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On Changes In The Earth’s Vibrational Frequency, Known As The Schumann Resonance Frequency
April 27 2017 | From: Farouk

"They'll stone you when you're driving your car, they'll stone you when you're playing your guitar..." - Bob Dylan.

For those in the know, the Earth’s vibrational frequency, known as the Schumann Resonance Frequency, has been increasing dramatically over the last few years. Traditionally it was very stable around 7.83 Hz which is the frequency humans pass through when going from an awakened mental state to sleep or from sleep to being awake.

Humans Are Waking Up: For First Time In Recorded History, Schumann Resonance Jumping To 36+

Every living thing on Earth is attuned to this atmospheric frequency as this is the beat of the Earth.

But the Schumann Frequency has been changing. A few years ago it was creeping up on 20 Hz. Last year the beat was averaging over 40 Hz. Now in 2017 common recordings are in the 50-60 Hz range (the same as the electrical power grid). Then last Easter Sunday it peaked at over 90 Hz.

What does the mean?

For those that are experimenting in frequencies and their human effects there have been many frequencies that are either beneficial or harmful to human health. Researchers have now mapped out most of these and are now are designing machines (frequency generators) that can replicate and amplify both good and bad frequencies.

Neil Keenan’s latest healing machines are now state of the art in this field scanning and replicating millions of frequencies that heal.

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Military and police sonic disruptors are a negative application, as are HAARP and other antenna array devices that directly affect the atmosphere. Metal particulate chemtrails are part of this as they are directly linked to the various types of antenna arrays and atmospheric disturbances.

It is my assumption that the dramatic changes in the Schumann Frequency is the direct result of this artificial HAARP activity being used for weather and other subversive purposes.

This was done in the 60’s and 70’s by both the Russians and US using directed ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves which resulted in areas of unrest and rioting (LA Watts riots). This is a Black Ops weapon system.

Related: 'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-Manipulation Tool

Of course, the technology has become more sophisticated since then. Now they can cause heart attacks or complete muscular failure (13 Hz and harmonics) or identify and program your brain with images and voices and even transfer “you” and all your acquired knowledge into a “clone”.

What is interesting is the “intentional” recent peaking at 90 Hz as the 90-110 Hz band is known to stimulate human endorphin production in the brain.

Endorphins are “endogenous morphine” which has the effect of dilating the blood vessels throughout the body (making you feel good and allowing you to heal yourself) and giving you a natural “High”!

You naturally make endorphins when you are at rest, exercising or laughing, but they can easily be made with direct electro-cranial stimulation which brings to wonder why the Schumann is ringing so HIGH!

Bob Dylan - “Everybody must get stoned”

Is this an intentional attempt to get the whole world “high”... euphoric? Talk about population control! Who will give a sh**! We’re all STONED! Is this a fake Ascension? Rise up my friends and FLY!

On the Good Guy’s side there are other efforts being done to “awaken” the masses by stimulating everyone’s “Crown Chakra”. This opens up the real awakening.

If in the next few weeks you start to feel like you have a crown sitting on your head, a tingling sensation around your temples or above your ears or a twitching of your Third Eye, that is just the Good Guys running tests. If you experience these feelings, just sit back and relax and meditate on some good thoughts to help family, friends, mankind and your amazing self. Enjoy the experience.

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Chemtrails, Geoengineering, Weather Modification & Weather Warfare

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The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

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Le Pen: ‘It Is Time To Free The French People’
April 27 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

Patriots will battle globalists for future of France and EU.

Marine Le Pen delivered a rousing speech to her enthusiastic supporters last night, declaring that it is time to “free the French people” from the destructive policies of open borders, open immigration and crushing EU regulations.

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"The French have a very simple choice to make,”
she declared. “Either we continue on a path to total lawlessness, without borders nor protection, and leading to delocalization, unfair international competition, mass immigration, and free circulation of terrorists.”

“Or you can choose a France with borders which protect jobs, buying power, our security and national identity.”

“It is time to free the French people,” she announced.

Le Pen called her opponent, phony ‘outsider’ Emmanuel Macron, the “heir of Hollande,” and warned that the former Rothschild banker would continue with the status quo – a “reign of money” – on a pathway towards the demise of national sovereignty at the demands of the globalist establishment.

"The first step to lead the French to the Elysees is passed,”
she said. “The French must seize this historic opportunity.”

“The great issue in this election is the rampant globalization that is putting our civilization at risk.”

She addressed the incredible headwind her campaign has faced, as the “system” has worked feverishly to prevent her and French patriots from raising the critical issues afflicting France and the rest of Europe.

"It is clear to all French that the system tried by all means to prevent the great political debate that this election was supposed to be,” she said. “This debate is finally going to happen.”

Le Pen and Front National have managed to overcome a variety of roadblocks put in their path by the devious government-media-technology machine.

Facebook targeted 30,000 pro-Le Pen accounts for censorship, claiming that they were spreading ‘fake news.’

Emmanuel Macron

Related: Globalists Claim Russian Hackers Targeted Macron’s Campaign to Benefit Le Pen

500,000 voters – the vast majority of whom were likely anti-Le Pen – were provided with the opportunity to vote twice with duplicate ballots, but the French government opted to postpone an investigation into the matter until after the election.

The European Union has burndened her with major legal distractions, including retroactively lifting her parliamentary immunity to prosecution for simply tweeting images of ISIS terror attacks back in 2015, for which she could face up to three years in prison if convicted.

French authorities recently arrested her top advisor and bodyguard under suspicion of misuse of public funds in a political witch hunt that ultimately backfired.

"French authorities have made yet another monumental error in judgment after arresting Marine Le Pen’s chief of staff and bodyguard for questioning over alleged misuse of public funds to pay parliamentary assistants – the equivalent of a jaywalking ticket in terms of public opinion,”
reported Zero Hedge.

“By making le mountain out of le molehill, this latest debacle by French authorities is the most recent in a long list of backfired attempts to delegitimize the National Front candidate – including the refusal of French banks to lend money to Le Pen’s campaign, and the MSM’s ongoing hit-jobs (calling Le Pen “far-right” and “extreme” on a regular basis, for example.)”

The fight will only increase in intensity between now and the May 7 final vote.

The Truth About the French Election

It's the people vs. the establishment once again.

Related: French Presidential Candidate Marine Le Pen Steps Down as Head of Party to Focus on Voters

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Urgent National Security And International Terrorism Alert
April 26 2017 | From: NesaraNews

The following was written to inform you of large-scale human rights violations and systematic physical attacks on the civilian population within all countries of the world using modern electromagnetic weapons and neuro-weapons, often in combination with non-consensual implants and covertly administered nanotechnology.

What makes these weapons particularly dangerous and devastating for societies is that they act covertly. Using the fact that electromagnetic waves propagate without being noticed by humans and can penetrate walls, these weapons can be used to destroy human life and permit the perpetrators to escape detection.

Related: CIA plane lands at Wellington Airport ahead of Five Eyes meeting

The systematic and clandestine nature of the crimes and their striking similarity around the world indicate that it is a global program run by the international military-intelligence complex committing premeditated mutilation, torture, systematic subjugation and a silent genocide of parts of the population.

It amounts to crimes against humanity and a global death camp program.

I am writing to formally request that under you statutory duty to investigate crimes against humanity, protect the civilian population from acts of terrorism, communicate matters of national importance to your government and uphold human rights, or otherwise, you pass on this message to the relevant authorities and you yourself act within your means to ensure that all victim cases are investigated and that these large-scale criminal operations are shut down in your country by 1st June 2017.

Related: Diary Of A Person Of Interest & Oxford PHD Katherine Horton "Intelligence Agencies Are Attacking Me With Direct Energy Weapons!"

The actions you take in response to this communication will be followed up over the coming months and, should it turn out that you chose to ignore this notification and your duties to act to stop these crimes and to support the victims, you might be charged with, for example, official misconduct, malfeasance in office, dereliction of duty, conspiracy, aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, high treason or your legal system's equivalent of such offences.

Should that be the case, you will be called to account and held liable in one of the upcoming court or tribunal cases for crimes against humanity.

The attacks on victims are launched from mobile directed energy weapon units as well as telecommunication infrastructure such as cell towers and satellite systems. This is an integrated weapons system that has been built up covertly around the world.

The weapons system is now fully operational around the world and is destroying innocent victims' life in the millions and is subverting nations covertly.

Individual victims are hounded and tormented by the national surveillance networks, encircled by perpetrators at all times and systematically tortured and mutilated with electromagnetic as well as ultrasonic weapons in public as well as in their homes.

Related: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity From Microwave Technology Finally Medically Proven

The assaults exploit the fact that beams from electromagnetic weapons are silent, invisible and can penetrate the walls of buildings such that victims can be assaulted everywhere without leaving traces that lead back to the perpetrators.

By these means, victims are effectively placed into individual concentration camps that are erected around them by the intelligence agencies, corrupted members of law enforcement and their network of criminal operatives.

This operation is accompanied by targeted slander campaigns, infiltration and subversion of every aspect of victims' life, including their social circle, their family, their work place and especially their medical care.

Operatives enter victims' home clandestinely, damage property, sabotage computer equipment directly or remotely, poison food and run harassment campaigns to psychologically disintegrate the victims so that they are eventually driven to suicide or are murdered.

Related: Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled Out

The electromagnetic and neuro-weapons have capabilities that transcend anything that the world has experienced in terms of weapons technology in the past.

Due to their ability to attack and manipulate biological processes, inner organs and the human nervous system as well as neurological processes, these devices are the most dangerous weapons produced by mankind to date.

The effect on humans is devastating as the weapons can simulate many illnesses, cause pain and organ damage, brain damage, strokes, heart attacks and death. The most common form of harm through the use of these weapons is DNA damage and tumour formation and eventually cancer.

DNA damage in the reproductive eggs of women alters the mitochondrial DNA and thus damages entire future generations. The operations of these weapon systems is therefore a threat to the future of humanity itself.

Another insidious aspect of these weapons is that they can be used to impair, alter and control human bodily functions, movement, behaviour and even thought processes often without the  realisation of the victim.

Related: Are Microwave Transmission Weapons Of Mass Destruction Being Used To Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes? + New Zealand Earthquake: The world’s biggest offshore seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior 

This can be used to subvert the functioning of every aspect of human endeavour from personal relationships, business endeavours, to democratic processes and the national security infrastructure of a nation.

Mobile directed energy weapons come in all sizes and have various capabilities. They are hidden by the perpetrators in adjacent properties, cars, drones, planes and even parts of the national infrastructure. Agents of the surveillance networks carry assault weapons in bags and rucksacks.

This covert weapons system is fully integrated and centrally controlled. Victims who fled to other countries discovered that their assault protocol travels with them and is continued by the local surveillance and law enforcement system in whichever country they reside.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

From what could be established from declassified documents, the organisational matrix of the assault teams follows the protocol used for the death squads run by the large intelligence agencies in, for example, Vietnam and South American countries. It is of paramount importance for national security to stop this terrorism and shut down the funding and the systems that enable its proliferation.

The weapons technology itself has largely been classified for a very long time. There are, however, countless publicly known cases from around the world where the weapons have been applied to individuals over many years with the intent to intimidate, torture, maim and murder.

From the testimonies of those victims, many of whom have shared their plight online on blogs and through social media, publicly known patents and declassified documents, we know of the devastating effect of these weapons and the staggering scale of the crimes being committed around the world.

Please assist us in stopping this global silent Holocaust.

Related Articles:

Technological Holocaust: Targeted in America

Remote Neural Monitoring Satellite Terrorism

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CFR: Trump Sabotaging Globalist World Order
April 26 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

Calls for proponents to block Trump's America First agenda.

President Donald Trump is “a hostile revisionist power” at the heart of the free world dedicated to overturn the “U.S.-led liberal order,” according to Foreign Affairs – the mouthpiece of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations.

Trump: the Man vs. His Ideas

"The United States and Europe were supposed to stand shoulder to shoulder to protect the gains reaped from 70 years of cooperation. Instead, the world’s most powerful state has begun to sabotage the order of created,”
wrote Gilford John Ikenberry, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

“A hostile revisionist power has indeed arrived on the scene, but it sits in the Oval Office, the beating heart of the free world.”

President Trump broke “70 years of tradition by signaling the end of U.S. support for the European Union”
when he endorsed Brexit and expressed “common cause with right-wing European parties that seek to unravel the postwar European project,” Ikenberry added.

In order for the “liberal international order” to survive, Ikenberry called on its supporters to rally behind globalist leaders like Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to counter rising populist movements.

"The centrist and progressive governing coalitions that built the postwar order have weakened,” Ikenberry claimed. “Liberal democracy itself appears fragile, vulnerable in particular to far-right populism.”

“Much will rest on the shoulders of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, the only two leaders of consequence left standing who support it.”

When Ikenberry accuses Trump of “abdicating responsibility for the world the United States built,” he is actually referring to the world order created by globalist interests using American economic and military power.

By rejecting “internationalism” (a political principle rejecting nationalism), “free trade” (globalist bodies like the World Trade Organization and deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership), “multilateral rules and institutions” (the UN, Bretton Woods monetary system, and environmental regulations), and “the multicultural and open character of American society” (open borders), Trump is launching a “frontal assault” on the global order.

Though Ikenberry admits the globalist world order was under siege prior to President Trump’s victory, he suggests those who support it will regain the upper hand if they “make it tough for Trump to pursue an ‘America First’ agenda.”

Media Crucifies Trump For Calling Terror Attack A Terror Attack

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Spray And Pray 'Just Asking For An Environmental Disaster'
April 25 2017 | From: RadioNewZealand / Various

An intensive farming practice taking off in the Rangitikei, known locally as spray and pray, is an environmental disaster waiting to happen, according to Fish and Game.

The method involves aerially spraying steep hill country with herbicide, then sowing a winter crop and aerially spraying with fertiliser.

Related: NZ: 1080 Control Taken Away From Regional Councils, Use “Enforced”

Stock are then fed in mobs on the crop during winter, which strips it back to bare land.

It has locals, including farmers, worried about what it is doing to waterways, particularly the protected Rangitikei River, which is one of 15 rivers in the country with a water conservation order on it.

Fish and Game chief executive Bryce Johnson said he first heard about the practice from a fishing guide in Rangitikei, who was noticing the river was clouding with sediment on fine days and becoming increasingly discoloured.

Related: Battle for the Birds - 1080 drops Kahurangi - Pre drops completed, real drop has begun

He said spray and pray was disgusting and pushed the boundaries.

“It's intensifying land that shouldn't be intensified in that way. This is really steep, erodable hill country and it's just asking for an environmental disaster, and that's obviously what's starting to show up."

Labour Party environment spokesperson David Parker said he was alerted to the practice by Rangitikei locals.

He thought it was abhorrent it was being allowed to happen.

"It's just a recipe for disaster and I think it's completely irresponsible of the local regional council not to be controlling that activity."

Related: Death by 1080 Poison is Like Being Electrocuted for Two Plus Days, Says Vet

The practice was not regulated by the Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council, and therefore not monitored.

The council said the practice came about after its regional plan was devised 10 years ago, but it was in the process of looking at it more closely.

RNZ seriesWater Fools? - running each day this week, on air and online - looks at the troubled state of New Zealand's freshwater. Check here for new stories as they are published.

Related: Rescue Helicopters Used to Poison Deer – Tourists Speak Out

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A New, More Rigorous Study Confirms: The More You Use Facebook, The Worse You Feel
April 24 2017 | From: HBR

The average Facebook user spends almost an hour on the site every day, according to data provided by the company last year. A Deloitte survey found that for many smartphone users, checking social media apps are the first thing they do in the morning - often before even getting out of bed.

Of course, social interaction is a healthy and necessary part of human existence. Thousands of studies have concluded that most human beings thrive when they have strong, positive relationships with other human beings.

Related: The Stakes For Trump And All Of Us + Facebook's Zuckerberg Lobbies For New World Order

The challenge is that most of the work on social interaction has been conducted using “real world,” face-to-face social networks, in contrast to the types of online relationships that are increasingly common. So, while we know that old-fashioned social interaction is healthy, what about social interaction that is completely mediated through an electronic screen? When you wake up in the morning and tap on that little blue icon, what impact does it have on you?

Prior research has shown that the use of social media may detract from face-to-face relationships, reduce investment in meaningful activities, increase sedentary behavior by encouraging more screen time, lead to internet addiction, and erode self-esteem through unfavorable social comparison.

Self-comparison can be a strong influence on human behavior, and because people tend to display the most positive aspects of their lives on social media, it is possible for an individual to believe that their own life compares negatively to what they see presented by others.

Related: Facebook Knows A Whole Lot About Your Offline Life + The World's Best Security Engineers Are Working On Flappy Bird

But some skeptics have wondered if perhaps people with lower well-being are more likely to use social media, rather than social media causing lower well-being. Moreover, other studies have found that social media use has a positive impact on well-being through increased social support and reinforcement of  real world relationships.

We wanted to get a clearer picture of the relationship between social media use and well-being. In our study, we used three waves of data from 5,208 adults from a national longitudinal panel maintained by the Gallup organization, coupled with several different measures of Facebook usage, to see how well-being changed over time in association with Facebook use.

Our measures of well-being included life satisfaction, self-reported mental health, self-reported physical health, and body-mass index (BMI). Our measures of Facebook use included liking others’ posts, creating one’s own posts, and clicking on links. We also had measures of respondents’ real-world social networks.

Related: Why Now? Tangled Webs: Google, Microsoft, Facebook, The Internet Giveaway, And The Wild, Wild West Of Information

In each wave, respondents were asked to name up to four friends with whom they discuss important matters and up to four friends with whom they spend their free time, so that each participant could name up to a total of eight unique individuals.

Our approach had three strengths that set it apart from most of the previous work on the topic. First, we had three waves of data for many of our respondents over a period of two years. This allowed us to track how changes in social media use were associated with changes in well-being.

Most studies done to date only use one period of data, limiting interpretations of conclusions to simple associations. Second, we had objective measures of Facebook use, pulled directly from participants’ Facebook accounts, rather than measures based on a person’s self-report.

Third, in addition to the Facebook data, we had information regarding the respondents’ real-world social networks, which would allow us to directly compare the two influences (face-to-face networks and online interactions).

Related: In Connected World, Users Are Getting Reared As Slaughter Animals + Facebook Employees Are Quitting Because Of Users Being Censored

Of course, our study has limitations too, including that we could not be certain about how fully representative it was because not everyone in the Gallup sample allowed us access to their Facebook data.

Overall, our results showed that, while real-world social networks were positively associated with overall well-being, the use of Facebook was negatively associated with overall well-being. These results were particularly strong for mental health; most measures of Facebook use in one year predicted a decrease in mental health in a later year.

We found consistently that both liking others’ content and clicking links significantly predicted a subsequent reduction in self-reported physical health, mental health, and life satisfaction.

Our models included measures of real-world networks and adjusted for baseline Facebook use. When we accounted for a person’s level of initial well-being, initial real-world networks, and initial level of Facebook use, increased use of Facebook was still associated with a likelihood of diminished future well-being.

Related: Mark Zuckerberg Is Claimed To Be David Rockefeller’s Grandson - Facebook Started With $500 Million From The C.I.A.

This provides some evidence that the association between Facebook use and compromised well-being is a dynamic process.

Although we can show that Facebook use seems to lead to diminished well-being, we cannot definitively say how that occurs. We did not see much difference between the three types of activity we measured -  liking, posting, and clicking links, (although liking and clicking were more consistently significant) - and the impact on the user.

This was interesting, because while we expected that “liking” other people’s content would be more likely to lead to negative self-comparisons and thus decreases in well-being, updating one’s own status and clicking links seemed to have a similar effect (although the nature of status updates can ostensibly be the result of social comparison-tailoring your own Facebook image based on how others will perceive it).

Related: Facebook To Become Left-Wing Propaganda Echo Chamber With Orwellian Plan To Label Independent Journalism “Fake” + Facebook Jumps On ‘Fake News’ Fact-Checker Train, Will ‘Roll Out’ With PolitiFact

Overall our results suggests that well-being declines are also matter of quantity of use rather than only quality of use. If this is the case, our results contrast with previous research arguing that the quantity of social media interaction is irrelevant, and that only the quality of those interactions matter.

These results then may be relevant for other forms of social media. While many platforms expose the user to the sort of polished profiles of others that can lead to negative self-comparison, the issue of quantity of usage will be an issue for any social media platform.  

While screen time in general can be problematic, the tricky thing about social media is that while we are using it, we get the impression that we are engaging in meaningful social interaction. Our results suggest that the nature and quality of this sort of connection is no substitute for the real world interaction we need for a healthy life.

The full story when it comes to online social media use is surely complex. Exposure to the carefully curated images from others’ lives leads to negative self-comparison, and the sheer quantity of social media interaction may detract from more meaningful real-life experiences.  What seems quite clear, however, is that online social interactions are no substitute for the real thing.

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Total Chaos: Cyber Attack Fears As Multile Cities Hit With Simultaneous Power Grid Failures: Shockwave Of Delays In San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York
April 23 2017 | From: SHTFPlan

The U.S. power grid appears to have been hit with multiple power outages affecting San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles.

Officials report that business, traffic and day-to-day life has come to a standstill in San Francisco, reportedly the worst hit of the three major cities currently experiencing outages.

Related: Are Today’s Massive Power Outages Really Secretly Part of the Operation Gotham Shield Nuclear EMP Drill?

Power companies in all three regions have yet to elaborate on the cause, though a fire at a substation was the original reason given by San Francisco officials.

“A series of subsequent power outages in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City left commuters stranded and traffic backed up on Friday morning. Although the outages occurred around the same time, there is as of yet no evidence that they were connected by anything more than coincidence.

The first outage occurred at around 7:20 a.m. in New York, when the power went down at the 7th Avenue and 53rd Street subway station, which sent a shockwave of significant delays out from the hub and into the rest of the subway system.

By 11:30 a.m. the city’s MTA confirmed that generators were running again in the station, although the New York subways were set to run delayed into the afternoon.

Later in the morning, power outages were reported in Los Angeles International Airport, as well as in several other areas around the city."

Via : Inverse

"The San Francisco Fire Department was responding to more than 100 calls for service in the Financial District and beyond, including 20 elevators with people stuck inside, but reported no immediate injuries. Everywhere, sirens blared as engines maneuvered along streets jammed with traffic.

Traffic lights were out at scores of intersections, and cars were backing up on downtown streets as drivers grew frustrated and honked at each other."

Via: SF Gate

The cause of the outage has not yet been made clear, though given the current geo-political climate it is not out of the question to suggest a cyber attack could be to blame. It has also been suggested that the current outages could be the result of a secretive nuclear/EMP drill by the federal government.

Operation Gotham Shield | NYC & NJ on April 24th - 26th

As we have previously reported, the entire national power grid has been mapped by adversaries of the United States and it is believed that sleep trojans or malware may exist within the computer systems that maintain the grid.

In a 2016 report it was noted that our entire way of life has been left vulnerable to saboteurs who could cause cascading blackouts across the United States for days or weeks at a time:

“It isn’t just EMPs and natural disaster that poses a threat to the grid, but there is also the potential for attacks on individual power substations in the vast network of decentralized and largely unguarded power grid chain. A U.S. government study established that there would be “major, extended blackouts if more than three key substations were destroyed.”

Whether by criminals, looters, terrorists, gangs or pranksters, it would take very little to bring down the present system, and there is currently very little the system can do to protect against this wide open threat.

Whether the current outages are the result of a targeted infrastructure cyber attack or simply a coincidence, most Americans think the impossible can’t happen, as The Prepper’s Blueprint author Tess Pennington highlights, a grid-down scenario won’t just be a minor inconvenience if it goes on for more than a day or two:

Consider, for a moment, how drastically your life would change without the continuous flow of energy the grid delivers. While manageable during a short-term disaster, losing access to the following critical elements of our just-in-time society would wreak havoc on the system.

Challenges or shut downs of business commerce
Breakdown of our basic infrastructure: communications, mass transportation, supply chains
Inability to access money via atm machines
Payroll service interruptions
Interruptions in public facilities – schools, workplaces may close, and public gatherings.
Inability to have access to clean drinking water"

Full report: When the Grid Goes Down, You Better Be Ready!

It is for this reason that we have long encouraged Americans to prepare for this potentially devastating scenario by considering emergency food reserves, clean water reserves and even home defense strategies in the event of a widespread outage.

The majority of Americans have about 3 days worth of food in their pantry. Imagine for a moment what Day 4 might look like in any major city that goes dark.

Prepare for the worst, because this is one scenario you do not want to face.

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The Very Short Explanation Of Everything: [The Hidden History Of Debt Slavery In The “USA”]
April 23 2017 | From: Omnithought

In March of 1933, a bank operative elected as President (FDR) declared the United States of America, Inc. insolvent. A process of debt assumption expedited by the use of similar names fraud was instituted as a means to seize assets and bankrupt millions of Americans and their states of the union.

In November of 1999, this bankruptcy ended.  The United States of America, Inc. emerged from bankruptcy the same way you might, battered and worn and clipped clean, sporting a bad credit rating, but still alive even though its enemies had gratuitously vacated its public offices and shanghaied its people into foreign jurisdictions.

Related: Exposé On Cabal-Driven Worldwide Terrorism Implemented By The United States And It's Allies

In March 2009, the purported “successor” to the United States of America,Inc. - another governmental services corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. declared itself insolvent - but amazingly, the banks continued to loan it vast amounts of money even after it declared insolvency.

This was done to:

1. Create insurmountable debt to force liquidation (not just bankruptcy) of the UNITED STATES and all its sureties including the STATE OF______ and ________COUNTY and JOHN HENRY DOE, and

2. Give the banks an excuse to claim virtually all private property in America without paying much more than the administrative cost of doing so.

The banks had cause to know they were lending money to a bankrupt entity. They also had cause to know that more than $20 trillion has been embezzled out of this country.

Faced with this reality, I complained to the head of this whole corporate shooting match, Pope Benedict XVI. His response? “Nobody told me!” He promptly retired from his office as Roman Pontiff and handed the heavy lifting to FRANCISCUS.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

So, I claimed back my property and good name and claimed all the fifty states owed to the United States of America, Inc. and put the entire country back on the game board.  Then, I rolled the entire thing back into the flag ship, the united States of America Trading Company.

Then I followed up and in the name of Jesus, the Nazorean, acting as His Fiduciary, I placed His Credit on the books of the Vatican Chancery Court which is the bank for the Holy See and the highest Equity Court on Earth.

Mr. Obama met with Pope Francis on April 15. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out the topic of conversation.  Mr. Obummer and his mostly British pals will be asking the Roman Pontiff to find in their favor and commandeer the United States of America, Inc., once again, so that their fraud game and false claims can continue.

The Roman Pontiff no longer has a say.

The united States of America is a Trading Company and always has been. It doesn’t deal in commerce and isn’t subject to the Roman Pontiff. I already by-passed the United States of America, Inc. and placed the actual assets of this country back in our undelegated international domain.

Related: Former Presidents Warn About The “Invisible Government” Running The United States

Francis is also precluded from assuming any ownership position with respect to the United States of America, Inc., (which is a derelict corporation owned by the Holy See) because of the records placed before the Holy See and my claim against the value of the entire Unam Sanctam Trust.

They claimed to own everything in Jesus’ Name - Corpus Christi, the dead body of Christ. Fine. So we placed the infinite credit that they self-admittedly owe to Jesus squarely on the books of their corporation and demanded full settlement and closure for the next 1000 years.

They don’t own the United States of America, Inc. anymore. Jesus does. I am his Bondswoman and Fiduciary. I have called their bluff with a Royal Flush.

Related: Princeton Researchers Conclude United States Political System Has Been Almost Completely Usurped

So Mr. Obummer’s begging trip must fall on deaf ears and Pope Francis’ prediction that he would not be in office - as Roman Pontiff - for very long, has indeed come true.

Behold, I am the new ‘Roman Pontiff’ and I am dispensing with all this fraud and debt in short order.

Last but not least, we have already figured out how to diffuse the so-called “Debt Bomb” that the perpetrators left behind in an effort to cover their tracks - and do so without harming anyone.

The way is clear for Mankind to have a glorious future and the long-foretold 1000 years of peace has come.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
CIA Documents Reveal Plans To Oust Syrian President Assad And Destroy Syria For Oil Pipeline
April 22 2017 | From: WeAreChange

A recent release of documents in the CIA’s cache - codenamed Crest - totalling up to 13 million documents reveal the CIA’s plans to oust the Syrian President, Hafez al-Assad.

The documents date back to the years through 1984-1986 and purport to reveal plans to strengthen resistance against the former President Assad within Syria.

Related: CIA Releases 13 Million Documents, Claims Its Entire History Now Online

In the 28 page document entitled: “Syria: Scenarios Of Dramatic Political Change,” the CIA notes that, “factionalism plagues the political and military elite of Syria, and the military’s strong tradition of coup plotting could reassert itself.”

The document also accused Assad of being in, “poor health,” due to a heart attack he suffered in 1983 and said that Assad had failed to designate a successor or provide for a transfer of power. The former President of Syria lived for nearly another 15 years before he passed his leadership on to his son Basher al-Assad.

The CIA goes on to speculate if Hafez al-Assad selects his brother Rif`at al-Assad as his successor, his enemies within the military would rise up against him to overthrow his presidency. The document also contains numerous hypotheticals, mostly surrounding what Moscow’s response would be if the government of Syria collapsed.

Further noting that an:

“Alawi military regime government would continue financing Lebanese terrorist, advance confrontation with Israel and could have close ties to the then Soviet Union USSR.”

At that point in history, there was an ongoing civil war in Lebanon between Maronite and Palestinian forces - both Israel and Syria backed factions in the region.

Further, the documents expressed that U.S. interest would best be served by a Sunni regime.

Another six paged document titled: “Bringing Real Muscle to Bear Against Syria,” authored by famous former CIA officer Graham Fuller also discusses Syria under Bashar al-Assad’s predecessor dated September 14, 1983, amid the Iran-Iraq War.

“Fuller’s analysis, points out Activist Post’s Brandon Turbeville, evinces Assad as a nuisance hindering the American empire’s lust to control vast fossil fuel stores and protect ally, Israel, against multiple threats in the Middle East.

Destabilization of Iraq and Iran also features prominently in the intricate U.S. plan to deal with the irritant, elder Assad - who, incidentally, recognized Western ulterior motives for what they were,”
Claire Bernish wrote, for TheFreeThoughtProject.com.

Fuller expressed, “The US should consider urging Iraq to take the war to the other key source of its predicament: Syria.”

“The U.S should consider sharply escalating the pressures against Assad [Sr.] through covertly orchestrating simultaneous military threats against Syria from three border states hostile to Syria: Iraq, Israel and Turkey. Iraq, perceived to be increasingly desperate in the Gulf war, would undertake limited military (air) operations against Syria with the sole goal of opening the pipeline.

Although opening war on a second front against Syria poses considerable risk to Iraq, Syria would also face a two-front war since it is already heavily engaged in the Bekaa, on the Golan and in maintaining control over a hostile and restive population inside Syria.”

“Israel would simultaneously raise tensions along Syria’s Lebanon front without actually going to war. Turkey, angered by Syrian support to Armenian terrorism, to Iraqi Kurds on Turkey’s Kurdish border areas and to Turkish terrorists operating out of northern Syria, has often considered launching unilateral military operations against terrorist camps in northern Syria. Virtually all Arab states would have sympathy for Iraq.”

“Faced with three belligerent fronts, Assad would probably be forced to abandon his policy of closure of the pipeline.

Such a concession would relieve the economic pressure on Iraq, and perhaps force Iran to reconsider bringing the war to an end. It would be a sharpening blow to Syria’s prestige and could effect the equation of forces in Lebanon.”

“Such a threat must be primarily military in nature. At present, there are three relatively hostile elements around Syria’s borders: Israel, Iraq and Turkey. Consideration must be given to orchestrating a credible military threat against Syria in order to induce at least some moderate change in its policies.”

“This paper proposes serious examination of the use of all three states – acting independently – to exert the necessary threat. Use of any one state in isolation cannot create such a credible threat.”

Fuller goes on to discuss two key U.S. interests in the region, the Syrian-Iraqi pipeline and geopolitical affairs regarding Syrian troops in Lebanon and its result on Israel.

Syria continues to maintain a hammerlock on two key U.S. interests in the Middle East:

Syrian refusal to withdraw its troops from Lebanon ensures Israeli occupation in the south;

Syrian closure of the Iraqi pipeline has been a key factor in bringing Iraq to its knees financially, impelling it towards dangerous internationalization of the war in the Gulf.

As the war drums beat in the Trump administration and media for war with Syria, these two internal once-secret documents offer rare insight into how the U.S. arrived at the situation in present day Syria. They also reveal the CIA’s ongoing effort of regime change, exposing potential tactics being used  to overthrow the current younger Syrian president.

Related: Fugitive 'Facebook founder' says he's alive and well but 'running for his life' from CIA because of its secret involvement in the social media site

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Trump: “Guilty” Hillary Was “Saved” By FBI Head
April 22 2017 | From: Infowars

POTUS says Hillary would be going to trial if it were not for Comey.

Speaking during an interview aired Wednesday morning, President Trump declared that Hillary Clinton would definitely be facing a jury in court had it not been for the head of the FBI “saving her life”.

Related: Con Artist Clinton: Millions Of Dollars In Fraud Revealed After Clinton Foundation Server Hacked + House Oversight Committee Sends Request To FBI Director Comey For Hillary Clinton’s Server Contents

In the interview with Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo, Trump was adamant that Clinton would be facing charges related to her leaked emails, had FBI director Jim Comey not been “very, very good” to her.

"Don’t forget when Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton,” Trump said, adding that If he hadn’t “she would be going to trial.”

“People don’t realize that. He saved her life. I call it ‘Comey 1.’ And I joke about it a little bit.” Trump added.

“When he was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge. And then he said she was essentially OK.” the President further explained.

When asked if he would still push for appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton in the future, Trump avoided the question, saying “I don’t want to talk about that, I want to talk about positive.”

Trump did, however, say that it is not too late to ask Comey to step down as FBI head.

"No it’s not too late,”
Trump said. “But you know, I have confidence in him. We’ll see what happens. It’s going to be interesting.”

When asked why he didn’t request that Comey quit, Trump told Bartiromo: “I want to give everybody a good fair chance.”

Elsewhere during the interview, Trump suggested that no one believes that former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s claim that her unmasking of his aides wasn’t for political gain.

“It’s such a big story and I’m sure it will continue forward,”
Trump said, adding that “what they did is horrible.”

The President said it is “obvious” why Obama eased the rules on raw intelligence sharing days before leaving office, “when you look at Susan Rice and what’s going on.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The True Cost Of Israel
April 21 2017 | From: TheAmericanConservative / VeteransToday

U.S. support goes far beyond the official numbers. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) concluded its annual conference late last month, triggering the usual debate in various alternative media outlets.

Why does so much U.S. taxpayer money go to a small and not particularly useful client state that has a vibrant European-level economy and is already a regional military colossus?

Related: Israel's never-ending crimes: It's not just settlements

Those who support the cash flow argue that Israel is threatened, most notably by Iran; they claim the assistance, which has been largely but not completely used to buy American-made weapons, is required to maintain a qualitative edge over the country’s potential enemies.

Those who oppose the aid would counter that the Iranian threat is largely an Israeli and Saudi Arabian invention, used to justify continued American support for the national-security policies of both countries. And they would add that Tel Aviv is more than able to defend itself and pay for its own military establishment.

In truth, American aid to Israel is something like a pot of gold that keeps on giving. Both sides in the discussion would probably agree that the domestic Israel Lobby has been instrumental in sustaining the high level of aid, though they would undoubtedly disagree over whether that is a good or bad thing.

The operation of “The Lobby,” generally regarded as the most powerful voice on foreign policy in Washington, led Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer to ask:

"Why has the U.S. been willing to set aside its own security … in order to advance the interests of another state? [No] explanation can account for the remarkable level of material and diplomatic support that the U.S. provides.”

They observed that “Other special interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the national interest would suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. interests and those of the other country - in this case, Israel - are essentially identical.”

Since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948, it has been “the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II,”  according to the Congressional Research Service. The United States has provided Israel with $233.7 billion in adjusted for inflation aid between 1948 through the end of 2012, reports Haaretz.

Related: Nazionist Mafia Circles The Wagons As Investigations Zero In On Bush / Netanyahu

Current discussions center on the Obama administration’s memo of understanding with Israel that promised it $38 billion in military assistance over the next 10 years, a considerable sum but nevertheless a total that is far less than what is actually received annually from the United States Treasury and from other American sources.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), speaking in the most recent legislative discussion over Israeli aid, stated that the $38 billion should be regarded as a floor, and that Congress should approve additional funds for Israeli defense as needed. It has, in fact, done so.

At its most recent meeting, AIPAC announced the latest windfall from America, applauding:

"The U.S. House of Representatives for significantly bolstering its support of U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation in the FY 2017 defense appropriations bill.

The House appropriated $600.7 million for U.S.-Israel missile defense programs.”

Related: Nazionists Are On Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

And there is a long history of such special funding for Israeli-connected projects. The Iron Dome missile-defense system was largely funded by the United States, to the tune of more than $1 billion.

In the 1980s, the Israeli Lavi jet-fighter development program was funded by Washington, costing $2 billion to the U.S. taxpayer before it was terminated over technical and other problems, part of $5.45 billion in Pentagon funding of various Israeli weapons projects through 2002.

The admittedly unreliable former Congressman James Traficant once claimed that “Israel gets $15 billion per year from the American taxpayers.”

Indeed, how Israel gets money from the United States is actually quite complex and not very transparent to the American public, going well beyond the check for $3.8 billion handed over at the beginning of the fiscal year on October 1. Even that check, uniquely given to aid recipient Israel as one lump sum on the first day of the year, is manipulated to produce extra revenue.

Related: The Occupation of the American Mind

It is normally immediately redeposited with the U.S. Treasury, which then, because it operates on a deficit, borrows the money to pay interest on it as the Israelis draw it down. That interest payment costs the American taxpayer an estimated $100 million more per year.

Israel has also been adept at using “loan guarantees,” an issue that may have contributed to the downfall of President George H.W. Bush. The reality is that the loans, totaling $42 billion, are never repaid by Israel, meaning that the United States Treasury picks up the tab on principle and interest, a form of additional assistance. The Bush-era loan amounted to $10 billion.

Department of Defense co-production projects, preferential contracting, “scrapping” or “surplusing” of usable equipment that is then turned over to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as well as the forward deployment of military hardware to an Israeli-run base in Israel (used to support local military operations), are considerable benefits to Tel Aviv’s bottom line. Much of this assistance is hidden from view.

Related: New Zealand’s Zionist Diplomacy In The UN Security Council: “Israel Has A Right To Defend Itself”

In 1992, AIPAC President James Steiner bragged how he “got almost a billion dollars in other goodies [in negotiations with Secretary of State Jim Baker] that people don’t even know about.” In September 2012, Israel’s former commander-in-chief, Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, admitted at a conference that between 2009 and 2012 American taxpayers had paid for more of his country’s defense budget than had Israeli taxpayers.

Those numbers have been disputed, but the fact remains that a considerable portion of the Israeli military spending comes from the United States. It currently is more than 20 percent of the total $16 billion budget, not counting special appropriations.

Through tax exemptions, the U.S. government also subsidizes the coordinated effort to provide additional assistance to Israel.

No other lobbying effort to promote the interests of a foreign country benefits in like fashion, and, indeed, most similar groups are required to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has learned to his chagrin regarding Turkey.

Most organizations and foundations that might reasonably be considered active parts of the Israel Lobby are generally registered with the Department of the Treasury as 501(c)3 tax-exempt educational foundations. Grant Smith, speaking at a conference on the U.S. and Israel on March 24, explained how the broader Israel Lobby uses this legal framework:

"Key U.S. organizations include the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the American Jewish Committee (AJC), the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Hundreds more, including a small number of evangelical Christian organizations, play a role within a vast ecosystem that demands unconditional U.S. support for Israel.

In the year 2012 the nonprofit wing of the Israel lobby raised $3.7 billion in revenue. They are on track to reach $6.3 billion by 2020. Collectively they employed 14,000 and claimed 350,000 volunteers."

The $3.7 billion raised in 2012 was largely tax exempt and it does not include the billions in private donations that go directly to Israel, as well as the billions in contributions that are regarded as covered by “religious exemptions” for groups that don’t file at all.

There are also contributions sent straight to various Israeli-based foundations that are themselves often registered as charities.

Related: The Israeli Government Is The Most Anti-Semitic Organisation On The Face Of The Earth: Enough Of The Zionist Satanism

The Forward magazine investigated 3,600 Jewish tax-exempt charitable foundations in 2014 and determined that they had net assets of $26 billion, $12 - 14 billion in annual revenue, and “focuse[d] the largest share of [their] donor dollars on Israel.” That share amounted to 38 percent of total income.

The Forward
adds that it is:

"An apparatus that benefits massively from the U.S. federal government and many state and local governments, in the form of hundreds of millions of dollars in government grants, billions in tax-deductible donations and billions more in program fees paid for with government funds.”

Some pro-Israel foundations are in-your-face about their goals. The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, which “Support[s] the wellbeing and education needs of Israel’s brave soldiers,” is a registered tax-exempt charity that conducts fundraisers throughout the United States.

Money being fungible, some American Jews have been surprised to learn that the donations that they had presumed were going to what they regard as charitable causes in Israel have instead wound up in expanding the illegal settlements on the West Bank, an objective that they might not support.

It was recently reported that Donald Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner has a family foundation that has made donations to Israel, including funding of West Bank settlements, which is illegal under U.S. law.

Israel also benefits in other ways, frequently due to legislative action by Congress. It enjoys free and even preferential trade status with the United States and runs a $9 billion trade surplus per annum.

Its companies and parastatal organizations can, without any restrictions, bid on U.S. defense and homeland-security projects - a privilege normally only granted to NATO partners - which has given it dominance in some U.S. law-enforcement, telecommunications, and travel-security sectors.

Its involvement in the development and use of classified military technologies developed by U.S. arms producers has sometimes led to claims that Israel has adopted and adapted - or even stolen - proprietary information and then used it to develop its own arms industry, which is now ranked sixth in the world by volume of sales.

Ironically, U.S. taxpayers have subsidized an Israeli industry that then competes directly with American companies, producing a loss of jobs in the United States.

There has also been considerable collateral damage derived from the relationship with Israel, including the Arab Oil embargo and possibly even some blame for the ruinous cost of Iraq, which many believe to have been fought in part for Israel.

But even without that war, the U.S.-Israeli bilateral relationship has been an expensive proposition for Americans. Whether Israel is a strategic liability or not, or whether its complicated geostrategic situation merits virtually unquestioning support from the United States, the reality is that it has a lopsided relationship with Washington.

‘The Motherlode of Jewish Lists’ - Everything you ever wanted to know about Jewish control of American society

This has long been and continues to be largely paid for by the United States taxpayer, who is not as well off as he once was.

The U.S.-Israel relationship is yet another instance where the perceived needs of an American “ally” take precedence over genuine national interests. Tens of billions of dollars need not necessarily be spent to placate a wealthy foreign country and its powerful domestic lobby.

Indeed, other options to employ the money closer to home - in the form of schools, highways, and hospitals - may become increasingly attractive to American voters.

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, is executive director of the Council for the National Interest.

The Reality Of Zionist Control

The Zionist control of the media, both traditional, mainstream and alternative is nothing new, it has been an on-going process for over a century, as evidenced by the Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion:

Protocol XII – Control of the Press: We Control The Press: NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.

Related: Were Hitler & Nazism Zionist Creations?

It is worth reading the full text of Protocol XII in order to understand how and why the Zionists have taken control of the world’s media.

Comment: Personally I hate this subject - it drives straight to the core of the Cabal. The article on the following link describes the history in detail. The Khazarian Zionists run the Cabal - they hide within Judaism.

Jews are NOT a race. Judaism is a RELIGION. Zionism is a POLITICAL MOVEMENT. One does not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. One does not have to be a Zionist to be a Jew.

The Zionists hide within the religion of Judaism behind their over-hyped and manufactures 'Apocaluypse' with their crybaby 'Anti-Semitic' rhetort - when in fact they visited they have most heinous atrocoties upon their cover-story people the Jewish - whilst raping and murdering their way arounf the world on their quest to bring in their fascist, Luciferian New World Order.

Jews are NOT the problem. The Khazarian Zionists are the problem. AND THEY WANT YOU DEAD if you are not one of them - as has been stated in the public domain for decades.

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

Related: Zionist Organized Crime

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Rather than use the term Zionist, we are best served by Khazarian Mafia, a term coined by Dr. Preston James. The Khazarians are a group that formed a parasitic nation during the early first millennium, northern Turkey, the Ukraine, Belarus and a bit of Kazakhstan. 

Because they were so vile, so hated, their neighbors had the choice of either wiping them out or reforming them. They were given the chance to choose a religion, available at the time, Islam, really reformed Judaism, Christianity, really repackaged Greco-Roman pagan worship and Judaism. They chose the latter.

With the barbarian invasions, Khazaria was broken up and their population pushed across Eastern Europe, making up the Jewish populations later rounded up by Hitler. 

Related: Jewish Power-The power to silence criticism of Jewish Power

None were Semitic, their genetics, when tested, prove that out by 95% according to Johns Hopkins. 

Real Jews went to Morocco, Spain, Persia and Iraq, even into Africa. Most real “Jews” became Palestinians, changing their religion to Christianity and then Islam, as governments required at the time.

Without the expertise of Israel, neither congress nor the Pentagon could get paid, terrorists and jihadists would never travel freely around the world like wraiths and some of our curious and improbable acts of terror just might have never occurred; but this sounds a bit like conspiracy theory so we must move on.

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Confronting A Tyrannical System Without Firing A Single Shot
April 21 2017 | From: Geopolitics

If you take it to heart all that’s been happening inside the United States, the European Union, and in the Middle East, you’ll fall into a depression which you may not be able to recover in time.

“I’m exhausted trying to figure out what’s the truth,” said Margaret Treis.

Related: Tyranny And Free Speech

Understand that inducing psychological stress on the population is one of the potent weapons of the enemy. Forcing you to raise the white flag of surrender by projecting their total control of the government and institutions should be too obvious by now.

We believe that the best response other than confronting the enemy head on would be to elevate ourselves into a winning position, and not stick around with the same system that they are already in full control of.

It is absolutely unwise to try to reform a system that can be hijacked by any aggressive forces, anytime they want.

Establishing a parallel system that does away with all the limitations of the old, like the internet in lieu of the corporate media, is the only way to go.

Other options will surely come when the mind has rested. So, you may opt for a long vacation for the time being, like what Louis Marinelli of the Independent California Movement is doing.

The Leader of ‘Calexit’ Just Announced He’s Abandoning the Movement and Settling Permanently in Russia

"Natasha Bertrand Apr. 17, 2017, 6:31 PM

The leader of California separatist group Yes California announced in a 1,600-word statement on Monday that he “intends to make Russia” his “new home” and is therefore withdrawing his petition for a “Calexit” referendum.

Louis Marinelli

Louis Marinelli, who has spearheaded the Calexit campaign since 2015,  set up a makeshift embassy in Moscow in December in partnership with far-right Russian nationalists who enjoy Kremlin support while promoting secessionist movements in Europe.

“I have found in Russia a new happiness, a life without the albatross of frustration and resentment towards ones’ homeland, and a future detached from the partisan divisions and animosity that has thus far engulfed my entire adult life,” Marinelli wrote on Monday.

“Consequently, if the people of Russia would be so kind as to welcome me here on a permanent basis, I intend to make Russia my new home.”

He added that he will “not return to California in the forseeable future,” so “it is only proper” that he withdraw the Calexit ballot initiative petition and “allow a new petition, free from ties to me and drafted by others, to be resubmitted at future date of their choosing.”

… “We don’t think that Russia needs to be an enemy of California, or that it even is one to begin with,” Marinelli said. “The idea that Russia is an enemy of the US - that’s a Cold War mentality.”

Marinelli, who campaigned for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders but said he ultimately voted for President Donald Trump, described Yes California as a progressive initiative aimed at establishing a “liberal republic” independent of the United States…

Marinelli reiterated on Monday that he does “not wish to live under the American flag,” adding that his “frustrations” with the American political system have now pointed him toward Russia.

“I had long planned to eventually return to occupied California and struggle for her independence from the United States so we could build the kind of country that reflects our progressive values,” Marinelli wrote. “However, while my frustration, disappointment and disillusionment with the United States remains, these feelings now point me in a different direction.”

He added that he hopes that “after the false allegations about me vanish, and after this period of anti-Russian hysteria subsides,” it will be “said of this campaign that we spoke the truth” and “set in motion a series of events that led California to independence from the United States.”

- BusinessInsider

The whole idea is not to fall to the “if you can’t beat them, join them” trap. That’s only reserved for the weak, and traitors to freedom and humanity itself.

We must take this opportunity to rise instead, and show the enemies of freedom what erect human beings are truly capable of. We should stop feeding evil and all that it represents, by creating another world of good and wise.

If in the course of living independently off-the-grid, the fascist corporate government will come knocking at your door, with the full intent of doing you harm - that should be the best time you give them hell. But before that even happens, you can increase your winnability by engaging a greater number of people into your cause.

Imagine, if others are seeing the benefits and real value of your efforts along the way, and be open to engage them in a collaborative fashion, you should be able to pack a bigger punch to the old system.

As long-time guests on this website have known, we are already making healthcare virtually free by employing eTherapy protocols described in our healthcare website. That should free everyone from the high costs of hospitalization and danger of mainstream medicine. The delay in the constructions of nuclear fusion-fission hybrid system around the globe is not acceptable. Not everyone could replicate Keshe plasma and other even more effective systems.

However, one can also do a “brute force” approach and buy a complete industrial type HHO system; add a second alternator, or solar panels, to your car; explore the use of supercapacitors in parallel with the installed car battery, so that you can have enough DC power on demand, to split water into HHO gas and be free from oil cartels for good.

An independent food production can also be done with vertical farming for urban dwellers, and permaculture if adequate farmland is available. Establishing a local exchange trading system [LETS] should facilitate the exchange of goods and services away from the bankers.

These three independent sources of food, healthcare, and energy alone are enough to free oneself from corporate tyranny which continue to plague the population. Having a parallel debt-free system for exchange should bankrupt the corrupt system for good.

Again, that’s for people who are not ready yet for a protracted civil war, or when war veterans remain apathetic to the whole situation. A surgical covert operation targeting specific personalities would have been the most preferable course of action.

Nobody said that all of the above are going to be easy. No real revolution actually is. But there’s nothing worse than prolonging the agony.

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Putin On Washington’s Creation Of Fictional And Mythical Threats
April 20 2017 | From: RT

Putin: 'Russia may lose patience over Syria accusations' & other Valdai top quotes.

The US should stop brazenly blaming Russia for the situation in Syria as it may face an equally harsh response, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned at the Valdai forum in Sochi, also addressing American exceptionalism, Trump and other issues. [This is from last year but it is as relevant now as it ever was then. Perhaps even more so]

Related: Our American Pravda: The major media overlooked Communist spies and Madoff’s fraud. What are they missing today?

Read Updates: Putin takes part in Valdai club's final session

"Does anyone seriously think that Russia can somehow influence the choice of the American people? Is America some sort of a banana republic? America is a great state. Correct me, please, if I’m wrong."

US Empire: when will they stop saying ‘unintended consequences’?

On the US media switching from portraying Trump as Russia’s enemy to Kremlin’s favorite:

"This is complete and utter rubbish… a way of manipulating the public consciousness ahead of the US presidential election."

"Simply watching airstrikes in the heart of Europe (in Yugoslavia) at the end of the 20th century, I don’t know about you, but for me – it felt like savagery."

Related: Kid Photobombs CNN at White House, Mouths “FAKE NEWS” at the Camera

"After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States decided that there’s no need to coordinate fundamental issues with anybody. And it all just went off.."

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

‘Trump Wouldn't Become A Billionaire If He Were Stupid’ - Duterte Praises US President + Trump Slams Press: “The Fake Media Has Gotten Even Worse Since The Election”
April 20 2017 | From: RT / Infowars

Philippines’ strongman Rodrigo Duterte has expressed his support for the US President calling him a “pragmatic thinker” and pointing out that Donald Trump simply would not have become a billionaire if he were stupid.

Duterte's comments came while meeting the Filipino community in Qatar on Saturday. "Trump is a realist, a pragmatic thinker," The PhilStar daily quoted Duterte as saying.

Related: Trump Administration: One Of The Most Transparent In US History, Open To Media

The Philippines leader compared his widely-known controversial speech manner with Trump’s, noting, however, that unlike him, Trump was a deep thinker, as quoted by Rappler news outlet.

“You just think that you know, both of us pretend that if we're insulted, we speak that way. But they don't know that in the case of Trump, he thinks deeply,”
Duterte said while speaking Filipino.

Duterte stated that if Trump was “stupid,” he would not become a billionaire. To prove his point he cited the Trump Tower building in New York.

Related: Philippines’ Duterte calls Obama ‘idiot,’ impersonates Trump ‘endorsing’ his war on drugs

Have you seen his building? How can he be stupid?”
he asked the laughing audience. “That's true. Trump is a deep man, he just pretends otherwise. Like me, I'm not really very bright.”

While US-Philippines relations have been quite turbulent since Duterte assumed office last June, his attitude towards the new US President differs drastically from the attitude towards the previous one.

The Philippines strongman has repeatedly insulted Barack Obama, calling him a “son of a b*tch” and an “idiot” and continued his tirade even after the end of Obama’s term

Duterte has repeatedly expressed his support and admiration for Trump, and even compared himself to the American President, saying he (Duterte) was merely a ”small molecule.” 

Related: ‘I’m just small molecule compared to Trump’ – Duterte

He also impersonated Trump on several occasions, citing last December's conversation between the two leaders, when Trump allegedly expressed support for Duterte’s actions and specifically his brutal war on drugs using quite a strong language.

The Philippines leader did it again during the meeting on Saturday, as he recounted that phone conversation.

"You are doing it right,"
Duterte said, mimicking an American accent.

Trump Slams Press: “The Fake Media Has Gotten Even Worse Since The Election”

President Trump took to Twitter Easter Monday and slammed the mainstream media, decrying that it has “gotten even worse since the election.”

Every story written by “the fake media” is “badly slanted,” Trump tweeted.

“The Fake Media (not Real Media) has gotten even worse since the election. Every story is badly slanted. We have to hold them to the truth!” the president posted.

It appears that the president was spurred to hit the media by coverage of a recent House special election in Kansas, where Republican Rob Estes defeated Democrat James Thompson by 7 percentage points.

Trump hit out at media hypocrisy, declaring that too much attention was given to it when it appeared it was close, but after Estes won, reports disappeared.

“The recent Kansas election (Congress) was a really big media event, until the Republicans won. Now they play the same game with Georgia-BAD!” Trump tweeted.

Reporters were surprised last week when Trump referred to some of them as “very honorable people” during a press event.

Trump has repeatedly praised Fox News, particularly ‘Fox and Friends’, again tweeting Monday praising analysis on the show, and taking a dig at the Obama administration.

Trump also retweeted a Drudge Report notification regarding a poll showing a rise in his approval ratings.

The President also recommended “reading” the book “Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide,” which is mostly made up of blank pages.

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Is Australia Becoming A Fascist State? & Study Says DTP Vaccine Associated With 212% Increased Infant Mortality Risk
April 19 2017 | From: VaccineInformationNetwork / GreenMedInfo

New Australian Police State: Compulsory Vaccination

The Australian ex banker and globalist PM Malcolm Turnbull has announced that he wants to stop all unvaccinated children from attending childcare centres and preschools across Australia.

Related: Troubles In Australia: PM-Of-The-Day Pushes Vaccination Agenda, Fascist Biometrics + More

Our TV News here in New Zealand this morning showed part of the interview with him actually saying he would allow exemptions only with a doctor’s medical certificate and no longer would any other reason be accepted, including those from parents who have anti-vaccine views. You can read a report about the announcement here and watch this news clip:

As we’ve covered this tyranny so much before, I don’t want to repeat myself. However, thanks to the Internet, we can all appreciate just how well connected both Malcolm Turnbull and his wife really are.

Related: Top 5 INSANE ingredients in today’s vaccines that serve no purpose except to endanger the lives of those foolish enough to get injected

If you look at this Wikipedia website, you will see that his wife Lucy Turnbull is the Chairman of the biotechnology/ immunotherapy company Prima BioMed Limited headquartered in Sydney Australia and Berlin Germany.

Commonly, this is called conflicting interests, or having the fox looking after the henhouse!

Related: Science Teacher May Be Disciplined for Urging Students Be Informed of Vaccination Risks

You will note also that this company has licensed its IMP701 antagonist monoclonal antibody to LAG3 for use in cancer drugs licensed to Novartis, the giant Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland, controlled by British Anglo / American bankers.

Although Novartis sold most of its giant vaccine manufacturing business to GlaxoSmithKline and CSL Limited in 2014 and 2015, it still has all sorts of cross interests and licence agreements with these and other giant pharmaceutical manufacturing companies as well.

They are all part of this one, huge, corrupt, global vaccine manufacturing cartel.

This is why Turnbull and his wife are so obsessively “pro-vaccination,” and through the Australian Government, URGENTLY want to force their fascist views on on all Australians, on behalf of these giant pharmaceutical companies.

Related: Vaccines: Legal Child Endangerment

The sad fact is that the way the Australian Government is going at present, Australia may become the first true DICTATORSHIP in the South Pacific very soon.

It’s not that the Turnbulls are unknown or new to most Australians. Lucy Turnbull is a former Lord Mayor of Sydney. She is the daughter of Tom Hughes, a former Attorney-General of Australia. Her great-great grandfather was Sir Thomas Hughes, the first Lord Mayor of Sydney.

Due to the general apathy and ignorance of most of the population, corrupt governments unfortunately find it all too easy to pass repressive legislation.

I wonder how far behind the Australians we will be here in New Zealand if more concerned people don’t urgently start speaking up.

Incredibly Disturbing Animation Reveals How Vaccines Are Really Made - Warning: This Will Turn Your Stomach

Sorry are we in Nazi Germany? Up next tattoos on the forehead so we know who is and isn’t fully vaccinated!? A never ending media barrage.

Malcolm Turnbull now wants No Jab-No-Play-Nation-Wide so if your child is not fully vaccinated with between 14 to 16 different disease injections (in my day 5) – 37 doses of Vaccines by 18 months they are discriminated against and are unable to go to daycare, kindy or preschool.

Do you know the Adult register just started? Do you know over 65s are listed on the National Immunisation Schedule?

Do you know there is NO ceiling on the number of vaccines, doses or type that can and will be added to the schedule? How many more vaccines are you prepared to take?

Related: Video: Controversial vaccine film due in NZ | Secretly Filmed Vaxxed NZ Premiere | Vaxxed

How many more will our babies be forced into having? Are YOU up to date with the 14 to 16 different disease injections parents are intimidated and coerced into giving their children? How far is Australia going to let this go? What will it take for people to stand up and say enough is enough?

Up Next No Jab, No Job No Jab, No University Degree No Jab, No Pension No Jab, No Travel No Jab, No Doctor Time to WAKE UP AUSTRALIA – Mandatory Vaccination for EVERYONE is on your doorstep, I suggest people start voicing their concerns because if you don’t NAZI Germany with forced medical procedures soon be in Australia.

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Vaccine Syndrome Bonus Footage

Study Says DTP Vaccine Associated With 212% Increased Infant Mortality Risk

A study from West Africa's Guinea-Bissau discovered that all-cause infant mortality more than doubled after the introduction of the DTP vaccination.

An observational study from the West African country Guinea-Bissau titled, "The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment," [i] examined the introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) in an urban community in Guinea-Bissau in the early 1980s.

Related: Countless teenage girls suffer paralysis, blood clots, brain damage and chronic pain from force-vaccination of Gardasil’s HPV “shot in the dark”

The World Health Organization introduced the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in low-income countries in the 1970s with the goal of universal immunization for all children. In the introduction, the study’s authors state, “Except for the measles vaccines, surprisingly few studies examined the introduction of vaccines and their impact on child survival.”

The purpose of the study was to examine what happens to child survival when DTP and OPV were introduced in low-income countries. A community study [ii] of the state of nutrition and family structure found that severe malnutrition was not evident in urban Guinea-Bissau although it was initially assumed to be the main cause of the under-five mortality rate.

The study findings emerged from a child population that had been followed with 3-monthly nutritional weighing sessions since 1978. From June 1981 DTP and OPV were offered from 3 months of age at these sessions.

Due to the 3-monthly intervals between sessions, the children were allocated by birthday in a ‘natural experiment’ to receive vaccinations early or late between 3 and 5 months of age.

Related: A Once Healthy Teen Is Destroyed By The HPV Vaccine And Now Lives A Daily Hell

The study included children who were greater than 6 months of age when vaccinations started and children born until the end of December 1983. The researchers compared mortality between 3 and 5 months of age of DTP-vaccinated and not-yet-DTP- vaccinated children in Cox proportional hazard models.

When mortality was compared, the mortality hazard ratio (HR) among 3-5-month-old children having received the DTP (±OPV) was 5.00 compared with not-yet-DTP-vaccinated children [i.e. a 400% increase].

According to the authors, differences in background factors did not explain the effect.

All-cause infant mortality after 3 months of age increased after the introduction of these vaccines (2.12 (1.07–4.19)) [i.e. a 212% increase]. However, the study findings revealed the negative effect was particularly strong for children who had received DTP-only and no OPV (10.0 (2.61–38.6)).

The researchers concluded:

"DTP was associated with increased mortality; OPV may modify the effect of DTP.”

It appears this early Guinea-Bissau study foreshadowed a line of documented injury and mortality caused by the DPT. A 2000 BMJ article found that a population of vaccinated infants, also from Guinea-Bissau, receiving one dose of DTP or polio vaccines had higher mortality than children who had received none of these vaccines.

A 2004 observational study showed a doubling of the mortality rate of infants vaccinated with the single dose of DPT vaccine and increasing mortality rates after the second and third doses.[iii] A 2011 study of Guinea-Bissau females found DTP vaccine administered simultaneously with measles vaccine is also associated with increased morbidity and poor growth in girls.[iv]

Related: More Adults Need Jabs

In the United States, the DTP vaccine received major public spotlight and pushback after the 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark was published tracing its development and describing its risks.

Recently complied reports show settlements of injury and deaths from the TDap, DTP, and DPT vaccines within the United States Vaccine Court jumped 75% from $5.5 million in 2014 to $9.8 million in 2015.

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Why You Should Buy Local Food: 10 Reasons
April 19 2017 | From: CountrysideAlliance

1. Food grown locally tastes far better than imported produce. Yes, some vegetables might look wonky but the flavour they are bursting with surely make up for that. Locally grown food is likely to arrive on your dinner table within a few hours of being picked. The same cannot be said for those strawberries we import from Spain.

2. Not only does it taste better, local food also provides more nutrients. Farmers harvest crops at their peak making sure we get the ripest highest quality food. There is also no need to treat vegetables and fruit with chemicals or wrap them in plastic for days of transportation. Not only would you contribute to a healthier lifestyle, but you would also help the environment whilst at it.

Related: Western Food Science Is Broken + We’re All Guinea Pigs In A Failed Decades-Long Diet Experiment

3. Now, locally produced food comes in all shapes and sizes. This is because farmers use different varieties of crops to increase the length of harvesting cycle. These crops are not genetically modified unlike the ones being mass produced for larger retailers.

This variety preserves biodiversity and ensures that species do not go extinct. Nowadays, out of thousands of apple cultivars available in the world only a few varieties make it to the big stores. Smaller farms take pride in the crops they grow and some special varieties are passed down as a family secret through generations.  That is the kind of authenticity that you would never find in a supermarket.

4. Locally grown crops are safer to eat. Cattle is reared freely on luscious green pastures while crops are fertilized by the manure those animals produce. There is no waste of resources on local farms. So why not go down to a local butcher for a nutrient-packed tender steak rather than a questionable looking chicken breast full of antibiotics and growth hormones from a supermarket?

5. Local farmers and independent businesses are working hard to make it in the world where competition is so fierce. By supporting them we preserve the authenticity and quality of the services they provide. Each one of them adds a personal touch to their produce which is only characteristic of small local businesses.

6. Invest in the community you live in. Local food is produced by your neighbours living nearby trying their best to provide best quality food all year around. It is a much more pleasant experience buying from a farmer’s market or a shop while engaging in conversation and playing an active part in your local community.

7. Local food preserves open space. If you enjoy the picturesque landscapes of the countryside, think about buying local produce to save it. By keeping local farmers in business, you ensure that our beautiful land is being used for agriculture and not sold for yet another development project.

8. Buying locally helps ecosystems in your area because carefully managed farms peacefully coexist with and preserve wildlife. Hedges, ponds and meadows that farmers look after provide natural habitats for a variety of local species. The food takes less miles to reach your plate, which reduces food miles, which in turn is much better for the environment.

9. As a rule of thumb, local farms require less of your tax to operate as they provide more in tax than they take in services. They also use less resources and manage them more effectively than larger scale operations. Think about that next time you go to a supermarket.

10. Buying locally today provides for a better tomorrow. By making this small choice you are having a positive impact on so many different aspects and ensuring that there is fresh, diverse, flavoursome food available for future generations.

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Pizzagate: Melania Trump Puts Elite Pedo Ring On Notice During Easter Visit
April 6 2017 | From: YourNewsWire / Various

First Lady Melania Trump put the elite pedophile ring on notice during an unannounced and emotional Easter visit to see seven girls at a group home for abuse and domestic violence victims.

Melania Trump arrived at the shelter at around 10:15 a.m. and spoke with the group of girls between the ages of 12 and 17 for 45 minutes, the Palm Beach Post reported.

Related: Mainstream Media Finally Exposes Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Phil

"Eggs represent new life, and these young girls are now being given a chance at new life too,
” the First Lady said, breaking down in tears as she held a baby blue egg handed to her by a 12-year-old.

Teary-eyed Melania Trump reflected on the good work done by the Trump administration so far, pointing out that “thousands of abusers” have been locked up, including high-profile elected officials.

But the First Lady said:

The work here is only beginning” and promised “the whole team are behind this one, undivided”.

This is a day that the girls will never forget,” said Matthew Ladika, the chief executive officer of HomeSafe, the non-profit in charge of the shelter.

It was extra special and touching… She asked them what their interests are,” Ladika said.

Melania also brought the girls gifts and handed out Easter baskets and stuffed bunnies to other residents at the shelter.

The First Lady was referring to President Trump’s federal investigation into the elite pedophile scandal involving human trafficking. Announcing the investigation in February, Trump promised to help put an end to the “horrific, really horrific crimes taking place.”

Related: Media Blackout: First Lady Melania Trump’s Visit to Home for Abused Girls Goes Unreported

The president held a short, dramatic press conference after meeting with human trafficking experts to announce that he will direct “the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies” to devote more resources and personnel to the investigation.

Appearing at the press conference for less than two minutes, President Trump said that the issue has been on the radar of federal government “for some time” but since taking office in January the investigation has become “much more focused.”

It has been much more focused over the last four weeks, I can tell you that.”

Trump: I'll Fight Human Trafficking 'Epidemic'

President Donald Trump says he will bring the "full force and weight" of the U.S. government to combat an "epidemic" of human trafficking. Trump is meeting at the White House with advisers and organizations that deal with trafficking.

Related: Pedogate: UK Opens Massive Child Sex Slavery Inquiry + Ivanka Trump: Dad Is Destroying Washington DC Pedo Network

By bravely speaking out against the pedophiles, Melania Trump, a West Wing force despite her decision to protect her son and stay in NYC, will one day be viewed by history as the First Lady who helped tip over the first domino that eventually led to the whole house being bought down – and the garbage being cleared away.

Usually First Ladies focus on “healthy eating” or “better education for women”, cutesy things that only serve to keep them busy and looking good in front of the camera.

Families of the president never usually focus on anything gritty involving real human hardship.

But not the Trumps. They don’t pretend everything is rosy.

They tell it how it is and are unafraid to rock the boat, regardless of what the establishment throws at them.

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Facebook Shuts Down Pro Le Pen Posts As French Election Nears
April 18 2017 | From: JonRappoport

Well, sure. Wouldn’t you? The woman is running for the presidency of France.

She wants to reverse the tide of immigration in her country, so she must be a racist, and whatever she says or whatever anyone else says in support of her is, automatically, fake news, mindless, evil, and the population must be protected from that infection.

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This is how free speech works. It’s free unless it could do harm, unless certain minds might be taken in by it, and apparently Facebook is stepping up to the plate. Mark Zuckerberg is long overdue for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Zero Hedge:

“The first round of French elections will be held on April 23rd, prompting Facebook to shut down pro Le Pen accounts, which they deem to be ‘fake’.

In addition to outright bans, the company [Facebook], in conjunction with French media, are running ‘fact checking’ programs - designed to fight ‘fake news’, heightening their efforts around the elections - which spans from 4/23-5/7.”

France must be purified. Only then can media function.

Immigration, you have to understand, isn’t an issue. There is nothing to debate. Immigration is a fact, wholly beautiful, and anyone who wants to limit it is speaking against love, flowers, and the proposition that the sun rises every morning.

Facebook is providing a public service. Just as Mussolini made the trains run on time in Italy, FB is making the news run on time - the real news.

Fake news should be shut down. Free speech only concerns what isn’t fake. Yes, I’m beginning to see the light. After fake news is purged, then we can have free speech. Aha. Yes.

Somehow, I must have missed this when I studied the 1st Amendment. James Madison, who wrote it, made this note: “Except for fake news.”

The guiding principle should be: if you’re not sure whether an item or issue or report is fake, don’t talk about it, don’t write about it, don’t express an opinion about it, until the authorities have cleared things up, until they’ve decided whether it’s fake or real.

Mark Zuckerberg is providing us with an easy way to check. If he and his people censor a post, it’s fake. Ignore it. Remain silent. And if you’re French, don’t vote for Le Pen, unless you want a faker as your president.

Things are basically simple. They really are. If you know how to follow the signs and the warnings and the people in charge.

For example, right now I can sense an errant thought creeping into my mind: a corporation based in the US is colluding with the French government to influence an election in France. But I reject that thought. I denounce it. I urge everyone to denounce it. Pretend I never uttered the thought. Please. I beg of you. It’s fake.

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The Large Families That Rule The World
April 17 2017 | From: PravdaReport

Some people have started realizing that there are large financial groups that dominate the world. Forget the political intrigues, conflicts, revolutions and wars. It is not pure chance. Everything has been planned for a long time.

Some call it "conspiracy theories" or New World Order. Anyway, the key to understanding the current political and economic events is a restricted core of families who have accumulated more wealth and power.

Related: Why Rome (the Holy Roman Empire) Still Rules the World

We are speaking of 6, 8 or maybe 12 families who truly dominate the world. Know that it is a mystery difficult to unravel.

We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.

Many people have heard of the Bilderberg Group, Illuminati or the Trilateral Commission. But what are the names of the families who run the world and have control of states and international organizations like the UN, NATO or the IMF?

Related: Psychopaths Rule Us

To try to answer this question, we can start with the easiest: inventory, the world's largest banks, and see who the shareholders are and who make the decisions.

The world's largest companies are now: Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.

Let us now review who their shareholders are.

Bank of America:

State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, FMR (Fidelity), Paulson, JP Morgan, T. Rowe, Capital World Investors, AXA, Bank of NY, Mellon.

JP Morgan:

State Street Corp., Vanguard Group, FMR, BlackRock, T. Rowe, AXA, Capital World Investor, Capital Research Global Investor, Northern Trust Corp. and Bank of Mellon.


State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock, Paulson, FMR, Capital World Investor, JP Morgan, Northern Trust Corporation, Fairhome Capital Mgmt and Bank of NY Mellon.

Wells Fargo:

Berkshire Hathaway, FMR, State Street, Vanguard Group, Capital World Investors, BlackRock, Wellington Mgmt, AXA, T. Rowe and Davis Selected Advisers.

We can see that now there appears to be a nucleus present in all banks: State Street Corporation, Vanguard Group, BlackRock and FMR (Fidelity). To avoid repeating them, we will now call them the "big four"

Goldman Sachs:

"The big four," Wellington, Capital World Investors, AXA, Massachusetts Financial Service and T. Rowe.

Morgan Stanley:

"The big four," Mitsubishi UFJ, Franklin Resources, AXA, T. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon e Jennison Associates. Rowe, Bank of NY Mellon and Jennison Associates.

We can just about always verify the names of major shareholders. To go further, we can now try to find out the shareholders of these companies and shareholders of major banks worldwide.

Bank of NY Mellon:

Davis Selected, Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Dodge, Cox, Southeatern Asset Mgmt. and ... "The big four."

State Street Corporation:

(One of the "big four")

Massachusetts Financial Services, Capital Research Global Investor, Barrow Hanley, GE, Putnam Investment and ... The "big four" (shareholders themselves!).


(Another One of the "big four")

PNC, Barclays e CIC. Who is behind the PNC? FMR (Fidelity), BlackRock, State Street, etc. And behind Barclays? BlackRock.

And we could go on for hours, passing by tax havens in the Cayman Islands, Monaco or the legal domicile of Shell companies in Liechtenstein. A network where companies are always the same, but never a name of a family.

In short: the eight largest U.S. financial companies (JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, U.S. Bancorp, Bank of New York Mellon and Morgan Stanley) are 100% controlled by ten shareholders and we have four companies always present in all decisions: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity.

Related: The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

In addition, the Federal Reserve is comprised of 12 banks, represented by a board of seven people, which comprises representatives of the "big four," which in turn are present in all other entities.

In short, the Federal Reserve is controlled by four large private companies: BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and Fidelity. These companies control U.S. monetary policy (and world) without any control or "democratic" choice. These companies launched and participated in the current worldwide economic crisis and managed to become even more enriched.

To finish, a look at some of the companies controlled by this "big four" group:

Alcoa Inc.

Altria Group Inc.

American International Group Inc.

AT&T Inc.

Boeing Co.

Caterpillar Inc.

Coca-Cola Co.

DuPont & Co.

Exxon Mobil Corp.

General Electric Co.

General Motors Corporation

Hewlett-Packard Co.

Home Depot Inc.

Honeywell International Inc.

Intel Corp.

International Business Machines Corp

Johnson & Johnson

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

McDonald's Corp.

Merck & Co. Inc.

Microsoft Corp.

3M Co.

Pfizer Inc.

Procter & Gamble Co.

United Technologies Corp.

Verizon Communications Inc.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

Time Warner

Walt Disney


Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation

CBS Corporation

NBC Universal

The same "big four" control the vast majority of European companies counted on the stock exchange.

Related: Why Do We Allow Private Banks & Families To Control The World’s Money? +The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just An IOU, And The Banks Are Rolling In It

In addition, all these people run the large financial institutions, such as the IMF, the European Central Bank or the World Bank, and were "trained" and remain "employees" of the "big four" that formed them.

The names of the families that control the "big four", never appear.

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Pythagoras’ Theorem Has Been Upgraded To 3D And Now Requires A 120 Page Proof
April 17 2017 | From: WonderfulEngineering

The one theorem that almost anyone who has ever studied Mathematics remembers is the Pythagoras’ theorem.

It is the most well-known theorem for about 2,500 years now and has allowed the mankind to evolve in a myriad of ways.

Related: Sacred Geometry and the Art of Scriptural Writing

Its applications are limitless and range from construction to even evaluating the atomic structure of a crystal. However, up until now, it was bound to 2D only.

For the last 5 years, an aerospace and aeronautics engineer Luis Teia has been on a quest to understand the Pythagoras’ theorem in 3D. Using his paper, “Pythagoras triples explained via central squares” that was published in the 2015 edition of Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, he has derived the proof.

Okay, sounds amazing but what on Earth does it really mean? Before we jump into the details, the 2D proof of the theorem required about half a page, right? For the 3D proof, a book of 120 pages is required – that’s how complex it is.

The geometrical part was drawn by making use of CAD and the algebra covers the 2/3rd of the book. Both, 2D and 3D, proofs are interconnected and the 3D proof is, in fact, built using the 2D one in a particular way.

The right-hand side of the theorem is rotated by 90 degrees and the blue square transforms into a blue octahedron. For those who do not know, an octahedron is the 3D equivalent of a square.

This implies that while the 2D proof is based on squares, the 3D proof relies on octahedrons. One can spot the presence of 2D theorem by understanding that right-angle triangle (shaded) is present. The 3D variables are in fact governed by the 2D. The detailed explanations can be found in Teia’s book,  X3+Y3=Z3: The Proof.

The benefits of this? This recent understanding can help us in reaching an enhanced 3D version of our current geometry and would help mankind embark on our technological leap similar to the one that Pythagoras helped achieved about 2.5 millennia ago.

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Want To Understand The Deep State? Here Is Your Deep, Deep State
April 16 2017 | From: JonRappoport

Men behind the curtain? Men who control the government and its policies from the outside? Men who have immunity from prosecution? Men who tell presidents [and prime ministers]what to do?

Men who can hide in plain sight? Men who don’t need to be elected to public office? Men who can laugh at their critics and call them conspiracy theorists and purveyors of fake news? Men who can determine financial and banking policy? Men who can set up corporate tribunals that nullify national courts? Men who can set virtually any national policy agenda they want to?

Related: WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 Shows How CIA Spies On Your TV, Phone, PC, Mac, And More + Napolitano: Trump First President To Confront Deep State

If an honest press existed, all this would be out in the open by now. If, as many people are now saying, the CIA and NSA and neocons are the unelected Deep State, then the people I’m talking about would be the Deep, Deep State. Read on.

Many people think the Trilateral Commission (TC), created in 1973 by David Rockefeller, is a relic of an older time.

The Trilateral Commission Office of The North American Group - 1156 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005

Think again.

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.” Knowing that you have to break eggs to make an omelet, consider how the following TC members, in key Obama posts, could have helped engender further national chaos; erase our sovereign national borders; and install binding international agreements that will envelop our economy and money in a deeper global collective: a new world order:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary; James Jones, National Security Advisor; Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee; Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence. All Trilateralists.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The Round Table: The Hub Of The CFR, Trilateral Commission, RIIA, Club Of Rome, Bilderberg Group And The UN

In Europe, the financially embattled nations of Greece and Italy brought in Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti as prime ministers. Both men are Trilateral members, and Monti is the former European chairman of the Trilateral Commission.

In the US, since 1973, author Wood counts eight out of 10 US Trade Representative appointments, and six out of eight World Bank presidents, as American Trilateral members.

Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC in 1973, with his godfather, David Rockefeller:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took no actions which would have brought about an authentic recovery?

A closer look at Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

The TC has no interest in building up the American economy. They want to torpedo it, as part of the end-game of creating a de facto Globalist management system for the whole planet.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Even in what many people mistakenly think of as the TC’s heyday, the 1970s, there were few who realized its overarching power.

Here is a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment from out of the past. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret—in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took place in 1978. It concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

- Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission - the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.” Lost—because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force.

Deep State.

Trump, who squashed the Globalist TPP treaty as soon as he was inaugurated, has nevertheless appointed a significant Trilateral member to a major post. Patrick Wood writes (2/6/17):

“According to a White House press release, the first member of the Trilateral Commission has entered the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, where he will sit on the National Security Council [as deputy director]:

’Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits’.”

Comment: There is a long-game grand strategy playing out here. All is not what it seems in the dismantling of the 'Cabal'.

Juster’s duties will take him into the heart of high-level negotiations with foreign governments on economic policy.

Note: In this article, I’m not listing Trump appointees who are members of another Rockefeller deep-state organization, the Council on Foreign Relations. Suffice to say, the CFR is a brother of the Trilateral Commission, and, when push comes to shove, the lesser brother. And finally, Goldman Sachs, whose people Trump has surrounded himself with, is a corporate member of the CFR…

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind
April 15 2017 | From: FinalWakeupCall

A True and honest media is a dream: The mainstream mass media, is focusing their news programmes and lacking narratives with transparency on negative stories on fires, wrecks, murder, mayhem, third-party scandals, and not to forget; bashing Russia with flame and blame, intentionally creating fear, distrust and conflict.

Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

Related: Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN + Mainstream Media Exposed Its Own Cannibalism And More

The question is; Is there any good news? Yes, there is. But the mainstream media isn’t used to having their spin questioned – especially by the president. Since Donald Trump was elected, the aggressive media attacks against the administration have served as undeniable proof that the news is biased and unfairly controlled.

The editorial board destroys any illusion that the mainstream media has remained impartial. This is an outright dream. These are the people pulling the strings that everyday decide which story to run, when and where.

They edit the context and content of every story coming out of their newsroom. They decide, which story is front page, and throw away any idea they don’t like. It’s hard to imagine for honest journalists trying to work in that kind of environment.

On the other hand; Fake news, it seems, is what people want. Because News is seen as a form of entertainment. They want entertainment that makes them feel smart, heroic, and honourable. This is the stimulus; people want lies! They don’t want to feel uncomfortable, inadequate, or stupid. So the last thing they want, is any serious contemplation or real insight.

The truth is too difficult to accept and too bitter to swallow. People seem to want news that goes down smoothly, and makes them feel taller and slimmer. The farther away from the hard facts – as in first-hand experience – the falser the news becomes.

The news you read in the newspaper, usually takes place far away, based on motives you can’t understand, built on compounded fantasies, myths, and delusions. This is clearly shown by looking, for example, at the economic news.

They propagate that the economy is doing great, while median income and the standard of living are declining, people are suffering under austerity measures, and can hardly can get by on two or three-part-time jobs, while being forced to pay more for most things.

What if a brave young reporter had a hot lead on a Trump story that could shake things up, and make the president look good to readers? Does one risk their job by speaking out, or does the reporter cave in to their bosses’ unfair pressure and kill the story?

This isn’t new, of course. The fascist-leftist spinning machine has been at work for decades. Only now, it has grown so out-of-control, it’s almost comical in its obviousness.

Nowadays, the only way to advance in the mainstream media is to push leftist views, instead of the truth. In the past ten years, liberal media sources have seen a sharp decline in distribution. People simply aren’t subscribing or reading anymore. As a result, advertising revenue and growth have both dried up. But the old guard – the big bosses with fat salaries, great pensions and thirty years of experience – haven’t left yet, while refusing to adapt to the market.

Mass Media Controls People’s Minds:

The mass media is controlled by only a handful of multinational corporations. Insightful journalism is continuously impeded, while secretive operations disregard the freedom of information Act.

The purpose of this law is to declassify governmental documents. It also is the subject of an ongoing conflict between government officials and news organisations, as well as private citizens.

It is especially troubling that media ownership is so concentrated when considered that more than 98% of people in the West have a television. Of this 98%; 82% watch primetime TV, and 71% watch cable programs every week. Additionally, 84% listen to the radio regularly, while 79% are newspaper readers.

Nearly half of these people have access to the Internet, whilst certain demographic groups reach 70%. These totals suggest that most westerners spend an excessive amount of time staring at a screen, which in itself is bad enough.

But when realised that everything these people see and hear comes from a mere five major media outlets, the threat of potential propagandising and mind control becomes absolutely clear.

If people would know just how deeply they have been programmed and mind controlled, straight up truth could prove to be far too disruptive, negatively impacting too many.

Contemplate the starting of a transition for humanity into a sovereign consciousness, by inserting Trump into a leadership position, in which he can stir the pot with the mix of some bold-faced lies and hard truths, scaring everyone awake with a nonsensical missile strike on an abandoned airfield, coordinated as a reverse false flag operation in which the Chinese, Russians and Syrians are all involved on behalf of the Alliance.

They apparently feel this action will do the mass awakening trick. For people that are already awake, it’s very bad and awkward watching all this deceit playing out, both malevolent and benevolent. But for the ones that are still asleep, as most are, this will possibly be eye opening.

There is no substitute for free and unfettered news gathering. Journalists are not cops nor are they public relations agents.

They are reporters, for them there are no substitutes. One of the largest problems affecting freedom of the press is the corporatisation of the media, which dilutes news content in order to make it more appealing to larger audiences, in line with the instruction from the Deep State cabal.

Corporate media giants are silencing conflicting voices to the spoon-fed narrative, abandoning quality journalism and eliminating local content. Society is in desperate need of better media.

The world is changing fast, and many people, at least in the developed world, are starting to see through corporate- owned mainstream media.

Television is specialised in ‘faking’ and lying about major global events on multiple occasions, meanwhile some media-employees are leaving their jobs and are telling the truth about what and who dominates a large portion of mainstream media.

The Future for the Media:

The future media, will be organised by private citizens who, making use of cell-phone cameras and the internet, take it upon themselves to find and report news, reporting on what people do, and what has happened.

If they have studied a specific profession and have become interested in the issues involved, they can actively search for, collect, and read numerous cases from others, on the same or related subjects, comparing different points of view and insights, all the while fact-checking. Sources should be scrutinised and then they could blog or write an article on the subject, eventually participating in the media debate, etc.

A few conscious individuals believe that the world is undergoing an exciting, but uncomfortable change, that may be unsettling, but the current advances in technology and environmentalism, and the soon to be released thousands of patents that have been hidden by the cabal, will eventually lead to a brighter and more harmonious future, that comes with free energy, and engines that run on water. More specifically, technologies are to be released that are so advanced compared to what is currently known.

People will be totally amazed when these are revealed and implemented.

Time, to Listen to the Conspiracy Theorists:

But the public must be cautious and patient. We have been deceived for far too long by the cabal plutocrats who dominate finance, corporate life and the mass media. For many years now and from all different angles, awakened and conscious people have been warning of a coming New World Order, which entails socialist globalisation desired by the cabal.

Together with their puppets, centred in the various secret societies of satanic Luciferianism, this is the agenda they are pursuing.

In a world of ignorance, apathy, gross contradiction, cognitive dissonance and denial, what will it take for the masses to wake up?

Granted, they have been deceived, but living in zombie-like trances, they lack responsibility towards themselves and their fellow humans: It’s therefore no surprise to see them buy into the cabal’s chutzpah and blindly give their consent to the ruling elite’s agenda, not knowing about the underlying hidden, dark and destructive concealed motives.

A major objective of the cabal’s agenda is; the dehumanisation of the masses on many levels through manipulation, keeping people in the dark about what must be done to prevent the disastrous consequences.

They may have heard about untested vaccines, GMO, and toxic food, corporate drug companies influencing government policies, totalitarian martial law, like in France, and the ever-increasing restrictions on liberties.

But people are unfortunately lacking the interest and motivation to come into action against these atrocities. This could be easily stopped through our mass refusal to co-operate, in the awareness of their disempowering and destructive secret motives.

Without a doubt, we have reached the point in time when the common public should listen to the ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the youthful activists.

Why should people believe the same officials that have made false statements and allegations over and over again, coercing us into making wrong choices? Why should people listen to anything these institutions say?

Individual Freedom:

If people are again to experience the individual freedom and capitalist initiatives that once brought prosperity to the middleclass and beyond, as well as social success, it is obvious that something must change. Simply bouncing back and forth between different administrations that actually are in essence the same; controlled by the deep state’s hidden government, and the globalists from the shadows, will not bring any improvement in the standard of living of ordinary people.

When people awaken en masse, and ally with the Eastern gnostic bloodline nobility, then the 13 Khazarian Archon bloodline families that comprise the Deep State, resp. the dark nobility, will soon be out of oxygen everywhere on planet Earth.

Related: The British East India Company: The Drug Company of the Venetian Black Nobility

Once the Central Banks are abolished, and all currencies are backed by gold or silver, they won’t have the money to create wars. They’ll lose their power structure, their agencies, allies, and weapons of mass destruction, resulting in game over for them.

What will remain, is their final public surrender announced by Donald Trump, which will bring down Netanyahu in Israel, and Poroshenko in the Ukraine, solve the 9/11, MH 17 downing, and all other false flag operations. It will also guarantee Marine Le Pen wins the French elections, that will bring down Merkel in Germany, end the European Union, and give rise to the default of the Euro.

People Unite:

People must unite, against their domestic fascist government, the most formidable enemy is the one that controls every nation’s government, the financial system, the educational system, the health system, and evencitizens’ lifestyle.

The force in numbers of the enemy is negligible, while we, the people have an impressive majority; provided many of us are awake and conscious. It is time for all individual citizens to become proactive!

If the people in this world of violence do not unite for the important purpose of destroying the Deep State with their murderous terrorist attacks, and drug organisations, we are lost. The cabal will not go away without a fight, but will rise in strength and will use force to suppress us even more.

People must unite, like an army that quickly diffuses their killers by mobilising their own rescue from a pending threat.

People’s sheer numbers and faith could free us all and we could experience a world of peace, prosperity, being able to take care of ourselves without intervention.

FBI Treason: Comey Trying to Frame Trump - NWO Paradigm:

The first 20 min. of this video is related to the content of this essay.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Top Ten Reasons To Doubt Official Story On Assad Poison-Gas Attack
April 15 2017 | From: JonRappoport / Farouk

The sarin-gas attack story prompted the US missile strike on a Syrian runway. Here are the top ten reasons for doubting that story, and instead calling it a convenient pretext:

1. Photos show rescue workers treating/decontaminating people injured or killed in the gas attack. The workers aren’t wearing gloves or protective gear. Only the clueless or crazy would expose themselves to sarin residue, which can be fatal.

Related: Assad: US ‘Fabricated’ Chemical Weapons Attack, Videos Could be Staged

2. MIT professor Thomas Postol told RT;

“I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the [US intelligence] document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun.

Any competent analyst would have had questions about whether the debris in the crater was staged or real. No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.”

How would a canister purportedly dropped from an Assad-ordered plane incur “crushing from above?”

3. Why would President Assad, supported by Russia, scoring victory after victory against ISIS, moving closer to peace negotiations, suddenly risk all his gains by dropping sarin gas on his own people?

4. In an interview with Scott Horton, ex-CIA officer Philip Giraldi states that his intelligence and military sources indicate Assad didn’t attack his own people with poison gas.

5. Ex-CIA officer Ray McGovern states that his military sources report an Assad air strike did hit a chemical plant, and the fallout killed people, but the attack was not planned for that purpose. There was no knowledge the chemicals were lethal.

6. At consortiumnews.com, journalist Robert Parry writes;

“There is a dark mystery behind the White House-released photo showing President Trump and more than a dozen advisers meeting at his estate in Mar-a-Lago after his decision to strike Syria with Tomahawk missiles: Where are CIA Director Mike Pompeo and other top intelligence officials?”

“Before the photo was released on Friday, a source told me that Pompeo had personally briefed Trump on April 6 about the CIA’s belief that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was likely not responsible for the lethal poison-gas incident in northern Syria two days earlier - and thus Pompeo was excluded from the larger meeting as Trump reached a contrary decision.”

“After the attack, Secretary of State Tillerson, who is not an institutional intelligence official and has little experience with the subtleties of intelligence, was the one to claim that the U.S. intelligence community assessed with a ‘high degree of confidence’ that the Syrian government had dropped a poison gas bomb on civilians in Idlib province.”

“While Tillerson’s comment meshed with Official Washington’s hastily formed groupthink of Assad’s guilt, it is hard to believe that CIA analysts would have settled on such a firm conclusion so quickly, especially given the remote location of the incident and the fact that the initial information was coming from pro-rebel (or Al Qaeda) sources.”

“Thus, a serious question arises whether President Trump did receive that ‘high degree of confidence’ assessment from the intelligence community or whether he shunted Pompeo aside to eliminate an obstacle to his desire to launch the April 6 rocket attack.”

7. As soon as the Assad gas attack was reported, the stage was set for a US missile strike. No comprehensive investigation of the purported gas attack was undertaken.

8. There are, of course, precedents for US wars based on false evidence - the missing WMDs in Iraq, the claims of babies being pushed out of incubators in Kuwait, to name just two.

9. Who benefits from the sarin gas story? Assad? Or US neocons; the US military-industrial complex; Pentagon generals who want a huge increase in their military budget; Trump and his team, who are suddenly praised in the press, after a year of being pilloried at every turn; and ISIS?

10. For those who doubt that ISIS has ever used poison gas, see the NY Times (11/21/2016). While claiming that Assad has deployed chemical attacks, the article also states that ISIS has deployed chemical weapons 52 times since 2014.

I’m not claiming these ten reasons definitely and absolutely rule out the possibility of an Assad-ordered chemical attack. But they do add up to a far more believable conclusion than the quickly assembled “Assad-did-it” story.

These ten reasons starkly point to the lack of a rational and complete investigation of the “gas attack.” And this lack throws a monkey wrench into Trump’s claim that he was ordering the missile strike based on “a high degree of confidence.”

Syria & North Korea

Isn’t it interesting that a real World Leader actually went out and took pictures of the US Tomahawk missile strike in Syria and then counted the craters - ”23” and then declared the whole exercise a “FALSE FLAG”! Thank you Mr. Putin. Now can you tell the World where are the other 36 (59-23) craters?

Did anyone see the pictures of the hazardous gas canisters stacked in a heap out in the hot Syrian desert sun? See! They didn’t destroy all their stocks according to MSM sources. But what bloody foole would store real lethal gas cannisters out in the open in a junk pile in the desert? Please!

Nice bit acting by the same guys and that little girl that got rescued three times. And what was our hero, John McCain doing in Syria a month or so ago?

Making new friends or just PAYING a courtesy visit to old buddies? Where is the picture of him sitting between those two scowling Generals who clearly hawkishly misinformed the President of the real situation.

Trump appears to be keeping his friends close and his enemies closer and easier to arrest when necessary.

Nice tight slap to the Generals by Putin, saying “don’t even think about doing that ever again!” It was not aimed at Trump who had notified him earlier and arranged for White Hat Generals to send the missiles elsewhere and missing any important targets. Those in the know, know.

Now for North Korea. Gosh, isn’t that a Rothschild’s puppet regime supplying illegal amphetamines to the World via CIA networks? Obummer just lost a planeload of that junk, right?

Well, it seems that the holiday package is coming to an end as a nuke armed idiot is not a nice neighbor for either China, Japan, Russia or the US. The fat guy with the funny hairdo (#1,#2 or #3?) had better shut up and change sides or else.

And by the way, all the vital military targets over there have already been target programmed by both the Chinese and US forces for a night of fireworks that you will never forget - provided you are still around to forget.

Understand that this little country has been purposely controlled for decades to be a Cabal wedge in Asia, separating China and South Korea and Japan and invested US interests in the region. Where does this country get any money to buy anything internationally?

No real exports except illegal drugs, so who is footing the real bills? Who gave them advanced rocket and bomb technology (some say Hellery helped)?

Who keeps a bankrupt, military dictatorship funded? The obvious move by Trump and Xi is now to remove this thorn and transition that country back into the World with a new and more responsive government.

That will be a difficult task as North Koreans have been brainwashed for a whole generation of military rule and strict controls. Replacements are cut from the same cloth thus it will be necessary to have a real restructuring and development plan prior to bombing the sh*t out of their hierarchy and facilities.

What are you going to do with millions of programmed hateful and vengeful fire ants with guns? The Cabal would just nuke or gas them and blame it on the US and China. So Guys, what is your OFFER? What’s your PLAN to help these human beings back into our World society? Every hole you make needs to be refilled.

Plant a bit of goodness in advance. It is never too late to do the right thing...

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Russia Has Become The Number-One Target In The US Press
April 14 2017 | From: JonRapoport

The new devil in the US press, as of last summer, was Russia. All of a sudden. And then, in the wake of the election, the devil became the DEVIL.

Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

Related: Who's Playing The Long Game - And What's Their Game Plan?

No. It was definitely something more.

As David Icke stated on the Richie Allen show a few days ago, Russia was the player who was standing in the way of the long-term goal to get rid of Assad in Syria and turn the country into a hellhole like Libya.

The US government and its allies had created, funded, and armed the group called ISIS, the proxy force for, among other operations, wiping out the Assad government in Syria. The Syria op was a slam-dunk... until it wasn’t. Until Putin stepped in and gave air support to Assad’s troops and turned the war around, bringing it to the brink of, God forbid, actual peace negotiations.

That outcome was definitely NOT on the agenda of the US Project for a New American Century, the neocon playbook for destabilizing the Middle East.

Putin was standing in the way. He was screwing up The Plan. He was winning.

Therefore, another WMD (as in Iraq) situation was required. This time, based on no reasonable evidence, the reported weapon would be sarin gas, and the place would be Syria, and the perpetrator would be Assad. And before the sarin-Assad claims could be studied fully, it was time for a response, an attack, a missile strike. The objective? Destroy the peace process in Syria, paint Assad as the killer.

Related: John McCain Confirms ISIS False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria

Trump went along. He pulled the trigger. He was fed “evidence” that Assad was killing his own people with outlawed chemical weapons, and he ordered the missile strike. Or did he?

And now, every neocon in Washington who can get press coverage is saying the Trump has, for the first time, “become the president.”

And that’s true, if by “president” we mean a person who is ingesting “evidence” and taking marching orders from above; from what has been called the Deep State.

A State dedicated to endless war.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

U.S. Intelligence Source: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Launched From Saudi Base
April 14 2017 | From: Infowars

Award winning journalist Robert Parry says incident was likely a false flag.

Award-winning Iran-Contra journalist Robert Parry says the chemical weapons attack in Syria was launched from a joint Saudi-Israeli special operations base in Jordan, according to his intelligence sources.

Related: Ex-UK Ambassador: Assad wasn't behind the chemical attack

U.S. intelligence analysts determined that a drone was responsible for the attack and “eventually came to believe that the flight was launched in Jordan from a Saudi-Israeli special operations base for supporting Syrian rebels,” according to the source.

“The suspected reason for the poison gas was to create an incident that would reverse the Trump administration’s announcement in late March that it was no longer seeking the removal of President Bashar al-Assad,”
writes Parry.

As we highlighted back in 2013 after another chemical weapons attack in Ghouta that was blamed on Assad, rebels freely admitted to Associated Press correspondent Dale Gavlak that they had been given the weapons by Saudi Arabia but had “handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions.”

Parry’s background lends the information credibility. He covered the Iran-Contra scandal for the Associated Press and Newsweek and was later given a George Polk award for his work on intelligence matters.

The contention that the incident was a “false flag” to create a justification for air strikes has also been voiced by former Congressman Ron Paul as well as numerous other prominent voices, including Vladimir Putin himself, who went on to warn that rebels could now stage a similar incident in Damascus to goad the U.S. into toppling Assad.

Whoever was responsible for the attack does not take away from the horror of the event and the fact that innocent people and children died.

Parry dismissed the four page report released by President Trump’s National Security Council that blames the Syrian government for the chemical attack as being heavy on assertions but lacking actual evidence.

The white paper states:

“We cannot publicly release all available intelligence on this attack due to the need to protect sources and methods,”
although as Parry points out, “In similarly tense situations in the past, U.S. Presidents have released sensitive intelligence to buttress U.S. government assertions, including John F. Kennedy’s disclosure of U-2 spy flights in the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and Ronald Reagan revealing electronic intercepts after the Soviet shoot-down of Korean Airlines Flight 007 in 1983.”

Parry challenged the Trump administration to make its evidence publicly available, while also questioning why both CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats were not show in a photo released by the White House which shows the President and a dozen of his senior advisers monitoring the April 6 missile strike from a room at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“Given President Trump’s spotty record for getting facts straight – he and his administration should go the extra mile in presenting irrefutable evidence to support its assessments, not simply insisting that the world must “trust us,”
concludes Parry.

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“The Diseases Caused By Impure Water Are Numerous And Fatal” Says An MD & Hear What 50+ Other MD's Say About Our Need For Pure Distilled Water
April 13 2017 | From: Infowars

Our waterways planet wide are now highly polluted and no longer safe to drink. Consequently, the water that’s fed to us in the town supplies is replete with chlorine, fluoride and other additives to prevent us getting sick.

However, there is a long term sickness cost to that. Only 40% of NZ rivers are safe to even swim in now. The Manawatu river is the most polluted river in the southern hemisphere. Someone got trench mouth from ingesting that river water.

Related: This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Increase Your Water Intake & 8 Amazing Effects Of Drinking Water On An Empty Stomach

It’s contaminated with spirochetes that cause leptospirosis & lyme disease among other things (all in the article of the last link there). They’ve been polluting our waterways for the past century basically and continue to do so. We can no longer eat what remains of the food in our waterways - the whitebait’s nearly gone, birds are declining, eels are dying. All in the name of profits for the few.

So it’s important to start the conversation on obtaining healthy water to drink. Town supplies are not healthy in the long term. This is a huge subject that’s been widely debated - best to research it & make your own informed decisions before getting sick.

For more info on water & additives the authorities deem necessary for us to consume (even to the point of forcing them upon us), search categories (left of page) or check out our water pages. The Corporation pages are a good starting point for the origin of all the pollution. Profits before people is their mantra. Watch The Corporation movie & see why.

Doctors and Experts With the Courage to Tell the Truth About Distilled Water

Distilled water is the only water which runs through all water-based life forms. Here are the writings of doctors and experts who all support the benefits of Distilled Water. Take note of the STEADY, CONSISTENT VOLUME which is recommended by them…

Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds:

“It may safely be taught that THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE WATER IS THAT PURIFIED BY DISTILLATION. Instruct the public how distillation can readily and cheaply be done. It furnishes a fruitful yield for the genius that will devise a small distilling apparatus for the use of every family.

It would be safe to teach that the GENEROUS USE OF PURE WATER both within and without the body has never yet done any harm; that the functional ailments that afFlict the great host of mankind, are in a great part due to the fact of the imperfect elimination of waste matter, and that GENEROUS LIBATIONS OF PURE WATER is a most potent agent TO FLUSH THEM FROM THE BODY, through the skin, the lungs, the kidneys and the bowels. The diseases caused by impure water are numerous and fatal.”

- Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, M.D., Health Commissioner of Chicago, from “Distilled Water and Longevity” by Elmer Ellsworth Carey, Chicago, in Suggestion magazine, Volume 10, January 1, 1903

Dr. Gary Null:

You should DRINK AT LEAST ONE GALLON of purified water a day. Most of us drink only at mealtime and when we’re noticeably thirsty. Wrong. You can develop a habit of NOT drinking water and walk around being 66 or 67 percent water, instead of 74 percent, which is what your body needs.

When you don’t have the water in you, you won’t ever have the energy you need. The very first thing I do to get people’s energy up is to increase the amount of water in their diet. Immediately, their energy goes up.

When someone has dementia, the first thing I do is give them lots of cold water all day, every day. About three weeks later, I start to see their dementia dissipate because they have rehydrated their brains.

Unfortunately, your brain actually shrinks as you dehydrate. By DRINKING LOTS OF PURE WATER, you get better neuron activity and better cellular chemistry, and you’re able to detoxify the cells with water.

Related: Doctors and Experts With the Courage to Speak About Distilled Water

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Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag’, More Coming
April 13 2017 | From: Infowars

"They plan to plant chemicals in Damascus and accuse the Syrian government of an attack".

Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed that the recent chemical attack in Idlib province in Syria was a false flag operation, and that more ‘provocations’ are being prepared.

Related: CIA Pushed “Oust Assad Family” Doctrine across 6 US Presidents

"We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus.”
Putin said during a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow.

They plan to plant some chemicals there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” Putin told media representatives, adding that he has “trusted sources”.

Putin went on to compare the situation in Syria to Saddam Hussein’s non existent weapons of mass destruction, indicating that he may believe that the US is either behind the false flag, or at least actively pushing such propaganda, while anti-government rebels in Syria carried out the attack.

“President Mattarella and I discussed it, and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003, when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq.”
Putin said.

“The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] on the world stage,” Putin added.

“All incidents reminiscent of the chemical attacks that took place in Idlib must be thoroughly investigated,” Putin concluded, also clarifying that he has no scheduled meeting with Rex Tillerson, who is on his way to Russia.

In addition, the Russian general staff has said that Syrian forces posses no chemical weapons, and that further US Syria strikes will be viewed as unacceptable.

Whistleblowers On Trump’s Wag-The-Dog Attack

Did Syria & Russia have chemical weapons or did something else cause the deaths? Was Rice telling the truth when she said there were no chemical weapons? Was James Clapper telling the truth when he said there were chemical weapons? Some in the intelligence community are speaking out about what really happened.

Related: Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

Related: Russians Slam US Version of Syrian Chemical Weapons Event - Will John McCain, John Brennan, and Herbert McMaster be Held Accountable (with Saudi Arabia and Israel)?

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White House Source: Trump Pushes Back Against Neo-Con Plan To Invade Syria
April 12 2017 | From: Infowars

Troops massing as deep state plots regime change.

The Trump administration is currently locked in a heated debate over whether to launch a full ground invasion of Syria, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers now massing.

Related: Bombshell: how far did Obama spying go?

According to White House sources who spoke to Infowars, Trump is reticent to see U.S. troops embroiled in yet another Middle East quagmire, but is under pressure from top neo-cons in his administration to prevent Russia from dominating the region as the fall of ISIS nears.

Trump has refused to agree to a no fly zone over Syria and does not want to directly attack Assad’s forces in Damascus. However, Assad is apparently backing away from a deal he made with the Pentagon four years ago to step down from power in order to prevent a U.S. military bombardment that Obama pushed for back in 2013.

The air strike ordered by Trump was apparently a reminder to Assad of the deal he struck to step down once jihadists had been defeated.

Troop numbers are now being massively escalated in western Iraq to reinforce this message, including the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, to back up and cover the flank for U.S. Army ground forces in case of possible attack by Assad.

Trump’s response to the alleged chemical weapons attack allowed him to look decisive and was a show of strength towards China and North Korea. It also served to temporarily silence the repeated accusations that he is in collusion with Russia.

Trump’s aim with the air strike was to destroy Syria’s remaining chemical weapons to make Assad follow through on the deal. If he didn’t act, Trump would have been eviscerated by his critics as being equally as weak as Obama.

However, increasingly prominent neo-cons within the administration, led by National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, are exploiting the circumstances to maneuver Trump into a position where he is pressured into green lighting a full scale ground war, an attack on Damascus and a confrontation with Russia.

If Trump allows himself to be manipulated in this way, it will undoubtedly destroy his presidency and leave him with a legacy on a par with George W. Bush.

As Mike Cernovich’s sources confirm;

“McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump” and is “plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced former CIA director and convicted criminal David Petraeus.”

Trump sees resolving the Syrian civil war as imperative because Syria is a gateway into Turkey, whose Islamist government is exploiting the chaos to exacerbate the refugee crisis and force Europe into capitulation to Muslim colonization.

However, if neo-cons are able to assert their power and silence nationalist voices within the Trump administration like Steve Bannon, who opposes regime change in Syria, the consequences of toppling Assad will be completely disastrous for both Trump and the entire region.

Trump Pushes Back Against Neo Con Plan To Invade Syria

Related: Trump’s First Airstrike on Syria, Tactical or Pure Madness?

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The Real Russiagate: Obama’s Stasi State
April 12 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Mike Whitney has written an excellent expose of the “Russiagate” cover story for Obama’s political use of national security to help his party oppose Republicans.

Covert surveillance of politicians on Obama’s Nixon-like “Enemies List” has been going on for many years, but is only now being unmasked as a result of the failure of Obama’s cover story - “We weren’t spying on political opponents; only on Russians to protect America.”

Related: The Russia Hacking Fiasco: No Evidence Required

The presstitute media has passed on the cover story authored by former Obama-administration officials led by CIA director John Brennan, FBI director James Comey, the DNC, and Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff. The loose ends in this cover-up have now been so widely exposed as hearsay and political that only 13% of Republicans believe the fact-free story – but 67% of Democrats cling to it.

Whitney reports that Comey began the investigation in July 2016. As of last Friday (March 31, 2017) not a scrap of evidence has turned up.

This did not deter Comey from telling Congress that Putin “hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was that he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much.” So the Russians allegedly “engaged in a multifaceted campaign to undermine our democracy.”

Comey based this conclusion on what has become a hilarious bit of gullibililty. The Russians, he said “were unusually loud in their intervention. It’s almost as if they didn’t care that we knew, that they wanted us to see what they were doing.”

Alternatively, someone wanted investigators to infer that the Russians were doing the hacking. As Wikeleaks Vault 7 releases prove, the CIA can hack computers and leave anyone else’s signature. Due to poor security, the CIA’s cybertechnology ended up in the Internet domain.

“They’ll be back. They’ll be back, in 2020. They may be back in 2018,”
warned Mr. Comey. But who is the “they”? “They” seem to be “us,” or at least what numerous former national security officials have suggested: either the NSC, CIA or its “Five Eyes” partner, British MI6.

Wall Street Journal editorialist Kimberley A. Strassel poses the real question: Why hasn’t the Trump administration had the Secret Service to arrest Comey, Brennan, Schiff, the DNC and Hillary for trying to overthrow the President of the United States?

“Mr. Nunes has said he has seen proof that the Obama White House surveilled the incoming administration - on subjects that had nothing to do with Russia - and that it further unmasked (identified by name) transition officials. This goes far beyond a mere scandal. It’s a potential crime.”

What Devin Nunes Knows

What we are watching is turning out to be traces of a plot against a government elected by the American people. Attempts to get at the truth by House national security committee Chairman Devin Nunes have been countered with demands by Democrats to recuse himself so as to stop his exposé of how “Team Obama was spying broadly on the incoming administration.”

It seems that this has been going on for many years now. Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich has dropped a bombshell about what appears to be his own illegal surveillance under Obama’s NSC.

“When the president raised the question of wiretapping on his phones in Trump Tower, he was challenged to prove that such a thing could happen. It happened to me.”

Here’s what happened, which was revealed two years after he left office in 2013 when the Democrats were overjoyed to see Ohio Republicans redraw the election district lines to get rid of his candidacy.

The Washington Times asked him to authenticate a secret recording of a cell phone call “from Saif el-Islam Qaddafi, a high-ranking official in Libya’s government and a son of the country’s ruler, Moammar Qaddafi.”

Before taking the call, Rep. Kucinich “checked with the House’s general counsel to ensure that such a discussion by a member of Congress with a foreign power was permitted by law.”

“I was assured that under the Constitution a lawmaker had a fundamental duty to ask questions and gather information - activity expressly protected by the Article I clauses covering separation of powers and congressional speech and debate.”

Given the quality of the recordings was excellent on both ends of the call, Kucinich concluded that “the tape was made by an American intelligence agency and then leaked to the Times for political reasons. If so, this episode represented a gross violation of the separation of powers.”

His repeated Freedom of Information Act requests made in 2012 before leaving office have been stonewalled by the intelligence agencies for five years.

We are now in a position to see the real story behind “Russiagate.” It’s not about Russia.

The real news is the Obama regime’s abuse of the government’s surveillance powers to spy on Donald Trump and other Republicans in order to build a dossier for the DNC to leak to the press in an attempt to slander or compromise Trump and throw the election to Hillary.

They’ve been caught, but we can now see that they took steps to protect themselves against this. They prepared a cover story. They pretend they were not spying on Trump, but on Russians – which only by fortuitous happenchance turned up alleged incriminating smoke against Trump.

This cover story was buttressed by the fake news story prepared by former MI6 freelancer Christopher Steele. As Whitney reports, Steele;

“Was hired as an opposition researcher last June to dig up derogatory information on Donald Trump.”

Unvetted and unverified information by so-called informants somehow found its way into U.S. intelligence agency reports. These reports were then leaked to Democrat-friendly media. This is where the crime lies. Obama regime and DNC were using these agencies for domestic political use, KGB style.

The Obama/Clinton cover story is now falling to pieces. That explains the desperation in the attack by Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, on Committee Chairman Devin Nunes to stop the exposure.

Russiagate is not a Trump/Putin collusion but a domestic spy job carried out by Democrats.

Law requires Trump to arrest those responsible and to put them on trial for treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government of the United States.

If Trump fears to prosecute the Obama operatives within the Deep State, they will try all the harder to attack him to the point of forcing his removal or at least discrediting him and his fellow Republicans to pave the way for the 2018 elections.

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Covert War Between Russia And Khazarian Jewry
April 11 2017 | From: Geopolitics

The precursor to the ongoing covert hybrid WW3 has its colorful beginnings in the Kingdom of Khazaria, a Turkic empire which had its epicenter center in what is now known as Ukraine.

Within minutes the false narrative of the Sarin attack in Syria was exposed as a hoax with fake pictures of rescuers with sneeze masks handling gas attack patients. Look in the background and you will probably find that shocked girl, the one crying at Sandy Hook, Boston and Paris.

Comment: Before anyone takes an opportunity to have an anti-semitic hissy-fit - it should be made clear once again that it is the Zionists that hide withihn Judaism and uses them as a cover - that is the problem that we all face.

Related: Russia Calls For Elimination Of Khazarian Mafia World Order + Globalist Corporations Are Blind In The Face Of Doom

Khazarians become known to surrounding countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

800 AD - The Ultimatum is Delivered by Russia and Other Surrounding Nations

The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king.

They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

The Khazarian king was given a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazarian king chose Judaism, and promised to stay within the requirements laid out by the surrounding confederacy of nations led by the Russian czar.

Despite his agreement and promise, the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black-magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood and eating their hearts.

As opposed to most peoples today, the remnants of Khazaria don’t let bygones be bygones. They have been preparing for the big war. They have been infiltrating all of the institutions of the world.

"The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl.

In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism.

This was made the national religion of Khazaria, and nurtured the same evil that Khazaria was known for before.

Sadly, the Khazarians continued their evil ways, robbing and murdering those from surrounding countries who traveled through Khazaria.

Khazarian robbers often attempted to assume their identities after they murdered these visitors, and became masters of disguises and false identities - a practice they have continued even to this very day, along with their child-sacrifice occult ceremonies, which are actually ancient Baal Worship."

Today, they are everywhere, and Russia’s battle is ours, too.

The Truth about the Conflict with Russia

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

- Winston Churchill

The current conflict between the US and Russia is due to one simple reason: the Ashkenazim. They have a debt to settle with Russia. Allow us to forward a bit of chronological tables as we delve into the nitty-gritty behind the conflict.

The Ashkenazim are the descendants of the Gentile (Goy) Ashkenaz, the Japhetite.

“The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Javan… The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.”

- Genesis 10:2,3

“By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands.”

- Genesis 10:5

They are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.

“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.”

- Colossians 3: 11

The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam.

The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins, expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.

Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.

Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion… The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand.

Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.

In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement. Something the Ashkenazim never forgave Russia.

Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators,”
explained famed Christian Russian writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.

The great majority of these vicious Bolsheviks were Ashkenazi Jews such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov.

They were financed by Ashkenazi bankers from New York and London, such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co., who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi Karl Marx, and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous conquest of Russia, while making a few bucks in the process by plundering the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs“.

Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.

Revenge Round 1. Done.

Khazaria overlapped Ukraine & Crimea

Today, Russia is under fire for the conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the neocon Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland in the US State Department, with her neocon Ashkenazi husband Robert Kagan working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution”.

“Many of the participants in Kiev’s ‘EuroMaidan’ demonstrations were members of Soros-funded NGOs and/or were trained by the same NGOs in the many workshops and conferences sponsored by Soros’ International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), and his various Open Society institutes and foundations.

The IRF, founded and funded by Soros, boasts that it has given ‘more than any other donor organization’ to ‘democratic transformation’ of Ukraine,”
wrote William F. Jasper in The New American.

In other words, the Ashkenazim or the Jewish neocons are goading the Russian bear by wagging the American dog. The dog can’t really decline because AIPAC has it by the groin, bribing equally both the Republicans and the Democrats, who are nothing but political whores willing to betray their country and risk the peace of the world. And remember, AIPAC is controlled by powerful Ashkenazi-American business leaders.

Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare.

Why? Because Russia has had the gall to rise from its still warm Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia has had the temerity to arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs”, with some fleeing the country. And because Russia has had the audacity to impede the American war on Syria, which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel.

Revenge Round 2. In progress.

After the destruction of Khazaria, the Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming (Khazarian / Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:

In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.

In the late 1930s, the British Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.

With the support of the then Premier of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.

The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland."

In the wake of World War 2, a great number reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas. However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah.

They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.

“It is certain that there is no ethnic or racial continuum between the Biblical Israelites and the (Ashkenazic) Khazarians who lead the Jewish state,” explained Gilad Atzmon, Jewish writer and musician.

In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and couldn’t care less – but because they’re a shrewd people.

They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.

Was this on Putin’s mind?

Now could it be that, after two successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the current slow-motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new reinvention?

Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar Khaganate – a land that is situated deep inside Russia and encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia?

Could it be that the Ashkenazim’s plan is to take back and re-settle their ancient Khazaria after the Downfall of Apartheid Israel?

Is it why the duly elected President of Ukraine was forcibly removed in order to install a puppet government with a new Prime Minister named Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who according to The Guardian is playing down his Jewish roots (Arseniy Yatsenyuk was recently replaced by another Jew, Volodymyr Groysman)? Will they be okay with just Ukraine? Revenge Round 3? If so, prepare for World War 3.

“I saw the prosperity of the wicked… Their strength is firm… Pride serves as their necklace; Violence covers them like a garment… This is what the wicked are like - always free of concern as they go on amassing wealth... Surely (Lord) You place them on slippery ground… How suddenly they fall and are destroyed, completely swept away by terrors!” Psalm 73:2,4,6,12,18,19

Bolshevik Revolution:

The Jewish Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s, killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches.

World War 1: Britain was losing the war against Germany. The Zionists stepped in and bribed President Wilson to get the US into the war to help them. In return, the Jews asked the British Empire to deed them Palestine to create Israel. Their wish was granted in the form of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which cost the world 18 million dead.

World War 2: The Zionists fomented that war (just like they’re doing today with Iran and other countries in the Middle East), so that European Jews could feel threatened.

The deception worked as European Jews fled in droves to Palestine and took over the homes of Palestinians, who were evicted at gunpoint and then either massacred or driven out of their land into neighboring Arab countries.

With enough Jews on the ground, Israel was created in 1948 at a cost of 80 million dead.

Related: The Truth about the Conflict with Russia

World War 3: Will the Zionists succeed in bringing the world once again to the brink of disaster to create Greater Israel? If they do, will it instead bring about their downfall? Apartheid Israel is truly a scourge. A cancer that needs to be dealt with.

Appeal: Every conscientious individual should implement a personal boycott of Israel and everything made there.

This ancient practice of “virgin offerings,” which continue even today, is based on Baal Worship, or the Worship of the Owl.

The Worship of the Owl is the key ritual at the Bohemian Grove where most leaders of the United States congregate to plot the direction of their rule.

Can you see the Big Owl in Washington DC?

Related: 6 out of 6: ALL of Syria's UNESCO Heritage Sites damaged or destroyed during civil war

We have also seen how ISIS destroyed all of the ancient relics in Palmyra, Syria, which included the UNESCO protected Arch of Triumph, or Baal Shamin, “a temple dedicated to worshiping the Phoenician god of storms and rainfall only to find them displayed in New York, UK and recently Saudi Arabia.

"Arch of Baal" Erected Today in New York City

Temple of Baal - London, UK - April 20th 2016

A recreation of Palmyra’s Arch of Triumph was unveiled in New York on Monday, almost a year after Islamic State militants destroyed the original structure.

The 1,800-year-old Roman arch was blown up by the extremist group last October, but a team of archeologists at Oxford University’s Institute for Digital archeology (IDA) set about recreating it, in an act of resistance to Isis’s rampant acts of cultural destruction in Iraq and Syria.

A recreation of the Palmyra arch, a Roman arch destroyed by Isis, goes on display at City hall Park in New York Photograph: Raya Jalabi for the Guardian

Related: Replica of Syrian arch destroyed by Isis unveiled in New York City

Obviously, they don’t have to carry it over to France.

As an aside, recent medical research has found out that injecting blood from teens reverses aging, which should explain why children continue to disappear around the world even today.

"Injecting blood from young people into old mice improves the mice’s brain power and leads to increased physical activity, according to new research. The finding could lead to breakthroughs for people suffering from degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

The findings, which have yet to be peer-reviewed, were presented at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego, California on Monday, the New Scientist reports."

- Injecting Old Mice with Blood of Teenage Humans Reverses Aging – Study

We don’t have to resort to cannibalism and suck in some amounts of blood from some virgins just to reclaim our youth. Just read the entire linked article, when you have the time, as the real science behind the anti-aging effects is laid in simple terms.

The destruction of the old Baal tower in Palmyra only suggests that some Jewish benefactors of ISIS don’t want the Syrian people to remember that they were once part of the tradition.

The Goyim must be restricted to the religion of subservience, of self-sacrifice, that is fundamentally embedded in the Catholic doctrine, while they, the Rulers of the World, continue to live and worship Baal, the two towers of Hegelian Dialectic, to pit everyone against each other, to divide and conquer the people for all eternity, neither of which should led to enlightenment and the freedom of the individual.

Although Putin can be seen inside Christian churches lighting candles, or even visited the Pope at the height of the efforts to reform the Vatican Bank in the aftermath of the massive resignations of banking CEOs [here], it doesn’t mean that he is already a conscript like the Pope would have wanted him to be.

He is just playing politics like any politicians do. But his Oriental indoctrination should play largely into his decision-making, too.

Vladimir Putin Humiliates BBC Reporter John Simpson

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Syrian False Flag
April 10 2017 | From: Farouk

Isn’t it amazing how quickly the alternative media exposes false flags nowadays?

Within minutes the false narrative of the Sarin attack in Syria was exposed as a hoax with fake pictures of rescuers with sneeze masks handling gas attack patients. Look in the background and you will probably find that shocked girl, the one crying at Sandy Hook, Boston and Paris.

Related: False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

The real comic relief came when Trump issued orders to bomb Syria! 60 Tomahawk million dollar missiles launched at an abandoned airport with pre-announcements made to Syria, Russia and who knows who else at east 30-minutes before.

Then half the missiles going somewhere else! How do you lose a highly accurate million dollar cruise missile?

Obviously this was a charade. Look we targeted an abandoned air base. See the holes!? What is not so obvious is - where are all the other “holes”.

Those were the real targets

Let’s just hope that those other “holes” were filled with ISIS personnel and weapons. You certainly don’t launch an accurate weapon that can pinpoint a target unless you really know where that target really is!

Has anybody spotted a few more new holes in Syria?

And all smiles with Trump and Xi, as if nothing of any importance ever happened. You cannot tell me that they didn’t know the truth of what really happened. “Say Xi, ole buddy, ya got anymore you want me to knock out while I’m at it? Clear the way for your boys on the ground?”

Come on people. Trump, Xi and Putin are cleaning up the mess, so get behind them!

And note that those “not on board” are falling into the trap of exposing themselves for who they really are and what evil things that they are doing to our world. Wake UP!

Related: People Are Finally Learning About False Flag Terror

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How Love Stopped The Cell Tower Next Door
April 10 2017 | From: CollectiveEvolution

What would you do if you heard a giant cell tower was going to be installed on the property next door?

With good old-fashioned neighbourly love, a Colorado mother successfully got her neighbourhood and the local church to refuse cell antenna installation.

Related: Conspiracy Confirmed: Secret Docs Reveal Gov’t Covered Up Cell Phone Cancer Risks For Years

Instead of Verizon’s deployment plan, it was a neighbourhood resolution that had the final say.

Watch the 15-minute convo that may change how you see activism:

"We made our decision based on love for our neighbors.”
-Craig Hasselbach, Lead Pastor, LifePointe Church, Ft. Collins, Colorado

I was thinking about this, and to me it is increasingly clear that coming from love is necessary if we want to see real and lasting change.

I’ve noticed that when I act from frustration, anger, or “ego,” it pushes away what I want, and usually the problem is either the same or worse. As counterintuitive as this may be to old-world thinking, as annoying as it is when we’re pissed off about whatever corrupt agenda, the dynamic seems to be real.

Have you noticed this also, or is your experience different?

Here’s a slide from my talk a couple years ago at the Building Biology conference, which may help illumine the idea:

Related: After years of secrecy, cellphone radiation risks are finally being revealed

Strength + Love = Change

Maybe this is what Jesus, Gandhi, and other world-changers were trying to tell us.

Love isn’t a pushover. With any mama bear, you don’t mess with her cubs. Her exceedingly fierce love doesn’t give up, and it always protects life. Several groups, including our team, are charting new ways of activism in this direction.

Perhaps when we act from a position of strength, we are less focused on our own survival, so it becomes easier to also act from love and build relationships. And with agendas such as “5G” now being pushed (see my video on the FCC & 5G), it’s more important than ever to build and embed relationships into our actions for change.

I believe the combination of strength + love is what will create the systemic change we seek. Perhaps the journey to find our way there, is something all humans are being called to at this time, each in our own way.

After you watch the video, consider meditating on this question: Is there an area in my life where, by applying strength and love, I can apply these principles to shift a situation?

The Hype Surrounding 5G

Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free Speech At 5G Rollout

Heather’s Next Event: April 20th in Denver

By the way, the change-maker in the video is Heather Lahdenpera, LAc. She and a team of leading experts are hosting a free event called Screen Time Colorado in Denver, on April 20, 2017. If you can arrange to be there in person, do so!

Below is Heather’s inspiring perspective. You can read more about the Ft. Collins success story here.

“If we pay attention to what is happening in our country, every day we will see that corporate interests are being put before human and environmental interests in so many areas of our lives. I have always done what I could by signing petitions on line when I see one that speaks to me, but I had never really taken serious action.

It is easy to become paralyzed by the feeling of powerlessness. However, when I found out that a cell tower was proposed to be placed on top of a church roof, right next door to my childrens’ school and within line of sight of my house, I could not stand idle.

I understood the dangers of yet another layer of radio frequency radiation being placed near my children and family."

The Secret Inside Your Cellphone

As new science fuels the debate about cellphone safety, we take a closer look at a little known message inside your cellphone's settings and manual telling you to keep the device 5 to 15 mm away from your body.

We ask why this message exists, why it's so hidden, and whether Health Canada is doing enough to protect us.

“So, I took action. It was the most empowering thing I have ever done. As I began to notify and mobilize the neighborhood, many neighbors began to thank me for taking action.

They believed there was nothing that could be done to stop this. Once people knew they had a forum where they could voice their concerns, the community worked together and we made a small dent in this growing problem.

I found that I shared values with my neighbors, many of whom I didn’t previously know. The church leaders at our neighborhood church, LifePointe, listened to our concerns and decided not to place a cell tower on their roof.

I feel moved to stay involved with this extraordinary church with which I had had no prior connection.

I encourage everyone to take a stand for things that matter, especially our health.”

- Heather Lahdenpera, LAc, Fort Collins, Colorado

Related: Seventeen Ohio Cities File Lawsuit To Stop 5G Cell Towers Everywhere

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump’s Syria Strike: What They’re Not Telling You
April 9 2017 | From: Infowars

[Comment: We can confirm that the Syrian strikes were taken to destroy weapon chaches. There were no casualities, despite what the Western cabal-propoganda would like you so very much to believe as they would work towards removing you from their way also.]
Strikes could trigger reconciliation, coalition with Russia to stop ISIS.

What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services that drive the real economy to the payment of interest and fees to banks.

Related: Syrian President Says Terrorists Are Mixed In With Refugees + Russian MP Says Terrorists' Days Are Numbered In Syria After Palmyra's Liberation

While this is not meant to be an endorsement of President Trump’s missile strike against a Syrian air base, here’s some points to consider:

The air strikes were limited to an airfield, yet the runway was unharmed, meaning the air base is still operational.  Six MiG-23s were destroyed along with a storage depot, a training building, a canteen and a radar station. Six people were killed and several others wounded.

The Syrian government called the strike “blatant aggression,” but stopped short of calling it an act of war.

Russia was warned about the strike beforehand… and Russian officials likely warned Syria as well. “Russian forces were notified in advance of the strike using the established deconfliction line,” said Pentagon spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis. “U.S. military planners took precautions to minimize risk to Russian or Syrian personnel located at the airfield.”

The strike was the “most limited” military option presented to Trump, according to the New York Times.

If this strike didn’t happen, and Trump went to Russia to forge a coalition to fight ISIS, the neo-cons in Congress and his administration would undermine him while claiming publicly he’s a “Russian puppet.” 

But now, with the strike, he can “deescalate” tensions with Russia into a coalition to fight ISIS
under the guise of stopping bloodshed in Syria… which is really targeting ISIS, not Assad.

Days before, Russia actually made the unusual public statement that its support for Assad was “not unconditional.” Was Russia told about the potential strike days before?

Trump indicated the strike was meant to send a message… but keep in mind, the runway is still operational.  This was a slap on the wrist as far as harming Assad’s ability to wage war against ISIS.

When the strikes occurred, he was also hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping, so “sending a message” isn’t just limited to Syria.  Trump likely sees the North Korea and China situation as a real threat to the US.

The mainstream media can no longer claim Trump is “Putin’s puppet.”

Likewise, leftists are cucked even more because this is more than what Obama ever did, despite Obama actually wanting a war in Syria complete with “regime change.” Remember his “red line” meant to trigger Iraq 2.0.

This doesn’t help ISIS considering six Soviet-era MIG-23s are fairly easily replaced and, once again, the runway is unharmed. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are effectively neutered in their attacks against Trump.

Some of Trump’s statements are worded carefully, such as: “Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,” he said. “It was a slow and brutal death for so many.” 

As we reported on Wednesday, some of the babies appeared to have been murdered, but not necessarily from gas.  And if weaponized sarin gas was used by Syria – and not the weaker version homemade by terrorists – you’d expect affected children to die quicker.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Nostalgia Pendulum: A Rolling 30-Year Cycle Of Pop Culture Trends
April 9 2017 | From: ThePatterning

You may have noticed that there’s been a fair amount of 80’s nostalgia hanging in the air for the past several years.

Many of the biggest pop songs seem to have just that right mix of retro drum machine beats and epic synthesizers - from Bruno Mars to Haim to Rihanna to Robyn to M8380’s movie remakes are everywhere these days - from 21 Jump Street to RoboCop to The Karate Kid to Ghostbusters. 80’s fashion is having a renaissance as well. And, you know… Stranger Things.

There’s a reason that the culture of the 1980’s is experiencing a resurgence right now. Just as there’s a reason that we’re in the early days of getting more build-up of 90’s nostalgia. It’s not all that complicated, but it is a pattern that has profound consequences for how art is created, how we conceptualize culture, and perhaps even what sort of political rhetoric comes into vogue.

The pattern is this: pop culture is forever obsessed with a nostalgia pendulum that regularly resurfaces things from 30 years ago.

How Memory Shapes the World

There are a number of reasons why the nostalgia pendulum shows up, but the driving factor seems to be that it takes about 30 years for a critical mass of people who were consumers of culture when they were young to become the creators of culture in their adulthood.

The art and culture of their childhood (e.g. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comics in 1984) helped them achieve comfort and clarity in their world, and so they make art that references that culture and may even exist wholly within that universe (e.g. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 film reboot, 30 years later). 

Since most of the other fashionable creators around them also lived through the same period, they too indulge in the “new” nostalgic trend that’s being repurposed, creating a kind of feedback loop where all parties involved want to contribute more and more work that revives that same zeitgeist.

It can be explained equally well from the consumer side. After about 30 years, you’ve got a real market of people with disposable income who are nostalgic for their childhoods. So artists working in popular mediums are rewarded for making art that appeals to this audience.

Like many pop culture patterns, some aspects of this phenomenon are intentional, and some aspects are an organic product of the personal histories of the creators involved. Film studios and advertisers, for instance, often consciously use the nostalgia pendulum to build an audience’s emotional attachment with the release of something new.

On the flip side, the writers and toy makers and musicians who are creating the artifacts of culture really do have fondness and nostalgia for the themes of their childhood that they’re referencing.

So J.J. Abrams really was a kid during the summer of 1979 in which Super 8 is set. It just so happens that 1979 was 32 years prior to the film’s release in 2011, which means it also resonates with a broad market of newly financially solvent adults.

The nostalgia pendulum also matches up nicely with Walter Dean Burnham’s theory of critical realignment in U.S. elections. Building on previous theories of realigning elections, he posits that, due to demographic changes like the ones described above, every 30-38 years, a critical election occurs that drastically changes the dominant political framework.

In these realignments, the ideology tends to oscillate between a focus on private interest and a focus on public interest. There seems to be general agreement that 2016 was not a realigning election, but a rhetoric of nostalgia certainly played a crucial role in the outcome of the 2016 election.

Slogans like “Make America Great Again” coupled with racist dog-whistle politics that makes references to things like “law and order” hearkens back to the Reagan era of 30 years ago and its antecedents.

Considering the grip that corporate power has held on the country for the last 30 years, and knowing that the majority of Americans think the distribution of wealth in this country is unfair, a rebound realignment toward a focus on public interest is not inconceivable.

This is only made more possible in light of the fact that the 45th president - who is clearly sitting in the oval office purely to make money - prompted the largest day of protest in U.S. history and currently has the highest disapproval rating of any newly elected president in U.S. history.

Show Me the Data

The nostalgia pendulum is a phenomenon I’ve been taking note of anecdotally for several years now, but I decided it was worth gathering some more evidence to support my hypothesis.

While all sorts of artistic mediums get remade, remixed, and adapted in this same 30-year cycle (hip hop beats reused in pop songs, comics turning into movies, books becoming plays, etc), film remakes are some of the most noticeable artifacts of this process.

I therefore decided to analyze over 500 film remakes from the past century to see if the nostalgia pendulum would rear its head out of the data [*]. Short answer: it did. The far left side of this graph shows that many films get remade only a few years after the original. This is a kind of bandwagon effect, which in its most benevolent form can be attributed to multiple discovery (people coincidentally arriving independently at the same idea by tapping into the same cultural themes), and in its most capitalist interpretation is clearly market-driven (using the success of the original to make a few extra bucks by iterating on the same story, characters, or ideas).

That cluster on the left-hand side is also why twin films are so often released only months apart (think of Dante’s Peak vs. VolcanoAntz vs. A Bug’s Life,‪The Illusionist vs. ‪The Prestige, or (heaven help us) Unfriended vs. Friend Request).

However, it’s the next big cluster of remakes that concerns us here. If we include all the data, the average time-to-remake is 22.92 years, with the median at 24 years.

But, of course, those early bandwagon remakes skew things toward the lower end, masking that the next biggest cluster of remakes happens right at the next swing of the nostalgia pendulum - around 30 years after their original.

Prominent Examples of the Nostalgia Pendulum

Below, in order to drive this home with some examples you’ll recognize, I’ve included some famous remakes from the past 20 years that fit into the paradigm of the nostalgia pendulum.

The Parent Trap (1961 - 1998, 37 years)
Star Wars (1977) -> Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) - 22 years
Gone in 60 Seconds (1974-2000, 26 years)
Planet of the Apes (1968-2001, 33 years)
Carrie (1976-2002) — 26 years
Strawberry Shortcake Doll (1979) -> Strawberry Shortcake TV series (2003) - 23 years
Dawn of the Dead (1978-2004, 26 years)
King Kong (1933-1976, 43 years; 1976-2005, 29 years)
The Omen (1976-2006, 30 years)
Halloween (1978-2007, 29 years)
Raiders of the Last Ark (1981) -> Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - 27 years
Fame (1980-2009, 29 years)
Tron (1982) -> Tron: Legacy (2010) - 28 years
Footloose (1984-2011, 27 years)
RoboCop (1987-2014, 27 years)
‪Jurassic Park (1993) -> ‪Jurassic World (2015) - 22 years
Ghostbusters (1984-2016, 32 years)
Beauty and the Beast (1991-2017, 26 years)

Stranger Things

As mentioned in the opening of this article, probably one of the most beautifully shameless culprits to intentionally exploit the nostalgia pendulum is the Netflix original series Stranger Things. In this case, it wasn’t just a few people gathered in a room that decided which retro TV shows and movies to hearken back to. 

With Netflix’s recommender system at work gathering data on the preferences of all of its 93 million users, it’s very likely that a large number of the show’s influences were algorithmically determined. The result is a powerfully crafted piece of art with a somewhat terrifying degree of success.

Related: Stranger Things Based on a True Story Montauk Project

There’s a great side-by-side comparison video that shows just how exactly Stranger Things paid homage to its predecessors. For our purposes, here is a list of many of those influences and how long it was between their release and the release of Stranger Things (2016).

Dungeons & Dragons tabletop game (1974) - 42 years (reached popularity in late 70’s and early 80’s, which makes this closer to 30 years)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - 39 years
Alien (1979) - 37 years
E.T. (1982) - 34 years
The Thing (1982) - 34 years
Poltergeist (1982) - 34 years
Firestarter (1984) - 32 years
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - 32 years
Explorers (1985) - 31 years
The Goonies (1985) - 31 years
Stand By Me (1986) - 30 years

Everything Old Is New Again

This cyclical view of time and culture fits in with the broader sociological concept of social cycle theory. It fits with the numerous cosmological, physical, and biological cycles that are observed in the universe around us. It fits with the Hindu and Buddhist concept of Kalachakra - the wheel of time. It fits with the concept of Eternal Return that spans countless cultures.

It’s important to note, however, that many of these theories do not discount the forward progress of time. We are in for quite a shock if we think that the next 30 years, as climate change continues to affect more and more of our daily life, will be like anything we have seen before.

Still, there is a certain comfort in watching these cultural patterns come back around. The wheel of time rolls forward, yet remains steady on its axle. [*] Notes (nerdy thoughts to follow, continue at your own peril): 

My data source for comparing original and remake films was Wikipedia - List of film remakes (A–M) and List of film remakes (N–Z). Wikipedia can be a great resource for aggregated data, especially for non-controversial data like film release dates. And because there’s such a large community around Wikipedia, there are a number of export tools that can help you quickly grab the data from an article, no coding required.

In this instance, I used Wiki Table to CSV to get a CSV-formatted version of the table that displayed original and remake movies with their dates. After opening the CSV in Excel, I was able to use some FIND functions in Excel to extract the dates from between parentheses.

A little bit of clean-up, and voila! A nice, neat set of columns with a date for the original and a date for the remake of 533 titles. After that it’s just a subtraction function to get the difference between the year of the remake and the year of the original.

In the analysis, I always used the earliest original date listed, and if multiple remakes were listed, I tended toward using the date of the most famous remake (e.g. 12 Angry Men (1997) instead of 12 (2007)). In situations where I was less familiar with the film (certain foreign films, for instance) or there were 2 films of equal popularity, I chose the date of the earlier remake.

For the sake of my sanity I did not try to go through every film and figure out the month they were released and whether that impacted the number of years between original and remake. I therefore just subtracted one year from the other. Lastly, I made the histogram graph at Westa.net.

For anyone interested, the Excel spreadsheet with film data is here: film-remakes.xls

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Current Events: Farage, Syria & Bannon
April 8 2017 | From: Infowars / Geopolitics / Infowars / Various

Architect of Brexit rips globalist bullies + Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad + To attack Trump, corporate media over-exaggerates friction within White House.

Related: Susan Rice Behind Unmasking (Illegal Exposure) of Trump Team Bugged by NSA

Farage Flames EU Parliament: ‘You’re Behaving Like Mafia Gangsters’

Architect of Brexit rips globalist bullies.

Nigel Farage left EU parliamentarians whinging and clutching their pearls after flaming them in a hearing on Wednesday, charging that they are “behaving like the mafia” in his response to threats and unjust pressure being applied during Brexit negotiations.

"You’ve shown yourselves, with these demands, to be vindictive, to be nasty – all I can say is, thank goodness we are leaving,”
Farage said. “You’re behaving like the mafia.”

“You think we’re a hostage – we’re not, we’re free to go.”

Farage was immediately booed by the cabal of globalist thugs, and the President of the EU Parliament, Antonio Tajani, personally interjected to admonish Farage for his accusation.

“You’re saying this Parliament is behaving like the mafia, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s unacceptable,” Tajani threatened, while his colleagues clapped.

“I do understand, Mr. President, I do understand national sensitivies,” Farage replied, likely alluding to the fact that Tajani is Italian.

“I’ll change it to ‘gangsters,'” he fired off, as the lion’s den erupted in boo’s.

“What must be very difficult for you to all get into your minds is that there is a bigger world out there than the European Union,”
Farage continued. “85% of the global economy is outside of the European Union.”

“We don’t have to buy German motorcars; we don’t have to drink French wine; we don’t have to eat Belgian chocolate – there are a lot of other people who will give that to us.”

Farage delivered his blistering address just feet away from Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, who has demanded of his colleagues that they ensure Britain’s trade status is lower than that of EU member states after the UK officially disconnects.

“A third country cannot have the same benefits as a member state,”
Juncker said. “This parliament must and will ensure this reality is fully upheld over the course of the next two years.”

This latest row in parliament comes just hours after a Spanish warship entered UK territorial waters off Gibraltar in a provocative move condemned by former British naval Chief, Admiral Lord West.

“The danger is when you do this sort of things, something could escalate. There’s always a danger someone gets killed or something like that,” he said.

Gibraltar has responded to the EU’s pettiness by saying the crumbling superstate is behaving like a “cuckolded husband who is taking it out on the children.”

Noble Energy’s Natural Gas Discovery launched US-Israeli Operation ISIS to Oust Assad

Although the fossil-based energy systems are rendered obsolete more than a century ago, the Vatican-led Corporatocracy would like us to sustain this planet’s technological mediocrity as it serves its purpose of gaining subservience from all its subjects.

More than that, it provided the rationale why its puppet governments must invade and conquer other resource rich countries, in a larger scheme of divide and conquer for all eternity.

Related: Latest Syrian Chemical Attack Follows History of False Flag Provocations

Noble Energy natural gas discovery in the Levant Basin launched US Israeli Operation ISIS/ISIL to overthrow Syrian government

The United States, Israeli and Saudi governments joined forces and launched paramilitary Operation ISIS after CIA and Mossad mercenaries were unsuccessful in overthrowing the Syrian government of President Assad. 

The US and Israeli governments’ sole objective is to deny and steal Syria’s offshore oil and gas rights.  The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea guarantees Syria a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone offshore.

In July 2010 Noble Energy, a petroleum and natural gas exploration and production company headquartered in Houston, Texas discovered oil and natural gas in the Levant Basin. The Levant has throughout history meant Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.  The discovery is the largest discovery in the history of Noble Energy, “more than 40 Tcf of natural gas resources in the Levant Basin”.

Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing - Or False Flag?

Related: Ron Paul: Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria Likely a False Flag

According to International law, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine (Gaza) all have rights to extract oil and gas from the Levant Basin as they all have a 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone offshore. The US and Israel know this but are intent on robbing Syria, Lebanon and Palestinians of $billions in oil and gas revenue.

An exclusive economic zone is a sea zone prescribed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind.  Syria, Lebanon and Palestine’s oil and gas rights stretches out to 200 nautical miles (nmi) from their respective coast.

PRESS Core first reported this 3 years ago with the report titled “Oil and Gas find offshore Syria motive for US Israeli mercenary uprising and bloodshed in Syria“.

This report is meant to help you understand why US President Barack Obama, the Crown (Pope Francis), former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, current Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, former UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Saudi King Salman, Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, NATO and the New World Order HQ UN joined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in fabricating an ISIS terrorist threat. ISIS also known as ISIL or Daesh or just IS is codename for a paramilitary Operation to overthrow Syrian President Assad.

ISIS as a terrorist group is purely propaganda. ISIS is a means to keep you and the World distracted while the US, Canadian, UK, Turkey, Saudi Arabian and its Gulf Coast Council (GCC), and Israeli governments commit heinous crimes in Syria, Iraq, Gaza and against their own people.

Just Say No; Trump Being Pressured By Neo-Cons to Attack Syria

‘… just informed that ISIS and ISIL are 2 different Operations. However, the 2 Ops work effectively as one. Both are used as a means to achieve the same end result – US Israel hostile takeover of the Levant states’ oil and gas.

The codename ISIS is predominately used by the US and Israeli governments to coordinate and describe CIA Mossad terrorism. ISIS refers only to CIA and Mossad acts of and threats of terrorism.

The codename ISIL is predominately used by the US and Israeli governments to coordinate and describe CIA, Israeli, Saudi GCC paramilitary operations in the Levant, the region where in 2010 US oil and gas exploration company Noble Energy discovered very large deposits of oil and gas.

Operation ISIL is the US, Israel waging unconventional war against and in Syria, Palestine (Gaza) and Lebanon to deny those states their oil and gas rights.

Humanity has waited long enough to realize that peaceful means don’t work all the time and in most cases, have only empowered the high-profile shenanigans occupying the highest echelons of our society.

They believe that in the natural system, only the fittest survives. So far, they are right, as not one of them has been arrested yet for corruption, treason, or pedophilia.

Latest Syrian Chemical Attack Follows History of False Flag Provocations

Related Articles:

Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag?

Scott Adams: Syria Gas Attack a False Flag

Just Say No; Trump Being Pressured By Neo-Cons to Attack Syria

Here’s how the White Helmets got their Oscars…

White Helmets’ Macabre Manipulation of Dead Children, Staged Chemical Attack

UN Peace Council Drops The Truth On Syria And Propaganda Media

Report: Bannon’s Removal A Whipped-Up Controversy By Mainstream Media

To attack Trump, corporate media over-exaggerates friction within White House.

Chief Strategist Steve Bannon’s removal from the National Security Council might not be as big of a deal as reported by the mainstream media, which takes shots at Bannon whenever possible.

Related: Putin blasts "endless and groundless" election meddling claims

A White House official said Bannon was on the NSC to monitor Trump’s first National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, and never attended an official meeting.

Steve Bannon Out

Now that Flynn is gone, there’s apparently no longer a reason for Bannon to stay on the NSC, and remember his appointment to the council as chief strategist was unprecedented for an administration.

Bloomberg, which broke the story, even admitted this, albeit at the bottom of its article.

“He’s no longer needed with [new National Security Adviser H.R.] McMaster in charge of the council, the official said,”
Bloomberg reported.

Bannon himself stated that Obama’s former National Security Advisor Susan Rice had “operationalized” the council and he was placed on the NSC to undo that.

“I was put on to ensure that it was de-operationalized,” Bannon said. “General McMaster has returned the NSC to its proper function.”

In other words, Trump placed someone he trusted on the NSC to ensure rogue elements of the federal government, many of whom are still loyal to former President Obama, would not undermine him as he settled into the White House.

The NSC was created in 1947 to coordinate the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and other agencies towards common national security goals.

It would be well within the mainstream media’s modus operandi to over-exaggerate Bannon’s removal to fuel a false narrative of friction within the Trump administration in an attempt to “delegitimize” the president.

And it is, by extension, an indirect attack on alternative media as Bannon is still seen as a public figure for Breitbart News, despite leaving the news outlet to join the Trump administration.

Over the past month, numerous mainstream headlines claimed the White House was a violent arena for in-fighting.

For example, the Washington Post, whose owner Jeff Bezos is no fan of Trump, published a March 5 article entitled “Inside Trump’s fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations.”

President Trump finally confronted these media allegations on Twitter.

Related: Russian government posts April Fools' Day prank offering "election interference"

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The World’s Best Economist
April 8 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

If you want to learn real economics instead of neoliberal junk economics, read Michael Hudson’s books.

What you will learn is that neoliberal economics is an apology for the rentier class and the large banks that have succeeded in financializing the economy, shifting consumer spending power from the purchase of goods and services that drive the real economy to the payment of interest and fees to banks.

Related: London School Of Economics – everything but the truth

His latest book is J is for Junk Economics. It is written in the form of a dictionary, but the definitions give you the precise meaning of economic terms, the history of economic concepts, and describe the transformation of economics from classical economics, where the emphasis was on taxing incomes that are not the product of the production of goods and services, to neoliberal economics, which rests on the taxation of labor and production.

This is an important difference that is not easy to understand. Classical economists defined “unearned income” as “economic rent.”

This is not the rent that you pay for your apartment. Economic rent is an income stream that has no counterpart in cost incurred by the receipient of the income stream.

For example, when a public authority, say the city of Alexandria, Virginia, decides to connect Alexandria with Washington, D.C., and with itself, with a subway paid for with public money, the owners of property along the subway line experience a rise in property values.

They owe their increased wealth and their increased incomes from the rental values of their properties to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars. If these gains were taxed away, the subway line could have been financed without taxpayers’ money

Related: Mr Draghi, what are you afraid of? Release #TheGreekFiles!

It is these gains in value produced by the subway, or by a taxpayer-financed road across property, or by having beachfront property instead of property off the beach, or by having property on the sunny side of the street in a business area that are “economic rents.” Monopoly profits due to a unique positioning are also economic rents.

Hudson adds to these rents the interest that governments pay to bondholders when governments can avoid the issuance of bonds by printing money instead of bonds.

When governments allow private banks to create the money with which to purchase the government’s bonds, the governments create liabilities for taxpayers than are easily avoidable if, instead, government created the money themselves to finance their projects.

The buildup of public debt is entirely unnecessary. No less money is created by the banks that buy government bonds than would be created if the government printed money instead of bonds.

The inability of neoliberal economics to differentiate income streams that are economic rents with no cost of production from produced output makes the National Income and Product Accounts, the main source of data on economic activity in the US, extremely misleading. The economy can be said to be growing because public debt-financed investment projects raise the rents along subway lines.

Related: Goldman Sachs Caught Manipulating US Dollar

“Free market” economists today are different from the classical free market economists. Classical economists, such as Adam Smith, understood a free market to be one in which taxation freed the economy from untaxed economic rents. In neoliberal economics, Hudson explains, “free market” means freedom for rent extraction free of government taxation and regulation. This is a huge difference.

Consequently, today the US economy is focused by policymakers including the Federal Reserve on maximizing rentier income at the expense of the growth in the real economy. Rentier income has the productive economy in a death grip.

The economy cannot grow, because consumer income is siphoned off into payment of interest and fees to banks, and is not available for increased purchases of real goods and services.

Independently I arrived at Hudson’s conclusion that neoliberal economics is a device for ripping off workers and producers in order to convey awards to the rentier class.

Neoliberal economics is a predatory device that justifies the exorbitant incomes of the One Percent while blaming rising debt on those forced into debt-peonage in order to survive.

Hudson’s virtue is that he explains the historical development of debt-peonage and makes it clear that this is the status that the One Percent intends for the 99 Percent. He resurrects classical economics and reformulates economic theory in keeping with the facts on the ground instead of rentier interests.

Hudson is a coauthor of mine. In former times it would have been inappropriate for me to review the work of a colleague. However, the neoliberal apologists for the One Percent are not going to confront themselves with Hudson’s facts. As I do not think that my integrity or Hudson’s is in question, I have no qualms about introducing you to this major work.

Buy the book. Read and study the book. Learn to rise far above corrupt neoliberal economics.

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Major Strikes Against The Shadow Government Happening Now
April 7 2017 | From: WakingTimes

We’ve been promised that there are white hats taking down the cabal - the shadow government that even six former presidents have referenced - but is it really true?

Here are some of the pieces of the puzzle which suggest that the shadow government is actually failing against their opponents:

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The Marble Framework is Exposed

The  3rd Vault 7 Wikileaks release suggests that the white hats just completed a major chess move against the deep state. In essence, the Vault 7 release reveals that the CIA has anti-forensic programs in place (to cover their rear-ends).

These are 676 source code files for the CIA’s secret anti-forensic Marble Framework. Marble is used to hamper forensic investigators and anti-virus companies from attributing viruses, trojans and hacking attacks to the CIA, but more importantly, it shows that they can cover up their own computer hacking into intelligence “dumps” such as suggesting Russia is responsible for everything happening in the U.S.

The Feds Are About to Be Audited

Just a few days ago Jason Chaffetz shocked everyone by saying that the House Panel on Government Reform was going to Audit the Federal Reserve.

The House panel has approved legislation that will allow a government watchdog audit the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy decisions, a move bitterly opposed by the central bank. The move was passed after only about 30 minutes of debate. They had their minds made up it was time to sink these fools.

Other bills have been submitted before to audit the Fed that were shot down, but President Trump has expressed interest in carrying this one through. Let’s hope he actually supports this one to the bitter end. The Fed’s total abolishment would start with an audit, which would then give us ample proof of reason to shut them down for good.

The Truth About Vaccines is Likely Around the Corner

Del Bigtree the producer of the movie Vaxxed, says CDC Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson and his claims are being investigated. When he asked the oversight committee charged with investigating Dr. William Thompson’s claims that MMR vaccines were causing autism in the past he was met with blank stares.

He is now reporting that every politician he speaks to knows exactly who Thompson is, and that his claims are being investigated.

The Syrian War Policy Has Been Changed

Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) called out our government a few weeks back and asked them to stop funding terrorists, after travelling to Syria for herself on a secret trip to see exactly what was going on.

The U.S. also admitted that the ISIS headquarters they just blew up was an innocent family’s home, and Assange says the CIA created ISIS. Maybe that’s why the Syrian war policy is suddenly abruptly changing.

Something is Brewing with Pizzagate

After doing an abrupt about-face on Pizzagate, Alex Jones issued a formal apology. This should clue us in that things are heating up. Big media players like Money magazine and NPR reported the heck out of this abrupt change in opinion, without explaining why Jones would be so brash as to talk up the pedophile problem and then act as if it suddenly didn’t exist.

This news is also timed just weeks after Trump signed the Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking.

Now John Podesta is seeking immunity if he is to testify about Hillary, and other pedophilia business, which he has been linked to. I’m not sure who is about to wail on all the big wigs.

It could be Podesta, or someone else to save their own rear-ends, but someone’s about to give up the goose. This could spell the beginning of the end for international pedophilia rings in the U.S. and U.K.

Our times stay interesting, if nothing else. Let’s hope the white hats are winning, and with our help to pass the message, the cabal’s attempts to control information are at least stymied.

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How To Spot A Media Psy-Op
April 7 2017 | From: Newslogue

I enjoy a good conspiracy theory as much as the next peddler of anti-establishment vitriol. If you can hold them loosely, conspiracy theories can keep you conceptually and ideologically fluid so you don’t settle into any single set of perceptual or cognitive habits with this political stuff, and as an added bonus they tend to consistently infuriate all the worst kinds of people at all the right times.

But this article is not about conspiracy theory. What I’ll be sharing with you here are verifiable matters of public record which I encourage you to independently investigate if anything you read here is new to you.

Related: Media Is In Complete Free-Fall Among Illuminati Arrest Precursors

I emphasize this not because I want you to believe me, but because we need as many eyes on this stuff as possible.

The American political establishment appears to have settled into an aggressive disinformation campaign against its own citizens as a result of the way it lost control of the narrative in 2016, and that campaign is only escalating.

In 2005, President George W. Bush admitted in a televised press conference that the US government creates its own “news” videos to give to the press, who often air those stories with no disclaimers informing viewers that they are watching government-generated media. In 2013, the US government implemented the negation of a 1948 law which had made it illegal for it to conduct psychological operations (psy-ops) on its citizens.

The 2017 NDAA allots a portion of the defense budget to a new State Department-run “counter-propaganda” program to fight certain types of information Americans are getting from the internet.

So when I tell you that the American government is known to actively use the media to psychologically manipulate the American people, that isn’t some wacky conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. These people have been legalizing and legislating psy-ops campaigns because they want to use them.

A lot of my readers probably tuned out from mainstream media long ago, as did I, but as the manipulators of the political establishment become more desperate their movements are becoming a lot more obvious, and they’ve been giving us a lot of valuable information lately.

I encourage you to tune back in as much as you feel inclined to, because when they really overextend, these mouthpieces of the oligarchy actually tell us where they don’t want us to look. Here are a few things you can watch out for to spot their manipulations:

The Slogan

Whenever you hear all the talking heads on TV suddenly start using the same phrase at the same time, you are hearing a slogan, a marketing ploy cooked up by a political think tank in the same way corporate think tanks come up with slogans for their products like “I’m lovin’ it” or “Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!” Only political slogans aren’t geared to manipulate you into buying a product, they’re geared to manipulate you into buying into an idea. 

In 2003 while the corporate media was manufacturing consent for the Iraq invasion, everyone suddenly started using the phrase “Support our troops.” It was everywhere.

“Support our troops, support our troops!” You couldn’t watch the news without hearing it frequently peppered into the conversation, which is bizarre because taken on its own the phrase is essentially meaningless.

The opposition to the Iraq war wasn’t rooted in a lack of “support” for the individuals in the armed forces, it was opposition to the invasion itself and the decision to do so made by politicians in DC.

But all at once corporate media began slamming the American psyche with the absurd subconscious notion that if you didn’t support the invasion you must therefore hate soldiers and marines

Following Hillary Clinton’s loss due to counter-establishment ideas and information being circulated largely via alternative media outlets, we began seeing the phrase “fake news” being constantly bleated with very broad brush strokes in a transparent attempt to lump dissenting alternative media outlets in with Macedonian clickbait and Russian propaganda.

And it was fairly successful at first; for weeks every single one of my opinion articles was getting comments calling them “fake news” despite being neither fake nor news.

Alternative media was getting slammed with this deliberate government psy-op, and luckily there was a strong pushback against it wherein every time CNN or the Washington Post published an unsubstantiated and inflammatory claim there was widespread use of their own slogan against them.

WaPo recently announced that it’s “time to retire the term fake news” since it’s been co-opted by the political right, and it’s true; you now hear that term being used more often on right-leaning mainstream media than on the left. By hijacking the term, they broke the spell, causing it to become an ineffective psy-op.

The Non-Sequitur

Pay close attention to when establishment shills interject a phrase that doesn’t seem to really “fit” with the rest of their words. Whenever you see the CIA-funded Washington Post arbitrarily start babbling about Pizzagate in the middle of an article about something or someone who opposes the political establishment, even when the hard substance of the report has nothing whatsoever to do with Pizzagate, you are seeing this psy-op at work.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo is an absolute wizard with this trick. The son of a former Democratic New York Governor and brother of a current Democratic New York Governor, Cuomo is political establishment royalty, and he appears to have been groomed for his job.

Cuomo went to law school instead of studying journalism, but has been given a prominent spot on the media juggernaut Clinton News Network, where he routinely inserts ideas into his commentary that are designed to fly below the radar and bury themselves deep in America’s subconscious. 

My readers might remember Cuomo as the guy who casually slipped the absurd notion that it’s illegal for Americans to read WikiLeaks into his report, which to me is less notable for how blatantly manipulative it is than for the way Americans finally caught him in the act.

It was a very brief insertion, just a few seconds long, but some alert viewers were able to isolate it and go “Hey! What did you just do there? You’re tricking us!”

Which is great, but this was the only time Cuomo has really been caught in a big way. Watch the clip here and get a feel for how bizarrely his sentences are structured when you really listen to his words; whenever you see a pundit word-salading like that, it’s probably because they’re slipping a toxic idea into what they’re serving you.

Watch this clip here from his town hall with Bernie Sanders where out of nowhere Cuomo inserts the idea into viewers’ minds that the oligarchy isn’t the problem Sanders makes it out to be. Notice how his comment that Joe Biden “doesn't think 500 billionaires are behind every problem that America has” had nothing to do with anything anyone was talking about at the time, including Cuomo, and how weirdly and nonsensically he slips that spell into the mix.

It looks weirder written down, since he works his magic with such confidence; here’s a transcript from CNN if you want to see it in writing.

You can see a more overt example here in his interview with Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, where he somehow manages to force the adamant assertion “Assad is a tyrant, that he is an oppressor of his people and he needs to be taken out in the name of democracy” into the form of a question to help inoculate viewers from Gabbard’s anti-establishment message involving Syria.

Related: Facts You Need To Know About Syria & Syrian President Bashar Al Assad Fields Questions From French Media And Defends Alternative Media

It’s a magic trick. I don’t know where he learned it or why he relentlessly uses it on the American public, but the technique he’s using is called neuro-linguistic programming and it’s well-known among magicians. Check out UK magician Derren Brown who uses it extensively in his act to manipulate people into doing what he wants so he can appear to be psychic.

During his show, he sprinkles subconscious messages throughout his patter so his “predictions” come true at the end. These words and phrases that are so odd and out of context that they should jump out at you, but the mind smooths it over and moves on to the next thing he says. These tiny weird little phrases don’t even need to be repeated that often for them to work

And work, they do. He can get any three people from the audience to collaborate to select a word of his choosing out of a possible 1.6 million words, seemingly at random to the participants.

The only difference with Brown is that it’s a part of his reveal at the end, and he walks you through how he manipulated everyone. Watch here to see him walk an audience through how he got them to choose that one word from 1.6 million for him, complete with video clips of each insertion. 

I guarantee you Chris Cuomo has made a study of neuro-linguistic programming or something similar as part of his establishment grooming. His quick, rhythmic delivery and seamless insertions are the hallmark of a genius-level NLP practitioner.

The Forced Association

This psy-op is designed to forcefully marry two unrelated ideas in the minds of the audience for the benefit of the political establishment. Half a year after the Iraq invasion, a poll by USA Today found that 70 percent of Americans still believed that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11.

This wasn’t because reporters were directly saying this; they never could have gotten away with such blatant falsehoods.

What they could get away with was consistently making sure they mentioned Saddam Hussein in the same breath as the September 11th attacks over and over again, and I remember them doing this frequently.

They’d mention the “intelligence” which said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, and then they’d say something about the possibility of another attack similar to 9/11.

They did this on purpose as part of corporate media’s well-documented participation in manufacturing consent for the invasion, and it worked.

A recent YouGov poll found that 50 percent of Hillary Clinton voters believe that the Russian government tampered with vote tallies to help Donald Trump win the presidential election.

This is because media outlets, nearly all of which are owned by just five powerful companies in the US, have been deliberately using phrases like “election hacking” and “hacked the election” instead of phrases like “hacked the DNC emails” or “spearphishing John Podesta’s emails” which would have been an infinitely more accurate reflection of the actual substance of their reports.

People were tricked into marrying those two ideas, and now half the Democrats you meet will likely believe that Putin was involved in hacking actual election booths or vote tallies.

A few days ago we saw the same thing when Donald Trump lashed out at Rep. John Lewis for saying he didn’t consider him a legitimate President; the overwhelming majority of the headlines from liberal corporate media used words like “civil rights hero” and “civil rights icon” when referring to Lewis and “attack” and “smear” when referring to Trump’s response to him.

In reality Trump was just returning fire initiated by a Congressman in the opposing party, but I guarantee you there are millions of Americans who now think of Trump as someone who attacks civil rights leaders because he hates civil rights, for the same exact reason people think Russia hacked polling booths and thought Saddam was responsible for 9/11.

The Washington Post

Just the whole entire Washington Post. The entire thing is one gigantic government psy-op. Its owner Jeff Bezos has collected many hundreds of millions of dollars directly from the CIA (a conflict of interest WaPo never mentions when reporting on US intelligence agencies), and his rag has consistently been the most unapologetic promulgator of the establishment narrative.

To list just a very few examples, WaPo ran sixteen negative articles about Bernie Sanders in the span of sixteen hours during the most hotly contested point in the presidential primaries, published a story which blacklisted hundreds of dissenting alternative media outlets as “Russian propaganda”, reported that Russians had hacked America’s electrical grid when nothing of the sort had happened and then covertly and unapologetically edited their article as their lies became exposed after millions of Americans had consumed their false narrative, and have been among the most aggressive peddlers of the aforementioned “Russia hacked the election” forced association psy-op.

WaPo is a great resource for all clear-eyed rebels, because it can be used as a daily memo of what the CIA and the political establishment it supports want the American public to believe.

Jeff Bezos is the second wealthiest person on the planet and prior to his purchase of WaPo he had already obstructed WikiLeaks via his company Amazon, so he’s unquestionably got a vested interest in propping up the oligarchy. Paying attention to his publication tells us where we aren’t meant to look.


One of the first things I noticed before any campaigning had even started in the recent Democratic primary was when Hillary Clinton got caught buying millions of fake “zombie” accounts to bolster her numbers on Twitter and Facebook.

They’re called zombie accounts because they’re not real people. You can buy followers pretty inexpensively it turns out, but they’re only shell accounts. They will never retweet you, they just make your numbers look better.

It was the beginning of the largest and most outrageous astroturfing of a campaign we’ve ever seen. Astroturf is so called because it seeks to mimic the growth of a natural grassroots campaign.

You buy followers, pay people to turn up to your rallies, offer incentives to wear your stickers and badges, pay people to go online and defend you, hand out signs at rallies that look home-made, pay celebrities to endorse you, pay your marketing campaign to make memes for you, stage “spontaneous” photo-ops with “fans" - in short, you use money to pay for the appearance of what burgeoned from the Bernie Sander’s campaign organically because there was genuine and growing enthusiasm for the candidate. Astroturfing seeks to mimic that kind of virality.

These strategies are usually used by advertising companies to generate interest for a product. Check out this Ted talk by Sharyl Attkisson for a little tour. It’s well-known in the trade that word-of-mouth is by far the best salesman, so those sneaky bastards have dreamed up ways of mimicking that.

What the Clinton campaign did went way beyond hiring a few shills to inject positive messages about their candidate and into the realm of mass psychological abuse, using real-life disrupters, social media shills, and the mainstream media to demonize Trump and his supporters to the point where the nation is still showing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

Here’s the thing though - we can only prove that the Clinton campaign did that because of the email leaks and the fact that the FEC enforces some transparency on the activities and budgets of the campaign and its superPACS. If we didn’t have those two things, we wouldn’t have proof that it occurred.

Post-campaign, you can still hire a company to shill for you online, on whatever issue you please, and you don’t have to report it to anyone. It’s relatively inexpensive and it’s a very effective way of controlling the narrative and disrupting natural healthy collaboration between normal humans.

This is just a taster but according to this amazing article from Double G, I mean, Glenn Greenwald, the key tactics boil down to the four D’s - Deny, disrupt, degrade, deceive.

So just because the campaign bunting has been taken down, don’t think that there aren’t regular assaults occurring on the hearts and minds of average Westerners, but the good news is, they are getting easier and easier to spot.

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CIA Whistleblower Leaks 47 Hard Drives Exposing Obama Administration Spying
April 6 2017 | From: Sott / Various

The same day House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes gave a press conference stating that Trump and his transition team were under "incidental surveillance," Attorney and founder of Judicial Watch, Larry Klayman, sent a formal letter to the House Committee on Intelligence demanding they investigate the claims and evidence more than 40 hard drives over 600 million pages of information presented under oath at the FBI Field Office In Washington, DC by his client - CIA/NSA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery.

Klayman claimed in a Newsmax report that Montgomery, "holds the keys to disproving the false claims that there is no evidence that the president and his men were wiretapped," however Montgomery's case was largely ignored.

Related: The CIA’s 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers

"When Montgomery came forward as a whistleblower to congressional intelligence committees and various other congressmen and senators, including Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who, like Comey, once had a reputation for integrity, he was "blown off;"
no one wanted to even hear what he had to say," the letter said.

This resulted in Montgomery contacting Attorney Klayman, who then approached the FBI:

"Under grants of immunity, which I obtained through Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, Montgomery produced the hard drives and later was interviewed under oath in a secure room at the FBI Field Office in the District of Columbia. There he laid out how persons like then-businessman Donald Trump were illegally spied upon by Clapper, Brennan, and the spy agencies of the Obama administration.

Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information much of which is classified.

He sought to come forward legally as a whistleblower to appropriate government entities, including congressional intelligence committees, to expose that the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly.

Working side by side with Obama's former Director of National Intelligence (DIA), James Clapper, and Obama's former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, Montgomery witnessed "up close and personal" this "Orwellian Big Brother" intrusion on privacy
, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes.

He even claimed that these spy agencies had manipulated voting in Florida during the 2008 presidential election, which illegal tampering resulted in helping Obama to win the White House."

Allegations made by Montgomery claim that there was a, "systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump."

Putin Calls For Meeting With Trump To Fight The Globalist Empire

Vladimir Putin is calling for a meeting with Donald Trump for them to discuss how they can destroy the globalist empire.

Related: St. Petersburg Blast was Preceded by Preemptive Raids on Terror Cells

Montgomery's claims aren't new, as other whistleblowers have alleged the same. Former head of the NSA's digital spying team William Binney also came forward. Binney disclosed as fact the U.S. was spying on everyone in the U.S. and storing the data forever, and the U.S. was quickly becoming an Orwellian state. The Feds tried to intimidate him into shutting up:

"Numerous FBI officers held a gun to Binney's head as he stepped naked from the shower. He watched with his wife and youngest son as the FBI ransacked their home. Later Binney was separated from the rest of his family, and FBI officials pressured him to implicate one of the other complainants in criminal activity.

During the raid, Binney attempted to report to FBI officials the crimes he had witnessed at NSA, in particular the NSA's violation of the constitutional rights of all Americans. However, the FBI wasn't interested in these disclosures.

Instead, FBI officials seized Binney's private computer, which to this day has not been returned despite the fact that he has not been charged with a crime.

On top of prior allegations, Russ Tice also alleged that the Obama administration tapped judges and SCOTUS. Tice continued to Sibel Edmond's BoilingFrogsPost and said they even "tapped members of Congress and the military."

Stratfor emails published by Wikileaks also showed the Democrats manipulated the 2008 presidential election, Business Insider reported.

This means that Montgomery may have already had his evidence collaborated twice.

Related: Obama Defense Deputy Makes Huge Blunder – Admits On MSNBC How They Surveilled President Trump And Leaked It To The “Hill.”

The FBI had Montgomery's testimony and evidence for over two years and did nothing despite having the holy grail of "intrusion on privacy, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes."

An additional claim was made by Tice to former RT host of Breaking The Set Abby Martin, that the Obama administration allegedly was "blackmailing officials" including former President Obama himself. Tice alleged that Obama was tapped back in 2004 as a Senator and that he saw the order.

"In the summer of 2004, one of the papers that I held in my hand was to wiretap a bunch of numbers associated with a forty-some-year-old senator from Illinois. You wouldn't happen to know where that guy lives now would you? It's a big White House in Washington D.C. That's who the NSA went after. That's the President of the United States now,"
Tice said.

Last Thursday, March 16th, 2017 - Klayman traveled to Washington DC. He was to meet with House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes. He hoped that Nunes would listen and ask FBI Director, Comey, why the FBI failed to pursue Montgomery's evidence.

However, when Klayman arrived to speak with Nunes, he was "blown off" and referred to committee attorney, Allen R. Souza - who Klayman then requested brief Nunes on the information.

"During my meeting with House Intelligence Committee counsel Allen R. Sousa I politely warned him that if Chairman Nunes, who himself had that same day undercut President Trump by also claiming that there is no evidence of surveillance by the Obama administration, I would go public with what would appear to be the House Intelligence Committee's complicity in keeping the truth from the American people and allowing the FBI to continue its apparent cover-up of the Montgomery "investigation."

To this day, this is where it currently stands. The big question: will House Intelligence Committee Chairman Nunes do his job and hold FBI Director Comey's feet to the fire about the Montgomery investigation?

On Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017 - on an unrelated front; House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes noted that he did not know whether the "incident collection" of communications of Trump associates happened at Trump Tower. Nunes could not definitively say whether Trump's communications were directly collected.

Bilderberg Expert: Elite Are In Full Panic Mode

Alex Jones talks with Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin about how the elite are terrified of Donald Trump.

Nunes told reporters that, "I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the president-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored." He continued to say, "It looks to me like it was all legally collected, but it was essentially a lot of information on the president-elect and his transition team and what they were doing."

Multiple sources continue to confirm that a massive storm of scandal is brewing. The previous Obama administration is involved and could potentially result in the arrest of several Obama-era officials swallowed in this 'storm of scandals' path.

Grab your popcorn! The fireworks have been set and are about to go off in Washington D.C. Even Bob Woodward has confirmed what we are hearing from the confines of the intelligence community and military, "there is a real serious problem for the people in the Obama administration."

Related: Putin’s unprecedented five years: Russia walks its own path in world politics

Woodward, who made a name for himself covering Watergate stated that there are around 20 people in the 16-agency intelligence community who can order the unmasking, or "minimization," of individuals. Further, Trey Gowdy questioned FBI Director James Comey probing into who leaked General Flynn's identity to the media. Comey stated that "Obama political appointees had the ability to 'Unmask' American citizens."

"You can learn all kinds of things from diplomats gossiping because that's what occurs. Under the rules, and they are pretty strict, it's called minimization. You don't name the American person who is being discussed," Woodward said.

"It's, again, down the middle, it is not what Trump said, but this could be criminal on the part of people who decided, oh, let's name these people."

"Under the rules, that name is supposed to be blanked out, and so you've got a real serious problem potentially of people in the Obama administration passing around this highly classified gossip," Woodward added.

Related: Larry Klayman: Audio 19:22 Full Discussion of NSA/CIA Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery Vindicating Donald Trump, Broad Cover-Up Continues Across Congress and Within FBI

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Scientology Documentary: Mysterious Deaths - Real Stories
April 6 2017 | From: RealStories

Scientology is one of the world’s most controversial and secretive religions.

Famous followers extol its virtues but a series of suspicious deaths brings into question its treatment of their members.

Related: Going Clear: Scientology And The Prison Of Belief

In this film, we investigate three cases of deaths of Scientology members. We find incomplete police investigations, suspicious circumstances and family members who are convinced there is more to their loved ones deaths’ than meets the eye.

A look at the dark side of a new but powerful religion.

Related: Religion: How It Was Employed As A Control System To Divide & Conquer

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Peter Gotzsche, Founder Of The Cochrane Collaboration, Visits Australia To Talk About Dangers Of Prescription Drugs
April 5 2017 | From: SydneyMorningHerald

Many of our most commonly used drugs, from painkillers to antidepressants, are dangerous and are killing us off in large numbers, says a  leading researcher visiting Australia next week.

Peter Gotzsche, a co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, the world's foremost body in assessing medical evidence, arrives in Australia on Monday for a whirlwind speaking tour warning Australians about their use of prescription medications.

Related: Forced Vaccinations: Is Australia Becoming A Fascist State?

He estimates that 100,000 people in the United States alone die each year from the side-effects of correctly used drugs. Similar figures are not available in Australia, although the Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that 3000 people died after complications with medical and surgical care in 2012.

"It's remarkable that nobody raises an eyebrow when we kill so many of our own citizens with drugs,"
Professor Gotzsche, who heads the Nordic Cochrane Centre, told Fairfax Media ahead of his visit.

Two of Professor Gotzsche's biggest targets are antidepressants and the painkillers described as "non-steroidal anti-inflammatories", such as ibuprofen, diclofenac and celecoxib.

Another, sold under the brand name Vioxx, was withdrawn after it emerged it had caused up to 140,000 cases of serious heart disease in the US alone in the five years it was on the market - during which time its manufacturer, Merck was withholding information about its risks. About half the cases were thought to be fatal.

Related: Thousands Of Medical Studies Found To Be Useless + Medical-Drug Destruction Of Life, By The Numbers & Herd Immunity Used For Fear And Guilt

Professor Gotzsche says those deaths are only the tip of the iceberg and are representative of a system of drug regulation that simply does not protect patients.

Even the name for these drugs, "anti-inflammatory", is not supported by evidence, he says. He has conducted a clinical trial and review of the evidence that has found there is no proof they reduce inflammation.

"These terms for our drugs are invented by the drug industry,"
he said. "They had a huge financial interest in calling these things anti-inflammatory. It lured doctors into believing that these drugs somehow also had an effect on the disease process and reduced the joint damage."

In a paper last year in the Lancet Psychiatry journal, Professor Gotzsche argued our use of antidepressants is causing more harm than good.

He said as the evidence against drugs such as Valium and Xanax emerged, they have been replaced with antidepressants that are equally as addictive and their side-effects just as dangerous.

Related: Surprising Side Effects of Tylenol

Furthermore, he says research that showed small benefits over placebos was biased, as it did not properly hide whether patients were in the active or placebo group.

Professor Gotzsche said the biggest victims of over-prescription are the elderly. For every 28 elderly people treated for a year with an antidepressant, one will die who would have lived otherwise, from causes including heart attacks, stroke and falls.

"Those who use arthritis drugs are mostly the elderly who are most at risk of dying of a heart attack caused by the drug or a bleeding ulcer,"
he said. "We have a high use of psychiatric drugs by the elderly and we kill an enormous amount of them."

Freedom-of-information requests lodged by Fairfax Media have shown more than 4 million antidepressant prescriptions a year are recorded for people aged over 67 - twice the rate for young Australians.

"These people get shoved in a nursing home and they get aggravated, so they're knocked out with an antipsychotic drug - it's very inhumane,"
Professor Gotzsche said.

Professor Gotzsche has been criticised for his stance that people should consider slowly going off their antidepressants if they are supported by their doctors in doing so.

Related: CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

He believes many doctors mistake withdrawal symptoms for depression, immediately returning patients to their normal medication dose if they experience symptoms, despite the fact antidepressant medications are supposed to take some time to begin working.

"If you get depressed by lowering the dose and then immediately increase it to the normal dose, you will usually be well in a couple of hours,"
he said. "But if you get better straight away it is withdrawal, not depression." 

But Peter McGeorge, the director of the St Vincent's mental health service, said the hospital will host Professor Gotzsche on Thursday "in the spirit of open inquiry".

"I have seen people respond dramatically to the use of antidepressants so I'm certainly not opposed to the use of medicine,"
he said.

"But I do think we have to be careful - and I'm talking more generally now - about just seeing medicine as the answer and prescribing it on the smallest indication it might be successful".

What I learned After 50 Days Without Eating Food

He said many hospitals, including the mental health service at St Vincent's, now did not accept drug company representatives, and there was increasing interest in other forms of psychological therapies to help people with mental illness.

Professor Gotzsche's list of what to avoid:

Antidepressants for all, as they very likely don't even work for severe cases of depression

All brain-active drugs in children

Anti-psychotics and other brain-active drugs for the elderly. Psychotropic drugs should be used as little as possible and mostly in very acute situations, as they are very harmful when used long term Anti-dementia drugs, as they very likely don't work

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used for arthritis, muscle pain and headaches, including over-the-counter, low-dose ibuprofen. These drugs should be used as little as possible.

Mammography screening, as it doesn't prolong life whereas it makes many healthy women ill through overdiagnosis and leads to the premature death for some because radiotherapy and chemotherapy increases mortality when used for harmless cancers detected at screening

Drugs for urinary incontinence, as they very likely don't work

Related: A Quick Review Of Fake Medical Diagnostic Tests + Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Walking Your Children Home From School And Driving While Caffeinated Are Now Felony Crimes In Police State America
April 5 2017 | From: NaturalNews

In Magnolia, Texas, it is now a felony crime to walk your own children home from school. Er, I mean the “government indoctrination center.”

Seriously, parents can now be charged with serious crimes for merely meeting their children at the school and walking them home.

Related: Top 10 stupidest new laws in California for 2017

“The principal has decided that no matter how close the student lives to the school, the student must either take the bus, or the parent must wait in a long car pickup line,”
reports Fox 26 in Houston.

“Try to walk your student off the campus and you could face criminal charges… Fox26 knows of 2 other parents who were just threatened with arrest.”

This is yet more evidence that even in Texas, the government thinks it owns your children. Parental rights are being obliterated across the country at a breathtaking pace, including in California where the state can now mandate government injections of your children with aluminum, mercury and other toxic substances that cause autism and neurological disorders.

The same government that has mandated these “immunizations” has also granted blanket legal immunity to the vaccine industry, so if a mandated vaccine harms your child, it’s now your problem to deal with and you can’t sue the manufacturer for its defective, harmful product.

In effect, the government can force you to harm your child, then deny you due process in seeking compensation for damage to your child.

Man Charged with DUI for Driving Under the Influence of Caffeine

Meanwhile in California, a man was arrested and charged with a DUI for driving while under the influence of caffeine.

“38-year-old Joseph Schwab has been fighting a DUI for over a year, despite the fact that he was not under the influence of any illegal drugs at the time, he did, however, test positive for caffeine,” reports The Free Thought Project.

“[The officer] arrested him and took him to jail so his blood could be drawn for other drugs. His blood tests came back negative for all illegal drugs. But he did test positive for caffeine. For some reason, this was enough to charge Schwab with a DUI.”

In doing this, California’s incredibly stupid police state bureaucrats are setting a precedent that could get you charged with a felony crime for drinking Starbucks or Pepsi while behind the wheel.

Indeed, California can now raise all sorts of money to fund its illegal alien benefits programs by arresting and charging coffee drinkers with DUIs, generating huge cash flow revenues for the insane police state known better as “Collapsifornia.” (Much of the “justice system” in California is really just revenue generation.)

Solano County DA Morons Finally Drop DUI Charges After 16 Months, Admitting Zero Evidence

Now, after 16 months of threatening this 36-year-old driver with felony charges, the libtardocrats of Solano County have admitted they have no evidence of anything and must therefore drop the charges.

In their own twisted words, they still imply the driver was on some sort of drugs, but claim they couldn’t find them even after administering a forced blood test:

“After further consideration, without a confirmatory test of the specific drug in the defendant’s system that impaired his ability to drive, we do not believe we can prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt,” says the county press release.

District Attorney Krishna Abrams typifies the kind of tyrannical bureaucrats you find throughout the California “injustice” system. They don’t care whether there’s any evidence at all. You’re “guilty” just because they want to get you (and the state has granted them exceptional powers to destroy the lives of innocent people).

I’ve seen other California DAs ruin the lives of completely innocent people, in Ventura County and LA County in particular.

There’s no question that California has the most corrupt bunch of DAs in the entire country, and they all act like salivating tyrants who seethe with anger toward anyone who refuses to bow to their power. They are far more interested in prosecuting independent-minded people than criminal-minded people, it turns out.

“What this case illustrates is the arbitrary nature of the state to use any reason possible to find a person guilty,”
writes John Vibes at TFTP. “The police state has claimed a right to search your most private property - your own blood. And, whatever they find inside it - can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Remarkably, that’s true even if they find nothing at all. Which leads me to ask the obvious question: What’s the point of blood tests when California bureaucrats have already decided you’re guilty even before the test results come back?

Ultimately, this gets back to the core falsehoods of liberalism, the new “religion” of Collapsifornia: Evidence is not necessary when they BELIEVE they are right. This same sort of lunatic, anti-science nonsense is what underlies the entire “climate change” hoax, too.

See my article The top 10 most outrageous science hoaxes of 2016 to learn more.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
What Is Globalism And Where Is It Going?
April 4 2017 | From: JonRappoport

“Above all, the Globalist elite considers the human being is nothing more than a biological machine - a machine that is badly programmed, desperately in need of a complete overhaul and restructuring at the level of mind.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Over the years, I have written much about Globalism. During the 2016 US presidential election, Donald Trump spoke of it often, and in derogatory terms.

Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

He brought back, for the public, the concept, which had receded from press coverage. You could say he let the cat out of the bag.

So here I thought I would publish, in a series, some of the important material I’ve written on the subject. People need to be aware of the elite movement called Globalism and its aims and strategies.

1. “Over the weekend, thousands of protesters across multiple countries condemned impending [Globalist] trade deals promoted by governments and their corporate partners.

Though the protests received little coverage from mainstream media, they stretched from Paris to Warsaw.” (Carey Wedler, Blacklisted News, 10/19/16)

Now that the election is over, it’s important to review a few facts about Globalism. It was a centerpiece of controversy during the run-up to the vote.

Globalism isn’t just an abstract word or idea. It gives survival to some, and tries to take it away from others. It lights on populations like a storm of locusts. It undermines jobs and work. It steals. It is designed to make chaos.

Globalism is based on the elite conviction that “the best people” should rule over everyone else for the greater good. “We’re not trying to do harm. We’re spreading the wealth.”

We can find the seeds of Globalism in Plato and his ancient dialogue called The Republic. Plato made his final philosophic stand on that work. Step by step, he establishes that The Good, which is highest concept in the universe, which exists in a realm of “pure ideas” apart from the daily round of existence, must be accessed and understood, if society is to meet up with its best destiny.

But, naturally, not all people are able to fathom The Good or translate it into action here in this human realm. Only the few can grasp it - and they must rise to the top and rule.

So, in the end, there is a fascist paradise. It rebuffs all attempts at dilution.

This is how Plato, the humane philosopher, the champion of the individual and freedom and independent thought, painted himself into a terrible corner. But never mind. Down through the centuries, “the wisest of men” have taken their cue from him and built nations and civilizations based on their (self-serving) version of The Good.

And in the process, they have used propagandists to convince populations that rule from above is only carried out as altruistic service…

When a system has been devised, planned, launched, and maintained by criminals to undermine a nation, they are naturally going to defend it by saying:


In exactly the same way, a massive prison housing nothing but innocent people would superficially look like “chaos,” if the airtight security system were turned off.

The truth about the Globalist prison is simple. The underlying operation takes jobs away from America, in this instance, and sends them to Third World hell holes, where the same products are manufactured by the same companies, for pennies, using slave workers who labor in toxic environmental conditions that destroy their health.

Isn’t that easy to understand?

The American companies in those hell holes then sell the products back to Americans without paying taxes, tariffs, or penalties of any kind. The defenders of Globalism claim selling back the products cheaply is good for the American consumer. This is a lie, because many of those consumers no longer have jobs. Or they work at much lower wages than they used to, because the companies they worked for left America and went to the hell holes.

All in all, this arrangement is obviously designed to torpedo the national economy. It’s not an accident. It’s not an unintended consequence. The Globalists may be criminals, but they aren’t stupid criminals.

But what about the US companies who left America and set up shop overseas? Can’t they read the handwriting on the wall? Can’t they realize their base of consumers in the US is shrinking?

The companies are, in fact, stupid. They’re betting on short-term success vs. long-term collapse, and they’re going to lose. They plunge ahead with their eyes closed - because they can’t bring themselves to believe that the system they’re part of could have been fashioned with ultimate failure in mind.

The anti-Globalism movement is MUCH bigger than Trump, so no matter what you think of him, whether you believe in his honesty or not, the ideas he is bringing forward are having an immense impact on the populace - because the populace has figured out the Globalist game. They see and feel the destruction. They see and feel what is happening to jobs. Their jobs. They see the brutal reality, and they want no part of it.

They want America to endure. They want America to prosper. They want a free market. They don’t want their country reduced to Third World status.

All the politically correct humanitarian lingo in the universe is not going to change these basic realities. Globalism - the export of jobs, the rapid expansion of the Welfare State, the launching of senseless wars to pave the way for corporate plunder, the immigrant-flood through open borders - is a nation killer. It’s built to be a killer.

Decimating nations is an intentional precursor to ruling the planet from above by the Globalists-in-charge. “What we destroy we will resurrect on our own terms.”

No nation on Earth has a pure and clean history. But no nation deserves to be leveled and destroyed. The founding ideas of the original American Republic were and are the best ideas about government ever forwarded in human history. They imply:

Severely limited federal power. Free individuals. Independent individuals. Individuals who choose their own dreams and destinies. Individuals who work to achieve those dreams.

The so-called liberal press, and the academic institutions of America, have sold out completely. They are on board with what they can see of the Globalist agenda. The press will never challenge that agenda. They are grotesque cowards of the first order.

I have met some of them during my 30-plus years of working as a reporter. Behind their perfumed fronts, they give off a stench.

America is America. For the most part, its people are decent. Their leaders have betrayed them time and time again, without a second thought, without a shred of remorse.

The so-called populist movement which is growing by leaps and bounds, which got its legs under it with Ron Paul, must not come to a halt, no matter who sits in the White House, not matter what he does.

The future is now.

2. Globalist corporations are blind in the face of doom.

People don’t fully appreciate the capacity of mega-corporations. The 300 largest companies account for roughly 25% of all international trade.

And, even more startling, these behemoths are operating their production lines at half-strength. Why? Because only 1.5 billion people in the world have enough money to rate as true consumers.

So these corporations, which are the leading lights of the Globalist agenda, are looking and hoping for many more customers.

Meanwhile, Rockefeller Globalists are hyping the pseudoscience of manmade warming, in order to convince nations to cut their energy production. That plan, of course, would further erode the ability of mega-corporations to find new consumers. Indeed, Globalists are all for wrecking economies and deepening poverty - aims which infect the lifeblood of corporations.

We are looking at a huge crack - a contradiction - in the very foundation of the Globalism.

And if you want to take this farther, the notion of radical depopulation across the planet would do even graver harm to corporate dreams and ambitions. Far fewer consumers.

There are wild and woolly solutions. For example, provide a basic income to every human on Earth; or make governments the sole payer to corporations for their products, which are then dispensed to the population in a mad universal welfare scheme. In either case, you would have a new currency system.

Governments would openly and blandly create money out of thin air, as needed, to fund these harebrained schemes. Governments already invent money, but this would be occurring on a far larger scale, and without any pretense of legitimacy.

Given the propensity of governments to run their programs according to dizzyingly incompetent guidelines, I see no way the mega-corporations would welcome these “innovations.”

In short, the corporations are buying a pie-in-the-sky con. They insist on believing the favors and concocted advantages the Globalists are offering them in the marketplace are wonderful; but in fact, the long-term situation is a no-win. It’s a narrowing road, and a crack-up is coming.

Globalists are shrinking the worldwide consumer base. They want a chaos-ridden dystopia, which they will control with an iron hand. In that scenario, the mega-corporations will also shrink to shadows of their former selves. Their usefulness will rapidly decay.

Memo to CEOs: why don’t you try waking up? Your whole elite movement is a walking contradiction, and you’re on the downside.

Why don’t these CEOs awaken? Because their short-term greed exceeds their long-term vision. For them, it’s an easier way to live. Take the money and run.

3. "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003

The man who wrote those words represents a family that has dominated banking, oil, modern medicine, behind-the-scenes politics, and powerhouses of Globalism (e.g., the Council on Foreign Relations) for a century.

Globalism asserts that no nation can be independent from “the family” of other nations, as if it were a matter of fact beyond dispute. A nation claiming its sovereignty thus becomes a lunatic traitor to the natural order of things.

What really binds nations to one another is propaganda, and treaties which are based on the same propaganda, resulting in (temporary) engorged super-profits for mega-corporations.

Globalism is a secular piece of messianic hype. A Disneyesque altruism is the prow of the ship. Spend 10 minutes educating any street hustler on Globalist principles, and he would recognize it as a standard con.

Obama’s warning to the Brits, that their withdrawing from the Globalist European Union would put them at the back of the line in negotiating a separate trade treaty with the United States, was sheer fiction.

Britain, or any nation, that has goods to sell and a desire to buy will find trade partners. An agreement could be scratched out on a napkin over dinner.

Impending trade deals like the TPP and TTIP are thousands of pages and take so long to negotiate, because the heavy hitters at the table are looking for new ingenious ways to cut and paste the world into larger profits for themselves.

Globalism, hiding behind thousands of academic analyses, picks up jobs from one nation, where wages are reasonable and working conditions are tolerable, and dumps them in hell holes where wages are nearly invisible and conditions are poisonous. It’s that simple, and any moron could see how the industrial nations like the US would suffer…if by nations we meant people.

Instead of criminal corporations and criminal investors. But all this is layered over with “share and care” sop.

The United States government could repeal the NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT trade treaties tomorrow, and throw current TPP and TTIP negotiating documents out the window…and all would be well. Better. Much better.

For instance, without NAFTA, US producers wouldn’t have been able to flood Mexico with cheap corn, throwing 1.5 million Mexican corn farmers into bankruptcy, leading many of them to cross the border and come to the US to find work.

No US President since Nixon has disturbed the march of Globalist “free trade.” All Presidents since then have been on board with the Rockefeller plan. And the US economy - which is to say, jobs - has thus faltered.

The 2008 financial crash was only one factor in the decline. The promise of cheap imports for sale in the US - the justification for free trade - doesn’t work when people here have no jobs and no purchasing power.

Major media, fronting for free-trade, have panicked over Donald Trump’s claim that he’ll reject Globalism.

They would have panicked over Bernie Sander’s similar promise, if they thought he had any chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. The media have their orders from on high - the deck is stacked, the cards were dealt long ago.

Hillary Clinton’s pathetic promises about creating jobs reveal nothing of substance. Small tax breaks for small businesses that “share profits with employees,” the “removal of government red tape,” “funding breakthroughs in scientific and medical research,” “expanding job training opportunities”- the truth is, her basic method for stimulating the economy has always been: find a war, any war, and fight it.

4. From GlobalisationGuide.org: “What does globalization mean to Australia?”

“Australian corporations participate in the oppression of workers and peasants in poor countries in Asia. Australian mining and forestry companies are involved in extracting wealth from countries such as Papua New Guinea, Irian Jaya and Indonesia, sometimes relying on military support to suppress local opposition.”

“The Australian support for trade liberalisation, particularly in agriculture, has been used to open up markets in poor countries where Australia’s commodity exports put local subsistence farmers out of work.”

“Australia has opened its own markets to goods made in countries that allow child labour, or forbid the formation of free trade unions.”

“The Australian government has opposed efforts to include environmental and labour protection clauses in World Trade Organisation agreements.”

“Australia should support reform of the WTO to make it more equitable for poor nations of the world.”

“Australia places few restrictions on the operations of transnational organisations, which take wealth from…[our] country, and are not managed in the interests of Australia.”

5. This is a bombshell. It’s a crucial piece of history that has been ignored by mass media.

I’ve published this interview before. Here I want to make new comments.

First of all, David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission was born in 1973, in part because the Globalist plan to ensure “free trade” (no tariffs paid by predatory mega-corporations) had run into a glitch.

That glitch was President Richard Nixon. He began laying tariffs on certain goods imported into the US, in order to level the playing field and protect American companies. Nixon, a substantial crook in other respects, went off-script in this case and actually started a movement to reject the Globalist vision.

After Nixon’s ouster from the White House, Gerald Ford became president, and he chose David’s brother, Nelson Rockefeller as his vice-president. It was a sign Globalism and free trade were back on track.

But David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, wanted more. They wanted a man in the White House whom they’d created from scratch. That man was a peanut farmer no one had ever heard of: Jimmy Carter.

Through their media connections, David and Brzezinski vaulted Carter into the spotlight. He won the Democratic nomination (1976), spread a syrupy message of love and coming together after the Watergate debacle, and soon he was ensconced in the Oval Office.

Flash forward to 1978, the second year of Carter’s presidency. An interview took place.

It’s a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret - in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper.

The interview concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating and controlling US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations [!], and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

SOURCE: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a Globalist committee of the Trilateral Commission - the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We have lost. And I will quit.”

Lost - because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Flash forward again, to the Obama administration.

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the Globalist co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Four years before birthing the Commission with his boss of bosses, David Rockefeller, Brzezinski wrote:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations. Hello, global government.

Any doubt on the question of Trialteral goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington and Technocracy Rising, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America.

Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

Here is the payoff. The US Trade Representative (appointed by Obama in 2013), who was responsible for negotiating the Globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) treaty with 11 other nations, was Michael Froman, a former member of the Trilateral Commission.

Don’t let the word “former” fool you. Commission members resign when they take positions in the Executive Branch of government. And when they serve in vital positions, such as US Trade Representative, they aren’t there by accident. They’re operatives with a specific agenda.

Flash forward one more time. Trump, who squashed the Globalist TPP treaty as soon as he was inaugurated, has been busy making staff appointments. Patrick Wood writes (2/6/17):

“According to a White House press release, the first member of the Trilateral Commission has entered the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, where he will sit on the National Security Council:

Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.”

Juster’s duties will take him into the heart of high-level negotiations with foreign governments on economic policy.

Keep your eye on Mr. Juster. Will he take actions in line with Trump’s avowed anti-Globalist stance? Or will Juster work as one more Globalist Trilateral operative in the center of American decision-making?

If the answer is “operative,” does Trump know this? Does he condone what Mr. Juster will do? Or is this a case of secret infiltration, on behalf of the most powerful Globalist group in the world, the Trilateral Commission?

6. Globalized media. It’s nice plan. Let’s examine it.

The new technocratic media is based on profiling users. There is no impactful news unless each member of the audience is surveilled and analyzed on the basis of what he already likes and wants.

Shocking? It’s to be expected. How else would technocrats parlay the untold hours they’ve spent sizing up their consumers/users? Several years ago, I wrote:

“Tech blather has already begun, since Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, bought the Washington Post at a fire sale. Jeff Genius will invent new ways to transmit the news to ‘people on the go’ and make the Post a smashing success. Mobile devices. Multiple platforms. Digital taking over from print. Ads customized to fit readers’ interests (profiling). News stories customized to fit readers’ interests (more profiling).”

In other words, non-news. If you thought media were irrelevant and deceptive before, you haven’t seen anything. The “new news” will create millions of virtual bubbles in which profiled users can float contentedly, under the cozy cottage roofs of their favorite little separate paradigms.

The tech giant Apple has waded into this territory with an app that will deliver news to users.


“Apple News, part of the upcoming iOS 9 operating system, aims to be the primary news source for users of the iPhone and iPad… Apple says its news app ‘follows over a million topics and pulls relevant stories based on your specific interests’…

Joshua Benton of the Nieman Journalism Lab said the app will be important because ‘through the awesome power of default, Apple distribution puts it in an entirely other league. This [news] app will be on hundreds of millions of devices within 24 hours of its debut’.”

Translation: Profiling their users down to their toenails, Apple will present them with virtual bubbles of news they want to see and read.

Not just one overall presentation for all; no, different “news outlets” for Apple’s audiences.

This introduces a whole new layer of mind control.

“You’re an Obama fan? Here are stories confirming your belief in the Prophet.”

“You want neo-con on the rocks with a conservative Republican twist? Here’s some war footage that’ll warm your heart.”

“Do you believe ‘government gridlock’ is our biggest concern? Congress can’t get anything done? We’ve got headlines for that from here to the moon.”

“Tuned into celeb gossip? Here’s your world in three minutes.”

The idea: convince users, one day at a time, that what they already believe is important IS the news of the day.

It’s Decentralized Centralization. One media giant carving its global audience up into little pieces and delivering them a whole host of different algorithmically appropriate lies and fluff and no-context psyops.

And for “fringe users?” “You’re doubtful about GMOs? Well, look at what Whole Foods is planning for their healthier produce section. Cheer up.”

Nothing about Maui voters declaring a temporary ban on devastatingly toxic Monsanto/Dow experiments or the dangers of Roundup. “You’re anti-vaccine? Sorry, you don’t count. You’re not a recognized demographic. But here’s a piece about a little unvaccinated boy who was involved in car crash on the I5.”

Does this sound like science fiction? It isn’t. It’s the mainstream look of the near-future (if they could get away with it). Search engines are already “personalizing” your inquiries. US ABC national news is climbing in the ratings because it’s giving viewers “lighter stories,” and spending less time on thorny issues like the Middle East.

The mainstream news business is desperately looking for audience; and treating every “user” as a profiled social-construct-bundle of superficial preferences is their answer.

“Mr. X, we’ve studied the little virtual bubble you live in, and now we can sell you your own special brand of truth.”

“Hello, audience. We’re going to pitch you on becoming full-fledged obsessed consumers, as if there is no other worthy goal in life - and then we’re going to profile you from top to bottom, to find out exactly what kind of obsessed consumer you are, so we can hit you and trigger you with information that uniquely stimulates your adrenal glands…”

The one-two punch.

Any actual event occurring in the world would be pre-digested by robot media editors and profilers, and then split up into variously programmed bits of information for different audiences.

Who cares what really happened? In the new world, there is no ‘what really happened’. That’s a gross misnomer. A faulty idea. A metaphysical error. No, there is only a multi-forked media tongue that simultaneously spits out a dozen or a hundred variations of the same event…because different viewers want and expect different realities.

In 1984, Orwell’s Big Brother was issuing a single voice into the homes of the population. That was old-school. That was primitive technology. That was achieving unity by hammering unity into people’s skulls. This, now, is the frontier of unity through diversity.

“We want to make all of you into androids, through basic PR and propaganda and a pathetic excuse for education. However, we recognize you’ll become different varieties of androids, and we’ll serve that outcome with technological sophistication. Trust us. We care about what you prefer.”

User A: “Wow, did you see the coverage of the border war in Chula Vista?”

User B: “War? They had a fantastic exhibit of drones down there. At least a hundred different types. And then I watched an old WW2 movie about aerial combat.”

User C: “Chula Vista? They had a great food show. This woman made a lemon pie. I could practically taste it.”

User D: “That wasn’t a border war. It was a drill. And then afterwards, these cops gave a demonstration of all their gear. Vests, shields, communication devices, flash-bangs, auto rifles with silencers, batons. I watch drills all over the country. Love them.”

User E: “Chula Vista? The only thing I saw on the news was ‘sunny and mild’ this week. I watch all the weather channels. I love them.”

BUT when a Big One comes along, like the 2016 national election in the US, the separate tunes come together and ring as one. Then the overriding need to extend Globalism’s goals (in the person of Hillary Clinton) blot out every other priority. Then the major media twist whatever they need to twist. Then it’s the same bubble for everyone.

One problem, though. Major media have been lanced thousands of times by alt news sites, and by Wikileaks and Project Veritas. This attack has exposed the truth and the Clinton crimes.

And alt news reflects the growing interest of the public in what’s actually happening on many fronts.

The technocratic plan for the news is failing. It was a nice plan, but…It’s turning out to be a dud.

Alt media are forcing public awareness of one giant scandal after another: Hillary/Obama support for ISIS; pro-vaccine liars; the collapse of Obamacare; the GMO hustle; pesticide damage…on and on and on.

The result? Major media are being backed into a corner, where they must defend lies and build the same monolithic lies for EVERYONE all the time. The idea of creating separate news for each profiled user is ALREADY collapsing.

Major media are playing defense against the rest of the world.

It’s quite a party. And it has no expiration date.

A final note: Trump, Wikileaks, Project Veritas, Drudge, and many alt news sites created a perfect storm in 2016, raining down on major media. It was and is unprecedented. The mainstream press has been exposed down to its roots, as never before.

The lying, the collusion, the arrogant sense of entitlement, the desperation, the corruption - it’s all there to see, for anyone who has eyes and a few working brain cells. Expect more to come, regardless of the outcome of the election. The train has really left the station…

7. Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote, four years before birthing the TC with his godfather, David Rockefeller:

“[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Several other noteworthy Trilateral members: George HW Bush; Bill Clinton; Dick Cheney; Al Gore. The first three men helped sink the US further into debt by fomenting wars abroad; and Gore’s cap and trade blueprint would destroy industrial economies, while vastly increasing the numbers of people in Third World countries who have no access to modern sources of energy.

Does all this offer a clue as to why the US economy has failed to recover from the Wall Street debacle of 2008, why the federal bailout was a handout to super-rich criminals, and why Obama took actions which prevented a recovery?

A closer look at Tim Geithner’s circle of economic advisers reveals the chilling Trilateral effect: Paul Volker; Alan Greenspan; E. Gerald Corrigan (director, Goldman Sachs); and Peter G Peterson (former CEO, Lehman Brothers, former chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations). These men are all Trilateral members.

How many foxes in the hen house do we need, before we realize their Globalist Trilateral agenda is controlling the direction of our economy?

The TC has no interest in building up the American economy. They want to torpedo it, as part of the end-game of creating a new international currency, ushering in a de facto Globalist management system for the whole planet.

8. Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; ratify trade treaties that effectively send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic manufacturers, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order. What kind of order?

Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

The top Trilateral players, in 2008, had their man in the White House, another formerly obscure individual like Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama. They had new trade treaties on the planning table.

Obama was tasked with doing whatever was necessary to bring those treaties, like the TPP, home. To get them passed. To get them ratified. No excuses.

That’s why, over a year ago, when anti-TPP criticism and rhetoric were reaching a crescendo, when Obama was seeking Congressional fast-track authority for the treaty, he was in a sweat and a panic. He and his cabinet were on the phones night and day, scrambling and scraping for votes in Congress. This was the Big One. This was why he was the President. To make this happen.

His Trilateral bosses were watching. These men run US policy, when and where it counts. They don’t like failure.

This is also why, after Obama was inaugurated for his first term, he shocked and astonished his own advisors, who expected him, as the first order of business, to address the unemployment issue in America. He shocked them by ignoring the number-one concern of Americans, and instead decided to opt for his disastrous national health insurance policy - Obamacare.

Obama never had any intention of trying to dig America out of the crash of 2008. That wasn’t why he was put in the Oval Office.

He could, and would, pretend to bring back the economy, with fudged numbers and distorted standards. But really and truly, create good-paying jobs for many, many Americans? Not on the TC agenda. Not in the cards.

It was counter-productive to the TC plan: torpedo the economy further.

Obama is on the move. He’s traveling to far-flung places, trying to shore up global consensus on the TPP treaty. His people are working around the clock to round up the necessary votes for TPP ratification in Congress. Obama plans to sneak through the treaty during Congress’ lame-duck session after the November election, before newly elected Congressional members take office.

Pushing through Globalist trade treaties: this is why he was put in the White House. This is his appointed task. This is his real job. His bosses are watching.

“I pledge allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, and to the domination for which it stands, one planet, indivisible, with tyranny and poverty and top-down order for all…”

[Update: the TPP was dead on arrival, after Trump was elected].

9. "Technocratic human beings are spiritually dead. They are capable of anything, no matter how heinous, because they do not reflect upon or question the ultimate goal.” - Chris Hedges

“River and ocean turbines for electricity; hydrogen power; urban farms; massive water desalination—these are just a few of the means for making an abundant non-technocratic future. By any rational standard, technocratic idiocy is already obsolete.”

- The Underground, Jon Rappoport

Again, thanks to Patrick Wood and his book, Technocracy Rising, for expanding my insight into these areas.

Consider the term “scientific humanism.” The Oxford Dictionary offers this definition:

“A form of humanist theory and practice that is based on the principles and methods of science; specifically the doctrine that human beings should employ scientific methods in studying human life and behaviour, in order to direct the welfare and future of mankind in a rational and beneficial manner…Origin mid-19th century.”

That definition gives you a good general meaning for “technocracy.”

Understanding the mindset of Globalist technocrats is necessary; they believe that since they can plan the shape of society, they should plan the shape of society.

Politicians are outmoded along this new evolutionary path. They will fade into extinction. Instead, engineers will take their place.

Human beings (all eight billion) will be accounted for. They will receive energy quotas. Because a master map exists for the amount of global energy available at any moment, every human will be permitted to consume just so much energy during a defined time period.

This is the technocratic “big picture.”

Wherever you see the Surveillance State, you see technocracy. The claim that surveillance is being utilized to prevent terror attacks is a cover story. In fact, there can be no all-embracing technocracy without real-time tracking of every citizen’s energy consumption.

But technocracy goes much farther than this. Humans are viewed as mis-programmed biological machines in need of basic corrections. Their tendency to engage in conflict needs to be curbed. Whatever they do, say, or think that runs counter to the tight organizing of “peaceful and harmonious” society from above is, a priori, irrational and must be eradicated at the level of Mind.

The necessary reprogramming would be achieved through genetic, electronic, and chemical means. Though never admitting it publicly, dyed in the wool technocrats see no reason to maintain the human population at its current level. Elimination of large numbers of “biological machines” would make their job easier.

Heraldic fairy tales about “transhuman” transformation are used to put a wondrous face on technocracy. For example, we’re told that soon it will be possible to connect a human brain with a super-computer and download “spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and talents” directly to the human.

Technocratic premise: society itself is a game board, and someone has to be in charge; who better than engineers with an overall plan?

So-called “advances” in human life will begin by stating the basic “rights” people are entitled to. For example, “an optimum state of social existence.” What this really means is “pegs in holes.” People will be fitted into slots that yield up the “largest amount of possible collective happiness.”

Click on the image above to open a larger versioon in a new window

It’s all about The Plan. Freedom? Freedom to choose? Never heard of it. Instead, what the individual is given from above is satisfactory to him because he has been engineered to believe it is. That’s the plan.

Smart-grid, sustainable development, green economy, land use, community planning, climate change, education in values, and other campaigns are signals and steps toward the far shore of technocracy. They all point to putting “pegs in holes.” They all ultimately involve quotas for energy consumption.

They all involve the assumption that, since there is only so much to go around, a higher authority must decide who gets what. Food, water, shelter, jobs, luxuries, energy…

Clue: scientists and engineers can arbitrarily say what science is, and therefore they can say The Plan is “scientific.”

If you say, “Well, look, there are genuine ways to vastly increase the amount of available water and energy and clean food,” you would be running against the technocratic blueprint.

Opting for abundance is not welcomed. Abundance cuts the chords of The Plan. Scarcity must rule and it must be promoted. The lack of all essentials must be cited as the reason for imposing technocratic answers. There is no way around it.

The irony is, when you talk to really hard-core environmentalists about the means for achieving abundance through alternative technologies, they balk and grow angry.

They don’t want technological solutions - and yet, the powers behind them, where the big money is, are, in fact, all about technology - technology of a certain kind, which is based on planning out a society in which permanent and growing scarcity is MAINTAINED AND PROMOTED as the immutable reality.

It’s quite mad, quite insane. But when has that ever stopped the men who are quite sure they should sit on thrones?

Vast abundance is more than a vision. It is a reachable possibility. The history of actual science and technology confirms that both essential materials and available human innovation were always downplayed as shortages - until some individual came along and demonstrated that a new way of doing things would break through the shortage.

Corporations, governments, think-thanks, and universities try to limit, curb, and bury inventions that open up the future to abundance. Technocrats are in a race to “plan society” before those inventions leak out into the public and make them, the technocrats, obsolete.

But they are obsolete. They just haven’t figured it out yet.

But we can figure it out.

10. Elites who invent reality need an unimpeachable operation, headed up by people who are relentlessly promoted as the sanest, most intelligent, competent, and caring representatives of the human race. Guess who that would be?” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

In 1976, the great critic of 20th-century society, Ivan Illich, wrote:

“Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”

The medical cartel is the answer to the question: what do you with the population of Earth once they are living under a Globalist oligarchy?

It’s all about managing lives, from womb to grave, and no institution serves that management better than Medicine.

First of all, you have a system that dispenses toxic drugs in an endless stream, killing in the US alone, by conservative estimate, 100,000 people per year. On top of that, medical drugs cause anywhere from two to four millions severe adverse effects annually.

Beyond this straight-out destruction, there is the turmoil, suffering, grieving, and confusion that extends in ripples, from each one of the deaths and injuries, to families, friends, and co-workers. The overall effect? Demoralization and the inability to see and think past the emotional pain - which is exactly what you want if you are a psychopath running a planet.

The medical cartel (drug companies, public health agencies, medical schools, doctors) wants to assure cradle-to-grave treatment of every person.

This means 30 or 40 diagnoses of illnesses and mental disorders during a lifetime, and treatment with toxic drugs. It also means medical issues are at the forefront of every person’s mind as he/she wends through life, believing that Disease is the most important aspect of living.

People become proud, yes, proud of their diagnoses and treatment. They wear the diagnoses like badges of honor, and every social communication is an occasion for displaying badges and discussing treatments and comparing notes.

“You know, at first my doctor thought it was ADHD, but then he did one of those new brain scans, and realized it was Bipolar with a trace of genetically inherited Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Once he had the ODD under control with a major tranquilizer, he could go after the Bipolar. But then I developed tremors. So he implanted a chip…”

It’s not only a sick society, it’s a society about sickness.

Medical care is free, if by free one means: paid for by extraordinary levels of taxation.

The basic collectivist slogan, “We’re all in this together,” achieves its most fervent support from the axiom that Disease is our primary opportunity to help each other by accepting awesome tax burdens.

Of course, huge segments of the world population won’t be able to participate in modern, up-to-date, cutting-edge “care.” For them, there are several solutions.

The first is vaccines seeded with chemicals and genes that reduce fertility and potency. As birth rates gradually decline, cover stories are invented to explain the phenomenon: stress; rising employment rates; the social effects of urbanization; the dissolution of the nuclear family.

The second solution is epidemics that purportedly kill off large numbers of people. These epidemics are routine frauds, based on concocted science.

In the poverty-stricken Third World, announced epidemics are nothing more than cover stories; people aren’t dying because of germs; they’re dying because their water is contaminated, because of overcrowding, lack of basic sanitation, generation-to-generation starvation.

They’re dying because their fertile growing lands have been stolen. While medical experts crow about attacking the germ of the moment with (toxic) drugs and vaccines, these actual causes of death can be ignored and even enhanced.

Meanwhile, in industrialized technological sectors of the planet, psychiatry ascends to new heights of control over the educated classes. Although no so-called mental disorder has ever been diagnosed by a real laboratory test, the experts who dominate the field continue to invent new disorders at the drop of a hat.

Psychiatric patients believe they have brain conditions that must be treated with (highly toxic) drugs. The patients also believe their own aspirations are limited by their disorders, and so they acquiesce to a psychiatric model that circumscribes their lives.

At the top-end of society, new medical inventions are applied to the wealthy. Genetic enhancement is the most highly touted of these. Despite the fact that, as yet, there are no genetic treatments for any disease that work across the board, experiments will be done to extend life, to seed the unborn with special talents, to cure a wide variety of illnesses.

There will be efforts to substitute technological components for biological nature. Limbs, organs, whole body systems, brains.

The workability of high-tech pieces is not really the issue. The aim is simply to involve the rich in the entire grand experiment, thereby swallowing them up as well in a medical paradigm of existence.

At the front door of medical cartel operations, a person will be enrolled in the system while in utero, and a path will be laid out that extends all the way to the grave. Once he is on record with a medical ID package, he will be tracked and treated and tweaked without let-up.

Finally, the inevitable proposal and program will come into view. Why risk natural birth, which is already considered a medical event? Why not create birth in a laboratory?

And if, at any point in life, a person experiences doubts and regrets about his membership in the universal medical control apparatus, he can obtain a prescription for drugs that target “pleasure centers,” and then check out of his worries and anxieties.

Huxley’s Brave New World would move in like a wave on a beach.

At every way-stop toward that day, sophistication, elegance, assurance, and concern will be the watchwords of the practicing doctor, the secular priest in this drama of human dismantling.

And yet, for those who remember, who know what the Individual is, who know what freedom is, who know what imagination and creative power are, the rigging and distorting and flattening and collectivizing will look like nothing more than a horrible cartoon.

And these people who remember will lead a revolution like no revolution ever seen before.

Or we can defect from, and withdraw our consent to, this mad matrix now.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Four Reasons To Break A Sweat
April 4 2017 | From: GreenMedInfo

Your body has a natural, powerful, built-in system for detoxification that doesn't require trendy juice cleanses or expensive protocols. All you have to do is sweat!

Doctors, health experts, and fitness gurus tell us that we should break a sweat every day – and for good reason.

While sweating has a host of benefits simply because it’s a result of health-boosting exercise, the act of sweating itself heals the body as well. Whether you’re sitting in a sauna, walking on a warm day, or working out, sweating is a necessary bodily function with powerful healing effects.

Specifically, more studies are emerging lauding the detoxifying abilities of sweat. By clearing out a range of toxins, from persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to heavy metals, sweat plays an essential role in your body’s natural detox function. Let’s look at some of the toxins that are cleared from your body when you sweat:

1. Persistent Organic Pollutants (Solvents, Fumigants, and Insecticides):

A clinical study with 20 participants found that sweat samples contained a range of toxins, including pesticides DDT / DDE, endosulfan, methoxychlor, and endrin. In fact, nearly all parent compounds of pesticides were found in the samples studied, which shows that sweating is an effective way of diminishing your body’s toxic burden.

Additionally, the sweat sample contained some pesticides – including DDT, methoxychlor, and endrin - that were not present in the blood or urine samples collected from the same participant, suggesting that some pesticides are only mobilized and excreted through sweating.

2. Phthalate (Plasticizer):

Phthalate, found in plastic products, is another toxic chemical that is removed through sweat. In one study, researchers evaluated blood, sweat, and urine samples from 20 individuals, and discovered that all subjects had mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (MEHP), a common phthalate, in each of the samples.

The concentrations of this compound in sweat were more than twice as high as urine levels, showing that sweating may be the most effective way of ridding your body of this endocrine-disrupting compound.

3. Heavy Metals;

One study with 20 patients reported that when compared to urine, sweat contained about 24 times more cadmium, 19 times more nickel, 16 times more lead, and almost three times more aluminum. Overall, sweat proved more effective than urine at removing 14 out of the 18 heavy metals studied. It also contained larger quantities of 16 out of the 18 metals than the blood samples did.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Of all the metals, aluminum was found at the highest concentrations in sweat, with zinc, copper, and nickel also occurring at relatively high amounts in the studied samples.

4. Bisphenol A (BPA):

Researchers examined the blood, urine, and sweat of 20 participants for BPA, an endocrine-disrupting toxin found in canned foods and plastic water bottles, among other things. Of the 20 sweat samples collected, 16 contained BPA, while only 14 urine and 2 blood samples tested positive for the toxin.

Not only does this reveal that sweat is the most effective way of removing BPA build-up in the body, it also shows that testing blood or urine for toxicity levels may not present the whole picture.

When it comes time to break a sweat, there are a host of activities that you can choose from. The majority of exercises and sports will get you sweaty: running/brisk walking, swimming, Bikram yoga, tennis, basketball – the list goes on.

A low impact option is spending time in a sauna. When comparing an infrared sauna to a steam sauna, researchers found that the sweat from the infrared sauna contained more bismuth, cadmium, chromium, mercury, and uranium. The steam sauna caused higher levels of arsenic, aluminum, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, lead, tin, thallium, and zinc to be excreted.

It’s important to note that hydration is essential in maximizing the health benefits listed above. Sweating has powerful effects on your health, but not hydrating properly during and after sweating will lead to a host of separate health problems.

An easy rehydration guideline to follow is to weigh yourself directly before and after sweating – the weight lost is the amount of water you should drink after to rehydrate yourself. For reference, one pound of water is slightly less than a ½ liter.

Additionally, sweat contains minerals that are essential to keep your body functioning optimally. After activities where you sweat excessively, it’s important to replace the minerals lost, especially zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, and potassium. Coconut water is a great source of potassium, and nuts, seafood, whole grains, and legumes generally contain relatively high levels of zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium.

Next time you feel yourself tempted to stay on the couch instead of going for a run, or opt to stay in the air conditioning instead of spending time in a sauna, think of all the “sweaty” benefits that you’re not getting! Breaking a sweat might seem like pain, but it’s worth it to keep your internal detox systems healthy and well-functioning.

For more research on the benefits of detoxification, please see the GreenMedInfo Research Dashboard.

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Africa: The Role Of Oxfam, Unicef, Live Aid In The Systematic Destabilization Of African Nations
April 3 2017 | From: 21stCenturyWire

“One thing that keeps me puzzled, despite having studied finance and economics at the world’s best universities, the following question remains unanswered. Why is it that 5,000 units of our currency is worth one unit of your currency where we are the ones with the actual gold reserves? It’s quite evident that the aid is in fact not coming from the West to Africa but from Africa to the Western world.”

The following in an excerpt from a lecture given by Mallence Bart Williams in 2015 (TEDxBerlin). 

Key’s ‘Great’ Legacy - UNICEF Ranks NZ Third Highest In The Developed World For Child Poverty

Mallence Bart-Williams was born in Cologne, Germany. She is a Sierra Leonean writer and filmmaker and a German fashion designer. She pursued her studies in economics and finance in Paris, Singapore, and Great Britain.

She is the founder and creative director of the Freetown-based creative collective FOLORUNSHO, a ‘SHARITY’ (with no financial donations or aide) that she initiated with street kids in Sierra Leone.

The Western world depends on Africa in every possible way since alternative resources are scarce out here. So how does the West ensure that the free aid keeps coming? By systematically destabilizing the wealthiest African nations and their systems, and all that backed by huge PR campaigns - leaving the entire world under the impression that Africa is poor and dying and merely surviving on the mercy of the West.

Well done Oxfam, UNICEF, Red Cross, Live Aid, and all the other organizations that continuously run multi-million-dollar advertisement campaigns depicting charity porn to sustain that image of Africa globally. Ad campaigns paid for by innocent people under the impression to help, with their donations.

While one hand gives under the flashing lights of cameras, the other takes in the shadows. We all know the dollar is worthless, while the Euro is merely charged with German intellect and technology and maybe some Italian pasta. How can one expect donations from nations that have so little?

How super sweet of you to come with your colored paper in exchange for our gold and diamonds. But instead you should come empty-handed, filled with integrity and honor. I want to share with you our wealth and invite you to share with us."

"The perception is that a healthy and striving Africa would not disperse its resources as freely and cheaply, which is logical. Of course, it would instead sell its resources at world market prices, which in turn would destabilize and weaken Western economies established on the post-colonial free-meal system.

Last year the IMF reports that six out of 10 of the world’s fastest-growing economies are in Africa, measured by their GDP growth. The French Treasury, for example, is receiving about 500 billion dollars year in year out, in foreign exchange reserves from African countries based on Colonial Debt they force them to pay.

Former French President Jacques Chirac stated in an interview recently that we have to be honest and acknowledge that a big part of the money in our banks comes precisely from the exploitation of the African continent. In 2008 he stated that without Africa, France will slide down in the rank of a third-world power.

This is what happens in the human world. The world we have created.

Have you ever wondered how things work in nature? One would assume that in evolution, the fittest survives. However in nature any species that is overhunting, over-exploiting the resources they depend on as nourishment, natural selection would sooner or later take the predator out, because it upsets the balance.”

Watch the full talk here: 

Thank you to www.wrongkindofgreen.org for the original transcript.

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Remarkable Ways Cannabis Can Help Prevent Illness
April 3 2017 | From: NaturalNews

When it comes to health, “cannabis” is the new buzzword. While this all-natural remedy has been around for thousands of years, scientists are still learning about its many different uses, including the impact it has on human health.

So far, research has taught us that cannabis may be effective for combating cancer, reducing and/or eliminating seizures, managing pain and inflammation, and treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. Cannabis may very well have more health benefits than any man-made or natural substance found on Earth.

Related: Cancer Update: There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies That Prove Cannabis Cures Cancer + Watch What Happens When Cannabis Is Injected Into Cancer Cells

The reason the plant is so effective as a medicine in humans, is because it interacts with a physiological system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which is a “complex network of receptors that acts like a dimmer switch to all other activity in the body,” explains Collective Evolution.

Hemp is also known to help support good health. CBD oils made from hemp are growing in popularity, but they aren’t all created equal - CBD content can vary wildly. The Health Ranger’s very own CWC Labs has launched independent testing for CBD oil, so you can be sure that your product is authentic.

The Human Body Was Naturally Built to Interact With Cannabis

“This means when there is too much or too little activity going on somewhere, the ECS kicks in and brings it back into equilibrium. Our bodies are filled with ECS receptors that are perfect fits both for our own natural chemicals called endocannabinoids and also for the ones coming from plants such as cannabis.”

Human exposure to plant cannabinoids helps balance our ECS when it becomes weakened, reducing the risk of certain diseases. These ailments are often caused by inflammation in the body. Research shows that chronic inflammation leads to all sorts of health problems, including autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

When our bodies are exposed to cannabis, cytokines that cause inflammation are reduced. Fatty acid amidohydrolase, an enzyme that destroys the body’s natural anti-inflammatory endocannabinoid Anandamide, is also reduced, which in turn alleviates inflammation.

In addition to relieving inflammation, cannabis also acts as a powerful antioxidant. Our bodies are constantly subjected to environmental factors that induce oxidative stress, resulting in free radicals that may disrupt important cellular processes. This may result in a variety of health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, early aging and neurodegenerative disorders.

Introducing cannabis into the body may therefore eliminate or even prevent the onset of ailments caused by oxidative stress.

Could Fibromyalgia and Other Hard-to-Explain Diseases Be Caused by a Deficient ECS?

Some theorize that this natural plant may be capable of preventing and curing mysterious diseases. Dr. Ethan Russo suggests that illnesses like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia and migraines could be a result of a deficient ECS.

“If you don’t have enough endocannabinoids you have pain where there shouldn’t be pain. You would be sick, meaning nauseated. You would have a lowered seizure threshold. And just a whole litany of other problems,” Russo said.

The ECS is responsible for regulation all sorts of daily processes that take place within the human body.

Cannabis Helps the Human Body Achieve Homeostasis

“The health of the ECS is vital for homeostasis – the stable functioning of all our physiological processes, including appetite, sensitivity to pain, emotions, bone growth, fertility and so much more,” reported Green Flower.

Interestingly, the human body actually produces its own supply of cannabinoids, or endocannabinoids; however, as Green Flower explains, it’s often not enough to keep the ECS functioning optimally.

“We are finding that endocannabinoid deficiencies are the root of many types of illness, be it physical or mental. This is where cannabis comes in. The major cannabinoids in this plant work in concert with the ECS to promote the homeostasis that we depend on to thrive.”

Furthermore, cannabis intake in humans is known to reduce mental disorders such as anxiety, as well as promoting youthful skin and healthy joints, regulating blood sugar levels, fighting cancer, strengthening bones and improving brain health.

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Punk Icon Johnny Rotten Cheers Brexit, Calls Trump A “Political Sex Pistol” + Brexit Bill Becomes Law As UK Queen Elizabeth II Gives Royal Assent
April 2017 | From: Infowars / Sputnik

Rocker embraces anti-globalism as the new counter-culture.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain, counter-culture icon and godfather of punk rock, Johnny Rotten, expressed his admiration for Nigel Farage, praised Brexit, and asserted that President Donald Trump could be considered a “political Sex Pistol.”

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“Where do I stand on Brexit?” began Rotten. “Well, here goes: The working class have spoke, and I’m one of them, and I’m with them, and there it is.”

Rotten, who became a naturalized American citizen in 2013, was asked about his feelings on Trump.

“Here’s a complicated fellow,”
he replied. “As one journalist once said to me, ‘Is he the political Sex Pistol?'”

“In a way [he is],” interjected host Piers Morgan.

“In a way,” Rotten agreed. “What I dislike is the left-wing media trying to smear the bloke as a racist, and that’s completely not true.”

“There’s many, many problems with him as a human being, but he’s not that – and there just might be a chance that something good will come out of that situation, because he terrifies politicians, and this is joy to behold to me.”

“He is the absolutely archetypal anti-establishment character in politics,” said Morgan.

“He is,” said Rotten. “And dare I say – a possible friend?”

The longtime Sex Pistols frontman took the couch alongside Morgan and co-host Susanna Reid just moments after a heated showdown between Brexit architect, Nigel Farage, and Alastair Campbell, former Director of Communications and Strategy for ex-PM Tony Blair, in which Reid reportedly feared the men might come to blows.

Rotten wasted no time expressing his glowing support of Farage and Brexit, saying it had been “fantastic” to meet Nigel, and that he had been waiting to “shake his hand” since an incident in 2016 that unfolded on the River Thames, in which Farage and a large flotilla of pro-Brexit boaters and fishermen, were attacked by elitist-globalist music producer, Bob Geldof, who was also sailing the Thames in hopes of a confrontation.

Rotten’s comments reflect a possible change of heart from those he made last year in an interview with Metro, in which he called Brexit “suicidal” and an “act of cowardice.”

His opinion of Trump at the time was equally negative, of whom he said, “It’s a minority at best that support him, and it’s so hateful and ignorant. I agree with the basic principle that we’re all fed up with politicians, but you can’t replace them with businessmen, which is surely the more corrupt form.”

Conservatism is the NEW Counter-Culture

Brexit Bill Becomes Law As UK Queen Elizabeth II Gives Royal Assent

Queen Elizabeth II has given her royal assent making Brexit bill a law.

"Her Majesty has signified her royal assent to the following acts… European Union Notification of Withdrawal Act, 2017," House of Commons Speaker John Bercow said.

The UK monarch's formal approval allows Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Article 50 of the EU Lisbon Treaty, as she has pledged to do by end of March. Once the treaty's exit clause is invoked, a two-year period begins during which the UK is expected to discuss plans for its post-Brexit ties with the EU.

Brexit in Motion: Could Article 50 Leave UK Economy in Shambles? Earlier on Monday, the UK Parliament signed off on The European Union Notification of Withdrawal Bill, a legislation that will now allow the UK to formally exit the European Union.

At the same time, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Monday that she will ask London to give Edinburgh legal powers to hold a new referendum on Scotland's independence since Theresa May's government has failed to consider Edinburgh's interests when devising the Brexit strategy.

On June 23, 2016 about 52 percent of UK voters cast ballots to for the island nation to leave the EU. The full terms of the UK's exit have yet to be negotiated, but much hinges at stake.

Particularly, UK citizens and outside observers wonder whether Britain will keep some economic ties with the EU in the form of tariff-free trade, or whether the UK will trade with the EU like any non-EU country under rules stipulated by the World Trade Organization. Another issue is how migrants entering and leaving the UK will be treated.

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Australian Government Ramps Up $18.5M Citizen Surveillance With “The Capability” And “iOmniscient” Technology
April 2 2017 | From: AnonHQ

Although surveillance has dominated society for years now, the Australian Federal Government has decided to catch up, now implementing the latest facial recognition technology to assist with thwarting terrorist attacks while recording every citizen's face and move.

Has Big Brother reached Australia? Concerned citizens of Queensland, Australia’s northern state, seem to think so. Privacy advocates are fearing the latest development in a facial recognition technology trial has overstepped the government boundaries.

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According to a latest ABC report “The Toowoomba Regional Council has begun trialling the software called iOmniscient on behalf of the Brisbane, Gold Coast and other councils.

“iOmniscient works by analysing images recorded by existing CCTV cameras.”

The Australian Federal Government is in support of the new technology, introducing similar rollouts in the Northern Territory to assist police, and also with the passport processing in Australia, reports the ABC News in Australia.

A law lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology, Dr Monique Mann, has said the decision is alarming on many levels.

According to Dr Mann, the introduction of facial recognition technology at a federal level will lead to privacy issues.

“It can be integrated with existing surveillance systems as we’re seeing with CCTV-enabled tracking through public faces,”
she said.

“And it can also be integrated with other big data that’s used for law enforcement and security purposes - so for example images that can be taken from social media websites.”

Paul Antonio, Mayor of the Toowoomba Council since 2012, has rushed to defend the new software, saying it isn’t an invasion of privacy.

“It is attached to a data system that will tell us the number of people coming and going to the library, and the number of times they have actually come and gone in a given day,”
he said.

“What it actually does is it analyses the existing CCTV footage that we’ve had here in this region for quite some time.”

Antonio further said this is specific to “improving service delivery” to the library, where the trial was nominated to take place, and is an “experiment.”

This comes at a time when increasing surveillance devices have been implemented not just in the state of Queensland but across the nation. Last month the Australian government announced a massive $18.5 million budget for facial recognition technology.

The Capability is another program to assist security agencies in scanning through up to 100 million facial images already on Australian databases. The images come from an array of databases including shopping centres, passport photos and drivers’ licenses.

Proponents for the use of The Capability include Justice Minister Michael Keenan, who says this new technology will assist in combating terrorism and organised crime. It keeps Australians safe by protecting their identity and it allows our law enforcement authorities to accurately and efficiently to identify someone who might take their interest,” he said.

Cyber Security analyst Patrick Gray spoke to the ABC in February, highlighting concerns. “This is a whole other league of creepy, this is a whole other league of invasive and the fact that there’s been no discussion around this is really weird.”

Deakin University criminology expert Adam Molnar also raised concerns for a “potential error rate of the technology.” Molnar raised the issue of “false positives” impacting on a person’s life.

"The FBI accepts a 20 per cent inaccuracy so that’s one in five images that could be false identification of an individual,” Molnar said.

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Windows 10 Keeps Spying Even When All Privacy Options Are Turned Off & Did The Government Spy On Trump? Of Course. It Spies On All Of Us!
April 1 2017 | From: Geopolitics / Infowars

In addition to the vulnerability of Apple’s expensive gadgetry, iPhones and iMac, to CIA hacking, Bill Gates’ Windows 10 is surveilling its users by default, i.e. no need for the CIA to hack it anymore.

What this means is: your PC’s camera, microphone, and keystrokes are being recorded and stored in their cloud-based databases, for future reference.

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Simply put, Microsoft Windows 10 and all its previous versions are the Deep State’s window to their users’ private lives.

We should not expect otherwise in the first place.

Windows 10 Will Keep Spying on You No Matter How Hard You Try to Stop It

When you boot up Windows 10 for the very first time, you have the option to customize several settings related to the collection of data from Microsoft’s servers.

You can stop your machine from sending contact and calendar details, typing and speech data, location data and even error and diagnostic reports. Unfortunately, no matter how many boxes you uncheck, Microsoft is still going to collect information from your computer, whether you know it or not.

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In a Voat thread last week, a user by the name of CheesusCrust published his findings after running a network traffic analysis relating to the telemetry and surveillance features of Windows 10. The results were troubling, to say the least.

While setting up a fresh copy of Windows 10 Enterprise Edition on VirtualBox, the user went through and disabled all three pages of tracking options, one by one. He then left the computer running for eight hours overnight, and returned to find that Windows 10 had attempted to contact 51 Microsoft IP addresses 5,508 times.

After 30 hours, over 112 IP addresses had been contacted.

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The user attempted the same experiment once again with a fresh install of Windows 10 as well as a third party tool called DisableWinTracking. He discovered that the name of the tool is slightly misleading, as Windows 10 had contacted 30 IP addresses 2,758 times in the same 30 hour time frame.

As Gordon Kelly explains over at Forbes, the end user license agreement (EULA) you sign to when you install Windows 10 gives Microsoft the legal right to collect this data. That’s all well and good, but Microsoft refuses to explain why it needs this data or how it improves Windows 10 in any meaningful way.

The most damning aspect of the entire investigation is the fact that Microsoft is lying to us when it gives us the ability to turn certain tracking features off. No matter what you do, or which settings you disable, Microsoft isn’t going anywhere.

Related: Windows 10 will keep spying on you no matter how hard you try to stop it

To make matters worse, US senators just voted to allow your ISP to sell your browsing history without your prior permission.

ISP's Can Now Sell Your Browsing History Without Permission, Thanks to the Senate

The US Senate has voted to overturn consumer privacy laws enacted last year by the FCC. The rules, which forced internet service providers to actually get permission before selling your data, were overturned using the little-used Congressional Review Act (CRA).

Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal said before the vote that:

"This resolution is a direct attack on consumer rights, on privacy, on rules that afford basic protection against intrusive and illegal interference with consumers’ use of social media sites and websites that often they talk for granted.”

Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

Assuming that this resolution passes through the House, which seems likely at this point, your broadband and wireless internet service provider will have free reign to collect and sell personal data along to third parties.

That information may include (but is not limited to!) location, financial, healthcare and browsing data scraped from customers. As a result of the ruling, you can expect ISPs to begin collecting this data by default. Some ISPs may choose to include an opt-out from data collection in account settings.

Related: ISPs can now sell your browsing history without permission, thanks to the Senate

Still think that your representative truly represents you? The Corporate Deep State has been hacking the government and monarchies alike for centuries, all for the glory of the Vatican Empire.

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Did the Government Spy On Trump? Of Course. It Spies On All Of Us!

President Trump should use Obama admin's surveillance as a teaching moment.

There was high drama last week when Rep. Devin Nunes announced at the White House that he had seen evidence that the communications of the Donald Trump campaign people, and perhaps even Trump himself, had been “incidentally collected” by the US government.

If true, this means that someone authorized the monitoring of Trump campaign communications using Section 702 of the FISA Act. Could it have been then-President Obama? We don’t know. Could it have been other political enemies looking for something to harm the Trump campaign or presidency? It is possible.

There is much we do not yet know about what happened and there is probably quite a bit we will never know. But we do know several very important things about the government spying on Americans.

First there is Section 702 itself. The provision was passed in 2008 as part of a package of amendments to the 1978 FISA bill. As with the PATRIOT Act, we were told that we had to give the government more power to spy on us so that it could catch terrorists.

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We had to give up some of our liberty for promises of more security, we were told. We were also told that the government would only spy on the bad guys, and that if we had nothing to hide we should have nothing to fear.

We found out five years later from Edward Snowden that the US government viewed Section 702 as a green light for the mass surveillance of Americans. Through programs he revealed, like PRISM, the NSA is able to collect and store our Internet search history, the content of our emails, what files we have shared, who we have chatted with electronically, and more.

That’s why people like NSA whistleblower William Binney said that we know the NSA was spying on Trump because it spies on all of us!

Ironically, FISA itself was passed after the Church Committee Hearings revealed the abuses, criminality, and violations of our privacy that the CIA and other intelligence agencies had been committing for years. FISA was supposed to rein in the intelligence community but, as is often the case in Washington, it did the opposite: it ended up giving the government even more power to spy on us.

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So President Trump might have been “wiretapped” by Obama, as he claimed, but unfortunately he will not draw the right conclusions from the violation. He will not see runaway spying on Americans as a grotesque attack on American values. That is unfortunate, because this could have provided a great teaching moment for the president.

Seeing how all of us are vulnerable to this kind of government abuse, President Trump could have changed his tune on the PATRIOT Act and all government attacks on our privacy. He could have stood up for liberty, which is really what makes America great.

Section 702 of the FISA Act was renewed in 2012, just before we learned from Snowden how it is abused. It is set to expire this December unless Congress extends it again.

Knowing what we now know about this anti-American legislation we must work hard to prevent its renewal. They will try to scare us into supporting the provision, but the loss of our liberty is what should scare us the most!

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Literary Agents Rethinking The Legacy Of Writers Who Worked With The CIA + Interview With Douglas Valentine: The CIA As Organized Crime
April 1 2017 | From: NewRepublic / Sott

Czeslaw Milosz, the Polish poet who defected to the West in 1951, was struck by the ostentatiousness of American cultural programs: “You could smell big money from a mile away.” The era’s finest little magazines, titles like Partisan Review and The Paris Review, published enduring fiction, poetry, and essays.

The writings of Clement Greenberg and Lionel Trilling set the high-water mark for art and literary criticism.

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Richard Wright wrote the mournful poem that would provide the title for Ta-Nehisi Coates’s 2015 best-seller, Between the World and Me. The artists who waged the radical political battles of the 1930s emerged in the 1950s as cultural institutions, achieving a prominence - even a celebrity - that has eluded subsequent generations.

Plenty of observers, however, suspected that the free market of ideas had been corrupted. World tours, fancy conferences, prestigious bylines and book contracts were bestowed on artists who hewed to political positions favored by the establishment, rather than on the most talented.

In 1966, The New York Times confirmed suspicions that the CIA was pumping money into “civil society” organizations: unions, international organizations of students and women, groups of artists and intellectuals. The agency had produced the popular cartoon version of George Orwell’s anticommunist classic Animal Farm in 1954.

It flew the Boston Symphony Orchestra on a European tour in 1952, to counter prejudices of the United States as uncultured and unsophisticated. It promoted the work of abstract expressionist painters like Jackson Pollock because their artistic style would have been considered degenerate in both Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union.

The propriety of such largesse, both for the CIA and its beneficiaries, has been hotly debated ever since. Jason Epstein, the celebrated book editor, was quick to point out that CIA involvement undermined the very conditions for free thought, in which “doubts about established orthodoxies” were supposed to be “taken to be the beginning of all inquiry.”

But Gloria Steinem, who worked with the CIA in the 1950s and ’60s, “was happy to find some liberals in government in those days,” arguing that the agency was “nonviolent and honorable.”

Milosz, too, agreed that the “liberal conspiracy,” as he called it, “was necessary and justified.” It was, he allowed, “the sole counterweight to the propaganda on which the Soviets expended astronomical sums.”

Today’s intellectuals approach their labors in a very different set of circumstances. The struggle for academic patronage and the strained conditions of nearly all media properties have led to fewer jobs and fewer venues for substantial writing; the possibility of leading a public-facing life of the mind now seems vanishingly small, which only heightens nostalgia for the golden age of the 1950s.

Yet the shadow of the CIA lurks behind the achievements of that time. The free play of ideas - the very thing that was supposed to distinguish the United States from the Soviet Union in the first place - turned out to be, at least in part, a carefully constructed illusion.

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What if the prominence of midcentury intellectuals, the sense that they were engaged in important political and artistic projects, is inseparable from the fact that they were useful to America’s Cold War empire?

Joel Whitney’s Finks: How the CIA Tricked the World’s Best Writers insists that past glory and present disappointment are inextricably linked. He wants to show that the distinction some make between a “good,” literary CIA and a “bad” one that toppled leftists and subverted democracy around the globe is an artificial one.

Whitney argues that the government “weaponized” culture and helped create a compromised media that still serves, “in part, to encourage support for our interventions.” The term he uses in the title - “finks” - implies that the book’s subjects are disreputable actors, complicit in the crimes of the agency that supported their work.

The CIA still stonewalls efforts to understand its history, but journalists and scholars have been able to stitch together interviews and papers of the people and organizations that the agency supported to generate a picture of its activities. In this sense, Whitney picks up the investigative gauntlet thrown by the British journalist Frances Stonor Saunders with the publication of her book Who Paid the Piper?in 1999.

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As Saunders demonstrated, the CIA didn’t simply hand out money - it actively managed the organizations it supported. What’s more, she showed, many people who feigned ignorance were aware of the connection.

Saunders’s stance reflected the cultural mood of the late 1990s: With the breakup of the Soviet Union, it became easier both to acknowledge the dark side of American power and to see the Cold War as a pretext for U.S. actions rather than the cause of those actions.

Later historians, such as Hugh Wilford in The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America, have examined the varied reasons why groups and individuals agreed to work with CIA fronts. While Finks is more global than Saunders’s book, devoting more attention to the CIA’s influence from India to Latin America, it represents a return to her mode of exposing hypocritical alliances rather than explaining their historical motivations.

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Whitney, like many of his subjects, is co-founder of a literary magazine (Guernica), and he’s the author of an intricate essay, published in Salon in 2012, on how the renowned Paris Review was implicated in the CIA’s program of cultural manipulation.

The novelist Peter Matthiessen started the magazine in 1953 with Harold “Doc” Humes, a writer who grew paranoid after overdosing on LSD that Timothy Leary gave him in 1965. In 1977, The New York Times revealed that Matthiessen had been working for the CIA when The Paris Review was founded, and that the magazine had served as part of his cover.

He later explained that when he was recruited, “the CIA was brand new, and they were not yet into political assassinations or the other ugly stuff that came later.” But he still insisted that he’d broken his CIA ties after a few years, and that The Paris Review had no further connection to the U.S. government.

Whitney’s investigations in The Paris Review’s archives, however, tell a different story. The magazine remains the great white whale of Finks: Whitney is ever chasing it, searching for its traces in the twilight depths of Cold War espionage. To achieve this, Whitney attempts to link The Paris Review to the central cog in the CIA’s Cold War propaganda machine: the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

The CCF was founded in 1950 as a home for anticommunist intellectuals who wanted to combat the influence of European communists, fellow travelers, and neutralists. CIA dollars and personnel made it possible, even as the CCF quickly expanded into a global organization that operated magazines, conferences, and art galleries from Asia to South America.

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At its height in the ’50s and ’60s, the CCF sponsored sophisticated, cosmopolitan magazines such as Preuves in France, Hiwar in Egypt, Quest in India, Mundo Nuevo in Spain and Latin America, and Encounter in London.

Mundo Nuevo
was especially influential, publishing leftist writers of the generation of the “boom” in Latin American letters (like Carlos Fuentes and Gabriel García Márquez) alongside international authors like Susan Sontag and Harold Pinter. Still, the CIA felt free to nix articles and exercise prior review. “Brand America’s sales team,” writes Whitney, “thought little of fostering cultural freedom through routine acts of censorship.”

The Paris Review, however, was not part of the CCF. Unlike the CCF magazines, which were generally both political and literary, The Paris Review remained theoretically “apolitical.” But Whitney shows that the CIA’s cultural Cold War helped to shape its content just the same.

One of The Paris Review’s editors, Nelson Aldrich Jr., discovered that a government agency had purchased 460 copies of one issue and taken out ten subscriptions.

"As far as possible, this information should remain secret,” he cautioned his colleagues. The CCF effectively subsidized many little magazines simply by being a large and regular purchaser.

But its influence didn’t end there. The Paris Review is famous for its in-depth interviews with authors; the CCF paid to syndicate those interviews in its own suite of magazines. This it would only do, of course, if the interview subject was prominent and didn’t conflict with Cold War imperatives.

The CCF, Whitney shows, paid higher fees for pieces with elements of anti-Soviet propaganda, like the magazine’s interview with the Russian novelist Boris Pasternak. The CCF also steered The Paris Review toward interview subjects it wanted for its own magazines.

George Plimpton, editor of The Paris Review for more than 50 years, revealed in private letters that he knew about the CCF’s connections to the CIA before they were made public. This fits with reporting by Richard Cummings in The American Conservative that Plimpton was an “agent of influence” for the CIA.

Through such relationships, the CIA wielded undue influence on the literary landscape. Whitney makes a compelling case, for instance, that the CIA reinforced the literary prestige of white men in American letters. If other nations believed that race relations in America were poor, the agency feared, it would damage our ability to lead the “free” world.

So the CIA sponsored African American voices only if their critique of U.S. society wasn’t too sweeping. And even writers it did support, like Richard Wright, found that the CIA was spying on them at the same time.

"I lift my hand to fight communism,” Wright wrote, “and I find that the hand of the Western world is sticking knives into my back.”

Ex-Communist Ralph Ellison, author of Invisible Man, attended some CCF events; he was the only black writer featured in The Paris Review’s “Art of Fiction” series until the 1980s.

The evidence that investigative journalists like Whitney and Saunders have amassed should leave no doubt that the so-called “free market of ideas,” which the CIA claimed to be protecting, was distorted and undermined by the agency’s own activities.

The CIA’s cultural apparatus gave intellectuals a way to advance professionally, as long as they rejected radicalism and embraced the necessity of U.S. power in the Cold War. The CIA did not create those opinions, but it amplified them and helped give its warriors the sense of being engaged in a world-historic struggle.

Still, Whitney and other critics of the CIA too often aim to portray the agency and those who worked with it as a single entity acting with a unified purpose. The reality was much messier. Even the term “finks” has an unexpected history.

Whitney picks up the word “finks” from a letter from the novelist and editor Keith Botsford to the sociologist Daniel Bell, both associates of the CCF. For years, Botsford had been trying to convince the CCF to retire Cuadernos, an anti­communist magazine it ran in Latin America.

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“It was a fink magazine,” he wrote to Bell, meaning that it drew from reactionary thinkers and produced poor quality work. (Jorge Ibargüengoitia, the Mexican satirist, once joked that Cuadernos was so bad that it must have been invented by communists to discredit their own opposition.)

Michael Josselson, the CIA’s principal agent for the CCF, fought Botsford’s plan to spike the magazine. But Josselson’s deputy - who swore to Botsford that he wasn’t CIA, when of course he was - backed Botsford. Botsford thought that he’d been played by the CIA’s “finks,” embodied by Josselson. But the “CIA” was on both sides of the debate.

Weaponizing culture, it turned out, was a tricky business. Even Cuadernos criticized the U.S. invasion of the Dominican Republic. The magazine the CCF founded after Cuadernos’s demise in 1965, Mundo Nuevo, criticized the war in Vietnam.

Though the magazines still had strategic purposes, the straightforward defense of U.S. intervention was not among them. It is difficult, in fact, to say just who the “finks” are in all of this. If the test of finkdom is collaboration with state spies, then the CIA’s Communist opponents were finks, too.

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Whitney sounds a powerful warning about the dangerous interaction between the national security state and the work of writers and journalists. But the precise experience of the cultural Cold War is unlikely to be repeated. A global ideological conflict, cast in civilizational terms, made the work of intellectuals worth subsidizing.

Today’s intellectuals are no longer needed as chits in a great power conflict, and our nostalgia for the Cold War generation’s prestige seems increasingly misplaced: An era of heroic thinkers now looks instead like a grubby assortment of operatives, writers who appeared to challenge the establishment without actually being dangerous to it. Jason Epstein was right.

The CIA created conditions that subverted the essential task of an intellectual: to cast a critical eye on orthodoxy and received wisdom.

Today the state maintains its capacity to influence political thinking, but the frontiers have shifted. Freedom is now defended less in little magazines than on social media. In 2014, the U.S. Agency for International Development was caught nurturing a Cuban version of Twitter - a logical extension of the CIA’s work in the ’50s and ’60s.

And as Edward Snowden’s revelations demonstrate, the promotion of freedom through open communications remains uncomfortably intertwined with the potential for surveillance.

What’s more, the vehicles we employ for personal speech are not only subject to electronic censorship and propagandistic manipulation by governments: They are also corporate properties.

While social media can facilitate the circulation of ideas and the defense of free thought, they also depend on profit-chasing and maximizing saleable engagement. In such a highly mediated and monitored system, the line between participation and unwitting collaboration can be difficult to discern.

Cold War intellectuals didn’t always realize the function they performed as “finks,” as accessories to power in systems they would have preferred not to validate.

Today the specific configuration of state interference may have changed, but we remain subject to forces that shape our opinions and the boundaries of our thinking in ways we cannot see clearly. How will we recognize it in ourselves if we, too, are finks?

Interview With Douglas Valentine: The CIA As Organized Crime

Douglas Valentine, author of the definitive book on the CIA's terror operations in Vietnam (The Phoenix Program), and the recently released title: THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World.

Douglas had unprecedented access to CIA officers while writing his book on Phoenix, and since then, he has been one of their most vocal critics. He names names, and doesn't pull any punches when it comes to exposing the criminal network otherwise known as the Central Intelligence Agency.

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Microsoft Study: Human Attention Span Now Less Than Goldfish
March 30 2017 | From: IBTimes

A new Microsoft study has highlighted the deteriorating attention span of humans. Comment: There's quite a sense of irony in that this has come from Microsoft.

In a bid to determine the impact of electronic gadgets on our ability to concentrate, Microsoft monitored the brain activity of some people using electroencephalograms (EEGs).

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While the research revealed that we are able to multitask better now, humans were found to have worse attention spans than goldfish. The average human attention span was found to have fallen to eight seconds from 12 in 2000, putting humans below goldfish, which are is believed to have an attention span of nine seconds. Canadians with more digital lifestyles struggle to focus in environments where prolonged attention is needed.

"Canadians [who were tested] with more digital lifestyles struggle to focus in environments where prolonged attention is needed," the study found, reported The Independent.

"Early adopters and heavy social media users front load their attention and have more intermittent bursts of high attention. They're better at identifying what they want/don't want to engage with and need less to process and commit things to memory."

The fall in concentration could also be blamed on our constant need to check our smartphones and browse through social media newslists and whatsapp messages.

While critics of electronic gadgets and social media have another reason to justify their alarm, some believe it's just a natural way of humans trying to consume it all.

Bruce Morton, a researcher with the University of Western Ontario's Brain and Mind Institute said: "When we first invented the car, it was so novel. The thought of having an entertainment device in the car was ridiculous because the car itself was the entertainment.

“After a while, travelling for eight hours at a time, you'd had enough of it. The brain is bored. You put radios in the car and video displays. Why? Because after the first 10 minutes of the drive I've had enough already. I understand this.

Just because we may be allocating our attention differently as a function of the technologies we may be using, it doesn't mean that the way our attention actually can function has changed."

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3 Hard-Hitting Truths About Pain Most People Forget
March 30 2017 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

Pain is an inseparable part of life, and so everyone experiences it to one degree or another. Only a few, however, understand what pain truly is and how to best deal with it when faced with it.

Below are three of the most important, hard-hitting truths about pain that people tend to forget, which I’ve learned the rough way from painful experiences that I had to go through during the course of my life, and which helped me to better understand pain and experience it far less in times of trouble.

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You Can’t Have Pleasure Without Pain

Most people are seeking to maximize pleasure and minimize pain, not realizing that pain and pleasure are actually two sides of the same coin - you can’t have one without the other.

But why is that so, I can hear you asking.

Because pleasure, just like pain, is a temporary feeling. Like a wave that rises very high above the surface of the sea is bound to soon fall and disappear into the waters, in the same way pleasure arises in our consciousness and soon afterwards dissolves and disappears into nothingness.

Pleasure comes quickly, and goes as quickly as it comes, and although it feels nice while it lasts, after it’s gone the lack of it can be very painful to those who are attached to it. Think, for example, of the intensely pleasurable experience of sexual orgasm. It can feel amazing while it’s there, but once it’s gone its absence usually leads to emotional discontent.

Pleasure and pain always go hand-in-hand, so the more we seek pleasure, the more pain we’re attracting into our lives, which in turn makes us thirsty for even more pleasure, thus creating a never-ending cycle of suffering.

Pain is Necessary for Growth

Pain is, in a sense, a wake-up call - it awakens us to the fact that there’s something wrong with the way we’re living and urges us to take action in order to correct that wrongness.

The more we choose to neglect pain, the more pain we’re going to experience, until a point will come when it’ll be unbearable and we’ll feel forced to do something about it.

Pain, therefore, isn’t a bad thing, as most people believe. On the contrary, the truth is that pain can be quite helpful, if we pay attention to it and learn from it. In fact, as Carl Jung once said, “there is no birth of consciousness without pain.”

With pain comes the need for increased intelligence. Pain is compelling us to find out why it’s there so that we can find ways to cure it and change the way we live so as to make sure we’ll avoid experiencing it in the future. So next time you find yourself in pain, ask yourself: “What can I learn from it?”

Treating the Symptoms of Pain Won’t Cure Pain

To get rid of a tree, you need to remove it from its roots. In the same way, if you want to cure pain, you need to address its root causes. Unfortunately, that’s far from what people usually do.

Do you feel sad? Don’t worry, have a few drinks and you’ll soon forget your worries. Are you still feeling sad? Take this miraculous pill and all your sadness will disappear into thin air!

As idiotic as the above scenario might seem, this is pretty much how most people are trying to deal with pain. The result? Even more pain.

Choosing to avoid feeling our pain, we neglect treating it. And even if we find a ‘quick fix’ that helps us to not sense it for a while, that doesn’t in any way helps us to actually get rid of it.

It’s like taking a pain killer when a part of your body is hurting from an injury - although your consciousness might not register it under the influence of the drug, the wound is still there.

By trying to treat pain on a symptoms-level, we don’t take the time to find out the root cause from where all symptoms are sprouting. This way more and worse symptoms of pain might manifest in the future.

Life can be quite painful sometimes, but it is in our hands to decrease the amount of suffering that we’re experiencing, by paying more attention to our pain, embracing it and learning the important lessons that it always has to teach us.

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The Conspiracy Against President Trump
March 30 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

Listening today to the broadcast of testimony by FBI Director Comey and National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers before the House Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron) made it clear that the Democrats, Comey, and Rogers intend conflict with Russia.

The Republicans, for the most part, were interested to know how security leaks targeted at Trump Republicans came from meetings at which only the CIA Director, NSA Director, and FBI director were present.

Related: House Intelligence Committee Just Admitted US Did In Fact Spy On Trump

Of course, they did not get an answer, which shows how powerless congressional oversight committees are. Comey repeatedly said that he could not tell the committee anything, because it would confirm that a press leak was true.

But, he said, speaking generally and of no specific leak, most leaks come from “someone who heard something” and passes it on to the media, which also explains the inaccuracy of some leaks. In other words, don’t blame us.

The Democrats were out in force to demonize Russia, Putin, and everyone, especially Trump Republicans, who speaks to a Russian even if the person is still a private citizen, as was Gen. Flynn when he recommended to the Russian ambassador that Russia not respond in kind to President Obama’s expulsion of Russian diplomats over Christmas.

Related: Spicer: There’s More Evidence

The Democrats bestowed yet another demonic title on Putin. In addition to being “the new Hitler,” a “thug,” and a “Mafia don,” today Putin became a “tarantula in the center of the spy web.”

The Democrats’ position was that Flynn, by discouraging a Russian tit for tat, had interfered with the Obama regime’s policy of worsening relations between the US and Russia. Some Democrats saw this as treason. Others saw it as proof that Flynn and Trump are in Putin’s pocket, and still others see it as even worse.

The Democrats were also very concerned about lobbyists, if they be Republican, working for Russian interests, including Tillerson, the Secretary of State.

The fact that every country employs lobbyists and that the lobbyists don’t always register as foreign agents, such as Israel’s lobbyists, or if news reports at the time were correct, neocon Richard Perle who represented Turkey in Washington.

Democrats were also after Gen. Flynn for saying that he had not received money from the Russian government. Flynn received a fee for attending the 10th Anniversary celebration of RT in Moscow. Is RT, a news organization, the Russian government?

Related: CNN Colluded With Hillary Than Russia With Trump Trump & InfoWars Accused of Espionage

Its budget is supported by the Russian government, but how does this differ from the US government’s support of the budgets of National Public Radio, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Voice of America? Does this mean that everyone who gives an interview to NPR, Radio Liberty, and VOA is an American agent in the pocket of the US president?

If you attend a function of one of these organizations, does it make you an “American agent/dupe”? Will there be a list of these people?

What the Democrats tried to do today was to criminalize everyone who works for better relations between the US and Russia. To be for peace between the nuclear powers is to be a Russian agent and to be put on a list. The Democrats insisted that Russia was an enemy out to get us, and the Democrats had no difficulty getting Comey and Rogers, both Obama appointees, to agree.

Related: Sounds Like the Hitlery State Dept Worked for Israel

Comey and Rogers said that Russia was the main threat to the US, was working against our interests, and intends to harm us. Harming us includes opposing US hegemony and unilateralism.

In other words, if the Russian government acts in the interests of Russia, the Russian government is harming the US. From the testimony it clearly emerged that any kind of opposition to anything Washington does is against American interests.

Both Comey and Rogers declared, falsely, that Russia had invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea by force. If Comey and Rogers are so poorly informed that they believe this, they are unfit for office. Crimea has been a part of Russia for 300 years.

The population is almost entirely Russian. When the Soviet Union collapsed and Washington broke it apart, the Ukraine became independent for the first time in history.

Crimea, which had been transferred by Khrushchev in 1954 from the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, was included in the transfer on the condition that Russia had a long term lease on the naval base in Crimea.

When Washington’s coup overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine, the Russian populations in Crimea, and in the new republics of Luhansk and Donetsk, were attacked and threatened by the neo-nazi elements in eastern Ukraine that had fought for Hitler against the Soviet Union.

The populations of these areas voted overwhelmingly to reunite with Russia, from whence they had come. The votes were fair and open. As Crimea is the Russian Navy’s Black Sea base, Crimea was already occupied by Russian forces. For Comey and Rogers to call this an “invasion” displays either ignorance or a lack of integrity.

Indeed, the lack of integrity of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Obama regime is evidenced by the sustained campaign of lies, distortions, and targeted “news leaks,” that is, stories planted on the presstitutes by the intelligence services about Russian interference in the presidential election.

Related: McAfee Busts Lie Of "Russians Hacked Election"

It is all about protecting the massive military/security budget and powers. Trump threatened both the budget and the power when he declared that his policy would be to normalize relations with Russia. If relations are normalized, the carefully orchestrated “Russian threat” disappears.

The intelligence services are not willing for this to happen. The US intelligence services prefer the risk of nuclear Armageddon to a budget cut.

The Democrats are probably not sufficiently intelligent to understand that they are fanning the flames of war between nuclear powers. The Democrats are desperate to find someone on whom to pin their loss of the election. Moreover, by pinning it on a conspiracy between Trump and Putin, they hope to remove Trump from office.

Although Pence, who is a Russophobe, is acceptable to the military/security complex, the Democrats have hopes of clearing out Pence as well, as his election resulted from the alleged conspiracy, and reinstalling themselves in the White House.

Americans need to understand that the political competition between the Democrats and Republicans is over which party gets to collect the money for being the whore for the One Percent. Traditionally, the party in the White House gets most of the money, so that is where both parties want to be.

Michael Morell, a supporter of Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s last CIA director in an acting capacity, who was slated to become CIA director under Hillary, said;

“On the question of the Trump campaign conspiring with the Russians, there is smoke, but there is no fire, at all. There’s no little campfire, there’s no little candle, there’s no spark. And there’s a lot of people looking for it.”


Morell does believe that it was the Russians who hacked Hillary’s incriminating emails but not in collusion with Trump, although the evidence is that they were a leak from inside the Democratic National Committee by disaffected supporters of Bernie Sanders.

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Meet the Press on March 5 that he had seen no evidence of a Putin-Trump conspiracy when he left office on January 20.

Listening to Comey and Rogers today, if they are not working against President Trump, what would classify as working against Trump? Trump supporters ask why Trump doesn’t fire these two men who are working to block a reduction in the dangerous tensions between Washington and Russia.

Are the Democrats, Comey, Rogers, the CIA and their media whores so stupid that they don’t understand what it means when the President of Russia says, “the Americans have destroyed our trust in them?”

Trump doesn’t fire Comey and Rogers, because he cannot fire them. If he fires them, the Democrats and presstitutes will explain the firings as proof that Trump is a Russian agent and is covering up his treason by removing those investigating it.

Trump is trying to use Twitter to respond to the orchestrated media assault against him and to achieve some organization among his supporters, the working class that elected him.

However, Trump cannot even count on the Republican Party. Most Republicans are also dependent on political contributions from the military/security complex, and Republicans know that the intelligence agencies have all the dirt on them. To fight for Trump is to expose themselves.

Related: The CIA’s 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers

It is undeniable that the CIA controls the media, both in Europe and in the US. Udo Ulfkotte’s book, Gekauftge Journalisten, exposed the CIA’s hold on European journalists when it was published in Germany in 2014.

An English language edition, Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News, is due out in May. In the meantime Joel Whitney’s book, Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers, suffices to establish that America’s most respected journalists drank the CIA’s Kool-Aid “and thought they were saving freedom” by serving as propagandists.

People in the West need to understand that if the news they receive bears on the interests of the US military/security complex, the news is scripted by the CIA. The CIA serves its interests, not the interests of the American people or the interests of peace.

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Iron Rules Of Medicine
March 30 2017 | From: DrSircus

There are just too many professionals out there who just do not have a clue to what is going on in their patient`s lives and that is because they fail to acknowledge and study the Iron Rules of Medicine.

I spoke to a patient the other day who was seeing a doctor, one who is not enemies with natural medicine, who recommended antibiotics to a 69-year-old patient with multiple complaints including kidney infection. The patient instantly discontinued treatments with this antibiotic recommending doctor.

Related: Main Reasons Iodine Supplementation is Essential

I did not have to break my arm to stick a pH strip in the patient`s mouth and to count how many breaths she was taking in a minute’s time. Her breathing rate was 30 (amazing she already did not have cancer) and her saliva pH was 5.

Want to get ahead of your doctor and learn some of the iron rules of medicine?

Iron Rule Number 1 - Breathing and oxygen are the foundations for life and health. Oxygen is our most important nutrient and yet when prescribed in a hospital it is a drug. Most of us never thought that we also eat with our noses meaning the food/nutrient we need most comes in through our nasal passages.

Related: Iodine Supplement

What do we learn from these two simple tests mentioned above? What gets revealed is a person`s approximate oxygen levels, carbon dioxide levels, cellular energy levels (voltage) as well as pH (she was intensely acid.)

Doctors do not know that the faster a person breathes the lower their oxygen, CO2/bicarbonate levels, pH and voltage go. Fast breathing gets one nowhere except closer to chronic disease, cancer and earlier than wanted death.

How is an antibiotic going to help this 69-year-old woman recover from low energy, oxygen, CO2 and high acidity levels that provide excellent breeding grounds for microbes of all types. Understand that there are fundamental reasons we get infections.

Low oxygen, CO2, cellular energy and too high acidity are breeding grounds for infections. What is the point with antibiotics when they do not treat the underlying cause of infection?

Iron Rule Number 2: Do not poison the patient. People who resort to poison to help people are desperate, ignorant or arrogant.

Poisoning people should be against the law but it isn’t if you do it with a doctor’s prescription. Botox is an obvious example yet unfortunately every pharmaceutical, even aspirin, are toxic poisons that cause death in staggering numbers.

Iron Rule Number 3: Conflict and stress are common and real causes of disease including cancer. They have their correspondences in the brain and in all organ systems. Stress dominates both our breathing patterns and how our hearts beat - beat for beat - meaning stress lays itself out in what is called Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

The higher the stress the tighter the variability between in and every heartbeat. As we flatline, meaning each beat is the same, we flatline in life because of death threatening conflicts and stress. Vulnerable hearts are flexible dancing on each moment of life. Pathologies of the vagus nerve are measurable with HRV.

Dr. R. G. Hamer and his New Medicine spoke of an ‘Iron Rule of Cancer’ in 1981. He mistakenly perceived that every cancer or cancer-like disease originates with a Dirk Hamer Syndrome (‘DHS’) which is a very difficult highly acute, dramatic and isolating shock that affected the psyche,the brain and certain organs.

I say mistakenly because, though he might be correct in most or many cases of cancer it is certainly not the case in all cancers. High levels of radiation or of heavy metals like mercury can also bring on cancer with or without psychological damage and intense stress.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as many other toxic shocks are also known to bring on cancer as are massive mineral deficiencies in the body.

It is true that in most cases symptoms of disease are expressions of psychological conflicts, and can only be healed when the patient is aware of what is behind the problem.

Iron Rule Number 4: Hydration levels are crucial for health for adults and children alike. Dehydration is one of the most overlooked and basic causes of disease. The minute hydration levels decline oxygen transport and utilization decline, cell voltage declines, the body becomes more acidic, and the more toxins build up because they cannot be eliminated from the body with efficiency.

All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently.

Iron Rule Number 5: “It seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily function,” reported Richard J. Wurtman, a nutritionist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Without enough sun or administration of sufficient vitamin D we get sick, inflammation takes over our body, and eventually die.

One of the greatest triggers of influenza, the swine flu and deaths from pulmonary deficiency is vitamin D deficiency. One of the biggest reviews of the role of vitamin D in health found that people who took supplements of the vitamin for six years reduced their risk of dying from all causes.

Studies have already suggested that vitamin D played a key role in protecting against cancer, heart disease and diabetes - conditions that account for 60 to 70 per cent of all deaths in the West. Some researchers believe that up to 75% of the United States population may not be getting enough vitamin D. Sun exposure improves immune system function.

Iron Rule Number 6: Mineral deficiencies cause disease as well as cancer. Humans are very much like plants. We need light, water, oxygen, CO2 and minerals. Minerals are the building blocks of our bodies. They are required for body structure, fluid balance, protein structures and to produce hormones.

They are a key for the health of every body system and function. They act as co-factors, catalysts or inhibitors of all enzymes in the body.

In the absence of certain trace minerals, various heavy metals are more likely to accumulate. Minerals create safety buffers against toxic metals. Minerals provide the spark for many of the body’s cellular processes and keep them running efficiently. Without these finely-tuned chemical reactions no organism can function.

Radiation damages our bodies by breaking the chemical bonds in our cells. The amount of damage done depends not only on how much radiation we are exposed to but also very much on how mineral deficient we are. According to the National Foundation for Cancer Research the value of minerals as part of an anticancer diet is frequently overlooked.

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Nature’s Prozac: Nutrition For Mental Health
March 29 2017 | From: NaturalBlaze

In a pill-popping world, the idea of simply providing your brain and body with what it needs for mental health is nothing short of revolutionary.

1 in 5 Westerners currently takes one or more psychiatric drugs on a daily basis.

Related: Doctor gets 18 years for helping people with plants while child-raping cop gets 3 years

“Psychiatric medications are among the most widely prescribed and biggest-selling class of drugs in the US. In 2010, Americans spent $16.1 billion on anti-psychotics to treat depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, $11.6 billion on antidepressants and $7.2 billion on treatment for ADHD, according to IMS Health, which tracks prescription drug sales.”


Psychiatric drugs can cause many horrible side effects, some of which are worse than the original condition they were intended to treat. In fact, there is a very clear link between psychiatric medications and the violent actions of the “mass shooters” over the past few years. In many cases, these drugs are harmful and unnecessary.

Caveat lector: I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. The contents of this article are not meant to replace medical advice. The data presented is for informational purposes only.

There is a theory that most (and some say all) mental illnesses are caused by nutritional deficiencies. The brain is a miraculous creation that must be properly fueled in order to function correctly. Feeding your brain (and body) empty chemically created calories is akin to putting diesel fuel into a gasoline engine.

It sputters and grinds to a halt, and the contamination must be thoroughly flushed out of the system for it to work properly again. Vehicles come with differently shaped fuel-filler openings, to make it difficult to put in the wrong fuel. Human beings, unfortunately, are not equipped with this type of mechanism and can therefore stuff anything and everything into their mouths and hope their body recognizes it as fuel.

Back to the Brain:

The brain uses 20-30% of a person’s daily caloric intake for the day. If you don’t consume enough calories, verbal fluency, problem solving ability and motivation are affected first. Then bodily functions are decreased in reverse order of necessity for life.

Your brain requires essential fatty acids to maintain proper function. This is one of the many reasons that extreme low-fat diets are not healthy. Fatty acids are required to maintain connections between neurons. A lack of N3 (aka Omega-3) fatty acids may cause learning and motor disabilities, and may damage the passage of dopamine and serotonin in the frontal cortex. The most vital EFAs are 3, 6, and 9.

Dopamine and serotonin are both crucial to mental health. Dopamine affects the brain processes that control voluntary movements, emotional responses, and the ability to register pleasure and pain. Serotonin is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter. This chemical is related to the ability to resist impulses.

Serotonin (or lack thereof) plays a major role in things like depression, suicide, impulsive behavior, mood control, and aggression. The basic premise is that if these chemicals are not being properly transported in your brain, your mental health could suffer.

A lack of Vitamin D has been linked to depression, schizophrenia, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Research has suggested that Vitamin D is in actuality a neuroactive steroid, a chemical that is targeted by certain SSRI antidepressants. A lack of Vitamin D can negatively affect the transport of Dopamine.

The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight absorbed through the skin. This may explain the prevalence of depression in the winter, particularly in regions that receive less direct sunlight.

Niacin (Vitamin B3) is an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and insomnia. In the textbook Orthomolecular Psychiatry, David Hawkins, M.D. and Linus Pauling, Ph.D. outline the protocol for a niacin regimen for mental health. Although this particular book targets the treatment of schizophrenia, the niacin treatment is the same for other mental health issues.

The body cannot store niacin, so it’s important to take this supplement every day. A great resource for information about Niacin can be found here. Here’s how it works:

“In the brain, low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin are associated with depression. One of the building blocks of serotonin is the amino acid tryptophan, and one of the building blocks of tryptophan is niacin. Tryptophan also helps the body supply itself with niacin.

If tryptophan is divided between serotonin production and niacin production, serotonin production is likely to be inadequate. Supplemental niacin and tryptophan can improve symptoms of depression."

- Source

Instructions for finding the correct dosage of niacin can be found here.

Other Mental Health Aids

There are loads of mental health remedies out there. Some natural ones include HTTP-5, St. John’s Wort, valerian root and passionflower. Many people swear by the efficacy of these herbs, but few studies have been funded to confirm the validity of these claims.

(Think about it – it isn’t cost effective for the pharmaceutical companies because you can’t patent a plant! Supplements containing tyrosine and phenylalanine are said to help with the transport of serotonin and dopamine, as well.

Other vitamins and minerals that are important to mental health are: Vitamin E, Folate (another B vitamin), Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Chromium, B12 and B6.

Eating for Good Mental Health

The first line of defense against mental health issues should always be nutritional. Take a good look at your diet and contemplate the fuel you are putting into your body. Clean out the toxins, ditch the chemical “food-like substances” lurking in your home, and start with good solid nutrition from REAL sources.

Once you’ve made the required adjustments to your diet, start a food/mood journal. It’s very likely you will begin to see a link between certain foods and your state of mind. Around the holidays or when I’m on vacation, sometimes I’ve found myself in a funk; and, generally speaking, I’ve been eating things I don’t normally consume.

Certain foods seem to trigger this for me, particularly commercial bread products. You may discover that the issue is as much about what you avoid as it is about what you eat.

From a preparedness aspect, we know that if the SHTF, we will be undergoing a lot more stress than we do in our current day to day lives.

This tough time could be anything from a job loss to a natural disaster to an economic collapse. It’s vitally important to stock up on foods that promote good mental health, as well as stockpiling vitamins and supplements that can assist you nutritionally in dealing with stressful situations.

Following are some sources of the most important nutrients for good mental health. I take vitamins, but I take them as a SUPPLEMENT – meaning, I try very hard to meet my nutritional needs with food first and foremost.

The human body is a marvelous creation, and it works better when fueled with food and just “topped up” with vitamins. This list is not meant to be comprehensive – it’s just a starting point for your pantry and garden planning.

Niacin [Which is also helful for addiction recovery]

Bran (Wheat and Rice)

Vitamin D (There are few food sources of this – the #1 way to get it is synthesized from sunshine)

Egg Yolk
Beef Liver
Cod Liver Oil
Swiss Cheese


Nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Pecans, Pistachio, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia)
Pumpkin and Squash Seeds
Hemp Seeds and Hemp Seed Oil
Olives and Olive Oil
Oily Fish (Halibut, Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, Tuna)
Flax Seeds


Soy products (make sure they are organic!)
Egg whites

Vitamin E

Sunflower Seeds
Greens (Turnip Greens, Chard, Mustard Greens, Collards, Spinach)
Bell Peppers


Sunflower Seeds


Dark Chocolate
Edamame (be sure it’s organic – high risk of GMOs, otherwise!)
Bran (wheat, rice and oat)
Squash and Pumpkin Seeds
Flax Seeds
Sesame Seeds
Sunflower Seeds


Dairy Products (especially yogurt)
Tofu (organic!)
Collard Greens

Vitamin B12



Dark chocolate
Shitake Mushrooms
Pumpkin and Squash Seeds
Wheat Germ
Kidney Beans


Brewer’s Yeast
Whole Grains


Greens (Turnip Greens, Chard, Mustard Greens, Collards, Spinach)
Bell Peppers
Cruciferous Vegetables (Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts)

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Secret Spells Of The English Language: Our Premiere Life Sentence & The Power Of Language
March 28 2017 | From: Omnithought

This article resonates well with my teachings on word magic. If you want to solve the riddle game of the Dark Forces and free your mind and soul from their matrix system, you need to study how word magic is used to cast spells on you. – Pao Chang

So what do I mean by the secrets spells of the English Language? Well let me share with you, what I call Our Premiere Life Sentence, and it goes something like this:

Related: The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells

We awake each morning and go off during the week-daze to earn the living At various Jobs and Undertakings, until we come to the Weak-end. And this seems perfectly acceptable to most people However more people die between 6 to 9 on a Monday morning than any other time of the week.

So I do what I call a Translation of the English Language And I spell that T-R-A-N-C-E with the idea that words cast spells.

So when you translate that life sentence you remember that: A-Wake is a funeral party for the dead. Morning is a state you’re in when you attend A-Wake

And you would have to be in a Weak-Daze to earn the living Since Earns are for the ashes of the dead. We call our Jobs undertakings Job itself is a Hebrew word for ‘Persecuted’

And what we get at the end of this perverse bargain with life is the Weak-End of the deal. As we become progressively Weakened ourselves. And so our most prevalent greeting to each other is Hell-0 The reverse of which is 0-Hell

And at first I suspected the hands of collusion Entangling the language to foster illusion. And I think it’s quite true that a culture’s Theology Has a great deal to do with the word Etymology. And how it evolves over time. To combine incompatible meanings that may undermine the original thoughts it was meant to define.

But now, I don’t think it’s planned. For the thing that I found is that light concepts can gravitate toward the same sound And vibrate at the rate that our thoughts designate.

Because words are Electromagnetic vibrations. Who’s fine Alphabetic Tintinnabulation’s. Can take on the tint of our true Expectations. Which they then imprint on our Metal of Mind. Causing sounds to Adhere when they’re of the same kind.

Secret Spells of the English Language

The Power Of Language

Langauge is a powerful tool to use to communicate thoughts and intentions. When used in harmony with Natural Law, it can empower you to achieve freedom and enlightenment.

But when used not in harmony with Natural Law, it can create chaos and tyranny, which can lead to the destruction of freedom and sovereignty.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

To know how powerful the language system is, you need to innerstand the power of words and how words are used to cast magic spells on you. Also, watch the following short video.

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It’s Time to Take The Gaia Hypothesis Seriously
March 28 2017 | From: Nautilus

Can a planet be alive? Lynn Margulis, a giant of late 20th-century biology, who had an incandescent intellect that veered toward the unorthodox, thought so. She and chemist James Lovelock together theorized that life must be a planet-altering phenomenon and the distinction between the “living” and “nonliving” parts of Earth is not as clear-cut as we think.

Many members of the scientific community derided their theory, called the Gaia hypothesis, as pseudoscience, and questioned their scientific integrity.

But now Margulis and Lovelock may have their revenge. Recent scientific discoveries are giving us reason to take this hypothesis more seriously. At its core is an insight about the relationship between planets and life that has changed our understanding of both, and is shaping how we look for life on other worlds.

Studying Earth’s global biosphere together, Margulis and Lovelock realized that it has some of the properties of a life form. It seems to display “homeostasis,” or self‐regulation. Many of Earth’s life‐sustaining qualities exhibit remarkable stability.

The temperature range of the climate; the oxygen content of the atmosphere; the pH, chemistry, and salinity of the ocean - all these are biologically mediated.

All have, for hundreds of millions of years, stayed within a range where life can thrive. Lovelock and Margulis surmised that the totality of life is interacting with its environments in ways that regulate these global qualities. They recognized that Earth is, in a sense, a living organism. Lovelock named this creature Gaia.

“Life and Earth have been co-evolving in a continuing dance."

Margulis and Lovelock showed that the Darwinian picture of biological evolution is incomplete. Darwin identified the mechanism by which life adapts due to changes in the environment, and thus allowed us to see that all life on Earth is a continuum, a proliferation, a genetic diaspora from a common root.

In the Darwinian view, Earth was essentially a stage with a series of changing backdrops to which life had to adjust. Yet, what or who was changing the sets?

Margulis and Lovelock proposed that the drama of life does not unfold on the stage of a dead Earth, but that, rather, the stage itself is animated, part of a larger living entity, Gaia, composed of the biosphere together with the “nonliving” components that shape, respond to, and cycle through the biota of Earth.

Yes, life adapts to environmental change, shaping itself through natural selection. Yet life also pushes back and changes the environment, alters the planet. This is now as obvious as the air you are breathing, which has been oxygenated by life. So evolution is not a series of adaptations to inanimate events, but a system of feedbacks, an exchange.

Life has not simply molded itself to the shifting contours of a dynamic Earth. Rather, life and Earth have shaped each other as they’ve co-evolved.

When you start looking at the planet in this way, then you see coral reefs, limestone cliffs, deltas, bogs, and islands of bat guano as parts of this larger animated entity. You realize that the entire skin of Earth, and its depths as well, are indeed alive.

The acceptance of the Gaia hypothesis was, and remains, slow, halting, and incomplete. There are several reasons for this. One is just the usual inertia, the standard conservative reluctance to accept new ways of thinking. Yet Gaia was also accused of being vague and shifting.

Some complained that the “Gaians” had failed to present an original, well‐defined, testable scientific proposition. How can you evaluate, oppose, or embrace an idea that is not clearly stated, or that seems to mean different things to different people? There was certainly some truth to this.

Gaia has been stated many different ways. Also, it didn’t help that Margulis and Lovelock were more than willing to mix science with philosophy and poetry, and they didn’t mind controversy; in fact, I’d say they enjoyed and courted it.

The truth is, despite its widespread moniker, Gaia is not really a hypothesis. It’s a perspective, an approach from within which to pursue the science of life on a planet, a living planet, which is not the same as a planet with life on it - that’s really the point, simple but profound.

Because life is not a minor afterthought on an already functioning Earth, but an integral part of the planet’s evolution and behavior.

Over the last few decades, the Gaians have pretty much won the battle. The opposition never actually surrendered or admitted defeat, but mainstream earth science has dropped its disciplinary shields and joined forces with chemistry, climatology, theoretical biology, and several other “‐ologies” and renamed itself “earth system science.”

The Gaia approach, prompted by the space-age comparison of Earth with its apparently lifeless neighbors, has led to a deepening realization of how thoroughly altered our planet is by its inhabitants.

When we compare the life story of Earth to that of its siblings, we see that very early on in its development, as soon as the sterilizing impact rain subsided so that life could get a toehold, Earth started down a different path. Ever since that juncture, life and Earth have been co-evolving in a continuing dance.

As we’ve studied Earth with space-age tools, seen her whole from a distance, drilled the depths of the ocean floor, and, with the magic glasses of multispectral imaging, mapped the global biogeochemical cycles of elements, nutrients, and energy, we’ve learned that life’s influence is more profound and pervasive than we ever suspected.

All this oxygen we take for granted is the byproduct of life intervening in our planet’s geochemical cycles: harvesting solar energy to split water molecules, keeping the hydrogen atoms and reacting them with CO2 to make organic food and body parts, but spitting the oxygen back out.

In Earth’s upper atmosphere some of this oxygen, under the influence of ultraviolet light, is transformed into ozone, O3, which shields Earth’s surface from deadly ultraviolet, making the land surface habitable. When it appeared, this shield allowed life to leave the ocean and the continents to become green with forests. That’s right: It was life that rendered the once deadly continents habitable for life.

The more we look through a Gaian lens, the more we see that nearly every aspect of our planet has been biologically distorted beyond recognition. Earth’s rocks contain more than 4,000 different minerals (the crystalline molecules that make up rocks).

This is a much more varied smorgasbord of mineral types than we have seen on any other world. Geochemists studying the mineral history of Earth have concluded that by far the majority of these would not exist without the presence of life on our planet.

So, on Earth’s life‐altered surface, the very rocks themselves are biological byproducts. A big leap in this mineral diversity occurred after life oxygenated Earth’s atmosphere, leading to a plethora of new oxidized minerals that sprinkled colorful rocks throughout Earth’s sediments.

Observed on a distant planet, such vast and varied mineral diversity could be a sign of a living world, so this is a potential biosignature (or Gaiasignature) we can add to the more commonly cited Lovelock criterion of searching for atmospheric gases that have been knocked out of equilibrium by life.

In fact, minerals and life seem to have fed off each other going all the way back to the beginning. Evidence has increased that minerals were vital catalysts and physical substrates for the origin of life on Earth. Is it really a huge leap, then, to regard the mineral surface of Earth as part of a global living system, part of the body of Gaia?

What about plate tectonics and the dynamics of Earth’s deep interior? At first glance this seems like a giant mechanical system - a heat engine - that does not depend upon biology, but rather (lucky for life), supports it.

Also, although we’re probably still largely ignorant about the deeply buried parts of Earth’s biosphere, it’s unlikely there are any living organisms deeper than a couple of miles down in the crust, where it gets too hot for organic molecules.

Yet, just as we’ve found that life’s sway has extended into the upper atmosphere, creating the ozone layer that allowed the biosphere to envelop the continents, more and more we see that life has also influenced these deeper subterranean realms.

Over its long life, Gaia has altered not just the skin but also the guts of Earth, pulling carbon from the mantle and piling it on the surface in sedimentary rocks, and sequestering massive amounts of nitrogen from the air into ammonia stored inside the crystals of mantle rocks.

“Life itself, once it gets started, can make or keep a planet habitable."

By controlling the chemical state of the atmosphere, life has also altered the rocks it comes into contact with, and so oxygenated the crust and mantle of Earth. This changes the material properties of the rocks, how they bend and break, squish, fold, and melt under various forces and conditions.

All the clay minerals produced by Earth’s biosphere soften Earth’s crust - the crust of a lifeless planet is harder - helping to lubricate the plate tectonic engine.

The wetness of Earth seems to explain why plate tectonics has persisted on Earth and not on its dry twin, Venus.

One of the more extreme claims of the Gaia camp, at present neither proven nor refuted, is that the influence of life over the eons has helped Earth hold on to her life‐giving water, while Venus and Mars, lifeless through most of their existence, lost theirs.

If so, then life may indeed be responsible for Earth’s plate tectonics. One of the original architects of plate tectonic theory, Norm Sleep from Stanford, has become thoroughly convinced that life is deeply implicated in the overall physical dynamics of Earth, including the “nonliving” interior domain.

In describing the cumulative, long-term influence of life on geology, continent building, and plate tectonics, he wrote, “The net effect is Gaian. That is, life has modified Earth to its advantage.” The more we study Earth, the more we see this. Life has got Earth in its clutches. Earth is a biologically modulated planet through and through. In a nontrivial way, it is a living planet.

Now, 40 years after Viking landed on Mars, we’ve learned that planets are common, including those similar in size to Earth and at the right distance from their stars to allow oceans of liquid water.

Also, Lovelock’s radical idea to pay attention to the atmosphere and look for drastic departures from the expected mixture of gases now forms the cornerstone of our life‐detection strategies.

Gaian thinking has crept into our ideas about evolution and the habitability of exoplanets, revising notions of the “habitable zone.” We’re realizing that it is not enough to determine basic physical properties of a planet, its size and distance from a star, in order to determine its habitability.

Life itself, once it gets started, can make or keep a planet habitable. Perhaps, in some instances, life can also destroy the habitability of a planet, as it almost did on Earth during the Great Oxygenation Event (sometimes called the oxygen catastrophe) of 2.1 billion years ago.

As my colleague Colin Goldblatt, a sharp young climate modeler from the University of Victoria, once said, “The defining characteristic of Earth is planetary scale life. Earth teaches us that habitability and inhabitance are inseparable.”

In my 2003 book Lonely Planets, I described what I call the “Living Worlds hypothesis,” which is Gaian thinking applied to astrobiology. Perhaps life everywhere is intrinsically a planetary‐scale phenomenon with a cosmological life span - that is, a life expectancy measured in billions of years, the timescale that defines the lives of planets, stars, and the universe.

Organisms and species do not have cosmological life spans. Gaia does, and this is perhaps a general property of living worlds. Influenced greatly by Lovelock and Margulis, I’ve argued that we are unlikely to find surface life on a planet that has not severely and flagrantly altered its own atmosphere.

According to this idea, a planet cannot be “slightly alive” any more than a person can (at least not for long), and an aged planet such as Mars, if it is not obviously, conspicuously alive like Earth, is probably completely dead. 

If the little whiffs of methane recently reported by the Curiosity rover turn out to be the signs of pockets of Martian life on an otherwise generally dead world, this would prove that my Living Worlds hypothesis is wrong, and that life can take on very non-Gaia-like forms elsewhere.

Related: Call For UN Probe After 'Bear Pictured Walking On Mars'

But a living world may require more than temporary little pockets of water and energy as surely exist underground on Mars. It may require continuous and vigorous internally driven geological activity. I believe that only a planet that is “alive” in the geological sense is likely to be “alive” in the biological sense.

Without plate tectonics, without deep, robust global biogeochemical cycles which life could feed off and, eventually, entrain itself within, life may never have been able to establish itself as a permanent feature of Mars, as it did on Earth.

As far as we can tell, around the time when life was starting on Earth, both Venus and Mars shared the same characteristics that enabled life to get going here: They were wet, they were rocky, they had thick atmospheres and vigorous geologic activity.

Comparative planetology seems to be telling us that the conditions needed for the origin of life might be the norm for rocky worlds. One real possibility is that Mars or Venus also had an origin of life, but that life did not stick, couldn’t persist, on either of these worlds.

It was not able to take root and become embedded as a permanent planetary feature, as it did on Earth. This may be a common outcome: planets that have an origin of life, perhaps even several, but that never develop a robust and self‐sustaining global biosphere.

What is really rare and unusual about Earth is that beneficial conditions for life have persisted over billions of years. This may have been more than luck.

When we stop thinking of planets as merely objects or places where living beings may or may not be present, but rather as themselves living or nonliving entities, it can color the way we think about the origin of life. Perhaps life is something that happens not on a planet but to a planet: It is something that a planet becomes.

Think of life as analogous to a fire. If you’ve ever tried to start a campfire, you know it’s easy to ignite some sparks and a little flicker of flame, but then it’s hard to keep these initial flames going. At first you have to tend to the fire, blowing until you’re faint, to supply more oxygen, or it will just die out.

That’s always the tricky part: keeping it burning before it has really caught on. Then it reaches a critical point, where the fire is really roaring. It’s got a bed of hot coals and its heat is generating its own circulation pattern, sucking in oxygen, fanning its own flames. At that point it becomes self-sustaining, and you can go grab a beer and watch for shooting stars.

I wonder if the first life on a planet isn’t like those first sparks and those unsteady little flames.

The earliest stages of life may be extremely vulnerable, and there may be a point where, once life becomes a planetary phenomenon, enmeshed in the global flows that support and fuel it, it feeds back on itself and becomes more like a self‐sustaining fire, one that not only draws in its own air supply, but turns itself over and replenishes its own fuel. A mature biosphere seems to create the conditions for life to continue and flourish.

“Life is something that happens not on a planet, but to a planet.."

A “living worlds” perspective implies that after billions of years, life will either be absent from a planet or, as on Earth, have thoroughly taken over and become an integral part of all global processes. Signs of life will be everywhere.

Once life has taken hold of a planet, once it has become a planetary‐scale entity (a global organism, if you will), it may be very hard to kill.

Certainly life has seen Earth through many huge changes, some quite traumatic. Life here is remarkably robust and persistent. It seems to have a kind of immortality. Call it quasi‐immortality, because the planet won’t be around forever, and it may not be habitable for its entire lifetime. Individuals are here for but an instant.

Whole species come and go, usually in timescales barely long enough to get the planet’s attention. Yet life as a whole persists. This gives us a different way to think about ourselves.

The scientific revolution has revealed us, as individuals, to be incredibly tiny and ephemeral, and our entire existence, not just as individuals but even as a species, to be brief and insubstantial against the larger temporal backdrop of cosmic evolution.

If, however, we choose to identify with the biosphere, then we, Gaia, have been here for quite some time, for perhaps 3 billion years in a universe that seems to be about 13 billion years old. We’ve been alive for a quarter of all time. That’s something.

The origin of life on Earth was not just the beginning of the evolution of species, the fount of diversity that eventually begat algae blooms, aspen groves, barrier reefs, walrus huddles, and gorilla troops.

From a planetary evolution perspective, this development was a major branching point that opened up a gateway to a fundamentally different future. Then, when life went global, and went deep, planet Earth headed irreversibly down the path not taken by its siblings.

Now, very recently, out of this biologically altered Earth, another kind of change has suddenly emerged and is rewriting the rules of planetary evolution. On the nightside of Earth, the lights are switching on, indicating that something new is happening and someone new is home. Has another gateway opened? Could the planet be at a new branching point?

The view from space sheds light on the multitude of rapid changes inscribed on our planet by our industrial society. The orbital technology enabling this observation is itself one of the strange and striking aspects of the transition now gripping Earth.

If up to now the defining characteristic of Earth has been planetary‐scale life, then what about these planetary‐scale lights? Might this spreading, luminous net be part of a new defining characteristic?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

McCain: "The New World Order Is Under Enormous Strain"
March 27 2017 | From: Zerohedge

It was a bumper day for John McCain when on Friday Donald Trump's Republican nemesis gloated as Trump's "art of the deal" collapsed in the last minute, after the President and Ryan-led effort to repeal Obamacare suffered what appears to be a terminal setback.

In the wake of Trump's misfortune, McCain renewed his calls on Friday for a return to a legacy neocon status quo, when speaking at the Brussels forum, said that the world "cries out for American and European leadership" through the EU and Nato, and said that the EU and the US needed to develop "more cooperation, more connectivity".

Related: Soros Insider: Banks Ending Cash To Establish World Government & The Real John McCain: “33 POWs Faced Execution For Treason After Vietnam Until Nixon Pardoned All POWs.” McCain Was #1 On The List + Biden Family Drama Has Everything: Sex, Hookers, Debt, Cocaine And A Son Sleeping With His Dead Brothers Wife

In a "new world order under enormous strain" and in "the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism… we can't stand by and lament, we've got to be involved," said McCain who is now chairman of the armed services committee in the US Senate, quoted by the EU Observer.

"I trust the EU," he said, defending an opposite view from that of US president Donald Trump, who said in January that the UK "was so smart in getting out" of the EU and that Nato was "obsolete". He said that the EU was "one of the most important alliances" for the US and that the EU and Nato were "the best two sums in history", which have maintained peace for the last 70 years.

Further attacking Trump's global worldview, McCan said that "we need to rely on Nato and have a Nato that adjusts to new challenges." He noted that "the EU has too many bureaucrats, not much bureaucracy," but added that "it's not the only place on earth with that problem."

He said that he was "still wondering what the overall effect of Brexit will be" and that he did not know "if this is the beginning of a serious problem for the EU". McCain did not disagree, however, with Trump's demand that European countries increase their defense spending for Nato.

McCain also revealed he hasn’t met the President Donald Trump in person since he took office, and he urged Trump to reach out to his opponents - Democratic and otherwise - ala Ronald Reagan if he wants to repeal Obamacare.

“Do some outreach. Get to know some of these Democratic leaders,” he said.

“You can find common ground.” McCain said he’d met Trump “some years ago” when he was a businessman, but had not met him since. McCain said he did speak “almost daily” to National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, however.

“He doesn’t seem to be that upset that he’s not talking to him,” said German Marshall Fund’s Derek Chollet, a former Obama Pentagon official. “He’s trying to run U.S. defense policy through Mattis and effectively ignore Trump.”

That said, McCain also said it was "too early" to pass judgment on his presidency, although his series of critical comments in recent weeks have demonstrated his growing skepticism about the Trump administration.

Furthermore, while McCain said he was "very pleased" by Trump's picks for his national security team - despite suggesting that they were being bypassed by more ideological and less competent people - he took the opportunity to attack Trump's decisionmaking, saying "the question is: who does the president listen to, who drives the tweets at 6 in morning?”, he said.Asked whether he thought that "Russia owns a significant part of the White House," he said: "I don't worry about that."

The unspoken suggestion: Russia.

What worries McCain, he said, was "the Russian role in our elections", even if he admitted that he has seen "no evidence they succeeded” in affecting the outcome of last year's US vote.

Noting that Russia was now trying to influence elections in France and in Germany, he said that if it succeeded it would be "a death warrant for democracy".

"It's an act of destruction that is certainly more lethal than dropping some bombs," he insisted. McCain, a Russia hawk, said that Putin wanted to restore the Russian empire: “He wants the Baltics, he has taken Crimea, he's been in Ukraine."

"These are KBG thugs, my friends," he said, referring to the former Russian spy service for which Putin used to work. He added that the US needed to "respond accordingly". He said however that there was "nothing wrong" if Trump met Putin.

"I'm not against meeting,"
he said, reminding the Brussels forum that US presidents met Soviet leaders during the Cold War.

But he added that "the best way to go to a meeting is with a strong hand" and that was not the case for the US right now.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Duterte Continues To Defy Western Propaganda
March 27 2017 | From: Geopolitics

The Philippine government continues to implement massive reforms across the bureaucracy in dizzying pace, while the West is resuming its attacks on the Philippine president. Incidentally, the latter is just taking all of it in stride. Why not?

He has successfully dictated the terms of the battle.

Related: 6.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Philippines for Choosing Social Justice Over Abusive Mining

The true enemies of the State are now being put in their most uncomfortable, defensive stance, as their true character, and the lies they’ve been peddling over the years, are sustainably being exposed for all the world to see.

No longer are the people listening to their sermons, but are starting to wake up to the calls of the president to use a more practical approach to everything that is ailing the country.

War on Criminality and Narcopolitics

So far, Duterte’s 8-month old War on Narcopolitics has yielded:

43,790 police operations conducted, since July 1, 2016;

7,070,317 houses visited as part of “Project Tokhang” which served to warn the suspects; tokhang is a contraction of “toktok” [knocking] and “hangyo” [plead];

1,179, 476 drug surrenderees = 79,349 pushers + 1,110,113 users, some of whom are already undergoing community rehabilitation, or drug rehab center based recovery;

7,080 deaths via legitimate police operations [drug related and otherwise], and vigilante killings [internal cleansing];

603 deaths under investigations DUIs by Philippine National Police-Internal Affairs Service (PNP-IAS) investigation [drug related and otherwise]; 922 investigations of which have concluded;

35 police personnel killed during operations;

87 police personnel wounded during operations;

3 armed forces personnel killed in action;

8 armed forces personnel wounded in action;

1 sitting senator incarcerated for having funded her senatorial campaign out of druglords’ protection money, and;

At least 50% reduction of street crimes has been observed;

Prior to Duterte, even minors have guns in the Philippines.

Stray Bullets: Guns in the Philippines

Self-righteous lawyer Jose Manuel Diokno is right when he said that the justice system needs to be at the forefront of any war against criminality, and yet he is also acting as the lawyer to the now incarcerated senator Leila Delima for being the highest ranking government official acting as illegal drug protector while still the justice secretary of the last Aquino administration.

Diokno is suspected to be the pen behind the composition of a 3-page “journal” which one police used as props to support his confirmation as a member of a death squad, which is effectively a recantation to his previous senate testimony.

"They’re taking us for fools,” said one rare independent journalist Rigoberto Tiglao of the Manila Times.

They’re taking us for fools. As shown in the attached facsimile of the “journal,” it is even written totally impeccably, with not one word changed or crossed out, as any diary writer or even any writer of any kind of work would know is impossible to do. Only one word was misspelled, “brodcaster”.

POLICE SERGEANT LASCAÑAS WOULD SHAME US WRITERS? A brilliant diarist with not a single word changed or crossed out in his ‘journal’?

Rather than written by Lascañas in 2015, it was obviously just recently written, copied by the perjurer from some work given him. What for?

Because everyone assumes that “sworn affidavits” are usually written and edited by a lawyer, who merely asks the affidavit-writer to sign. Because Lascañas gave an entirely different affidavit and testimony last year, nobody really believes his new affidavit.

On the other hand, handwritten papers give the impression that these were written with all honesty, as a diary would be – or a last will and testament would be."

- Source

It turned out that the real motivation why Lascañas accepted the Liberal Party lines is the Duterte government’s repeated refusal to award a franchise to his transport terminal and other business interests.

Duterte Making the Most Out of Available Resource

Duterte’s war on drugs is imperfect, especially during its early days, considering that he was waging the war against druglords with a highly corrupted police force, who were killing their assets en masse 50 days before he officially assumed the presidency.


On January 30th of this year, Philippine President Duterte suspended all police operations pertaining to drugs and entrusted the decisive drug eradication effort to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency [PDEA].

The suspension was due to the kidnapping of one Korean national and his subsequent death inside the police national headquarters. All rogue police officers involved are now in custody pending the filing of criminal cases.

During the lull in police operations, the drug supply has increased, indicating that the drug manufacturing operation has resumed, and is effectively dropping the street price from Php 5000 to Php 1,200 per 1gram sachet. Street crimes have also increased, prompting the police to scour the streets again.

Related: Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines

For decades, some factions of the Philippine National Police have been running criminal syndicates directly, and otherwise. It is estimated that today, there are 6,000 police officers are into drug trafficking and related criminal activities, e.g. car napping, kidnapping. The collusion of some judges allowed these officers to rule the streets with impunity.

With the involvement of politicians and some elements in the justice system, it’s accurate for the Duterte administration to conclude that narcopolitics has found its way beyond the urban centers and into the remote villages in the countryside. In desperation, some of these farmers are even selling their farm animals and tools just to get their daily fix.

In order to put the local governments on notice and in sync with the national government’s conviction to rid the streets of drugs, President Duterte invited all mayors and governors of the country to a dialogue where he warned everyone with his extensive list of drug protectors, e.g. politicians, judges and police officers, that his government will take decisive actions against them.

Hypocrites, They All Are

Instead of helping the Duterte government like one Chinese billionaire philanthropist has done, i.e. he donated a 10,000 bed drug rehabilitation center, all Western institutions continue to condemn the laudable effort.

"Amnesty [International] is deeply concerned that the deliberate and widespread killings of alleged drug offenders, which appear to be systematic, planned and organized by the authorities, may constitute crimes against humanity,” says a newly-published report.

As a policy, the Duterte government accepts all forms of foreign assistance without strings attached. Only Russia, Japan and China have responded in kind. The most vocal of critics continue to pay lip service to the plight of all those who are now inside the overcrowded prisons in the country.

Today, the Tokhang Reloaded will be implemented by a select police force, and a standing invitation to any local priests to do the “knocking and pleading” for the subjects to end their use and trafficking of drugs.

Related: Duterte to Catholic church: You're full of Shit

So far, only a few priests have responded positively to the request. Instead, the top echelon of the Catholic Church issued a Pontius Pilate policy of “If the government promises to do it right this time, then it doesn’t need our active participation.”

Nevertheless, the same groups who advised the government to work for economic solutions to the drug problem rather than police punitive actions, have either chosen to do nothing, or opted to control the narrative by censoring social media posts, in collaboration with Facebook Philippines Head Digs Dimagiba.

"Wondering Why Pro-Govt. pages being shut down on Facebook?"

This is Digs Dimagiba. Head of FB Philippines #NagaLeaks pic.twitter.com/OUVII9pq2V

- Maria Shayla (@sh3ysh3y) March 6, 2017

Facebook Philippines Head Digs Dimagiba is a close friend of one Jan Chavez-Arceo. Jan Chavez-Arceo happens to be a close friend of the bogus Vice President Leni Robredo, the Jesuit-US-Liberal Party puppet.Bogus VP Leni Robredo with Jan Chavez-Arceo.

Related: Why Pro-Govt. pages being shut down on Facebook? This is Digs Dimagiba, Head of FB Philippines

The Church itself still has the gall to continue collecting alms from the poor, especially now that the druglords are making all excuses not to do so.

In parallel to the Tokhang Reloaded, the government is also establishing the Inter-agency Committee on Anti-illegal Drugs (ICAD), which sought to integrate the efforts of various agencies of government to implement a holistic approach to the drug menace.

"The ICAD shall ensure that each member agency shall implement and comply with all policies, laws, and issuances pertaining to the government’s anti-illegal drug campaign in an integrated and synchronized manner,” the order states, as quoted by local media outlet the Inquirer.

Some 500 police officers will also be selected for a new Drug Enforcement Group. The unit is set to go after drug financiers, manufacturers and distributors.

Another body, the National Anti-Illegal Drug Task Force, was also listed in the published document. It will comprise military and police personnel as well as “institutions called upon for assistance by virtue of the order,” the Inquirer says.

War on Destructive Mining

A very interesting development is how the Environment Secretary continues to defy the pressure from mining companies receiving closure orders for failing the government onsite audit that’s been recently conducted.

"The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Thursday ordered the closure of 21 mining firms after they were found to have severely destroyed the environment of the local communities where they are operating.

Another five mining companies were suspended also for various violations.

The mining audit of the DENR found that mining companies operating in Zambales, Homonhon in Samar, Dinagat Islands and Surigao del Norte should not have been allowed to mine because these were in functional watersheds.

Zambales-based Benguet Corp., Eramen Minerals, LNL Archipelago Mining and Zambales Diversified Metals Corp. are to be closed because of siltation of rivers, illegal cutting of trees and destruction of watershed, DENR Secretary Gina Lopez at a televised news conference. Siltation is is a process of making waters polluted due to silt, or mineral particles.

Lopez called the mining situation in Zambales “social injustice.”

- Source

Related: 6.7 Magnitude Quake Hits Philippines for Choosing Social Justice Over Abusive Mining

In response, the mining firms are justifying their operations for the jobs they’ve created, saying that the community hosting those mines have improved their economies. What they won’t talk about is the long-term damage they have inflicted, not just in the mined areas, but also on the entire biodiversity of neighboring provinces and islands.

With full consideration of the fact that at least 90% of the mining proceeds goes out of the country, DENR Secretary Gina Lopez wants to implement an extensive livelihood program based on local productivity and tourism, which she has already proven to work and really improve lives more than the miners have done.

"Lopez said the DENR is “fully aware” that many workers in the mines would be affected, but the welfare of the people in these areas was more important.

She believes that stock market and GDP are not good indicators of economic development. Instead, what’s needed is area development, according to Lopez.

“We can get rid of poverty” through area development, Lopez said.

- Source

The government has also summarily gotten rid of the crooks, old and new appointments, who were reported to have attempted, or has committed graft and corruption while in office. As mentioned above, no less than a sitting senator has been put behind bars for her involvement in the drug business.

War on Poverty

It is also the first time in the history of the country when civilian infrastructure developments are being proportionately distributed across the regions, and even in the long neglected Muslim Mindanao. The civilian projects in Muslim Mindanao are also complemented with an all-out war against the Abu Sayyaf bandits of the CIA.

As everyone here knows, terrorism, drug trafficking and mining for raw materials, are all high-stakes enterprises ultimately run by the Khazarian Deep State around the world.

Related: Philippines No Longer A Trojan Horse of the US | PH Envoy to China

However, the Duterte government is populated largely by patriotic mavericks who are fully aware of what the West, in collusion with the local Oligarchy, has done to the country for the last century.

Recently, Chinese investors paid courtesy calls to the president. This is to start the various implementation of their government-approved projects, as agreed upon during Duterte’s visit to China last year

A total of $24 billion in Chinese funding and infrastructure technology are now coming in without prior policy demands, or prequalification requirements, i.e. no instruction as to limit the funding for military arms purchases only.

While the local pro-US mainstream media peppered their news with negativity, there is now a growing acceptance on the ground that a peaceful engagement with a neighbor is a more preferable option for the country,

…which makes us wonder, for what reason exactly that the US continues to placate China with THAAD missile system and aircraft carrier for?

The People’s Bottomline

As the rest of the world is now undergoing, the Philippines has engaged itself in destroying the entire infrastructure which has kept the egotistical elite in power for a very long time. They fully understand what their president is up against.

Nobody said that internal cleansing will be a walk in the park. It is always painful and bloody. That’s the reason why we cannot allow ourselves to be back in this situation again.

We cannot allow any politician, or any government official to continue working only for the interest of the privileged class, who have no iota of genuine empathy whatsoever towards the downtrodden, and who, in a very careful analysis, are all part of the root cause why criminals proliferate in the first place.

The national broadband network which will now be implemented undeterred by the Oligarchy, who controls the only two slow ISP companies in the country, will be the greatest equalizer against the mainstream narrative, and will surely foster the further awakening of the masses in the countryside.

It must be remembered that the same executive measure, i.e. establishment of a national broadband network, caused the hospital arrest of President Gloria M. Arroyo, right after her incumbency.

All things considered, the Duterte government has proven itself to be decisive and efficient in delivering public services, especially during typhoons and other emergencies, steadfast in the implementation of its independent foreign policy, and has done so much for the people in record time - all of which explains the president’s high popularity at home and abroad.

No wonder, the Western Deep State is agonizingly struggling to end the onslaught of populist leaderships across the Atlantic, which is made more complicated with the recent Vault7 release by Wikileaks.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Chemicals Are Making Us Sterile And Dumb
March 26 2017 | From: Sott

Over the last seventy-five years, men have seen a sharp reduction in reproductive capacity, and evidence suggests that commonly found chemicals are to blame.

If that news isn't stark enough for the future of humankind, these chemicals are also making us dumber.
A recent piece in the New York Times drew attention to an important issue: endocrine-disrupting chemicals in everyday consumer products are killing or disabling sperm and making men sterile.

The numbers are extremely troubling. Scientists say that approximately 90% of sperm in a typical young man are misshapen, meaning they are unable to swim correctly. Additionally, sperm counts have decreased sharply over the last seventy-five years. As one researcher bluntly stated, "Not everyone who wants to reproduce will be able to."

Our grandfathers may not have been able to understand our smart phones, but their ability to produce offspring vastly outpaced our own.

There's a great deal of evidence to suggest endocrine-disrupting chemicals are the major cause of this problem. They're found in plastics, pesticides, and many other products. Quite simply, these chemicals disrupt the proper functioning of hormones.

One study by Canadian scientists found that adding endocrine disruptors to Lake Ontario turned male fathead minnows into intersexual fish (fish with both male and female characteristics), which are unable to reproduce. Unfortunately, it is far from the only study positing a link between chemicals and infertility.

The mayhem caused by these chemicals appears to happen in utero, when endocrine disruptors mimic certain hormones and confuse the biological process that turns a fetus into a male.

Chemical exposure, unfortunately, affects far more than just reproductive health. A recent study discussed in The Atlantic details the damage that certain environmental contaminants - including endocrine disruptors, but also lead, ethanol, mercury, arsenic, and more - can have on the brain. These effects include lower IQs, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and more.

"Our very great concern," the authors of the new study write, "is that children worldwide are being exposed to unrecognized toxic chemicals that are silently eroding intelligence, disrupting behaviors, truncating future achievements, and damaging societies."

The authors also note that genetic factors account for only 30 to 40% of all cases of brain development disorders. They suggest that environmental exposures to industrial chemicals are causing a "silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity."

Comment: Protecting children from the "global, silent pandemic of neurodevelopmental toxicity"

What are federal regulators doing to deal with the rise in infertility and this "silent pandemic" of brain disorders? Not much. Humans have made, found, or used over 50 million unique chemicals, yet federal regulators have tested only 200. And only five of those were deemed harmful enough to be subject to new regulations.

This isn't simply a case of federal agencies being asleep at the wheel. Sometimes it's plain old corruption, as we'll see in the next piece in this week's Pulse of Natural Health.

Related Articles:

Endocrine Disruptors: What are they & how you can avoid them

Hormone disruptors: Everyday poisons in everyday life

Men under threat from 'gender bending' chemicals

Common Plastic Chemicals Leading to Miscarriages, Infertility

A new study has found that pesticide exposure may lead to abnormal sperm development

Landmark study exposes the impact of hormone-disrupting chemicals on you, your family and the environment

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population
& This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest
March 25 2017 | From: GlobalResearch / Sott

Last year, we had a series of mergers in the agribusiness’ GMO-corporations worldwide. This has created an alarming concentration of corporate power in the hands of basically three corporate groups.

The first one is Bayer AG of Germany, which made a friendly takeover of Monsanto. The reason for this was that Monsanto became identified in the public mind as pure evil and everything bad about GMO’s, which was accurate.

Related: Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe

This became a burden on the whole GMO project. So, Bayer stepped in, which has a friendly image of an aspirin, harmless, nice company, but in fact is the company that invented heroin in the 1880’s and made gas for the ovens of Auschwitz during WWII.

It’s one of the dirtiest agribusiness companies in the world with a series of homicides and pesticides that killed off bee colonies and many other things that are essential to life and to nature.

ChemChina – China State Chemical giant – for some reason took over Swiss Syngenta, which makes weed-killers.

Then, Dow Chemicals and DuPont merged their GMO businesses together.

So, we have three gigantic corporate groups worldwide controlling the genetically-modified part of the human food chain.

As dangerous as the GMO crops are and the more they sell, it is becoming more and more obvious that they are the chemicals that by contract must be applied to those GMO seeds by the corporations.

They demand that if you buy roundup ready soybeans or corn, you must use Monsanto (now Bayer) roundup.

Therefore, this is giving more corporate power to the GMO industry than ever before and that’s an alarming trend. They are putting pressure on the bureaucracy in Brussels.

One example: there was a massive public campaign against the renewal of the license of the European Commission for Glyphosate. Glyphosate is the most widely used weed-killer in the world. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in Monsanto’s roundup. The other ingredients are Monsanto’s corporate secret, but the combination of them is one of the most deadly weed-killers.

The World Health Organization’s body responsible for assessing genetic dangers made a ruling the last year that Glyphosate was a probable cancer-causing agent.

The license came up for automatic renewal last year – a 15-year license. The EU commission for health was prepared to automatically renew it for 15 years. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which is responsible allegedly for the health and safety of European citizens, recommended approval based on a German study by the German Food Safety Agency that was simply lifted 100% from studies given by the private corporation Monsanto!

So, the whole chain was corrupt from the beginning and all the information was rigged. In reality tests have shown that in minuscule concentrations, lower than in recommended levels in Europe and in the US, Glyphosate causes kidney disease, liver disease, and other illnesses that are potentially fatal.

Now, Glyphosate has shown up in urine tests, in urban drinking water, in gardens, in ground water and so forth. And that gets into the system of childbearing women, for example, with embryo. It’s all in this!

The EU commission, despite a million petitions – this is a record setting – and despite recommendations from leading scientists around the world to not renew the license, made a compromise under huge industry pressure and renewed it for 18 months. Why did they renew it for that time?

Because at the end of 18 months, they were told by Bayer and Monsanto that the takeover of those two giant corporations will be completed and Bayer is going to replace Glyphosate with another, likely more deadly toxin, but not so well-known as Glyphosate. So, they simply bought time. And that is just one example.

This agenda of GMO is not about the health and safety; it’s not about increasing crop yields – that’s a lie that has been proven in repeated tests in North America and all around the world.

Crop yields for farmers, using GMO plants, may increase slightly for the first 1-2 harvest years, but ultimately decline after 3-4 years

And not only that! We’ve been promised by Monsanto and other GMO giants that the use of chemicals will be less, because of these “wonderful” traits that GMO plants resist.

In fact, the weeds become resistant and you have super weeds, which are 5-6 feet in a height and choke out everything. It’s a catastrophe.

So, farmers end up using added weed killers to kill the super weeds. This whole mad playing around with the genetic makeup of nature is a disaster from the beginning.

The real agenda of GMO, which I have documented in great detail in my book “Seeds of Destruction”, comes from the Rockefeller Foundation.

It comes out of the 1920s-1930s Eugenics movement. The Rockefeller Foundation during the 1930’s, right up to the outbreak of World War II when it became politically embracing too, financed the Nazi Eugenics experiments of Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and in Munich.

Why did they do this? Their goal was the elimination of what they called “undesirable eaters”. That is called population reduction.

After the war, the head of the American Eugenic Society, who was a good friend of John D. Rockefeller, at the annual conference of the American Eugenic Society said:

"From today, the new name of eugenics is genetics”.

Moreover, if you keep that in mind – genetic engineering, the Human Genome Project and so forth – they all are scientific frauds. Russian scientists have proven that the entire Genome Project utterly disregarded 98% of the scientifically valuable data in favor of 2%  that was completely nonsense and a waste of billions of dollars.

Therefore, they have been obsessed with the idea of how to reduce human population in a way that would not be so obvious as simply going out and carrying out mass-sterilization.

Actually, they have done that in Central America together with the World Health Organization by giving certain vaccines that they cooked-up to have abortive effects.

Therefore, the women of child-bearing age in Central America were given these vaccines against tetanus

The organization of the Catholic Church became suspicious because the shots were given only to women, not to men. And they found that there was buried in the vaccine an abortive effect that made it impossible for women to conceive and bear children. This is all covert population reduction.

These are the Western patriarchs who believe they are the gods, sitting on the throne with great dignity, controlling mankind. I think they are a bunch of fools, but they have this agenda of genetic manipulation. It’s against nature, it’s chemically unstable.

And I have to congratulate the Russian Federation that they had the courage and the moral concern for their own population to ban GMO cultivation across Russia.

That was a step forward for mankind. I would hope that Russia will use its influence to get China to do the similar thing, because their agriculture is in dire need of some healthy Russian input. But this step by Russia to make a GMO-free agriculture is a great step for mankind.

This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

Researchers allege undisclosed conflicts of interest on a National Academies of Sciences panel. About a year ago, the prestigious National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine produced a 584-page report assessing the health, environmental, and agronomic impact of genetically modified crops.

Why Are Public Officials Protecting GMO And The Pesticides Industry? Digging Down Into The Cesspool Of Corruption

The conclusion: GMOs have so far proved to be neither a disaster nor a triumph. They haven't been shown to pose a threat to human health, as some critics have argued they do; but they also haven't discernibly raised crop yields, as some boosters insist they have.

Not surprisingly, the report did little to "end the highly polarized dispute over biotech crops," concluded New York Times reporter Andrew Martin in an article just after the report's release. He added that both sides of the debate "pointed approvingly to findings that buttressed their viewpoint and criticized those that did not."

And a new paper, published in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS-One, ups the temperature of that long-simmering debate.

The authors - Sheldon Krimsky, a professor in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts, and Tim Schwab, a researcher at Food & Water Watch - found that 6 of the 20 scientists who contribute to NASEM's GMO report had ties to the ag-biotech industry that weren't disclosed in the paper.

Five of them "had patents or industry research funding" while they served on the committee, and another one "reported receiving industry research funding" a few years before.

As Krimsky and Schwab note, the NASEM paper states that the GMO assessment, launched only after face-to-face conversations;

"Determined that no one with an avoidable conflict of interest is serving on the committee."

They also uncovered another undisclosed potential conflict: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, a nonprofit institution, has had substantial funding from the very companies whose products were assessed in the report:

"The organization's annual financial reports do not give exact figures but note that three leading agricultural biotechnology companies (Monsanto, DuPont, and Dow) have given up to $5 million dollars each to the NASEM."

The National Academies even hosted a 2015 workshop on communicating the science of GMO crops to the public, funded in part by Monsanto and DuPont.

The PLOS-One findings do not invalidate the findings of the GMO assessment, of course. Having a financial interest in an industry does not automatically make a scientist incapable of commenting honestly on that industry's products. Fred Gould, professor of entomology at North Carolina State University and the chair of the committee that wrote the report, defended it in an email.

"The one implicit rule on our committee was that if you wanted something to go into the report, you had to back it up with evidence that was acceptable to everyone on the committee," he wrote.

"No one person could steer the committee with an opinion. I welcome people to scrutinize the accuracy of our report."
(Gould was not one of the six committee members found by the PLOS authors to have industry ties.)

In a statement, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine denied that members of the committee violated conflict-of-interest disclosure norms. NASEM maintains a;

"Stringent, well-defined, and transparent conflict-of-interest policy, with which all members of this study committee complied," the statement reads. "It is unfair and disingenuous for the authors of the PLOS article to apply their own perception of conflict of interest to our committee in place of our tested and trusted conflict-of-interest policies."

However, NASEM's published policy on the topic mentions "patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property" and "research funding and other forms of research support" as potential conflicts of interest.

William Kearney, deputy executive director and director of media relations for NASEM, said the group sees such relationships as conflicts only when they're worth at least $10,000. By NASEM's reckoning, none of the committee members violated the group's disclosure policy.

All of that said, the undisclosed relationships uncovered by Krimsky and Schwab raise questions about the NASEM's ability to fulfill its mission of providing "nonpartisan, objective guidance for decision makers on pressing issues." And as Krimsky and Schwab also note, the National Academies' problem with conflicts of interest is long-standing.

Back in 2006, the Center for Science in the Public Interest issued a
report finding that nearly a fifth of the scientists appointed to one of the group's panels over a three-year period had "direct financial ties to companies or industry groups with a direct stake in the outcome of that study."

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Drugs May Be The Problem - Inconvenient Truths About Big Pharma And The Psychiatric Industry + Psychologist Speaks Out: Psychiatry Is Misleading Public About Mental Disorders
March 25 2017 | From: NaturalBlaze / Sott / Various

I borrowed the title from psychiatrist Peter Breggin’s ground-breaking 1999 book Your Drug May Be Your Problem.

Thousands of Big Pharma whistle-blowers like me, along with millions of other skeptics concerning the alleged safety (now disproven) and alleged efficacy (now disproven) of Big Pharma’s often toxic and often addictive psych drugs, are justifiably concerned with the huge influence that the for-profit, essentially amoral, multinational pharmaceutical corporations have over the medical establishment, including the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health) and academic psychiatry.

Related: I Tried to Get Off Ativan

Many whistle-blowers that have been trying to expose the frailties and fraudulence of the psychiatric drug industry regard Dr Breggin as a mentor, and increasingly, many survivors of psychiatric drug addiction and neurotoxicity feel the same. His books occupy a significant section in my personal library.

I have spent many hours reading and studying Breggin’s books.

Over and over again, I have confirmed the veracity of his evidence and applied his insights in my past practice of holistic mental healthcare, where I saw hundreds of patients who had been seriously sickened by and addicted to irrational cocktails of psych drugs, which has been prescribed in trial-and-error experimental fashions.

Sometimes, when all the psych drugs and their combinations and dosages of drugs had been tried and failed (usually making the patient worse), brain-disabling and seizure-inducing electroshock, the ultimate psychiatric method of last resort, was added, with the predictable loss of employability, personality and memory – both short-term and long-term.

Sadly, because Breggin has been such a big threat to the profitability of Big Pharma and the practice of psychiatry, he has unfairly been regarded as a medical heretic, and therefore he, his courageous truth-telling and his books have been essentially black-balled by psychiatrists and the medical establishment.

Despite the fact that his ideas are considered heretical in mainstream psychiatry, his books continue to be inspirational and educational for psychiatric patients who know that they have been sickened and/or made worse by the use of brain-disabling drugs and electroshock.

Breggin is a giant among psychiatric whistle-blowers and a huge thorn in the side of the super-wealthy and obscenely profitable multinational psychopharmaceutical corporations (and much of academic psychiatry).

He has been influential with free-thinking physicians and feared by establishment types ever since his first ground-breaking book was published in 1991.

That book was titled Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock and Biochemical Theories of the ‘New Psychiatry’.

Last year was the 25th anniversary of Toxic Psychiatry’s publication and I dedicated a recent seminar that I did in St Paul, MN to him. It needs to be emphasized that Breggin’s books are virtually banned books in polite medical establishment circles. They are rarely found on mainstream book-seller’s store shelves, and they are absent from hospital libraries that are designed for physician education.

“We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth… For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.”

- Patrick Henry (1775)

“It would be good for humankind and bad for the fishes if all the drugs were thrown into the sea.”

- Dr. William Osler

“One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine…The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease… The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine.”

Dr. William Osler

“Prozac and its successor antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction in as many as 70% of people taking them.”

Dr Loren Mosher

Among the approximately 2 dozen books Dr Breggin has written during his long career as author and practicing psychiatrist (he is still curing patients at age 80) is his Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock and the Role of the FDA (1997, revised in 2008).

That book exposed the corrupted pseudoscience and out-and-out bribery that has enabled the psychopharmaceutical industry to convince the CDC, the FDA, the NIMH, and academic psychiatry (all of which have enormous power in essentially every medical school and major medical clinic in the nation), to thrive by foisting their potentially addictive, potentially brain-damaging and potentially dementia-inducing synthetic psych drugs (and their potentially brain-damaging electroshock “treatments”) onto an unsuspecting, indoctrinated and often naive healthcare industry (and the brain-washed populace).

Pharmaceutical money in the hundreds of millions are showered upon those supposedly independent groups every year.

Corporate, for-profit “science” has not been recognized as pseudoscience and therefore has been spreading, thanks to the propaganda that is repeated endlessly in the popular media that overwhelms the accurate, unbiased neuroscience research that is published (but not read by most physicians) in relatively obscure journals.

Non-corrupted “pure” science that doesn’t rely on Big Pharma money can only be done if the influence of big money isn’t a factor.

And the journal articles written about that science are being written by conscientious and under-funded research scientists who haven’t been bought or co-opted by the pharmaceutical corporations that are collectively known as Big Pharma.

The full title of Dr Breggin’s 1999 book, co-authored with Dr David Cohen, is Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications.

Psychiatrist William Glasser wrote the following in the forward to the first edition:

"Nowhere does the false medical thinking (that there is a drug cure for almost all common diseases) do more harm than in the modern psychiatric argument that mental illness is easily diagnosed and then cured by a side-effect-free drug.

Nowhere is the correct psychiatric thinking more evident than in the books by Peter Breggin. In them he explains clearly that patients with mental illnesses are in almost all instances suffering from their inability to connect with important people in their lives and need help in making these vital connections.

He supports safe, drug-free counseling as a more effective way to help people, and I enthusiastically agree with this premise."

Psychiatrist Alberto Fergusson wrote:

"This book is one of the most important things that has happened to psychiatry and especially to so-called ‘psychiatric patients’ during this century.

Having worked for more than 20 years with so-called schizophrenics – the main victims of the abuse by prescribed psychiatric drugs – I can say that Breggin and Cohen must be praised for the courage they have had to unmask many pseudo-scientific conclusions frequently present in supposedly scientific literature.”

Psychiatrist Douglas C. Smith endorsed the book with this:

"One hundred years from now, people will read current psychiatric textbooks with the same incredulity we have about blood-letting and snake oil.

Your Drug May Be Your Problem will be remembered as the turning point and as the beacon that showed the way out of these dark days of widespread psychiatric drugging. Breggin and Cohen provide us with critical information we need to know in order to make informed decisions about psychiatric drugs, including when and how to stop taking them.

They present it all within a coherent philosophy of life and health that makes the routing use of psychiatric drugs obsolete. If you have reached that inevitable point of being disillusioned with your psychiatric drug, this book will be your best friend and guide.”

In 2008, another of Breggin’s ground-breaking books was published. It was titled Medication Madness: A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood-altering Medications. The liner notes say:

"Medications for everything from depression and anxiety to (so-called) ADHD and insomnia are being prescribed in alarming numbers across the country, but the “cure” is often worse than the original problem.

“Medication Madness” is a fascinating, frightening and dramatic look at the role that psychiatric medications have played in 50 case histories of suicide, murder, and other violent, criminal and bizarre behaviors…

“Psychiatric drugs frequently cause individuals to lose their judgment and their ability to control their emotions and actions. The book raises and examines the issues surrounding personal responsibility when behavior seems driven by drug-induced adverse reactions and intoxication.

“Many categories of psychiatric drugs can cause potentially horrendous reactions. Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Xanax, lithium, Zyprexa and other psychiatric medications may spellbind patients into believing they are improved when too often they are becoming worse.

Psychiatric drugs drive some people into psychosis, mania, depression, suicide, agitation, compulsive violence and loss of self-control without the individuals realizing that their medications have deformed their way of thinking and feeling.

The book documents how the FDA, the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry have oversold the value of psychiatric drugs. The book serves as a cautionary tale about our reliance on potentially dangerous psychoactive chemicals to relieve our emotional problems and provides a positive approach to taking personal charge of our lives.”

The Tragic Story of the Soteria Project and the  Plot to Kill it (A Conspiracy Between Big Pharma, the NIMH and Academic Psychiatry)

“Psychiatry has been almost completely bought out by the drug companies… We’re so busy with drugs that you can’t find a nickel being spent on [non-drug] research.”

- Dr Loren Mosher

Psychiatrist Loren Mosher (who earned degrees from both Harvard and Stanford) was the highly esteemed founder of the experimental “Soteria Project: Community Alternatives for the Treatment of Schizophrenia” from 1971 to 1983.

Five years before his untimely death in 2004, Dr Mosher endorsed Breggin’s Your Drug May Be Your Problem. He wrote:

"Confronting current psychiatric drug prescribing practice head-on is a daunting task and we owe Drs Breggin and Cohen a vote of thanks for openly speaking the truth.

Despite what the pharmaceutical companies would have us believe, we don’t need ‘a better life through chemistry.’ This book will help debunk this myth and provide practical advice on how to avoid psychiatric drugs and get off them.”

The Soteria Project proved that patients with first onset psychotic breaks could actually be cured without the need for coercive, in-patient psychiatry or the so-called “anti-psychotic/major tranquilizer” drug treatments that were considered the standard of care in all of America’s in-patient psychiatric facilities.

One only has to recall Jack Nicholson’s psych ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest where everybody was forced to take the authoritarian Nurse Ratched’s Thorazine at “Medication Time”.

Neither Nurse Ratched, the psychiatrists nor the treatment staff working on Randle McMurphy’s  ward had any idea that the antipsychotic drugs that were routinely administered commonly caused permanent iatrogenic brain damage, including tardive dyskinesia, tardive dementia, Parkinson’s disease, brain shrinkage and sexual dysfunction, not to mention a high incidence of the following antipsychotic drug-induced signs and symptoms: akathisia, depression, suicidality, homicidality, disability, unemployability, homelessness, loss of IQ points, chronic constipation, dry mouth, premature death, and general feelings of zombification.

Thorazine, and its sister “first generation” anti-psychotic drugs like Mellaril and Haldol, and every other so-called anti-psychotic drug ever made since then (including the second generation/“atypical” antipsychotics (and even the SSRIs) that wouldn’t come to market until the 1990s, have been found to cause diabetes, obesity, gynecomastia, pituitary dysfunction, cardiac rhythm disturbances, sudden death, etc.

Soteria’s lucky patients had been randomized into the Soteria Project and therefore most of them avoided being falsely labeled as life-long chronic schizophrenics.

Most importantly, most of them didn’t wind up as permanent patients on life-long psych drugs.

If it hadn’t been for the existence of the Soteria Project, they would have instead been sent to a typical coercive Southern California insane asylum, where they were told that they had a non-existent chemical brain imbalance and therefore had to be on dependency-inducing, brain-altering and brain-damaging psychiatric drugs for the rest of their lives.

Because of the luck of the draw many Soteria patients were cured of their temporary psychosis at far less costs of care and without the brain damage.

Some of the Soteria patients went on to lead normal lives following their discharge. In contrast, the vast majority of the patients who had been randomized into the “insane asylums”, wound up chronically drugged with dangerous, untested (for safety) cocktails of drugs, often for the rest of their lives (which were destined to be shortened by 25 years because of the drugs).

Tragically, especially for the millions of future mis-diagnosed (and therefore mis-treated) so-called “chronic schizophrenics” since then, the Soteria Project was sabotaged by Dr Mosher’s own National Institute of Mental Health.

The obviously unwelcome positive findings that were coming out of the Soteria Project were accurately seen by the establishment types in the NIMH, Big Pharma and Big Psychiatry as an economic threat to their industries, and they had to act to subvert the project. Scandalously, the project was defunded in 1983.

Psychology Professor Tells Truth About Psychiatry - "The Emperor Wears No Clothes"

In a posthumously published book (2004), Dr Mosher and his co-authors describe the highly successful innovative, non-drug therapeutic approach that was given to Soteria’s patients by the young, caring, altruistic, but non-professional staff.

The book was titled Soteria: From Madness to Deliverance. It told the story of the noble experiment that managed to alleviate the temporary mental suffering of some otherwise doomed fellow humans who would have been put at risk of permanent life-long drug-induced disabilities rather than given a chance at a cure.

A good description of the project can be read at Robert Whitaker’s Mad In America website.

"Soteria is the story of a special time, space, and place where young people diagnosed as ‘schizophrenic’ found a social environment where they were related to, listened to, and understood during their altered states of consciousness.

Rarely, and only with consent, did these distressed and distressing persons take ’tranquilizers’. They lived in a home in a California suburb with nonmedical caregivers whose goal was not to ‘do to’ them but to ‘be with’ them.

The place was called ‘Soteria’ (Greek for deliverance), and there, for not much money, most recovered. Although Soteria’s approach was swept away by conventional drug-oriented psychiatry, its humanistic orientation still has broad appeal to those who find the mental health mainstream limited in both theory and practice.”

One can appreciate the anguish that Mosher and all the committed and enthusiastic non-professional healers felt when the NIMH pulled the plug on the experiment. Mosher became disillusioned with the APA and eventually resigned.

Loren Mosher’s 1998 Letter of Resignation from the APA: “I want no part of it anymore.”

Here are excerpts from Mosher’s letter of resignation from the APA, a professional trade and lobbying organization to which he had been a long-time member. For good reason, he called the APA the American Psychopharmaceutical Association.

He unintentionally outlines in his resignation letter the well-known strategy of how dysfunctional organizations often try to get rid of their best people (especially the creative and talented ones who also happen to be a threat to the less competent and ingrained upper management types whose positions of power, influence and seniority may be at risk).

Making life miserable for promising up-and-coming employees is commonly orchestrated by threatened superiors by demoralizing the subordinates into quitting the organization.

Such cowardly attacks can avoid controversy and legal entanglements. Mosher felt the pressure and logically resigned, saying “I want no part of it anymore”. Here is some of Mosher’s resignation letter:

"The trouble began in the late 1970s when I conducted a controversial study: I opened a program — Soteria House - where newly diagnosed schizophrenic patients lived medication-free with a young, nonprofessional staff trained to listen to and understand them and provide companionship.

The idea was that schizophrenia can often be overcome with the help of meaningful relationships, rather than with drugs, and that such treatment would eventually lead to unquestionably healthier lives.

“The experiment worked better than expected. Over the initial six weeks, patients recovered as quickly as those treated with medication in hospitals.

“The results of the study were published in scores of psychiatric journals, nursing journals and books, but the project lost its funding and the facility was closed. Amid the storm of controversy that followed, control of the research project was taken out of my hands.

I also faced an investigation into my behavior as chief of the National Institute of Mental Health’s Center for Studies of Schizophrenia and was excluded from prestigious academic events.

By 1980, I was removed from my post altogether. All of this occurred because of my strong stand against the overuse of medication and disregard for drug-free, psychological interventions to treat psychological disorders.

“I soon found a less politically sensitive position at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Maryland. Eight years later, I re-entered the political arena as the head of the public mental health system in Montgomery County, Md., but not without a fight from friends of the drug industry.

The Maryland Psychiatric Society asked that a state pharmacy committee review my credentials and prescribing practices to make sure that Montgomery County patients would receive proper (read: drug) treatments.

In addition, a pro-drug family advocacy organization arranged for more than 250 furious letters to be sent to the elected county executive who had hired me. Fortunately, my employers were not drug industry-dominated, so I kept my position.

“Why does the world of psychiatry find me so threatening? Because drug companies pour millions of dollars into the pockets of psychiatrists around the country, making them reluctant to recognize that drugs may not always be in the best interest of their patients.

They are too busy enjoying drug company perks: consultant gigs, research grants, fine wine and fancy meals

“Pharmaceutical companies pay through the nose to get their message across to psychiatrists across the country. They finance symposia at the two predominant annual psychiatric conventions, offer yummy treats and music to conventioneers, and pay $1,000-$2,000 per speaker to hock their wares.

It is estimated that, in total, drug companies spend an average of $10,000 per physician, per year, just on “education”.

“And, of course, the doctors-for-hire tell only half the story. How widely is it known, for example, that Prozac and its successor antidepressants cause sexual dysfunction in as many as 70% of people taking them?…

“Recently, it was dues-paying time for the American Psychiatric Association, and I sat there looking at the form. I thought about the unholy alliance between the APA and the drug industry.

I thought about how consumers are being affected by this alliance, about the overuse of medication, about side effects and about alternative treatments.

I thought about how irresponsibly some of my colleagues are acting toward the general public and the mentally ill. And I realized, I want no part of it anymore.”

The demise of the Soteria Project is just another of the multitude of daily examples of amoral, non-human, sociopathic corporations doing what is best for their bottom line and not what is best for the people that are targets of their dangerous products. We are all poorer for their actions.

Psychologist Speaks Out: Psychiatry Is Misleading Public About Mental Disorders

Dr. Toby Watson, a clinical psychologist is the former Chief Psychologist for the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections, and the past International Executive Director of the International Society of Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry (ISEPP).

He is an outspoken critic of psychiatric industry's claim that mental disorders are biological or medical conditions despite the fact there are no scientific or medical tests to back up this claim.

He has submitted written testimony and research to the FDA on the dangers of SSRI antidepressants and Electroshock; he has testified before the Congress of Mexico against psychotropic drugging of children and for 15 years has educated the courts and people about the harmful outcomes of psychiatric treatment, including how psychotropic drugs can cause violent and suicidal behavior.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The FBI’s Conspiracy Theory Of A Trump / Putin Collusion Has No Clothes + CNN Downplays ISIS-Style Parliament Attack As “Firearms Incident”
March 24 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Infowars / Various

Unable to provide an ounce of evidence that a Trump/Putin conspiracy stole the presidential election from Hillary Clinton, the corrupt US “intelligence” agencies are shifting their focus to social media and to Internet sites such as Alex Jones and Breitbart.

Little doubt the FBI investigation will trickle down to Glenn Greenwald at The Intercept, Zero Hedge, the Ron Paul Institute, Nomi Prins, Naked Capitalism, Lew Rockwell, Global Research, antiwar.com, and to others on the PropOrNot, Harvard Library, and Le Monde lists, such as top Reagan administration officials David Stockman and myself.

Related: Documents Show That NSA Spied On Trump And The American People

It is extraordinary that the FBI is so desperate to protect the budget of the military/security complex that it brings such embarrassment to itself. Who in the future will believe any FBI report or anything a FBI official says?

Those behind this “investigation” understand that it is so ridiculous that they must give it gravity and credibility. They selected two reporters, Peter Stone and Greg Gordon, in the McClatchy News Washington Bureau, who fit Udo Ulfkotte’s definition of “bought journalists.”

Hiding behind anonymous sources - “two people familiar with the inquiry” and “sources who spoke on condition of anonymity” - the presstitutes fell in with the attack on independent media, reporting that one former US intelligence official said: “This may be one of the most highly impactful information operations in the history of intelligence.”

Related: FBI’s Russian-influence probe includes a look at Breitbart, InfoWars news sites

Wow! A totally ridiculous “investigation” is one of the most important in history. The implication is that the Russians are operating through scores or hundreds of independent media sites to control how Americans vote.

There was once a time in America when people were skeptical of anonymous sources. It was widely understood that anyone could tell a reporter anything and that a reporter could claim an anonymous source whether or not the source existed.

Perhaps it was the Watergate “investigation” by the Washington Post that gave anonymity credibility. The Post’s reports made it sound like any sources ratting on Nixon’s perfidy was at risk of their lives, and the subtle emphasis on risk gave anonymity credibility.

The real story under our noses is not a Trump / Putin / independent media conspiracy to steal the presidential election.

The real story is the totally obvious collusion between the Hillary forces, the US print and TV media (with the partial exception of Fox News), and the CIA and FBI to steal the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders, the presidential election from Donald Trump, and to delegitimize Trump’s election.

The theft of the nomination from Sanders is precisely what the leaked Podesta emails show. The totally one-sided presstitute support for Hillary and full-scale assault on Trump clearly show the presstitutes participation in the collusion.

Related: Evidence Grows of Impeachable Offenses by Barack Obama, James Clapper, John Brennan, and Mike Rogers (as well as Predecessors)

The extraordinary lies told in public by Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan clearly demonstrate the CIA’s lead in the attempted frame-up of Trump and his team.

FBI Director Comey’s statement the day before the presidential election that the FBI had once again cleared Hillary of criminal charges sent the Dow up 371 points and set the stage for a Hillary election victory.

Why are not any of these hard facts in the news?

Why, instead, do the presstitutes and “intelligence” agencies report nothing but fake news, supported by anonymous “sources”? Why is a false reality being constructed, and the hard facts ignored?

Note another extremely strange feature of our strange time. Elements of the liberal / progressive/left portray President Trump as a member of the One Percent operating for the One Percent against the people and filling his government up with generals and his budget with more military spending.

Why then is Trump under full-scale assault from the military / security complex? Why are they working to contradict, delegitimize and impeach their own agent?

Related: FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel Money Launderer

If Americans were a thinking people, or even a people capable of thought, how could such inconsistent disinformation dominate public discussion?

What we should be scared about is that in America today, facts cannot compete with lies.

The McClatchy story describing a pointless investigation as one of the most important in history is working its way through the media.

See these examples:

Some Right-Wing Media Sites Under Investigation for Possible Russia ties

FBI Probing Breitbart, InfoWars In Russian Influence Investigation

FBI’s Russia Probe Turns Focus on Social Media Bots

Are we to conclude that America’s corrupt and disloyal “intelligence” agencies are a direct threat to democracy, that they are committed to overthrowing Trump’s presidency in a “color revolution,” that, unable to provide any evidence whatsoever for their conspiracy theory of a Trump / Putin collusion to steal the presidential election, the “intelligence” agencies have moved on to the discredit the independent Internet media that are in the way of the “intelligence” agencies’ control over explanations?

It is a hard fact that the Democrats, US “intelligence,” and the presstitutes are absolutely determined to control the explanations given to the American people and the wider world.

Related: Reminder: DOJ Found Falsely Planted Malware At Trump Tower Designed to Mimic Ties To Russia

The Agents are out in force, and Neo is nowhere in sight.

The demonization of Russia and the extraordinary level of tension that the ignorant and foolish Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes created with Russia are disconcerting, indeed, frightening to those, such as myself, Patrick Buchanan, and Stephen Cohen, who experienced the long decades of the Cold War.

We have never seen such highly provocative, entirely gratuitous behavior of one nuclear power toward another as the behavior of the US toward Russia over the past six presidential terms.

What the Cold Warriors of the time experienced was a gradual buildup of mutual trust that enabled Reagan and Gorbachev to end the Cold War and remove the threat of nuclear Armageddon.

In contrast, the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes, the FBI, CIA, NSA, the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, MSNBC, and the rest of the presstitutes, the right-wing Republicans, such as Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Ben Sasse, the Democratic Party, and the liberal / progressive / left have convinced Russia, in the words of Russia’s President Putin, that “we cannot trust the United States.”

Related: Fake News Alert! Trump & InfoWars Accused of Espionage

This “achievement” of these idiots comprises the greatest crime humans have committed in their entire history. The atomic bombs with which the Americans gratuitously destroyed two Japanese cities are mere pop guns compared to the thermo-nuclear weapons of today.

Some of the crazed neoconservatives erroneously believe that Russia is not sufficiently well-armed to respond to US aggression, but the fact of the matter is that Russia’s strategic weapons are superior and more powerful than those of the US.

How can it be anything other than a death wish for European governments to be egging on conflict with Russia, for women marching not against war but against Trump for wanting to reduce tensions with Russia, for US “intelligence” to be totally committed to orchestrating a “Russian threat” that all but guarantees thermo-nuclear war?

One would think that people would be marching in favor of reduced tensions with Russia and demanding that Trump deliver on this promise, not that they would be out opposing Trump. What is the importance of Identity Politics compared to nuclear war?

How can Americans, Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Europeans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and Japanese contain their outrage against the governments that are putting the life of the planet at risk for nothing except the budget and power of the US military/security complex?

Related: House Intelligence Committee Chairman: Trump Transition Team Was Under Surveillance

How can the left-wing be lost in Identity Politics while the life of the planet is being put at extreme risk?

Why did CounterPunch recently and suddenly abandon the working class and peace and take up the cause of the victim groups of Identity Politics - women, blacks, homosexuals, lesbians, transgendered, and Muslim refugees (see Eric Draitser CP, Vol. 24, No. 1), the cause of the EU and globalism

See: Brexit, Nationalism and the Damage Done which benefits only the One Percent, and the demonization of Trump and Putin?

Perhaps it is only a coincidence, but CounterPunch’s collapse coincides with CP being put on and removed from the PropOrNot list of Russian agents / dupes. My columns, for years a welcome feature on CounterPunch, suddenly ceased to appear. We have had no explanation from CounterPunch why the site suddenly gave up on peace and bread.

Related: The Stages Of Becoming A Zombie: Learn how the public is slowly being hypnotized into a trance-like state

One might think that the audacity of the lies from the FBI, CIA, NSA and their media whores would provoke a powerful response from the liberal/progressive / left and from European populations, but it hasn’t.

If Trump is eliminated, with Pence as VP and the list of appointees provided by the Intercept, the US government will pass into the hands of the military / security complex for the remainder of its existence.

Is Trump now focused on protecting himself instead of protecting all of us from a deadly conflict with Russia? If so, this is the achievement of the US “intelligence” services, the Democratic Party, right-wing Republicans, the presstitute media, and the liberal/progressive / left. If anyone remains to write the history of the Great Incineration, the identity of those responsible is completely clear.

Comment: Calm down PKR, you're not in the loop, but - the truth shall prevail.

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CNN Downplays ISIS-Style Parliament Attack As “Firearms Incident”

Network ignores news reports from UK media. Reports are circulating that the attacker was an Islamist who acted alone.

CNN downplayed the ISIS-style Parliament attack as a “firearms incident” despite UK media reporting it as a combined knife and car attack.

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The network published an article with the headline “UK police investigate ‘firearms incident’ near parliament” around 11:30AM EST.

"London’s Metropolitan Police said on Twitter they were called at approximately 2:40 pm to reports of an incident near Westminster Bridge and that it was being treated as a firearms incident,”
CNN said.

“TV images have emerged of a car crashed into a fence outside the Parliament building.”

CNN did admit a police officer was stabbed in the “firearms incident,” but the article was light on details.

In comparison, both the Sun and the Daily Mail said a knifeman was shot outside the UK Parliament right after he mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, an attack which copies the methods used by jihadis during recent terror attacks.

And the Drudge Report had the following main headline as the CNN piece was going up:

"We heard a loud bang, lots of shouting and men running around. Someone rushed through, attacked a policeman,”
a witness told The Sun. “He appeared to be carrying a knife or a gun. We then heard gunfire, five or six rounds.”

“The man approaching one of the police officers with a knife.”

As of this writing, police have not identified the suspect, although reports circulating on social media suggest the suspect was Middle Eastern.

Additionally, the two methods of the attack – a knife and a vehicle – mimick recent terror attacks in the West. In November, a Somali refugee attacked at least nine people with a knife at Ohio State University.

"A high-ranking faculty member who spoke to NBC 4 Columbus said that one of his colleagues was in Watts Hall at the time and was slashed in the leg with a machete,”
reported the Daily Mail on Nov. 28.

“…The attack then got out of the car and started stabbing and slashing victims, a witness said.”

More recently, in Germany, one person was killed and three were injured by a knife-welding jihadi who shouted “Allahu Akbar” at a train station near Munich.

A similar attack happened on a train between Würzburg and Treuchtlingen.

"A German official described the footage of the teenage suspect in the German train stabbings as a ‘classical farewell video’ of a suicide attacker that indicates he was inspired by ISIS,”
CNN reported.

“Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the 17-year-old also left a goodbye letter saying he prayed that he could take revenge on all infidels.”

And let’s not forget the lorry attacks in Berlin and Nice, France, in which dozens of people were mowed down by jihadi drivers encouraged by ISIS to use trucks to kill “infidels.”

The Parliament is located in London, which has attracted so many Muslim migrants over the past several years that the city is now called “Londonistan.”

Even the mayor, Sadiq Khan, is a Muslim.

Related: London Terror Attack At Parliament

Mainstream Media in Total Collapse

Few any longer believe the “mainstream media,” that is, the presstitutes. This has put them into a panic as the presstitutes lose their value to the ruling elite if the presstitutes cannot control the explanations in order to justify the self-serving agendas of the ruling elite.

To fight back against the alternative media that does tell the truth, a secret group, PropOrNot, as well hidden as an offshore money-laundering operation, published a list of 200 websites accused of being “Russian agents/dupes.”

PropOrNot’s effort to discredit truth-tellers was hurt by the site’s anonymity.

Consequently, the next list appeared on the website of the Harvard University library, where it is attributed to a Melissa Zimdars of whom no one has ever previously heard. The websites on the list are also on the PropOrNot list, but those of us on Zimbars’ list are no longer “Russian agents/dupes,” merely purveyors of “fake news.”

None of my readers agree that I provide fake news. Indeed, when I tried to retire, my readers demanded that I continue providing them with reliable information as they understand that the presstitue media consists of lies.

Paul Craig Roberts

Now I hear from bloggers in France that the French newspaper Le Monde has posted a list of conspiratorial news sites, and, yes, French sites that translate and post my columns in the French language are on the list.

It appears that the campaign against truth is being extended to the entirety of the American Empire.

Just as the Washington Post and the Harvard Library made themselves look ridiculous and had to put some distance between themselves and the lists that they publicized, Le Monde will also.

Not only was I a columnist for leading French newspapers, such as Liberation (Paris) in the late 1980s and for Le Figaro (Paris) in the early to mid-1990s, but also I was awarded the French Legion of Honor by the President of France in 1987.

The honor was personally presented to me at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., by the French Minister of Economics and Finance, and later Prime Minister, Edourad Balladur, at a grand party at which top level Reagan Administration officials attended bearing a letter from the President of the United States congratulating France for recognizing my contributions.

That Le Monde would post such a list proves the truth of Udo Ulfkotte’s statement in his well known book that there is no significant journalist anywhere in Europe that is not on the CIA payroll.

I have wondered if the PropOrNor list was a creation of the presstitute media, such as CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC, in order to protect their monopoly over explanations, or whether it was a creation of the CIA in an effort to protect the presstitutes who serve the CIA by controlling the explanations that gullible and ignorant people receive.

I suspect that the list is a creation of the CIA or the Department of State. It is a desperate act by those who have lost credibility to keep control over explanations.

The world of lies that comprises life in the Western world and hides reality from the people has destroyed all justification for the West’s long hegemony over humanity.

Today the West, corrupt, violent, greedy beyond all measure, evil beyond Satan, is a collection of populations comfortable with the mass murder of millions of Muslims in many countries. When evil can go without challenge, what hope does humanity have?

The Harvard Library website, perhaps in response to criticism, has now identified Melissa Zimdars as an assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College. The library distances itself from the list by declaring it to be “an informal list.”

The library still has a link to Zimdars’ list of fake news websites, but the link opens to something else. Stephen Lendman provided a copy of Zimdar’s list on Global Research

Harvard’s Fake Guide to Fake News Sites. America’s 21st Century “Index Librorum Prohibitorum”

Notice that WikiLeaks is on Zimdar’s list, which shows Zimdar’s absurdity. WikiLeaks posts no commentary or news, only vetted documents. Here is Zimdars’ list:

21st Century Wire
Activist Post
Before Its News.com
Black Agenda Report
Boiling Frogs Post
Common Dreams
Consortium News
Corbett Report
David Stockman Contracorner
Fort Russ
Freedoms Phoenix
Global Research
The Greanville Post
Information Clearing House
Intrepid Report

Lew Rockwell
Market Oracle
Mint Press News
Moon of Alabama
Naked Capitalism
Natural News
Nomi Prins
Paul Craig Roberts
Ron Paul Institute
Ruptly TV
Sgt Report
Shift Frequency

SJLendman.blogspot.com – my alma mater (Harvard) recommends avoiding my writing; new articles posted daily; featuring truth-telling on major issues

South Front
Sputnik News
Strategic Culture.org
The Anti-Media
The Duran
The Intercept
The People’s Voice

The Saker
The Sleuth Journal
Third World Traveler
What Really Happened
Who What Why
Zero Hedge

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Warning Of An Islamic State Being Created In Australia & Radical Muslim Immigrant Now In Canadian Parliament Pushing For Anti-Islamophobia Law
March 24 2017 | From: OZUnited / TheGatewayPundit / Various

Fellow Australians,This will no doubt shock you, just as it stunned me. It truly is unbelievable.

Background to the story: Three years ago I launched a call for a Royal Commission into Islam in Australia. It was well supported, but by not nearly enough citizens.

Related: Study: One Third of Young Muslims in France Think Terrorism is “Acceptable”

A lot of 'smarties' argued with me. ALL organisations and groups and wanna-be 'leaders' - especially Qsociety, who were supposedly leading the way against  Islam - refused to support the call.

Now, shockingly, three years later a very important person agrees that it is VITAL that the Federal Government urgentlyinvestigates Islam in Australia and gets to the unbelievable truth of what is being planned.

Forget 'acts of terror' - this is monumentally worse!
No, the person is not Pauline Hanson, who - I very strongly suspect - simply copied my call for a Royal Commission without accrediting me.

Lest you find it impossible to believe that such an important, influential - and unlikely - person could be 'on side' with OzUnited, watch the 2-minute video and see for yourself:

Now you know WHY, three years ago, I asked every true Australian to support our call for a Royal Commission into Islam in Australia. In these past three years, Islamist extremism has rapidly progressed in Australia.

As the Imam warns, their population numbers are rapidly being deliberately increased.

They intend to swamp us and take control of Australia by sheer weight of numbers. This is EXACTLY the way Mohammed commanded that muslims must overwhelm and dominate non-muslims in their own countries.

This is about the FREEDOM AND SAFETY OF AUSTRALIA'S CHILDREN, if not your own life, safety and freedom, WHICH IT VERY WELL MAY YET BE.

From personal experience, and just like that Imam, I warn: This is EXACTLY what happened in South Africa.

It took just 20 years and resulted in the disaster now unfolding there. Millions of white South Africans (like me) fled the murderous violence and carnage - many to Australia, but...

Australians have nowere to escape and should not want to. We have no choice but to take a stand - or, according to inarguable Islamic law, be killed or enslaved.

The Iman has given all of us a clear warning. There is nothing for Australians to 'discuss' or disagree about!
(not yours, not mine) do not matter.

Don't  let this happen in Australia.  We still have some time, but action must be taken now. So please, stand in support (below) of our call for a Federal Government Royal Commission into Islam in Australia.

Related: "I Will Not Cover Myself Up": Le Pen Refuses To Wear Headscarf, Cancels Meeting With Lebanese Cleric

Radical Muslim Immigrant Now In Canadian Parliament Pushing For Anti-Islamophobia Law

Muslims Are Trying To Force Islam Into Western Law.

The former president of a student association that handed out books which condoned wife beating is now pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws as a member of the Canadian parliament.

Related: Google to Target Criticism of Islam in New Censorship Purge

Her name is Iqra Khalid. She was born in Pakistan and then moved to Canada in the 1990’s. Now she is a member of the Canadian Parliament where she is pushing for anti-Islamophobia laws.

From the Daily Caller:

"After first passing a motion that condemns Islamophobia, last month, Iqra Khalid, a Member of Parliament (MP) from the governing Liberals, tabled Motion M-103 in the House of Commons. The motion demands that Islamophobia be treated as a crime without even bothering to define the offense.

Thomas Mulcair, the leader of the leftist New Democrat Party, read the first motion in the House of Commons:

Mr. Speaker, in a moment I will be seeking unanimous consent for an important motion based on the e-petition sponsored by the Hon. Member for Pierrefonds–Dollard that asks that we, the House of Commons, condemn all forms of Islamophobia,” Mulcair said.

Khalid has an interesting past supporting radical Islam while she was the President of the Muslim Student’s Association of York University.

From Planet Free Will:

"Interestingly enough, despite noting her work as President of a Pakistani student club, her official Liberal Party website makes no mention of her work as President of the York University Muslim Student’s Association.

Allow us to make the political reasoning for this quite clear -

This was the book promoted at an event in 2014 put on by York University’s Muslim Students Association.

Here are some of the most repulsive excerpts:

France’s Reward for Being an American Vassal

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A Quick Review Of Fake Medical Diagnostic Tests + Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC
March 23 2017 | From: JonRappoport / NaturalNews

Over the years, during my investigations of deep medical fraud, I’ve uncovered diagnostic tests that are wrong-headed, misleading, and fallacious.

1: Antibody test. This is given to detect the presence of a specific germ in a human. However, prior to 1985, a positive test was generally taken as a sign of good health: the patient’s immune system detected the germ and defeated it.

Related: Scandal: MRI Brain-Imaging Completely Unreliable

However, after 1985, public health agencies and doctors reversed field. They claimed a positive test showed the person was ill or was going to become ill. No true science backed up this claim.

In fact, a vaccine purportedly produces antibodies and, therefore, is said to confer immunity - but the very same antibodies, generated naturally by the body, signal illness. This is absurd.

2: The PCR test. The Polymerase Chain Reaction tests for the presence of virus in a patient. It takes a tiny sample, which technicians assume is a genetic piece of a virus far too small to observe, and amplifies it many times, so it can be identified.

But in order to cause disease in a human, a huge quantity of virus (easily observed without the PCR) needs to be present. Therefore, a PCR test-result indicates nothing about disease - except that medical personnel couldn’t find enough virus in a person, to begin with, to assume the person was ill or would become ill.

3: MRI brain imaging. As I reported this morning, a significant bug in the software had been discovered in 2015. The software, not medical personnel, is responsible for creating the brain images. Therefore, 40,000 published papers relying on MRI results have been invalidated.

4: All tests resulting in a diagnosis of any of the 300 officially certified mental disorders. There are no definitive tests. No blood, saliva, hair tests. No genetic assays. No brain scans. All so-called mental disorders are diagnosed on the basis of consulting menus of behaviors. This is pseudoscience.

5: All tests designed to assess the effectiveness of vaccines. The only marker is: does the vaccine produce antibodies in a human. But antibodies are only one aspect of the immune system. They aren’t the whole picture. There are numerous studies that reveal vaccinated persons coming down with the disease against which they were supposedly protected.

Related: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

Food for thought: “Publications by the World Health Organization show that diphtheria is steadily declining in most European countries, including those in which there has been no immunization. The decline began long before vaccination was developed.

There is certainly no guarantee that vaccination will protect a child against the disease; in fact, over 30,000 cases of diphtheria have been recorded in the United Kingdom in fully immunized children.” (Leon Chaitow, Vaccination and Immunization, p. 58.)”

6: Unsupported claims from public health officials. No tests at all. For example, at the height of the so-called Swine Flu epidemic, in the fall of 2009, the CDC secretly stopped counting cases in America.

Why? Because the overwhelming percentage of blood samples taken from the most likely Swine Flu patients, sent to labs, were coming back with no trace of Swine Flu or any other kind of flu.

In other words, the epidemic was a dud and a hoax. Based on this vacuum of evidence, the CDC went on to estimate that, in America, there were 22 MILLION cases of Swine Flu.

But don’t worry, be happy. Keep your mouth shut and obey all doctors’ orders.

Author Exposes The “Vaccine Deep State”- A Massive Criminal Fraud And Embezzlement Ring Inside The CDC

One of the most explosive books you’ll ever read that documents the shocking criminal enterprise known as the CDC - including details of fraud, cover-ups and embezzlement - is called Master Manipulator - The Explosive True Story of Fraud Embezzlement and Government Betrayal at the CDC by James Ottar Grundvig. You can find the book at this Barnes & Noble link.

The book is published by Skyhorse Publishing, which I consistently find to be the single most courageous publisher of truth books in America. Time and time again, so many of the best titles exposing fraud, corruption and criminality inside the “status quo” are published by Skyhorse.

Related: Australia Now Refuses To Treat Unvaccinated - Fast Tracking Fascism

The foreward for Master Manipulator is written by none other than Sharyl Attkisson, and the introduction is penned by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who states:

This is a story of how CDC used a con man to gull the public and ended up getting conned itself! Poul Thorsen is a world-class villain whose manipulation of health data gave CDC and big pharma what they wanted: a report clearing thimerosal of any possible role in the autism crisis.

His story merits a book length expose because the fraud he casually helped orchestrate has had a monumental impact on the health of millions of children globally.

Master Manipulator is a must-read for anyone hoping to be truly informed about the depths of criminality and fraud inside the CDC, “science” and the vaccine industry. One section in particular is especially noteworthy.

It’s called the “Vaccine Deep State.” I’m reprinting part of that section of the book below. Buy the book yourself at Barnes & Noble to read more. (RELATED: Follow more news about the deep state at DeepState.news.)

The Vaccine Deep State

The monolith of the CDC-FDA-NIH is supposed to be separated by a divide with the big pharma vaccine producers. But since the NIH rejected the Swedish scientist’s brief that all thimerosal should be removed from vaccines in 1992, there has been little to no separation of powers, policies, messaging, or enforcement between government oversight and industry manufacturers.

Related: “National Call-In Day” Announced for Vaccine Safety and Reform: March 30th

The separation of church and state doesn’t exist anymore in the vaccine industry, not with Vaccine Court squashing all comers, the Dick Armey “Lilly Rider” slipped into the 2002 Homeland Security Act, and the FDA’s approval to double the doses of aluminum adjuvants in several vaccines.

Vaccines today are part of a program rife with ROT and deception.

In a September 2007 hearing by the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions for “Thimerosal and Autism Spectrum Disorders: Alleged Misconduct - this was a case of one hand washing the other.

It read: While the five studies in question may have varying connections to the CDC and/or vaccine manufacturers, their value to consideration of an alleged link between vaccines and autism is a matter for the experts of the ISR Committee, and not for Congress.

What the findings got wrong by one half of the government to keep Congress in its place, since they were not qualified to review scientific data, as good as the “experts” that false assertion was nothing more than a ruse, a smokescreen.

What Congress needs to do is evaluate the human side of this tragedy and ongoing fraud. It has nothing to do with science - no scientific expertise is required, just the nose to follow the money.

It has everything to do with corruption, cover-up, relentless greed, pulling the ripcords on golden parachutes, shielding vaccine makers from harm, all while exposing millions of babies, children, and people around the world to great harm.

Congress needs only to examine agendas, follow the email trails, and begin to pull the weeds that have infested the CDC, FDA, and NIH lawn, removing all of the ROT as they should have done in 1990 with the Agent Orange finding.

Had they done that, then maybe Coleen Boyle would have become a librarian instead of the director of NCBDDD, and Diana Schendel would have done good collaborative studies instead of the studies that had a fixed objective to show no association, and maybe Poul Thorsen wouldn’t have been invited to come to the CDC as a visiting professor or been able to secure funding for the cooperative agreements because the “hunt for good data” never would have taken place.

Why is it so hard for mainstream media, independent journalists, and government officials on both sides of the aisle to grasp the dangers of micro small toxins?

Related: Special Report: Mold and Fungus Biggest Hidden Health Threat: The Hidden Dangers of the Air Inside Your Home

If they believe that the unseen greenhouse gas particulates and molecules can superheat the world and change climate, why is it so hard to believe that traces of mercury and aluminum in vaccines have harmed so many once promising, healthy children for the past two decades?

If a grown man can die from a tiny amount of venom in a bee sting, then why is it so hard to believe that trace amounts of metals in babies who weight from seven to twenty-five pounds can have adverse reactions to being injected with toxins, especially when all of their bodies - from the central nervous and immune systems to the brain and lungs - are under development?

“Less is more” is a motto that our politicians need to take up with the Vaccine Deep State and rein it in. If they cannot do it, don’t have the will to do it, don’t have the balls to do it, or won’t expend the political capital to do it, a tipping point will soon one day force there hand.

When will that occur? When 1 in 40 babies are born on the spectrum? One in 25 babies born? How about 1 in 10?

Will the rate of autism incidence have to soar to that sky high number for our government to react and belatedly realize that the autism epidemic has been real all along, and its long-over due to do something about it?

The next generation, who will be born over the next decade, is awaiting your call to action. Will you act?

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

How LED Lighting May Compromise Your Health & Why Sunlight Deficiency Is As Deadly As Smoking
March 23 2017 | From: Mercola / GreenMedInfo / Various

Can light affect your health? In this interview, Dr. Alexander Wunsch, a world class expert on photobiology, shares the hidden dangers of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting that most people are completely unaware of.

In fact, this could potentially be one of the most important video interviews I've done, as it has enormous impacts - not only on preventing blindness as you age but it is also a pervasive hidden risk factor for sabotaging your health.

Related: These Light Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, And Even Cancer

Largely as a result of energy efficiency, there's been a major transition to using LED as a primary indoor light source. In this regard, it worked like a charm, reducing energy requirements by as much as 95 percent compared to incandescent thermal analog sources of lighting.

However, the heat generated by incandescent light bulbs, which is infrared radiation, is actually beneficial to your health, and hence worth the extra cost.

There are major downsides to LEDs that are not fully appreciated. LED lighting may actually be one of the most important, non-native EMF radiation exposures you're exposed to on a daily basis.

If you chose to ignore these new insights, it can have very serious long-term ramifications. It could lead to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which is the leading cause of blindness in the United States and elsewhere.

Other health problems rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction may also be exacerbated, and these run the gamut from metabolic disorder to cancer.

What Is Light?

The definition of light, as applied to artificial light sources, is rather distinct. Visible light is only between 400 nanometers (nm) and 780 nm, but "light" is actually more than just what your eye can perceive. As explained by Wunsch:

When we look at sunlight, we have a much broader spectral range, from somewhere around 300 nm up to 2,000 nm or so. For our energy efficiency calculation, it makes a big difference if we are talking about this broad natural range or if we are only talking about … vision performance

[T]he definition that we are only looking at the visible part of the spectrum [given in the 1930s] … led to the development of energy-efficient light sources like the fluorescent lamps or what we have nowadays, the LED light sources, because they are only energy efficient as long as you take the visible part of the spectrum [into account] …

[F]or example, [lamps providing] phototherapy with red light can be used in medical therapy to increase blood circulation, and this is a part we are taking away as long as we only look at the visible part.

Physicists think that infrared radiation is just thermal waste. But from the viewpoint of a physician, this is absolutely not true; in the last 30 years there have been hundreds of scientific papers published on the beneficial aspects of a certain part in the spectrum, which is called near-infrared or infrared-A."

What Makes Near-Infrared so Special?

You cannot feel near-infrared as heat, and you cannot see it, but it has a major beneficial impact in terms of health. Near-infrared is what's missing in non-thermal artificial light sources like LED.

There's also a difference between analog and digital forms of light sources, and this difference is another part of the complexity. In essence, there are two separate but related issues: the analog versus digital light source problem, and the spectral wavelength differences.

Starting with the latter, when you look at the rainbow spectrum, the visible part of light ends in red. Infrared-A or near-infrared is the beginning of the invisible light spectrum following red. This in turn is followed by infrared-B (mid-infrared) and infrared-C (far-infrared).

While they cannot be seen, the mid- and far-infrared range can be felt as heat. This does not apply to infrared-A, however, which has a wavelength between 700 and 1,500 nm.

Here you have only very low absorption by water molecules, and this is the reason why radiation has a very high transmittance," Wunsch says.

"In other words, it penetrates very deeply into your tissue, so the energy distributes in a large tissue volume. This near-infrared A is not heating up the tissue so you will not feel directly any effect of heat.

This significantly changes when we increase the wavelength, let's say, to 2,000 nm. Here we are in the infrared-B range and this already is felt as heat. And from 3,000 nm on to the longer wavelength, we have almost full absorption, mainly by the water molecule, and this is [felt as] heating."

Dr. Mercola and Dr. Wunsch on the Dangers of LED Lights

Near-Infrared Is Critical for Mitochondrial and Eye Health

The near-infrared range affects your health in a number of important ways. For example, it helps prime the cells in your retina for repair and regenerate.

Since LEDs have virtually no infrared and an excess of blue light that generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), this explains why LEDs are so harmful for your eyes and overall health.

Chromophores are molecules that absorb light. There's an optical tissue window that ranges from 600 to 1,400 nm, which means it is almost completely covered by the infrared-A part of the spectrum. This optical tissue window allows the radiation to penetrate several centimeters or at least an inch or more into the tissue.

Chromophores are found in your mitochondria and in activated water molecules. In your mitochondria, there's also a specific molecule called cytochrome c oxidase, which is involved in the energy production within the mitochondria. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - cellular energy - is the end product.

ATP is the fuel your cells need for all of their varied functions, including ion transport, synthesizing and metabolism. Remarkably, your body produces your body weight in ATP every day. And, while you can survive for several minutes without oxygen, were all ATP production to suddenly stop, you'd die within 15 seconds.

Lighting Plays an Important Role in Biological Energy Production

This is why this issue of lighting is so important. Light is a sorely misunderstood and overlooked part of the equation for biological energy production, specifically at the mitochondrial ATP level. As further explained by Wunsch:

The cytochrome c oxidase, which is this [light] absorbing molecule, is the last step before the ATP is finally produced in the mitochondria. Here we have this tipping point where light in a wavelength range between 570 nm and 850 nm is able to boost energy production, especially in cells when energy production is depleted …

We know today that many signs of aging, for example, are the consequence of hampered mitochondrial functioning, and so we have a very interesting … tool to enhance the energy status in our cells, in the mitochondria in our cells, and not only on the surface but also in the depths … of the tissue.

This is one important aspect and there are hundreds of papers published on these positive effects …

Infrared saunas are another magnificent way to nourish your body with near-infrared light. But not just ANY infrared sauna. Most offer only FAR-infrared and are not full spectrum. Most also emit dangerous non-native EMFs. So you need one that emits low or no non-native EMFs.

After searching for a long time I finally found a near perfect one and hope to have it made to my customized specs in a few months. And it should be significantly less than $1,000. So stay tuned for this exciting development.

Wound Healing and Anti-Aging Procedures Make Use of Near-Infrared

These beneficial effects can be seen in wound healing and anti-aging procedures where near-infrared is employed. Since the cytochrome c oxidase is responsible for an increased production of ATP, the cell has a better supply of energy, which allows it to perform better, and this is true no matter where the cell resides.

This means liver cells with more ATP will be able to detoxify your body more efficiently; fibroblasts in your skin will be able to synthesize more collagen fibers and so on, because ATP is crucial for all cellular functions. Wunsch expands on this even more in the lecture above.

According to Wunsch, as little as one-third of the energy your body requires for maintaining the thermal equilibrium comes from the food you eat.

The electrons transferred from the food, primarily the fats and the carbohydrates, are ultimately transferred to oxygen and generate ATP. The more near infrared you get, the less nutritional energy is required for maintaining thermal homeostasis.

That said, a differentiation is in order. Most of the METABOLICALLY USED energy does come from food. But there is a thermodynamic aspect to it as well.

Maintaining a normal body temperature (37 degrees C or 98.6 degrees F) involves two mechanisms: Energy production in your mitochondria from food, and photonic energy (near-infrared radiation from sunlight and incandescent light bulbs) that is able to penetrate deeply into your tissue, even through clothing.

The radiation can enter your body and then be transformed into longer wavelengths in the infrared part. They are very important for supporting the temperature level, the thermal energy level, of our body which is … a very crucial aspect. A lot of energy comes in the form of radiation and this is supporting our thermal balance," Wunsch explains.

The key take-home message here is that your body's energy production involves not just food intake. You also need exposure to certain wavelengths of light in order for your metabolism to function optimally. This is yet another reason why sun exposure is so vitally important for optimal health.

Analogue Versus Digital Lighting

LED lamps are a form of digital non-thermal lighting whereas incandescent light bulbs and halogens are analog thermal light sources.

For a color changing system you have three different LEDs, a red, a green and a blue LED, and the intensity of these three colored channels has to be changed in order to achieve different color use, which is perceived by the eye in the end.

The control of the intensity output of an LED is realized in a digital manner because it's very difficult to have a low intensity in many different steps.

The dimming of LEDs is realized by a so-called pulse-width modulation, which means the LEDs switch on to the full intensity and then they fully switch off, and then they switch on again.

So we have the constant on and off in frequencies, which are higher than our eyes are able to discriminate. But on the cellular level, it is still perceivable for the cells …

[T]his causes a flicker, which is not perceivable for let's say 90 percent of the population. But it's still biologically active. And flicker is something that is very harmful to your [biology]."

You've likely experienced this if you're old enough to recall the older TVs that had a very visible and intense flicker. Modern flat screens do not have this perceptible flicker, but they're still switching on and off.

Scientists are now trying to develop systems capable of transmitting information via high-frequency flicker in the LED lighting to replace the wireless LAN system. According to Wunsch, this is a very bad idea, from a health perspective.

"I call these LEDs Trojan horses because they appear so practical to us. They appear to have so many advantages. They save energy; are solid state and very robust,. So we invited them into our homes.

But we are not aware that they have many stealth health-robbing properties, which are harmful to your biology, harmful to your mental health, harmful to your retinal health, and also harmful to your hormonal or endocrine health,"
he says.

Unfortunately, the use of LEDs has been mandated by federal policy in both the U.S. and much of Europe, in an attempt to conserve energy.

While inarguably effective in that regard, the biological impact of these bulbs has been completely ignored, and by mandating them, options have been restricted.

Understanding the Dangers of LEDs

Understanding how LEDs can harm your health begins with the recognition that light emitted from an LED bulb is of a different quality than a natural light source. Normally, a natural light source is a black body radiator that gives off all kinds of wavelengths in a more or less continuous manner.

LEDs are fluorescent lamps, consisting of a blue LED, a driver LED, and a fluorescent sheet that covers the blue LED, transforming part of the blue light into longer wavelengths, thereby creating a yellowish light.

The yellowish light from the fluorescent layer combines together with the residual blue light to a kind of whitish light, a large portion of which is an aggressive blue light.

Blue has the highest energy in the visible part of the spectrum and produces, infuses, the production of ROS, of oxidative stress," he says.

"The blue light causes ROS in your tissue, and this stress needs to be balanced with near-infrared that is not present in LEDs. We need even more regeneration from blue light, but the regenerative part of the spectrum is not found in the blue, in the short wavelength, part. It's found in the long wavelength part, in the red and the near-infrared. So tissue regeneration and tissue repair results from the wavelengths that are not present in an LED spectrum.

We have increased stress on the short wavelength part and we have reduced regeneration and repair on the long wavelength part. This is the primary problem … [W]e don't have this kind of light quality in nature. This has consequences. The stress has consequences in the retina; it has consequences in our endocrine system."

You probably know by now that blue light in the evening reduces melatonin production in your pineal gland. But you also have cells in your retina that are responsible for producing melatonin in order to regenerate the retina during the night.

If you use LED lights after sunset, you reduce the regenerative and restoring capacities of your eyes.

Needless to say, with less regeneration you end up with degeneration. In this case, the degeneration can lead to AMD, which is the primary cause of blindness among the elderly. However, and this is that most fail to appreciate, LED light exposure that is not balanced with full sunlight loaded with the red parts of the spectrum is always damaging to your biology. Just more so at night.

So, to summarize, the main problem with LEDs is the fact that they emit primarily blue wavelengths and lack the counterbalancing healing and regenerative near-infrared frequencies. They have very little red in them, and no infrared, which is the wavelength required for repair and regeneration.

When you use these aggressive lower frequencies - blue light - it creates ROS that, when generated in excess, causes damage. So when using LEDs, you end up with increased damage and decreased repair and regeneration.

Are There Any Healthy LEDs?

There's a wide range of LED lights on the market these days. Some are cool white, others are warm white, for example. The former emits higher amounts of harmful blue light.

The warm LEDs can be deceptive, as they give out a warm-appearing light but do not actually have the red wavelength.

The warmth comes from masking the blue with high amounts of yellow and orange.

There are also LEDs available with less blue, which are closer to the spectral distribution of incandescent lamps with regard to the blue part of the spectrum. Unfortunately, without tools to measure it, you won't know exactly what you're getting.

This is in sharp contrast to an incandescent light bulb, where you know exactly what kind of light spectrum you're getting.

With LED, the layman is not able to tell if it's a tailored spectrum where you have the blue part only masked by excessive parts of other spectral regions," Wunsch says.

"There are different technologies … Soraa, for example, have violet driver LED, not blue … By their technology, the red is a little bit more emphasized compared to the standard white light fluorescent LEDs.

So there are in fact better and worse LED types around. But the spectral distribution is just one thing … We are interested in the R9, which represents the full reds. This information is sometimes given on the package.

You have, for example, CRI, which is the color rendering index of 95 with an R9 of 97 or so. This is the only sign for the customer that you have a high level or a high index for the R9."

How to Identify a Healthier LED

So, when buying LEDs, one way to get a healthier light is to look at the CRI. Sunlight is the gold standard and has a CRI of 100.

So do incandescent light bulbs and candles. What you're looking for is a light that has an R9 (full red spectrum) CRI of about 97, which is the closest you'll ever get to a natural light with an LED. Another factor to look at is the color temperature. There are two different kinds of color temperature:

1. Physical color temperature, which means the temperature of your light in degrees Kelvin (K). This applies to sunlight, candlelight, incandescent lamp light and halogens. What this means is that the source itself is as hot to the touch as the color temperature given.

The sun, for example, which has a color temperature of 5,500 K, has a temperature of 5,500 K at its surface, were you to actually touch the sun. Incandescent lamps have a maximum of 3,000 K, as the filament would melt if the temperature got any higher.

2. Correlated color temperature. This is a measurement that tells you how the light source appears to the human eye. In other words, it is a comparative measurement. A correlated color temperature of 2,700 K means it looks the same as a natural light source with a physical color temperature of 2,700 K.

The problem here is that while such a light LOOKS the same as a natural light, it does not actually have the same quality, and your body, on the cellular level, is not fooled by what your eye sees. On a cellular level, and on the level of the retina, the majority of the light is still cold, bluish white, despite its apparent, visible warmth.

Incandescent light bulbs have a color temperature of 2,700 K whereas LEDs can go up to 6,500 K - the really bright white LED. In this case, the closer you are to incandescent, the better. Lastly, there's the digital component, which is virtually unavoidable no matter what. To determine how good or bad a particular LED is:

You would have to measure somehow if the LED produces flicker or not. Two, three years ago, it would have been much easier because the camera of an older smartphone was not as high-tech equipped as they are today. With an old smartphone camera, when you look into the light source, you can see these wandering lines, so you can detect if the light source is flickering," Wunsch explains.

A simpler way would be to purchase a flicker detector, which are available fairly inexpensively. Another way to determine the flicker rate would be to use the slow motion mode on your camera. Record the light source in slow motion mode and check it for visible flickering.

Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. Some newer cameras and smartphones have a built in algorithm that will detect the flicker frequency and change the shutter speed accordingly to improve the recording, thereby eliminating the interference. If your camera has this algorithm, it will not record a visible flicker even if it's there.

Healthier Solutions

I like being on the cutting edge of technology and I quickly switched out all my incandescent bulbs for LED lighting. I now realize the enormity of my mistake, but at the time - going back almost 10 years now - I was completely unaware that it could have health consequences. Before that, I used full-spectrum fluorescents, which is equally deceptive, as it is full spectrum in name only.

I'm now convinced LED light exposure is a very serious danger, especially if you are in a room without natural light.

The biological risks are somewhat mitigated if you have plenty of sunlight streaming through windows. At night, LEDs become a greater danger no matter whether you're in a windowless room or not, as there is no counterbalancing near-infrared light.

Personally, I've not swapped all my lights back to incandescent because they're such energy hogs. But all the lights I have on at night have been switched to clear incandescent bulbs without any coating that changes their beneficial wavelengths.

So the take-home message of this interview is to grab a supply of the old incandescents if you can and switch back to incandescent light bulbs.

Just remember to get incandescents that are crystal clear and not coated with white to give off a cool white light. You want a 2,700 K incandescent, thermal analog light source. Actually, fragrance-free candles would be even better. Be particularly mindful to only use this type of light at night. After sunset, I also use blue-blocking glasses.

It is definitely a good idea to keep away the short wavelengths in the evening, so after sunset. It's also a good idea not to intoxicate your environment with too much light. We know that artificial light levels at night have reached insane intensity. The candle, the intensity of the candle for example, is absolutely sufficient for orientation.

If you have to read in the evening or at night time, my personal favorite light source for reading tasks is a low-voltage incandescent halogen lamp, which is operated on a DC transformer. Direct current will eliminate all the dirty electricity and it will eliminate all the flicker.

There are transformers available where you can adjust the output between 6 volts and 12 volts. As long as it's direct current, there is no flicker, there is no dirty electricity, and you are able to dim the halogen lamp into a color temperature that is comparable to candle light even. This is the softest, the healthiest electric light you can get at the moment," Wunsch notes.

Low-voltage halogen lights are also very energy efficient - up to 100 percent more energy efficient than the standard incandescent lamp. Just be sure to operate it on DC. Incandescent lights, including halogen, can be operated at both AC and DC, but when operating on AC, you end up generating dirty electricity, Wunsch explains.

On DC, you get no electrosmog with a low-voltage halogen.

Light Comparisons

The following graphic illustrates the differences in color spectrum between an incandescent light, which has very little blue, compared to fluorescent light and white LED.

This next graph illustrates the differences between daylight, incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, cool white LED and warm white LED.

As you can see, there's a tremendous difference between incandescent and warm LED. While they may look the same to the naked eye, there's no comparison when it comes to their actual light qualities.

Looking at the spectral differences between incandescent and halogen lamps, there seems to be no difference at all. In order to elucidate the disparity, Wunsch did some measurements of incandescent and halogen lamps using his UPRtek MK350S spectrometer. The differences are almost imperceptible, indeed.

Spectrum of a standard incandescent lamp: Correlated color temperature (CCT) = 2890 K.

Spectrum of a energy saving halogen lamp: Correlated color temperature (CCT) = 2842 K.

How to Make Digital Screens Healthier

When it comes to computer screens, Wunsch suggests reducing the correlated color temperature down to 2,700 K - even during the day, not just at night.

Many use f.lux to do this, but I have a great surprise for you as I have found a FAR better alternative that was created by Daniel, a 22 year old Bulgarian programmer that Ben Greenfield introduced to me.

He is one of the rare people that already knew most of the information in this article. So he was using f.lux but was very frustrated with the controls.

Massive Government Study Concludes Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer + The Effects Of Smartphone Light On Your Brain And Body

He attempted to contact them but they never got back to him. So he created a massively superior alternative called Iris. It is free, but you'll want to pay the $2 and reward Daniel with the donation. You can purchase the $2 Iris software here.

OLED screen technology is another development that may be better than conventional screens.

[With] the OLEDs technology, I'm not sure if the color is really stable in every angle you can look at the display," Wunsch says. "But definitely, if you have the screen technology where black is really black, then you have less radiation coming into your eyes and the OLEDs technology is able to provide this.

So the high contrasts between the black and white, all the black areas in the thin-film-transistor (TFT) screen or the standard screen are not really black. They are also emitting shortwave radiation.

The OLED screen only emits where you see light, where there is black on the screen, there is no light. This might be preferable as long as you have no problems with the [viewing] angle."

Related: Companies Develop “Safe” Screens That Filter Blue Light Emitted By Electronic Devices

To Protect Your Health and Vision, Stick to Incandescent Lights

LEDs are a perfect example of how we're sabotaging our health with otherwise useful technology. However, with knowledge, we can proactively prevent the harm from occurring.

In summary, we really need to limit our exposure to blue light, both during the daytime and at night. So for nighttime use, swap out your LEDs for clear bulb incandescents, or low-voltage incandescent halogen lights that are run on DC power.

I also strongly recommend using blue-blocking glasses after sundown, even if you use incandescent light bulbs.

Without these modifications, the excessive blue light from LEDs and electronic screens will trigger your body to overproduce ROS and decrease production of melatonin, both in your pineal gland and your retina, the latter of which will prevent repair and regeneration, thereby speeding up the degeneration of your eyesight.

One thing to emphasize again, it's not the blue light coming from the sun itself which we should be concerned about. It's the blue light, the singular high energy visual light (HEV), which comes from cold energy-efficient non-thermal light sources.

This is what causes the problem, not the blue light which comes together with longer wavelengths in a kind of natural cocktail that has the beneficial near-infrared spectrum …

The light surrogates from non-thermal light sources, these are [what cause] problems, and you have to be clever to avoid these Trojan horses. If you want to make it [safe], stay with the candles, stay with the incandescents," Wunsch says.

Another Healthy Light Alternative

Candles are even a better light source than incandescent bulbs, as there is no electricity involved and is the light that our ancestors have used for many millennia so our bodies are already adapted to it. The only problem is that you need to be very careful about using just any old candle as most are toxic.

As you may or may not know, many candles available today are riddled with toxins, especially paraffin candles. Did you know that paraffin is a petroleum by-product created when crude oil is refined into gasoline?

Further, a number of known carcinogens and toxins are added to the paraffin to increase burn stability, not including the potential for lead added to wicks, and soot invading your lungs.

To complicate matters, a lot of candles, both paraffin and soy, are corrupted with toxic dyes and fragrances; some soy candles are only partially soy with many other additives and/or use GMO soy. There seems to be a strange mind-set that exposure to small amounts of toxins is OK, even though the exposure is exponential over time!

Why Sunlight Deficiency Is As Deadly As Smoking

A groundbreaking new study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has revealed something absolutely amazing about the role of the Sun in human health: a deficiency of sunlight could be as harmful to human health as smoking cigarettes.

The new study titled, "Avoidance of sun exposure as a risk factor for major causes of death: a competing risk analysis of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden cohort," was conducted by Swedish researchers on a population of almost 30,000 women.

They assessed the differences in sun exposure as a risk factor for all-cause mortality, within a prospective 20-year follow up of the Melanoma in Southern Sweden (MISS) cohort. The women were aged 25-64 years at the start of the study and recruited from 1990 to 1992. When their sun exposure habits were analyzed using modern survival statistics they discovered several things.


"Women with active sun exposure habits were mainly at a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and noncancer/non-CVD death as compared to those who avoided sun exposure." 


"As a result of their increased survival, the relative contribution of cancer death increased in these women."

This finding may be a bit tricky to understand, so let's look at it a little closer.

Because cancer risk increases along with biological age, the longer you live, the higher your cancer risk will be. Therefore, because increased sunlight exposure actually increases your longevity, it will also appear to increase your risk of cancer. But this does not necessarily mean that sunlight is intrinsically "carcinogenic," which is commonly assumed

Related: Five Amazing Properties Of Sunlight You've Never Heard About

Because heart disease is #1 killer in the developed world, and since sunlight reduces this most common cause of premature death, even if it increases the risk of the #2 most common cause of death (cancer), the net effect of sunlight exposure is that you will still live longer, which helps to contextualize and neutralize the "increased cancer risk" often observed.

Keep in mind, as well, that a huge number of cancers are overdiagnosed and overtreated, without sufficient acknowledgement by the medical establishment, whose culpability is rarely addressed. These "cancers" greatly inflate the statistics.

With millions of so-called early stage cancers like these - especially breast, prostate, thyroid, lung, and ovarian -- being wrongly diagnosed and treated, the complexity of the topic makes determining the role of sunlight exposure and cancer risk all the more difficult to ascertain. 

Moving on, the point about the longevity promoting properties of sunlight are driven home strongly by the third major observation: 

"Nonsmokers who avoided sun exposure had a life expectancy similar to smokers in the highest sun exposure group, indicating that avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking." 

This is a powerful finding with profound implications. To say that "avoidance of sun exposure is a risk factor for death of a similar magnitude as smoking," is to point out that sunlight exposure, rather than being the constant lethal threat it is perceived to be, warranting the slathering on all over the body of synthetic sunscreens virtually guaranteed to cause harm from toxicant exposure, is essential to our health.

In fact, according to the CDC, smoking is responsible for 6 million unnecessary deaths a year, and the "overall mortality among both male and female smokers in the United States is about three times higher than that among similar people who never smoked." 

And so, sunlight exposure may be so powerful an essential and necessary ingredient in human health that it might be considered medically unethical not to provide access to it, or to advise more routine exposure to it.  

The fourth and final observation of the study was that: 

"Compared to the highest sun exposure group, life expectancy of avoiders of sun exposure was reduced by 0.6-2.1 years." 

Sunlight Attains Its Former Status As An Indispensable Component of Health

While we can say that sunlight deficiency may contribute to lethal outcomes on par with smoking, we can rephrase the information positively by affirming that the Sun and its light may be as important to human health as is clean food or water.

In fact, compelling new research suggests that energy from the Sun drives the cellular bioenergetics of the biomachinery of our bodies through non-ATP dependent processes.

Consider the work of Gerald Pollack, PhD, author of the "The 4th Phase of Water" (see video below), who explains how infrared energy of the Sun charges up the water molecules within our body (99% of the molecules in our bodies in number are water) like trillions of molecular batteries. 

The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack

When pertaining to cardiovascular health, sunlight energy in the form of infrared charged water molecules supports the heart's job of pumping the blood throughout the blood vessels by producing a form of highly structured and energized water known as Exclusion Zone water, or EZ water, and which may actually provide over 99.9% of the biomechanical energy needed to push the 1.2-1.5 gallons of blood in the average adult body through the literally thousands of miles of blood vessels.  

Provocative new research also suggests the body contains a variety of photoacceptors/chromophores (e.g. cytochrome C oxidase) capable of accepting and utilizing sunlight to generate so-called “extra synthesis” of ATP.

Additionally, melanin may absorb a wide range of the Sun’s electromagnetic spectrum, converting it into useful energy and perhaps also biologically important information, even perhaps taking harmful gamma radiation and turning it into biologically useful energy. 

Even something as commonplace in the human diet as chlorophyll has recently been found to act as a means to enhanced the light-harvesting properties of animal cells.

In fact, we reported recently on a study that found enhanced ATP production (without the expected concomitant uptick in reactive oxygen species production) through intermediary of chlorophyll metabolites that end up in the mitochondria of our cells following microbiome-mediated digestive processes.  

Natural health advocates have sung the praises of sunlight for health since time immemorial.

While in modern times, sunlight-phobia is omnipresent, with parents of especially lighter skinned ethnicities forcing their children to don space-suit level all body protective gear, along with spraying or slathering them with extremely toxic petrochemical derivatives and nanoparticle metals with potentially cancer-promoting properties, there is a growing appreciation that we need the Sun as both a form of food, energy and information. 

It’s, of course, not all about vitamin D. To reduce the perceived health benefits of sunlight to this hormone like compound is as reductionistic as saying a orange’s health benefits are solely dependent on and reducible to the molecular scaffolding of atoms that comprise the chemical skeleton of the ascorbic acid molecule.

We are beginning to learn that certain wavelengths of sunlight activate a wide range of ancient, hard-wired genetic and epigenetic programs, relevant to all of our body's systems.

The wavelengths of light that occur at sunset, for instance, may have been so important to our evolution as a species that our very hairlessness, and our massive brains may not have evolved without daily exposure to them, for hundreds of thousands and even millions of years.

This phenomena, also known as biophotomodulation, opens up a radically new perspective on the role of the sun in human health and disease.

If sunlight deficiency is really as deadly as actively smoking cigarettes, it could be said that those who do not experience regular natural light exposure are no longer truly human, or capable of experiencing the optimal expression of their biological, mental, and spiritual blueprint.

A fundamental right, and health practice, would be daily outdoors exposure. How many of us have considered the state of office workers, institutionalized educational systems without windows, night shift work, and prisons?

Sunlight depravation, in light of these new findings, could be considered a significant violation of human health rights

This new study my pave the way for a deeper understanding of what humans need to be truly healthy, with sunlight deficiency being a prime example of what is most wrong about our modern incarnation as a primarily indoors focused creature, leading to our physical and psychospiritual degeneration.

As new models of cellular bioenergetics emerge, taking into account the ability of the body to directly or indirectly harvest the various light wavelengths of the Sun, direct daily exposure to sunlight may be looked upon as at least as an important step as "taking your vitamins," or exercising, for maintaining our health.

Conversely, sunlight deficiency and / or depravation will be likely be viewed to be as dangerous or lethal as smoking.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

What Will It Finally Take For Everyone To Realise That “It” Is All A “Con”
March 22 2017 | From: LTS

William Tompkins likes to say throughout his interviews that “everything you’re told is a lie”.

He claims that many of the systems and sciences we pursue, such as astronomy, medicine, etc., have been seeded with lies to trick us.

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I have spent the better part of a week trying to think of a better way to approach my writing. Forgive me if I have come to the conclusion that most of what I say is not really “getting” through to people!

"It just does not seem like anything I say is making a “dent”….

Let’s go back to the article that I posted yesterday!  Located here: www.toolsforfreedom.com

And, for those of my dedicated readers and followers who decided to read it… We have this quote from William Tompkins!

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"Tompkins: Everything You’re Told is a Lie

William Tompkins likes to say throughout his interviews that “everything you’re told is a lie”. He claims that many of the systems and sciences we pursue, such as astronomy, medicine, etc., have been seeded with lies to trick us.

This harks back to his claim that every government on Earth right now is under Reptilian control. Whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen, but certainly, so much deception has already been uncovered in so many areas of life that it is wisest to remain open to this possibility."

How many times have I said myself that same thing: Everything You’re Told is a Lie

You see, what we have now, and are experiencing is extreme cognitive dissonance, where the minds and brains of most human beings just can not process that ALL of it’s “programs” are faulty!

This is what the LUCIFERIANS have done to humanity. It is “they” who gave you your “beliefs”, and they who gave you your “truths” (which were lies), and they who are running the show even now. So, when somone finally comes out and tells you the REAL TRUTH, it is so huge that it is difficult to even know where to start changing things.

They gave us their “courts”, (Laws), they gave us their “religions” (beliefs), they gave us their “systems” (Governments), and let me once again state exactly what you need to hear - The Truth.

All of it is a lie. It’s a CON GAME of epic and monumental proportions, and you, (yes, even you) have been “conned” all of your life. Here is the difficulty with this: We have been trained (yes trained) just like dogs and cats, to be OBEDIANT, to what we were “told” were the rules.

Only these rules were not made in heaven as we thought, but were made in HELL instead. These rules were not GODS rules, but man’s rules! (And the worlds governments are STILL AT IT, and making crazy and insane rules which NO ONE wants to follow)

Just ask yourself this logical question…, and be very honest!

WHY do you suppose there is a plan on the drawing board to KILL 90 percent of humanity?

The answer is clear. “They” realize that the population is waking up from the CON, and they also realize that once that happens, they will have lost positive control of the surface humanity.

Now, before I continue, guys like me are ALWAYS condemned by the readers for pointing out the problem, but offering no solutions. Here, I will offer suggestions to make a difference. You, and everyone one else who you are in contact with, must make the “decision” that you will no longer play or participate in their evil game.

This means:

Taking any and every action you can to be “in defiance” of their rules, their cons, and their “systems”

We need to become the resistance

We need to stop consenting to every single thing we are told we need to do, and start OBJECTING

When India was fighting for it’s Independence from Great Britian, tens of thousands of workers and men simply stopped particpating and consenting! Even if they were beaten, they stopped consenting, and that is how they won their freedom.

This battle will not be won without COURAGE, and if you think it can, then by all means, see if being a coward gets you anything, but a first class seat in a FEMA camp.

Now, for those who don’t know me, and think I’m joking or have not done my reasearch, or am talking off the top of my head, here are several articles written by: Anna von Reitz, (posted on the Maine Republic) which spell out and show you the extent of the GREAT CON in fine details.

So You Want Solutions?

Well, how about this? The court system is messed up because it has been turned into a giant debt collection agency run by the creditors of the Federal Government and its “State of State” franchises.

The rest of the story is that they are collecting on fraudulent debts - debts that:

1) Don’t exist for the most part - and that:

2) Aren’t your debts

Moreover, these courts are being run as quasi-military tribunals in military districts, under the pretense that the “American Civil War” was ever an actual war.

It wasn’t. It was never Declared by the actual Congress and no Peace Treaty ending it exists, either. It was and is nothing but an illegal commercial mercenary operation on our shores that has been enforced and promoted by disloyal military commanders and criminals in Congress and clueless Presidents.

So, given the fact that these “courts” are foreign military tribunals here on our soil as the result of an illegal and immoral commercial mercenary action now 150 years old - and that they are collecting on debts that are odious and fraudulent by nature.

And given the fact that Donald Trump is now the “Commander in Chief” and able to order the District Commanders to shut these so-called courts down and reopen the courts we are owed….

Why not light a firecracker up Commander-in-Chief Trump’s rump and suggest that he do so, post haste? Tell him that Judge Anna can show him precisely how and when this system got set up and how it has been abused, and what his power is with respect to ending the hideous mockery that “stands for” a court system in this country right now.

The Financial Curse

Banks create money out of thin air.

Banks are thought of as deposit taking institutions that lend money. The legal reality is that banks don’t take deposits and banks don’t lend money.

Confirmed - Loans & Mortgages Are Created Out Of Thin Air By The Banks

A deposit is not actually a deposit. It’s not a bailment. It’s not held in custody. At law the word “deposit” is meaningless.

The law courts and various judgments have made it very clear that if you “give” your money to a bank, even though it’s called a “deposit”, this money is simply a loan to the bank.

So there is no such thing as a deposit. It is a loan to the bank. So banks borrow their money from the public.

“Surely they are lending money?” you say. Not at all. Banks don’t “lend” money.

Banks - again at law it’s very clear - they are in the business of purchasing “securities”. That’s it.

So you say, “I want a loan.”

Fine. Here is the loan contract. Here is the “offer letter”, and you sign it. At law, it is very clear that you have issued a “security”, namely a “promissory note”, and the bank is going to purchase that “promissory note / security”.

That’s what’s happening. What the bank is doing, is very different from what it presents to the public that it’s doing.

But, you say, “So the bank purchases my promissory note, but how do I get my money?”

The bank will then say, “You will find it in your account with us.” That would be technically correct.

If they say, “We’ll transfer it to your account”, that would be wrong because no money is transferred at all, from anywhere, inside the bank, or outside the bank.

Why? Because what we call a “deposit” is simply the bank’s record of its debt to the public. Now the bank also owes you money, and the bank’s “record” of the money it owes you is what you think you’re getting as money.

That’s all it is. And that is how the banks create the money supply. The money supply consists of 97% of bank deposits, and these are created out of nothing by the banks when they “lend”, because they invent fictitious so-called customer “deposits”.

Why? The bank simply restates - a slightly incorrect accounting term - what is an “accounts payable liability” arising from the loan contract, having purchased your “promissory note” as a customer deposit, but nobody has deposited any money.

I wonder how the FDIC deals with this because in the financial sector you’re not supposed to mislead your customers.

In such a case, you loan (“give”) the bank the title to your collateral via your signed “promissory note / security” and the bank monetizes this by selling it to the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank to get the money the bank loans (“gives back”) to you disguised as a loan.

In other words, you “give” the bank your “signature” via you “promissory note / security” which the bank then monetizes via the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, and the bank gives you back the value of your signature as a so-called “loan”.

We are on a “promissory note” standard, instead of a “gold” money standard.

If you don’t pay the money that the bank gives you back to the bank, plus interest, the bank then takes your stuff ! (It really doesn’t want you to repay the so-called loan; it would simply rather just take your stuff).

150 Years of British Criminality – The Very Short Version

We are Third Party Beneficiaries with respect to the National Trust created in the Preamble and are indemnified in the British system under two Royal Sovereign Seals - the seal of King George the III with respect to the delegated powers, and the seal of William Belcher with respect to the undelegated powers, otherwise known as the Great Seal of the United States.

William Belcher inherited his sovereignty as a result of the Norman Conquest of Britain and Wales. Thus, the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, calls George III the “prince of the United States” and does not mention who the actual Head of State - the “king” of the United States - was. Later generations simply presumed it was the British Monarch, with results disastrous to them and to us.

This split of delegated and undelegated powers held by two sovereigns in international jurisdiction ultimately resulted in the situation we have today, where the delegated powers are held by the British-backed United States and the undelegated powers are held by the “states and people” under the Belcher Seal and operated by the United States of America by default.

The misunderstanding about our states (and also, therefore, our state offices) comes about because people don’t grasp the difference between the international jurisdiction of the sea and the national jurisdiction of the land.

Everything discussed above, including the National Trust established by the Preamble, exists only in the international jurisdiction of the sea and has nothing to do with our sovereignty on the land.

We have all been taught to focus on the Constitution but that is substantially a red herring in that it discusses only our position with respect to the foreign international jurisdiction and says nothing about our own sovereign domain.

This can be excused in that our land jurisdiction was never the subject of The Constitution, so why would the Founders talk about that? We were expected to know the basis of our own sovereignty on the land, just as we were expected to know the history and protect our own Common Law Courts from British meddling.

Two centuries later, the situation speaks for itself.

As to our sovereignty on the land which vests itself in our nations called “states” for international purposes, that sovereignty derives from entirely different authorities and specifically begins with a land grant and settlement made by the King of Spain via (yet another) Treaty of Paris in 1778.

The situation was that the British King was financing both sides of the Revolution to hedge his bets - he emerged the victor to a greater or lesser extent, either way.

The King of France was intermediary funneling funds to the Americans. The King of Spain, however, had grudges against both the King of Britain and the King of France - and he was in charge of the land jurisdiction worldwide, thanks to the claims of the Holy See and its “dispensations” under the Unam Sanctum Trust.

So while the Americans were concluding their treaty with France to secure what most of them believed was French support for the American Revolution, the King of Spain quietly granted the entire continent (absent Spain’s holdings of course) to the rebels via the “other” Treaty of Paris, 1778.

If they could win the war, the land was already vouchsafed to them - and as of 1778, it was available to them to use as collateral to borrow against internationally.

This is how the Americans financed their loans from the French King who was actually acting as a pass-through agent for King George III. They wagered their claim to the land given to them by the Spanish King and used it as collateral.

If George III had won the ground war, he would have won the whole shooting match; as it was, he emerged with a tidy debt owed by the Americans and a great deal of leverage, which he used to secure the delegated powers granted to him and his proxy government in DC.

The land claim passed from the Spanish King to the colonies, which in the years immediately following the end of open hostilities with Britain (1783-1789) undertook a number of inter-colony initiatives to settle the land jurisdiction claims.

This all focused on settling the national borders of the separate nation-states, establishing trade relationships, currencies, treaties with respect to international commercial issues, taxation, interstate travel, security of the international Post Roads and Post Offices, and similar concerns.

As for the basic grant of land jurisdiction, they issued another trust known as The Supreme Republican Declaration of the United Colonies, grandfathering in the original thirteen colonies as a union of land jurisdiction states, and claiming all the rest of the land jurisdiction for themselves and their progeny subject to later arrangements and acquisitions.

The later arrangements were solidified by the Northwest Ordinance which provided for the orderly creation and inclusion of territories and from the territories the creation of new nation-states which would be enabled to enter the union under the Equal Footing Doctrine.

The inclusion of “other acquisitions” such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Republic of Texas and the Spanish Settlement followed the same basic pattern of establishing a form of territorial government and later, upon enrollment in the original union, a separate state government.

Throughout this discussion we are talking about geographically defined nations and their body politics simply called, “California” or “Wisconsin” or “Ohio”.

References in law books to these states always use the style “states”- no capitalization whatsoever. These are the sovereign states from which our sovereignty on the land of this continent derives. These states are nations in the fullest sense of the word, just like Britain or France.

They are completely different and separate from any “State of __________”, and in fact, the word “of” means “separate from, apart from, or belonging to”, so “State of Delaware” is talking about what? The international corporation used by the actual state known as Delaware and its people to operate in international commerce.

In trade, Delaware needs no “State of _________” to conduct business within its own borders or with other unincorporated sovereign states and nations. It is only when it wishes to engage in incorporated business transactions with the other nation-states, like the State of California, or with other countries like France, that it needs to use an incorporated “State of ___________”.

And therein lies the rub.

Each state retains its right to conduct trade within its borders and also retains the right to trade with other sovereign nations; it uses a “State of _________” corporation to operate in international commerce outside its borders— and the proxy “Federal Government” run by the British Monarch has delegated control of international commerce. This control is exercised by operating all incorporated businesses in all states as franchises of the United States, Inc.

So now you know the difference between the actual land jurisdiction sovereign state and the fact that each one is, in fact, a separate nation, an entire country unto itself, plus you know what the “State of _________” entity is and what it is used for and who controls it and why.

None of the states operated in international commerce until after the Civil War. At that time, The United States of America, Inc. was formed, and the original states were forced to write new “state constitutions”.

Under these new constitutions (all constitutions are debt agreements) the corporation used by the actual sovereign state was obliged to operate under names styled like this: California State, Wyoming State, Florida State.

Meanwhile, the name “State of California” and “State of Wyoming”, etc. was “adopted” by totally different entities under new ownership.

This switch and the use of the same old names applied to different corporate entities led up to the greatest fraud in human history. The “State of Illinois” prior to the Civil War was an entirely different beastie and under completely different ownership that the “State of Illinois” after the Civil War and the same pattern applies across the whole country.

There is a state constitution prior to the Civil War and a new state constitution after the Civil War.

Fast forward again to the 1930’s. FDR is working as liaison for the United States, Inc. at the Geneva Conventions, May, 1930.

As a business ploy, the G-5 nations agree by private treaty to bankrupt their “international corporations” and discharge all debts left over from the First World War.

Three years later, Roosevelt, now elected President of the United States, carries through and by sleight of hand and deceptive wordsmithing, sets up a constructive fraud by which the California State, Illinois State, and other land jurisdiction corporations are “assumed” to be sureties standing good for the debts of the United States, Inc. even though they are owned and operated by the United States of America, Inc.

This isn’t a corporate take-over. It’s just plain old commercial fraud in which false claims are made against the assets of a Third Party and false assumptions then lead to that innocent victim being charged for the debt via a process of commercial liens and titles and hypothecation of debt.

The American states and people were raped, pillaged, and plundered by the United States, Inc. and the British Crown from 1930 to 1999, when all debts of the bankruptcy of the United States of America were discharged and settled and our “States” doing business as “California State” and “Wisconsin State” were left derelict and adrift, mere shells - and in exactly the same condition as a man recovering from bankruptcy.

All this was accomplished in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract by the British Monarch and the British Government operating under color of law on our land, pretending to be our friends, allies, and protectors.

As a result of their vicious fraud our State corporations were left in financial ruin, but like a man recovering from bankruptcy, not dead.The vermin responsible for palming off their odious debts on us have tried by every means to “finish us off” in the intervening years, without success.

All this history is necessary for you to know before I can answer your “simple” question about the oaths of office owed to our actual States.

The “vacated offices” that we are occupying belong to the land jurisdiction state and are operated as offices of the formerly bankrupted “Alaska State”, “California State” and so on. These offices were “vacated” during the long bankruptcy and so far as the vermin responsible for this circumstance are concerned, it was never anticipated that they would be re-occupied by the states and the people they belong to.

During the bankruptcy, these States were operated by “State of State Legislatures” functioning as Bankruptcy Trustees - corporate con artists overseeing the rape and the pillaging, but nonetheless “representing” the state in the position of Trustees.

These legislatures operating in that capacity continued to pass “Session Laws” to administer the affairs of the victims. Thus, for example, we have Session Laws that establish the “California State” under a new “state constitution” in 1879, and we have Session Laws established for the bankrupt entity throughout the bankruptcy.

It is via the circa 1870’s “constitutions” creating the Wisconsin State, Louisiana State and so on, that we maintain a chain of title and succession of contract back to the original Constitution and are enabled to enforce it.

It is via the Session Laws related to the “second” state constitutions that we obtain the offices and the oaths.

All land jurisdiction offices are exercised under red ink. Business signatures are in script in Upper and Lower Case.

All land jurisdiction transactions are understood to be in trade, not commerce, and are not under the control of the United States.

Our business as State officials and State Citizens is all conducted under unincorporated business structures locally (hence the need for all state and county assemblies to operate as unincorporated businesses) and under undelegated powers internationally - note the red Post Marks.

All commerce is exercised in blue ink. Commercial signatures of “Account Holders” are in script in Upper and Lower Case. All sea jurisdiction transactions entered into by US PERSONS are understood to be in commerce. You are considered to be acting as a US PERSON if you retain such a PERSON.

You surrender these PERSONS via surrendering the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury and appoint him your Fiduciary and credit the United States of America, U.S. Treasury, without recourse.

That settles the issue of whether you are operating as a State Citizen or a US Citizen.

This entire history from the Civil War to date is nothing but a nasty scam designed by the British to bilk their Creditors and palm off their debts on innocent Third Parties, but once you have the history and the names nailed down, it gets easier to comprehend.


So when guys like myself, start writing and asking for the rest of humanity to “please wake up”, it isn’t just some joke or some opinion we are espousing. Humanity has until now been SLEEP WALKING into it’s own grave, and was for quite some time!

The trouble with trying to do this job is that we are not only up against the Satanists and the Luciferians, but are also up against very well meaning men and women who, have “taken the bait” and swallowed the new CON of the New Age.

In the new Con of the New Age, there are countless real spiritual “teaching” which have been “bastardiszed” into something they are not. The true and real meaning has been flipped or inverted so that it does NOT mean what it was supposed to mean.

The biggest of which is very simply this: Don't focus on negative things: a teaching, which the NEW AGE has bastardized into a very strange teaching which good men and women have come to believe means that you don’t even acknowledge real and truthful “information” about what is happening in the world if it can be catagorized as negative.

(You should just ignore it or LOOK AWAY instead)

This is the height of ABSURDITY, and, as David Icke points out, INFORMATION is neither negative or positive, it is just information (or knowledge).


And it happens to be a fundament requirement in order to make progress.

No problem can ever be solved if you don’t “know” what the problem is or how it is being created, or even better who is doing it. And it's not just the Cabal causing problems, we also have the 'New Agers' and their channeled entities!

As David Icke says in the Title of one of his books: HUMANITY, GET OFF YOUR KNEES. Get off your knees and QUESTION EVERYTHING! There are no authority figures that you need to “obey".

The only real and true authority is the prime creator. There is only ONE AUTHORITY in this Universe, and no one on Earth represents him, not the Queen, nor the Pope, nor the Jesuits, nor the Police, nor the Governments, NOT ANYONE.

What will it really take for us to become free? Courage - nothing more, nothing less. We won't get out of this mess by ignoring it.

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NSA Documents Prove Surveillance Of Donald Trump & His Family + Documents Show Obama Surveiled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years
March 22 2017 | From: Infowars / Various

Project Dragnet gave countless government employees private data on Trump.

Alex Jones breaks down information provided exclusively to Infowars from law enforcement sources that shows NSA surveillance of Donald Trump, his family, his employees and countless others under “Project Dragnet.”

Related: The Conspiracy Against President Trump

New NSA Whistleblower Goes Public About Trump Surveillance

A new release of documents now shows that Donald Trump was completely correct about him being surveilled by Barack Obama.

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Documents Show Obama Surveiled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years

Bombshell discovery shows targets of NSA's "Project Dragnet."

Infowars.com have obtained credible information from law enforcement sources regarding individual records of U.S. citizens under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010 – a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.

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Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator of the Cold Case Posse (CCP), a special investigative group created in 2006 in the office of Joseph M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff in Maricopa County, an Arizona State Certified Law Enforcement Agency, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, provided sections of the database to Infowars.com.

The electronic surveillance database, provided to Zullo by a whistleblower in 2013, was apparently created by the NSA as part of the NSA’s illegal and unconstitutional Project Dragnet electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens, first revealed by news reports published in 2005, as further documented by the revelations of whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013.

New NSA Whistleblower Goes Public About Trump Surveillance

This video gives you everything you need to know about how Donald Trump was surveilled by Barack Obama.

Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Investigator Zullo have identified dozens of entries at various addresses, including both Trump Tower in New York City and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, under which Donald Trump was apparently under NSA electronic surveillance from 2004, during President George W. Bush’s term of office, through 2009, the first year of President Obama’s presidency.

Electronic surveillance of Donald Trump was listed in the database for the following companies, locations, and dates:

Trump International

1 Central Park, NYC, NY

Trump World Tower
845 United Nations Plaza, NYC, NY
No Date

Trump Tower SAL
108 Central Park, NYC, NY

Trump Palace Co
200 E. 69th Street A, NYC, NY

Trump Entertainment
725 Fifth Ave. FL, NYC, NY

Trump Organization
725 Fifth Ave. BSM, NYC, NY

Trump Palace
725 Fifth Ave., NYC, NY

Mar-a-Lago Club
1100 S. Ocean BL, Palm Beach, FL

Trump International
401 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, IL

Douglass Limousine

239 Nassau St., Princeton, NJ

Trump International
3505 Summit BLV, West Palm Beach, FL

Flights INC
P.O. Box 196, Hamilton MA

Trump International
1 Central Park, NYC, NY

Trump Hotels
Huron Ave., Atlantic City, NJ
No Date

Trump National
339 Pine Rd, Briarcliff, NY
No Date

Trump Plaza & C
2500 Pacific Ave, Atlantic City, NJ

Trump Palace Co.
200 E. 69th St., NYC, NY

Seven Springs
66 Oregon Rd, Mount Kisco, NY 2006-2008

While attempts have been made to deny such domestic surveillance, reports from the New York Times in 2014 showed the Central Intelligence Agency had done just that by spying on a senate panel investigating the agency’s use of “enhanced interrogation.”

In a 2016 article from The Guardian entitled, “‘A constitutional crisis’: the CIA turns on the Senate,” it is likewise noted just how drastic and widespread the CIA’s domestic surveillance operation was.

DOJ Turns Over Wiretap Materials to Congressional Intel Committees

As revealed from the Dragnet database, not only was Trump himself surveilled but so were numerous employees of his located at Trump Tower.

Former CIA officer Larry Johnson recently joined the Alex Jones show to discuss how intelligence sources have stated that such surveillance of Trump during the presidential election in fact took place.

Censored CIA Insider: My Sources Say Trump Was Surveilled By Deep State

Former CIA agent Larry Johnson confirms the accusations made in Trumps 'Obama wiretapping tweets' and backs up the claims with evidence.

Here is a partial list of the Trump employees that show up in the Project Dragnet database:

Patricia Hernandez, a Manager for the Trump Organization, was under NSA electronic surveillance at Trump Parc, Central Park South, in New York City, at phone 212-586-xxxx, date: 9/16/2008.

Mike van der Goes, a Golf Pro at Oceans Trails Golf Course in Palos Verdes, who was promoted to be general manager when Trump bought the course from the bank in 2005 and renamed it Trump National. Mike van der Goes was under surveillance at Trump National, 1 Ocean TRL, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, at phone: 310-265-xxxx, no date.

Carolyn Kepcher, a frequent guest on NBC’s television program “The Apprentice,” who was under NSA electronic surveillance when she was General Manager at the Trump National Golf Course in Briarcliff, New York, in Westchester County north of New York City, at 339 Pine Rd., in Briarcliff, New York, at phone 914-944-xxxx, date: 9/7/206.

Joe Traci, a Real Estate Property Manager at Trump New World Property Management, at 438 W. 69th Street, New York City, phone 212-769-xxxx, date: 11/12/2008; and at 5 12th Street, New York City, phone: 212-586-xxxx, no date.

Roger Socio, a Senior Project Manager, Trump Organization, Trump Tower, 725 Fifth Avenue, New York City, phone: 212-715-xxxx, 2/23/2009.

Bill Fichter, Residents Manager, Trump Organization, Trump Palace, 200 E. 69th Street, New York City, phone: 212-879-xxxx, date: 2/24/2009.

Florin Bogosel, Trump Park Avenue, 502 Park Avenue, New York City, phone: 212-223-xxxx, no date.

Grace Dunne, Trump Park Residence, 3770 Barger Street, Shrub Oak, New York, phone: 914-245-xxxx, date 1/26/2006.

Greg Bradley, Vice President, Trump Pavilion for Nursing and Rehabilitation, 9028 Van Wyck, East Richmond Hill, New York, phone: 718-291-xxxx, no date.

All these employees appear to have been under NSA phone surveillance, plus various of them under financial surveillance as well. The Project Dragnet database suggests Trump was under surveillance not only for phone conversations, but also for financial information, including most likely bank account transactions, credit card transactions, and tax filings.

Both federal and state law enforcement have had access to the Project Dragnet database, allowing widespread use for methods such as parallel construction. The practice, outlined in the 2013 Reuters article, “U.S. directs agents to cover up program used to investigate Americans,” reveals the breadth of information that trickles down to law enforcement from high-level intelligence agencies.

The Collapse of Trust in the West

Also listed as under NSA surveillance in the period 2004-2010 was Trump’s former wife, Ivanka Trump at House of Ivanka, 10 East 64th Street, New York City.

The Project Dragnet database also indicates that the NSA was conducting electronic surveillance on an extensive list of Trump employees in the years 2004-2010 – the only years for which Sheriff Arpaio had data.

Alex Jones is listed as being under electronic surveillance for phone records, as well as under surveillance for financial records, in 2006. The address listed for Alex Jones in the NSA Project Dragnet database was correct for his residence at that time. So too, Alex Jones confirmed the phone number listed was also correct.

Related: Dissents in State of Washington, et. al., v. Donald J. Trump, et. al.

Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Investigator Zullo have validated through law enforcement channels the validity of the name, address, and telephone numbers for the dates that appear in the Project Dragnet database.

Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Investigator Zullo are prepared to share relevant information with appropriate federal law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, as well as the Department of Justice, Homeland Security Department, the White House, and members of Congress the Project Dragnet Database in whole, or in part, as it pertains to NSA electronic surveillance of Donald J. Trump and his various employee.

Sheriff Arpaio and Chief Investigator Zullo also show up in the database, listed as being under both phone and financial surveillance.

Zullo explained that he and Arpaio came in contact with the information from Operation Dragnet during an unrelated investigation that began in October 2013 and ended January 2015.

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A whistleblower by the name of Dennis Montgomery brought forward information that Montgomery alleges was collected while he was employed as a subcontractor for the NSA, working on various surveillance projects.

Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA, in part to develop computer breaching software that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American citizens without legal justification.

While Montgomery’s credibility has been called into question, Zullo maintains that the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinarily voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in 2013 that is only now being revealed by media outlets.

David Rockefeller Dead?

Mainstream news sources are reporting the death of David Rockefeller. While possible, it is more likely that he has gone underground. The heat is coming on the Cabal so strongly now that it's just too dangerous to be out in the public arena. Even at age 101, the Cabal have tricks to prop up these old fossils, or put them on ice.

David Rockefeller, banker and philanthropist, dies at 101

Billionaire David Rockefeller Dies at Age 101

Globalist David Rockefeller Dead at 101

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