EPA Contradicts Its Own Research, Claims Roundup Poses No Risk To Humans & More January 15 2018 | From: Antimedia / Various
Recently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a new report declaring that the weed killer glyphosate does not pose any meaningful risk to humans, but the report is not likely to end the debate over the safety of the world’s most widely used pesticide.
The new report from the EPA is the latest in a string of conflicting reports from various health agencies around the world. Reuters first reported on the assessment:
“The EPA, in a draft risk assessment report issued on Monday, also said it found ‘no other meaningful risks to human health’ when glyphosate, the world’s biggest-selling weed killer, is used according to its label instructions.”
The EPA’s decision conflicts with a March 2015 report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer that found that glyphosate “probably” contributes to non-Hodgkin lymphoma in humans and classified it as a ‘Group 2A’ carcinogen.
“There was sufficient evidence in animals, limited evidence in humans and strong supporting evidence showing DNA mutations and damaged chromosomes,” Aaron Blair, a scientist emeritus at the National Cancer Institute and lead author of the study, told Reuters at the time.
The IARC report was published in The Lancet Oncology and detailed evaluations of organophosphate pesticides and herbicides. The report concluded that there was “limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.”
The evidence for this conclusion was pulled from studies of exposure to the chemical in the US, Canada, and Sweden published since 2001. The researchers found “convincing evidence that glyphosate can also cause cancer in laboratory animals.”
Shortly after the IARC review, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), an independent agency funded by the European Union, shot back with their own study, claiming glyphosate is “unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.” Earlier this month, the European Commission renewed the license to use glyphosate for another five years.
The Commission’s renewal came despite the efforts of the European Citizens’ Initiative, called “Ban glyphosate and protect people and the environment from toxic pesticides.” The effort collected more than 1 million signatures.
Those studies were followed by research from experts with the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The FAO released a statement claiming glyphosate is “unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans” exposed to it through food. The WHO co-signed the statement with the FAO.
The organizations also found that glyphosate is not likely to be genotoxic - destructive to cell’s genetic material - in humans.
This means that as of December 2017, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Health Organization, the European Food Safety Authority, and the United Nations say glyphosate does not pose a risk of cancer to humans. On the other end of the spectrum, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer IARC states that it could be linked to cancer.
To add even more confusion to the matter, in October, Reuters reported that an analysis of the IARC’s assessment of glyphosate showed the agency ignored findings and deleted statements that contradicted their final conclusion. Reuters reported:
“The edits identified by Reuters occurred in the chapter of IARC’s review focusing on animal studies. This chapter was important in IARC’s assessment of glyphosate, since it was in animal studies that IARC decided there was ‘sufficient’ evidence of carcinogenicity.
One effect of the changes to the draft, reviewed by Reuters in a comparison with the published report, was the removal of multiple scientists’ conclusions that their studies had found no link between glyphosate and cancer in laboratory animals.”
All this confusion among agencies does not help the average consumer when it comes to safety and health. Who should we trust when our very lives are on the line? Government agencies that operate a revolving door with big pharma, big ag, and other industrial complexes?
Despite the EPA’s latest decision, Jennifer Sass, a senior scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council advocacy group, told Reuters that “[t]here is data suggesting cancer.” What data is Sass referring to?
She is more than likely talking about an EPA study from the 1980s that found glyphosate does, indeed, increase the likelihood of developing cancer. The 2015 IARC report points out that the EPA had originally classified glyphosate as possibly carcinogenic to humans in 1985.
The IARC Working Group evaluated the original EPA findings and more recent reports before concluding “there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in experimental animals.”
The investigation does a great job of outlining the history of regulation of glyphosate and how Monsanto - glyphosate is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup - has been able to influence and subvert regulatory agencies in order to make glyphosate the most widely used pesticide in the world.
“Our two-year investigation found incontrovertible evidence that Monsanto has exerted deep influence over EPA decisions since glyphosate first came on the market - via Roundup - more than 40 years ago,” the report states.
The detailed investigation reveals that nearly every time a Monsanto chemical was receiving negative attention from scientists and researchers, the biotech company would hire its own researchers and firms or pressure government employees until they came to Monsanto’s preferred conclusion.
The testing and approval of glyphosate seem to fit the pattern.
“Throughout the 1970s, EPA staff repeatedly raised red flags about the inadequacy of testing data that Monsanto was submitting in support of glyphosate’s original registration,” the report states. In These Times also examined EPA memos they say “detail incomplete or otherwise unacceptable toxicology screening tests.”
The pressure to approve glyphosate can be traced back to 1983 when the EPA was examining toxicity data supplied by Monsanto. As part of the registration and approval process, Monsanto submitted a two-year mouse feeding study. In These Times writes:
“The mouse study was conducted for Monsanto by a commercial lab called Bio/Dynamics, but the results of the research were neither peer-reviewed nor made publicly available.
Staff toxicologists, pathologists and statisticians in the TB provided the first interpretation of these results. On March 4, 1985, an ad hoc committee of these scientists reported that based on this mouse study, glyphosate was carcinogenic, or a ‘Class C’ substance.
They did not question the 1983 study’s structure or reported data. EPA staff toxicologist William Dykstra, in an April 3, 1985, memo, stated unequivocally, ‘Glyphosate was oncogenic in male mice causing renal tubule adenomas, a rare tumor, in a dose-related manner.’”
In true Monsanto fashion, the company hired four pathologists to review the original tissue slides from the 1983 study. Monsanto’s pathologists claimed to have seen a tumor in one of the mice in the control group.
This finding cast doubt on the EPA’s original conclusion and the entire study. By March 1986, the EPA had reversed their designation of glyphosate as carcinogenic. Monsanto still relies on the claim that one of the control group mice also had a tumor so the cause could not have been glyphosate.
However, in another memo dated February 1985, Herbert Lacayo, a statistician with the EPA’s Toxicology Branch, stated that without glyphosate exposure, the odds of tumors appearing were about 156 to 1.
“Under such circumstances a prudent person would reject the Monsanto assumption that glyphosate dosing has no effect on kidney tumor production,” wrote Lacayo. “Our viewpoint is one of protecting the public health when we see suspicious data. It is not our job to protect registrants from false positives.”
Officially, the chemical glyphosate and products like Roundup do not cause cancer and are of no harm to the planet or animals. However, when one takes a deeper look at the history of the studies and the company behind the product, valid reasons to be skeptical can be found.
The USA Was Never A Real Democracy, Nor Was It Ever Meant To Be January 15 2018 | From: TheMilleniumReport
The British-controlled political parties, Vatican-based Jesuits and Zionist Neocons & Neoliberals ensured the complete takeover of the U.S. Federal Government and installation of a plutocratic oligarchy overseen by the Black Nobility.
Crucial Data Point: The current and critical predicament “inside the Beltway” perfectly reflects the preceding subtitle as follows:
i) The overtly treasonous U.S. Intelligence Community especially the C.I.A.,
ii) The criminal intent and naked negligence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
iii) The numerous traitors and foreign agents in the U.S. Congress,
iv) The thoroughly corrupt Obama Administration & Clinton Crime Family, and (v) the countless Deep State operatives who infest every organ of government, to name just a few examples of Black Nobility tyranny in America.
To apprehend the sheer enormity and profundity of this fundamentally global Khazarian conspiracy see: New World Order: Creation of The Venetian Black Nobility and Committee of 300. The Founding Fathers quite intentionally did not establish the United States of America as a Democracy. They knew from the get-go that putting such a meretricious political principle into governmental practice was nothing more than a disaster-in-the-making.
America’s leaders since World War II have made a big deal about nation-building by exporting their fraudulent version of democracy for specific reasons. They were all aware of the fact that such an inherently defective political economy was quite easy manipulated when democracy was the foundation.
Every one of those U.S. presidents knew that American democracy was a total fraud and would eventually morph into a dictatorship and/or national security state. As it has in 2017. Even the POTUS is now being held captive by the all-powerful Deep State.
Key Points: The very concept of democracy is highly misunderstood by the vast majority of people everywhere.
They fail to realize that all it takes is a little social engineering by the wealthy elites to deceive the citizenry.
This can be accomplished via mainstream media mind-control programming in tandem with legislating various financial incentives and economic benefits.
It is these “carrots”, along with various and sundry “sticks”, that are routinely used to manipulate a majority of the voters to the great detriment of the nation. Once these citizens are sufficiently corralled into a certain pen of unrighteous compliance, they’re no longer real patriots for fear of losing their “welfare”.
The real peril associated with this very common predicament emerges when unjust or immoral laws are put into effect.
This fatal flaw of the democratic system really rears its ugly head when the ignorant and mean-spirited mob effectively gives their consent to the arrogant and corrupt politicians. There’s nothing more dangerous than an unruly mob which has empowered a tyrannical government, and vice versa.
What the Founding Fathers intuitively knew - if they had formed a true democracy - is that citizens would eventually vote into office those fraudsters who promised them everything - FOR FREE .
Obama is a perfect example of this inherently communist ideology in democratic clothing. So was “empty promises” Bernie Sanders, a true communist if ever there was one in U.S. presidential election history.
The bottom line is that democracy, especially one where every vote is really counted, will always degenerate into mob rule. Again, Obama’s 2 terms demonstrated the utter lawlessness and pervasive anarchy that reigns when the mob (both literally and figuratively) takes over.
He promised his various constituencies their “Sodom and Gomorrah”, and they loved him for it. That’s why President Trump truly inherited an Obamanation.
The historical record clearly indicates that the elites will always use their power and wealth and influence to manipulate the electorate into voting against their own interest. By stealthily manufacturing consent in this manner - election cycle after election cycle - the power elite guarantees an inexorable dumbing down of the body politic.
This is why the Founding Fathers formed the United States as a Constitutional Republic. They knew that the many built-in checks and balances were the only ways to keep the newly constructed American ship of state from foundering or running aground. As it has today!
That’s because the U.S. Constitution has been unlawfully trashed as the American Republic has been taken over by political barbarians (also known as Bolsheviks).
The good news is that the Alt Media has completely exposed the globalists and their New World Order agenda. The Internet has leveled the playing field like never before. Hence, it’s only a matter of time as to when the Global Control Matrix dissolves into history.
N.B. With this understanding, the following commentary is somewhat on target, but without addressing the much bigger picture.
The U.S. Is Not A Democracy, It Never Was
One of the most steadfast beliefs regarding the United States is that it is a democracy. Whenever this conviction waivers slightly, it is almost always to point out detrimental exceptions to core American values or foundational principles.
For instance, aspiring critics frequently bemoan a “loss of democracy” due to the election of clownish autocrats, draconian measures on the part of the state, the revelation of extraordinary malfeasance or corruption, deadly foreign interventions, or other such activities that are considered undemocratic exceptions.
The same is true for those whose critical framework consists in always juxtaposing the actions of the U.S. government to its founding principles, highlighting the contradiction between the two and clearly placing hope in its potential resolution.
The problem, however, is that there is no contradiction or supposed loss of democracy because the United States simply never was one. This is a difficult reality for many people to confront, and they are likely more inclined to immediately dismiss such a claim as preposterous rather than take the time to scrutinize the material historical record in order to see for themselves.
Such a dismissive reaction is due in large part to what is perhaps the most successful public relations campaign in modern history.
What will be seen, however, if this record is soberly and methodically inspected, is that a country founded on elite, colonial rule based on the power of wealth - a plutocratic colonial oligarchy, in short - has succeeded not only in buying the label of “democracy” to market itself to the masses, but in having its citizenry, and many others, so socially and psychologically invested in its nationalist origin myth that they refuse to hear lucid and well-documented arguments to the contrary.
To begin to peel the scales from our eyes, let us outline in the restricted space of this article, five patent reasons why the United States has never been a democracy (a more sustained and developed argument is available in my book, Counter-History of the Present).
To begin with, British colonial expansion into the Americas did not occur in the name of the freedom and equality of the general population, or the conferral of power to the people. Those who settled on the shores of the “new world,” with few exceptions, did not respect the fact that it was a very old world indeed, and that a vast indigenous population had been living there for centuries.
As soon as Columbus set foot, Europeans began robbing, enslaving and killing the native inhabitants. The trans-Atlantic slave trade commenced almost immediately thereafter, adding a countless number of Africans to the ongoing genocidal assault against the indigenous population.
Moreover, it is estimated that over half of the colonists who came to North America from Europe during the colonial period were poor indentured servants, and women were generally trapped in roles of domestic servitude.
Rather than the land of the free and equal, then, European colonial expansion to the Americas imposed a land of the colonizer and the colonized, the master and the slave, the rich and the poor, the free and the un-free.
The former constituted, moreover, an infinitesimally small minority of the population, whereas the overwhelming majority, meaning “the people,” was subjected to death, slavery, servitude, and unremitting socio-economic oppression.
Second, when the elite colonial ruling class decided to sever ties from their homeland and establish an independent state for themselves, they did not found it as a democracy. On the contrary, they were fervently and explicitly opposed to democracy, like the vast majority of European Enlightenment thinkers.
They understood it to be a dangerous and chaotic form of uneducated mob rule. For the so-called “founding fathers,” the masses were not only incapable of ruling, but they were considered a threat to the hierarchical social structures purportedly necessary for good governance.
In the words of John Adams, to take but one telling example, if the majority were given real power, they would redistribute wealth and dissolve the “subordination” so necessary for politics.
When the eminent members of the landowning class met in 1787 to draw up a constitution, they regularly insisted in their debates on the need to establish a republic that kept at bay vile democracy, which was judged worse than “the filth of the common sewers” by the pro-Federalist editor William Cobbett.
The new constitution provided for popular elections only in the House of Representatives, but in most states the right to vote was based on being a property owner, and women, the indigenous and slaves - meaning the overwhelming majority of the population - were simply excluded from the franchise.
Senators were elected by state legislators, the President by electors chosen by the state legislators, and the Supreme Court was appointed by the President.
It is in this context that Patrick Henry flatly proclaimed the most lucid of judgments: “it is not a democracy.” George Mason further clarified the situation by describing the newly independent country as “a despotic aristocracy.”
When the American republic slowly came to be relabeled as a “democracy,” there were no significant institutional modifications to justify the change in name. In other words, and this is the third point, the use of the term “democracy” to refer to an oligarchic republic simply meant that a different word was being used to describe the same basic phenomenon.
This began around the time of “Indian killer” Andrew Jackson’s presidential campaign in the 1830s. Presenting himself as a ‘democrat,’ he put forth an image of himself as an average man of the people who was going to put a halt to the long reign of patricians from Virginia and Massachusetts.
Slowly but surely, the term “democracy” came to be used as a public relations term to re-brand a plutocratic oligarchy as an electoral regime that serves the interest of the people or demos. Meanwhile, the American holocaust continued unabated, along with chattel slavery, colonial expansion and top-down class warfare.
In spite of certain minor changes over time, the U.S. republic has doggedly preserved its oligarchic structure, and this is readily apparent in the two major selling points of its contemporary “democratic” publicity campaign.
The Establishment and its propagandists regularly insist that a structural aristocracy is a “democracy” because the latter is defined by the guarantee of certain fundamental rights (legal definition) and the holding of regular elections (procedural definition).
This is, of course, a purely formal, abstract and largely negative understanding of democracy, which says nothing whatsoever about people having real, sustained power over the governing of their lives.
However, even this hollow definition dissimulates the extent to which, to begin with, the supposed equality before the law in the United States presupposes an inequality before the law by excluding major sectors of the population: those judged not to have the right to rights, and those considered to have lost their right to rights (Native Americans, African-Americans and women for most of the country’s history, and still today in certain aspects, as well as immigrants, “criminals,” minors, the “clinically insane,” political dissidents, and so forth).
Regarding elections, they are run in the United States as long, multi-million dollar advertising campaigns in which the candidates and issues are pre-selected by the corporate and party elite.
The general population, the majority of whom do not have the right to vote or decide not to exercise it, are given the “choice” - overseen by an undemocratic electoral college and embedded in a non-proportional representation scheme - regarding which member of the aristocratic elite they would like to have rule over and oppress them for the next four years.
“Multivariate analysis indicates,” according to an important recent study by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, “that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.
The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination […], but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy.”
To take but a final example of the myriad ways in which the U.S. is not, and has never been, a democracy, it is worth highlighting its consistent assault on movements of people power.
Since WWII, it has endeavored to overthrow some 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically elected. It has also, according the meticulous calculations by William Blum in America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy, grossly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders, dropped bombs on more than 30 countries, and attempted to suppress populist movements in 20 countries.
The record on the home front is just as brutal. To take but one significant parallel example, there is ample evidence that the FBI has been invested in a covert war against democracy.
Beginning at least in the 1960s, and likely continuing up to the present, the Bureau “extended its earlier clandestine operations against the Communist party, committing its resources to undermining the Puerto Rico independence movement, the Socialist Workers party, the civil rights movement, Black nationalist movements, the Ku Klux Klan, segments of the peace movement, the student movement, and the ‘New Left’ in general” (Cointelpro: The FBI’s Secret War on Political Freedom, p. 22-23).
Consider, for instance, Judi Bari’s summary of its assault on the Socialist Workers Party:
“From 1943-63, the federal civil rights case Socialist Workers Party v. Attorney General documents decades of illegal FBI break-ins and 10 million pages of surveillance records. The FBI paid an estimated 1,600 informants $1,680,592 and used 20,000 days of wiretaps to undermine legitimate political organizing.”
In the case of the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement (AIM) - which were both important attempts to mobilize people power to dismantle the structural oppression of white supremacy and top-down class warfare - the FBI not only infiltrated them and launched hideous smear and destabilization campaigns against them, but they assassinated 27 Black Panthers and 69 members of AIM (and subjected countless others to the slow death of incarceration).
If it be abroad or on the home front, the American secret police has been extremely proactive in beating down the movements of people rising up, thereby protecting and preserving the main pillars of white supremacist, capitalist aristocracy.
Rather than blindly believing in a golden age of democracy in order to remain at all costs within the gilded cage of an ideology produced specifically for us by the well-paid spin-doctors of a plutocratic oligarchy, we should unlock the gates of history and meticulously scrutinize the founding and evolution of the American imperial republic.
This will not only allow us to take leave of its jingoist and self-congratulatory origin myths, but it will also provide us with the opportunity to resuscitate and reactivate so much of what they have sought to obliterate. In particular, there is a radical America just below the surface of these nationalist narratives, an America in which the population autonomously organizes itself in indigenous and ecological activism, black radical resistance, anti-capitalist mobilization, anti-patriarchal struggles, and so forth.
It is this America that the corporate republic has sought to eradicate, while simultaneously investing in an expansive public relations campaign to cover over its crimes with the fig leaf of “democracy” (which has sometimes required integrating a few token individuals, who appear to be from below, into the elite ruling class in order to perpetuate the all-powerful myth of meritocracy).
If we are astute and perspicacious enough to recognize that the U.S. is undemocratic today, let us not be so indolent or ill-informed that we let ourselves be lulled to sleep by lullabies praising its halcyon past. Indeed, if the United States is not a democracy today, it is in large part due to the fact that it never was one. Far from being a pessimistic conclusion, however, it is precisely by cracking open the hard shell of ideological encasement that we can tap into the radical forces that have been suppressed by it. These forces - not those that have been deployed to destroy them - should be the ultimate source of our pride in the power of the people.
Globalists Fear 2018 The Year Of “Full Trump” January 14 2018 | From: Infowars / StateOfTheNation
Trump growing more comfortable and experienced at being president.
The globalists fear 2018 will mark the return of the hardcore Donald Trump his voters knew on the campaign trail as he grows more comfortable – and experienced – at being president.
Trump has even told his staff to expect “full Trump,” which isn’t surprising given his ramp-up of 101-proof tweets recently, including the one where he blasted “global warming” advocates as Arctic winds blast the US:
His tweets sound like vintage Infowars articles like this one.
“Most of those in his current decision-making circle - even if they’re not mainstream Republicans - are defending mainstream Republican principles like free trade and an internationalist view of foreign policy,” reported Axios.
“But top officials paint a different portrait of Trump when it comes to what he really wants on trade, immigration and North Korea - but has been tamped down by skeptical staff and Cabinet officials.”
In other words, there’s going to be a sharp contrast between first-year Trump and 2018 Trump. He’s going on the offensive, especially as he completes the transition from being a real estate developer to an accomplished president.
Trump is also aided by the fact that Special Counsel Robert Mueller can no longer hide the fact his probe is entirely political.
This means the globalists might get desperate enough to do anything they can to stop the president’s “America First” agenda, especially as the 2018 mid-term elections loom over the horizon.
It could be as simple as fueling an economic collapse they can blame on Trump, a likely scenario given that the central banks are staffed by financiers adept at overriding the economy with a few bad policies Trump has no control over.
So far, the nation’s economic success under Trump is due to the president simply unshackling the artificial restrains former President Obama placed on the economy.
“If the deep state is successful in taking Trump down, the entire political movement around Trump will be wiped out and our constitutional republic may never recover,” warns political commentator Michael Snyder.
“Trump is our last, best chance to dethrone the progressive globalist establishment, and that is why they hate him so much.”
Only The American People Can Take Back Their Country From Those Who Have Stolen It
The following excerpt nicely demonstrates the raw power and extraordinary potential of the Internet.
“Lastly, the reader is encouraged to look at how extensively the world has changed with a single tweet: #MeToo. Just as a lone “butterfly beating its wings in Brazil” (e.g. #MeToo) effectively caused a “second Hurricane Harvey” in 2017, which then led to a full-blown HARVEYGEDDON, just think what many of the CIA ex-spooks and former FBI agents and DOJ attorneys can do by tweeting WHAT THEY KNOW about institutional crimes under the following hashtag: #Corruptocrat."
Actually, the preceding word picture illustrates the awesome effects when the Internet is optimally leveraged to conduct this type of criminal disclosure campaign.
Just as #MeToo has depopulated American society of so many serial practitioners of sexual harassment and sex abuse in the workplace, so too can #Corruptocrat eliminate the many corrupt politicians (from both parties) and government officials.
This national Internet campaign hinges on a two-pronged strategy.
First, the many government service workers who have worked at the FBI, DOJ and CIA must be provided a “safe environment” to expose the criminality that they witnessed on the job.
The more cyber-warriors who use their various Internet platforms to support this “safe environment” the better. It used to be that one whistleblower would be standing alone on the firing line after he or she just exposed a major institutional crime (or pattern of criminality).
As #MeToo has shown us, those days are over. That movement grew the legs of a millipede practically overnight because those sexual harassment whistleblowers knew that in unity there is strength; and in great numbers there is great protection.
This is exactly how so many women, in particular, felt safe enough to out their abusers beginning with the notorious Harvey Weinstein.
Do you now see just how H U G E this new #Corruptocrat Internet campaign can become? There are many tactics which can be employed in the execution of this disclosure campaign.
First, it’s compulsory to understand the underlying strategy.
This Internet campaign will utilize the same philosophy and principles that Saul Alinsky promoted in his Bolshevik handbook - Rules for Radicals.
The patriot movement is now compelled to fight fire with fire. In so doing they can take down the entire Deep State … when they truly comprehend and put into practice the right MO. Efficiently implementing the most applicable MO is absolutely essential to winning this war - the Second American Revolution.
Go After the Individual Perps!
The central pillar of this Deep State takedown strategy is to identify and isolate the proven criminal perpetrators. There are many of them, and some are hidden deep in the System.
This is where the former CIA spooks and retired FBI agents and ex-DOJ attorneys and NSA mid-managers come in.
Their job is to reveal those bad actors who have avoided exposure by virtue of their protected positions in the alphabet soup agencies and departments. They can do this anonymously by tweeting their info under a pen name or by having a distant acquaintance post the data to a Facebook wall.
As for the Comeys, Muellers and Wrays, they have already exposed themselves. So have the Clintons and Obamas, Bushes and Romneys, McCains and Grahams. Even traitors like John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden and Michael Morrell of the U.S. Intelligence Community have laid bare their treason. However, they still need to be isolated and taken down on the Internet just like the many accusers took down Harvey Weinstein.
And George H.W. Bush, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Senator Al Franken, Rep. John Conyers, Federal Judge Alex Kozinski, Roger Ailes, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, the Metropolitan Opera’s James Levine, the New York City Ballet’s Peter Martins, NPR’s Michael Oreskes, Brett Ratner, Russell Simmons, Louis C.K., James Toback, Dustin Hofffman, Gene Simmons, Terry Richardson, Bill Cosby before HARVEYGEDDON even began.
Hopefully the patriots on both the Right and the Left get the picture. In this way, each cyber-warrior needs to become an Internet investigator and prosecutor of sorts.
Let us explain why this is such pivotal tactic necessary to win the fight.
Make it Personal, Not Institutional!
Everyone just saw how the MSM was used to take down Roy Moore with a fictitious sex scandal and transparently fake news. They first identified Moore as a lone duck; even Trump abandoned him.
After methodically isolating him, they went in for the kill. His loss at the polls and in the voting booth was a perfectly controlled demolition by Deep State. Then they proceeded to outright steal the election through voting fraud and vote count tampering.
They attempted this very same game plan against Trump during the 2016 campaign season, yes? Yes!
We the People must go after the guilty politicians of both parties; corrupt government officials at the federal, state and municipal levels; and compromised VIPs who use their wealth, power, influence and public platforms to support the Deep State agenda.
The really key point here is that nothing BIG ever happens when you just go after “the System”. Things really change when the individual agents of Deep State are taken down by being exposed as the hardened criminals (think George Soros) that they truly are.
All of these Deep State operatives are fundamentally enemies of the American people, and they should be treated as such.
Therefore, the more these foreign agents are pursued personally for their own crimes and corruption, the easier the war will be won. The bottom line here is this:
“Only when the ponerized agents of Deep State are more afraid of We the People than they are of their hidden masters of PONERIZATION, will things really start to change for the better."
Everyone knows that Congress is thoroughly and hopelessly corrupt. Who doesn’t know that the Mainstream Media is owned and operated by the criminal C.I.A.
Everybody is aware that the Obama Administration was the most lawless and depraved in U.S. history.
Who doesn’t know that the Clinton Crime Family is a actually a highly organized international crime syndicate?
What’s the Vital Point?
We must go after the individual corrupt Congressman with focus and resolve, not Congress.
We must address the “fake news” put out by Wolf Blitzer, Andrea Mitchell, Anderson Cooper, Rachel Maddow, Jim Acosta, Jake Tapper, Chuck Todd, Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon, Brian Stelter, Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, Shepard Smith, Alisyn Camerota and Fareed Zakaria, not the MSM as a whole.
We must focus on the specific State Department crimes committed by Hillary Clinton, sex crimes by Bill Clinton, Clinton Foundation crimes by Chelsea Clinton, and especially the unspeakable crimes perpetrated by the Podesta brothers against our children.
The same goes for the many career criminals who populated every level of the Obama Administration to include Barack Obama and Michelle Obama, and especially AGs Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. Then there was Joe Biden and Valerie Jarrett, Victoria Nuland and Samantha Power, Susan Rice and David Axelrod, Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, etc., etc., etc.
Only by ‘surrounding’ each of the criminal perps and isolating them, and then prosecuting each of them to the fullest extent of the law, will their myriad co-conspirators jump ship and assist with the final destruction of Deep State.
The Real Danger Behind MRI's January 14 2018 | From: TheSleuthJournal
Magnetic resonance imaging is a common preventative and diagnostic method used in medicine, and at times this technology can be invaluable.
Of course there are some health questions associated with the practice, such as does the practice involve powerful magnetic fields?
But for those who require them in case of an emergency, they can be extremely helpful. Besides the minute threat of magnetic frequencies, new concerns over the drugs used to produce clearer images have been shown to leave toxic residue in the brain. These findings have shown the importance of more stringent health monitoring prior to MRI application.
The Real Danger Behind MRI's
MRIs are typically safer than a CT scan, as they emit little to no radiation during the procedure. The real concern surrounding MRIs, in fact, has nothing to do with the technology at all.
Patients are often given injectable drugs that improve the visibility of certain areas in the brain, which can be very useful for discovering health issues that could possibly be missed. The issue is that these drugs may accumulate gadolinium - a toxic metal - in brain tissue.
The medications, known as contrasting agents, sharpens the resulting images; however, it may also be contributing to deleterious effects, many of which have yet to surface in any research.
Toxic metals that build up in brain tissue are commonly associated with age-related brain declines, such as those attributed to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Some research even shows that these drugs could be linked to kidney problems, prompting FDA to issue a “black box” warning on the drugs.
What You Should Know About MRI's
There are currently nine gadolinium-based agents in the United States, and two of the most concerning are made by GE Healthcare and Bayer HealthCare. Omniscan is perhaps the most commonly-used contrast agents used during MRIs, as is Magnevist, Gadavist, and Dotarem.
If you take into consideration the compounds we are exposed to almost every day that are already contributing to brain degeneration (i.e., aluminum), you can see why you must be constantly aware of what is being offered to you by medical professionals.
Ask questions and research any drugs that you are being given, especially if you are having an MRI, and work with your doctor to find safer methods for obtaining your health goals.
Uses keywords like “America” and “Trump” to silence opposing views.
In what represents a chokeslam of an exposé, Project Veritas has released undercover video of Twitter engineers admitting that they deliberately censor conservative opinions and are implementing a way of relegating “shitty people” so their content is shadow banned.
In the video, current and former Twitter employees confirm virtually everything that conservatives have long suspected about the left-wing company silencing people on the right.
Key quotes include;
Olinda Hassan, Policy Manager for Twitter Trust and Safety, admits that Twitter is implementing software algorithms that down rank conservatives so “shitty people to not show up” on people’s timelines.
“The idea of a shadow ban is that you ban someone but they don’t know they’ve been banned, because they keep posting and no one sees their content,” says former Twitter software engineer Abhinov Vadrevu. “So they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it.”
Parnay Singh, Twitter Direct Messaging Engineer, reveals that the company’s machine learning algorithms are programmed with “five thousand keywords to describe a redneck,” which include words like Trump, America, as well as images of the U.S. flag, guns and Christian crosses and these terms are used to delete “bot” accounts as well as down rank conservatives.
Singh also revealed that the U.S. government routinely pressures Twitter to take down Julian Assange’s account and that this is the reason he isn’t verified Singh also says that governments ask Twitter to remove accounts belonging to other public figures because they don’t like their political views.
Former Twitter Content Review Agent Mo Norai admits that Twitter employees have the power to ban accounts if they merely disagree with someone’s political views, remarking,
“Yeah, if they said this is: ‘Pro-Trump’ I don’t want it because it offends me, this, that. And I say I banned this whole thing, and it goes over here and they are like, ‘Oh you know what? I don’t like it too. You know what? Mo’s right, let’s go, let’s carry on, what’s next?”
The video represents the biggest tech/censorship story in years yet will attract little or no mainstream media coverage.
Is North Korea Really A Dictatorship? January 13 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts
Writing in pravdareport.com , Costantino Ceoldo provides insights into the nature of the North Korean government and explains Washington’s responsibility for North Korea’s determination to possess nuclear weapons.
Washington has kept a state of war with North Korea open for 64 years and continues to overthrow governments that have policies independent of Washington.
Coment: David Wilcock is one of a few researchers with insider connections who have reported that North Korea is actually a puppet state of the Rothschild faction of the Cabal.It's simply the last in a long line of 'Boogeyman' regimes that have been used as justification for various wars and foreign policies that have been - until the advent of Trump - used to bring about the illuminati fascist globalist agenda.
Keeping this in mind, the following article reads somewhat interestingly.
A Dictator is a transient and temporary figure in the life of a Nation. When power passes from father to son to nephew, we can no longer speak of dictatorship. In such a case it is more correct to speak of monarchy and ruling dynasty to describe the situation in which the power over a people is administered by the same family, continuously, through the generations.
From this point of view, the current ruler of North Korea is king and not dictator. In fact, Kim Yong-Un inherited the power from his father Kim Jong-Il, who in turn had inherited it from his father, Kim Il-Sung. Kim is therefore a well-established dynasty in North Korea, a bloodline whose male members reign over the country until death and enjoy in the eyes of the common people even a form of deification, thanks to skillful political propaganda and perhaps to a certain inclination of the North Korean soul.
A monarchy needs an aristocratic class that supports it and aids control of the territory. If it is easy to identify the royal family, identifying the elements of the aristocracy can be more complicated.
However, we can perhaps find the aristocracy in the managers of the large industrial plants, in state-owned farms; among those responsible for the maintenance of the roads, electric and telecommunications network, and the most prestigious university professors.
Depending on the names and the frequency with which the managers are replaced in their assignments, we could deduce a scheme that helps us to understand something about the internal mechanisms of power and therefore about the structure of the North Korean aristocratic class.
Then there is the military apparatus that is always the instrument with which a government, even the most “democratic”, maintains control over the population and the territory, while at the same time parrying possible external attacks. North Korea is no difference from this point of view.
If someone asked me then what North Korea is, I would answer that it is a country with a communist economy, governed by a monarchy that is helped in its governance by a political council with representatives of both the armed forces and a noble class of apparatchiks.
The rule of the Kim family is justified by its resistance to the Americans. The end of hostilities on the battlefield in 1953 and the creation of the demilitarized zone in the 38th parallel did not lead to the end of the war but to its indefinite suspension thanks to the longest truce in human history: 64 years.
The state of war between the two Koreas (and between North Korea and the Western coalition that attacked it) still remains today. Between the parties to the conflict, there is an armistice, not a peace treaty.
However, it can be said that Washington did not win the Korean War while North Korea did, at least as long as it continues to exist as a sovereign nation.
North Korea suffered immense sufferings during the war. The amount of bombs that the Americans dropped on North Korea was larger than they dropped on the entire Eastern theater of World War II, by their own admission and boast.
The Americans spared nothing and even scattered anthrax on the border between North Korea and China, to hit the herds and starve the populations. However, the Korean people resisted, and they still resist today.
The way to end the conflict and North Korea’s need for nuclear weapons is to sign a peace treaty and remove the sanctions and threats against North Korea.
That Washington has followed a contrary policy for 64 years suggests that Washington intends to keep the conflict alive. North Korea is another “enemy” that the US military/security complex can use to terrify Americans into continued support of the large US military budget.
Orwell’s Dystopian CCTV Surveillance State Comes To Life In China – Who’s Next? January 12 2018 | From: WakingTimes
We are fast approaching the technological and political realization of George Orwell’s dystopian promise for humanity.
In the classic work 1984, Orwell describes a tightly controlled future where technocratic elites have stamped out individualism with total information awareness and total surveillance from the home, to the office, to the street.
“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time.
But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever the wanted to. You had to live- did live, from habit that became instinct- in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.”
As consumers sheepishly allow smart devices into their homes, real time audio and video of personal space is being uploaded to the web for use by corporations and government. The encroachment into the home with this two-way monitoring is unsettling, but for years new we have been witnessing the explosion of CCTV cameras on the streets of major cities around the world.
Now, couple CCTV cameras with artificial intelligence enhanced facial recognition technology and you have precisely what Orwell warned us of.
A recent BBC expose into the network of facial recognition CCTV cameras in China’s biggest, Beijing, shows us just how effective this network is identifying, tracking, and interdicting any targeted or wanted individual within minutes. This is in a city with a whopping 21.5 million residents.
This vision is put into words here by Wired Magazine:
“Imagine a world where many of your daily activities were constantly monitored and evaluated: what you buy at the shops and online; where you are at any given time; who your friends are and how you interact with them; how many hours you spend watching content or playing video games; and what bills and taxes you pay (or not).
It’s not hard to picture, because most of that already happens, thanks to all those data-collecting behemoths like Google, Facebook and Instagram or health-tracking apps such as Fitbit. But now imagine a system where all these behaviours are rated as either positive or negative and distilled into a single number, according to rules set by the government.
That would create your Citizen Score and it would tell everyone whether or not you were trustworthy. Plus, your rating would be publicly ranked against that of the entire population and used to determine your eligibility for a mortgage or a job, where your children can go to school – or even just your chances of getting a date.”
Take a look at how this system works, then ask yourself if you are ready to submit to living in a world where your every move is tracked and databased by an all-seeing government security apparatus.
In 2016, 24,338 tons of physical gold were traded, which was 43 percent more than in 2015, according to Claudio Grass, of Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland.
Gold Moving From the West to the East
“We have to put the BRICS initiative into a broader context. It is just part of a geopolitical tectonic shift which started decades ago. We have seen a constant outflow of physical gold from the West to the East.
At the same time, the West has lost the economic war, and as a consequence, the focus now turns to the financial system. China dominates the world economy and has displaced the US as the world’s most formidable economic powerhouse,” he told RT.
The Creation of a New Gold Standard by BRICS is Also a Step to End the US Dollar’s Domination of the Global Economy
“As Bejing and Moscow understand that America used the dollar to control the world, by implementing a new kind of ‘Gold standard 2.0’ they want to distance themselves from this control. Furthermore, the vast majority of the people in Asia sees gold as superior, or ‘real’ money, something the West has forgotten, because of all the paper wealth (credit) they have accumulated,”said Grass.
The expert notes the BRICS countries account for 40 percent of the world’s population and around 23 percent of the world’s domestic product.
“In combination with the announcement of pricing oil in yuan, using a gold-backed futures contract in Shanghai, the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the New Development Bank, China is setting up an alternative to the post-Bretton Woods establishment. This is certainly a game changer,”said Grass.
Physically Backed Precious Metals Market Spells the End of Paper Gold Trade
The level of trust between BRICS countries can help them establish intragroup gold trading, which would be 100 percent physically backed.
“This will present a viable challenger that could over time lead to a break up of the current system since the West will likely still trade paper gold in the meantime,”Grass said.
According to London gold clearing statistics for 2016, the total trading volume in the London Over-the-Counter (OTC) gold market is estimated at the equivalent of 1.5 million tons of gold. The volume of 100oz gold futures on New York’s COMEX reached 57.5 million contracts during 2016 or 179,000 tonnes of gold, the analyst notes.
The Amount of Mined Gold is Much Smaller
Comment: On this point the author is uninformed. Neil Keenan and David Wilcock have both exposed the truth on this matter, that in fact the amount of gold that has been mined and that is currently out of the system is many, many times greater that those who are uninformed believe. Further detail on this matter can be found on the following link:
“If we now take into consideration that only approximately 180,000 tons of gold have actually been mined up to today the scam is just gigantic and obviously unsustainable. The paper scams in London and New York will either blow up when the paper price of gold drops to zero or when just a fraction of investors insists upon receiving physical gold in return,”Grass said.
The expert believes that with paper gold trading, the established gold exchanges could cease to exist sooner or later.
“They will likely become obsolete and lose their importance over time. Although one cannot predict exactly how fast this will happen, the trend is clear: OTC and COMEX are working toward their own destruction,”he said.
Gold Prices Could Explode if Trading Were Backed by Physical Precious Metals
“It will definitely lead to higher prices for physical gold. Imagine if you could buy on COMEX and OTC gold at a much lower price and still have the option to sell it in Asia for a much higher price; this would kill the old paper scams immediately. Therefore, I would guess that both could come up with new restrictions that only cash settlements will be allowed to avoid this. We know for example that even today 99.96 percent of COMEX gold futures are settled in cash,”Grass wrote.
The analyst recollected the Heartland Theory of Halford Mackinder, a British geostrategist at the beginning of the 20th century who influenced the likes of Kissinger and Brzezinski. Following the theory, we will soon face a war between physical gold and the US dollar.
“As per my understanding, we are moving into the final phase, the battle between currencies – one that will be backed by a hard asset which was real money since time immemorial until 1971 and the other one, backed by promises that future generations will pay through debt, inflation and ever-rising taxation,”he said.
GettingAway From Fiat Currencies Will be Good for Gold
“I would like to conclude with a final thought from my friend Jayant Bandari: the combination of negative yields, massive political risks around the world, and any attempt to move away from traditional currencies will be positive for gold and will take it to the next level. Investing is very much linked with geopolitics – once you understand the big picture, it becomes apparent what you should invest in,” Grass told RT.
Israeli Teens Tell Netanyahu They Won’t Serve In IDF, Slam Occupation Of Palestine January 10 2018 | From: RT
Sixty-three Israeli students signed a letter stating they would defy mandatory military service despite the risk of jail. Citing the occupation of Palestine, the letter criticizes the policies of Israel’s “racist government.”
The letter, signed on Thursday by sixty-three high school students from across Israel, is addressed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot.
Pointing to Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip and illegal West Bank settlements, the letter states that:
“The army implements the policy of a racist government that violates basic human rights, which applies one law to Israelis and another to the Palestinians in the same area.”
Blaming the Israeli government and IDF for decades of violent conflict, the students wrote they;
“Decided not to take part in the occupation and oppression of the Palestinian people, which separates people into two hostile camps. Because as long as people live under occupation that denies them human rights and national rights we will not be able to achieve peace.”
The signatories also said that Israelis are exposed to a culture of “militarism” from a young age, and that they want to “change the entire system.”
The IDF has not formally responded to the letter, but Yesh Atid MK Elazar Stern, a retired IDF major general, called the letter “sad” but “marginal.
“I think our youth is committed enough to handle these marginal types. It’s minuscule compared to the hundreds of thousands who enlist, and isn’t more than [the number of draft dodgers] in the past,” Stern said.
All Jewish, Druze and Circassian Israeli citizens over 18 are expected to serve in the IDF. However, Israel’s Arab minority is exempt from mandatory service. Men serve for two years and eight months, and women for two years.
Although such cases are rare, the IDF has previously jailed young conscientious objectors who have refused to serve. In July, 19-year-old Noa Gur Golan was detained in a military prison for defying her draft orders. In an open letter she wrote before refusing to enlist, Golan said she could not be complicit in a “reality where violence is the norm.”
In a similar incident in 2014, 53 graduates of Jerusalem's Arts and Science Academy signed a letter declaring their refusal to serve in the military. The alumni of the prestigious university wrote that the IDF was a:
“Contractor in active segregation based on the concept of ethnic superiority of the Jews over Palestinians – a regime that oppresses and tramples basic human rights, which applies a different legal system to the different populations in the West Bank, and uses a system of discrimination based on ethnic lines from 1948."
The United Nations has repeatedly called on Israel to withdraw from occupied Palestinian territory. In March, the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) published a report accusing Israel “beyond a reasonable doubt” of being guilty of:
“Policies and practices that constitute the crime of apartheid”against the Palestinian people.
NYT Pulitzer Prize Reporter Says NYT A Whore For Washington January 9 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / RT
End of ‘free’ press? NYT caved in to Bush & Obama, held NSA bombshell for 1 yr – James Risen.
The New York Times was “quite willing” to quash stories at the behest of the government, writes Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter James Risen. He warns that America’s press has been muzzled by “hyped threats” to national security.
In an in-depth retelling of his experience as a national security reporter for the New York Times (NYT), published in The Intercept, Risen explains how, on more than one occasion, the NYT yielded to government demands to withhold or kill his stories – including a bombshell report about the NSA’s secret surveillance program under President George W. Bush.
Jaded by previous experiences of US government interference in his work, Risen writes that his NSA story set him on a “collision course” with his editors, “who were still quite willing to cooperate with the government.” His editors at the Times had been convinced by top US officials that revealing the illegal surveillance program would endanger American lives, Risen said.
ill Keller, the then executive editor of Times, said the newspaper’s decision to shelve the explosive report, which detailed how the NSA had “monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants over the past three years,” was motivated by the lingering “trauma” of the 9/11 terror attacks, and the sobering reality that the “world was a dangerous place.”
Risen’s NSA scoop, which later won him a Pulitzer Prize, was eventually published a year after he submitted it to his seniors – but only after Bush had been safely re-elected. Risen said that upon hearing the story was finally going to print, Bush telephoned Arthur Sulzberger, the Times’s publisher, requesting a private meeting to convince him against running the story.
Risen also recounts how, in the run-up to the Iraq War, his stories questioning alleged links between Iraq and Al Qaeda “were being cut, buried, or held out of the paper altogether.” While cooperation between the press and the government poses a number of troubling questions, Risen also points to the zealous persecution of whistleblowers, leakers, and even journalists themselves, as a root cause of the troubling state of American media.
Leaks and unauthorized disclosures to the press were once “generally tolerated as facts of life” in the intelligence community. Risen remembers how a top CIA official once told him that:
“His rule of thumb for whether a covert operation should be approved was, ‘How will this look on the front page of the New York Times?’ If it would look bad, don’t do it. Of course, his rule of thumb was often ignored.”
Under the auspices of protecting “national security,” this presumed culture of tolerating leaks and respecting a journalist’s special relationship with his or her sources was tossed out the window after the 9/11 attacks.
After being dragged to court by the Bush administration in an attempt to force him to reveal the identity of one of his sources, Risen was saddened to discover that the war on press freedoms only got worse under Obama.
“My case was part of a broader crackdown on reporters and whistleblowers that had begun during the presidency of George W. Bush and continued far more aggressively under the Obama administration, which had already prosecuted more leak cases than all previous administrations combined,” writes Risen. “Obama officials seemed determined to use criminal leak investigations to limit reporting on national security. But the crackdown on leaks only applied to low-level dissenters; top officials caught up in leak investigations, like former CIA Director David Petraeus, were still treated with kid gloves.”
Now largely dependent on government-sanctioned “leaks,” Risen laments what he describes as “exaggerated reporting on terrorism” found in the New York Times and other media outlets, which has had a “major political impact in the United States and helped close off debate in Washington over whether to significantly roll back some of the most draconian counterterrorism programs, like NSA spying.”
Concluding his “collision course” saga with the New York Times and the Bush and Obama administrations, Risen observes that much of the mainstream media continues to dutifully report on “hyped threats,” missing “key lessons from the debacle over WMD reporting before the war in Iraq.”
“Every year, Facebook gets tens of thousands of requests for data from governments worldwide, including search warrants, subpoenas, or calls to restrict certain kinds of content. And, according to a new report, those requests are increasing at an alarming rate.
According to QZ.com, in the United States, the requests rose by 26% from the last six months of 2016 to the first six months of 2017, while globally, requests increased by about 21%. Since 2013, when the company first started providing data on government requests, the US number has been steadily rising—it has roughly tripled in a period of four years.
“You have to remember that Zuckerberg had “seed money” and that seed money came from CIA front companies that put a lot of resources into this and…basically think about it as like, sowing seeds; if you will. They knew that Facebook was gonna bear fruit.
I don’t think they realized just how big it would become. But I can tell you that they get so much information and intel from social media: I don’t think that it would go away even if we wanted it to.”The government keeps requesting the information, and Facebook continues to comply with the government’s demands. In the first six months of 2013, it granted the government - which includes the police - 79% of requests (“some data was produced” in these cases, the company says); in the first six months of 2017, that share rose to 85%.
“We continue to carefully scrutinize each request we receive for account data - whether from an authority in the U.S., Europe, or elsewhere — to make sure it is legally sufficient,” Chris Sonderby, the company’s general counsel, wrote in a post. “If a request appears to be deficient or overly broad, we push back, and will fight in court, if necessary.”
But Joseph thinks Facebook is just trying to pacify the easily manipulated sheeple of society. “This is pretty troubling when you think about what you put out there, what they collect, and Facebook only being one of the many avenues that they have,” Joseph says.
“The United States is collecting your data. Whether you like it or not. They are scooping up everything. And they’re taking it and they’re storing it in their facility at Bluffdale, Utah which has the capacity at this time to store every communication on the face of this earth for the next one hundred years.”
“It’s unbelievable,” Joseph continues. “This is stuff that is unacceptable to me, but I’m sure, to a lot of you. And these companies have really gone too far…they can reconstruct your life and make anyone they want a patsy.”
“Smart” Meters: Recalls, Replacements, Fires, Explosions, General Failure, Measurement Errors, Privacy Concerns, Cybersecurity Risks, And Sick People January 7 2018 | From: ActivistPost
In 2011, Consumers Digest predicted that “Smart” Meters “represents little more than a boondoggle that is being foisted on consumers by the politically influential companies”: “Why Smart Meters Might Be a Dumb Idea.”
So it’s not all that surprising that so far – hundreds of thousands of “Smart” Meters have been recalled and/or replaced throughout North America due to various reasons including fires, explosions, general failure, and measurement errors.
There are utility companies who are already making plans to replace hundreds of thousands more.
All over the world, concerned citizens, elected officials, and organizations have been fighting to keep “Smart” Meters out of their communities due to health, safety, privacy, and cybersecurity concerns. When they haven’t been able to completely stop utilities, they fight for the right to “opt out” of “Smart Meters” being installed on their homes and businesses.
Even proponents who originally gushed about “Smart” Meters seem to have changed their tune. One example is Sara Jerome of Water Online:
“The capabilities of smart water and electric meters are astounding, going far beyond what consumers may normally associate with this technology. GreenTechMedia recently documented just how powerful these devices can be.”
“The cost of installing a smart meter is a] heavy lift no matter what the size of the utility,” George Hawkins, DC Water’s chief executive officer and general manager, told Bloomberg BNA.
Now back to the hundreds of thousands that have been replaced and/or recalled already as well as the plans to replace more. This isn’t a complete list and it only includes examples from North America. Problems are going on everywhere with these “Smart” Meters. Certainly there are people profiting from them but it doesn’t seem to be the consumers.
Fires & Explosions
“Remote disconnect switch failure resulted in a recall of over 10,000 “smart” meters in Lakeland, Florida where 6 house fires occurred.”
“As Naperville gets ready to retrofit up to 4,000 homes each year with new electronic water meters, the city’s water director stressed that reading the meters remotely is not cost effective and workers will continue going home to home to retrieve the information.
The city is preparing to purchase Sensus iPerl water meters to replace aging and less-accurate mechanical meters. The first 4,000 should be installed in the fall, and the rest would follow at a rate of 4,000 annually until all 43,000 in Naperville are replaced.”
November 2016: “LADWP Accidentally Overcharged Its Customers By At Least $67.5 Million”: After LADWP installed the PricewaterhouseCoopers designed billing system, customers almost immediately began finding bogus fees and overcharges on their utility bills. Four separate individuals filed class-action lawsuits against LADWP, all of which were eventually merged into one single case, according to KPCC.
“The new meters will replace not only old analog mechanical meters, but also first-generation smart meters deployed in past years by Duke Kentucky as part of a pilot project. Those meters communicated with a central office using signals sent on power lines, a system that Duke Kentucky said had technical limitations.”
“The system had a ten year warranty and now more than 6000 of those smart meters no longer give out a signal. The parish CFO Ross Gonzales estimates by the end of the year more than half of the registers will no longer transmit a signal.”
“What has happened with the mass deployment of wireless smart meters without consultation or informing insurers, education, sciences or anyone requires that Forensic Audit.
The idea that a plastic head with water or the ridiculous Specific Absorption Rate test was represented as science substantiating safety requires an investigation based on a global unprecedented health and environmental emergency.” http://thermoguy.com/category/news-and-updates/”
Original one-way transmitting analog meters lasted on average 40 years and they didn’t have these problems. (Author is actually referring to AMR electric meters; analog meters would not transmit data at all. Please see comment below from Catherine Frompovich for further explanation – Ed.)
Boondoggle indeed.
‘Accept The Will Of The People On Migration, Culture, Or Hit The Road’: Orbán Tells Europe’s Leaders January 6 2018 | From: Breitbart
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europeans are “asserting their will” by supporting leaders who reject mass migration and support Christian foundations, and gave a warning to politicians who deny the “natural order of democracy”.
The conservative Fidesz party leader told Kossuth Radio’slisteners that 2.3 million Hungarians took part in the national consultation against the George Soros-backed pro-mass migration plan, and Mr. Orbán now intends to spend the next few months convincing his opponents that Europe is right to protect her borders and her culture.
Asked by the 180 Minutes hostwhat made him think that after two years, since the migrant crisis, progressive leaders would listen now, Mr. Orbán said: “Because in the meantime elections are being held in Europe.”
Those who argue for a “mixed population” and to “abolish societies based on national and Christian foundations” in favour of living in multicultural societies “are continually losing ground in national elections”, he observed.
“European people… will assert their will. Look at the elections that have been held in Europe over the last few months. And I think that this process will intensify.
“So we must hold out until Western Europeans follow the Central Europeans by becoming strong enough to use their democratic institutions, their elections, to force their leaders to pursue a policy which people favour and support a policy which rejects immigration,” said the prime minister.
Predicting in 2016 that the following year would be the ‘year of rebellion‘ when citizens would vote against the establishment, the conservative noted that even the elections of progressive EU federalists Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel showed evidence of the disruption to the system.
In France, “the entire political elite was swept away” and likewise in Germany, which he noted is three months without a government post-election, “immigration has changed the balance of political power”.
Elsewhere in Europe, the growth of populism and resurgence of conservatism – both celebrated as on the wane by the mainstreammedia – has been witnessed in 2017 with rising support for the Dutch Party for Freedom; the Czech Republic electing Eurosceptic Andrej Babiš as prime minister; the collapse in the polls of the establishment PD party in Italy; and Poland and Hungary’s conservative governments seeing record support.
Notably, the establishment Austrian People’s Party moved to the right resulting in a conservative-populist coalition with the Freedom Party of Austria.
“In Austria this is the new reality,” the Hungarian prime minister told listeners, adding that he was “counting on” Austria aligning herself with the Visegrád Group.
Saying that Europe’s leaders cannot remain far from the will of the people, Prime Minister Orbán said: “The people have not moved closer to their leaders, but those leaders have been forced to acknowledge that if they persist in the approach they’ve been following they’ll be forced to up sticks and hit the road.
“This process is now taking place as we watch. I am sure that sooner or later the will of European people and the policy of their leaders must come together and once more align with each other.
“This is the natural order of democracy. At times, perhaps, there can be a certain gap between the will of the people and the aims of their leaders, but in the long run, a wide gap will be unsustainable.”
“Two ex-prisoners of war meet after many years. When the first one asks, ‘Have you forgiven your captors yet?’ the second man answers, ‘No, never.’ ‘Well then,’ the first man replies, ‘they still have you in prison’.” - Jack Kornfield
In the journey of life, we often feel emotionally hurt by other people. Usually we quickly recover from our heartache and grief, and are able to move forward. Yet, there are times when we feel stuck to our past, feeling so upset and miserable that hurting back those who hurt us seems to be the only way to ease our pain.
But does revenge ever work? The short answer is no and below you’re going to find out exactly why.
Revenge Isn’t Sweet
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
- Confucius
The belief that revenge is sweet is constantly reinforced by our culture. For example, have a look at the most popular films and novels - which are nothing but a reflection of our society’s collective mind - and you’ll quickly figure out that many of them depict revenge as a desirable thing to seek after.
A common story theme they share is that of two characters - a “good” and an “evil” - who are fighting against each other. The “evil” one has done something wrong to the “good” one, and the latter’s life task is to get even by taking revenge against the former, even if that would mean risking his life.
Once that is achieved, the “good” character is portrayed as the brave hero who derives tremendous satisfaction from his accomplishment.
Contrary to what those fictional scenarios may depict, the reality is that revenge is counterproductive - that is, instead of making you feel better, it only leads you to experience further pain.
Here’s How:
Firstly, seeking revenge is detrimental to your well-being. In particular, it’s increasing your stress levels, thus impairing your physical and emotional health.
Secondly, believing that revenge is crucial to your happiness, you might continually want each and every individual who’s hurt you to pay the price for their actions. The result? Wasting your precious time trying to ruin other people’s lives instead of improving your own.
Thirdly, by taking revenge you’re acting exactly like those you claim to abhor, thus turning into the worst version of yourself. Realizing this, you’re soon going to regret what you did, and find yourself immersed in remorse and guilt.
Lastly, many of those you take revenge on will likely want to revenge back on you (for revenging on them!) This way you’ll unintentionally help create a never-ending cycle of interpersonal conflict that will inevitably bring tremendous suffering into your life.
By hurting others, you’re also hurting yourself.
Revenge is nothing but a quick fix - initially, it might indeed feel sweet for a short while, but soon we come to experience its bitter aftertaste. So what’s the point of it?
Revenge as a Failed Attempt to Restore Peace and Justice
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many people would argue that they don’t seek revenge solely in order to feel happier, but also to restore peace and justice, being under the impression that punishing others for their misdeeds will teach them an important lesson: To never commit them again.
Yet, revenge never achieves this aim, and the reason is that punishing others for their wrongdoings doesn’t address what made those people want to hurt us in the first place. Therefore, we can’t understand and help get rid of the root-causes of their aberrant behavior.
So why do some people intentionally hurt other people? Because they themselves have been hurt a lot in the past, and violence has become their way of dealing with the cruel world they’ve been brought up in.
They are not “bad” or “evil” - they’re just unfortunate to not have received plenty of love from their family and wider environment, and as a result haven’t learned to be loving towards those around them.
Seen this way, revenge is an attempt to attribute responsibility to those in a position of vulnerability. It is common for us to despise or even hate those who mistreat us, as well as put all blame on them for their actions, being unable to see that they are victims of tremendous hardship, and that it must be extremely hard to heal from their emotional wounds.
And, instead of showing them compassion for their misfortune, we punish them for their misconduct.
Now, when we’re revenging on such people, not only do we cause them further suffering, but we also help strengthen their belief that the world is cruel and that the only way they can cope with interpersonal problems is through violence.
In other words, we urge them to become more hostile and abusive, which is the very opposite of what we wanted to achieve in the first place - peace and justice.
From Seeking Revenge to Offering Forgiveness
“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
If revenge doesn’t work, then what does?
To truly recover from being emotionally hurt by others, we need to forgive.
Forgiveness means to let go of your hatred toward those who caused you pain and compassionately release the desire to punish them.
By doing so, you’ll feel unburdened from resentment and experience a state of inner peace. In addition, you’ll not anymore waste your time and energy trying to change the past, and move on with your life, focusing on what’s truly important to your well-being.
Of course, offering forgiveness is much easier said than done, especially in the competitive society we’ve been brought up in, where everyone is conditioned to fight against everyone else, out of their egoistic desire to prove themselves superior to others. So how can one learn to forgive?
To forgive, you need to realize that all people, including you, are imperfect and hence are bound to make mistakes from time to time, which sometimes affect other people. When you seek revenge, you desire to punish someone for their mistake and make them feel the very same painful emotions that you’re feeling.
In such a psychological state, your thoughts become unkind and destructive, and your heart has no space for forgiveness. But when you understand that no person alive is perfect, you begin to look at their actions from a whole different perspective.
You see the unconscious suffering that motivates them to act the way they do, as well as that they’re helpless victims of their past. Then, a desire naturally arises within you to forgive them, even if they’ve previously broken your heart.
Having said that, it’s important to point out here that forgiveness refers to the actor, not the act.
In other words, to forgive does not mean to condone the misdeeds of another. Therefore, when I say forgive, I don’t imply that you should run back to those who’ve been hurting you out of compassion for their wounded psyche.
Not at all. Stay away from such people, defend yourself if needed, and make sure they never mistreat you again. However, from a safe distance, forgive them for their mistakes and wish them well in the future.
I would like to end this article with one of my favorite short stories that is carrying an immensely beautiful lesson on compassion and forgiveness (whether the story is based on historical facts is disputed; regardless, the message it conveys is profound).
So here it is:
“The Buddha was sitting under a tree talking to his disciples when a man came and spat in his face. He wiped it off, and he asked the man, “What next? What do you want to say next?” The man was a little puzzled because he himself never expected that when you spit in someone’s face he should ask “What next?”
He had no such experience in his past. He had insulted people and they had become angry and they had reacted. Or if they were cowards and weaklings, they had smiled, trying to bribe him. But the Buddha was like neither, he was not angry, nor in any way offended, nor in any way cowardly.
But just matter-of-factly he said, “What next?” There was no reaction on his part.
But Buddha’s disciples became angry, and they reacted. His closest disciple, Ananda, said, “This is too much. We cannot tolerate it. He has to be punished for it, otherwise everybody will start doing things like this!”
Buddha said, “You keep silent. He has not offended me, but you are offending me. He is new, a stranger. He must have heard from people something about me, that this man is an atheist, a dangerous man who is throwing people off their track, a revolutionary, a corrupter.
And he may have formed some idea, a notion of me. He has not spit on me, he has spit on his notion. He has spit on his idea of me because he does not know me at all, so how can he spit on me?
“If you think on it deeply,” Buddha said, “he has spit on his own mind. I am not part of it, and I can see that this poor man must have something else to say because this is a way of saying something. Spitting is a way of saying something. There are moments when you feel that language is impotent: in deep love, in intense anger, in hate, in prayer.
There are intense moments when language is impotent. Then you have to do something. When you are angry, intensely angry, you hit the person, you spit on him, you are saying something. I can understand him. He must have something more to say, that’s why I’m asking, “What next?”
The man was even more puzzled! And Buddha said to his disciples, “I am more offended by you because you know me, and you have lived for years with me, and still you react.”
Puzzled, confused, the man returned home. He could not sleep the whole night. When you see a Buddha, it is difficult, impossible to sleep anymore the way you used to sleep before. Again and again he was haunted by the experience.
He could not explain it to himself, what had happened. He was trembling all over, sweating and soaking the sheets. He had never come across such a man; the Buddha had shattered his whole mind and his whole pattern, his whole past.
The next morning he went back. He threw himself at Buddha’s feet. Buddha asked him again, “What next? This, too, is a way of saying something that cannot be said in language. When you come and touch my feet, you are saying something that cannot be said ordinarily, for which all words are too narrow; it cannot be contained in them.” Buddha said, “Look, Ananda, this man is again here, he is saying something. This man is a man of deep emotions.”
The man looked at Buddha and said, “Forgive me for what I did yesterday.”
Buddha said, “Forgive? But I am not the same man to whom you did it. The Ganges goes on flowing, it is never the same Ganges again. Every man is a river. The man you spit upon is no longer here. I look just like him, but I am not the same, much has happened in these twenty-four hours!
The river has flowed so much. So I cannot forgive you because I have no grudge against you.
“And you also are new. I can see you are not the same man who came yesterday because that man was angry and he spit, whereas you are bowing at my feet, touching my feet. How can you be the same man? You are not the same man, so let us forget about it.
Those two people, the man who spit and the man on whom he spit, both are no more. Come closer. Let us talk of something else.”
State Dept. offered FBI “quid pro quo” to reclassify Clinton emails.
A “shadow government” within John Kerry’s State Department was constituted to review all FOIA requests to prevent public disclosure of classified information Hillary Clinton may have transmitted over her private email server, FBI documents reveal.
The newly released “FBI Vault” release on Hillary Clinton makes clear Clinton “fixer” in the State Department, Deputy Secretary of State Patrick F. Kennedy, pressured the FBI to downgrade the classification status of various Clinton emails from “classified” to “unclassified,” offering the FBI a “quid pro quo” in exchange for the FBI agreeing to cooperate in the subterfuge.
The Clinton documents released in the FBI Vault are the source documents that led to reports published by the Washington Post in an Oct. 17, 2016 report that State Department official Kennedy had pressured the BI “to change its determination that at least one of the emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server contained classified content, prompting discussion of a possible trade to resolve the issue, two FBI employees told colleagues investigating Clinton’s use of a private server last year.”
Reading the FBI source documents make clear that Kennedy was determined to recruit not only the FBI but the CIA and other intelligence agencies to engage in a “quid pro quo” cover-up scheme aimed at hiding the truth that Clinton did transmit classified State Department documents over her private unsecured email server.
The FBI source documents make clear the FBI had evidence suggesting Clinton had committed criminal violations of national security laws regarding her transmitting of State Department classified information over her unsecured private email server in July 2015 – a year and a half before the Nov. 2016 presidential election – information that had it been made public at that time most likely would have derailed Clinton’s bid to win the DNC’s presidential nomination.
The FBI source documents do not explain why the FBI did not press the Department of Justice to bring charges against Clinton in July 2015 when the FBI had in hand clear evidence State Department officials were engaged in a cover-up of the Clinton email scandal.
“Shadow Government” Within Hillary’s State Department
That memo, dated Aug. 8, 2015, (FBI Vault, Hillary R. Clinton, Part 4, pp. 53-57), contains the following paragraph that makes explicit reference to the “Shadow Government” constituted within the Department of State to protect Sec. Clinton from potentially criminal mishandling of classified information.
The paragraph in question reads as follows:
“There was a powerful group of very high-ranking STATE officials that some referred to as “The 7th Floor Group” or “the Shadow Government.” This group met every Wednesday afternoon to discuss the FOIA process, Congressional records, and everything CLINTON-related to FOIA/Congressional inquiries.
The known regular attendees included Jonathan FINER, Jennifer STOUT, Deputy Chief of Staff, Heather HIGGINBOTTOM, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources KENNEDY, Julia FRIFIELD, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, [REDACTED] Office of Legal Adviser, [REDACTED] Office of the Legal Adviser overseeing STATE’S [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and [REDACTED].”
Further into the memo, there is a discussion of Patrick F. Kennedy, then Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, requesting the FBI to downgrade from “National Security Classified” an email from Clinton long-time advisor Sidney Blumenthal that evidently had either potentially embarrassing and/or suspect criminal implications for Sec. Clinton if made public as a document made secret by a national security classification.
Pressured to Change “Classified” to “Unclassified”
The memo also suggests that Patrick F. Kennedy, a Clinton “fixer” within the State Department pressured the FBI to change Clinton emails marked “classified” to “unclassified.”
The memo dated Aug. 8, 2015, continues:
“In late April 2015, IPS officials completed the formal review of the Benghazi-related Congressional inquiry. All materials were ready for release at that time. The CIA provided redactions [REDACTED] but none were deemed a B(1) exemption. Most of the items with CIS redactions were emails from Sidney BLUMENTHAL. One was deemed classified according to the FBI and KENNEDY held a closed-door meeting attended by the FBI’s [REDACTED] and IPS’ [REDACTED] among others.
In that KENNEDY held a closed-door meeting attended by the FBI’s [REDACTED] among others. In that meeting, KENNEDY asked [REDACTED] to change the FBI’s B(1) upgrade classification, but [REDACTED] did not change the FBI’s stance. On May 22 (2015), it was decided by the IPS team they would keep the upgrade of the one FBI-related email and the IPS officials sent David KENDALL, Attorney, Williams & Connolly, LLC, a letter informing him of the results.”
Clearly, the FBI insisted the email remain with its “classified” national security classification.
The B(1) exemption under the Freedom of Information Act is designed to protect from public disclosure information that has been deemed classified “under criteria established by an Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy” and is “in fact properly classified pursuant to such Executive order.
The State Department operates its FOIA program through the Office of Information Programs and Services (“IPS”), a part of the Bureau of Administration; the Assistant Secretary for Administration serves as the State Department’s Chief FOIA officer.
State Offers FBI a “Quid Pro Quo” to Cover-Up Clinton Email Scandal
Proof that Clinton operatives in the State Department were trying to recruit FBI officials to participate in their arguably illegal scheme to change the classification status of various Hillary emails is clear from “classified” to “unclassified” can be found in a FBI memo dated July 30, 2015 (FBI Vault, Hillary R. Clinton, Part 4, pages 25-27).
In that document, the key paragraph reads as follows:
“Shortly thereafter, [REDACTED] received a call from [REDACTED] of the International Operations Division (IOD) of the FBI, who “pressured” him to change the classified email to unclassified. [REDACTED] indicated he had been contacted by PATRICK KENNEDY, Undersecretary of State, who had asked his assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a “quid pro quo.”
[REDACTED] advised that, in exchange for making the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more Agents in countries where they are presently prohibited.”
The next paragraph of the memo provided a description of a meeting during which Kennedy openly pressed his declassification scheme in an “all agency” meeting that included CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency representatives.
The next paragraph reads as follows:
"Following the above exchange, [REDACTED] was summoned to an “all agency” meeting at STATE to discuss matters pertaining to the classification review of pending CLINTON FOIA materials. [REDACTED official from STATE, along with representatives from CIA, DIA, and other government agencies were present. PATRICK KENNEDY presided over the meeting.
During the conversation, a participant asked whether any of the emails in question were classified. Making eye contact with [REDACTED] KENNEDY remarked, “Well, we’ll see.” [REDACTED] believed this was reference to the FBI’s categorization of SECRET/NOFORN emails which KENNEDY was attempting to influence. In a private meeting with KENNEDY following the all agency meeting, Kennedy asked [REDACTED] whether the FBI could “see their way to marking the email unclassified.”
According to [REDACTED] KENNEDY spent the next 15 minutes debating the classification of the email and attempting to influence the FBI to change its markings. Since [REDACTED] continued to assert that the email was appropriately marked SECRET//NOFORN, KENNEDY asked who else in the FBI he could speak with. [REDACTED] referred KENNEDY to MICHAEL STEINBACH, Assistant Director of CTD.”
NOFORN (No Foreign Nationals) is a designation in the FBI classification system that indicates the document is not to be disseminated to foreign nationals.
Michael Steinbach, the executive director who heads the FBI’s National Security Branch, also served as the assistant director of both the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division (CTD).
The next paragraph makes clear that Kennedy met a stone wall in his attempt to recruit the FBI into his cover-up scheme.
"[REDACTED] was then present during a conference call involving KENNEDY and STEINBACH in which KENNEDY continued to pressure the FBI to change the classified markings on the email to unclassified. STEINBACH refused to do so.”
An FBI report made public in Aug. 2016 concluded 24 memos sent by Blumenthal to Sec. Clinton had been identified as containing “information currently classified as CONFIDENTIAL.”
Among the cache of Blumenthal emails to Clinton release by Wikileaks is an email sent by Blumenthal to Sec. Clinton in March 2011, that contained a highly classified intelligence memo that revealed then French President Nicholas Sarkozy’s motive in deposing Libyan dictator Qaddafi involved a desire for Libyan oil.
Sidney Blumenthal emails to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made public by WikiLeaks made clear Obama and Clinton armed he Free Syrian Army rebels in an effort to topple the regime of Bashar al-Assad, mirroring a strategy already underway in Libya to help al-Qaida-affiliated militia overthrow Muammar Gadhafi.
A consequence of the strategy was the emergence of ISIS out of the loosely coordinated Free Syrian Army coalition as well as the disastrous Benghazi attack in which a U.S. ambassador was murdered.
Various WikiLeaks emails examined by WND indicate the Free Syrian Army was among the first splinter rebel groups Clinton and Obama armed. The Obama administration apparently was hoping to replicate the regime-change strategy in which it armed al-Qaida-affiliated militia in Libya, including Ansar al-Sharia, the group responsible for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack at Benghazi.
The WikiLeaks email evidence shows a shift in policy in which Clinton and Obama appear to have decided in 2011 to topple the governments of Gadhafi in Libya and Assad in Syria, even if it meant arming radical Islamic terrorist groups that traced back to al-Qaida.
On June 20, 2011, Blumenthal sent a confidential email to Clinton at the State Department that included an article by David W. Lesch, a professor of Middle Eastern history at Trinity University in San Antonio. Lesch argued a strategy of regime change could be effected in Syria if the U.S. could find opposition groups in Syria capable of establishing “a Benghazi-like refuge from which to launch a rebellion and to which aid can be sent.”
In a subsequent confidential email July 24, 2012, Blumenthal further advised Clinton that the “growing success of the rebel forces of the Free Syria Army” caused him to believe the Assad regime was increasingly vulnerable to being toppled.
In an email dated Feb. 24, 2012, Blumenthal characterized the FSA as “loosely organized and uncoordinated,” noting it was “for the most part, local militias, many of them civilian-based, that are simply calling themselves the FSA to appear to be part of a whole.”
Blumenthal commented in the email that the armed resistance to Assad “is not well-funded or well-armed.”
“As the Bosnian war showed, the basis for any settlement must be a rough equality of forces. So I say step up the efforts, already quietly ongoing, to get weapons to the Free Syrian Army. Train those forces, just as the rebels were trained in Libya,” Cohen wrote. “Payback time has come around: The United States warned Assad about allowing Al Qaeda fighters to transit Syria to Iraq. Now matériel and special forces with the ability to train a ragtag army can transit Iraq – and other neighboring states – into Syria.”
Then, on Sept. 18, 2012, one week after the Benghazi terror attack, Blumenthal, in a confidential memo, alerted Clinton to the possibility of the FSA military taking over Damascus.
The prospect caused Assad’s wife and close relatives to urge Assad to flee Syria to avoid “the fate of Assad’s former ally Muammar al Qaddafi of Libya, who was captured and killed by rebel forces while attempting to flee his home territory in Sirte.”
The Controversy Over David Kendell
In May 2015, a senior State Department official informed Clinton lawyer, David Kendell, that government reviewers had found at least one classified email among the emails Clinton transmitted over her private email system she used as Secretary of State.
The suspect email was found in a State Department FOIA search to respond to a House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack on U.S. officials in Benghazi that ended up with the murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens.
Attorney David Kendell of Washington-based law firm Williams & Connolly, LLC, began representing President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton in 1993 during the Special Prosecutor investigation into the Whitewater scandal; Kendell continued to represent the Clintons “in a variety of matters, including independent Counsel, Senate House of Representatives, FDIC, RTC {Resolution Trust Corporation}, and bar counsel investigations, civil litigation, and the 1998-99 impeachment hearings.”
On Aug. 23, 2015, the New York Times reported on a controversy that developed when Kendell, then representing former Sec. Clinton had in his possession a thumb drive containing Clinton State Department emails that Kendell may not have secured properly to prevent public disclosure of national security classified information.
“For more than 20 years, Mr. Kendell has been on the front lines for Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton as their personal lawyer, battling investigators and litigants in the superheated environment where law and politics meet,” wrote Peter Baker in the Times report. “So as Mrs. Clinton faces questions about her use of a personal email server as secretary of state, no one is surprised she turned to Mr. Kendall.”
In August 2015, Kendall turned over the thumb drive to the Justice Department and gave copies to the FBI, after the thumb drive, believed to hold copies of some 55,000 Clinton emails, after a report to Congress by the intelligence community inspector general reported to Congress that Clinton’s State Department emails were found to contain classified material.
'QAnon' Links Resignation Of Google’s Schmidt To Trump’s Executive Order January 4 2018 | From: Infowars / Various
Trump attacks international human rights abuse by going after the money.
The highly secretive intelligence operative known as “QAnon” set off an Internet firestorm on Friday by posting a cryptic message on 8chan suggesting it was no coincidence that Eric Schmidt resigned as the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, around the same time President Trump signed an executive order on Thursday.
An annex published by the Treasury Department simultaneous with Trump signing the executive order made clear Trump has empowered the Treasury Department to implement the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act by confiscating the assets of “malign actors worldwide” who violate this act.
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act was passed to replace the Jackson-Vanik Amendment from the Cold War aimed at imposing trade sanctions forcing the Soviet Union to allow Jews and other minorities to emigrate, with a more current punishment denying access to the U.S. banking system to international criminals guilty of abusing human rights – an act named to honor Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who died in a Russian prison in 2009 after trying to expose corruption and human rights violations in Russia.
The New York Post speculated that Schmidt’s “womanizing” lifestyle began in 2012 after deciding to live apart from Wendy Schmidt, his wife of 37 years. Although the post commented that despite extensive research into “Schmidt’s former flames,” no evidence of Harvey Weinstein-like sexual harassment have yet been found.
Deeper analysis reveals 13 people named in the Treasury annex as “serious human rights abusers and corrupt actors” target a range of individuals including the former president of Gambia and a Myanmar general; more broadly, the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control names 39 other individuals sanctioned by the U.S. government worldwide who are subject to having the U.S. government confiscate their assets within U.S. jurisdiction.
Already researchers are establishing that various of the thirteen named by Treasury have close ties to the Clintons through their generous contributions to the Clinton Foundation and/or the Clinton Global Initiative.
Others point to the close relationship that exists between the Clintons and Schmidt that date back to 2008 when Schmidt loaned the Google jet to members of Clinton’s presidential campaign staff.
In the 2016 presidential campaign, leaked emails from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta published by WikiLeaks made clear that Schmidt wanted to play the role of Clinton’s “head outside advisor,” ready to lend to the Clinton campaign Google’s powerful micro-targeting data to develop software to be used in “get out the vote” (GOTV) and campaign fundraising efforts.
Clearly, the executive order should concern those engaged in international sex trafficking.
As pointed out by investigative journalist William Craddick, the Clintons’ ties to the international pedophilia sex trade go back to their involvement with Laura Silsby who was arrested trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti without documentation; Silsby was convicted of criminal child trafficking, only to have her sentence reduced after intervention by Bill Clinton.
Fearing Trump, Google Throws Obama Minion Schmidt Overboard
“Generation Zapped” Documentary Exposes Massive Health Risks Associated With Wireless Technology January 4 2018 | From: NaturalNews / Various
As of 2017, there were an estimated 4.77 billion cellphones in use around the planet out of a population of roughly 7.6 billion.
And while most users hail the technological advancement these and other wireless devices offer, a new film called “Generation Zapped” examines the huge health risks to humans posed by wireless technology.
Prior to 1984, wireless tech was used primarily by the military, but after that date, it was introduced to the civilian market (remember the first cell phones, those big, brick-like monsters?). However, the technology was brought to the market without any prior safety testing, experts in the film noted.
When humans evolved on earth there was no microwave radiation, save for a very small amount. But what has been added as of today is a billion times more than ever existed on the planet, experts noted.
So while microwave radiation caused by wireless technology is invisible, it is nonetheless a major environmental pollutant and a huge health hazard, the film says.
Thus far, regulatory agencies have said that exposure to non-ionizing radiation such as radio frequencies is safe but only for short periods of time. However, increased exposure can become a health hazard, and have “dangerous biological effects,” notes the film.
The documentary goes on to say that a growing body of research suggests wireless devices like cell phones can cause cancers in some people, and that additional exposure as bandwidth grows and wireless technology (and signals) expand, the health risks grow as well.
As evidence, it cites some women who became accustomed to sticking their cellphones in their bras as a matter of convenience who would later develop breast cancer.
“I was diagnosed with five tumors pretty much in the footprint where the phone used to sit” above her right breast, one survivor testified.
The patient’s surgical oncologist, Dr. John West, told the film’s producers that prior to his patient’s case, he was not much concerned about budding evidence of cancers connected to cellphone placement. But afterward, he said the case “kind of opened my mind.”
“It didn’t convince me there was a problem but I remember sitting [and very clearly looking at her [x-ray] slides with a pathologist. And I said, ‘Well, how many tumors are there in this breast?’ And she said, ‘Well, there’s basically three predominant tumors.’”
West said he then remembered his patient telling him where she kept her cell phone and asking if that could be a problem.
Other experts interviewed for the documentary said that the best evidence researchers have thus far of radio frequency toxicity is the fact that cancer rates are increasing.
Of course, the wireless industry is denying any link. But experts noted further that there are cancer registries in place that track new cancers in children and adults where increases are being documented.
The problem, they say, is that it likely will take years before researchers are able to definitively link cellphone placement on your body and cancer rates like scientists managed to link smoking to cancer (which also took years and was also opposed by the tobacco industry).
What’s also damaging our bodies is the fact that all cell phones and Internet connections are tied together by a network of cell towers and other infrastructure, meaning there is no getting away from the signals.
As to the wireless industry, it positioned itself to be able to influence (to its advantage) any legislative, regulatory, or scientific efforts to expose the dangers of microwave radiation emitted by cellphones, Internet devices and other devices, the film notes.
Learn more about the documentary film Generation Zapped. And read more about EMF pollution at EMF.news.
Millions Are Hounded For Debt They Don’t Owe. One Victim Fought Back, With A Vengeance January 3 2018 | From: Bloomberg
Andrew Therrien wanted payback. He got it - and uncovered a conspiracy.
On the morning a debt collector threatened to rape his wife, Andrew Therrien was working from home, in a house with green shutters on a cul-de-sac in a small Rhode Island town.
Important Note: The entire debt collection industry is based upon FRAUD. It comes back to basic contract law.
The wise would say that if there is no contract between yourself and a debt collection agency then you owe them nothing.
The basis of whole premise is that the debt collection agencies PURCHASE "debts" from organisations such as banks and other lenders, etcetera. Said lenders then get a percentage of what was "owed" and the "debt" then becomes the problem of the debt collection company.
Now, if you have no verbal or written contract with the debt collectors stating that you agree to pay them - then you owe them NOTHING. Of course, the first thing they try to do is get you onto some sort of payment scheme (usuall via recorded phone call) - and once you agree to that you are fucked.
The wise would suggest that a person NEVER deal with debt collectors via the phone - they would say you should demand to have everything in writing.
The wise would say that if the debt collectors cannot provide proof of a contract between a person and the debt collectors - that no debt it owed. This is fundamental: contract law.
If the public at large were aware of how this monumental scam works - the entire debt collection farce would fall over in a screaming fraudulent heap overnight.
Tall and stocky, with a buzz cut and a square, friendly face, Therrien was a salesman for a promotions company. He’d always had an easy rapport with people over the phone, and on that day, in February 2015, he was calling food vendors to talk about grocery store giveaways.
Therrien was interrupted midpitch by a call from his wife. She’d gotten a voicemail from an authoritative-sounding man saying Therrien was in some kind of trouble. “I need to verify an address to present you with your formal claim,” the man had said. “Andrew Therrien, you are officially notified.”
A few minutes later, Therrien’s phone buzzed. It was the same guy. He gave his name as Charles Cartwright and said Therrien owed $700 on a payday loan. But Therrien knew he didn’t owe anyone anything. Suspecting a scam, he told Cartwright just what he thought of his scare tactics.
Cartwright hung up, then called back, mad. He said he wanted to meet face-to-face to teach Therrien a lesson.
“Come on by, asshole,” Therrien says he replied. “I will,” Cartwright said, “and I hope your wife is at home.”
Therrien got so angry he couldn’t think clearly. He wasn’t going to just let someone menace and disrespect his wife like that. He had to know who this Cartwright guy was, and his employer, too. Therrien wanted to make them pay.
At the same time, he worried that the call might not be a swindle. What if some misinformed loan shark really was coming for them? But Therrien didn’t have any real information he could take to the police. Then he remembered Cartwright had left a number with his wife. He dialed.
Somewhere - at the top of a ladder of dirty debt collectors that Therrien would spend the next two years relentlessly climbing - a man named Joel Tucker had no idea what was coming.
"You’ll never get your money back. You might as well get blood out of it."
Earlier this year, I met Therrien, 33, at a Panera Bread restaurant in central Providence. He had reluctantly agreed to be interviewed, on the condition that I not reveal his hometown or his wife’s name.
Therrien had been caught up in a fraud known as phantom debt, where millions of Americans are hassled to pay back money they don’t owe.
The concept is centuries old: Inmates of a New York debtors’ prison joked about it as early as 1800, in a newspaper they published called Forlorn Hope. But systematic schemes to collect on fake debts started only about five years ago.
It begins when someone scoops up troves of personal information that are available cheaply online - old loan applications, long-expired obligations, data from hacked accounts - and reformats it to look like a list of debts.
Then they make deals with unscrupulous collectors who will demand repayment of the fictitious bills. Their targets are often poor and likely to already be getting confusing calls about other loans. The harassment usually doesn’t work, but some marks are convinced that because the collectors know so much, the debt must be real.
The problem is as simple as it is intractable. In 2012 a call center in India was busted for making 8 million calls in eight months to collect made-up bills. The Federal Trade Commission has since broken up at least 13 similar scams. In most cases, regulators weren’t able to identify the original perpetrators because the data files had been sold and repackaged so many times. Victims have essentially no recourse to do anything but take the abuse.
Most victims, that is. When the scammers started to hound Therrien, he hounded them right back. Obsessed with payback, he spent hundreds of hours investigating the dirty side of debt. By day he was still promoting ice cream brands and hiring models for liquor store tastings.
But in his spare time, he was living out a revenge fantasy. He befriended loan sharks and blackmailed crooked collectors, getting them to divulge their suppliers, and then their suppliers above them. In method, Therrien was like a prosecutor flipping gangster underlings to get to lieutenants and then the boss.
In spirit, he was a bit like Liam Neeson’s vigilante character in the movie Taken - using unflagging aggression to obtain scraps of information and reverse-engineer a criminal syndicate. Therrien didn’t punch anyone in the head, of course. He was simply unstoppable over the phone.
When Therrien dialed the number Cartwright had left, a woman answered and said she worked for Lakefront Processing Solutions in Buffalo. She’d never heard of Charles Cartwright, though, and implied he must be some kind of freelancer or bounty hunter. Regardless, she said, Therrien could clear everything up by making a payment. Her records indicated that he owed a payday lender called Vista.
Therrien had indeed once taken out a loan, but he didn’t think it was from Vista. He’d been selling copiers at the time, and when his boss stiffed him on a $20,000 commission, he turned to an online lender to make a car payment. Therrien says he paid back the debt promptly. He was offended by the Lakefront woman’s suggestion that he was a deadbeat. “I’m a person who believes in personal friggin’ responsibility,” Therrien tells me. “I signed an agreement. And I fulfilled my obligation.”
On his laptop, Therrien started digging. He found a securities filing saying Vista had merged with a company called That Marketing Solution Inc. After paying a few dollars to an online people-search service, he got its president on the line. “You sold my personal information to a bunch of thugs,” Therrien recalls telling the man.
“I want to know why, and I want to know what you’re going to do about it.” Within hours, the company provided a letter saying that Therrien had never borrowed from Vista.
Armed with proof the debt was invalid, Therrien turned back to Lakefront. More searches yielded a corporate parent, owned by two Buffalo men. Therrien called them, then their lawyer. When the lawyer stalled, Therrien bombarded him with more calls, at home and on his cell - enough to put Lakefront off him for good. (The parties eventually reached a confidential settlement, and Lakefront - whose name I found in a public record - declined to comment.)
By the morning after Cartwright’s call, Therrien’s fears of a psycho collector had been assuaged—no one had showed up at his house. But swatting down Lakefront turned out to be just the first round in a game of whack-a-mole. More collection agencies contacted him, his wife, his brother, even his grandparents. The calls made it clear to Therrien that an overarching force was at play. His name had to be getting on these lists somehow.
Each night, after his wife went to sleep, he cracked open his laptop to comb lawsuits, unearth filings, and uproot the owners of the agencies calling him. When he got names, he’d phone them, often surprising them at home, and make clear that he wouldn’t go away until they’d revealed who supplied their debt portfolios.
“Here’s the deal,” he’d say. “I don’t really care about you. There’s a million guys like you out there. You’ll never get your money back. You might as well get blood out of it. Tell me what I need to know to put these guys in jail.”
Sometimes, Therrien would make a small payment on the fake debt, then check bank records to see where it went. He found people with convictions for counterfeiting, stock fraud, drug dealing, and child molestation. He started a spreadsheet, Scums.xlsx, to keep track.
On weekends he’d harangue them from his couch while watching New England Patriots games. He used persuasion techniques he’d learned selling copiers, some drawn from a book called Getting Into Your Customer’s Head. On the phone, Therrien is a savant. He has an instinct for when to be a friend - one gruff payday lender tells me, sheepishly, that he simply doesn’t know why he speaks with Therrien so frequently - and when to be a bully.
Therrien would threaten to report the collectors to regulators unless they helped him figure out what was going on. “You are either with me in this, or you are against me,” he wrote to one man. Others he tried to shame. “If my intentions are right, I’ll have God on my side,” Therrien emailed one source. “You may not love poor people, but He does.”
The targets were shocked by Therrien’s doggedness. In their world, complaints are common, but most victims give up after being promised they won’t be called again. One shady-debt player tells me he suspected Therrien was an undercover federal investigator because he’d gathered so much information on his business. “It’s an obsession, it’s unbelievable, an outright vigilante crusade,” another says. “It doesn’t seem to equal the harm that was done to him.”
Therrien knew his fixation seemed odd. He didn’t tell his friends and family much about his nighttime activity. But the collectors’ threats brought back feelings of rage and fear that he’d struggled to suppress since childhood. He grew up in working-class Connecticut, where his father was a factory man and his mother had a series of part-time jobs.
Therrien says they mistreated him and his brother, and he moved out at 16 after an incident he won’t discuss. He told me he regrets not doing more to protect his brother. (Therrien’s father is dead, and his mother denies she did anything wrong.)
In college, Therrien worked at a J.Crew store, where a customer spotted his talent for sales and offered him a job. Therrien makes a good living now, and he takes pride in being a more responsible person than his parents - paying his bills on time, going to church on Sunday, and taking care of those close to him.
“If it’s just about me, I don’t particularly give a f---,” he tells me, with an incongruous laugh. “You call my wife, and you call my grandparents? You just opened up a door that got really f---ing ugly, and now I’m going to make sure that I just ruin your life.”
As more collectors yielded to Therrien’s persistence and talked, he dropped his pursuit of Charles Cartwright, concluding that it was an untraceable alias, and focused on understanding their business. Phantom debt, he learned, is blended with real debt in ways that are almost impossible to untangle.
Americans are currently late on more than $600 billion in bills, according to Federal Reserve research, and almost one person in 10 has a debt in collectors’ hands. The agencies recoup what they can and sell the rest down-market, so that iffier and iffier debt is bought by shadier and shadier individuals.
Deception is common. Scammers often sell the same portfolios of debt, called “paper,” to several collection agencies at once, so a legitimate IOU gains illegitimate clones. Some inflate balances, a practice known as “overbiffing.” Others create “redo” lists - people who’ve settled their debt, but will be harassed again anyway. These rosters are actually more valuable, because the targets have proved willing to part with money over the phone. And then there are those who invent debts out of whole cloth.
Portfolios are combined and doctored until they contain thousands of entries. One collector told Therrien that he’d paid cash at a diner for a thumb drive with a database containing Therrien’s name. Some collectors told him they thought the files were partially legitimate; others knew their paper was completely falsified. Yet they continued to trade it, referring to the people they pursued as deadbeats and losers. The more Therrien learned, the more disgusted he grew with everyone involved.
His search for the ur-source rarely traveled in a straight line. For a time, Therrien focused on Buffalo,one of the poorest cities in the U.S. and a hub for the collections industry - home to agencies that work the oldest, cheapest paper. Debt collector is a more common job there than bartender or construction worker, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
As Therrien wore down as many Buffalo collectors as he could, one name kept surfacing: Joel Tucker, a former payday-loan mogul from Kansas City, Mo. By the summer of 2015, Therrien was convinced he’d found his guy.
"Who are you?” “A person that you f---ed with too many times."
Therrien needed an ally inside the Kansas City racket. He found one in Frampton “Ted” Rowland III, a middle-aged insurance-broker-turned-predatory-lender whose company was listed as the original creditor for one of Therrien’s supposed loans. When Therrien called, Rowland said he was sorry - and kept talking.
His life was falling apart. He’d been sued by the FTC over his lending practices, he’d lost all his money, and his wife was leaving him. Therrien sympathized. He sensed Rowland was a good man who’d made a bad choice out of a desire to provide for his family. They started to speak regularly, and Rowland told Therrien he blamed Tucker for everything.
Tucker had created the local industry with his two brothers. Scott, the oldest, was the brains. He’d served time in prison for a scam in which he’d pretended to work for JPMorgan Chase & Co. The middle son, Blaine, was popular and a talented musician. Joel, tall and handsome, was a natural salesman. But when he was 21, he was selling furniture and working at a mini-mart, so hard up that he got arrested for bouncing a $12 check. (The case was dismissed.)
In the mid-1990s, Scott opened a payday-loan store and gave his brothers jobs. Lending money to people who don’t have any is surprisingly profitable. In states where such stores are legal, such as Missouri, they’re more common than McDonald’s franchises. But in the 15 states where such stores are against the law, there are millions of desperate people willing to pay for fast cash and no one to give it to them.
Scott pioneered what he thought was a clever legal loophole that would give him access to that market: He created websites that were owned on paper by an American Indian tribe, which could claim sovereign immunity from regulators. Those sites charged as much as $150 interest on a two-week, $500 loan—an annualized interest rate of about 700 percent.
The loophole was ridiculously lucrative. Scott’s operation generated $2 billion in revenue from 2003 to 2012. He bought a private jet and spent more than $60 million to start his own professional Ferrari racing team. Around 2005, Joel split to start a company that would allow anyone to get into online payday lending - supplying software to process applications and loans and offering access to a steady stream of customers.
All the clients had to bring was money and a willingness to bypass state law. Word spread around Kansas City’s country clubs and private schools that if you wanted to get rich, Joel Tucker was your man.
With Tucker’s help, one property management executive and his son, a general contractor, started a lender that saw $161 million in revenue over eight years. An investor presentation from that period shows that Tucker was personally clearing tens of millions of dollars in profit per year.
One of his clients was Rowland, until the gravy train crashed in 2013. Under pressure from regulators, banks stopped doing business with the sketchiest payday lenders, making it hard for them to issue loans and collect payments. In 2014 federal authorities raided Rowland’s office, and the FBI began investigating the Tucker brothers.
Blaine committed suicide by jumping off a parking garage in 2014; Scott was charged two years later with racketeering, and prosecutors called his tribal arrangement a sham. (He declined to comment.)
By the time Therrien came looking for Joel Tucker in the fall of 2015, he’d become a hard man to find. Twice divorced, he was moving from place to place, ducking his creditors. A booking photo from the time when he was briefly imprisoned for failing to show up for court in an unrelated lawsuit shows him with bristly gray hair and dark circles under deep-set blue eyes. Therrien couldn’t find a working phone number for him - not even when he reached his 81-year-old mother, Norma. She claimed not to know where he was.
Therrien’s tactics grew more intense, mirroring those of the debt collectors he loathed. As he had in Buffalo, he developed a network of sources in Kansas City, figuring out who hated whom and playing them off each other. He got a burner app that provided disposable numbers for his smartphone, with any area code he wanted.
He called wives, widows, business partners, even a waitress who’d once worked at a restaurant the Tuckers owned. He’d have his sources drive by places where he thought Tucker might be living, to look for his car. He told one broker’s mother-in-law that she should investigate who her daughter was married to. Therrien acknowledges that sometimes he went too far.
By November 2015 he developed a simple theory. Tucker’s business had given him access to a huge database of people who’d applied for loans - including, just maybe, the one Therrien had taken out in his copier-selling days. What if, when Tucker was broke and needed money, he’d taken applicants’ personal information, invented loan balances, and sold the list as a portfolio of delinquent debt?
Therrien took his hypothesis to the FBI and FTC. His emails were breathless and confusing, but the authorities were patient, taking his calls and talking to him at length. It was clear they knew about Tucker, but Therrien got frustrated by what he saw as inaction.
“There are millions of people out there being threatened daily by these actions and I’m doing my part to try and stop it,” he wrote to an FTC investigator in early 2016, begging him to hold Tucker accountable.
"I’m giving you the opportunity to come clean."
January 2016 saw a breakthrough: A former employee of Tucker’s agreed to arrange a call between him and Therrien to clear the air. Therrien couldn’t believe his unseen antagonist was willing to talk. So anxious he couldn’t sit down, he set up a recording device in his home office, put his phone on speaker, and called.
Tucker seemed hyper and defensive, telling Therrien that if any of the portfolios he’d sold now contained phantom debt, they must have been doctored after leaving his hands. “F---ing shame on them,” he said. “Wasn’t me. It had to have been them.”
Therrien was trying to hold back his anger, but his voice wavered. He wanted to impress Tucker, mentioning tidbits he knew about his business. Tucker didn’t understand why Therrien, this guy he’d never met, was so extravagantly invested.
“I’ll tell you why I care,” Therrien said calmly. “I’ll tell you why I care. I believe, and I’m just telling you what I believe, you sold my personal information 21 separate times. I’ve gotten close to 100 f---ing calls, and because I’ve gotten those 100 calls from scumbag collectors that you facilitated, I’m going to make sure that that kind of shit ends now.”
Tucker was incredulous: “You think this is my fault?”
“You got desperate because you spent two dollars for every dollar you had,” Therrien said.
“What are you talking about? Are you trying to micromanage my life? You don’t know jack shit about me.”
“I know what happened. You f---ing stole money from people,” Therrien said. “I’m giving you the opportunity to come clean.”
“I don’t know who you are, Andrew,” Tucker said. “Who are you?”
“A person that you f---ed with too many times.”
When Therrien played the tape for me, I was amazed at how fluently he channeled emotion—his own and Tucker’s—to get what he wanted. Incredibly, by the end of the half-hour call, Tucker was offering to help Therrien collect evidence about crimes committed by other people in the payday-loan business. “We need to get this stuff resolved,” Tucker said on the tape, with a sigh. “’Cause this - it’s not healthy for anybody.”
The two men started talking and texting a few times a week. “I think he has a mental illness that allows him to think he did nothing wrong,” Therrien told me. (Tucker didn’t respond to most of my emailed questions and kept putting off interview requests. “Lies are not stories,” he wrote in one email. He said that any debt he’d sold was legitimate.)
Tucker’s denials made Therrien hate him more, but Therrien masked his feelings to keep the conversation going. The one-year anniversary of his quest was approaching, and he wanted real evidence of wrongdoing - something Tucker couldn’t deny and officials couldn’t ignore.
Therrien soon obtained two crucial sets of documents to that end. In March 2016 he flew to California to meet a debt broker, who handed over some contracts Tucker had signed. Separately, Therrien received an email from the manager of a collection agency, to whose conscience he’d spent weeks appealing.
The email, whose subject line read “Have faith in the good in heart,” included actual phantom-debt files, with names and Social Security numbers. The metadata yielded a new name: Rob Harsh, Tucker’s IT guy. (The author of the email died of a drug overdose a few months later.)
In May 2016, Therrien emailed his discoveries to the FTC. A lawyer replied right away: “Andrew, we need to talk about this.” Therrien also gave his intel to some private lawyers who were going after Tucker in Texas. They contacted Harsh, and in August 2016 he submitted an affidavit to the court.
Harsh, who declined to comment for this story, testified that Tucker had asked him to manipulate a database of almost 8 million payday-loan applications, writing in a made-up lender and adding an amount owed of $300 for each person.
Therrien had been right all along.
Vindication didn’t make Therrien happy, not even when the FTC suit against Rowland’s company took a karmic swerve that drew in Tucker, directing him to return $30 million he’d received in ill-gotten profits from the business. Tucker told the court he was broke.
Meanwhile, Rowland was spiraling. He confided in Therrien that he was considering suicide, and one day that summer he called Therrien to say goodbye. “Don’t do anything stupid,” Therrien texted him afterward. “I may be callous with you lately but I still care and don’t want anything bad to happen.”
Therrien told me he’d informed the police of Rowland’s plan and that they had intervened. But that October, Rowland shot himself. His death added to Therrien’s outrage at Tucker and other predatory lenders like him who hadn’t faced any real legal consequences.
Finally, in December 2016, the FTC sued Tucker for selling phantom debt. According to the regulator, everything had happened pretty much as Therrien imagined: Tucker had invented more than 7.7 million fake debts and sold them to a series of middlemen for $4.2 million. This September, a judge ruled for the agency, ordering Tucker to pay back that money on top of the $30 million he already owed.
The FTC has never credited Therrien, and Michael Tankersley, an agency lawyer, declined to discuss their interactions. But Tankersley told me that Harsh and the California broker were two key sources of information establishing Tucker’s wrongdoing.
Therrien, as usual, was unsatisfied. He was still getting calls from collectors, for one thing. And he felt that if he’d done a better job investigating, Tucker would be facing criminal charges - not a civil fine he’d never end up paying. Therrien has stayed in touch with the FBI’s Kansas City office. An FBI spokeswoman declines to say whether Tucker is being investigated, but three of his associates told me that agents had contacted them about his debt sales.
After the ruling against Tucker, Therrien heard from him for the first time in months, and they started talking again. Amid their conversations, which were recorded, Tucker’s brother, Scott, was convicted on all 14 charges he faced. Without directly asking Therrien to drop his vendetta, Tucker seemed to be pleading for mercy. “I’ve f---ing had enough harm done,” he said. “I’ve lost a brother. Got a brother going to prison. Put it this way, Andrew. I’m tired, buddy. I’m f---ing tired.”
“I’m tired too,” Therrien replied, “because I’m still getting harassed by these motherf---ers.”
I OIA'd Every Council In NZ And All I Got Was This Headache January 3 2018 | From: Scoop
During my quest to find out which councils in New Zealand had specific plans put in place for the protection of vulnerable communities during Civil Defence emergencies, it was suggested to me several times that I had submitted an Official Information Act request just for fun, or on a bit of a “fishing expedition.”
I can assure you that however much of a nerd I might seem, absolutely no fun was had during any part of this process.
The “fishing expedition” claim is a little more nuanced: a suggestion, from Councils that alleged it, being that I was on some kind of vague hunt for “dirt” without really knowing what I wanted.
I contend that I knew exactly what I wanted, but with the fraught nature of Official Information Act transactions between journalists and public bodies being what it is, journalists feel that unless they are expansive in their request, their precision will be used as an excuse for an organisation to wriggle out of answering the actual question to which both parties know full well the journalist is looking for an answer.
And so it goes. I don’t blame the councils, really; a “no surprises” mindset and training and advice that has taught public servants to see any media interaction as a “gotcha” exercise perpetrated by unscrupulous and scurrilous reporters has led to a polarised and often unproductive OIA process.
I cannot rule out such reporters ever having existed in New Zealand, but in many cases, cooperation between public bodies and journalists to ensure they are reporting with the information they need would lead to much better-informed journalism that would benefit the goals of both parties.
To their credit, some councils I worked with on my recent story for New Zealand Geographic, funded by a grant from the Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism, realised exactly that, and were quick to offer more information than I asked for, along with supporting interviews.
As background, I was trying to find out what specific plans councils around New Zealand had drawn up, in writing, for the event of a natural disaster that specifically included vulnerable subsets of the community. I requested access to such plans whether they had been made public or not.
For the purposes of this exercise, vulnerable people might include groups such as homeless, transient, or rough-sleeping people; the elderly; children; those in social, Council, or emergency housing; people with intellectual or physical disabilities; and culturally and linguistically diverse community (non-English speakers and refugees or migrants included).
Basically, I wanted to know whether councils were recognising that some people in their communities would be more vulnerable than the general population in the event of a Civil Defence emergency, and what they had done in their planning to take into account those groups specifically.
I, in turn, always planned to acknowledge in my story – and I believe I have – that catering for all sections of a population in a probably chaotic crisis situation is never going to have a perfect, guaranteed solution.
Further, councils are only one part of a Civil Defence reponse and, as I discovered, many are increasingly turning the nuances of community safety over to communities themselves, recognising that communities are often better-placed to respond to their own unique vulnerabilities with specific local strengths and resources, as long as they are adequately prepared and equipped to do so.
Disclaimers aside, I really did just want to know whether councils had factored such vulnerable populations into their planning, and how, in order to paint a bit of a national picture.
What I was able to conclude from the councils that did respond, is that a combination of different approaches, different social and geographical challenges, and different levels of funding and resourcing across the country has created a patchwork quilt of planning and preparedness for vulnerable groups in the event of natural disasters, which means that in some areas, marginalised people are at risk of falling through the cracks. You can read more about that here.
Some councils have publicly-available planning that caters for some or all of those vulnerable groups. Some have discussed it privately, but not publicly. Some have identified vulnerable people but have not planned specifically beyond, “Here’s their addresses in case we need to go and rescue them,” a top-down approach that is falling out of favour in New Zealand and overseas, as you can hear in this interview, because it runs the risk of vulnerable people waiting for help that never arrives, rather than being assisted by their neighbours.
A number of councils responded that they had no planning in place for any vulnerable groups specifically; while I am not publishing a roll call of each Council’s responses as some OIA requests are still in train, it seems this is something for planners nationally to address – via funding and resourcing particularly – as soon as is possible.
And some councils, of course, have not replied at all. Some tried to stick me with bills for hundreds or thousands of dollars they said it would take to answer my question.
This is a disconcerting practice which of course means access to information is limited (as a freelance journalist I could not afford to foot such bills, and honestly, I think organisations know that), although in the case of the council that had, it said, “three full-time staff,” I could understand why taking time to fill OIA requests might throw the workflow out a bit.
I don’t think that’s an excuse for issuing a bill to a journalist – rather, it’s an example of another way that OIA rules need streamlining and improving – but it’s a scenario that should be considered in the case of any OIA reform.
In an interesting slice of New Zealand life, a few councils responsible for particularly small or remote parts of the country responded that they personally knew everyone who lived there, and there were no homeless, migrant or refugee people locally, so there had been no planning needed for such groups.
One emergency response manager told me it would be a mistake for such councils to think that meant they had no “vulnerable groups” – a single wheelchair user, elderly couple, or young family could be at extra risk in the case of a disaster – but it tickled me to think that some areas could answer such an OIA essentially off the tops of their heads.
Whether councils should be required to put plans for the vulnerable in writing, or whether they should instead be working up to shore up connections with marginalised sections of their communities ahead of a crisis – as Auckland and Wellington have, in recent years, become focused on doing – or a combination of both, is a judgement for someone with more expertise than me. I hope it is a conversation that continues among emergency response managers.
But it is important, when discussing big issues, to come to the table with the facts. Official Information Acts might feel painful and burdensome to councils, as well as triggering a suspicion that a journalist is out to “get” them, but at their best they can inform evidence-based reporting.
Some of the OIA responses pointed me to initiatives I would never have known about otherwise – Southland’s response referencing the Civil Defence workshops they run for ESL students at the local polytechnic, SIT, prompted a follow-up interview with a local emergency response planner there about the region’s unique challenges, stemming from a hugely diverse geography and society, that formed a key part of my story.
As usual, where the most eagerly responding councils often had initiatives they particularly wanted to show off, I have no doubt that some of the non-responders are sitting on information that the public should know about, around gaps in our Civil Defence readiness.
There’s little I can do about that; the Ombudsman is a recourse, but in some cases, that process can take years. But the information I was provided allowed me to report the mixed national picture with more confidence, and allowed me to approach the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management with greater boldness.
When a Ministry spokesman said*, “I’m not sure you could therefore say this approach is new to New Zealand,” because a legislative imperative to engage communities had been in place since 2002, I was able to challenge that somewhat.
While the 2002 law does mandate councils consider and engage communities in their planning, emergency responders around New Zealand told me that (perfectly naturally and understandably) policy took time to flow into practice, and that they had only started investing deeply in community-driven planning over the past few years (in several cases, the past 18 months to two years). Some councils have not yet had the funding or staffing to invest in it at all.
Having the information from these OIAs was important because so often in journalism there’s a risk of being warned off a good story by someone acting like they just know more than you and claiming you’re wrong about a lead you’re following. Questioning that is partly down to journalistic skill, but it’s also about having the facts available to be informed.
For me, Scoop’s grant was invaluable in permitting that investigative work. Freelance journalism is not usually paid until after you have sold a story, and you’re paid per published word, not per hour invested - so everything up until the time of publication is conducted for free on your own time.
Although this job is a privilege, at their worst, such investigations can feel like an extremely stressful hobby. In this case, a grant from the Scoop Foundation for Public Interest Journalism helped fund some of the research and interviewing hours on my stories, allowing me to push out the scope of an investigation that initially was only going to focus on Wellington. I’m grateful for the opportunity.
Stories resulting from the grant are being published on scoop.co.nz this week, and a national picture of disaster resilience for our vulnerable communities is published in New Zealand Geographic’s January/February 2018 issue, which is out now.
US War On ISIS Is The Biggest Lie Since The 2003 Iraq Invasion: Here’s The Proof January 2 2018 | From: TheAntimedia
On November 13, 2017, the BBC dropped a bombshell report that exposed how the U.S. cut a secret deal with “hundreds” of ISIS fighters and their families to leave the Syrian city of Raqqa under the “gaze of the U.S. and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.”
The convoys reportedly included some of ISIS’ “most notorious” members, as well as its foreign fighters and tonnes of weapons and ammunition.
Almost a month later, Reuters reported that a high-level defector from Kurdish-led forces in Syria had revealed that the number of ISIS fighters given safe passage by the U.S.-led coalition was actually in the thousands, not hundreds.
This account was seconded by a security official in Turkey despite the fact that Turkey and the Kurdish militia do not typically see eye to eye).
"Agreement was reached for the terrorists to leave, about 4,000 people, them and their families,” the defector said, as quoted by Reuters, adding that all but about 500 were fighters.
The defector also noted that the fighters were headed toward Deir ez-Zor, Syria’s most oil-rich region. The U.S. had been eager to bomb Deir ez-Zor for some time prior to the deal, and allowing ISIS safe passage to get there would merely give them the pretext to do so.
In June of this year, regional outlet Al-Masdarreleased a video that appeared to show convoys of ISIS fighters leaving Raqqa, as well, though the media paid very little attention to this.
All of this begs the question: If the U.S. allowed 4,000 ISIS fighters to leave Raqqa, who on earth were they bombing during their brutal siege? Donald Trump’s illegal air campaign killed well over 1,800 civilians [supposedly] and brought the city to ruin - to the point that Russia accused the U.S. of wiping Raqqa “off the face of the earth.” The U.S. government knew ISIS was leaving the city safely but kept on bombing it into devastation, anyway.
Raqqa Secret Deal Barely Scratches the Surface
Now that we know the U.S. is amenable to granting ISIS fighters safe passage, ISIS’ ability to take over huge swaths of Iraq and Syria in the first place start to make a bit more sense. In June 2014, ISIS effortlessly took the strategic oil-rich cities of Mosul and Baiji and almost made it as far as Baghdad.
The U.S. sat on its hands and did nothing the entire time, even as the militants took massive loads of American military equipment as spoils and brandished it all over social media. While ISIS was flaunting its activities untouched by the American military in Iraq, the U.S. was busy launching drone strikes in Pakistan, instead.
Why would the Obama administration prioritize air strikes in a country that overwhelmingly disapproves of them when it could have prevented ISIS from setting up a mini-state in Iraq at the same time?
Over the last few years, we have seen this similar pattern occur over and over again. When it came to Obama’s grand offensive to retake Mosul in 2016, reports also began emerging that the U.S. was granting safe passage for ISIS fighters to move from Mosul into Raqqa.
Even if the U.S. hadn’t cut a formal deal with ISIS on this particular occasion, the reality on the ground was that the U.S. was allowing ISIS fighters to make their way into Syria from Mosul and doing little to stop them regardless. As Anti-Media documented at the time:
“According to Army Lieutenant General Talib Shaghati, as reported by anti-Russian newspaper, the Guardian, ISIS militants are already fleeing Mosul to Syria. This was further confirmed by the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, who said that if ISIS were forced out of Mosul, they would likely go on to Syria.”
Why weren’t they striking these traveling ISIS fighters before they made it to Syria? When viewed in its recent historical context and with the most recent reports in mind, the answer to that question should be clear.
The U.S. Has Also Provided ISIS With Direct Air Support
The Syrian government and its allies are the most heavily engaged entities fighting ISIS inside Syria – not the U.S. military (or its allies). Yet the U.S. military has struck these pro-government forces directly multiple times over the last year, even when these troops have proven to be very effective against the jihadist group.
In September 2016, the U.S.-led coalition launched a barrage of airstrikes at Syrian government troops who were fending off the ISIS component of Deir ez-Zor at the time. Russia accused the U.S. coalition of providing air cover for ISIS because the terror group used the coalition strike to launch an offensive of their own. Over 60 Syrian soldiers died as a result of this illegal act of war, but no one was held accountable.
It has also been speculated that U.S. President Donald Trump’s Syria strike in April paved the way for an ISIS offensive, as well.
ISIS Took Advantage of U.S. Weapons Transfers
So far, we know that ISIS has received safe passage from the U.S. on at least one occasion and that the terror group has also received free air support on a number of other occasions. We also know the U.S. either directly or indirectly allowed ISIS to gain territory in the first place only to provide the pretext for a military intervention.
But wait, it gets even better. Just this month, a report conducted by the U.K.-based Conflict Armament Research (CAR) group, which analyzed 40,000 items its investigators recovered along ISIS’ front lines between July 2014 and November 2017, found that the terror group was able to successfully arm itself by taking advantage of U.S. weapons transfers between Washington and its other allies in Syria. ISIS even garnered some of the more powerful anti-tank missiles through the CIA’s covert arms program.
“International weapon supplies to factions in the Syrian conflict have significantly augmented the quantity and quality of weapons available to IS forces - in numbers far beyond those that would have been available to the group through battlefield capture alone,”the report said.
The U.S. didn’t need to wait for an official report for this horrifying development to come to light. As far back as October 2012, the New York Times reported the following:
“[M]ost of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, and not the more secular opposition groups that the West wants to bolster…”
Even if the U.S. had zero control over ISIS and the mayhem it has exacted over Iraq, Syria, and beyond - and was genuine in its bid to rid the world of its ideology and the horror the terror group has unleashed - there is one issue yet to be discussed: ISIS’ existence.
US Created Conditions for ISIS to Exist
ISIS evolved out of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which only became a formidable fighting force after the U.S. invaded in 2003. This was in part due to the Bush administration’s decision to fire close to 400,000 servicemen in Iraq, simply because of their affiliation with Saddam Hussein’s secular Baathist party. Some of these disgruntled servicemen now hold senior ISIS positions and are responsible for the terror group’s success.
History clearly demonstrates that al-Qaeda only exists in the first place because the U.S. actively trained, funded, and armed the mujahideen in Afghanistan as a means of bogging the Soviet empire down into a quagmire. The Independent even ran a story on Osama bin Laden at the time, portraying him as a heroic freedom fighter and “anti-Soviet warrior.”
However, since 9/11, the U.S. made a specific point of making aiding and providing material support to al-Qaeda and its affiliated organizations a crime under U.S. law.
Yet the U.S. has openly aided Syria’s al-Qaeda branch, as well as al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in Yemen, and now we have more than enough formal proof that the U.S. has knowingly continued a foreign policy strategy that essentially provided all manner of material support to ISIS, one of the most deadly terror groups in recent history, as well.
It’s time for someone to be held accountable. There is a case to be made against the U.S. for some very serious criminal behavior here, and if anyone is serious about defeating “radical Islamic terror,” they should start by launching a court action against the U.S. government for its die-hard support for terrorism in the Middle East and beyond.
Current UFO Disclosures And The Incredible Edible New York Times January 1 2018 | From: JonRappoport
The first thing to understand is that the New York Times broke the latest UFO story.
The story about: a secret Pentagon UFO research group; a US fighter jet that encountered a UFO off the coast of San Diego; and the recovery of “UFO metals.”
The Times broke the story, and then it quickly went global.
On the subject of UFOs, that never happens. But it did.
Furthermore, the Times expressed no doubts about the information it was disclosing. There wasn’t the usual “he said, he said” treatment. No detractors and harsh critics were quoted. This was a straight-from-the-Pentagon to the Times pipeline.
The Times story had all the earmarks of a government gift, not a leak. This, too, never happens. But it did.
The conclusion: the Pentagon wanted this story to come to light. Someone high up in the Pentagon, or someone outside the Pentagon, with major clout, gave the green light to the Times. He assured the Times the story was real. Perhaps he even gave an “order” to release the information.
As discussion and vetting of the UFO story occurred at the Times, before they went to print, the overriding and decisive factor was: “somebody big wants this to move forward.” Case closed. But we shouldn’t assume the motive for disclosure was, at the top, generous and benign and innocent. Because we’re talking about the Pentagon and the CIA, the people who always have a concealed agenda.
If they give the public a few bread crumbs, or even a steak, there is a 15-course meal behind that, and the meal is never served.
Long-time UFO researcher, Grant Cameron, has pointed out that the American strategy for hiding secrets (for decades) has been: partial disclosure. Periodically, now and then—“Here’s a small piece. Chew on it.”
This is the US government approach.
Except - the recent Pentagon offerings haven’t been leaked via some small-press book published in a print shop - they’ve been shot out of information-guns directly to the most prestigious mainstream news outlet in the world: the New York Times.
That’s different. Very different. And just now, the Times has published two more UFO articles. The first, by senior reporter Dan Barry, is headlined: “Dad Believed in UFOs. Turns Out He Wasn’t Alone.” Barry’s father was a veteran UFO watcher. He died before the Pentagon finally admitted UFOs are real. That’s the hook of the article. It’s a human interest piece. And it’s overwhelmingly positive re UFOs. Again, you don’t see this sort of thing from the Times - not ever - but there it is.
“UFOs: Is This All There Is?” is the second Times piece, by Dennis Overbye. It’s a soft back and forth: something is happening in the sky but we don’t know what it is. No harsh naysaying. No nastiness.
All this could very well mean that what is being hidden, now, is much larger than what has been hidden in the past. For example, new technological discoveries and advances have been made in the areas of propulsion systems and energy production, beside which the old discoveries pale by comparison.
In that case, the latest partial disclosures needed to be stronger, in terms of their impact. Impact as diversion from the deeper truth. And the NY Times would carry the ball.
Who was the paper’s main source for the breaking UFO disclosure? Luis Elizondo, the man who headed up the Pentagon UFO program, until he resigned. Elizondo is now part of rock musician Tom Delonge’s team at his newly formed To the Stars Academy. Elizondo’s new association hardly qualifies as a “good source” for an outlet like the Times.
Further, anyone who reads Elizondo’s bio at the Academy website would have reason to pause for thought:
“Luis Elizondo is a career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East.”
Excuse me? The number one mainstream news operation on the planet accepts what Elizondo is saying at face value? On the verboten subject of UFOs? When everyone knows career intelligence officers are trained to lie at the drop of a hat?
The Times has suddenly become a “UFO site?”
Having received Elizondo’s assertions, the Times would have gone to its long-time sources at the Pentagon, and the Word would have come back: this is rock solid fact. Which, again, tells you the Pentagon wanted this story to be published. Strongly wanted.
If Donald Trump holds a water bottle in two hands and puckers his lips as he takes a sip, the Times would wonder aloud whether he was suffering from Alzheimer’s. But all of a sudden, on the topic of UFOs, the story the Times is being fed is honest and accurate, and there is no need to consult the usual experts who provide “balanced” criticism and “negative reactions.” [Comment: the bottle water thing was a warning across the bow of the Illuminati that they are going down.]
One conclusion: the Times is prepared to publish more UFO stories. Quotes from other military/intelligence sources. Unless the blowback from rival news outlets is too severe.
Another inference: the Times already has other videos of UFOs and other “irrefutable” interviews in the can.
Whatever they eventually publish, no matter how shocking, it will be a very, very small fragment of what the government (and those who control the government) is hiding.
If, five years ago, you polled the most competent and knowledgeable independent UFO researchers, and asked them whether they thought the New York Times would ever publish a major positive UFO story, who among them would have predicted what we are seeing now?
Finally, this could now happen: someone at the Times, a senior editor, or even the publisher, goes to the Pentagon and says, “Look, we’re begging off. We’ve done our job. We did what you told us to do. But now, other news operations are going to have to carry the freight. We can’t afford to incur a stain on our reputation. We broke the barrier. You’ll have to find other people to move your story forward…”
But the Times will forever be remembered as the first - they took their marching orders and delivered. They fronted for, and sold, a limited hangout, against all odds.
The Tree: My 2017 Holiday Post December 31 2017 | From: VigilantCitizen
2017 was a year ruled by politics. Every single fact and issue has become political. This year’s news was indeed monopolized by people on both sides of a widening and divisive gap, covering their ears, and shouting about how they’re right and good – and how the other side is wrong and evil.
Although there is nothing wrong with getting involved in politics, obsessing about social constructs can lead one to ignore universal truths.
The Vigilant Citizen was never about politics. Its scope goes way beyond trying to have a politician elected. It is about the unseen impact of culture and symbolism on the human psyche and realizing that our current environment is toxic and detrimental to the mind and soul.
Since 2008, I’ve been highlighting the many ways popular culture is toxic and how it constantly caters to our darkest impulses. In 2018, we are seeing consequences of such a culture: A generation excessively prone to anxiety, depression, and suicide.
People are so keen on numbing themselves from the world that they are dying by the tens of thousands (in the US alone) of opioid abuse – drugs created by pharmaceutical companies to numb pain. As celebrities sing about “popping pills”, people are literally numbing themselves to death.
The opioid crisis is symbolic in itself and, unfortunately, perfectly illustrates the state of mind of our generation. It is symptomatic of a palpable mal-de-vivre, a malaise of the soul that needs to be healed. Several factors are causing this climate and our constant exposure to media and its distorted messages is a big part of the equation.
As we’ve seen this year, the messages keep reaching new lows of depravity while attempting to reach children as young as possible.
This past June, I published an article titled “Something is Terribly Wrong With Many “Kids” Videos on YouTube” which exposed the disturbing content found in “children videos” on YouTube. The video platform has been flooded with thousands of videos aimed at toddlers filled with content that is either shocking, terrifying, sexual or all-out traumatizing.
Even worse, some videos are targeted by child predators. Dubbed “Elsagate” by some online communities (because they often feature popular children’s characters such as Elsa), these videos garner billions of views and expose babies and toddlers to a steady regiment disturbing media
Fortunately, some good has come from our collective vigilance. In response to the outrage, YouTube “terminated more than 270 accounts and removed over 150,000 videos” from their platform. YouTube also “removed ads from nearly 2 million videos and over 50,000 channels masquerading as family-friendly content” and “turned off comments on over 625,000 videos targeted by child predators”.
The symbolism that is pointed out on The Vigilant Citizen is the outward, easily perceptible manifestation of a dark undercurrent, an underground philosophy that guides the actions of those in power. Understanding this mindset – as foul and disturbing as it can be – allows one to navigate the world with eyes truly open.
There is a process in motion and every year it is more visible. Indeed, there is a conscious and deliberate effort to distance the masses from what is true and authentic in order to move them into an artificially created environment, custom-made to stifle the human spirit. The further away we are from truth, health, balance, and harmony, the easier we are to control.
For this reason, it is essential, more than ever, to stay grounded and connected to what life is truly about. We must reconnect with Life with a capital L. What is Life with a capital L might you ask? Well, like you, I am still finding out. However, I do know that, since the dawn of time, it has been represented by a simple yet powerful symbol: A tree.
Picture a great big tree, with its massive roots firmly gripping the soil that is full of nutrients and its tall branches reaching for the rays of the sun. Across all ages and across all cultures, the symbol of the tree represents Life … with a capital L.
Tree of Life
The Tree of Life can be found in the canons of countless religions and mythologies. It is an age-old archetype that symbolizes the connection between Earth and the heavens.
It is found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The tree of life is also part of Egyptian, Persian, Chinese, Germanic, Celtic, Aztek, and Iroquois mythologies. In nearly every case, the tree is associated with knowledge of life and a described as a key to immortality.
For instance, at the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis, the tree of life is in Eden, guarded by two cherubims. Separated from the tree, Adam and Eve found themselves subject to physical and spiritual death.
A 19th-century painting depicting the tree of life in Eden guarded by two cherubims
At the very end of the Bible, in Revelation, the same tree is mentioned again: “To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God”.
17th-century depiction of the Tree of Life in Palace of Shaki Khans, Azerbaijan.
An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil – the tree of life
Although each culture has its own elaborate story surrounding their version of the Tree of Life, the core message is the same: It is through the essence of this tree, which is rooted in the true source of life, that one can truly flourish.
Today, most of us are completely disconnected from that tree. And those in power are doing their best to push us as far away from it as possible. Through a debasing and abhorrent agenda, they seek to disconnect us from the core of that tree and its wise, life-giving essence. They want us to be like dried up leaves, detached from the tree, and floating aimlessly at the mercy of the winds they choose to blow at us.
Instead, like a tree, we must be firmly rooted in grounds made of strong values, solid knowledge, and patient wisdom. Like a tree, we must reach for the heavens and allow our fruits to be ripened by the sun.
While the Tree of Life has a profound spiritual meaning, simple steps can be done to reconnect with it. Disconnect from the hypnotic light of screens and the nauseating sounds of media.
Reconnect with nature, with the elements, and with life on earth. Breathe fresh air, gaze at the stars, and admire the miraculous force that animates all living things.
Step back from the dizzying torment of society and resynch with the balancing rhythm of nature. Take the time to truly connect with your loved ones, with your neighbors and, of course, with yourself.
Because, although being aware of the evils of this world is all-important, we must not allow ourselves to be consumed by it. We must use this knowledge to identify what is toxic, not to obsess over it, but to clearly focus on what is healthy. Although we all want to change the world for the better, the true challenge of our lives is to change ourselves for the better. And this is what being a Vigilant Citizen is all about.
Thank you for reading my articles, for sharing them throughout the web, and for contributing your own thoughts through comments and messages. Today, more than ever, we need independent thinkers that rely on a solid moral compass – not a predetermined agenda – to understand the world, to speak up, and to fight for what is right.
Our work is far from done. See you in 2018!
Facebook Admits Social Media Harmful To Mental Health December 30 2017 | From: Infowars
Citing internal and academic research, Facebook admitted its users will feel worse about themselves after spending only 10 minutes absorbing content on the site.
In a company blog post on Friday, Facebook cited studies from the University of Michigan and UC San Diego that revealed how social media negatively impacts the mental health of users.
“In general, when people spend a lot of time passively consuming information - reading but not interacting with people - they report feeling worse afterward.
In one experiment, University of Michigan students randomly assigned to read Facebook for 10 minutes were in a worse mood at the end of the day than students assigned to post or talk to friends on Facebook.
A study from UC San Diego and Yale found that people who clicked on about four times as many links as the average person, or who liked twice as many posts, reported worse mental health than average in a survey.”
That said, the admission was part of a half-assed attempt at damage control by Facebook, which claimed “it really comes down to how you use the technology.”
Facebook is facing renewed criticism after a recent spat of ex-employees admitted social media was causing severe psychological damage to society, leading to a massive rift in real-life relationships.
“The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created [including the hearts, likes, and thumbs up of various social media channels] are destroying how society works,” said former Facebook vice president Chamath Palihapitiya. “…There’s no civil discourse, no cooperation; [only] misinformation, mistruth.”
“And it’s not an American problem - this is not about Russians ads. This is a global problem.”
In short, the more “connected” people are on social media, the more disconnected they are in real life, and some analysts even suggest this is contributing to low birth rates in the West when combined with the “soy boy” epidemic and third-wave feminism.
Fortunately, there’s a brewing backlash against dopamine addiction and smartphone dependency, especially amongst Generation Z youths.
“Almost two-thirds of schoolchildren would not mind if social media had never been invented, research suggests,” BBC reported. “A survey of almost 5,000 students, mainly aged between 14 and 16, found a growing backlash against social media – with even more pupils (71%) admitting to taking digital detoxes to escape it.”
“Some girls found fears of being offline were replaced by feelings of relief.”
Only Trump Can Destroy Deep State December 29 2017 | From: TheMilleniumReport
President Trump is the right man for the job who showed up at the perfect time.
Love him or hate him, Donald Trump was probably the only one in America who could begin the process of knocking down Deep State.
SOTN was the first alternative news platform to call Trump exactly what he is - a wrecking ball. Google it and it’s clear that this meme has been almost as prescient as “Drain the swamp!”
There is no other time in American history when a wrecking ball was more needed than in 2016… 2017… and 2018. And, there is no one else who could have performed this function like The Donald. Likewise, the swamp inside the Beltway needed to be drained like yesterday!
Of course, many still intensely dislike Trump because of his “wrecking ball” style. They all fail to realize that the System was in desperate need of such a wrecking, especially Deep State.
The political establishment is so deeply entrenched that only a one man wrecking ball like Trump could do the necessary job.
The salient point here is that a wrecking ball in action is not a very pretty sight. It’s very loud and tumultuous and can swing any way at any time. This is precisely why the Trump movement was formed; his supporters were thrilled with his ability to take the whole place down. The Trumpsters knew that he was quite experienced at demolishing the old buildings before he could ever construct the new towers.
With this crucial understanding, the reader ought to apprehend that a bigger ego was needed to destroy all the other lesser egos in the Washington, D.C. swamp. What better man for the job than a straight-talkin’, truth-tweetin’ New Yorker who cares not a whit about being politically correct - EVER!
Now there is a downside, and that is his foreign policy is also a bit mangled. In this particular regard, it’s important to understand that one must take the bitter with the sweet. And what could be sweeter than forever branding the mainstream media (MSM) with the meme: “fake news”?!
Of course, Trump’s has also exposed the FBI for being a taxpayer-funded protection racket for RICO criminals, the CIA for being a black-budgeted terrorist organization, the Democratic Party for being guilty of a multitude of crimes they accuse other of, the Republican Party for being full of traitorous RINOs, the Obama Administration for being guilty of treason and sedition, the Clintons for running an international crime syndicate, the NFL for being a haven for hypocritical beefcakes, the entire MSM as the propaganda arm of the U.S. Intelligence Community, etc. etc. etc.
N.B. The following excellent commentary further fleshes out the skeleton of this correct understanding.
Trump Is Winning Ugly
I had previously wrote in article detailing how the media was destroying political discourse due to the fact that it has become little more than a propaganda arm of globalists and corporatists directing a disinformation campaign against the American people.
In fact, I had deliberately voted for Trump specifically because he proved himself willing and able to challenge both the political and media establishment. Now I can clearly see that Trump is exactly the man for this time and place in history.
While Trump has been criticized for his ego, I postulate that this type of ego is exactly what was needed to take on and defeat the deep state, its goblets operatives and a sycophant media. Trump’s ego is so big that often his genius, shrewdness and cunning are underestimated by his enemies due to their own egotism and an envious disrespect for Trump’s tenacity and courage demonstrated by his refusal to back down from a challenge.
All the Dems laughed as Trump destroyed his fellow Republican candidates that the GOP establishment had termed as being a “deep bench”, confident that Trump would self-destruct as spectacularly in the general election as he had destroyed the GOP field in the primary.
Obama mocked Trump by saying he would never be president and then laughed at the GOP’s supposed disarray while Trump spent only a fraction of what Hillary and the DNC pumped into the election to decisively beat her.
Obama promised to support the next president “no matter who she was.”
Obama again mocked Trump saying it was “impossible to hack an election” and that “no serious or credible person” would even make a statement such as that. Obama went on to further admonish Trump by telling him to quit whining and start campaigning.
CNN then went on to announce that Trump had no way forward in his election campaign four weeks before the election and kept telling the American people who Hillary would win with 95% surety. They maintained this meme up until everyone in the country knew it to be a lie.
Obama also alluded to Trump being weak by saying he was not tough enough to handle the job. However, Trump has shown he is not only tough enough to handle the job, but can also take on the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the State Department, the Pentagon, the globalists, the DNC, the RNC, the media, and the Obama and Clinton crime cartel and have a good time while doing it. Trump has not only shown he has the toughness to take them all on, but he has shown again and again he has the intelligence and cunning to beat them at their own game.
After Hillary lost the election, she had a difficult time accepting the fact that most Americans knew she was a crook, a liar, and a psychopath.
She could not only not accept defeat, but she proved herself willing to wage a scorched Earth policy utilizing Obama holdovers in the DOJ and FBI to wage a treasonous propaganda campaign against Trump that has backfired so violently that it has exposed what most thought to be merely irony and absurdity to actually be the crudest, most cynical and farcical exercise of political and legal self-immolation that could never have been devised by even the most devious and twisted mind.
Think about it. Trump has exposed the deep state and has discredited it to such an extent that the FBI and DOJ now stand naked and exposed for the corrupt, politicized, abusive, partisan and inept organization the perceptive always knew it to be. Those with some understanding always knew the FBI to be organizationally what Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe are individually–powerful, arrogant, mostly unaccountable and stupid.
While even Trey Gowdy sings the praises of the DOJ and FBI, there are those of us who remember the FBI torture and murder of Kenneth Trentadue in a case of mistaken identity that was covered up by Eric Holder. The FBI thought that Kenneth Trentadue was John Doe #2 in the OKC bombing that occurred under Operation Patriot Conspiracy.
All logs and evidence were scrubbed and destroyed and justice was institutionally obstructed. So contempt of the constitution, perjury, evidence tampering and obstruction of justice is nothing new to the FBI, not to mention the torture and murder. Unfortunately for the FBI, this time they decided to mess with the wrong guy and who is not impressed by them.
Partisan FBI agents weren’t just satisfied with being able to obstruct justice in the Clinton email scandal in which tens of thousands of emails were destroyed along with handfuls of Blackberry phones and computer hard drives, but they also wanted the power to politically and legally destroy anyone who stood in the way of a Clinton election victory.
While Hillary Clinton ran the State Department, the Clinton Foundation raked in literally billions of dollars. The State Department allowed Clinton to then destroy all the emails and schedules that clearly demonstrated quid pro quo and direct correlations between donors and their receiving State Department action.
Not only did the State Department do that, but the DOJ and FBI slapped a nondisclosure order on a witness to prevent Congress from learning about bribes, money laundering, racketeering and blackmail in relation to the Clinton Foundation getting $150 million as Hillary’s State Department approved a deal in which Uranium One was allowed to be purchased by Rosatom, a Putin-controlled business, effectively placing Putin in control of 20% of all US uranium deposits.
After Hillary having had promised Obama she would separate the Clinton Foundation from the State Department, the foundation went on to collect nearly $2 billion as donors received weapons deals, favorable legislation, special access and assorted business deals. Now that Clinton has no influence, donations to the foundation dropped to nothing and much of the foundation has ceased to exist.
It seems the DOJ and the FBI were perfectly prepared to allow Hillary to continue her global crime spree even if it meant engaging in politically motivated prosecutions and engaging in obstruction of justice thereby ensuring her crimes could continue while being hidden.
After Trump won the election, Clinton seemed obsessed with calling attention to a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a female Russian lawyer who promised to give the Trump team dirt on Hillary Clinton. The meeting was inconsequential. No dirt on Hillary ever came out as a result of the meeting. The Russian attorney claims the meeting was an offer to provide dirt on Hillary in exchange for help in getting the Magnitsky Act repealed.
While Hillary claims she had nothing to do with the Uranium One deal because she did not approve it herself, she suddenly wants everyone to buy into the belief that Don Jr. could personally get the Magnitsky Act dropped all by himself in exchange for getting some dirt on Clinton of dubious value, as if everyone didn’t already know Hillary was a crook.
But, considering Hillary paid foreigners to gather opposition research provided by Russian intelligence agents who were paid with funds provided by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, which we later learned was one in the same, how is it wrong for Trump Jr. to take a meeting in which nothing of value was promised or exchanged and yet Hillary can launder $10 million through a law firm to do exactly what she accused Trump of doing even though Trump did nothing?
Let’s not forget that there was no Hillary dossier gathered from Russian intelligence agents.
Which brings us to the next question. How did everyone know about the Trump Jr. – Russian attorney meeting? Well, it seems Hillary got John McCain to turn the Russian dossier, she paid a foreigner $12 million for, over to the FBI. Then, a group of anti-Trump pro-Clinton FBI partisans, who in emails stated they needed to “protect America from Trump”, “could smell Trump supporters at Wal-Mart” called the Trump family “douche bags”, and admitted in emails that they had a plan that was an “insurance policy” as Peter Strzok, a counter-intelligence agent with the FBI made treasonous statements of being able to “protect the country from Trump at many different levels”.
This same Peter Strzok changed the FBI report verbiage in an attempt to exonerate Clinton of crimes in relation to her email scandal. An FBI Inspector General’s investigation showed Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, an attorney for the FBI, relied on work phones to try to hide their romance from their respective spouses and made the bureau’s probe of Clinton’s private email server their cover story for being in such close contact, according to people familiar with the matter.
This same Peter Strzok took the Russian/Trump dossier that was bought from Russian agents by Hillary, dressed it up and put a gold ring on a pig’s nose so he could pass it off as legitimate FBI intelligence to a FISA court so as to get wire surveillance on everyone working for the Trump campaign and transition team. Strzok has, since being discovered, filed his resignation with the FBI.
Another Trump investigator working for the DOJ and FBI, Agent Robert Ohr, was demoted after it was discovered that he hid the fact that he secretly met with Fusion GPS and also hid the fact that his wife worked on helping to put the Trump dossier together for Fusion GPS and was compensated many hundreds of thousands of dollars.
As if all this was not enough to taint the FBI investigation, Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI, who was also working with this cabal investigating Trump, met with Peter Strzok and Lisa Page to strategize how they could formulate an “insurance policy” to attack Trump in the event he won the election. This plot was also discovered and exposed through the FBI’s Inspector General investigation.
The FBI IG also discovered that McCabe’s wife had received over $500,000 from long-time Clinton confidant Democratic West Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. It is so well known about McAuliffe’s connection to Clinton that McCabe has now chosen to retire. He is now being investigated by the Inspector General of the FBI and is being subpoenaed by numerous legislative oversight committees for his failure to disclose his connection to the Clintons and his conspiracy to attack Trump.
While Special Investigator Robert Mueller and Deputy Director Rod Rosenstein assert that there are no conflicts of interest that were severe enough to warrant a special investigation of the Trump investigators, or misconduct that would taint the Trump investigation, neither Comey, Ohr, McCabe, Strzok or Rosenstein will answer questions put to them by congress or the FBI Inspector General. This has led to subpoenas being issued with threats of Contempt of Congress charges for any further obstruction.
The questions various agents are being asked do not imperil or undermine the FBI investigation into Trump-Russian collusion, but seek to verify who submitted the discredited Trump dossier to the FISA Court, a dossier paid for by Clinton, to obtain wiretaps on the Trump transition team and administration.
This leaves one to ask: How is a meeting by Trump Jr. which amounted to absolutely nothing a case of collusion or treason, but a dossier obtained from Russia containing nothing but lies which is used as fake intelligence and then misrepresented to a FISA Court to spy on the President and engage in treason.
When President Trump stated he was being spied upon the media engaged in a 3-week disinformation campaign in an attempt to discredit Trump, but once again he turns out to be right beyond anyone’s wildest expectations.
The mainstream media has absolutely lost its mind. It refuses to report on even the most obvious misdeeds by Clinton and her minions, holdovers from the Obama administration, openly engaging in usurping the presidency by leaking false information to the media.
Meanwhile, everyone later finds out that the FBI and DOJ hid documents and then lied about their existence relating to Bill Clinton confronting Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac during the whitewash of the Clinton email server crimes. How much was this mentioned by the MSM? Nada, zippo, zilch.
While the media is rabidly ant-Trump, often times Trump was shrewd enough to use this to his advantage. There was no funnier example of Trump making the media look like idiots than when he called a press conference he claimed was to make a statement regarding Obama’s citizenship.
The media bit on it hook, line and sinker. After using the media frenzy to make an exhibit of his receiving numerous endorsements, Trump then said he believed Obama was a citizen and correctly reminded everyone that the issue of Obama’s citizenship was brought up by Hillary during her primary when she ran against Obama.
He then thanked everyone for coming. The media stood stunned and played for the very fool they tried to play Trump as. It was classic Trump giving the media what it was trying to serve him.
As it now stands the Clinton cabal within the FBI has been exposed. Trump can now order Jeff Sessions to open an investigation by the FBI given what the Inspector General has now confirmed and is further investigating. Trump now has various oversight committees demanding answers to their questions, under the penalty of Contempt of Congress, answers that will be embarrassing and revealing.
What will be revealed is how this whole fiasco was a criminally contrived by Clinton, Obama and their impeccably placed deep state partisans and globalist media arm using a dossier that its author Christopher Steele has now been publicly disavowing since being hit with libel lawsuits. This Clinton-contrived dossier was used by her sycophantic followers to open up an investigation that has gone nowhere after a year of work and many millions of dollars wasted.
The Never-Trumpers want to cite supposed violations of the Logan Act because Trump told Lt. Gen. Flynn to tell the Russians to not retaliate against the US for Obama expelling Russian diplomats. So, how exactly does telling a supposed enemy to not take adverse retaliatory action against the US equate to treason, or for that matter even hurt the country?
Trump was not a private citizen carrying out a private foreign policy. He was the president-elect implementing a foreign policy he ran on and was elected for, so to use the words of Comey – “no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute this case”.
How is it Comey and Mueller think Trump should be prosecuted for beginning to implement his foreign policy as president-elect, but yet believe Hillary should not be prosecuted for hiding and destroying emails, hard drives, Blackberry phones, appointment schedules showing quid pro quo with her customers buying foreign policy at the State Department, allowing foreign actors access to top secret and above top secret special action programs, illegally removing email and the allowing those emails to end up on convicted sex offender Anthony Weiner’s laptop computer?
How do people think Hillary ended up with $2 billion in her foundation? It sure was not the result of doing any work. Yet Comey thinks no prosecutor would prosecute Hillary while Peter Strzok and Andy McCabe go out of their way to entrap 3-star General Flynn.
How amazing it is that the FBI, under Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein and Strzok, granted everyone from Hillary’s team amnesty, failed to record any interviews, and allowed witnesses and attorneys of targets of the investigation to sit in on witness interviews so that all could coordinate their alibis and not get caught in a perjury trap of the type in which they had ensnared Lt. Gen Flynn? Former Deputy Directors of the FBI stated what they allowed in the Hillary email server investigation is simply unprecedented in the annals of all FBI history.
The next thing the Never-Trumpers cling to is the fact the DNC claims Russia hacked the DNC. Yet, intelligence experts concluded that it was not a hack because computer forensic experts have universally agreed that the only way the entire DNC server could have been downloaded at the speed it was if the download occurred within the system using a usb drive.
While it seems the DNC alleging that the Russians hacked the DNC would give this allegation some legitimacy, Donna Brazile, the DNC Chairwoman, exposed the fact that Clinton completely took over the DNC early in the primary and put the fix in against Bernie Sanders. So it should come as no surprise that the DNC came to the same self-serving conclusion as had Hillary Clinton because they were one in the same.
Clinton then refused to allow the FBI to examine the DNC computers, but instead hired a DNC connected computer firm, Crowd Strike, paying them many tens of thousands of dollars to come to the conclusion that Hillary wanted and paid for extravagantly.
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, a group of retired CIA, NSA and FBI officials, all stated unanimously that the DNC computer breach was not a hack. But, in the politicized world of partisan skullduggery those without an ideological agenda are usually distrusted by both sides and ignored because the biggest fear in politics is that truth might rear its ugly head.
What is amazing about this whole Trump investigation situation is that none of this would be occurring if Sessions hadn’t recused himself only because he supported Trump during the election and was therefore worried about the appearance of impropriety.
Yet, those highly partisan political hacks that make up Mueller’s team have been so intent on wreaking havoc upon the Trump presidency that reason and logic have gone out the window.
While Sessions recused himself he has allowed Hillary partisans to engage in outright conspiracy and treason, directly exposed in email, while refusing to order the FBI to make documents and witnesses available to numerous senatorial and congressional oversight committees thereby committing treason to the US Constitution and allowing partisan deep state actors to subvert democracy itself.
The FBI is not a law onto itself and does not get to decide for itself with which law it will comply and which witness or documents it will provide to any particular legislative oversight committee. The US Constitution says these committees will get it all. It is ironic that the FBI believes it does not have to obey the law and can obstruct justice and oversight.
Another absurdity espoused by Clinton is that Russia stole the election from Hillary and thus interfered in the US election by buying Facebook and Twitter adds. Clinton’s experts have placed the amount of money spent on social media by groups peripherally connected to Russia at $300,000.
The overall money spent by both Clinton and Trump was $2.3 billion. This means that Russia won the election for Trump by spending 1/10,000 of what both campaigns spent. The US admitted to spending $5 billion in Ukraine alone to destabilize that country.
How much do you think the CIA fronts of USAID and National Endowment for Democracy spent in Russia? Let’s not forget the Voice Of America’s budget. Yet, now Hillary wants to scream about Russian interference and foreign interference as Israeli Zionists through AIPAC buy off the entire US legislature of both parties and have their partisan control entire committees and departments.
Why is it that AIPAC doesn’t have to filer as a foreign agent? The answer is: Because it wields so much influence in Washington it has managed to get itself exempted from our laws because it bought off our politicians and has its partisan in influential positions in the FBI, CIA, State Department, DHS, White House, US intelligence committees and armed services committees.
If you want to find foreign influence in US politics, one need look no further than the fact that our legislature invited and allowed a lunatic like Netanyahu to usurp Obama’s foreign policy in front of the entire world.
As far as Russia buying Facebook ads, we must remember that we live in an open society. If Russia wants to buy Facebook ads, why should a free society worry about being told the truth about it politicians? Have we become so sovietized that we now have to fear that Russia telling us the truth about Hillary Clinton and the DNC will destroy our democracy?
How bizarre that the USG is worried not that Russia lied to us, but that Russia hacked the DNC to give the unaltered emails to Wikileaks who then supposedly gave them to Trump so as to subvert the US election process by telling people the truth. Truth does not become less untrue because Putin or Assange exposed it. The DNC position is one of indignation that anyone should be allowed to know the truth about it.
The entire MSM falsely reported that Trump Jr. received the DNC emails 10 days before they were posted by Assange on Wikileaks and somehow this amounted to Russian collusion and treason. It was later discovered that the MSM as a whole purposely misreported a lie.
While the MSM tries to push the narrative that the political pressure upon Mueller is nothing more than Trump and Fox News pushback, the actual fact is that former FBI and DOJ Deputy Directors and other retired former high-ranking officials, and even more importantly various chairmen of congressional and senate committees, are all are calling for prosecutions of Clinton, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok and Ohr.
Now the MSM is attempting to provoke Trump into firing Mueller with threats of resistance should he engage in such an act. However, Trump is now content to watch these Clinton partisans destroy themselves and play their fiddles as all of Rome burns.
The lies required pronouncements and support from all of Hillary’s minions, the deep state and the MSM, but it is appearing that truth can stand on its own and this terrifies Clinton and her supporters more than Russian ICBMs and ISIS jihadists wielding machetes.
I have finally concluded that Trump is guilty - of destroying Hillary’s crime syndicate, the deep state, the globalists’ agenda, entitled NFL players, and a corrupt mainstream media in on fell swoop. This is a guy Mr. Metrosexual Obama called weak. What an interesting time in which we live.
Roots Of New Paradigm December 28 2017 | From: Geopolitics
In his Dec. 25 interview with RT, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov addressed the roots of the “multipolar world” now coming into being, as the dangerous fantasy world of the Bush/Obama years, of the U.S. as the “Only Superpower,” comes crashing down along with the western banking system.
Lavrov said: “I think that the concept of a multipolar world came into being not ten, but rather some 20 years ago. It was put forward by Yevgeny Primakov when he served as Russia’s Foreign Minister, in 1996-1998. He was also behind the initiative to set up the Russia-India-China (RIC) three-sided cooperation framework, which operates to this day…. The RIC framework paved the way to what we now call BRICS, when Brazil and later South Africa joined the Russia-India-China trio. I believe that this is indicative of the trend towards the emergence of what we call a polycentric world order.”
In December 1998, Primakov, who had become Prime Minister as of September 1998, visited India, where he called for the formation of a strategic triangle among the three giant nations of Eurasia - Russia, India, and China.
Then, in March 1999, Primakov scheduled a visit to Washington to meet with President Clinton, almost certainly to discuss his strategic triangle concept and appeal to the US to support it, or even to join it. Al Gore, then the Vice President (or President of Vice, as LaRouche called him), sabotaged the meeting by calling Primakov, who was already on his plane heading to the U.S., and telling him that the U.S. would be bombing Yugoslavia during his visit.
LaRouche responded in the EIR of April 2, 1999:
“The members of the Principals’ Committee, including Vice-President Al Gore, knew beforehand, that Russia’s Prime Minister would cancel his visit to Washington the instant he were informed that the bombing of Yugoslavia would begin during the period of his scheduled visit.
President Clinton had signalled to all with the brains to hear a clear Presidential signal, to the effect that there would be no bombing of Yugoslavia during the period of Primakov’s visit. Gore et al. were desperate to prevent the visit from occurring.
Gore, going behind the President’s back, intercepted the Russian Prime Minister, a mere two hours before his scheduled arrival in Washington, informing the Prime Minister that the bombing would probably occur during the time of the visit!”
Primakov ordered the plane to return to Moscow. LaRouche headlined his article: “Gore Provokes Total War!” That warning, regarding Gore and his fellow British assets Obama and Hillary, still stands today.
A few months later, in October 1999, Lyndon LaRouche, speaking at the Rhodes Forum, expanded on Primakov’s vision, and his probable intention, by called for a “Four Powers” consortium, with Russia, China, India and the U.S., as the necessary basis for ending the British Empire and establishing a new paradigm embracing all sovereign nations, cooperating for peace and development.
LaRouche said:
“Therefore, the task, as I defined it, is, if Russia, and the United States, and China, and India, agree, as a group of countries to initiate and force a reorganization of the world financial and credit system, under these conditions, with long-term agreements, of the same type that Franklin Roosevelt had uttered before his death, in 1944, under key nations, the intention of Roosevelt all these years later, could have been realized, and we could do that today.”
This is the history which Lavrov is referring to today. Lavrov added (in RT’s paraphrase):
“A global financial reform that would account for new centers of economic growth and the dwindling role of the dollar is what drives the transition.
The G20 format is likely to be the driving force of the reform, with roughly half of the group sharing Russia’s goal of decentralizing world finances. As for a new set of rules, they will grow organically as the world transforms.”
As we head into the New Year, bringing about LaRouche’s vision for the “Four Powers” to collaborate in creating a new world order based on the common aims of mankind is urgent, and, more than at any time in the past, totally possible.
Six Activities That Will Enrich Your Soul + The Benefits Of Mindfulness From The Archives - July 15 2016 | From: USHealthCorps / AustralianNationalReview
Our busy lives often leave us with a giant list of things we must do and seemingly no time for things we actually want to do.
While it’s important to take care of our responsibilities, it’s also crucial to our overall well-being to take care of our spirits.
Here are a few activities that will enrich your soul and help you find inner peace amid the chaos of life.
Teach Someone Something New or Learn a New Skill
Teaching someone something new can be an incredibly rewarding experience, giving you the pleasure of not only enhancing another person’s knowledge or skill set but leaving a legacy that will remain long after you’re gone.
Whether you know how to knit or crochet, paint, play the piano, or something as simple as snapping your fingers, sharing your expertise is a soul-nourishing experience. If there’s something you’d love to learn, ask an expert to tutor or mentor you and devote some time to making a better you.
Spend Some Quality Time with Four-Legged Friends
If you have a friendly pet, you can enrich the lives of others while enriching your own soul by taking your furry friend to spend quality time with nursing home or assisted living residents or even hospital patients.
Of course, you should check with the facility to be sure that your pet has the required certifications. You might even consider getting your pet certified as a therapy animal so that you can spread the joy in more places.
If you don’t have a dog of your own, consider dog walking or dog boarding. It will allow you to get the mental and physical health boosts that come with spending time with animals, while also making a little extra money on the side.
Get Organized
A cluttered environment can add stress to your life, so give your home an organization overhaul. Clean out your closets and donate gently used items to charity, organize your home office, or invest in some storage baskets or cute containers to give your home an updated look while freeing up valuable space.
The sense of accomplishment you’ll get from taking care of these kinds of tasks (which, if you’re like many people, you’ve probably been procrastinating on for far too long) will result in less worry and anxiety, reduced stress, and greater peace.
Catch Up With Lost Connections
Our busy lives can often lead us to lose touch with faraway friends and family members. There’s no time like the present to fix that! Re-open the lines of communication with a phone call, an email, or even a handwritten letter.
Don’t be afraid to reach out – chances are, they’ve been thinking of you too and would love to hear from you. Whether it’s been weeks, months, or even years, reconnecting with a loved one will not only forgo feelings of loneliness, it’ll give you a chance to take a walk down memory lane and fill you with warm and fuzzies.
Curl Up with a Good Book
The busy pace of day-to-day life leaves most people with little time for recreational reading. Yet reading is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp. You don’t have to read the Encyclopedia Britannica for your brain to benefit from reading; pick up that novel you’ve been itching to start since last year and cuddle up with a cup of tea. Whether you read a true account of a historical event or a fictional work, reading allows you to escape reality and visit faraway places from the comfort of your couch.
Create a Personal Growth Plan
We all have goals in life, both professional and personal, so start creating a plan to achieve them. Make a vision board, write down your goals, and develop a strategy for becoming the person you want to be. Creating a personal growth plan is a beneficial way to look toward the future and develop an optimistic mindset about what life has in store for you.
Our giant to-do lists may try to tell us otherwise, but there’s always time for a little soul therapy. Find an activity (or two, or three!) that makes you feel happy and incorporate it into your routine. You’d be surprised at the number of benefits you’ll see in all aspects of your life when you give yourself time for joy.
Eric Johnson’s own struggles with arthritis are what inspired him to volunteer to write for USHealthCorps.org. He hopes his work on the site can help others live healthy, happy lives despite their chronic illnesses.
The Benefits Of Mindfulness
Distractions are abounding and it affects the way we work - at home and at the office. A large number of people have trouble concentrating and this is where mindfulness comes in.
A form of meditation, mindfulness helps you develop stronger concentration powers. Large corporate companies such as Apple, Google and Starbucks amongst others offer training in mindfulness for their employees.
Forbes talks about this notion and shares how it can help boost your life and your career.
So What is Mindfulness?
A simple yet effective form of meditation, mindfulness makes you more focused, helping you to gain control over unruly thoughts. It is therefore a great way to reduce daily stress as it gives you control over your thoughts and prevents pondering on negative ones.
It makes you calm and allows you to go through the day in a productive manner. Ellen Langer, a psychologist at the Harvard University says;
“Mindfulness is the process of actively noticing new things. When you do that, it puts you in the present. It makes you more sensitive to context and perspective. It’s the essence of engagement.”
She adds that the "“mindless negative evaluations” that people make and the presumptions about problems they won’t be able to solve is what makes their day stressful."
Mindfulness and its Importance
Though there are many benefits of mindfulness, the main reason so many companies are banking on it is its ability to directly improve performance. The many studies which Langer has conducted in this regard have been accurate. Here are five other reasons why companies are focussed on mindfulness:
1. It relieves stress
Stress not only affects your performance but also your personality. Forbes explains “…it’s a people killer”. According to a research conducted by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, 75% of healthcare expense is due to stress and two-thirds of hospital visits are for the same reason. Stress can increase your blood pressure, lead to cancer, insomnia, heart disease, anxiety, depression, autoimmune diseases and so on. Mindfulness makes you calm and takes you out of the stress mode.
2. It helps you concentrate
Mindfulness teaches you to focus on one thing at a time and this impacts everything you do. It teaches you to avoid distractions and complete one task at a time. Though we have all been subjected to multitasking, it is in fact a productivity killing practice and mindfulness lets you overcome this.
3. It makes you more creative
Creativity will depend on your mental state. Thus, when you are rid of negative thoughts and can focus, you are more likely to be creative. You can defeat the thoughts which cover up your creative skills. You can think creatively and freely because mindfulness lets you concentrate on the present.
4. It helps improve EQ
Something which cannot be perceived easily, emotional intelligence or EQ affects the way we behave, our social bonds, interactions and the decisions we make. It is your ability to understand emotions and use this knowledge to deal with relationships. Years of research have revealed that EQ is what sets star performers apart from mediocre ones. Forbes conducted studies at its workplace and found that the top performers were also high on EQ.
5. It makes you a better person
A study by the Harvard University revealed that there was in fact a link between ‘mindfulness and prosaical behaviour’. Those who practice meditation are 50% more likely to be compassionate towards others as compared to those who don’t.
The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place From The Archives - December 12 2015 | From: TheSpiritScience
If you have not heard of Neil Keenan or the Global Collateral Accounts, you soon will. The Global Collateral Accounts are the most prized financial secret of the banking cabal on this planet.
These accounts were originally intended for true humanitarian projects to revolutionize and transform our world for the better, but have been fraudulently abused by this banking cabal.
JFK signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement along with President Soekarno of Indonesia to use these accounts as a way to expose and legally end The Federal Reserve as well as the CIA by issuing gold-backed Treasury Notes, among other legal actions.
Neil Keenan is about to do what JFK and President Soekarno were nearly completed with: Opening the global collateral accounts. These accounts have major ties to 9/11 and are the reason for JFK’s death. 8 days after signing the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (which was to open the global collateral accounts), JFK was murdered.
Neil Keenan is not just working alone on this either, as he has openly stated in previous updates there are many countries involved in this process as well as certain positive elements inside the Pentagon and the U.S. Military that are to finally set this planet free…and soon.
On December 3rd, Neil Keenan issued an update on his process of opening these accounts for their intended purpose:
‘Today we received the following information from an anonymous individual going by the name “Asian Insider”:’
“After spending the past week discussing matters with Neil about the earth-shaking meeting that we attended, I have decided, with Neil’s permission, to construct an update regarding what can be classified as an imminent major change in the financial system.
For security purposes, we agreed that I would withhold my name in order to protect me and my family. You can post this if you like, or keep it to yourselves and wait until Neil completes the deal and returns to Jakarta. But I thought it would be kind to keep everyone abreast of the sweeping financial changes that are now shifting into place.
I hope you enjoy the news:
Late in the evening on November 25th, a meeting took place in an Asian country (not Indonesia) with: the Elders, who represent the largest depository of the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) assets (worth Quadrillions); the Spiritual Advisor to the Elders; Jo, who served as the translator; and Neil Keenan. Security was very tight – what seemed like an “army” of guards safeguarded the home where the meeting was being held.
Realizing that many such meetings in the past had resulted in nothing but empty promises, Neil was cautiously optimistic. Still he voiced his thinking that “maybe this time it’s different, maybe this is ‘it,’ the doors are opening and the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) at long last would start flowing to humanity,” — as it was all originally meant to be.
After catching up with one another, the meeting kicked off with the startling revelation that the Elders have been holding a cache of assets for Neil for over a year now, waiting for a “safe” time to transfer them to him.
With bands of mercenaries relentlessly patrolling the bunker areas in hopes of stealing the assets for their bosses (George Soros and the Rothschild family), the transfer of the cache to Neil poses mortal danger for every single person involved. So far four Elders have been murdered by these maniacal mercenaries.
It’s become common knowledge there about the mercenaries being severely cruel and merciless with anyone found in the vicinity of the bunkers. Their prime directive is to block Neil and his team from getting to the assets. The mercenaries follow no rules on how this gets accomplished.
After briefing Neil about the assets that are waiting for him, and that the “safe” time for their release is at hand, he was further surprised to learn that a year ago the Elders had also drawn up “letters” for him to sign.
Upon his signature, Neil Keenan would be known as Number 1 (N1) - or, as the position is more commonly known, M1.
It was by unanimous consent among all of the Elders that they elected Neil as N1. Had there been even one dissenting Elder, he would not have been elected.
Presently the documents are being finalized and sent to Neil for his signature. He will be given full Power of Attorney over their depository of GCA assets and officially become the Elders’ sole representative and spokesperson for all dealings and the release of the funds to implement the Humanitarian Projects.
Should he accept the responsibility of being N1, Neil will control the issuing of the assets to 132+ Nations. To this he held some objections because after all, governments are criminal corporations that would simply pocket the asset funds rather than implement any humanitarian projects.
But Neil came up with an acceptable solution. A Foundation will be established with the GCA and his “umbrella” organization through which the funds would flow for worldwide humanitarian projects.
No banks, governments, corporations nor individuals will have direct access to these funds without going through the Foundation.
The funds will be distributed first to Indonesia and then to each of the 132+ Nations for projects such as the release of free energy and suppressed technologies, the cleaning of our water and the restoration of our oceans and lands, rebuilding infrastructure, education programs, etc. etc.
However, this designation of N1 did not seem to enthuse Neil, and immediately he discussed the group that he would like to set up to oversee such matters. Neil stated that he would direct his professional team to ensure that the distribution of funds and resulting projects are successfully initiated and maintained for their intended purpose.
As the meeting came to a close, the Elders made one additional point clear - that Neil is free to venture forth with his own undertakings but with one provision: that he never loses sight of Indonesia. There was no contention on this provision because Neil wants the Spiritual Advisor by his side and the support of the Elders.
And since it is well-known that Neil’s intent has always been to see that Indonesia becomes the “Jewel of Southeast Asia,” this strong alliance with the Elders guarantees the most positive outcome possible.
At this point, the meeting ended, and Neil and Jo returned to their hotel.”
So there it is - should Neil Keenan sign the documents, he will be N1 (= M1) for the worldwide distribution of the GCA assets.
Meanwhile on the other side of Asia, Nelu had met with a group of Elders who will assist in opening the Accounts and getting Neil and the team set up. I must say that this has surely been a double-barrel effort by both of them to get things rolling!
For nearly 100 years the Indonesian Elders have held these notes on behalf of the depositors. They have not been able to make use of any of the notes because the Western banking system has shut them down every step of the way.
It cannot go without saying that the Elders have not been given any remuneration for what they have safeguarded for so long. Some have been assassinated, and some have been imprisoned for their roles in spite of the fact that each and every move the Elders have made has been entirely legal.
Yet in Europe the Western banking system has illegally managed to get hold of notes and use them as “casino bonds,” freely gambling them on anything they chose – they never worry about losing what they don’t own.
But now it cannot be denied that the game is changed. Drastically. Not only does Neil have the old codes from the Book of Codes, he also has all of the New Codes. Once the accounts are opened and audited, the codes will reveal precisely who played with the depositors’ notes.
They can continue to ignore the consequences at their own peril. It is no secret that solid arrangements are being set up where all of these criminals will be held accountable for their atrocities and then “quarantined” to a place where they can never again control and decimate another planet.
They never foresaw such an outcome. They never believed that this day would ever come. But it has.
Last-Ditch Ploys of the FED - Last month a group representing the Federal Reserve arrived in Indonesia and approached several Elders. This group claimed they would cash in or monetize the assets that the Elders were holding but only on one condition: the Elders could do no business whatsoever with Neil Keenan.
Of course the Elders are well aware of the crimes that the Federal Reserve foisted upon humanity since its very inception in 1913. They’re well aware of what President Sukarno and President Kennedy tried to do 52 years ago.
In fact, the Elders are well aware of a lot more than what wealth will do for this planet. They know their legacy is ultimately a spiritual one, the only eternal value.
That even such a proposal would be presented to the Elders reflects that the FED is in such deep denial as to be inconceivable.
No normal human being wants perpetual war and planetary destruction. No normal human being wants more pain and disease. No normal human being wants any more of the darkness that the Cabal has created on this planet.
But it still remains an all-out, high-stakes game for the Cabal. Their massive desperation is evident everywhere, more than ever. Their desperation is no longer just internet “hopium” chatter.
Pathetically, this escalated “theater of terror” orchestrated by the Cabal is hardly a dignified swansong. A reminder for them: it does not have to be this way.
The truth is that in every single moment a new choice can be made. The change is upon us all now and instead of events that sweep the world with devastation, we will now see events that sweep the world with positive creation.
Once Neil gains access to the GCA and the funds start flowing, it means the utter dismantling of the Cabal. This is the catalyst we have been working for. The playing field will now tip in our favor, and their insane reign comes to an end. It can be no other way.
As one group of Elders has repeatedly told Neil: “We have been waiting for you for 30 years Mr. Keenan, and now you are here.”
The nations of the world elected President Sukarno as M1, the monetary controller of the GCA. Now the Elders have elected Neil Keenan as N1.
Neil has been responsible for the protection of the GCA for more than six years, and like the Elders, there has been no remuneration for their efforts. They have selflessly laid the groundwork for what is to come. Who can say what untold millions of lives, or even future generations, have been saved due to their groundwork. Without a doubt, Keenan stands as a one-man wrecking crew.
John Lennon taught us to Imagine. Ahead of us, we as a collective have meaningful, fulfilling jobs to do for the betterment of mankind and the planet.
I am sharing the big picture of what I’m seeing now because I feel compelled to have as many as possible imagine and embrace the concept that we will now being given the means to rebuild our world. We ALL need to be thinking about this and envisioning what we want because it is the only way to make it happen.
We will evolve. We will live up to our potential as a species. What is happening is On Time. Our Time. Believe it.”
In Harmony With All Life: The Open Source Way + Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality From The Archives - November 7 2016 | From: RobertDavidSteele / KosmosJournal
We do not need a new paradigm but rather a return to the original indigenous paradigm that treated the Earth as a sacred Mother and understood that God was all of us, in harmony with one another and the cosmos, living by one principle (do no harm) and one practice (seventh generation thinking).
The Industrial Era has been both a blessing and a curse. It has radically altered the quality and diversity of life for a billion humans but it has also come at a great cost: the repression in extreme poverty of the other five billion; the eradication of thousands of species; and the destruction almost to a tipping point of the Earth.
Changes to the Earth that used to take ten thousand years now take three years or less. In combination, colonialism, militarism, and capitalism have squandered the wealth of the Earth, creating an elite 1% that profits from the misery, enslavement, and deception of the 99%.
A revolution is in the making, aided by the Internet. Pockets of cultural and ecological wisdom, both indigenous and modern, are now connected at the same time that the lies - such as the 935 lies that led us into the elective war on Iraq - more easily detected.
Still absent is a precipitant of revolution - our Tunisian fruit seller - and a groundswell of demand for the fundamentals of conscious evolution, the tools for information-sharing and sense-making as a collective, a new civilization, one without corruption and waste, both made possible by transformative politics, which is to say politics with integrity, based on evidence, and in the public interest.
How are we to achieve this mass elevation of humanity in the face of what some call the looming ‘sixth extinction?’ I offer three visual interventions for reflection.
Electoral Reform
With a humble apology to all of those fighting for climate change and other worthy causes, I will tell you what I told Tom Steyer: no amount of money or protest will lead to an honest hearing for any single issue as long as we continue to have a rigged system in which two parties control the public treasury and 70% percent of all eligible voters are disenfranchised. While I speak of the US in this instance, the same conditions apply in most countries, where virtual dictatorships and virtual fascism (control by banks) is the common standard.
Electoral Reform Act of 2016
I tried eight times over two years to connect with Bernie Sanders. Note that point twelve would have assured him the nomination and he, not Hillary Clinton, would be facing off against Donald Trump today, at the same time that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein would be viable nominees given the Instant Run-Off reform (point ten) as well as all the others.
The current effort to re-ignite a race war in the US, with leftist billionaires funding Black Lives Matter protests and fascist billionaires funding white paramilitary shooters killing cops and seeking to place the blame on blacks, will fail. To their credit, black leaders have identified the twin elements of this strategy.
The race war is intended to distract us from the fact that it is now clear to most that we are in a fight between the 1% who have destroyed the Earth and the hopes of humanity for their own selfish profit, and the 99% capable of creating infinite wealth.
Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE)
I wrote the book itemizing over sixty opens, The Open Source Everything Manfesto: Transparency, Truth, and Trust, and subsequently developed, with Michel Bauwens and Marcin Jacubowksi, the below starting point for radically expanding public appreciation for what an open source everything mindset can accomplish.
Open Source Everything
Using this approach, I was able to document how one million Somalis could be moved from ghastly United Nations resettlement camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, back to an uncontested portion of Somalia (the northeast) with three things only in abundance: dirt, sunlight, and seawater.
For a one-time cost per person of $500 (i.e., $500 million total), I documented how we could provide them all with free energy, water, housing, food, and communications.
End All Waste
We can not only lift up the five billion poor, we can eradicate waste, now documented at 50% on average across agriculture, energy, housing, health, and security, among the one billion ‘rich.’ The below diagram shows how we do that, with a tip of the hat to co-creator Bojan Radej of Slovania.
The Waste Eradication Tri-Fecto
We do not lack for money on Earth. We lack for applied collective intelligence with integrity. We lack the precipitating event that will spark the revolution in which we all say “ENOUGH!” to predatory capitalism, unilateral militarism, and virtual colonialism.
What we have in abundance, what we have repressed for centuries, is the human imagination. Electoral Reform and Open Source Everything Engineering are the twin pillars of our liberation.
Lifting The Veil: Merging Science And Spirituality
Something miraculous is happening. The invisible is becoming visible. Human consciousness is taking a quantum leap into territory previously unknown as what began with just a few saints, sages, gurus, and a Savior is awakening in the hearts and minds of millions around the globe.
Human evolution is undergoing a profound shift; the proof can be seen with the naked eye. This shift is causing millennia-old beliefs and social structures to be scrutinized like never before - perhaps for the very first time.
Even world-renowned physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking has ditched his prior position in his book, The Grand Design: “belief in a creator was not incompatible with science” and now concludes that the Big Bang was as inevitable as gravity.
As science moves closer toward solving the Unifying Theory of Everything, will Dr. Hawking change his mind one more time?
Unifying Everything
What is presently emerging out of a weary world filled with very little practical value is a new and quantifiable reality being built by those already embodying a more expansive understanding of who we are and why we are here.
Most of us without a doubt have begun to ask questions - perhaps for the first time in our life. Whether you view current events as the end of the world or a new Golden Age is entirely dependent on whether you are bound by separation consciousness or have expanded beyond it into something new.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
– Albert Einstein
What is currently crumbling around us is the fruit of humanity’s misguided labor, along with a planet stressed by an outdated and unsustainable human belief system. Most human suffering is self-created and derived out of inherent ignorance and limitation found in separation consciousness.
Separation consciousness is the belief that we are separate from one another, our environment, and even God. Separation consciousness is the veil itself.
Separation Not Real
Just as its definition implies, a veil obfuscates a sun hidden by clouds, yet the sun remains ever present. Until recently, only a small number of people have transcended separation consciousness for humanity’s next stage of evolution: unity consciousness.
Whether you/we destroy ourselves is dependent on our ability to make the evolutionary leap from separation to unity consciousness where human suffering ends.
This is both the warning and reward contained within a universal prophecy spanning many cultures in various forms. The prophecy lends itself to both the physical and metaphysical planes of our lives.
With media focus on humankind’s struggle to emerge out of our collective cocoon of separation, we may be left blind to the miracle that is taking place right under our noses. The biggest story of the millennium is the reality that millions are waking up to the realization that all life is irrevocably interconnected as the One - it always was. Most of humanity was still too unevolved to “get it” until now.
The Veil is Lifting
What unifies us and all of Creation is contained within the very air that we breathe. The all-pervasive answer to the riddle of the mystery of Life is hidden within the question, enigmatically lingering within reach. It is both the tangible and intangible aspects of our world as the scientific and unscientific.
Call it by any name you wish and you’ll find it there. The secret key that unlocks the end of human suffering is contained within you as your desire to know. Have you discovered it yet?
If you believe in a higher power or organizing force - and even if you don’t - when you awaken, you will be struck with the realization that the power that fuels and binds all of the Universe is not an outside intelligence.
What not even famous cosmologist, Dr. Stephen Hawking, biologist, and atheist Richard Dawkins or even Pope Francis have yet grasped (publicly) is that the creative power that unifies us is Creation itself. There is no separation.
'God' is Creation
Creation was not a singular event, but by self-definition, it will continue into perpetuity. What is so shocking is that this means that science and religion are not in opposition of one another, but are simply left- and right-brain interpretations of the One.
Our quest for knowledge of the One is the quest for reunion with and as the One. Joining hands in a way that has been all but forgotten, darkness turns to light. Fear becomes love. Competition changes to cooperation so that lack becomes abundance. Unworthiness becomes value that ends racism, genocide, and slavery. Our planet is restored to good health.
Personal peace and of Peace on Earth depend on a new, more evolved understanding of God. It’s our time to thrive!
David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries From The Archives - August 13 2016 | From: DivineCosmos
Enjoy our epic new two-hour YouTube video investigation into The Ascension Mysteries - Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil! The so-called New World Order consider themselves to be the descendants of extraterrestrial humans who crash-landed to Earth some 55,000 years ago.
They were giants with elongated skulls who set up control systems and "royal bloodlines" all over the earth. They are the "Fallen Angels" from ancient texts. Even after multiple events wiped them out, they are still here. This information is some of the most jealously guarded data in the classified world.
Watch David combine never-before-seen insider testimony with surprising scientific evidence of giants and giant skeletons that were once widely seen on Earth. If all of this story is true - and it does appear to be thanks to multiple insiders' testimonies - it is perhaps the single greatest cover-up in Earth's history.
Even those who are heavily entrained by the mainstream view are finding the final 45 minutes of the video undeniably compelling due to the proof David offers.
It is important to note that this is NOT a video in which David holds back information and says "If you read the book you will find out that (blank.)"
Instead, this is a full presentation from Conscious Life Expo on February 7th, 2015, which directly led to the signing of the book deal for The Ascension Mysteries.
The public response to this information was overwhelmingly positive, despite its incredibly sci-fi implications. The crowd that had lined up to see this event was literally spread throughout five different hallways at the LAX Hilton Hotel that Saturday night.
Cabal symbols appear in various places in sudden and creepy ways, showing the deeper, hidden context of these historical events. With the testimony of William Tompkins, we now have independent insider verification of Corey Goode's testimony that Nazis cut a deal with negative ETs.
A variety of NASA photos provide indirect verification of a truly awesome story that multiple insiders have revealed to us.
Some of these photos are in the book. Others are not. Still other images were discovered after this presentation and made it into the finished product. Taken together, this is the story of the cosmic history of our solar system.
At the time this was done, David was still missing many elements that now appear in Cosmic Disclosure and in the book, but this is a great starting point.
Giants on Earth
David traces through the story of how a vast intelligent civilization in our solar system ended up living on the surface of Earth's Moon. From there, they suffered awesome attacks that destroyed their habitable zones, forcing a small number of them to crash-land on Earth.
At this point the story becomes much easier to track, with much more evidence behind it. Our research for the book created a variety of wonderful new leads that we had missed in this presentation.
Nor did we understand the difference between the Ancient Builder Race and what we are now calling the Empire at the time this was done. The book contains a "grand summary" of all insider information we have gathered over the years, with particular emphasis on our solar system's cosmic history.
When these refugees arrived on Earth, they were significantly taller than the rest of us, and yet they still managed to survive and spread across the globe.
Undeniable Evidence
The evidence in favor of giants is overwhelming. The final portion of this video is a guided tour through all the best surviving photographic evidence that exists.
You will also see many different excerpts from credible papers like the New York Times, documenting huge discoveries of giant skeletons. In some cases, the skulls are so large you could slip them over your head.
A discovery on Catalina Island, next to Los Angeles, found over 3,000 giant skeletons all in one burial site alone. These skeletons can often be as tall as 11 to 12 feet -- clearly dwarfing any type of humans we now see on earth.
Much of this data ended up being cut from the book, since we had so much to say that we ran out of space by the time we had hit 500 pages. Therefore, this video is a valuable companion piece to the book - which can now be yours in just over three weeks!
The Illuminati believe they are the descendants of a half-million-year-old race that had originally colonized much of our solar system. See the original NASA photos of the ruins they left behind in this video!
When they first arrived here, they were giants - 12 to 14 feet tall - and had elongated skulls. They quickly took over the planet and interbred with native humans, creating a red and blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white-skinned race.
This civilization originally found ruins from an "Ancient Builder Race" that was much older. Our latest intel is that the Builder ruins may be over two billion years old, and are usually made out of a transparent aluminum alloy.
This video contains a great deal of data and images of giant skeletons that did not make it into the book due to size constraints. There is also significantly more intel in the book than we had time to cram into this one video -- so the two work very well together as companion pieces.
The footage is from David's first professionally-filmed conference in February 2015, where the material for a possible new book was tested in front of a live audience. The talk went over so well that David and the publisher decided to turn it into The Ascension Mysteries!
The Art Of Word Magic And Its Connection To Freedom And Christmas December 25 2017 | From: Omnithought
In the late 1700s, freedom was a very important and popular topic on people’s minds, especially on the minds of the people living in the 13 colonies.
Today that passion for freedom is burning strong again, causing many people to once again become interested in their freedom.
This is a wonderful thing, however, when people do not “innerstand” what freedom is, it can lead them down a dangerous path.
To innerstand what freedom is on a deeper level, you need to investigate the word freedom meticulously by studying its origins and different definitions. Furthermore, you need to investigate the words that have a strong connection to freedom, such as liberty.
You also need to study how word magic is used to hide the deeper meaning of words, allowing you to see their hidden meaning.
The Origins and Definitions of the Word Freedom
One of the origins of the word freedom is the Old English word freodom, meaning “power of self-determination, state of free will; emancipation from slavery, deliverance”.
Dictionary.com defines the word freedom using these exact words:
“The state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint: He won his freedom after a retrial.
exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.
the power to determine action without restraint.
political or national independence..”
Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word freedom using these exact words:
“The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery.
The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life..”
According to Webster’s Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886), the word freedom means “the state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence; frankness; openness; liberality; separation; unrestrictedness.”
Based on the definition in this paragraph and all the previous definitions, the word freedom strongly expresses “the state of being free from the power and control of another.”
Here is an excerpt from NaturalLawMatters.com that explains what freedom is in more detail:
“In vibrant contrast to ‘liberty,’ ‘freedom’ does not connote a social position or status. Freedom is not a legal concept. Its origins belong to the field of natural law studies, specifically those concerning order and disorder in person-to-person or convivial relations.
The aforementioned differs widely from order and disorder in social structures or organisations where individuals are occupants of socially defined positions.
Freedom derives from its etymological roots in the word ‘free’, an old Indian word ‘priya,’ meaning friend. Its Latin forms included ‘privus’ meaning exceptional or standing apart.
Altogether these meanings in proper context refer to someone or something having no burdens of any type; no external imposed obligations or interferences. Freedom defines a state in which one is capable of doing according to his or her wishes without any external obligations.”
What Is Liberty?
A word that has a strong connection to freedom is liberty. The word liberty is defined by Dictionary.com using these exact words:
“Freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.
Freedom from external or foreign rule; independence.
Freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice.
Permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore.”
Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word liberty using these exact words:
“Freedom; exemption from extraneous control. Freedom from all restraints except such as are justly imposed by law. Freedom from restraint, under conditions essential to the equal enjoyment of the same right by others; freedom regulated by law. The absence of arbitrary restraint, not immunity from reasonable regulations and prohibitions imposed in the interests of the community..”
It is interesting to know that in Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition), three short paragraphs are used to define the word Freedom, taking up less than 20 percent of the page. As for the word liberty, over 10 paragraphs are used to define it, taking up more than one page.
When you study the definitions of freedom and liberty in Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) deeply enough, you may notice that the word liberty has many definitions and a strong connection to artificial laws. When a word has many definitions, it can easily be used to trick you to agree to give up your natural rights to the State.
This art of using words and definitions to trick you to do something is known as word magic.
In one of the Dictionary.com definitions of liberty, it says “permission granted to a sailor, especially in the navy, to go ashore.” A sailor is defined by Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) as “seamen; mariners.” The word seamen is defined by the same law dictionary using these exact words:
“Sailors; mariners; persons whose business is navigating ships, or who are connected with the ship as such and in some capacity assist in its conduct, maintenance or service. … One whose occupation is to navigate vessels upon the sea including all those on board whose labor contributes to the accomplishment of the main object in which the vessel is engaged.”
The word liberty has a strong connection to the ancient Roman goddess Libertas. In fact, the word for liberty in Latin is Libertas. Dictionary.com defines Libertas as “the ancient Roman personification of liberty”. In Roman mythology, the name Libertas was used to represent the goddess of freedom.
This goddess was the female personification of liberty and personal freedom. Libertas was the Roman version of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. This Egyptian goddess was sometimes called the goddess of marriage and protector of sailors at sea. In other words, she was the protector of sailors/seamen.
Below is an excerpt from NaturalLawMatters.com that describes liberty in more details:
“From the etymological source, ‘liberty’ denotes the legal status of a full member in a tribe or society. Membership may be an inherited status, alternatively one that is acquired through adoption or as an official favour.
The word liberty is from the Latin word ‘libertas,’ which means a ‘descendent,’ being one who enjoys the same social position enjoyed by their predecessors.
In todays political society, it typically is an attribute of citizenship, which is a construction of government. Liberty refers to permissions shared by people of a community or a state as they apply to its government.
In general, liberty is a fundamental attribute that provides one the ability to do what he or she wants. The real issue is, who exactly is to provide this attribute.
It surely is not a natural gift, a natural right to do as one wants. For any given government controlled society it is necessary to examine its legal codes to ascertain the extent of one’s liberty. Liberty in one society may be very different from that in another.”
The Art of Word Magic and Its Connection to Freedom and Christmas
Word magic is the art of using word play, definition and magic (magick) to transfer and/or hide information. All words have magic power because they were created based on sacred sound and sacred geometry, allowing them to direct and control energy to produce certain desired effects. One of the most powerful word magic spells is the name.
The Name Spell is one of the most powerful spells for deceiving and controlling you, which is why it is so effective for tricking you to believe that you and your name are one and the same. Your name is made up of letters which are symbols that represent ideas or objects.
Because of this, in law, your name is not living and breathing. On the other hand, you (the living man or woman) are breathing and made of flesh and blood. As a result of that, you and your name are NOT one and the same. This short example shows you how the power of word magic can easily trick you to live in an artificial reality.
Once you innerstand that you and your name are different, you should feel the Name Spell slowly losing its effect on you, causing you to wake up and remember who you truly are.
Below are some examples of how word magic is used to hide certain important information. These examples will show you the connection between word magic, freedom and Christmas.
When you separate the word freedom into two words, it transforms into the words free and dom. One of the origins of the word free is the Old English word freo, meaning “exempt from; not in bondage, acting of one’s own will”. Another one of its origins is the Old English word freogan, which means “to free, liberate, manumit”.
As for the word dom, it comes from the Old English word dom, which means “statute, judgment”. Based on the definitions in this paragraph, the word freedom means “to be free or exempt from statute and judgment“. Today, there is no country in the world that has true freedom because the laws in every country are based on statue and/or judgment made by man.
The word Christmas is made up of two words which are Christ and Mass. The word Christ comes from the Greek word khristos, meaning “the anointed”. As for the word Mass, it is defined as “public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.”
Based on these definitions, the word Christmas means “a religious celebration for the anointed.” Be aware that the word mass has a strong connection to magic rituals that acknowledge and worship the dead.
Christmas is the modern day version of the ancient Roman holiday called Saturnalia, an orgiastic festival that honored the god Saturn. One of the symbols of the god Saturn is the cube. When you unfold a 3D cube in a specific way and put it on a flat surface, it transforms into a cross.
This is the cross that is used to symbolize Christianity. It is also the cross that the biblical character Jesus Christ died on. Hence, the word Christ-Mass/Christmas. In its original sense, Christmas is a pagan holiday for worshiping the god Saturn.
The examples above are only a few examples of how word magic is used to hide information from the public. To learn more about word magic, visit my website EsotericKnowledge.me and become a member.
The Occult Origins Of Christmas December 21 2017 | From: OmniThought
What most people do not know about Christmas is that it is a ritual contract created by the Dark Forces to trick people to give them their consent.
What you need to know about rituals is that they have energetic binding forces attached to them.
These binding forces are not dependent upon personal knowledge or beliefs. By simply taking the ACTION to perform the ritual, the effects and results are achieved, and therefore the people who performed the ritual are bound to whatever the ritual is designed to do.
Christmas is saturated with occult symbolism linked to dark magic that is designed to bind you to the Christmas contract. This contract is used by the Dark Forces to drain your energy and enslave your soul.
However, when you become aware of it and remove your consent and stop performing the ritual known as Christmas, the magic spells of the Christmas contract cannot harm you anymore. Be aware that magic can be used for good or evil purposes.
If you have a hard time believing that magic is real, read my informative article titled How Words Can Be Used as Magic Spells. This article gives you a short introduction to how magic works. If you plan to celebrate Christmas, it would be wise to mediate before doing so.
During meditation, tell the Universe that you refuse to give your consent to the Dark Forces. Furthermore, tell the Universe that you are getting together on December 25th to spend time with your family and friends, not to celebrate Christmas.
When you say these things, your mind generates energy signatures and then projects them out into the Universe. These energy signatures tell the Dark Forces that you are aware of their Christmas contract and refuse to give them your consent.
If the Dark Forces do not honor your decision and harm you, they would violate your free will and therefore would have to face the consequences for their actions. All thoughts, intentions, and actions are known by the Universe and there is no escaping its laws.
I will be writing my own article about the hidden secrets of Christmas in about a week, so if you are interested in the occult version of Christmas, keep an eye out for it. - PL Chang
Is Christmas really magic mushroom, sun and Saturn worship in disguise?
Christmas has come around again, and as we all scurry about hanging lights and stars everywhere, and adorning our trees with red and white ornaments, how many of us reflect on the occult origins of Christmas? How many of us realize that this merry festival has roots, in fact, in ancient traditions of magic mushrooms, Saturn worship and sun worship?
Jesus again pictured in religious artwork with magic mushrooms [beneath his feet]
Today’s Christmas is truly a hodgepodge of ancient rituals and celebrations, with roots as far back as 4000 years to the Mesopotamians. This is not surprising, for Christianity itself is a borrowed religion, built on top of previous Coptic (Egyptian), Mesopotamian and Babylonian religions.
Christmas really has nothing to do with the alleged historical birthday of a human called Jesus. Let’s take a look at some of the traditions which have formed Christmas, so we can gain a deeper understanding of its symbolism.
The Christmas-Magic Mushroom Connection
John Allegro was a free-thinking Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and archeologist. In 1970 he wrote a fascinating and highly controversial book entitled The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, whose subtitle was A Study of the Nature and Origins of Christianity within the Fertility Cults of the Ancient Near East. In it he put forth the unique idea that Christianity was an expression of an ancient cult which worshipped sex and mushrooms.
To straight-laced scholars and prim-and-proper Christian apologists, this idea was simply too much for them to contemplate, but Allegro (left) provided an impressive amount of evidence to back his claims.
He showed how the mushroom – specifically the red-and-white magic mushroom Amanita muscaria – came up again and again in Christian art.
He explained how the Eucharist – where Christians believe the bread wafer is transformed into the body of Christ – is a re-enactment of the sacred ceremony of ingesting the flesh of the Amanita magic mushroom.
Allegro argued that the entire story of the Jesus in the Gospels was a code for the ancient journey of conscious self-exploration, the hallucinogenic “trip”.
You can imagine how the majority of people reacted to his “sex-and-mushroom cult” theory in 1970 in England!
Yet his ideas have merit. James Arthur and others after Allegro further developed the idea of the Christmas-magic mushroom connection.
Amanitas are also linked to fertility and sex; they have a sexual appearance, representing both the male and female. At different stages of their growth life cycle, they resemble a phallus, breast and yoni.
It is interesting to note that Jesus pictured in religious artwork with amanita mushrooms around him. Is the red-and-white Santa Claus or St. Nicholas a modern representation of the village shaman who had the knowledge of pharmacopeia? Is the holy grail actually the mature Amanita with its edges curled up?
Is the Amanita magic mushroom the fabled Holy Grail?
Were Amanitas the source of power and insight for the old ruling class of priests? And perhaps most importantly, what part does the Amanita play in humanity’s origins and the extraterrestrial Annunaki who were mining for “gold”? These are interesting questions to ponder as you decorate your tree in red-and-white with mushroom ornaments this year.
Note: Masonic and other insider have stated that the 'Holy Grail' actually has nothing to do with a cup or grail, that it is a veiled reference to the 'Royal Bloodlines'.
The Christmas-Sun Worship Connection
Thanks to groundbreaking research of investigators like Jordan Maxwell (whose work was the basis of one major segment of the hit movie Zeitgeist), people have begun to become aware of the link between Christmas and sun worship.
At its core, the Illuminati and secret societies that run the world are deeply into black magic, which, defined, is the use of mostly unseen and unknown forces to gain power and control over others. The Illuminati are black magicians.
They utilize certain powers and then, through their control of the media and academia, put out disinformation and lies to prevent people from believing in and accessing those very powers, lest their power base be eroded.
A typical Christian art interpretation of Jesus. Note the sun cross at the back
Christmas is all about the birth of the “son”. But what if it is actually the birth or rebirth of the “sun”? A sun that goes through a “spring”, ascends to a height (summer solstice), then goes through a “fall” (autumn)? Christianity tells us that Jesus the son is our savior. Yet literally speaking the “sun” is our savior; without the sun there would be little or no life on Earth.
So it is only natural that sun worship was practiced by early cultures all over the world, especially in the keys days following the winter solstice, when the sun disappears over the horizon in northern latitudes for 3 days. Jesus was dead for the 3 days. Is this the symbolic “death” of the sun?
December 25th is the first day when the son or sun makes his triumphant return. Many people make fun of early religions and brand them as primitive, without actually realizing that Christianity itself has either stolen or built upon (depending on your viewpoint) these exact traditions.
Is it purely a coincidence that the date of Christmas is always December 25th every year, exactly 3 days after the 22nd (or night of the 21st), the date of winter solstice? Is it another coincidence that Jesus is pictured everywhere throughout Christian art on top of a sun cross, showing the sun’s journey through the 4 seasons every year? Is Christmas an elaborate ritual to lure back the “prodigal sun” from death?
The Christmas-Saturn Worship Connection
Finally, we come to the Saturn connection. The Christmas-Saturn connection is far from the only connection Saturn has with many modern (dark) activities. Saturn is the ancient roman god of time, harvest, law, tyranny and death. In the ancient Greek pantheon he was Chronos, meaning time, and from which we get words like chronological.
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.[1] The poet Catullus called it "the best of days."
For those investigating the global conspiracy, Saturn has particular significance. Why? Because Saturn – and what it represents – is the object of worship of some of the secret societies that are running the planet today. Indeed, the worship of Saturn is a theme running through the priest, the lawyer and the academic classes, as can be seen by the use of gowns and square mortarboards in the color of black – Saturn’s color.
To quote Jordan Maxwell:
“When you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe … and wear the square mortarboard on top of your head. The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the control of education in this country.”
In the early first centuries A.D., Saturn had a very strong presence in the most powerful city in the world: Rome. Every year from December 17th to 25th, there was a wild, licentious festival in his honor, named Saturnalia. For these 8 days of the year, people would cut loose in a period of utter lawlessness; Roman courts were closed and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the festival.
There was widespread intoxication, people running around naked, rape and orgies. There was even human sacrifice – a theme that continues to underly some of the strange, dark rituals practiced by today’s ruling elite at places like Bohemian Grove.
According to some sources, Christmas was invented to compete with the pagan celebrations like Saturnalia, because it was just so popular. It was a successful strategy. Over time, the Church adopted many pagan rituals in their attempt to make Christianity more attractive to converts.
What Does Christmas Mean to You?
Ultimately, we all imbue our lives and activities with our own sense of meaning. You can decide what Christmas means to you.
However, it is always good to be aware of the occult origins and hidden symbolism of traditions and events, for as Confucius said, the world is ruled by signs and symbols, not words or law. Symbols communicate directly with our subconscious and guide our lives from behind the scenes, so choose consciously to which things you give your attention and energy.
Top Ten Conspiracy Theories That Turned Fact In 2017 December 24 2017 | From: TheFreeThoughtProject
2017 was a year that vindicated those who the media has constantly referred to conspiracy theorists, exposing the establishment in the process.
In 2013, Professor Lance Dehaven-Smith - in a peer-reviewed book published by the University of Texas Press - showed that the term “conspiracy theory” was developed by the CIA as a means of undercutting critics of the Warren Commission’s report that President Kennedy was killed by Oswald.
The use of this term was heavily promoted in the media by the CIA. And - up until recently - it has served its purpose.
Now, however, in 2017, those who were once called “conspiracy theorists” are being vindicated as they watched instance after instance get exposed all year long.
To be clear, we are not talking about outlandish, unprovable, and off the wall theories that completely lack evidence. We are talking about well-researched cases that were deliberately dismissed and ridiculed by the mainstream as a means of oppressing the information and protecting the establishment.
Ironically enough, 2017 is the year the conspiracy theorists were proven right as the mainstream media and government began pushing wild conspiracy theories without evidence to back them up.
To show just how vindicated the well-informed are, below is a list of the top 10 conspiracy theories that were proven as real in 2017.
1. Hollywood and the Political Elite Have Been Exposed for Their Rampant and Horrifying Sex Abuse Against Men, Women, and Children Alike
Just last year, as good people tried to point out that although Pizzagate may not have taken place in some restaurant in DC, the idea of sex abuse among the elite was no laughing matter. However, anyone who mentioned sex abuse among the elite was scoffed at and ridiculed by those in the mainstream.
This ridicule was in spite of the fact that the former speaker of the house admitted to raping multiple little boys and was sentenced to prison last year. This ridicule was also in spite of the fact that whistleblowers have been shouting from the mountain tops about the rampant abuse - for decades - only to have their cries fall on deaf ears.
This year, however, it was different. With Harvey Weinstein as the catalyst, former victims came forward and began publicly naming their abusers and even getting the police involved. The American people also learned that their ostensible representation in D.C. was spending millions to silence the victims of their apparent uncontrollable sex abuse.
No longer will companies like Disney be able to hire convicted pedophiles as the world looks the other way - nor will sicko politicians be allowed the immunity to rape and pillage as they see fit. 2017 will be known as the year the victims fought back.
2. Weather Modification Just Jumped From “Chemtrail” Conspiracy Theory into MainstreamReality, as Congress Began Holding Hearings on Geoengineering
Geoengineering is finally going mainstream as the U.S. House Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing, in November, held the first House hearing about the science that until now has generally been considered a “conspiracy theory” and relegated to the fringe’s of society by the Praetorian Guard mainstream media - controlled by the ruling power-elite oligarchy.
The controversial subject of climate engineering or weather modification – which was popularized, and oversimplified with the term “chem-trails” – is stepping from the shadows and into the light of public scrutiny for the first time.
The congressional hearing, titled “Geoengineering: Innovation, Research, and Technology,” was attended by members of the House committees as well as representatives of think tanks, academics, and researcher scientists to discuss the future of geoengineering research.
During the first hearing, the potential need to set up a regulatory structure within which experiments would be allowed, at a set scale, was discussed. Now, those who deny the fact that government is involved in geoengineering will be the conspiracy theorists.
3. 20,000 Documents Were Released in August Proving the EPA Conspired With Chemical Companies to Unleash Deadly Toxic Substances on the Public
Highly toxic chemical compounds made by Dow, Monsanto, DuPont and other companies were being developed and marketed in ever greater quantities, and federal agencies were rubber-stamping their approval based on fraudulent safety testing.
The Poison Papers reveal that, instead of acting to protect the public and reassess the chemicals, EPA held a secret meeting with chemical companies to assure them that their products would continue being sold.
The secret meeting between EPA and chemical companies is the most poignant example of a long history of collusion at the expense of human and environmental health.
4. US Media Giant Sally Quinn Admitted She Practiced the Occult to Murder People - And She Was Praised for it
Although her husband Ben Bradlee died in 2014 - who was good friends with former President John F. Kennedy, and executive editor of the Washington Post from 1968 to 1991 - Quinn has since taken the time to give insight into the glamorous life lived by the media’s royal couple.
Some of the practices she describes are ones that would normally be written off as crazy conspiracy theories by outlets such as their beloved Washington Post.
In her latest publication titled, “Finding Magic: A Spiritual Memoir,” Quinn reveals that she believes she has killed at least three people in her lifetime. She claims that while she did not harm anyone physically, she believes strongly in the occult, and has used hexes on people who got on her bad side.
“The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of Islamic State fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.
A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.
Then in December, an investigation concluded that 97 percent of the weapons used by the Islamic State were supplied illegally by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
The weapons and ammunition were originally purchased by the United States and Saudi Arabia and then distributed to rebel groups. While the U.S. claimed to be fighting ISIS, the fact is that ISIS was one of the Syrian rebel groups opposing Assad, and as the report noted,nearly all of their weapons came from those purchased by the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
6. The Federal Reserve Bank Was Exposed in June to be a Working Arm of US Intelligence
Confidential accounts within the Federal Reserve have been used by the U.S. Treasury and other departments “several times a year to analyze the asset holdings of the central banks of Russia, China, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen, Libya and others,” according to a report from Reuters that cites more than a dozen current and former senior U.S. officials.
“The U.S. central bank keeps a tight lid on information contained in these accounts. But according to the officials interviewed by Reuters, U.S. authorities regularly use a ‘need to know’ confidentiality exception in the Fed’s service contracts with foreign central banks.”
7. Declassified Document Proved the Conspiracy That the CIA Planned and Carried out the 1953 Iranian Coup
A memorandum from Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles to President Eisenhower, dated March 1, 1953, serves as a reminder that internally, “the elimination of Mossadeq by assassination or otherwise,” was used as a method in repairing ties with Iran, restoring oil negotiations, and stopping a “Communist takeover.”
8. Billionaire Elitists Openly Admit to Ingesting the Blood of Young Children
Once the talk of conspiracy theorists - the rich ingesting the blood of the young to foster longevity -is now a reality and an actual business in the United States. Not only is it a business but billionaires are actually admitting their interest in it.
As Vanity Fair reports. Ambrosia, which buys its blood from blood banks, now has about 100 paying customers. Some are Silicon Valley technologists - like Peter Thiel, the billionaire co-founder of PayPal and adviser to Donald Trump.
9. CIA Drug Trafficking Conspiracy Was Blown Wide Open in an Explosive History Channel Series
A&E Networks addressed the government’s role in the drug war in a four-part documentary series on the History Channel, titled, “America’s War on Drugs.”
“America’s War on Drugs” is an immersive trip through the last five decades, uncovering how the CIA, obsessed with keeping America safe in the fight against communism, allied itself with the mafia and foreign drug traffickers.
In exchange for support against foreign enemies, the groups were allowed to grow their drug trade in the United States.
10. Mainstream Science Showed Vitamin C’s Ability to Fight Cancer
According to researchers from the University of Iowa, ascorbate, derived from Vitamin C, was successfully observed increasing hydrogen peroxide levels in cancer cells, which in turn had a toxic result with cancer cells, killing the cancer cells in lab rats yet not damaging normal cells in the process. The researchers concluded that Vitamin C might, indeed, be lethal to some cancers.
According to the scientists, “These results indicate that an in vivo measurement of catalase activity in tumors may predict which cancers will respond to pharmacological ascorbate therapy.”
Once the exact cancers are identified, which are killed by vitamin C, the researchers concluded, “this information can also be used in finding combination therapies that may increase the efficacy of treatment for those tumors with higher catalase activities.”
In other words, extremely high doses of the Vitamin C derivative may potentially be added to conventional cancer therapies to help kill more cancer cells.
In 2017, the world has learned that truth is indeed stranger than fiction as the light continues to shine into the darkness. With all the proven conspiracies in 2017, we can’t help but remain optimistic for 2018 to become the year the world begins to wake up.
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
- Arthur Schopenhauer
The Importance Of Having A Breakdown December 24 2017 | From: TheBookOfLife
One of the great problems of human beings is that we’re far too good at keeping going. We’re experts at surrendering to the demands of the external world, living up to what is expected of us and getting on with the priorities as others around us define them.
We keep showing up and being an excellent boy or girl – and we can pull this magical feat off for up to decades at a time, without so much as an outward twitch or crack.
Until, suddenly, one day, much to everyone’s surprise, including our own, we break. The rupture can take many forms. We can no longer get out bed. We fall into a catatonic depression. We develop all-consuming social anxiety. We refuse to eat. We babble incoherently. We lose command over part of our body.
We are compelled to do something extremely scandalous and entirely contrary to our normal selves. We become wholly paranoid in a given area. We refuse to play by the usual rules in our relationship, we have an affair, ramp up the fighting – or otherwise poke a very large stick in the wheels of day-to-day life.
Breakdowns are hugely inconvenient for everyone and so, unsurprisingly, there is an immediate rush to medicalise the problem and attempt to excise it from the scene, so that business as usual can restart.
But this is to misunderstand what is going on when we break down. A breakdown is not merely a random piece of madness or malfunction, it is a very real – albeit very inarticulate – bid for health.
It is an attempt by one part of our minds to force the other into a process of growth, self-understanding and self-development which it has hitherto refused to undertake. If we can put it paradoxically, it is an attempt to jumpstart a process of getting well, properly well, through a stage of falling very ill.
The danger, therefore, if we merely medicalise a breakdown and attempt to shift it away at once is that we will miss the lesson embedded within our sickness. A breakdown isn’t just a pain, though it is that too of course; it is an extraordinary opportunity to learn.
The reason we break down is that we have not, over years, flexed very much. There were things we needed to hear inside our minds that we deftly put to one side, there were messages we needed to heed, bits of emotional learning and communicating we didn’t do – and now, after being patient for so long, far too long, the emotional self is attempting to make itself heard in the only way it now knows how. It has become entirely desperate – and we should understand and even sympathise with its mute rage.
What the breakdown is telling us above anything else is that it must no longer be business as usual – that things have to change or (and this can be properly frightening to witness) that death might be preferable.
Why can’t we simply listen to the emotional need calmly and in good time – and avoid the melodrama of a breakdown? Because the conscious mind is inherently lazy and squeamish and so reluctant to engage with what the breakdown eventually has to tell it with brutality.
For years, it refuses to listen to a particular sadness; or there is a dysfunction in a relationship it is in flight from or there are desires it sweeps very far under the proverbial carpet.
We can compare the process to a revolution. For years, the people press the government to listen to their demands and adjust. For years, the government makes token gestures but shuts its ears – until one day, it is simply too much for the people, who storm the palace gates, destroy the fine furnishings and shoot randomly at the innocent and the guilty.
Mostly, in revolutions, there is no good outcome. The legitimate grievances and needs of the people are not addressed or even discovered. There is an ugly civil war – sometimes, literally, suicide. The same is true of breakdowns.
Yet a good mental physician tries hard to listen to rather than censor the illness. They detect within its oddities a plea for more time for ourselves, for a closer relationship, for a more honest, fulfilled way of being, for acceptance for who we really are sexually…. That is why we started to drink, or to become reclusive or to grow entirely paranoid or manically seductive.
A crisis represents an appetite for growth that hasn’t found another way of expressing itself. Many people, after a horrific few months or years of breakdown, will say: ‘I don’t know how I’d ever have gotten well if I hadn’t fallen ill’.
In the midst of a breakdown, we often wonder whether we have gone mad. We have not. We’re behaving oddly no doubt, but beneath the surface agitation, we are on a hidden yet logical search for health.
We haven’t become ill; we were ill already. Our crisis, if we can get through it, is an attempt to dislodge us from a toxic status quo and an insistent call to rebuild our lives on a more authentic and sincere basis.
Hannity On Hillary-DNC Revelations: 'This Disgrace Will Follow Her the Rest Of Her Life' December 23 2017 | From: FoxNews
In his opening monologue tonight, Sean Hannity reacted to former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile's bombshell claim that the DNC rigged the Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination over Bernie Sanders.
Brazile alleged that Clinton entered into an agreement with the Hillary Victory Fund, Hillary for America and the DNC that in exchange for raising funds for the cash-strapped DNC, Clinton “would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised.”
"This shows just how low the Clintons will go to get what they want," Hannity said, calling it a "rigged and stolen election."
He noted that President Donald Trump responded to Brazile's revelations, saying this represents the "real collusion and dishonesty" in the 2016 election.
"This Clinton crime family - because that's what they really are - and their political machine [were] willing to put all ethics aside, do nothing, anything, everything they could do to mow down ... anybody that stood in their way," Hannity said.
He said if evidence emerged that Trump rigged the Republican primary, there would be unbelievable outrage from the "alt-left mainstream media" and calls for investigations.
"This is by far the worst thing - and I've covered the Clintons for years - they have ever done," Hannity said, calling Hillary Clinton "the most unethical person I have ever seen in my entire life."
"This disgrace will follow her the rest of her life."
Intel Officer Reveals Investigation Likely To Result In Obama Being Charged With Felony Indictment December 23 2017 | From: PoliticalVelCraft
After months of the liberal media ridiculing Trump over his claim that Obama spied on him during the election, Trump finally got vindication this week.
America learned the truth recently that Obama did in fact unconstitutionally spy on Trump throughout the presidential election, leaving Barack Obama with his pants down yet again.
Now former intelligence officer Lt. Col Tony Shaffer just revealed that Obama’s wiretapping was not only a federal crime, but says that the results of this investigation will likely result in Obama being brought up on FELONY CHARGES.
The colonel’s dire prediction about Obama’s future is sending shock-waves through the black hearts of liberals all across America today, as it’s now thrown a monkey wrench into Obama’s plans to stage his “political comeback” this fall.
In a a recent interview with Trending Today USA, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer called ‘Obamagate’ an “order of magnitude” even bigger than the Watergate scandal because the incident included “using nation-state resources for purposes of political gain.”
When asked if Obama could be arrested for violating the law, he said that it would be the “first time a former president could be indicted for a felony.”
“…I think it is very possible that he acted outside of the scope of his duties, responsibilities and authorities to turn the resources of a nation-state on a candidate. This is, as I’ve said before, [Rothschild Deep State] soviet-dictator level wrongdoing,”he added.
Shaffer said that Obama using government resources to spy on Trump was for the sole purpose of getting Hillary into office, as Obama hoped the wiretapping would produce enough “dirt” on Trump to sabotage his presidential run.
Given Shaffer’s lengthy military career, his rise to the top of the American intelligence community, and his current senior position at the prestigious London Center for Policy Research, his prediction about Obama shouldn’t be scoffed at.
Being brought up on felony charges would completely destroy Obama’s plan of making his political comeback this year, as he’d be trying to figure out a way to keep himself out of prison instead of spending his hours obsessing with ways to bring Trump down.
The Hill reported on just how extensive Obama’s spying truly was, as this unconstitutional move wasn’t just limited to listening in on Trump’s calls. They reported:
“If these reports are accurate, it means U.S. intelligence agencies secretly surveilled at least a half dozen Trump associates. And those are just the ones we know about.".
Besides Manafort, the officials include former Trump advisers Carter Page and Michael Flynn. Last week, we discovered multiple Trump “transition officials” were “incidentally” captured during government surveillance of a foreign official. We know this because former Obama adviser Susan Rice reportedly admitted “unmasking,” or asking to know the identities of, the officials.
Spying on U.S. citizens is considered so sensitive, their names are supposed to be hidden or “masked,” even inside the government, to protect their privacy.
In May, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates acknowledged they, too, reviewed communications of political figures, secretly collected under President Obama.
After getting away with whatever the hell he wanted over the past 8 years and wiping his butt with the Constitution, it looks like Obama’s cockiness might just be his undoing. He might have gotten away with his antics in the past, but things are vastly different now that Obama doesn’t have all his minions blocking all investigations into his crimes, as was the case when he was president.
If this colonel’s predication is in fact true, Obama’s little plan to keep trolling Trump with his little shadow government from the headquarters of his D.C. home could soon be coming to an abrupt end.
How poetic would it be that after spending 8 years pandering to terrorists and trying to destroy America that Obama could live out the rest of his life behind bars in an orange jumpsuit? Sounds like perfect justice for America!
Liberty Or Freedom December 22 2017 | From: Omnithought
The phrase ‘Liberty or Freedom’ implies distinction, in particular, that liberty does not mean freedom. Today there tends to be a little difference between the two.
Freedom describes one’s ability to act according to his or her wish without any external pressure.
Liberty is the more commonly used word, which presumes to mean freedom, but seldom is recognised as contingent upon a legal framework.
From the etymological source, ‘liberty’ denotes the legal status of a full member in a tribe or society. Membership may be an inherited status, alternatively one that is acquired through adoption or as an official favour.
The word liberty is from the Latin word ‘libertas,’ which means a ‘descendent,’ being one who enjoys the same social position enjoyed by their predecessors.
In todays political society, it typically is an attribute of citizenship, which is a construction of government. Liberty refers to permissions shared by people of a community or a state as they apply to its government.
In general, liberty is a fundamental attribute that provides one the ability to do what he or she wants. The real issue is, who exactly is to provide this attribute.
It surely is not a natural gift, a natural right to do as one wants. For any given government controlled society it is necessary to examine its legal codes to ascertain the extent of one’s liberty. Liberty in one society may be very different from that in another. Thus statism enters the picture.
"Statism is the idea that the ruler should have not only the power to rule (as supreme commander in times of war, as diplomat, and as judge in some but not necessarily all disputes among his subjects) but also the power to govern.
A medieval ruler ruled his realm but did not govern anything within it except his own household or «economy».
Government (as distinct from rule) was a matter of private housekeeping. Every household had its own government. However, political or public government originated in the cities, when patrician families and, later, professional associations began to think of their city as a single household or economy under their management."
That quotation explains the origins of statism and the foundations of what we call liberty.
In vibrant contrast to ‘liberty,’ ‘freedom’ does not connote a social position or status. Freedom is not a legal concept. Its origins belong to the field of natural law studies, specifically those concerning order and disorder in person-to-person or convivial relations.
The aforementioned differs widely from order and disorder in social structures or organisations where individuals are occupants of socially defined positions.
Freedom derives from its etymological roots in the word ‘free’, an old Indian word ‘priya,’ meaning friend. Its Latin forms included ‘privus’ meaning exceptional or standing apart. Altogether these meanings in proper context refer to someone or something having no burdens of any type; no external imposed obligations or interferences.
Freedom defines a state in which one is capable of doing according to his or her wishes without any external obligations.
"Freedom is freedom among likes. A free man is ‘his own man’; he belongs to himself and to no other natural or artificial person. Hence, a natural person, being free by nature, is a free person everywhere, even where his freedom is not respected. One’s nature does not change merely because others fail to respect it, but one’s liberty is nothing else than what the rule makers in one’s society declare it to be."
Only now can freedom and liberty be equated. On the one hand, we have natural persons and their convivial order. Otherwise are artificial persons and legal orders.
This difference exposes the fundamental divide in the philosophy of the human world, namely whether ‘society’ should be a fit place for humans to live freely. Alternatively, human nature must bow and be moulded to a social correctness that prescribes liberty.
Apathetic Indifference
Much as the word ego is falsely ascribed all too often, as mentioned in my last post, so the words liberty and freedom are used ambiguously, notwithstanding that freedom is the highest form of liberty to exist.
"In a high-tech age that has seen the creation of artificial intelligence by computers, we are also seeing the creation of artificial stupidity by people who call themselves educators.
Educational institutions created to pass on to the next generation the knowledge, experience and culture of the generations that went before them have instead been turned into indoctrination centers to promote whatever notions, fashions or ideologies happen to be in vogue among today’s intelligentsia.’"
- Thomas Sowell
To be consciously aware these days is sufficient for many. Beliefs are held as knowledge, even understanding. Slowly but surely the populace is being intellectually dumbed down.
Critical thinking and inquiry are dying. We suffer from inattention, and lack of intention, lack of critical focus. So-called leaders, encourage indifference. AI fosters apathy and disconnection. The less we think and the less we challenge the status quo, the easier it is to further poison thought, and deplete critical analysis.
What exactly do we want - freedom or apathetic endurance of permission to exist? At whose cost?
Banned In Most Countries And Classified By The WHO As ‘Highly Hazardous': 1080 Is A Broad-Spectrum Poison That Kills All Oxygen-Breathing Animals And Organisms – Dr Meriel Watts December 22 2017 | From: EnviroWatchRangitikei / Various
“1080 … falls within the category of Highly Hazardous Pesticides for which the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking a global phase out”
In April 2010 Dr Meriel Watts from the Pesticide Action Network NZ (PANANZ) wrote to Environment Waikato regarding 10-20 year consents for the dispersal of 1080 poison.
“As you are no doubt aware,” she wrote … “1080 is classed by the World Health Organisation as an Extremely Hazardous pesticide (Class 1a WHO). You may not be aware that as such it falls within the category of Highly Hazardous Pesticides for which the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking a global phase out.
That Environment Waikato is contemplating 10 or 20 year consents to use, let alone aerially disperse, 1080, when a UN agency is promoting a global phase out of all such pesticides is extraordinary. I can only assume that you officers are not aware of the situation.
To issue consents of 10 or more years duration also flies in the face of ERMA’s concern about such on-going widespread dispersal of 1080 in the environment, and their support for more research into alternatives. There will be no room for introduction of alternatives in the EW region if these consents are granted.
"1080 is a broad-spectrum poison: it kills all oxygen-breathing animals and organisms. This alone is reason enough to cease dispersing it into the environment. It indiscriminately kills and contaminates everything from the insects that underpin the native fauna food chain to precious native birds, dogs and farm animals."
There are so many recorded instances that there is no need to elaborate on them here. Nor the fact that the suffering of these animals on the way to death is extremely inhumane.
That New Zealand has such a history of poisoning its indigenous species, livestock and companion animals is a shame we have to live with. But we do not need to perpetuate it. Thankfully the era of poisoning everything we don’t like is passing, and intelligent new, targeted approaches to pest management are taking its place.
It is time now for Environment Waikato to move forward with the rest of the world, and introduce alternatives. Trapping has been shown to be an effective method of controlling possums, at the same time utilising a valuable resource for the benefit of the national economy, and trapping technology is continually improving.
On the other hand, years of experience of 1080 dispersal has shown that this approach is not sustainable, it has to be repeated at regular intervals, each time with its negative consequences for theenvironment.
Pesticide Action Network therefore urges you to reject the idea of extended resource consents for aerial dispersal of 1080, and to instead focus your resources on rapid introduction of sustainable, environmentally friendly, and socially supportive alternatives such as trapping.
Yours sincerely,
Meriel Watts, PhD,
Pesticide Action Network
Yet still NZ advertises itself as clean and green. How far from clean and green can a country get one would have ask? All that aside from the cruel death these animals die. It is a slow agonizing death.
If you can stomach watching, see what happens to them in this clip from the Poisoning Paradise doco by the Graf Boys. Why are these authorities not charged for cruelty to animals?
Our 1080 pagesalso provide info & links … search ‘categories’ for related articles. Follow our blog or if you’re on FB follow ourpage and stay informed … use the share buttons to help spread the word on all the untruths we have been told – we are about exposing corruption and lies!
Jack Patchet experiences the effects after a 1080 poison drop
CNN Mounts New Attack On President Trump & The Evening News And The Gunslinger Called Trump December 21 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / JonRappoport / Various
Now that CNN’s fake news story of Russiagate has collapsed, CNN is demanding Trump’s resignation as President on the basis of sexual harassment charges.
The charges are suspect. Billionaires do not need to sexually harass women. Women are abundantly available to them.
Mud-slinging is all American politics is about. How about a hearing for real issues, such as war, collapsing middle class, environmental destruction?
Why does CNN want to get rid of a president who wants to reduce the chance of nuclear war by normalizing relations with Russia and who wants to bring offshored jobs back to Americans?
In whose pay is CNN? Why does CNN harass Americans with fake news?
If you want to visualize this, imagine a rectangular solid. The news covers the top surface. Therefore, the mind is trained to work in only two dimensions. Then it can’t fathom depth, and it certainly can’t appreciate the fact that the whole rectangular solid moves through time, the fourth dimension.
Focus on the network evening news. This is where the staging is done well.
First, we have the studio image itself, the colors in foreground and background, the blend of restful and charged hues. The anchor and his/her smooth style.
Then we have the shifting of venue from the studio to reporters in the field, demonstrating the reach of coverage: the planet. As if this equals authenticity.
Actually, those reporters in the field rarely dig up information on location. A correspondent standing on a rooftop in Cairo could just as well be positioned in a bathroom in a Las Vegas McDonald’s. His report would be identical.
The managing editor, usually the elite news anchor, chooses the stories to cover and has the final word on their sequence.
The anchor goes on the air:“Our top story tonight, more signs of gridlock today on Capitol Hill, as legislators walked out of a session on federal budget negotiations…”
The viewer fills in the context for the story: “Oh yes, the government. Gridlock is bad. Just like traffic on the I-5. A bad thing. We want the government to get something done, but they aren’t. These people are always arguing with each other. They don’t agree. They’re in conflict. Yes, conflict, just like on the cop shows.”
The anchor: “The Chinese government reports the new flu epidemic has spread to three provinces. Forty-two people have already died, and nearly a hundred are hospitalized…”
The viewer again supplies context, such as it is: “Flu. Dangerous. Epidemic. Could it arrive here? Get my flu shot.”
The anchor: “A new university study states that gun owners often stock up on weapons and ammunition…”
The viewer:“People with guns. Why do they need a dozen weapons? I don’t need a gun. The police have guns. Could I kill somebody if he broke into the house?”
The anchor:“Doctors at Yale University have made a discovery that could lead to new treatments in the battle against autism…”
Viewer:“That would be good. More research. Laboratory. The brain.”
If, at the end of the newscast, the viewer bothered to review the stories and his own reactions to them, he would realize he’d learned nothing. But reflection is not the game.
In fact, the flow of the news stories has washed over him and created very little except a sense of (false) continuity.
Therefore, every story on the news broadcast achieves the goal of keeping the context thin—night after night, year after year. The overall effect of this staging is: small viewer’s mind, small viewer’s understanding.
Next we come to words over pictures. More and more, news broadcasts are using the rudimentary film technique of a voice narrating what the viewer is seeing on the screen.
People are shouting and running and falling in a street. The anchor or a field reporter says: “The country is in turmoil. Parliament has suspended sessions for the third day in a row, as the government decides what to do about uprisings aimed at forcing democratic elections…”
Well, the voice must be right, because we’re seeing the pictures. If the voice said the riots were due to garbage-pickup cancellations, the viewer would believe that, too.
We see Building #7 of the WTC collapse. Must have been the result of a fire. The anchor tells us so. Words over pictures.
Staged news.
It mirrors what the human mind, in an infantile state, is always doing: looking at the world and seeking a brief summary to explain what that world is, at any given moment. Since the dawn of time, untold billions of people have been urging a “television anchor” to “explain the pictures.”
The news gives them that precise solution, every night.
“Well, Mr. Jones,” the doctor says, as he pins X-rays to a screen in his office. “See this? Right here? We’ll need to start chemo immediately, and then we may have to remove most of your brain, and as a follow-up, take out one eye.”
Sure, why not? The patient saw the pictures and the anchor explained them. Eventually, people get the idea and do it for themselves. They see things, they invent one-liners to explain them.
They’re their own anchors. They short-cut and undermine their own experience with vapid summaries of what it all means.
And then, of course, when the news cuts to commercial, the fake products take over:
“Well, every night they’re showing the same brand names, so those brands must be better than the unnamed alternatives.”
Which devolves into: “I like this commercial better than that commercial. This is a great commercial. Let’s have a contest and vote on the best commercial.”
For “intelligent” viewers, there is another sober mainstream choice in America, a safety valve: PBS. That newscast tends to show more pictures from foreign lands.“Yes, I watch PBS because they understand the planet is interconnected. It isn’t just about America. That’s good.”
Sure it’s good, if you want the same thin-context or false-context reporting on events in other countries. Instead of the two minutes NBC might give you about momentous happenings in Syria, PBS will give you four minutes.
PBS’ experts seem kinder and gentler. “They’re nice and they’re more relaxed. I like that.” Yes, the PBS experts are taking Valium, and they’re not drinking as much coffee as the CBS experts. Anchors deliver the long con every night on the tube, between commercials.
There are various forms of mind control. The one I’m describing here-the thinning of context-is universal. It confounds the mind by pretending depth doesn’t exist and is merely a fantasy.
The mind, before it is trained away from it, is always interested in depth. Another way of putting it: the mind naturally wants more space, not less. Only constant conditioning can change this.
Eventually, when you say “mind,” people think you’re referring to the brain, or they don’t know what you’re talking about at all.
Mind control by eradicating the concept of mind. That’s quite a trick.
But now, on the national evening news, something has changed. The quality of the elite anchors has plummeted. These mind-control pros are less and less capable of delivering: the voice of authority.
In the old days, you had Water Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Chet Huntley, Tom Brokaw, and (before he crashed and burned) Dan Rather. Big-time fakers.
Eventually, this devolved into a B-team of bench players: Dianne Sawyer, Brian Williams, Scott Pelley. Less believable—but still fairly effective. However, now, at the three major networks, it’s androids on parade. Two pretty boys, David Muir and Jeff Glor, and the NBC cadaver, Lester Holt.
The ship is sinking.
Instead of trying to label their competition Fake News, the networks should look to themselves and try to figure out why they can’t find father figures to deliver their no-context broadcasts.
The audience is wising up. The correct notes on the scale of mind control aren’t being struck. The system is falling apart.
When I named this site No More Fake News 16 years ago, I could see a fatigue factor setting in—not only in the mainstream news audience, but in the networks themselves. They were playing out the string, hoping to coast on their prior reputations. They weren’t just putting their viewers to sleep (their covert goal), they were slowly falling asleep themselves.
In the following years, the situation grew worse. The networks were moving on auto-pilot. And now, they’re reaching the end of the line. They’re focusing on the only story that can deliver them ratings: Trump.
They fear him, they hate him - and they love him, because he gives them the numbers that justify their advertising rates with sponsors. It’s always problematical when the only thing maintaining your survival is your enemy. Especially an enemy whose whole method of attack is to accuse you of subverting your basic mission, which is telling the truth.
And it’s far worse when he’s right. No matter what you think of Trump, he’s delivering hammer blows to the foundation of network news.
I’ve been aware of every president since Roosevelt, and nothing like this has happened in that time span. A sitting president is virulently going up against The News. Not just the content - which would be bad enough - but the people delivering it.
Since the dawn of time on this planet, news has been controlled, for good reason. It’s the source of supposed fact. Important objective fact. The people who own the news have therefore been able to paint an overall portrait of reality for the masses. Which has been their intent.
In this age of science, the news has donned that cloak. “We’re recording events in the lab. We only relay confirmed results, checked and double-checked.”
And now this crazy cowboy hustler comes along, swaggers into the spotlight, and demeans the whole enterprise. IT’S FAKE!
And millions of people, who have long believed that very thing in the recesses of their minds, sit up straight in their couches and say THAT’S RIGHT!
Overnight, the situation turns surreal. Up is down, down is up. The bull is wandering through the china shop, deciding which object to crash next.
Naturally, the networks call him crazy, mentally ill, unfit for office, a Russian agent - while they’re reaping ratings from going to war with him. They have to strike back, and it‘s good for their desperate business to do so. Whether Trump is, in fact, unfit for office is beside the point of the war.
The truth about Trump, whatever it may be, went out the window a long time ago. It was never in the house. As the network news business was in a long slide from its former prominence, Trump showed up and stepped on its neck and ground in his heel. Impolitely, he spat in its face.
If you think the total effect was to draw people to Trump’s side, or to the networks’ side, think again. People began swimming out of their hypnotic attachment to The News. The spell broke. Rudely. The swaggering gunslinger was showing up in their living rooms, accusing and laughing and setting off explosions.
And yes, you can separate that from everything else Trump has been doing or not doing, saying or not saying, committing or not committing.
And you should. Because The News is supposed to be the ears and eyes and mouth and brain of the public. And now - for several reasons, Trump very much included - it no longer is. Which is a good thing, a very good thing. Even if your hatred of Donald Trump knows no bounds.
President Donald Trump at Massive Rally in Florida
Richest 1% Capture Twice As Much Income Growth As The Bottom Half December 21 2017 | From: Geopolitics
The inaugural World Inequality Report published recently by economists Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel documents the rise in global income and wealth inequality since 1980.
The report covers up to 2016, leaving out the last year, in which the stock market has soared on the expectation that the US will enact massive tax cuts, providing yet another windfall for the rich.
The report found that between 1980 and 2016 the world’s richest one percent captured twice the income growth as the bottom half of the world’s population, contributing to a significant rise in global inequality.
Top 1 percent vs. Bottom 50 percent national income shares in the US 1980 – 2016
The data shows that the world’s top 0.1 percent alone captured as much growth as the bottom half, and the top 0.001 percent, just 76,000 people worldwide, received 4 percent of global income growth.
Meanwhile those in the 50th to 99th percentiles worldwide, which the report refers to as the “squeezed bottom 90 percent in the US and Western Europe,” encompassing the working class in the world’s advanced economies, experienced anemic growth rates.
The report is based on tax data and other financial information collected for the World Wealth and Income Database by more than 100 researchers in 70 countries. It shows that income inequality has either risen or remained stable in every country.
Additionally, the report found that concentration of wealth in the hands of the top one percent has risen sharply, particularly in the US, Russia and China.
In the US, the wealth share monopolized by the top one percent rose from 22 percent in 1980 to 39 percent; in China it doubled from 15 percent to 30 percent; and in Russia it went from 22 percent to 43 percent.
In terms of income, the top ten percent captured 37 percent of national income in Europe, 41 percent in China, 47 percent in the United States-Canada, 54 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa, 55 percent in Brazil and India, and 61 percent in the Middle East.
Top 1 percent wealth shares across the world, 1913 – 2015
Notably, Russia, when it was still part of the Soviet Union, had the lowest level of inequality in 1980, with the top ten percent accounting for 20 percent of income.
There was a sharp spike in inequality following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990-91, with half of all national income going to the top ten percent in less than five years. Russia has now reached parity with the United States, returning to levels of inequality that prevailed a century ago under the rule of the tsar.
The report also shows that there has been a significant divergence in inequality levels between the United States and Europe since 1980, when the top one percent claimed 10 percent of income in both regions.
As of 2016, the top one percent in Europe claimed 12 percent of income, while in the United States its share had doubled to 20 percent.
The top one percent and the bottom half of the American population have essentially flipped positions. While the bottom 50 percent received 20 percent of national income in 1980, that figure declined steadily to just 13 percent by 2016.
Conversely, the top one percent steadily increased their claim on national income, from 10 percent to 20 percent in less than two generations.
Average annual income for the bottom half of the US population, adjusted for inflation, has remained at $16,500 for the last 40 years, while the top one percent have seen their average income triple from $430,000 to $1.3 million.
Top 10 percent income shares across the world, 1980 – 2016
The report’s authors note in an op-ed published in the Guardian that the United States is an outlier among the advanced economies, with a surge in income and wealth inequality over the last four decades that has developed into a “second Gilded Age.”
The authors attribute the dramatic difference between the US and Europe to a “perfect storm of radical policy changes” in the US.
They argue that the growth of inequality in the US has been exacerbated by a number of factors, including a tax system that has become less progressive over time, a federal minimum wage that has not kept up with inflation, shrinking unions, deregulation of the finance industry and increasingly unequal access to higher education. They warn that the Republican tax cuts will “turbocharge” the further rise of inequality.
Despite its explosive content, the latest report on inequality was buried by the media, relegated to a small headline in the Business Day section of the New York Times and posted well down the Guardian’s front page in the world news section.
The vast and ever-growing level of social inequality around the world is not what the ruling classes in the US, Europe and elsewhere want to talk about.
Social inequality in the United States is being ignored and covered up by the political system. The Democrats are entirely focused on issues of sex and the anti-Russia campaign, even as the Republicans are pushing to finalize tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy by the end of the year.
However, under the surface of official life, class conflict is growing. The World Inequality Report reveals that the contradictions of the capitalist system find expression in every country.
In concluding their report, the authors refer to policy decisions that could be adopted to reverse the growth of social inequality, promoting the illusion that a fair distribution of resources can be achieved under capitalism through various liberal reform measures and appeals to capitalist governments to enact progressive tax measures.
There is, however, no “reform” faction in the ruling class. The growth of inequality in the US has been carried out under both Democrats and Republicans, aided and abetted by the trade unions.
In Europe, the ruling elite is moving rapidly to catch up to the United States through the implementation of labor “reform” measures, the destruction of social programs and the redistribution of wealth to the rich.
The response of the ruling class to growing social opposition is not reform, but repression.
A movement against inequality requires the building of a socialist movement of the international working class on the basis of a socialist program to appropriate the wealth of the corporate and financial oligarchy, transform the banks and giant corporations into democratically controlled public utilities, and reorganize economic life on the basis of social need.
$21 Trillion Of Unauthorized Spending By US Government Discovered By Economics Professor December 20 2017 | From: Geopolitics
The US government may have misspent $21 trillion, a professor at Michigan State University has found. Papers supporting the study briefly went missing just as an audit was announced.
Two departments of the US federal government may have spent as much as $21 trillion on things they can’t account for between 1998 and 2015. At least that’s what Mark Skidmore, a Professor of Economics at MSU specializing in public finance, and his team have found.
They came up with the figure after digging the websites of departments of Defense (DoD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as repots of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) over summer.
The research was triggered by Skidmore hearing Catherine Austin Fitts, a former Assistant Secretary in the HUD in the first Bush administration, saying the Inspector General found $6.5 trillion worth of military spending that the DoD couldn’t account for.
She was referring to a July 2016 report by the OIG, but Skidmore thought she must be mistaking billion for trillion. Based on his previous experience with public finances, he thought the figure was too big even for an organization as large as the US military.
"Sometimes you have an adjustment just because you don’t have adequate transactions… so an auditor would just recede. Usually it’s just a small portion of authorized spending, maybe one percent at most. So for the Army one percent would be $1.2 billion of transactions that you just can’t account for,” he explained in an interview with USAWatchdog.com earlier this month.
After discovering that the figure was accurate, he and Fitts collaborated with a pair of graduate students to comb through thousands of reports of the OIG dating back to 1998, when new rules of public accountability for the federal government were set and all the way to 2015, the time of the latest reports available at the time. The research was only for the DoD and the HUD.
"This is incomplete, but we have found $21 trillion in adjustments over that period. The biggest chunk is for the Army. We were able to find 13 of the 17 years and we found about $11.5 trillion just for the Army,”Skidmore said.
The professor would not suggest whether the missing trillions went to some legitimate undisclosed projects, wasted or misappropriated, but believes his find indicates that there is something profoundly wrong with the budgeting process in the US federal government. Such lack of transparency goes against the due process of authorizing federal spending through the US Congress, he said.
Skidmore also co-authored a column on Forbes, explaining his research.
The same week the interview took place the DoD announced that it will conduct its first-ever audit. “It is important that the Congress and the American people have confidence in DoD’s management of every taxpayer dollar,” Comptroller David Norquist told reporters as he explained that the OIG has hired independent auditors to dig through the military finances.
“While we can’t know for sure what role our efforts to compile original government documents and share them with the public has played, we believe it may have made a difference,” Skidmore commented.
Interestingly, in early December the authors of the research discovered that the links to key document they used, including the 2016 report, had been disabled. Days later the documents were reposted under different addresses, they say.
This is probably where the Deep State government called CIA and State Department took their extra fund to topple uncooperative governments around the world. The bulk, of course, may have gone to the military industrial complex.
The United States has double the military budget of the combined military spending of Russia, China and G7 countries. Said military spending remains unauditable due to “widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations” according to a GAO report in 2010.
So, how can a government spread its wings beyond its own borders, and demand democratic ideals elsewhere when it is not practicing the same values at home?
GCSB And NZSIS Bring New Minister Up To Speed With NZ's State Of Security December 20 2017 | From: ITBrief
The Government’s new Minister responsible for the GCSB and NZSIS, Andrew Little, has been briefed on his new role by the agencies, according to an unclassified and heavily redacted briefing document released publicly.
Comment: Yet again the New Zealand Government Corporation is feeeding the chickens. Anyone who has taken the effort to learn how the Five Eyes network works - understands the legal loopholes that this surveillance sytem implements. While mass surveillance of NZ citizens by the NZ security agencies is a foregone conclusion - the nations involved all conduct mass surveillance on eachothers citizens, sharing the 'intelligence' with one another - under the nice cozy blanket of 'we didn't do it.'
The Briefing to the Incoming Minister document includes the purpose of both the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) and the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service (NZSIS), as well as a look at the threat landscape, key international partnerships and agency functions.
Both agencies, along with the Security and Intelligence Group, work together as the New Zealand Intelligence Community (NZIC).
The briefing says that the NZIC started a ‘transformational change’ programme in 2016. The four-year project will focus on how to rebuild itself as a “modern, connected, customer-centric, and effective security and intelligence agencies that have earned the trust and confidence of New Zealanders”.
The briefing mentions four key national security threats, of which three are revealed in the unclassified document: cyber threats, violent extremism and espionage.
"New Zealand faces both direct and indirect cyber threats. Direct threats deliberately target New Zealand, such as cyber espionage targeting New Zealand government departments. Indirect threats include, for example, indiscriminate cyber operations that do not target New Zealand but can harm us nonetheless,” the briefing says.
Cyber threats mentioned in the briefing include NotPetya and WannaCry, as well as ‘indiscriminate phishing and scanning by state-sponsored actors’. The details are not revealed in the unclassified briefing.
"In these instances, the impact on New Zealand was limited but the potential for future events of this kind to have a domestic impact is high.”
Violent extremism directly references the Islamic State of Iraq. It mentions that between 30-40 people have been listed on the NZSIS’s counterterrorism register at any one time.
Very little was revealed about the state of espionage in New Zealand, except for hints that show it is happening.
"Such activities in New Zealand over the past year have included attempts to access sensitive government and private sector information, and attempts to unduly influence expatriate communities,” the briefing states.
While little public information is revealed about the GCSB and NZSIS’s international partnerships, the briefing clearly states that they must act within New Zealand law, human rights obligations and the country’s national interests.
The briefing mentions the Five Eyes partnership, which has been a significant force in intelligence since World War II.
The GCSB’s Security Operations Centre explicitly states that it does not conduct mass surveillance on New Zealanders.
“New Zealand does not undertake any “mass surveillance” of New Zealanders, such as the active monitoring of emails, phone calls and internet use of the populations. We do not have the legal authority, capability or interest to undertake such activity. Both the 2015 Independent Review of Intelligence and Security in New Zealand, and the IGIS have looked at the matter and confirmed this to be the case.”
“The previous legal position, under the GCSB Act 2003, was that in pursuing its foreign intelligence function, GCSB could not do anything for the purpose of intercepting the private communications of New Zealand citizens or permanent residents, except where they were acting as agents or representatives of a foreign person or organisation. The ISA amends this position but puts in place strict warranting requirements before this can occur.”
As for the health of the GCSB and SIS as government agencies, the briefing describes GCSB as being an agency that provides fulfilling career options to its 400 employees.
It notes that in a recent staff engagement survey, the GCSB was positioned in the top 25% of public sector agencies, but there is still work to do in the areas of gender equality.
“While women are well represented in GCSB at senior level, and our gender pay gap is less than the wider State sector average, overall only 36% of our workforce is female. We recently agreed an action plan to increase female representation in GCSB and reduce our gender pay gap by half within a year,” the briefing notes.
Related:The Raid: In Bungled Spying Operation, NSA, GCSB & SIS Targeted Pro-Democracy Campaigner The NZSIS is described as, “Now better positioned to deliver on investment committed in 2016, and meet the challenges of New Zealand’s evolving national security environment. The nature of our work, and the significant amount still to be done, mean however that risks will always remain.”
It has close to 300 full time equivalent staff, but is ‘less ethnically diverse’ than the wider Public Service.
The document goes on to explain many of the GCSB and NZSIS's core functions, concerns and achievements.
If a major network suddenly decided to set its hounds loose and investigate the overall devastating effects of medical drugs on the public, there would be hell to pay at the network. Drug companies wouldn’t stand for it.
Robert F Kennedy, Jr., whose film, Trace Amounts, about toxic mercury in vaccines, was getting no media coverage, made this comment:
"I talked to Roger Ailes [then CEO of FOX News], who I have known since I was 17 years old, he’s very sympathetic with this issue and saw the film Trace Amounts. I said to him, ‘I just want to go on one of your shows. Nobody will allow me to talk about this or debate me.’
He said to me, ‘I can’t allow you on any of them. I’d have to fire any of my hosts that allowed you on my station.’ Because he said, ‘My news division gets up to 70% of advertising revenues during non-election years from the pharmaceutical companies’.”
That’s called control.
There is a wider sphere to consider. Through octopus foundations like Rockefeller and Gates, for example, the medical/pharma agenda is part and parcel of the Globalist agenda. That is key. Gathering in the world population under the umbrella of “humanitarian health care” is a covert op of the highest order.
How can you control billions of people, erase national borders, destroy untold numbers of communities and their traditions, wage senseless wars, send millions of jobs out of industrial countries to Third World backwaters, and build a de facto global management system - unless you can also debilitate, weaken, confuse, toxify, and thus pacify those billions of people?
Accomplishing this is the work of the pharmaceutical empire.
I have produced, many times, open-source mainstream reviews of the death and damage numbers wrought by “Rockefeller medicine.” In the US, 106,000 deaths every year from government-approved medicines. In the US and Europe, 330,000 die, every year, from correctly prescribed drugs. 6.6 million hospitalizations occur. 80 million adverse effects occur. These are conservative estimates.
So…what is the likelihood that pharma-controlled mainstream news will dig deeply into the issue of Globalism, the major tyrannical movement of our time? The likelihood is zero.
The influence of pharmaceutical interests on the news is, therefore, much greater than most people can fathom, in their wildest dreams.
Most people, when confronted with these pharmaceutical death-and-destruction reports, will immediately dismiss them as impossible. Others, who accept the reports, will claim the “unfortunate” facts show no intention to harm whatsoever.
However, the reports are public knowledge. They’ve been available to one and all. Government officials—and particularly, pharma princes - know the truth. And they’re doing nothing about it.
If you were in charge of a juggernaut operation that was causing this much horrific damage, and you knew it, would you stand by and let it keep happening? Would you foster the development of new drugs whose effects would only add to the ongoing tragedy? And would you exert such powerful control over major media that the truth could not be told?
I didn’t think so. The pharma princes are not like you. You can’t see who they are if you look through the lens of your morality. They don’t share that morality. They don’t resemble you. Don’t ascribe your qualities to them. They don’t respond to life as you do. Their capacity for self-deception is awesome. Your good is not their good.
It is as if they were born freezing and never recovered. They come from an Ice Age and their blood is still cold.
They are rigid robots. Muscular truth can take them down.
How Big Pharma Controls Medical Schools
Ty Bollinger: First of all you mentioned the fact that we’ve got the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve got kind of an industry driven by money, and we’ve got doctors that are really smart people today, brilliant medical doctors. They’re using treatments that really don’t seem to work as well as some of these natural things. Why is it?
Can you go back into the history of the medical association, The American Medical Association (AMA), and maybe take us back 100 years and stair-step people to current day and explain why that is. Because I’ve heard you talk about this in the past and your explanation is fascinating, and I want the listeners to be able to hear this.
G. Edward Griffin: Well thank you for that. It is a fascinating story. It’s an important story, and I suppose we don’t have time to go into all of it, but maybe the best way here is to kind of back into it to start with where we are and then go back and see how we got there. Where we are today is that, just as you described, these very smart doctors.
Let’s face it, there’s a very selective process there. You just don’t get into med school unless you’ve got a pretty good brain on top of your shoulders, so yeah, it’s the cream of the crop. The best students go into these schools, these medical schools, but they’re not taught anything about natural cures.
They’re taught only about drugs, primarily, and drug reactions and the chemistry of this and the chemistry of that. And they have to become really pharmacists in a way; they have to become chemists before they can even make it through pre-med.
So that’s not necessarily bad, but it is a bias. I have come to know a lot of doctors in the last couple of decades since we’ve been working in this field. Many doctors who came from that lair of education and who gradually and sometimes very painfully had to break away from that and go back and re-examine some of these fundamental issues.
Many of them have made the transition and they speak quite openly about it now. For instance, they’ll say, “when I went to medical school we never learned anything about vitamins except we had maybe two hours of instruction on the structures of vitamins and minerals and so forth.”
Two hours compared to hundreds and hundreds of hours about pharmacies and chemical reactions and so forth.
I remember there was one doctor, he said, “you know my wife knows more about nutrition than I do when I came out of school.” And that is not surprising when you realize - now we start to go backward in time. How did that happen? The fact that these great medical teaching universities and teaching centers are so great is because they’ve had a lot of money given to them.
Where did the money come from? Now we’re on the trail. You know the old saying “follow the money.” And usually that’ll take you right to it. Well, if you follow the money you’ll find out that most of it came from the pharmaceutical industry.
The pharmaceutical industry knows that if they give large grants to these universities they have a double benefit. First of all they have the appearance of being philanthropists. You know they’re doing good things and that’s always - that’s good for public relations. I’m not saying that they’re not doing good things. They probably think they are. But anyway that’s one advantage to giving tax exempt or tax free deductible donations to universities.
The other advantage is far more important, because once you have financed a research project you now have sort of a “first right” to whatever comes out of that research and consequently you can determine in what areas the research will go.
I can assure that if I’m a big pharmaceutical company and I give a twenty million dollar grant to a research group I’m not going to be very happy if they start to research whether or not dandelions can be used in the control of cancer.
I want to make sure they’re going to research a drug that I am working on in the laboratories right now. That’s where I want the research to go. So they realize that they can take their own research budget and transfer it to a university or some research laboratory and get a tax deduction for it, knowing full well that if that’s what they’re researching, that’s what the data is going to be.
So I don’t need to go any further. You can understand when the money is coming from a source which has a vested interest in the outcome, what’s going to happen is the outcome is going to be what the donor wants it to be generally.
The Stolen History Of Australia And New Zealand December 19 2017 | From: Megaliths
Another researcher has put together a great vide on the subject of the hidden history of New Zealand and Australia. Links to related material are below.
This video is part 14 of 14: A playlist with all the episodes of "When The Survivors of Atlantis and Hyperborea Wake Up" is available on Youtube here.
The Left Threaten Assassination Over Net Neutrality Vote & FCC Votes To Repeal Net Neutrality Rules December 18 2017 | From: Infowars / TheHill / Various
Once again liberals resort to violence when they don’t get their way.
Does net neutrality cripple innovation or encourage it?
Ultimately the FCC would vote to release the internet back to its pre-Obama days in the wild, but more death threats against FCC Chairman Ajit Pai weigh in on Twitter. It’s the way the left operates now as they embrace domestic terrorism unchecked in the face of our Republic.
FCC Votes To Repeal Net Neutrality Rules
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal its landmark net neutrality protections, capping off a months-long campaign by the agency’s Republicans to deregulate the broadband industry.
The FCC voted 3-2 along party lines Thursday to scrap its 2015 Open Internet Order as Democratic lawmakers and dozens of activists protested outside.
In a dramatic moment, the meeting was abruptly evacuated in the middle of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai's remarks ahead of the vote.
Reporters and attendees were forced to exit the hearing room and leave their belongings as police brought in K-9 units to sweep the room. Attendees were allowed to re-enter the room within 15 minutes of the evacuation.
The FCC declined to comment on the reasons for the evacuation.
Democrats, consumer groups and tech companies have been rallying for months to try to stop the repeal plan, arguing that the rules are essential for preventing companies like Comcast and Verizon from abusing their powers as internet gatekeepers.
"As a result of today’s misguided action, our broadband providers will get extraordinary new power from this agency," said Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat on the commission who voted against the repeal.
"They will have the power to block websites, throttle services and censor online content. They will have the right to discriminate and favor the internet traffic of those companies with whom they have pay-for-play arrangements and the right to consign all others to a slow and bumpy road," Rosenworcel said.
Despite the outcry surrounding his repeal proposal, Pai was unwavering in his opposition to the 2015 rules. Since his time as a minority commissioner under the Obama administration, Pai has argued the FCC overstepped when it imposed the restrictions.
"Following today’s vote, Americans will still be able to access the websites they want to visit. They will still be able to enjoy the services they want to enjoy," Pai said during Thursday's open meeting.
"There will still be cops on the beat guarding a free and open internet. This is the way things were prior to 2015, and this is the way they will be once again."
The rules required internet service providers to treat all websites equally, banning them from blocking or throttling certain content or creating internet “fast lanes."
Under the new regime, broadband companies will have to disclose publicly whether they engage in those practices. And, as Pai argues, the industry will not have a free pass because the Federal Trade Commission will have the authority to sue providers that deceive their consumers or use their powers to abuse competition on the web.
"Today’s vote represents a departure from more than a decade of broad, bipartisan consensus on the rules governing the internet,” said Michael Beckerman, CEO of the Internet Association trade group, which represents tech giants like Facebook, Google and Amazon.
“Relying on [internet service providers] to live up to their own ‘promises’ is not net neutrality and is bad for consumers.”
Pai said that his decision would require internet service providers to be transparent in how they treat web traffic, arguing that those companies will be subject to tougher disclosure requirements than any faced by internet giants. The FCC chairman has argued that companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter are greater threats to an open internet than broadband providers.
In recent weeks, Pai has defended his plan by arguing that Silicon Valley titans represent a bigger threat to the open internet, noting their opaque decisionmaking processes when it comes to moderating users’ content.
“Oh, that’s absurd,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), whose district includes much of Silicon Valley, said in response to that during an interview with The Hill this week. He called Pai’s arguments “disingenuous.”
“There’s a total difference in terms of the essential necessity of having access to the internet, versus having access to a particular platform. Facebook and Google aren’t providing the gateway of access to the internet, that’s a whole different thing,” he said.
Thursday’s vote is unlikely to end the fight over the popular consumer protections. Public interest groups have already vowed to challenge the move in court and Democrats plan to push legislation that would block it from going into effect as Republicans renew their calls for a legislative compromise that would put the issue to rest.
Minutes after the vote, multiple state attorneys general, including those from Washington and New York promised to sue the FCC to overturn the ruling.
“Donald Trump’s FCC made an historic mistake today by overturning its net neutrality rules, and we cannot let it stand,” said Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who on Thursday introduced legislation that would reinstate the rules. “We will fight the FCC’s decisions in the courts, and we will fight it in the halls of Congress.”
Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated Children Pose Zero Risk To Anyone And Here’s Why + New York Times Confirms Natural News Investigation: Mumps Now Spread Mostly By Vaccinated Children December 18 2017 | From: TruthStreamMedia / NaturalNews / Multitudinous
Dear Legislator: My name is Tetyana Obukhanych. I hold a PhD in Immunology. I am writing this letter in the hope that it will correct several common misperceptions about vaccines in order to help you formulate a fair and balanced understanding that is supported by accepted vaccine theory and new scientific findings.
Do unvaccinated children pose a higher threat to the public than the vaccinated?
It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide.
You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement.
I have outlined below the recommended vaccines that cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to prevent the transmission of infection (rather, they are intended to prevent disease symptoms), or because they are for non-communicable diseases.
People who have not received the vaccines mentioned below pose no higher threat to the general public than those who have, implying that discrimination against non-immunized children in a public school setting may not be warranted.
IPV (inactivated poliovirus vaccine) cannot prevent transmission of poliovirus. Wild poliovirus has been non-existent in the USA for at least two decades. Even if wild poliovirus were to be re-imported by travel, vaccinating for polio with IPV cannot affect the safety of public spaces.
Please note that wild poliovirus eradication is attributed to the use of a different vaccine, OPV or oral poliovirus vaccine. Despite being capable of preventing wild poliovirus transmission, use of OPV was phased out long ago in the USA and replaced with IPV due to safety concerns.
Tetanus is not a contagious disease, but rather acquired from deep-puncture wounds contaminated with C. tetani spores. Vaccinating for tetanus (via the DTaP combination vaccine) cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is intended to render personal protection only.
While intended to prevent the disease-causing effects of the diphtheria toxin, the diphtheria toxoid vaccine (also contained in the DTaP vaccine) is not designed to prevent colonization and transmission of C. diphtheriae. Vaccinating for diphtheria cannot alter the safety of public spaces; it is likewise intended for personal protection only.
The acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine (the final element of the DTaP combined vaccine), now in use in the USA, replaced the whole cell pertussis vaccine in the late 1990s, which was followed by an unprecedented resurgence of whooping cough.
An experiment with deliberate pertussis infection in primates revealed that the aP vaccine is not capable of preventing colonization and transmission of B. pertussis. The FDA has issued a warning regarding this crucial finding.
Furthermore, the 2013 meeting of the Board of Scientific Counselors at the CDC revealed additional alarming data that pertussis variants (PRN-negative strains) currently circulating in the USA acquired a selective advantage to infect those who are up-to-date for their DTaP boosters, meaning that people who are up-to-date are more likely to be infected, and thus contagious, than people who are not vaccinated.
Among numerous types of H. influenzae, the Hib vaccine covers only type b. Despite its sole intention to reduce symptomatic and asymptomatic (disease-less) Hib carriage, the introduction of the Hib vaccine has inadvertently shifted strain dominance towards other types of H. influenzae (types a through f).
These types have been causing invasive disease of high severity and increasing incidence in adults in the era of Hib vaccination of children. The general population is more vulnerable to the invasive disease now than it was prior to the start of the Hib vaccination campaign.
Discriminating against children who are not vaccinated for Hib does not make any scientific sense in the era of non-type b H. influenzae disease.
Hepatitis B is a blood-borne virus. It does not spread in a community setting, especially among children who are unlikely to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as needle sharing or sex. Vaccinating children for hepatitis B cannot significantly alter the safety of public spaces.
Further, school admission is not prohibited for children who are chronic hepatitis B carriers. To prohibit school admission for those who are simply unvaccinated – and do not even carry hepatitis B – would constitute unreasonable and illogical discrimination.
In summary, a person who is not vaccinated with IPV, DTaP, HepB, and Hib vaccines due to reasons of conscience poses no extra danger to the public than a person who is. No discrimination is warranted.
How often do serious vaccine adverse events happen?
It is often stated that vaccination rarely leads to serious adverse events. Unfortunately, this statement is not supported by science. A recent study done in Ontario, Canada, established that vaccination actually leads to an emergency room visit for 1 in 168 children following their 12-month vaccination appointment and for 1 in 730 children following their 18-month vaccination appointment.
When the risk of an adverse event requiring an ER visit after well-baby vaccinations is demonstrably so high, vaccination must remain a choice for parents, who may understandably be unwilling to assume this immediate risk in order to protect their children from diseases that are generally considered mild or that their children may never be exposed to.
Can discrimination against families who oppose vaccines for reasons of conscience prevent future disease outbreaks of communicable viral diseases, such as measles?
Measles research scientists have for a long time been aware of the “measles paradox.” I quote from the article by Poland & Jacobson (1994) “Failure to Reach the Goal of Measles Elimination: Apparent Paradox of Measles Infections in Immunized Persons.” Arch Intern Med 154:1815-1820:
"The apparent paradox is that as measles immunization rates rise to high levels in a population, measles becomes a disease of immunized persons.”
Further research determined that behind the “measles paradox” is a fraction of the population called low vaccine responders. Low-responders are those who respond poorly to the first dose of the measles vaccine. These individuals then mount a weak immune response to subsequent RE-vaccination and quickly return to the pool of “susceptibles’’ within 2-5 years, despite being fully vaccinated.
Re-vaccination cannot correct low-responsiveness: it appears to be an immuno-genetic trait. The proportion of low-responders among children was estimated to be 4.7% in the USA.
Studies of measles outbreaks in Quebec, Canada, and China attest that outbreaks of measles still happen, even when vaccination compliance is in the highest bracket (95-97% or even 99%). This is because even in high vaccine responders, vaccine-induced antibodies wane over time. Vaccine immunity does not equal life-long immunity acquired after natural exposure.
It has been documented that vaccinated persons who develop breakthrough measles are contagious. In fact, two major measles outbreaks in 2011 (in Quebec, Canada, and in New York, NY) were re-imported by previously vaccinated individuals.
Taken together, these data make it apparent that elimination of vaccine exemptions, currently only utilized by a small percentage of families anyway, will neither solve the problem of disease resurgence nor prevent re-importation and outbreaks of previously eliminated diseases.
Is discrimination against conscientious vaccine objectors the only practical solution?
The majority of measles cases in recent US outbreaks (including the recent Disneyland outbreak) are adults and very young babies, whereas in the pre-vaccination era, measles occurred mainly between the ages 1 and 15.
Natural exposure to measles was followed by lifelong immunity from re-infection, whereas vaccine immunity wanes over time, leaving adults unprotected by their childhood shots. Measles is more dangerous for infants and for adults than for school-aged children.
Despite high chances of exposure in the pre-vaccination era, measles practically never happened in babies much younger than one year of age due to the robust maternal immunity transfer mechanism.
The vulnerability of very young babies to measles today is the direct outcome of the prolonged mass vaccination campaign of the past, during which their mothers, themselves vaccinated in their childhood, were not able to experience measles naturally at a safe school age and establish the lifelong immunity that would also be transferred to their babies and protect them from measles for the first year of life.
Luckily, a therapeutic backup exists to mimic now-eroded maternal immunity. Infants as well as other vulnerable or immunocompromised individuals, are eligible to receive immunoglobulin, a potentially life-saving measure that supplies antibodies directed against the virus to prevent or ameliorate disease upon exposure.
In Summary:
1. Due to the properties of modern vaccines, non-vaccinated individuals pose no greater risk of transmission of polio, diphtheria, pertussis, and numerous non-type b H. influenzae strains than vaccinated individuals do, non-vaccinated individuals pose virtually no danger of transmission of hepatitis B in a school setting, and tetanus is not transmissible at all;
2. There is a significantly elevated risk of emergency room visits after childhood vaccination appointments attesting that vaccination is not risk-free; 3) outbreaks of measles cannot be entirely prevented even if we had nearly perfect vaccination compliance; and 4) an effective method of preventing measles and other viral diseases in vaccine-ineligible infants and the immunocompromised, immunoglobulin, is available for those who may be exposed to these diseases.
Taken together, these four facts make it clear that discrimination in a public school setting against children who are not vaccinated for reasons of conscience is completely unwarranted as the vaccine status of conscientious objectors poses no undue public health risk.
New York Times Confirms Natural News Investigation: Mumps Now Spread Mostly By Vaccinated Children
The New York Times is now confirming that Natural News has been right all along about the real cause of mumps outbreaks in America. In a bombshell article entitled, “Mumps Makes a Comeback, Even Among the Vaccinated,” the NYT admits that vaccinated children are spreading mumps.Via the NYT:
Most of the recent cases occurred in outbreaks, including a large one in Arkansas, rather than as a sporadic here-a-case, there-a-case disease.
And most of the outbreaks were among people 18 to 22 years old, most of whom had had the requisite two doses of mumps vaccine in childhood. “We are seeing it in a young and highly vaccinated population,” Dr. Routh said.
New York Times in 2017 Confirms What Natural News Has Been Reporting for a Decade
Natural News, of course, has repeatedly warned that mumps outbreaks occur predominantly among children who have been vaccinated against mumps, thereby proving that mumps vaccines don’t work. This realization is fully aligned with the shocking science discovery publicized last week that solved the riddle of why flu shots don’t work, too.
Even before that, Natural News has been trailblazing truth-based journalism on the topic of vaccines with all the following stories that further support what the New York Times has only now discovered… that mumps vaccines don’t work.
Some of the stories we’ve published over the last decade include:
Once again, the news you read on Natural News five or ten years ago is now today’s news in the New York Times. (If you want to stay 5 – 10 years ahead of the game, read Natural News daily.)
When the First Vaccine Doesn’t Work, Try a Second or Third Shot, Vaccine Quacks Insist
Pathetically (and predictably), the New York Times is pushing the same old quackery the vaccine industry has historically invoked to try to cover up the fact that their products were only approved based on systematic scientific fraud (see below for details).
Essentially, they’re all claiming that the way to stop vaccinated people from spreading mumps is to vaccinate them over and over again with the same vaccine that didn’t work the first time.
Via the NYT: (bolding added)
"Dr. Patricia Quinlisk, the medical director and state epidemiologist for the Iowa Department of Public Health, dealt with an outbreak at the University of Iowa and surrounding area in 2015 to 2016 of more than 450 cases of mumps. The students involved had all had their childhood M.M.R. shots, she said, as required by the university, and the decision was made to hold a series of clinics offering a third dose of vaccine.”
Indeed, when the first round of mumps vaccine quackery doesn’t work, the answer from the corrupt and scientifically inept vaccine industry is to push a second vaccine, a third vaccine and soon even a fourth mumps vaccine. This, we are told, will magically make them work if we only have ourselves injected enough times.
Mumps vaccines, in other words, generate their own repeat business by not working. This would be the equivalent in the car industry of a car dealer selling you a lemon vehicle that breaks down on the highway, then claiming you need to buy a second or third vehicle to “reinforce” the first car you bought, because that first car was a total piece of junk.
In no other industry, by the way, are people so frequently pushed to buy and consume failed products based on such obvious quackery and junk science.
Remember, too, that the whole idea of immunization is that once your body is exposed to the virus, it builds antibodies for life. But in an attempt to explain why mumps vaccines don’t work, the vaccine industry has fabricated a whole new concept rooted in complete fiction:
The idea that vaccines “wear off” and need to be repeated over and over again to make sure they “stick.” This anti-science bunk is, of course, peddled for the sole purpose of selling more vaccines even when they don’t really work as claimed.
Here’s the Real Reason Why Mumps Vaccines Don’t Work
The real reason why vaccinated people keep spreading the mumps, of course, is because the mumps vaccine is a complete fraud.
"According to two Merck scientists who filed a False Claims Act complaint in 2010 - a complaint which has just now been unsealed - vaccine manufacturer Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test data, spiked blood samples with animal antibodies, sold a vaccine that actually promoted mumps and measles outbreaks, and ripped off governments and consumers who bought the vaccine thinking it was “95% effective.”
The PDF document detailing this False Claims Act is posted here.
According to Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, both former Merck virologists, the Merck company engaged in all the following behavior:
Merck knowingly falsified its mumps vaccine test results to fabricate a “95% efficacy rate.”
In order to do this, Merck spiked the blood test with animal antibodies in order to artificially inflate the appearance of immune system antibodies.
As reported in CourthouseNews.com:
"Merck also added animal antibodies to blood samples to achieve more favorable test results, though it knew that the human immune system would never produce such antibodies, and that the antibodies created a laboratory testing scenario that “did not in any way correspond to, correlate with, or represent real life … virus neutralization in vaccinated people,” according to the complaint.
Merck then used the falsified trial results to swindle the U.S. government out of “hundreds of millions of dollars for a vaccine that does not provide adequate immunization.”
Merck’s vaccine fraud has actually contributed to the continuation of mumps across America, causing more children to become infected with mumps. (Gee, really? This is what NaturalNews has been reporting for years… vaccines are actually formulated to keep the outbreaks going because it’s great for repeat business!)
Merck used its false claims of “95 percent effectiveness” to monopolize the vaccine market and eliminate possible competitors.
The Merck vaccine fraud has been going on since the late 1990’s, say the Merck virologists.
Testing of Merck’s vaccine was never done against “real-world” mumps viruses in the wild. Instead, test results were simply falsified to achieve the desired outcome.
This entire fraud took place “with the knowledge, authority and approval of Merck’s senior management.”
Merck scientists “witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings,” according to court documents (see below).
Following the unsealing of this 2010 False Claims Act, Chatom Primary Care, based in Alabama, smelled something rotten. Three days ago, Chatom filed a lawsuit against Merck. That lawsuit record is available here.
It alleges, among other shocking things:
"[Merck engaged in] …a decade-long scheme to falsify and misrepresent the true efficacy of its vaccine."
Merck fraudulently represented and continues to falsely represent in its labeling and elsewhere that its Mumps Vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95 percent of higher.
In reality, Merck knows and has taken affirmative steps to conceal - by using improper testing techniques and falsifying test data - that its Mumps Vaccine is, and has been since at least 1999, far less than 95 percent effective.
Merck designed a testing methodology that evaluated its vaccine against a less virulent strain of the mumps virus.
After the results failed to yield Merck’s desired efficacy, Merck abandoned the methodology and concealed the study’s findings.
Incorporating the use of animal antibodies to artificially inflate the results…
Destroying evidence of the falsified data and then lying to an FDA investigator…
Threatened a virologist in Merck’s vaccine division with jail if he reported the fraud to the FDA…
he ultimate victims here are the millions of children who every year are being injected with a mumps vaccine that is not providing them with an adequate level of protection. And while this is a disease that, according to the Centers for Disease Control (‘CDC’), was supposed to be eradicated by now, the failure in Merck’s vaccine has allowed this disease to linger, with significant outbreaks continuing to occur.
Chatom Primary Care also alleges that the fraudulent Merck vaccine contributed to the 2006 mumps outbreak in the Midwest, and a 2009 outbreak elsewhere. It says, “there has remained a significant risk of a resurgence of mumps outbreaks…”
Read Vaccines.news to Stay Years Ahead of the Mainstream Media
What all this proves is that if you really want to stay informed and ahead of the curve on why vaccines fail — and the total science fraud and medical quackery behind them - you need to get your news from independent media sources that aren’t funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Vaccines.news is one of the best sources on the ‘net to get accurate, honest information that keeps you informed about vaccines. We also cover disease outbreaks at Outbreak.news.
FBI Official Admits: Russia Probe ‘Insurance Policy’ To Derail Trump + This Video Destroys The Clintons And The Russia Investigation December 17 2017 | From: Infowars / Various
Suggests Russia collusion investigation is a sham.
Thousands of text messages between two top FBI investigators have been turned over to lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including anti-Trump messages that reveal a desire to start the probe into Russian collusion as an “insurance policy” should Donald Trump win the presidency.
Among the damning texts between investigator Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page is an excerpt describing the Russia investigation as an “insurance policy” meant to ensure Trump’s overthrow should he win the presidency.
"I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office” - an apparent reference to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe - “that there’s no way he [Trump] gets elected - but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok told Page in a text from August 15, 2016.
“It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 . . . . ”
Strzok was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation last summer without explanation.
But reports surfaced earlier this month showing Strzok was dismissed after text exchanges with FBI lawyer Lisa Page revealed a deep anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton bias.
Trump To Hire Private Spies To Counter Deep State Attacks
POTUS makes key move in battle against globalists.
The Deep State, or Surveillance State, has become so correct, so politicized, that President Trump is reported to be setting up his own private spies to counter them.
Upon learning that this information had been withheld from Congress despite multiple subpoenas, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) threatened FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein with contempt-of-Congress citations.
"We now know why Strzok was dismissed, why the FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this explanation, and at least one reason why they previously refused to make [FBI] Deputy Director [Andrew] McCabe available to the Committee for an interview,” Nunes said in a statement.
It’s important to note that Strzok played a significant role not only in Mueller’s Russian probe, but also in Hillary Clinton’s email investigation when he changed the wording of Clinton’s crime from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.”
He also conducted the interview with Clinton and her top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, who it was later revealed lied to the FBI about when they learned about Clinton’s secret server.
Additionally, he also conducted the interview with Former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn which subsequently led to his recent indictment for lying to the FBI.
President Trump commented that the damning reports explain why Hillary was not prosecuted.
Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller as special counsel, was grilled by the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning in light of the damning evidence of conflict of interest surrounding both the Russian collusion investigation and Clinton’s email investigation, and insisted that he’s “not aware of any impropriety,” and added Mueller would allow “no bias” in the any of the investigations.
“It’s our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence their actions,” Rosenstein said. “I believe Director Mueller understands that, and recognizes people have political views but that they don’t let it [affect their work.]”
This Video Destroys The Clintons And The Russia Investigation
Alex Jones Plays The Video That Destroys The Clintons And The Russia Investigation.
Tom Hanks Just Broke His Silence On The Hollywood Sex Scandal - And You Need To See It December 17 2017 | From: TheAntiMedia / Various
Almost two months after sexual harassment allegations began rocking Hollywood, beloved actor Tom Hanks has broken his silence about the ongoing crisis.
Hanks spoke about Hollywood’s institutional problem with sexual exploitation during a roundtable discussion with the Hollywood Reporter that also included James Franco, John Boyega, Gary Oldman, Sam Rockwell and Willem Dafoe. It will air in full at the end of January.
Hanks, who has served an executive producer on many projects, spoke first on the many positive experiences that unfold in the film industry.
"There’s a lot of reasons people do this for a living,” he said. “Making a movie is a life experience that can create an awful lot of joy. You can meet the person you fall in love with, you can laugh your heads off, you can make the best friend you’ve ever had, you can work with one of your heroes. That’s the good stuff that can happen on a movie.”
He went on to acknowledge the darker side of Hollywood.
“The bad stuff can happen on a movie as well,” he said. “There’s some people that go into this business because they got off on having power.”
Recounting a particular incident without sharing specifics, he stressed the need to hold potential predators accountable.
"We produced a project in which someone said, ‘There’s an element of harassment that’s going on here,’” he said. “And as soon as we heard, you’ve got to jump right in. You talk to everyone, the guilds and you find out what happened.“
Hanks also addressed the industry’s atmosphere and culture, where would-be harassers feel exempt from society’s normal ethical standards.
“There can be that type of predatory aspect on a set because you think, ‘Well, we’re in the circus and we’re on the road, so therefore, do the rules really apply? They don’t really apply,‘” he said.
“There’s the other aspect of it is that, ‘Come try to get this job from me. You want me to give you a job? Come on. Come. Come prove to me that you want this job.’ That’s a sin, and that’s against the law and that is a degree of harassment and predatory behavior that goes against an assumed code of ethics.”
Speaking about that code of ethics, Hanks suggested that beyond an “assumed” code of ethics, these standards should also be explicit.
"I think eventually, I think everybody who has an office or a production office above the coffee maker or the copy machine is going to have a code of ethics in behavior: If you don’t follow these, you will not work here. And that’s not necessarily going to be a bad thing.”
He also expressed hope for change:
"Somebody said, I don’t know who it was, said, ‘Is it too late to change things?’ No, it’s never too late to change things. It’s never too late to learn new behaviors. And that’s the responsibility of anybody who wants to obey a code of professional ethics.”
The full interview with the prominent actors discusses other topics, as well, and will air on SundanceTV on January 28, 2018.
The floodgates on Hollywood sexual abuse opened in October when the New York Times and the New Yorker reported on now-disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s long history of harassment and abuse, and since, a number of prominent actors have been accused of violative behavior.
The Hollywood Reporter also held a roundtable discussion with actresses last month to address the widespread sexual harassment allegations, which continue to plague Hollywood and other industries, including the art world, tech, and various branches of government.
Illuminati-Whistle-Blowers: The Illuminati Seeks The Destruction Of Humanity December 16 2017 | From: FinalWakeupCall
The true face of the Illuminati: According to a born Illuminati member now whistle-blower, with pseudonym Svali, a professionally trained nurse; is it not true that Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati in Germany, in 1776.
They are failing now in real time however
“They chose him as figure head and told him what to write about. The financiers, dating back to the bankers during the times of The Templar Knights who financed the early Kings in Europe, are the ones that createdthe Illuminati. Weishaupt was their ‘gofer’ who did their bidding.”
She described the modern-day Illuminati as a sadistic satanic cult, led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. She further claims the Order is filled with homosexuals and paedophiles and that the Illuminati works hand in glove with the CIA and Freemasonry to control the world, by trafficking drugs, guns, pornography, and prostitution.
They have even been accused of being the power behind political assassinations and terrorism, including the false flag events of 9/11 in 2001.
“Svali’s courageous testimony explains why our children are no longer taught civic values, why they are being habituated to homosexuality and violence, and why our culture is descending into nihilism and sexual depravity,” commented another researcher.
She said the Illuminati have kept their secrecy intact, because the public simply won’t believe that all that is happening, could actually be happening. “I am (now) a strong Christian, and in Revelations, it says that right before the return of Jesus, people will be acting as if nothing bad is happening, that all is normal, in spite of evidence to the contrary,” she said.
“You could show people a video taken of a ritual, and they would declare: ‘it has to be fake; people just don’t do those things.’ You could show them the site with pentagrams, buried bones, and other evidence, and they would say, ‘Oh those are just teenagers playing around.” …
They could be shown the scars on a survivor’s body, from cigarette burns in childhood, and old lash marks that have healed on their back, and the question would be? Are you sure it wasn’t self-inflicted?”
The evidence is here, but in my opinion, the average person does not want to know about it, and even when confronted with the evidence, they will look the other way. How much evidence has come out? Or what about the CIA mind-control program documents that have been declassified, proven to be authentic and people ignore it…
“We as human beings want to believe the best of our race, not the worst”, but the fact that it is inconvenient to believe these things, does not change the truth thereof.
The Illuminati’s Hierarchy:
People don’t want to believe that the Illuminati regards it their responsibility to run planet Earth. These few people are so powerful, and control so much wealth and assets, that they could be regarded as a nation-state in their own right. They control the major and minor political parties.
They control the process of government, information flow, and the creation of money. They have infiltrated all organisations, even the church. There is nothing left that has not been touched by the Illuminati. All national Illuminati councils report to a Supreme World Council, that act as the forerunner that will rule when the New World Order comes into being.
The top 33rd degree Freemasons are also top Illuminati. The Rothschild families in the US, England, and France have ruling seats in this Supreme World Council. They believe they are descendants of royal bloodlines, as well as bearers of unbroken occult heritage.
The Coming Economic Collapse:
They have planned the coming economic collapse, to be followed by martial law. Then the bankers and governments will recall all debts immediately, but according to plan and known from the very beginning, – most people won’t be unable to pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause a widespread global financial panic, as the Illuminati are controlling people through finances.
Svali continued; they are also a very political and a back-stabbing group, with a dog-eat-dog mentality, everyone wants to move up. She says these are not nice people and they use and manipulate others viciously. They cut their eye-balls on status, power and money.
They never openly disclose their agenda, or their cult activities. These are, in the eyes of the public, well respected ‘Christians’, ‘Jews’ or ‘Muslims’, taking on the façade of business leaders in the community. Their image in society is all-important to an illuminatus; they will do anything to maintain a normal respected façade, and despise exposure.
Another whistle-blower who is a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family, under his pseudonym ‘Hidden Hand’, proclaims:
“Our lineage can be traced back beyond antiquity. From the earliest time of record in history, and beyond, our Family has been directing the play from behind the scenes in one way or another, having originated from before the rise and fall of Atlantis.
We are born to lead. It is part of the design for the current paradigm. There are 13 base or original core bloodlines. Hidden Hand contradicts British Author David Icke’s belief that these families were interbred with reptilians. He said: “We are most certainly not Reptilian.” And there is “nothing remotely reptilian about the true power Bloodlines.”
The Status of Humanity on our Polarised Planet:
Hidden Hand also explains the current state of humanity on our Polarised planet, Thought is focussed creative energy. You get exactly what you put out. Why do you think the media is so important to their agenda? You have (as a society), in your hypnotised, comatose state, given your Free Will consent to the state your planet is in today.
You saturate your mind with unhealthy dishes served up for you on your television that you are addicted to, violence, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, incessant bad news, fear and terror.
“When was the last time you stopped to think of something beautiful and pure? The planet is the way it is, because of your collective thoughts about it. You are complicit through your inaction, every time you look the other way when you see an injustice.
Your thoughts at the sub-conscious level of creation to the Creator, is your allowance of these things to occur. In so doing, you are serving our (illuminati) purpose. It is very important to us, that the Polarisation of this planet is Negative at the time of the Great Harvest.
That means Service-to-Self-orientated, as opposed to Positive, Service-to-Others. We require a Negative Harvest, and you are doing a fine job of helping us to attain our goals. We are very grateful”, conveyed Hidden Hand.
According to Hidden Hand, all youngsters born into Illuminati families are carefully schooled in areas of the military, government, spiritual, scholarship, leadership, and science.
“We hold key positions in all these main areas of importance,” he said. “With the addition of a complicit machine and ownership of your financial establishment, all bases are covered.”
Be assured this is not a Hoax, or disinformation. According to writer-investigator Salla; “In my opinion, this is a genuine revelation by an insider belonging to an organisation called The Family, that has secretly been involved in ruling both the Earth and other planets through highly-placed Elites in key social and political institutions.”
Another reported high-ranking Illuminati defector is Leo Lyon Zagami, a former Grand Master of the Ordo Illumintorum Universalis, – the Universal Order of the Illuminati – in Florence, Italy, and by some considered the good, positive side of the Illuminati in the Vatican.
He also is a former member the Masonic Executive Committee of Monte Carlo, and a thirty-third-degree Freemason. He was a senior member of the infamous P2 Lodge which, as has been revealed, is a seditious organisation, involving figures connected to the Freemasons, the Vatican, and CIA, in an attempt to bring about a fascist state in Italy.
Zagami claimed to be born into a Scottish-Sicilian Illuminati aristocratic bloodline and has been involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood. He has published a book entitled Confessions of an Illuminati, in which he describes Illuminati rituals, rites, and gives a perspective of the Illuminati’s web of deceit and total world control.”
He said his confession was “an attempt to bring to light a reality considered by most, unfortunately, to be non-existent, and even the object of derision by so-called academics, often controlled and manipulated by secret societies themselves, as they succeed in silencing the truth at the source, on behalf of the elite,” oftentimes whilst totally ignorant thereof.
“In fact, while it is true that the Order of the Illuminati of Bavaria, was created by Adam Weishaupt, and was apparently short-lived amongst the Western systems of initiation…” Watch this impressive, informative video.
Mafia comes from Mason:
According to Zagami, the European Union is pure mafia. The word Mafia comes from the word Mason, it is a masonic creation. The Illuminati sects operate in the occult and sexual magic circles, uniting people ranging from ex-terrorists to fundamentalist Catholics; ready to manipulate sects, new religions, state secrets, and anything else they can get their hands on for profit and power.
The two big players, The Vatican on one side; and the Jewish lobby on the other, play a daily game of chess with the destiny of all of humanity (emphasis in the original) … Many of the sects of the Illuminati-network, use occult rituals and magick to get rich on the back of the poor and the ignorant that have fallen into their trap.
There are also those immersed in demonic practices who, in some cases, influence adepts to promote human sacrifice. Although organisations of this type are in the minority, they usually consist of very influential members of high-society, people who will never be prosecuted for such horrible actions though their positions of power.
The members of the Illuminati Brotherhood operate in a world of treachery, deceit, lies, murder, drug-running, sex slavery, and illegal weapons trade, all in the name of the New World Order.
The whole monetary system is a huge Ponzi Scheme in their service, the unanswered question being; are big banks scared of a whistle-blower coming forward to expose all the corruption, leading to a loss of confidence and a crash of the monetary system, as so many high-level bankers have been “suicided” in recent years?
“Life as you know it, is a lie. Society is a cage, a matrix of deceit. Your jobs are voluntary slavery. The television you watch is designed to keep you incapable of critical thought and the very freedom and democracy your leaders claim to stand for, is nothing but an illusion.”
The Global Reset:
All man-made debt instruments ever created must eventually be settled by Universal Law, for which an international gold treaty was signed in 2015. There are 210 sovereign nations that followed the pathway laid out by the Sovereign Elders (WDS).
Comment: This is not entirely accurate, however it is related to the work of Neil Keenan / Group K and the ancient Golden Dragon Family and their efforts to release the Global Collateral Accounts for Humanitarian purposes. The last people to try this were President John F. Kennedy and President Soekarno - and they paid dearly for their venture to free humanity.
These nations can now participate and collateralise their sovereign hard assets to create new pools of development capital, to be activated in a new and improved digital financial system with benevolent algorithm oversight.
This golden jubilee or “global reset” will return humanity back to the gold standard and harmonise long-term economic sustainability, eliminating all fiat debt, and allowing the financial system to be re-capitalised, backed by gold or real hard assets. No more fiat paper will be allowed.
The Dark Nobility/Cabal won a number of battles over these many centuries, but ultimately, they will lose the war; and will never be allowed to return to overseeing human affairs.
Their days of devious, secret treachery and cold-blooded murder in order to replace people’s otherwise democratically elected governments with puppets and steal sovereign assets will end for good.
If a country defaults on their sovereign commitments, they will automatically be absorbed into the AIIB and their debts will be settled right on the spot. No longer will predatory international creditors be allowed to impose harsh austerity measures in an attempt to steal national sovereign resources.
Bombshell Report Confirms US Coalition Struck A Deal With ISIS December 16 2017 | From: Zerohedge At a moment of widespread acknowledgement that the short-lived Islamic State is no longer a reality, and as ISIS is about to be defeated by the Syrian Army in its last urban holdout of Abu Kamal City in eastern Syria, the US is signalling an open-ended military presence in Syria.
In November Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon that the US is preparing for a long term military commitment in Syria to fight ISIS "as long as they want to fight."
Mattis indicated that even should ISIS loose all of its territory there would still be a dangerous insurgency that could morph into an "ISIS 2.0" which he said the US would seek to prevent. “The enemy hasn’t declared that they’re done with the area yet, so we’ll keep fighting as long as they want to fight,” Mattis said. “We’re not just going to walk away right now before the Geneva process has traction.”
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis stands in front of a map of Syria and Iraq
Mattis was referring to the stalled peace talks in Geneva which some analysts have described as a complete failure (especially as the Geneva process unrealistically stipulates the departure of Assad), as the future of Syria has of late been increasingly decided militarily on the battlefield, with the Syrian government now controlling the vast majority of the country's most populated centers.
Ironically just as some degree of stability and normalcy has returned to many parts of the county now under government control, Mattis coupled the idea of a permanent US military presence with the goal of allowing Syrians to return to their homes. He said, “You keep broadening them. Try to (demilitarize) one area then (demilitarize) another and just keep it going, try to do the things that will allow people to return to their homes.”
Meanwhile Turkey once again reiterated that the US has 13 bases in Syria, though the US-backed Syrian YPG has previously indicated seven US military bases in northern Syria. The Pentagon, however, would not confirm base locations or numbers - though only a year-and-a-half ago the American public was being assured that there would be "no boots on the ground" due to mission creep in Syria.
During the last year of the Obama administration, State Department spokesman John Kirby was called out multiple times by reporters for tell obvious and blatant lies concerning "boots on the ground" in Syria.
Remember this? "We are not going to be involved in a large scale combat mission on the ground in Syria. That is what the president [Obama] has long said."
As another recent Pentagon press conference further acknowledged, these bases - though likely special forces forward operating bases - require a broad network of US personnel operating in various logistical roles inside Syria and likely now includes thousands of US troops deployed on the ground, instead of the Pentagon's official (and highly dubious) "approximately 500 troops in Syria" number.
Mattis' declaration of an open ended military commitment in Syria came the same day that the BBC confirmed that the US and its Kurdish SDF proxy (Syrian Democratic Forces) cut a deal with ISIS which allowed for the evacuation of possibly thousands of ISIS members and their families from Raqqa.
"The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of Islamic State fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city. A convoy included some of IS's most notorious members and - despite reassurances - dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey."
Though it's always good when the mainstream media belatedly gives confirmation to stories that actually broke months prior, the BBC was very late to the story. ISIS terrorists being given free passage by coalition forces to leave Raqqa was a story which we and other outlets began to report last June, and which Moon of Alabama and Al-Masdar News exposed in detail a full month prior to the BBC report.
And astoundingly, even foreign fighters who had long vowed to carry out attacks in Europe and elsewhere were part of the deal brokered under the sponsorship of the US coalition in Syria. According to the BBC report:
"Disillusioned, weary of the constant fighting and fearing for his life, Abu Basir decided to leave for the safety of Idlib. He now lives in the city. He was part of an almost exclusively French group within IS, and before he left some of his fellow fighters were given a new mission.
"There are some French brothers from our group who left for France to carry out attacks in what would be called a ‘day of reckoning.’”
Much is hidden beneath the rubble of Raqqa and the lies around this deal might easily have stayed buried there too. The numbers leaving were much higher than local tribal elders admitted. At first the coalition refused to admit the extent of the deal."
So it appears that the US allowed ISIS terrorists to freely leave areas under coalition control, according to no less than the BBC, while at the same time attempting to make the case before the public that a permanent Pentagon presence is needed in case of ISIS' return.
But it’s a familiar pattern by now: yesterday's proxies become today's terrorists, which return to being proxies again, all as part of justifying permanent US military presence on another nation's sovereign territory.
America's Syrian adventure went from public declarations of “we’re staying out” to “just some logistical aid to rebels” to “okay, some mere light arms to fight the evil dictator” to “well, a few anti-tank missiles wouldn’t hurt” to “we gotta bomb the new super-bad terror group that emerged!” to “ah but no boots on the ground!” to “alright kinetic strikes as a deterrent” to “but special forces aren’t really boots on the ground per se, right?” to yesterday's Mattis declaration of an open-ended commitment. And on and on it goes.
The Human Target: Directed Energy Weapons And Electronic Warfare December 15 2017 | From: ByeByeBlueSky
A subject that is getting more and more attention from people all over the world is deliberate electromagnetic targeting of people. A neural rape or assault on people’s bodies and brains developed from classified military technology. More often now, people are valiantly speaking out about being a “Targeted Individual”.
This is a subject that has not surprisingly received little to no attention from the corporate owned media. It is disconcerting enough that the world is now saturated in dangerous elf/ulf/vlf/rf/ and so many other types of frequency waves which permeate our bodily tissues causing serious degradation of our health.
Related:Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study
There is also a Military Intelligence Program that is gaining world wide recognition which uses these “smart grid” frequencies to target individuals.
Electronic Warfare and the Targeted Individual
Electronic warfare is defined as any military action involving the use of electromagnetic and directed energy to control the electromagnetic spectrum to attack the enemy. The Navy calls this “electromagnetic battle management”. Who would that enemy combatant be; a person or persons that is seen as so seemingly dangerous or threatening to the power structure?
That enemy would be you and I...
For those unfamiliar with the term “TI or Targeted Individuals”, it is important to note there are different methodologies that the functionaries or agents apply to targeted individuals carried out by various government programs or agency initiatives.
This article discusses individuals targeted by; remote neural monitoring, mind control, brain mapping, gang stalking, implants, voice to skull technology (V2K) which beams frequencies into the head, and nervous system manipulation 24 hours a day. Targeting can be covert, or overt.
This classified technology has been created by governments and military and used on its own citizens. Helpless citizens which have been victimized by BILLION DOLLAR government funded technology designed for quiet wars, to create harm. What the powers that be are looking for is RESPONSES, which they can track, measure and log. This in effect, is an omnipresent electromagnetic gulag in the privacy of your own home, workplace, or streets.
Funding for many experiments has been provided by the United States Government, particularly the United States Military, the Central Intelligence Agencies and private corporations involved with military activities.
These human research programs have been highly secretive, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed. After the incidents are exposed, the standing President is trotted out to issue a counterfeit apology, as if apologies somehow make up for the destruction of lives.
Targeting can be done by radio-frequency weapons, high powered microwave technology and acoustic technology. These are deliberately orchestrated attacks and TI’s will suffer from these assaults even when exposure to frequencies are reduced. Some TI’s report that the constant barrage of electromagnetic radiation also brings with it multiple chemical sensitivity.
Unethical human experimentation has been conducted on citizen for decades, and we have seen large swaths of the population being subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment, often the sick and vulnerable and economically depressed.
One example of this unethical government research was the classified human radiation experiments conducted on over 4,000 innocent American citizens during the Cold War. These and a number of other clandestine human experiments are discussed in this article by By Alan R. Cantwell Jr., M.D.
The elites have their warfare covered, microwave targeting is one more assault on our individual person hood. Mutagenics, transgenics, epigenetics, endocrine disrupters, free radical and radiation damage. When we now look at our world we see the multi pronged attack of the chemical spraying of our skies, genetically modified food stuffs, vaccines, fluoride and “microwave targeting of peoples”.
Our bodies and brains may be accessed to harass and torment us in the New World Order and Smart Grid Infrastructure. We the people are guinea pigs of technology and test subjects for many government experiments.
Project Pandora is an early example of a U.S. Government microwave experiment on animals from 1965 to 1970;
The use of hidden directives such as ‘DOD Directive 5240.1-r – Procedure 13 Human Experimentation for Intelligence Purposes’ allows for the testing and evaluation of any technology on any U.S. Person and those foreigners living on U.S. soil.
This ‘directive not law’ has been unethically and inhumanly passed from agency to agency and contractor to contractor resulting in TORTURE TESTING ON HUMAN BEINGS (defined as U.S. Persons).
Anyone who is part of the new media, the truther movement, or a front line activist, will most likely have experienced some kind of targeting. The general population at large is also subjected to microwave targeting.
We all have been sprayed with micro processors, micro sensors, nano bots, smart dust, etc., from the chemical engineering of our skies and the manipulation of our weather. Nano is a Greek word which means “Dwarf”. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter and this tech is so small it can fit inside a blood vessel, our bodies and brains have no firewall against this nano technology .
It is simply a matter of “activating or turning on” the Program that has been implanted in our bodies with the use of frequencies or DEW’s. We are all vulnerable to this type of attack and some TI’s have had implants show up in various scans and x-rays. Implants are capable of transmitting voice signals, high voltage pulses, emitting a small tracking beacon signal, or other unspecified uses.
This technology which is networking inside us, is the Program which allows the powers that be to have full scale access to our brains and our bodies to manipulate as they wish. This is the New World Order System of Artificial Intelligence, Smart Grid Infrastructure and The Internet of Things. The engine the world is now running on is derived on the premise of “keeping the Program in tact”. Attempting to separate us from consciousness and severing our neural network.
With the advent of 5G technology, microwave radiation will be increased exponentially using small millimeter waves small cell deployment. This could mean wireless antennas on every lamp post, utility pole, home and business throughout entire neighborhoods, towns and cities
It does this by using largely untapped bandwidth of the millimeter wave (MMW), which is between 30GHz and 300GHz, as well as some lower and mid-range frequencies.GHz is a unit of frequency equal to one billion hertz.
Humans oscillate at approximately 7.83 hertz otherwise known as the Schumann Resonance. Since our bodies resonate at a very low hertz, they simply cannot handle the inundation of this microwave technology.
A bodily inferno created by an unregulated, unapproved, lay it down everywhere tech. Moreover, with this updated 5G tech, it will allow the Program now being activated in our bodies to take on a much more aggressive role, because the AI feeds off these frequencies.
Dangers to the human brain and body from electromagnetic radiation are immeasurable, the scale is so large. Dr. Elizabeth Plourde of emffreedom.com says that; “We can liken this assault to being machine gunned. All of our cells are getting holes and leaking, our blood brain barrier is getting holes and leaking and our gut is leaking. “
The Artificial Intelligence Program can and will induce anything it wishes. It can be a disease, emotional distress, brain targeting, genital targeting. Our moods and emotions are being manipulated and controlled through Artificial Intelligence and work in concert with these frequencies.
Ask yourself when you feel lower vibratory emotions of; disgust, fear, anger, violence, sexual thoughts, jealousy, etc., are these my own emotions, or implanted emotions through these frequencies and the AI technology?
The frequency hit will induce a physiological, emotional, physical response, attacking brain waves. Unless people know about Targeted Individuals and the Artificial Intelligence Program, they will not understand these invasions. The Artificial Intelligence is overriding us and our cellular matrix. The program can do virtually anything it wishes.
Mind control is a frequent report from targeted individuals. Torture is also a frequent report from TI’s. Many tactics and means are employed. There are a number of ways to target individuals; electronic telepathy, microwaves and electromagnetics, holography, lasers, radio frequency energy beams, satellites, and radar to name some.
Targeting of people in this manner using directed energy weapons will prompt extreme distress and may lead to get them diagnosed as schizophrenics so they will be marginalized and maligned by friends, family and community.
One well known individual targeted with directed energy weapons is Dr. Katherine Horton;
This is silent, encroaching warfare, dripping like a slow running faucet, and many find it difficult to come to terms with the fact that it actually exists and our governments would be criminal enough to use it against populations. This experimental warfare is done under the cloak of National Security, which is always a cover for plausible deniability.
Elana Freeland, author and researcher of the book “Chemtrails, HAARP and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth” has in depth knowledge on the subject of targeted individuals. She personally knows a number of TI’s and also ghost writes for some.
Freeland discusses in her very detailed essay Directed Energy Weapons For Political Control, in Nexus Magazine, “The Non-Lethal’s” You Don’t Hear About, and says this; “Then there are the EM weapons that are even less public because they are used covertly for political control in quiet war against populations, dissidents and individuals displeasing to various powers that be.
Examples include laser systems (free electron, x-ray, neutral particle beam, chemical oxygen iodine, mid-infrared advanced chemical laser, etc.) delivering blurred vision and holograms, ion-beam plasma and augmented reality mind control delivered by satellites that first track targets via their bio-energetic signatures and then couples plasma with their EM fields; and of course non aural carriers that directly induce silent, subliminal messages into the brain, often known as voice to skull (V2K) or synthetic telepathy.
In line with Cold War secrecy and deceit, thousands of non consensual human subjects have been used for target practice of weaponized electromagnetics.”
Freeland goes on to say; “In homes and walls, offices across the nation millimeter wave scanners are penetrating walls, looking for target brains for microwave transmitters to beam specific mood inducing excitation potentials into.
Other people in the room will be oblivious to the fact that an excitation potential for suicide or murder is resetting the brain of their friend or relative for depression or rage. (This technology may have been behind the “suicides” of political activist Abbie Hoffman, singer Kurt Cobain, journalist Gary Web, etc., etc.,”)
U.S. Patents also attest that the capability is there to target individuals with frequencies;
“Voice to Skull” Microwave Device –U.S. Patent 4,877,027
Extremely low frequencies and microwaves can cause agitation in humans and these frequencies have been known to cause serious illness and eventual death. Moreover, mind control through sound wave technology would be the ultimate non-lethal weapon; stealth warfare. Remember, this experimentation is to log, monitor, track and assess an individual’s response to this electronic harassment. The Orwellian Nightmare come to fruition.
It’s clear that we have a shadow government that is puppeteering this psychotronic fantasy. In a book written by Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission), entitled Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era published in 1970, he writes;
"Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”
The elites and their minions have been marching to the beat of their “Brave New World” for decades.
Torture: Physical, Mental & Psychological
TI’s suffer enormously and some common health related issues that TI’s deal with are listed on Targeted Individuals Association;
Direct pain in the body that tends to get worse and more severe, pain the in the spinal cord or back, lethargic and aching pains, pain in the back of the head, pain in the amygdala or the limbic system, pain in the forehead or front lob, cooked brain (slight heating of the brain to induce synthetic emotional states or stress disorders, electroshocks in the brain, involuntary body movements caused by nervous system attacks, pain the the chest, palpitations and adrenal rushes, toothaches, gum bleeding, mild heart attacks, pain in vital organs, electronic sexual “rapes” during sleep or while awake, are just some of the torture tactics TI’s have to endure, notwithstanding the mind control, surveillance, isolation and vilification from society.
One individual who has been electronically targeted is Robert Stanson. Stanson has been targeted for over two years. The targeting has created havoc and upheaval in his life. He was targeted neurally and genitally to the point of extreme discomfort wherein he couldn’t stand comfortably in one location.
He would experience sharp jolts to the head, heart palpitations, acute pains to the body, stomach distress and fear of going out in public. Stanson’s quality of life was sharply declining and he took proactive counter measures to battle the assaults. TI’s are left to their own devices to find ways to battle this weaponry since the health/police/judicial communities have long since abandoned the people they serve and collude with those harming us.
Stanson developed a Reverse Polarity Helmet and Anti Polarity Cup, in effect, fight frequency with frequency. Jam the attacks being directed at him. He states that he has slowly worked up to wearing his helmet daily, and states the targeting has measurably decreased and is able to sleep through the night, thinks more clearly, and negative lower vibratory emotions have ceased.
He can now reach a comfort state with a marked amelioration in symptoms. The helmet and the cup are very good ideas to protect our DNA and genetic code.
More and more TI’s are standing up against these assaults and finding ways to help mitigate the devastating impacts the targeting has had on their lives. The items Robert has created, corroborate with other researchers and their technologies like Health Researcher Tony Pantalleresco’s Electromagnetic Frequency Pulser that can also jam the frequency attacks .
Please watch Robert’s you tube videos to make the helmet and the cup. If you are dexterity challenged, Robert will make the items for you.
This is “The Bugsweep’s Electrostatic Active Shield System” which protects the targeted individual from directed energy attacks. The transmission panels emit an electrostatic energy that forms a protective field. Any directed energy attack is deflected off this energy field giving the targeted individual the ability to get on-going relief.
There are also well written books exposing this targeting, such as; Guinea Pigs Technologies of Control authored by Dr. John Hall:
Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control
Well known MK Ultra survivor and CIA Mind Control Slave, Cathy O’Brien in her book “Access Denied For Reasons of National Security” wrote about the agenda that Cheney, Bush, and other global elite ushering in the New World Order totally believe in; the plan mapped out by Artificial Intelligence.
They were allowing Technology to dictate global control. “Life is like a video game,” Bush once told me at the rural multi-million dollar Lampe, Missouri CIA mind control training camp complex designed for Black Ops Special Forces where torture and virtual reality technologies were used. “Since I have access to the technological source of the plans, I dictate the rules of the game.”
These actions are HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS ABUSES, and all equate to HUMAN TORTURE of millions of citizens TODAY.
This experimentation and torture is very real and very painful. We cannot be free while hooked up to a monitor and surveyed, tracked, monitored and assessed. We know mind control harassment through covert and overt practices is a program designed to create apathy, distress and ill health, while stifling spiritual evolution.
The Nuremberg Code was created to protect people after World War II from government malfeasance and precisely this type of silent weaponry. This is a sea of bio energetic torture that we cannot see, taste or smell. How do we fight an invisible enemy and their acts of war against their citizens? Should these inhumane torturous acts be allowed to continue to genocidal proportions?
We are now knee deep in World War III, although many still cannot see it, the AI program is now overriding cognitive thought and intellectual rationalization. People find more comfort now with their cellular devices than human companionship. Socialization, intimacy and communication have been replaced by the wireless tentacles threatening to subsume our human existence.
This must change so we can evolve and see the “big picture” and what the elites have designed for humanity. The power structure is silently attempting to disarm us psycho spiritually, cognitively and physically through this electromagnetic warfare.
Sun Tzu a Chinese general, military strategist, and philosopher stated that; “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”.
It’ s up to us, we the people to step back from this technological prison and become fully aware of the dictates of the NWO game and the secret government operations that are using technology against us. Once we understand their game we can assume spiritual and physical healing. Truth and wisdom is our path to reconciliation and peace.
We need to recognize exactly what these frequency attacks are doing to us and look within and apply vigilance and healthy coping mechanisms. We do have the power and the counter measures to reject these attacks and assimilation. We must bring these crimes to light.
Thank you to all the TI’s and individuals sharing their stories and helping educate others about this subject.
Recently, thousands of people around the world are claiming to be having the exact same terrifying experience. They all report the same symptoms: hearing operator voices in their heads, suffering from ‘electronic torture’ and being subject to organised stalking - they call themselves ‘Targeted Individuals’.
A number have attempted many things to relieve their pain - from living life on the run to surgically removing their own flesh because they believe it’s implanted with microchips. VICE follows a growing community who say they are being targeted as part of a government programme that is harassing and controlling them using hidden technology.
Why You Really Really Should Disobey December 15 2017 | From: HighImpactFlix Disobedience is one of the true pillars of liberty.
Actually challenge the ruling 'elite' or you will get what they would have coming to you...
Facebook President Revealed Something About Zuckerberg's Dark Intentions You Should Know & Facebook Denies Former VP Claims It’s Destroying ‘Fabric Of Society’ December 14 2017 | From: HighImpactFlix / Infowars
The Founding President of Facebook recently said some things that may make us want to rethink how we use the FB platform from here on out.
Facebook Denies Former VP Claims It’s Destroying ‘Fabric Of Society’
‘Facebook was a very different company back then,’ company claims.
Social media giant Facebook has responded to allegations made by its former vice president, who claimed the company was “destroying how society works.”
In a statement addressing concerns that its tools have contributed to the downfall of society, Facebook said it had grown and changed since its former VP Chamath Palihapitiya had left the company.
The company’s statement reads:
“Chamath has not been at Facebook for over six years. When Chamath was at Facebook we were focused on building new social media experiences and growing Facebook around the world.
Facebook was a very different company back then and as we have grown we have realised how our responsibilities have grown too. We take our role very seriously and we are working hard to improve.
We’ve done a lot of work and research with outside experts and academics to understand the effects of our service on well-being, and we’re using it to inform our product development.
We are also making significant investments more in people, technology and processes, and – as Mark Zuckerberg said on the last earnings call – we are willing to reduce our profitability to make sure the right investments are made.."
In a November discussion at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, the former vice president indicated he felt guilty over his role in heading a company which has aided the destruction of society.
“The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops we’ve created are destroying how society works,” Palihapitiya said, pointing to the insatiable need for “hearts, likes, thumbs-up.”
“No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth. And it’s not an American problem — this is not about Russians ads. This is a global problem,” the venture capitalist noted.
“That’s what we’re dealing with,” Palihapitiya said. “And imagine taking that to the extreme, where bad actors can now manipulate large swathes of people to do anything you want. It’s just a really, really bad state of affairs.”
“And we compound the problem, right? We curate our lives around this perceived sense of perfection, because we get rewarded in these short-term signals – hearts, likes, thumbs up – and we conflate that with value and we conflate it with truth.
And instead what it really is is fake brittle popularity that’s short-term and that leaves you even more – and admit it – vacant and empty before you did it, because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where you’re like, ‘What’s the next thing I need to do now?
Because I need it back.’ Think about that compounded by two billion people, and then think about how people react then to the perceptions of others.”
“Your behaviors, you don’t realize it, but you are being programmed,” Palihapitiya said. “It was unintentional, but now you got to decide how much you are willing to give up, how much of your intellectual independence.
Palihapitiya’s comments followed remarks from former Facebook President Sean Parker, who also claimed the company’s tools are psychologically re-wiring users.
“The thought process that went into building these applications, Facebook being the first of them, … was all about: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?’” Parker stated at an event hosted by Axios.
“I don’t know if I really understood the consequences of what I was saying, because [of] the unintended consequences of a network when it grows to a billion or 2 billion people and … it literally changes your relationship with society, with each other … It probably interferes with productivity in weird ways. God only knows what it’s doing to our children’s brains.”
Ten Essential Elements Of A Covert Op December 14 2017 | From: JonRappoport
I’m talking about major covert ops, not small ones.
The tasks necessary to carrying out the operation are divided among players at different levels. In a successful op, these groups of players are unaware of each other. They wouldn’t be able to confess to more than their own roles.
And in many cases, the disparate players would never believe they were part of an op. They would swear they were “doing good” - as, for example, in medical research that was - unknown to the researchers - actually designed to obscure a chemical attack on a population, by locating a virus as the false culprit. By training and by general stupidity, the researchers are always predisposed to finding a virus. The last thing on their minds is that they’re part of an op.
Two: Gaining tremendous media coverage for the effect of the op (even exaggerating the effects), while hiding the cause and the players who planned it.
Three: Blaming the wrong people as the originators of the op. Relentlessly discrediting truth tellers who see what’s really going on.
Four: Developing and promoting a false cover story to describe the details of the op; in many cases, those details are wrong. For example, the famous truck bomb parked at the curb of the Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, did most assuredly not cause the human and property destruction that ensued. There were bombs inside the building.
Five: Laying down false trails for investigators and independent researchers. In the wake of the JFK assassination, we saw the emergence of many, many “alternative” scenarios. Some of that “information” was designed to lead into dead-end alleys - after much time and frustration.
Six: At least several goals. In any large covert op, there are a few different objectives, at different levels. For example, certain players gain an increase in status; profits for the elite planners; control of market share; demonizing of opponents; general demoralization of the population. Arguments over “the real purpose” of an op are often misguided. There was never just one purpose.
Seven: Testing public response. After an op, analysts are tasked with assessing the public reaction. Did most people buy the official scenario? What objections were raised? Who raised them? An effort is made to be as precise as possible. What lessons were learned that can be applied to the next op?
Eight: Controlled opposition. This aspect involves infiltrating independent voices with plants, who try to take charge of unofficial and truthful narrative and steer it AWAY from the truth.
Among the plants are people who promote the most absurd theories possible about the op. And then there are those plants who accuse everyone who doesn’t agree with them of being “CIA agents.”
Note: Several of these functions are actually carried out by people who aren’t plants at all. They’re just crazy and/or desperate egomaniacs. They obtain their highest degree of satisfaction from making accusations against innocent people and inventing sleights against themselves. They live in an unenviable sewer.
Nine: Distraction. After a covert op, the government and the press will sometimes promote and pump a new story, concerning a different “sensational event” - and lean on it for a period of time sufficient to distract the public from the original op.
Ten: Limited hangout. This strategy involves seeding a cover story with some bit of truth to attract the unwary, in hopes that they will buy the whole cover. Or, admitting to a watered down piece of truth about the op itself, to “let off steam” and make it seem as if the whole op has been exposed.
These ten elements (there are more) are standard. They’re not esoteric. Any intelligence agency deploys them in a variety of situations.
For the most part, the press simply takes dictation and reports what front men for covert ops want reported. Of course, the press is seeded with intell assets.
How does a researcher deal with these ten elements? He drills down below the cover story to discover the core facts about the op. He isn’t diverted by the distractions and the fake news.
He must be ready to find some mind-boggling truths at the core and accept what he finds.
Having discovered the core, he can then “reverse engineer” the op and see how it was put together. He can see who benefited at various levels.
In my 1987-8 investigation of AIDS/HIV, what lay at the core was the fact that the virus had never been shown to cause anything. Nor was it a reasonable candidate as a disease agent.
From there, I could assemble the multiple purposes of the op and see who was benefiting. I could separate the dupes and pawns and true believers from the actual operators.
My research uncovered a formidable structure of hierarchical power.
Fortunately, I and other independent researchers who were arriving at different conclusions managed to maintain a cordial relationship, instead of sniping at each other.
The few times I encountered megalomaniacs, I basically ignored them. It was a good lesson to learn.
A final note for now: just because ops are covert, that doesn’t mean they are well executed. Quite often the operators make blunders. In that case, the following cover-up carries the freight of mistakes and smooths them out by concocting fantasies that are relayed to the press, and in turn, to the public.
And even then, the cover-up can fail to impress intelligent observers. However, through repetition, and by using “experts,” the mainstream media keeps promoting the cover story. In the end, it is the sheer monopolistic power of the press that functions as the ultimate cover.
That is why I named this site NoMoreFakeNews.com 16 years ago. Because that blunt power needs to be dismantled.
We are in the middle of a sea change, where that very thing is happening.
CNN Exposed As Propaganda Ministry For The DNC And Military/Security Complex December 13 2017 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / TheIntercept
The U.S. Media Suffered Its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages and Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened
Glenn Greenwald, one of the few real journalists that still exist in the West, none of whom work for CNN or any of the US or European media, has given us the story of the latest mass lie told to the world by CNN.
Allow me to be unequivocal. CNN is not a news service. It is a shit hole. There is no one at CNN who has any integrity or any intelligence. CNN is a collection of corrupt morons. If you added up the entire IQ of everyone at CNN and multiplied it by one million it would not equal an IQ of 10. CNN integrity is deep into the negative depths.
These morons are paid to lie to the American people and to the world. That is all that they do. Anyone who sits and listens to CNN is stupid beyond repair and cannot possibly have any idea of what is happening in the world.
Read Greenwald’s account of this massive lie spread around the world by the utterly venal and corrupt American media. You will see that the United States does not have a media. It has a propaganda ministry that manufactures lies to serve the One Percent:
Friday was one of the most embarrassing days for the U.S. media in quite a long time. The humiliation orgy was kicked off by CNN, with MSNBC and CBS close behind, and countless pundits, commentators, and operatives joining the party throughout the day. By the end of the day, it was clear that several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people, while refusing to provide any explanation of how it happened.
The spectacle began Friday morning at 11 a.m. EST, when the Most Trusted Name in News™ spent 12 straight minutes on air flamboyantly hyping an exclusive bombshell report that seemed to prove that WikiLeaks, last September, had secretly offered the Trump campaign, even Donald Trump himself, special access to the Democratic National Committee emails before they were published on the internet.
As CNN sees the world, this would prove collusion between the Trump family and WikiLeaks and, more importantly, between Trump and Russia, since the U.S. intelligence community regards WikiLeaks as an “arm of Russian intelligence,” and therefore, so does the U.S. media.
Glenn Greenwald
This entire revelation was based on an email that CNN strongly implied it had exclusively obtained and had in its possession. The email was sent by someone named “Michael J. Erickson” - someone nobody had heard of previously and whom CNN could not identify - to Donald Trump Jr., offering a decryption key and access to DNC emails that WikiLeaks had “uploaded.”
The email was a smoking gun, in CNN’s extremely excited mind, because it was dated September 4 - 10 days before WikiLeaks began promoting access to those emails online - and thus proved that the Trump family was being offered special, unique access to the DNC archive: likely by WikiLeaks and the Kremlin.
It’s impossible to convey with words what a spectacularly devastating scoop CNN believed it had, so it’s necessary to watch it for yourself to see the tone of excitement, breathlessness, and gravity the network conveyed as they clearly believed they were delivering a near-fatal blow on the Trump-Russia collusion story:
There was just one small problem with this story: It was fundamentally false, in the most embarrassing way possible. Hours after CNN broadcast its story - and then hyped it over and over and over - the Washington Post reported that CNN got the key fact of the story wrong.
The email was not dated September 4, as CNN claimed, but rather September 14 - which means it was sent after WikiLeaks had already published access to the DNC emails online.
Thus, rather than offering some sort of special access to Trump, “Michael J. Erickson” was simply some random person from the public encouraging the Trump family to look at the publicly available DNC emails that WikiLeaks - as everyone by then already knew - had publicly promoted. In other words, the email was the exact opposite of what CNN presented it as being.
How did CNN end up aggressively hyping such a spectacularly false story? They refuse to say. Many hours after their story got exposed as false, the journalist who originally presented it, congressional reporter Manu Raju, finally posted a tweet noting the correction.
CNN’s P.R. department then claimed that “multiple sources” had provided CNN with the false date. And Raju went on CNN, in muted tones, to note the correction, explicitly claiming that “two sources” had each given him the false date on the email, while also making clear that CNN did not ever even see the email, but only had sources describe its purported contents:
All of this prompts the glaring, obvious, and critical question - one that CNN refuses to address: How did “multiple sources” all misread the date on this document, in exactly the same way and toward the same end, and then feed this false information to CNN?
It is, of course, completely plausible that one source might innocently misread a date on a document. But how is it remotely plausible that multiple sources could all innocently and in good faith misread the date in exactly the same way, all to cause the dissemination of a blockbuster revelation about Trump-Russia-WikiLeaks collusion?
This is the critical question that CNN simply refuses to answer. In other words, CNN refuses to provide the most minimal transparency to enable the public to understand what happened here.
Why does this matter so much? For so many significant reasons:
To begin with, it’s hard to overstate how fast, far, and wide this false story traveled. Democratic Party pundits, operatives, and journalists with huge social media platforms predictably jumped on the story immediately, announcing that it proved collusion between Trump and Russia (through WikiLeaks).
One tweet from Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu, claiming that this proved evidence of criminal collusion, was retweeted thousands and thousands of times in just a few hours (Lieu quietly deleted the tweet after I noted its falsity, and long after it went very viral, without ever telling his followers that the CNN story, and therefore his accusation, had been debunked).
Brookings Institution’s Benjamin Wittes, whose star has risen as he has promoted himself as a friend of former FBI Director Jim Comey, not only promoted the CNN story in the morning, but did so with the word “boom” - which he uses to signal that a major blow has been delivered to Trump on the Russia story - along with a GIF of a cannon being detonated:
Incredibly, to this very moment - almost 24 hours after CNN’s story was debunked - Wittes has never noted to his more than 200,000 followers that the story he so excitedly promoted turned out to be utterly false, even though he returned to Twitter long after the story was debunked to tweet about other matters. He just left his false and inflammatory claims uncorrected.
Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall believed the story was so significant that he used an image of an atomic bomb detonating at the top of his article discussing its implications, an article he tweeted to his roughly 250,000 followers. Only at night was an editor’s note finally added noting that the whole thing was false.
It’s hard to quantify exactly how many people were deceived - filled with false news and propaganda - by the CNN story. But thanks to Democratic-loyal journalists and operatives who decree every Trump-Russia claim to be true without seeing any evidence, it’s certainly safe to say that many hundreds of thousands of people, almost certainly millions, were exposed to these false claims.
Surely anyone who has any minimal concerns about journalistic accuracy - which would presumably include all the people who have spent the last year lamenting Fake News, propaganda, Twitter bots, and the like - would demand an accounting as to how a major U.S. media outlet ended up filling so many people’s brains with totally false news.
That alone should prompt demands from CNN for an explanation about what happened here. No Russian Facebook ad or Twitter bot could possibly have anywhere near the impact as this CNN story had when it comes to deceiving people with blatantly inaccurate information.
Second, the “multiple sources” who fed CNN this false information did not confine themselves to that network.
They were apparently very busy eagerly spreading the false information to as many media outlets as they could find. In the middle of the day, CBS News claimed that it had independently “confirmed” CNN’s story about the email and published its own breathless article discussing the grave implications of this discovered collusion.
Most embarrassing of all was what MSNBC did. You just have to watch this report from its “intelligence and national security correspondent” Ken Dilanian to believe it. Like CBS, Dilanian also claimed that he had independently “confirmed” the false CNN report from “two sources with direct knowledge of this.”
Dilanian, whose career in the U.S. media continues to flourish the more he is exposed as someone who faithfully parrots what the CIA tells him to say (since that is one of the most coveted and valued attributes in U.S. journalism), spent three minutes mixing evidence-free CIA claims as fact with totally false assertions about what his multiple “sources with direct knowledge” told him about all this.
Please watch this - again, not just the content but the tenor and tone of how they “report” - as it is Baghdad Bob-level embarrassing:
Think about what this means. It means that at least two — and possibly more — sources, which these media outlets all assessed as credible in terms of having access to sensitive information, all fed the same false information to multiple news outlets at the same time.
For multiple reasons, the probability is very high that these sources were Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee (or their high-level staff members), which is the committee that obtained access to Trump Jr.’s emails, although it’s certainly possible that it’s someone else. We won’t know until these news outlets deign to report this crucial information to the public: Which “multiple sources” acted jointly to disseminate incredibly inflammatory, false information to the nation’s largest news outlets?
Just last week, the Washington Post decided - to great applause (including mine) - to expose a source to whom they had promised anonymity and off-the-record protections because they discovered that she was purposely feeding them false information as part of a scheme by Project Veritas to discredit the Post.
It’s a well-established principle of journalism - one that is rarely followed when it comes to powerful people in D.C. - that journalists should expose, rather than protect and conceal, sources who purposely feed them false information to be disseminated to the public.
Is that what happened here? Did these “multiple sources” who fed not just CNN, but also MSNBC and CBS completely false information do so deliberately and in bad faith? Until these news outlets provide an accounting of what happened - what one might call “minimal journalistic transparency” - it’s impossible to say for certain. But right now, it’s very difficult to imagine a scenario in which multiple sources all fed the wrong date to multiple media outlets innocently and in good faith.
If this were, in fact, a deliberate attempt to cause a false and highly inflammatory story to be reported, then these media outlets have an obligation to expose who the culprits are - just as the Washington Post did last week to the woman making false claims about Roy Moore (it was much easier in that case because the source they exposed was a nobody in D.C., rather than someone on whom they rely for a steady stream of stories, the way CNN and MSNBC rely on Democratic members of the Intelligence Committee).
By contrast, if this were just an innocent mistake, then these media outlets should explain how such an implausible sequence of events could possibly have happened.
Thus far, these media corporations are doing the opposite of what journalists ought to do: Rather than informing the public about what happened and providing minimal transparency and accountability for themselves and the high-level officials who caused this to happen, they are hiding behind meaningless, obfuscating statements crafted by P.R. executives and lawyers.
How can journalists and news outlets so flamboyantly act offended when they’re attacked as being “Fake News” when this is the conduct behind which they hide when they get caught disseminating incredibly consequential false stories?
The more serious you think the Trump-Russia story is, the more dangerous you think it is when Trump attacks the U.S. media as “Fake News,” the more you should be disturbed by what happened here, the more transparency and accountability you should be demanding.
If you’re someone who thinks Trump’s attacks on the media are dangerous, then you should be first in line objecting when they act recklessly and demand transparency and accountability from them. It is debacles like this - and the subsequent corporate efforts to obfuscate - that have made the U.S. media so disliked and that fuel and empower Trump’s attacks on them.
Third, this type of recklessness and falsity is now a clear and highly disturbing trend - one could say a constant - when it comes to reporting on Trump, Russia, and WikiLeaks. I have spent a good part of the last year documenting the extraordinarily numerous, consequential, and reckless stories that have been published - and then corrected, rescinded, and retracted - by major media outlets when it comes to this story.
All media outlets, of course, will make mistakes. The Intercept certainly has made our share, as have all outlets. And it’s particularly natural, inevitable, for mistakes to be made on a highly complicated, opaque story like the question of the relationship between Trump and the Russians, and questions relating to how WikiLeaks obtained the DNC and Podesta emails. That is all to be expected.
But what one should expect with journalistic “mistakes” is that they sometimes go in one direction and other times go in the other direction. That’s exactly what has not happened here.
Virtually every false story published goes only in one direction: to be as inflammatory and damaging as possible on the Trump-Russia story and about Russia particularly. At some point, once “mistakes” all start going in the same direction, toward advancing the same agenda, they cease looking like mistakes.
No matter your views on those political controversies, no matter how much you hate Trump or regard Russia as a grave villain and threat to our cherished democracy and freedoms, it has to be acknowledged that when the U.S. media is spewing constant false news about all of this, that, too, is a grave threat to our democracy and cherished freedom.
So numerous are the false stories about Russia and Trump over the last year that I literally cannot list them all. Just consider the ones from the last week alone, as enumerated by the New York Times yesterday in its news report on CNN’s embarrassment:
“It was also yet another prominent reporting error at a time when news organizations are confronting a skeptical public, and a president who delights in attacking the media as “fake news.”
Last Saturday, ABC News suspended a star reporter, Brian Ross, after an inaccurate report that Donald Trump had instructed Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, to contact Russian officials during the presidential race.
The report fueled theories about coordination between the Trump campaign and a foreign power, and stocks dropped after the news. In fact, Mr. Trump’s instruction to Mr. Flynn came after he was president-elect.
Several news outlets, including Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, also inaccurately reported this week that Deutsche Bank had received a subpoena from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, for President Trump’s financial records.
The president and his circle have not been shy about pointing out the errors."
That’s just the last week alone. Let’s just remind ourselves of how many times major media outlets have made humiliating, breathtaking errors on the Trump-Russia story, always in the same direction, toward the same political goals.
Here is just a sample of incredibly inflammatory claims that traveled all over the internet before having to be corrected, walked back, or retracted - often long after the initial false claims spread, and where the corrections receive only a tiny fraction of the attention with which the initial false stories are lavished:
Russia hacked into the U.S. electric grid to deprive Americans of heat during winter (WashPost)
An anonymous group (PropOrNot) documented how major U.S. political sites are Kremlin agents (WashPost)
WikiLeaks has a long, documented relationship with Putin (Guardian)
A secret server between Trump and a Russian bank has been discovered (Slate)
RT hacked C-SPAN and caused disruption in its broadcast (Fortune)
Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app (Crowdstrike)
Links have been found between Trump ally Anthony Scaramucci and a Russian investment fund under investigation (CNN)
That really is just a sma l- such as Russian expatriate Masha Gessen, oppositional Russian journalists, and anti-Kremlin liberal activists in Moscow - are constantly warning that the U.S. media’s unhinged, ignorant, paranoid reporting on Russia is harming their cause in all sorts of ways, in the process destroying the credibility of the U.S. media in the eyes of Putin’s opposition (who - unlike Americans who have been fed a steady news and entertainment propaganda diet for decades about Russia - actually understand the realities of that country).
U.S. media outlets are very good at demanding respect. They love to imply, if not outright state, that being patriotic and a good American means that one must reject efforts to discredit them and their reporting because that’s how one defends press freedom.
But journalists also have the responsibility not just to demand respect and credibility but to earn it. That means that there shouldn’t be such a long list of abject humiliations, in which completely false stories are published to plaudits, traffic, and other rewards, only to fall apart upon minimal scrutiny. It certainly means that all of these “errors” shouldn’t be pointing in the same direction, pushing the same political outcome or journalistic conclusion.
But what it means most of all is that when media outlets are responsible for such grave and consequential errors as the spectacle we witnessed yesterday, they have to take responsibility for it by offering transparency and accountability. In this case, that can’t mean hiding behind P.R. and lawyer silence and waiting for this to just all blow away.
At minimum, these networks - CNN, MSNBC, and CBS - have to either identify who purposely fed them this blatantly false information or explain how it’s possible that “multiple sources” all got the same information wrong in innocence and good faith. Until they do that, their cries and protests the next time they’re attacked as “Fake News” should fall on deaf ears, since the real author of those attacks - the reason those attacks resonate - is themselves and their own conduct.
Update: Dec. 9, 2017:
Hours after this article was published on Saturday - a full day and a half after his original tweets promoting the false CNN story with a “boom” and a cannon - Benjamin Wittes finally got around to noting that the CNN story he hyped has “serious problems”; needless to say, that acknowledgment received a fraction of retweets from his followers as his original tweets hyping the story attracted.
Bryan Singer Accused Of Abusing A 17-Year-Old Boy (Again) December 12 2017 | From: VigilantCitizen
The director of X-Men movies Bryan Singer is being sued for allegedly raping a 17 year-old-boy during a party on a yacht.
He met him in the summer of 2003 at a party on a yacht hosted by Lester Waters – a “wealthy tech investor who frequently hosted parties for young gay males in the Seattle area.”
“Cesar-Guzman said he attended a party at Waters’ home and was asked to stay overnight so that he could join the host on his yacht the following day. “I was a 17 years old and I was excited,” Sanchez Guzman said. “I was never on yacht before. We were consuming alcohol, even though we were underage.”
According to Sanchez-Guzman, Waters’ parties were known throughout the Seattle gay community for two things: an abundance of underage boys and alcohol.
“Seattle’s gay community was very aware of these parties,” he said. “It was a big house and the gentleman who owned the house provided the beverages — it was cool for us because we could drink.”
“I would say a good 80 percent of the boys who were there were under 18,” he said. “Once people turned 18, they stopped going to these parties because they could go to the clubs.”
– The Wrap, Bryan Singer Accuser Speaks Out: ‘A Weight Has Been Taken Off My Back’
The lawsuit explains in graphic detail the plaintiff’s encounter with Singer.
The suit claims Singer offered to take Guzman, who was 17 at the time, on a tour of the yacht. When they got to one of the rooms, the suit alleges Singer thrust his body on Guzman, forced him to the floor, shoved Guzman’s face against his crotch and demanded he perform oral.
“The suit claims Singer pulled out his penis, smacked Guzman in the face with it and forced it into his mouth. Guzman claims he pleaded with Singer to stop, but he kept going … causing him to choke.
The suit goes on to allege Singer then forcibly performed oral on Guzman. Guzman says he again pleaded with Singer to stop, to no avail. He says Singer then forcibly penetrated him, all while ignoring Guzman’s pleas.
The suit, filed by attorney Jeff Herman, claims Singer later approached Guzman, said he was a powerful Hollywood producer and he could help Guzman get into acting as long as he kept silent. Guzman says Singer warned him no one would believe him, and Singer could hire people to ruin his reputation."
Singer’s lawyer Andrew Brettler responded to the allegations:
“Bryan categorically denies these allegations and will vehemently defend this lawsuit to the very end … When Sanchez-Guzman filed for bankruptcy only a few years ago, he failed to disclose this alleged claim when he was supposed to identify all of his assets, but conveniently, now that the bankruptcy court discharged all of his debts, he is able to recall the alleged events.”
“The attorney behind this lawsuit is the same lawyer who represented Michael Egan, the convicted felon who sued Bryan Singer in 2014. In the end, Egan was forced to dismiss that case once the facts came out and his story completely fell apart."
Not The First Time
In 1997, a 14-year-old movie extra named Devin St. Albin filed a lawsuit against Singer claiming that the filmmaker had ordered him and other minors to strip for a scene that was shot in the showers of a school locker room.
In 2014, aspiring model Michael Egan filed a lawsuit claiming that:
“Bryan Singer manipulated his power, wealth, and position in the entertainment industry to sexually abuse and exploit the underage Plaintiff through the use of drugs, alcohol, threats, and inducements which resulted in Plaintiff suffering catastrophic psychological and emotional injuries.”
The lawsuit also added that:
“Defendant Singer did so as part of a group of adult males similarly positioned in the entertainment industry that maintained and exploited boys in a sordid sex ring.”
Later that year, a second accuser filed an abuse lawsuit against Singer and entertainment executive Gary Goddard. The man claimed in the lawsuit that Singer fondled him and tried to force him to have sex when he was 17 years old.
On every occasion, Singer denied the allegations and the lawsuits fell through for multiple reasons. This is the fourth lawsuit against Singer.
One thing is for sure, there is no shortage of pictures of Bryan Singer partying with teenage boys.
Singer was also mentioned in the movie An Open Secret which alleged that he attended parties held by Marc Collins-Rector where underaged boys were in attendance.
Also, Family Guy called it a while ago.
In possibly related news, Singer was recently fired from the filming of Bohemian Rhapsody due to “a pattern of unreliable behavior on the set”. Was the firing actually due to this fourth lawsuit against Singer?
Migration And Property Prices December 12 2017 | From: BreakingViews
In the year to the end of July, a record 72,400 more people arrived to live in New Zealand than left.
There are essentially four groups of immigrants: international students, those arriving here to work, those arriving for family reunification, and kiwi's returning from overseas. It's the latter that is having the most influence on the numbers.
Back in the year to May 2012, 22,400 returned home, while 61,800 departed, leaving a net loss of 39,400. In the May 2016 year, the net annual loss had reduced to 3,500, as 30,700 New Zealanders arrived home and only 34,200 departed.
Those numbers reflect the fact that the grass is no longer greener on the other side of the Tasman. Australia is not as attractive as it was, particularly since the lure of making big money in the mining sector has disappeared.
Immigration flows are important because it affects housing demand and building. This was quantified in research by MOTU, which showed a strong correlation between high immigration and high house prices. They say a one percent increase in population from migration at the national level is associated with a 12.6 percent increase in house prices.
Related:NZ Tops List Of Developed Countries With Most Homeless – Thanks National You Do Us Proud & More Local Muck
When they drilled down into the figures and looked at the effect different types of immigration had, they found the most significant effect was New Zealanders returning from overseas to live. This may be because they are likely to be more certain about where they want to settle, and are returning with cash in their pockets.
While MOTU's correlation between immigration and house prices seems on the high side, it nevertheless points to the influence the net immigration number has on house prices. This is something homeowners and investors in particular need to be mindful of - it's a significant risk factor.
Should our economy slow down or should overseas markets like Australia regain their appeal as a place to work, then the net inflow that is driving house and rental prices higher, may well turn into a net outflow as it was between 1998 and 2001 and in 2012 at the peak of the Aussie mining boom (see graph).
Clearly net migration turned around in 2012 and has gained pace ever since. Most economic commentators are expecting the New Zealand economy to remain strong relative to our main trading partners, and few are picking a recovery in the Australian mining sector anytime soon.
More of a risk is at a social and political level. In June UMR Research published a revealing survey about New Zealanders’ attitudes to immigration. Opinion was divided along political lines. Forty-three percent of National voters thought immigration makes New Zealand a better place, as did 41 percent of Labour voters, 55 percent of Green voters, but only 19 percent of NZ First voters.
The main concerns were that our roading and housing infrastructure was not coping with the high numbers, with the greatest concern being the latter. When measured along party lines, 84 percent of NZ First voters said housing supply was not coping, as did 79 percent of the Greens supporters, 75 percent of Labour, and 59 percent of National supporters.
These concerns are reflected in the parties’ immigration policies. Immigration would stay at roughly its current level under ACT, the Maori Party and National.
The numbers of immigrants coming into New Zealand would fall under Labour, the Greens, and NZ First, the latter having the most restrictive policy which would cut net migration to 10,000 people a year. Labour would reduce net migration by 20,000 to 30,000 people a year.
While external migration numbers are significant for property prices generally, and Auckland in particular, there is also significant influence from the internal migration - the movement of people within New Zealand. In general terms, there is a long-term shift to the top half of the North Island.
Significant areas attracting residents include North Auckland, particularly around Albany and Orewa, west Auckland, Hamilton and the Bay of Plenty. All of these areas have experienced significant population growth and property value increases in recent years, which is expected to continue in the next 10 years.
Iran & China Seek To Eliminate US Dollar From Bilateral Trade December 11 2017 | From: Geopolitics
Dollar dumping used to be mere rumor 5 years ago, but Tehran, Russia and Beijing are determined to find ways to avoid using the US dollar as a settlement currency in trade, according to a report by Iranian economic daily Financial Tribune.
“Rial-yuan’s bilateral monetary agreement can have a significant role in increasing the volume of trade between the two countries and in this regard, we have conducted a series of negotiations with the central bank of the Republic of China’s president,”said the Central Bank of Iran’s Governor Valiollah Seif.
Tehran has been pursuing the goal of eliminating the dollar in its trade, and has been trying to sign currency swap agreements with a few target countries.
Chen said that Iran and China should develop their banking links and also underlined the unfairness of the existing financial system, dominated by a few developed countries. He added, other nations would do better if the unfair system is eliminated.
“We could use the experiences of European countries in establishing the euro as a common currency between many countries, which is not exclusively controlled by a single country. But until then, we need to utilize the maximum available capacities to expand our banking relations,” he was quoted as saying by the Iranian daily.
However, any such initiatives require time and effort by several countries, the Chinese official said.
Iran suggests Russia help ‘isolate the Americans’ by ditching dollar:
The best way to beat US sanctions against Iran and Russia is joint efforts to dump the American currency in bilateral trade, according to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
“By ignoring the negative propaganda of the enemies, that seek to weaken relations between countries, we can nullify US sanctions, using methods such as eliminating the dollar and replacing it with national currencies in transactions between two or more parties; thus, isolate the Americans,” he said on Wednesday at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Tehran
According to Khamenei, economic relations have vast room for improvement. “In the transportation sector, we can expand cooperation, using the main axis of Chabahar port to the port of Saint Petersburg, as well as in other economic areas,” he said.
During the meeting, which lasted about an hour and a quarter, Putin replied that Russia considers Iran “a strategic partner and a great neighbor, and we will take advantage of every opportunity to expand and consolidate relationships in all dimensions.”
The Russian president said the US wants to interfere in all matters of the world and the region and often ignores interests of its allies to do so.
However, since 2014, despite the sanctions, “we devoted our funds to scientific and technological progress, and we had significant growth in the fields of biotechnology, IT, agriculture and space industries. Now, in spite of the initial concerns, we have realized that we can do whatever we decide to,” said Putin.
The Next Crisis: Avoiding Chaos - Return To The Gold Standard December 10 2017 | From: FinalWakeupCall
The next crisis will be much different: The next crisis will be very different: The Dow could fall 1,000 to 2,000 points in a single day. And when this happens, the ensuing chaos and panic will be worse than in 2008.
“Because debt is higher today than it was then. Six years ago, the official public debt in the U.S. was less than $10 trillion. Now, it’s about $20 trillion. (Figures that are similar in the EU). Total debt is higher too – about $50 trillion in 2007; it’s now closer to $80 trillion.”
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As Boston University Professor Laurence Kotlikoff points out, the “fiscal gap” – the difference between what the feds have agreed to pay out in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., and the present value of all its future tax receipts – stands at $210 trillion. That’s 1,066% higher than Washington’s official figure.”
In 2008 it was only the subprime debt in the housing market, but now there is more; subprime auto debt, subprime student debt, subprime government debt, and subprime corporate debt. People now are saving money, not spending it. China is slowing down, not speeding up. World trade is fading, not growing.
Consequently, the velocity of money – the rate at which each unit is in circulation, is exchanged from one transaction to another and a key indicator of boom conditions – started going down in the late 1990s. And it’s still going down.
These facts mean that when the next crash comes, the economy will be less resilient. Already weak, the economy will sink still lower. What are the central bankers going to do, if they have any choice at all?
Here is the Answer With the Solution:
Believe it or not, the world is on the brink of something extraordinary happening to our way of life and if you can hang on long enough for it to work through the inevitable birthing pains, you will experience an awakening like never before! –
A world with no debt
A world with no poverty
A world with no war
A world without disease or hardship
A world free of ruthless controllers
A world where The Golden Rule is law
A world where you can experience your true calling in life
These are just some of the things that are possible directly following the end of unbacked, fiat money. So, the central banks need to be abolished and money creation should be employed in the self-management of the people, where it belongs. In the 30’s Hitler came to power.
He decided to issue the Reichsmark, interest free by the government. Directly opposing the will of the cabal. In one sweep the depression crisis was solved and everyone was at work. He built highways and much more of the infrastructure.
Around 1936 with the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany was once again the powerhouse of the world. Herein lies the solution and approach. Every government can start tomorrow and the misery of the crisis and unemployment would be over. This is the world we can create – if we choose to.
Money is an Exchange of Energy:
Money is an important theme in our life. If you have plenty to spend or not: there is almost never enough to do everything that you want. A lot of people are sitting in shortfall and feel that they are a victim of money in a big or small way. Some even have a resistance to the whole subject about money. Even though there is nothing wrong with money: it is purely the way we deal with it.
Money is more than the amount you have on your bank account. It is a form of energy. It says everything about where you are standing in life and about the value you attach to yourself. The flow of money in the world is in fact the energy that we exchange with one another.
The question is how much do you allow the energy to enter. When you remain stuck in thinking in shortfall then money will not come easily to you, because you subconsciously push it away.
Old beliefs are usually the cause. The alternative is to choose to become a person of abundance and that is possible if you capture the subject of money as a nice, interesting challenge.
Debt Free Money:
The solution is as simple as radical – the change from the existing privately managed debt-based monetarysystem into to debt free money issued by the people through elected governments. Let the TBTF banks – Too Big to Fail – go bust, no rescue whatsoever.
People’s governments must control the quantity of money, and NOT private bankers, who, with their control over money, initiate booms or busts.
Banks should only be allowed to lend the money they have in the bank, and for more money they should have to compete on the open market. Banks should be required to maintain 100% reserves – ‘fractional reserve’, should be abolished. Just we, the people should be allowed to issue our own money, debt free! That, is the answer and the solution!
As matter of fact; rumours go around that next month, alongside the gold backed Yuan, the Russian Central Bank officially will announce their new gold-backed currency by the gold reserves from Russia, China, and India. Indonesia is going to join with their currency backed by the gold reserves of the WDS Collateral Accounts.
These moves will put a lot of pressure on the already dead US-petrodollar, and the global Rothschild banking system.
During the Asian trip of President Trump, a secret meeting was held in Vietnam with Putin and President Xi of China. They discussed and signed the agreement for gold-covered digital currency.
Talking about reform! Money issued by the people is the only reform that would make a huge difference to everyone’s life – worldwide. Remember all governments are puppets of the Khazarian Mafia, headed by the Rothschild clan, who want to enslave the people, and cull 90% of the world’s population.
Remember; Governments are the enemy of the people that are kept asleep by lies and deceit through their Mainstream Media Mouthpieces.
Now, the world is on a fault line of change; the system is at the point of collapse, resulting from this enormous debt. Detaching from the system now will significantly increase your survival chance. Read this exposé.
Khazarian Mafia Vassal State:
Ever since the Rothschild Khazarian Banking Mafia invaded America in 1913, America and all countries of the western world have functioned as Khazarian Mafia Vassal States.
Israel attacked America with nukes on 9-11-01and used nuclear blackmail to create Homeland Security and transform America into Israeli occupied territory for the Khazarian Mafia.
Jesus drove the moneychangers from the temple. We should do the same. When the banksters, for their crimes committed, are brought to justice, they will be found guilty of the most serious crimes, including incitement to war by fraud, war crimes, and other crimes against humanity, false flag operations, and torture.
Literally trillions of their wealth and all their land and personal holdings may be confiscated and returned to the true owners, the citizens that have been robbed.
The End of the US-Dollar:
Who is the person most responsible for the crisis we are in today?
“If you are thinking it’s me… YOU ARE RIGHT! And what do you think will be the final outcome of the monetary crisis? I’ll tell you what the outcome is… the total destruction of all debt based monetary assets.
Everyone will lose everything held by a 3rd party in a blink of an eye and we will return to our Constitutional Gold Standard.”
Said Alan Greenspan in an interview, during a conference for a select group of investors in Chicago. The US wants nothing more than to destroy the global fiat monetary system because there is no other way to get out from under their massive debt burden. So what Alan Greenspan said makes sense,
The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the US, is nearing the end of its ability to manipulate the US economy without producing consequences worse than those it set out to avoid in 2008.
The Fed has no good exits from over ten years of market manipulation. If they apply the policy of reducing the purchases, the Fed reverses course and pauses the taper and later increases asset purchases, it risks destroying confidence in the dollar among foreign creditors of the U.S.
Both outcomes are potentially disastrous. There are no good outcomes on the horizon. This is the result of manipulating markets to the point where they no longer function as markets that are providing useful price signals and guiding the efficient allocation of capital. Today, markets are a mirage, created by the Central Banks, which are caught in a prison of their own making.
As gold and silver are continuously manipulated downwards – Eric Sprott warned that the Bank of England gold vaults are empty and there will be a price to pay for what Western central planners have done. He warned about the banking system too.
Sprott says:
“We have the Chinese coming in and buying an extra 1,500 tons (of gold). We will have a GLD metric that could be as much as 1,000 tons just this year, year over year. The Indians haven’t changed the laws yet but I think that will be forthcoming, and they can get back into normal buying mode…”
France is openly pulling away from the US Dollar. With domestic considerations being agitated, French foreign minister Michel Sapin put it bluntly at an economic conference:
“We [Europeans] are selling to ourselves in dollars, for instance when we sell planes. Is that necessary? I don’t think so. I think a rebalancing is possible and necessary, not just regarding the euro but also for the big currencies of the emerging countries, which account for more and more of global trade.”
The dollar’s dominance is a key to America’s ability to bully other countries not just militarily, but economically.
The $8.97 billion fine BNP agreed to pay for an economic sanction was a record amount. But what’s more is that the bank was barred from conducting U.S. dollar transactions for an entire year. That is an even greater penalty than the fine itself, and now annoys all other foreign banks.
More than half of cross-border loans and deposits are transacted in dollars, and the US dollar is involved in 87% of all trades worldwide. Freezing a business or country – Iran or Russia, for example – out of dollar trade has a devastating effect.
The reason is; as the U.S. may be more restrained to use force in international policy, it’s becoming more careless about using sanctions and false flag attacks. This is beginning to scare US allies, and infuriate foreign banks. According to the 2012 complaint that accused London’s Standard Chartered Bank of violating Iran sanctions, one of the bank’s executives complained to U.S. officials:
“You Americans. Who are you to tell us, the rest of the world, that we’re not going to deal with Iranians?”
Well, as long as U.S. dollars are used in global trade and investment, any large transaction on the planet will likely involve a U.S. bank at some point or another. And that probably gives the US the power to levy huge fines and penalties on banks like BNP-Paribas.
But wait; what happens if countries and banks stop using the dollar? Then:
“The U.S. dollar hegemony and role as a reserve currency is soon going to come to an end. This will lead to a precipitous fall of the dollar. The further consequences will be severe U.S. exchange controls. It will be virtually impossible for private individuals to transfer any funds out of the United States…
The problem is that credit and printed money will no longer have any effect. Thus, when the 2008 problems re-emerge with a vengeance, there will be absolutely no effective measures that governments can take. So if governments can’t do anything, what can investors and savers do?
Well, I and many of the lone voices have for a long time advised people to get out of the banks and also get out of the weak currencies like the dollar, the euro, the yen, and most others.” concludes Egon von Greyerz.
Disgrace of Debt:
China, Russia and other emerging economies are also ditching the dollar. Another important step away from the US dollar was discussed at the BRICS summit in Brazil.
The five member nations have formed their alternative to the US Dollar, and the World Bank. With $50 – soon to be increased to $100 – billion, the BRICS Development Bank will invest not only in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but also throughout the developing world.
“The model is the Brazilian BNDES, which supports Brazilian companies investing across Latin America,” explains Pepe Escobar at the Asia Times.
“In a few years, it will reach a financing capacity of up to $350 billion. With extra funding especially from Beijing and Moscow, the new institution could leave the World Bank in the dust. Compare access to real capital savings to U.S. government’s printed green paper with no collateral.”
This makes it clear; the BRICS are eliminating the dollar as the world reserve currency, which will make the US Dollar worthless.
“Why use a currency that has nothing to back it up?”
History has shown that when a government starts to devalue its currency, it is on the way out. These fools in Washington are cutting every Americans’ throat. Look what happened to Germany in the early 1930s. Don’t think it can’t happen in the USA, because it can. In today’s situation, the way things are developing, it could happen before people become aware of it through economic desperation.
Over the preceding thousands of years, humans have learned three important lessons:
That they could not rely on authorities to manage a paper currency; it had to be backed by gold
That governments must not run large and expanding deficits; and
That markets must be allowed to freely discover (interest) prices, rather than have them set by authorities.
After so many episodes – over such a long time – causing so much misery – only a mental defective would now ignore these lessons. But that’s exactly what authorities have been doing all the time. The trouble comes when it is needed. Markets never move only in one direction indefinitely. Sooner or later, they need an incentive to turn around. The longer the trouble is held off, the more trouble there is waiting to explode in the future.
Debt is meanwhile at all time highs. And the cost of capital, expressed in interest rates – is at an all-time low. Something is clearly wrong. Debt is always and everywhere a worry and a threat. It must be repaid. The more of it that is outstanding, the more cause for worry. If the debtor isn’t able to pay, and consequently doesn’t pay, how about his creditors? Are they still solvent? What if the currency goes down? Or deflation arises? Debt raises questions, which makes the financial system horrendously unstable.
When the quantity of debt increases, usually the quality goes down. It doesn’t make sense to increase the amount of debt, as the price – interest – of it doesn’t increase simultaneously. It is contrary to the most basic law of supply and demand. But soon the price of debt will go up, even as the supply of debt worldwide reaches historical levels.
In a world with a total debt of between 1.200 – 2.500 trillion, including unfunded liabilities and derivatives, which is totally unprecedented – this global debt to GDP is in the range of 31 – 1, and can never be repaid out of conventional revenue growth.
This problem was deliberately created in 1913 when the Fed was created, and again intentionally intensified in 1971 when gold no longer backed any currency.
Soon, as credit and printed money no longer have any effect, a lot more people will realise that wealth preservation and insurance in the form of physical gold and silver is highly essential. The moment the 2008 problems re-appear with a vengeance, there will be absolutely no effective measures that governments can take.
This will push gold to $5,000, $10,000, $20.000, and eventually, possibly much, much higher. At that point in time, the whole world will want to own gold. As always, it’s important not to wait for the herd, but to take action now. Again, get out of the banks and out of the weak currencies as the dollar, the euro, the yen, and most others.
Physical gold and silver should be held outside of the banking system. That will be the best form of wealth preservation and insurance for you.
A helpful way to think about asset and savings allocation is to imagine the world without the current system of fiat money and ponder on what people would really value and use in their daily lives. Common sense compels us to store water, food, energy, safety, and shelter, these being the most sought after basic needs in times of crisis.
Make sure you have access to these basic necessities. Bear in mind; gold and silver will play major roles in whatever monetary system emerges from the ashes of the current one.
Reinstate your Personal Sovereignty; Abolish Central Banking:
For as far back as can be remembered, people’s collective awareness has been disempowered through the
illusions of external authority, which has governed every aspect of life. Due to constant manipulation and deception, our society has been transformed into the source of a benefit-flow to the authorities themselves, the Host to a parasitical Governing entity.
Consequently, many struggle, with the realisation that people can script their own lives, rather than relying on outside authority.
So, WAKEUP and integrate your soul into liberation, embodying your personal sovereignty, and learn to act from within. Learn to practice and apply your own free will.
Start by realising that our money is an illusion in the false belief that it has real value. But in reality, it is the creation of central banking – owned by the Khazarian Mafia – that is practiced and consequently deserves the greatest public wrath and should be abolished rather sooner than later.
Preaching The Truth About the Federal Reserve
CIA Veteran Robert Steele Endorses Neil Keenan - Global Open Source Revolution About To Begin December 10 2017 | From: VicturusLibertas / DestroyingTheIllusion / WakeUpKiwi / Various
The first video in this article is an independent review of the second video in this article. The world is still only beginning to become aware of the efforts of what is loosely called 'The Alliance' that is comprised of many, many people who are working towards the same aim: The takedown of the Cabal, or Illuminati.
CIA Veteran Robert Steele has come out and given Neil Keenan kudos for his work on restoring global humanity and helping secure the gold trust of the dragon family.
Ex-CIA Agent: H.R. McMaster Authorized NSA To Spy On Donald Trump Jr. - Sent Intel To Facility Owned By George Soros + Laura Ingraham Reminds America Why Obama Was Worst President In US History December 9 2017 | From: TheGatewayPundit
Former CIA paramilitary officer and member of the Trump transition team, John R. Maguire, reportedly revealed during a fund raising meeting for an intelligence gathering operation in Afghanistan, that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster “authorized surveillance of Stephen Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.”
“[Maguire] said there were people inside the CIA who joined in the previous eight years [under Obama] and inside the government and they were failing to give the president the intelligence he needed,” said a person who was pitched by Maguire and other Amyntor personnel.
To support his claim, Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.
Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance to afacility in Cyprus owned by George Soros."
As reported by The Gateway Pundit‘s Jon Hall, the Trump administration is considering proposals developed by Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire in an effort to provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network that would go around the U.S.’s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies.
A former senior U.S. intel official with firsthand knowledge of the proposals said:
“Pompeo can’t trust the CIA bureaucracy, so we need to create this thing that reports just directly to him. It is a direct-action arm, totally off the books. The whole point is this is supposed to report to the president and Pompeo directly.
Reportedly, the proposals would see an army of spies with no official cover in numerous countries that are “denied areas” for current American intelligence personnel – like North Korea and Iran. Included in the proposals are the consideration of creating a new global rendition unit with the goal of capturing terrorist suspects around the world.
A propaganda campaign in the Middle East and Europe to combat Islamic extremism was considered in the proposals as well.
Professors: It's Not Okay To Be White December 9 2017 | From: ZeroHedge “Can my children be friends with white people?” This bizarre question is the basis of a New York Times op-ed published Sunday, and the author answers it with a “no,” albeit with some exceptions.
“History has provided little reason for people of color to trust white people in this way [of genuine friendship], and these recent months have put in the starkest relief the contempt with which the country measures the value of racial minorities,” writes Ekow N. Yankah, a law professor at Yeshiva University.
According to Yankah, examples of white “contempt” for racial minorities in recent months include concerns over the opioid epidemic, worries over rising unemployment among working-class whites, and criticism of NFL players kneeling for the anthem.
Apparently those issues receive far more attention than the woes of African-Americans, thus revealing the secret disdain whites have for non-whites.
With that conclusion assumed, Yankah declares the lesson he will teach his kids.
“As against our gauzy national hopes, I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible,” the law professor argues.
“When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line. Spare me platitudes of how we are all the same on the inside. I first have to keep my boys safe, and so I will teach them before the world shows them this particular brand of rending, violent, often fatal betrayal.”
Throughout the article, Yankah bases this pessimistic attitude not on personal experience - he says his childhood hometown was remarkably free of racial tension - but on Donald Trump being president and the violence in Charlottesville.
A large number of white people voting for Trump is the final push in giving up on Caucasians.
“Of course, the rise of this president has broken bonds on all sides. But for people of color the stakes are different. Imagining we can now be friends across this political line is asking us to ignore our safety and that of our children, to abandon personal regard and self-worth,” the professor asserts.
“Only white people can cordon off Mr. Trump’s political meaning, ignore the “unpleasantness” from a position of safety. His election and the year that has followed have fixed the awful thought in my mind too familiar to black Americans: ‘You can’t trust these people.”
He also attacks liberals who don’t protest enough or dare to criticize the excesses of racial activism as marked off from friendship.
While Yankah sounds exceptionally grim in his article on interracial friendship, he admits near the end that he has still lots of white friends and his biracial wife passes as Caucasian. Those facts undermine the seriousness of Yankah’s argument, but his intention is clearly not advocating for the total forsaking of interracial friendship.
It’s just another article attempting to shame whites for being, well, white. Yankah counts on The New York Times’ liberal audience to sympathize with his argument and ask themselves what more can they do for radicals like this law professor.
Voting for Democrats isn’t enough. Being a good neighbor to non-whites isn’t enough. Showing no sign of racism isn’t enough. You must use all your time and energy protesting Trump and advocating for the Black Lives Matter agenda in order to earn trust from non-whites. Otherwise, you’re in the same league as those irredeemable Trump voters.
The deeper meaning of Yankah’s article is that whiteness is itself the 21st century’s Mark of Cain. Bearing that skin color means one is born with the taint of sin from historical injustices and present election outcomes.
One can only atone for this inherent evil by trying to be the wokest white dude possible, and never criticize the actions of those who don’t bear this awful color.
It’s a crazy concept that undermines the last 60 some years of teaching on race. Race is taught to be a social construct that we’re supposed to be getting over with time. You’re not supposed to judge someone by the color of their skin but by their individual character, according to the old consensus.
Columns like Yankah’s shows the reverse of that, pedestaling race as the chief factor in judging another person. And whites come out the worst in this process. It’s worth remembering that Yankah is professor, and students are indoctrinated with similar messages on a regular basis as my book, “No Campus for White Men,” documents.
When views similar to the Yeshiva law professor’s are the norm, it’s no surprise that such a simple statement as “it’s okay to be white” causes such an uproar on campus.
Spurred on by 4chan, anonymous students have been posting signs declaring it’s okay to be white on campuses across the country. Not that’s it’s better to be white or that it’s great to be white. Simply that it’s okay to be Caucasian.
Those messages, instead of being ignored, have triggered university administrators and campus leftists into seeing the postings as outbursts of dangerous racism.
CNN Commentator Calls Trump a White Supremacist
Marcia L. Sells, Harvard Law School dean, warned in a typical reaction to the messages that they were attempting to divide the university.
“HLS [Harvard Law School] will not let that happen here. We live, work, teach, and learn together in a community that is stronger, better, and deeper because of our diversity and because we encourage open, respectful, and constructive discourse,” Sells wrote in an email to students.
The overreaction to these rather benign posters sends the message that it is not okay to be white. Ignoring them as pranks would mean that schools accept “it’s okay to be white” as so basic that it would be like proudly boasting it’s okay to be left-handed.
But the meltdowns from campus activists and all-too serious concern from school deans means that there is something inherently wrong in stating it’s alright to be white.
With opinions like Yankah’s receiving a platform from America’s paper of record, more people should wake up to how a large percentage of higher education is teaching there’s something inherently wrong with one particular skin color.
Does that sound like an idea that will lead to more harmony?
What Really Is 5G About? December 8 2017 | From: ActivistPost
After my article “Is This What You Want Outside Your Bedroom Window” appeared, one of the EMF researchers, whom I network with, emailed comments, which I have permission to share with readers.
The researcher wants to remain anonymous, which I respect, but was a former military radar specialist and also worked as a radiology specialist in hospitals, so he knows more about EMFs/RFs than most of us. Here are his comments to consider.
5G is serious stuff. We are living in very serious times. And no one seems to know, or wants to know, just how serious a price we have to pay for all our wireless tech addictions. I know from personal experience that 99.9% of Americans do not even know what “G” stands for, nor do they know anything about the scientifically- proven lethal radiation emitted from their children’s phones and Wi-Fi. [“G” stands for generation of power.]
The Elana Freeland video in your article is a must-see! YouTube is literally now exploding with warnings on 5G and pulsed microwave wireless harms, which the Mainstream Media have on total lockdown. This is 11:59:59 of the 11th Hour.
The very fact our Government is forcefully rolling this weaponized military grade program out with zero concern for safety, regardless of the ever-increasing decades-old “Mt. Everest-size” peer reviewed Science, should finally, once and for all, reveal to Americans what a lie they have been living for virtually all of their lives!
“Virtual” lives are truly what we have been living. Clearly the “powers that be” have deemed us flesh-and-blood-Americans not so important and quite expeditiously expendable. We must really be a serious threat to the controlling elites to require such powerful lethal doses of constant microwave radiation!
Note: The jury is still out in regard to 5G mm [millimeter] waves “not traveling far” and “not penetrating walls”. I personally see this as a distraction tactic in order to lull us in to accepting so many transmitters on every street!