbering systems, known as ‘proxy servers’, to issue safe addresses to devices within their own domain. These systems are not only fragile, but they are bloated beyond reason and generally easy to hack.

To fix this, ICANN devised a new IP numbering system called IPV6, which adds two more blocks of numbers (e.g.,

This scheme provides for 3.4×1038  addresses, or 340 trillion, 282 billion, 366 million, 920 thousand, 938 - followed by 24 zeroes. There is probably a way to say this number, but I cannot imagine what it would be. It’s somewhere beyond a trillion trillion unique numbers for every human being on earth!

Thus, IPV6 provides a way to assign a unique and directly addressable number to every electronic device on earth… for centuries to come.

As IPV6 rolls out to the world, the modified mission for ICANN will be to inventory and categorize the device attached to each IP address. For instance, all the air conditioners in the world would be directly addressable from a single list. Likewise for all computers, all automobiles, all cameras, all phones, all refrigerators, all articles of clothing, etc.

Whoever has control over and access to this data will literally be able to control the entire world, down to the last minutiae  – and that is the United Nations’ exact mission: inventory, monitor and control.

But, this concept was set in history long before the technology existed. The original bible of Technocracy, the Technocracy Study Course (1934), laid out the hard requirements necessary for its implementation:

1. “Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy.

2. “By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

3. “Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption

4. “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used

5. “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”

- Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232

As I thoroughly documented in my book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, the United Nations is indeed the engine of modern Technocracy and as such, it is acting in a perfectly predictable manner.

Technocracy: A Scientific Dictatorship

It seeks to establish a global Scientific Dictatorship where it controls all resources, all production and limits all consumption to its own liking. These Technocrats will dutifully apply their pseudo-scientific methodology to every problem in the world, and simply issue instructions to the net to ‘make it so.’

Yes, free speech will decrease and censorship will increase, but that pales in comparison to the real prize of the IoT that the United Nations desperately wants and needs in order to accomplish its own twisted goals.

Congress never understood this when they passively let Obama fail to renew our contract with ICANN. However, Obama and his globalist handlers understood it perfectly well, which makes the deception and treachery of it even worse.

Thanks to this scurrilous bunch, the world has just been sold into digital slavery, from which there may be no return.

Related: Warning: Don’t Share This Article, Facebook Might Ban You!

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Whose Work Was The Inspiration For The First [Supposedly] Nuke-Free Country?
November 2 2016 | From: HelenCaldicott / GregHallett

New Zealand was the first country in the world to pass national nuclear-free legislation. Marilyn Waring reflects on how Dr. Helen Caldicott’s influence culminated in the passage of the cornerstone of New Zealand’s foreign policy.

If you were growing up in New Zealand and Australia post World War II, there’s a chance you knew about the United States using the Marshall Islands as a nuclear testing site from 1947 until 1962.

In an agreement signed with the United Nations, the U.S. government held the Marshall Islands as a “trust territory” and detonated nuclear devices in this pristine area of the Pacific Ocean - leading, in some instances, to huge levels of radiation fall-out, health effects, and the permanent displacement of many island people.

In all, the U.S. government conducted 105 underwater and atmospheric tests. You would have also known that the British conducted seven atmospheric tests between 1956 and 1963 on traditional Aboriginal land, in Maralinga, Australia.

It may be that you read Neville Shute’s 1957 novel On the Beach, in which people in Melbourne, Australia wait for deadly radiation to spread from a Northern Hemisphere nuclear war.

This book made a memorable impact on Helen when she read it as a teenager. When I was a teenager, some years later, I read Bertrand Russell’s 1959 classic, Common Sense and Nuclear Warfare.

Both Helen and I saw Peter Watkin’s The War Game, a BBC documentary drama about nuclear war and the consequences in an English city. In New Zealand the film was restricted for children unless accompanied by an adult, so I had to get my father to take me. The War Game won the Oscar for the best documentary in 1965.

France began its series of over 175 nuclear tests at Mururoa, in the South Pacific, in 1966. At least 140 of these tests were above ground.

In 1973, the New Zealand and Australian governments took France to the World Court for continued atmospheric testing, and forced the last tests underground. The testing finally came to an end in 1976.

In New Zealand the U.S. Navy made regular visits between 1976 and 1983 with nuclear-powered and, most likely, nuclear-armed, ships.

These visits produced spectacular protest fleets in the Auckland and Wellington harbours, when hundreds of New Zealanders - in yachts of all sizes, in motor boats and canoes, even on surf boards - surrounded the vessels and tried to bring them to a complete stop.

By 1978, a campaign began in New Zealand to declare borough and city council areas nuclear-free and, by the early 1980s, this symbolic movement had quickly gained momentum, covering more than two-thirds of the New Zealand population.

Helen Caldicott and I had not met up to this point, but these were shared parts of our history and consciousness when Helen visited New Zealand in 1983.

Helen Caldicott graduated with a medical degree from University of Adelaide Medical School in 1961. She moved to the United States, becoming an Instructor in paediatrics at Harvard Medical School and was on the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Centre in Boston, Massachusetts.

In the late 1970s, Helen became the President of Physicians for Social Responsibility. This group was founded when Helen was finishing medical school, quickly making its mark by documenting the presence of Strontium-90, a highly radioactive waste product of atmospheric nuclear testing, in children’s teeth.

The landmark finding eventually led to the Limited Nuclear Test Ban treaty, which ended atmospheric nuclear testing.

But it was the Three Mile Island accident that changed Helen’s life. An equipment failure resulted in a loss of cooling water to the core of a reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania, causing a partial meltdown.

Operator failure meant that 700,000 gallons of radioactive cooling water ended up in the basement of the reactor building.

It was the most serious nuclear accident to that date in the U.S. Helen published Nuclear Madness the same year. In it she wrote:

“As a physician, I contend that nuclear technology threatens life on our planet with extinction. If present trends continue, the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink will soon be contaminated with enough radioactive pollutants to pose a potential health hazard far greater than any plague humanity has ever experienced.”

In 1980, Helen resigned from her paid work positions to work full time on the prevention of nuclear war.

In 1982, Canadian director Terre Nash filmed a lecture given by Helen Caldicott to a New York state student audience. Nash’s consequent National Film Board of Canada documentary If You Love this Planet was released during the term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, at the height of Cold War nuclear tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The U.S. Department of Justice moved quickly to designate the film “foreign propaganda,” bringing a great deal of attention to the film. It went on to win the 1982 Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject. That same year, Helen addressed about 750,000 people in Central Park, New York in the biggest anti-nuke rally in the United States to that date.

In 1983, I was serving as a member of the New Zealand parliament, having been elected eight years earlier at the age of 23.

Our parliament established a Disarmament and Arms Control Select Committee to conduct hearings on the possibility of making New Zealand a nuclear-free zone.

During this critically important time, Helen was invited to New Zealand on a lecture tour. The documentary If You Love This Planet was shown at her speaking engagements. I did not get to meet her, nor hear any of her lectures in person, as I was working in parliament every night. But I did follow the media coverage.

Helen told the magazine the Listener about having observed five-star generals in U.S. congressional and senate committees complaining that the Russian missiles were bigger than the American ones.

“The Russian missiles are very big (and) inaccurate and clumsy. America has very small, very accurate missiles, which are better at killing people and destroying targets,”
she explained.

A frequent message in her talks to New Zealand audiences was the redundant overkill capacity of both superpowers. Caldicott noted to her audiences that “[T]he U.S. has 30,000 bombs and Russia 20,000.”

I had sat in a New Zealand parliamentary committee hearing some months earlier, when a government colleague, brandishing a centrefold of a Russian submarine, excitedly called for us to “Look at how big it is.”

I had thought that no one would believe me if I had repeated such an inane banality - when an adult male was more impressed by the size of the submarine than its capacity to destroy life on this planet.

Helen’s public addresses were grounded in the potential impact of nuclear weapons. “Imagine a 20-megaton bomb targeted on Auckland,” she told audiences in New Zealand.

“The explosion, five times the collective energy of all the bombs dropped in the Second World War, digs a hole three-quarters of a mile wide by 800 feet deep and turns people, buildings and dirt into radioactive dust.

Everyone up to six miles will be vaporised, and up to 20 miles they will be dead or lethally injured. People will be instantly blinded looking at the blast within 40 miles. Many will be asphyxiated in the fire storm.”

Helen did not hold back, explaining that nuclear war means “blindness, burning, starvation, disease, lacerations, haemorrhaging, millions of corpses and an epidemic of disease.” Helen’s dramatic and blunt style reduced many in her audiences to tears.

She always ended her talks with a call to action - especially to parents - as she strongly believes that nuclear disarmament is “the ultimate medical and parenting issue of our time.”

To those who would claim New Zealand was not a target she had a short reply:

“Trident submarines in ports are targeted. They are a first strike target. It is much easier to destroy subs when they are in dock than it is when they are submerged in the ocean.”

In 2015, I asked Helen how she managed to deliver such bad news and yet keep her audiences with her. “Being a doctor helps because you have to learn to negotiate with a patient and with language they can understand,” she explained.

“You have to convert the medical diagnosis and treatment to lay language. I also have to keep them awake sometimes by letting them laugh because it relieves their tension and because the stuff I say is pretty awful.” Helen told me that she practices “global preventative medicine.”

Helen’s tour through New Zealand in 1983 had a huge, and lasting, impact. At one stop, Helen addressed over 2,000 people at a public event in Auckland. The librarian with whom I corresponded looking for old newspaper reports of Helen’s visit, wrote to me:

“Her chillingly detailed description of the effects of a nuclear device detonated over the hall in which we were sitting remains rooted in my psyche to this day! …

The other message I most recall is the dichotomy she evoked between the destructive drive of ‘old men’ rulers, the instigators of war, versus the procreative energy of mothers most impelled to oppose them - which, however reductive, retains the compelling logic of a truism!”

Helen’s approach was transformative in New Zealand. Helen’s speaking events packed auditoriums, and overflows of audiences had to be accommodated using loud speaker systems.

People responded strongly to this woman, whose life work involved caring for children, speaking about medical effects of fallout, and speaking without the use of the clichéd military and defence ideological rhetoric that treated people as if they were simpletons who couldn’t understand.

Her speeches inspired people to act. After Helen spoke, the volume of mail delivered to my parliamentary office increased - particularly from women.

On May 24, 1983, 20,000 women wearing white flowers and armbands and holding banners with peace signs marched quietly up a main street in Auckland to hold a huge rally and call for New Zealand to be nuke-free. It was one of the largest women’s demonstrations in New Zealand’s history.

In her book, Peace, Power and Politics – How New Zealand Became Nuclear Free, Maire Leadbetter writes:

“I am one of many activists who think of Helen Caldicott’s visit as the point when the peace movement began to grow exponentially… Helen had a magical ability to motivate previously passive citizens to become activists.”

Shortly after Helen’s visit to New Zealand, in 1984, I advised that I intended to vote for the opposition-sponsored nuclear-free New Zealand legislation. This prompted conservative Prime Minister Rob Muldoon to call a snap election. Muldoon told media that my “feminist anti-nuclear stance” threatened his ability to govern.

The new Labour Government of 1984 passed the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament and Arms Control Act in 1987, the world’s first national nuclear-free legislation. Dr. Helen Caldicott’s influence had culminated in the passage of the cornerstone of New Zealand’s foreign policy.

New Zealand's Nuclear History?

Unfortunately, technically speaking, New Zealand is NOT nuclear free. We have food-irradiating facilities (sounds super healthy) and according to researcher Greg Hallett - a whole lot more in our past...

According to Hallett
, "The Wairakei Geothermal Power Station was not for the production of power, but was built by the British Atomic Energy Commission to produce heavy water for the manufacture of nuclear weapons."

“The Wairakei Geothermal Power Station was a front for heavy water production to be used for nuclear power and the production of deuterium and tritium for hydrogen bombs. These were a thousand times more powerful than the first atom bomb and were first tested in at least three different locations."


“During the nuclear scare, Kiwis were buying houses in Taupo to be away from a nuclear blast, which they thought would be aimed at Auckland and Wellington.

The funny thing was, Taupo was the only nuclear target the Russians had in New Zealand. At least one nuclear weapon was aimed squarely at the Wairakei Geothermal ‘heavy water’ power station which produced much of the heavy water for the Western world.”


“But more importantly, New Zealand took over the production of nuclear detonators from Norway in 1961. Norway was producing detonators for nuclear bombs during and after World War Two and they paid quite a heavy price in casualties. After World War Two the Norwegians said, ‘A plague on both of your houses. Take this shit away’, and they stopped production."

“The Americans didn’t want the job as they’d be under attack, so New Zealand held its hand up highest and produced nuclear detonators in secret.

That’s Walter Nash’s duplicitous Labour government for you [1957–60]. He was charged with sedition while fronting as ‘a man of peace’ and producing nuclear detonators. No doubt he on-sold any secrets gained to the Russians. But this also has a more recent history to it.”


“If you went up the hill towards Eastbourne then took the alternative route through the gorse-covered hills to Wainuiomata at the back of Gracefield, there was a sign saying ‘Nuclear Research Facility’. This is where the firing devices for the nuclear blast at Mururoa were made.

New Zealand supplied the nuclear detonation gear to the French via the British. Yes, it was New Zealand that provided the detonation gear for the atmospheric nuclear tests at Mururoa Atoll from July 1966, and for the underground tests from 1975. "


“There was a big stink in the armed forces about the anti-nuclear protests because they violated secret military pacts that went back years. Labour wanted the military to act against the pacts and that’s why the military decided to take part in the killing of Prime Minister Norman Kirk."


“In 1981, the known gay and child sex abuser Colin Moyle was re-elected to Labour and became the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries from 1984–90. He assisted the Russians in placing submarine locator beacons for Russian nuclear-powered submarines for a nuclear strike against America."


“Helen Clark’s anti-nuclear policy only applied to ‘American ships’. Russian nuclear-armed vessels were never questioned. Such duplicity is consistent with those converted to an agenda-driven ideology from a foreign country for non-national purposes, in exchange for hiding their sexuality. This results in treasonous activities tantamount to war – and that’s what we got so very close to – nuclear war from NZ.”


"New Zealand is the only ‘Nuclear-Free State’ that fails to put to print it’s history of manufacturing nuclear material. As well as ‘heavy water’, New Zealand also manufactured detonators for nuclear bombs and Prime Minister Muldoon was set on testing a nuclear power station in at least three different locations."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz
November 1 2016 | From: CollectiveEvolution

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” – Albert Einstein

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

Tesla said it. Einstein agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, it seems logical to wonder, can sound frequencies affect us?

It would appear that this is the case. Frequencies affect frequencies, much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavour of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments, such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

Cymatics illustrate that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air, or sand, they directly alter the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating how particles adjust to different frequencies. (Click here to watch a video demonstrating the patterns of sound frequencies)

Water memory also illustrates how our own intentions may even alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions, and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes.

We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, and our bodies are estimated to be about 70% water. Given the above experiments, it stands to reason that musical frequencies could also alter our own vibrational state.

Every expression through sound, emotion, or thought holds a specific frequency which influences everything around it - much like a single drop of water can create a larger ripple effect in a large body of water.

Music Frequency

With this concept in mind, let us bring our attention to the frequency of the music we listen to. Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953.

However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, it’s possible that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness.

Some theories (although unproven) even suggest that the Nazi regime had been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific research to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Whether or not the conspiracy is factual, interesting studies have pointed towards the benefits of tuning music to A=432 Hz instead.

Mathematics of The Universe

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.

“From my own observations, some of the harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz 12T5 appear to line up to natural patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Solitons need a specific range to form into the realm of density and span from the micro to the macro cosmos. Solitons are not only found in water mechanics, but also in the ion-acoustic breath between electrons and protons.”

– Brian T. Collins

Color Spectrum Resonance

Another interesting factor to consider is that the A=432 Hz tuning correlates with the color spectrum and chakra system, while the A=440 Hz does not.

The Solar Spectrum & The Cosmic Keyboard

All of the frequencies in the spectrum are related in octaves, from gamma rays to subharmonics. These colors and notes are also related to our Chakras and other important energy centers. I

f we are to understand that… Chakras are connected to the Seven Rays of the Solar Spectrum, then the notes and frequencies we use for the same should be the same.

A432 Hz is the tuning of the Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork, as opposed to the A440 Hz modern ‘standard.’ It places C# at 136.10 Hz ‘Om,’ which is the main note of the Sitar in classical Indian music and the pitch of the chants of the Tibetan monks, who tell us, ‘It comes from nature.'”

Dameon Keller

Exploring The Difference

Let’s explore the experiential difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. Music lovers and musicians have noticed that music tuned in A=432 Hz is not only more beautiful and harmonious to the ears, but it also induces a more inward experience that is felt inside the body at the spine and heart.

Music tuned in A=440 Hz was felt as a more outward and mental experience, and was felt at the side of the head which projected outwards.

Audiophiles have also stated that A=432hz music seems to be non-local and can fill an entire room, whereas A=440hz can be perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation.

“The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz – and for a good reason. There are plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to, in order to establish the difference for yourself. Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses up to body.

This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macrocosmos and microcosmos. 432 Hz on the contrary is in tune. To give an example of how this is manifested microcosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our pulse (1,2 Hz) relate to the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90.”


“The overall sound difference was noticeable, the 432 version sounding warmer, clearer and instantly sounded more listenable but the 440 version felt tighter, with more aggressive energy.”

– Anonymous guitarist

The video below was created by someone with no opinion on whether A=432 Hz or A=440 Hz is better. Therefore, the way both versions of the melody is played is unbiased. It is up to us to tune in and feel which one feels more harmonious to us!

Here’s another example:

David Helpling – Sticks and Stones in 440 hz

David Helpling – Sticks and Stones in 432 hz

Personal Thoughts

I personally have enjoyed many bands, artists, and styles of music even though they were tuning in A=440 hz, however, after comparing a few songs in both A=432 hz and A=440 hz I can say I definitely feel and hear the difference.

I wouldn’t say that my experience of 440hz music has turned me into an aggressive person, but I can understand how an entire population being exposed to music that is more mind directed as opposed to heart directed - not to mention all of the materialistic and ego-driven lyrics in most popular music - is a perfect combination to maintain a more discordant frequency and state of consciousness within humanity.

This is, of course, simply my own opinion.

“Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz.”
– Rudolph Steiner

I cannot state with complete certainty that every idea suggested in this article is 100% accurate, nor am I an expert on the subject. I simply gathered interesting information from others who researched this issue more deeply.

For this reason, if we are looking for scientific validation for these claims, I suggest that we each do our own research on the matter with an open yet discerning mind. Perhaps more research on this topic will be done in the near future to help explain the phenomenon.

I believe we all possess intuition and the ability to observe without judgment, which can be more useful than resorting to ridicule when exposed to information that has not yet been accepted by the scientific community.

It is therefore up to us to tone down the urge to jump to conclusions and instead EXPERIENCE the difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. To do so, we need to listen with our entire body and a neutral awareness as opposed to with our mental ideas, judgments, and preconceptions.

If you are interested in changing your music’s pitch to A=432 hz, click here to learn how to do it.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Truth About Addiction And Recovery
November 1 2016 | From: Peele / Various

A radical new approach to recovery - using methods proven more effective than medical treatment or twelve-step programs.

Drawing on the latest research and detailed case studies, the authors expose the best-kept secrets in the recovery field:

Addictions - whether to food, cigarettes, sex, alcohol, or drugs - are not diseases, and they’re not necessarily lifelong problems.

Many more people give up addictions on their own than are helped by medical treatment or twelve-step programs.

Developing values, skills, and life resources enables people to quit addictions - and to shed the addict identity altogether.

In their revolutionary “Life Process Program” for overcoming all kinds of addictions, the authors emphasize self-help and treatment through coping with stress and achieving one’s goals. As helpful as it is controversial, The Truth About Addiction and Recovery will forever change the way we view and treat addiction.

“A classic.” -
John Norcross, PhD, ABPP, Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton and author of Changing for Good


What causes addiction? Easy, right? Drugs cause addiction. But maybe it is not that simple.

This video is adapted from Johann Hari's New York Times best-selling book 'Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs.'

For more information, and to take a quiz to see what you know about addiction, visit chasingthescream.com

An interactive version of this video click here.

Why It Doesn’t Make Sense To Call Addiction A “Disease”

We frequently hear from people who say: “I drink too much sometimes, but I don’t think I’m an alcoholic. And I don’t want to stand up and talk about myself in front of a group. Is there any other way I can change the way I drink?”

“I’m overweight, but I understand that people are born to be fat and there’s not much you can do about it. I know I’ve tried to lose weight a million times and failed. Does this mean I’m doomed to be overweight?”

“I saw an ad saying the only way to lick your addiction to nicotine is by going to a doctor. Is that really true? Don’t people ever quit smoking on their own?”

“My father was an alcoholic. Does that mean I’m likely to become an alcoholic myself? Should I play it safe and quit drinking altogether? A friend of mine joined a ‘Children of Alcoholics’ group, even though she’s never even been drunk. Should I join such a group? And what about my kids?”

“My son was caught smoking marijuana. Now I’m told that, unless I place him in an expensive residential treatment program, he could escalate his drug use and die. I don’t have the money for this but, of course, if I have to save his life I’ll mortgage the house!”

People are much concerned about bad habits (which sometimes reach life-consuming proportions) that they’d like to do something about-drinking, smoking, overeating, taking drugs, gambling, overspending, or even compulsive romancing.

We hear more and more that every one of these things is a disease, and that we must go to treatment centers or join twelve-step support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous in order to change any of these behaviors.

Apparently the 12 step plan concept was taken from the Satanic Bible

Is there really no other way to change a powerful habit than to enter treatment for a disease? Do personal initiative, willpower, or just maturing and developing a more rewarding life have anything to do with people’s ability to overcome addictive habits?

As children, as spouses, as parents, as employers, as consumers, and as citizens we must struggle to understand and master the destructive potential of drugs, alcohol, and related addictions.

The kinds of questions so many people face today include: What do we do if we discover our children are smoking marijuana, or worse? Should we put them in a treatment center that will teach them they are chemically dependent for life?

How can we tell if co-workers, employees, and friends are secretly addicts or alcoholics? What is the most appropriate way to react to people who drink too much or do anything that harms themselves and others?

Click on the image above to open a larger versioj in a new window

Furthermore, as a society, how should we deal with these problems? Are our incessant wars on drugs really going to have the positive impact the generals in these wars always claim? Or is there some more sensible or direct way to reduce the damage people do to themselves through their uncontrollable habits?

Rather than arrest drug users, can we treat addicts so that they stop using drugs? And if we expand the treatment for all the addictions we have seen - like shopping and smoking and overeating and sexual behavior - who will pay for all this treatment?

Finally, does addiction diminish people’s judgment so that they can’t be held accountable for their behavior, or for crimes and financial excesses they commit while addicted?

This book is for those concerned with such questions. But what you will read here is not the same as what you see and hear in newspapers and magazines, on television, in addiction treatment centers, in twelve-step groups, and in most physicians’ and therapists’ offices or what your children are learning in school.

Related: US govt. suppressing herb that can protect your liver from alcohol damage: NTX

For in its desperate search for a way out of the convulsions caused by drug abuse and addiction, our society has seized upon a simple, seductive, but false answer that this book disputes. What we say is, indeed, so different from most things you hear that we have provided extensive documentation at the back of the book.

The simple but incorrect answer we constantly hear is expressed by the familiar statement, “Alcoholism is a disease.” In other words, we can treat away these problems in a medical setting.

This viewpoint has proved so appealing that it has been adopted by professional organizations and government agencies as well as by groups like Alcoholics Anonymous. And now the “disease” label is applied not only to alcoholism, drug addiction, cigarette smoking, and overeating, but also to gambling, compulsive shopping, desperate romantic attachments, and even committing rape or killing one’s newborn child!

A.A.’s image of “powerlessness over alcohol” is being extended to everything that people feel they are unable to resist or control.

But what lies behind the claim that alcoholism and other addictions are diseases? How accurate is it? What evidence supports it? Most important, what good does it do us to believe it? Will it really help you or someone you care about to overcome an addiction?

This book will show that the answer is no - that, in fact, it may do more harm than good. What’s wrong with calling a tenacious and destructive habit a disease?

Three things:

1. It isn’t true.

2. It doesn’t help most people (even those it does help might succeed just as well in a less costly, less limiting way).

3. It prevents us from doing things that really would help.

In this chapter we will summarize what the disease model says, why it is wrong, and why it is harmful. As you will see, there is no good reason to label yourself or people you know as forever marked by an addictive “disease.” Challenging this useless folklore is the first step toward understanding addiction and doing something about it.

Visit: lifeprocessprogram.com

Then we will present an alternative way of thinking about and dealing with addiction called the Life Process Program. The accompanying table previews the major differences between the Life Process Program and the disease model of addiction.

Myths Versus Reality

To highlight some of the surprising facts we will reveal, here are some common beliefs about various addictions:

A person needs medical treatment or a program like Smokenders to quit smoking.

Attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is the most effective way for alcoholics to stop drinking.

Nearly all regular cocaine users become addicted.

Very few people who have a drinking problem can ever drink in a normal, controlled manner.

Drunk drivers who undergo treatment for alcoholism are less likely to repeat the offense than those who receive normal judicial penalties such as license suspension.

Most people with an alcoholic parent become alcoholics themselves.

Most people who are binge drinkers in their twenties go on to become alcoholics.

Most of the American soldiers who were addicted to heroin in Vietnam remained addicted or became addicted again after they returned home.

The fact that alcoholism runs in families means that it is an inherited disease.

Fat children, because they have inherited their obesity, are more likely to be fat in later life than are people who become fat as adults.

Actually, the best scientific evidence available today indicates that none of these statements is true. Such specific misconceptions grow out of a foundation of false assumptions about the nature of addiction generally.

Ten Assumptions that Distinguish the Life Process Program from the Disease Model



1. Addiction is inbred and biological. 1. Addiction is a way of coping with yourself and your world.
2. The solution is medical treatment and membership in spiritual groups such as A.A. 2. The solution requires self-awareness, new coping skills, and changing your environment.
3. Addiction is all-or-nothing; you are or you aren’t an addict. 3. Addiction is a continuum; your behavior is more or less addicted.
4. Addiction is permanent and you can relapse at any moment. 4. Addiction can be outgrown.
5. Addicts are “in denial” and must be forced to acknowledge they have a disease. 5. You should identify problems and solutions in ways that work for you.
6. The recovering addict / alcoholic is the expert on addiction. 6. Those without an addiction problem are the best models.
7. Addiction is a “primary” disease. 7. Addiction stems from other life problems you have.
8. Your main associates must be other recovering addicts. 8. You should associate with a normal range of people.
9. You must accept the disease philosophy to recover. 9. Getting better is not a matter of believing a dogma.
10. Surrendering to a higher power is the key to recovery. 10. You must develop your own power to get better.

Related: Stop the Madness: Coming off Psych Meds

What Is the Disease Model of Addiction?

At first, it seems hard to understand what is meant by saying that something a person regularly does (such as· drinking alcohol) is a disease.

Habitual, voluntary behavior of this sort does not resemble what we normally think of as a disease, like cancer or diabetes. What is more, A.A. - and even hospital programs for alcoholism - don’t actually treat any biological causes of alcoholism.

After all the claims we have heard in the past decade about biological discoveries concerning alcoholism, not one of these findings has been translated into a usable treatment. Instead, the same group discussions and exhortations that have been used for the last fifty years are employed in hospital programs.

Nor is any biological method used to determine whether someone is an alcoholic other than by assessing how much that person drinks and the consequences of this drinking.

And if we have no special biological information about treating or identifying alcoholism, we surely know nothing about the biological causes of “diseases” such as compulsive gambling, shopping, and loving, which have nothing to do with drugs or alcohol.

There is, however, a standard way those who claim addiction is a disease describe addictive diseases. This description has been developed by groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, by the medical profession, and by various popularizers of the idea that alcoholism is a disease.

What they say is in every regard wrong

When they tell you that you have the “disease” of alcoholism, “chemical dependency,” obesity, compulsive shopping, or whatever, this is what they mean:

The basis of the disease is inbred and/or biological. There is no need to look for the causes of the disease in your personal problems, the people you spend time with, the situations you find yourself in, or your ethnic or cultural background. Addiction is bred into you from birth or early childhood. Your current experience of life has nothing to do with it; nothing you can do makes you either more or less likely to become addicted.

It involves complete loss of control over your behavior. Once involved in your addiction, you are utterly at its mercy. You cannot choose whether, or how much, to lose yourself in the involvement. No matter how costly it may be in a given situation, you will go all the way. You cannot make reasonable, responsible choices about something to which you are addicted.

Addictions are forever. An addictive disease is like diabetes - it stays with you as long as you live. The mysterious bodily or psychic deficiency that lies at the root of addiction can never be remedied, and you can never safely expose yourself to the substance to which you were addicted. Once an addict, always an addict.

It inevitably expands until it takes over and destroys your life. “Irreversible progression” is a hallmark of addictive diseases as they are conceived today. The addiction grows and grows until it devours you, like AIDS or cancer. No rewards, no punishments, not even the most momentous developments in your life can stay its course, unless you completely swear off the addictive substance or activity.

If you say you don’t have it, that’s when they really know you have it. According to this “Catch22” of the disease theory, anyone suspected of having an addictive disease who insists that he or she doesn’t have the disease is guilty of the added offense of “denial.” In this way, the “disease” label is like a web that traps a person more firmly the harder the person fights to get out of it.

It requires medical and/or “spiritual” treatment. Thinking you can cure your addiction through willpower, changes in your life circumstances, or personal growth is a delusion (like denial), according to disease-theory proponents. Addiction is a disease of the body that can be controlled only by never-ending medical treatments.

It is also a disease of the soul requiring lifetime membership in a support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. Why supposed medical treatment consists mainly of going to group meetings and why people can’t develop their own spiritual approaches to life if they choose are questions disease theory adherents ignore.

Your kids are going to get it, too. Since addiction is an inherited disease, the children of addicts are considered at high risk for developing the same disease - no matter what you or they do or how careful you are. Logical deductions from this viewpoint are that you should have your kids tested for their genetic predisposition to alcoholism or addiction before they start school, or that you should simply teach them never to touch a drop of alcohol or expose themselves to whatever your addiction is.

Obviously, this approach presents special difficulties in dealing with addictions to eating, shopping, and making love. Where did these notions come from - notions that, when examined in the clear light of day, often seem quite bizarre and contrary to common experience?

The disease theory takes a set of precepts that were made up by and about a small group of severe, long-term alcoholics in the 1930s and applies them inappropriately to people with a wide range of drinking and other life problems. The original members of Alcoholics Anonymous, realizing they would soon die if they did not give up alcohol, adopted wholesale the dogma of the nineteenth century temperance movement.

The one major difference was that the A.A. members said drinking was a disease only for them, and not for everyone who drank - therefore not everyone needed to eschew “demon rum,” as temperance advocates had insisted.

Niacin for Treatment of Depression & Alcoholism

When he co-founded Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to offer a support group for those addicted to alcohol, Bill Wilson made the first major advance in addressing alcoholism.

A fact which is less well-known is that Bill Wilson also made the second major advance when he became aware of, and later promoted the use of niacin vitamin B3 as a treatment for chronic drinkers.

Orthomolecular Medicine and Alcoholism

Even as Alcoholics Anonymous slowly expanded, many of Bill Wilson's personal and financial problems lingered, especially his depression.

Canadian biochemist Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D., a psychiatrist and physician, writes: "I met Bill in New York in 1960. Humphry Osmond and I introduced him to the concept of megavitamin therapy. Bill was very curious about it and began to take niacin, 3,000 mg daily. Within a few weeks fatigue and depression which had plagued him for years were gone."

Dr. Hoffer, in his foreword to the book "Alcoholism: The Cause and The Cure", describes how he and Bill Wilson investigated together the effect of Niacin vitamin B3 on alcoholics.

Dr Hoffer writes: “Bill understood it first hand, for even though he had been abstinent for many years, he was still unwell. He suffered from immense anxiety, tension, and fatigue, but was able to function in spite of what might have been disabling.

After taking 3 grams of niacin daily for two weeks, his symptoms vanished and he remained free of addiction. This was a peak experience that he never forgot. He became determined to give as many AA members as possible the benefit of the same healing vitamin,”.

Dr. Hoffer further writes: “Without telling me that he was doing so, Bill conducted a trial of niacin on 30 friends and colleagues in New York. Most of them were very productive and sober members of AA, but they all suffered from the common mind and mood afflictions that people formerly addicted to alcohol experience, even when they are not drinking.

After three months he showed me his data. After one month, ten of the subjects were well. After the second month another ten had recovered, and the remaining one-third had shown no improvement after the third month. By this time I had also treated a number of people addicted to alcohol and had seen similar recoveries.”

Beyond AA Meetings

Between 1960 and his death in 1971, Bill Wilson shared this information with physician members of AA in a series of 3 brochures, Communications to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Bill’s findings were unfortunately dismissed by the AA’s International Board, because he was not an "M.D." and the fact that Alcoholics Anonymous is a social support structure, not a medical treatment provider.

Related: DEA Just Banned a Natural Plant that Can Cure Opioid Addiction - Proving Loyalty to Big Pharma

The A.A. model has struck a responsive chord among Americans. Obviously, with the rejection of Prohibition, the United States had decided against a national policy that everyone should abstain from drinking.

Yet Westernn society continues even today to show a deep unease about alcohol and about intoxication, which many people seek even while fearing its disturbing effects. Given this national ambivalence, we have been drawn to the “old-time religion” of temperance, as represented by A.A., now cloaked in the modern language of medicine and the neurosciences.

But, as this book will make clear, the operative assumptions about addiction have never arisen directly from biological sciences. Rather, they have been superimposed on scientific research, much of which directly contradicts the assumptions of the disease theory.

Why the Disease Model Is Wrong

Every major tenet of the “disease” view of addiction is refuted both by scientific research and by everyday observation. This is true even for alcoholism and drug addiction, let alone the many other behaviors that plainly have little to do with biology and medicine.

No biological or genetic mechanisms have been identified that account for addictive behavior.

Even for alcoholism, as the following chapter will show, the evidence for genetic inheritance is unconvincing. By now, probably every well-informed reader has heard announcements that scientists have discovered a gene that causes alcoholism.

In fact, as one of us wrote in The Atlantic, this is far from the case, and the study that prompted these claims has already been refuted by another study in the same journal. Moreover, if a gene were found to influence alcoholism, would the same gene cause drug addiction?

Would it be related to smoking? Would it also cause compulsive gambling and overeating? If so, this would mean that everyone with any of these addictions has this genetic inheritance. Indeed, given the ubiquity of the problems described, the person without this inheritance would seem to be the notable exception.

How could an addiction like smoking be genetic? Why are some types of people more likely to smoke than others (about half of waitresses and car salesmen smoke, compared with about a tenth of lawyers and doctors)?

And does believing that an addiction like smoking is genetic help the person quit (are all those smokers who quit not “genetically” addicted)?

Returning to alcohol, are people really predestined biologically to become alcoholics and thus to become A.A. members? Think about the rock group Aerosmith: all five members of this group now belong to A.A., just as they once all drank and took drugs together.

How unlikely a coincidence it is that five unrelated people with the alcoholic / addictive inheritance should run into one another and form a band!

The idea that genes make you become alcoholic cannot possibly help us understand how people develop drinking problems over years, why they choose on so many occasions to go out drinking, how they become members of heavy-drinking groups, and how drinkers are so influenced by the circumstances of their lives.

Genes may make a person unusually sensitive to the physiological effects of alcohol; a person can find drinking extremely relaxing or enjoyable; but this says nothing about how the person drinks over the course of a lifetime.

After all, some people say, “I never have more than one or two drinks at a time, because alcohol goes straight to my head.”

As we document here and in the following chapter, we can actually predict the likelihood of people’s becoming addicted far more reliably from their nationality and social class, from the social groups they join, and from their beliefs and expectations about alcohol or drugs (or other activities), than from their biological makeup.

Often, people who become addicted set themselves up by investing a substance or an experience with magical powers to transform their beings (“Getting drunk is great”; “When I drink I’m really at ease”; “Drinking makes me attractive to people of the opposite sex”).

It is simply not within the chemical properties of alcohol or a drug, or the experience of an activity like shopping, to offer people what they want and seek from an addiction.

People find this in an addiction when they believe they can’t achieve the feelings they need in ordinary ways. Clearly, attitudes, values, and the opportunities available in a person’s environment have much to do with whether the person has a significant risk for a particular addiction.

People do not necessarily lose control of themselves whenever they are exposed to the object of their addiction.
On the contrary, many practice their addictions quite selectively. For example, military and religious personnel are often deprived of tobacco during training or on retreats, and business people realize they can’t smoke in certain rooms.

Orthodox Jews who smoke heavily abstain from smoking on the Sabbath, showing that their religious values mean more to them than nicotine does. Alcoholics in experiments routinely control their drinking when it is in their interest to do so - say, when they must leave a cozy room with television and companionship in order to get more to drink.

These variations occur in real life just as they do in the laboratory - for example, when people avoid drugs or cigarettes when they are with people who won’t tolerate those habits. When something they really care about is jeopardized if they continue to drink, smoke, or whatever, most people will stop or cut down accordingly.

Addiction usually does not last a lifetime. “Once an addict, always an addict” is a pessimistic notion that is both wrong and harmful. It leaves people two choices: either you stay constantly addicted and miserable until you die; or you abstain for life while attending group meetings and viewing yourself as the perpetually “recovering” person.

Sadly, a small number of people do die of their addictions; and another group succeeds in quitting drinking, drug taking, or whatever by maintaining the role of the recovering addict.

But most people are more resilient and resourceful than that. Most people who have addictive habits moderate or eliminate these habits over the course of their lives.

And they do it without having to say “I am an alcoholic” or “I am an overeater” or “I am a sex addict” as long as they live.

Remember that, today, a majority of adults who have ever smoked have quit and nearly all did so without treatment.

Progression is not inevitable - it is the exception. If the majority of people give up addictive habits, then the idea of “inevitable progression” doesn’t hold water. Calling addiction a “progressive disease” comes from looking at the few who have progressed to severe addiction and tracing the path by which they got there.

The progression of addictive problems only seems inevitable after the fact. For example, the great majority of college overdrinkers, even those who black out at fraternity parties, become moderate drinkers in middle age.

When you consider that even most of the people who use narcotics and cocaine do not end up addicted, you can see that drug-and-alcohol use patterns are many and varied, even when a person uses a substance abusively for a time.

Treatment is no panacea. Contrary to all the advertising we hear, treatment for addictions is often no more effective than letting addiction and recovery take their natural course.

The vast majority of people who have given up addictions (beginning with more than 90 percent of the forty-four million Americans who have quit smoking have done so on their own.

This does not mean that treatment for addictions cannot work - research has shown that some forms of treatment are effective. But the ones that are more effective are not the ones that have become popular in the United States.

You can outgrow an addictive habit on your own or in therapy, but either way the principles of the Life Process Program are the same.

What about joining support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous? Here, too, research reveals the opposite of what we have been led to believe. A.A is a valuable community resource for those who find support in a certain type of religiously oriented group ritual.

But the best we can say about A.A is that it works for those for whom it works. Meanwhile, there are plenty for whom it doesn’t work. There is no scientific evidence that A.A. works better than other approaches when randomly selected alcoholics are assigned to A.A. or other treatments.

In fact, the evidence is that the people who are now often compelled to attend A.A - after being arrested for drunk driving or being sent by a company Employee Assistance Program - do worse than those who are left on their own.

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How can we reconcile this finding with the glowing testimonials we hear about A.A.? The people we see in A.A. are the ones who like it, find it helpful, and stick it out. But there are many others who don’t go to A.A. or who don’t like it and drop out.

And as we show below, those who seriously try to stop drinking on their own are more likely to maintain their abstinence than those who attend A.A.

In addition, since many more people try to quit on their own than through therapy or joining a group, the number of self-curers is triple or more the number of successful treatment or A.A cases.

But such self-curers are not very visible, because they are individuals without an organized group to publicize their success.

These, then, are the key fallacies of the popularly held view of addiction. Even generally well-informed people may be astonished that we contradict such widely held beliefs. All of our refutations of conventional wisdom are carefully documented in the notes at the back of the book.

But you don’t need to read scholarly articles and scientific reports to test the accuracy of what we say. Just check it out against your own experience and observation. Don’t you know anyone who used to drink excessively, at times uncontrollably, but who no longer drinks at all or now drinks in a normal, appropriate manner?

Obviously, most people who used to drink excessively but who have now cut back (or even quit) do not attend meetings where they must rise and declare, “I am an alcoholic.”

How many people of all ages do you know who quit smoking? How many of them did it by going through a medical program or joining a support group, and how many finally just decided to quit and made good on that resolve? What happened to all the people you knew who used illegal drugs in college, some quite heavily?

How many of them are “chemically dependent” now? If we simply examine the cases of most of those we are close to personally, we will see how addictions usually do not follow the disease course.

Why the Disease Model Doesn’t Work - Why It Even Does More Harm than Good

The assumption that calling addiction a “disease” actually helps people crumbles when subjected to critical scrutiny. Some people feel comfortable thinking of their addiction as a disease and are able to function better on this basis for a time.

But whatever short-term benefits medical, disease-oriented treatment produces are double-edged even for the individuals who claim it has helped them. Many of the most “successful” recipients of disease treatment might achieve a real breakthrough by learning to think about addiction differently.

Related: Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation

Meanwhile, for the majority of people, the disadvantages of the disease approach clearly outweigh the advantages from the start.

The disadvantages of the disease approach are that it:

Attacks people’s feelings of personal control and can thus become a self-fulfilling prophecy;

Makes mountains out of molehills, since it fails to differentiate between the worst alcoholics and addicts and those with minor substance-use dependence;

tigmatizes people - in their own minds - for life

interrupts normal maturation for the young, for whom this approach is completely inappropriate;

olds up as models for drinking and drug use the people who have shown the least capacity to manage their lives;

solates alcoholism and addiction as problems from the rest of the alcoholic’s or addict’s life;

imits people’s human contacts primarily to other recovering alcoholics or addicts, who only reinforce their preoccupation with drinking and drug use;

ispenses a rigid program of therapy that is founded - in the words of the director of the government’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIA.A.A) - “on hunch, not evidence, and not on science,” while attacking more effective therapies.

How can therapy that so many people believe in and swear by actually do more harm than good? To illustrate this point, consider the case of a famous psychiatrist who evaluated his hospital’s alcoholism program - one he felt was among the most outstanding in the world.

This program first detoxified the alcoholic in the hospital, then mandated A.A. attendance, and finally actively followed patients’ progress with an outreach counseling program.

When the psychiatrist running the program, Dr. George Vaillant, evaluated how well his patients were doing two years and eight years after treatment, however, he found they had fared about as well as comparable alcoholics who received no treatment at all!

How could Vaillant have been so wrong as to think his patients were doing phenomenally well, when actually they were doing no better than if he had left them alone completely?

Naturally, he wanted to think it worked. But his research prevented his rose-colored views from distorting the actual results of his treatment.

When he counted all his patients, not just his successes, when he scrutinized and verified what they were telling him in order to see exactly how well they were doing, and when he compared them with alcoholics out on their own instead of just assuming that all these people died without the help of treatment like his, Vaillant found that his expensive hospital treatment was close to useless.

Very few people in the treatment industry or in A.A. are as scrupulous as is Vaillant. When we hear from A.A. boosters, they tell us only about those who have stuck with the program and are currently sober. The same is true of treatment programs. They parade their best stars up front.

We don’t hear about all their failures. Yet Vaillant, in a book that is cited as the major source of support for the benefits of treating alcoholics according to the disease model, concluded as follows:

“If treatment as we currently understand it does not seem more effective than the natural healing processes, then we need to understand those healing processes better.”

Indeed, Vaillant repeats another researcher’s conclusion that “it may be easier for improper treatment to retard recovery than for proper treatment to hasten it.”major source of support for the benefits of treating alcoholics according to the disease model

What are the dangers of this kind of disease treatment? Here are explanations of the disadvantages listed at the beginning of this section:

It sets people up for failure. All disease treatments emphasize how much out of control “patients” are, and what a delusion it is for them to feel they can exert any control over their addictions. Is it possible that such a message can do more harm than good?

William Miller and Reid Hester, reviewing all the comparative studies on treatment for alcoholism, made a surprising finding: in the only two studies in which alcoholics were randomly assigned either to A.A., to other forms of treatment, or to no treatment, those assigned to A.A. did no better or actually suffered more relapse than those who received other treatment or who weren’t treated at all!

Intrigued by this outcome, one of us wrote George Vaillant and asked him whether subjects he studied who abstained without entering formal treatment did better if they joined A.A. Again, A.A. members were less likely to maintain their abstinence.

Why would people be more likely to relapse if they entered A.A. than if they quit drinking on their own? There are several reasons. For one, people who enter A.A. are told they cannot succeed on their own. Therefore, if they should stop attending A.A., many are convinced that they will soon resume alcoholic drinking.

A.A. and disease treatments are especially defeatist in dealing with relapse. Accepting the disease-oriented philosophy of inevitable loss of control thus makes it more likely that the alcoholic will binge if he or she ever has a drink. Yet, Vaillant found, nearly all alcoholics will drink again at some time.

It makes matters worse than they are. Can attending A.A. or going into addiction treatment really cause people to develop some of their alcoholism symptoms? In his book Becoming Alcoholic, sociologist David Rudy reports on the time he spent observing A.A. meetings.

Rudy found that most people had to learn their role as alcoholics. An important “rite of passage” is the first time members tell their story for the group, beginning by acknowledging, “I am an alcoholic.” In Rudy’s words;

“The alcoholic’s tale “is made up of two parts: a story about how bad it was before A.A. and a story about how good it is now.”

Narcotics anonymous is the drug users version of AA, although is generally accepting of AA members as well

The Truth About Drugs

This presentation is warmly greeted by the member’s sponsor in A.A., and the entire membership responds with enthusiastic acceptance of the convert.

When alcoholics introduce their experiences and symptoms in or treatment, the group or therapist homogenizes them through interpretation and clarification. For example, most people who enter have not had blackouts, which are more typical of long-term alcoholics than of the younger drinkers now flooding into treatment and A.A.

But blackouts are taken as the badge of alcoholism, and according to Rudy, “members learn the importance of blackouts as a behavior that verifies their alcoholism, and an indeterminable number of members who may not have had blackouts report them.” Rudy continues:

"When newcomers to A.A. claim that they cannot remember if they had any blackouts or not, other members use this claim as evidence of the event in question. As one member put it to a newcomer:

The reason you can’t remember is because alcohol fogs your brain. If it fogs your brain now after not drinking for a few days it must have fogged your brain before. See, you must have had blackouts then.”

A large part of alcoholism and drug treatment consists of group meetings where alcoholics or addicts “confront” one another and their problems. Newcomers who don’t report the correct symptoms are treated with knowing condescension or are actively hazed - sometimes quite abusively - until they “get” and repeat the party line.

When Dwight Gooden entered the alcoholism-andcocaine program at the Smithers Alcoholism Center, he described being assailed by his fellow residents there during the constant group-therapy sessions. “My stories weren’t as good as theirs. . . . They said, ‘C’mon, man, you’re lying.’ They didn’t believe me. . . . I cried a lot before I went to bed at night.”

After he left the Betty Ford Center, Chevy Chase reported that he had often been angry at the counselors, who heckled the residents mercilessly, constantly denigrating them and claiming they had been living worthless lives.

Related: Addictive behavior related to low levels of oxytocin

Does all this sound like good therapy technique? It is simple common sense that belief in your personal value and your own strength is superior to having these things denigrated for getting your life under control.

It stigmatizes people for life. The disease model puts a label on you that you can never outgrow. Once diseased, always diseased. The effects of this defeatist view are especially tragic - and unjust - in the case of people to whom the “disease” label is most inappropriately applied in the first place: teenage binge drinkers, most drunk drivers, “adult children of alcoholics,” recreational drug users discovered through drug tests, and - in areas not involving drugs or alcohol - overweight adolescents or “hyperactive” or “learning-disabled” children.

It brutalizes and brainwashes the young. The largest single age group of people undergoing hospital treatment today for chemical dependency, eating disorders, depression, and so forth is adolescents. A.A. members are also much younger today, on average, than when the fellowship was founded by a group of men with serious, lifelong drinking problems.

Nonetheless, virtually none of these young people meet clinical standards of alcoholism or drug addiction.

Indeed, numerous cases have been identified in which young people have been hospitalized for smoking marijuana or even for being suspected of using drugs.

When one such case was revealed on national television, an unusually forthright consultant for the National Association for Alcoholism Treatment Programs confessed, “I’m afraid this happens far more than people in the field want to admit; it’s something of a scandal.”

Meanwhile, A.A. and Alateen (for teenage children of alcoholics) groups now pervade high-school and college campuses. What is the impact of treatment that forces teenagers to take on the identity of addicts or alcoholics or children of alcoholics?

Young people are warned that their substance abuse is a permanent trait, even though we have seen that a large majority will outgrow substance-abuse problems as they mature.

Presenting this message to the young can only prolong or exacerbate their substance abuse, since it denies their own capacity for change and forces them to believe that any substance use for the rest of their lives will lead them back to excess, addiction, and drunkenness.

Young treatment grads who constantly relapse and return to treatment are the norm, as in the cases of Carrie Hamilton, Erinn Cosby, Drew Barrymore, and other young “patients” whose stories are less well publicized. Of course, the relapses are then attributed to their “disease” and to their failure to heed the treatment’s warning to abstain forever.

These programs fairly frequently involve emotional abuse. Such “treatments” for children include “refusing to allow them to wear street clothes, keeping them in isolation for prolonged periods, or forcing them to wear self-derogatory signs, engage in other humiliation rituals . . . , or submit to intense and prolonged group confrontation” all of which, psychologists believe, “may destroy the youngsters’ already fragile self-esteem.”

When we describe these experiences, treatment specialists often argue in response, “Well, what if the kids would end up dead if we didn’t do this to them?” In other words, to object to these programs is likened to promoting intoxication leading to death.

Certainly, it is crucial to prevent children from harming themselves, and it can be worthwhile to remove children from a problem home, whether through a residential program or a visit to a sympathetic relative.

But brainwashing, emotional blackmail, denigration, and psychological torture never work, except to make people so unsure of who they are or what they value that they will temporarily consent to the demands of those in charge.

Worst of all, therapies that were devised for the most incorrigible children - though they don’t benefit even these unfortunate kids have been spreading down the ladder to more and more children whose behavior represents typical adolescent exploration and insubordination.

Parents are then confronted over whether they want to “save” their kids or allow them to die, as though the latter were the normal outcome of adolescence. The threat of their children’s dying is then used as emotional blackmail to make parents accept the sacrifices necessary to place their children in expensive residential treatment programs.

It presents the alcoholic or addict as someone to emulate. Prominent graduates of treatment programs, like Drew Barrymore, Betty Ford, Kitty Dukakis, and a host of athletes now lecture to others about chemical dependency. If alcoholics and drug abusers suffer from a disease and are now recovering, then they can educate others about the disease and even about how young people should live and behave.

If, on the other hand, we think of them as people who are tremendously poor at self-management, then it is indeed stupid for the rest of us, who have not been seriously addicted, to ask them for advice and information. Someone like former football star Bob Hayes explains that he took and sold drugs as a result of an inherited disease.

One reviewer’s reaction to Hayes’s book, Run, Bullet, Run, could stand for any and all of these confessional tracts: “Aside from a brief closing statement on personal responsibility, he self-servingly portrays himself as a victim throughout the book.”

Alcoholics and addicts like Hayes regularly come into schools to relay their tortured drinking experiences and to reiterate that alcohol is a dangerous drug. But nearly every child in these schools will drink.

It is as though the schools wished to undermine children’s sense of self-control and to attack their chances of becoming normal drinkers, which in most cases their “nonexpert” parents are.

In treatment itself, “recovering” addicts and alcoholics counsel the drug or alcohol abuser - who usually has not drunk as destructively and hurt himself or herself as much as the counselors! In all types of twelve-step groups, the most severely debilitated person tends to become the leader and model for others, so that the most out-of-control shopping addict tells others about the nature of their problems.

Who should be counseling whom? In the case of drug abuse, a number of reviews have found that informational and scare lectures by recovering addicts produce the worst results of all prevention programs. These programs have never yet been found to reduce drug use; on the contrary, several studies have found increased drug use in their aftermath.

It ignores the rest of the person’s problems in favor of blaming them all on the addiction. When someone like Carrie Hamilton lectures about her youthful drug abuse and delinquency (often alongside her mother, Carol Burnett), she makes drug abuse and family failures sound like mysterious, unavoidable illnesses that some people and their parents “have.”

Of course, this excuses her and her mother from dealing with painful problems they would prefer to avoid. But by adopting the disease identity as her protection through the rest of her life, the youthful convert guarantees that she cannot grow beyond the limitations of her adolescent family life. Can people hope for more than this?

When treatment views alcoholics as being victims of a different body chemistry that forces them to become alcoholics, the treatment process ignores the person’s life problems and the functions drinking serves for the alcoholic.

Related: Feds try to suppress herbal molecule that makes your liver nearly 'bulletproof' against alcohol damage

For example, in family therapy where the alcoholic’s drinking is addressed as simply the result of a disease, the therapist and the family are not able to understand that some people use alcohol to air feelings they cannot express when sober.

Ignoring dynamics like these leaves the drinker unable to cope with the things that led him or her to need to drink - such as doubts about self-worth, a difficult relationship with a spouse, roles (such as homosexuality) that create conflict for the person, and so on.

If the labeling of alcoholism as a disease provides welcome relief from the shame of overdrinking. it also prevents people from confronting the emotional tasks they need to accomplish to attain personal wholeness.

It traps people in a world inhabited by fellow disease-sufferers. Many “recovering” people report that they feel comfortable only with others in exactly the same plight. They find they can’t create intimacy outside of treatment and that they are driven constantly to talk about their alcoholism or addiction.

This is a frequent hang-up for recovering alcoholics who attend A.A. meetings so religiously that they can’t maintain a life outside of the group. The phenomenon of compulsive therapy attendance has made many people ask us, “Is there such a thing as addiction to treatment?”

Indeed there is, when people rely on a twelve step group or therapy to the point where it disables them from conducting outside relationships and activities.

One of us has treated a number of A.A. members or treatment graduates who now fear they can’t deal with normal society. One man, who was regularly asked to head his local A.A. group, had dated a series of women he met at A.A. Unfortunately, all of these relationships had ended in bitterness and mutual recriminations.

But when he tried to date outside the group, he discovered that nonalcoholic women found him overbearing and compulsive.

“I don’t want to be limited for the rest of my life to dealing with alkies - I’d like to think I can advance beyond that; “
he plaintively told us.

This man felt that dealing exclusively with alcoholics was debilitating him, and yet he couldn’t escape A.A.

It excludes other approaches, many of which are more successful. Even if one accepts that many A.A. members are happy and successful, it is simply absurd to discourage people from trying to recover without A.A. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) frequently announces statistics about the continually rising costs of alcoholism and the increasing number of alcoholics in our society.

But, then, the NCADD is capable only of calling for more of the standard approach to treating alcoholism that has accompanied these increases, while discouraging all alternative approaches.

Why should things improve all of a sudden if we simply do more of the same? The A.A. approach to people’s drinking problems has shown conclusively that it cannot make a decisive difference for most active problem drinkers, since there are very few alcoholics who aren’t already aware of - or who haven’t already attended - A.A.

Meanwhile, greater numbers of people are being forced to enter private treatment centers and A.A. as a result of court orders, Employee Assistance Programs, or school counseling programs.

Despite the almost universal belief that compelling people to attend standard treatment programs is helpful, these programs regularly demonstrate they are no more effective than self-initiated programs for curing addictions.

Psychologists William Miller and Reid Hester, reviewing all the comparative studies on treatment for alcoholism, made a surprising finding:

“Virtually all of them [the standard treatments] lacked adequate scientific evidence of effectiveness.”

At the same time, they discovered, the “treatment approaches most clearly supported as effective... were very rarely used in American treatment programs.”

What don’t really work in the long run are the conversion-experience type treatments; what do work are therapies that teach people skills at self-management and coping.

Nonetheless, most American treatment personnel seem hell-bent on eliminating any other treatment for alcoholism besides twelve-step programs. In the United States, discredited disease-treatment programs - ones that NIAAA Director Enoch Gordis believes may be “frequently useless and wasteful and sometimes dangerous” - proliferate and spread into whole new areas of behavior.

This issue is important because the United States spends more money on health care than any other country - and the percentage of our gross national product that we spend on health care is growing faster than that in any other country.

The fastest-growing component of the health-care system is substance abuse and related mental-health treatments. According to a hospital trade publication;

“Psychiatric, chemical dependency and rehabilitative hospital care - all largely unregulated by government payment mechanisms - are booming.”

This is one reason so many companies are being forced to cut insurance benefits or are asking employees to pay a greater share. What if your insurance rates were raised to pay for a fellow employee who was undergoing a repeat treatment for cocaine addiction, since he had relapsed one or more times?

How would you feel about sharing the bill for a colleague who entered an expensive hospital eating-disorders clinic?

Do you think that smokers who want to quit should enter treatment programs and be excused from work, with pay, while they concentrate on quitting? And, especially, how would you react if you had quit smoking on your own?

It is morally and economically necessary for us to evaluate the effectiveness of alcoholism and other addiction treatments. For we are wasting limited health-care resources to place people in expensive treatments - treatments that have not shown they do more than inexpensive, straightforward skills counseling or than people accomplish on their own—often more reliably!

Kitty Dukakis: “Chemical Dependency” Reduced to Absurdity

Kitty Dukakis became the paradigm of the addicted person of the 1990s. Kitty Dukakis has been eager all along to accept the “disease” and “chemically dependent” labels. Advertisements for her autobiography, Now You Know, trumpet the opening line of the book, “I’m Kitty Dukakis and I’m a drug addict and an alcoholic.”

Mrs. Dukakis seemingly has been either addicted or in treatment throughout her adult life. Shortly before she joined her husband in his 1988 presidential campaign, she revealed that she had been treated for a twenty-six-year reliance on diet pills, which she began before she married Michael Dukakis.

Soon after her husband’s defeat in the election, she began to drink herself unconscious and underwent a series of treatments for her alcoholism and for a variety of emotional problems.

That treatment did not succeed. Mrs. Dukakis only began getting drunk after the election, for which she first entered the Edgehill Newport hospital.

But soon after this treatment experience, she began having explosive relapses in which she drank rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, hair spray, and other commercial products containing alcohol.

Moreover, she discovered during the course of writing her book that she suffers from another disease - manic-depressive disorder - and as a result she ends the book with the revelation that she is receiving lithium treatment.

Previously, Mrs. Dukakis had been prescribed Prozac, a drug featured on the cover of Newsweek in 1990 as a new miracle in the treatment of depression, to no avail.

Mrs. Dukakis appears, in the book and on television, a forlorn being. Indeed, syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman, who had known Mrs. Dukakis, wrote a column entitled “Do Our Drug Treatment Programs Label Patients as Losers?” Ms. Goodman wondered aloud how labeling oneself as sick and without hope is helpful.

“What happens when those who wrestle with problems of self-esteem are required to wear such a label? . . . Today, Kitty Dukakis describes herself by diagnosis. Drug addict. Alcoholic. Manic-depressive.”

Ms. Goodman ended her column by wishing that Kitty Dukakis might see the brighter qualities that others have seen in her, and which seem entirely to have disappeared thanks to her various diagnoses and cures.

It seems clear that excessive drinking is only the tip of Mrs. Dukakis’s problems, and that medical treatment will never get to the bottom of them. Labeling Kitty Dukakis as a “sick” person who needs medical treatment is a palliative for her uncomfortable marital and personal problems.

Reviewers have commented about how insensitive and unaware of her problems Michael Dukakis appeared to be, yet Kitty never reflects on the limitations of her spouse or their relationship.

Somehow, her never-ending disease-oriented treatment fails to raise crucial issues for Mrs. Dukakis about a life and marriage she seems to have found intolerable.

Will Kitty Dukakis be writing another book in which she reveals she has discovered she is suffering from one more dis-ease that of codependence?

With Kitty Dukakis as a prominent model of the addict/alcoholic, those who look to her life for answers are being fed yet another self-defeating solution. To call Kitty Dukakis’s and her audiences’ problems diseases is to evade reality, much as Mrs. Dukakis used diet pills and alcohol to do.

Whether the pain Mrs. Dukakis and others feel is temporary or persistent, relatively mild or relatively severe, it does not need to rule the rest of their lives. Kitty Dukakis and the rest of us are more than our misery and problems.

Moreover, what troubles her and those like her are life problems, not diseases. And when we have reduced them to life size, we can begin to deal with them reasonably and hopefully.

The Experience of Addiction

The question is: “If addiction isn’t a disease, then what is it?” An addiction is a habitual response and a source of gratification or security.

It is a way of coping with internal feelings and external pressures that provides the addict with predictable gratifications, but that has concomitant costs.

Eventually these costs may outweigh the subjective benefits the addiction offers the individual. Nonetheless, people continue their addictions as long as they believe the addictions continue to do something for them.

It is important to place addictive habits in their proper context, as part of people’s lives, their personalities, their relationships, their environments, their perspectives. The effort to change an addiction will generally affect all these other facets of a person’s life as well.

An addiction may involve any attachment or sensation that grows to such proportions that it damages a person’s life.

Addictions, no matter to what, follow certain common patterns. We first made clear in Love and Addiction that addiction - the single-minded grasping of a magic-seeming object or involvement; the loss of control, perspective, and priorities - is not limited to drug and alcohol addictions.

When a person becomes addicted, it is not to a chemical but to an experience. Anything that a person finds sufficiently consuming and that seems to remedy deficiencies in the person’s life can serve as an addiction.

The addictive potential of a substance or other involvement lies primarily in the meaning it has for a person.

A person is vulnerable to addiction when that person feels a lack of satisfaction in life, an absence of intimacy or strong connections to other people, a lack of self-confidence or compelling interests, or a loss of hope.

Periods such as adolescence, military service, and times of isolation or grief may for a time make people especially susceptible to an addiction.

Related: Sadness: The Problem and The Solution

Under some circumstances, a harmful involvement can become so important to a person that addiction is very likely, as heroin addiction was for many in Vietnam.

Situations in which people are deprived of family and the usual community supports; where they are denied rewarding or constructive activities; where they are afraid, uncomfortable, and under stress; and where they are out of control of their lives - these are situations especially likely to create addiction.

The relationship between hopelessness, lack of opportunity, and persistent addiction is, of course, a template for lives in ghettos. Recognizing the connection between these situational factors and addiction will explain why our wars on drugs, including the latest, never succeed.

The “hook” of the addiction - the thing that keeps people coming back to it - is that it gives people feelings and gratifying sensations that they are not able to get in other ways. It may block out sensations of pain, uncertainty, or discomfort. It may create powerfully distracting sensations that focus and absorb attention. It may enable a person to forget, or feel “okay” about, insurmountable problems.

Related: American Drug Trafficking Pilot Tells All From Prison

It may provide artificial, temporary feelings of security or calm, of self-worth or accomplishment, of power or control, of intimacy or belonging.

These benefits explain why a person keeps coming back to the addictive experience - an addiction accomplishes something for that person, or the person anticipates that it will do so, however illusory these benefits may actually be.

Addiction, drug abuse, alcoholism, obesity, and smoking all involve and are fueled by value choices. Think of people whose lives are “together” - who enjoy strong emotional bonds with others, productive work, satisfying feelings of competence and of fun, and a sense of responsibility toward others.

Will they become addicted to drugs or alcohol because of some physiological susceptibility and allow the addiction to undo the fabric of their lives? For you personally, can you imagine getting so drunk that you would abuse your infant child? It just doesn’t happen that way.

If you have better things to do and value other things more than escape into intoxication, then you won’t make intoxication the center of your life. And if you are addicted, you can best overcome it by creating or re-creating those personal strengths and values.

Related: Guide for Addicted Veterans and their Families

Whatever the subjective benefits of an addiction or the values that drive an addiction, the person pays a price for an addictive involvement. Addictions make people less aware of and less able to respond to other people, events, and activities. Thus, the addictive experience reinforces and exacerbates the problems the person wanted so badly to get away from in the first place.

In the person’s inner, subjective experience, the addiction may make things seem better. But in the real world, it only makes things worse. With the worst addictions, jobs and relationships fall away; health deteriorates; debts increase; opportunities disappear; the business of life is neglected.

The person is increasingly “out of touch” with nourishing contacts and essential responsibilities. This growing disengagement from the realities of life sets the person up for the trauma of withdrawal. When the addictive experience is removed, the person is deprived of what has become his or her primary source of comfort and reassurance.

Simultaneously, the person “crash-lands” back onto an inhospitable world, a world from which the person has been using the addiction to escape. Compared with these existential torments, the purely physical dislocations of withdrawal are, even for most heroin addicts, not particularly debilitating.

After all, nearly everyone who receives powerful narcotics in the hospital gives them up after returning home or when the illness is over. Consider also that drug addicts and alcoholics indicate that the most unbearable drug withdrawal is from cigarettes.

And if one puts all withdrawal on a scale, probably the worst of all occurs in the case of failed love relationships.

The experience of withdrawal, like that of addiction, is shaped by the way a person interprets it. In therapeutic communities like Daytop Village in New York, addicts are not excused from their normal duties when they undergo withdrawal; as a result, withdrawing addicts - even those who have had several withdrawal episodes previously - continue mopping floors and carrying out other duties.

Cultural beliefs also play a crucial role in addiction - for example, beliefs that are widely propagated about the power of a drug to enslave a person and the difficulty of escaping it actually contribute to the difficulties of withdrawal. Equally important are the person’s readiness to confront withdrawal and belief that he or she can manage it.

If you are convinced that withdrawal will be intolerably painful and that you cannot withstand it, or if you don’t have sufficiently powerful reasons to confront withdrawal experiences, you won’t be prepared to withdraw from your addiction.The addict who feels incapable of existing without a drug can never successfully withdraw, and doesn’t want to try.

Ironically, one of the beliefs that most contribute to the susceptibility to addiction is the belief in the power of addiction itself. Believing that drugs are stronger than you are means you will become addicted more easily and stay addicted longer.

But if you recognize that drugs and alcohol never take away your own responsibilities and capacity to control your destiny - even if you have alcoholic relatives or have had addictive problems in the past - you always stand a better chance of avoiding addiction or dealing with it successfully.

A Commonsense Way of Thinking About Overcoming an Addiction

Although the schematic description above is useful for understanding what addiction is and how it comes about, we need not think of all our troublesome habits or fixations in such dire terms.

In fact, when we overdramatize our addictions, we may do ourselves an injustice and make change more difficult. An addiction may be more or less severe - and a person may be more or less able to give it up - depending on the circumstances of the person’s life.

Addiction is more likely in stressful times, times when gratifications are slim, times when a person is less together or secure.

Likewise, one type of excess may be more stubbornly entrenched in a person’s routine, or more closely linked to a person’s self-doubt and insecurity, than another.

Addiction occurs along a continuum - there is no easy test to tell you whether you have an addiction or just a bad habit. For example, by some estimates, half of all Americans are overweight. Are they all addicted overeaters?

Many people encounter significant health risks because of the way they eat (recall that heart disease is America’s major killer). Are these the addicts? Some people are preoccupied day and night with their eating; they are suffused with guilt over eating too much, yet they are unable to change their eating habits.

Surely, these are the addicts, we think. A still more limited group of people encounter major health problems through their overweight, severely restricting their lives, but are unable to modify their eating habits.

At the furthest extreme of addiction are the minuscule number of people who become so fat they are completely immobile - people we sometimes see on television who may not even be able to fit through their doorways.

If we call only these people - people who have given up all effort to control their eating - true addicts, we end up with a fraction of a percentage of addicted overeaters, and books wouldn’t need to be written for millions of people who fear they have food addictions.

Moreover, for this minuscule group, concepts such as “denial” hardly seem to have meaning - does the twelve-hundred-pound man who hasn’t left his house in years really need to be told that he has an addictive eating problem?

For most people, the exercise of drawing the line that divides “addicted” from “normal” is not very helpful. We need to remember that nearly all people cut back and forth across these categories at different points in their lives and in different situations.

Although letting your urges overcome you to gain total control of your life is a relatively rare phenomenon, everyone has addictive urges and sometimes gives in to them. Addiction characterizes some aspect of everyone’s life - this is one reason why it is so ridiculous to think of it as a disease.

Thin people whom we envy for their self-control will tell us there are some treats they can’t keep in the house because otherwise they would eat them all at once. Remember that people whom we admire for having had the strength to quit smoking used to search ashtrays desperately looking for a butt when they ran out of cigarettes!

What we most need to know is not how bad off or how genuinely addicted we are but, rather, how people learn to resist successfully the addictive or unhealthy urges that come with being human.

How do they construct full lives, develop alternatives to addiction, learn the strength to stop after having started or, when necessary, not to start at all?

Let us start, then, with alcoholism, the addiction most commonly referred to as a disease. There must be - there is - a better way to understand and redirect the paths people take into and out of problem drinking.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Many Scientific “Truths” Are, In Fact, False + A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"
October 31 2016 | From: QZ / Inverse / Various

In 2005, John Ioannidis, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, published a paper, “Why most published research findings are false,” mathematically showing that a huge number of published papers must be incorrect.

He also looked at a number of well-regarded medical research findings, and found that, of 34 that had been retested, 41% had been contradicted or found to be significantly exaggerated.

Related: The Rise Of Scientific Fundamentalism

Since then, researchers in several scientific areas have consistently struggled to reproduce major results of prominent studies. By some estimates, at least 51% - and as much as 89% - of published papers are based on studies and experiments showing results that cannot be reproduced.

Related: Crisis In Science Research: Over 70% Of Researchers Fail To Reproduce Another Scientist's Experiments

Researchers have recreated prominent studies from several scientific fields and come up with wildly different results.

And psychology has become something of a poster child for the “reproducibility crisis” since Brian Nosek, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia, coordinated a Reproducibility Initiative project to repeat 100 psychological experiments, and could only successfully replicate 40%.

Some Of The Biggest Lies Of Science

Now, an attempt to replicate another key psychological concept (ego depletion: the idea that willpower is finite and can be worn down with overuse) has come up short.

Martin Hagger, psychology professor at Curtin University in Australia, led researchers from 24 labs in trying to recreate a key effect, but found nothing. Their findings are due to be published in Perspectives on Psychological Science in the coming weeks.

Why Are They Getting it Wrong?

No one is accusing the psychologists behind the initial experiments of intentionally manipulating their results. But some of them may have been tripped up by one or more of the various aspects of academic science that inadvertently encourage bias.

For example, there’s massive academic pressure to publish in journals, and these journals tend to publish exciting studies that show strong results.

"Journals favor novelty, originality, and verification of hypotheses over robustness, stringency of method, reproducibility, and falsifiability,”
Hagger tells Quartz.

“Therefore researchers have been driven to finding significant effects, finding things that are novel, testing them on relatively small samples.”

This has created a publication bias, where studies that show strong, positive results get published, while similar studies that come up with no significant effects sit at the bottom of researchers’ drawers.

Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

Meanwhile, in cases where researchers have access to large amounts of data, there’s a dangerous tendency to hunt for significant correlations. Researchers can thus convince themselves that they’ve spotted a meaningful connection, when in fact such connections are totally random.

A Sign of Strength

The idea that papers are publishing false results might sound alarming but the recent crisis doesn’t mean that the entire scientific method is totally wrong. In fact, science’s focus on its own errors is a sign that researchers are on exactly the right path.

Ivan Oransky, producer of the blog Retraction Watch, which tracks retractions printed in journals, tells Quartz that ultimately, the alarm will lead to increased rigor.

"There’s going to be some short-term and maybe mid-term pain as all of this shakes out, but that’s how you move forward,” he says. “It’s like therapy - if you never get angry in therapy, you’re probably not pushing hard enough. If you never find mistakes, or failures to reproduce in your field, you’re probably not asking the right questions.”

For psychologists, who have seen so many results crumble in such a short space of time, the replication crisis could be disheartening. But it also presents a chance to be at the forefront of developing new policies.

Related: Official Science: The Grand Illusion

Ioannidis tells Quartz that he views the most recent psychology reproducibility failures as a positive.

"It shows how much effort and attention has gone towards improving the accuracy of the knowledge produced,”
he says.

“Psychology is a discipline that has always been very strong methodologically and was at the forefront at describing various biases and better methods. Now they are again taking the lead in improving their replication record.”

For example, there’s already widespread discussion within psychology about pre-registering trials (which would prevent researchers from shifting their methods so as to capture more eye-catching results), making data and scientific methods more open, making sample sizes larger and more representative, and promoting collaboration.

Dorothy Bishop, a professor of developmental neuropsychology at Oxford University, tells Quartz that several funding bodies and journals seem to be receptive to these ideas and that, once one or two adopt such policies, she expects them to spread rapidly.

Doing Science on Science

Each scientific field must adopt its own methods of ensuring accuracy. But ultimately, this self-reflection is a key part of the scientific process.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

As Bishop notes, “Science has proved itself to be an incredibly powerful method.” And yet there’s always room for further advancement.

"There’s never an end point,” says Bishop. “We’re always groping towards the next thing. Sometimes science does disappear down the wrong path for a bit before it corrects itself.”

For Nosek, who led the re-testing of 100 psychology papers, the current focus on reproducibility is simply part of the scientific process.

"Science isn’t about truth and falsity, it’s about reducing uncertainty,”
he says.

“Really this whole project is science on science: Researchers doing what science is supposed to do, which is be skeptical of our own process, procedure, methods, and look for ways to improve.”

A Scientist Explains Why "Everything Is Fucked"

But that doesn't mean we should give up.

Between the duping of the American public from Big Sugar, shocking moral fact-checks on some of history’s most groundbreaking experiments, and failure after failure of science research we’ve accepted as truth, science is teetering on the verge of being, well, fucked.

Related: Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Of A Nervous Breakdown

Actually, it might be too late.

Those fears drove University of Oregon psychologist Sanjay Srivastava, Ph.D., to design the fictitious course “Everything Is Fucked.” The imagined ten-week seminar, written up as a syllabus on his blog, is Srivastava’s version of a reality check for young scientists:

Do you seriously think you’re going to cure the world’s diseases and elevate humanity through technology? You won’t - because everything is fucked.

This may seem a little harsh. After all, aren’t CRISPR, the discovery of Martian water, and the newly not-endangered panda and whale proof that science is alive and well?

But that’s the problem with science, Srivastava argues: We’re so intent on focusing on the results that we don’t see the path toward finding these results, and that’s fucked up. Would CRISPR have become 2015’s biological buzzword if academic journal editors hadn’t decided gene editing papers were worth publishing?

What else did we find out (or not find out) about Mars that wasn’t deemed publishable? Can we even trust the data showing the pandas and whales are thriving? We don’t know, and not only is it fucked up, it raises questions about the foundations of modern science altogether.

The “everything” in “Everything Is Fucked,” Srivastava explains, refers to scientific methods, the ways researchers acquire funding, the universities that support research, and our channels for publishing and disseminating scientific knowledge.

He defines something as fucked if:

"It presents hard conceptual challenges to which implementable, real-world solutions for working scientists are either not available or routinely ignored in practice.”

For Srivastava, the way we discover and share scientific knowledge is so riddled with these problems that there’s no way we can fully trust what we believe to be true.

Take week eight’s theme, “Scientific publishing is fucked.” In the science community, a published paper in an academic journal is professional currency; everyone’s striving to collect them, and anyone who doesn’t have one is professionally broke. Academic journals - big-name, respected publications like Nature, Science, and the New England Journal of Medicine - are academia’s banks.

Related: Academic Oligarchy: Majority Of Science Publishing Is Controlled By Just Six Companies

In Srivastava’s view, this is troublesome, because it means they’re in control. “The problem is, there’s this incentive to find things that meet the publishable standards,” he says, referring to science that shows positive results, like a drug that promises a cure.

If journals only pay attention to the “success” stories, it means they’re ignoring all of the research that doesn’t produce sexy results. In turn, the temptation to falsify results and fudge graphs only grows stronger.

Scientists behind the unsexy studies are screwed: If they don’t get published, they don’t get tenure at research institutions or grants to continue their work, and their scientific pursuits inevitably come to a standstill.

Related: Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance And Dogmatic Lunacy Of Science 'Skeptics'

But does their work deserve to come to an end? Most of those studies are not “wrong” or “useless,” because negative results are often just as useful for advancing scientific discovery as positive ones.

But they aren’t treated that way because they don’t make for good publishing.

"That’s really where it starts: Publication decisions becoming hinged, not on whether it’s a good question, but on whether the answer comes out, one way or another,”
Srivastava says.

The cycle continues, and fucked-ness persists.

He has other, finer bones to pick. In week six, he discusses the issue of replicability, which is the idea that an experiment needs to be repeatable. If it’s not, the data it produces is, statistically, a one-off, and therefore pretty much useless.

And yet, there are an alarming number of scientific studies out there that are not replicable, cited by everyone from Big Pharma to the federal government.

Related: A Totalitarian Society Has Totalitarian Science

He claims that the scientific profession as a whole is fucked in week ten because the pressure on scientists to publish more papers, faster, leads to smaller sample sizes, which in turn lead to weaker, less statistically sound results.

The scientists that design better, more thorough experiments may be doing better science, but because they aren’t publishing as many studies, they’re ultimately viewed as less accomplished.

"Where do truth and publishability depart?”
Srivastava ponders. “When it comes time to hire people, we’re still going to hire someone with more papers.”

If it sounds like a massive clusterfuck, then Srivastava has made his point. Does that mean the pursuit of science in 2016 is a completely futile endeavor?

No, Srivastava surprisingly argues. Look to week seven - “Interlude” - for a scientific salvation, right about the time when his fictional students consider switching to a liberal arts degree, which can be distilled to this: Sure, everything is fucked, but it’s up to the next generation of scientists to make science less so.

There’s hope, and the replicability crisis might ironically offer that by being a cautionary tale for the arrogance of science.

The rest of us should be at least calmed by the fact that sexy results are garnering more upturned eyebrows and head scratching than ever before.

Related: Everything Is Rigged: Medicine, Science, Elections, The Media, Money, Education, Search Engines, Social Media... You Are Living In A Fabricated Fairy Tale

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Someone Else’s Country - The Neoliberal Revolution In New Zealand
October 31 2016 | From: AlisterBerry

The Globalist's test case trial of Corporatisation: In the early 1980s a group of free market economists came to dominate policy at the New Zealand Treasury.

With the election of the Labour Party in 1984 and the appointment of Roger Douglas as finance minister, the new right elite took power and began relentlessly and ruthlessly turning New Zealand into their vision of the model free market state.

"A coherent and comprehensive account of the years which will define this country for a century to come."
- New Zealand Herald.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Clinton Disaster Continues - FBI Reopens Investigation Into Clinton Emails + Busted: Early Votes Are Already Being Switched - Even More Corruption Exposed On Video
October 30 2016 | From: Infowars / Zerohedge / Various

FBI looking into "new developments" after previously recommending no charges against Democrat candidate.

The FBI on Friday announced it is reopening its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, another shocking October surprise for the Democrat candidate days from the presidential election.

Related: Recent Poll Shows More Americans Want Clinton Indicted than Want Her to Be President

In a letter to committees and lawmakers relevant to the matter, FBI Director James Comey cited “recent developments” for the bureau’s decision to look into new emails which may contain classified information and how they may relate to its previous investigation.

"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton’s personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony,”
Comey wrote in the letter obtained by CNBC.

“In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.

I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”

“Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be signifcant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony,” Comey stated.

Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who led an Oversight Committee effort to pursue perjury charges against Hillary, tweeted about the FBI’s announcement.

Back in July, Comey announced the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state would not result in a recommendation to the Justice Department to pursue charges.

"Although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case,”
the FBI director stated in a speech at the time.

“A Clinton campaign spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment,” reported the Washington Post on Friday.

Related: Most Americans want Hillary indicted for email scandal – Poll

Democrat vice presidential pick Tim Kaine said he’s “got to read a little more” when asked about the FBI investigation during an early voting site visit in Tallahassee, Florida, Friday.

Likewise, Hillary ignored questions shouted at her from reporters when she disembarked from her campaign plane for a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, according to the Associated Press.

She did not address the FBI announcement during her speech.

Reports state the campaign was unaware of the news until they touched down in Iowa as her plane did not have wi-fi:

However, one Wall Street Journal writer claims the plane does indeed have wi-fi:

Related: Watergate's Bob Woodward: "Clinton Foundation Is Corrupt, It's A Scandal"

“So it just happens to go out today?” asks the American Mirror’s Kyle Olson.

The campaign later released a statement saying “FBI Director Comey should provide the American public more information than is contained in the letter he sent to eight Republican committee chairmen.”

“Already we have seen characterizations that the FBI is ‘reopening’ an investigation but Comey’s words do not match that characterization,” the campaign claimed.

Speaking at a campaign rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump jumped on the bureau’s decision to reopen its case:

“The FBI has just sent a letter to Congress informing them that they have discovered new emails pertaining to the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s investigation. And they are reopening their case into her criminal and illegal conduct that threatens the security of the United States of America.”

“Hillary Clinton’s corruption is on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.”

“I have great respect for the fact that the FBI and the Dept. of Justice are now willing to have the courage to right the horrible mistake that they made. This was a grave miscarriage of justice that the American people fully understood and it is everybody’s hope that it is about to be corrected.”

CNBC reports, “Stocks turned negative after the report of the new probe,” adding that “Many analysts have said that markets were pricing in a Clinton victory in November.”

Related: Statement On Attempted Coverup Of Clinton's Emails At The State Department

Robert Creamer's Illegal $20,000 Foreign Wire Transfer Caught On Tape

Project Veritas has just released Part IV of it's multi-part series exposing numerous scandals surrounding the DNC and the Clinton campaign, including efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies and, at least what seems to be, illegal coordination between the DNC, Hillary For America and various Super PACs.

Disgraced Democratic operative Robert Creamer participated in daily calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and worked directly with President Barack Obama to organize “issue campaigns.”

Part IV focuses on a $20,000 foreign donation made by an undercover Project Veritas journalist to Americans United for Change (AUFC).  Ironically, shortly after the $20k donation wire was released, the contributor's "niece" was offered an internship with Creamer's firm, Democracy Partners.

Related: "Don’t Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen

In the new video, Creamer says:

“Every morning I am on a call at 10:30 that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters … I am in this campaign mainly to deal with what earned media with television, radio, with earned media and social media, not with paid media, not with advertising.”

He also mentions a conference call discussing a woman potentially coming forward to accuse Trump of inappropriate behavior.

Creamer, a seasoned Chicago activist who is married to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), whose Republican opponent, Joan McCarthy Lasonde has called for her to resign over her husband’s activities, also talks about his work with Barack Obama, whom he says he has known since the 1980s, when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago: “He’s a pro, I’ve known the President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”

Related: Wall Street Journal Lashes Out “The Press Is Burying Hillary Clinton’s Sins”

Elsewhere, Creamer adds: “I do a lot of work with the White House on their issues, helping to run issue campaigns that they have been involved in. I mean, for immigration reform for the… the health care bill, for trying to make America more like Britain when it comes to gun violence issues.”

In the effort to prove the credibility of the undercover donor featured in the videos and to keep the investigation going, Project Veritas Action made the decision to donate twenty thousand dollars to Robert Creamer’s effort. Project Veritas Action had determined that the benefit of this investigation outweighed the cost. And it did.

“First thing, like I said, thank you for the proposal.  And I’d like to get the $20,000 across to you.  The second call I’m going to make here is to my money guy and he’s going to get in touch with you and auto wire the funds to you,” said the PVA journalist.

Creamer told the PVA journalist to send the money to Americans United for Change. Shortly after the money was released, the “donors” “niece” - another Project Veritas Action journalist - was offered an internship with Creamer.

In an effort to see how far Creamer would go with the promise of more money, another Project Veritas journalist posing as the donor’s money liaison requested a meeting with Creamer. During that meeting, Creamer spoke about connections he had with Obama and Clinton.

AUFC President, Brad Woodhouse, subsequently returned the money, after Project Veritas started to release their undercover videos, citing "concerns that it might have been an illegal foreign donation." 

Oddly, Woodhouse was not terribly concerned about the "legality" of the donation when he chose to accept it a month prior.

In an unexpected twist, AUFC president Brad Woodhouse, the recipient of the $20,000, heard that Project Veritas Action was releasing undercover videos exposing AUFC’s activities.  He told a journalist that AUFC was going to return the twenty thousand dollars. 

He said it was because they were concerned that it might have been an illegal foreign donation. Project Veritas Action was pleased but wondered why that hadn’t been a problem for the month that they had the money.

Related: Statement on Hillary Clinton’s Deliberate Incitement of Violence at Trump Rallies

While the latest video focuses on the "$20,000 illegal foreign contribution" from an undercover Project Veritas journalist, the following comments from Robert Creamer were also rather intriguing in light of recent White House efforts to vehemently deny any connections between he and President Obama.

"Oh Barack Obama's was the best campaign in the history of American politics, I mean the second one, I mean the first was good too.  I was a consultant to both, the second one, was everything hit on every level and every aspect.

He's a pro.  I've known the President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.

I was just at and event with him in Chicago actually, on Friday last.  He is just as good as ever.  I do a lot of work with the White House on their issues.  Helping to run issued campaigns that they have been involved in.  I mean, for immigration reform for the...the health care bill...trying to make America more like Britain when it comes to gun violence issues."

Video 1 revealed DNC efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies. Video 2 provided the democrat playbook on how to commit "mass voter fraud". Video 3 directly linking Donna Brazile and Hillary Clinton to efforts to disrupt Trump events.

See the first 3 videos and more in this earlier article:

Related: "Don’t Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen

Clinton Insider: Rigging Only Way Hillary Can Win

She’s going to lose and she knows it, he said.

Nichols explained that the establishment is already doing what it can to prevent an open and transparent election.

“The DNC filed a lawsuit to try to force the removal of poll watchers at the polls,”
he said. “Why would they do that if they know there’s no cheating going on? Why would they fight the voter ID if they don’t plan to have massive voter fraud?”

The mainstream media and the Clinton campaign are also doing everything they can up until Election Day to make everybody believe that the election is already over in Hillary’s favor, Nichols said.

“Folks, do not believe it,”
he said. “The polling is a part of this game plan to destroy your confidence in your ability to win.”

“I believe Donald Trump is winning,” Nichols added. “You’re winning. You’ve just got to stay the course.”

Nichols warned that voters must take extra steps to ensure their vote isn’t being altered.

“You’ve got to make people at the precinct prove that your vote was recorded properly,”
he said. “If they can’t show you proof, then demand a paper ballot.”

The damning videos provided by Project Veritas exposing high-level Democrat operatives discussing how they steal elections illustrate that worries about voter fraud aren’t unfounded, with even the New York Times acknowledging a recent survey showing that most voters fear their ballot won’t count because they believe “the political process is so dominated by corporate interests.”

Related: Maryland Trump Supporter: They Switched My Vote to Hillary

Hillary's #1 Aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable Ties to Terrorists & 9/11 Funders

Related: The Failure of Democracy, How The Oligarchs Plan To Steal The Election

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The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells
October 30 2016 | From: Omnithought

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Spelling: We Spell Words to Pronounce a [Prison] Sentence or Term

The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term.

The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words.

They can be used to make a point. We use a “con” verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God’s spell.

Cursive (W)Riting

Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar.

A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin.

To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward.

And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.

Languid Language

We languish in our languid language. Languid means “weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless” and languish which means “to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless”.

How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb means to arrest or detain - “book ’em, Danno”.

In fact, the Latin word for book is “liber”, which is where we get our word “library” and also the word “liberty”. You can book a reservation which means you’re paying for the ownership of something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie.

Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race - and it is the human race and the game is the game of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the primary monkey or the one in control.

There’s a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine. The lyrics proclaim, “Our so-called leaders speak.  With words they try to jail ya.

They subjugate the meek.  Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day?  We are spirits in a material world.” The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The Police. The song - and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages - refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Words Mean Things

Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones such as “there”, “they’re”, and “their” and it can get quite confusing to keep track.

What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones.

Think about “know” and “no”. Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say “I know this to be true” are you partiallly negating its reality?

Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem.

This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn’t be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, dog; love, evol.

Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the ‘O’. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.

Also consider the mind’s ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you feel customarily obligated to say “Bless you”. But if you sound out the syllables does your subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase “Be less, you”.

So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is spell casting.

How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin, is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and our feet have soles.

is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German.

Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die they will go to another dimension (die men sun).

Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means “associated with”.

In Greek mythology, Helios, which means “sun”, was the God of the Sun. Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol?

If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say “good morning” when the sun rises - because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?

Words are defined in a dictionary - dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus.

‘The’, from the greek ‘theos’, is the root of the-ology, the study of ‘god’ and ‘saurus’ means ‘lizard’. A thesaurus literally means ‘lizard god’. How many names for government entities start with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and I’m sure you can come up with others.

How to Ruin a Language with Rune Magic

Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting spells.

From Wikipedia on rune magic: “In 1990, Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson, described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination.

He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedly shamanic practice of seid practiced by the Seiðkona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represent.

Most of Gundarsson’s runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or “staves”, so as to practically work with their energies.

The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with “the rune might” of that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.

Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented. This act of singing or chanting is supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form.

Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were used for magic and spell casting and for causing ‘ruin’. Look at how many English letters you can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set.

Grammar or Grimoire? Goetia & Cymantics

The word “grammar” comes from grammars which were old Latin books on syntax and diction. The ancient magic books of Europe which contained instructions to summon demons were known as the Grimoires, French word for “grammar”.

A “grimoire” or spellbook is a derivative of the french word “grammaire”. The pronunciation and sound of words affects the matter around us. The science of cymatics is the study of sound vibration on matter and it has been demonstrated with sand on plates that vibration caan cause geometric patterns.

The ancient Goetia spellbooks were used for conjuring up demons and each demon had its own sigil and name.

“IT” & The Creature from the Subconscious “ID”

Stephen King captured the hearts of America with the release of his blockbuster smash hit book, “It”. The video features the menacing face of a clown while the book reveals the clown’s head as a skull with stars in the eye sockets.

The video jacket reads:

“Your every fear – all in the deadly enemy. It can be anything, a fanged monster that won’t stay on the movie screen, something ominous lurking in the basement or around the next corner. No matter what your biggest fear is, no one knows IT better than Stephen King…

The force takes the shape of a clown, but it isn’t clowning around. Instead, it terrorizes youngsters with their innermost fears, bringing them to untimely doom – until a group of wily neighborhood kids fight back. Thirty years later it resurfaces: meaner, angrier. And the friends who vividly remember the terrors of their youth reunite to make a desperate final stand against it.”

In an interview, King admits he was possessed during the writing of the book.

Let “It”Be & Make “It”So

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and what he termed the “id” or the subconscious mind. This was the realm of our fears: scary monsters and demons.

This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious mind. Of course, we use the word “it” as a sort of third “person” as well in our use of speech. And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated “ID” as our identity.

We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create “it” every day with our thought and speech. We watch the horor movie “It” by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark subconscious fears with “IT”.

Likewise with the word “thing” (‘everything’. ‘anything’, and ‘nothing’ or no thing) and the use of ambiguous words such as ‘they’ (THEY live), ‘them’ (“If you can’t beat ’em join them”).

We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And it’s no coincidence that IT is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer.

For a detailed analysis and many more examples of “IT” please reference my page on this phenomenon.

Extra! Extra! Click here to “read all about IT“.

We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!!

“S”- Lang

Consider the English letter ‘S‘. First of all, it looks like a snake or serpent - one that has risen up and is ready to strike or if viewed from overhead it looks like one that is perhaps crawling along. In two-dimensional space, it looks like a sideways wave and in 3-D space it looks like a spiral, both paths that energy follows.

The letter ‘s’ is used in English to denote “possession”, which is Satan’s specialty, by placing it at the end of a word with an apostrophe. Plurality or the concept of multiplication or creation, is achieved by appending an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to a word.

These two facts, coupled with the sheer number of words in our language means the ‘S’ sound is one of the most, if not single most, frequently uttered sounds in our speech.

Although the vowels are used frequently, they have more than one sound associated with them, a long and short sound.

There are probably more esses used in our speech than any other sound. Virtually every sentence we speak contains one or more of these hissing sounds. It would not be accurate to say we sound like hissing snakes when we speak, but our incessant hissing probably reminds us of it at some level subconsciously.

Not only does the letter ‘S’ physically represent the snake or serpent, phonetically it even sounds like a snake!! It sounds exactly like the hissing sound a snake makes – sssssssss – when it “shakes” its tail. The word hiss even ends in a double-s.

And, of course, the words snake and serpent are both s-words as well as Satan, who the Bible says took the form of a snake. He was said to have told mankind a secret - that man would not die if he ate of the fruit.

Of course, when you want to tell someone a secret you say, “pssssssst, come here…” or if you want to keep a secret you say “Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!“. The dollar sign, $, is the standard symbol for English currency.

Money is said to be the root of all evil. Not only does the ‘S’ look like a snake (Satan), and sound like a snake, which is known for shedding its skin, but nearly all words that begin with the letter ‘s’ have a negative connotation associated with them. That is why they can be considered s-words, or swords, because they can kill and injure like a sword.

These s-words are a seal or stamp associated with Satan, Satan’s Slang or s-lang. The word lang is defined in the dictionary as an abbreviation for the word “language”.

Satan, the snake or serpent also known as Set, slithers about striving to snatch, steal, or strip us of our souls or spirits and is obsessed with possessing or seizing them.

He, or she, is subtle, sly, sneaky, slick, slippery, scaly, secretive, scary, spins, spirals or screws into your soul and possesses you and seizes your spirit.

is his peach and when we speak, Satan is at his peak as far as deception is concerned. The words “possesses”, “obsesses”, “seizes” contain a multiple s-sound and are words pertaining to control.

The word ess, which is defined as the pronunciation for the letter ‘s’, becomes the word esse when a silent ‘e’ is added. The word esse means “to be” which is where we get the word essence and the word essay which is sort of a written speech and comes from the Old French esai which means “to put to a test” which is what Satan did to Jesus in the wilder-ness.

The suffix “-ness” also means a state of being, like loneliness or business. It’s interesting that the Loch Ness in Scotland is said to contain a serpent creature named “Nessie” which nests there.

Yes, Satan certainly is a “Busy Ness” when it comes to the business world and show business. And he specializes in monkey business. One should keep this in mind before wishing for good-ness.

A partial list of s-words: sun, shine, soul, spirit, Satan, Samael, Set, sin, serpent, snake, salamander, hisses, siren, spell, steal, scales, shed, skin, slither, slimy, slip, slide, shake, strike, scare, sly, sneak, stealth, secret, subtle, slash, slice, slay, slit, shoot, strip, smack, smite, sword, spook, possesses, obsesses, spin, screw, smell, say, speak, salacious, spiral, pssssssst, sssssssshhhh

Shit! I, mean, Sheesh! It is not easy to think of positive s-words and double “ss” words are even worse. The swastika resembles two esses and the word ‘swastika’ has two of them in number.

The Nazis had the “SS” and the ‘ss’ logo which looked like lightening bolts.

The far reaching extent in which the spell our language has cast on us can be seen in the every day usage of cliche. Our languages are saturated with what we like to call killer words and phrases because that’s what they do. Englishmen use the word bloody all the time… bloody well right, they do!!! Some women are considered drop dead gorgeous… and when they are dressed to kill, they are to die for. She was a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe. 

If looks could kill
 they would because she will take your breath away.

Wouldn’t you just kill for a date with her? Sometimes she really gets under my skin and burns me up, but if anyone tries to hurt her, they would have to go“over my dead body because I will punch their lights out if they get near her. I’m serious as a heart attack. I’m dead serious.

She can be as mean as a snake at times, but she really knew how to kill ‘em with kindness. I was dead set for her. I could have just died right there. I mean, I felt like I had just died and gone to heaven

Eat your heart out. She was a live wire, but at least I would go out in a blaze of glory.

I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but she really took me for a ride. Of course, I wore my heart on my sleeve the whole time, but I was scared to death I might lose her because you really have to keep your eyes peeled to find a good one. Not to be a killjoy, but I’m dead to the world around most women, dead as a doorknob.

Ok, that was overkill and painful to read, but it did make a point. Think about the terms we use when we wish good luck to others. “Break a leg, kid” or “Knock ‘em dead!” Or if someone borrows something from us we say, “Go ahead, knock yourself out.” Even time is not immune to our sadistic ways…”time to kill”, “just killing time”.

Why do Christians conclude their prayers by invoking the name of an Egyptian deity, Amen, who had the body of a man and a ram’s head when Satan is depicted as a horned god having a goat’s head?

Why does the American dollar bill (known as a buck) have an Egyptian pyramid on its reverse side accompanied by the Latin phrase “Anuuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum” which can be translated “Announcing the Birth of a New World Order”?

Why does the American military wear a chevron as an insignia patch when the word derives from the French word chevre, which means “goat”, and On, the Egyptian City of the Sun?

If the word God traces back to the Indo-European root “ghut-” or the German “gott”, why does the changing of the vowel from a short sound to a long sound render the word “goat”?

Why does Christmas, the birthday of the Son of God, coincide with the birthday of the Sun of God at the winter solstice, the three days when the sun is at its lowest point on the Southern Cross, appears to stand still for three days, and then rises or is born again?

Is this why Easter is celebrated during the Spring Equinox when the East Star, the Sun, has risen? Why is Santa an anagram for Satan? What exactly does Old Nick really mean? And what is a jingle bell?

Why do we have company and product names like Chevron, Capri Sun, Shiner Bock, Star Bucks, and Sears and Roebuck? What is a Sun Kist or a Star Kist? Why are sports contests called ball games and why do we idolize rock stars such as Kid Rock?

The genre of Horror films possesses other “creature features” with “It” in the title. There was “It Lives!”, “It Lives Again”, “It Came From the Sea”, “It Came From Outer Space”, and “It’s Alive!” which is the expression Doctor Frankenstein made famous when he brought his monster to life.

From the time we were young, we have been told over and over again that IT is a scary creature that this association has become deeply embedded within the recesses of our mind.

On the Adamms Family, Cousin Itt was a monster. Itt communicated via a high speed gibberish that only members of the Addams family seemed to understand.

Cousin Itt’s voice was provided by sound-effects engineer Tony Magro, who created Itt’s garbled responses by mouthing gibberish into a tape recorder, with a “ppffft and a thhhhhttt” added for good measure, and then accelerating the tape’s recording speed.

The eyes have it. What do the eyes have? What or who is it? The eyes are the windows to the soul. In Saturday Night Live, Dana Carvey played the Church Lady who asked, “Could IT be… Satan?”

That IT refers to Satan can seen in the phrase “when It rains, It pours.” Satan, the goat God, is also known as Pan, the Piper. The word gote, a variant spelling of goat, means a channel or pipe for water and comes from the Old English word geotan which means “to pour”! So when It reigns, It pours.

When children play hide and seek, someone always has to be “it”. All the other children run and hide from whoever’s “it”. “It” then goes roaming around trying to find and capture whoever’s not “it”. When someone is found they are tagged as the new “it” - “Tag, you’re it!!”

The Beatles’ Paul McCartney said the idea for the song “Let it Be” came to him in a dream. He chants the line over and over and we all sing along almost willing it into existence.

Every time the song is played on the radio, thousands and thousands are sending forth thought and sound vibrations into the air. We use the word “it” in our language over and over all the time. Could it be possible to manifest a creature from the id, or from the subconscious? Think of these songs: Bread’s “Make it with you”,

The Scorpions “Make it Real”:

“…Make it real, not fantasy
Did you ever have a secret yearning?
Don’t you know it could come true?
Now’s the time to set wheels turning
To open up your life for you
As you know there’s always good and evil
Make your choice, Don’t be blind
Open up your mind and don’t be trivial
There’s a whole new world to find
Make it real, not fantasy…”

The Michael Jackson song “Who is it?”

“…(Who is it?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it?)
Is it my brother?
(Who is it?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it?)
I can’t take this stuff no more…”

In this song, Michael explains who IT is:

“Can you feel it in the air
Ghosts be hiding everywhere

I’m gonna be
Exactly what you wanna see
It’s you who’s haunting me
You’re warning me
To be the stranger
In your life

Am I amusing you
Or just confusing you?
Am I the beast
You visualized?
And if you wanna to see
I’ll be grotesque
Before your eyes

Let them all materialize

Is that scary for you, baby
Am I scary for you, oh
Is it scary for you, baby
Is it scary for you?”

How about songs like Mariah Carey’s Make It Happen or Bread’s Make It with You? Star Trek’s Captain Picard says “Make it so.” Nike inundates us with the “Just Do It” slogan and the swoosh logo.

People do things “just for the hell of it”. Believe it. Keep it real. To hell with it!!! Keep it up. Let it ride. Pass it on. Get with it.

Are you with it? Go for it. Hop to it. Bring it on. Get it together. Play it again, Sam. There’s something to it. Check it out. Figure it out. I love it!! When someone dies, “I guess that was it”. Live it up. Let it go. Do you get it? i get it! How’s it going? It’s going good! How’s it hanging? Don’t let it end. Who can it be now? It’s a wonderful life (the ‘i deal’ life). Let’s make it last. You’ve got it made. Give it a try. Grin and bear it. It just so happens. Leave it alone. Give it a rest. How sweet it is. It’s what you make it. I can see it in your eyes. Get it together. What is it? Get over it. The devil made me do it. Whatever it takes. Now you see it, now you don’t. Cut it out. Whoomp, there it is.

I’m not going to stand for it. Take it away boys. It looks so real. Say it ain’t so. Give it up. It could happen to you. It can’t be true (it always lies). I can feel it in my bones. It’s a mystery. Give it everything you’ve got.

It’s all in your head. I can’t get it out of my head. It’s in the way that you use it. Get it, got it? Good. Could it be? Don’t even try it. Sit on it.

The Energizer bunny took the world by storm in one of the best advertising campaigns in history.

The slogan which was for batteries that create energy was “It keeps going and going…” and became a household phrase for many years. Alka Seltzer encourages us to “Try it, you’ll like it!” Compaq asks the question, “Has it changed your life yet?” And American Express admonishes us to “Don’t Leave Home without It.”

The company Sobe had this ad on their web site encouraging us to “get it up” and to “keep it up”.

The Lexicon of Love

we all “fall” inlove sometimes
blinded by love
from make up to break up
love is the drug
i got a crush on you
i just died in your arms tonight
crazy for you
dying to be with you
hurts so bad
i gave her my heart
addicted to love
take my breath away
i’m lost without your love
breaking up is hard to do
you put a spell on me, under her spell, spellbound
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GCHQ Hired New Zealand Firm For Mass Hack Capabilities - Snowden Leak
October 29 2016 | From: Sott

Documents obtained by the Intercept show UK spies got the NZ-based firm Endace to create data capture technology that scooped up information.

The CEO of Endace, which was founded in 2001 as an outgrowth of an academic project, was recently bought and then cut loose by the US company Emulex.

Related: Endace Bid Bad News: Founder

At the time of its return to independent status, CEO Stuart Wilson said;

"Operating as an independent company again allows us to continue to deliver innovative solutions to our customers under the Endace brand they've known and trusted for more than 15 years."

The firm boasts it can provide:

"100 percent accurate network recording, any speed, any network and works with the world's top 10 telecommunications giants and a number of leading US defense departments among others."

The revelations include confirmation that Endace is bound by the UK's Official Secrets Act, which prevents any disclosure of its work for the British authorities.

A cache of leaked documents seen by the Intercept, which conducted an investigation alongside Television New Zealand, are said to detail "the firm's key role helping governments across the world harvest vast amounts of information on people's private emails, online chats, social media conversations, and internet browsing histories."

The Intercept says the leaks highlight "the vital role played by the private sector in enabling the spying."

The Auckland-based firm operates under the motto "power to see all" and uses an eye as its emblem.

Endace maintains it contributes to New Zealand's export market and helps clients fighting terrorism, crime and state-sponsored cyber warfare.

Private Eyes - Obscure Company Enabling Worldwide Mass Surveillance

It was a powerful piece of technology created for an important customer. The Medusa system, named after the mythical Greek monster with snakes instead of hair, had one main purpose: to vacuum up vast quantities of internet data at an astonishing speed.

The technology was designed by Endace, a little-known New Zealand company. And the important customer was the British electronic eavesdropping agency, Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ.

Related: Private Eyes

Dozens of internal documents and emails from Endace, obtained by The Intercept and reported in cooperation with Television New Zealand, reveal the firm's key role helping governments across the world harvest vast amounts of information on people's private emails, online chats, social media conversations, and internet browsing histories.

The leaked files, which were provided by a source through SecureDrop, show that Endace listed a Moroccan security agency implicated in torture as one of its customers. They also indicate that the company sold its surveillance gear to more than half a dozen other government agencies, including in the United States, Israel, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Spain, and India.

Some of Endace's largest sales in recent years, however, were to the United Kingdom's GCHQ, which purchased a variety of "data acquisition" systems and "probes" that it used to covertly monitor internet traffic.

Documents from the National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, previously disclosed by The Intercept, have shown how GCHQ dramatically expanded its online surveillance between 2009 and 2012. The newly obtained Endace documents add to those revelations, shining light for the first time on the vital role played by the private sector in enabling the spying.

Stuart Wilson, Endace's CEO, declined to answer questions for this story. Wilson said in a statement that Endace's technology:

"Generates significant export revenue for New Zealand and builds important technical capability for our country."

He added: "Our commercial technology is used by customers worldwide ... who rely on network recording to protect their critical infrastructure and data from cybercriminals, terrorists, and state-sponsored cybersecurity threats."

Endace says it manufactures technology that allows its clients to "monitor, intercept and capture 100% of traffic on networks."

The Auckland-based company's motto is "power to see all" and its logo is an eye.

The company's origins can be traced back to Waikato University in Hamilton, New Zealand. There, in 1994, a team of professors and researchers began developing network monitoring technology using university resources.

A central aim of the project was to find ways to measure different kinds of data on the internet, which was at that time only just beginning to take off. Within a few years, the academics' efforts proved successful; they had managed to invent pioneering network monitoring tools. By 2001, the group behind the research started commercializing the technology - and Endace was formed.

Today, Endace presents itself publicly as focused on providing technology that helps companies and governments keep their networks secure. But in the past decade, it has quietly entered into a burgeoning global spy industry that is worth in excess of an estimated $5 billion annually.

In 2007, Endace representatives promoted their technology at a huge surveillance technology trade show in Dubai that was attended by dozens of government agencies from across the world. Endace's advertising brochures from the show, which described the company's products and promoted the need for greater state surveillance, were published by WikiLeaks in 2013.

One Endace brochure explained how the company's technology could help clients:

"Monitor all network traffic inexpensively."

It noted that telecommunications networks carry many types of information: Skype calls, videos, emails, and instant message chats.

"These networks provide rich intelligence for law enforcement,"
the brochure stated, "IF they can be accessed securely and with high precision."

The United Kingdom's geographic location - situated between North America, mainland Europe, and the Middle East - made it a good market for Endace.

Many major international undersea data cables cross British territory, and according to top-secret documents from Snowden, as much as 25 percent of all the world's internet traffic flows through the U.K.

The country's spies have worked to exploit this, with GCHQ tapping into as many of the cables as it can, sifting through huge volumes of emails, instant messages, social media interactions, and web browsing records as they are being transmitted across the internet.

As of 2009, GCHQ's surveillance of undersea cables was well underway. The agency was measuring the amount of traffic it monitored in tens of gigabits per second (10Gs) - the equivalent in data of about 1 million average-sized emails every minute.

The electronic eavesdropping agency was tapping into 87 different 10Gs capacity cables and funneling the collected data into its processing systems for analysis.

By March 2011, GCHQ's aim was to tap into 415 of the 10Gs cables, and its longer-term goal was to "grow our internet access to 800 10Gs." The agency wanted to build what it described as the largest covert surveillance apparatus in the world. And in an effort to fulfill that plan, it turned to Endace's technology.

Leaked documents and emails from Endace, obtained by The Intercept, lay out a series of deals the company made with GCHQ to help it broaden its mass surveillance capabilities.

A confidential February 2010 Endace statement of work for GCHQ, for instance, outlined a £245,000 ($299,500) deal to upgrade "monitoring solutions" for the British agency that were designed to intercept large amounts of internet traffic and send it into "memory holes" - repositories used to store the data.

Between November 2010 and March 2011, GCHQ purchased more technology from Endace, including specialized surveillance technology built for "FGA only," a code name the company often uses in its internal documents to refer to GCHQ; it stands for "friendly government agency."

A November 2010 company document said that "FGA" had an order of 20 systems scheduled for delivery in March 2011. Each system was equipped with two "data acquisition" cards capable of intercepting 20Gs of internet traffic.

The total capacity of the order would enable GCHQ to monitor a massive amount of data - the equivalent of being able to download 3,750 high-definition movies every minute, or 2.5 billion average-sized emails an hour.

Endace added in the document that "a potential for 300-500 systems over the next two to three years is being discussed" and noted that it was soon anticipating another order of "30-40 additional systems."

Indeed, the following month a new $167,940 purchase order for 27 more systems arrived, and the items were swiftly dispatched for delivery to GCHQ's headquarters in Cheltenham, England.

The records of the Endace sales are confirmed by internal GCHQ documents, provided by Snowden, which describe the company's data capture devices being used as part of mass surveillance programs.

GCHQ documents from 2010 and 2011 repeatedly mention the Endace products while discussing the capture of "internet-derived" data to extract information about people's usage of services such as Gmail, Hotmail, WhatsApp, and Facebook.

GCHQ declined to comment for this story.

Throughout the summer of 2011, at Endace's offices in Auckland, New Zealand, the orders from GCHQ were continuing to flow in. Meanwhile, the company's engineers were busy turning their sights to new technology that could vastly increase surveillance capability.

Endace was developing a powerful new product for GCHQ called Medusa: interception equipment that could capture internet traffic at up to 100 gigabits per second.

Medusa was first logged in Endace's sales systems in September 2011. Endace staff produced weekly status reports about their progress and updated GCHQ at biweekly review meetings.

By November 18, 2011, the first version of Medusa arrived at GCHQ. "FGA are very pleased with the prototypes we delivered last week," Endace noted.

Apparently after testing the Medusa prototype, GCHQ requested some refinements. One feature the agency wanted was called "Separate MAC insertion by IP type."

This suggests the British agency may have sought the ability to target individuals by searching internet traffic for the built-in hardware address of their computers, routers, or phones.

Notably, the Medusa status reports reveal that Endace was using taxpayers' money to develop the new equipment for GCHQ. They state that the Medusa system was being built for "FGA" with funding from the Foundation of Research Science and Technology, the body that handed out New Zealand government research grants.

In 2010, Endace received two grants totaling $11.1 million. A public announcement for the first grant - issued in July 2010 - said the funding was for "50% of the cost of a series of substantial product developments over the next two years," but did not say what the products were nor who they were for.

A New Zealand government spokesperson told The Intercept that he could not immediately give a "definitive" answer on whether the funding body had known Endace would use the grants to develop surveillance technology for GCHQ, but said it was:

"Highly unlikely Endace would have provided that information, as they were under no obligation to do so."

Endace has never publicly disclosed any of its work with GCHQ, likely because it is subject to strict confidentiality agreements.

In one contract obtained by The Intercept, GCHQ states that Endace staff are bound to the U.K.'s Official Secrets Act, a sweeping law that can be used to prosecute and imprison people who disclose classified information.

GCHQ warned Endace that it must not "make any press announcements or publicize the contract or any part thereof in any way."

Endace leaked client lists show three main categories of customers: governments, telecommunications companies, and finance companies.

The government clients appear to be mostly intelligence agencies. A 2008 Endace customer list included: GCHQ; the Canadian and Australian defense departments (where their electronic spy agencies are located); a U.S. government contractor called Rep-Tron Systems Group, located in Baltimore, Maryland; and Morocco's domestic surveillance agency, the DGST.

Other Endace customer lists contained in the leaked trove include the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, called SPAWAR; the Israeli Ministry of Defense (home of its Unit 8200 electronic spy agency); the government of India, the Spanish Ministry of Defense; and Denmark's Defense Intelligence Service.

Endace's apparent dealings with the Moroccan agency, the DGST, are particularly controversial. Moroccan authorities have been persistently accused over more than five decades of committing a range of severe human rights abuses.

Amnesty International, in a 2015 report, specifically singled out the DGST agency as a key perpetrator of recent abuses, accusing it of detaining people incommunicado and using brutal torture methods that included beatings, electric shocks, sexual violence, simulated drowning, drugging, mock executions, and food and sleep deprivation.

Sirine Rached, Amnesty's North Africa researcher, told The Intercept that sales of surveillance technology to Morocco raised major concerns.

"In Morocco, digital surveillance is intimately linked with repression of peaceful dissent - people who are peacefully protesting or criticizing the authorities face intimidation, arrest, unfair trials, and sometimes imprisonment,"
said Rached.

"We fear that the more that these surveillance tools are sold [to Moroccan agencies], the more we will see human rights abuses, especially in relation to freedom of expression and information."

Endace declined to comment on its dealings with Morocco. Stuart Wilson, Endace's CEO, claimed in a statement that he had to keep details about the company's customers confidential in order to help them "battle cyberthreats and breaches."

Alongside its government clients, Endace has many major corporate customers.

Endace's sales lists include finance industry giants such as Morgan Stanley, Reuters, and Bank of America.

Endace's website says it provides financial companies with its monitoring technology to help "high-frequency traders to monitor, measure, and analyze critical network environments."

In addition, Endace sells its equipment to some of the world's largest telecommunications companies, among them AT&T, AOL, Verizon, Sprint, Cogent Communications, Telstra, Belgacom, Swisscom, Deutsche Telekom, Telena Italy, Vastech South Africa, and France Telecom.

Some of these companies may use the Endace equipment for checking the security of their networks. But a key strand of Endace's business involves providing technology for telecommunications firms that enables law enforcement and intelligence agencies to intercept the messages and data of phone and internet users.

A company product strategy document from 2010 said that Endace had "seen early success" providing a Lawful Intercept product to the major U.S. telco and internet company Sprint Corporation.

All telcos and internet companies in the U.S., Europe, New Zealand, and a number of other countries are required by law to have "intercept capable" equipment on their networks.

When police or spy agencies want private data about a customer (with or without a warrant, depending on the country), it can be extracted easily.

When installed on a network, Endace's surveillance equipment can be used to perform targeted monitoring of individual people, but it can also be used to enable dragnet spying.

In one of the leaked Endace documents obtained by The Intercept - under a section titled "customer user stories" - the company describes a situation in which a government agency has obtained "the encryption keys for a well-known program." An Endace surveillance "probe," the document suggests, could help the government agency "unencrypt all packets sent by this program on a large network in the last 24 hours."

Once the data has been decrypted, the agency will be able to "look for the text string 'Domino's Pizza,'" Endace joked, "as they have information suggesting this is the favorite pizza of international terrorists."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Clinton’s Leaked Emails Confirm Libya Plunder By Killing Gaddafi + Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention
October 29 2016 | From: Geopolitics / Various

It was broad daylight robbery and murder when US , France, and the rest of NATO, hunted down Muammar Qaddafi, and destroyed the most prosperous nation in Africa, i.e. Libya., in 2011.

The above picture is taken during the G8 Summit Italy, in 2009. Libya used to be one of few countries with sovereign central banks.

Muammar Qaddafi, President of the African Union at that time, was planning to issue gold denominated African dinar to replace Francs in Francophone Africa, to help his African brothers from centuries of economic plunder.

But that’s not all.

The West just hated Muammar Qaddafi’s internal policies which were kept from the rest of the world by Rothschild controlled mainstream media.

Here are some examples:

There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.

There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.

Having a home considered a human right in Libya.

All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent.

Should Libyans want to take up farming career, they would receive farming land, a farming house, equipments, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms are all for free.

If Libyans cannot find the education or medical facilities they need, the government funds them to go abroad, for it is not only paid for, but they get a U.S.$2,300/month for accommodation and car allowance.

If a Libyan buys a car, the government subsidizes 50 percent of the price.

The price of petrol in Libya is $0.14 per liter.

Libya has no external debt and its reserves amounting to $150 billion are now frozen globally.

If a Libyan is unable to get employment after graduation the state would pay the average salary of the profession, as if he or she is employed, until employment is found.

A portion of every Libyan oil sale is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens.

A mother who gives birth to a child receive U.S.$5,000.

40 loaves of bread in Libya costs $0.15.

25 percent of Libyans have a university degree.

Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

These things Qaddafi was doing while the West maintains its exceptionalist mindset of being the epitome of freedom and democracy throughout the globe. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

These are the faces of the people that would murder him more than a year later.

Now, with the fall of CIA Daesh Islamic State in Syria, Libya is hosting the highest population of ISIS terrorists, and added itself to a growing number of failed states in the region.

ISIS Massacred Over 300 West African Migrants In Libya

The Khazarian Nazionist agenda in the Middle East, and the methods being used against the Arabs and Africans, are still the same methods that were used by Western pirates not too long ago in the Pacific, which includes:

Bribery of local overlords to help them loot the country; Saudi Arabia is a perfect example; Leaders in Latin America were also subjected to the same attacks by “economic hitmen”;

Removal of uncooperative leaders through color revolutions;

Total destruction of the State through divide and conquer by pitting clans and  warlords against each other;

For the last 400 years, another resource rich country like the Philippines fall victim to all three methods.

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) has a “hit list” of Arab nations to conquer obviously with little regard for Arab casualties. Such hit list includes a total of seven countries beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.

Related: It’s A US-led Invasion, Not Civil War in Syria | US Peace Council

The leaked Clinton email confirms that what they did and continue to do in Libya is the fulfillment of this hit list:

France's Client and Gaddafis Gold:

From: Sidney Blumenthal
To: Hillary Clinton
Date: 2011-04-01 21:00


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785522 Date: 01/07/2016


For: Hillary
From: Sid
Re: France’s client & Qaddafi’s gold

A high ranking official on the National Libyan Council states that factions have developed within it. In part this reflects the cultivation by France in particular of clients among the rebels. General Abdelfateh Younis is the leading figure closest to the French, who are believed to have made payments of an unknown amount to him. Younis has told others on the NLC that the French have promised they will provide military trainers and arms.

So far the men and materiel have not made an appearance. Instead, a few “risk assessment analysts” wielding clipboards have come and gone. Jabril, Jalil and others are impatient. It is understood that France has clear economic interests at stake. Sarkozy’s occasional emissary, the intellectual self-promoter Bernard Henri-Levy, is considered by those in the NLC who have dealt with him as a semi-useful, semi joke figure.

Rumors swept the NLC upper echelon this week that Qaddafi may be dead or maybe not.

Qaddafi has nearly bottomless financial resources to continue indefinitely, according to the latest report we have received:

On April 2, 2011 sources with access to advisors to Saif al-Islam Qaddafi stated in strictest confidence that while the freezing of Libya’s foreign bank accounts presents Muammar Qaddafi with serious challenges, his ability to equip and maintain his armed forces and intelligence services remains intact.

According to sensitive information available to this these individuals, Qaddafi’s government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver.

During late March, 2011 these stocks were moved to SABHA (south west in the direction of the Libyan border with Niger and Chad); taken from the vaults of the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli. This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar.

This plan was designed to provide , the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA). (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion.

French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05785522

Date: 01/07/2016

Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya. According to these individuals Sarkozy’s plans are driven by the following issues:

a. A desire to gain a greater share of Libya oil production,

b. Increase French influence in North Africa,

c. Improve his internal political situation in France,

d. Provide the French military with an opportunity to reassert its position in the world, address the concern of his advisors over Qaddafi’s long term plans to supplant France as the dominant power in, Francophone Africa. )

On the afternoon of April 1, an individual with access to the National Libyan Council (NLC) stated in private that senior officials of the NLC believe that the rebel military forces are beginning to show signs of improved discipline and fighting spirit under some of the new military commanders, including Colonel Khalifha Haftar, the former commander of the anti - Qaddafi forces in the Libyan National Army (LNA). According to these sources, units defecting from Qaddafi’s force are also taking a greater role in the fighting on behalf of the rebels.

- Source

They were monitoring where the gold is heading, and they got what they wanted.

Fortunately for us, they were interrupted in Syria and Iran as the BRICS, and 180 more allied countries, decided to standup to these few old men and women with kleptocratic and eugenics tendencies.

But it is extremely important to remind ourselves that the United Nations and mainstream media were complicit to all of these high crimes committed against the sovereign people of Libya, and other countries.

We cannot afford to lower our guards however the covert NWO geopolitical game is played.

Libya: From Africa’s Richest State Under Gaddafi, To Failed State After NATO Intervention

It has been five years since the Western-backed assassination of Libya’s former president, Muammar Gaddafi, and the fall of one of Africa’s greatest nations.

In 1967 Colonel Gaddafi inherited one of the poorest nations in Africa; however, by the time he was assassinated, Gaddafi had turned Libya into Africa’s wealthiest nation. Libya had the highest GDP per capita and life expectancy on the continent. Less people lived below the poverty line than in the Netherlands.

Related: Hillary’s War Crime: The Murder of Muammar Gaddafi. “We Came, we Saw, he Died.”

After NATO’s intervention in 2011, Libya is now a failed state and its economy is in shambles. As the government’s control slips through their fingers and into to the militia fighters’ hands, oil production has all but stopped.

The militias variously local, tribal, regional, Islamist or criminal, that have plagued Libya since NATO’s intervention, have recently lined up into two warring factions. Libya now has two governments, both with their own Prime Minister, parliament and army.

On one side, in the West of the country, Islamist-allied militias took over control of the capital Tripoli and other cities and set up their own government, chasing away a parliament that was elected over the summer.


On the other side, in the East of the Country, the “legitimate” government dominated by anti-Islamist politicians, exiled 1,200 kilometers away in Tobruk, no longer governs anything.

The fall of Gaddafi’s administration has created all of the country’s worst-case scenarios: Western embassies have all left, the South of the country has become a haven for terrorists, and the Northern coast a center of migrant trafficking. Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia have all closed their borders with Libya.

This all occurs amidst a backdrop of widespread rape, assassinations and torture that complete the picture of a state that is failed to the bone.

America is clearly fed up with the two inept governments in Libya and is now backing a third force: long-time CIA asset, General Khalifa Hifter, who aims to set himself up as Libya’s new dictator.

Hifter, who broke with Gaddafi in the 1980s and lived for years in Langley, Virginia, close to the CIA’s headquarters, where he was trained by the CIA, has taken part in numerous American regime change efforts, including the aborted attempt to overthrow Gaddafi in 1996.

In 1991 the New York Times reported that Hifter may have been one of “600 Libyan soldiers trained by American intelligence officials in sabotage and other guerrilla skills…to fit in neatly into the Reagan Administration’s eagerness to topple Colonel Qaddafi”.

Hifter’s forces are currently vying with the Al Qaeda group Ansar al-Sharia for control of Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi.

Ansar al-Sharia was armed by America during the NATO campaign against Colonel Gaddafi. In yet another example of the U.S. backing terrorists backfiring, Ansar al-Sharia has recently been blamed by America for the brutal assassination of U.S. Ambassador Stevens.

Hifter is currently receiving logistical and air support from the U.S. because his faction envision a mostly secular Libya open to Western financiers, speculators, and capital.

Perhaps, Gaddafi’s greatest crime, in the eyes of NATO, was his desire to put the interests of local labour above foreign capital and his quest for a strong and truly United States of Africa.

In fact, in August 2011, President Obama confiscated $30 billion from Libya’s Central Bank, which Gaddafi had earmarked for the establishment of the African IMF and African Central Bank.

In 2011, the West’s objective was clearly not to help the Libyan people, who already had the highest standard of living in Africa, but to oust Gaddafi, install a puppet regime, and gain control of Libya’s natural resources.

He may not have been a Saint, but for over 40 years, Gaddafi promoted economic democracy and used the nationalized oil wealth to sustain progressive social welfare programs for all Libyans. Under Gaddafi’s rule, Libyans enjoyed not only free health-care and free education, but also free electricity and interest-free loans.

Now thanks to NATO’s intervention the health-care sector is on the verge of collapse as thousands of Filipino health workers flee the country, institutions of higher education across the East of the country are shut down, and black outs are a common occurrence in once thriving Tripoli.

One group that has suffered immensely from NATO’s bombing campaign is the nation’s women. Unlike many other Arab nations, women in Gaddafi’s Libya had the right to education, hold jobs, divorce, hold property and have an income. The United Nations Human Rights Council praised Gaddafi for his promotion of women’s rights.

When the colonel seized power in 1969, few women went to university. Today, more than half of Libya’s university students are women. One of the first laws Gaddafi passed in 1970 was an equal pay for equal work law.

Nowadays, the new “democratic” Libyan regime is clamping down on women’s rights. The new ruling tribes are tied to traditions that are strongly patriarchal.

Also, the chaotic nature of post-intervention Libyan politics has allowed free reign to extremist Islamic forces that see gender equality as a Western perversion.

Five years ago, NATO declared that the mission in Libya had been “one of the most successful in NATO history.”

Truth is, Western interventions have produced nothing but colossal failures in Libya, Iraq, and Syria.

Lest we forget, prior to western military involvement in these three nations, they were the most modern and secular states in the Middle East and North Africa with the highest regional women’s rights and standards of living.

A decade of failed military expeditions in the Middle East has left the American people in trillions of dollars of debt. However, one group has benefited immensely from the costly and deadly wars: America’s Military-Industrial-Complex.

Building new military bases means billions of dollars for America’s military elite. As Will Blum has pointed out, following the bombing of Iraq, the United States built new bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

Where in the World is the US Military?

Following the bombing of Afghanistan, the United States is now building military bases in Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

Following the recent bombing of Libya, the United States has built new military bases in the Seychelles, Kenya, South Sudan, Niger and Burkina Faso.

Given that Libya sits atop the strategic intersection of the African, Middle Eastern and European worlds, Western control of the nation, has always been a remarkably effective way to project power into these three regions and beyond.

NATO’s military intervention may have been a resounding success for America’s military elite and oil companies but for the ordinary Libyan, the military campaign may indeed go down in history as one of the greatest failures of the 21st century.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

"Don’t Repeat That To Anybody" - Hillary Clinton And Donna Brazile Personally Implicated + The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen
October 28 2016 | From: Zerohedge / PaulCraigRoberts / Various

Last week, Jame O'keefe and Project Veritas Action potentially altered the course of the U.S. election, or at a minimum raised serious doubts about the practices of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, after releasing two undercover videos that revealed efforts of democrat operatives to incite violence at republican rallies and commit "mass voter fraud." 

While democrats have vehemently denied the authenticity of the videos, two democratic operatives, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval, have both been forced to resign over the allegations.

Related: Rigged: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters

Many democrats made the rounds on various mainstream media outlets over the weekend in an attempt to debunk the Project Veritas videos. Unfortunately for them, O'Keefe fired back with warnings that part 3 of his multi-part series was forthcoming and would implicate Hillary Clinton directly.

Now, we have the 3rd installment of O'Keefe's videos which does seemingly reveal direct coordination between Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, Robert Creamer and Scott Foval to organize a smear campaign over Trump's failure to release his tax returns.

Per Project Veritas:

"Part III of the undercover Project Veritas Action investigation dives further into the back room dealings of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans United for Change.

And, it’s all disguised as a duck. In this video, several Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations.

In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”

It is made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when he said: “Don’t repeat that to anybody.” 

Within the video both Clinton and Brazile are directly implicated by Creamer during the following exchange:

"The duck has to be an Americans United for Change entity.  This had to do only with some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue.  That's why.  It's really silly.

We originally launched this duck because Hillary Clinton wants the duck.

In any case, so she really wanted this duck figure out there doing this stuff, so that was fine.  So, we put all these ducks out there and got a lot of coverage.  And Trump taxes.  And then ABC/Disney went crazy because they thought our original slogan was 'Donald ducks his taxes, releasing his tax returns."

They said it was a trademark issue.  It's not, but anyway, Donna Brazile had a connection with them and she didn't want to get sued.  So we switched the ownership of the duck to Americans United for Change and now our signs say 'Trump ducks releasing his tax returns.'  And we haven't had anymore trouble."

As Project Veritas points out, this direct coordination between Clinton, Brazile and Americans United For Change is a violation of federal election laws:

"The ducks on the ground are likely 'public communications' for purposes of the law.  It's political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United For Change funds but controlled by Clinton/her campaign."

Here is the full video just released:

As a reminder, below are parts 1 & 2 of the Project Veritas series in case you missed them.

Video 1 revealed DNC efforts to incite violence at Trump rallies:

Video 2 provided the democrat playbook on how to committ "mass voter fraud":

The Presstitutes Have Set Up The Election To Be Stolen

Over the course of its history, the New York Times has reported on many American elections that have been rigged or stolen or are suspected of having been being rigged or stolen. For example, as a supporter of the black civil rights movement, the NY Times has many stories in its archives of elections rigged by disenfranchisement of black voters.

But this was when the NY Times was an independent voice before it became a whore for the Oligarchs who rule America. When the NY Times reported that black Americans could have no confidence in the integrity of American elections, the NY Times did not denounce itself for delegitimizing American democracy.

Related: What Is At Stake In The Election - Paul Craig Roberts

The NY Times forgot all of this when it published Max Fisher’s article yesterday. Fisher fished up “scholars” among the Hillary advocates, and they obligingly told him that Trump’s questioning of the integrity of American elections were the tactics of a would-be dictator who is at work delegitimizing democracy so that he can take over.

What Fisher and his “scholars” overlook is that the US government is already delegitimized in the eyes of the American population, as well as foreign populations.

If the US government was not already delegitimized, Donald Trump would not have been successful in what, despite Trump’s damnation by the presstitutes, was an easy sweep-aside of the Establishment’s candidates for the Republican presidential nomination.

Aerial photos show how downtown Detroit has been turned into a tiny urban island, surrounded by abandoned housing blocks

The US government is delegitimized, not only in the eyes of Americans, but also in the eyes of most of the world. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their careers, their hopes, because corrupt bought-and-paid-for-Washington enabled Globalism to send the futures of the American people to China and India.

Millions of Americans lost their homes, because the corrupt Federal Reserve came down on the side of five “banks too big to fail” at the expense of the American people.

Millions of Americans along with much of the world know that the US government has been slaughtering millions of peoples in seven countries based on lies, wasting not only countries and the lives of millions of peoples, but trillions of American dollars that Americans needed for their welfare.

Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. Assad did not use chemical weapons.

Gaddafi was innocent of all the absurd charges that Washington used to destroy Libya, a country that had the most progressive social system on earth.

Russia did not invade Ukraine.

The Taliban had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

Yet countries are in ruins because of Washington’s war crimes justified by transparent lies.

If the NY Times does not know this, the organization is too stupid to justify its existence. Of course the Times knows it. But the NY Times is no longer a newspaper. It is a cog in the Ministry of Propaganda that works to create a Matrix in which brainwashed Americans accept the dictates of the Oligarchs.

The purpose of the Times’ article is to discredit in advance criticism of an election that the ruling Oligarchs intend to steal. If the Times believed that Hillary would have a clear election victory, there would be no point to Fisher’s article.

We see voluminous signs of the intended theft of the election.

For example, Hillary’s lead in the polls is based on the pollsters skewing the affiliation of those polled to Democrats. The percentage of Democrats in the samples is far higher than their percentage of registered voters.

Related: This Is How WaPo's Latest Poll Gave Hillary A 12 Point Advantage Over Trump

It the past it was difficult to steal elections unless they were very close. Exit polls were a check on vote count, and the disenfranchisement of blacks could be risky if it attracted the attention of the US Department of Justice.

The new method, which is unfolding before our eyes, steals the election in advance with the Oligarchs’ candidate far ahead in the polls (now by 12 points according to the latest fiction) and by making anyone who questions the faked results into a fascist dictator.

Obviously, if Hillary was really ahead by 12 points - a landslide - there would be no need for Fisher’s article or for the constant drumbeat against Trump.

Judging from the hysteria, as reflected in Fisher’s NY Times article, for example, the Oligarchs are aware that objections to their rule have elevated Trump.

In order to hold on to power, the American Oligarchs must smash Trump and put their bought-and-paid-for-candidate, Hillary - whom the Oligarchs have provided along with Bill a personal fortune of $120 million and endowed the Clinton Foundation with $1,600 million - into the Oval Office.

Pollsters by nature of their business are unreliable.

If truthful results offend the establishment political organizations, the pollsters are out of work. Polls have to serve the Oligarchs or the polling firms go down. Trump is an outsider toward whom the ruling Oligarchy is totally opposed, which is why Americans support him.

Therefore, polling firms are adverse to betting their future on poll results favorable to Trump, especially when the whores who constitute the American print and TV media, such as the NY Times, are all out to put Hillary in the White House.

As Hillary’s public statements have made clear, Hillary is antagonistic toward Russia and the Russian government, calling the president of Russia “the new Hitler.” She promises conflict with Russia, which would certainly be nuclear and end life on earth.

Trump says in the face of contrary ruling neoconservative opinion that he sees no point in conflict with Russia and no point in NATO’s continued existence a quarter century after the purpose of NATO collapsed with the Soviet Union.

Trump might not be successful in appointing a government that serves his instincts, but at least he gives us hope of avoiding military conflict with Russia and China. With Hillary there is no hope whatsoever.

My opinion is that the world would not survive Hillary’s first term. I have known the neoconservatives since the 1970s. They are crazed fanatics, and they hate Russia. Hillary is their agent.

It is unclear that the Russian government understands, or takes seriously, the neoconservative ideology of US world hegemony. Putin’s hesitant, indecisive behavior in Syria has done more to set himself and Russia up for demonization than to defeat ISIS.

Related: By Cooperating With Washington On Syria Russia Walked Into A Trap

The Western world is corrupt and evil. The list of its victims is almost endless. What disconnect makes some Russians desire association with the Western world?

How the Media and Democrats Rig the Perception of Trump

Democratic heads roll after video shows agitators planted at Trump rallies

The Orchestrated Trump-Putin Connection

Leaked emails prove that the Trump-Putin connection was orhestrated as campaign talk
to deflect attention from damaging content of Clinton’s released emails.

‘Slaughter Donald for Putin bromance’: #Podesta15 emails reveal ISIS strategy diversion for Clinton

Integrity Of US Elections Among Lowest Of All Countries

According to Shyla Nelson, the co-founder of Election Justice USA, US elections are manipulated in many ways, including «voter suppression, unauthorized registration purges, district gerrymandering, gross exit poll variances, the privatization of voting machinery, and the lack of transparency in ballot processing – our elections will continue to rank among the lowest in the world in integrity.

US elections are so corrupt that the US has threatened Russian diplomats with arrest if they attempt to monitor the US November presidential election.

US Gives Another Reason to Believe Its Democracy Is Deeply Flawed

Bill Clinton’s Rape Victims (the ones we know about)

Juanita isn't the only one: Bill Clinton's long history of sexual violence against women dates back some 30 years

But we must not tolerate Trump’s lewd comments.

Bill and Hillary are lawless because they have never been held accountable. As the justice system has given Hillary a pass, will voters hold her accountable in November, or will the American public also give her a pass?

Hillary Has Never Been Held Accountable For Anything

What is worse, Hillary laughing about her success in getting a child rapist off or Trump’s lewd comments about women? Why is it that the TV women can’t come up with the right answer? How can democracy function when a propaganda ministry takes the place of the media?

'I never trusted a polygraph again': Hillary Clinton LAUGHS in 30-year-old interview as she recalls how she helped a suspected child rapist walk free after the prosecution lost crucial evidence

Exclusive: ‘Hillary Clinton Took Me Through Hell,’ Rape Victim Says

A Comparison of Trump’s and Hillary’s Crowds

Trump’s crowds are hundreds of times larger than Hillary’s, so how is it that she is
in the lead? We are being told lies in order to cover up the coming election theft.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds

Poll of Likely Voters Finds 53% Want Hillary Indicted

If 53% of voters want Hillary indicted, how can she be leading in the presidential race?

Which of the polls is wrong?

Most Americans want Hillary indicted for email scandal – poll

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Trump's Speech to the New World Order

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Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins
October 28 2016 | From: SphereBeingAlliance

In this episode, we have deeper insights into the Secret Space Program, with the astonishing disclosures of William Tompkins, our 94-year-old aerospace engineer who is clearly one of the founding fathers of the very Solar Warden program which he named - that same code name - that Corey later worked in.

In this first interview that we're going to show you, Tompkins gets into detail about one of the craft designs that he was working on for the Navy. Let's take a look.

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Naval Galactic Battle Group

William Tompkins: So we talked before about the different types. And this is a two-kilometer long spacecraft carrier, and it's streamlined to a degree.

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And so in one of the big design review meetings, one of the managers said, “Wait a minute, Bill, it's a vacuum out there. You don't have to make it pointed. You don't have to have atmosphere to go working through.”

And so I said, Well, that's true, but the electromagnetic protection system, which we still are not sure how we're going to word, may or may not be capable of handling all of the different types of vehicles or weapons that could be . . . being used on us. And also, under certain conditions, we actually can get into the planet's atmosphere and operate. So anyway, we got around that one.

Now, if you can picture here this area down in here [Bill points to the bottom, center of the craft] . . . I'm going to switch these, and you're going to see the lower part of the hull.

Related: Evidence Grows For Secret Space Program Disclosures & Crimes Against Humanity Trials

Click on the image above top open a larger version in a new window

And what you see there is the different classes of attack and fighter aircraft returning to the mothership, or the spacecraft carrier, and with a vacuum-controlled entry sections. Actually, they would design to fold down so that you're already in support of making inside landing.

Nobody actually flies in these squadrons controlling any of the vehicles. It's all automatic, so you're not going to be hitting the walls or any of this kind of thing.

But very quickly, you can open these hatches on the side. The hatch then becomes sort of a platform to possibly land on if you're too low. And this answers the question of how do we handle the large spaces aboard the ships that are going to be operating on the missions.

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So what we had done then was, using the same type of design concepts, we looked at the Marines' missions. We looked at the communication missions. We actually came up with virtually hundreds, then, of missions and sub-missions that we then in the tank [think tank] made recommendations back to the Navy themselves.

And one admiral, when he saw that first illustration, he made the statement that just the shape of that's going to scare them away. They'll turn around and go back, because it is a pretty hot configuration.

Some of the others are not as good and actually some of them are rectangular, depending on what the mission is required to accomplish.

GaiaTV: Cosmic Disclosure

David: So that's a pretty technically detailed diagram. And it's just one of a variety of things that come from this guy who has no financial interest in this. His book didn't sell very much. He's just living on a fixed income. And yet, that degree of precision in the art doesn't seem like it would be coming from somebody who's trying to make something up.

So I'm curious about how similar that looks to anything that you saw?

Corey Goode: That was most likely one of the concept designs that probably got fine-tuned. But there could be a craft that looks like that out there that I hadn't seen. I didn't see all of our vessels out there.

Now, that looked very similar to longer, wedge-shaped vessels that I saw that had areas coming up off the top almost like you see on a Navy vessel on the ocean.

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And also, it had stealth edges. The corners were very much like the stealth ships that you see – how they curve.

David: Well, and something kind of caught my eye, which is that in his discussions with his superiors on the design, they said, “Oh, you don't need to worry about aerodynamics. It's not going through an atmosphere.”

But what I'm thinking of is, “Wait a minute. There's all this charge that you've got to move through even in space. There's inertia and there's electromagnetic fields.

So do you think that part of the reason why everything has an aerodynamic shape is that the basic vacuum energy of space itself has some sort of resistance that you have to cut through when you go through it?

Corey: They don't all have the aerodynamic shape.

Oh, Okay.

And as far as moving through charged particles and all this stuff in space, that's what the material on the outside of the craft and the electromagnetic shielding is for.

David: But in a case like this, for that particular mission, if it's also going to go through a planet's atmosphere, it would be good to have some aerodynamic qualities.

Corey: Right. The vessels that travel inside our atmosphere and out are usually going to be somewhat aerodynamic, even though with the propulsion systems they have they are not traveling through the atmosphere per se. They are in a bubble. And inside that bubble, the bubble is traveling.

David: Is there a reason for why stealth technology seems to involve these different flat panels that are kind of arranged at different angles? What's going on there?

Corey: It deflects radar, lidar, different waves, away from the receiver of the radar or lidar. So how it works is if you send it out and it hits a flat surface that is angled right, it's going to come back and you're going to get a report from that wave bouncing back.

If you have sharp angles, then very little of that wave is going to bounce back. The rest of it's going to be dispersed, and the waves will bounce off, but they're not going to hit the detector.

David: Well, I know that my insider Pete Peterson described that when the stealth was rolled out for Gulf War I, that it had in fact been mothballed for 20 years and was a very archaic and almost useless piece of technology by that time. Here he's [Tompkins] doing something in the 1950s that looks like stealth.

Corey: Yeah.

David: So that's pretty darn interesting.

Corey: Stealth goes way back.

David: Really?

Corey: Right. Stealth was being developed soon after the discovery and invention of the radar.

According to insiders the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird is an example of vastly outdated technology that had been mothballed - but was later hauled out to give the public a glimpse of what their dollars had been used to develop at drastically overcharged rates (with the bulk of the funds being chanelled into the SSP's). By the time the public got to see this - it had been decomissioned junk for decades.

David: Wow! So I noticed in the second image that he showed that you have these very, very large doors, or hatches, as he was calling them, that open up on the side of the craft, and then a lot of little triangular wedges going in.

So what was your feeling when you saw that part of the illustration?

Corey: Well, as far as the doors opening, I had seen elevators that lift aircraft, move aircraft around. But if you have a door opening out, that can cause a lot of logistical problems if you're in battle or if you are traveling at a high rate of speed.

So usually, they have the doors open like this [side to side], up and down, and not protrude out.

David: Right.

Corey: But if there was another purpose and a need for it, I could see why they would develop it.

David: What about the actual shape of all those craft that were going into the larger craft?

Corey: Yes, that was very familiar. And the fact that he mentioned in these newer vessels or carriers, they do fly drones. They have people all inside [buildings or large craft] sitting in long rows flying drones, and they control a number of drones apiece.

David: Really.

Corey: Yeah. Little constellations of drones.

David: So what would this type of craft that he was designing be used for? Is it an attack craft? Is this a support craft?

Corey: It can be offensive and defensive, but usually these craft are designed to be offensive for attacking an enemy.

David: Does the Space Program have any proclivity towards doing an offensive attack on a civilization that they think they could conquer and overwhelm? Or is there also . . . is it mostly going to be defensive when they're out there trying to see what's around and getting attacked?

Corey: Well, it depends on who is in charge of, I guess, the Navy assets at the time. These people follow orders. So if they have a problem with attacking another species, they have to follow orders.

David: Well, in the case of a movie like “Avatar”, we have a clear example of our own government / military-industrial complex, in what would appear to be the future, having developed a space program, going to another planet with people who are tall and have blue skin, but there was something there that they really wanted, which was this unobtainium.

Do you think “Avatar” is describing something that is actually happening? Are there certain cases where planets are invaded for their materials?

Corey: Well, I do know that certain aspects of the ICC, but especially Dark Fleet, are going out on offensive conquering missions. And they're doing this alongside the Reptilians.

David: Well, and I do also remember Pete Peterson telling me that many of the craft that you see in “Avatar” are exactly identical to stuff that he had actually seen or worked on. I'm wondering if any of them look familiar to you when you saw the movie?

Corey: I didn't witness a whole lot of craft that flew inside of an atmosphere.

David: Ah.

Corey: So all of those craft were clearly designed to fly inside of some sort of a dense atmosphere. The craft that I saw were not built to operate in atmosphere.

David: All right. Well, speaking of James Cameron, not only do we have “Avatar”, he also had that movie “The Abyss”, where he describes extraterrestrials underneath the surface of the ocean.

And here we have William Tompkins in a very interesting discussion about undersea bases. Let's take a look.

Under Sea Bases

Tompkins: I did get hired by General Dynamics for a Navy program. And this program was to locate German submarines – anti-submarine warfare program.

And what's interesting about this is that the Navy selected the Lockheed P-3 patrol bombers to be the air vehicles to locate German ships and submarines.

Lockheed P-3 patrol bomber

German "U-Boat" submarine

This is the Cold War now, and so there was roughly 15 other NATO countries who were using the same aircraft, the same electronics, the same sensing systems and the communication system – all of it engineered and designed in US.

And so the United States had 120 of these, and the NATO countries had like another 60 of them, all out looking for German [and/or Russian] submarines.

But that's not quite the numbers. It's more like we had 2,000 of these and NATO had another 1,000 of these – not quite that high. And remember, there were only 11 Soviet submarines operating at that time. There were many of them that were in training operations, but they weren't tactical.

And so here we've got 2,800 P-3 aircraft flying all around the planet 24 hours a day looking for submarines.

Well, gee whiz, that's not exactly what we were doing either. And there's a title to the program, which is the mission ASW – anti-submarine warfare. But there's also one which is ASUW. And so the “U” is for 'unidentified extraterrestrials'.

And so this was the second-largest amount of military money allocated for a program on the planet. It's peacetime, but it's sort of a war condition. And we have all of these airplanes out, and it became necessary for a group, which I then was manager of, working for Data Graphics, which is a subsidiary of General Dynamics.

Related: Secret Space Program: Countdown To Exposure On All Illuminati Fronts

And later on, I worked for the corporate office on the red team at the corporate level.

And when we look at the size of this program, the number of personnel that have to be trained to fly these aircraft, the upgrading continually of the sensing systems, the underwater systems of the satellite system programs that were required to be on board these aircraft, it's absolutely unreal.

What we were really doing was looking for extraterrestrial vehicles in the ocean and in the large lakes and their bases on the bottom of the ocean.

People don't realize how much money, how much time, and how many people have to be involved in these programs.

And what are you doing? You're looking for extraterrestrials. Do you realize what we're saying? I mean, you're looking for extraterrestrial vehicles and bases. Your Navy is.

David: Well, the first thing that strikes me about the interview footage that we just saw here is the scope of this classified military operation to try to actually identify who is on our planet, where are they, what is their infrastructure, what is their agenda?

It would have to involve a massive amount of effort. So what were your thoughts on that?

Corey: I have heard of operations similar to what he was talking about, of fleets that were combing the ocean looking for submerged bases, and also USOs – unidentified submersible objects, I believe.

Now, from what I understood, very few people in that fleet would know what they were actually looking for. Everyone would go about doing their normal jobs. It'd just be a normal mission or a training mission, they'd be told. But very few intelligence people in that fleet would know exactly what was going on.

David: Well, to have 2,800 P-3 aircraft airborne at all times – this is obviously before the era of accurate geostationary satellites.

Corey: Right.

David: We're talking about a massive, massive operation here. How long do you think this had to have been done for?

Corey: Until they had strong enough sonar that would penetrate to the deepest parts of the ocean, and until we had the satellite coverage we needed. They had some sort of groups of aircraft or Navy vessels that were combing the ocean looking for non-terrestrials.

David: Do you think that there might have been a temptation at some point to tell the public, “Hey, we're aware of this extraterrestrial presence. We're doing the best we can. We're cataloging it now.”

Or was it just really important the whole thing be secret to avoid a panic of some kind?

Corey: Well, just in general, the Navy . . . I mean, you hear “loose lips sink ships”. Information is very compartmentalized to begin with, but this is not long after World War II, so everybody still had a different mindset than we do today.

If the government told you to stick a lit cigar in your ear, you'd say, “Yes, sir. Give me another.” That's just the way people were programmed.

David: So Tompkins is also discussing another point of corroboration with some things that you've said, which is that there were, in fact, underwater bases to be seen.

So could you review for us what your knowledge is about the existence of these bases, and where are they, what do they look like, who's in them, etc., etc.? Are there different types . . .

Corey: Yeah.

David: . . . that would be underground or underwater?

Corey: And there's a number of different types that are underwater. I even read about large underwater bases that were mobile, that moved along the bottom of the ocean and was doing some sort of core sampling or testing of the material that it was passing over.

And if you located where one of these were, you would then have to track it since they now were moving. So they would have ships that would just track a mobile underwater base.

David: Well, before we taped this segment, we were looking at just something like that on the Internet. Let's take a look right now at that little . . . This is an excerpt from a video describing something very similar to what Corey just described – two-and-a-half-mile wide, round object that seems to be tracing patterns on the sea floor.

Images from video on possible undersea ET exploration craft

So do you think that that is an example of one of these craft?

Corey: That very well could be. I mean, a two-mile-wide object is not going to be pushed in that unusual way under the ocean by a current.

David: So what would they be doing in a case like that? What's the objective?

Corey: From what I was told, these were like bases, but also laboratories. They were going around doing core samples, finding out what was at different depths below the surface, below the floor of the ocean.

David: Why would somebody want to have an undersea base if there's a honeycomb Earth and they could just pop into one of those combs underground?

Corey: There's a lot of different regions inside the honeycomb Earth that belong to different groups that they claim as their territory.

Also, under the ocean . . . There are a lot of different beings coming here that could care less about us, could care less about any animals flying in the sky or running around. All they care about is the life forms in the ocean and the ocean itself. They see the ocean as a life form. And a lot of these are aquatic species.

David: So what do you think was going on when James Cameron made “The Abyss”? It seems a very specific idea was being conveyed. We also have reason to believe that some of his other movies had disclosure in them as well, like “Avatar”. What do you think “The Abyss” was intended to get people ready for?

Corey: It was most likely groups within the military-industrial complex starting to seed our consciousness, which is what they've been doing through movies and television shows for a long time.

David: Yeah. That definitely makes sense, because this is an ongoing effort of four generations now of disclosure to get us ready for the truth.

Corey: Right. And as you've already reported, when Sony got hacked, it was proven that DARPA and these other groups were passing on ideas for movies and television shows.

David: Exactly. All right. Well, we have one more really exciting piece of footage for you to see here with our interview with Tompkins. And this time, he is describing his personal experience with one of the most infamous and legendary events in UFO lore – less known up until recently, a lot less known than Roswell, but several years before Roswell.

We're talking about the Battle of Los Angeles. Let's take a look now.

Battle of Los Angeles

Tompkins: February 1942, we were living in a very large home which had been converted to four apartments – two upstairs, two down.

We had a great big enormous deck that ran all the way across this real high-celinged building. So we were four blocks from the ocean, okay? We can't see the ocean, because it's down low and trees are in the way.

So my brother and I are laying on our floor listening to the radio and looking at some papers, and my dad says, “Get out here – out on the deck. Get out here NOW!” And we got up, and we went out to the back deck.

So right above the horizon of all the trees and stuff and buildings is this dot – a white dot. It's just there. And it's got to be some aircraft flying in to come over and land at the airbase, but it's not moving. It's just a bright dot.

And off of this dot, to the left, is a little beam. It's like a pencil beam, but you can see it.

This is out over the ocean, like maybe inside the breakwater, because we couldn't see the ocean, and we don't know how far out it is. It could have been 10 miles out. What in the world was that?

So we're watching it for about five minutes, and then there was a flash – a brilliant flash into our eyes.

It lit up the trees, the back, the side of – everything got lit up.

And it went out.

And we looked and looked and looked, and everything was gone – nothing else. So we went to bed.

12:30 at night, the anti-aircraft guns started firing. What we're talking about is this fantastic situation, the Los Angeles event – the Battle of Los Angeles, okay?

The anti-aircraft guns all started firing.

We go outside. Here's this massive thing right above us this big [Bill holds his hands about 3-ft. apart] – right above us, maybe 7,000 feet.

The anti-aircraft shells are blowing up on the bottom of it all around it. There's eight searchlights all focused on this as they're shooting at it.

And, of course, nothing is happening. And it parks there for an hour and a half. While it's parked, hundreds of different types of vehicles – most of them circular, but some cigar-shaped, large ones – came in underneath, being fired on where they're still trying to shoot this thing down.

They came around him. They came over him – all night long.

Now, it got boring after awhile, so we went to bed at 3:00 a.m. I don't know how it gets boring, okay? We went to bed at 3:00 a.m.

Now, when it started, everybody came outside. All of us are standing there watching this event.

Now, what was not published was that the breakwater is full of Navy ships who used up all of their ammunition that five-hour period – not just the coastal artillery who used up all of their ammunition, okay?

Your whole two Pacific navies, the Eastern Navy and the Western Navy, used up all their ammunition.

They finally quit, of course, just before daylight, and everybody went back inside.

But from the standpoint of all of us out there watching this, nobody got a heart attack. Nobody got sick. Nobody got scared. Nobody got frightened.

On the other side of the planet, London, was being bombed by the Germans. And they're trying to get into shelters.

We had a five-hour war, except they didn't shoot at us. But nobody got sick. The only persons who were actually wounded was from shrapnel. A couple of guys actually were killed.

Almost a million people in California watched an event for five hours of a massive extraterrestrial battle group that came over California with a mission.

David: Well, this is obviously one of the great classic events in UFO lore, something that just can't be covered up. Did you ever hear about or read about this battle on the smart-glass pads or in any of the briefings that you had on the inside?

Corey: I read that it had occurred. The only thing that I saw that wasn't reported here is that during the same time period, we did recover a non-terrestrial craft from the ocean in that general vicinity.

David: Really?

Corey: Yeah. I don't know if that would have been one of these smaller craft that he saw or the large one. To me, it seemed as though they were unaffected by the anti-aircraft.

David: But it is possible that one of them took a stray hit or something and landed in the ocean.

Corey: It could be. Or the Battle of LA craft and these other craft that sound like came out of it could very well have been searching for . . . It might have been a rescue operation.

You know, there's a number of things it could have been. They could have been probing our defenses, or maybe making a point to some of our leaders after a recent meeting.

David: Well, let me run this idea by you. This is something I discussed on “Wisdom Teachings”. It's worth repeating and getting your thoughts.

If you go back to Fatima, Portugal, right after Portugal enters into World War I, which is this horrible, devastating thing where tens of millions of people are dying, ultimately, you have these kids who start to be in contact with what appear to be spiritual beings that ultimately leads to a mass sighting of a silvery disk in which 90,000 people witnessed this thing.

And then they're soaked in rain, but when the whole thing's over they were miraculously dry. The craft appears to shoot rainbow colors all over the sky. 90,000 witnesses . . . That would have been the end of the cover-up if it had happened in our times.

Corey: Right. And a million people seeing this in Los Angeles, and sounds like Long Beach and other areas – today, with everyone having an iPhone, it would – yeah, it would be over.

David: So do you think it's possible that both the Fatima sightings and the Battle of LA could be benevolent groups that are showing us these things as we enter into war, to try to steer us away from warfare perhaps?

Corey: It very well could be, because with their technology, they could have flattened the whole city with very little effort.

So they were obviously not there for some sort of offensive operation – maybe an intelligence operation, rescue recovery operation, or there to make a point. But I really don't know exactly why this incident occurred.

According to what I've heard, there was some treaty signed that this type of open sighting, open mass sighting, is against a treaty.

David: Right.

Corey: So there had to have been a good reason why it happened.

David: Now, we've heard from guys like Benjamin Fulford in some of his disclosures that he was told by Pentagon insiders that 75% of all production money for Hollywood films is coming from the Pentagon through various backdoor firms.

So let me just ask you first if you have ever heard anything like that?

Corey: Oh, yeah. Yeah. A lot of money from the DoD (Department of Defense) and Pentagon is going in for propaganda.

David: So why do you think the Battle of Los Angeles movie would be made? Do you think maybe they're confusing people's Google search so that they're going to find this movie instead of any real information?

Corey: Well, they know that that was a very significant occurrence UFO-wise in American history. Nearly a million people saw it.

David: Right.

Corey: So it was already in our consciousness. So that's a tool for them. And they – they being different military intelligence groups – are trying to spin the narrative that all of these beings coming in are negative, and that they are here to invade. And this one obviously wasn't, because it didn't attack.

David: Do you think maybe creating a movie with the same title blocks people from finding the original incident at all?

Corey: It could do that, or it could just put the whole sci-fi spin on it to where . . . You know, we're already programmed to roll our eyes any time we hear anything alien or UFO. That's probably part of the effort.

David: I was fortunate enough at one of my conferences to have a woman stand up who was a little girl during the time that this happened and witnessed the entire thing. And it was quite fascinating.

We let her speak for some time to the audience. It was quite spontaneous.

The point is, a million people is a lot of witnesses. It's kind of amazing that we still have a UFO cover-up after something like that.

Corey: Yes, but the propaganda and the programming that has come from these intelligence groups has been very effective. So there's a good chance that if something like that happened today and we didn't get photos, a lot the people that witnessed it themselves would, after a few days, be like, “Oh, that didn't happen.” Or just forget about it and move on.

David: Well, another interesting thing regarding the Battle of Los Angeles is the “War of the Worlds” broadcast. The original broadcast with Orson Welles was in 1939. But then when the movie came out, it was after this had happened.

And we have multiple eyewitnesses saying that the craft that you see in the “War of the Worlds” movie is very similar to the one in the Battle of Los Angeles, except that it has a little periscope on the top.

So why do you think they would actually put the real craft into the movie?

Corey: Well, they're always hiding things in plain sight. So if you were to see something similar to “War of the Worlds”, on some level you might be willing to discount it, thinking, “Oh, that's military, or that's some concept that's being used for a movie”.

You're going to jump to that instead of aliens automatically. That's possible.

David: Well, do you think also that putting those exact same craft into “War of the Worlds” where they become hostile attackers . . .

Corey: Oh, yeah.

David: . . . instead of peaceful demonstrators, could be like a form of mass mind control?

Corey: Well, sure. If you see a certain craft design and see it destroying cities in a movie, well, if you see it in real life, what are you programmed to think?

They could be coming down to say, “Hello”, and maybe give you a ride and show you around the solar system, but you've been programmed to run and hide because you think that it's an invasion.

David: Exactly. Do you think it's possible that we could have another mass demonstration like that at some point that there could be another event like that if, for example, this Mohammad Treaty gets overturned?

Corey: Absolutely. If the treaty that's supposed to prevent that is overturned, there are a lot of non-terrestrials that want to be up in the sky and over populated areas to let us know that they're here.

David: Now, you also mentioned in some of your recent briefings that both the SSP Alliance and the Cabal are concerned about the possibility of wreckage crashing into a major American city.

So just real briefly, since we're talking about these battles in the air, what are they thinking would happen, and how would that play out on the world stage?

Corey: Well, they're afraid that some of their weapons platforms that have been up in orbit, and advanced craft, could possibly fall into a populated urban area with all of the activity that's going on up there. There are shootdowns happening.

So they are ready to pounce on any crash. They have cover stories in place saying, “This was a nuclear-powered satellite that crashed. It's contaminated a large area. So stay in your homes or leave the city.”

And then they will focus on cleaning up the debris.

David: So this is something that they're actually very concerned about.

Corey: Absolutely. That is . . . I've heard a number of times that they're worried.

David: Are there more battles happening in our atmosphere now than there were before between these cloaked craft?

Corey: Yes. It's kind of reached a crescendo in recent times. There are human-piloted craft fighting each other, human-piloted craft fighting non-terrestrials and different non-terrestrial groups that are having skirmishes.

David: So what would we expect if they tried to cover this up? What would be the kind of headlines we'd see or the stories we'd hear?

Corey: Just like the example I just gave, that some sort of secret satellite had crashed or something like that. They're not going to say a UFO crashed.

David: Or a nuclear event . . .

Corey: Right.

David: . . . maybe a nuclear waste dump or spill

Corey: Test craft.

David:. . . chemical emission. Something like that.

Corey: Right. Something that's going to scare people.

David: Right.

Corey: Like some sort of disease or any number of things.

David: All right. Well, you saw it here first. This is “Cosmic Disclosure”. I'm your host, David Wilcock, here with Corey Goode. And we're reviewing footage from William Tompkins – absolutely mind-blowing stuff.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Donald Trump Lays Out Historic Plan For First 100 Days In Office: End Corruption, Stop The Crooks In Washington And Unleash Economic Abundance For America
October 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews / Various

For anybody who is still dopey enough to swallow the Cabal's embarassingly desperate Hillary Clinton propaganda that is being heaved about by the pathetic Western mainstream meda, this is going to be one hell of a wake up call...

Donald J. Trump just delivered an historic speech that lays out his plan for the first 100 days in office. [These statements have the establishment Cabal in a mad panic].

Related: Donald Trump Exposes Globalist Control & Criminal Clintons Live In Florida Speech + All-Out Effort To Destroy Trump Proves He's Not Part Of The Establishment

Highlights are listed here. Actual quotes from Donald Trump:

"The system is totally rigged and broken."

"The dishonest mainstream media is a major part of this corruption. They lie and fabricate stories to make a candidate that is not their preferred choice look as bad and as dangerous as possible....

They're trying desperately to suppress my vote and the voice of the American people...

They're trying to poison the mind of the American voter."

"If they can fight somebody like me, who has unlimited resources, just imagine what they can do to YOU...'

"The rigging of the system is designed for one reason: to keep the corrupt establishment and the special interests in power at your expense."

"We will never solve our problems by relying on the same politicians who created these problems in the first place. Hillary Clinton is running against all the American people..."

"[This 100-day plan is] a contract between Donald J. Trump and the American voter... to bring honestly, accountability change to Washington D.C."

"We will drain the swamp in Washington D.C. and replace it with a new government of, by and for the People."

"This is my pledge to you. If we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people. We will make America great again."

This Video Could Win The Election For Trump

A. Six Groundbreaking Political Reforms that Will End Corruption in Washington

1. A constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.

2. A hiring freeze on all federal employees, exempting military, public safety and public health.

3. A requirement that for every new federal regulations, two existing regulations must be eliminated. "Regulations are killing our country and our jobs..."

4. A five year ban on White House and congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government. service.

5. A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

6. A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

Former FBI Assistant Director Endorses Trump “Our Constitution is At Stake!”

James Kallstrom, former Assistant Director of the FBI offered a passionate endorsement of Trump on Stuart Varney’s show this week. He’s deeply concerned about the direction our country is going in.

Here’s a partial transcript:

Ex-FBI Assistant Director Makes First-Ever Political Endorsement for Trump With Emotional Plea to America

"I’m endorsing Donald Trump. I’ve know him 40 years. I’ve never endorsed a candidate. He’s a good human being. He’s a generous person.

He’s got a big heart. He’s done hundreds and hundreds of things for people without fanfare. He’s a good guy. He’s a patriot of this country.

And regardless of what he says, his acts show that he is not that person. He’s been in this Hollywood crowd that talks like that, a lot of people talk like that.”

“He doesn’t do these things. He’s a good guy. I’ve known his family from the time they were kids. Look at his children. Could you find a better family than he brought up in this country?”

He is not a fan of Hillary Clinton.

He's absolutely right. This election really is that serious.

B. Seven Actions to Protection American Workers

1. Totally renegotiate NAFTA, "one of the first deals out country has ever made."

2. Announce withdrawal from the TPP, "a potential disaster for our country."

3. Direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator. "What they have done to us by playing [with] currency is very sad... I blame our politicians for letting this take place."

4. Direct the Secretary of Commerce to identity all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers, and to use "every tool" under American law to end those abuses.

5. Lift restrictions on production of $50 trillion worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal. "And we will put our miners back to work."

6. Lift Obama / Clinton roadblocks that allow this vital energy infrastructure projects to go forward. "We're going to allow the Keystone pipeline ... to move forward."

7. Will cancel billions in payments to UN climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure.

Jon Voight Just Destroyed Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Robert Deniro

Jon Voight has a message that every American needs to hear, and it is all about how important this election is. And trust me, folks, he didn’t hold ANYTHING back!

In his “Plea to save America”, Voight tackles all the biggest issues facing America including:

Dangerous Refugees, Obama’s failed Presidency, No Jobs , Robert De Niro being a Hillary shill, Freedom of religion under attack, George Soros selling Jews to Nazis, and Hillary Making the Supreme Court Socialist

And that list is just the half of it folks. Trust me when I say, you just gotta see this one for yourself…

See what I mean? Pretty great rant if you ask me.

Plus, it’s good to see at least 1 major A-list actor supporting Donald Trump this election (sorry Scott Baio). I guess Hillary’s money doesn’t buy off everyone.

So thank you, Jon Voight, for believing in America enough to put yourself and your career at risk to make a difference. We hope more Americans can be inspired by the great work you do.

Related: 'May God protect the real truth and may Donald Trump win this presidency': Jon Voight issues 'plea to save America' and lashes out at Robert De Niro AGAIN

C. Five actions to restore security and constitutional rule of law in America

1. Cancel every unconstitutional executive order and action issued by Obama.

2. Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia.

3. Cancel all federal funding for sanctuary cities.

4. Remove two million criminal illegal immigrants from the country, and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back.

5. Suspend immigration from terror prone regions where vetting cannot safetly occur.

Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Rally Crowds

D. Substantial tax policy changes that will create jobs, simplify tax forms and reduce taxes on the middle class by up to 35%

1. Reduce taxes for the middle class. "The largest tax reductions are for the middle class... they have been forgotten. The middle class family with two children will get ... a 35% tax cut."

2. The number of tax brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3. Tax forms will be greatly simplified.

3. The business rate will be lowered from 35% to 15% and the trillions of dollars in corporate money overseas will be brought back at a 10% rate. (This will allow businesses to invest in American operations that will create millions of new jobs.)

4. End the offshoring act, establish tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers and relocating to foreign countries.

Side comment: We are going to work on fixing the VA hospital problem. "We have illegal immigrants that are treated far better than our veterans."

Donald Trump Roasts Hillary Clinton

Donald Trump just beat Hillary Clinton right where it hurts tonight. This video needs to be seen by everyone. Seriously. This video will go down in history. Donald Trump walked out on stage and said something that will change the election forever!

E. Donald Trump's Proposed Acts for Serious Reform

1. Infrastructure Reinvestment Act would restore investment in our domestic infrastructure (bridges, roads, water systems).

2. School Choice and Education Opportunity Act will give parents the right to send their child to the schools of their choice. "We're going to end Common Core and bring education supervision to local communities... Our current system is not working." We will expand vocational and technical education, and make 2- and 4-year colleges more affordable.

3. Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act: Fully repeal Obamacare and replace it with health savings accounts. The ability to purchase health insurance across state lines (to create competition), and let states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will include cutting the red tape at the FDA. We want to speed the approval of lifesaving medications.

4. Affordable Childcare and Elder Care Act would allow caregivers to deduct care costs from their taxes. Creates tax free dependent care savings accounts.

5. End Illegal Immigration Act: Fully funds the construction of a wall on our southern border, with the understanding that the country of Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost. Establishes 2-4 year mandatory prison sentences for those illegally re-entering the USA if they have multiple prior deportations or felony convictions.

6. Restoring Community Safety Act: Creates a task force on violent crime, increases funding for programs to train and assist local police. "Put violent offenders behind bars or out of our country..."

7. Restoring National Security Act: Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment. "Peace through strength... we need a strong military." It also provides our veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or visit a private doctor of their choice.

Additional comment: "We are going to protect our vital infrastructure from cyber attack."

8. Clean up Corruption in Washington Act: Enact new ethics reforms to reduce corrupting influence of special interests and donors.

Stay informed at Trump.news and Newstarget.com

Watch the Full Speech Here: Donald Trump Delivers Historic Speech in Gettysburg, PA 10/22/16

Related: Trump could be First in History to Win all 50 States according to Linguistic Genius

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why The Nobel Peace Prize Is A Complete Joke
October 27 2016 | From: TrueActivist

Numerous war criminals, such as Barack Obama and Henry Kissinger, have won the Nobel Peace Prize over the years, which seems fitting as Alfred Nobel himself was known as “the merchant of death”.

2016 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, and 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, US President Barack Obama have both been responsible for tens of thousands of civilian deaths

Since its founding in 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize has ostensibly been the most prestigious international award recognizing those who have done “the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”

However, the Norwegian committee, which chooses the peace prize winner annually, uses no formal definition of “peace” and has been criticized for the politicizing the award numerous times.

Peace certainly was not a forté of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish arms dealer who created the prizes which bear his name.

Nobel invented dynamite in 1867 and was the owner of Bofors AB, a steel producer that Nobel transformed into a major manufacturer of cannons and other weapons.

Today, what remains of Bofors is owned by Saab AB and United Defense Industries. His reputation during his lifetime was so notorious that newspapers labeled him “the merchant of death” due to the massive wealth he received;

"Finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before.”

Perhaps, it is no surprise then that the Nobel “Peace” Prize has been awarded to several war criminals over the course of its 115-year history.

Past winners of the Nobel Peace Prize include Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of State as well as Shimon Peres, a “founding father” of Israel who was largely responsible for their covert nuclear program.


Kissinger’s award was especially controversial as two members of the Nobel committee resigned in protest. Kissinger received the award in 1973 alongside Le Duc Tho, of North Vietnam, for the “peace” agreement ending the Vietnam War.

Le Duc Tho refused
to accept the award alongside Kissinger, claiming that the peace agreement was a sham. Kissinger, that same year, had organized a bloody coup in Chile, which overthrew the democratically elected president Salvador Allende and replaced him with brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet, who went on to rule for 17 years.

This year’s winner of the Nobel peace prize, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, is the head of one of Colombia’s wealthiest families and, as president, has overseen the genocide of Colombia’s largest indigenous group, the Wayuú. This genocide has resulted in the death of 14,000 children in only 5 years.


Yet, the peace prize winner whose actions have most flagrantly belittled all that the prize purports to stand for is current US president Barack Obama. In 2009, Obama was awarded the prize for Obama’s promotion of nuclear nonproliferation and for Obama’s “outreach” to the Muslim world.

Even Obama expressed that he felt undeserving of the award and used his acceptance speech to promote the decidedly Orwellian idea of a “just war.”

Obama’s “outreach” to the Muslim world has since materialized in the form relentless bombing campaigns in 7 Muslim countries, which have caused tens of thousands of civilian casualties, as well as the rise of terror groups such as ISIS and Al-Nusra, which have benefited handsomely from US arms deals.

In addition, Obama’s “promotion” of nuclear nonproliferation resulted in Obama’s plan – announced this January – to “modernize” the US nuclear arsenal at a cost of $1 trillion over the next 30 years as well as the likelihood of nuclear war with Russia higher than ever.

Obama has also overseen the country’s largest arms deal with Saudi Arabia, funder of ISIS and murderer of Yemeni civilians, with over $115 billion arms sold over his 8 years as president.

It seems that Obama, perhaps more than any other questionable recipient of the award, fully displays the schizophrenic nature of the Nobel Peace Prize – the public promotion of peace alongside a dark, sinister history of promoting and profiting from war.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Syria Story Is A Fools Paradise
October 26 2016 | From: PeterDrew

George W Bush was infamous for the many comically calamitous lines he delivered during his presidency. But one quote he delivered, albeit very poorly, was in fact a very poignant line and one that could not be more applicable right now in Syria: ”Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”.

What about fool me thrice? How can the architects of the current holocaust in Syria possibly think that they can fool the public with the same card trick three times in a row? 

Related: I Am A Syrian Living In Syria: “It Was Never A Revolution Nor A Civil War: The Terrorists Are Sent By Your Government”

Manufactured regime change in Iraq, then in Libya, and now in the sixth year of desperately attempting the same thing in Syria.

On each occasion, the leader of those nations has been portrayed by the West as tyrants who are slaughtering their own people and who must be overthrown, either directly or indirectly for the good of democracy in the world, no matter how many innocent people get killed in achieving that noble goal

Under the Geneva Convention it is an international war crime to launch military action against another nation for the purposes of regime change.  Under the Geneva Convention, Iraq and Libya are clear war crimes and have been legally declared as such through numerous legitimate legal channels. 

The Geneva Convention

If the Nuremburg trials were being held tomorrow, both George W Bush and Barrack Obama would be as guilty as all the others war criminals on trial at Nuremburg. Both Iraq and Libya have been totally destroyed as nations, and illegal regime change achieved by the West.  Likewise Syria is all about Western driven regime change.

Anyone who doubts that Iraq, Libya, and Syria have not been meticulously targeted by Western political and military powers for systematic regime change need look no further than two very publicly available pieces of information.  Firstly, the report published in September 2000 by PNAC (Project for a New American Century). 

PNAC was a Washington think tank headed up by leading Neo-Conservatives, many of whom would take up leading positions in the Bush Administration the following year. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld are two of the more recognised names. 

The purpose of PNAC was to look at how the United States could most strongly position itself in the world in the 21st century. 

The 2000 PNAC report clearly outlined the need for a very different power structure across the Middle East, new government regimes who would be more compliant to US interests, and for the United States to have a much stronger influence and military presence there, including military bases. 

Related: What Washington Really Wants in Syria

However, it also clearly stated that the public would not easily support aggressive military action in the Middle East aimed at regime change, which could make it very difficult to take the public with them.

"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor...”

The events of 9/11 exactly one year later gave the PNAC Neoconservatives that catastrophic and catalysing event and the opportunity they were seeking. The second important piece of information regarding what is really happening with the Middle East holocaust occurred shortly after 9/11

In December 2001, 4-Star General Wesley Clarke made a visit to the Pentagon during which he was informed that there was a plan for the United States to invade Iraq, even though they knew there was nothing at all tying Iraq to 9/11. 

He was also told that this was part of an overall plan of invading and bringing down the governments of seven Middle East countries in five years

Related: British Parliament Confirms Libya War Was Based On Lies - Turned Nation Into a “Shit Show” - Spread Terrorism

Those 7 countries being Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, and Iran

In 2007 General Clarke went public about this and his speech can be seen here.

"We’ve got a good military and we can take down governments” 
Are we still going to war with Iraq? 

"He said, it’s worse than that... this is a memo that describes how we’re going to take down seven countries in five years starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off with Iran”

So, just like Iraq and Libya, regime change by Western powers has always been the plan for Syria

Everything in Syria has been manufactured by the West in just the same way as the sexed up dossiers about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

Just the same as the manufactured public uprising and ‘rebellion’ was orchestrated in Libya to provide public ‘legitimisation’ for bombing Libya back to the stone ages allowing the assassination of its President and the overthrow of the government.

The chemical weapons attacks in Syria in 2013 were put forward by the West in exactly the same way as the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 

Supposed conclusive proof that legitimised Western military intervention on humanitarian grounds.

The West demonised Assad for these grotesque attacks on his own people even though there were strong indications and strong evidence that the chemical weapons attacks were in fact conducted by the ‘rebel’ terrorist groups and not the Syrian government.

No condemnation by the West of the possible role that the ‘rebel’ forces could have played in these terrible crimes against the innocent Syrian public. 

Just blanket condemnation of President Assad and the Syrian government. 

As with the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, no thought given to any other possible scenario, no matter how uncertain the evidence was to support their position.

Just a continuation of the story that all the violence in Syria was being generated by the Syrian government against their own people.  

On the back of these supposed chemical attacks by the Syrian government, President Obama demanded that they now be allowed to bomb Syria into oblivion as he had done in Libya two years earlier, and how his predecessor had done in Iraq. 

British parliament however put paid to Obama’s war cry on this occasion. 

It was too much for the British public who were deeply scarred and feeling bitterly betrayed by Tony Blair’s lies and illegal destruction of Iraq. 

With carpet bombing of the Syrian people by the West now off the table, a quick revising of plans was required to keep Syrian regime change on the table. The narrative at the time from the West was of a mixture of the supposedly legitimate Syrian ‘people’s rebellion’ mixed in with other more radical groups.

However, within just a few months of the decision by British parliament to block the bombing option in Syria, the more radical groups in Syria suddenly morphed into something which was reported by the West as being much more extreme and was suddenly branded as ISIS. 

Related: The Real Humanitarian Crisis Is Not Aleppo. The Crisis is Washington Losing its ISIS Mercenaries

A seemingly huge, global network of pure evil which had sprung up out of nowhere and was now a great threat to the whole world.  Since then it is ISIS that has provided the narrative for a massive escalation in the level of Western arming, funding, and training of groups in Syria who are fighting the Assad regime. 

These same ‘rebel’ groups are now well known to be extreme radical terrorist groups affiliated to Al Qaeda such as Al Nusra, and many of them coming from other countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar. 

Not an internal uprising of the Syrian people for their freedom over tyranny as the Western powers keep telling the world.  

The West has literally been in military partnership with Al Qaeda and ISIS. 

It is illegal regime change in Syria by the West through stealth

Western powers supporting and facilitating radical extremist terrorist groups to do what the civilised world deems illegal and immoral if done through more direct and more obvious means such as carpet bombing.     

The PNAC report and General Clarke’s testimony have made it very clear what the agenda is in the Middle East. 

The official line for the public is that terrible things are going on in those countries, and for the good of the world and to help spread democracy and freedom, the West must either bomb them to rubble and dust, or support the ‘freedom fighters’ to do it for them

We know that Saddam Hussein, while clearly no saint, did not have any weapons of mass destruction and was not a threat to the world. 

Now more than one million innocent people are dead and a nation of 25 million people destroyed.

When the West started its massive bombing campaign of Libya in 2011 to help overthrow President Gaddafi and his government, did they inform the public that Libya was actually the most advanced nation in Africa, was in the top 50 most advanced nations in the world, that it had free health care and free education, and that Nelson Mandela had described President Gaddafi as ‘the hero of Africa’? 

Above is an image from Libya. The other similar-looking images in this article are from Syria. Is it not interesting that wherever the Cabal-run US and their Allies deploy 'democracy' - that these places always wind up looking very much the same...

Libya is now a basket case of a country run by brutal terrorist extremists.    

Now in Syria we have the Assad government, who were legitimately and democratically re-elected to power in 2012 with huge public support, being systematically demonised by the West in exactly the same way as President Gaddafi in Libya. 

It would seem that all President Assad and the Syrian Army have been doing is defending themselves and the Syrian people against radical extremist terrorists commonly referred to as ISIS and Al Qaeda, who have been proven to be recruited from other countries and actively supported by Western military and intelligence. 

Syria is under a massive multi-national external attack, not an internal civil war. 

Related: The Boy In The Ambulance: US State Dept-Funded Groups Behind Latest 'Iconic Image' Designed To Demonize Russia And Encourage Further Bloodshed In Syria

At the specific request of President Assad, Russia has joined with the Syrian Army to support them in that fight against ISIS and their brutal attacks on the Syrian people.

As Russia’s current military intervention in Syria is at the official request of the Syrian government, it is legal under international law

All other current military action by other nations in Syria, including the United States, is illegal under international law. 

US Secretary of State John Kerry even admitted this himself recently when he was caught on microphone off air.  

Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

"We don’t have a basis (to intervene), our lawyers tell us, unless we have a UN Security Council Resolution which the Russians can veto or unless we are under attack from folks or unless we are invited in.

Russia is invited in by the legitimate regime,"
said Kerry acknowledging the Assad government’s stature under the doctrines of international law.

- US Secretary of State John Kerry

Yet incredibly, despite this, Russia has now also been universally demonised by the West in a vicious propaganda smear campaign and blamed for war crimes in Syria simply for supporting Syria defend itself against ISIS as requested by the Syrian government.

When the world looks at the daily news of what is allegedly happening in Syria there is another important recent disclosure that needs to be considered. 

It has now been officially admitted that the Pentagon has more than a half billion dollar budget which it has been using to engage the services of British PR company Bell Pottinger in the Middle East

Aww, chemtrails

Bell Pottinger’s function is seemingly to create manufactured images and footage in the Middle East that supports a specific political narrative. 

Presumably this would be the narrative that the United States government wishes to portray to the world

It would seem that the Pentagon is paying for ‘fake news’ images and footage to be created and shown to the world for political purposes.

The Pentagon is paying big money for Hollywood style theatre to be created and portrayed to the world as real news.

The Bell Pottinger ‘theatre news’ seems to go very much hand in hand with the incredible piece of legislation that President Obama signed off in 2012. 

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (H.R. 5736) overturned the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 which banned government propaganda.  

The passing of HR 5736 essentially made it legal for the United States government to broadcast ‘fake news’ or deliberate propaganda through the media for political purposes, and they have allocated a huge budget to the Pentagon to do just that.  We have entered a very different world here. 

President Assad's Wife Tells it Like it Is

Source Article: Asma al-Assad gives first interview in 7 years

What is real news and what is manufactured theatre? When we see small Syrian children being pulled from the rubble from the supposed attacks by the Syrian government, is this real or is it PR theatre to push the agenda set out by PNAC in 2000?  

The systematic and illegal regime change that is being orchestrated across the Middle East as part of PNAC has created a holocaust the likes of which hasn’t been seen since World War 2. 

The devastating humanitarian cost of this is bad enough. But the current situation has the potential to escalate into something far greater and far more destructive on a global scale.

Related: Covert Hybrid WW3 Summary October 2016

The world is on a knife edge at the moment with tensions between the United States and Russia at an all-time critical level, and with nuclear options not off the table. 

Russia has drawn a line in the sand in Syria with regards the United States ‘Project for a New American Century’ because they know that the next step after Syria and Iran will be Russia.

So, with this in mind we would be wise to heed those ‘wise’ words of George W Bush;

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. 

The world cannot afford to fall for this card trick a third time in Syria.

The stakes are far too high. 

Related Articles:

Pentagon Commandos Fighting vs. CIA Daesh Terrorists in Syria

Debunking the Western Media’s Coverage of the War on Syria

Six points regarding the US' attempt to destroy Syria

CIA Drug Wars Could Explain Why Syrian ‘Rebels’, ISIS Violence Fuelled by Captagon Pills

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Here’s How Industry-Funded “Research” Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years
October 26 2016 | From: DaisyLuther / NaturalBlaze

A scathing new study has put artificial sweeteners under the spotlight and is supporting what health writers have been saying for years.

The researchers have found that most of the previous studies into the sweeteners touting their alleged “health advantages” over using sugar as a sweetener, were written or sponsored by the companies that produce the products.

Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

"A trio of researchers from John Hopkins University in Maryland, the University of California San Francisco, and Australia’s University of Sydney took an extensive look at 31 past reviews on the potential weight loss effects of artificial sweeteners.

They found that studies directly funded by sweetener companies or published in industry-funded journals were more likely to find positive health benefits compared to reviews funded independently or by the competing sugar industry.

Similarly, reviews authored by scientists who had a relevant financial conflict of interest were also less likely to shine a harsh light on sweeteners, either directly via positive results or by putting a positive spin on negative results when discussing their conclusions."


Note that even the “healthy” sweetener that is supposedly made from stevia hardly contains any stevia at all - Truvia is still made up of terrible chemical ingredients that are hazardous to your health.

Earlier this month it was discovered that the sugar industry paid the equivalent of nearly $50,000 in today’s dollars to fund a review back in 1967  that concluded fats were the leading cause of heart disease and sugar had little nothing to do with heart disease risk.

"In the 1950s, studies showing a link between coronary heart disease (CHD) and sugar intake started to emerge.

When the sugar industry (which many not-so-affectionately call “Big Sugar”) got wind of this not-so-sweet news, they paid scientists to downplay the link and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, a new study has revealed.

The research, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, was based on thousands of pages of Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) documents, reports, and statements that Cristin E. Kearns, a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, discovered in the basement at Harvard University.

The SRF (known today as The Sugar Association) sponsored its first CHD “research project” in 1965 – a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The review’s objective was established by SRF, and the group contributed articles for inclusion and received drafts. The SRF’s funding and role was not disclosed.

Why is this a big deal?

Big Sugar paid Harvard scientists the equivalent of about $50,000 in today’s dollars to influence the review, and subsequently spent $600, 000 ($5.3 million in 2016 dollars) to teach “people who had never had a course in biochemistry… that sugar is what keeps every human being alive and with energy to face our daily problems.”

- Read the rest of this article here

For years many industries have delayed the publication of research that may put their products in a bad light, others have simply paid off researchers to point the finger of blame at other products, as did the Sugar Association in 1967.

The revelations over sweeteners come as no surprise, but they should remind us that we need to do our own research rather than taking something at face value just because there was a “study.”

Drugs companies, the oil industry, and tobacco companies have all used such tactics in the past.

This isn’t new. The FDA upholds these studies all the time, and products that could literally kill us end up on the store shelves marked as safe, false nutritional information that supports the sugar lobby and the grain lobby is touted as the truth, and Americans get sicker and fatter as a result.

Industries and individual companies have paid researchers to lie or distort the truth on their behalf in order to sell more of their products. Not only is this shameful behavior from the companies, but also from the researchers that compromised their science to accommodate them.

The results of such spurious research have an even further effect. Fewer people start to trust medical and scientific research - including well-executed and honest research.

The answer as always it to look behind the headlines, find the counter arguments, track down the source of the funding, and make your decisions accordingly.

PS: The best quality low-carb sweetener we’ve gotten our hands on is Agave 5 – you can find it here.

Related: The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal + What Is Aspartame? Five Surprising Facts You Never Know About This Chemical Sweetener

Like Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

Don’t you love people who cling to scientific research without ever questioning who sponsored that research? Using archival documents, a new report published by JAMA Internal Medicine examines the sugar industry’s role in heart disease research.

The study suggests that the sugar industry sponsored research to influence the scientific debate to cast doubt on the hazards of sugar and to promote dietary fat as the culprit in heart disease. Governments worldwide agreed just like they did with the tobacco industry and big pharma.

Related: The Sugar Conspiracy - Professor John Yudkin: The Man Who Tried To Warn Us About Sugar

The sugar industry was instrumental in influencing the prevailing thinking about fat, obesity and related diseases holding that quantifying calories should be a principal concern and target for intervention.

Part of this thinking is that consumed calories - regardless of their sources - are equivalent; i.e. ‘a calorie is a calorie’. There needs to be a greater qualitative focus on the sources of calories consumed (i.e. a greater focus on types of foods) and on the metabolic changes that result from consuming foods of different types.

Calorie-focused thinking is inherently biased against high-fat foods, many of which may be protective against obesity and related diseases, and supportive of starchy and sugary replacements, which are likely detrimental.

The intake of dietary fructose increased significantly from 1970 to 2000. There has been a 25% increase in available “added sugars” during this period. The average person has a daily added sugar intake of 79 g (equivalent to 15% of energy intake), approximately half of which was fructose.

Related: New Zealand Considers Taxing Sugar While New Zealand Government Invests $240m In Coca Cola And Fast Food Chains

A report - authored by Cristin E. Kearns, Laura A. Schmidt, and Stanton A. Glantz of the University of California, San Francisco - examined internal documents from the Sugar Research Foundation (which later evolved into the Sugar Association).

The Sugar Research Foundation started doing research on coronary heart disease research in 1965; its first project was a literature review published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1967.

The review focused on fat and cholesterol as the dietary causes of coronary heart disease, downplaying sugar consumption as a risk factor.

UCSF researchers have recently claimed sugar should be controlled like alcohol and tobacco to protect public health since it is fueling a global obesity pandemic, contributing to 35 million deaths annually worldwide from non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Like manufacturers from both Big Tobacco and Big Pharma who denied the presence of any danger in their products and even spent millions of dollars trying to discredit the research that points to problems, the Sugar Industry followed suit.

Related: Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up To Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame & Splenda

While the Sugar Research Foundation’s funding and role were not disclosed, internal documents reveal that the organization set the review’s objective, contributed articles to be included, and received drafts - a “smoking gun” linking the industry’s influence over the research it paid for, writes Marion Nestle in a related commentary, also published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

“This 50-year-old incident may seem like ancient history, but it is quite relevant, not least because it answers some questions germane to our current era. Is it really true that food companies deliberately set out to manipulate research in their favor?

Yes, it is, and the practice continues,” writes Nestle, the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition and Food Studies at NYU Steinhardt."

“Industry-sponsored nutrition research, like that of research sponsored by the tobacco, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries, almost invariably produces results that confirm the benefits or lack of harm of the sponsor’s products, even when independently sponsored research comes to opposite conclusions,”
Nestle adds.

Nestle says the report should serve as a warning to policymakers, researchers, clinicians, and journalists in carefully interpreting studies funded by food companies with vested interests in the results, and highlights the need to find better ways to fund studies and to prevent and disclose conflicts of interest.

Related: Big Tobacco Misrepresented Dangers From Cigarettes, Same For Big Pharma With Vaccines

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Children Hate School + Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is Too Much?
October 25 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / TheConversation

Children come out of the womb with an inborn desire to better understand themselves and the world they live in - they desire to explore new perspectives, to discover different realities and make sense of existence.

But why is it that later on, once they become school students, most children begin to lose interest in learning?

Why do children feel bored in classroom, are uninterested in reading books, and in general hate school? These are some questions that I am going to answer here, with the aim to shed some light on the negative aspects of our current education system and provide suggestions on how it can be improved for the benefit of the new generations and hence the future of humanity.

Suppressing Children Through Schooling

When I was a school student, I was feeling very unhappy. I wanted to spend my time outside in nature and play with other children, but I was forced to stay for hours upon hours every day in a small classroom where play was out of question.

I wanted to express myself through art and sports, but I was made to sit down learning maths, history, and other things that I couldn’t care less about learning at that age. I wanted to communicate my thoughts and emotions with my peers, but I was told not to talk or move unless I was given permission first.

What I loved doing, I was not allowed to do, and what I hated doing, I was forced to do. No wonder I was so unhappy.

In most places around the world, school is a very traumatic experience for the majority of children. Children from a very young age are sent to school, whether they like it or not.

There they usually have to be confined in a room for 6 to 8 hours every weekday (except on holidays) for about 12 years of their life, to obey to rules, to follow orders and to learn things they are not interested in.

What children truly want is to have fun, to play, to communicate and form social connections, to explore the great outdoors, to ponder and create - and barely any of those things they are allowed to do in school.

School, as you can understand, is suppressing children in all sorts of ways, which is turning their life into an ongoing hellish experience. So how can children not hate school? It’s only natural that they do.

Education as Indoctrination

Although school is supposed to be the place where children learn to think and become wiser individuals, in reality school is preventing them from developing their critical thinking.

At school, an authority figure (i.e. teacher) is hired to have students unquestionably accept and repeat in a parrot-like fashion what they are being taught by him/her. Those students who do so are rewarded with good grades, while those who choose to think for themselves are being punished with bad grades or by being expelled from school.

I remember once, when I was a high school student, I took the courage to openly disagree with the opinions of my religion teacher. She was teaching a class on world’s religions, but being Christian herself, she provided us students with biased information.

She would do her best to talk in a negative way about all other religions in order to prove the superiority of Christianity.

And it's not just a dig at Christianity. All religions do the same thing.

When I presented her with some solid arguments against the Christian dogma, she soon afterwards started to treat me as a bad student, by giving me lower grades and talking to me in a disrespectful manner.

All I tried to do was to raise questions and use critical thinking, but to her that meant questioning God, which she thought is an inappropriate thing to do.

At school, students are not taught how to think, but what to think, and the difference between the two is tremendous.

Instead of learning how to utilize logic and come to their own conclusions through critical thinking, school is stunting their intelligence by filling their minds with information that they have to accept on belief alone.

Not surprisingly, once students graduate from school, they are so indoctrinated that they cannot make intelligent choices in life and deal with the challenges they encounter along their life’s journey.

Rethinking Our Education System

If we don’t want our children to be mindless automatons, we need to start thinking differently about our education system.

We need to start searching for ways to help children grow into conscious, healthy beings, instead of repressing their emotions and killing their intelligence - which is what schooling is currently doing. In order for this to happen, however, we first need to realize what the true meaning of education is.

Education is not passing exams in order to get a certificate and find a well-paying job - it is cultivating the mind and spirit in order to find health, happiness and peace.

Education is not the imposition of opinions and ideologies of the elder on the youth - it is mastering the art of thinking critically and acquiring the ability to process emerging information.

Education is not memorizing knowledge - it is developing understanding and learning how to put knowledge into practice.

Up until now, the role of school has been to force students to fit into the mould of what we consider normal living. 

To be normal in our sick society means to do work that we hate doing, to doubt ourselves and be afraid to think for ourselves, to blindly believe in dogmas, to bend down in submission to authority and follow orders - in short, to live a life of ignorance and pain. 

It’s about time we realize that school’s function should not be to adjust children into an unhealthy society, but to help create a healthy society instead, starting from the children themselves, who will form the future of our civilization.

The purpose of schooling should be to provide children with the tools that will enable them to develop to their full potential on multiple levels- emotional, intellectual and spiritual. School should give children the freedom to express themselves, evolve their talents and assist them in the creative process of acquiring essential practical knowledge and skills. 

Most importantly, school should be the place where the needs of children are being understood, accepted, and taken care of, so that children can grow their wings of consciousness that will allow them to chase their dreams.

Then, children will no longer hate school, but, on the contrary, love it and embrace the learning experience it offers.

Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

Any time a new technology is introduced, it disrupts values, routines and behaviors. This goes back well before the printing press replaced oral histories or the telephone replaced face-to-face conversations, but is evident today in our regular habits of checking our smartphones for notifications.

Kids are growing up with the expectation of auto-playing streaming videos and having access to our phones when we need them to be quiet.

Human anxieties about these changes can take years to resolve, as we slowly figure out how to control the technology to meet our values and needs, rather than being controlled by it.

With the rapid pace at which new digital products and services are being developed, parents report feeling particularly overwhelmed. They fear missing out on what benefits tech might hold for their families, yet don’t fully trust that electronic devices and apps are designed or marketed with their child’s best interests in mind.

We doctors used to urge parents to discourage media use under age two, and to limit kids’ use to two hours a day, at most. But we have now arrived at a more nuanced understanding of the various ways in which children use digital tools.

Through review of the updated science, interviews and focus groups with parents from diverse backgrounds, and our own clinical experience, we are now recommending that parents use media as a teaching tool – a way to connect and create – instead of just to consume.

As a developmental behavioral pediatrician, parent of two young boys and lead author of the new American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement “Media and Young Minds,” I hope to help parents shape tech use in their homes based on their human ideals and values.

Main Principles to Keep in Mind

This new policy statement represents the best medical research and academic scholarship about electronic media and health and development of children from birth through age five. Along with the associated family media-use planning website, it focuses on how parents can use electronic media together with their young children to encourage family connection, learning and digital literacy skills, in several ways:

1. We emphasize teaching children that media use means more than just entertainment. It can also involve connecting with others: Videochatting, for example, is fine at any age, although infants need their parents’ help to understand it. Another great use is for creating and learning together – letting the child take photos and record videos or songs, as well as looking up craft ideas. We hope parents will feel comfortable seeing digital media as a tool to meet their parenting needs, and not the thing-in-itself that controls us or our children through the attention economy or gamification.

2. As far as entertainment, we recommend trusted content producers such as Sesame Workshop and PBS Kids, who design apps with the child’s and parent’s needs in mind. There is also Common Sense Media, a great site for finding information on digital products and answering any tech-related parenting question you can imagine.

3. We recommend having unplugged spaces and times of day so that both parent and child can play, be bored, or talk without distraction or feeling a need to to multitask.

4. We ask parents to test apps and watch videos with their children to determine if they are good fits for their child’s temperament, rather than letting the child make all of these choices. Parents are the best people to decide whether a particular app or video is appropriate for the child’s current stage of development and knowledge.

5. Parents should not feel pressure to introduce their children to technology early in life for the sake of seeking a competitive advantage. Kids will catch up when they are older or in school. But, if parents want to introduce media early, the youngest age we recommend is 18 months. At that age, it’s important to note, parents must play or view along with the child for there to be any educational benefit, such as learning new words. Otherwise, that expensive tablet may just be a portable TV or cause-and-effect toy.

Time Limits and Rules Remain Important

We still recommend time limits (one hour of entertainment media per day – which does not include videochatting, taking pictures, using with parents as a learning tool and the like) and rules, for several reasons.

First, pediatricians are trained to be child advocates, making us naturally protective. In our day-to-day experiences with families in clinics, we see children having difficulties with sleep, obesity, school, relationships or behavior that appear to be intertwined with problematic media habits.

We hear parents asking for concrete guidance from us about the role digital devices might play in their families’ lives. They want to know what to let their child watch and how much of it.

They ask about how to make sure their child can be tech-savvy without ending up in a position where the child prefers and will choose digital play to the exclusion of other important activities.

Parents also tell us that they don’t want their child to be spoon-fed information by online media. In addition, they’re concerned about apps determining their child’s play ideas. And they want help finding alternative activities to really encourage the creativity, persistence, and cognitive and social-emotional skills kids need to flourish in school.

Overall, the research still shows that excessive media use is associated with poorer sleep, higher obesity risk and developmental outcomes such as poor executive function (the “boss” of our brain that helps us focus, control impulses and plan), so we want parents to prioritize unplugged, social and unstructured play as much as possible.

Parents have always been interpreters of the world for young children. If kids are to grow up with a healthy concept of what digital tools are and how to use them effectively, creatively and kindly, we need to teach them.

This means both guiding them directly and modeling with our own behavior from the very start. The longer-term goal is to raise kids who see us, their parents, as guides when they encounter weird stuff online or have negative interactions on social media.

We want to raise kids who don’t react to negative emotions by spewing out their feelings - sometimes at others’ expense - online, nor binge on videos or games.

We want to raise kids with good sleep habits, healthy bodies, a variety of interests and curiosity about the world, who feel good about their learning and their relationships, both on and offline.

We hope our new guidance can help us all - parents, medical professionals and children alike - achieve that.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Ongoing Philippine Revolution Is Catching Fire: Rebellion Against Western NWO Cabal
October 25 2016 | From: Geopolitics

Asians have learned a lot from its experience with Western intrusions over the last 300 years. They’ve been duped and swindled of their historical assets, not just once, but multiple times during this period, and all recent clandestine attempts at subverting the ongoing BRICS Alliance-led global reformation for purposes of usurping again their growing geostrategic influence, have all been averted.

For those who have been following this website from the very beginning, it’s very clear that our humble purpose is to encourage the people to take tangible action towards individual emancipation.

Related: Regime Change In The Philippines

One cannot have real freedom without ever fighting for it. If others are claiming to be fighting it for you, it must be a scam. And we have fallen victims to these people for the last several years.

We’ve given them the benefit of the doubt, but most, if not all, of them fell short of our minimum expectations.

Historical Background

Asians have learned a lot from its experience with Western intrusions over the last 300 years. They’ve been duped and swindled of their historical assets, not just once, but multiple times during this period, and all recent clandestine attempts at subverting the ongoing BRICS Alliance-led global reformation for purposes of usurping again their growing geostrategic influence, have all been averted.

The Corporation: History & Revolution

Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

The Khazarian Mafia 2.0

There is now a solid ASEAN regional consensus to repel all coercive interference from the outside, in parallel with its active involvement in matters of combating terror in some parts of Mainland Eurasia.

Being of significant geostrategic importance to the US government, the recent unequivocal statement of pursuing an independent foreign policy of the Duterte government has dealt a huge blow to the geopolitical ambitions of its former colonial master.

Certainly, this would result to numerous attempts at assassinating the Philippine president, color revolution, or a military coup, like what happened to at least five non-conformist leaders in the past.

More than a hundred years ago, we saw the assassination of the leader of the Katipunan who rose up to remove the Spaniards, Gat. Andres Bonifacio, in the hands of the elitist Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, just as the revolution was gaining the upper hand.

This was preceded with a firing squad of Dr. Jose P. Rizal by the Jesuits, and followed by the CIA assassination via plane crash of Ramon Magsaysay.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Consequently, Gen. Aguinaldo appointed himself as the 1st president of the new Philippine Republic. It turned out, Pres. Aguinaldo was a puppet of the United States. His presidency marked the beginning of a systematic US plunder of the country.

Fast forward to 1986, the combined Jesuit-CIA-Manila Oligarchy instigated the Yellow Revolution, which successfully overthrow the Mascosian dictatorship which paved the way for an unhampered 15 years of massive privatization of government-owned utilities, the most critical of which, i.e. energy generation, water supply, mass media, either went to prominent families, or to some West-controlled corporations, where Vatican corporate fronts are also deeply invested until now.

Between mid-1998 and early part of 2001, the poorest of the population saw a glimmer of hope under president “Erap” Estrada, but the Oligarchy was quick enough to dislodge him through an impeachment, subsequently installing Gloria Arroyo.

The latter’s term of office was itself put under constant Oligarchy threat when it was clear that China is threatening the local monopolies with large investments in infrastructures and communications, the very same thing that the Duterte administration is pursuing during his visit to China.

Pointing to his own experience, now Mayor Erap Estrada is warning his countrymen to see the bigger picture…

In a telephone interview with The STAR, Estrada also called on Filipinos to support the President’s war on drugs, despite criticisms from the US and other Western nations.

'“The Philippines is a sovereign country. The US should not interfere with the purely internal affairs of the Philippines, particularly on President Duterte’s campaign against illegal drugs,”
Estrada said.

He recalled that when he was president, the US tried to meddle in his all-out war against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

Estrada stressed it’s the President’s duty to prevent the country from becoming a narco-state where drug lords dictate on officials.

"What will happen if all the elected officials like governors, congressmen, mayors and others are funded by drug lords? What will happen if we will allow narco-politics to reign in the country? These officials will be beholden to the drug lords and they will just say, ‘yes sir, yes sir,’ to all their orders and interest,”
Estrada said.

“All peace-loving Filipinos should throw their all-out support to the campaign of the President against illegal drugs. Not because the US is helping us, we will just allow it to interfere in our internal affairs. We are a sovereign country. We have our own Constitution. The President is right with what he is doing,” the mayor said.

In a statement released by the Manila Public Information Office (PIO), Estrada voiced his support for Duterte’s veering toward China. Unlike the US, China has never interfered in Philippine affairs, the former president said.

Related: Philippines not Cutting Ties with US

The Arroyo government would have installed, in cooperation with ZTE, Corp., a national internet broadband that covers the entire country, but the PLDT-Globe duopoly sabotaged the whole plan using a crying patsy, Rodolfo Lozada, claiming he was about to be assassinated for having known too much about the highly corrupt transaction.

This was later on proven to be of no basis by the Supreme Court, leading to the recent release of the now Congresswoman Gloria M. Arroyo, while the former government employee cum crying patsy, Lozada, is now facing corruption lawsuits.

The skillful CIA-Vatican machinations about our local politics is at the core of our maldevelopment.

We are deliberately made to crawl on the mud in exchange for some “American junk,” and to make us constantly subservient to the “good graces” of the Europeans. They have rigged the entire system, i.e. political, economics, education, mass media, and cultural, gravely in favor for just one section of our society, i.e. Spanish mestizos, the descendants of the conquistadors.

Most noticeably, these conquistadors have cornered 80% of the national budget for decades, making the infrastructure projects to be concentrated only in Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Both the Visayas and Mindanao regions were purposely left out.

The rise of a Duterte within that same corrupt exceptionalist system is a huge anomaly.

Until now, their own mass media and so called experts could not understand what just happened, and what will continue to happen in the immediate future, unless they act again to prevent it.

They are reportedly planning to remove the president, but all attempts are unsuccessful so far. The 400 tycoons who went with him to China is proof that the Oligarchy is disunited.

Being the first “texting capital of the world,” the nation immediately embraced the social media like a virus. The socio-political consciousness immediately expanded like a firestorm.

Our own website statistics are showing that they are now ready to accept “conspiracy theories”, dig exotic technologies like HAARP, and above all, they are now laughing at the “Bobo,” or stupid journalists fronting the mass media.

The Duterte Phenomenon 2016 is the Resumption of the Revolution in 1896

The campaign baller band worn by Duterte during the campaign period was auctioned and able to fetch P1 million from Mr. Johnny Sy, a businessman attending the PH-China Business Meet and Greet event

Related: Duterte’s State Visit to China is Oversubscribed, Makes U.S. Restless

True accounts about the Philippine Revolution against the Spaniards and the Americans in 1896 onwards are now being shown on the big screens.

We need more movie producers doing the same materials so that offline audience can see the bigger picture of what’s really going on in the country.

The recent visit of the president to China which saw the signing of major investments on infrastructure projects and telecommunications, which should enhance interisland physical and digital connectivity, something that the local Spanish Oligarchy didn’t want to happen ever, in pursuance to their continued “divide and conquer” strategy, since our Datu Lapulapu cut off the head of the first European invader, Magellan.

The Duterte Phenomenon is breaking all established norms and challenging suppressive taboos from politics to religion.

Political correctness is being shattered one cuss word at a time.

The local Vatican infrastructure trembled when their money laundering, pedophilia and chronic hypocrisy were all exposed in response to their church-wide campaign against Duterte prior to his election.

His academic failure earlier on is now serving him well. He wasn’t properly “institutionalized,” that he can afford to think independently from the norms, and even from his own cabinet secretaries who, like him, are all constantly hard at work.

His presidential family is the best team we ever have.

The mainstream media love to quote him literally, since they could do nothing better. Worse, these robots even went to extreme lengths of splicing his long monologues, because the method serves their employers’ agenda.

But the people have learned a lot of their own history from the last 3 months, just by listening to many of his elaborate diatribes against the Exceptionalist West.

Those off the cuff verbal retaliations, which are mere token summations of the people’s condemnation of all the sufferings inflicted upon them for almost five centuries by the same people now criticizing the efforts to rid the country of drugs, crimes and narco-politics, will continue to underscore the importance of taking real actions now that we have the momentum.

Duterte’s noisy strategy is working, the US State Department doesn’t know how to respond.

If he is assassinated now, the world would at least know why. And so, in the last few days, nobody in the West would have thought that he will do the unthinkable.

The Philippines will now chart its own course away from the corrosive diktats of the West, and as equal among nations on Earth, which even China and Russia have expressed their own commitment not to intervene in any of its internal affairs, but only in matters of mutual progressive developments and regional security.

This major pivot away from the 113-year old Western containment which, no matter what Duterte’s lieutenant would say afterwards, cannot be undone in the foreseeable future.

Yes, there may be some pockets of resistance to his radical decisions and pronouncements back home, but the merit of his actions today can surely be felt later on. All visionaries like him know that.

In the meantime, his able lieutenants can only be more diplomatic to attenuate the full impact of the president’s statement…

But we knew how the president went on to show Obama and the rest of the ASEAN leaders, some pictures from the US Archives about how the US mercenaries massacred hundreds of women and children in the crater of Mt. Bud Dajo in 1906, only hours after he apologized for calling Obama a “son of a bitch.”

This means that once the other half of the population has gotten over with their Hollywood brainwashing, the country will be able to complete its Pivot to BRICS in no time. This is, of course, not directed at the good people of America, but against the foreign policies of their corporate government.

This ongoing Philippine Revolution, as inspired by the Duterte Phenomenon, will be long, and will be fought hard in honor of those who died valiantly during the struggle of 1896 onwards, for the survival of the nation and the welfare of the next generations.

Our only hope is for the rest of the world to see this as an inspiration to do something with what they already have right now.

The Philippine Revolution 2016 is Your Revolution, Too

Related: Duterte’s China Visit a ‘Turning Point’

Even if we won this one, the enemy of humanity will just move on to the next target. The Western military industrial complex is currently building a drone base in Africa.

That will be their next battleground, after their impending defeat here in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. The region has been subjected to Ebola bioweapon attack earlier purposely to remove the population in areas of great importance to the mining companies.

It is for this reason that all peoples around the world need to get on board now. We must seize the moment when leaderships of highly populated and highly industrialized counties are rising up to the root cause of the world’s problem.

Don’t ever think that nobody reads your social media post, because they will. And when you have struck the right chord, it will spread like wildfire. And in time, you’ll see that your own little revolution will continue to grow much larger than you would have ever imagined.

Most of all, remember that courage is contagious. You need only look at Duterte to see that this is already happening now as more and more in the alternative media are catching up to the Duterte Phenomenon.

This has always been the case all throughout time. All it takes is one passionate visionary leader, and a few good generals to change the course of history.

For some time now, we are seeing major yet covert military actions in the Middle East between two large factions vying for planetary control.

This hybrid war being directed against the age old enemy of humanity is headed by visionaries who would rather act silently, and just let the outcome do the talking afterwards.

While successfully keeping our common enemy constantly at the disadvantage, the rest of the population is mostly kept in the dark.

When these silent visionaries are assassinated, nobody will know what they have done until they’re gone

Who would have known outside of Libya that Mummar Kaddafi was a good leader, giving free healthcare, free education, and a visionary for planning to use a gold-backed currency for Africa?

Related: Clinton’s Leaked eMails Confirm Libya Plunder by Killing Qaddafi

Imagine what a loud mouth like Duterte’s could contribute to the efforts of China, Russia, and Iran in toppling the most vicious, most arrogant US State Department and the Khazarian Criminals behind the facade.

So that, it wasn’t really surprising at all when the Russian ambassador readily jumped at the latest opportunity to engage the man constructively when Duterte said:

'“I will also go to Russia to talk to Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world - China, Philippines, and Russia. It’s the only way.”

Of course, he’s not referring to “the world,” but the Old World Order.

Here’s how the Philippine president can be very effective…

… by directly taunting the CIA, as he did last week when he said “You want to oust me? You want to use the CIA? Go ahead,” the president may have removed the favorite US short-cut of dealing with intransigent rulers.

The biggest threat to the US is the loss of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, reached under Duterte’s predecessor, which allows the US to rotate ships, aircraft, and personnel through five Philippines bases, an arrangement seen as crucial to projecting U.S. military power on China’s doorstep.

Meanwhile, every attempt by the U.S. to raise questions about Duterte’s campaign against drugs, in which more than 3,000 people have been killed since he took office in June, has only made him angrier: he has derided Obama as a “a son of bitch” and said he should “go to hell.”

“It doesn’t seem to help to say anything because the minute you say something, he just lets loose his barrage of obscenities,” said Murray Hiebert, deputy director of the Southeast Asia Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “I think for the U.S. to just blast him constantly is probably not very effective.

Related: Obama Admin Stunned By Duterte: "The Minute You Say Something, He Lets Loose His Barrage Of Obscenities"

Now, if he is constantly doing his thing, he might be able to wake more people up, encourage more countries to join in the fold of the Reformists, and hopefully bring down the Khazarian Criminal Empire for good.

US Losing the Pivot to Asia Fulcrum

The geostrategic importance of the Philippines cannot be overestimated. It is a major doorway to Southeast Asia, where $5 trillion of physical trading passes by annually, and the fulcrum by which the Clinton “Pivot to Asia” doctrine was formulated upon.

The Chinese government fully understood that, and the top officials of the Bank of China have acknowledged the same even during the recent signing of the some 17 trade and infrastructure development agreements worth $24 billion, recently.

So that, it is so easy to speculate that since it is to China’s geostrategic advantage to help develop the country, most economic projects in the Philippines from here on will be underwritten by Bank of China, and to some degree by any of the three BRICS infrastructure banks, i.e. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank [AIIB], Silk Road Fund, New Development Bank [NDB].

Any possible attacks of whatever form on the Philippines will be repelled from here on by this newly reestablished alliance, as the Chinese have more to lose to the Western aggressors, than we are.

Indeed, we are already seeing this covert intervention most notably with the recent HAARP attack directed towards Luzon, which could have inflicted the same damage as Typhoon Haiyan in late 2013, but have fizzled out right away without significant loss of life, i.e. 13 casualties only as opposed to 8,000 in 2013.

Interestingly, the recent typhoon is said to be “the most lightning filled storm” according to one witness. It might be the HAARP signals wrestling each other out, i.e. a separate HAARP signal can be directed at the eye of the storm, or the LPA, to raise its temperature up and kill the storm.

Ultra-high HAARP voltage and low pressure gas with high moisture content won’t go together nicely, hence the lightning discharges.

Related: Keep Your Aid! – Philippines to Obama

Moving Onwards

Our immediate concern now is his scheduled visit to Japan next week. Although he’s very popular with the Japanese people, the CIA might move to eliminate him while he is in the country. We know that there are already some movements towards this direction, here and abroad.

We just hope that the Japanese people remember what had happened to them on March 2011, which is just a repeat of the massively devastating attack on Indonesia which wiped out 120,000 lives in 2006.

Japan, for its part, is going for bilateral talks in settling their territorial dispute with China, as their visiting Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida told Duterte early on.

When a CNN reporter asked Duterte, upon his arrival from China, who he prefers between Clinton and Trump, he responded, “My favorite hero is Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

Vladimir Putin happens to have issued a very stern warning after the United States sabotage the last bilateral ceasefire…

If the two countries China, and Russia could work together to provide security and ensure the Philippines’ military and foreign policy separation from the United States, that would mean a total checkmate for the Khazarian Criminal Cabal here in Asia, because the Chinese Navy is already in Vietnam just a day after Obama’s recent cozying up with the Vietnamese leader, as we have mentioned earlier.

Chinese military personnel will participate in activities with the Vietnamese navy and will also meet with Hanoi’s provincial leaders. This will be the last stop for the Chinese fleet on their way home after visiting Myanmar, Malaysia and Cambodia, according to Senior Colonel Wang Hongli, commander of the task force.

Related: Chinese Naval Fleet Visits Vietnam Amid South China Sea Tensions

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Hackers Cripple US Internet In Wide-Scale Cyber Attack: Possible Internet "Killswitch" Test For Staged Cyberwar Or US Election False Flag Event
October 24 2016 | From: Aljazeera / Various

WikiLeaks implied its supporters may be behind the attack and asked them to "stop taking down the US internet".

Several of the world's best-known websites were inaccessible across parts of the United States on Friday after hackers unleashed a series of attacks on a company that acts as a switchboard for the internet.

Related: Massive Cyber Attack a Dress-Rehearsal for the US Election?

The attacks affected access to Twitter, Paypal, Spotify and other customers of the infrastructure company in New Hampshire called Dyn, which processes large volumes of internet traffic.

"The attacks came in waves," Al Jazeera's Rob Reynolds, reporting from Los Angeles, said. "First targeting the East Coast of the United States, spreading then to the other parts of the country and even to Western Europe."

"The websites that were disrupted were some of the top names in the internet: CNN and the New York Times, AirBnB, Reddit, HBO ... a whole variety of sites were attacked."

"Dyn is kind of a middle man that directs users to different websites and routes traffic from server to server in a complex way," said Reynolds. 

The attackers used hundreds of thousands of internet-connected devices that had previously been infected with a malicious code that allowed them to cause outages.

October 16 2016:

U.S. To Use Internet ‘Kill Switch’ By November In Cyberwar With Russia

'The US government is preparing to activate an “internet kill switch” according to cyber security experts, and the groundwork has been laid to blame the unprecedented act on Russia.'

October 21 2016:

Someone Attacked America’s Internet

Twitter, Reddit and Spotify were collateral damage in a major online assault

This article discusses the national Standard Operating Procedure 303 that enables the shut-down of all Internet and cellular devices. It also discusses the new Executive Order on Space Weather events.

We have two separate issues here:

First, the government is terrified of a public that is able to record and share information in real time. This makes it difficult for the government to continue with its massive campaign of lies. The Facebook censoring of all statements that connect Hillary Clinton to her many crimes is emblematic of what the government wants to do across the board - mind control and the end of freedom of speech are part of the Obama-Clinton-Soros-Zuckerberg agenda.

Second, the government has a legitimate need to be able to shut down all electrical systems when a solar storm is about to hit, by shutting them down these systems avoid being “fried” and weather the storm, they can be turned on again once the storm passes, as if nothing had happened.

The two should not be confused.

The false accusations against the Russians are a US Government “PSYOP” against the American public, a last desperate attempt to distract the public from the very real multi-billion dollar charity fraud and influence pedding crimes of Bill and Chelsea and Hillary Clinton, with Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey fully complicit in all those crimes.

This type of attack is known as a distributed denial of service attack [DDoS]. They used affected computers to fire requests at the servers of Dyn simultaneously and essentially overwhelm it.

"The complexity of the attacks is what's making it very challenging for us."
Dyn's chief strategy officer, Kyle York, told Reuters news agency.

Operation of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack:

Related: This Is Why Half the Internet Shut Down

York said that at least some of the malicious traffic was coming from connected devices, including webcams and digital video recorders, that had been infected with control software named Mirai.

Security researchers have previously raised concerns that such connected devices, sometimes referred to as the Internet of Things, lack proper security.

The Mirai code was dumped on the internet about a month ago, and criminal groups are now charging to employ it in cyber attacks, said Allison Nixon, director of security research at Flashpoint, which was helping Dyn analyse the attack.

The Department of Homeland Security last week issued a warning about attacks from the Internet of Things, following the release of the code for Mirai.

'Attacks Continue'

On Friday, Dyn said in a statement that it had resolved one morning attack, which disrupted operations for about two hours, but disclosed a second a few hours later that was causing further disruptions. By Friday evening, it was fighting a third.

"The company fought back and was able to get things under control again,"
our correspondent said. "But there were additional waves of attack. So this seems to be an ongoing situation."

Attacking a large domain name service provider like Dyn can create massive disruptions because such firms are responsible for forwarding large volumes of internet traffic.

The disruptions come at a time of unprecedented fears about cyber threats in the US, where hackers have breached political organisations and election agencies.

The US government has formally accused Russia of conducting cyber attacks against US political organisations during the campaign for the November 8 presidential election, including hacking of  Democratic Party emails.

The US Department of Homeland Security and the FBI said they were investigating the attack on Dyn.

"We still don't know who is responsible for this attack,"
Reynolds said. "But it certainly seems to be an attack that took coordination and possibly a lot of resources. So this is not some teenaged kid in a basement somewhere hacking for fun."

"The purpose behind their attack is also very vague since nothing was stolen. It was just disruptive, so some people are theorising that someone is trying to figure out how to shut down the internet."

WikiLeaks, a whistle blowing organisation that has been publishing hacked emails that allegedly belong to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta, implied in a tweet that its supporters may be behind the attack and asked them to "stop taking down the US internet".

WikiLeaks has recently said that founder Julian Assange's internet access has been cut by an unidentified state actor.

Ecuador's government later admitted that it had partly restricted internet access for Assange, who has lived in the South American country's UK embassy to avoid extradition to Sweden since mid-2012.

WikiLeaks' decision to publish documents affecting the US election was entirely its own responsibility, and the country did not want to meddle in election processes or favour any candidate, Ecuador said.

Related: Ecuador Admits They Silenced Assange Because Clinton Leaks Were “Interfering” With US Election

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

This Is How Your ‘Aura’ Affects Your Health & Those Around You + Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions & 13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening
October 24 2016 | From: CollectiveEvolution / SitsShow / TheUnboundedSpirit

An ‘aura’ field can be defined as a luminous glow or radiation that surrounds a person’s body, almost like a halo. Ancient depictions of religious and spiritual figures often feature this aura, but today, modern science is discovering that we are all, in fact, surrounded by this type of field, and it can actually affect the way we feel.

We know that energy cannot be seen with the naked human eye, which is why attempts to measure invisible phenomena scientifically are often greeted with harsh criticism, but thanks to the groundbreaking work of dedicated scientists from all over the world, the concept of non-material science is starting to become accepted in the mainstream. 

This refers to the idea that the physical material reality we perceive with our senses isn’t the only reality that’s available for us to study in a modern day scientific manner.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

Nikola Tesla

Before getting into how our aura can affect us and those around us, I’d like to mention that human thoughts, intentions, feelings and emotions - ‘factors associated with consciousness’ - have been shown to have a direct effect on and correlation to our physical material world.

"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.

Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual."

- Sir James Jeans (“The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005)

To see a more in-depth explanation of how factors associated with consciousness are intertwined with our physical material reality you can read this article:

Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental

The Human Aura

Work by the brilliant scientists over at the Institute of HeartMath can perhaps best shed light on one aspect of human aura. A large portion of their research has investigated heart and brain interaction.

Researchers have examined how the heart and brain communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness and the way in which we perceive our world. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a certain message.

Because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, researchers are able to gather significant data from it. According to Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and Director of Research at the Institute:

"Emotional information is actually included and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us.

We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself, and what we do individually really does count and matters."

- Source

Did you know that your heart emits electromagnetic fields which change according to your emotions, or that the human heart has a magnetic field that can be measured up to several feet away from the human body?

Did you know that positive emotions create physiological benefits in your body, or that you can boost your immune system by conjuring up positive emotions?

Did you know that negative emotions can create nervous system chaos, and that positive emotions do the complete opposite?

The bottom line is, feelings of love, gratitude, and compassion – any positive feelings whatsoever – have a larger impact than we could have ever imagined.

The Spiritual Heart - is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person's heart contributes to a 'collective field environment.' This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.

It’s fascinating to consider how the heart’s magnetic field might be interacting with and affecting other people, and it leads me to wonder if perhaps the electromagnetic fields around our bodies are somehow connected to that of the Earth.

What type of effect, if any, might the information coded into our electromagnetic fields have on the information coded into the Earth’s field? It’s all very exciting, and there are so many questions still left to answer.

Below is a video of  Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, who believes that our positive and negative thoughts each have a different impact on our surrounding environment.

A Russian scientist is trying to convince people they can change the world simply by using their own energy. He claims that thinking in a certain way can have a positive or negative effect on the surrounding environment. "We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world," said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, a professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University. To bridge our understanding of the unseen world of energy, scientific experiments are being carried out using a technique called bioelectrophotography. The assumption is that we are constantly emitting energy. Bioelectrophotography aims to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body -- or what some people would call your aura.

He has developed a scientific device based on the ancient Chinese system of energy meridians which measures the bio-energy of living organisms, as well as the environment.

The device, called the GDV, uses a completely painless electrical current applied to the fingertips - taking less than one millisecond to work - to highlight potential health (physiological and psycho-emotional) abnormalities. 

The body’s response is measured in the form of an “electron cloud” which is composed of light energy photons. The glow of this discharge is invisible to the human eye (humans can only see one percent of the entire electromagnetic spectrum) and is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer.

In the GDV software programs, the glow from the different sectors of the finger images is projected onto the shape of a human body in correspondence with the location of the different organs and systems. As a result, it produces energy field images that allow for intuitive analysis of the physiological level of human body functioning.

It has been approved and received registration as a routine medical diagnostic device by the Russian Ministry of Health upon recommendation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

According to Eastern metaphysical theories of Ayurvedic Indian medicine, there are seven “Chakras,” or integrated energy centers, correlated with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

These energy Chakras are positioned or embedded into the spinal column at various locations beginning with the coccyx, rising all the way to the crown of the head.

Dr. Pradeep B. Deshpande, a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville, explains:

"Each Chakra is considered to resonate at a different frequency level. With new BioWell software, it is now possible to quantitatively estimate the energy of Chakras and graphically display their level of activation, and indicate whether this level of activation is above or below the level found from large numbers of subjects.


The results from a case study he conducted involving over 100 participants in attendance indicate that imbalanced Chakras are easily detectable:

"Each individual sector or portion of the fingertip is connected energetically with specific organs and organ systems such as the respiratory system. When the data of the 10 individual BIO-grams are collated and interpolated, an image of the entire full body energy field is created.

An example of the full body energy field from a healthy and unhealthy/emotionally unbalanced individual are shown above. The gaps and the reduced emissions and out-of-balance Chakras for the unhealthy individual are quite obvious." 

- Source

Please keep in mind that clinical studies of more than 10,000 patient cases with various health challenges have also been well documented in Russia.

How to See a Human Aura in 5 Minutes

Magnetic Fields Of The Human Body And Their Functions

Manly P. Hall is a philosopher and mystic from the early 20th century. Some view him as a pillar of esoteric knowledge, while others think he was part of a dark cabal that has infiltrated Masonic lodges throughout the globe.

Hall did not work his way up the degrees as most Masons do. Instead, he was given an honorary 33rd degree after establishing himself as a learned scholar in many fields. 

While it is all too easy to label someone "evil" purely for an association to a group that has overall been corrupted to a large extent, those who truly seek knowledge and wisdom beyond armchair judgments can see past a book's cover, for the wisdom within its pages.

Those who dismiss what Hall had to say are the ones who miss out on the knowledge he has to offer but if one can look past appearances, then a wealth of information can be claimed. 

I think that knowledge is everywhere, even held within the hands of some of the most diabolical people on the planet. But in receiving these gems of wisdom, we need not consider ourselves evil or supporting those who act insidiously. 

Knowledge is amoral. When used in the right hands it can be a powerful tool. but in the wrong hands (usually the ignorant), it can be a destructive weapon. But for the one who foolishly dismisses wisdom because of an appearance alone, they will suffer the pitfalls of their own prejudice. 

But for the truly discerning, the ability to absorb data from any source is the key to personal growth and evolution. To the discerning mind, wisdom can be found everywhere, but it will remain hidden behind a veil if we never explore it. 

As such, if you have prejudices about Manly P. Hall because of his association with Freemasonry, I ask you to set them aside and open your heart and mind to hear what he has to say. 

And I will share that the concept of magnetic fields affecting the body is hardly new and has been well established for years. Our energetic body connects directly to the Earth-mother in many ways, earthing and geomagnetic fields are some of them. Both of these play an important role in restoring the health of mind, body, and soul. 

Related: Telepathy will be Enabled by the Earth's Magnetic Field on a Global Scale

Related: NASA Confirms: People Are Capable Of Super Human Abilities Using These Ancient Techniques!

Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions is the title of an interview with Manly P. Hall, a Freemason who was very knowledgeable in esoteric teachings.

I do not agree with everything that Manly teaches; however, in the interview, he shared a lot of very important information about energy fields and the human body, so if you want to learn some empowering information about energy fields and the human body, I highly encourage you to watch and listen to the interview.

Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, which is widely regarded as his magnum opus, and which he published at the age of 25 (or 27, 1928)

He has been widely recognized as a leading scholar in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.

Carl Jung, when writing Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall’s private collection.
In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, dedicating it to an idealistic approach to the solution of human problems.

The PRS claims to be non-sectarian and entirely free from educational, political, or ecclesiastical control, and the Society’s programs stress the need for the integration of philosophy, religion, and science into one system of instruction.

The PRS Library, a public facility devoted to source materials in obscure fields, has many rare and scarce items now impossible to obtain elsewhere.

In 1973 (47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages), Hall was recognized as a 33º Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite), at a ceremony held at PRS on December 8th, despite never being initiated into the physical craft.

In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles.

Manly Hall: Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions

13 Signs You Are Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening

Here are 13 crystal clear signs that you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening:

1. You desire less stuff and more simplicity.
You realize that the less you possess the more unburdened your psyche is, and instead of wanting to acquire material wealth, you are seeking to find your inner wealth.

2. You are drawn to mind-expanding books.
You don’t read books anymore just in order to entertain yourself when you feel like having nothing better to do, and choose to read those books that help you to become the greatest version of yourself.

3. You spend more time alone in silence.
You go for solitary walks in nature and meditate in silence so as to reconnect and make peace with yourself.

4. You eat healthier and take better care of your body. You start treating your body like it’s sacred, listening to its wisdom, and keeping it as healthy as you can.

5. You feel more connected to nature and all living beings.
 You recognize the interconnectedness and interdependence of all beings and feel a sense of oneness with everyone and everything.

6. You feel compassion about the suffering in the world. You become aware of how much pain there is all around you and do your best to alleviate it in any way you can.

7. You take responsibility in your hands.
You realize that there’s no point in having a victim’s mentality and blaming others for what’s going wrong in your life, and you take conscious action to shape your destiny.

8. You are mindful of your actions.
You’ve discovered the tremendous power of your actions and you make sure to act in ways that don’t negatively affect yourself and the world.

9. The past and the future lose control over your life.
You understand that the past and future don’t truly exist, and the only moment that was, is, and will ever be is the present.

10. You have a deep yearning for meaning.
 You comprehend that living a normal life is empty of meaning and purpose, and you seek to create your own path in your life’s journey.

11. You are more creative.
You feel an increased desire to creatively express yourself and turn your dreams into reality.

12. You expose your true self to the world.
You’ve dropped your social masks of pretense and you are open to communicate your innermost thoughts and feelings with others without feeling guilty or ashamed.

13. You have a loss of interest in competition.
You realize that competition brings conflict and suffering, and that the only way to live in harmony with others is by having a loving and compassionate attitude towards them.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Jimmy Carter: The U.S. Isn’t A Democracy, It’s An Oligarchy + Evo Morales: Imperialism And Capitalism Are The Root Causes Of Issues Humanity Is Facing
October 23 2016 | From: TrueActivist / Sott

The former U.S. president asserts that money controls politics in the U.S. and that both parties greatly benefit from the system.

In case you missed it, former U.S. president Jimmy Carter appeared on the Thom Hartmann Program in 2015 and, during the interview, stated that the political scheme in the United States is far from what it seems.

Carter stated that America is now an “oligarchy” in which
unlimited political briberyhas resulted in a total subversion of the political system “as a payoff to major contributors.”

Related: The Overthrow Of America - By Its Enemies Within

It doesn’t matter which party you support, he says. After all, both Democrats and Republicans “look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves,” he asserts. His claim is supported by a study conducted by Princeton University, which you can read about here:

Related: Princeton’s Study Confirms America’s Government: And it’s Not Democratic

A portion of the transcript follows:

HARTMANN: Our Supreme Court has now said, “unlimited money in politics.” It seems like a violation of principles of democracy. Your thoughts on that?

CARTER: It violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy, with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations for president or to elect the president. And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members.

So now we’ve just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the election’s over.

The incumbents, Democrats and Republicans, look upon this unlimited money as a great benefit to themselves. Somebody’s who’s already in Congress has a lot more to sell to an avid contributor than somebody who’s just a challenger.

Watch a clip from the interview below:

The British Woke UP - Can The Americans?

Evo Morales: Imperialism And Capitalism Are The Root Causes Of Issues Humanity Is Facing

The main objective of humanity should be "to eradicate" capitalism and imperialism, recommended the Indigenous head of state.

On the International Day of Peace, Bolivian President Evo Morales condemned the imperialist and warmongering policies of Israel and the United States during his address at the United Nations General Assembly in New York Wednesday.

"Israel's warmongering policies are probably one of the most barbaric examples in the world,"
said Morales, vigorously condemning Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians.

"We have to stop the genocide against the Palestinians."

" As for the U.S., they must immediately end the blockade on Cuba and gave the island reparations", he said.

Imperialism and capitalism are the root causes of the issues humanity is facing in the 21st century
, he added, and the main objective of humanity should be "to eradicate" capitalism.

"Capitalism is the worse enemy of life and humanity, and of future generations; it destroys Mother Earth; concentrates wealth the hands of a few; and generates extreme poverty,"
he told global leaders.

"If we don't build another system soon for society, we will replace sustainable development with sustainable death,"
he warned.

"A lot of people in the world are either refugees or displaced, because of global warming or because of the wars and conflicts, while more than 800 million people in the world are hungry,"
he stated.

"This is the face of capitalism."

"We condemn violence and terrorism but in order to address terrorism we must address the roots of this plague: wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few: the greater the poverty and inequality, the greater the discrimination, which encourages violence."

The leader highlighted that since Bolivia kicked out U.S. military bases, the fight against drug trafficking has significantly improved, as the U.N. documented - contradicting what Washington argues.

"Terrorism and drug trafficking are twins that the North American empire uses in order to invade and control the world, I am certain of that,"
he said.

"When the Drug Enforcement Agency was in Bolivia, only half of the drugs seized was incinerated, the other was to get rich,"
he said, quoting information from military officials.

He also rejected the management of Luis Almagro as the head of the Organization of American States, "We don't need a manager from the empire to govern us," he said, stressing that the existence of the OAS would no purpose if the organization did not respect the sovereignty of peoples.

He expressed his support for the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro which has been targeted by Almagro.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

France: Entire Swiss Branch Of Rothschild’s Banking Empire Under Criminal Investigation Following David De Rothschild Indictment
October 23 2016 | From: PoliticalVelcraft

It has taken many years to bring this case against Rothschild and his company the Rothschild Financial Services Group, which trapped hundreds of pensioners in a bogus loan scheme between the years of 2005 and 2008. Rothschild Unionises With Rockefeller To Congeal Funds 2012.

[In Their Defense] According to Bloomberg, [& after 11 years of stall tactics] The Swiss unit of Eddy de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former [David?] employee.

Related: Rothschild Bank Now Under Criminal Investigation Over Missing $4 Billion In Global Corruption Probe

"Eddy de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,”
the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”

Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin, Boy building a House of Cards , 1735; Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trusts)

Related: The Truth Is Out: Last Chapter Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia?

"Eddy de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Benny de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965.

The company has no further comment at this time, according to the statement. Officials in Geneva weren’t immediately available to respond to a telephone call from Bloomberg News on Friday."

- Bloomberg

Last year, David de Rothschild was indicted by the French government after he was accused of fraud in a scheme that allegedly embezzled large sums of money from British pensioners.

One by one the pensioners lost their money and pressed charges against the notorious banker, beginning a case that would take many years to get even an indictment.

In June, Paris-based liaison judge Javier Gómez Bermudez ruled that Rothschild must face a trial for his crimes, and ordered local police to seek him out in his various mansions that are spread throughout the country.


Related: Jean-Claude Van Damme just took over a mainstream news show to expose the delusional elite

"“It is a good step in the right direction. The courts are now in agreement with us that there is enough evidence to interrogate Baron Rothschild. The first thing they will have to do is find him.

Once they have done that they can begin to question him. It is a real breakthrough moment for everyone involved,” lawyer Antonio Flores of Lawbird told the Olive Press after the ruling."

“In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law,”
he added.

While news of a single Rothschild being indicted is certainly noteworthy, a particularly important announcement was made this Friday.

The French government announced that it has launched an investigation into the entire Swiss branch of the Rothschild’s banking empire. The Rothschild empire has been instrumental in helping move the global elite’s wealth from traditional tax havens like the Bahamas, Switzerland and the British Virgin Islands to the U.S.

In April, the Free Thought Project reported on the “above the law” tax haven established inside the United States by the Rothschilds: Obama’s Reaction to Panama Papers Exposed as a Sham - Rothschilds Continue US-Based Tax Haven

After opening a trust company in Reno, Nev., Rothschild & Co. began ushering the massive fortunes of the world’s most wealthy individuals out of typical tax havens, and into the Rothschild run U.S. trusts, which are exempt from the international reporting requirements.


The Rothschild banking dynasty is a family line that has been accused of pulling the political strings of many different governments through their control of various economic systems throughout the world.

Related: Rothschild Weather Mafia: Violation Of Antitrust Laws

Historically, there is ample evidence to show that the family has used insider trading to bilk money from both private and public funds.

During the Battle of Waterloo in the Napoleonic wars, Nathan Rothschild was responsible for one of the oldest cases of “insider trading,” which led to the Rothschild family robbing a whole nation blind.

In 1815 when the battle of Waterloo took place, there were no quick methods of communication like we have today, so messengers were used for communication in times of war.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The Rothschild’s took advantage of this by having spies on the frontlines of the battle who would return information to the family faster than the messengers used by the military.

When the British won the war, Nathan Rothschild, was of course, the first to know, and he immediately went to the stock exchange and started selling stocks while putting out the rumor that the French had won the war.

This created a panic on the floor of the stock exchange and investors all over England began frantically selling their stocks. With the price of all stocks plummeting Rothschild was able to buy out the whole English market for a fraction of its cost.

When word returned that the English had actually been victorious, the value of the market soared, and overnight Nathan Rothschild expanded his family’s wealth, and cemented their position as one of the richest families in the world.

Related: An Illustrated History Of The House Of Rothschild: 1743 - 2006 & The Illuminati Grand Plan

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Submission On The NZ Intelligence And Security Bill
October 22 2016 | From: KeithLocke

The NZ Intelligence and Security Bill unnecessarily allows for greater surveillance of New Zealanders by our intelligence services and intrudes further on our privacy.

The definition of national security is so broad that it could enable even more surveillance of legitimate political dissenters by the intelligence services than has happened to date.

Related: New Zealand Intelligence And Security Bill

The Bill should not be proceeded with.

Threats Faced by New Zealand

Any discussion of whether the intelligence services should be granted extra powers should begin with a discussion of the threats facing New Zealand.

The fact is that we are a remarkably peaceful people
. In the last 100 years there is not one proven case of politically motivated act by a New Zealander causing death. [My only qualification is that the Wellington Trades Hall bombing in 1984, which resulted in one death, may have been politically motivated.]

Related: New Zealand Prime Minister Uses Bogus Islamic State Threat As Excuse To Ramp Up National Security And Surveillance

The only proven terrorist act was committed by non-New Zealanders, namely the French agents who bombed the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland Harbour in 1985, killing a Portuguese photographer.

Non-state terrorism has proven to be a problem in some Western countries, especially those, unlike New Zealand, that are heavily involved in foreign wars, or have a socio-economically marginalised Muslim population, or have a body politic significantly prejudiced against Muslim people.

There is no global terrorist threat. The majority of nations are not threatened by non-state terrorism

Of course, there is always the possibility of a politically motivated violent act, causing death, taking place on New Zealand soil, but it would be an exceptional event. It would not, by itself, justify enlarging the present powers of New Zealand’s intelligence services.

The Bill Massively Increases the Collection of Personal Information on New Zealanders

There are several reasons why granting the GCSB power to spy on New Zealanders will result in a much greater intrusion on the privacy of New Zealanders.

Firstly, the GCSB’s intelligence collection is less targeted than that traditionally carried out by the Security Intelligence Service. We already know that the GCSB collects bulk information on satellite communications accessed by at its Waihopai spy station (which is part of the Five Eyes network).

Related: The [Cabal Controlled] American Empire Is A Threat To Every Nation’s Security

There is nothing in the proposed legislation stopping this from continuing. Nor will anything in the Bill prevent the international communications of New Zealanders being drawn down into the satellite dishes at Waihopai to be stored and later analysed, because such communications don’t identify NZ citizenship.

We know from the Snowden documents that the whole direction of the Five Eyes network (including the GCSB) is to collect, store and share with each other as much raw communications and social media data as is technically possible - on the basis that some of it may later be useful.

The all-inclusive definition of “information infrastructure” in Clause 4 covers any electronic communication, and Clause 66 allows the GCSB access to any such transmitted or stored communication.

There are no clear limits to what can be collected and through what means.

Secondly, because the GCSB shares a mass of its raw data with its four Five Eyes partners [loosely provided for under Clause 13], the result of this sharing will be a greater intrusion into the privacy of New Zealanders, as well as its misuse against New Zealanders.

We know from the Snowden papers that the data collected by the Five Eyes is mainly used to spy on other governments or political dissenters, for political ends which are often contestable.

For example, the GCSB’s proven spying on, Roberto Azevedo, the (successful) Brazilian candidate for WTO director-general, was aimed at giving New Zealander Tim Groser the edge in the contest.

Related: No Public Accountability For The GCSB, Prime Minister Goes Back On His Word + Documents Shine Light On Shadowy New Zealand Surveillance Base

This was spying to advance the government’s neo-liberal trade and investment agenda, personified by former Trade Minister Groser, an agenda which is contested by other New Zealand political parties.

Thirdly, we also know from the Snowden papers that Five Eyes partners are providing intercept information about New Zealanders. In 2012 Tony Fullman, a New Zealand citizen, had his house raided on the basis of information passed on to the GCSB by the US National Security Agency.

His “crime” was to be a peaceful advocate of democracy in Fiji.

Related: The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner

Analysis of the Snowden papers showed he was one several Fiji pro-democracy activists who had their Gmails and Facebook posts monitored by the NSA.

Fourthly, the warrant system contained in the Bill will not prevent information on many law-abiding New Zealanders being taken from the mass of intercept data collected by the GCSB and Five Eyes. The warrants can be very broad in their catchment.

Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

They can be for a “class of persons” (Clause 61), or they can be what are called “purpose-based warrants” (Clause 64). Either way such warrants can cover a lot of people, such as those New Zealanders attending a mosque or group of mosques, or all those New Zealanders travelling to certain countries.

Fifthly, GCSB can pass on to other agencies for analysis anything from its mountain of electronic intelligence data. All it has to do is define that information as “incidentally-obtained intelligence” under Clause 91. Remember such intelligence doesn’t need to have anything to do with real or potential criminal activity.

All that is required is that there is believed to be a “potential threat” to New Zealand’s “security” as determined by the agencies.

Under Clause 91 information “incidentally obtained” on legitimate political dissenters could be kept or passed on.

Using Intelligence Information Against Legitimate Dissenters

There is an inherent contradiction in the legislation. Clause 22 says that collecting intelligence is not justified when it is infringing “the right of persons to engage in lawful advocacy, protest, or dissent in respect of any matter.”

However, this can be overridden when “national security” is deemed at risk.

As defined in Clause 5 “national security” can include any activity, even if it is not criminal activity, which affects New Zealand’s “status as a free and democratic society” or threatens “international security” or “the quality of life of the New Zealand population” or represents “acts of foreign interference, that may cause serious damage to New Zealand’s economic security or international relations.”

What this means is that the intelligence services are authorised to act in secret to monitor and help counter perfectly legal activity if those agencies define it as contrary to “national security”, whether that activity is carried out by New Zealanders or non-New Zealanders.

All of the types of legal political activity targeted under the “national security” label are politically contestable.

For example, dissenters in New Zealand believe the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement threatens our “national security” in that the agreement threatens our “status as a free and democratic society” and our “quality of life” and could, by increasing global inequality, threaten “international security”.

Related: The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You A Terrorist

The present New Zealand government believes the opposite, that the anti-TPPA dissenters threaten “national security”, and under this Bill could use the intelligence services to monitor those dissenters.

New Zealand anti-TPPA dissenters believe it is perfectly proper, under our Bill of Rights, to coordinate campaigning against the TPPA with international NGOS (eg. Greenpeace and Oxfam) or other governments without these foreign NGOs or governments being spied on for committing “acts of foreign interference that may cause serious damage to New Zealand’s economic security or international relations.”

New Zealand should champion a free global debate among people, organisations and nations over free trade and investment pacts, without any involvement of security services.

Unfortunately, that is not the case, as we have seen in the Groser/WTO case and in the NSA’s spying on European governments during trade negotiations, as disclosed in the Snowden documents.

Related: NZ Government Accused of Spying on WTO Top Job Candidates

GCSB spying on Pacific Governments Unjustified and Contrary to our Interests

The GCSB electronic spying on Pacific Island governments, exposed in Snowden papers and rightly criticised by several Pacific leaders, is an unjustified and illegal breach of their right to privacy. It negatively affecting our relations with these states, none of whom are conducting electronic spying on us.

Spy agencies focus on political critics of the NZ government, not those engaged in illegal activity.

The fundamental problem is that the SIS and GCSB are primarily agencies for political spying on legal activity. While part of the Bill’s definition of “national security” [Clause 5] covers “unlawful acts” (ie: those which have a political motive), in practice the agency does little in this area, for two reasons.

The first, which I aludded to earlier, is that in recent years there have been not been politically motivated criminal acts of any consequence.

Secondly, we already have an institution, the Police, which is dedicated to detecting and prosecuting politically motivated illegal acts – such as the bombing of the Rainbow Warrior in 1985, or the securing of fraudulent New Zealand passports by Mossad agents in 2004.

A perusal of those personal SIS files that have been released proves that the overwhelming bulk of the agencies work has been directed against perfectly legal dissent.

This is likely to continue under the terms of this Bill. My own SIS file, which covers 51 years of my life, records only my legal political activities as a dissenter. I have no criminal record.

Oversight Mechanisms Inadequate

There has been some improvement in oversight mechanisms, but they are still inadequate. While more people from outside the service will be involved in granting surveillance warrants this won’t act as much of a check if those people accept the Bill’s ethos that political spying to advance a government’s political agenda is ok.

The Intelligence and Security Committee in the Parliament will remain relatively toothless.

Related: The Entire “War On Terror” Has Been A Lie – And These Charts Prove It

The GCSB and SIS Directors can still block information going to the Committee by defining it as “sensitive” (Clause 163). It is good, however, that the Inspector-General will now have access to all security information (Clause 142).

Much will now depend on the quality of the Inspector-General as a check on abuses in the system, and as someone who can listen to whistleblowers. However, in relation to whistleblowers, I strongly oppose new provision 78AA (Clause 207) providing for 5 years in prison for those who disclose anything “classified”.

CFR’s RAND Corporation: Terror From “Everywhere” Requires More Surveillance

Whistleblowing is sometimes the only way to expose wrongdoing in public institutions and the SIS and GCSB are not exceptions. Particularly worrying is the potential for journalists to be penalised (under 78AA 2 (b) (ii)) for publishing classified material that exposes wrongdoing.

An Independent Cybersecurity Agency Needed

The GCSB currently has one useful responsibility, cybersecurity [see Clause 15], but this function should be devolved to a new independent government cybersecurity agency, which involves and coordinates its work with the Police and other relevant agencies.

Related: The Corporate US Government Are The Terrorists - The Islamic State Is A Big Lie

The GCSB, tasked with breaking in to computers and creating back door entry in to communications devices, is not the best agency to protect our IT systems.


I ask the Select Committee be bold and challenge the need for the SIS and the GCSB, given that our Police force is perfectly adequate to deal with politically motivated criminal behavior, and we don’t need a state agency to monitor our non-criminal political behavior.

The GCSB’s cybersecurity function should be devolved to a new independent agency.

I recommend the Select Committee not proceed with this Bill in its present form.

Overall it puts New Zealanders in a worse situation than in already existing legislation, in relation to both their personal privacy and their right to untrammeled freedom of expression.

Related: Not Just Surveillance: 3 Current Phenomena Exposing 1984 As An Instruction Manual For The State

However, given the Bill is likely to have the numbers to proceed I do support the deletion (or amendment) of any Clauses which extend the scope of GCSB and SIS spying on non-criminal political activity.

I have already mentioned the problems with Clauses 4, 5, 13, 15, 61, 64, 66, 91, 163 and 207. Conversely, I support all measures in the Bill which may improve, even if marginally, the accountability of SIS and GCSB operatives. I have mentioned, for example, Clause 142 which I support because it removes the existing restraint on the Inspector-General accessing all security information.

Related: Washington Admits, ‘War On Terror’ Is Designed To Be Permanent State of War

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Real Reason Trump's Being Treated Like He's Crazy For Refusing To Accept Election Results + Top Highlights From The Final Presidential Debate
October 22 2016 | From: OpEdNews / Infowars

The mainstream media and the duopoly corporate parties - both Republican and Democratic - have gone into full force attack on Donald Trump for his refusal to accept the election results, which he has repeatedly said are rigged. It's time a candidate who has been the victim of a rigged election speaks up.

Everywhere you turn today the mainstream media is united in attacking Donald Trump for refusing to say he will accept the results of the election he considers rigged.

Related: Donald Trump Exposes Globalist Control & Criminal Clintons Live In Florida Speech + All-Out Effort To Destroy Trump Proves He's Not Part Of The Establishment

Related: Rigged Elections Are An American Tradition

Related: Public Awakens To Massive Election Fraud

They're saying that his attitude undermines democracy, that it shows no respect for the election system our country is based upon. Really? As publisher of OpEdNews.com I've published over 10,000 articles on election integrity, questioning the trustworthiness and raising the concern that elections can be hacked or corrupted.

We know, through Wikileaks, that Hillary and the Clinton campaign rigged, in many ways, the Democratic primary, using the State Department to influence the FBI, lying and deceiving within the DNC, collaborating with the mainstream media. Trump has every reason to believe that the Clinton campaign will do all it can to rig the election.

Related: Trump Is Right: Here’s Proof Hillary & Obama Founded ISIS + Obama Admits ‘We’re Training ISIL’

Bernie Sanders accepted the results of the primary, even after some of the Wikileaks revelations began to come out. I'm not judging him for doing that. His rationale is he negotiated the most progressive Democratic platform in history.

If Bernie had challenged the results, especially after the Wikileaks revelations, if he'd called for his supporters to take action, to go to the streets, to make noise to demand a legal response - to the rigging, to the FBI corruption of the law.

It appears that Trump will fight such rigging. He's started fighting it already. He's preparing his supporters to be furious, to take action. I don't know what kind of action, but they'll be ready for action. In reality, Trump has done much to sabotage his campaign, perhaps not intentionally, but because he is a narcissistic who is unable to control his impulses.

But his message that he does not trust the election is not a bad one for democracy. It is a good one. It is getting millions of people to look more closely at the election system and process.

The risk of corruption of electronic voting, with the inability to do a verifiable recount is very real, yet the mainstream media have literally mocked those who raise the concern as conspiracy theorists. Chuck Todd, current host for Meet The Press, is one of the worst.

Related: Wikileaks Confirms Hillary Sold Weapons To ISIS + Wikileaks Will Release More Emails On The Clinton Foundation – FBI Has Enough Evidence To Indict

It's hard to believe that the mainstream media are so obtuse or stupid to ignore the obviousness of the problem of an electronic voting system. That suggests that their indignance, their outrage is a drama aimed at embarrassing, intimidating and making people who are inclined to believe Trump feel foolish.

This media offensive aimed at challenging the idea that the election is rigged goes hand in hand with the massive campaign Clinton and Obama are orchestrating, selling Wikileaks as a propaganda agent being used by the Russians.

Let's start with the statement by NBC's Bryan Williams, who said;

"The disqualifying moment for Americans who believe in and respect a peaceful transition of power came along with an audience gasp in the room when Donald Trump refused under direct questioning to say he would honor the outcome of the election, the will of the voters."

This is from a man who was suspended from NBC because he lied about his experience.

Then, there's David Gregory, a hack who was dumped from hosting Meet The Press, who said, "This Is a Death Blow for Donald Trump."

Lawnews.com reports:

'University of California-Irvine election law professor Rick Hasen said, "Our democracy is a fragile thing which depends upon accepting the rules of the game."'

Mediaite.com reports that Joe Scarborough of Morning Joe on MSNBC had a different take, quoting him as saying, "How many people in Scranton, Pennsylvania care about what he said in that answer compared to people in news rooms that are whimpering and whining with their, you know, soy lattes?"

And further, Mediaite reports Scarborough said;

'"I think for elites and media people ["] to try to boil that entire debate down to that one answer, that's very predictable,"
he said. The notion that Trump said he would challenge the election was a media fiction, Scarborough insisted. "He never said that! Which is extraordinary - the leap that all the media has made," he said.'

The list is long and deep. This message, that the election system is trustworthy, is a core part of keeping the crooked corporate system up and running.

If millions of people start questioning our election process, if they question Hillary's win, who knows where it will go?

One thing I am sure of. We need more people waking up to the reality that the system IS broken, that the system has been rigged for a long time, that big corporations and the plutocrats have been at war with the middle class.

Related: Excellent Trump / Farage Speech & Hillary Thinks “Mr. Brexit” Is Just Another “Right-wing, Xenophobic, Sexist, Bigot” That You Should Promptly Ignore

Bill Moyers said it 13 years ago. It's even worse now, and a big part of the reason it's worse is because most Americans, especially liberals, the ones who supported Hillary in the primary, have not awakened to the reality.

It's freaking the powers that be out that a presidential candidate is speaking the truth about the system.

I can't bring myself to vote for Clinton or Trump, but at least Trump is bringing some truth to the process. It's no surprise that the powers that be are trying to make Trump look crazy.

Related Articles: Election Rigging, Hacking and Voter Fraud

Hacking Democracy in Less than 60 Seconds

Former Congressman Joe Scarborough Exposes the Rigged Voting System

Watch this Voting Machine Test Failure

Elections in Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Netherlands

Spain’s Orwellian “Citizens Security Law” Gag

Why Vote When Our Votes Really Don’t Count

Doug Casey’s Top Five Reasons Not to Vote

Top Highlights From The Final Presidential Debate

Lies,lies,and more lies. Hillary stood poised with an air of smug arrogance. Supposedly emboldened by her thirty years in a variety of undeserving roles in government where she racked up zero beneficial major accomplishments.

Donald stood by reserved and battle worn after enduring along with the American people a unification of fraud from the globalists bought and paid for mainstream media propaganda machine, the tremendous amount of scathing info from the Wikileaks, Another torpedo to the democrats from James O' Keefe, and the FBI's announcement that a four star general will face prison time for charges that are dwarfed by Hillary's email breach of national security.

Related: Only Half of Americans Realize Election System Is Rigged

Related: Rigging the Election - Video I: Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

I don't know about you but how can we believe a word Hillary says. And why should we?

Related: Presidential Debate Check: 12 Hillary Lies Debunked + Lots More

Trump Relies On Intelligence Hillary Relies On Ignorance

It is more obvious than ever what seperates Trump and Clinton on how they view their voters. Trump made a statement tonight on how he relies on American voters seeing through propaganda, while Wikileaks emails show Democrats rely on voter ignorance.

Related:Hillary Smiles At America's Destruction

Hillary Presidency Means Immediate War With Russia

Hillary Clinton wants nothing more than to go to war with Russia and Vladimir Putin after blaming them for hack they clearly had nothing to do with.

Related: It Turns Out Assange Wasn't Kidding & NWO Hyper-Desperate Attempts To Manage Clinton Train Wreck

Proven: Hillary Clinton Is TPP Puppet

Wikileaks and Donald Trump once more remind the public that Hillary Clinton called the TPP the 'gold standard' for trade deals.

Related: The Clinton Chronicles

Trump Calls Clinton Foundation Corrupt Organization

Donald Trump hits Hillary with her crimes against the people of Haiti and how her foundation kept the donations that were meant to rebuild Haiti.

Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Crushes Clinton - "You Should Be In Jail"

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them
October 21 2016 | From: Geopolitics

There is still a sizable portion of our society who cannot grasp the reality of weather altering devices and technologies which have made us all unsure about which weather is real, and which ones are not.

This poses a big problem for those who understand how these weather devices are being used, but want to inform the public about the impending danger of the draconian laws that have been legislated based on the false pretext of global warming.

Related: Ten Years On: Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Propaganda Film Turns Out To Be Total Bunk - How Is His Profit From Carbon Taxes Not Criminal Fraud?

Surely, Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth movie and his green energy companies continue making money for the guy, but when the lie became impossible enough to sustain, they have begun using the more generic term, i.e. climate change.

Kilimanjaro Still Has Snow

One of the first glaring claims Gore makes is about Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. He claims Africa’s tallest peak will be snow-free “within the decade.” Gore shows slides of Kilimanjaro’s peak in the 1970s versus today to conclude the snow is disappearing.

Well, it’s been a decade and, yes, there’s still snow on Kilimanjaro year-round. It doesn’t take a scientist to figure this out.

Wednesday 14 September 2016 9:00AM - Sunday 25 September 2016 5:00PM Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Related: An Inconvenient Review: After 10 Years Al Gore’s Film Is Still Alarmingly Inaccurate

Climate does change, it’s been that way since the birth of our solar system, but the phrase is now synonymous to abnormal weather patterns, flash flooding, forest wildfires, and to some extent, even earthquakes, all of which could be the handiwork of highly covert government entities trying to justify their subsequent invasive policies.

All of these calamitous events can affect the economic productivity and greatly hamper the development of the targeted regions on the planet. Indeed, weather weapons are a very effective tool for geopolitical coercion.

Related: U.S. Attacked Philippines with HAARP

The nations possessing these weather weapons agreed that they won’t be used in wars and geopolitical conflicts. But who can ever refuse the power to play like the mythical gods of thunder and lightning?

We are not only talking here about “cloud seeding” technologies like Wikipedia would like us to limit our understanding about weather warfare:

Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.

"Weather warfare is the use of weather modification techniques such as cloud seeding for military purposes.

Prior to the Geneva Convention, the United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam War. Under the auspices of the Air Weather Service, the United States’ Operation Popeye used cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail, increasing rainfall by an estimated thirty percent during 1967 and 1968. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.

With much less success, the United States also dropped salt on the airbase during the siege of Khe Sanh in an attempt to reduce the fog that hindered air operations.

A research paper produced for the United States Air Force written in 1996 speculates about the future use of nanotechnology to produce “artificial weather”, clouds of microscopic computer particles all communicating with each other to form an intelligent fog that could be used for various purposes. “Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist… "

- Wikipedia (the trusted source...)

The above phrase, “Artificial weather technologies do not currently exist…” is in disagreement to the statement made by the US Air Force during a budget hearing for HAARP, like so:

HAARP, or High Altitude Auroral Research Program, is said to be an experimental electromagnetic wave propagator which could deliver radio signals in any desired frequencies with a twist of a button, to strike at any target. But as that US congressional hearing suggest, the Air Force is already using a more advanced version, they are now willing to abandon the existing HAARP site in Alaska.

There are, of course, radar systems mounted on mobile platforms which could emit high powered EM signals, and can be positioned in any of the 1,000 US military bases, for steering “weather disturbance” to any triangulated terrestrial and extraterrestrial targets.

The other side of this all-in-one ultrahigh powered radio broadcast technology is to foster positive disposition, fry the electronics of an incoming ICBM, or MiRVs simultaneously, and render their thermonuclear/chemical warhead inert, and deliver controlled rainfall on arid deserts of Africa so that food abundance is assured at last.

Related: When Plutocrats Own The Weather & Nobody Is Buying The “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

Yes, the most versatile weather weapon is staring right in plain sight and is using that same technology still being used in the wireless broadcast industry today.

The only notable difference is that the weaponized version is using billion watts of sheer power which is very feasible just by transforming the transmission voltage from a few hundred volts into the range of hundreds of million volts which is what Tesla was actually playing with.

Consider three radar installations firing upward in a triangle configuration, all at the same time. Those three hot nodes will then experience high gas pressures, and as a result, their common center will then become the “low pressure area [LPA],” which will be news broadcasted by your weather channel as where the potential typhoon will come from.

The fact that they can move the three points of attack will make the typhoon steerable to hit at any desired target.

For more in-depth study, the researcher can refer to the US Patent 4686605 by clicking on the image below:

But no, the United Nations, Inc., or any of its subsidiary corporate states, are not capable of providing these commonsensical solutions any time soon. It can only afford to pay lip service to those pressing problems, because the Old Men running the show can’t get over with their myopic appreciation of the power entrusted to them, which they use only to impress young women.

Considering that our body, like everything else in nature, is made up of EM waves propagating at certain frequencies in space, we can also be altered, or our bodily functions can be influence for any desired effect.

If at certain microwave frequencies, a radar system can cook the atmosphere to increase gas pressure, and change the weather, it can also be used to deliver modulated brain wave frequencies to stimulate docility, or hyperactivity to destroy an entire targeted population without firing a single bullet.

This is the reason why the authorities sought to limit, or eradicate, its use in actual conflict scenario.

Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The States Parties to this Convention,

Guided by the interest of consolidating peace, and wishing to contribute to the cause of halting the arms race, and of bringing about general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control, and of saving mankind from the danger of using new means of warfare,

Determined to continue negotiations with a view to achieving effective progress towards further measures in the field of disarmament,

Recognizing that scientific and technical advances may open new possibilities with respect to modification of the environment,

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, adopted at Stockholm on 16 June 1972,

Realizing that the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes could improve the interrelationship of man and nature and contribute to the preservation and improvement of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations,

Recognizing, however, that military or any other hostile use of such techniques could have effects extremely harmful to human welfare,

Desiring to prohibit effectively military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques in order to eliminate the dangers to mankind from such use, and affirming their willingness to work towards the achievement of this objective,

Desiring also to contribute to the strengthening of trust among nations and to the further improvement of the international situation in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,

Have agreed as follows:

Article I

  1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.

  2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or international organization to engage in activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.

Article II

As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.

Article III

  1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning such use.

  2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement and peaceful utilization of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

Article IV

Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to take any measures it considers necessary in accordance with its constitutional processes to prohibit and prevent any activity in violation of the provisions of the Convention anywhere under its jurisdiction or control. Blah, blah,blah.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention at Geneva, on the 18 day of May 1977.

- Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

The reality on the ground is far from being straightforward, i.e. countries possessing weather weaponry may not be actively firing at each other, but that doesn’t mean that the United States government, for example, is not using the same capability against its own people, or its smaller nation allies, you know, to keep them in line.

The chemical based geoengineering, for instance, is being extended to spray harmful chemicals instead of merely “cloud seeding”.

Historical Perspectives

It was Dr. Nikola Tesla who tried to give us wireless power so that global prosperity can be achieved by providing free and unlimited access to energy, for the benefit of all.

Related: Unraveling Nikola Tesla’s Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

He constructed a “magnifying transmitter” which could deliver both power and data wirelessly to far off distances. In the process, he realized the vast potential of his device and the dangers it may pose when the technology falls into the wrong hands.

On April 28, 1997 U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen made the following statement:

'"Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves…

So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…

It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”

In February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the U.S based weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP program.

The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

'Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”

- European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy, Brussels, doc. no. A4-0005/99, 14 January 1999

The weapons referred to by Secretary Cohen are longitudinal EM wave interferometers (LWIs). Longitudinal EM waves easily travel through the ocean and earth with very little loss. In a distant interference zone, there appears real EM energy again, of the kind we have in our textbooks.

However, the energy arises from spacetime itself in the interference zone, as proven by M.W. Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden et al., “On Whittaker’s Representation of the Electromagnetic Entity in Vacuo: The Production of Transverse Fields and Energy by Scalar Interferometry,” Journal of New Energy, 4(3), Winter 1999, p. 76-78. (That entire issue of JNE contains some 60 papers by the Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advanced Study (AIAS), dealing with the kind of higher symmetry electrodynamics needed to understand such weapons).

Though tested in prototype in the 1950s, the first strategic LWIs were deployed in Russia in April 1963, and were used to kill the U.S.S. Thresher nuclear attack submarine, underwater off the East coast of the United States, in April 1963. The signatures of the kill are 100% decisive.

USS Thresher

One day later, the same weapon placed an enormous electromagnetic burst (explosion) deep underwater, 100 miles north of Puerto Rico. From the surface of the ocean there arose a giant cone of water, rising a half mile into the air, turning into a mushroom, and falling back into the sea.

This was the second test of the new Russian strategic LWIs, under KGB control. By this test and the fact that the West did not even recognize what killed the Thresher, Khrushchev managed to stay in power another two years or so, after his Cuban Crisis fiasco where he lost face in front of the entire world.

World-wide weather engineering started in earnest by the Russians on July 4, 1976 - as a quirky sense of humor and “bicentennial gift” to the United States. The weapons have been used to shoot down aircraft, etc. worldwide also, mostly as tests, and have also destroyed ICBMs shortly after launch.

Related: Eco-Terrorism Correspondence

Both the scientific and political priesthoods are being used by the plutocrats at the highest totem pole of our society to impose upon humanity a world of endless scarcity in all aspects of our existence. They justify this policy by saying that if everything is free and easily accessible, people get lazy and just play around. What’s wrong with that?

We are the only species in the entire solar system that consented to making life very difficult after we have discovered ways and means to make it easier.

"When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century ago).

…The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs.

For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave.

It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist.

Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.)

I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it…”

- Top Scientist Resigns From His Post At The University Of California Admitting Global Warming Is A Big Scam

In February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the U.S based weather warfare facility developed under the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:

"Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.”

- European Parliament, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy, Brussels, doc. no. A4-0005/99, 14 January 1999

The Committee’s request to draw up a “Green Paper” on “the environmental impacts of military activities”, however, was casually dismissed on the grounds that the European Commission lacked the required jurisdiction to delve into “the links between environment and defense”. Brussels was anxious to avoid a showdown with Washington. (see European Report, 3 February 1999).

The possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military and intelligence agenda, while tacitly acknowledged, has never been considered relevant. Military analysts are mute on the subject.

Meteorologists are not investigating the matter, and environmentalists are strung on global warming and the Kyoto protocol.

Related: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

Ironically, the Pentagon, while recognizing its ability to modify the World’s climate for military use, has joined the global warming consensus. In a major study (pdf) , the Pentagon has analyzed in detail the implications of various global warming scenarios.

Related: Environmental Warfare and Climate Change

Power is never given, or handed down in a silver platter. It must be taken away from those who are incapable of using it wisely for the good and benefit of all lifeforms everywhere.

In lieu of these deplorables, we must put in management positions the visionaries, engineers and technologists, so that only the progressive use of science and technology is given the light of day.

This is the revolution worth fighting for.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

US Attorney General Finally Admits Weed Isn’t A Gateway Drug - Prescription Pills Are + Study Proves Medical Marijuana Can Replace Dangerous Pharmaceuticals
October 21 2016 | From: TheAntiMedia / NaturalNews / Various

The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a U.S. federal research institute focused on[advancing] science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction … to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.

Though it admits “the majority of people who use marijuana do not go on to use other, ‘harder’ substances,” it still describes marijuana as a gateway drug.

Related: New Discovery Proves Humans Have Been Using Cannabis for at Least 2,400 Years

But U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch recently told a group of Kentucky high school students the role of marijuana in the national drug abuse debate has been overstated.

While discussing how heroin abuse and how individuals often develop an addiction, Lynch argued:

[I]ndividuals [start out] with a prescription drug problem, and then because they need more and more, they turn to heroin. It isn’t so much that marijuana is the step right before using prescription drugs or opioids -  it is true that if you tend to experiment with a lot of things in life, you may be inclined to experiment with drugs, as well. But it’s not like we’re seeing that marijuana as a specific gateway.”

Attorney General Lynch added that instead of trafficking rings, what “introduce[s] a person to opioids … [is] the household medicine cabinet.”

The event she attended was part of the Prescription Opioid Heroin Epidemic Awareness Week, a campaign designed by the White House that includes “250 different events highlighting the importance of prevention, enforcement, and treatment.”

As expected, the campaign focused on advertising the official approach to drug abuse, encouraging the public to support the Obama administration’s approach to the opioid crisis.

Measures embraced by the administration includeexpanding evidence-based prevention and treatment programs, increasing access to the overdose-reversal medicine naloxone, and supporting targeted enforcement activities.”

But nowhere in the official campaign page is there a list of practical solutions to the opioid crisis, an admission of guilt, or a concession stating that, despite marijuana’s official federal classification, cannabis is not seen as the root of the problem by the very head of the United States Department of Justice.

In early August, the Obama administration said no to a bid urging the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reconsider how marijuana is classified under federal drug control laws. Currently, the DEA lists marijuana as a Schedule I drug, along with heroin, the pivot drug of the opioid epidemic.

But as the Attorney General’s comments demonstrate, the federal government fails to take its own classification methodology seriously, choosing instead to contend that prescription drug abuse is a much bigger issue.

Related: All signs point to a corporate takeover of the marijuana industry by Bayer, Monsanto

Per its federal classification, marijuana should be seen as a threat as dangerous as heroin, and yet Lynch appears to contend the abuse of legal drugs is keeping federal agents busy - not the enforcement of her agency’s own rules.

What Lynch is failing to discuss on the federal government’s anti-opioid abuse campaign trail is the racist, opportunistic roots of the failed and decades-long drug war in America.

But as American states begin to shift their approach to some of the targets of this nationwide anti-drug campaign, legalized marijuana is able to accomplish what many drug war apologists claimed criminalization would achieve: bringing down the drug cartels. But as the Washington Post report demonstrates, legalizing pot is not enough.

While powerful drug cartels have seen legalized marijuana taking a chunk out of their profits, the criminalization of other drugs such as heroin continues to put addicts in harm’s way.

With drug cartels seeing an increase in demand due to the pressure mounting from the growth of the relationship between the government and the pharmaceutical industry, dangerous alternatives to heroin, such as fentanyl, are sold on the street as regular heroin.

Without legal means to produce the drugs the market demands, these cartels are not concerned with the quality of their product nor the health of their consumer.

When looking at the destruction stemming from the illegal drug trafficking industry, we are able to trace it back to the criminalization of drug commerce and use - and yet government officials prefer to live in the dark ages, upping their involvement with the war on yet another drug epidemic entirely manufactured by crony kingpins.

Study Proves Medical Marijuana Can Replace Dangerous Pharmaceuticals

Opponents of medical marijuana laws have often claimed that legalizing marijuana use would lead to rampant drug abuse and have an adverse effect on society. Now that these laws have been instituted in some states for a few years, however, evidence is mounting that the opposite is actually true.

In fact, it turns out that medical marijuana is so effective at treating pain that it's keeping many patients off prescription painkillers, which are a bigger threat to society than marijuana use, medical or otherwise, could ever be.

In a recent study, researchers discovered that Medicare reported savings of $165.2 million in 2013 on the prescription medications that are used to treat some of the conditions that can also be treated with marijuana.

These included depression, pain, seizures, nausea, glaucoma, anxiety, spasticity and sleep disorders. You may recall that 2013 was the year that 17 states put medical marijuana laws into place, along with the District of Columbia.

These impressive savings accounted for half a percent of the Medicare Part D budget for that year. In the study, all of the claims for prescriptions filed for the medications in question from 2010 to 2013 by Medicare Part D patients were reviewed.

Decreases were noted in the number of prescriptions that were written for medications other than marijuana for most of the conditions studied. For example, in states with legal medical marijuana, the prescriptions for pain medications were lower by a remarkable 1,826 daily doses compared to the states where medical marijuana is not legal.

The researchers estimate that Medicare could have saved $468 million on prescription drugs if every state had a medical marijuana law in place.

The sole exception was glaucoma, and this could be due to the fact that marijuana's effects on the condition tend to only last for about an hour. Prescriptions for medicines that marijuana is not used for, such as blood thinners, did not drop.

Researcher Ashley Bradford of the University of Georgia, who was the study's lead author, said: "The results suggest people are really using marijuana as medicine and not just using it for recreational purposes."

Medical Marijuana Could Alleviate The Nation's Opioid Crisis

This is good news for those suffering with these ailments, with marijuana proving to be a safer alternative to conventional medicine. Take the example of opioids, a type of painkiller that has been responsible for a slew of deadly overdoses.

A University of Michigan study found that patients with chronic pain who used medical marijuana reported a drop in their use of prescription opioids amounting to 64 percent. They also reported experiencing fewer side effects, and a 45 percent improvement in their quality of life since turning to cannabis for pain management.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40 people die each day from overdosing on these drugs.

Bad News for Big Pharma

Anything that can steer people away from death-inducing prescription painkillers and other dangerous medications is a very positive step, no matter what your personal feelings are about marijuana.

Of course, Big Pharma does not share this view, as it threatens their profits, which also explains why they are hoping people won't catch on to the benefits of CBD oil from hemp for issues such as epilepsy.

Not only is marijuana very effective for many people, but it carries very few side effects, and is often more affordable than the pills Big Pharma is trying to push on people. This latest study showing that marijuana is replacing dangerous pharmaceuticals for many people might be bad news for Big Pharma, but it's good news for everybody else.

Why the War on Cannabis?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Dear Clinton Team: We Noticed You Might Need Some Email Security Tips
October 20 2016 | From: TheIntercept

There is probably no one more acutely aware of the importance of good cybersecurity right now than Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta, whose emails have been laid bare by WikiLeaks, are being mined for news by journalists (including at The Intercept), and are available for anyone with internet access to read.

So as a public service to Podesta and everyone else on Clinton’s staff, here are some email security tips that could have saved you from getting hacked, and might help you in the future.

Use a Strong Password

There’s a method for coming up with passwords that are mathematically unfeasible for anyone to ever guess by brute force, but that are still possible for you to memorize. I’ve written about it before, in detail, including an explanation of the math behind it.

But in short: You start with a long list of words and then randomly select one (by rolling dice), then another, and so on, until you end up with something like: “slinging gusty bunny chill gift.”

Using this method, called Diceware, there is a one in 28 quintillion (that is, 28 with 18 zeros at the end) chance of guessing this exact password.

For online services that prevent attackers from making very many guesses - including Gmail - a five-word Diceware password is much stronger than you’ll ever need. To make it super easy, use this wordlist from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Do Not Use a Weak Password

So if that’s a strong password, what does a weak password look like? “Runner4567.”

Use a Unique Password for Each Application

The same day that WikiLeaks published Podesta’s email, his Twitter account got hacked as well. How do you think that happened? I have a guess: He reused a password that was exposed in his email, and someone tried it on his Twitter account.

Even if you use a strong password, it quickly becomes worthless if you use it everywhere. The average person has accounts on dozens of websites. For those who reuse passwords, all it takes is for any one of those sites to get hacked and your password to get compromised, and the hacker can gain access to your accounts on all of them.

You can avoid this by using different strong passwords for every account. The only way this is possible is by using a password manager, a program that remembers all your passwords for you (in an encrypted database) so you don’t have to. You should secure your password manager with an especially strong password. I recommend a seven-word Diceware passphrase.

There are many password managers to choose from: KeePassX, LastPass, 1Password, and more. Shop around for whichever one fits your organization the best. It doesn’t so much matter which you use, so long as you use strong, unique passwords for each account. Password managers also help you generate secure random passwords.

Turn on Two-Factor Authentication

Last year, when I asked National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden what ordinary people could do to improve their computer security, one of the first pieces of advice he gave was to use two-factor authentication. If Podesta had enabled it on his Gmail account, you probably wouldn’t be reading his email today.

Google calls it “2-Step Verification” and has an excellent website explaining why you need it, how it works, and how it protects you.

Comment: Of course in reality you do not want to be using ANYTHING Google makes. It really is the fox guarding the hen house.

Related: How The CIA Made Google

In short: When you log in to your account, after you type in your password you’ll need one more piece of information before Google will allow you to proceed. Depending on how you set it up you might receive this uniquely generated information in a text message, a voice call, or a mobile app, or you could plug in a special security key into your USB port.

Once you start using it, hackers who manage to trick you into giving up your password still won’t be able to log in to your account - at least not without successfully executing a separate attack against your phone or physically stealing your security key.

Do it Right this Second

Google handles all of the email for hillaryclinton.com. If you’re a Clinton staffer, you should immediately stop what you’re doing and make sure you’ve enabled 2-Step Verification for your email.

You should also enable two-factor authentication for all of the many other services that support it, including Twitter, Facebook, Slack, and Dropbox, to name just a few. (If Podesta had enabled it on his Twitter account, that probably wouldn’t have gotten hacked either.)

Watch Out for Phishers

How did these prominent political figures get their emails hacked in the first place? It appears that Russian hackers used “spear-phishing” attacks against many high-profile political targets, and some of them bit.

Spear-phishing works like this: The attacker sends a target a carefully crafted email, something that looks legitimate but is actually a fake. The target clicks a link in the email and ends up at what looks like a login page for their bank, or an online store, or, in this case, the Google login page.

But it’s not. If they carefully examined the URL of the website, they would see that it doesn’t begin with https://accounts.google.com/ and therefore isn’t a real Google login page.

But they don’t notice, so they go ahead and enter their username and password. Without realizing it, they just gave their Google password to the attacker. Now the attacker can use this password to log in to the target’s Gmail account and download all of their email (assuming they are not using two-factor authentication, that is).

Well-crafted spear-phishing emails can be incredibly hard to spot, but if you ever end up on a website asking you for a password, you should be skeptical. Check the URL and make sure you’re at a legitimate login page before typing in your password, or navigate to the login page directly.

Encrypt Your Email

All of the previous tips are aimed at keeping your email account secure. But even if you follow all of the security best practices, it’s still possible that your email could get compromised.

For example:

You could fall for an incredibly sophisticated spear-phishing attack that tricks you into giving up your password as well as your two-factor authentication token

Your Google Apps administrator could get hacked, giving the hacker the ability to reset the email passwords of everyone in your organization

A hacker could find a fundamental security flaw in Gmail itself and use that to gain access to your account

A state-level actor could find a way to exploit the infrastructure of the internet to spy on all of your data held by Google

Or maybe you just don’t trust Google, or anyone who can compel the company with legal requests for data, with the contents of your email.

For any or all of those reasons, it’s probably worth using encrypted email.

Using encrypted email is more complicated than using a strong password and using two-factor authentication - which are really easy - but it’s simple enough that everyone at The Intercept, including all of the non-nerds, uses it.

An important caveat is that everyone needs to be ready to use encrypted email before you can start using; you can’t send an encrypted email to someone who doesn’t have an encryption key yet. (You can find our encryption keys on our staff profiles if you want to send us encrypted emails.)

To get started, check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Surveillance Self-Defense guide for using email encryption for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. If enough people in your organization use encrypted email, consider using our newly released tool GPG Sync to make it somewhat simpler.

Had Podesta, or anyone in the Democratic National Committee - or really anyone who’s had their email leaked in recent years - used encrypted email, a lot more of the emails would look something like this:

If a hacker steals all of your encrypted email and then wants to decrypt it, they’ll need to hack into your computer and steal your secret encryption key. That is a whole level of difficulty higher than just getting your password. If you choose to keep your secret encryption key on a physical USB device, such as a Yubikey, the hacker has even more hoops to jump through before they have any hope of decrypting your emails.

Alternately, Use an Encrypted Messaging App Instead of Email

If encrypting your email sounds too hard, it might make sense to just use email less, in favor of easy-to-use encrypted message apps such as Signal. The Clinton campaign is reportedly already using Signal for its mobile communications about Donald Trump.

Now the iPhone version of the app has desktop support, too. So if you need to send a quick, but sensitive, message to a colleague, why not type it into the Signal app instead of sending an email?

Don’t Listen to the Wrong People

Hillary Clinton’s policy on encryption is dubious, even to the point of calling for the government to commission a “Manhattan-like project” to figure out how to create strong, unbreakable encryption that nevertheless has a back door for law enforcement to access. This idea is firmly in the realm of fantasy, because a back door is definitionally a weakness.

And no matter what U.S. policy is in the future, the email encryption I described above will not contain a backdoor and will be available to everyone in the world, because it’s open source software developed largely outside of the United States.

The obvious conclusion is that Clinton simply doesn’t understand cybersecurity, in theory or in practice.

On the practical level, she needs better in-house technical expertise.

On the theoretical level, she should listen to the unanimous consensus of cryptography experts and take a firm stance in support of strong encryption without back doors. This will improve the cybersecurity of both government and private businesses, protect the constitutionally protected privacy rights of Americans - and maybe even save herself from similar embarrassments in the future.

Comment: I can personally recommend the following solutions to anyone seeking secure communications:

Encrypted Instant messaing: Wickr

Ecrypted Email: Securage

Encrypted Audio / Video calls: Mega

Encrypted Phone calls: SilentCircle

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Great Pyramid's Secret Rooms Revealed: Two Mysterious 'Cavities' Are Uncovered
October 20 2016 | From: DailyMail

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It has three known chambers and was built as a Pharaohs tomb. Experts have now confirmed the existence of hidden space in the pyramid using radiography scanning.

Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza could contain two previously unknown 'cavities'.

Note: It is very interesting that this has entered the mainstream media, but it should be noted that much detail is still withheld, such as the true age of the pyramids and the fact that (1) they could not have possibly been built by the methods officially pushed to the public, and (2) that they were never places of burial. David Wilcock and Graham Handcock and are two researchers who have written a lot about the reality behind the pyramids, which actually are dotted all over the world if one knows where to look...

Experts confirmed the existence of the mysterious cavities on Saturday after scanning the millennia-old monument with radiography equipment.   

It follows an announcement by the antiquities ministry on Thursday that 'two anomalies'  were found in the pyramid built 4,500 years ago under King Khufu.

They said they were conducting further tests to determine their function, nature and size.

A 3D cutaway view of the Great Pyramid of Giza revealing its interior chambers. Experts confirmed the existence of the mysterious cavities on Saturday after scanning the millennia-old monument with radiography equipment.

Related: 11 Mysterious Ancient Underground Worlds That Remain Unsolved To This Day

The north face of the Khufu pyramid which was 4,500 years ago. Two previously undiscovered cavities have been detected inside the structure.

Experts from the Operation ScanPyramids team investigate the inside of the ancient structure.

At 146 metres (480 feet) tall, the Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, named after the son of Pharaoh Snefru, is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

It has three known chambers, and like other pyramids in Egypt was intended as a pharaoh's tomb.

'We are now able to confirm the existence of a 'void' hidden behind the north face, that could have the form of at least one corridor going inside the Great Pyramid,'
scientists from Operation ScanPyramids said in a statement.

Another 'cavity' was discovered on the pyramid's northeast flank, said the researchers who are using radiography and 3D reconstruction for their study.

Researchers work on muons emulsion plate setup in the Khufu pyramid's lower chamber

A 3D graphic shows the known structures inside the Khufu pyramid

'Such void is shaped like a corridor and could go up inside the pyramid,' Mehdi Tayoubi, founder of the Paris-based Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute, told Seeker.

He said that currently no link can be made between the two cavities. 

Operation ScanPyramids began in October last year to search for hidden rooms inside Khufu and its neighbour Khafre in Giza, as well as the Bent and Red pyramids in Dahshur, all south of Cairo.

The project applies a mix of infrared thermography, muon radiography imaging and 3D reconstruction - all of which the researchers say are non-invasive and non-destructive techniques.

Previous scans using muons at the Bent Pyramid, 25 miles south of Cairo, gave the first detailed scans of the pyramid's internal structure.

The 3D images show the internal chambers of the 4,600-year-old structure, as well as clearly revealing the shape of its second chamber, 60 feet above it.

Related: Researcher Discovers A Huge Pyramid On Antarctica Using Satellite Images

The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur (pictured), is distinguished by the bent slope of its sides. It has two entrances, which opens onto two corridors leading to two burial chambers arranged one above the other.

Egyptian and foreign experts have begun unraveling their mysteries with the help of space particles. The team are using 'cosmic rays' to create maps that show the internal structures of these ancient wonders - and they say they could hold some surprises.

Thermal 'anomalies' were detected on the Great Pyramid. the three stones with greater temperatures than the surrounding stones (shown in red) first raised hopes there may be a hidden chamber inside.

Related: The Pyramids & Orion's Belt

Dr Zahi Hawass (pictured outside the Great Pyramid), a leading Egyptian archaeologist and Egypt's former head of antiquities has been working with a team of French researchers who have been conducting the scans.

Scientists have been using a muon detecting machine (pictured) to scan the internal structure of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Related: Megalithic New Zealand: Pyramids, Rabbits, And Megaliths Of Upper World And Underworld

The project will begin south of Cairo with the scanning of the so-called Bent Pyramid at Dashour, followed by the nearby Red Pyramid. Later, the two largest pyramids on the Giza plateau will also be scanned. The structures are over 4,500 years old.

How are Scientists Peering Inside Pyramids?

Infrared thermography - Infrared detects infrared energy emitted from object, converts it to temperature, and displays an image of its temperature distribution to reveal objects that may be hidden.

3D scans with lasers - Lasers bounce narrow pulses of light off the interiors of a structure to map it in detail. Once the scanning is complete, the data can be combined into a highly detailed 3-D model.

Cosmic-ray detectors - This detects muons that are created when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere. Muons pass harmlessly through people and buildings.

Muons traveling through rock or other dense material will slow and eventually stop. The idea is to catch the muons after theyve passed through an pyramid and measure their energies and trajectories. Researchers can then compile a 3D image that reveals hidden chambers.

Muons are 'similar to X-rays which can penetrate the body and allow bone imaging' and 'can go through hundreds of metres of stone before being absorbed,' ScanPyramids explained in a statement.

'Judiciously placed detectors - for example inside a pyramid, below a potential, unknown chamber - can then record particle tracks and discern cavities from denser regions.'

The research team carries out analysis during scanning of the Khufu pyramid.

Engineers describing the muon telescope technology to Egypt Antiquities Minister Dr. Khaled El-Enany (left) and Dr. Zahi Hawass (second left), who heads up the egyptologist committee.

Related: Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica?

An in-depth thermal survey was conducted by Laval University (Canada) to confirm that this area of the pyramid was a point of interest.

The ScanPyramids team inspecting the north face of the pyramid.

Aluminum plates containing emulsion films that are sensitive to Cosmic Muons were installed at the bottom of the descending corridor in order to “see” potential voids above them. The films collected Muon information during 67 days before being analyzed at Nagoya University

Related: Russian Scientists Build And Study Pyramids: What They Found Could Change The World

Aluminum plates containing emulsion films that are sensitive to Cosmic Muons were installed at the bottom of the descending corridor in order to “see” potential voids above them. The films collected Muon information during 67 days before being analyzed at Nagoya University

In May, archaeologists revealed 3D scans taken using muons of the 4,500 year old Bent Pyramid at the royal necropolis of Dashur. These scans revealed the pyramid's internal structure, clearly showing a second chamber around 60 feet above a lower chamber.

'For the first time ever, the internal structure of a pyramid was revealed with muon particles,' Mehdi Tayoubi, co-director of the ScanPyramids andpresident of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute told Discovery in May. Some had suggested pharaoh Sneferu was buried inside the pyramid in a hidden chamber, but the latest scans have ruled out that possibility.

The Mystery of the Pyramid of Giza

For [way] more than 4,500 years, Egypt's pyramids have kept their secrets hidden deep within the labyrinth of passages and chambers that lie inside their towering stone structures.

But the long-running row over whether the Great Pyramid of Giza is hiding a network of previously undiscovered tunnels behind its stone walls has now been answered.

The researchers confirmed the find using cosmic particles known as muons to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza. They used the scans to create maps to reveal the internal structure of the 479 feet (146m) high pyramid.

Archaeologists and physicists used subatomic particles known as muons to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza in an attempt to image the chambers and tunnels hidden beneath its stone

Last year thermal scanning identified a major anomaly in the Great Pyramid, the largest and oldest of the pyramids at Giza and one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Those scans identified three adjacent stones at its base which registered higher temperatures than others.

Related: 7-Foot Tall Hellhound Skeleton Unearthed Near Ancient Monastery in UK

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo on Thursday began putting on display the country's oldest papyruses, which date back 4,500 years, detailing the daily life of the pyramid-builders.


This led to theories that they may be hiding a secret chamber that had yet to be discovered.

A team of experts then set up the ScanPyramid's project to use muons, tiny subatomic particle that are typically produced by cosmic rays smash into atoms on Earth, to peer through the Pyramid's huge stone blocks, some of which weight up to 15 tons.

Dr Hawass has in the past been sceptical of the usefulness of conducting such scans. He recently clashed publicly with British Egyptologists over their theory that a secret burial chamber may be hidden behind the walls of Tutankhamun's tomb in his pyramid in the Valley of the Kings.

In late 2015, Egypt started radar scans of Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings in southern Egypt, after a British archaeologist theorised that Nefertiti was buried in a secret chamber there.

Nicholas Reeves suggested that Tutankhamun's tomb was in fact Nefertiti's, and when the boy king died unexpectedly at a young age, he was rushed into her tomb's outer chamber.

But Egyptologists have since disagreed on whether there is a secret chamber in the tomb and further analysis is expected.

The ScanPyramids team is still acquiring muon data inside Khufu’s Queen Chamber with other emulsion films and an electronic scintillator. They expect to have the results of the analysis of those instruments during the first three months of 2017.

Related: Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

"Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale
October 19 2016 | From: BlacklistedNews

"Smart PGH" (Smart City) and their 'smart spine system' is one of the most intrusive, government funded, TOTAL surveillance networks ever dreamed up.

Columbus, Ohio, actually won $50 million in DOT grant money to turn their city into a "Smart City" calling it "SmartColumbus." The city of Columbus will receive an additional $90 million in pledges from public and private sector partners.

Related: Money Talks: From ‘smart’ meters to power politics

"Smart PGH's" tag line at the end of the above video is chilling, "If It's Not For All, It's Not For Us". As "Smart PGH's" documents reveal, 'smart city' surveillance spies on All of Us.

Pittsburgh, actually received close to $11 million to help turn their city into a "smart city".

City of Pittsburgh Smart Cities Challenge Proposal Video

Smart Columbus

(Fast forward to approx., 2:18 to see the numerous corporations involved in 'Smart Cities')

Not much is known about "SmartColumbus," but you can bet it's probably a carbon copy of "Smart PGH."

The document below, reveals "smart cities" are really just a euphemism for government spying on an unimaginable scale.

City of Pittsburgh's Proposal, Beyond Traffic: The Smart City Challenge (SCC)

The City of Pittsburgh sees the confluence of transportation and energy as the key to U.S. Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Smart City Challenge. To meet the challenge, we will develop an open platform and corresponding governance structure to improve the safety, equity, and efficiency of our transportation network and its interaction with the energy and communications networks.

By building on existing technology deployments and increasing fixed and mobile sensors over a number of major “Smart Spine” corridors that connect with primary commercial centers and amenities, Pittsburgh will collect, analyze, visualize, and act on information to improve mobility for residents.

The non-proprietary nature of our platform allows the City of Pittsburgh and its partners to set an open, national standard for a municipal service delivery platform, which enhances industry and supports innovation.

According to the SCC, 'smart spines' use advanced technology like real-time adaptive traffic signals and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication at intersections.

"Smart PGH" is working with Uber to spy on customers. (see page 4)

It appears that "smart cities" are part of  the government's "Vision Zero" program, see page 6 of SCC's 'Enabling Hierarchy' diagram. Also on page 6, under the subject 'Data Collection Network' they mention, "Social Media Assets" otherwise known as social media spying. (more on that below)

Uber, Lyft and Bike Share to spy on customers.

Page 13:

In addition, we [Smart PGH] would like to work with Pittsburgh Bike Share, Uber, Lyft, and others to move towards more robust V2V communications that allow Port Authority buses, City fleet, bike share bicycles, ride-sharing services, etc. to become safer by sensing one another on Pittsburgh’s streets. Bicycle tracking has already begun, Ford Motor Company has given Palo Alto, $1.1 million to equip bicycles with GPS devices.

Joshuah Mello, the city’s chief transportation official, said the main draw of the new smart-bike system, operated by Motivate and sponsored by Ford, is that it will be part of a network growing in Bay Area cities from San Jose to San Francisco, “making it one of the largest systems in the entire world.”

What he should say is, this makes it one of the largest bicycle surveillance systems in the entire world! What follows, are some of the most chilling intrusions of government spying to date. Govt spying on social media.

Page 14:

Voluminous streams of data will be generated by sensors on fixed and mobile assets and citizens themselves using apps and social media.

Smart cities will spy on everyone's behavior and emotions.

Page 18:

To address Vision Element #9, SmartPGH will deploy our “Citizens as Sensors” effort aimed at extracting relevant data from social media. Scrubbing these sites and app will provide information on what people are doing in different places across Pittsburgh, data that can be used to infer behavior and data that can detect changes in behavior due to physical modifications made by SmartPGH and the City of Pittsburgh. 

Pittsburgh can more easily detect if the modifications it is making are producing the desired changes or if they are leading to unanticipated outcomes or unhappy residents.

For example, changes to the number of check-ins citizens make to restaurants and retail establishments following the parking rate change can provide evidence of how much this change has impacted dining and shopping behaviors, providing valuable feedback not just on residents emotional reactions but also the wider economic impact of such decisions.

"Citizens as Sensors" really, means government spying on social media posts, FourSquare, Twitter etc.,. Below is an excerpt from Page 12 of "Citizens as Sensors".

"At a different level many users volunteer information to Web 2.0 sites as a convenient way of making it available to friends and relations, irrespective of the fact that it becomes available to all."

Govt to spy on staircases, sidewalks, bicycles, trails, buses and trains. 

Pages 3 and 22:

Moreover, residents utilize the city's unique system of 712 public staircases, 40 miles of on-street bike infrastructure, 31 miles of trails, and numerous sidewalksand on a daily basis.

Companies like Sidewalk Labs, make a profit out of spying on pedestrians.

The Port Authority of Allegheny County operates a comprehensive transit network in the city, which includes 18.4 miles of busway, 26.2 miles of light rail, 72 local bus routes and two funiculars.  

Power companies and the govt collaborate to spy on everyone.

Pages 22 & 23:

The City of Pittsburgh is in conversation with Duquesne Light and partner-company DQE Communications regarding the use of their extensive network of dark fiber. Most of the network capacity is currently “dark” and available for use by partners including the City of Pittsburgh.

To make the most of their network, Duquesne Light recently built a wireless communication infrastructure to support the increased data-flow between their electric meters and the company’s centralized operating center.

This effort has evolved into a high-capacity, resilient, wireless network covering the entirety of the City of Pittsburgh and the surrounding 817-square-mile service territory.

The grid of microgirds will spy on everyone's health, electrical and gas usage.

Page 23:

The grid-of-microgrids is designed to connect critical infrastructure like hospitals, universities, and data and telecommunications centers. Other partners in the effort include the UPMC health system, NRG energy, Duquesne Light and People’s natural gas.

Govt spying on Pittsburgh residents is frightening.

Page 23:

PennDOT’s Western Regional Traffic Management Center includes a fully integrated Centralized Software System, a Media Partner room that broadcasts live on-air reports of traffic conditions, and, a state of the art video wall capable of displaying 160 video images.

The center monitors and/or controls ITS devices on 12 freeway corridors, including many within Pittsburgh's limits.

These devices include: 293 CCTV cameras, 37 Highway Advisory Radio transmitter locations, 86 Highway Advisory Radio signs with beacons, 200 Microwave Traffic Detectors, 24 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) radios, 93 Digital Wave Radar Vehicular Detector units and many more specific ITS-related items.

List of govt agencies spying on residents:

Allegheny County  

Penn DOT and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 

Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission

Port Authority of Allegheny County

Pittsburgh Parking Authority

Port of Pittsburgh Commission

Pittsburgh Bike Share

Utilities including energy distribution, water, and natural gas

University Partners, particularly University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University

Major freight operators in Pittsburgh

Representatives of the Business and Philanthropic Communities

Citizens and Community Stakeholders Industry partners

Page 24:

The model for the WPRDC is unique because it is designed to be extensible and inclusive, able to host datasets from any municipality, non-profit, or researcher with data to share. By bringing together various levels of government, civil society, and academia around information resources, we have begun to improve our region’s capacity for innovation and evidence-driven policy-making.

The WPRDC’s web resources provide machine-readable data downloads and APIs of key administrative data on topics such as property assessment, building inspection, public health, crime, and asset management.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Seven companies work with Surtrac to spy on everyone.

1. Surtrac works with FLIR a thermal sensor company that specializes in identifying individual vehicles by their thermal signature. Surtrac was developed by Carnegie Mellon University,

 Surtracs' Econolite specializes in spying on motor vehicles. They also invented 'autoscope' surveillance cameras in the early 1990's. Fyi, Surtrac's Autoscope Vision (AV) also spies on bicyclists.

AV delivers stop bar vehicle and bicycle detection, advanced vehicle detection, bicycle differentiation, traffic data collection, and HD video surveillance.

Surtrac boasts, about they're newly-developed, full-field-of-view object-feature tracking. In other words, the government can track an individual vehicle or bicyclist throughout an entire city!

There are plans to integrate Surtrac with the Port Authority of Allegheny County bus fleets’ using 'Clever Devices'. (more on that below)

2. Citilog, is a mirror image of Econolite but specializes in spying road sensors that are imbedded in every road, highway tunnel and bridge.

3. Metrotech, turns current traffic intersection cameras into connected surveillance systems that spy on vehicles and Bluetooth signals.

4. Wavetronix, can track an individual vehicles speed, even if they change lanes. Wavertronix also knows the type of vehicle you're driving, watch the video below to find out more.

5. Traffic Control Products, bill themselves as a supplier of premium sensor equipment to the traffic industry. Currently their vehicle surveillance equipment is being used in Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana and Michigan.   Traffic Control Products boasts about having a staff of software specialists that manage, their surveillance systems.  

6. Path Master, provides 'surveillance equipment' and training for their equipment.

7. Clever Devices, is a company that specializes in spying on trains and buses.

"SmartColumbus," "Smart PGH," "Smart City," "Vision Zero," CCTV cameras, license plate readers, Wi-Fi readers and Shotspotter are turning our cities into COMPLETE surveillance centers!

What's it going to take, to motivate an apathetic populace to speak out and demand a stop to govt spying?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

“Do Not Resist”: The Police Militarization Documentary Everyone Should See
October 19 2016 | From: TheIntercept

On a sunny afternoon last summer, Craig Atkinson, a New York City-based filmmaker, stood in a front yard in South Carolina surrounded by several heavily armed police officers.

The officers, members of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department tactical team, were descending on a modest one-story house looking for drugs and guns. The team smashed through the windows of the home with iron pikes, then stormed the front door with rifles raised.

Related: Leaked Catalogue Reveals a Vast Array of Military Spy Gear Offered to U.S. Police

Inside, they found a terrified family of four, including an infant. As the family members were pulled outside, Atkinson’s camera captured a scene that plays out with startling regularity in cities and towns across the country, one of many included in his new documentary, “Do Not Resist,” an examination of police militarization in the United States.

And it's not just hapening there.

The police begin rooting through the trash. “Where the fuck is the weed?” one officer asks, as the team ransacks a car parked in the driveway. “Boy that was sweet,” another says, commenting on the speed of the raid. One officer finds a backpack, which yields a bit of marijuana - it’s not enough to roll a joint, but it’s something.

The officer in charge questions the owner of the backpack, a young African-American man. In a conversation captured on Atkinson’s microphone, the young man, a local community college student, tells the officer he runs a small landscaping business.

Knowing he’s being taken into custody, with his hands cuffed in front of him, he asks the officer for a favor: Can he remove the $876 in his pocket set aside for new lawn-care equipment and give it to one of his employees to go to the hardware store? Instead of handing the cash to the arrestee’s co-worker, the tactical team seizes the money.

“I never one time said you’re a bad person,” the officer tells the young man before he’s led off. “I just have a job to do, and you happen to be in the middle of it.”

The pernicious practice of civil asset forfeiture, which allows law enforcement to grab cash or property during the course of raids, then requires people to prove the assets were not related to criminal activity in order to get them back — and allows police to keep the assets if they fail to do so - has been well documented.

What’s less common is to see one of those interactions play out on camera. Capturing those kinds of moments is what “Do Not Resist” is all about.

Trailer for “Do Not Resist,” a New Documentary Examining Police Militarization in the United States:

Related: There Is No Excuse For The American Police

Atkinson’s directorial debut has already taken home this year’s prize for best documentary at the Tribeca Film Festival and is currently making the rounds in select cities around the country.

Radley Balko, author of “Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces,” has called the film “terrifying,” “powerful,” and “important.”

Based on substantial on-the-ground reporting, “Do Not Resist” is both unsettling to watch and necessary to see.

See also: DoNotResist.com

The film begins in Ferguson, Missouri, on a rainy night of protest in August 2014 that erupted into a melee of tear gas and screaming.

It then quickly moves to a seminar with Dave Grossman, a law enforcement guru who gives trainings on lethal force and the application of a warrior mentality in the name of the law.

“The policeman is the man of the city,”
Grossman begins, before explaining that cops he’s spoken to routinely describe their first on-the-job kill as a prelude to the best sex of their lives.

“Both partners are very invested in some very intense sex,”
Grossman says.

“There’s not a whole lot of perks that come with this job. You find one, relax and enjoy it.”

Grossman believes that a violent reckoning between law enforcement and critics of police militarization is fast approaching.

“We are at war,”
Grossman tells the crowd, “and you are the front-line troops in this war.”

The language reflects a theme that runs throughout “Do Not Resist.”

Atkinson began the project three years ago in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings. The images of armored cars and commando cops in the streets resonated for him on a personal level. Atkinson’s father spent 29 years as a police officer outside Detroit - 13 of them on a SWAT team, where he held the rank of commander.

Atkinson and his brother would take part in their dad’s training, playing the part of hostages when they were little and mock shooters when they were big enough to handle weapons.

Watching the footage from Boston, it was obvious to Atkinson that something profound had shifted since his dad’s days on the force. He set out to create a film that would capture that shift.

The “Do Not Resist” crew attended expos and trade shows, community meetings and federal hearings, training seminars and SWAT contests. All told, the team traveled to 19 states, went on roughly 20 police ride-a-longs, observed half a dozen raids, and interacted with hundreds of police officers.

The hope was to be on-hand for an incident in which a SWAT team’s use of heavy weapons would be unquestionably warranted.

“I thought the whole time I would be able to show something that would kind of reflect the entire scope of what a SWAT officer might go through sometimes, where you actually do need the equipment,”
Atkinson explained.

Instead, the filmmaker repeatedly found himself watching police with military-grade weaponry executing dubious search warrants.

The frequency of the raids was particularly shocking, with one of the officers in the film claiming his team does 200 such operations a year.

By comparison, Atkinson notes, his father performed a total of 29 search warrant raids over his entire 13 years in SWAT - according to some estimates, SWAT teams now carry out between 50,000 to 80,000 raids across the country annually.

“The search warrants, we’re told, are always used for massive drug dealers and kingpins, and then we run in these homes and we never found anything,”
Atkinson said.

Beyond the day-to-day breaking down of doors, “Do Not Resist” explores the growing role of private surveillance companies in local policing, and law enforcement’s thirst for technology that can predict crimes before they happen.

An analyst inspects video feeds of a wide-scale aerial surveillance system being utilized by local police departments

The film highlights Persistence Surveillance Systems, a company offering low-cost aerial surveillance honed in Fallujah to domestic law enforcement. “We’re not out to watch the whole world, just all the world that’s got crime,” Ross McNutt, the president of the company, insists.

“That’s the next wave in the militarization of police,”
Atkinson told The Intercept in an interview.

“What we found was a whole slew of retired military officers now in the private sector now selling the exact same surveillance technology that they just got back from Iraq and Afghanistan with to local law enforcement for small money on the dollar.”

The intent of “Do Not Resist,” Atkinson said, is to provide a glimpse inside the realities of American policing, challenge the policing-for-profit model that has caused departments in economically depressed communities to treat their citizens as walking ATM machines, call out a warrior culture that divides law enforcement from the public they’re sworn to serve, and flag the dangers of war-zone technologies being applied domestically.

For the most part, the reaction from law enforcement has been positive, Atkinson said.

“I’ve had a lot of law enforcement really respond well to the film and say that it reflects these issues that a lot of them have been working on themselves,”
he said.

As for his father, Atkinson said, watching the film stirs up uncomfortable feelings.

“His major reaction was just disappointment in seeing how far the mission creep had actually gone,”
he said.

“It’s obviously disappointing to see something that you were dedicating your life to so completely, evolve into something that you would never want to be a part of.”

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How the Dallas Shootings Serve the Elite’s Race Wars and Police State Agenda

Dallas police shootings: Social Engineering and the American Police State

The Tamir Rice Story: How to Make a Police Shooting Disappear

The Police Are Victimized By Their Training

913 people shot dead by US police in 2015

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

< Service Interrupted >
October 18 2016 | From: WakeUpKiwi

Occasionally one just runs out of juice.

This thing that I do is not funded and sometimes one does run out of steam - however I am usually able to ensure that ends meet.

I do not ask for assistance but then nobody offers. And I am not going to publish anything that is half-arsed.

I'm not staying up any later tonight. Perhaps then today; you may need to do your own 'truth-finding'.

The royal "we" are fucking exhausted; as it were.

The spooks will love this but they can stick it up their collective clackers.

And if one does wish to 'chip in' - the means by which to do so are not exactly hidden.

Peace out.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Donald Trump Exposes Globalist Control & Criminal Clintons Live In Florida Speech
+ All-Out Effort To Destroy Trump Proves He's Not Part Of The Establishment

October 17 2016 | From: NextNewsNetwork / NaturalNews / Various

Do you want to see the most epic destruction of the Clintons and the Obama Administration ever recorded? Of course you do.

There's no longer any question whatsoever about whether Trump is an insider or outsider.

Related: How Julian Assange Turned WikiLeaks Into Trump’s Best Friend

“This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we are not a democracy, but are in fact controlled by a handful of global special interests, rigging the system, and our system is rigged."

The full speech is available here:
Donald Trump Responds To False Harassment Allegations: Florida Speech

“This election will determine whether we are a free nation or whether we are not a democracy, but are in fact controlled by a handful of global special interests, rigging the system, and our system is rigged.

This is reality, you know it, they know it, I know it and pretty much the whole world knows it.

The establishment and their media enablers, wield control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed.

They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and your family, they will seek to destroy everything about you including your reputation.

They will lie, lie, lie. And then again they will do worse than that.

They will do whatever is necessary, the Clintons are criminals, remember that. They are Criminals.

This is well documented and the establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive cover up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department and the Clinton Foundation in order to keep the Clintons in power.

Never in history have we seen such a cover up as this."

All-Out Effort To Destroy Trump Proves He's Not Part Of The Establishment

There's no longer any question whatsoever about whether Trump is an insider or outsider. The all-out attack on Trump by the leftist media, democrats and the republican establishment now confirm that the political elite are terrified of Donald Trump and will do anything to stop him.

As proof, just consider the "hot mic" lewd talking tape that was rolled out last Friday. This recording of Trump speaking in a lewd, insensitive way about his sexual exploits with women was surreptitiously recorded over a decade ago. It's now being seized upon by the same leftist media that whitewashes the entire history of Bill Clinton's sexual assaults against women as well as Hillary's long history of extreme profanity and cursing at everyone around her.

Related: The Donald Lives!

Over the last two days, many members of the Republican establishment have seized upon the tape to denounce Trump yet again, ridiculously proclaiming they hold the moral high ground in America only because they've never yet been caught hiring prostitutes or sodomizing little boys. (Yeah, do you really think these power-hungry Washington insiders are CLEAN LIVING people? Get a grip...)

Fascinatingly, That's Actually Happening Right Now Across America, as Far as I Can Tell, is Three things:

1. The people who were already opposed to Donald Trump are even more disgusted with his hot mic recording. But that alone doesn't change the election because they weren't voting for him in the first place. Just because they hate him more doesn't mean they get to vote twice. He lost their vote on day one when he said Rosie O'Donnell was a pig (or whatever he said).

2. The people who have been supporting Donald Trump aren't surprised at all by his rude, crude demeanor in private. Trump isn't the kind of president you elect when times are great and you need a polite head of state to represent your nation with subtlety and etiquette.

Trump is an attack dog you elect as a last resort to try to save your country from being run into the ground by a criminal cartel of government thugs
. Trump, in other words, is a political SOLDIER. And soldiers talk s**t about everybody, including men, women and especially their enemy. I don't care what he SAYS in private. I care what he DOES to save America from being utterly overrun and destroyed.

3. People are realizing that EVERY power-seeking person has had similar moments of lewd talk in the past. From Barack Obama's, Gotta have them ribs and p***y too! to the President's B*tch ni**a buy your own damn fries! escapade, the truth is that everybody in power has moments of lewd, inappropriate speech.

If you think Hillary hasn't spoken this way to her own Secret Service guards, you're simply not informed about reality. Check out 56 documented examples of Hillary Clinton cursing like mad over the last three decades.

The Trump Movement is Bigger than Donald Trump - It's Larger than Any One Person, No Matter How Foul

The other big ah-ha in all this is that even if Donald Trump were to bow out of the election, the Trump movement would continue to grow.

You didn't really think this was all about one man, did you? The rising up of people against the corrupt criminal elite is a global phenomenon that's much larger than any one person.

The "Trump movement" isn't about Donald Trump the person -- who is a crude, aggressive political outsider -- it's about the idea of demanding an end to government corruption and political elitism.

The Trump movement is about ending the Clinton nightmare for America. It's about giving the finger to Washington D.C. and taking back our democracy from a corrupt class of professional criminals who have been in power for far too long.

Voting for Donald Trump isn't a vote for the person, it's a vote for the movement: the idea that real people across America might regain their freedom from tyranny and oppression. It's about stopping the deliberate destruction of America by the Obama / Clinton crime cartel, restoring accountability at the highest levels, and even indicting and imprisoning key members of the criminal Washington elite.

A Do-or-Die Moment for America

This is a do-or-die moment for America. It's a simple choice between the ultimate corrupt insider (Hillary) vs. a total political outsider that the entire establishment is desperately trying to destroy (Trump). If we elect Clinton, it's over for America. We go down the rabbit hole of police state totalitarianism, the utter destruction of the Bill of Rights and will most likely end up in a protracted civil war.

If we elect the outsider, we have one last chance to halt the tyranny, end the Clinton nightmare and send the political elite packing.

This November 8th, we must elect the outsider regardless of how lewd, crude or insensitive he is in his private, personal conversations. We aren't electing him to be a Saint. We're electing him to stop the Devil. Sometimes, you need a nasty attack dog to get that job done.

Truth be told, if Donald Trump turned to Hillary Clinton and blasted her with the most vicious, horrific words imaginable, most of America would cheer. It has really come to that.

As Zero Hedge correctly explains;

“There is a large swath of the American electorate that is simply fed up with the establishment and are intent upon sending an outsider to shake up Washington... the more crass the better."

Curse at the man if you want, but don't abandon the movement. Vote Trump on November 8th, and stop the Clintons once and for all. Stay informed at Trump.news

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters
October 16 2016 | From: AmericanPolicyCenter / NaturalNews / Various

Sustainable Development: The Transformation of the Western World

Some think that the planet is in danger of global warming and over consumption. They really believe that the only way to fix the problem is to control the flow of resources and wealth, which literally means changing human civilization and the way we live.

This is an immense subject and many more articles are available in the Agenda 21 section of this website. This article is from the US but the principles of Agenda 21 are global - it came from the UN.

The problem is, that requires a forced transformation of our entire society to comply, and that ultimately leads to a thirst for power and topdown control – that will eventually lead to tyranny.

In his book, Earth in the Balance, Al Gore warned that a “wrenching transformation” must take place to lead Western countries away from the “horrors of the Industrial Revolution.”

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

The process to do that is called Sustainable Development and its’ roots can be traced back to a UN policy document called Agenda 21, adopted at the UN’s Earth Summit in 1992.

Sustainable Development calls for changing the very infrastructure of the nation, away from private ownership and control of property to nothing short of central planning of the entire economy – often referred to as top-down control.

Where and when did the term Sustainable Development originate?

The term “sustainable development” was born in the pages of “Our Common Future,” the official report of the 1987 United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President
of the World Socialist Party.

For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report;

“Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”

The term appeared in full force in 1992, in a United Nations initiative called the U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21, or as it has become known around the world, simply Agenda 21. It was unveiled at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), ballyhooed as the Earth Summit.

In fact, the Earth Summit was one of the provisions called for in the Brundtland report as a means of implementing Sustainable Development around the world. More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy. President George H.W. Bush was the signatory for the United States.

What is Sustainable Development?

The 1989 Webster’s Dictionary defines “Sustainable Yield” as a requirement that trees cut down in a forest area be replaced by new plantings to ensure future lumber supplies.” That’s what most people think Sustainable Development means.

Proponents of Sustainable Development argue that it is about preserving resources for future generations. What’s wrong with that? Nothing in theory.

That would be sustainable with a small “s.” Just common sense usage of natural resources. The problem is, major forces now promoting it intend for Sustainable Development to be spelled with a capital “S.” They intend for a Socio-economic political movement that probes, invades and changes every aspect of human civilization.

And that’s the problem.

Imagine a world in which a specific “ruling principle” is created to decide proper societal conduct for every citizen.

That principle would be used to consider regulations guiding everything you eat, the kind of home you are allowed to live in, the method of transportation you use to get to work, what kind of work you may have, the way you dispose of waste, perhaps even the number of children you may have, as well as the quality and amount of education your children may receive.

Sustainable development encompasses every aspect of our lives.

According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

Top Sustainability Fallacies:

Lie: Sustainability is about protecting the environment

Reality: It is a political movement to replace capitalism with governement control of everything

Lie: Free market capitalism is the principle cause of planetary degradation and is not sustainable

Reality: It is government control of the economy that is not sustainable

Lie: Private property is a source of social injustice, and too valuable to be subject to free markets

Reality: The right to own and use private property is a fundamental source of wealth creation

Lie: Green energy creates jobs

Reality: Green energy is unreliable, uncompetitive and renders industry unable to compete in world parkets

Lie: C02 is a pollutant

Reality: C02 is the gas that all plants and crops breathe. More C02 = better agricultural production

Lie: The sustainability movement isn't trying to take away anyone's property rights or freedoms

Reality: The sustainability movement is relentlessly attacking property rights and freedoms

Lie: Climate change is catastrophic and anthropogenic and must be addressed through C02 abatement schemes

Reality: Man made climate change is a hoax with numerous provable data points and thousands of scientists going on the record - which is ignored by the cabal-controlled mainstream media

Lie: Compact development reduces pollution

Reality:Reality: Dense development is always correlated with intense pollution levels

Lie: Subways and mass transit can replace cars

Reality: They cannot. If they could there would be no cars in Manhattan

Lie: Compact urban development is more affordable for government

Reality: Empirical evidence proves compace development requires higher tax rates. Urbanisation strains police, fire, educational and social services

Lie: Afforable housing for people of all income levels will ensure healthier better balanced neighbourhoods

Reality: Low income housing usually creates more problems than it solves thereby damaging communities

The Sustainablists insist that society be transformed into feudal-like governance by making Nature the central organizing principle for our economy and society, not human need or wants.

This idea essentially elevates nature above Humans [we are all on this planet, their premise is bullshit]. As such, every societal decision would first be questioned as to how it might effect the environment.

To achieve this, Sustainablist policy focuses on three components; land use, education, and population control and population reduction.

Here is a direct quote from the report of the 1976 UN’s Habitat I conference which said:

“Land... cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.”

Some officials claim that Sustainable Development is just a local effort to protect the environment and contain development -- just your local leaders putting together a local vision for the community.

Yet, the exact language and tactics for implementation of Sustainable Development are being used in nearly every city around the globe from Lewiston, Maine to Singapore.

Local indeed.

In short, Sustainable Development is the process by which the world is being reorganized around a central principle of state collectivism using the environment as bait.

One of the best ways to understand what Sustainable Development actually is can be found by discovering what is NOT sustainable.

According to the UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report, items for our everyday lives that are NOT sustainable include:

Ski fields

Grazing of livestock

Plowing of soil

Building fences


Single family homes

Paved and tarred roads

Logging activities

Dams and reservoirs

Power line construction

Economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment (capitalism, free markets).

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Rio Earth Summit in 1992 said;

“… Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work airconditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

This goal is exactly the policies that are written into such legislation as Cap and Trade, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act.

It is also the policy behind the many corporate commercials seen nightly on television which advocate “Going Green".

They are all part of the efforts to modify consumer behavior to accept less, deal with higher energy prices, restrict water use and place severe limitations on use of private property – all under the environmental excuse.

And one of the most destructive tools used to enforce Sustainable Development policy is something called the “precautionary principle.”

That means that any activities that might threaten human health or the environment should be stopped - even if no clear cause and effect relationship has been established - and even if the potential threat is largely theoretical.

That makes it easy for any activist group to issue concerns or warnings by news release or questionable report against and industry or private activity, and have those warnings quickly turned into public policy – just in case.

Many are now finding non-elected regional governments and governing councils enforcing policy and regulations.

As these policies are implemented, locallyelected officials are actually losing their own power and decision-making ability in their elected offices. More and more decisions are now being made behind the scenes in non-elected “sustainability councils” armed with truckloads of federal regulations, guidelines, and grant money.

Related: Agenda 21: What Sustainable Development Really Means For You

The Three E's

According to its authors, the objective of Sustainable Development is to integrate economic, social, and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity.

The Sustainable Development logo used in most literature on the subject contains three connecting circles labeled along the lines of Social Equity; Economic Prosperity; and Ecological Integrity (known commonly as the 3 E's).

Social Equity

Sustainable Development’s Social Equity plank is based on a demand for “social justice.” Social Justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment.”

According to Sustainablist doctrine, it is a social injustice for some to have prosperity if others do not. It is a social injustice to keep our borders closed.

It is a social injustice for some to be bosses and others to be merely workers. Social justice is a major premise of Sustainable Development.

Another word for social justice is Socialism or Marxism. Karl Marx was the first to coin the phrase “social justice.

Most recently the theory of social justice has been used to justify government takeover of health care. Today, the phrase is used throughout Sustainablist literature.

The Sustainablist system is based on the principle that individuals must give up selfish wants for the needs of the common good, or the “community.”

This is the same policy behind the push to eliminate our nation’s borders to allow the “migration” of those from other nations into the United States to share our individually-created wealth and our taxpayers-paid government social programs.

Say the Sustainablists, “Justice and efficiency go hand in hand.” “Borders,” they say, “are unjust.”

Under the Sustainablist system, private property is an evil that is used simply to create wealth for a few. So too, is business ownership. Instead, “every worker / person will be a direct capital owner.”

Property and businesses are to be kept in the name of the owner, keeping them responsible for taxes and other expenses, however control is in the hands of the “community” (government).

Under Sustainable Development individual human wants, needs, and desires are to be conformed to the views and dictates of social planners.

Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chair of the International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) said:

“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective”
in the process of implementing Sustainable Development.

Economic Prosperity

Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based on one overriding premise: That the wealth of the world was made at the expense of the poor.

It dictates that, if the conditions of the poor are to be improved, wealth must first be taken from the rich.

[But this mandate does not apply to not the "elite" of course].

Consequently, Sustainable Development’s economic policy is based, not on private enterprise, but on public / private partnerships.

In the free-market of the past, most businesses were started by individuals who saw a need for a product or service and they set out to fill it. Some businesses prospered to become huge corporations, some remained small “mom and pop” shops, others failed and dissolved.

Most business owners were happy to be left alone to take their chances to run their businesses on their own, not encumbered by a multiplicity of government regulations.

If they failed, most found a way to try again. In the beginning of the American Republic, government’s main involvement was to guarantee they had the opportunity to try.

In order to give themselves an advantage over competition, some businesses -- particularly large corporations – now find a great advantage in dealing directly with government, actively lobbying for legislation that will inundate smaller companies with regulations that they cannot possibly comply with or even keep up with.

This government / big corporation back-scratching has always been a dangerous practice because economic power should be a positive check on government power, and vise versa. If the two should ever become combined, control of such massive power can lead only to tyranny.

One of the best examples of this was the Italian model in the first half of the Twentieth Century under Mussolini’s Fascism.

Together, select business leaders who have agreed to help government impose Sustainablist green positions in their business policies, and officials at all levels of government are indeed merging the power of the economy with the force of
government in
Public / Private Partnerships on the local, state and federal levels.

As a result, Sustainable Development policy is redefining free trade to mean centralized global trade “freely” crossing (or eliminating) national borders.

It definitely does not mean people and companies trading freely with each other. Its real effect is to redistribute manufacturing, wealth, and jobs out of our borders and to lock away natural resources.

After the regulations have been put in place, literally destroying whole industries, new “green” industries created with federal grants bring newfound wealth to the “partners.” This is what Sustainablists refer to as economic prosperity.

The Sustainable Development “partnerships” include some corporations both domestic and multination. They in turn are partnered with the politicians who use their legislative and administrative powers to raid the treasury to fund and enforce the scheme.

Of course, as the chosen corporations, which become a new elite, stamp out the need for competition through government power, the real loser is the consumers who no longer count in market decisions. Government grants are now being used by industry to create mandated green products like wind and solar power.

Products are put on the market at little risk to the industry, leaving consumers a more limited selection from which to choose. True free markets are eliminated in favor of controlled economies which dictate the availability and quality of products.

Ecological Integrity

“Nature has an integral set of different values (cultural, spiritual and material) where humans are one strand in nature’s web and all living creatures are considered equal.

Therefore the natural way is the right way and human activities should be molded along nature’s rhythms.”
from the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty presented at the 1992 UN Earth Summit.

This quote lays down the ground rules for the entire Sustainable Development agenda.

It says humans are nothing special – just one strand in the nature of things or, put another way, humans are simply biological resources.

Funny that, the Cabal see us as "Human Resources" also. What a coincidence...

Sustainablist policy is to oversee any issue in which man interacts with nature – which, of course, is literally everything.

And because the environment always comes first, there must be great restrictions over private property ownership and control.

This is necessary, Sustainablists say, because humans only defile nature. Under Sustainable Development there can be no concern over individual rights.

Individual human wants, needs, and desires are conformed to the views and dictates of social planners.

The UN’s Commission on Global Governance said in its 1995 report:

“Human activity… combined with unprecedented increases in human numbers… are impinging on the planet’s basic life support system.

Action must be taken now to control the human activities that produce these risks.”

Under Sustainable Development, limited government, as advocated by our Founding Fathers, is impossible because, we are told, the real or perceived environmental crisis is too great.

Only government can be trusted to respond. Maurice Strong, Chairman of the 1992 UN Earth Summit said:

“A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally-damaging consumption patterns. The shift will require a vast strengthening of the multilateral system, including the United Nations.”

The politically based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform systems of government, justice, and economics.

It is a masterful mixture of socialism (with its top down control of the tools of the economy) and fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no individual owner control).

Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is not liberal, nor is it conservative.

It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead us to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind.

UN Report: Habitat I Conference:

"Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market.

Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributers to social injustice."

Related: Environmentalism Is a ‘Green’ Pagan Religion

The Reinvention of Government

Six months after his inauguration, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12852 which created the President’s Council On Sustainable Development (PCSD) on June 29 1993.

The Council’s Membership included:

Twelve Cabinet-level Federal Officials

Jonathan Lash, Pres. World Resources Institute

John Adams, Ex. Dir. National Resources Defense Council

Dianne Dillon-Ridgley, Pres. Zero Population

Michelle Perrault, International V.P., Sierra Club

John C. Sawhill, Pres. The Nature Conservancy

Jay D. Hair, Pres. World Conservation Union (IUCN)

Kenneth L. Lay, CEO, Enon Corporation

William D. Ruckelshaus, Chm., Browning-Ferris Industries & former EPA Administrator

Some of these members were representatives of the same groups which helped write Agenda 21 at the UN level, now openly serving on the President’s Council to create policy for the implementation of Sustainable Development at the federal level.

With great fanfare the Council issued a comprehensive report containing all the guidelines on how our government was to be reinvented under sustainable development.

Those guidelines were created to direct policy for every single federal agency, state government and local community government. Their purpose was to translate the recommendations set forth in Agenda 21 into public policy administered by the federal government.

They created the American version of Agenda 21 called “Sustainable America - A New Consensus”.

The Four Part Process Leading to Sustainable Development

So how is this “wrenching transformation” being put into place? There are four very specific routes being used. In the rural areas it’s called the “Wildlands Project.”

In the cities it’s called “Smart Growth.” In business it’s called “Public / Private Partnerships.” And in government it’s called “Stakeholder Councils.”

The Wildlands Project


- Dave Foremen, Earth First.

The Wildlands Project was the brainchild of Earth First’s Dave Foreman and it literally calls for the “re-wilding” of 50% of all the land in every state – back to the way it was before Christopher Columbus set foot on this land.

It is a diabolical plan to herd humans off the rural lands and into human settlements. Crazy you say! Yes. Impossible? Not so fast. From Foreman, the plan became the blueprint for the UN’s Biodiversity Treaty and quickly became international in scope.

But how do you remove people from the land? One step at a time. Let’s begin with a biosphere reserve. A national park will do. A huge place where there is no human activity.

For example, Yellowstone National Park, devoid of human habitation can serve as its center. Then a buffer zone is established around the reserve.

Inside the buffer only limited human activity is allowed. Slowly, through strict regulations, that area is squeezed until human activity becomes impossible.

Once that is accomplished, the biosphere is extended to the former buffer zone borders – and then a new buffer zone is created around the now-larger biosphere and the process starts again. In that way, the Biosphere Reserve acts like a cancer cell, ever expanding, until all human activity is stopped.

And there are many tools in place to stop human activity and grow the reserve.

Push back livestock’s access to river banks on ranches, many times as much as 300. When the cattle can’t reach the stream, the rancher can’t water them -- he goes out of business. Lock away natural resources by creating national parks.

It shuts down the mines -- and they go out of business. Invent a Spotted Owl shortage and pretend it can’t live in a forest where timber is cut. Shut off the forest.

Then, when no trees are cut, there’s nothing to feed the mills and then there are no jobs, and -- they go out of business.

Locking away land cuts the tax base. Eventually the town dies. Keep it up and there is nothing to keep the people on the land – so they head to the cities. The wilderness grows – just like Dave Foreman planned.

It comes in many names and many programs. Heritage areas, land management, wolf and bear reintroduction, rails to trails, conservation easements, open space, and many more.

Each of these programs is designed to make it just a little harder to live on the land – a little more expensive – a little more hopeless, literally herding people off their land and into designated human habitat areas – cities.

In the West, where vast areas of open space make it easy to impose such polices there are several programs underway to remove humans from the land. Today, there are at least 31 Wildlands projects underway, locking away more than 40
percent of the nation’s land.

The Alaska Wildlands Project seeks to lock away and control almost the entire state.

In Washington State, Oregon, Idaho, Montana parts of North and South Dakota, parts of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, Texas, Utah, and more, there are at least 22 Wildlands Projects underway.

For example, one project called Yukon to Yellowstone (Y2Y) – creates a 2000 mile no-man’s land corridor from the Arctic to Yellowstone.

East of the Mississippi, there are at least nine Wildlands projects, covering Maine, Pennsylvania, New York, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Watch for names of Wildlands Projects like Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Appalachian Restoration Project and Piedmont Wildlands Project.

How Did We Get Here? J. Gary Lawrence - Bill Clinton's Advisor for Sustainable Development:

"Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many... right wing conspiracy groups... who would actively work to defeat any elected official... undertaking Local Agenda 21.

So we call our process something else, such as "Comprehensive Planning", "Growth Management", or "Smart Growth.""

Smart Growth

The second path is called Smart Growth. The process essentially puts a line around a city, locking off any growth outside that line.

Such growth is disdainfully labeled “Urban Sprawl.” The plan then curtails the building of more roads to cut off access to the newly created rural area. Inside the circle, concerted efforts are made to discourage the use of cars in preference to public transportation, restricting mobility.

Because there is a restriction on space inside the controlled city limits, there is a created shortage of land and houses, so prices go up. That means populations will have to be controlled, because now there is no room to contain more people.

Cities are now passing “green” regulations, forcing homeowners to meet strict guidelines for making their homes environmentally compliant, using specific building materials, forcing roof replacements, demanding replacement of appliances, and more.

Those not in compliance will be fined and will not be able to sell their homes. There are now efforts underway to impose so-called “smart meters” which replace thermostats in homes.

Homeowners will not have control of such meters. Instead, the electric company will determine the necessary temperature inside each home.

Government agencies or local policy boards will be tasked with the responsibility to conduct an energy audit in each home to determine the steps necessary to bring the home into energy compliance. In Oakland, California, such restrictions will cost each homeowner an estimated $36,000.

Related: Not So Smart Technology: Safety Inspector Blows The Whistle On Fire Hazards Of 'Smart' Electronics

The Cap N Trade bill contains a whole section on such restrictions for the nation, and most local communities are now busy creating development plans that encompass many of the same restrictions.

There is now a new push to control food production under the label of Sustainable Farming. Food sheds are now being advocated.

These are essentially government run farms located just outside the smart growth area circling the city.

Food is to be grown using strict guidelines which dictate what kinds of food is to be produced and the farming practices to be used.

These are essentially based on the blue print of Chinese Agrarian villages that cannot possibly grow enough food to feed the community unless populations are tightly controlled. True Sustainable farming programs discourage importing goods from outside the community.

A Red Agenda Marked With a Pretty Green Name: "Sustainability"

Agenda 21 spread like an INFECTION: UN Agenda 21 > ICLEI > NGO's > Central / Regional Planners

Planning associations provide sample ordinances based on ECLEI doctin that originated in UN Agenda 21

Municipal plans become manifestos

Stake Holder Councils

Inside the cities, government is increasingly controlled by an elite ruling class called stake holder councils. These are mostly Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, which, like thieves in the night, converge on the community to stake their claim to enforce their own private agendas.

The function of legitimately – elected government within the system votes to create a system of boards, councils and even regional governments to handle every aspect of day-to-day operation of the community.

Once in place, the councils and boards basically replace the power of elected officials with non-elected, appointed rulers answerable to no one.

The councils are controlled by a small minority in the community, but they are all - powerful. They force citizens to seek permission (usually denied) for any changes to private property.

They use such excuses as historic preservation, water use restrictions, energy use, and open space restrictions. They will dictate that homeowners must use special “green” light bulbs and force stores to only use paper bags, for example.

They over-burden or even destroy business, creating stiff regulations on manufacturing and small business in the community. They may dictate the number of outlets a business may have in a community, not matter what the population
demands. For example, in San Francisco there can only be seven McDonalds.

They can dictate the kind of building materials owners can use in their private home – or whether one can build on their property at all.

Then, if they do grant a permit for building, they might not decide to let the property owner acquire water and electricity for the new home – and they may or may not give you a reason for being turned down.

As part of Sustainable health care, they may even dictate that you get the proper exercise – as determined by the government. Again, San Francisco has built a new federal building – the greenest ever built.

The elevators will only stop on every third floor so riders are forced to use stairs – for their own health, of course.

These councils fit almost perfectly the definition of a State Soviet: a system of councils that report to an apex council and then implement a predetermined outcome. Soviets are the operating mechanism of a government-controlled economy.

So Many Things Making So Little Sense: (US)

EPA drives industries overseas where the pollution increases

EPA embraces ethanol while
blaming farming for pollution

Master plans across America
overtly ignore property rights

Environmental nooses rob property rights and individual freedoms based on unsettled science, distorted statistics and exaggerated predictions

Focus on
Social Equity eclipsing life-liberty property (Why?)

Municipal master plans have become

in tears across America

Public / Private Partnerships

The fourth path to imposing Sustainable Development is Public/Private Partnerships (PPPs). Unfortunately, today, many Conservative / Libertarian organizations are presenting PPPs as free enterprise and a private answer for keeping taxes down by using business to make a better society.

There are certain areas where private business contracts to do jobs such as running school cafeterias through a competitive bid system. That type of arrangement certain does serve the tax payers and provides better services. That’s not how PPPs are used though Sustainable Development.

In truth, many PPPs are nothing more than government-sanctioned monopolies in which a few businesses are granted special favors like tax breaks, the power of eminent domain, non-compete clauses and specific guarantees for return on their investments.

That means they can fix prices, charge beyond what the market demands, and they can use the power of government to put competition out of business. That is not free enterprise. And it is these global corporations that are pushing the green agenda.

If you can stomach reading this horse shit, click on the image above

PPPs were the driving force behind the Trans Texas Corridor, using eminent domain to take more than 580,000 acres of private land - sanctioned by the partnership with the Texas government. And PPPs are taking over highways and local water treatment plants in communities across the nation.

PPPs in control of the water system can control water consumption – a major part of the Sustainable Development blueprint.

Fueled by federal grant programs through the EPA, the auto industry has produced and forced onto the market “green” cars that no one wants to buy, such as the Chevy Volt.

For its part of the partnership, government passed regulations that keep gas prices high to make them more inviting.

The federal government has entered into many partnerships with alternative energy companies in a move to force wind power and solar power on an uninterested public. Again, such industries only exist though the power and of government determined to enforce a certain political agenda. They would never survive in an honest free market.

Using government to ban its own product, General Electric is forcing the mercury- laden green light bulb, costing 5 times the price of incandescent bulbs. Such is the reality of green industry, which depends more on government subsidy and grants than on customers.

Related: These Light Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, And Even Cancer

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is the root of the “Free Trade” process and the fuel for PPPs between international corporations and government, thereby creating an “elite” class of “connected” businesses – or what Ayn Rand called “the power of pull.”

Success in the PPP world is not based on quality of product and service, but on who you know in high places.

To play ball in the PPP game means accepting the mantra of Sustainable Development and helping to implement it, even if it means going against your own product. That’s why Home Depot uses its commercials to oppose cutting down trees and British Petroleum advocates reducing the use of oil.

It is not free enterprise, but a Mussolini-type fascism of government and private industry organized in a near impenetrable force of power. And it’s all driven by the Agenda 21 blueprint of Sustainable Development.

ICLEI: Charter 1.7 - Principles

The Association shall promote, and ask its individual members to adopt, the following Earth Charter Principles to guide local action:

6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach.

Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being. (Communitarianism with forced sterilization?)
(9) Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative.

10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels
promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner.

11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and
ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity.

Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life.

What Kinds of Groups Promote this in the U.S.A.?

Many people ask how dangerous international policies can suddenly turn up in state and local government, all seemingly uniform to those in communities across the nation and around the globe.

The answer – meet ICLEI, a non-profit, private foundation, dedicated to helping locally elected representatives fully implement Agenda 21 in the community.

Originally known as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), today the group simply calls itself “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.”

In 1992, ICLEI was one of the groups instrumental in creating Agenda 21.

The group’s mission is to push local communities to transform the way governments operate, creating a “community plan,” creating a wide range of non-elected planning and councils which then impose severe regulations and oversight policies, affecting every homeowner, every business, every school; literally every aspect of the citizen’s lives.

And it’s having tremendous success.

Currently there are over 600 American cities in which ICLEI is being paid dues with tax dollars from city councils to implement and enforce Sustainable Development. ICLEI is there to assure that the mayors keep their promises and meet their goals. Climate change and the goal to cut the communities carbon footprint is, of course, the ICLEI mantra.

Here’s just some of the programs ICLEI provides cities and towns, in order to spread their own particular political agenda in the name of “community services” and environmental protection, they include:

Software programs to help set the goals for community development – which leads to controlling use of private property;

Access to a network of “Green” experts, newsletters, conferences and workshops – to assure all city employees are in the process;

Toolkits, online resources, case studies, fact sheets, policy and practice manuals, and blueprints used by other communities;

Training workshops for staff and elected officials on how to develop and implement the programs;

And, of course, there’s Notification of relevant grant opportunities – this is the important one – money – with severe strings attached.

ICLEI recommends that the community hire a full time “sustainability manager,” who, even in small towns, can devote 100% of his time to assure that every nook and corner of the government is on message and under control.

Using environmental protection as the excuse, these programs are about reinventing government with a specific political agenda. ICLEI and others are dedicated to transforming every community in the nation to the Agenda 21 blueprint.

In addition to ICLEI, groups like the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy and Audubon Society, NGOs which also helped write Sustainable Development policy have chapters in nearly every city. They know that Congress has written legislation providing grants for cities that implement Sustainablist policy. They agitate to get the cities to accept the grants.

If a city rejects the plan, they then agitate to the public, telling them that their elected representatives have cost the city millions in “their” tax dollars. In the end, through such tactics, the NGOs usually get their way.

The NGOs are joined in their efforts by professional planning groups and associations such as the American Planning Association (APA), The Renaissance Planning Group, and the International City/County Management association (ICMA). IN fact there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of non-profits, NGOs and planning groups living off the grant money, working to enforce Sustainable Development policy at every level of government.

The APA - Professional Planners [or Anti-Capitalist Political Advocacy?]

APA embraces ICLEI Programmes(s)

1.1 "The built envoronment is a primary contributor to climate change" ...Business as usual will not suffice."

1.3 Social Equity and Climate CHange (&Environmental Justice)

2.4 #6: "Should reduce reliance on coal..."

2.4 #10: Growe food for local consumption(Starve the world?)

2.4 #14: Reduce VMT (Vehicle Miles Travelled)

2.4 #15: Cap & Trade for carbon ...needed.

Land Use #15: Create city-funded housing repair programs

Transportation #4: Increase CAFE standards

Here Are Just a Few to Watch For:

The American Planning Association (APA) is the nation’s leading enforcer of Sustainable policy. It came into being in 1978 and can be found in literally every community in the nation. It doesn’t have the same open ties to the UN as does
ICLEI, but is every bit as involved, if not more so.

The APA’s “Growing Smart Legislative Guide Book” is found in nearly every university, state and county in the country. It is the planning guide preferred by most urban and regional planners.

The American Planning Association is one of many members of the PCSD. They partner with ICLEI & ICMA in the implementation of sustainable development. ICMA, International City / County Management Association, is an organization
of professional local government leaders building sustainable communities worldwide.

Christchurch, New Zealand

ICMA provides technical and management assistance, training, and information resources in the areas of performance measurement, ethics education and training, community and economic development, environmental management, technology, and other topics to its members and the broader local government community.

They are aided in their efforts through such as the U.S. Conference of Mayors, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, the National Association of County Administrators and several more groups that are supposed to
represent elected officials.

The Renaissance Planning Group is an urban planning firm. They played a critical role in Florida’s “Forever Program”. The Forever Program is Florida’s premier conservation and recreation lands acquisition program. Florida Forever is the
largest public land acquisition program of its kind in the United States.

With approximately 9.8 million acres of conservation land in Florida, more than 2.4 million acres were purchased under the Florida Forever and P2000 programs.

Propaganda from idiots for idiots

In 2007, the Virginia state legislature passed HB 3202 mandating that counties with the prescribed growth rate establish high density urban development areas. As a result, to date, 67 counties in the Commonwealth of Virginia are required to establish “urban development areas”.

The process and proposed land use planning that is being implemented, follows the very same policies called for in Agenda 21’s biodiversity plan. This requirement by the state forces local governments to compromise your private property through zoning measures called for in the Smart Growth program for sustainable development.

The American Farmland Trust (AFT) formed in 1980, works to acquire and control farmer development rights and the purchase of Agriculture Easements which drastically reduce, if not eliminate private ownership of the land.


APA embraces ICLEI Programmes(s)

Statement of Principles:

"We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources... and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society... because the free market has proven incapable of doing this."

The Danger is in the “Process”

Sustainable policies are being sold universally to the public as a means to protect the environment and control growth. That is simply the excuse for the policies being implemented in its name.

The real problem is the “PROCESS” through which Sustainable Development is being forced on unsuspecting citizens.

The comprehensive land use plans are being steered by planning groups through manipulation by facilitated stakeholder consensus councils.

Though their meetings are “open” to the public, they are void of any public input.

The predetermined outcome severely restricts land use and compromises private property ownership in an already distressed market.

They answer to no one and they are run by zealots with their own political agenda imposing international laws and regulations.

Local homeowners have no say in the process and in most cases are shut out. Sometimes they are literally thrown out of council meetings because they want to discuss how a regulation is going to affect their property or livelihood.

Communities have dealt with local problems for 200 years. Some use zoning, some don’t. But locally elected town councils and commissioners, which meet and discuss problems with the citizens, are how this nation was built and prospered.

Today, under Sustainable Development, NGOs like ICLEI and the APA move in to establish non-elected boards, councils and regional government bodies.

Despite the Senate’s refusal to ratify the Biodiversity Treaty in 1994, the Agenda 21 policies called for by the convention, are being implemented nationwide. No matter where you live, rest assured Agenda 21 policies are being implemented in your community.

Proponents of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development attempt to ridicule those who oppose the programs as being paranoid radicals who are spreading conspiracy theories about what they call an “obscure 20 year old UN document.”

Yet, in 2012 the UN sponsored Rio+20, in which 50,000 delegates from around the world to celebrate Agenda 21 and find means to complete its implementation.

Sustainable Development is not about “saving the environment.” It is about a revolutionary coup. It is about establishing global governance and abandoning the principles of Natural Law on which America was founded.

The politically-based environmental movement provides Sustainablists camouflage as they work to transform global systems of government, justice, and economics.

It’s a masterful mixture of Socialism, (with its top-down control of the tools of the economy); fascism (where property is owned in name only – with no private control); and Corporatism, (where partnerships between government and private business create government sanctioned monopolies.)

Sustainable Development is the worst of both the left and the right. It is bad policy pushed by both liberal and conservatives.

It is a new kind of tyranny that, if not stopped, will surely lead all human kind to a new Dark Ages of pain and misery.

What has Sustainability Become?

Unfortunately, the environmental movement has been
hijacked as a convenient excuse to attack capitalism; blame America; transfer wealth; impinge on Constitutional rights; and install a government-run socio-economic system.

United Nations paradigm: Capitalism and private property rights are not sustainable, and pose the single greatest threat to the world's ecosystem and social equity.

How to Fight Back Against Sustainable Development

Be aware of the world in which your elected officials live.

See below: ICLEI doesn't come with flashing lights that say "ICLEI".

It comes wrapped in a plain green package labelled "Smart Growth" or "Sustainability":

To begin the effort to fight back against Sustainable Development it is vital to first understand the massive structure you are facing.

You need to know who the players are and you need to understand the political world your officials are operating in.

This may help you to understand that perhaps they aren’t all evil globalists, but, perhaps, good people who are surrounded by powers that won’t let them see the reality of the policies they are helping to implement.

I’m certainly not making excuses for them, but before you rush in and start yelling about their enforcing UN policies on the community, here are some things you should consider.

In most communities, you mayor, city council members and county commissioners are automatically members of national organizations like the National Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities, and the national associations for city council members, and the same for commissioners.

Those in the state government also have the National Governors Association and state legislators have their national organization.

For the past twenty years or more, each and every one of these national organizations have been promoting Sustainable
Development and related policies. The National Mayors Conference and the National Governors Association have been leaders in this agenda, many times working directly with UN organizations to promote the policy.

That is the message your local elected leaders hear; from the podium; from fellow officials from other communities; from “experts” they’ve been told to respect; in committee meetings; from dinner speakers; from literature they are given at such meetings.

They are told of legislation that will be soon be implemented, and they are even provided sample legislation to introduce in their communities.

Back home, they are surrounded by a horde of “stakeholder” groups, each promoting a piece of the agenda, be it policies for water control, energy control, development control, specific building materials control, historic preservation and control of “downtown” development, conservation easements and development rights for control of rural property.

These groups like ICLEI, the American Planning Association, the Renaissance Planning Group, and many more, are heavily involved with state and federal plans. They arrive in your community with blue prints, state and federal plans, grants and lots of contacts in high places.

There are official programs for “going Green,” Comprehensive land use plans, and lots of programs for the kids in the classrooms.

There is also a second horde involved in the Sustainablist invasion – state and federal agency officials including EPA agents; air and water quality agents; Interior Department officials, HUD officials, energy officials, Commerce Department officials, and on and on – all targeting your locally elected officials with policy, money, regulations, reports, special planning boards, meetings, and conferences, all promoting the exact same agenda.

And don’t forget the news media, both locally and nationally, also promoting the Sustainablist agenda, attacking anyone not going along, ready to quickly use the “extremist” label against them.

The message is clear - Sustainable Development is reality – politically correct, necessary, unquestionable, and it has “consensus.”

Is your head spinning yet? Think of the affect all of this has on a poor local official who just thought he would run for office and serve his community. This is his reality. This is what he thinks government is supposed to be because, after all, everyone he is dealing with says so.

Now, as he is surrounded by all of these important, powerful folks, along comes a local citizen who tells him that some guy named Tom DeWeese says all of these programs are from the UN and are taking away our liberty.

Who? He said what? Come on, I’m not doing that. And I don’t have time to talk about it. I have another meeting to go to.

If we are going to successfully fight Agenda 21, it is vitally important that we all recognize this reality as we plan to deal with it and defeat it. With that in mind, I offer the following ideas.

How to Fight Back

First and foremost, don’t try to fight alone. If you try to attend local meetings by yourself you will be ignored. You will need others to plan and implement strategy.

You have family and friends. Start with them. Ask them to help look into some local policies. Even if they start off skeptical about your concerns, it won’t take them long to see the truth.

Check out of there is a local tea party or even a local Republican group. Churches are a target of such policies. Alert people at your church and ask them to help fight back.

Find people to help you!

Research: Don’t even begin to open up a fight until you know certain details. First, who are the players in your community. What privately funded “stakeholder” groups are there? What is their agenda?

What other communities have they operated in? What projects? What results? Who are their members in your community?

Are they residents or did they come from “out of town?” (That could prove to be valuable information later in the fight). Finding this information may be the hardest of your efforts. They like to operate out of the spotlight.

It’s not likely that the town will carry official documentation of who it is working with. It probably will require that you attend lots of meetings and hearings. Take note of who is there and their role. Do this quietly. Don’t announce to the community what you are doing. Don’t make yourselves a target. You may have to ask questions and that may raise some eyebrows. But stay out of the way as much as possible.

Second, get all the details on the plans your community is working on. Has there already been legislation passed? Most of this information can be found on the town website. Knowing this information will help you put together a plan of action.

Once you have it, you can begin to take your fight public.

With the information you have gathered, begin to examine the effect the policies will have on the community and its residents. Find who the victims of the legislation or regulation may be. This will be of great value as you confront city council. People understand victim stories – especially if it is them. It is the best way to undermine the process – and help get people to join your cause.

You will find that Conservation Easements have raised taxes as much of the county land is removed from the tax rolls – someone has to make up for the lost revenue and the payment of easements. Are “stakeholder” groups helping to get landowners to sign up for the easements – and if so – do they get any kind of kickbacks?

Who are getting the easements? You may find the rich land owners have found a great loophole to cut their own property taxes as the middle class makes up the short fall. This will help bring usually disinterested people to your cause.

Does the community plan call for reduction of energy use? If so, look for calls for energy audits and taxes on energy use. The audits mean that the government has set a goal to reduce energy use. It may follow that government agents are going to come into your home to inspect your energy use.

Then they are going to tell you what must be done in your home to cut usage. That will cost you money. Don’t fall for the line that it is all voluntary – to help you save money.

They haven’t gone to this much trouble to be ignored. Regulations are not voluntary.

These are just a couple of examples of what to look for as you do your research.

There are many more, including meters on wells to control water use, smart meters to take away your control of your thermostat; non elected boards and councils to control local development and implement smart growth, leading to
population growth; Public / Private Partnerships with local and large corporations to “go Green;” creation of open space; pushing back live stock from streams, enforcing sustainable farming methods that restrict energy and water use in farming practices; and much more.

It all leads to higher costs and shortages, in the name of environmental protection and conservation and controlling growth (anti-sprawl, they call it).

Your goal is to stop Sustainable Development in your community. That means a campaign to stop the creation of non-elected regional government councils that are difficult to hold accountable.

It means to stop local governments from taking grants that come with massive strings attached to enforce compliance.

And it means you must succeed in removing outsider organizations and Stakeholder groups that are pressuring your elected officials to do their bidding. Civic Action: Armed with as much information as you can gather (and armed with the ability to coherently discuss its details) you are ready to take your battle to the public.

First, it would be better for you to try to discuss it privately with some of your elected officials, especially if you know them. Tell them what you have found and explain why you are opposed.

First discuss the effects of the policies on the average citizen. Explain why they are bad. Only very slowly should you bring the conversation around to the origin of such polices - Agenda 21 and the UN.

Don’t start there. It is important that you build the case to show that these policies are not local, but part of a national and international agenda. If this conversation does not go well (and it probably won’t) then you have to take it to the next level – to the public.

Begin a two fold campaign. First, write a series of letters to the editor for the local newspaper. Make sure that you are not alone.

Coordinate your letters with others who will also write letters to back up and support what you have written. These will generate more letters from others, some for your position and other against you.

Be prepared to answer those against you as they are probably written by those “Stakeholders” who are implementing the policies in the first place. This may be a useful place for you to use what you’ve learned about these groups to discredit them.

Second, begin to attend Council meetings and ask questions. The response from the council members will determine your next move. If you are ignored and your questions met with silence or hostility, prepare a news release detailing your questions and the background you have as to why you asked those questions.

Pass the news release out to the people at the next meeting as well as the news media. Attend the next meeting and the next demanding answers. Be sure to organize people to come with you.

Don’t try this alone. If necessary, have demonstrators outside city hall carrying signs or handing out flyers with the name and picture of the officials who won’t answer your questions along with the question you asked – including the details you have about the policy.

The point in all of this is to make the issue public. Take away their ability to hide the details from the public. Expose the hoards of outsiders who are dictating policy in your community. Force the people you elected to deal with YOU – not the army of self-appointed “stakeholders” and government officials. Shine a very right spotlight on the roaches under the rock.

If the newspaper is with you, great, but you will probably find it working with the other side. It may be difficult to get a fair shake in the newspaper or on radio.

That’s why you deliver your news releases to both the media and the public. Get signs, and flyers in stores if necessary. And keep it up for as long as it takes. Don’t stop the public demonstration until you had acquired victory, or at least started a public debate.

The final step is to use the energy you have created to run candidates for office against those who have ignored and fought you. Ultimately, that is the office holders worst nightmare and may be the most effective way to get them to respond and serve their constituents.

New Tactic

As mentioned in the beginning, over the past couple of years, as we’ve educated people on Agenda 21 and its UN origins, the natural reaction by concerned citizens and activists has been to rush into city hall and accuse their elected representatives of implementing international policies on the town.

This has, of course, been met with skepticism and ridicule on the part of some of the elected officials (egged on by the NGO stakeholder groups and planning organizations).

Today, the promoters of Agenda 21, including ICLEI and the American Planning Association (APA) have worked overtime to paint our movement as crazed conspiracy theorists wearing tin foil hats and hearing voices.

So, it’s time to change tactics.

Here is an undeniable fact: Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development cannot be enforced without usurping or diminishing private property rights. So, we need to begin to challenge the plans that affect private property rights.

However, as we move in that direction, we must have a clear understanding of what property rights are. Many people today have little or varying ideas of property rights.

Forty years ago people understood things like “No Trespassing,” “My home is my castle,” and “step across that line and suffer the consequences.” Such ideas today seem quaint and antiquated to many, especially with government invading private property at will.

Sometimes, in order to purchase property or to get access to services, we sign documents that say government or utility agents are free to come on our property at will. The idea of “Keep Out” is almost unheard of.

However, to demand that your private property be honored and protected a definition must be established before you start the effort.

As you stand in front of the elected officials at their regular meeting, ask them simply;

“As you bring these planners into our community and begin to implement their programs, what guarantees do I have that you will protect my private property rights?”

At this point you haven’t mentioned Agenda 21, and you haven’t attacked planning. You are simply asking a non-combative question.

They will assure you that they are in full support of protecting private property.

And then you say;

“Well, I’m happy to hear that. But, I would really like to have that in writing.”

And you present the resolution to them. If you can read it aloud to the meeting, so much the better. They may say they need to take it under consideration and will get back to you. Fine.

Make sure you are back at the next meeting to ask about it. If they say “No.” You simply ask “Why?” and take it from there.

Do not attempt this alone. The key to this effort is persistence and organization.

If they have refused to sign it then you need 5 or 10 people to stand up and ask why. You need to escalate this at each meeting until it becomes a public issue -

“Why won’t your elected officials sign a simple document that says they will protect your private property rights? What are they hiding in the plans they are presenting to us?”

This can and will lead to protests, letters to the editor and other media available to you. Put the elected officials’ names on signs carried by protestors who are rallying outside the next council or planning meeting

Make them the issue. What you are really doing is laying the ground work for a campaign to defeat them in the next election. It is also important to do research into what planning groups, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) federal grants and agencies may be involved in the process. All of them have a background.

Find out who they are and what they have done in the past in other communities and present that info to your fellow citizens as a warning of what is to come. I recommend that you create a “rapid response team” to be prepared to immediately respond in the media to anything they do. Make them scared to act.

ICLEI / Agenda 21 Dogma

Elevates nature above humans

40 chapters of socialist control mechanisms

Human settlements;

Educate with environment as central principle

Unsustainable: Ski lodges, Golf courses, asphalt, fossil fuels, consumerism, irrigation, commercial farms, livestock grazing.

Fighting ICLEI

If ICLEI is in your city, the details about Agenda 21 and the UN connection is easier. Your community is paying them dues with your tax dollars. Here is how to handle them:

If your council derides your statements that their policies come from the UNs Agenda 21, simply print out the home page from ICLEI’s web site: www.iclei.org

This will have all of the UN connections you’ve been talking about, in ICLEI’s own words

Pass out the web page copies to everyone in the chamber audience and say to your elected officials;

“Don’t call me a radical simply for reporting what ICLEI openly admits on its own web site. I’m just the one pointing it out – you are the ones who are paying our tax dollars to them.”

Then demand that those payment stop. You have proven your case.

Stopping Consensus Meetings

Most public meetings are now run by trained and highly paid facilitators whose jobs is to control the meeting and bring it to a preplanned conclusion. If he is good at his job, the facilitator can actually make the audience think the “consensus” they have reached on and issue or proposal is actually their idea.

This is how Sustainable Development is being implemented across the nation, especially in meetings or planning boards that are advertised as open to the public.

They really don’t want you there and the tactic is used to move forward in full view of the public without them knowing what is happening. There is nothing free or open about the consensus process.

It is designed to eliminate debate and close discussion.

To bust up the process you must never participate, even to answer a question.

To do so allows the facilitator to make you part of the process. Instead, you must control the discussion.

Here is a quick suggestion on how to foul up the works:

Never go alone to such a meeting. You will need at least three people – the more the better.

Do not sit together. Instead, fan out in the room in a triangle formation.

Know ahead of time the questions you want to ask: Who is the facilitator?

What is his association with the organizers? Is he being paid?

Where did these programs (being proposed) come from? How are they to be funded?

One question to ask over and over again, both at facilitated meetings and city council meetings, is this:

“With the implementation of this policy, tell me a single right or action I have on my property that doesn’t require your approval or involvement. What are my rights as a property owner?”

Make them name it.

You will quickly see that they too understand there are no property rights left. By asking these questions you are putting his legitimacy in question, building suspicion among the rest of the audience, destroying his authority.

They will try to counter, either by patronizing and humoring you, at first, or, then becoming hostile, moving to have you removed as a disruptive force.

That’s where the rest of your group comes in. They need to back you up, demand answers to your questions. If you have enough people in the room you can cause a major disruption, making it impossible for the facilitator to move forward with his agenda.

Do not walk out and leave the room to him. Stay to the end and make him shut down the meeting.

In Conclusion

These suggestions on how to fight back are, admittedly, very basic and elementary. They are meant only to be a guideline. You will have to do your homework and adapt these tactics to your local situation.

These tactics are designed to create controversy and debate to force the Agenda 21 issue out of the secret meetings and into public debate where they belong.

Many of these same tactics can be used at all levels of government, right up and into national legislation.

Our plan is to demand answers from elected officials who want to ignore us.

They must be taught that such actions have consequences. As we learn new, successful tactics, I’ll share them with activists across the world.

The American Policy Center is now a partner in a new effort to create tactics and provide education to activists called Sustainable Freedom Lab - and hopefully it can serve as a resource for thw eorld, not just America. Here activists can share their findings, successful tactics and research with the rest of the movement.

The website is www.sustainablefreedomlab.com.

The exciting news is that, finally, people are starting to understand that Agenda 21 is destroying our nations and they are beginning to fight back. The UN Agenda 21 house of cards is being exposed and it will fall with continued efforts and exposure by the people, and for the people - not just America - Worldwide.

The battle to stop the UN’s Agenda 21 is ragging on the local level across the world.

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Australian Ex-Politician Whistle-Blower Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21

Inevitable NIMBY Backlash Begins

Six Issues That Are Agenda 21

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UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

This week, Michael Snyder published an important article entitled The 2030 Agenda: This Month The UN Launches A Blueprint For A New World Order With The Help Of The Pope.

That article references this UN "2030 Agenda" document that pushes a blueprint for so-called "sustainable development" around the world.

Related: Agenda 2030 Translator: Decoding The UN’s New ‘Sustainable’ Development Goals

This document describes nothing less than a global government takeover of every nation across the planet.

The "goals" of this document are nothing more than code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda that will imprison humanity in a devastating cycle of poverty while enriching the world's most powerful globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont.

In the interests of helping wake up humanity, I've decided to translate the 17 points of this 2030 agenda so that readers everywhere can understand what this document is really calling for.

To perform this translation, you have to understand how globalists disguise their monopolistic agendas in "feel good" language.

Here's the point-by-point translation. Notice carefully that
nowhere does this document state that "achieving human freedom" is one of its goals.

Nor does it explain HOW these goals are to be achieved. As you'll see here, every single point in this UN agenda is to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that resemble communism.

Translation of the UN's "2030 Agenda Blueprint for Globalist Government" (Controlled by Corporate Interests)

Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that make them obedient slaves to global government.
Never allow people upward mobility to help themselves.

Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly "allowance" money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it "ending poverty."

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto's patented seeds while increasing the use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of "increased output" of food crops.

Engineer genetically modified plants to boost specific vitamin chemicals while having no idea of the long-term consequences of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments carried out openly in a fragile ecosystem.

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. Push heavy medication use on children and teens while rolling out "screening" programs. Call mass medication "prevention" programs and claim they improve the health of citizens.

Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under "Common Core" education standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real history, or else they might realize they don't want to repeat it.

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Translation: Criminalize Christianity, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never "equality" but rather the marginalization and shaming of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever.

The ultimate goal is to feminize society, creating widespread acceptance of "gentle obedience" along with the self-weakening ideas of communal property and "sharing" everything.

Because only male energy has the strength to rise up against oppression and fight for human rights, the suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in a state of eternal acquiescence.

Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world's water supplies and charge monopoly prices to "build new water delivery infrastructure" that "ensures availability."

Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail "green" energy subsidies to brain-dead startups headed by friends of the White House who all go bankrupt in five years or less.

Especially when ACTUAL "Green Energy" - actual "Free Energy" technologies and so many other advanced "Clean" technologies have been suppressed by the Cabal to control us and give them leverage to impinge their bullshit fascist New World Order sustainablility on us. Or try, at least.

The green startups make for impressive speeches and media coverage, but because these companies are led by corrupt idiots rather than capable entrepreneurs, they always go broke. (And the media hopes you don't remember all the fanfare surrounding their original launch.)

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don't obey government dictates.

Goal 9.) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an endless spiral of debt.

See the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins to understand the details of how this scheme has been repeated countless times over the last several decades.

Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries

Translation: Punish the rich, the entrepreneurs and the innovators, confiscating nearly all gains by those who choose to work and excel.
Redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it... all while screaming about "equality!"

Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers.

Criminalize living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style "protected areas" which the government will claim are owned by "the People" even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy manipulation by government.

Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people to live under conditions of worsening standards of living that increasingly resemble Third World conditions.

Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity, establishing a social construct of ninnies and tattlers who rat out their neighbors in exchange for food credit rewards.

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even criminalizing "lifestyle decisions" that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption.

Penalize private vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where TSA grunts and facial recognition cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out of Minority Report.

Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Translation: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation.

Criminalize the operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government central planning.
Only allow favored corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations (and make this decision based entirely on which corporations give the most campaign contributions to corrupt lawmakers).

Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Translation: Roll out Agenda 21 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities.
Criminalize private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy whose policies are determined almost entirely by Monsanto while being rubber-stamped by the USDA.

Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.

Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Grant legal immunity to illegal aliens and "protected" minority groups, which will be free to engage in any illegal activity -- including openly calling for the mass murder of police officers -- because they are the new protected class in society. "Inclusive institutions" means granting favorable tax structures and government grants to corporations that hire LGBT workers or whatever groups are currently in favor with the central planners in government.

Use government agencies to selectively punish unfavorable groups with punitive audits and regulatory harassment, all while ignoring the criminal activities of favored corporations that are friends of the political elite.

Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Coca-Cola and Merck.

Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation's lawmakers and override intellectual property laws to make sure the world's most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds, chemicals and technology.
Nullify national laws and demand total global obedience to trade agreements authored by powerful corporations and rubber-stamped by the UN.

Total enslavement of the planet by 2030 As the UN document says, "We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030."

If you read the full document and can read beyond the fluffery and public relations phrases, you'll quickly realize that
this UN agenda is going to be forced upon all the citizens of the world through the invocation of government coercion.

Nowhere does this document state that the rights of the individual will be protected.

Nor does it even acknowledge the existence of human rights granted to individuals by the Creator.

Even the so-called "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" utterly denies individuals the right to self defense, the right to medical choice and the right to parental control over their own children.

The UN is planning nothing less than a global government tyranny that enslaves all of humanity while calling the scheme "sustainable development" and "equality."

1984 has finally arrived. And of course it's all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of "progress."

However, it is not too late. Awareness is required before action may be taken.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

It Turns Out Assange Wasn't Kidding & NWO Hyper-Desperate Attempts To Manage Clinton Train Wreck
October 16 2016 | From: MadMimi / Various

It turns out Assange wasn't kidding. He is delivering tranches of 1,000 or so hacked emails a day from major political organisations and politicians.

The Anti NWO Legions worldwide are going wild with the new revelations. I am totally amazed. It's like going to a carnival where suddenly you get to see all the clowns acting out the games you've only vaguely been told about and a whole lot more.

Related: Assange: WikiLeaks Will Publish Docs on Elections, Oil, War & Google, Every Week for Next 10 Weeks

Some of the emails are some of the missing 30,000 emails which Hillary Clinton had scrubbed off her illegal home servers.

They include classified documents (totally illegal), declarations of her true intents to finish the job of stripping away all border authority and regulations from the U.S. Government, as well as handling over all economic regulatory functions to mysterious international cartels of unknown people and demonstrations of collusion with Ivy League academics to keep the U.S. population complacent, obedient and ignorant (the Orwellian program for mass tyranny).

Collectively some of these emails clearly demonstrate that:

Every statement ever made by Hillary Clinton about her scrubbed emails and illegal servers was a lie. She never told the truth a single time about any of it. She lied to Congress, the FBI, the Mass Media, the public and minimally should end up with a 20 year sentence (but watch Obama attempt to "pardon" her on his last day in office).

Ditto Libya and Syria. Clinton is the chief warwhore in the visible U.S. government officialdom other than Obama, who supported and managed high level arrangements to take these countries down, make them failed states and create a refugee flux into Turkey and Europe. She was number two in the chain of command and is directly responsible.

"Hillary for Prison" is exactly right and that is exactly how she will end.

Related: Arms Dealer Ties Hillary to Arming ISIS in Libya, Syria

A million people by rights ought to show up at the next presidential debate wearing Hillary For Prison t-shirts and V face masks. They should loudly demand that the FBI immediately arrest her and her crony FBI director for High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Fortunately, Trump halfway rose to how he needs to be on Sunday night. He began to use some of the Assange Ammunition and he is now daily making more and more use of it. His campaign is really just beginning.

Trump powerhouse advertising is now just starting to hit through the mass media. It is going to get pretty intense.

And very weird. The Assange document dumps also clearly demonstrate that most of Hillary's "appearances" are now just staged promos with hired actors.

Related: Hillary Clinton’s Involvement with ISIS Confirmed by Wikileaks

She no longer apparently has the stamina to travel nor the tolerance to deal with live audiences, which attract so few people they are easy to disrupt. So the entire campaign she is now running is entirely fake and is completely dependent on the televised debates to provide her with a sense of presence with a powerful, presidential personality.

That and advertising but her promo people do not know how to connect with where the audience, the public, is going. More important than advertising is the clear revelation that most of the major mass media organizations and personalities are literally taking their directions about what to say about her and how and when directly from the Clintons.

In other words, the NWO shadow government has given the Clintons virtual "Goebbels-like" diktat over the U.S. Mass Media. Clinton even gave diktat to the New York Times.

They now have a serious problem on their heads. The gofers and busybees who produce the content of the Mass Media now know without a doubt that everything being said is "collusive", coordinated, bullyboy crap.

They are now being hit daily with the real truth and they can no longer deny they are riding with gangsters who have nothing to say except more lies from the CIA factory. This is going to induce huge stress and confusion in the operations and content of the Mass Media.

I suspect that it is going to be psychological malfunction which brings down the entire stinking NWO edifice.

Anderson Cooper and his cohorts in all the Warcast Media are as naked as it gets. Less than 10% of the population believe what they say. By the end of this month it will be less than 1%.

The people are not happy

Can you imagine standing in a newsroom in New York reading a CIA-scripted or Hillary-scripted concoction of half truths with the clear knowledge that 95% of your audience thinks you are a lying sack of jackass crap?

The lights are going out on the Warcast Media and I suspect that some individuals will blow their programs, melt their fuses and begin to blabber incessantly about the corruptions.

Related: Trump: “Hillary Meets In Secret With International Banks To Plot Destruction Of US Sovereignty”

Related Articles:

Hillary Caught on Camera Admitting she Hides Information from Investigators

Wikileaks Emails Show DOJ Communicated With Clinton Campaign

Hillary Shaken by Who Trump Invited to Sit in Front Row at Debate

Wikileaks Releases Hillary's Paid Wall Street Speech Transcripts: Hundreds Of "Sensitive" Excerpts

Hillary Clinton caught using child actors to plant scripted questions

56 examples of outrageously foul, lewd language spewed by Bill and Hillary Clinton over the last three decades

Chelsea Clinton Just Got Busted

Hillary Clinton’s Key Aide Huma Abedin Is a Lightning Rod for Attacks

Photos: What’s That Under Hillary’s Pantsuit During Last Night’s Debate?

Follow the Money: Clinton Corruption Case Study

Lester Holt Caught Violating Debate Rules

Clinton Foundation Pockets Massive Payoffs for Mining Rights - Hammond Ranch Part Of The Deal!

How many illegitimate children has Bill fathered? How many sexual assault victims has Hillary threatened?

Guccifer 2.0 Releases Clinton Foundation Docs – Dems Funneled TARP Funds to their PACs

Trump: Hillary Can’t Discuss The Issue Because She Created The Problems

Guccifer 2.0 Drops Alleged Clinton Foundation Documents

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Scientists cringe as Hillary claims hurricanes are caused by people - says that Trump can't stop them but she can

Hillary “Shocked!” By Trump’s Sex Talk… But Here’s Video of Hillary Threatening Sex Assault Victims in 1998

Trump: WikiLeaks Emails A Window Inside Clinton Corruption

Reality Check: DNC Chair Donna Brazile Did Leak Townhall Question To Clinton Campaign

Leaked Emails Reveals Clinton Campaign Plotted Supreme Court Threat Over Obamacare

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Obama Decries 'Wild West' [Independent] Media Landscape
October 16 2016 | From: Yahoo

President Barack Obama on Thursday decried America's "wild, wild west" media environment for allowing conspiracy theorists a broad platform and destroying a common basis for debate.

Comment: Oh my, the establishment are having a wee cry now. They are not in carte-blanche control of the news media anymore.

Recalling past days when three television channels delivered fact-based news that most people trusted, Obama said democracy require citizens to be able to sift through lies and distortions.

"We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow some sort of curating function that people agree to,"
Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh.

"There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard, because they just don't have any basis in anything that's actually happening in the world," Obama added.

His remarks came amid an election campaign that has seen Republican candidate Donald Trump repeat ideas and take on key staff from right-wing media outlets.

They also come at the end of an eight-year presidency in which Obama has been plagued by false scandals over his place of birth that have forced him to play media-critic-in-chief.

For much of that time, Republicans and Democrats -- which their own media sources -- could rarely agree on even the most basic facts to build a debate.

"That is hard to do, but I think it's going to be necessary, it's going to be possible,"
he added.

"The answer is obviously not censorship, but it's creating places where people can say 'this is reliable' and I'm still able to argue safely about facts and what we should do about it."

Anyone can read between the lines here. They are desperate for something they are not going to get...

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Global Financial System Is About To Shift: Part II
October 15 2016 | From: TheMindUnleashed

Part 2 is a continuation from Part 1, which is a Mind Unleashed exclusive interview with Neil Keenan, the man who is working to open the Global Collateral Accounts.

These accounts are arguably the banking cabal’s deepest secret in regards to planetary wealth and relates to historical events like the Bretton Woods Agreement and JFK trying to end the Federal Reserve.

Q: You’ve stated in some of your updates that you’re working with multiple intelligence agencies, presidents and prime ministers. Can you go into more detail on that for us without divulging things that can’t yet be said? 

I will not reveal any name or agency. My team knows who they are and that is all that matters at this time.

Q: Some people say that Sukarno’s son is M1 and that he is working to open the accounts. Is that true? How does Edy Seno fit into this picture?

There are many people who make many claims about opening the accounts and they have done so for many years in which they have not completed one legal deal.

They are told to return home when they fly to Hong Kong or England attempting to cash things in. 

Their great successes happened with illegal transactions whereas the Governmental Corporations steadily utilized the assets for their own personal needs.

The Elders have been rightful in illegally utilizing some of the global currencies or gold considering that they have not been paid one cent to this very day for providing the assets with security and safety. 

The Elders have placed their own lives on the line for many years with some of them having either been killed or imprisoned and for what? Protecting the humanitarian assets! 

The rightful depositors will not hesitate in granting some sort of stipend for doing a great job under extreme pressure once they are opened. I will see to it.

One final note here. If there is a Sukarno in charge then one simple question answers all this: Who does the Sukarno Trust belong to? It is not a Sukarno! It is Edy Seno.

Neil Keenan with Edy Seno in Indonesia

He is the heir to the Sukarno Trust due to his fathers and family’s allegiances to President Sukarno during his reign and the West is attempting to steal all his assets if possible.

Edy is real and secure in his ways and feels very humble and sorry that he has not been able to open the accounts for humanity seeing the accounts, as stated, are owned by the depositors that being the Dragon Family.

On the other hand Edy has many real assets belonging to the trusts but the West has shut him down with hopes of utilizing the assets themselves. Nothing has ever been returned to the East. Soon, when things open up the West will receive humanitarian packages issued by a professional team of people but the East will get their’s as well.

No more thievery and or slavery.

We can stop the Globalist movement and we absolutely will once we get things going. UBS, Credit Suisse, HSBC (already being cleaned up by the family and & Sister. Do not play with Sister she is one piece of big banking knowledge) and others like the EU, the Federal Reserve and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation will be exposed soon – should they not adhere to the new found principles of fairness and honesty.

In November of 2011 I was issued a deed of Authorization and Agreement from Dr. Edy Seno Soekanto, who was sworn in to be the “legal heir of record as stated” in the last will and testament of the late legal holder of the Family Inheritance Guarantee, as attached to all the gold deposits. 

This was ordered by President Sukarno between 1948 and 1968 when he was granted such Inheritance Guarantee as payment for his services to the World.

Dr. Soekanto swears that President Sukarno [often also spelt 'Soekarno'] had designated to him the collection all those funds known as the Family Inheritance Guarantee and the accumulated interest thereon, and that he has “been acknowledged by depository bank, as evidenced by the bank instruments, books, record and ledgers and codes in his possession, as the sole recognized heir to.”

Under this agreement, and because of his “severe and long-term chronic illness,” Dr. Soekanto granted me [Neil Keenan] the authority to act as one of his Attorneys in Fact: "To act jointly and/or severally and to undertake all means and methods to recover the funds owing to him and the People of Indonesia.”

Presidents Soekarno and Kennedy

Dr. Soekanto has further agreed and confirmed that he also holds the “full secret Book of Codes,” “The Maklumat Book and Ledgers and all records of the accounts” as delivered to him and that, upon their request, he will “deliver or cause delivery of the originals of such books for presentment any court determined to have such jurisdiction” and “for any other purpose” I may require or need for the Books.

I have custody of certified copies of the said Book of Codes, The Maklumat Book and Ledgers, and with his POA, authorization to use them when needed. Copies were given to others for safekeeping under my direction.

Q: Some organizations have come out in what appears to be an attack on you and your mission Neil. OPPT is one that comes to mind. What is OPPT and who were they working for?

I have no reason to speak of OPPT ever again. We spent time, effort and money exposing them and they disappeared. They are literally nothing more than a Cabal shill effort no matter where they hide.

They, Swiss Indo, Red Dragons, Karen Hudes (Hades) and others have no say and are worthless. If you wish to see what happened between any of the above and Neil Keenan and Group K please go to neilkeenan.com and look into the archives and you will see how we dealt with such matters.

Q: How come more bankers or politicians do not speak of the global collateral accounts? What percentage of those “in the know” actually know that these accounts exist?

Let’s be very clear about this point. The higher levels know very well about this matter and they used to play with the notes daily, gambling them away. Imagine gambling with someone else’s money when it does not matter if you win or lose.  This is what they did at the higher levels. The ones that have spoken about it have been killed or “suicided”(thrown off roofs most likely amongst other things)

Would you speak of it? This is why those in the know, no matter which side of the fence they reside on, are following my moves as close as you could imagine.

Q: Once open, what will these accounts be used for? Will free energy projects be involved too? Which ones are in mind? Are you working with people/organizations/government who can bring these technologies out to the masses?

The GCA have been allocated (by The Dragon Family) to be used for humanitarian purposes. Virtually any positive development that one can imagine that will benefit the people of this world and our environment will fall within the scope of this mandate.

This will clearly require the removal of those comprising the entity known as the “Cabal” and their enslavement of humanity both financially and otherwise, and the ending of their legacy of control, depopulation and environmental destruction.

By definition this includes the release of free energy technologies along with thousands of other beneficial technologies that have been suppressed, some of which for well over a century.

I am in contact with researchers and developers who have very advanced technologies which are waiting to be released, once it is safe and practicable to do so.

Q: How much gold and metals actually exist in these accounts? Will this help to transform our financial system?

The amount of mined and processed gold is vastly underreported. There exists almost 14 times more gold bullion than is acknowledged in terms of the status quo line on the topic.

In short, what this means is that there are far more physical assets with tangible value than are required to back our global currencies and to fund the remediation of every issue that we face in our world.

Q: After the accounts are open, what is expected to happen in the following 3 months initially? The following year after they are opened?

I have no idea how long it is going to take to set things up. It will not be an easy job and it will involve the people of the planet and fixing things that have been broken by the West in their attempts towards taking over the Planet with their Globalist policies. I am sure not so long, although we will surely find out!

Q: What role is the BRICS playing in resetting the financial and political systems of the world?

BRICS is doing what I (Group K) proposed years ago by holding the Monaco Accords and as well pushing for an Eastern Financial System (think BRICS Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, etc.). 

All the ideas were there and they utilized them to get to where they are but they can be financially stronger and will be in the very near future.

Q: What role specifically is Vladimir Putin playing? Is he helping humanity?

Yes. If either Vladimir Putin / Russia and or China turned their heads for one week it would be the end of the West as we know it. They are what keeps us alive and standing in terms of maintaining balance. One slip and the West (whose leaders do not represent we the people) will come down to the point where we will have to “release the Kraken.”

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Exposé On Cabal-Driven Worldwide Terrorism Implemented By The United States And It's Allies
October 15 2016 | From: Sott / GlobalResearch / Various

J. Michael Springmann worked for the State Department in the 1980s, in Saudi Arabia. What he witnessed and experienced did not make much sense at the time, but what he later learned put it all in context, and helped to explain the entire course of U.S. foreign policy for the next 30 years.

In short, just as the CIA provided funding and training for radical Mujahideen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, they have been doing the same thing ever since. Prior to 9/11, this legion of foreign fighters was used to destabilize and destroy Yugoslavia. Afterward, Iraq, Libya, and today Syria.

Related: The US War on Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion and Increased Terrorism by 6,500%

For this entire period of time, al-Qaeda has been a fighting force for America, a fact that has been known for years, but which is only now going mainstream due to American failures and Russian successes in Syria.

Today, we interview Mr. Springmann about his time at the consulate in Jeddah, and the events that led him to blow the whistle and expose the reality of the U.S.'s creation and support of terrorism around the globe.

In the second hour of the show, we discussed the latest Trump and Clinton leaks, and how they reveal what everyone should have already known: politicians are two-faced and corrupt, and fairly unsavory individuals. Brent closed the show with another Police State Round-up on police un-accountability.

Running Time: 02:04:03 | Download: OGG, MP3

You can visit Mr. Springmann's website here: michaelspringmann.com

His book is Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World

America: Addicted To War

Since 1776, US has been at war 93% of the time. That’s 222 out of 239 years!

The U.S. has only been at peace for 21 years total since its birth

Related: US seeks to enforce global dominance by unleashing war on countries who oppose it – Assad

Since the United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence.  In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.

To put this in perspective:

Pick any year since 1776 and there is a bout a 91% chance that America was involved in some war during that calendar year.

No U.S. president truly qualifies as a peacetime president. Instead, all U.S. presidents can technically be considered “war presidents.”

The U.S.  has never gone a decade without war.

The Americans Stand on Our Side and Give us Weapons - Jabhat al-Nusra (Al Qaeda) Commander in Syria

US weapons are being delivered to Al-Nusra Front by governments that Washington supports, a militant commander has told German media. RT discusses the interview with Jürgen Todenhöfer, the journalist who spoke to the Al-Nusra commander.

Related: Al-Qaeda Leader in Syria Admits US Is Backing Them in Interview

The CIA has been coordinating weapon deliveries on the Turkey-Syria border, German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, who recently spoke with a Jabhat al-Nusra commander, told RT. He added that the US knows that the weapons it delivers to rebels end up with terrorists.

“This is a game everybody knows. It’s very clear that the Americans know that their weapons will in the end be in the hands of terrorists,”
Todenhofer said speaking to RT.

The only time in the U.S. went five years without war (1935-40) was during the isolationist period of the Great  Depression.

In most of these wars, the U.S. was on the offense. Admit- tedly some of the wars were defensive. However, the above list leaves out covert CIA operations and other acts which could be considered war.

Let’s update what’s happened since 2011:

2012 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen

– War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen

2014 – War on Terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Syria and Yemen; Civil War in Ukraine 2015 – War on Terror in Somalia, Syria and Yemen; Civil War in Ukraine

Related: The Bush / Cheney / Rumsfeld Strategy for Iraq

Related: How Intelligence Was Falsified To Support Invasion Of Iraq

So we can add four more years of war. That means that for 222 out of 239 years – or 93% of the time – America has been at war.  (We can quibble with the exact numbers, but the high percentage of time that America has been at war is clear and unmistakable.)

Indeed, most of the military operations launched since World War II have been launched by the U.S. And Ameri- can military spending dwarfs the rest of the world put together.

No wonder polls show that the world believes America is the number 1 threat to peace. Sott Comment: Rather staggering, don’t you think? Also, for many of the war years, the US had multiple opponents. After all this war practice, we might rightly expect a simple bombing raid on ISIS to produce results.

Related: Confession of a CIA Agent: They Gave Us Millions to Dismember Yugoslavia

America’s history reflects violence. It’s blood-drenched. It glorifies war. It does so in the name of peace. However, this agenda is not driven by the American people so much as it is driven from up on high by the Cabal leadership who manipulate the sleeping masses to buy into actions that only appear to be "American".

The US / NATO is the tool and the scapegoat of the 'global elite's' New World Order.

America believes war is peace. It’s part of the national culture. Eventually it’s self-destructive. Today’s super-weapons make the unthinkable possible.

Hyman Rickover knew.  He knew decades ago. He founded America’s nuclear navy. In 1982, he told Congress:

“I do not believe that nuclear power is worth it if it creates radiation.” Then you might ask me why do I have nuclear powered ships?”

“That is a necessary evil. I would sink them all. I am not proud of the part I played in it. I did it because it was necessary for the safety of this country.”

That’s why I am such a great exponent of stopping this whole nonsense of war. Unfortunately limits – attempts to limit war have always failed.”

“The lesson of history is when a war starts every nation will ultimately use whatever weapon it has available.”

“Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years.”

“I think the human race is going to wreck itself, and it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it.”

In his Der Ring des Nibelungen operas (the Ring), Richard Wagner portrayed his apocalyptic version. He did so musically. Gotterdammerung (Twilight of the Gods) prophesied the end of the world.

Related: U.S. Admits Israel Is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime - Weeks After Giving It $38 Billion

Einstein feared it. He didn’t know what WW III weapons would be used. He said “World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Bertrand Russell was an Einstein contemporary. He knew. He warned. No one listened. He asked:

“Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce war. It’s the only way to live in peace. The alternative is annihilation."

The choice is clear. The wrong one assures disaster. America’s heading humanity toward it. A slow-motion train wreck looms. The big one. There’s no second chance. There’s no coming back.

Historian Harry Elmer Barnes (1889 – 1968) once said:

“If trends continue as they have during the last fifteen years, we shall soon reach this point of no return, and can only anticipate interminable wars, disguised as noble gestures for peace.”

Historian Arnold Toynbee worried about WW III. Only pigmies in remote jungles, apes and ants might be left to carry on “the cultural traditions of mankind,” he said.

According to HG Wells:

“If we don’t end war, war will end us.”

Related: Pentagon Paid PR Firm $540mn to Make Fake Terrorist Videos

America wages permanent wars. It does so against enemies it creates. During the Cold War, Active Defense and AirLand Battle prepared strategies for how America would fight.

Soviet Russia was targeted. Today’s it’s modern day Russia. It’s China. AirSea Battle targets both countries. More on that below.

In 1998, US Space Command: Vision for 2020 discussed America’s grand strategy.

In 2000, DOD Joint Vision 2020 called for “full spectrum dominance” over all land, surface and sub-surface sea, air, space, electromagnetic spectrum and information systems.

Related: Top USA National Security Officials Admit Turkey Coup

It did so with enough overwhelming power to fight and win global wars against any adversary. Nuclear and other mass destruction weapons would be used preemptively.

In 1961, General Curtis LeMay believed nuclear war with Soviet Russia was inevitable. He wanted thousands of missiles launched preemptively. He called retaliation against major US cities a small price to pay.

At the same time, General Lyman Lemnitzer urged a surprise nuclear attack strategy. Jack Kennedy expressed disgust. He walked out of a National Security Council meeting. He wanted none of it.

He told Secretary of State Dean Rusk: “And we call ourselves the human race.”

Secretary of Defense McNamara categorically rejected LeMay and Lemnitzer. He should have fired them on the spot. Other extremists then and later urged the same lunacy.

Crazies have great influence today. Today’s weapons make earlier ones look like toys. Armageddon could happen. Rogue states can’t be trusted. America most of all.

Eisenhower warned;

“Against the acquisition of unwarranted influence.”
He named the military-industrial complex.

“The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist,”
he stressed.

Militarism writ large is the national pastime. It’s a national addiction. The business of America is war. It’s multiple wars. It’s permanent ones. It’s ravaging one nation after another.

It’s doing so for wealth, power, resource control, and unchallenged global dominance.

Armed Drones: President Obama's Favorite Weapon

President Barack Obama has received much credit for drawing down American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, but less attention has been paid to his administration's embrace of armed drones.

Related: Armed Drones: President Obama's Favorite Weapon

His expansion of covert drone strikes goes far beyond that of former President George W. Bush, and has blurred the line between warfare and assassination.

The classified processes used by the White House for approving these remote killings in foreign countries - countries which the U.S. is not officially at war with - has people questioning not only the Obama administration's tactics, but also the collateral damage of civilian casualties left in its wake.

Related: Classified U.S. Defense Network Outage Hits Air Force’s Secret Drone Operations

Related: Why Elites Love Drones

America never was the “land of the free and home of the brave.” It’s a war on humanity society. It’s a “let ‘em eat cake” one.

It’s an out-of-control rogue state. It’s ideologically over-the-top. It spends more on militarism and wars than the rest of the world combined.

Doing so lets war profiteers gorge themselves at the public trough. Doing so makes peace impossible. Warrior nations eventually self-destruct. Nations that live by the sword die by it. America’s no exception.

According too Navy Live, Air-Sea Battle (ABS):

“Is designed to develop force over the long-term. (It) seeks to provide decision makers with a wide range of options to counter aggression from hostile actors.

It targets China and Russia. It “reflects the US commitment to maintaining escalation advantage during conflict and sustaining security and prosperity in the global commons.

It’s “interoperable air and naval forces that can execute networked, integrated attacks-in-depth to disrupt, destroy, and defeat enemy anti-access area denial capabilities.”

Paul Craig Roberts quoted Amitai Etzioni. He asked:

“Who Authorized Preparations for War with China?”

“The Pentagon has concluded that the time has come to prepare for with China, and in a manner well beyond crafting the sort of contingency plans that are expected for with a wide range of possible confrontations,” he said.

"It’s a “momentous decision. It hasn’t received proper attention. America’s posture is largely Pentagon driven.

It stands out even more prominently because (a) the change in military posture may well lead to an arms race with China, which could culminate in a nuclear war; and (b) the economic condition of the United States requires a reduction in military spending, not a new arms race.”

“The start of a new term, and with it the appointment of new secretaries of State and Defense, provides an opportunity to review the United States’ China strategy and the military’s role in it.”

“This review is particularly important before the new preparations for war move from an operational concept to a militarization program that includes ordering high-cost weapons systems and forced restructuring.”

“History shows that once these thresholds are crossed, it is exceedingly difficult to change course.”

In September 2001, Congress approved the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF). It did so for “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

Carte blanche war-making authority was granted. America’s war on terror began. It’s waged on humanity. It does so out of control. It targets manufactured enemies at home and abroad.

It calls independent nations existential threats. Russia and China are targeted. They represent America’s [The Cabal New World Order's] final battleground.

Challenging them risks WW III. Obama’s no peacemaker. He’s a cold-blooded warrior. They threatens humanity’s survival. His 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) reflects Bush era strategy.

Related: Hillary Clinton’s Involvement with ISIS Confirmed by Wikileaks

Related: Military Blogger Alleges U.S. Now Aids ISIS to Oust Assad

It’s old wine in new bottles. It “reserves the right” to use nuclear weapons preemptively. America’s only enemies are ones it invents. Peace is verboten. So is disarmament. They’re both non-starters.

Washington targets more nations to destroy. It invents reasons for doing so. It threatens humanity in the process. Preemptive nuclear war assures it. America’s lunatic fringe may launch what cooler heads deplore. Elements in it have mushroom shaped cloud delusions.

Nuclear war assures turning planet earth into an uninhabited wasteland. Toxic proliferation already is destroying life slowly.

ISIS Was Created by the CIA and Mossad

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WHO Publishes Strategies For EU Healthcare Professionals To Convince Vaccine Deniers Vaccines Are Safe + News On Vaccine Safety Reveals Rampant Corruption
October 14 2016 | From: NaturalBlaze / AustralianNationalReview

Vaccines are taking a big hit on the refusal side from more and more people doing their due diligence and becoming more fully engaged in knowing what supposedly ‘safe’ vaccines really are about: Fraud and deceit on the part of the U.S. CDC and FDA, plus vested-interest ‘tobacco science’ from Big Pharma and vaccine manufacturers publishing falsified research and data, who ‘export’ their brand of pseudoscience.

Nothing confirms that more than the documentary movie VAXXED currently making the rounds in local movie theaters and on the Internet.

Related: VAXXED Documentary Explored with Filmmakers on Antidote

In view of the all the developing negative vaccine research and adverse health issues, the World Health Organization (WHO) apparently is trying to come to vaccines’ rescue by publishing the 44 page 2016 document, “How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers in public”.

What I found most amazing and ironically ‘curious’, if not pathetic, is the information on page 34 in Chapter 6 “How to Protect Yourself,” referring to the healthcare professional who is encouraged to go out and spread the vaccine ‘gospel’.  Paradoxically, the WHO makes the following statement:

"Remember …

You have the right to say ‘No’. Your personal safety comes first. Consider the context and time of the discussion, and weigh up whether it is safe for you to take part.

Your mind stores thousands of pieces of information which it uses to warn you that something is wrong. Trust your instincts when you feel uncomfortable, get away from whatever situation you are in. You will only know if you were wrong if you ignore your instincts – is it worth the risk?"

Apparently, WHO believe doctors have the right of personal safety first, but what are the rights of innocent infants, toddlers, teens and adults from being forced to be vaccinated immediately after birth and into adulthood with Big Pharma’s “poison needles”?

Trust your instincts when you feel uncomfortable, get away from whatever situation you are in,” is excellent advice to parents when being badgered about vaccines, I offer.  

Related: Vaccines Have Become Even More Scary Than Ever

However, the WHO thinks that only applies to medical proselytizers and not those who are bullied into taking vaccines or else suffer untold consequences like your families are discharged from their medical practices!  Or, how about having Child Protective Services showing up at a refuser’s front door?

The WHO apparently has concerns about security threats to healthcare professionals from vaccine refusers.  I wonder why, especially when children have been damaged for life and parents are getting extremely fed up with how they are treated by the medical and legal professions, healthcare regulatory bodies especially in the USA, e.g., CDC, FDA, state and local health agencies and even school districts.

On page 6 of that report, we see the Goal stated as:

"Make the public audience more resilient against anti-vaccine statements and stories; support the vaccine hesitants in their vaccine acceptance decision."

Readers need to read page 9: how the WHO defines various members of the anti-vaccine movement. However, the WHO does not say anything about all the fines and ethical problems leveled against the pharmaceutical industry because of its inherent bad business practices that have evolved into class action lawsuits and billion-dollar fines from the U.S. CDC / FDA!

Related: Flu Vaccines are Toxic

What is it that the WHO doesn’t seem to be getting about the problems with the pharmaceutical industry for which it apparently is one of its key promoters?

Personally, I just love this remark on page 15:

"Remember, you are presenting the scientific consensus."

And that sad statement is KEY, since the REAL science is totally different than consensus science!  

Consensus science is that which researchers agree to lie about or withhold data about or even discard data into a trash can about, e.g., MMR vaccine-Autism connection and CDC whistleblower William Thompson, PhD, admission or perform incorrect vaccine trials, e.g., placing aluminum adjuvant into control subjects’ vaccines, when those vaccines should be adjuvant-free!  

That’s consensus science!

Scientific consensus ignores scientific studies, especially when it comes to vaccine ingredients, or so it really seems.  My book Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines discusses most of the toxic ingredients in vaccines from what scientific studies have found those ingredients are capable of doing as published in peer review literature.  

It’s not what I have made up; it’s what published scientific journal articles say about neurotoxins, aluminum in as many as four formulations, ethylmercury (Thimerosal) that’s still found in trace amounts in many vaccines given to infants (YES, that’s a real FACT), formaldehyde / Formalin, dangerous polysorbate 80 that’s been shown to cause infertility in animal studies plus other problems, sodium borate plus a “shopping list” of ingredients such as foreign DNA from animals like monkeys-mouse brain-cattle-insects, including human diploid cells (a line of aborted fetal cells).

Let me not forget to mention mycoplasmas and genetically modified organisms.  How can all that ‘scientific’ crap be injected into a less than 25 pound infant and no health damages occur, especially to their not-fully-developed immune system?

Something is terribly wrong with consensus science when it has to bully others into taking harmful products!  The WHO apparently recognizes that and is trying to do ‘damage control’ for the next pandemic that probably is in the wings.  Here’s a hint: Zika. Or, the refugee crisis in the EU.

On page 22 we read the admonition to;

"Emphasize high safety instead of low risk."

How ridiculous a mantra, when each vaccine package insert [2] recites contraindications and adverse events, including Guillain-Barré syndrome.  But then, it’s consensus science not to tell patients that information as their right under fully informed consent.

On page 23, proselytizers are cautioned about telling the truth.  However, the WHO does not tell them how to keep their noses from growing two feet long or what’s called the Pinocchio syndrome.

On page 24, WHO reiterates the sorry mantra about consensus science:

"11. Underline scientific consensus

Research in the area of climate change shows that the belief in a scientific fact increases when consensus is highlighted [60][30]. However, identifying a scientific consensus requires a thorough understanding of the specific area of interest and a layperson will not gain that knowledge all by himself [61].

Therefore, highlighting the scientific consensus in public is a powerful tool to transfer essential scientific knowledge and increase belief in a scientific fact, especially when presented in a simple and short message [62][63]."

Underline scientific consensus with regard to vaccine safety and efficacy.

Boy, has WHO really placed itself precariously out on the credibility limb it’s sawing off when it includes climate change as scientific fact.

With weather geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management, “chemtrails,” HAARPs around the globe and the information about “smart clouds” I discussed that’s in the U.S. Air Force report about owning the weather by 2025 in my article “What’s Up With the Newest Presidential Executive Order?”, WHO ought to be embarrassed beyond embarrassment, plus be regarded as the Illuminati’s toady it apparently is.

WHO wants proselytizers to “Emphasize social benefits of vaccines.”  Does that mean that ‘herd immunity’ is not discussed for what it really is - treating humans like cattle?  What are the social benefits of vaccines when lives and families are damaged?  

When there is total denial by doctors and others with almost no recourse at law in the USA because the U.S. Congress disenfranchised healthcare consumers’ rights by giving vaccine manufacturers a “get out of jail free” card from any legal and financial liability for product damage from vaccines?

Related: Shock Report: Testing Reveals Glyphosate Present in Childhood Vaccines

But things are different in the European Union where lawsuits are being filed against vaccine manufacturers, and thus one of the probable reasons for WHO’s “How to respond…” report.

How about the “Algorithm of how to respond” on page 29! Studying that algorithm should give everyone some clever hints on how to respond to the proselytizers, I think.

The WHO’s bibliography of References ought to be studied as a strategy ‘play book’ to use in beating them at their own game regarding vaccine consensus science, I offer. There are 51 member states in the European Union.  The recent manufactured refugee crisis in the EU probably is of much concern to WHO, since many refugees obviously will need to be convinced to take those poison needles.

News On Vaccine Safety Reveals Rampant Corruption

When people hear about life threatening conditions such as seizure, cardiovascular ailments and encephalitis, the first thing that comes to their minds is viruses. These are the harmful side effects of Gardasil, an HPV vaccine that are given to 9-year-old children.

There are many more vaccines that pose similar health dangers that are being given to children.

Related: Parents of vaccine-damaged children wrongly imprisoned, as doctors blame 'shaken baby syndrome'

NaturalNews Talk Hour reveals the harmful side effects of vaccination with PhD scholars Judy Mikovits and Jonathan Landsman that our government doesn’t want you to know.

Dr Mikovits feels that the possibility of latent viruses released into the system in the form of vaccines can be unleashed due to the response of dendritic cells in our body, which release inflammatory messages to cytokines, triggering inflammation. She terms this response as ‘cytokine storm’.

The Shocking Truth About Mandatory Vaccines Revealed

This response of the body could lead to permanent damage to the body’s immune system, which would ultimately lead to a lifetime of diseases.

The body can have very severe effects from vaccination, a phenomenon known as ‘vaccine injuries’. Diseases like myalgic encephalomyelitis, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, autism and polycystic ovarian syndrome can also be caused by vaccine injuries.

Related: Vaccine for Flu Has 25000 Times More Mercury Concentration Than Drinking Water

The government has always hidden the harmful effects of vaccination on the grounds of coincidence or no specific reason. Some members of the health administration have even gone as far as saying that the after effects of vaccination are actually psychogenic in nature.

Dr Mikovits’ new publication, ‘Plague’, draws to the many responses that the government have, or have had for vaccine side effects.

The side effects aren’t just caused by the antigens present in the vaccines. The additives used in most vaccines to trigger immune response are also very toxic in nature and are equally harmful to our system, if not more.

The alternative media is flooded with the singular admission of a whistleblower at the CDC that lab results were faked. The alternative media is flooded with 127 papers on the connection of thimerosal with autism.

Here we have a 188 page document with nothing but references to articles DATING BACK TO 1926 WHEN ALUMINUM WAS FIRST USED AS AN ADJUVANT IN VACCINES to the present day with a bloom that was noticed in articles around 1999 when Scientific American had an article called GENETIC VACCINES as noted in my book Timeline.

What we are talking about here makes the recent British expose on the cover-up of vaccine science look like neighborhood kids playing in the sandbox.

Credit to the Red Hens who discovered it @ www.vaccinefraud.com

The use of of ingredients like Polysorbate 80, which have detergent properties, has also been discovered.

Vaccines also have amounts of inflammatory additives and neurotoxins such as MPL and aluminium hydroxide respectively.

Related: Vaccines containing aluminum shown to cause neurological damage

Borax, a sodium compound present in vaccines, depletes important micronutrients from the body such as zinc, magnesium and calcium. Dr Mikovits also reveals that vaccinations should not be given to children under 3 years, as it affects brain development.

Dr Mikovits is a pioneer in the field of immunology and a PhD scholar from George Washington University.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies
October 14 2016 | From: GlobalResearch / AtlasObscura

The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch.

According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation.

Related: Central Banking and The Federal Reserve System

So who then are the stockholders in these money center banks?

This information is guarded much more closely. My queries to bank regulatory agencies regarding stock ownership in the top 25 US bank holding companies were given Freedom of Information Act status, before being denied on “national security” grounds. This is rather ironic, since many of the bank’s stockholders reside in Europe.

One important repository for the wealth of the global oligarchy that owns these bank holding companies is US Trust Corporation – founded in 1853 and now owned by Bank of America.

A recent US Trust Corporate Director and Honorary Trustee was Walter Rothschild. Other directors included Daniel Davison of JP Morgan Chase, Richard Tucker of Exxon Mobil, Daniel Roberts of Citigroup and Marshall Schwartz of Morgan Stanley.

J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch - by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.

Jacob Rothschild and David Rockefeller kicking it

They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.

He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.

Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century.

The Federal Reserve Board 1913

Eustace Mullins came to the same conclusions in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, in which he displays charts connecting the Fed and its member banks to the families of Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller and the others.

The control that these banking families exert over the global economy cannot be overstated and is quite intentionally shrouded in secrecy. Their corporate media arm is quick to discredit any information exposing this private central banking cartel as “conspiracy theory”. Yet the facts remain.

The House of Morgan

The Federal Reserve Bank was born in 1913, the same year US banking scion J. Pierpont Morgan died and the Rockefeller Foundation was formed. The House of Morgan presided over American finance from the corner of Wall Street and Broad, acting as quasi-US central bank since 1838, when George Peabody founded it in London.

J.P. Morgan

Peabody was a business associate of the Rothschilds. In 1952 Fed researcher Eustace Mullins put forth the supposition that the Morgans were nothing more than Rothschild agents. Mullins wrote that the Rothschilds;

“…preferred to operate anonymously in the US behind the facade of J.P. Morgan & Company”.

Author Gabriel Kolko stated; “Morgan’s activities in 1895-1896 in selling US gold bonds in Europe were based on an alliance with the House of Rothschild.”

The Morgan financial octopus wrapped its tentacles quickly around the globe. Morgan Grenfell operated in London. Morgan et Ce ruled Paris. The Rothschild’s Lambert cousins set up Drexel & Company in Philadelphia.

The House of Morgan catered to the Astors, DuPonts, Guggenheims, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. It financed the launch of AT&T, General Motors, General Electric and DuPont. Like the London-based Rothschild and Barings banks, Morgan became part of the power structure in many countries.

By 1890 the House of Morgan was lending to Egypt’s central bank, financing Russian railroads, floating Brazilian provincial government bonds and funding Argentine public works projects. A recession in 1893 enhanced Morgan’s power. That year Morgan saved the US government from a bank panic, forming a syndicate to prop up government reserves with a shipment of $62 million worth of Rothschild gold.

It's a little known fact the the Monopoly man was based on J.P. Morgan

Morgan was the driving force behind Western expansion in the US, financing and controlling West-bound railroads through voting trusts. In 1879 Cornelius Vanderbilt’s Morgan-financed New York Central Railroad gave preferential shipping rates to John D. Rockefeller’s budding Standard Oil monopoly, cementing the Rockefeller/Morgan relationship.

The House of Morgan now fell under Rothschild and Rockefeller family control. A New York Herald headline read, “Railroad Kings Form Gigantic Trust”. J. Pierpont Morgan, who once stated;

“Competition is a sin”, now opined gleefully, “Think of it. All competing railroad traffic west of St. Louis placed in the control of about thirty men."

Morgan and Edward Harriman’s banker Kuhn Loeb held a monopoly over the railroads, while banking dynasties Lehman, Goldman Sachs and Lazard joined the Rockefellers in controlling the US industrial base.

In 1903 Banker’s Trust was set up by the Eight Families. Benjamin Strong of Banker’s Trust was the first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank.

The 1913 creation of the Fed fused the power of the Eight Families to the military and diplomatic might of the US government. If their overseas loans went unpaid, the oligarchs could now deploy US Marines to collect the debts. Morgan, Chase and Citibank formed an international lending syndicate.

The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US.

The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred. In 1904 John Moody – founder of Moody’s Investor Services – said it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests as separate.

Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and Edward Harriman’s railroads were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothschilds.

Several Western states banned the bankers. Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was thrice the Democratic nominee for President from 1896 -1908. The central theme of his anti-imperialist campaign was that America was falling into a trap of “financial servitude to British capital”.

Teddy Roosevelt defeated Bryan in 1908, but was forced by this spreading populist wildfire to enact the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He then went after the Standard Oil Trust.

In 1912 the Pujo hearings were held, addressing concentration of power on Wall Street. That same year Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her substantial shares in New York’s Guaranty Trust Bank to J.P. Morgan, creating Morgan Guaranty Trust. Judge Louis Brandeis convinced President Woodrow Wilson to call for an end to interlocking board directorates. In 1914 the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed.

Jack Morgan – J. Pierpont’s son and successor – responded by calling on Morgan clients Remington and Winchester to increase arms production. He argued that the US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated.

As Charles Tansill wrote in America Goes to War;

“Even before the clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan & Company in New York suggesting the flotation of a loan of $100 million, a substantial part of which was to be left in the US to pay for French purchases of American goods.”

The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients.

Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts.

In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression;,

“It was no accident. It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”.

Sen. Gerald Nye (D-ND) chaired a munitions investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War, which cynically referred to “the old goddess of democracy trick”, through which Japan could be used to lure the US into WWII.

In 1937 Interior Secretary Harold Ickes warned of the influence of “America’s 60 Families”. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg later penned a book of the exact same title. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas decried;

“Morgan influence…the most pernicious one in industry and finance today.”

Related: America's 60 Families

Jack Morgan responded by nudging the US towards WWII. Morgan had close relations with the Iwasaki and Dan families – Japan’s two wealthiest clans – who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates.

When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.

The House of Rockefeller

BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Eight Families who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. The first President of BIS was Rockefeller banker Gates McGarrah - an official at Chase Manhattan and the Federal Reserve.

McGarrah was the grandfather of former CIA director Richard Helms. The Rockefellers - like the Morgans - had close ties to London. David Icke writes in Children of the Matrix, that the Rockefellers and Morgans were just “gofers” for the European Rothschilds.

John D. Rockefeller

BIS is owned by the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of Italy, Bank of Canada, Swiss National Bank, Nederlandsche Bank, Bundesbank and Bank of France.

Historian Carroll Quigley wrote in his epic book Tragedy and Hope that BIS was part of a plan;

“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole…to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.”

The US government had a historical distrust of BIS, lobbying unsuccessfully for its demise at the 1944 post-WWII Bretton Woods Conference. Instead the Eight Families’ power was exacerbated, with the Bretton Woods creation of the IMF and the World Bank. The US Federal Reserve only took shares in BIS in September 1994.

BIS holds at least 10% of monetary reserves for at least 80 of the world’s central banks, the IMF and other multilateral institutions. It serves as financial agent for international agreements, collects information on the global economy and serves as lender of last resort to prevent global financial collapse.

BIS promotes an agenda of monopoly capitalist fascism. It gave a bridge loan to Hungary in the 1990’s to ensure privatization of that country’s economy. It served as conduit for Eight Families funding of Adolf Hitler- led by the Warburg’s J. Henry Schroeder and Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Many researchers assert that BIS is at the nadir of global drug money laundering.

The Bank for International Settlements is the Mac Daddy at the top of the Worldwide Reserve Banking System, not just the US Federal Reserve

It is no coincidence that BIS is headquartered in Switzerland, favorite hiding place for the wealth of the global aristocracy and headquarters for the P-2 Italian Freemason’s Alpina Lodge and Nazi International. Other institutions which the Eight Families control include the World Economic Forum, the International Monetary Conference and the World Trade Organization.

Bretton Woods was a boon to the Eight Families. The IMF and World Bank were central to this “new world order”. In 1944 the first World Bank bonds were floated by Morgan Stanley and First Boston.

The French Lazard family became more involved in House of Morgan interests. Lazard Freres - France’s biggest investment bank- is owned by the Lazard and David-Weill families - old Genoese banking scions represented by Michelle Davive. A recent Chairman and CEO of Citigroup was Sanford Weill.

In 1968 Morgan Guaranty launched Euro-Clear, a Brussels-based bank clearing system for Eurodollar securities. It was the first such automated endeavor. Some took to calling Euro-Clear “The Beast”. Brussels serves as headquarters for the new European Central Bank and for NATO.

In 1973 Morgan officials met secretly in Bermuda to illegally resurrect the old House of Morgan, twenty years before Glass Steagal Act was repealed. Morgan and the Rockefellers provided the financial backing for Merrill Lynch, boosting it into the Big 5 of US investment banking. Merrill is now part of Bank of America.

John D. Rockefeller used his oil wealth to acquire Equitable Trust, which had gobbled up several large banks and corporations by the 1920’s.

The Great Depression helped consolidate Rockefeller’s power. His Chase Bank merged with Kuhn Loeb’s Manhattan Bank to form Chase Manhattan, cementing a long-time family relationship.

The Kuhn-Loeb’s had financed – along with Rothschilds – Rockefeller’s quest to become king of the oil patch. National City Bank of Cleveland provided John D. with the money needed to embark upon his monopolization of the US oil industry.

The bank was identified in Congressional hearings as being one of three Rothschild-owned banks in the US during the 1870’s, when Rockefeller first incorporated as Standard Oil of Ohio.

One Rockefeller Standard Oil partner was Edward Harkness, whose family came to control Chemical Bank. Another was James Stillman, whose family controlled Manufacturers Hanover Trust.

Both banks have merged under the JP Morgan Chase umbrella. Two of James Stillman’s daughters married two of William Rockefeller’s sons. The two families control a big chunk of Citigroup as well.

In the insurance business, the Rockefellers control Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential and New York Life. Rockefeller banks control 25% of all assets of the 50 largest US commercial banks and 30% of all assets of the 50 largest insurance companies.

Insurance companies - the first in the US was launched by Freemasons through their Woodman’s of America - play a key role in the Bermuda drug money shuffle.

Companies under Rockefeller control include Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco, Marathon Oil, Freeport McMoran, Quaker Oats, ASARCO, United, Delta, Northwest, ITT, International Harvester, Xerox, Boeing, Westinghouse, Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, International Paper, Pfizer, Motorola, Monsanto, Union Carbide and General Foods.

The Rockefeller Foundation has close financial ties to both Ford and Carnegie Foundations. Other family philanthropic endeavors include Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, General Education Board, Rockefeller University and the University of Chicago - which churns out a steady stream of far right economists as apologists for international capital, including Milton Friedman.

The family owns 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where the national Christmas tree is lighted every year, and Rockefeller Center.

David Rockefeller was instrumental in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. The main Rockefeller family home is a hulking complex in upstate New York known as Pocantico Hills.

They also own a 32-room 5th Avenue duplex in Manhattan, a mansion in Washington, DC, Monte Sacro Ranch in Venezuela, coffee plantations in Ecuador, several farms in Brazil, an estate at Seal Harbor, Maine and resorts in the Caribbean, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Allen Dulles

The Dulles and Rockefeller families are cousins. Allen Dulles created the CIA, assisted the Nazis, covered up the Kennedy hit from his Warren Commission perch and struck a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood to create mind-controlled assassins.

Brother John Foster Dulles presided over the phony Goldman Sachs trusts before the 1929 stock market crash and helped his brother overthrow governments in Iran and Guatemala.

Both were Skull & Bones, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) insiders and 33rd Degree Masons.

The Rockefellers were instrumental in forming the depopulation-oriented Club of Rome at their family estate in Bellagio, Italy.

Their Pocantico Hills estate gave birth to the Trilateral Commission. The family is a major funder of the eugenics movement which spawned Hitler, human cloning and the current DNA obsession in US scientific circles.

John Rockefeller Jr. headed the Population Council until his death. His namesake son is a Senator from West Virginia. Brother Winthrop Rockefeller was Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas and remains the most powerful man in that state.

In an October 1975 interview with Playboy magazine, Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller- who was also Governor of New York- articulated his family’s patronizing worldview;

“I am a great believer in planning- economic, social, political, military, total world planning.”

But of all the Rockefeller brothers, it is Trilateral Commission (TC) founder and Chase Manhattan Chairman David who has spearheaded the family’s fascist agenda on a global scale. He defended the Shah of Iran, the South African apartheid regime and the Chilean Pinochet junta.

He was the biggest financier of the CFR, the TC and (during the Vietnam War) the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia- a contract bonanza for those who made their living off the conflict.

Nixon asked him to be Secretary of Treasury, but Rockefeller declined the job, knowing his power was much greater at the helm of the Chase. Author Gary Allen writes in The Rockefeller File that in 1973;

“David Rockefeller met with twenty-seven heads of state, including the rulers of Russia and Red China.”

Following the 1975 Nugan Hand Bank/CIA coup against Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, his British Crown-appointed successor Malcolm Fraser sped to the US, where he met with President Gerald Ford after conferring with David Rockefeller.

7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Secret Societies

In clandestine corners of the world, the elite come together in secrecy. Some of them don’t mind that we know of these society meetings, while others maintain that they do not organize at all.

Illustration by Miss Alice Heighes Donlevy of the "Secret Society Buildings of New Haven," with the former Skull & Bones headquarters at left center (circa 1869-1903)

Yet doormen speak to their friends, initiation rites are leaked, people peek in windows, chanting in far underground lairs can be heard by a passerby. Conspiracy theorists have long held that someone, and not the Fates, is manipulating our world, and perhaps in these secret societies the strings are being pulled.

Here is a list of seven groups so secret some members will never admit to their involvement, and their meeting places hiding in plain sight.

Skull and Bones Tomb

New Haven, Connecticut

The Tomb

Ivy league Yale University is considered to be one of the most selective higher educational institutions in the United States, if not the world. Its motto lux et veritas translates to "light and truth." On the historic campus in New Haven, Connecticut, there is a building where "light and truth" are reserved for carefully selected members and alumni.

What is known about the Skull and Bones secret society is minimal. The organization started in 1832. An official roster of its members was published up until 1971. Bonesmen, as members are called, have been heads of corporations, senior government officials, Supreme Court justices, and even presidents.

Theories about what the Skull and Bones actually do range from its members controlling the Central Intelligence Agency, being a part of a global network aimed at world domination, to being a branch of the Illuminati.

Related: The Order / Skull and Bones / Chapter 322

It’s also unknown exactly what happens in The Tomb, the group's headquarters, but there are strange rumors of what is contained in the windowless sandstone building. The Egypto-Doric style of the structure makes it appear as an immense sepulcher.

The tomb is thought to hold secret documents containing the roster of all members, ritual details, as well as multiple stolen relics. Some of the bones rumored to be in The Tomb include the skulls of Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Martin Van Buren, and the gravestone of Elihu Yale, the school's founder. Bonesmen are also known to take other societies' belongings in a show of thievery and cunning known as crooking.

Bilderberg Club: Hotel de Bilderberg

Oosterbeek, Netherlands (note that this is not the office of the organisation, but the place of it's inaugural meeting).

Hotel de Bilderberg

In November of 1954, 50 delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe and 11 Americans spent three days in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, at the Hotel de Bilderberg.

The purpose of the meeting was said to foster conversations between Europe and North America. Those in attendance included a prince, a prime minster, and the head of the CIA. Since that meeting, each year a group of international leaders in the fields of politics, business, media, and communications have met to discuss… we’re not exactly sure.

There is no agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no voting of any kind is executed, and no positions or policy statements are issued.

Related: The True Story Of The Bilderberg Group

The meetings are held in a different location each year and each year the topics of the meeting are up for the general public to theorize over.

The roster of attendees is never officially made public, but there have been leaks over the years. Conspiracy theories abound, especially because of the group’s intense level of secrecy. Many believe the group is conspiring to impose capital domination, a world government, or a planned economy. What is certain is that the more prominent you are, the more likely you’ll be to get an invitation to next year’s Bilderberg conference. 

Scientology's Trementina Base

Trementina, New Mexico

Trementina Base, New Mexico

Scientology is most visible today because of celebrity members like Tom Cruise and John Travolta, yet the organization has been aggressive over the years in tackling critics and maintaining its secrets. One of the most controversial religious groups, some characterize the movement as a cult.

Basic Scientology belief holds that humans are immortal beings who have reincarnated and have lived on other planets before finding themselves now on Earth. One of the things that makes the religion controversial is its assertive nature, often turning to character assassination or litigation in dealing with skeptics and critics who question their practices. The church is also extremely secretive, holding many of its teachings from members until they have made it through multiple levels.

Scientology operates several churches called Celebrity Centres that are opened to the public, but are primarily meant for "anyone with the power and vision to create a better world.” The Church of the Spiritual Technology, or CST, is reserved for the most trusted of members.

Related: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

Many of these members manage elaborate bases including the Trementina Base. The official word from the church is that the base is a location used to preserve Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s writings, which are said to be engraved on steel sheets and encased in titanium cases. It’s thought that Trementina is more than just a location to archive Hubbard’s works, however.

Trementina contains underground dwellings and tunnels, but what’s most interesting about the base is what you see from the outside. Aerial photographs above the base show huge images dug into the Earth.

The images are that of the church’s logo. Former members have claimed that the symbols are to mark the return point for members when they travel into the future. Other members have stated that this is the place where Hubbard is supposed to go when he returns.  

The Illuminati: Domus Sanctae Marthae

Vatican City, Vatican

Related: The Jesuits & The Vatican

Pope Francis entering Domus Sanctae Marthae

Established in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany, this group of freethinkers, humanists, and academics opposed superstition, prejudice, religion, and its influence over the public, and they supported the advancement of women.

The Illuminati were a shadowy group, believed capable of influencing movements in government and the arts. The group was infiltrated and shut down a decade after its founding, or so the official record goes. Conspiracy theorists have long been obsessed that the world has been controlled by the Illuminati for generations.

There are many modern groups that claim to be the descendants of the original Bavarian Illuminati; they go so far as to use the name “Illuminati” in their title, but there is no evidence that these recent organizations are tied to the original.

Related: The Order Of The Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods And Its Influence On World Events

Besides its actions, what is a major mystery of this group is the location of its headquarters. Theorists have claimed many prominent locations are the headquarters of the Illuminati from Disney World in Orlando, Florida, the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Statue of Liberty in New York City, Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and, among many others, the Vatican.

The theory that the Illuminati headquarters is located at the Vatican is especially interesting due to the group's opposition to the church. It's believed by conspiracy theorists that the church was long ago infiltrated by the society and so that would make its leader, the pope, one of the Illuminati's highest ranking members. 

Today, the pope resides in a simple room at Domus Sanctae Marthae, a guest house adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica. The five-story building containing 106 suites and 22 single rooms is for clergy who are in town on official Holy See business, or perhaps for an Illuminati meeting or two.

Ordo Templi Orientis: Bay Area Thelemic Temple

Oakland, California

Mural of Aleister Crowley at the Abode of Chaos

The Order of the Temple of the East was founded between 1895 and 1906 in either Austria or Germany. It is believed wealthy industrialist, Carl Kellner, began the religious movement, but it was famed occultist Aleister Crowley whose name and additions to the group shrouded it in curiosity and mystery.

OTO was modeled somewhat after another secret society, Freemasonry. But Crowley added a layer, his own self-created belief system called Thelema. Thelema’s practices and beliefs are written out in a book titled The Book of Law and its core belief is: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

Ideas from occultism, and Eastern and Western mysticism, found their way into Thelema and thus OTO. The religion is highly secretive and members move through the order in a series of rites and rituals, moving up levels in the forms of initiations. Levels have curious names such as Minerval, Master Magician, Illustrious Knight, Grandmaster of Light, and so on.

There are two components at the core of OTO: magical rituals, which have been rumored to include tantric sex, the summoning of angels and demons, and astral projection.

Then there is the gnostic mass, reminiscent of a Catholic mass only because it contains a host and wine toward the end. The gnostic mass includes elaborate costumes, and at the climax of the mass it's believed that the host turns into the Body of God and the wine the Blood of God.

There are multiple locations of worship called camps, oases, or lodges. The majority of them keep their locations secretive to the greater public. The relatively small location in Oakland is an oasis. They hold a weekly gnostic mass in a temple decorated in candles and Egyptian imagery. 

It’s unknown exactly what takes place during initiation ceremonies and what knowledge is shared during these events. According to Crowley's autobiography, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: "the OTO is in possession of one supreme secret. The whole of its system [is] directed towards communicating to its members, by progressively plain hints, this all-important instruction.”

Priory of Sion: Bibliothèque Nationale de France

Paris, France

National Library of France Reading Room

The secret of this secret society is that many people believe in its existence, but scholarly claims have repetitively stated the group is a complete myth, constructed by the imagination of a madman.    

The myth begins that the Priory of Sion was a group charged with protecting the descendants of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene who eventually went on to settle in France.

It was leaked in the 1970s that the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris, the French National Library, was in possession of a file called Dossiers Secrets d'Henri Lobineau that pointed to the Priory of Sion being located in France.

The file contained an introduction, maps of France, genealogies, newspaper clippings, letters and a list of grand masters of the Priory of Sion that included Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and Leonardo Da Vinci.

The authenticity of these files has been questioned ever since they were left at the library. Eventually, they were traced to Pierre Plantard. It is believed Plantard planted the document at the library in order to perpetuate an elaborate hoax. He himself claimed to be a descendant of Jesus' bloodline. 

Academics went on to agree that the Priory of Sion was a hoax constructed by Plantard. Yet, books, articles, and movies continue to be made about this group. Whether or not there is a secret society dedicated to protecting a family descendant from biblical times we may never know.

Rosicrucianism: Rosicrucian Park

San Jose, California

Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum grounds

Several manifestos were anonymously published in the early 17th century that told of legends, mysticism, alchemy, and the Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross. One of these documents was the Fama Fraternitatis which was published in Cassel, Germany.

The Fama spoke of the 15th century German doctor and mystical philosopher Christian Rosenkreuz who traveled through parts of the Middle East where he learned esoteric wisdom, studying in places such as Turkey and Egypt.

There, he claimed to learn extensive knowledge regarding nature and the universe. When he returned, he attempted to share what he learned but he was dismissed. He then formed a like-minded group called the Fraternity of the Rose Cross. 

Related: The Rosicrucians

The year of his birth and death remain shadowy, but some documents claim he lived over 106 years. The group upheld Christian beliefs, but strongly opposed Roman Catholicism, and was also said to have influenced Freemasonry along with hundreds of other groups, many of which have adopted titles with similar names throughout modern times.

At its simplest form, the group aimed to promote a “Universal Reformation of Mankind.” Some reports claim that the requirement for membership was that one must have been capable of using more than the average amount of brain power.

During Rosenkreuz’s life, the group was thought to have only consisted of a handful of members, each of whom was a doctor.

All members took an oath to remain bachelors, and also to treat the sick without payment and to find a replacement for themselves before they died. Interest in the group peaked between 1607 and 1616 with the appearances of the anonymous works that included the Fama Fraternitatis which ranged with content that included mysticism and apocalyptic warnings.

The Rosicricians were into their alchemy

Whether Rosenkreuz’s original idea continued is unknown. One of the hundreds of groups claiming to be tied to the original is the Ancient Mystical Order Rosea Crucis that has some connection to occultist Aleister Crowley. AMORC claims to be devoted to the “study of elusive mysteries of life and the universe.”

They utilize ideas from major philosophers, including Thales and Pythagoras, healing techniques, alchemy, symbolism, and mysticism. The group claims its history can be traced to pharaoh Thutmose III in 1477.

The AMORC headquarters is located at Rosicrucian Park in San Jose, California, which spans a city block and includes several structures. The park is home to elaborate gardens, a research library, a planetarium, a temple, and it houses the ashes of Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of the secret society.

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