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Five Thousand Inventions In Limbo And Under “Secrecy Orders” At The United States Patent Office
July 9 2018 | From: ActivistPost

In light of the resurgence in the news this past week regarding President Trump’s announcement of a proposed ‘Space Force’, as a new, sixth branch of the military (see here and here), I’m re-posting my article on secret patents.

For many individuals, the notion of being in outer-space on various missions, brings their imaginations and energy to the fore, in tremendous ways - as in, The Flood. And, when that happens, then things start to happen - for the betterment of all of us. President Trump is reminding us of the imagination and energy inside each of us - and that, in-and-of-itself, is a gesture that should never be underestimated.

Related: Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek On Secret US Navy Space Fleet

With that said, what are some of the technologies needed for various successfully-conducted space missions? And, how many of those technologies are currently being withheld from the public in secret?

How many of these 5,000-plus patents, if granted, would be game changers for planet Earth? Who knows?

Buckle up. Here we go.

From FAS (Federation of American Scientists), Secrecy News, Oct. 21, 2010, “Invention Secrecy Still Going Strong” by Steven Aftergood:

“There were 5,135 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2010, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office told Secrecy News last week. It’s a 1% rise over the year before, and the highest total in more than a decade.”

“Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, patent applications on new inventions can be subject to secrecy orders restricting their publication if government agencies believe that disclosure would be ‘detrimental to the national security’.”

“The current list of technology areas that is used to screen patent applications for possible restriction under the Invention Secrecy Act is not publicly available and has been denied under the Freedom of Information Act. (An appeal is pending.)…”

“Most of the listed technology areas are closely related to military applications. But some of them range more widely.”

“Thus, the 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction IF THE PHOTOVOLTAICS WERE MORE THAN 20% EFFICIENT. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction IF THEY OFFERED CONVERSION EFFICIENCIES ‘IN EXCESS OF 70-80%’.” (Emphasis is mine.)

“One may fairly ask if disclosure of such technologies could really have been ‘detrimental to the national security,’ or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth. One may further ask what comparable advances in technology may be subject to restriction and non-disclosure today. But no answers are forthcoming, and the invention secrecy system persists with no discernible external review.”

f you’re one of those people who maintains that advanced technology is being held away from the public, here is an overall smoking gun that validates your stance.

And you can see that breakthrough energy tech, which would radically lessen the need for oil, would be on the secrecy-do-not-release list.

What else is on the list? Old Tesla patents, for example?

The US Patent Office is an official chokepoint for the “planned society” - or should we say the “restricted society.

Related: United States In Deep Turmoil As Trump Confronts The Establishment + Trump To Release Hidden Technology? - Disruptive Technology And Free Energy Under Donald Trump?

But this is not to say advanced technology is always shelved or scuttled. The patent applications, in suspended animation at the US Patent Office, can be quietly disclosed, for example, to government researchers engaged in black-budget projects, where the data and the research are turned to “other uses.”

Innovative inventors, who can revolutionize society for the good, incur risks if they submit their patent applications to the State. Getting trapped in limbo, while outright theft of their research occurs, is one of those risks.

On the other hand, if a giant corporation has an invention that deploys the genetic engineering of food crops, and adds millions of tons of toxic pesticides to the environment, its patent application sails through review at the Patent Office.

Above Majestic - The Implications Of A Secret Space Program Trailer

Related: When Idiots Control Technology, This Is What Happens

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Trump Vows To Stop Leftist Anarchists
July 9 2018 | From: NewsWars / Various

President Trump blasted leftist extremists while vowing to restore law and order to combat anarchy in response to what some are calling the beginnings a soft civil war.

“In recent days we have heard shameless attacks on our courageous law enforcement officers,” Trump wrote on social media.

Related: G7 Summit: Trump Gives Masterclass In ‘America First’ To Globalists

“Extremist Democrat politicians have called for the complete elimination of ICE. Leftwing Activists are trying to block ICE officers from doing their jobs and publicly posting their home addresses – putting these selfless public servants in harm’s way. These radical protesters want ANARCHY – but the only response they will find from our government is LAW AND ORDER!”

The President’s comments come amidst a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and actions from left wing radicals who are threatening and initiating confrontations with federal employees and Trump supporters.

Examples from just the last week include actor Peter Fonda’s slew of tweets calling for sexual abuse and abduction of 12-year-old Barron Trump and DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielson, Congresswoman Maxine Waters encouraging mobs to accost Trump cabinet members, Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her family being ejected and stalked out of a Virginia eatery, and a Florida man calling the office of Congressman Brian Mast and vowing to kill Mast’s children.

Related: President Trump Demolishes Maxine Waters: “Extraordinarily low IQ person”

A chilling montage of leftist belligerence has been compiled by the Daily Caller -

The GOP has released a powerful new campaign ad highlighting similar harbingers of a brewing ‘revolution’ -

While Infowars has long warned of coming chaotic times and documented the warning signs, acceptance that the United States may have entered an era of real turbulence has reached the mainstream.

USA Today published an article titled, “Is America headed toward a civil war? Sanders, Nielsen incidents show it has already begun,” and political scientist Thomas Schaller told Bloomberg, “I think we're at the beginning of a soft civil war. I don't know if the country gets out of it whole."

A new Rasmussen poll found that a third of American voters believe it’s likely the U.S. will find itself in a civil war in the next five years, and 59% are concerned that Trump-haters will resort to violence.

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QAnon Links US Attorney With Thousands Of Sealed Indictments Decimating The Deep State
July 8 2018 | From: Exopolitics / Various

In a July 1 post, QAnon referred to the latest count of over 40,000 sealed indictments filed in U.S. Federal District Criminal Courts since October 30, 2017, and linked these to prosecutions being led by the U.S. Attorney for Utah, John Huber.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed Huber back on November 13, 2017 to work with the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, in investigating a wide range of criminal and civil law violations by government employees brought up by Republican lawmakers.

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If QAnon’s claim is shown to be accurate, then such a large number of secret indictments will have the effect of removing corrupt Federal officials, which will decimate the Deep State and its power over the US political and financial system.

It’s worth beginning this examination by noting that the military intelligence group QAnon, has just been included in a Time Magazine listing of the “25 Most Influential People on the Internet”.

While there have been an increasing number of mainstream news articles debunking QAnon, the worldwide interest in QAnon’s posts has been rapidly increasing due to mounting evidence that President Trump’s White House is secretly behind the disclosures.

Just as the Deep State has been using the mainstream media to leak classified information that is damaging to the Trump White House, Trump is doing the same through QAnon in order to expose the Deep State.

Therefore, the QAnon information represents a visible sign of a clandestine information war being conducted by the Trump Administration and the Deep State to gain public support for competing agendas.

In the July 1 post, QAnon asks who is filing all the sealed indictments, and points to an article published by Breitbart News, which has often been cited for close analysis by those following QAnon’s disclosures.

QAnon mentions the number 470 right after posing the questions, “who is filing the indictments” and “Who has that kind of manpower”?

For an answer, QAnon steers us to the Breitbart article which refers to a March 29, 2018 letter written by Attorney General Sessions to the Chairmen of three Congressional Committees, which refers to 470 investigators that make up the staff of the Office of the Inspector General.

The letter explains the power and authority of the Office of Inspector, and how these pertain to Department of Justice employees:

“Congress created the Department’s Office of the Inspector General explicitly for the purpose of, among other things, investigating alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by Department employees, including actions taken by former employees after they have left government service.

The Inspector General’s jurisdiction extends not only to allegations of legal violations, but also to allegations that Department employees violated established policies as well.

To carry out these duties, Title 5 of the United States Code provides the Inspector General with broad discretion and significant investigative powers.

The office currently employs approximately 470 staff, a significant number of whom are lawyers, auditors, and investigators who may exercise wide discretion on matters under their jurisdiction. If the Inspector General finds evidence of criminal wrongdoing, he may refer it to a United States Attorney who can then convene a grand jury or take other appropriate actions.”

To be clear, the Inspector General has the authority to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, collect evidence through subpoena, and develop cases for presentation to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General for prosecution or other action.

It’s worth emphasizing that both current and former Department of Justice employees can be investigated by the Inspector General, who has the authority to refer findings for possible prosecution by a US Attorney.

The Swamp: An Unprecedented Documentary Series | Trailer

Episode 1: Ep 1 | Meet the Troublemakers | The Swamp

Episode 2: Ep 2 | Everything Comes From the Top | The Swamp

Episode 3: Ep 3 | Dirty Money and Backroom Deals

The Department of Justice employs over 113,000 employees (2012 figures), which when combined with former employees, makes an enormous number of people that can be investigated for wrongdoing on behalf of the Deep State.

This is where the appointment of Huber to work directly with Horowitz’s office in investigating issues raised by Congressional lawmakers was very significant. The Breitbart article cited by QAnon explains why:

“Professor Jonathan Turley, a top national legal expert on government investigations, commented on Thursday about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to bring in U.S. Attorney John Huber.

Turley called it “brilliant” to combine all the powers of the U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general with a prosecutor who can bring charges, seek indictments, and get results for President Trump far more quickly than a second special counsel

The Breitbart article continued to elaborate upon how Huber’s prosecutorial powers combines well with the Inspector General’s investigative power:

“As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution.

Related: An Objective Analysis Of The QAnon Phenomenon

It’s vital to understand that in Sessions’ letter to Congress, he said that Huber would be leading a prosecutorial team that would include other senior prosecutors:

“As noted in Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd’s November 13, 2017, letter to the House Committee on the Judiciary, I already have directed senior federal prosecutors to evaluate certain issues previously raised by the Committee. In that letter, Mr. Boyd stated:

“These senior prosecutors will report directly to the Attorney General and the Deputy Attorney General, as appropriate, and will make recommendations as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters currently under investigation require further resources, or whether any matters merit the appointment of a Special Counsel.”

Specifically, I asked United States Attorney John W. Huber to lead this effort."

In understanding the link between the alleged 40,000 sealed indictments and the appointment of Huber to work with the Office of Inspector General, it’s worth emphasizing the November 13 starting date for Huber and the rapid rise of sealed indictments since October 31, 2017.

When examining the list of states where the sealed indictments have been filed, its clear that these are distributed all over the U.S., thereby suggestion that Huber’s team comprises prosecutors drawn from many, if not all 50 states.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

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If the linkage posted by QAnon is accurate, then it can be assumed that many, if not the majority, of the sealed indictments are occurring as a result of the collaboration between Huber and the Office of Inspector General all over all the country, wherever crimes were committed.

Essentially, Horowitz’s staff does the bulk of the investigation, while the prosecution and convening of a grand jury is left to Huber’s team.

As Professor Turley pointed out back in March, “a grand jury can be empaneled anywhere” by Huber. In another July 1 post, QAnon says that this is exactly what has happened by asking the following rhetorical question:

If QAnon is correct, then the sealed indictments initiated by Huber’s team of prosecutors with the support of the Office of Inspector General, have been the catalyst for many powerful corporate figures, members of Congress, and Department of Justice officials mysteriously resigning.

QAnon has referred to lists of corporate, congressional and FBI figures who have resigned or been sacked.

QAnon is telling us that these resignations/sackings are due to the sealed indictments that have been issued against (former) Department of Justice officials by Huber.

Indeed, when one reviews the lists, this is powerful circumstantial evidence that the sealed indictments have been issued and are forcing these resignations, and thereby undermining the power of the Deep State who used these officials. 

The following is a list of retiring Congressional representatives who, while not Department of Justice officials and thereby outside the investigatory purview of the Office of the Inspector General, presumably decided to retire in anticipation of the scandal about to emerge with the unsealing of the indictments where they have been implicated in some way:

The following is a list of FBI officials, forced to resign or who had been sacked due to them being investigated by the Office of Inspector General, and the sealed indictments issued by grand juries empaneled by Huber:

All this behooves us to ask whether what QAnon is telling us is possible. To find an answer we can begin with the website of the “Offices of the United States Attorneys”, which explains the duty of grand juries only investigating criminal offenses in districts where they occurred:

“The special grand jury has a duty under 18 U.S.C. § 3332(a) “to inquire into offenses against the criminal laws of the United States alleged to have been committed within that district.”"

This means that Huber could begin the prosecution process with the help of the 470 investigations from the Office of Inspector General who would gather the facts and evidence. Huber would then use senior prosecutors from his team to empanel grand juries in the districts where the offenses occurred.

Significantly, all Huber and his team would have to do to secure a sealed indictment is present key facts along with supporting evidence that a crime had been committed in a particular jurisdiction, as the following summary of Sealed Indictment Law clarifies:

“In order to issue an indictment, the grand jury doesn’t make a determination of guilt, but only the probability that a crime was committed, that the accused person did it and that he/she should be tried. District Attorneys do not present a full case to the grand jury, but often only introduce key facts sufficient to show the probability that the accused committed a crime."

The next question that arises is how many sealed indictments have been issued by Huber and his team? QAnon referred to the June 30 estimate of over 40,000 sealed indictments since October 31, 2017.

Could Huber’s team of senior prosecutors and the 470 staff in the Office of Inspector General be responsible for so many sealed indictments over the last eight months?

Q - The Plan To Save The World

For an answer, it’s important to point out that claims of up to 40,000 sealed judicial cases, which is well above the average of past years, are basically correct.

This is acknowledged even by critics seeking to debunk QAnon’s information, as exemplified by Mike Rothschild writing for the Daily Dot back on April 12, 2018.

While Rothschild’s article critiques the claim of 25,000 sealed indictments asserted by QAnon supporters back in April 2018, it is helpful since it demonstrates that even critics acknowledge that PACER records do substantiate such large numbers of “sealed cases”:

“So then what about the massive number of sealed case found files in PACER? The #QAnon researchers aren’t making them up – a random sampling of PACER records from the district courts of Washington, D.C. and the Eastern District of Virginia shows the number to be more or less accurate."

In distinguishing between “sealed cases” and “sealed indictments”, Rothschild points out that the former may involve mundane legal secrecy requirements involving search warrants, phone tapping, witness protection, prosecuting juvenile cases, etc., ordered by a judge.

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In contrast, a sealed indictment involves a grand jury that has been empaneled, heard some of the facts and evidence brought before it, and issued an indictment that is covered by strict secrecy requirements in order for arrests to be made without the target being warned in advance.

In Rothschild’s critique, he refers to the 1077 sealed cases that occurred in 2006, a typical year for sealed cases, that was analyzed in an October 23, 2009 report by the Federal Judicial Center.

He points out
that QAnon researchers conflated “sealed cases” with “sealed indictments”:

“So the conspiracy theorists number of sealed felony indictments in a “normal” year would seem to be right. Except reading on in the report makes it clear that many of those sealed criminal cases were NOT indictments.

In fact, the report only lists 284 out of 1,077 cases as “sealed indictments” that the writers were able to obtain no information on….

Essentially, the number #QAnon is using is factually correct, but leaves out vital context that explains that relatively few of the 1,077 are actual criminal indictments. Most are routine court matters."

So if only roughly 26% of “sealed cases” covered by PACER records in 2006 involved “sealed indictments”, then we have a means of estimating how many sealed cases from 2017/2018 PACER records involve sealed indictments.

At the very least, applying the 26% figure to the over 40,000 Pacer records showing current “sealed cases”, then we can estimate that there are at the very least 10,000 secret indictments currently in play.

The actual figure may be much higher due to 2017/2018 having an inordinately large number of sealed cases due to some extraordinary judicial process at play.

Sessions’ March 29 letter to Congress is evidence that the unusual judicial process, which has so inflated the number of sealed cases for 2017/2018, involves indictments initiated by Huber and his prosecutorial team, supported by 470 investigators from the Office of Inspector General.

In conclusion, a critical examination of PACER records, Attorney General Sessions’ March 29 letter to Congress, together with the lists of retiring/sacked member of Congress, corporate executives, and FBI officials, provides compelling support for QAnon’s claim that tens of thousands of secret indictments have been issued against corrupt officials controlled by the Deep State.

As these corrupt officials are removed from their influential positions, the Deep State’s power is decimated, thereby opening the door for the truth to be disclosed on a great number of issues previously suppressed by the Deep State.

Further Reading:

Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network?

QAnon is US Military Intelligence that recruited Trump for President to prevent Coup D’etat

QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State

President Trump Validates QAnon – How Will UFO SSP Disclosure Happen?

QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace Deal Thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag Attack

QAnon Reveals Effort to Frame Russia in False Flag Nuclear Attack on US – the Fourth Reich Connection

QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

Bombshell QAnon Posts Link Clintons & CIA to JFK Jr Plane Crash

QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine

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American Pravda: How The CIA Invented "Conspiracy Theories"
July 7 2018 | From: UNZ / ActivistPost / Various

With the sudden, bizarre rise of the “Fake News” accusations throughout the entire Corporate Media megaphone and the equally bizarre and totally unsubstantiated CIA allegations that the Russians had stolen the election for Donald Trump, this topic is highly pertinent.

A year or two ago, I saw the much-touted science fiction film Interstellar, and although the plot wasn’t any good, one early scene was quite amusing. For various reasons, the American government of the future claimed that our Moon Landings of the late 1960s had been faked, a trick aimed at winning the Cold War by bankrupting Russia into fruitless space efforts of its own.

Related: Trump Plans to Shrink, Reorganize CIA, Other Intel Agencies

This inversion of historical reality was accepted as true by nearly everyone, and those few people who claimed that Neil Armstrong had indeed set foot on the Moon were universally ridiculed as “crazy conspiracy theorists.” This seems a realistic portrayal of human nature to me.

Obviously, a large fraction of everything described by our government leaders or presented in the pages of our most respectable newspapers - from the 9/11 attacks to the most insignificant local case of petty urban corruption - could objectively be categorized as a “conspiracy theory” but such words are never applied.

Instead, use of that highly loaded phrase is reserved for those theories, whether plausible or fanciful, that do not possess the endorsement stamp of establishmentarian approval.

Related: The 70 Greatest Conspiracy Theories in Pop-Culture History

Put another way, there are good “conspiracy theories” and bad “conspiracy theories,” with the former being the ones promoted by pundits on mainstream television shows and hence never described as such.

I’ve sometimes joked with people that if ownership and control of our television stations and other major media outlets suddenly changed, the new information regime would require only a few weeks of concerted effort to totally invert all of our most famous “conspiracy theories” in the minds of the gullible American public.

The notion that nineteen Arabs armed with box-cutters hijacked several jetliners, easily evaded our NORAD air defenses, and reduced several landmark buildings to rubble would soon be universally ridiculed as the most preposterous “conspiracy theory” ever to have gone straight from the comic books into the minds of the mentally ill, easily surpassing the absurd “lone gunman” theory of the JFK assassination.

Even without such changes in media control, huge shifts in American public beliefs have frequently occurred in the recent past, merely on the basis of implied association.

In the initial weeks and months following the 2001 attacks, every American media organ was enlisted to denounce and vilify Osama Bin Laden, the purported Islamicist master-mind, as our greatest national enemy, with his bearded visage endlessly appearing on television and in print, soon becoming one of the most recognizable faces in the world.

But as the Bush Administration and its key media allies prepared a war against Iraq, the images of the Burning Towers were instead regularly juxtaposed with mustachioed photos of dictator Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden’s arch-enemy.

As a consequence, by the time we attacked Iraq in 2003, polls revealed that some 70% of the American public believed that Saddam was personally involved in the destruction of our World Trade Center.

By that date I don’t doubt that many millions of patriotic but low-information Americans would have angrily denounced and vilified as a “crazy conspiracy theorist” anyone with the temerity to suggest that Saddam had not been behind 9/11, despite almost no one in authority having ever explicitly made such a fallacious claim.

These factors of media manipulation were very much in my mind a couple of years ago when I stumbled across a short but fascinating book published by the University of Texas academic press. The author of Conspiracy Theory in Americawas Prof. Lance deHaven-Smith, a former president of the Florida Political Science Association.

Based on an important FOIA disclosure, the book’s headline revelation was that the CIA was very likely responsible for the widespread introduction of “conspiracy theory” as a term of political abuse, having orchestrated that development as a deliberate means of influencing public opinion.

During the mid-1960s there had been increasing public skepticism about the Warren Commission findings that a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, had been solely responsible for President Kennedy’s assassination, and growing suspicions that top-ranking American leaders had also been involved.

So as a means of damage control, the CIA distributed a secret memo to all its field offices requesting that they enlist their media assets in efforts to ridicule and attack such critics as irrational supporters of “conspiracy theories.”

Soon afterward, there suddenly appeared statements in the media making those exact points, with some of the wording, arguments, and patterns of usage closely matching those CIA guidelines.

The result was a huge spike in the pejorative use of the phrase, which spread throughout the American media, with the residual impact continueing right down to the present day. Thus, there is considerable evidence in support of this particular “conspiracy theory” explaining the widespread appearance of attacks on “conspiracy theories” in the public media.

But although the CIA appears to have effectively manipulated public opinion in order to transform the phrase “conspiracy theory” into a powerful weapon of ideological combat, the author also describes how the necessary philosophical ground had actually been prepared a couple of decades earlier.

Around the time of the Second World War, an important shift in political theory caused a huge decline in the respectability of any “conspiratorial” explanation of historical events.

For decades prior to that conflict, one of our most prominent scholars and public intellectuals had been historian Charles Beard, whose influential writings had heavily focused on the harmful role of various elite conspiracies in shaping American policy for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, with his examples ranging from the earliest history of the United States down to the nation’s entry into WWI.

Obviously, researchers never claimed that all major historical events had hidden causes, but it was widely accepted that some of them did, and attempting to investigate those possibilities was deemed a perfectly acceptable academic enterprise.

However, Beard was a strong opponent of American entry into the Second World War, and he was marginalized in the years that followed, even prior to his death in 1948. Many younger public intellectuals of a similar bent also suffered the same fate, or were even purged from respectability and denied any access to the mainstream media.

At the same time, the totally contrary perspectives of two European political philosophers, Karl Popper and Leo Strauss, gradually gained ascendancy in American intellectual circles, and their ideas became dominant in public life.

Popper, the more widely influential, presented broad, largely theoretical objections to the very possibility of important conspiracies ever existing, suggesting that these would be implausibly difficult to implement given the fallibility of human agents; what might appear a conspiracy actually amounted to individual actors pursuing their narrow aims.

Even more importantly, he regarded “conspiratorial beliefs” as an extremely dangerous social malady, a major contributing factor to the rise of Nazism and other deadly totalitarian ideologies.

His own background as an individual of Jewish ancestry who had fled Austria in 1937 surely contributed to the depth of his feelings on these philosophical matters.

Meanwhile, Strauss, a founding figure in modern neo-conservative thought, was equally harsh in his attacks upon conspiracy analysis, but for polar-opposite reasons.

In his mind, elite conspiracies were absolutely necessary and beneficial, a crucial social defense against anarchy or totalitarianism, but their effectiveness obviously depended upon keeping them hidden from the prying eyes of the ignorant masses.

His main problem with “conspiracy theories” was not that they were always false, but they might often be true, and therefore their spread was potentially disruptive to the smooth functioning of society.

So as a matter of self-defense, elites needed to actively suppress or otherwise undercut the unauthorized investigation of suspected conspiracies

Even for most educated Americans, theorists such as Beard, Popper, and Strauss are probably no more than vague names mentioned in textbooks, and that was certainly true in my own case. But while the influence of Beard seems to have largely disappeared in elite circles, the same is hardly true of his rivals.

Popper probably ranks as one of the founders of modern liberal thought, with an individual as politically influential as left-liberal financier George Soros claiming to be his intellectual disciple.

Related: George Soros’ World is Falling Apart, Blames Everyone but Himself

Meanwhile, the neo-conservative thinkers who have totally dominated the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement for the last couple of decades often proudly trace their ideas back to Strauss.

So, through a mixture of Popperian and Straussian thinking, the traditional American tendency to regard elite conspiracies as a real but harmful aspect of our society was gradually stigmatized as either paranoid or politically dangerous, laying the conditions for its exclusion from respectable discourse.

By 1964, this intellectual revolution had largely been completed, as indicated by the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the famous article by political scientist Richard Hofstadter critiquing the so-called “paranoid style” in American politics, which he denounced as the underlying cause of widespread popular belief in implausible conspiracy theories.

To a considerable extent, he seemed to be attacking straw men, recounting and ridiculing the most outlandish conspiratorial beliefs, while seeming to ignore the ones that had been proven correct.

For example, he described how some of the more hysterical anti-Communists claimed that tens of thousands of Red Chinese troops were hidden in Mexico, preparing an attack on San Diego, while he failed to even acknowledge that for years Communist spies had indeed served near the very top of the U.S. government.

Not even the most conspiratorially minded individual suggests that all alleged conspiracies are true, merely that some of them might be.

Most of these shifts in public sentiment occurred before I was born or when I was a very young child, and my own views were shaped by the rather conventional media narratives that I absorbed. Hence, for nearly my entire life, I always automatically dismissed all of the so-called “conspiracy theories” as ridiculous, never once even considering that any of them might possibly be true.

To the extent that I ever thought about the matter, my reasoning was simple and based on what seemed like good, solid common sense. Any conspiracy responsible for some important public event must surely have many separate “moving parts” to it, whether actors or actions taken, let us say numbering at least 100 or more.

Now given the imperfect nature of all attempts at concealment, it would surely be impossible for all of these to be kept entirely hidden. So even if a conspiracy were initially 95% successful in remaining undetected, five major clues would still be left in plain sight for investigators to find.

And once the buzzing cloud of journalists noticed these, such blatant evidence of conspiracy would certainly attract an additional swarm of energetic investigators, tracing those items back to their origins, with more pieces gradually being uncovered until the entire cover-up likely collapsed.

Even if not all the crucial facts were ever determined, at least the simple conclusion that there had indeed been some sort of conspiracy would quickly become established.

However, there was a tacit assumption in my reasoning, one that I have since decided was entirely false. Obviously, many potential conspiracies either involve powerful governmental officials or situations in which their disclosure would represent a source of considerable embarrassment to such individuals.

But I had always assumed that even if government failed in its investigatory role, the dedicated bloodhounds of the Fourth Estate would invariably come through, tirelessly seeking truth, ratings, and Pulitzers. However, once I gradually began realizing that the media was merely “Our American Pravda” and perhaps had been so for decades, I suddenly recognized the flaw in my logic.

If those five - or ten or twenty or fifty - initial clues were simply ignored by the media, whether through laziness, incompetence, or much less venial sins, then there would be absolutely nothing to prevent successful conspiracies from taking place and remaining undetected, perhaps even the most blatant and careless ones.

In fact, I would extend this notion to a general principle. Substantial control of the media is almost always an absolute prerequisite for any successful conspiracy, the greater the degree of control the better.

So when weighing the plausibility of any conspiracy, the first matter to investigate is who controls the local media and to what extent.

Let us consider a simple thought-experiment. For various reasons these days, the entire American media is extraordinarily hostile to Russia, certainly much more so than it ever was toward the Communist Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s.

Hence I would argue that the likelihood of any large-scale Russian conspiracy taking place within the operative zone of those media organs is virtually nil.

Indeed, we are constantly bombarded with stories of alleged Russian conspiracies that appear to be “false positives,” dire allegations seemingly having little factual basis or actually being totally ridiculous.

Meanwhile, even the crudest sort of anti-Russian conspiracy might easily occur without receiving any serious mainstream media notice or investigation.

This argument may be more than purely hypothetical. A crucial turning point in America’s renewed Cold War against Russia was the passage of the 2012 Magnitsky Act by Congress, punitively targeting various supposedly corrupt Russian officials for their alleged involvement in the illegal persecution and death of an employee of Bill Browder, an American hedge-fund manager with large Russian holdings.

However, there’s actually quite a bit of evidence that it was Browder himself who was actually the mastermind and beneficiary of the gigantic corruption scheme, while his employee was planning to testify against him and was therefore fearful of his life for that reason.

Naturally, the American media has provided scarcely a single mention of these remarkable revelations regarding what might amount to a gigantic Magnitsky Hoax of geopolitical significance.

To some extent the creation of the Internet and the vast proliferation of alternative media outlets, including my own small webzine, have somewhat altered this depressing picture.

So it is hardly surprising that a very substantial fraction of the discussion dominating these Samizdat-like publications concerns exactly those subjects regularly condemned as “crazy conspiracy theories” by our mainstream media organs.

Such unfiltered speculation must surely be a source of considerable irritation and worry to government officials who have long relied upon the complicity of their tame media organs to allow their serious misdeeds to pass unnoticed and unpunished.

Indeed, several years ago a senior Obama Administration official argued that the free discussion of various “conspiracy theories” on the Internet was so potentially harmful that government agents should be recruited to “cognitively infiltrate” and disrupt them, essentially proposing a high-tech version of the highly controversial Cointelpro operations undertaken by J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI.

Until just a few years ago I’d scarcely even heard of Charles Beard, once ranked among the towering figures of 20th century American intellectual life. But the more I’ve discovered the number of serious crimes and disasters that have completely escaped substantial media scrutiny, the more I wonder what other matters may still remain hidden.

So perhaps Beard was correct all along in recognizing the respectability of “conspiracy theories,” and we should return to his traditional American way of thinking, notwithstanding endless conspiratorial propaganda campaigns by the CIA and others to persuade us that we should dismiss such notions without any serious consideration.

Related: ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ Max Spiers Found Dead Days After Texting His Mother to Investigate if Anything ‘Happened to Him’

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?
January 13 2017 | From: CollectiveEvolution / In5D

11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same.

Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11?

Related: The Zen of 11:11

The Phenomenon

It seems everyone today is talking about seeing 11:11 everywhere. In fact, in the popular movie I Origins, the concept comes up yet again. A highly scientific guy begins seeing 11:11 in many places and is guided to follow the numbers until he eventually meets a highly spiritual girl and there personalities collide. It’s a fascinating film about reincarnation and it truly makes the view think. But back to 11:11!

Why are so many of us seeing this right now. Is it a biological thing where our bodies get in the habit of looking at a clock during this time? If so, what about when we randomly keep seeing it even on clocks that are out of sync with other clocks?

For me personally, as I started to awaken, I began to see this number all the time.  After a while I started to notice that there was some sort of spiritual connotation that went a long with the numbers 11:11.

I sometimes go through phases in my life where for a month I see this number on the clock twice a day, and sometimes there are periods where I hardly see it at all.  What does it all mean? Am I more enlightened during the times when I see it? Is my soul or the universe trying to express something important?

Theories Behind 11:11

There are many different theories out there to express exactly what this apparent phenomenon of seeing the numbers 1111 is all about. The most common theory is that when you see these numbers you should simply make a wish, and it is believed that it will come true.

Some people claim that when this number is seen it means that there is some kind of window opening up in your life and you should ask for the guidance of your ‘angels’ to find out what it is. Other theories state that there is something significant happening in the moment that you are in and you should pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings.

One of my favorite ideas that I read was that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment.

In my opinion and what resonates with me, is that when you see ‘11:11’ whether on a clock, a license plate, your bank statement or wherever you happen to see it, is like a friendly little sign from your soul, source, higher-self, or the entire Universe, whatever you choose to call it, God, if you will, that everything is in alignment and you are exactly where you need to be, right here, right now.

According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic.

I have read on a website that seeing 11:11 can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix, it is a very real way for the spirit world to communicate with us.

I don’t know if we will ever find out exactly what it means, I think you can decide for yourself what it means to you. I know I always get a smile on my face when I see it, it definitely makes me feel good and I love to share with others, ‘Hey look! It’s 11:11!’

What is the Meaning of 11 11?

There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11. From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on a daily basis. What does 1111 mean?

For example, you might be putting gas in your car and when you’re done, you’ll notice that you put exactly 11.11 gallons in your car.  Or you might be at the checkout line in a store and the cashier gives you $11.11 in change. 

As you’re going home, you might notice a license plate with the numbers 1111 on it.

This happens most often when looking at the clock.  We’ve all seemingly had this experience:  You just happen to look at the clock and it’s 11:11 am or pm.  It’s not like you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.

From an esoteric standpoint, 11:11 appears to be something that is genetically coded within our “junk” DNA as a cue to spiritually awaken.

Related: 11:11 And Other Repetitive, Synchronistic Numbers

What does 11:11 mean? 16 Meanings for 11:11

11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation.  In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters!  Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.

11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment.  You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.

The actual word synchronicity was coined by psychologist Carl Jung, who described it as events that have “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no apparent causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related

Related: 11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It Really Mean?

11:11 Gateway or Portal:  11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.

Angelic Humans:  According to George Barnard, 11:11 is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”.

Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.

Balance:  Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11.  This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.

Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s).  In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.

Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise.  11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.

DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people, this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.

Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying, “The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!”  Edgar may have meant, “The first lesson for six months should be 11:11.”

Fibonacci Sequence:  The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1.  The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation, so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.

Global Consciousness: When you see 11:11, you feel connected with the Universe and everyone else who is currently experiencing this phenomenon. You completely understand what “we are all one” means.

Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11.  If they notice that it’s 11:11pm, they make a wish.  Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?

Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.

Spiritual Purpose
: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.

Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you.  “When the pupil is ready, the master appears”.

Wake Up Call:  11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys. It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.

Also see: 11:11 Synchronicity - Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

Also see: 11:11 Glitch In Time Anomaly

Most likely, you are reading this article because you have also experienced the 11:11 phenomena.  If you haven’t experienced 11:11, then chances are, you will in the near future.  What is it really about? “Time “ will tell.

Related:  Number Sequences From Our Spirit Guides

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret
July 5 2018 | From: JonRappoport / Various

Now and then, I republish an explosive interview with two Rockefeller Trilateral Commission members, highlighting how much political power can be controlled in a few hands.

People often misunderstand how the game works. In the area of US foreign policy, for example, they focus on the long-standing rats’ nest called the State Department.

Related: The Conspiracy to Rule the World: 58. The Trilateral Commission

Well, they should. But that bureaucracy implements policy. It doesn’t really formulate the basics. The basics come from higher on the food chain.

The Globalist movement - within which the Trilateral Commission is a leading force - dictates a “one-world” theme. Separate nations and their power should be melted down and folded into one planet-wide management system.

This system would ultimately determine worldwide production quotas for goods and services, and their distribution. Energy, in particular, is a prime target. How much will be created? Who will benefit? Who will suffer?

The US federal government and other governments around the world had been trying to bring us closer to that “utopian day.”

Who sits in the shadows pulling their strings?

Here is another question that has the same answer: who is in charge of undermining free markets and thus taking down economies? One group has been virtually forgotten. Its influence is enormous. It has existed since 1973.

It’s called the Trilateral Commission (TC).

Related: The Round Table: The Hub Of The CFR, Trilateral Commission, RIIA, Club Of Rome, Bilderberg Group And The UN

Keep in mind that the original stated goal of the TC was to create “a new international economic order.”

In 1969, four years before birthing the TC with David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote: “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations.

Any doubt on the question of TC goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003):

“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America. Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration.

For Example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary

James Jones, National Security Advisor

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Here is a stunning piece of forgotten history, a 1978 conversation between a US reporter and two members of the Trilateral Commission. (Source: Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management; ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980, South End Press, Pages 192-3).

The conversation was public knowledge at the time.

Related: An Expose: The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) & The Trilateral Commmission

Anyone who was anyone in Washington politics, in media, in think-tanks, had access to it. Understood its meaning. But no one shouted from the rooftops. No one used the conversation to force a scandal. No one protested loudly.

The conversation revealed that the entire basis of the US Constitution had been torpedoed, that the people who were running US national policy (which includes trade treaties) were agents of an elite shadow group. No question about it.

And yet: official silence. Media silence. The Dept. of Justice made no moves, Congress undertook no serious inquiries, and the President, Jimmy Carter, issued no statements.

Carter was himself an agent of the Trilateral Commission in the White House. He had been plucked from obscurity by David Rockefeller, and through elite TC press connections, vaulted into the spotlight as a pre-eminent choice for the Presidency.

The 1978 conversation featured reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper. The interview took up the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

Novak: (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

Cooper: Yes, they have met three times.

Novak: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

Kaiser: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

Cooper: Many people still live in a world of separate nations, and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

Novak: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

Cooper: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

Novak: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

Cooper: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches. [a lie]

Kaiser: It just hasn’t become an issue.

This interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was buried.

US economic and political policy - run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission.

When Jimmy Carter won the presidential election in 1976, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We’ve lost. And I’ll quit.”

Lost - because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Now consider the vast propaganda efforts of the past 40 years, on so many levels, to install the idea that all nations and peoples of the world are a single Collective.

Related: CFR: Trump Sabotaging Globalist World Order

From a very high level of political and economic power, this propaganda op has had the objective of grooming the population for a planet that is one coagulated mass, run and managed by one force. A central engine of that force is the Trilateral Commission.

How does a shadowy group like the TC accomplish its goal? One basic strategy is: destabilize nations; ruin their economies; send millions and millions of manufacturing jobs off to places where virtual slave labor does the work; adding insult to injury, export the cheap products of those slave-factories back to the nations who lost the jobs and undercut their domestic competitors, forcing them to close their doors and fire still more employees.

And then solve that economic chaos by bringing order.

What kind of order?

Eventually, one planet, with national borders erased, under one management system, with a planned global economy, “to restore stability,” “for the good of all, for lasting harmony.”

“I pledge allegiance to the Trilateral Commission, and to the domination for which it stands, one planet, indivisible, with tyranny and poverty and top-down order for all…”

Related Articles:

Behind Bilderberg 2015, Trilateral Commission: The Globalists Have A Major Problem + Bilderberg 2015: Full Attendee List & Agenda

The CFR Releases A Promotional Video Trying To Appear Friendly But It’s NWO Propaganda

CFR’s RAND Corporation: Terror From “Everywhere” Requires More Surveillance

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Governments Are Corporations & The Gold Standard Will Break Up The Banking Cartel
July 4 2018 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

Power corrupts: Nothing ruins people faster than getting too much money with little to no effort. Few bank robbers, lottery winners, or sports stars can resist the temptation of extravagance, luxury, and excess. In just a few years’ time, they’re often broke.

Entire nations have succumbed to the impact of instant abundance.

Related: The Clock Is Ticking: “Modern Slaves Are Not In Chains, They’re In Debt”

Spain, in the 16th century, stole the gold and silver of the New World, Peru, Bolivia, and other countries. She soon went broke and became the basket case of Europe for the following 300 years.

The USA, with the unbelievable good luck of having the world’s reserve currency, has been spending money like water which it never truly earned, running up trade deficits of 2018 valuation of up to $20 trillion worth, thereby exporting its jobs and ruining its Main Street economy.

The economic system, managed by the Rothschilds, was created to plunder the life force from the population.

The public see money as currency, but the Rothschilds see it as energy, which it is - currency that circulates as a current which returns to them, the elites, at a much greater rate, expanded by interest. In so doing, the Rothschild family has now come to privately own more than half of Planet Earth.

If “too much” is a problem in the financial world, could “too much” perhaps be a problem in the political world too? Power corrupts.

This is clearly demonstrated by Israel, which is backed without limits or scruples by the Khazarians in the U.S. and Britain, while they are actually living on stolen land of the Palestinians. They have obviously been corrupted by too much power. But we could ask ourselves about America too.

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

Questions were asked when reports came out, that Israeli soldiers shot people who couldn’t shoot back. They slaughter without fear of retribution. They lie, cheat, and steal without any worries because the fix is always in.

The Zionists have the bullying power in the Middle East. They are worried about Iran obtaining weapons of mass destruction, while Israel already has them in great quantity. Worried about Russia influencing U.S. elections? Nobody does it better than Israel.

But does that mean that Israelis have become the bad guys? It sure does appear to be so! Palestinians demonstrate. Israeli snipers shoot. Reports have cited more than 2,000 casualties and 63 deaths – all Palestinian.

Rather than condemning the killings, the U.N. – which is Rothschild owned – blocked an international investigation. The power is unbalanced and disproportionate. It is ‘taking’ without ‘giving’. The motto is let live, but don’t let the Palestinians live.

Paraphrasing former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright:

“What good would it be to have so much power if we didn’t use it?”

And therein lays the fatal temptation!

Related: ‘War Crimes’: Palestine Demands International Criminal Court Investigate Israel

Why Governments Are Corporations

The purpose of the Final Wakeup Call, is to unite the clans of awakened in a common direction with a common goal.

One government for every country, truly of, for and by the people, according to our rightful entitlement of representation, which means, it is part and parcel of one’s rights, and not what is currently the case; a de facto corporate Government, operating for the maximum profit of its shareholders, and masquerading as a people’s administration.

This system is fraudulent, but it hasn’t always been this way. Why were we the people never told about this?

Did you know that our governments, local, city, county, state and federal were not always incorporated? Do you know what it means to be incorporated?

It means the entity is a corporation, a fictitious entity, something made up on paper, and through word-crafting and legal definitions, it becomes an entity, legally defined as a person. If you look up, “legal definition of person,” you may be horrified.

Do it, so that you may step into the light of consciousness and be awakened. If corporations are going to be treated as legal persons, they should also have personal accountability, especially as it pertains to human rights abuses.

Corporations have only one intent – to make money for shareholders who are protected by the limited liability of the corporation that has a “person” status regarding its rights while it has immunity for crimes.

Related: Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

Corporations plan to commit crimes and when they get caught, they simply pay the fines and penalties. No single “person” in the corporation is held responsible for the crime and they seldom suffer criminal prosecution that entails jail-time.

Corporations are “exempt” from suffering the same fate that you or I would suffer if we committed the same crimes. The evidence is abundantly clear that the bigger the corporation, the bigger the crimes.

Corporations make a tremendous amount of money by scamming, screwing, stealing, killing, and poisoning the populace. Destroying the environment, and endless other heinous crimes.

If there had been a working democracy, with real people representing the public they would be able to stop this corporate crime immediately and restore people’s constitutional rights, instead of condoning these blatant crimes.

These Corporations get rich from corruption, bribery, buying elections, buying legislators, purchasing government subsidies, tax breaks, handouts and bailouts while they are protected by many layers of courts, judges and lawyers.

Corporations have the status of an entitled position or authority that is above the commoner who is subject to common law, as opposed to admiralty-, merchant-, or canon-law. The common person, in many cases, may not even speak before a court because they have no standing or status to do so.

Related: The New Zealand Government: A United States SEC Registered Corporation

Corporations carry out some of the most horrific human rights abuses in our society, but it is increasingly difficult to hold them accountable.

Economic globalisation and the rise of transnational corporate power have created a favourable climate for corporate human rights abusers, which are governed principally by the codes of supply and demand and show loyalty only to their shareholders.

Whilst corporations act like criminals, we, the people have the right and the power to stop them and to hold leaders and multinational corporations alike to the accords they have signed.

With this insight, one could reasonably conclude that courts, lawyers, corporations, churches, and monarchies are outside of the law. Politicians and government employees also are often exempt from prosecution. But the common person is not.

Why have we been lied to? Why have we been told, “Well that is quite simply the way it has always been”? How can a corporation be of and for the people? How can a real living individual be on the same level playing field as a fictitious entity?

A corporation is not a living entity, it is not real, it is fictitious. How can we possibly be represented by something that is not real and living?

Related: Inflation: The Most Evil Threat = Governments Robbing Their Citizens

Were we not created in the image and likeness of the Great Creator? How can a corporation represent the likeness of the Creator in all the Creator’s glory?

We, the people were meant to be kings and queens wherever we stood. The ground underneath our feet to be sovereign land, a place where we could not be detained, harassed, imprisoned, fined excessively. We were meant to be free from taxation! This was the Great Creator’s intent for all men, women, and children everywhere, no matter where they stood.

Taxes Are Not Deployed for the Well-Being of the Country

Did you know that the interest on fake money takes away your freedom? There is another vital aspect to be understood about interest on money; when a loan is taken out, the bank creates the money but not the interest with which all loans must be paid back.

The created money therefore excludes the amount owed in interest. This means that there can never be enough money in circulation to pay back all the outstanding loans plus interest.

This is a purposely designed flaw, crushing human freedom, ensuring that through bankruptcy, the loss of the bank’s fake money is compensated by their seizing of ownership of all property and possessions. This is the precise reason that this was built into the system, as a tool of future complete enslavement

It is all part of the Rothschilds’ energy-construct that directs the flow of the wealth and energy of the people in their direction. An unimaginable amount of taxpayers’ money goes straight to the private banks to pay back interest on the money that the government could ultimately have created itself, interest free.

Related: CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) Collateral Accounts: Taxes And Government Fraud Against Citizens Around The World

Do you know what it means to say no tax on tax? City Tax, County Tax, State Tax, Federal Tax, Permits, Fees, Fines, they continuously sell us the same fraudulent swindle over and over again!

As stated before, our taxes don’t pay for the wellbeing and the infrastructure of our country, but the money is directly forwarded to the banking cartel, enriching the elite?

Why is all this so? Because actually corporations have corrupted their purpose, they have cheated their way into allencompassing positions of power, and now they are going for maximum profit!

With the dawning of each new day, new scams are spun into existence, heralding more suffering and death to humanity, new so-called natural disasters, all devised to increase profits, so that these vermin make more and more money. 

New false flags to enslave the population, to promote war, death, and the manufacturing of bullets, bombs, and guns to profit from blood, your blood, the blood of your mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and children.

How can you stand idly by while your very own blood is being spilt not just across the land but around the globe? We are many, but together we are one and powerful!

Related: 12 Tips for Understanding the World and Why It Is the Way It Is

We are one group of real living people, with hands and feet, living on the land known as Earth. We have such a beautiful history that has been hidden from us by deceit, lies, and murder. Embrace one another and stand up triumphantly against our oppressors!

Let This Message be Heard by All People of the World

Tell all of the puppets in Parliament and Congress and wherever they are implemented, the puppet world leaders down to your local, city, county and state puppet politicians, tell your friends and family in law enforcement.

Send this to all the military and everyone you know. In short; Tell everyone, that all are aware of what is happening!

Falsely Represented and Administered

Why do politicians promise one thing and then offend us by doing another? Why does the privately-owned fake media bend to the will of blood-sucking, and war-mongering criminals? Do you feel that your vote counts?

Why do the de facto governments of the world, pay more attention, to strict inspection at airports, as 95% of real weaponry is never detected.  They are preoccupied with athletic doping scandals, but are not able to guarantee the honest counting of votes? What they do instead is to steal votes, hack elections, and falsify voter registration.

Why can’t we get more objective information and responses to these questions?

Why do these governmental corporations, falsely presenting themselves as duly elected governments, make us believe they are our lawful governments, while not allowing us to have civilian supervision over the voting process in every nation? 

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

Why do we remain so complacent about it all? What will it take for us to come into action?

Why does international athletics have such a high standard, while the act of voting is so utterly corrupt, guaranteeing that the rights of ‘We the People’, our liberties, freedoms, and safety are turned against us.

They have weaponised themselves to ensure maximum profit for their corporations that are masquerading as our lawful governance. Which is more important, the sanctity of the vote, or the sanctity of fair competition, or should they be equal?  Do you see?  Are you awakened?

Let us hope that people will finally “get it”, understanding fully that having a massive amount of money isn’t the end result wanted here. The desired result is to begin to redefine the world and its inhabitants differently, and reclaim our liberty. There is much to do as the focus until now has been on personal pleasures rather than on the community as a whole.

It is all coming together, slowly but most certainly and you will see positive changes in your lifetime.

Make no mistake about that; it has been a long time, about 13 millennia, that criminals have suppressed humanity. But, be assured, all the changes that stand to occur are major ones, and are coming now.

The Implementation of the Gold Standard Will Break-up the Banking Cartel

The trade war initiated by Donald Trump was implemented to break up the cabal’s system.

New trade deals will be made between countries on an individual basis, in order to shut down the old system and get out the cabal’s system ahead of time.

The entire structure is going to come crashing down. This is what can be expected for the world economy.

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

Italy is the biggest threat to the Euro. They know the euro system is unstable, and were working on a plan to have a parallel currency with the Euro. This plan might still be moving forward, but probably in a different way, while other countries may follow. If this is going to happen the Euro is doomed.

The financial system is very fragile, and Italy could blow it up. They have a clever alternative plan to blow up the Euro through the bond market.

The whole system is based on the cabal’s central banking structure that the Deep State cannot control anymore. All they are capable of is manipulating everything, but every day more and more people realise that all official information is manipulated.

Every day more and more people understand that most of the news is fake. The economy is not great as is purported by the corporate media

Explained in more detail in next week’s essay. In reality, the whole system is breaking down, and everything is going to change, as the cabal criminals are no longer in full control and are losing more control daily.

The Global Currency Reset has Begun

Get ready for a simultaneously occurring banking crisis in the three biggest EU-economies: Germany, France, and Italy. The Criminals in the City of London and the Khazarians in Washington DC will not be able to avoid this crisis.

It will be an event of monumental proportions and impact. The credit default swap of the largest bank in the EU – Deutsche Bank – is rising in cost, while its stock price has entered single digits in a powerful decline over the last weeks.

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This bank holds also up to $75 trillion in derivatives, and is now on the verge of financial collapse. Furthermore, it also is a big bond holder of Italian Government Bonds.

The Italian banking system in turn is on death row, which has finally been admitted lately. As if this is not bad enough, an even bigger bond holder for Italian debt is France. So, expect a massive banking crisis to unfold very soon that will wreck Société General and BNP Paribas, the two largest banks of France.

The reset is in progress, with a number of new elements such as the Gold-Oil-RMB futures contracts in Shanghai and the Cross-Border Interbank Payment System (CIPS), that were set up to replace the Deep State’s swift – system.

Once gold is released from its manipulation, silver will take a stratospheric flight. The Global Currency reset will include a complete restructuring of the global financial system versus its present form.

Expect a complete restructuring of the financial world as is known, most importantly concerning debt restructure. The result will be a gold-centred financial system, finally honouring the Gold Standard and gold assets as banking reserves.

The Chinese Elders are driving the reset process, after having abandoned support for many key institutions of power in the West. A gold-backed Chinese Yuan is anticipated as part of the new framework. This should end the Rothschilds’ Banking Cartel. Great fortunes in precious metals, and not paper assets lie ahead.

Related: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts

Only, Gold, Silver, and other precious metal assets will survive and thrive because of their intrinsic value as true money, while most of the paper assets will be rendered worthless and put to flame. Particularly silver will have a bright future, as there is a great shortage of this metal, with the supply deficit growing worse every passing month.

Beating the Banking Cartel

The Central Banksters have manipulated interest rates lower, reducing funding costs virtually every year since 2012 and they continue to manipulate it to this day. Soon, interest rates are going to rise as is already evident in the rising Libor rate, bringing with it the kiss of death to the current financial system.

The banking system has the ability to siphon off every single cent that is earned from the people it is supposed to serve. People are seen as a for-profit commodity in a very aggressive way.

One of the mechanisms leading to failure is the ‘bail in’ process as authorised by the EU, USA and other countries. It is an extremely devastating thing to happen to anybody when the bank just takes your money and cites the ‘bail-in laws’ as justification.

These things are critical to understand if you have money in your bank account. If you have a regular checking or current account with any bank, your money is now their money to lend out or make investments.

How safe is your money? It is very safe says the bank. But has anyone considered that if the bank runs into a difficulty and has to shut down or go bankrupt, what happens then? Is your money safe?

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Consider that your bank is not as solvent as you may think, and you are, by giving the bank control over your money, simply giving them your money without recourse. A legal procedure with a bank is long and costly, especially if you no longer have any money to hire legal assistance.

If the bank makes bad loans or investments, they can lose money, not being able to cover their losses. They have no choice but to take your money and use it to bail themselves out. Eventually, you may become a shareholder of the bank, but the value of the shares is unknown.

The current situation of the banks is easy to see as all you have to do is read their balance sheet on the web. They publish their state of affairs. Right now, the banks lend or invest close to the zero coverage point, and can only cover half a cent on every dollar deposited.

So, to reiterate; most big banks cannot cover 95% of the money deposited, with only 5% being covered. This is extremely alarming!

The only way to not give your control away, is to contract the bank to be your fiduciary, negotiating with them that they keep your money safe.

This is a type of trust escrow scheme that tax attorneys are well versed in, and they can advise the best structures. It all does come back to the structure. If properly done, you can live safely and tranquilly knowing there is no financial threat to your daily wellbeing.

The Lies Versus Truth

We have been led to believe that we live in a world lacking resources. Did you know this was nothing more than a dirty lie sold to us in order to control us?

The truth is amazing; our resources are inexhaustible. But our environment is truly exhaustible, and that is why evil powers have poisoned, chemtrailed, radiated our air, water, and our lands, contaminated the earth by fracking.

It’s all part of a system of corrupt mechanisms of control. Look up and see the poisonous clouds stringing lines of poison that spread out and fade into a haze. Do you see them above your heads? All it takes is for people to look up!

Related: Degeneracy And Fundamentalism Of Western Media Control & Truth In Media

They abolished our gold standard of currency in 1971 and turned our currency into fake, paper, monopoly funny-money, which has since been devalued at such a fast rate that money, if left in the bank, will have decreased in value enormously by the time one wants to retire or to pass it on to one’s heirs. 

These euro’s, dollars, yen, etc. are backed by nothing, this is one of the greatest, if not the single greatest thefts the world has ever known.

The time has arrived that we, the people return to self-governance. The end of the age of darkness and a new beginning of a golden era of light awaits us.

Did You Know?

Did you know that there is no profit to be made from free energy and that is why we burn fossil fuels for energy? We have the technology that powers craft that can travel to the stars in hours and that can travel around the world safely in minutes. 

That is our imminent future! In the future, we will no longer be radiated at airports by harmful body scanners that destroy our health., for a trip on a slow-flying commercial airliner, that burns fossil fuel.

The technology to fly to mars in 45 minutes exists,
and it belongs to us, as we have paid for its development and benevolent scientists developed these technologies over and over in history, to be repeatedly ridiculed and in some cases even murdered.

Everything that has been told is a lie. We didn’t need rockets to get into space for over 100 years! Once you knew free energy was real, you wouldn’t be happy getting ripped off for gasoline either!

Nikola Tesla had a working flying platform and flew around on it for over 100 years ago! He also had a patent for a flying saucer type craft. His assistant Otis T. Carr began making an antigravity craft that did work. But the US government shut him down!

Related: Tesla’s Anti-Gravity Research In Use In Dozens Of Secretive Military Projects

Much more is covered! Everything we’ve been told is a lie! They keep antigravity and free energy from us away to keep us in slavery. It’s all about control. This matrix of lies begins to fall apart as more and more people are awakening and becoming aware of their lies and that’s why it’s important we all spread this message.

All ill-gotten funds and assets of all illegal mafia corporations belonging to the criminal elite and their collaborators that have fleeced us naked, will be seized and returned to the rightful owners; ‘we the people’.

The value of these ill-gotten funds and assets are millions of times more than anyone can imagine, running into the thousands of trillions of today’s euro’s/dollars.

On a final note: don’t forget that these evil, criminal Deep State tyrants cause us to suffer slowly by destroying our health, increasingly compromising our immune systems with their poisons. Their ultimate plan is to greatly extinguish humanity and to claim planet Earth for themselves.

Pay attention: First the old monetary system is being destroyed, before the new financial system can be activated! Right now is the world in this process.

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When You Hear Negative Voices In Your Head, Remember This
July 3 2018 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit

I felt the urge to write againvbecause of a disturbing experience I had last night which made me stop and think. So I crafted a new article to share that experience with you, and through which to remind you of something very important about yourself that you might have long forgotten. It's a short read, but could help to relieve you of much suffering, especially if you're going through hardship these days.

When You Hear Negative Voices in Your Head, Remember This..

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Yesterday night my girlfriend and I decided to go for a small walk around our neighborhood. At some point we reached to a square that was filled with children, and decided to chill there for a bit and observe them playing all around us.

After a while, we saw a little girl - no older than 6 - trying to climb up a short ladder that was standing right next to us. With a lot of effort she eventually managed to reach to its top.

She was proud of her achievement and radiated with joy, until she suddenly heard an old woman yelling at her:

“So what are you trying to show us now? There’s no need to brag. You’ve achieved nothing; others have climbed way higher than you.”

Instantly, the girl’s big smile disappeared from her face. She looked disappointed and hurt.

To our amazement, that woman was actually the girl’s grandmother. Soon afterwards, the woman got up from the bench she was sitting on, told the girl she was leaving, turned her back on her, and walked away without waiting for a single moment. The girl appeared distressed. She quickly climbed down the ladder and ran crying after her grandmother.

I then thought of how traumatic an experience that must have been for the little girl. You see, children are very sensitive and absorb everything that comes from their environment like a sponge, so naturally the words they hear can deeply affect their psyche.

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And those words usually stay with them for years upon years, causing them tremendous suffering, sometimes until they reach to an old age - or even until they take their last breath.

When we were children, we were all at times hurt by words thrown at us. Now, as adults, we constantly hear voices in our heads that have been implanted by others - our parents, relatives, friends, teachers, and so on - yet we think that they are our own. Voices which tell us that we are inadequate. That we’re unimportant. That we’re not worth loving. That we’re not worth living.

Those negative voices keep on repeating themselves so often that they’ve programmed us to think that what they’re saying is actually true. If you’re hearing such voices yourself, I’d like to tell you: what they are saying is utter bullshit.

You, just like every other person in the world, are a uniquely beautiful, intelligent and inherently loving being. But your beauty, intelligence and love have been suppressed for so long that it might feel as if they’re nonexistent.

If you’re feeling inadequate, trust me, I’ve been there. And I know it sucks. But I also know that there’s a way out. How?

Related: Why Millions Of Kids Don’t See Any Purpose In Going To School Anymore & Matrix Revealed: Why Logic Disappeared

Well, my intention isn’t to turn this into yet another how-to self-help article, but I’ll merely point out that simple things such as meditating, taking care of your emotional needs, accepting and expressing your feelings, pursuing your genuine interests and forming loving relationships can do wonders to help you silence the negative voices in your head and create the inner space needed to reconnect with your higher Self.

My aim here is to simply remind you that you are enough as you are, regardless of what others have made you believe. I want to remind you that your presence is enriching the whole existence and that you have tremendously important gifts to contribute to the world.

I want to remind you that you possess a loving heart that can brighten another person’s life. So next time those negative voices arise in your head, don’t believe them.

They are lying to you, again and again. Instead, observe them unattached, notice where they are coming from and let them go one by one.

They are just an illusion that has been fed by your attention, and the only way to break free from them is to starve them.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected
July 2 2018 | From: CollectiveEvolution

Is it considered ‘not spiritual’ to talk about an elite or cabal running our world? This has become a commonplace today, and there is a great deal of ridicule that comes when people feel looking at the truth of what is playing out in our world is ‘crazy’ or a ‘negative’ thing to do.

In fact, the ‘negative’ label on conspiracy theories we place is one of the biggest spiritual bypasses we can do. Let’s dive into this.

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

The truth is, understanding the way our world truly functions and consciousness evolution (spirituality) go hand in hand. Why?

Because it is all part of life here. It is not separate! You don’t have spirituality on one side and conspiracies or truth on the other. It’s all interconnected in our life and human experience. And it’s time to bring them together.

In Brief

The Facts: Refusing to understand how our world truly functions and simply calling exploration into this as 'negative' is a common spiritual bypass. The elite / cabal is here for a reason, we must understand that.

Reflect On: Why do we find ourselves calling conspiracies negative or something we should not talk about? Why do we refuse to face some of the 'darker' things inside, or even outside, of ourselves?

Note: I did a CE Podcast episode on this subject you can listen to here. It goes even deeper into the subject than this article.

The Challenge

This isn’t true 100% of the time of course, but in a lot of cases, we see those in the truth-seeking realm feel consciousness or spirituality is airy fairy and has no place in the big picture and is just a new age distraction.

On the flip side, we see those engaged in spirituality-seeking feel conspiracy/truth-seeking people are crazy and negative. While there is truth to some extent in both cases, there is a lot more to the discussion and a very important purpose for both.

You’ve probably experienced it at some point, it’s believable that GMO’s are unhealthy and corporations are using them to make money in a number of ways but it’s damaging to people and the environment, but yet there is no possible way that’s happening with vaccines… or that 9/11 was an inside job.

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Let me be the first to say, there are a number of conspiracy theories that have no backing, no facts, are far-reaching and in many cases don’t even help us along our journey. But this is not the case with many, in fact, the amount of evidence is often staggering and it’s simply that we don’t want to believe it.

I’m writing this because I’m calling for an end of the reduction of conversation to ‘that’s crazy’ ‘that’s fake news’ ‘that’s a conspiracy’ etc. as it does nothing but maintain division, a lack of awareness and a misinformed world that can’t thrive.

Time and time again what is often called ‘conspiracy’ turns out to be true only a few months or a year later. We can end this cycle by learning and choosing to listen instead of dismissing, then checking in with our hearts/souls about what role this is playing in our experience so we can dissolve the need for the cabal.

Why They Go Hand In Hand

Some of us view spirituality as learning techniques to feel good, as ways to cope with life and the challenges we have in our modern world. Some view it as a means to begin to feel better about the prospect of death. Others view it as a way to explore what’s beyond the physical and who we truly are.

Related: How You Can Undermine The ‘Evil Cabal’

From a conspiratorial side, when we’re talking about digging past mainstream media to find out what’s really going on in our world, some view it as a way to disempower the elite that does not have humanities best interests at heart.

Others view it as a way to take back our power. Some see it as a way to uncover the truth of how our world truly works so we can begin to thrive. Some react to these truths with wanting revenge or justice, this is an important thing to note as this is where the spirituality comes in.

So it appears we have ‘two sides’ as we often like to do within ego states of consciousness. But what role does the elite and cabal play in our experience? How has that served to suppress our spirituality and why has it all happened?

The two are intimately connected because part of the game we are playing on earth here is that we have to uncover what has been happening in our reality and remember who we truly are. This is a spiritual journey, that involves understanding the players in the game and the roles they play.

I’ve been running a conscious media and education company for 9.5 years now. Our mission is to bridge the gap between truth-seeking and spirituality via exploring a shift in consciousness taking place on our planet. We understand that both are part of one big picture in life and you can only go so far in each before you MUST bring in the other to deepen your understanding.

During the 9.5 years since I started Collective Evolution, I have seen thousands of people go through various stages of discovering and learning, both in truth-seeking and spirituality, that has sent them on different paths. Some begin to discover our food system is rigged for a lack of health and they begin eating cleaner.

The Great Transformation: A World Awakening

This leads them to understand our entire world is ‘rigged against us’ and suddenly there is a shift in how they see the world. I have seen others attend a yoga class and this begins a journey into connecting with self deeply.

But in both cases, I often see an identity form. The yogi becomes identified as a ‘spiritual person,’ dresses a certain way, talks a certain way and may refuse to look at anything the ‘truth-seekers’ are saying because they don’t want to fall into that crowd.

The truth-seekers are often angry, pissed off at the world, call everyone else sheeple and think the elite need to die in prisons. They might look at the ‘yogi’ or ‘spiritual’ crowd as having fallen into pseudo-scientific new age deception because they look at consciousness and spirituality.

Then there are those who have journeyed beyond that stage and are simply authentic and understand how both ingredients, truth-seeking and spirituality, are one in the same and part of the journey. 

They are both a part of this game we call life and if we truly want to evolve, move forward, remove the cabal and so forth, we must see the truth and learn why it was there in the first place for our own evolution in consciousness.

The video here explores the role the elite/cabal play in our spiritual journey.

It’s A Role!

Remember, what the cabal and elite are doing isn’t negative in the big picture scheme of things. To our mind it might be, but not to our souls. This is why you must connect deeply with self to overcome the vengeful hateful view the mind creates when we observe them.

What they are doing simply is. And for our souls, it is the journey we asked for to challenge ourselves to remember who we truly are in a very disconnected system.

The cabal, are just souls having an experience too, and we all agreed on this together. This doesn’t mean we accept what they are doing in the physical and just take it, no, it simply means we must evolve our consciousness and overcome the need for them for it to stop.

How does that look or happen? We must understand why it’s there by going beyond the judgement and the emotion and see what the trap it creates for us.

Related: NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

With that understanding, we no longer can get trapped in the angry, hateful emotions that hold this world in place and instead we choose, from a consciousness point of view, to create a different world.

This not only affects collective consciousness and helps others awaken, but we then now can create a new world, both physically and consciously, that comes from a higher state of consciousness and not one that is built in fear, anger and judgement of the old one. Remaining in that old state will only create more of the same world.

Again, I feel it is very important to listen to the podcast episode on this one as it goes into deep detail about this.

Final Thoughts

If you find yourself viewing matters in either of these polarized lights, challenge yourself to ask why? Why have this opposition to either side and why are we coloring things as positive or negative in the first place?

What is that showing us about ourselves? Our fear of looking at our own ‘darkness?’ Collective ‘darkness?’

In many ways, what the elite / cabal are doing is just a reflection of our own journeys on a macro scale. It’s reflecting humanity’s current state of consciousness as we awaken to the truth.

Change Starts Within.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

If You Question The Establishment You Are Guilty Of Espionage, Says Corporate Media - Because Russia + The “Fake News” Furor And The Threat Of Internet Censorship
July 1 2018 | From: ActivistPost / GlobalResearch

Mainstream, corporate media has launched a dangerous and slanderous campaign to label any news outlet not spewing accepted governmental narrative as professional Russian propagandists - and those unaware they’d apparently been duped by Russia, “useful idiots.”

Ordinarily, the complete dearth of proof this claim has even a shred of truth would cause a reflexive eye roll — but in this case, the American exceptionalist machine behind the supposed analysis calls for FBI and Department of Justice to investigate possible violations of Espionage Act.

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Conflating legitimate journalism with espionage because it refutes a narrative acceptable to the establishment is categorically ludicrous.

This irresponsible, criminal violation of ethics devoid of any journalistic integrity came from the Washington Post, which ‘reported’ two “teams of independent researchers” discovered ‘The Russians’ were behind ‘fake news’ articles to help Donald Trump win the election and ‘undermine faith in American democracy.’

It could be said ‘you can’t make this up’ - but apparently that’s exactly what these so-called ‘expert’ researchers did.

“The flood of ‘fake news’ this election season got support from a sophisticated Russian propaganda campaign that created and spread misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary Clinton, helping Republican Donald Trump and undermining faith in American democracy, say independent researchers who tracked the operation,” the Post declared in its lede.

Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery - including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human ‘trolls,’ and networks of websites and social-media accounts - echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers.

Who would have thunk such a thing?

The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.

Related: The Myth Of “Aggressive Russia”

However, as has been the highly-suspect tendency thus far in the corporate media’s war on ostensible disinformation, literally no evidence accompanied the Post’s report - nor the analyses provided by these two putatively independent research groups - making the article a prime example of libel.

Related: House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting "Russian Propaganda" Websites

In fact, the credibility of this reporting is so wet tissue paper-flimsy, even the mainstream outlet Fortune refuted the contents in an article appropriately titled, “No, Russian Agents Are Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See,” because “the case starts to come apart at the seams the more you look at it.”

Fortune notes one of the two research groups, the Foreign Policy Institute, is:

“A conservative think tank funded and staffed by proponents of the Cold War between the U.S. and Russia, which says it has been researching Russian propaganda since 2014.”

PropOrNot, the other group publishing the exhaustive list of even award-winning sites, “tweets and retweets anti-Russian sentiments from a variety of sources, has only existed since August of this year,” according to Fortune. “And an article announcing the launch of the group on its website is dated last month.”

None of the supposedly multiple people responsible for the fledgling PropOrNot website are named, even by the Post.

Its executive director, whom the Post quoted “on the condition of anonymity to avoid being targeted by Russia’s legions of skilled hackers”- a laughable excuse worthy of its own tinfoil hat - claims;

“The way that this propaganda apparatus supported Trump was equivalent to some massive amount of a media buy. It was like Russia was running a super PAC for Trump’s campaign... It worked.”

Once again, the ‘Russia did it’ narrative belies the underlying establishment frustration and inability to come to terms with the loss of democratic election - a loss alternative, independent media undoubtedly assisted, but not for the tiresome reasons corporate outlets repeat ad infinitum.

Hillary Clinton did not lose the 2016 presidential election because some shady, Russian-government crafted cabal of non-mainstream outlets plotted her downfall for the benefit of Donald Trump. Indeed, most of the outlets listed - including The Free Thought Project - castigated both Clinton and Trump when pertinent information became available.

No, Hillary Clinton lost because - even faced with as contentious a character as megalomaniacal Trump - the American populace has grown too weary of Washington politics-as-usual, foreign policy-as-usual, and corruption-as-usual.

Related: McCarthyism Is Breaking Out All Over - Paul Craig Roberts

Independent media did a phenomenal job reporting on revelations published by WikiLeaks, and equally stellar slaying of U.S. government propaganda reported as legitimate news by irresponsible corporate media presstitutes, who some time ago abandoned journalism for establishment acceptance.

Pointing fingers will never make this any less true - and, in actuality, only deepens the shameful dereliction of journalistic duty.

To wit, the Post’s regurgitating this thinly veneered anti-Russian agenda as fact, when literally no investigation was undertaken - no one contacted the outlets on this list to offer their side, for example - is precisely the sort of ‘fake news’ the establishment insists it needs to fight.

Fortune points out:

“There’s also little data available on the PropOrNot report, which describes a network of 200 sites who it says are ‘routine peddlers of Russian propaganda,’ which have what it calls a ‘combined audience of 15 million Americans.’ How is that audience measured?

We don’t know. Stories promoted by this network were shared 213 million times, it says. How do we know this? That’s unclear."

Once again, we have literally unverifiable ‘information’ coughed up by unknown entities, who employed unknown methods to produce a blacklist of media sites - which incidentally includes a disparate mishmash from Ron Paul and Chris Hedges, to the Drudge Report and Lew Rockwell - that the public should deem verboten because they said so. That, and because Russia.

As The Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald tweeted:

Yes, the WashPost is saying: some people who we won’t identify, using methodologies we won’t describe, created This Important Blacklist!

Again, though it’s difficult not to laugh at this altogether ironic travesty, the peril lies in these unknown entities at PropOrNot suggesting these outlets and the journalists behind them “have violated the Espionage Act, the Foreign Agent Registration Act, and other related laws, but determining that is up to the FBI and the DOJ.”

Just two paragraphs prior, PropOrNot paradoxically claims it “fiercely believe in the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of the press, and have no interest in seeing anyone punished for exercising them.”

Although PropOrNot flatly claims its questionably researched and flagrantly unvetted list shouldn’t be considered McCarthyistic, well, it is.

“So in other words, any and every one who is anything but a liberal drone is now a Russian plant?” Zero Hedge, which also landed a spot on the Everyone the Establishment Dislikes Is a Russian Agent list, asked rhetorically. “McCarthy would be proud.”

Related: The Major Purveyor of ‘Fake News’ is the CIA-Corporate Complex

The “Fake News” Furor And The Threat Of Internet Censorship

In the weeks since the November 8 election, US media reports on the spread of so-called “fake news” during the presidential campaign have increasingly repeated unsubstantiated pre-election claims that the Russian government hacked into Democratic Party email servers to undermine the campaign of Hillary Clinton.

There is more than a whiff of McCarthyism in this crusade against “fake news” on social media and the Internet, with online publications critical of US wars of aggression and other criminal activities being branded as Russian propaganda outlets.

Related: Fake News List Death Knell for MSM-Paul Craig Roberts

A case in point is an article published in the November 24 edition of the Washington Post headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say.”

The article includes assertions that Russian “botnets, teams of paid human ‘trolls,’ and networks of web sites and social media accounts” were used to promote sites across the Internet;

"As they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers.”

Comment: Well they may not have been Russian bot-nets but they sure as hell were real people who have woken up to the reality of that the psychopathic luciferial control-freak establishment wanted...

According to the Post, the exposure of Russian involvement in the spread of fake election news is based on the work of a team of “independent researchers” and another anonymous group calling itself PropOrNot, which has expertise in “computer science, national security and public policy.”

Oh for the love of Christ who do they think believes this hore shit anymore?


Although no one from the PropOrNot organization is mentioned by name, the Post quotes the executive director of this group anonymously. The organization has gone so far as to publish a list of 200 web sites - including WikiLeaks, the ultra-right Drudge Report and the left-liberal Truthout - that are deemed “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.”

It should be obvious that the Post report is itself an example of the state-sponsored pseudo-news that is increasingly dispensed by the corporate-controlled media to promote the geopolitical and military aims of American imperialism.

The New York Times has published similar articles, including one authored by David E. Sanger and posted on the Times web site on November 25 under the headline “US Officials Defend Integrity of Vote, Despite Hacking Fears.”

Sanger, the chief Washington correspondent of the Times, is a regular sounding board for the military/intelligence establishment, to which he is closely “plugged in.” He writes that:

“Intelligence officials are still investigating the impact of a broader Russian ‘information warfare’ campaign, in which fake news about Mrs. Clinton, and about United States-Russia relations, appeared intended to influence voters.”

He adds, “Many of those false reports originated from RT News and Sputnik, two state-funded Russian sites.”

The readers of this and virtually all other articles on the topic of Russia’s role in “fake news” will search in vain for a single piece of evidence to substantiate the claims made.

Instead, the views and opinions of “experts,” usually unnamed, are cited and treated as indisputable fact - much in the manner of Joe McCarthy and similar witch-hunters.

The editors and writers who produce these articles seem not even to notice that their publications have been caught in one colossal lie after another - from the claims of Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction” used to justify the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 to the more recent flood of government propaganda in support of neo-colonial wars in Libya and Syria and drone killings in a growing number of countries - all justified in the name of “human rights” and the “war on terror.”

There are no institutions anywhere in the world more adept at producing “fake news” than the American corporate-controlled media.

These same media outlets further discredited themselves by overtly slanting their “news” coverage of the election campaign in favor of their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, and predicting that she would secure a decisive victory.

Blindsided by the support for Trump among disaffected and angry lower-income people and taken unawares by the electoral collapse of the Democrats, the corporate media are responding to the growth of popular distrust by seeking to discredit alternative news sources.

Related: Dear Donald Trump: Blockade the lying mainstream media and recognize the independent media as America's real free press

This is not to deny the spread of false information and propaganda masquerading as news on the Internet.

Fabricated news stories and hoaxes have been circulating online since the World Wide Web began in the 1990s, but there was a significant increase in “fake” political sites and content during the US elections.

Stories that stretched the truth or were entirely made up typically started on mock news web sites and were then amplified by social media sharing.

Related: ‘Putin awaits my application for citizenship,’ says ‘Russian agent’ Paul Craig Roberts

Other false reports originated on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and spread rapidly with the “like,” “share” and “comment” features of social media.

An analysis published by Buzzfeed on November 16 showed that false political news stories in the final three months of the election campaign, such as a report that the Pope had endorsed Trump for president, generated more engagement on Facebook than the combined top stories of nineteen major US news organizations.

The Buzzfeed study noted the “hyperpartisan right-wing” nature of the top fabricated news items, as well as the spike in the number of visitors to these sites during the final election months.

Another key aspect of online “fake news” has been the growth of its scope internationally. The Guardian reported in August, for example, that a group of teenagers and college students from Veles, Macedonia set up dozens of political web site façades to both influence and cash in on the Trump candidacy.

The Guardian report also pointed out that, although the pro-Trump sham news sites were more popular, both offshore and domestic web sites became very popular and generated income for their publishers whether they were peddling phony “conservative” or “liberal” misinformation.

That being said, the campaign in the corporate media against “fake news” on the Internet, including calls for social media outlets such as Google and Facebook to vet the material that appears on their sites, is a reactionary attack on freedom of the press.

It has already elicited positive responses from major Internet sites.

Both Google and Facebook have published statements acknowledging that they are working on systems that will use third-party “fact-checking” of news content published on their services.

In the case of Facebook, this initiative - reminiscent of Orwell’s Thought Police - will be reinforced by barring accounts identified as “fake news” sources from using online advertising tools.

Pressure to shut down or muzzle “fake news” sites and social media accounts are emanating from the offices of corporate media organizations concerned about the loss of their influence over the public. Any moves to censor Internet content must be opposed as an attack on democratic rights.

The measures being prepared today against “fake news” web sites and social media publishers will be perfected and used tomorrow against the working class and the socialist media - the World Socialist Web Site - that articulates and fights for its independent interests.

Related: FAKE NEWS: Newsweek Admits They Didn’t Proof Read ‘Madam President’ Issue; They Didn’t Even Write It

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Fluoridation Is Mass Medication, New Zealand Supreme Court Rules
June 30 2018 | From: Scoop / FluorideFreeNewZealand

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules. Water fluoridation is compulsory mass medication, in breach of human rights, the Supreme Court has ruled by a majority vote. It confirmed that fluoridation is a medical treatment as claimed by opponents for over 60 years.

It is not a supplement “just topping up natural levels”, as claimed by the Ministry of Health.

Related: New Study Provides Further Evidence Of Low IQ In Children Due To Fluoride Exposure

The impracticality of avoiding fluoridated water makes it compulsory in practice, the majority also ruled.

Three judges held that there was conflicting scientific evidence, confirming that the science is NOT settled.

Chief Justice Sian Elias then held that fluoridation was not prescribed by law (i.e. is unlawful), applying section 6 of the Bill of Rights Act. That was the correct decision in Fluoride Free NZ’s view.

The rest of the majority held that it was prescribed by law, and it was then necessary to apply a balancing test to determine if the breach of the right - not to be subject to medical treatment without consent - was justified in the case of fluoridation.

Justice Glazebrook held that it was for a local authority to do this when making its decision, potentially taking into account specific local circumstances.

On the balance of information before the Court – the misinformation promulgated by promoters that water fluoridation measurably reduces tooth decay and presents no real health risk – two judges held that it was justifiable.

This is despite the court reiterating that it is now accepted that benefit for fluoride is from topical application, not from ingestion.

Related: Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals & Former EPA Senior Scientist Confirms Fluoride Lowers Children’s IQ

The Court did not consider information published since the original High Court case, and the recent US Government multi-million-dollar study by Bashash et al, published in Environmental Health Perspectives, carried out by top scientists and researchers in top North American universities - had not yet been published.

This study found that children exposed to fluoride at the same levels as New Zealanders had significantly reduced IQ, which could easily have shifted the Justices’ perception of safety.

Importantly, the Court held that this question of whether fluoridation is justifiable is to be determined on the balance of probabilities.

There is no requirement for absolute proof of harm, as long-maintained by the Ministry of Health. As a question of fact, the two judges’ conclusion is not binding on any lower court or any statutory decision maker.

With the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence that water fluoridation is ineffective and poses significant health risks, this opens the door to end the practice at any time.

The majority held that tooth decay was a condition in the community that a local council could address (through fluoridation) under section 23 of the Health Act. It necessarily follows that any aspect of health in the community, good or bad, must also fall under section 23.

Related: The Dark History Behind Fluoride (That The Media Refuses To Report)

This includes the current IQ level of inhabitants.

Therefore a local council is required to protect that condition under section 23. So if, on the balance of probabilities, water fluoridation reduces IQ significantly - and half a standard deviation (5 points on the scale used in recent studies) is significant - a council must not implement fluoridation, and in fact must cease it if it is currently in place.

Arguably, this mandatory requirement would override any direction that a District Health Board might give a council under the proposed legislation currently before Parliament.

Now that the Supreme Court has ruled fluoridation is medical treatment without consent, and with the mounting evidence that it is ineffective and carries significant health risks, it is time for politicians and the health sector to rethink the practice.

Its days are clearly numbered following this judgment.

Related Articles:

NZ: Federal Control Of Fluoridation Would Be A Nightmare

The Question That Fluoridation Promoters Can’t Answer

Bill To Protect Fluoridation From NZ Politics

Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation Once And For All By Demonstrating Its Neurotoxicity

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The Truth About Trump “Separating Families”
June 30 2018 | From: Infowars / Various

Media outrage based on belief that border crossings shouldn’t be illegal.

Family separation on the border only occurs under one of the following conditions: 1) If a migrant adult falsely claims to be a parent, or 2) is a threat to the child, or 3) is charged with a crime, such as illegal entry.

Related: Why ‘Children In Cages’ Hoax Is A Big Distraction

The Obama administration did separate families, sometimes by thousands of miles by deporting male migrants a long distance from their point of entry under the Alien Transfer Exit Program.

In contrast, the Trump administration hasn’t changed the rules, except perhaps by not separating families by thousands of miles – and by not giving “free passes” for illegal border crossing.

During the Obama administration, migrants who claimed to be with their family weren’t criminally prosecuted, and this ultimately led to child trafficking as more migrants crossed the border with kids they falsely claimed as their children.

According to a May 28 article from the National Review:

"The past practice had been to give a free pass to an adult who is part of a family unit. The new Trump policy is to prosecute all adults. The idea is to send a signal that we are serious about our laws and to create a deterrent against re-entry. (Illegal entry is a misdemeanor, illegal re-entry a felony.)

Related: Fact Check: 80% of illegal children trying to enter the United States arrive without their parents… they aren’t “separated” by ICE

Furthermore, the process of “separating families” when the head of the household is charged with a crime is nothing new under US law. Children are not thrown into a jail cell with their father if he’s charged with a crime.

This is true with just about any law on the state or federal level.

Now, concerning immigration, when a migrant is charged with illegal entry, US Marshals take him into custody.

Children that accompanied him across the border are then taken into the temporary custody of Health and Human Services and its contractors at shelters such as this one:

Again, according to the National Review, which is worth reading in full:

"There is a significant moral cost to not enforcing the border. There is obviously a moral cost to separating a parent from a child and almost everyone would prefer not to do it.

But, under current policy and with the current resources, the only practical alternative is letting family units who show up at the border live in the country for the duration.

Not only does this make a mockery of our laws, it creates an incentive for people to keep bringing children with them

Related: Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

In short, the Trump administration hasn’t really changed the rules used by the Obama administration, with the exception of not giving any more “free passes” that encouraged illegal border crossing – and possibly the exception of not separating families by thousands of miles.

Thus, the mainstream media outrage against President Trump must be motivated by two things: 1) Belief that uncontrolled border crossings shouldn’t be illegal and 2) Bias against Trump.

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Farage to Trump: ‘Ignore All The Screams’ From MSM on Immigration

The Truth About the Border

Flashback: Obama Separated Migrant Families – by Thousands of Miles!

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Kim Kardashian Doubles Down on Trump, Says ‘I Want Him To Win’

Border Patrol Agent in ‘Family Separation’ Photo Disputes Media Narrative

Fake photo, fake news, fake media and the engineering of fake outrage to push an open borders invasion of America

Here are the Horrifying Photos of Obama's Illegal Alien Faces the Media Refuses to Show You

Trump: I’ll Authorize Cancellation of Aid To Nations Sending Illegals

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Confronting A Tyrannical System Without Firing A Single Shot
June 29 2018 | From: Geopolitics

If you take it to heart all that’s been happening inside the United States, the European Union, and in the Middle East, you’ll fall into a depression which you may not be able to recover in time.

“I’m exhausted trying to figure out what’s the truth,” said Margaret Treis.

Related: Tyranny And Free Speech

Understand that inducing psychological stress on the population is one of the potent weapons of the enemy. Forcing you to raise the white flag of surrender by projecting their total control of the government and institutions should be too obvious by now.

We believe that the best response other than confronting the enemy head on would be to elevate ourselves into a winning position, and not stick around with the same system that they are already in full control of.

It is absolutely unwise to try to reform a system that can be hijacked by any aggressive forces, anytime they want.

Establishing a parallel system that does away with all the limitations of the old, like the internet in lieu of the corporate media, is the only way to go.

Other options will surely come when the mind has rested. So, you may opt for a long vacation for the time being, like what Louis Marinelli of the Independent California Movement is doing.

The Leader of ‘Calexit’ Just Announced He’s Abandoning the Movement and Settling Permanently in Russia

"Natasha Bertrand Apr. 17, 2017, 6:31 PM

The leader of California separatist group Yes California announced in a 1,600-word statement on Monday that he “intends to make Russia” his “new home” and is therefore withdrawing his petition for a “Calexit” referendum.

Louis Marinelli

Louis Marinelli, who has spearheaded the Calexit campaign since 2015,  set up a makeshift embassy in Moscow in December in partnership with far-right Russian nationalists who enjoy Kremlin support while promoting secessionist movements in Europe.

“I have found in Russia a new happiness, a life without the albatross of frustration and resentment towards ones’ homeland, and a future detached from the partisan divisions and animosity that has thus far engulfed my entire adult life,” Marinelli wrote on Monday.

“Consequently, if the people of Russia would be so kind as to welcome me here on a permanent basis, I intend to make Russia my new home.”

He added that he will “not return to California in the forseeable future,” so “it is only proper” that he withdraw the Calexit ballot initiative petition and “allow a new petition, free from ties to me and drafted by others, to be resubmitted at future date of their choosing.”

… “We don’t think that Russia needs to be an enemy of California, or that it even is one to begin with,” Marinelli said. “The idea that Russia is an enemy of the US - that’s a Cold War mentality.”

Marinelli, who campaigned for Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders but said he ultimately voted for President Donald Trump, described Yes California as a progressive initiative aimed at establishing a “liberal republic” independent of the United States…

Marinelli reiterated on Monday that he does “not wish to live under the American flag,” adding that his “frustrations” with the American political system have now pointed him toward Russia.

“I had long planned to eventually return to occupied California and struggle for her independence from the United States so we could build the kind of country that reflects our progressive values,” Marinelli wrote. “However, while my frustration, disappointment and disillusionment with the United States remains, these feelings now point me in a different direction.”

He added that he hopes that “after the false allegations about me vanish, and after this period of anti-Russian hysteria subsides,” it will be “said of this campaign that we spoke the truth” and “set in motion a series of events that led California to independence from the United States.”

- BusinessInsider

The whole idea is not to fall to the “if you can’t beat them, join them” trap. That’s only reserved for the weak, and traitors to freedom and humanity itself.

We must take this opportunity to rise instead, and show the enemies of freedom what erect human beings are truly capable of. We should stop feeding evil and all that it represents, by creating another world of good and wise.

If in the course of living independently off-the-grid, the fascist corporate government will come knocking at your door, with the full intent of doing you harm - that should be the best time you give them hell. But before that even happens, you can increase your winnability by engaging a greater number of people into your cause.

Imagine, if others are seeing the benefits and real value of your efforts along the way, and be open to engage them in a collaborative fashion, you should be able to pack a bigger punch to the old system.

As long-time guests on this website have known, we are already making healthcare virtually free by employing eTherapy protocols described in our healthcare website. That should free everyone from the high costs of hospitalization and danger of mainstream medicine. The delay in the constructions of nuclear fusion-fission hybrid system around the globe is not acceptable. Not everyone could replicate Keshe plasma and other even more effective systems.

However, one can also do a “brute force” approach and buy a complete industrial type HHO system; add a second alternator, or solar panels, to your car; explore the use of supercapacitors in parallel with the installed car battery, so that you can have enough DC power on demand, to split water into HHO gas and be free from oil cartels for good.

An independent food production can also be done with vertical farming for urban dwellers, and permaculture if adequate farmland is available. Establishing a local exchange trading system [LETS] should facilitate the exchange of goods and services away from the bankers.

These three independent sources of food, healthcare, and energy alone are enough to free oneself from corporate tyranny which continue to plague the population. Having a parallel debt-free system for exchange should bankrupt the corrupt system for good.

Again, that’s for people who are not ready yet for a protracted civil war, or when war veterans remain apathetic to the whole situation. A surgical covert operation targeting specific personalities would have been the most preferable course of action.

Nobody said that all of the above are going to be easy. No real revolution actually is. But there’s nothing worse than prolonging the agony.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Twelve Tips For Understanding The World And Why It Is The Way It Is
June 28 2018 | From: Antimedia

In an environment that is saturated with mass media propaganda, it can be hard to figure out which way’s up, let alone get an accurate read on what’s going on in the world.

Here are a few tips I’ve learned which have given me a lot of clarity in seeing through the haze of spin and confusion.

Related: Edward Snowden: 'The People Are Still Powerless, But Now They're Aware'

Taken separately they don’t tell you a lot, but taken together they paint a very useful picture of the world and why it is the way it is.

1. It’s Always Ultimately About Acquiring Power

In the quest to understand why governments move in such irrational ways, why expensive, senseless wars are fought while homeless people die of exposure on the streets, why millionaires and billionaires get richer and richer while everyone else struggles to pay rent, why we destroy the ecosystem we depend on for our survival, why one elected official tends to advance more or less the same harmful policies and agendas as his or her predecessor, people often come up with explanations which don’t really hold water.

The most common of these is probably the notion that all of these problems are due to the malignant influence of one of two mainstream political parties, and if the other party could just get in control of the situation all the problems would go away.

Other explanations include the belief that humans are just intrinsically awful, blaming minorities like Jews or immigrants, blaming racism and white supremacy, or going all the way down wild and twisted rabbit holes into theories about reptilian secret societies and baby-eating pedophile cabals.

Related: The Fall And Rise Of Truth, Trust And Society’s Capacity For Wisdom

But really all of mankind’s irrational behavior can be explained by the basic human impulse to amass power and influence over one’s fellow humans, combined with the fact that sociopaths tend to rise to positions of power.

Our evolutionary ancestors were pack animals, and the ability to rise in social standing in one’s pack determined crucial matters like whether one got first or last dibs on food or got to reproduce.

This impulse to rise in our pack is hardwired deeply into our evolutionary heritage, but when left unchecked due to a lack of empathy, and when expanded into the globe-spanning 7.6 billion human pack we now find ourselves in due to ease of transportation and communication, it can lead to individuals who will keep amassing more and more power until they wield immense influence over entire clusters of nations.

2. Money Rewards Sociopathy

The willingness to do anything to get ahead, to claw your way to the top, to betray whomever you need to, to throw anyone under the bus, to step on anyone to pass them in the rat race, will be rewarded in our current system.

Being willing to underpay employees, cheat the legal system, and influence legislators will be rewarded exponentially more.

Related: The Amerikan Way – A Study In Psychopathy

People with a sense of empathy are often unwilling to do such things, whereas sociopaths and psychopaths are. About four percent of the population are sociopaths, and about one percent are psychopaths, with some five to fifteen percent falling somewhere along the borderline. The less empathy you have, the further you are willing to go, and the further up the ladder you can climb.

3. Wealth Kills Empathy

If that werenshown that controlling large amounts of wealth actually destroys one’s sense of compassion for one’s fellow man.

When you are able to use wealth to obtain everything from security to loyalty to personal relationships, you no longer have to be tuned in to the brain’s empathy center the rest of humanity depends on to get an accurate reading on what’s going on with the people we’re surrounded by.

Most people need to be constantly feeling around their families, coworkers, employers, friends and acquaintances in order to ensure their own safety, social standing and security, whereas a wealthy person can simply purchase those things. Being born into wealth or having it for a long time can prevent that sense of empathy from being as strong as it is in the rest of the population.

4. Money is Power

2014 Princeton study showed that ordinary Americans have essentially zero influence over their nation’s policy and behavior regardless of how they vote, while wealthy Americans have a great deal of influence.

This is because the ability to use corporate lobbying and campaign donations effectively amounts to the legalized bribery of elected officials, which means that money translates directly into political power.

This creates a ruling class which is naturally incentivized to use their influence to increase their own wealth while decreasing everyone else’s, because since power is relative, the less money everyone else has the more power the ruling class has.

This is why billionaires keep hoarding more and more wealth while using legalized bribery to stifle economic justice legislation. It isn’t because they want to be able to buy thousands of luxury cars or dozens of private jets; they can only use one at a time the same as everyone else.

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

They hoard wealth to keep the rest of the population from having it. Because money equals power, spreading wealth around would be tantamount to making everyone king, and because power is relative, making everyone king would mean that no one is king.

Rulers, historically, do not give up power easily, and this elite wealthy class is no exception. Hence all their aggressive attempts to suppress any movement against the status quo from the unwashed masses.

5. This Same Ruling Class Controls the Media

It’s common knowledge that most media is controlled by plutocrats, whether it’s the old money plutocrats who control the legacy media or the new money Silicon Valley plutocrats who control much of the new media.

Media control is an essential component of rule; this has always been the case, since the days when kings would order dissident books burned and bishops would torture dissident orators to death.

This is why the first thing a new plutocrat does as soon as rising to a certain level of wealth is start buying up media influence, like Jeff Bezos did when he bought the Washington Post in 2013.

Bezos bought WaPo not because he is a stupid businessman who thought newspapers were about to make a lucrative resurgence, but because he is a brilliant businessman who knows that the status quo he is building his empire upon requires a propaganda firm that the public will trust and believe.

Related: Degeneracy And Fundamentalism Of Western Media Control & Truth In Media

6. People are Always Manipulating Each Other

Cultivating an acute awareness of when you are being manipulated, and considering whether someone might have a motive to do so, is an essential component to making sense of the world.

It is very rare to encounter someone who won’t try to manipulate you in any way. Generally people you’ll encounter in your life will try to influence the way you perceive them and your relationship to them, they’ll try to pull you in in some ways and push you out in others, try to hook you up to their personal agendas and goals and shape you in a way that fits with their shape.

There’s nothing inherently malevolent in such behavior, it’s just what people do and what they always have done. Again, humans are social creatures, and we do what we can to increase our standing within our social circles.

Related: Nineteen Ways To Question Your Reality

The big problem is when skillful manipulators find their way into positions of large-scale influence like government or media.

Unfortunately, these are the types who tend to get elevated into such positions, because they can manipulate their way in, and generally they do so for reasons of personal ambition rather than altruism.

These skillful manipulators form an essential echelon of the ruling class’ loyal servants, and are the minds behind the pro-establishment narratives you’ll suddenly see circulated from think tanks to media platforms to the establishment lackeys on Capitol Hill.

7. Society is Made of Narrative

Most of human experience is filtered through our mental stories about it, from our sense of self, to our ideas about who we are, to our beliefs about how we’re supposed to behave in society, to what money is and how it works, to where power exists and who we’re supposed to obey.

All of these things are purely conceptual constructs which only exist in the realm of thought; a “dollar” exists to the extent that we’ve all agreed to pretend it’s a real thing and that it has a certain amount of purchasing power.

At any time we could collectively decide to change the rules about how power functions or what money is and how it operates, and then instantly the rule of the elite class would be over without anyone firing a shot. It really would be that simple.

That’s how powerful a force narrative is, which is why the ruling plutocrats fight so hard to keep us from seizing control of it.

Related: In The Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth

This is why whistleblowers and outlets like WikiLeaks are aggressively and constantly smeared and demonized in the corporate media; if they can create suspicion of truth-tellers then they can keep them from being trusted, and thus keep them from being believed.

This tool has been used to minimize the impact of everything from on the ground reports of what’s happening in Syria to leak drops from Edward Snowden; if you can create enough suspicion of someone it doesn’t matter if they’re speaking 100 percent truth; nobody will believe them, and thus the dominant narrative will remain the same.

Maintaining an awareness that there is always an unending battle to control the narrative and manipulate it to advance plutocratic interests is an essential part of understanding the world.

8. The Lines Between Nations are Imaginary

Those lines drawn on the map between countries are pure narrative as well; they’re only as real as the collective public agrees to pretend they are.

The ruling elites know this and exploit this. They don’t think in terms of nations and governments, they think in terms of individuals and groups of individuals.

Key strategic region in the Middle East? No need to take over the whole country, just flood it with extremist groups who are loyal to your agendas and control its oil fields. Primo naval real estate in the southern hemisphere?

No need to annex it and plant your country’s flag there, just secure enough influence over the important moving parts using corporate contracts, trade agreements, military/intelligence treaties and secret deals and you can use it however you want.

Related: The Global Power Hierarchy: Three City States Control The World

This is why I am dismissive of arguments that “Israel controls America” or “America controls Europe”. There is no “Israel” or “America”; they’re made-up ideas which rulers once upon a time treated as real, but in the modern days of nationless plutocracy they no longer do.

There are individuals, there are corporations, there are government agencies, there are factions and groups, and these are what the ruling elites deal with.

Governmental structures are only tools which are used by the ruling elites for the purpose of manipulation, control, and military violence, and they only do so insofar as it is useful.

The idea of real nations and governments is a cutesy fairy tale sold to the masses so they won’t see the manipulations.

9. Powerful Forces are Naturally Incentivized to Collaborate with Each Other Toward Mutual Interests

You can be a low-grade millionaire and still live like a relatively normal civilian, but once you start obtaining giant amounts of wealth control you need to start collaborating with existing power structures or they’ll snuff you out to prevent you from rocking their boat, because again, money equals power.

This is why Jeff Bezos contracts with the CIA and sits on a Pentagon advisory board, and it’s why Facebook and Google collaborate extensively with government agencies; they never would have been allowed to grow to their size if they had not.

Plutocratic dynasties which have been in place since long before Amazon, Facebook and Google figured this out many generations ago, and have agreed to push forward in a direction of mutual interest that doesn’t upset the status quo that their wealth is built upon.

This is extremely true of the west, where an effective empire has been created by a complex transnational alliance of mostly western plutocrats, but it is true outside of that empire as well; there are power alliances to be found everywhere that there is power.

10. There is an Immense Amount of Wealth That Can be Grabbed in the Chaos of War and Conflict

In the same way that existing power structures are naturally incentivized to quash any emerging power which would upset their status quo, alliances of power structures push to crush non-aligned power structures the world over.

Whenever you see the tight western alliances and their media propaganda arms attacking the interests of Russia, China, Syria, Iran, Venezuela etc., you are seeing an alliance of power structures working to disrupt the interests of another alliance of power structures in order to absorb their assets.

The chaotic, Wild West environments that these conflicts create allow for an amount of underhanded looting and pillaging that you could never get away with in your own country, in the exact same way the colonialists and conquistadors of old could never have gotten away with brazenly grabbing gold, land and slaves from their fellow Europeans in Madrid or Rome but were given no legal trouble in the new world.

Related: World Of Naked Lies

The colonialists and conquistadors pushed into the Americas, Africa and Asia on the pretense of spreading Christianity and civilization; modern day conquerers push into non-aligned power structures on the pretense of spreading freedom and democracy in precisely the same way.

This chaos doesn’t require direct military conflict to be profitable; the uncritical enmity against Russia that the western plutocratic alliance has manufactured with its media control has allowed them to be blamed for everything from incriminating WikiLeaks documents to a corporate raid by Ukrainian oligarchs without any questions asked.

Anyone who has ever had to deal personally with a sociopath knows how much they love to exploit the gray areas that chaotic situations give them, and geopolitical conflicts create those situations in spades.

11. The Neocons are Always Wrong

This one’s really easy. If you ever want to be on the right side of history for a foreign policy debate, look at what Bush-era PNAC neocons like John Bolton and Bill Kristol are saying about it, and take the opposite position.

Related: Fourteen Ways To Protect Yourself From The New World Order (NWO) Agenda

Neocon thought leaders have been loudly and catastrophically wrong about everything since the turn of the century, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Libya to Syria, and they’re not about to start being right now.

12. The Push Towards Truth Always Starts With Yourself

You can’t out-manipulate seasoned manipulators. The main error most people make when trying to deal with a sociopath is to try and manipulate them back. Don’t even try.

They have years of experience on you because they literally have done nothing else. While you were laughing and crying and worrying and connecting and relating to people, they were working out how to play humans like Garry Kasparov worked out how to play chess.

And when you have literal teams of sociopaths collaborating together to amass power, you my dear child, do not have a chance. Don’t play their game. You will lose.

Related: New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality

The only way to win this is to set your compass resolutely to “true.”

Always be honest with yourself. Find all the different ways that you are manipulating others and see them and acknowledge them. Find your tribal allegiances and your desire to be right, and tip your hat to their existence.

The more self-aware we are, the less levers we have to be manipulated by.

If you are blindly partisan or loyal to a particular faction, that makes you gullible to propaganda because your wishful thinking and your desire to be right come into play.

Get honest with yourself about who you are and what you want, and you will start to become an un-playable piece on the board.

If we can’t beat these bastards with truth, we don’t deserve to win.

Related: The World’s Best Economist

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Safe To Eat? Certainly Not For Kids!
June 27 2018 | From: Scoop

Children are being exposed to a cocktail of pesticides every time they eat non-organic raisins and sultanas.

The latest Total Diet Study, released by the Ministry for Primary Industries, showed residues of 26 pesticides in just one sample, and all eight samples tested contained pesticides.

Related: Monsanto invests over $100 million to change the DNA of every plant we use for food

Every five years or more, the New Zealand Total Diet Study (TDS) assesses our exposure to pesticides, contaminants and nutrients. A coalition of groups (2) keen to improve food safety in New Zealand is urging action from the government to reduce pesticide residues and encourage organic agriculture.

Some features of the survey include:

Foods with the greatest number of pesticides: raisins/sultanas (33), grapes (23), strawberries (18), bran flake cereal (16), nectarines (11), frozen mixed berries (10).

Less sensitive methods of analysis used for pesticide detections – up to 100 times.

8 pesticides detected in baby food, in 22% of 32 samples.

Very high levels of aluminium in muffins, scones, cakes and slices.

Neonicotinoid insecticides (known to harm bees) measured for the first time.

Glyphosate, an active ingredient in weedsprays such as Roundup, is a probable human carcinogen and potential reproductive toxin, the most common herbicide in the world, but was not included in TDS.

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"It is extremely concerning that 22% of baby foods tested had pesticides detected,” said Alison White of Safe Food Campaign.

“We urge the government to have zero tolerance for pesticide residues in baby food, and to carry out a national surveillance programme of pesticide residues in baby food. We expect the safety of baby food to be a priority for our government to focus on.”

“Certain pesticides found in baby food in this study have been found to be linked to cancer progression and endocrine or hormonal disruption,” said Dr Heli Matilainen, cancer researcher and Safe Food Campaign Co-convenor.

“Small children, due to their actively developing nervous, endocrine and immune systems, are much more vulnerable to these residues than adults. This means that it is not the dose which is critical, but the timing of exposure, because doses thousands of times lower than those normally considered toxic may interfere with children’s development.”

Ms White advises bakers and consumers to be careful when baking and buying baked goods, as high levels of aluminium were detected in these products. This could be due to an aluminium compound in baking powder, or the use of aluminium tins and trays.

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"Given the fact that WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)has classified glyphosate as ‘Probably carcinogenic (cancer causing) to humans’, we would expect no glyphosate residues should be accepted in food - at all. There is generally no ‘safe level of intake’ for cancer-causing substances, such as glyphosate,” said Dr Matilainen.

“We are pleased that MPI has assured us they are going to conduct their own targeted glyphosate testing, but it must be on all foods sprayed with glyphosate, especially genetically engineered foods,” said Claire Bleakley of GE Free NZ.

“Glyphosate residues have been found in a large variety of foods, including genetically engineered soy, corn, oilseeds and sugar products, and New Zealand honey."

Jodie Bruning of Rite-Demands agrees:

"In other New Zealand monitoring, glyphosate has been found in wheat over 50 times our permitted maximum residue level. We know glyphosate can be applied to all cereals. Glyphosate must be included in the TDS in future.”

“Levels of reporting for pesticide residues in cereals and animal products have been reduced up to 100 times in the TDS. This makes it seem like MPI are detecting fewer pesticide residues when this is probably not the case,” said Mrs Bruning.

“Public health professionals as well as parents deserve to know the actual levels these chemicals are detected at, and not be obscured because of a less sensitive test.”

“Is MPI’s change to less sensitive chemical analysis to lessen the public and exporters’ concern about residues?” asked Steffan Browning of Soil & Health.

“We do applaud the new inclusion of neonicotinoids, which are neurotoxic to people as well as bees, but consumers deserve to be better informed about which brands of food are more likely to contain residues. What parent wants to give raisin and sultana products with 23 or 26 different chemical residues to their children when another product tested had only two?”

“Unfortunately some of the foods most liked by children – raisins, sultanas, grapes and strawberries – are the ones with the most pesticides in them, and parents can lessen pesticide intake in their children by giving them organic food,” said Dr Meriel Watts of Pesticide Action Network Aotearoa New Zealand.

“Nobody actually has any real understanding of the effect of 26 different pesticides together in one small box of raisins, because pesticides in mixtures such as this can behave very differently to the single pesticide assessed by MPI,” said Dr Watts.

“It is unconscionable for the government to assume this cocktail is safe when they have never tested it.”

“The best way to lessen all these residues and contaminants going into our bodies is to eat organic food, and this is especially important for children,” concluded Mr Browning.

Related: Dying Man’s Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid The Cancer Dangers Of Roundup For Years

The five organisations are calling for:

1. Zero tolerance to pesticides in baby food

2. Support for transition to organic production

3. A cross-party pesticide reduction strategy

4. Urgent reassessment of glyphosate, and its inclusion in the TDS

5. Greater and more sensitive pesticide residue testing

6. Less spin and more transparency with reporting

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Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time
June 26 2018 | From: TechTimes

Landmark new research that involves analyzing millions of DNA barcodes has debunked much about what we know today about the evolution of species.

In a massive genetic study, senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University Mark Stoeckle and University of Basel geneticist David Thaler discovered that virtually 90 percent of all animals on Earth appeared at right around the same time.

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More specifically, they found out that 9 out of 10 animal species on the planet came to being at the same time as humans did some 100,000 to 200,000 years ago.

"This conclusion is very surprising," says Thaler, "and I fought against it as hard as I could."

What Is DNA Barcoding?

Over the last decade, hundreds of scientists collected around 5 million DNA barcodes from 100,000 animal species in different parts of the globe. Stoeckle and Thaler looked through these 5 million genetic imprints to find one of the most surprising discoveries about evolution to date.

There are two types of DNA. Most people know nuclear DNA. This is the DNA containing the genetic blueprint for each single individual. It is passed down from the parents to the offspring.

The genome is made from kinds types of molecules arranged in pairs. There are 3 billion of these pairs, which are then used to form thousands of genes.

The latest research is debunking current knowledge about evolution. After studying 5 million genetic barcodes, scientists found 90 percent of species on Earth may have emerged around the same time as humans

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The other, less familiar type of DNA is one found in the mitochondria of cells. The mitochondria generate energy for the cell and contains 37 genes. One of these is the COI gene, which is used to create DNA barcodes. All species have a very similar mitochondrial DNA, but their DNA is also different enough so we can distinguish between species.

Paul Hebert, biologist and director of the Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, developed a new way to identify species by studying the COI gene.

Born Around The Same Time

In analyzing the COI of 100,000 species, Stoeckle and Thaler arrived at the conclusion that most animals appeared simultaneously. They found that the neutral mutation across species were not as varied as expected. Neutral mutation refers to the slight DNA changes that occur across generations.

They can be compared to tree rings because they can tell how old a certain specie or individual is.

As to how that could have happened, it's unclear. A likely possibility is the occurrence of a sudden event that caused large-scale environmental trauma and wiped out majority of the Earth's species.

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"Viruses, ice ages, successful new competitors, loss of prey — all these may cause periods when the population of an animal drops sharply," explains Jesse Ausubel, director of the Program for the Human Environment.

Such times give rise to sweeping genetic changes across the planet, causing new species to appear. However, the last time such an occurrence took place was 65 million years ago, when an asteroid hit the Earth and killed off the dinosaurs and half of all other species on the planet.

The study is published in the journal Human Evolution.

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5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do
June 25 2018 | From: MaisonSaine / Bulletproof / Various

The wireless industry dreams of deploying its new 5G (fifth generation) infrastructure in your neighbourhood soon, as it has begun doing in California.

Boxes the size of a PC could be placed every 150 meters or so on utility poles, sometimes with small-refrigerator-sized boxes on the ground.

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5G technology uses pulsed, millimeter-sized microwaves that are easily blocked by obstacles such as leaves, hence the need to install millions of cell signal boosters near homes.

The telecoms say this is the most efficient way to ease the digital congestion caused by audio-video streaming, whose global traffic, according to American giant Cisco, will be eleven times higher in 2018 than in 2014.

Data would move through fibre optic cables, but rather than bringing these cables to your home, the last leg of the data’s journey would generally be wireless.

As markets work, personal mobile phone subscriptions are more profitable than the higher speed fibre optic connections linked to desktops through your own router.

The 5G network would also support the huge increase in wireless communications to be created by the Internet of Things (IoT). Since most people already own a cell phone, industry wants to expand its market by embedding a cellular microchip into most manufactured goods.

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Therefore, items purchased in the future would generate data to be collected by companies and, ultimately, by governments. 5G-IoT is promoted by the promise of “smart” cities, leading to a more comfortable, convenient and efficient life.

But besides a relentless expansion of sales, 5G-IoT will strengthen mobile phones as a platform for publicity and population control. Further, 5G-IoT deployment carries significant health risks.

An Inconvenient Truth Denied by Industry

On September 13, 180 scientists and physicians from 35 countries signed a call to action (see “Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G”) demanding a moratorium on 5G deployment until its radiation levels are proven safe, particularly for children and pregnant women.

Indeed, all these inter-connected objects would significantly increase radiation from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in our environment.

And yet, aware of the enormous potential of this market, engineers managed to have these radiations characterized as harmless, through 50 years of sustained efforts, by infiltrating and monopolizing standardization committees.

Don’t worry, they say, if the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, classified low and high-frequency electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”, in 2001 and in 2011 respectively.

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Don’t worry either that a study funded by the US National Toxicology Program confirmed the causal link between brain cancer and cell phone use.

Ignore, they say, thousands of scientific publications documenting since the 1960s1 the harmful effects of chronic, low level exposure to microwave radiation, including more recent studies included in the 2007 and 2012 Bioinitiative Reports.
Forget also that these radiations have been linked to diabetes, lower human fertility, cardiac disturbances, several neurological diseases and genetic changes.

And forget about people suffering from electrohypersensitivity, forced to relocate to isolated regions because they suffer from “microwave illness”, a term coined by the Soviet military in the 1950s. Electromagnetic intolerance is an occupational disease whose “symptoms disappear in non-electrical environments”, concluded The Nordic Council of Ministers in 2000.

EMF health risks were even highlighted in the March 2016 issue of IEEE Power Electronics, the magazine of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Constantly denied by the wireless industry, these facts constitute an inconvenient truth, as Al Gore would say.

Related: “Putting it Bluntly, They are Damaging the Living Cells in Our Body" - Dr. Martin Blank, Columbia University

Regulators Prohibit Any Public Health Debate

The telecommunication industry’s hold on federal governments is such that deployment of 5G-IoT networks is imposed, and violates the rights of other jurisdictions as well as individuals.

Any debate about health risks caused by EMFs is forbidden during public hearings on cell tower sitings.

You will be inevitably exposed to their radiation and even more so by goods fitted with transmitting chips. It is to prevent such abuse that California Governor Jerry Brown recently vetoed Bill 649, which would have prevented the State’s cities and counties from deciding on 5G antenna siting.

In 1942, renowned biochemist and futurist Isaac Asimov coined the Three Laws of Robotics, at a time when the influence of robotization was barely beginning… The first one was: “A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

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As we enter the 5G-IoT revolution, should we not consider similar guidelines? Technology should not injure human beings, especially when alternatives such as optical fibre are available. Living organisms have tolerance to natural electrophysiological activity, but not to any of the artificial EMFs created since the 19th century.

Nature cannot protect itself from pulsed and modulated microwave radiation with carriers oscillating billions of times per second.

Individual freedom requires that any IoT transmitter be activated by its owner, and that the default position should be not to transmit any information or radiation. This will safeguard privacy, and peoples’ right to protection from unwanted microwave exposure.

In 1984, George Orwell‘s novel, society becomes a supposedly benevolent state offering comfort, practicability and efficiency. But everyone is spied upon and monitored by a sophisticated communications system that constantly reminds people that Big Brother is watching.

This book illustrates the abuse of power and the erosion of civil liberties caused by mass surveillance. Without limits, technology may supersede humanity, and that process is already underway…

As Marshall McLuhan put it, “the medium is the message”; unlimited deployment of new technology often creates disastrous and unpredictable consequences, and 5G-IoT networks and products are very likely to do so. In 2018, the Orwellian prophecy comes true, 34 years later than predicted in the book 1984, published in 1948.

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Any type of automation reduces human autonomy and the powerful often abuse their privileges. The US Federal Communications Commission’s recent decision to repeal the rules that regulated Net neutrality, allowing companies to reduce the transmission speed of some data compared to others, illustrates this point.

In the book 1984, the government monopolized information while now, with 5G-IoT, corporations wedge themselves in information control.

Failing a revolution, it is often difficult to recover any rights and freedoms abandoned in the past.

The cell phone has proven useful as a communication tool, but there is no need to expand it beyond its capacity to transmit short voice and text messages. The industry would like us to download 3D movies on the move, so justifying a 5G network. But this is going in the wrong direction.

To prevent a public health crisis, the density of microwave signals must, on the contrary, be reduced by 10,000 times if not more.

Optical Fibre is Safer, Healthier and Faster

5G intends to turn smartphones into mobile entertainment and visual stimulation centres purely for commercial reasons. 5G has no real strategic value.

You can’t use a smart phone to design a commercial airplane. A more useful investment would be to connect the optical fibre network directly to users. Everyone could enjoy a communication speed ultimately 10,000 times faster than wireless, less vulnerable to hacking and harmless to the health of humans and other species.

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In 1776, Adam Smith, the first theorist of capitalism, warned us in The Wealth of Nations not to trust merchants when it comes to making regulations.

He saw them as the cause of many future tragedies, because of their narrow-mindedness when it came to profit. Our governments should be wise enough and willing to establish serious guidelines for the upcoming data revolution.

Wireless Wake-Up Call

A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.

Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution.

Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.

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Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

You might want to switch off your Wifi connection after reading this.

A recent paper aggregating more than 20 studies found that repeated Wifi exposure could put you at physical and mental risk.

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These risks include: cellular death known as apoptosis; oxidative stress, which causes chronic disease like cancer; testes and sperm dysfunction; neuropsychiatric and psychological issues; negative impacts to cellular DNA; hormonal changes; and a rise in inflammatory calcium.

What are Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)

Information about EMFs is confusing because, at their core, EMFs are simply invisible clouds of electricity. Each person possesses his or her own electromagnetic field.

However, the challenge with EMFs arose when they became more plentiful in the environment. Think back ten years ago to the influx of wireless computers and cell phones. All of those EMFs assaulted your body and you had little time to adapt.

Most of the negative effects of EMFs are directly related to excess amounts of calcium in your cells. EMFs activate cellular pumps called voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs), which sit on the outer layer of your cells. When they are engaged, they allow an enormous influx of calcium into your cells – nearly 1 million calcium ions per second per VGCC.

The excess intracellular calcium triggers a chain reaction causing the formation of peroxynitrites – dangerous oxidant stressors. Peroxynitrites then break down to form free radicals, putting you at risk of developing serious physical and psychological conditions.

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How to Limit Your EMF Exposure

I’ve been talking about the dangers of EMFs for a long time, and this affirms everything I’ve been saying. Recently, I invited Joseph Mercola, a physician and alternative medicine proponent, onto a Bulletproof Radio (iTunes) podcast to talk about how to reduce exposure. Here is the advice I recommended during our conversation:

1. Ditch your microwave. Microwaves account for the vast majority of radiation people are exposed to. We both suggest buying a steam convection oven, which works just as rapidly and safely as a traditional microwave. Cuisinart makes a convenient and safe option.

2. Keep phones and laptops off your body. Avoid keeping your phone in your back pocket or bra – these are the areas most at risk. If you must carry your device on you, switch it to airplane mode when you can.

3. When talking on your phone, use earbuds. “Every manufacturer says to hold it at least an inch or two away, which is far too close still, but at least even they admit that,” says Mercola. “No one recommends you should hold it to your head.”

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

Just as important, put your phone in airplane mode when you’re not talking. As for your laptop, place it on a tabletop rather than in your lap. As an extra precaution, you can buy an EMF blocking mat to place underneath your laptop.

4. Use a computer Ethernet cable. Mercola says he turns the Wifi off in his own home and plugs into old-school Ethernet cables instead. Depending on your computer, you either have an ethernet port or you can purchase an adapter. Similarly, baby monitors and plug-in sound systems - virtually anything you used to connect using a cable - can still be connected with wires rather than wirelessly.

5. Turn off your Wifi at night. Switch off your wireless router while you’re sleeping. This is an issue of practicality. You’re not using the internet while you’re asleep, so why subject your body to its perils.

For more of my tips, read How to protect yourself from EMFs.

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Forget The Punditry! The IG’s Report Is A Bombshell
June 24 2018 | From: Geopolitics / Various

On June 15, Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Michael Horowitz released his 565-page report on the FBI and Justice Department’s Hillary Clinton email investigation.

President Trump and various supporters have expressed outrage that Horowitz did not go further in frying former FBI Director James Comey or declaring the obvious political bias he otherwise documents in the Clinton investigation.

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These are legitimate issues and there is a legitimate question as to whether Horowitz softened the language in his report because of Justice Department pushback. These issues will be fully explored when the IG testifies in Congressional hearings next week.

Nonetheless, the report is a bombshell, even if written in carefully parsed Justice Department lawyer language. If we were not in the middle of an insurrection against the Trump presidency, it would cause an immediate halt to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Proof that the report is a bombshell can be seen in the new-found outrage of Congressman Trey Gowdy, who only a couple weeks back was found cowering under the skirts of House Speaker Paul Ryan as things got hot about British interference in the U.S. election in the form of FBI/MI6 informant Stefan Halper.

But in response to the IG report, Gowdy stated,

"The report also conclusively shows an alarming and destructive level of animus displayed by top officials at the FBI. Peter Strzok’s manifest bias trending toward animus casts a pall on this investigation.

Bias is so pernicious and malignant as to both taint the process, the result, and the ability to have confidence in either.”

James Comey, former FBI Director

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By finding that former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” and operating far outside Justice Department rules and prosecutorial ethics in his actions in the Clinton email investigation, IG Horowitz has provided a bullet-proof factual refutation of any attempt by Robert Mueller to charge that President Trump obstructed justice when he fired James Comey.

The Comey firing, in turn, was the factually thin and constitutionally suspect peg for Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel.

True to form, Mueller is striking back. He has leveled new obstruction of justice charges against former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, and on June 15 succeeded in convincing U.S. District Judge Amy Jackson in Washington, D.C. to send Manafort to jail pending trial for alleged witness tampering.

The New York Attorney General, who has collaborated with Mueller, filed charges seeking to dissolve the President’s charitable foundation, and pressure has increased on Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to either flip on the President or face Manafort’s fate.

This IG report deals only with the Clinton investigation. As of this writing, IG Horowitz continues to investigate improper Justice Department and FBI actions in Russiagate, including the numerous illegal leaks which have fueled the insurrection against Trump.

Robert Mueller, Special Counsel

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The DOJ and Congress remain locked in a battle over documents concerning MI6’s Stefan Halper. If the truth be told about Halper and his British operations against the Trump campaign, further evidence about who actually interfered in the 2016 elections can emerge.

It was British intelligence, in the form of a spy ring run by former MI6 head Richard Dearlove, acting on behalf of British geopolitical and strategic interests, in conjunction with the Obama White House and Obama’s intelligence directors, not the Russians.

The LaRouche Political Action Committee has emphasized that the way to bring the whole affair crashing down, is for the President to declassify everything regarding Russiagate and send it over to the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees for a full report to the American people, and is circulating a petition to that effect.

What Horowitz Discovered

Horowitz’s report, although limited strictly to the Clinton email investigation, reveals a corrupt DOJ and FBI beyond the comprehension of most Americans. Here are the key things the Inspector General found.

FBI case agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, exchanged numerous text messages demonstrating overt hostility to Donald Trump, and, in the case of Strzok, the Inspector General found that his overt hostility could have influenced his investigative actions.

This is a fact which is being uniformly lied about by the news media. As opposed to media portrayals of these lovebirds as just two street FBI agents expressing personal opinions, the Report finds that Strzok vowed to his lover Page that he was going to “stop Trump.

Peter Strzok, FBI case officer

Related: IG Report: Page, Strzok Bypassed FBI Chain of Command to Covertly Brief McCabe on Hillary Probe

The text exchange, as reported by IG Horowitz, was this:

Previously, as the result of the Inspector General’s work, texts between Strzok and Page were revealed intimating that they considered that the Russia investigation was an FBI “insurance policy” against Trump.

Peter Strzok was the lead case agent on both the Clinton and Russiagate investigations and, with Page, was part of Mueller’s initial prosecutorial team. The lead case agent directs all investigative actions in a case. In the body of the IG report, James Comey personally endorses Strzok as one of the few FBI agents capable of conducting a complex counterintelligence investigation such as Russiagate.

Page was former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s special legal counsel, with previous experience in anti-Russian operations. There is a major fight about improper DOJ redaction of other Strzok/Page emails by the DOJ as produced to the House Oversight and Judiciary committees, which will be fueled by these revelations.

Other Highly Biased, Inflammatory Texting

In addition, overtly biased texts about Trump were exchanged by five other FBI employees, including one attorney previously assigned to the Mueller investigation.

These texts ridiculed Trump supporters as “poor or middle class” dumb slobs and racist country bumpkins, reflecting the entitled attitude of the Justice Department’s professional class which is displayed throughout the IG’s report.

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One of them, the attorney assigned to the Mueller investigation until this year, even declared allegiance to the infamous Trump “resistance.”

The IG Report recommends that those five agents be referred to the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility for discipline and possibly criminal referral. More about Strzok and Page will most certainly be revealed when the IG releases his report about Russiagate.

FBI Soft Investigative Tactics for Hillary

The initial Clinton email investigation, which began in 2015, was permeated by extraordinarily soft investigative tactics, including consensual interviews rather than compulsory process to obtain evidence, exempting the personal devices of Secretary Clinton’s senior aides from examination, unusual immunity and production agreements for Clinton’s senior aides, and allowing two attorneys to attend Clinton’s witness interview, despite the fact that these attorneys were themselves key witnesses in the probe.

The Inspector General’s report reveals that the prosecutors in the case were said to be “intimidated” by Clinton’s attorneys and worried about retribution should Clinton become President.

The decision not to charge Clinton, while supported by prior Department of Justice precedent, is at odds with many other cases involving exposure of classified information.

More significantly, as President Trump has pointed out, the Clinton investigation did not involve targeting lawyers, raiding lawyers’ offices, arrests and detentions for purposes of interviews and intimidation, extraordinarily aggressive use of the false statements statutes, no-knock searches, illegal leaks of classified information, classified surveillance, or use of informants and provocateurs for purposes of entrapment - all of which have been employed in the Russiagate investigation against Trump.

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In the Clinton affair, the Obama White House publicly declared that Clinton was innocent of any wrong-doing, although no one claimed that somehow Obama was “obstructing” the FBI’s investigation with these comments, a claim made each time President Trump speaks.

Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, met with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac of the Phoenix, Arizona airport in the middle of the Clinton investigation, but did not recuse herself from further participation in the investigation.

Allegedly, the FBI was also presented with a document, still classified, asserting that Russian intelligence had conversations involving Loretta Lynch in which the Attorney General declared her intent to whitewash and exonerate Clinton.

In that context, James Comey decided that he alone could provide public credibility for the DOJ decision not to charge Clinton.

He conducted an extraordinary press conference on July 5, 2016 in which he announced that Clinton would not be charged with any crime, but that she had been “extraordinarily careless” and negligent with respect to classified information found on her private email server.

According to the IG’s report, in the course of this exoneration of Clinton, Comey did not accurately portray essential facts about the Clinton case.

Moreover, Comey had begun drafting this statement of exoneration long before Hillary Clinton’s interview and long before other essential steps were taken in the case.

Related: Damning Hillary Emails Probe Report

Comey’s press conference violated numerous Justice Department policy and ethical rules governing prosecutorial conduct.

He deliberately kept the persons actually legally responsible for making this decision, the Justice Department prosecutors, in the dark about his plans for the press conference.

The IG called Comey’s actions a complete contravention of Justice Department rules and declared him “insubordinate.” He found that while Comey’s actions were not “politically biased,” they were based on saving his own skin.

Comey was concerned to exonerate his reputation in the Clinton investigation from present and future political criticism. As Alan Dershowitz points out, Comey’s motive is far worse in many respects than overt political bias. Comey abused the public trust for purposes of personal gain.

Clinton, Weiner and Huma Abedin

In September 2016, the New York FBI secured the personal laptop of Anthony Weiner, the disgraced sex addict and husband of close Clinton aide Huma Abedin - he had been caught sexting a minor. On his personal computer were tons of Clinton emails, including some marked “Classified.”

On September 30, 2016, the New York case agent and his supervisor told FBI headquarters about this, but headquarters, including Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and case agent Peter Strzok, sat on the new information.

It was only when the New York FBI case agent for Weiner, fearing that he was being set up as a fall guy, pounded repeatedly on the doors of the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York (barely escaping being gaslighted as a hopelessly paranoid psychotic by his superiors) that the FBI decided to act in examining the Weiner computer.

Former Democratic Party Congressman Anthony Weiner and his ex-wife Huma Abedin, Vice Chair of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for President

Related: Hillary Clinton ‘Cover Up’ Elite Pedophile Ring At State Department According To NBC News Report + Anthony Weiner Sentenced To 21 Months In Federal Prison

Again, Comey decided to take extraordinary action. He alerted the Congress, eleven days before the Presidential election, that the Clinton email investigation was being reopened in order to examine the laptop, resulting in media leaks that Comey knew would occur.

The Inspector General reports that Strzok had decided that the Russiagate investigation against Trump took priority over addressing the new Clinton investigation, and that was the reason for his disinterest in the new Clinton information.

This decision was approved by other DOJ officials and, in the context of Strzok’s declared jihad against Trump, was, in all probability, permeated by political bias.

Again, the Inspector General attributes Comey’s actions, in violation of prosecutorial ethics and Justice Department rules, to his personal arrogance and personal reputational concerns, rather than overt bias.

Based on the same factual presentation, this writer believes, however, that Comey was acting to create the appearance of being even-handed in the midst of completely illegal and unprecedented actions taken by himself and the FBI with respect to Donald Trump.

The FBI and the News Media

In the course of his investigation, the Inspector General found that the FBI was permeated by relationships with the news media far outside specific Justice Department guidelines.

Related: FBI Has Launched Three Investigations Into Clintons

As a reward for illegal leaks, FBI agents were showered with tickets to sporting events, dinners, and other gratuities. A chart attached to the main report shows only some of these relationships, involving unnamed reporters and multiple high-level agents of the FBI.

The Inspector General is conducting a separate investigation of these leaks. It is noteworthy that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired as part of this investigation because he lied to the Inspector General about his role in media leaks concerning the Clinton Foundation investigation.

McCabe has been referred to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia for possible prosecution.

In the report released yesterday, the Inspector General examined whether McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation based on his wife Jill McCabe’s receipt of hundreds of thousands of dollars for her campaign for Virginia State Senate against incumbent Republican Senator Richard Black.

Democrat Jill McCabe’s campaign was engineered and funded by the Clintons and former long-time Clinton operative and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. The IG found that McCabe only recused himself after a Wall Street Journal article disclosed the Clinton money flowing into Jill McCabe’s campaign.

McCabe had previously received bad advice from the FBI’s ethics office, which had glossed over the obvious conflict. The IG also found that Andrew McCabe ignored the recusal and acted anyway in the investigation.

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In addition, the IG found that Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, the former Justice Department liaison with Congress, sought a job for his son with the Clinton campaign while participating in communications and Justice Department discussions about the Clinton investigation.

Kadzik should have immediately recused himself. In addition, Kadzik communicated with John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, about internal Justice Department documents concerning an FOIA suit about Clinton’s emails.

Overall, and in appropriate context, the Inspector General’s report demonstrates completely and conclusively the political and professional bias which permeated FBI and DOJ actions regarding the Clinton email investigation.

It also demonstrates, at the same time, that James Comey, the man who has declared himself the arbiter of the nation’s morality, acted only in order to salvage his own imagined reputation and persona, while violating numerous professional and ethical norms in the process.

More is sure to come when the Inspector General digs into Comey’s overtly illegal actions in the Trump investigation.

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Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media
June 23 2018 | From: UltraCulture / Various

Here’s six steps to filter out media noise, break the hypnosis of the mainstream media, and get to the information that truly matters.

There is no information age. It doesn’t exist. There is only the Age of Noise.

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Because although we now appear to have an infinite ability to see everything that’s going on in the world at once, from photos of the world from space to the fact that our friends are indecisive about what to eat tonight, we have no ability to filter that information and sort for what matters.

We have no reliable media gatekeeper. We only have the so-called “mainstream media,” which is just the advertising wing of multinational corporations.

We used to pay people to filter information for us: these were called professional journalists, writers and artists, whose job it was to dive into the sea of information and come back up with pearls for us.

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But we don’t pay those people anymore, because the media conglomerates that have consolidated into only a few massive holdings since the 1990s have realized that they don’t have to.

They don’t have to because their interest isn’t providing real information or truth, their interest is in providing content that gets as many people as possible to look at it, in order to get the most advertising money possible, because that’s how they get paid and can afford the salaries and insurance costs of the large staffs they need to do what they do.

That’s their daily reality. And so they’re in the business of giving people what they want.

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Since the 90s, the trend has increasingly been to cut out professionals and get people to generate their own content. That means reality television, YouTube, Facebook. No big budgets needed and far more profit gained. Since everybody is a star now, everybody is constantly generating more free content than we can ever consume.

And so professional creatives have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and instead of getting reporting on, say, Karen Silkwood blowing the whistle on nuclear power, or Gary Webb’s expose of CIA drug trafficking, you’re getting reporting about how some celebrity is in a Twitter feud.

We have no more professional gatekeepers. We are scattered to the four winds, drowning in Facebook feeds or aggregation blogs. These mega-blogs, which we have mistakenly expected to replace mainstream media outlets, are in the same position: largely beholden to the tastes of their audiences, and stuck having to keep people happy with unchallenging, crowd-pleasing content to drive traffic to their site advertisers so that they can eat.

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So where does this leave the information-poor individual who hopefully wants to get their head over the waterline enough to start to see the things that actually matter?

It means you have to be your own media gatekeeper. Flat out. You can’t outsource that job to somebody else anymore, because the mainstream media, or the alternative media, or Blog X, Y or Z, are not going to comprehensively do that job for you the way you need it done.

They’re too beholden to economics, ratings and their own viewpoints and reality tunnels.

And more and more, they’re probably not able to do that job because they’re not properly trained for that job, and I don’t mean just bloggers, because these days very few people who work in the mainstream media have any journalistic training at all

Nobody can get the information you need for you, you’ve got to do it yourself.

"They Live" Sunglasses

Luckily, we’ve got tools that can help us do that. Here’s a few beginning steps:

1. Decide What Matters

Faced with infinite information, you’ve got to decide up front what you’re going to filter for, at least initially. You’ve got to restrict your data to some extent, which sounds counterintuitive, but is necessary.

You don’t need more information, you need more information about the things that matter. I suggest that the things that matter are, simply, information that can directly positively effect the welfare of you and your family, and information about the general welfare of the planet.

2. Use Web Tools To Automate Your Info Intake

Everybody on the web is largely in the same position: grab info from a few news sources (like AP or Reuters) and then recycle it into blog content. They’re using the same tools as you to get their info. So cut out the middleman. I recommend setting up Google Alerts, for a start, to give you info about the issues you actually care about instead of waiting for somebody else to.

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Beyond that, I highly recommend using an RSS aggregator like Feedly to dump a lot of media outlets into an easy-to-digest feed. Work done upfront will pay off in time saved later. Reddit is also an excellent tool, as long as you stay off the dreaded, time-sucking front page and keep to subreddits pertinent to important topics.

3. Expand Outside of Your Demographic Bubble

Whoever you are, you fit a demographic, which means that the mainstream media specifically tailors content that it knows you will like for the shows you watch and blogs you read, so advertisers can sell you products they’ve determined your demographic buys and use the language and images they know you will respond to, all in order to get you to make that purchase.

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Expand out of the box they’ve decided you fit in. Read blogs and consume media from sources outside of your demographic, and that definitely means outside of your political and religious persuasion. Otherwise you’re blinkered not only to things that are going on around you, but also to parts of life you might be ignoring.

4. Read a Book

You still won’t get nearly as good of an info download from months on the Internet as you will from reading a well-researched, info-dense book, a book which, never forget, can represent years or decades of professional research and experience rather than an afternoon spent dashing off a blog post to throw out into the netherworld.

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Don’t stop reading, and reading better and more challenging books. The Web is really only a menu of culture; don’t forget to eat the meal.

5. Think Critically

Understand what confirmation bias is, and always consider the source of an article. Who wrote this, and what’s their agenda? What are they selling? Do they cite their own sources? Is this from a professional journalist/writer or from some wackadoo or salesman spouting off on the net?

Related: How To Spot A Media Psy-Op

 To dig deeper, get this excellent, comprehensive primer in critical thinking skills.

6. Meditate

Sounds potentially hokey, but there is no better discipline for learning how to shut off what is pointless bullshit and go only for what actually matters than meditation, because in learning to control one’s own thoughts internally, dealing with external noise becomes immensely easier.

Related: How to Meditate: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation, the One Skill That Can Transform Every Area of Your Entire Life

Information is power. Know how to get it. Don’t outsource it to the mainstream media to do it for you.

(The image and clip above are from They Live. If you haven’t seen this classic film, you must; it’s actually the best primer on seeing through social hypnosis and the mainstream media that you could hope for. Watch it here)

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Rise In Defense of Assange: Bringing Julian Assange Home
June 22 2018 | From: GlobalResearch

The persecution of Julian Assange must end. Or it will end in tragedy. The Australian government and prime minister Malcolm Turnbull have an historic opportunity to decide which it will be.

They can remain silent, for which history will be unforgiving. Or they can act in the interests of justice and humanity and bring this remarkable Australian citizen home.

Related: A Mysterious Silence Has Surrounded Julian Assange

Assange does not ask for special treatment. The government has clear diplomatic and moral obligations to protect Australian citizens abroad from gross injustice: in JulianE’s case, from a gross miscarriage of justice and the extreme danger that await him should he walk out of the Ecuadorean embassy in London unprotected.

We know from the Chelsea Manning case what he can expect if a US extradition warrant is successful - a United Nations Special Rapporteur called it torture.

I know Julian Assange well; I regard him as a close friend, a person of extraordinary resilience and courage. I have watched a tsunami of lies and smear engulf him, endlessly, vindictively, perfidiously; and I know why they smear him.

In 2008, a plan to destroy both WikiLeaks and Assange was laid out in a top secret document dated 8 March, 2008. The authors were the Cyber Counter-intelligence Assessments Branch of the US Defence Department.

They described in detail how important it was to destroy the “feeling of trust” that is WikiLeaks’ “centre of gravity”.

This would be achieved, they wrote, with threats of “exposure [and] criminal prosecution” and a unrelenting assault on reputation. The aim was to silence and criminalise WikiLeaks and its editor and publisher. It was as if they planned a war on a single human being and on the very principle of freedom of speech.

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Their main weapon would be personal smear. Their shock troops would be enlisted in the media - those who are meant to keep the record straight and tell us the truth.

The irony is that no one told these journalists what to do. I call them Vichy journalists - after the Vichy government that served and enabled the German occupation of wartime France.

Last October, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalist Sarah Ferguson interviewed Hillary Clinton, over whom she fawned as “the icon for your generation”.

This was the same Clinton who threatened to “obliterate totally” Iran and, who, as US secretary of State in 2011, was one of the instigators of the invasion and destruction of Libya as a modern state, with the loss of 40,000 lives. Like the invasion of Iraq, it was based on lies.

When the Libyan President was murdered publicly and gruesomely with a knife, Clinton was filmed whooping and cheering. Thanks largely to her, Libya became a breeding ground for ISIS and other jihadists. Thanks largely to her, tens of thousands of refugees fled in peril across the Mediterranean, and many drowned.

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Leaked emails published by WikiLeaks revealed that Hillary Clinton’s foundation – which she shares with her husband – received millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the main backers of ISIS and terrorism across the Middle East.

As Secretary of State, Clinton approved the biggest arms sale ever - worth $80 billion - to Saudi Arabia, one of her foundation’s principal benefactors. Today, Saudi Arabia is using these weapons to crush starving and stricken people in a genocidal assault on  Yemen.

Sarah Ferguson, a highly paid reporter, raised not a word of this with Hillary Clinton sitting in front of her.

Instead, she invited Clinton to describe the “damage” Julian Assange did “personally to you”. In response, Clinton defamed Assange, an Australian citizen, as “very clearly a tool of Russian intelligence” and “a nihilistic opportunist who does the bidding of a dictator”.

She offered no evidence - nor was asked for any - to back her grave allegations.

Related: The Assange Case Means That We Are All Suspects Now

At no time was Assange offered the right of reply to this shocking interview, which Australia’s publicly-funded state broadcaster had a duty to give him.

 As if that wasn’t enough, Ferguson’s executive producer, Sally Neighour, followed the interview with a vicious re-tweet: “Assange is Putin’s bitch. We all know it!”

There are many other examples of Vichy journalism. The Guardian, reputedly once a great liberal newspaper, conducted a vendetta against Julian Assange. Like a spurned lover, the Guardian aimed its personal, petty, inhuman and craven attacks at a man whose work it once published and profited from.  

The former editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, called the WikiLeaks disclosures, which his newspaper published in 2010, “one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the last 30 years”. Awards were lavished and celebrated as if Julian Assange did not exist.

WikiLeaks’ revelations became part of the Guardian’s marketing plan to raise the paper’s cover price. They made money, often big money, while WikiLeaks and Assange struggled to survive.

Related: Shut It Down: Tom Fitton & Julian Assange Hail Implosion Of Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative After Mueller

With not a penny going to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie deal. The book’s authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, gratuitously abused Assange as a “damaged personality” and “callous”.

They also revealed the secret password Julian had given the Guardian in confidence and which was designed to protect a digital file containing the US embassy cables.

With Assange now trapped in the Ecuadorean embassy, Harding, who had enriched himself on the backs of both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, stood among the police outside the embassy and gloated on his blog that “Scotland Yard may get the last laugh”.

The question is why.

Julian Assange has committed no crime. He has never been charged with a crime. The Swedish episode was bogus and farcical and he has been vindicated.

Katrin Axelsson and Lisa Longstaff of Women Against Rape summed it up when they wrote,

"The allegations against [Assange] are a smokescreen behind which a number of governments are trying to clamp down on WikiLeaks for having audaciously revealed to the public their secret planning of wars and occupations with their attendant rape, murder and destruction…

The authorities care so little about violence against women that they manipulate rape allegations at will.”

This truth was lost or buried in a media witch-hunt that disgracefully associated Assange with rape and misogyny. The witch-hunt included voices who described themselves as on the left and as feminist. They willfully ignored the evidence of extreme danger should Assange be extradited to the United States.

Related: How Much Is UK “Justice” Being Paid By Washington To Continue Holding Assange Prisoner?

According to a document released by Edward Snowden, Assange is on a “Manhunt target list”. One leaked official memo says:

"Assange is going to make a nice bride in prison. Screw the terrorist. He’ll be eating cat food forever.”

 In Alexandra, Virginia - the suburban home of America’s war-making elite - a secret grand jury, a throwback to the middle ages - has spent seven years trying to concoct a crime for which Assange can be prosecuted.

This is not easy; the US Constitution protects publishers, journalists and whistleblowers. Assange’s crime is to have broken a silence.

No investigative journalism in my lifetime can equal the importance of what WikiLeaks has done in calling rapacious power to account. It is as if a one-way moral screen has been pushed back to expose the imperialism of liberal democracies: the commitment to endless warfare and the division and degradation of “unworthy” lives: from Grenfell Tower to Gaza.

When Harold Pinter accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005, he referred to “a vast tapestry of lies up on which we feed”.

He asked why “the systematic brutality, the widespread atrocities, the ruthless suppression of independent thought” of the Soviet Union were well known in the West while America’s imperial crimes “never happened … even while [they] were happening, they never happened.”.

Related: The Persecution Of Julian Assange

In its revelations of fraudulent wars (Afghanistan, Iraq) and the bald-faced lies of governments (the Chagos Islands), WikiLeaks has allowed us to glimpse how the imperial game is played in the 21st century. That is why Assange is in mortal danger.

Seven years ago, in Sydney, I arranged to meet a prominent Liberal Member of the Federal Parliament, Malcolm Turnbull.   

I wanted to ask him to deliver a letter from Gareth Peirce, Assange’s lawyer, to the government. We talked about his famous victory - in the 1980s when, as a young barrister, he had fought the British Government’s attempts to suppress free speech and prevent the publication of the book Spycatcher - in its way, a WikiLeaks of the time, for it revealed the crimes of state power.

The prime minister of Australia was then Julia Gillard, a Labor Party politician who had declared WikiLeaks “illegal” and wanted to cancel Assange’s passport - until she was told she could not do this: that Assange had committed no crime: that WikiLeaks was a publisher, whose work was protected under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which Australia was one of the original signatories.

In abandoning Assange, an Australian citizen, and colluding in his persecution, Prime Minister Gillard’s outrageous behaviour forced the issue of his recognition, under international law, as a political refugee whose life was at risk. Ecuador invoked the 1951 Convention and granted Assange refuge in its embassy in London.

Related: Getting Assange: The Untold Story

Gillard has recently been appearing in a gig with Hillary Clinton; they are billed as pioneering feminists.

If there is anything to remember Gillard by, it a warmongering, sycophantic, embarrassing speech she made to the US Congress soon after she demanded the illegal cancellation of Julian’s passport.

Malcolm Turnbull is now the Prime Minister of Australia. Julian Assange’s father has written to Turnbull. It is a moving letter, in which he has appealed to the prime minister to bring his son home. He refers to the real possibility of a tragedy.

I have watched Assange’s health deteriorate in his years of confinement without sunlight. He has had a relentless cough, but is not even allowed safe passage to and from a hospital for an X-ray .

Malcolm Turnbull can remain silent. Or he can seize this opportunity and use his government’s diplomatic influence to defend the life of an Australian citizen, whose courageous public service is recognised by countless people across the world. He can bring Julian Assange home. 

This is an abridged version of an address by John Pilger to a rally in Sydney, Australia, to mark Julian Assange’s six years’ confinement in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. www.johnpilger.com

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What Is Natural Health? A Comprehensive Guide to Living Healthy
June 22 2018 | From: GlobalHealingCenter

If you don’t know where to start when it comes to taking your first steps towards natural health, this comprehensive guide can help.

This article is full of health tips, trends and natural health wellness information. I’ll explain how your daily lifestyle choices can create optimal health – or take away from it.

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These include making positive decisions about how and what you eat, your physical fitness habits, and the products you buy for your home and body. You can also find a wealth of natural health benefits, recipes, and resources at a great natural health website, like ours.

What Is the Definition of Natural Health?

Natural health is a whole-lifestyle approach to overall wellness that addresses every component of life: how you eat, how you take care of your body, how you deal with stress, and which healthcare providers you entrust with your care. By looking at body, mind, and lifestyle, natural health is holistic.

People following a natural health approach try to identify the root cause of symptoms so they can solve their health concerns, restore balance and optimize health. Eliminating unhealthy habits, performing detoxifying cleanses, and choosing positive, life- and health-affirming choices helps restore the body’s natural vitality. The natural approach offers greater personal power over your health.

"The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

- Hippocrates

Natural Health and Conventional Medicine

A natural health approach provides a more balanced way to create a healthy lifestyle compared with conventional medicine. Natural health means promoting wellness with the natural solution.

For example, if you’re tired, drinking an energy drink is the unnatural approach. Your body doesn’t need caffeine, sugar, and chemicals; it needs sleep.

Natural health can be used on its own – which is called alternative health – or integrated with traditional healthcare. Complementary, integrative or functional medicine combines conventional medical care with one or more alternative, natural health approaches.

Related: Why Does Modern Medicine Have A Big Problem With Natural Health?

Alternative and complementary therapies include massage, acupressure, detoxing, and health supplements. More and more traditional medical doctors and healthcare practitioners are integrating holistic natural health into their repertoire.

In a Nutshell

In a nutshell, natural health means “out with the bad, in with the good” – out with the toxic chemicals, processed foods, bad habits, and in with healthy, environmentally-friendly, toxic-free choices. If you want to get healthy, you should know that natural health works. A health revolution is taking place, and I invite you to be part of it.

Out With the Bad

Eliminating bad habits (smoking, drinking, unhealthy foods)

Detox to get rid of toxic chemicals accumulated in the body

Removing toxic chemicals from your home and body products

In With the Good

Organic, wholesome, preferably plant-based diet

Corrective habits (exercise, meditation, counseling)

Natural therapies (acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy)

Nutritional and therapeutic plant-based supplements and herbs

The Natural Health Approach: An Example

Rather than isolating one issue, natural health methods look for the ultimate cause of a health issue. Take a headache for example. Using a conventional approach, you may take a couple of over-the-counter acetaminophen pills.

These pills merely mask the pain, though, and the particular solution of taking pills does not take into consideration what caused a headache to begin with.

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Using a natural health approach, a person would instead try to figure out different possible causes of the head pain. Could it be emotional stress, dehydration, muscle tension, or a serious issue needing medical attention? Each of these symptoms could be a possible cause of the headache and requires a different solution.

Counseling, aromatherapy or massage work best for mental stress headaches, drinking water can solve dehydration headaches, and a visit to a doctor to further identify the cause of a more serious or unidentified headache issue.

Is Natural Health Anti-Science?

Some websites claim that naturopathy, alternative medicine and the natural health approach are not backed by science, or are “pseudoscientific.”

This is unequivocally false and here’s why.

Natural Health Is Internationally Recognized

Not only is complementary and alternative medicine more popular than ever among the public, it is also receiving broader recognition and more funds for research.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of the world’s most prominent medical research centers, established the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (formerly called the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) in 1998, as “the [US] Federal Government’s lead agency for scientific research on the diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.”

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NIH defines complementary medicine as that which combines mainstream medicine with non-mainstream, alternative approaches – herbal supplements, massage, yoga, mindfulness, acupuncture, and so on.

NIH defines alternative healthcare as that used instead of mainstream medicine; hence, truly alternative healthcare is exceedingly rare since most people use some combination of natural approaches with conventional ones.

Claims that the natural health approach is unscientific are unequivocally false.

Internationally, natural health approaches are also gaining wider use and recognition. Natural health approaches – particularly nutritional supplements, massage, meditation, chiropractic care and yoga – are used by a full third of people in the U.S. and Europe.

The European Parliament recently held a workshop to discuss how to integrate the growing use of complementary and alternative therapies into traditional healthcare systems. In Australia, complementary and alternative natural health approaches are even more widespread: almost 70% of the population uses one or more alternative approach to healthcare.

Natural Health Is Gaining Wider Acceptance

People with higher incomes use these non-conventional approaches more. This may be because insurance or Medicaid often does not cover alternative therapies, and lower-income individuals may not be able to afford it. Even so, around 59 million people in the U.S. spend $30 billion out-of-pocket on natural, non-conventional approaches to healthcare every year.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

Because more patients are asking for holistic, natural, patient-centered care, more hospitals and healthcare treatment centers are adopting natural remedies and approaches to health. As of 2017, twenty-eight medical centers, healthcare systems and cancer treatment centers in the U.S. now have at least one naturopathic doctor on staff.

Natural Health Is Cost-Effective

According to the Institute for Natural Medicine, institutions that use complementary and alternative approaches are “delivering better health outcomes at lower costs.

Studies have found patients adhered to their treatment plan better, felt their healthcare providers spent more time with them and rated their overall experience more positively. In a different study, naturopathic therapies saved nearly $1,000 per patient with low back issues and people missed 6.7 fewer days of work.

Natural Health Had Its Day in Court… and Won

It’s well known that Big Pharma and Big Medicine have in the past made concerted efforts to keep alternative therapies from becoming mainstream. For decades, the American Medical Association (AMA) tried to shut down the entire chiropractic industry, convincing the public that chiropractic medicine was based on pseudoscience, which means fake science.

The AMA established a Committee on Quackery in 1963 to keep chiropractors from being included on medical insurance, or from becoming mainstream. They spread the word in schools and columns like Ann Landers and Dear Abby, and wrote TV scripts that the entire field was anti-science, and even “killed people.”

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But in the David vs. Goliath battle, chiropractic won out. Five chiropractors sued the American Medical Association in 1972, and after an 11-year court battle, the AMA was found guilty of trying to destroy its competition – chiropractors. As a result of this legal victory, chiropractic medicine has now become widely accepted and used and is even now recommended by conventional doctors.

Natural Health Is Ahead of the Curve

However, there are some alternative therapies and supplements for which scientific research has not caught up.

There are simply not enough controlled studies on the effectiveness of various therapies, herbs and supplements – but I emphasize, a lack of studies does not mean that alternative therapies are not effective or are pseudoscientific. It only means that scientists have not studied these yet.

Natural Health Success Stories

People often turn to natural health approaches because it gives them a sense of greater control over their health. People also report that they feel they get better overall support from alternative healthcare providers, who typically give more time to patients.

Katja’s Story: Nothing Left to Lose

Sometimes people turn to natural health when conventional medicine lets them down or runs out of options. “My medical doctors had reached a point in the treatment of my autoimmune disorder where they couldn’t do anything more.

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The only thing they could offer me was steroids,” says Houston-based artist Katja Akhtar. At that point, she knew she had to take her life into her own hands, “What did I have to lose?” So she researched online and discovered the integrative and functional medicine approach.

People often turn to natural health approaches because it gives them a sense of greater control over their health.

Katja’s functional medicine doctor “took not just my medical history but my emotional history and my lifestyle history,” she says. “The approach has been vastly different than my experience with standard medicine.”

The old adage by Hippocrates that ‘food is medicine’ applied to Katja’s health. “Altering my diet was fundamental to my recovery, and on top of that supplements. Most of what I’m taking are nature-derived supplements,” she says. That’s the advantage of natural health or integrative medicine.

“They consider the entire body, as well as how the [body’s] systems interact with forces outside of it. It’s been extremely effective for me.” Katja no longer has brain fog, she has more energy, and her quality of life has dramatically improved.

Orna’s Story: Medicine In the Garden

In Oregon, licensed naturopathic doctor Orna Izakson has her own story of discovering the benefits of natural medicine. One day she felt so sick that she worried she may need to go to the hospital. Her herbalist neighbor recommended some medicinal plants.

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One was growing in her garden. Imagine, she says, “I am sick as a dog, I can’t breathe. But I go to the garden, pick some thyme, pour boiling water over it, breathe the steam, and I went from being on the verge of hospitalization to out of the woods in less than a day.”

Natural health requires taking positive action to change your life.

Orna went on to become a naturopathic doctor, completing a rigorous 4-year medical program. Dr. Izakson is a fierce advocate for the natural approach to healthcare which includes both physical and mental wellness. She regularly hikes in nature to reduce stress and bring more peace into her life, and takes several natural health supplements to boost her energy and overall wellness. “This is the people’s medicine. It’s the weeds growing in your backyard.”

Starting the Natural Health Lifestyle: Out With the Bad

“The bottom line is that it’s empowering,” says Dr. Izakson. “You have the power to change your health and your life. The downside is you have to do it.”

In other words, there is no magic bullet solution to health. Instead, natural health requires taking positive action to change your life. So where do you begin? First, you remove harmful elements from your life, as much as possible.

Removing Toxic Chemicals From Your Home and Products

Green living and a natural lifestyle go hand in hand. One of the first steps you can take when choosing a more natural lifestyle is to eliminate products that contain toxic chemicals – such as traditional cleaning products, beauty and body care products – and replacing them with healthier, environmentally-friendly, or organic options.

Related: Cleaning Products As Damaging As Smoking 20 Cigarettes A Day

Eliminate products that contain toxic chemicals and replace them with healthier, environmentally-friendly, or organic options.

Many companies sell green toxic-free cleaning solutions and are better options for your home. Some people create do-it-yourself cleaning formulas – such as baking soda to clean a toilet or bathtub, or vinegar to clean windows, or more complicated solutions.

Approved Chemicals Aren’t Always Safe

Many people think that because a chemical is present in a product, it must be OK - perhaps at least studied and tested by a government agency. The truth is, many chemicals present in beauty products, home cleaning products, and even furniture, pots and pans, or clothing receive minimal to no testing.

As a result, many chemicals have been later recalled and removed from circulation after enough evidence accumulated that they were toxic and could harm health, as well as the environment.

Getting Rid of Household Toxicants

Think about where toxic chemicals may lurk and then go through your home eliminating them where you can. You can get replace nonstick cooking pans with cast iron or stainless steel, choose glass storage containers and avoid plastic for storing and cooking.

Related: Beware Of These 6 Common Household Items That Cause Cancer

You can choose organic cotton clothing, sheets and mattresses. And of course, you can choose to buy organic makeup and beauty products that do not have chemicals that make aging worse.

Eliminating Toxins From Your Body: Detox and Cleansing

A core part of a natural health lifestyle involves detoxing or cleansing the body organs. Cleansing the body can boost your overall health and quality of life. For optimal health, you should detox different organs in your body.

Why You Need To Detox

Detoxing is necessary because the standard Western diet (or Standard American Diet, SAD) includes a lot of processed and deep-fried foods, meat, and non-organic fruits and vegetables.

Even if you eat relatively healthy, most foods contain trace pesticides, antibiotics, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). During digestion, these toxic chemicals get into the bloodstream and end up stuck in body tissues, but particularly your colon.

With any detox or cleanse, you may experience a healing crisis when you first begin to eat raw. A healing crisis is a short-term increase in fatigue, headaches, aches and pains, among other symptoms, as your body eliminates stored up toxins.

Types of Body Cleanses

You can do a whole body cleanse, which means you detox all organ systems, one at a time, or you can just focus on one. To detox, you can use specific cleansing kits, herbal supplements, and detox-friendly foods.

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Some report colon cleansing is the single most effective natural remedy for detoxing the body.

You can eat foods to cleanse the liver, you can detox your kidneys to prevent stones, or you can do deep breathing along with specific herbs like peppermint or oregano to cleanse the lungs. But many people report that colon cleansing is the single most effective natural remedy for detoxing the body and starting their natural health lifestyle – or keeping it on track.

Eliminating Toxins From Your Body: Fasting

Fasting is another way to detox the body. If you’re interested in getting healthy, water fasting can be an extremely effective way to jump-start weight loss, detoxification and a new lifestyle. Studies show that intermittent fasting in both laboratory animals and people has profoundly positive long-term impacts on health.

The Health Benefits of Fasting

A prominent study summarized the research this way: “periodic fasting protects against diabetes, cancers, heart disease, and neurodegeneration, …[and] helps reduce obesity, hypertension, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.”

Scientists found that intermittent periods of fasting increases longevity in many organisms, including people, and this works by reprogramming the metabolic pathways and increases the body’s resistance to stress. Fasting helps cells regenerate and improves their ability to repair any damaged DNA.

Related: Intermittent Fasting: The Perfect Treatment For Diabetes And Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting in both laboratory animals and people has profoundly positive long-term impacts on health.

And this is remarkable: fasting for three days before chemotherapy protected normal cells and triggered stem cell regeneration of damaged immune system cells.

Natural Health Lifestyle: In With the Good

The natural health lifestyle encompasses the body, mind and spirit. Each person has age-specific needs to keep your body functioning properly.

But no matter what your age, everyone needs physical exercise, nutritious food, and a healthy outlook on mental wellness and spiritual life. The natural health approach takes into account all these spheres of life.

Mental Wellness Habits: Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Sleep

Having a healthy mental outlook is a key part of the holistic approach to natural health, since there are known connections between the mind and body.

When your body is hurting, it is sometimes hard to have a positive outlook and it can affect your mood. But there are also tools and techniques that you can use to feel better and get stronger, no matter what personal situations you are going through.

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Natural Approaches to Mental Wellness

Scientists have evidence that mindfulness meditation, acupuncture, music therapy, and relaxation techniques have a positive impact on depression, anxiety and stress. The NIH is studying the use of mindfulness meditation and self-hypnosis for managing chronic pain in military veterans.

NIH studies have already found that using complementary natural health approaches with cancer patients resulted in less anxiety and pain. Other studies found that yoga and mindfulness meditation helped people quit smoking, and yoga reduced fatigue in patients.

You Need Sleep for Mental Health

It’s also important to get enough sleep every night if you want to have a positive outlook during the day. There are natural solutions for sleep problems, including essential oils, avoiding foods that keep you awake, and herbal remedies.

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A natural approach seeks to identify the root cause of something like sleep problems. Then, the goal is to manage symptoms based on that knowledge, rather than immediately taking a pill. Getting sleep is very important to your overall health because during sleep your body strengthens brain cells stressed during wakeful periods.

Mental Wellness: The Advantage of Outside Help

Psychological counseling can also be an important part of a mental health approach.

There are many life coaches, licensed therapists, and social workers who actively recommend and practice alternative therapies in mental wellness treatment, from color therapy to music therapy to biofeedback – training the mind to tell the body to reduce anxiety, slow heartbeats or other physical conditions.

Physical Fitness Habits

Exercise is an important part of staying healthy, and staying physically fit is a key part of a natural health lifestyle. Exercise is the best medicine!

The Health Benefits of Exercise

Physical activity has countless benefits to your mental wellness. Studies show that exercise improves mood, decreases the incidence of depression, and helps you sleep better. It also improves cognitive function – the ability to think and learn – especially as you age. But even physically active children have lower rates of depression than those who are not as active.

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Exercise is the best medicine! An integral part of a natural health lifestyle, it improves mood as well as physical health.

Exercise has many benefits to your overall health, as well. It helps the heart and lungs deliver oxygen throughout the body, lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol, and reduces inflammation and insulin resistance. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Easy Exercises To Get Started

Your physical fitness level can be improved with cardiovascular exercise, like aerobics, running or sports, but also gentler methods of exercise can have remarkable benefits, including yoga, tai chi, and pilates. Weight training is another great way to improve your overall fitness.

Exercising outside can be a great way to get fresh air, sunshine for vitamin D, and the healing power of being in nature. You can walk barefoot to ground yourself in the earth. There are even specific exercises to improve your sex drive.

Protecting the Environment

Many people who adopt a natural health lifestyle are also interested in living green, or in other words, considering how our actions and consumer choices affect the environment. The only way that our children will live healthy lives in the future is if we make efforts to clean up the environment today, and make choices that reduce our impact.

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The only way that our children will live healthy lives in the future is if we make efforts to clean up the environment today, and make choices that reduce our impact.

To reduce the toxic burden on our children, people will need to collectively clean up the environment. This means reducing the impact of our daily choices, from the cars we drive to the electrical power we choose to the products we buy. Each choice has an impact on overall air and water pollution, toxic waste accumulation, and global climate change.

Easy Ways To Get Started

Some of these efforts will take longer than others. For example, we can’t easily get rid of the persistent organic pollutants which, persist in the air, water and soil although they have been banned for many years.

However, here are some simple steps you can take:

You can lobby your representatives to force past polluters to clean these up.

You can make your consumer voice heard by paying attention to where you spend your money.

You can educate yourself about where toxic chemicals lurk, and minimize your exposure as much as possible, especially if you are pregnant or for young children.

A Natural Health Diet: A Way of Life

If you want to live in a more healthful way, you must address the way you eat. Healthy eating is not a trend; it is probably the single most important thing you can do for your health on a daily basis.

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Eat Organic Foods

Choosing organic foods is best because certified organic producers must follow specific laws and regulations, which include using virtually no chemicals - although truth be told, some are allowed.

Buying organic is better for your health and better for Planet Earth.

Organic farming is better for your health: one study found organic fruits have more antioxidants and less pesticide residue. And buying organic crops and meat is better for the earth: organic farmers must follow sustainable farming practices, like improving biodiversity, crop rotation on fields, and biologically-friendly pest management.

Organic products can not use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or any genetic engineering. Even organic produce contains chemical traces; you can wash some of it off, but research shows that washing does not remove all the chemicals.

Related: Top Eight Organic Mistake Most People Make Because They Have Not Done The Research

Quick Tips for Cleaning Produce

Avoid the Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables which have the most pesticide residue, and look for the Clean Fifteen, which have the least, if you must eat conventionally grown produce. If your budget is tight, you can choose which fruits and vegetables to buy organic, versus conventional, for yourself and your family.

To remove pesticides from produce, soak fruits or vegetables for 20 minutes in a large bowl full of a solution of 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water (i.e., if you use 4 cups of water use 1 cup of white vinegar), then scrub lightly with a scrub brush and rinse.

Eat A Plant-Based Diet

Eating a low-fat vegan or vegetarian diet has many health benefits: it can lead to weight loss, improve insulin function, lower blood pressure, and lower your risk of heart problems. Vegans generally have lower levels of bad cholesterol than people who do not eat a strictly plant-based diet.

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Eating lower on the food chain also reaps enormous benefits for the planet, and is kinder to animals. Agriculture – including both animals and plant crops – account for one-third of all global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Livestock in particular account for more greenhouse gas emissions than transportation – the world’s cars, trucks, and planes. Reducing the amount of meat you eat can, therefore, help curb climate change, which is one of the biggest threats to the environment and the future of humankind.

Quick Tips for Cutting Down on Meat

Try Meatless Monday, an international movement where people eliminate meat one day a week. This can be a good trial for vegetarian or vegan natural health recipes, and to begin a transition to a plant-based lifestyle.

Look for one of many superfoods for quick boosts to energy and health, like goji berries, chia seeds, or golden berries.

Many people interested in a healthy, natural diet choose to eat a gluten-free diet because this protein - found most commonly in wheat but also in other common grains - can trigger digestive problems.

Try a Raw, Vegan Diet

Have you heard about eating raw? Some people are choosing to eat exclusively raw food; this preserves all of the natural enzymes and nutrients present in food. You can start with 75% raw and 25% cooked and gradually work your way up to a fully raw diet.

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Or you can do a raw food detox, eating raw for a week or a month, and see how much better you feel afterward. Gradually introducing one food type back into your diet, such as corn or dairy or wheat (gluten), can help you identify which foods your body is most sensitive to.

One study found a 70-100% raw diet reduced bad cholesterol, but also decreased vitamin B-12, which you need, but it’s typically only found in animal products. When eating raw or vegan, you will need a vegan B-12 supplement.

The Benefits of Eating Healthy: Weight Loss, Wellness and Energy

Can a plant-based, clean diet help people lose weight? Absolutely. People who eat vegan or vegetarian generally have lower body-mass index (BMI) than those who eat meat; in other words, they weigh less. One study found that people who eat more fruits and vegetables also have a probable lower risk of cancer and osteoporosis.

A diet high in saturated fats (often found in red meat) can reduce the effectiveness of good cholesterol (HDL) and increases the risk of hardened arteries (atherosclerosis).

"People who eat vegan or vegetarian generally have lower body-mass index than those who eat meat; in other words, they weigh less.”

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Will eating vegan give you more energy? That depends on what you eat. If you eat a lot of sugar, starchy carbs like potatoes and rice, and few vegetables you may miss out on the energy boost that comes from eating raw, “live” fruits, vegetables and nuts. Not only that, meat takes more energy for your body to digest.

Nutritional Supplements and Natural Health Products

The use of natural health vitamins and nutritional supplements has seen a steady rise over the past two decades, with more than $36 billion in retail sales in 2017. A National Institutes of Health Survey found that 85% of people use natural products for overall wellness, and more than 40% use them to treat a health condition.

As of 2012, the most popular natural supplements in the U.S. – not including regular vitamins and minerals – included fish oil (though we recommend vegan alternatives like flax oil or hemp seed oil), probiotics/prebiotics, melatonin, echinacea, and ginseng, among others.

Today, nearly 20% of American adults take one or more natural health supplement. Aging men and women need more calcium and aging support, while infants as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women need to get more vitamin D. Active adults often seek out plant-based supplements like ginseng, ginkgo and vitamin B-12.

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Introducing prebiotic and probiotic supplements has a positive impact on your health by improving the state of your gut. The gut biota acts like an “organ within an organ,” that affects not just the obvious - digestion - but also the immune system, metabolism, and even mental health. Prebiotics are fiber-dense foods that feed good bacteria, and probiotics are specific strains of bacteria that your body needs for optimal health.

While your body will have some of these from living in the world, enhancing the number of good bacteria you have in your gut will improve your digestion as well as overall health.

What Kinds of Natural Healthcare Providers Are There?

People who use natural or complementary approaches to health often do it because they feel conventional medicine focuses too narrowly on one symptom or body system, with little integration of the body with other aspects of life, such as lifestyle, diet, and social factors.

The great thing about adopting a natural health lifestyle is that it is inherently empowering, allowing you to take charge of your health.

"Adopting a natural health lifestyle is empowering, allowing you to take charge of your health. But sometimes you have a specific health concern and you want to see an expert.”

Sometimes you have a specific health concern and you want to see an expert. There are many different types of healthcare providers who adopt a natural approach.

Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.) and Naturopath Practitioners (N.P.)

Naturopathic doctors (N.D.) must receive a 4-year post-graduate medical degree from one of 5 schools in the U.S. focusing on naturopathic principles and herbalism, and like traditional medical school have done clinical rotations.

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Naturopathic doctors in the U.S. are licensed by state medical boards. Some people earn a certificate in naturopathy that is not as rigorous as the full N.D. medical training; they are called naturopathic practitioners (N.P.) or just naturopaths.

Generally, six key beliefs guide the practice of naturopaths:

1. Heal with the power of nature: the human body has a strong, built-in power to heal itself.

2. Identify the root cause: find what is underlying symptoms and treat that, rather than suppressing symptoms.

3. Treat the whole person: healthcare providers need to treat a person holistically, including their physical as well as mental, emotional and social health.

4. Doctor as teacher: Naturopaths help patients learn what they can do to improve their own health and well-being.

5. Do no harm:Use methods, herbs and techniques that do not cause harm on a person’s self-healing mechanisms.

6. Seek prevention first: Always seek to proactively prevent disease and illness.

Twenty-three states in the U.S. license individuals with N.D. degrees to practice medicine. Each of these states has slightly different laws. In some states, N.D.s can call themselves a doctor, diagnose and treat patients with natural substances, education, and lifestyle prescriptions. In a handful of states like Vermont, Arizona, Oregon and Washington, a N.D. can also prescribe medications or do minor surgery.

Integrative & Functional Medicine Practitioners

Integrative medicine means integrating conventional and complementary approaches when treating people. It is a holistic approach, involving a person’s physical body, but also the mind, emotions, and social habits that may affect overall health and wellness.

Functional medicine practitioners use an integrative approach but additionally use an approach that considers all the body systems to understand the root cause of diseases, similar to naturopathic doctors.

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Functional medicine goes a step beyond integrative medicine by looking for a specific cause for every problem, especially issues like autoimmune diseases or diabetes, to find a solution tailored to each individual.[47] A functional medicine provider may run genetic or environmental tests, in addition to traditional tests of biological function, for example.

People trained in several healthcare fields can receive a certificate in functional medicine or integrative medicine, including doctors (N.D., M.D., D.O., D.C.), nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered dieticians, and acupuncturists.


The field of chiropractic medicine focuses on the neuromusculoskeletal system, or in other words the nerves, muscles, and skeleton. They are concerned with how the spine and its alignment affects overall health. They perform spinal manipulations or adjustments to correct alignment problems.

These adjustments not only reduce pain but can improve overall health. In general, many chiropractors believe in a natural approach to healthcare, supporting good health practices like nutrition, exercise, therapies like massage, and natural supplements.

Chiropractors believe in the body’s ability to heal without drugs or surgery.

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Chiropractors must complete at least a 4-year university degree, 1000 hours of clinical training, and they must receive licensing in the state or province they practice in.

Osteopathic Doctors

Like chiropractors, osteopaths are trained to focus on the neuromusculoskeletal system, but they take a whole-person approach to healthcare, looking at all of the body’s interconnected systems.

Whereas chiropractors focus on the spine, osteopaths focus on physical manipulation of the entire body’s muscles and skeletal system for optimizing health. They focus on improving health without drugs and unlike traditional medical doctors, treat the whole person rather than just addressing the specific presenting issue.

A Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) is a licensed, board-certified medical doctor who attended a medical college of osteopathy. There are more than 100,000 Osteopathic doctors in the U.S., and they are licensed to practice in all 50 states in the U.S.


Like other natural health practitioners, homeopathic practitioners also embrace a natural, holistic approach to healthcare and take a comprehensive history of the patient and his or her condition.

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Homeopathic care follows three principles:

Like cures like: prescribe a natural substance that is similar in nature to the condition. The goal is to help the body heal itself.

Minimum dose: prescribe the least amount of a medicine needed to heal an issue.

Single remedy: give people one treatment at a time.

Homeopathy is a popular but controversial form of complementary medicine, mainly because the mode that homeopathy purports to work seems to go against what scientists know about science. According to the NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, “Several key concepts of homeopathy are inconsistent with fundamental concepts of chemistry and physics.”

Despite that, reviews of studies have found the positive effects of homeopathic treatment for certain conditions – including acute diarrhea, flu, and allergies – cannot be explained by a placebo effect alone (the placebo effect is when people get better because they are receiving some pill, even if that is a neutral “sugar pill”)

Homeopaths come from a wide variety of backgrounds. There are currently only five colleges in the U.S. and one in Canada which provide a four-year program in homeopathy. However, Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.s) receive training in homeopathy as part of their medical training. Other colleges and institutions offer shorter training programs and certificates in homeopathy.

Natural Health Coaches & Dieticians

You can also go to natural health coaches or dieticians which have a wide variety of certifications and training.

Registered Dieticians (R.D.) or Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (R.D.N.) have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, and they also finished a certified practice program offered by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and passed an exam.

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Other types of nutritionists or dieticians, include Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Nutritionist, and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

Also, some individuals become health coaches to support other people on the journey to health and wellness, often after having an experience with it in their own lives. Not all of these healthcare practitioners take a natural health approach, so you will have to do your research into each provider.

Try These Natural Health Therapies and Modalities

Whether you are engaging in natural health self-care or you are under the care of a healthcare provider, there are dozens of alternative, natural health therapies that can be used for various conditions, or simply to support overall physical and mental health. Some of the most popular are below.


Massage is one of the oldest, most well-known and most used alternative therapies. Not only can massage relax you, but it also has specific health benefits.

Studies have found that massage can reduce pain, decrease anxiety and depression, increase alertness, and improve the immune system. Two-thirds of hospitalized patients attributed their greater ability to move around, higher energy levels, and speed of recovery to getting massages during their stay.

"Massages are one of the most used alternative therapies. They relax muscles and boost the immune system.”

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How do massages help? Physiologically, they relax muscles and increase blood and lymph circulation. Some studies have found massage boosts the immune system in both sick and healthy people.

One study found massage increased the hormone oxytocin, sometimes called the love hormone, and decreased levels of cortisol and adrenocorticotropin, hormones produced by the pituitary gland during stress.


Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India. Ayurvedic medicine takes the approach that the mind and body are intricately interconnected, and the mind has a strong ability to heal the body.

According to Ayurveda, people have three different constitutions or “doshas,” which means life force:

Kapha types are dominated by water and earth, and are typically strong and stable as long as they exercise regularly, but may tend towards weight gain without exercise. To be balanced, kaphas may need to be motivated or energized through the various Ayurvedic therapies, including herbs, food, and mind-body practices.

Pitta doshas are ruled by fire and water elements, are typically medium build, have ruddy skin, and can be competitive and sometimes irritable. To find balance, they need to manage their fiery tendencies.

The final dosha type is vatta, dominated by light and air, and who tend towards a light, airy constitution. They think on their toes, are fast-moving, and creative, but may tend towards anxiety or fatigue, and may need to find ways to ground their airy energy.

Ayurvedic practitioners use panchakarma, a system of cleansing different body systems using essential oils, massage, and foods. Meditation, yoga and deep breathing, getting outside in nature, getting adequate exercise and sleep, and including all six tastes in every meal (sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent) are used to help bring balance to the body and its systems.

Acupuncture, Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was developed more than 2,500 years ago in China, and involves understanding and redistributing the body’s energy force, called chi, along meridians or channels in the body.

TCM healers use herbs and medicines (some of which come from endangered species, such as tigers or rhino horns), as well as mind-body practices like tai chi and acupuncture. In acupuncture, practitioners will insert tiny needles along the body’s meridians to heal an ailment.

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There are few studies accessible to the western world that have systematically evaluated TCM, making it difficult to evaluate scientifically. However, some studies have started looking at the disease-fighting capabilities of certain TCM herbs.

Although scientists do not understand how it works, several studies have shown that acupuncture treats chronic pain more effectively than no treatment or “sham” acupuncture treatments (placing needles on non-meridian points). Not only that, some brain imaging research has found that stimulating specific acupuncture points activated specific parts of the brain.

Acupressure is a bodywork technique that involves putting pressure on the meridian points associated with a particular ailment, instead of using needles as they do in acupuncture.


Scent is one of our most prized senses, and it can be used to improve health and well-being. Massage therapists often add in aromatherapy into their practice, but this is a great therapy to do self-care. There are hundreds of essential oils that you can use for various needs, and these are sold at grocery stores, online and specialty stores.

Lavender oil can reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Inhaling lavender also lessened the effects of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women.

Orange oil was found to lower heart rate and decrease stress for students studying for exams.

Peppermint oil not only improves muscle relaxation and achy joints, inhaling peppermint oil can reduce nausea, reverse mental fatigue and improve physical performance in both mice and men.

Natural Health Wrap-Up

There are a number of other alternative and complementary natural therapies, but what they have in common is that they look to natural herbs, nutrition, and lifestyle changes like exercise to maintain wellness while seeking to avoid costly and invasive surgeries or treatments.

Natural therapies can be empowering because- although many are not as well-researched as some conventional medical treatments - they typically have fewer side effects.

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However, always be sure to research the quality of the healthcare or therapy provider, natural health supplements, or treatments you are interested in. Check reviews, read as much as you can, and be an informed decision-maker about your own healthcare.

I truly believe my purpose on this planet is to help people live healthier lives. There are many simple, natural ways to improve your health and make you happier every day.

I hope this guide helps you on your journey to better health.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How You Can Undermine The ‘Evil Cabal’
June 21 2018 | From: WakingTimes

Over the years, the description of the tyrants and psychopaths that so often occupy positions of power in our world has evolved, and today it is fashionable to refer to this nebulous group by using the term ‘Evil Cabal.’

Language is perhaps the most important device we have for creating reality, and just as George Orwell knew, the more linguistically vague, simplistic, ambiguous and nondescript the language, the more room there is to shape perception.

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This is called Newspeak, and in the case of the Evil Cabal,’ the term fails to fully describe our complex world, but succeeds tremendously in maintaining the prison of fear that actually inhibits freedom.

In a catch-all phrase like ‘Evil Cabal,’ there really is little substance in the language to inspire meaningful action or reaction. In fact, the opposite is true. By generalizing the widespread depravity in the world with such a vague yet loaded term, the result can only be fear and inaction.

But, just for rhetorical purposes, let’s suppose for a moment that the world’s troubles can indeed be wholly attributed to a singular, top-down, all-knowing, all-controlling evil cabal that has its wicked tentacles inserted into every facet of our lives.

Let’s imagine that every bit of the injustice and calamity we see is intentionally orchestrated and narrated by an untouchable group of all-mighty criminals.

If this is in fact the case, one very serious question emerges: What exactly are YOU going to do about it? 

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My thoughts on this are expressed below, and are derived from two decades of peering deeply into the abyss of conspiracy fact and alternative history.

I’ve learned in time that such intense and singular focus on conspiracy and international wickedness is corrosive to the soul, inviting acrimony and triggering impotency into what should be the blessed, joyful gift of a life well lived.

How YOU Can Undermine the Evil Cabal

Firstly, understand that systems of political and economic control are actually more heavily dependent on the acquiescence, cooperation, and participation of many millions of people.

They are much less dependent on brute force, even though the perception is that brute force controls everything. 

This notion is accurately presented by Larken Rose in his short animated presentation, The Tiny DotThe acquiescent masses vastly outnumber any evildoers.

It is imperative to also understand that the world is heavily influenced by the management of public perception, and that holding onto a chiefly negative and fearful worldview severely limits your potential to create and experience the world in which you actually wish to see materialize.

Furthermore, you must recognize that taking it upon yourself to assemble and collate every possible fact and insight into every conspiracy and every nasty event is self-destructive. That is, by becoming a library of terrible truths, you are willfully  imposing upon yourself a subtle but powerful form of mental slavery.

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The tendency to want to convince and awaken every person you meet to your point-of-view is ultimately caustic to personal relationships and can quickly lead to isolation. 

Take notice of the fact that individual isolation is exceptionally beneficial to any controlling power in our world, and therefore, it is imperative to connect with others and allow them to express their own personal truths without sparking your judgement and condemnation.

So many of us today adhere to a destructive worldview, and to counter this, it is critical to set an example for others in your life by living in such a way as to inspire a love for freedom, independence and individuality. This is done, first and foremost, by giving freedom to others.

Allow people the privilege to walk their own path and think their own thoughts.

Moreover, to undermine a cabal that primarily rules by psychological control, it is essential to recognize that all humans have a tendency to want to control things, and that as human beings we all share similar shadow traits.

The desire to control others, and even to control nature, is evident at every level of society, meaning we are all inherently capable of extraordinary evil and cruelty. It is your duty and priority to recognize this and to manage this tendency within yourself and only yourself.

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Also, remember that energy goes where attention flows. If you are totally consumed with the wicked deeds of the evil cabal, as so many otherwise righteous people are, you are inadvertently giving away your personal power and energy, thus contributing to their ability to control people with fear.

When you are engaged in an endless and all too often speculative discussion about the evil deeds of others, you are engaged in a form of worship that puts one in a state of continually imagining the uninhibited power of some other mysterious and unnameable other.

This makes their power much more real than it may actually be. Stop worshiping psychopaths and evil people by giving them so much of your attention, because exposing corruption alone is not enough to create a better world.

In order to see positive change we have to shift our attention to those ideas and people who are contributing to the healing of the earth and its people.

Additionally, recognize that in today’s media landscape, even those who may seem to have your best interest at heart often profit wildly from perpetuating fear and despair. We live in a viral information culture where buzzwords, distortions, and over-simplifications get clicks and earn advertising dollars.

Related: The Great Transformation: A World Awakening

There is an enormous profit motive in keeping people teetering on the margin of despondency and hope. We’ve built an entire economy out of fear, and it’s up to you to break this cycle and smash this paradigm. You can do so by checking in with your heart and asking if the information you’re consuming is inspired by fear or by love.

Finally, use the freedom you still have. Use it right now to become the person you are supposed to be.

Follow your heart and find your place, wherever it may be.

If you are interested in politics or otherwise directly confronting injustice and corruption in the system, throw yourself wholly into this effort, with heart.

However, if your calling is beneficial in any other way, do not diminish the positive effect that you can have on the world by simply being a force of good, big or small. If all you have to offer at this moment is a smile, use it generously.

Ultimately, there are many ways to resist evil, and as George Herbert wrote, ‘the best revenge is living well.’ Heal yourself and become an agent of joy. Whether there is, or is not, a round-table evil cabal of untouchables is ultimately irrelevant to how you live your life right now. Get on with the business of living well.

Related: Three Extraordinary Paradoxes Of Personal Awakening

Final Thoughts

I wrote this piece as an indirect response to an email I recently received from a reader. I’m noting it here because in my position I see this sentiment quite frequently, and I feel that it needs to be called out. Here is the note in full:

Hi there.

I really don’t appreciate your website getting VERY POLITICAL.

I am going to quit reading it now and will recommend the same thing to all of the people I know.

Obviously, there is a lot of info you don’t know and you are wasting your time playing into the hands of the Evil Cabal. I have no time for little minds.

Very Sincerely,


Clearly this person, L, cares about the world we live in and the future we create together, yet, based on my own personal experience, personal growth, and ever-evolving understanding of the world, I feel like this mindset needs to be acknowledged as counter-productive and harmful to one’s well-being and mental stability, while ultimately contributing to the oppressiveness in our world today.

It does need to be said, though, that there are undoubtedly evil people, institutions, corporations, and diabolical plans at play in our world, so again, I ask you, what exactly are you going to do about it?

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Interview With Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: All Those Who Challenge The Ruling Ideology, Are Called Facists
June 21 2018 | From: TheHerlandReport

We had the privilege of a sit down with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, discussing why free speech is being shut down in America.

Dr. Roberts is one of the leading political economists in the USA, awarded by the Treasury Department’s for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.”

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He is also the chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, a former Wall Street editor and an author of many books. Dr. Roberts states:

It is a pity that free speech is becoming associated with Fascism. Because what free speech does is it lets you say something that challenges the ruling ideology. And they don’t want it challenged. So, to protect the ideology from challenge, they call the people telling the truth for Fascists.

That lets them tell their lies. That’s the way it works. It is really what political correctness boils down to. They don’t care if their position is based in objective truth. For them, its an ideological thing, an emotional thing. And therefore, anything that challenges it, is wrong and evil. The favourite word for that is Fascism"

Hanne Nabintu Herland: – It’s such an honor to be with you, Sir, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. In Europe, we love you because you have a perspective that many do not have as you speak in broad manners about the important issues of foreign policy and the state of American culture today.

As an outsider to the American system, we wonder, how come your country seems to disintegrate from the traditional national unity regardless of ethnic origin to a divisive and fragmented society. For one, what happened to free speech?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: – You know, you have a situation now, where all kinds of people, whistle-blowers, truth tellers get called Fascists. We have in the United States a number of former CIA-officials who have turned whistleblowers and reveal what is actually going on, and they are called names.

Related: Eleven Whistleblowers Who’ve Shared Information The Global Elite Don’t Want You To Know

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: – Instead of saying “look how brave they are telling the truth whilst taking all these risks”, they say “you can’t listen to him, he’s a Fascist”. Some of them have actually been beaten up in public meetings. They stand up and they ask the wrong question and they get beaten by police and dragged of.

This happened to Ray McGovern on several occations. Now, Ray McGovern was a CIA-official who, for years, gave the morning briefing to the president of the United States. Every morning. He was there, briefing the president on the latest information.

He turned whistle-blower, he was in a meeting and asked a question not permitted and then was beaten up and dragged out of the room. And we know this just recently happened to him once again.

So, this is the sort of situation we are having. It reminds me of the Third Reich and the Germans during the second world war who fought the idea that one could still debate things. You can’t debate them.

Hanne Nabintu Herland: – The US seem to resemble more the old Soviet Union now, with strict censorship and propaganda media structures?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: – It is a major problem. Like whistle-blowers, the independent news organisations, like Wikileaks, and the leader of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has to live his life in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has asylum. If he steps out, the British will turn him over to us.

Related: Truth Is A Crime Against The State - Paul Craig Roberts

He is not an American citizen, so he cannot possibly commit treason against the United States, yet that’s what they are going for.

So you can see that even the concept of law doesn’t mean anything anymore. What they really want is revenge on him.

And all he did was publish documents that were leaked to him. Which of course is what newspapers used to do. For example, when the New York Times published the Pentagon Papers that were leaked by Daniel Ellsberg.

And what did the Pentagon paper show? It showed that the Vietnam war was a total mess and that the American people had been greatly deceived and that the situation was anything but what they had been told and so on. 

And The New York Times is protected by the First Amendment. The New York Times today wouldn’t publish it anymore than they would publish anything that was leaked to Wikileaks. Because they now serve the ruling oligarchs. They don’t serve truth or people and they no longer have the function of holding government accountable.

Related: The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: – So, as we were saying earlier, if a democracy loses the media as a constraint on the government, then there is now way of holding the government accountable. And in the United States the government is not accountable. You know, we talked about it. They can detain you indefinitely despite the constitutional prohibition against it.

They can murder you without the due process of law despite the constitutional prohibition against it. They can invade your privacy despite the constitutional prohibition against it. So, that we now have a lawless government that can’t be held accountable. And the people who tell on it, are prosecuted.

Hanne Nabintu Herland: – Yet, what we see today is the media take over the role of the judiciary, in several of the Me Too cases. A woman can just bring out any form of allegation, “this man looked at me in an improper way”, and due to allegations in the media the man loses his whole reputation and his job.

You are defenseless against an unjust system, nobody waits until the case has been examined by a court of law. You are judged the instant the lady’s allegations are published.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: –  Yes, you are guilty by accusation. Now this can’t be done to victim groups. It can only be done to the oppressor group. To the white heterosexual male. You can’t treat homosexuals this way. You can’t treat women that way. You can’t treat blacks this way. So, this makes it very difficult for males anywhere, due to the easy way to get in any kind of controversy.

Because the minute you get in a controversy, they can bring somebody to make a charge against it. It doesn’t have to be true for it to stick. You remember what they did to Dominic Strauss-Kahn?

Related: The Police State Is Upon Us - Paul Craig Roberts

He was the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It’s suspected that he would be the next president of France. He comes to New York for some reason and then you find out he’s accused of raping a young maid in the hotel. And they make a big show letting him get on the airplane and then the police enter the airplane getting him off.

So they put him in prison held on this charge. They then pronounce him guilty. And of course, all the feminists were absolutely convinced he was guilty and the newspapers treated it as if it had already been proved.

And it turns out it was all a hoax. Somehow this hotel maid had received large six figure-payments in her bank account. Finally, the New York prosecutor had to admit that it was all a mistake. They had to set him free.

But of course, he had already resigned from IMF and of course he couldn’t participate in the French election and in the meantime, his enemies had arranged for several French women to state that he had raped them.

So, none of this was ever proven. But it was effective. And getting rid of a threat. In the United States, they didn’t want Dominic Strauss-Kahn to be president of France.

Because he, as the head of the IMF, had criticized the austerity that was being forced on poor countries like Greece and Portugal.

It was austerity that did force many women into prostitution. And so here were the feminists helping the United States destroy the person who was opposed to  the austerity policies that were forcing women into prostitution.

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Hanne Nabintu Herland: – This kind of insinuation that any woman coming up and that the words flowing out of her mouth is automatically pure truth. We see now men being removed from office on pure allegations, it hasn’t been looked at in any court of law. And the media seems to take the role of the judiciary as well.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: – Well, this  happens to people. Anybody they want to get, they create charges. And the media convicts them. Now, I can remember in the United States, when media coverage of a case was enough to dismiss the case. Before, if the media covered anything they always had to say the “alleged crime”, the “suspect” etc.

They never could treat it as this was real or proven. That remained for the trial to decide. Now today, the trial takes place in the media. They are convicted in the media and they know they can’t get a fair trial. Where are they going to get a jury from? Because they have all read the newspapers or watched the case on TV.

So, you had to make the plea bargain. And so, your lawyer negotiates a new deal in which you admit to some minor offence. Unrelated to the one you are charged for. So that the prosecutor can win the case and you can get off without heavy punishment.

It is very unfortunate. But you can see how this can make any male boss very reluctant to correct a female employee because she can retaliate with a charge. So it gives leeway to all kinds of people to do half-way jobs, show up late etc. It’s hard to correct. It’s the same case with blacks.

If you are white, you can’t correct them, because you will be called a racist. And so, in this way, you know the society gets stuck and loses its functionality.

You have to tolerate things you shouldn’t have to tolerate because if you try to correct it, a charge will be made against you. All of this is part of the deuteriation of not just the United States, but I think, in the West generally.

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Is Psychiatry Bullshit? + Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School
June 20 2018 | From: Sott / GlobalResearch

Some Psychiatrists View The Chemical-Imbalance Theory As A Well-Meaning Lie.

In the current issue of the journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, Australian dissident psychiatrist Niall McLaren titles his article, "Psychiatry as Bullshit" and makes a case for just that.

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The great controversies in psychiatry are no longer about its chemical-imbalance theory of mental illness or its DSM diagnostic system, both of which have now been declared invalid even by the pillars of the psychiatry establishment.

In 2011, Ronald Pies, editor-in-chief emeritus of the Psychiatric Times, stated;

In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists."

And in 2013, Thomas Insel, then director of the National Institute of Mental Health, offered a harsh rebuke of the DSM, announcing that because the DSM diagnostic system lacks validity, the: "NIMH will be re-orienting its research away from DSM categories."

So, the great controversy today has now become just how psychiatry can be most fairly characterized given its record of being proven wrong about virtually all of its assertions, most notably its classifications of behaviors, theories of "mental illness" and treatment effectiveness/adverse effects.

Among critics, one of the gentlest characterizations of psychiatry is a "false narrative," the phrase used by investigative reporter Robert Whitaker (who won the 2010 Investigative Reporters and Editors Book Award for Anatomy of an Epidemic) to describe the story told by the psychiatrists' guild American Psychiatric Association.

In "Psychiatry as Bullshit," McLaren begins by considering several different categories of "nonscience with scientific pretensions," such as "pseudoscience" and "scientific fraud."

"Pseudoscience" is commonly defined as a collection of beliefs and practices promulgated as scientific but in reality mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method. The NIMH director ultimately rejected the DSM because of its lack of validity, which is crucial to the scientific method.

In the DSM, psychiatric illnesses are created by an APA committee, 69 percent of whom have financial ties to Big Pharma.

The criteria for DSM illness are not objective biological ones but non-scientific subjective ones (which is why homosexuality was a DSM mental illness until the early 1970s).

Besides lack of scientific validity, the DSM lacks scientific reliability, as clinicians routinely disagree on diagnoses because patients act differently in different circumstances and because of the subjective nature of the criteria.

"Fraud" is a misrepresentation, a deception intended for personal gain, and implies an intention to deceive others of the truth - or "lying." Drug companies, including those that manufacture psychiatric drugs, have been convicted of fraud, as have high-profile psychiatrists (as well as other doctors).

Human rights activist and attorney Jim Gottstein offers an argument as to why the APA is a "fraudulent enterprise"; however, the APA has not been legally convicted of fraud.

To best characterize psychiatry, McLaren considers the category of "bullshit," invoking philosopher Harry Frankfurt's 1986 journal article "On Bullshit" (which became a New York Times bestselling book in 2005).

Defining Bullshit

What is the essence of bullshit? For Frankfurt, "This lack of connection to a concern with truth - this indifference to how things really are - that I regard as of the essence of bullshit."

Frankfurt devotes a good deal of On Bullshit to differentiating between a liar and a bullshitter. Both the liar and the bullshitter misrepresent themselves, representing themselves as attempting to be honest and truthful. But there is a difference between the liar and the bullshitter.

The liar knows the truth, and the liar's goal is to conceal it.

The goal of bullshitters is not necessarily to lie about the truth but to persuade their audience of a specific impression so as to advance their agenda. So, bullshitters are committed to neither truths nor untruths, uncommitted to neither facts nor fiction. It's actually not in bullshitters' interest to know what is true and what is false, as that knowledge can hinder their capacity to bullshit.

Frankfurt tells us that liar the hides that he or she is "attempting to lead us away from a correct apprehension of reality." In contrast, the bullshitter hides that "the truth-values of his statements are of no central interest to him."

Are Psychiatrists Bullshitters?

Recall establishment psychiatrist Pies' assertion:

In truth, the 'chemical imbalance' notion was always a kind of urban legend - never a theory seriously propounded by well-informed psychiatrists."

What Pies omits is the reality that the vast majority of psychiatrists have been promulgating this theory. Were they liars or simply not well-informed? And if not well-informed, were they purposely not well-informed?

If one wants to bullshit oneself and the general public that psychiatry is a genuinely scientific medical specialty, there's a great incentive to be unconcerned with the truth or falseness of the chemical imbalance theory of depression.

Bullshitters immediately recognize how powerful this chemical imbalance notion is in gaining prestige for their profession and themselves as well as making their job both more lucrative and easier, increasing patient volume by turning virtually all patient visits into quick prescribing ones.

Prior to the chemical imbalance bullshit campaign, most Americans were reluctant to take antidepressants - or to give them to their children.

Related: Big Pharma Caught Manipulating Antidepressant Drug Trials Putting Teenagers in Grave Danger

But the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance that can be corrected with Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants sounded like taking insulin for diabetes.

Correcting a chemical imbalance seemed like a reasonable thing to do, and so the use of SSRI antidepressants skyrocketed.

In 2012, National Public Radio correspondent Alix Spiegel began her piece about the disproven chemical imbalance theory with the following personal story about being prescribed Prozac when she was a depressed teenager:

My parents took me to a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She did an evaluation and then told me this story: "The problem with you," she explained, "is that you have a chemical imbalance. It's biological, just like diabetes, but it's in your brain.

This chemical in your brain called serotonin is too, too low. There's not enough of it, and that's what's causing the chemical imbalance. We need to give you medication to correct that." Then she handed my mother a prescription for Prozac. "

Related: 7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

When Spiegel discovered that the chemical imbalance theory was untrue, she sought to discover why this truth had been covered up, and so she interviewed researchers who knew the truth.

Alan Frazer, professor of pharmacology and psychiatry and chairman of the pharmacology department at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center, told Spiegel that by framing depression as a deficiency - something that needed to be returned to normal - patients felt more comfortable taking antidepressants.

Frazer stated;

“If there was this biological reason for them being depressed, some deficiency that the drug was correcting, then taking a drug was OK."

For Frazer, the story that depressed people have a chemical imbalance enabled many people to come out of the closet about being depressed.

Frazer's rationale reminds us of Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky's book Manufacturing Consent, the title deriving from presidential adviser and journalist Walter Lippmann's phrase "the manufacture of consent" - a necessity for Lippmann, who believed that the general public is incompetent in discerning what's truly best for them, and so their opinion must be molded by a benevolent elite who does know what's best for them.

There are some psychiatrists who view the chemical imbalance theory as a well-meaning lie by a benevolent elite to ensure resistant patients do what is best for them, but my experience is that there are actually extremely few such "well-meaning liars." Most simply don't know the truth because they have put little effort in discerning it.

I believe McLaren is correct in concluding that the vast majority of psychiatrists are bullshitters, uncommitted to either facts or fiction. Most psychiatrists would certainly have been happy if the chemical-imbalance theory was true but obviously have not needed it to be true in order to promulgate it.

For truth seekers, the falseness of the chemical imbalance theory has been easily available, but most psychiatrists have not been truth seekers.

It is not in the bullshitters' interest to know what is true and what is false, as that knowledge of what is a fact and what is fiction hinders the capacity to use any and all powerful persuasion. Simply put, a commitment to the truth hinders the capacity to bullshit.

About the Author

Bruce E. Levine is a practicing clinical psychologist. His latest book is Get Up, Stand Up: Uniting Populists, Energizing the Defeated, and Battling the Corporate Elite.

Psychotropic Drugs, Are They Safe?

Fourteen Lies That Our Psychiatry Professors Taught Us In Medical School.

Myth # 1:

“The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) tests all new psychiatric drugs”

False. Actually the FDA only reviews studies that were designed, administered, secretly performed and paid for by the multinational profit-driven drug companies.

The studies are frequently farmed out by the pharmaceutical companies by well-paid research firms, in whose interest it is to find positive results for their corporate employers. Unsurprisingly, such research policies virtually guarantee fraudulent results.

Myth # 2:

“FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is effective long-term”

False. Actually, FDA approval doesn’t even mean that psychiatric drugs have been proven to be safe – either short-term or long-term! The notion that FDA approval means that a psych drug has been proven to be effective is also a false one, for most such drugs are never tested – prior to marketing – for longer than a few months (and most psych patients take their drugs for years).

The pharmaceutical industry pays many psychiatric “researchers” – often academic psychiatrists (with east access to compliant, chronic, already drugged-up patients) who have financial or professional conflicts of interest – some of them even sitting on FDA advisory committees who attempt to “fast track” psych drugs through the approval process.

For each new drug application, the FDA only receives 1 or 2 of the “best” studies (out of many) that purport to show short-term effectiveness. The negative studies are shelved and not revealed to the FDA. In the case of the SSRI drugs, animal lab studies typically lasted only hours, days or weeks and the human clinical studies only lasted, on average, 4- 6 weeks, far too short to draw any valid conclusions about long-term effectiveness or safety!

Hence the FDA, prescribing physicians and patient-victims should not have been “surprised” by the resulting epidemic of SSRI drug-induced adverse reactions that are silently plaguing the people.

Indeed, many SSRI trials have shown that those drugs are barely more effective than placebo (albeit statistically significant!) with unaffordable economic costs and serious health risks, some of which are life-threatening and known to be capable of causing brain damage.

Myth # 3:

“FDA approval means that a psychotropic drug is safe long-term”

False. Actually, the SSRIs and the “anti-psychotic” drugs are usually tested in human trials for only a couple of months before being granted marketing approval by the FDA. And the drug companies are only required to report 1 or 2 studies (even if many other studies on the same drug showed negative, even disastrous, results).

Drug companies obviously prefer that the black box and fine print warnings associated with their drugs are ignored by both consumers and prescribers. One only has to note how small the print is on the commercials.

Related: Key Factors To Overcoming Depression Without Drugs

In our fast-paced shop-until-you-drop consumer society, we super-busy prescribing physicians and physician assistants have never been fully aware of the multitude of dangerous, potentially fatal adverse psych drug effects that include addiction, mania, psychosis, suicidality, worsening depression, worsening anxiety, insomnia, akathisia, brain damage, dementia, homicidality, violence, etc, etc.

But when was the last time anybody heard the FDA or Big Pharma apologize for the damage they did in the past?

And when was the last time there were significant punishments (other than writs slaps and “chump change” multimillion dollar fines) or prison time for the CEOs of the guilty multibillion dollar drug companies?

Myth # 4:

“Mental ‘illnesses’ are caused by ‘brain chemistry imbalances’”

False. In actuality, brain chemical/neurotransmitter imbalances have never been proven to exist (except for cases of neurotransmitter depletions caused by psych drugs) despite vigorous examinations of lab animal or autopsied human brains and brain slices by neuroscientist s who were employed by well-funded drug companies.

Knowing that there are over 100 known neurotransmitter systems in the human brain, proposing a theoretical chemical ”imbalance” is laughable and flies in the face of science.

Related: Low-Serotonin Depression Theory Challenged

Not only that, but if there was an imbalance between any two of the 100 potential systems (impossible to prove), a drug – that has never been tested on more than a handful of them – could never be expected to re-balance it!

Such simplistic theories have been perpetrated by Big Pharma upon a gullible public and a gullible psychiatric industry because corporations that want to sell the public on their unnecessary products know that they have to resort to 20 second sound bite-type propaganda to convince patients and prescribing practitioners why they should be taking or prescribing synthetic, brain-altering drugs that haven’t been adequately tested.

Myth # 5:

“Antidepressant drugs work like insulin for diabetics”

False. This laughingly simplistic – and very anti-scientific – explanation for the use of dangerous and addictive synthetic drugs is patently absurd and physicians and patients who believe it should be ashamed of themselves for falling for it.

There is such a thing as an insulin deficiency (but only in type 1 diabetes) but there is no such thing as a Prozac deficiency.

SSRIs (so-called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors – an intentional mis-representation because those drugs are NOT selective!) do not raise total brain serotonin.

Rather, SSRIs actually deplete serotonin long-term while only “goosing” serotonin release at the synapse level while at the same time interfere with the storage, reuse and re-cycling of serotonin (by its “serotonin reuptake inhibition” function).

(Parenthetically, the distorted “illogic” of the insulin/diabetes comparison above could legitimately be made in the case of the amino acid brain nutrient tryptophan, which is the precursor molecule of the important natural neurotransmitter serotonin.

If a serotonin deficiency or “imbalance” could be proven, the only logical treatment approach would be to supplement the diet with the serotonin precursor tryptophan rather than inflict upon the brain a brain-altering synthetic chemical that actually depletes serotonin long-term!

Myth # 6:

“SSRI ‘discontinuation syndromes’ are different than ‘withdrawal syndromes’”

False. The SSRI “antidepressant” drugs are indeed dependency-inducing/addictive and the neurological and psychological symptoms that occur when these drugs are stopped or tapered down are not “relapses” into a previous ”mental disorder” - as has been commonly asserted - but are actually new drug withdrawal symptoms that are different from those that prompted the original diagnosis

The term “discontinuation syndrome” is part of a cunningly-designed conspiracy that was plotted in secret by members of the psychopharmaceutical industryin order to deceive physicians into thinking that these drugs are not addictive.

Related: Dr. Kelly Brogan's Takedown Of Big Pharma's SSRI Anti-Depressant Drug Lies Hits Bestseller Lists

The deception has been shamelessly promoted to distract attention from the proven fact that most psych drugs are dependency-inducing and are therefore likely to cause “discontinuation/withdrawal symptoms” when they are stopped.

The drug industry knows that most people do not want to swallow dependency-inducing drugs that are likely to cause painful, even lethal withdrawal symptoms when they cut down the dose of the drug.

Myth # 7:

“Ritalin is safe for children (or adults)”

False. In actuality, methylphenidate (= Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, Metadate and Methylin; aka “kiddie cocaine”), a dopamine reuptake inhibitor drug, works exactly like cocaine on dopamine synapses, except that orally-dosed methylphenidate reaches the brain more slowly than snortable or smoked cocaine does.

Related: Nutrition And Mental Health + ADHD Is A Fabricated Disease, Says Reputed Neurologist

Therefore the oral form has less of an orgasmic “high” than cocaine.

Cocaine addicts actually prefer Ritalin if they can get it in a relatively pure powder form.

When snorted, the synthetic Ritalin (as opposed to the naturally-occurring, and therefore more easily metabolically-degraded cocaine) has the same onset of action but, predictably, has a longer lasting “high” and is thus preferred among addicted individuals.

The molecular structures of Ritalin and cocaine both have amphetamine base structures with ring-shaped side chains which, when examined side by side, are remarkably similar. The dopamine synaptic organelles in the brain (and heart, blood vessels, lungs and guts) are unlikely to sense any difference between the two drugs.

Myth # 8:

“Psychoactive drugs are totally safe for humans”

False. See Myth # 3 above. Actually all five classes of psychotropic drugs have, with long-term use, been found to be neurotoxic (ie, known to destroy or otherwise alter the physiology, chemistry, anatomy and viability of vital energy-producing mitochondria in every brain cell and nerve). They are therefore all capable of contributing to dementia when used long-term.

Related: The Shocking Truth About Antidepressant Drug Studies + Peter Breggin MD: How Do Psychiatric Drugs Really Work?

Any synthetic chemical that is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier into the brain can alter and disable the brain. Synthetic chemical drugs are NOT capable of healing brain dysfunction, curing malnutrition or reversing brain damage.

Rather than curing anything, psychiatric drugs are only capable of masking symptoms while the abnormal emotional, neurological or malnutritional processes that mimic “mental illnesses” continue unabated.

Myth # 9:

“Mental ‘illnesses’ have no known cause”

False. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM, published by the American Psychiatric Association, is pejoratively called “the psychiatric bible and billing book” for psychiatrists.

Despite its name, it actually has no statistics in it, and, of the 374 psychiatric diagnoses in the DSM-IV (there is now a 5th edition) there seem to be only two that emphasize known root causes.

Those two diagnoses are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder. The DSM-V has been roundly condemned as being just another book that laughingly pathologizes a few more normal human emotions and behaviors.

In my decade of work as an independent holistic mental health care practitioner, I was virtually always able to detect many of the multiple root causes and contributing factors that easily explained the signs, symptoms and behaviors that had resulted in a perplexing number of false diagnoses of “mental illness of unknown origin”.

Many of my patients had been made worse by being hastily diagnosed, hastily drugged, bullied, demeaned, malnourished, incarcerated, electroshocked (often against their wills and/or without fully informed consent).

My patients had been frequently rendered unemployable or even permanently disabled as a result – all because temporary, potentially reversible, and therefore emotional stressors had not been recognized at the onset.

Because of the reliance on drugs, many of my patients had been made incurable by not having been referred to compassionate practitioners who practiced high quality, non-drug-based, potentially curable psychotherapy.

The root causes of my patient’s understandable emotional distress were typically multiple, although sometimes a single trauma, such as a rape, violent assault or a psychological trauma in the military would cause an otherwise normally-developing individual to decompensate.

But the vast majority of my patients had experienced easily identifiable chronic sexual, physical, psychological, emotional and/or spiritual traumas as root causes – often accompanied by hopelessness, sleep deprivation, serious emotional or physical neglect and brain nutrient deficiencies as well.

The only way that I could obtain this critically important information was through the use of thorough, compassionate (and, unfortunately, time-consuming) investigation into the patient’s complete history, starting with prenatal, maternal, infant and childhood exposures to toxins (including vaccines) and continuing into the vitally important adolescent medical history (all periods when the patient’s brain was rapidly developing).

My clinical experience proved to me that if enough high quality time was spent with the patient and if enough hard work was exerted looking for root causes, the patient’s predicament could usually be clarified and the erroneous past labels (of “mental illnesses of unknown origin”) could be thrown out.

Such efforts were often tremendously therapeutic for my patients, who up to that time had been made to feel guilty, ashamed or hopeless by previous therapists.

In my experience, most mental ill health syndromes represented identifiable, albeit serious emotional de-compensation due to temporarily overwhelming crisis situations linked to traumatic, frightening, torturous, neglectful and soul-destroying life experiences.

My practice consisted mostly of patients who knew for certain that they were being sickened by months or years of swallowing one or more brain-altering, addictive prescription drugs that they couldn’t get off of by themselves.

I discovered that many of them could have been cured early on in their lives if they only had access – and could afford – compassionate psychoeducational psychotherapy, proper brain nutrition and help with addressing issues of deprivation, parental neglect/abuse, poverty and other destructive psychosocial situations.

Related: Officials Declare ‘Eating Healthy’ A “Mental Disorder”

I came to the sobering realization that many of my patients could have been cured years earlier if it hadn’t been for the disabling effects of psychiatric drug regimens, isolation, loneliness, punitive incarcerations, solitary confinement, discrimination, malnutrition, and/or electroshock.

The neurotoxic and brain-disabling drugs, vaccines and frankenfoods that most of my patients had been given early on had started them on the road to chronicity and disability.

Myth # 10:

“Psychotropic drugs have nothing to do with the huge increase in disabled and unemployable American psychiatric patients”

False. See Myths # 2 and # 3 above. In actuality recent studies have shown that the major cause of permanent disability in the “mentally ill” is the long-term, high dosage and/or use of multiple neurotoxic psych drugs – any combination of which, as noted above, has never been adequately tested for safety even in animal labs.

Related: Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It

Many commonly-prescribed drugs are fully capable of causing brain-damage long-term, especially the anti-psychotics (aka, “major tranquilizers”) like Thorazine, Haldol, Prolixin, Clozapine, Abilify, Clozapine, Fanapt, Geodon, Invega, Risperdal, Saphris, Seroquel and Zyprexa, all of which can cause brain shrinkage that is commonly seen on the MRI scans of anti-psychotic drug-treated, so-called schizophrenics – commonly pointed out as “proof” that schizophrenia is an anatomic brain disorder that causes the brain to shrink! (Incidentally, patients who had been on antipsychotic drugs – for whatever reason – have been known to experience withdrawal hallucinations and acute psychotic symptoms even if they had never experienced such symptoms previously.)

Of course, highly addictive “minor” tranquilizers like the benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan, Klonopin, Librium, Tranxene, Xanax) can cause the same withdrawal syndromes. They are all dangerous and very difficult to withdraw from (withdrawal results in difficult-to-treat rebound insomnia, panic attacks, and seriously increased anxiety), and, when used long-term, they can all cause memory loss/dementia, the loss of IQ points and the high likelihood of being mis-diagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease (of unknown etiology).

Myth # 11:

So-called bipolar disorder can mysteriously ‘emerge’ in patients who have been taking stimulating antidepressants like the SSRIs”

False. In actuality, crazy-making behaviors like mania, agitation and aggression are commonly caused by the SSRIs. That list includes a syndrome called akathisia, a severe, sometimes suicide-inducing internal restlessness – like having restless legs syndrome over one’s entire body and brain.

Akathisia was once understood to only occur as a long-term adverse effect of antipsychotic drugs (See Myth # 10). So it was a shock to many psychiatrists (after Prozac came to market in 1987) to have to admit that SSRIs could also cause that deadly problem.

Related: Antidepressants Aren’t Needed Most Of The Time

It has long been my considered opinion that SSRIs should more accurately be called “agitation-inducing” drugs rather than “anti-depressant” drugs.

The important point to make is that SSRI-induced psychosis, mania, agitation, aggression and akathisia is NOT bipolar disorder nor is it schizophrenia!

Myth # 12:

“Antidepressant drugs can prevent suicides”

False. In actuality, there is no psychiatric drug that is FDA-approved for the treatment of suicidality because these drugs, especially the so-called antidepressants, actually INCREASE the incidence of suicidal thinking, suicide attempts and completed suicides.

Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

Drug companies have spent billions of dollars futilely trying to prove the effectiveness of various psychiatric drugs in suicide prevention.

Even the most corrupted drug company trials have failed! Indeed what has been discovered is that all the so-called “antidepressants” actually increase the incidence of suicidality.

The FDA has required black box warning labels about drug-induced suicidality on all SSRI marketing materials, but that was only accomplished after over-coming vigorous opposition from the drug-makers and marketers of the offending drugs, who feared that such truth-telling would hurt their profits (it hasn’t).

What can and does avert suicidality, of course, are not drugs, but rather interventions by caring, compassionate and thorough teams of care-givers that include family, faith communities and friends as well as psychologists, counselors, social workers, relatives (especially wise grandmas!), and, obviously, the limited involvement of drug prescribers.

Myth # 13:

America’s school shooters and other mass shooters are ‘untreated’ schizophrenics who should have been taking psych drugs”

False. In actuality, 90% or more of the infamous homicidal – and usually suicidal – school shooters have already been under the “care” of psychiatrists (or other psych drug prescribers) and therefore have typically been taking (or withdrawing from) one or more psychiatric drugs.

SSRIs (such as Prozac) and psychostimulants (such as Ritalin) have been the most common classes of drugs involved. Antipsychotics are too sedating, although an angry teen who is withdrawing from antipsychotics could easily become a school shooter if given access to lethal weapons. (See www.ssristudies.net).

The 10% of school shooters whose drug history is not known, have typically had their medical files sealed by the authorities – probably to protect authorities such as the drug companies and/or the medical professionals who supplied the drugs from suffering liability or embarrassment.

Important Comment: It should be noted that in most cases such 'False Flag' shooter events, that Mind-Controlled assets are used in order to carry out events pushing Cabal-driven agenda's such as gun control. In virtually EVERY case the 'perpetrators' are on multiple prescription drugs for mental health issues.

This is not a comfortable subject but it is one that you will need to confront sooner or later, as the truth will become common knowledge at some point. Interspersed with the rest of this section are details of the reality which hides behind the prescription drugs and their side effects -

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

The powerful drug industry and psychiatry lobby, with the willing help of the media that profits from being their handmaidens, repeatedly show us the photos of the shooters that look like zombies.

They have successfully gotten the viewing public to buy the notion that these adolescent, white male school shooters were mentally ill rather than under the influence of their crazy-making, brain-altering drugs or going through withdrawal.

Contrary to the claims of a recent 60 Minutes program segment about “untreated schizophrenics” being responsible for half of the mass shootings in America, the four mentioned in the segment were, in fact, almost certainly being already under the treatment with psych drugs – prior to the massacres – by psychiatrists who obviously are being protected from public identification and/or interrogation by the authorities as accomplices to the crimes or witnesses.

Related: CIA MKULTRA: They Intended To Use Drugs For “Everything”

Because of this secrecy, the public is being kept in the dark about exactly what crazy-making, homicidality-inducing psychotropic drugs could have been involved.

The names of the drugs and the multinational corporations that have falsely marketed them as safe drugs are also being actively protected from scrutiny, and thus the chance of prevention of future drug-related shootings or suicides is being squandered.

Such decisions by America’s ruling elites represent public health policy at its worst and is a disservice to past and future shooting victims and their loved ones.

Related: Confession Of A Human Programmer: Illuminati Mind Control

The four most notorious mass shooters that were highlighted in the aforementioned 60 Minutes segment included the Virginia Tech shooter, the Tucson shooter, the Aurora shooter and the Sandy Hook shooter whose wild-eyed (“drugged-up”) photos have been carefully chosen for their dramatic “zombie-look” effect, so that most frightened, paranoid Americans are convinced that it was a crazy “schizophrenic”, rather than a victim of psychoactive, brain-altering, crazy-making drugs that may have made him do it.

Parenthetically, it needs to be mentioned that many media outlets profit handsomely from the drug and medical industries.

Therefore those media outlets have an incentive to protect the names of the drugs, the names of the drug companies, the names of the prescribing MDs and the names of the clinics and hospitals that could, in a truly just and democratic world, otherwise be linked to the crimes.

Related: Are You A Mind-Controlled CIA Stooge? + The Term “Conspiracy Theory” Was Invented By The CIA In Order To Prevent Disbelief Of Official Government Stories

Certainly if a methamphetamine-intoxicated person shot someone, the person who supplied the intoxicating drug would be considered an accomplice to the crime, just like the bartender who supplied the liquor to someone who later committed a violent crime would be held accountable.

A double standard obviously exists when it comes to powerful, respected and highly profitable corporations.

A thorough study of the scores of American school shooters, starting with the University of Texas tower shooter in 1966 and (temporarily) stopping at Sandy Hook, reveals that the overwhelming majority of them (if not all of them) were taking brain-altering, mesmerizing, impulse-destroying, “don’t give a damn” drugs that had been prescribed to them by well-meaning but too-busy psychiatrists, family physicians or physician assistants who somehow were unaware of or were misinformed about the homicidal and suicidal risks to their equally unsuspecting patients (and therefore they had failed to warn the patient and/or the patient’s loved ones about the potentially dire consequences).

Related: Censorship Shock: Amazon.com Bans Investigative Book ‘Nobody Died At Sandy Hook’ Because It Disagrees With Government Version Of What Happened

Most practitioners who wrote the prescriptions for the mass shooters or for a patient who later suicided while under the influence of the drug, will probably(and legitimately so) defend themselves against the charge of being an accomplice to mass murder or suicide by saying that they were ignorant about the dangers of these cavalierly prescribed psych drugs because they had been deceived by the cunning drug companies that had convinced them of the benign nature of the drugs.

Myth # 14:

“If your patient hears voices it means he’s a schizophrenic”

False. Auditory hallucinations are known to occur in up to 10% of normal people; and up to 75% of normal people have had the experience of someone that isn’t there calling their name. (www.hearing-voices.org/voices-visions).

Nighttime dreams, nightmares and flashbacks probably have similar origins to daytime visual, auditory and olfactory hallucinations, but even psychiatrists don’t think that they represent mental illnesses.

Indeed, hallucinations are listed in the pharmaceutical literature as a potential side effect or withdrawal symptom of many drugs, especially psychiatric drugs.

These syndromes are called substance-induced psychotic disorders which are, by definition, neither mental illnesses nor schizophrenia.

Rather, substance-induced or withdrawal-induced psychotic disorders are temporary and directly caused by the intoxicating effects of malnutrition or brain-altering drugs such as alcohol, medications, hallucinogenic drugs and other toxins.

Psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions, can be caused by substances such as alcohol, marijuana, hallucinogens, sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics, inhalants, opioids, PCP, and the many of the amphetamine-like drugs (like Phen-Fen, [fenfluramine]), cocaine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy, and agitation-inducing, psycho-stimulating drugs like the SSRIs).

Psychotic symptoms can also result from sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation and the withdrawal from certain drugs like alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics and especially the many dopamine-suppressing, dependency-inducing, sedating, and zombifying anti-psychotic drugs.

Examples of other medications that may induce hallucinations and delusions include anesthetics, analgesics, anticholinergic agents, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, antihypertensive and cardiovascular medications, some antimicrobial medications, anti-parkinsonian drugs, some chemotherapeutic agents, corticosteroids, some gastrointestinal medications, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and Antabuse.

The very sobering information revealed above should cause any thinking person, patient, thought-leader or politician to wonder:

“How many otherwise normal or potentially curable people over the last half century of psych drug propaganda have actually been mis-labeled as mentally ill (and then mis-treated) and sent down the convoluted path of therapeutic misadventures – heading toward oblivion?”

In my mental health care practice, I personally treated hundreds of patients who had been given a multitude of confusing and contradictory mental illness labels, many of which had been one of the new “diseases of the month” for which there was a new psych “drug of the month” that was being heavily marketed on TV.

Many of my patients had simply been victims of unpredictable drug-drug interactions (far too often drug-drug-drug-drug interactions) or simply adverse reactions to psych drugs which had been erroneously diagnosed as a new mental illness.

Extrapolating my 1,200 patient experience (in my little isolated section of the nation) to what surely must be happening in America boggles my mind.

There has been a massive epidemic going on right under our noses that has affected millions of suffering victims who could have been cured if not for the drugs.

The time to act on this knowledge is long overdue.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Social Engineering - The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz
June 20 2018 | From: CollectiveEvolution

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

“What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” – Albert Einstein

Related: The A=432 Hz Frequency: DNA Tuning And The Bastardisation Of Music

Tesla said it. Einstein agreed. Science proved it. It is a known fact that everything—including our own bodies—is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. That being said, it seems logical to wonder, can sound frequencies affect us?

It would appear that this is the case. Frequencies affect frequencies, much like mixing ingredients with other ingredients affects the overall flavour of a meal. The way frequencies affect the physical world has been demonstrated through various experiments, such as the science of Cymatics and water memory.

Cymatics illustrate that when sound frequencies move through a particular medium such as water, air, or sand, they directly alter the vibration of matter. Below are pictures demonstrating how particles adjust to different frequencies. (Click here to watch a video demonstrating the patterns of sound frequencies)

Water memory also illustrates how our own intentions may even alter the material world. This has been demonstrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto, who has performed studies showing how simple intentions through sound, emotions, and thoughts can dramatically shape the way water crystallizes.

We all hold a certain vibrational frequency, and our bodies are estimated to be about 70% water. Given the above experiments, it stands to reason that musical frequencies could also alter our own vibrational state.

Every expression through sound, emotion, or thought holds a specific frequency which influences everything around it - much like a single drop of water can create a larger ripple effect in a large body of water.

Music Frequency

With this concept in mind, let us bring our attention to the frequency of the music we listen to. Most music worldwide has been tuned to A=440 Hz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) promoted it in 1953.

However, when looking at the vibratory nature of the universe, it’s possible that this pitch is disharmonious with the natural resonance of nature and may generate negative effects on human behaviour and consciousness.

Some theories (although unproven) even suggest that the Nazi regime had been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific research to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression.

Whether or not the conspiracy is factual, interesting studies have pointed towards the benefits of tuning music to A=432 Hz instead.

Mathematics of The Universe

432 Hz is said to be mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe. It is said that 432 Hz vibrates with the universe’s golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code, and consciousness.

When our atoms and DNA start to resonate in harmony with the spiralling pattern of nature, our sense of connection to nature is said to be magnified. The number 432 is also reflected in ratios of the sun, Earth, and moon, as well as the precession of the equinoxes, the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, and the Sri Yantra, among many other sacred sites.

“From my own observations, some of the harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz 12T5 appear to line up to natural patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Solitons need a specific range to form into the realm of density and span from the micro to the macro cosmos. Solitons are not only found in water mechanics, but also in the ion-acoustic breath between electrons and protons.”

– Brian T. Collins

Color Spectrum Resonance

Another interesting factor to consider is that the A=432 Hz tuning correlates with the color spectrum and chakra system, while the A=440 Hz does not.

The Solar Spectrum & The Cosmic Keyboard

All of the frequencies in the spectrum are related in octaves, from gamma rays to subharmonics. These colors and notes are also related to our Chakras and other important energy centers. I

f we are to understand that… Chakras are connected to the Seven Rays of the Solar Spectrum, then the notes and frequencies we use for the same should be the same.

A432 Hz is the tuning of the Cosmic Keyboard or Cosmic Pitchfork, as opposed to the A440 Hz modern ‘standard.’ It places C# at 136.10 Hz ‘Om,’ which is the main note of the Sitar in classical Indian music and the pitch of the chants of the Tibetan monks, who tell us, ‘It comes from nature.'”

Dameon Keller

Exploring The Difference

Let’s explore the experiential difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. Music lovers and musicians have noticed that music tuned in A=432 Hz is not only more beautiful and harmonious to the ears, but it also induces a more inward experience that is felt inside the body at the spine and heart.

Music tuned in A=440 Hz was felt as a more outward and mental experience, and was felt at the side of the head which projected outwards.

Audiophiles have also stated that A=432hz music seems to be non-local and can fill an entire room, whereas A=440hz can be perceived as directional or linear in sound propagation.

“The ancients tuned their instruments at an A of 432 Hz instead of 440 Hz – and for a good reason. There are plenty of music examples on the internet that you can listen to, in order to establish the difference for yourself. Attuning the instrument to 432 Hz results in a more relaxing sound, while 440 Hz slightly tenses up to body.

This is because 440 Hz is out of tune with both macrocosmos and microcosmos. 432 Hz on the contrary is in tune. To give an example of how this is manifested microcosmically: our breath (0,3 Hz) and our pulse (1,2 Hz) relate to the frequency of the lower octave of an A of 432 Hz (108 Hz) as 1:360 and 1:90.”


“The overall sound difference was noticeable, the 432 version sounding warmer, clearer and instantly sounded more listenable but the 440 version felt tighter, with more aggressive energy.”

– Anonymous guitarist

The video below was created by someone with no opinion on whether A=432 Hz or A=440 Hz is better. Therefore, the way both versions of the melody is played is unbiased. It is up to us to tune in and feel which one feels more harmonious to us!

Here’s another example:

David Helpling – Sticks and Stones in 440 hz

David Helpling – Sticks and Stones in 432 hz

Personal Thoughts

I personally have enjoyed many bands, artists, and styles of music even though they were tuning in A=440 hz, however, after comparing a few songs in both A=432 hz and A=440 hz I can say I definitely feel and hear the difference.

I wouldn’t say that my experience of 440hz music has turned me into an aggressive person, but I can understand how an entire population being exposed to music that is more mind directed as opposed to heart directed - not to mention all of the materialistic and ego-driven lyrics in most popular music - is a perfect combination to maintain a more discordant frequency and state of consciousness within humanity.

This is, of course, simply my own opinion.

“Music based on C=128hz (C note in concert A=432hz) will support humanity on its way towards spiritual freedom. The inner ear of the human being is built on C=128 hz.”
– Rudolph Steiner

I cannot state with complete certainty that every idea suggested in this article is 100% accurate, nor am I an expert on the subject. I simply gathered interesting information from others who researched this issue more deeply.

For this reason, if we are looking for scientific validation for these claims, I suggest that we each do our own research on the matter with an open yet discerning mind. Perhaps more research on this topic will be done in the near future to help explain the phenomenon.

I believe we all possess intuition and the ability to observe without judgment, which can be more useful than resorting to ridicule when exposed to information that has not yet been accepted by the scientific community.

It is therefore up to us to tone down the urge to jump to conclusions and instead EXPERIENCE the difference between A=440 Hz and A=432 Hz. To do so, we need to listen with our entire body and a neutral awareness as opposed to with our mental ideas, judgments, and preconceptions.

If you are interested in changing your music’s pitch to A=432 hz, click here to learn how to do it.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Death By Hanging From A Doorknob - The Signature Of Pedophilia-Related Assassinations? Eleven People So Far - Who Knew Doorknobs Could Be So Deadly?
& Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

June 19 2018 | From: PhiBetaIota / TheTrumpet

Hung on doorknobs… means choked for speaking out against the cabal.

According to the Corporate Controlled Media -“Spade hanged herself with “a scarf on a doorknob” in one of the bedrooms of their home, reports the New York Post.”

Related: Mel Gibson: Hollywood is Institutionalized Pedophilia Drenched in the Blood of Innocent Children

By the way, L’Ren Scott, (former girlfriend of Nate Rothschild), Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington from Linkin Park and Robin Williams - four other different people - all also allegedly committed suicide by hanging themselves from a doorknob with a scarf.

First of All-How high are these doorknobs? Wouldn’t your feet and probably your whole body touch the floor? Second of all, what kind of scarves are these? I don’t think I have any scarves strong enough to do the job. Is there some suicide scarf collection out there?

I think this trend of hanging oneself on doorknobs with scarves stinks to high heaven. I am having a hard time buying it.

Sounds like some sort of “calling card” from the real killers.

I was curious so I looked it up again. Robin Williams supposedly hanged himself with a tie from his doorknob.

The Queen of the Netherlands sister just “hung herself” from her door knob. That particular Queen stepped down after allegations of having “hunts” where children were raped and massacred by her dinner guests.

Related: "Linkin Park's Chester Bennington Was Murdered" - And Soundgarden's Chris Cornell Was Also Likely To Have Been 'Suicided' In Illuminati Ritual Killings

Fashion Designer Alexander McQueen hung himself with a scarf on his closet doorknob.

Aaoron Schwartz hung himself on his doorknob after he hacked into MIT Computers and found a huge stash of Child Pornography.

Michael Hutchence from the band INXS hung himself from his doorknob.

Chester Bennington hanged himself with a belt from his doorknob. Chris Cornell hung himself with an elastic workout band tied to a carabiner from the doorknob in his hotel bathroom (Bennington and Cornell were fighting to save kids from High Level Pedophile Sex Rings).

Kate Spade and L’Ren Scott both hung themselves with red scarves from their doorknobs.

Who knew Doorknobs were so deadly?”: Kate Spade’s suicide eerily similar to death of L’Wren Scott

Related: Rampant Pedophilia With Child Actors The Next Shoe To Drop In Hollywood Sex Scandal & Mainstream Media Just Admitted Hollywood Infested With “Child Sex Trafficking”

Phi Beta Iota: One of our experts says that cutting off the bloodstream to the brain for 15 seconds causes a loss of consciousness.  There are a number of alleged suicides in Europe that appear to be rooted in light strangulation with two fingers first, then hanging of the victim from the doorknob to complete the job. 

Murder, not suicide.  The combination of the doorknob and the scarf appears to be a signature intended to terrorize others who may be thinking about ratting out the elites above them and known to  them.

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Being Censored: Child Sex Trafficking Camp in Arizona Tied to Clintons & Rothchilds

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Chilling images of children from surveillance cameras on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo island

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FBI Covered Up Clinton Pedophilia & Fraud by Sequestering Emails on Weiner Laptop

Mainstream Media Finally Admits 72 Mass Banker ‘Suicides’ Were Likely A Vast Criminal Conspiracy

Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

A recent headline left many readers sickened: “Wisconsin Man Sentenced to 60 Years in Prison for Trying to Sell His 4-Year-Old Daughter for Sex.”

ABC7Chicago.com reported that this father placed an ad on Craigslist under the heading “Play With Daddie’s Little Girl.” In e-mail exchanges, 30-year-old Andrew Turley told a customer that he would give his daughter “sleep meds” for an encounter.

Related: Pedophilia / Pedopredation – 10,000 Missing from Day Care Centers in UK, and More…

The selling price for his daughter was $1,000 for two hours.

The customer gave him the money, found the man’s 4-year-old daughter in a bed, drugged - then revealed that he was actually an undercover agent and arrested this monster.

“This case broke my heart,” said Harris County Assistant District Attorney Stewanna Miskell. “A father is supposed to be a protector, not a predator.”

How true! In an increasingly dangerous world, fathers are needed to protect their families.

Related: Another Huge Vatican Linked Pedophile Ring Has Been Exposed

There are other horror stories even worse than this one. This is what is happening to many children in America and elsewhere. Loving fathers are disappearing from the home. And in their absence, pedophiles are coming in.

Widespread Problem

Pedophilia - the desire to have sex with children - is exploding in the United States.

Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics show that child pornography is one of the fastest-growing crimes in the U.S. In the past decade, child pornography arrests have increased 2500 percent.

Two thirds of sex offenders in state prisons committed offenses against children.

There are more than 747,000 registered sex offenders in the United States today. As many as 100,000 are noncompliant and missing.

The U.S. Justice Department estimates that close to 300,000 American youth are currently at risk for becoming victims of commercial sexual exploitation.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports, “Best data suggests at least 100,000 American children a year are victimized through child sexual exploitation.” That is more children than the number of people who die from car accidents and illegal drugs combined (TheDemandProject.org).

The full extent of this perversion is even worse than these horrific numbers show. The National Center for Victims of Crime reports that “the prevalence of child sexual abuse … is often not reported.” rainn estimates that out of every 100 sexual assaults, only 31 are reported to police. rainn also offers these chilling numbers:

During a one-year period in the U.S., 16 percent of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized.

Over the course of their lifetime, 28 percent of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized

One in 25 children between the ages of 10 and 17 have received an online sexual solicitation from someone who tried to make contact with them offline.

Pedophiles are targeting children by using information from their social media accounts. They are able to learn what the children like and dislike, where they live and go to school, and even where they are at a specific time. Then, in thousands of cases, they rape them.

Related: New Zealand’s ‘Elite’ Child Abuse Rings Exposed

Mental health experts have learned that when someone becomes addicted to child pornography, he usually progresses to younger and younger children and will seek out more sadistic, masochistic images, and even bestiality.

Once a pedophile begins to abuse children, he usually does not stop until he is caught and incarcerated. Statistics show that an average serial child molester will have as many as 400 victims!

Who They Victimize

Pedophiles look for certain characteristics in potential victims. According to the Children’s Assessment Center (CAChouston.org), perpetrators look for children who are passive, quiet, troubled and lonely.

And they look for children from broken homes.

“Family structure is the most important risk factor in child sexual abuse,”
the Children’s Assessment Center states.

“Children who live with two married biological parents are at low risk for abuse. The risk increases when children live with step-parents or a single parent. Children living without either parent (foster children) are 10 times more likely to be sexually abused than children that live with both biological parents.

Children who live with a single parent that has a live-in partner are at the highest risk: They are 20 times more likely to be victims of child sexual abuse than children living with both biological parents (Sedlack, et. al., 2010).”

Solid families protect children. Broken homes tend to expose them to terrible danger.

According to 2014 Pew Research statistics, more than half of American children today (54 percent) live in nontraditional families - broken families. Of those, 34 percent live with a single parent.

Pedophilia is rising, and fathers aren’t there to stop it. As more families fracture, the demand for sex with children is growing. And people are supplying that demand.

Related: Pedophile Code? Obama: ‘ketchup is acceptable on hotdogs until age 8’

A ‘Horrific’ Japanese Factory

A recent Daily Mail report described the reactions of a journalist who had toured a factory that makes sex dolls: “Having traveled to Japan to learn more about the industry for the bbc Three documentary Sex Robots and Us, James Young visited a factory in an industrial suburb of Tokyo, where he was left shocked by the petite size of some of its ultra-realistic dolls.

“The visibly disturbed presenter grew tearful as he grilled manufacturer Hiro Okawa about one particularly small doll, who told him the ‘actual age setting’ was left to customers’ ‘imagination.’” “There may be some kind of sentiment to petite, kid-like size,” the boss at the factory explained.

“Afterwards the shaken presenter said the sight of such a ‘young’ doll was ‘horrific.’” The journalist said, “I just had to get out of there.”

This factory is filling a demand: Customers want lifelike, child-sized sex dolls!

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Archbishop of Adelaide Philip Wilson found guilty of covering up child sexual abuse

Pope Francis Found Guilty Of Child Trafficking, Rape, Murder

Overview on Pedophilia (Pedopredation) for the London Hearings of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse

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Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care

Drawings by a Paedophilia Victim: by Fiona Barnett

Alert Reader Offers Links on Foster Care & Human Trafficking

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Dying Man’s Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Hid The Cancer Dangers Of Roundup For Years
June 19 2018 | From: NaturalBlaze / Various

A 46-year-old school groundskeeper is now at the forefront of the fight against Monsanto, despite the fact that he may not have much longer to live.

Still, as a husband and a father in California, he is trying to stay alive long enough to at least see Monsanto be forced to reckon with the fact that one of the world’s most evil corporations is responsible for his condition.

Related: Lawsuit: Monsanto hid the truth about glyphosate and cancer

Already, Johnson will be the first person to actually take Monsanto to trial over allegations that its herbicide Roundup causes cancer and that the corporation spent decades attempting to hide the fact that it is responsible for the disease.

The Guardian reports,

“According to the court record, Johnson had a job as a groundskeeper for the Benicia unified school district where he applied numerous treatments of Monsanto’s herbicides to school properties from 2012 until at least late 2015. He was healthy and active before he got the cancer diagnosis in August 2014.

In a January deposition, Johnson’s treating physician testified that more than 80% of his body was covered by lesions, and that he probably had but a few months to live.

Johnson has improved since starting a new drug treatment in November but remains too weak sometimes to even speak or get out of bed, his attorneys and doctors state in court filings.

But while Monsanto insists its chemical is safe enough to drink, Johnson’s case has received a green light from Judge Curtis Karnow who issued an order allowing jurors to consider both the scientific evidence as to what may have caused Johnson’s cancer and whether or not Monsanto suppressed that evidence.

Related: Heartbreaking Letter From Dying EPA Scientist Begs Monsanto “Moles” Inside The Agency To Stop Lying About Dangers Of RoundUp (Glyphosate) & Monsanto Funneled Money To Front Groups To Attack Anti-GMO Activists, Court Documents Reveal

Karnow ruled that the trial will move ahead and that the jury would be allowed to consider punitive damages.

“The internal correspondence noted by Johnson could support a jury finding that Monsanto has long been aware of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicides are carcinogenic … but has continuously sought to influence the scientific literature to prevent its internal concerns from reaching the public sphere and to bolster its defenses in products liability actions,”
Karnow wrote.

“Thus there are triable issues of material fact.”

But Johnson is not the only person who is filing suit against Monsanto. Around 4,000 people have sued the company alleging that their exposure to Roundup caused them or their family members to develop cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL).

Yet another case against Monsanto is scheduled to take place in October in St. Louis, MO, Monsanto’s hometown.

Related: Glyphosate Herbicide And Toxic Heavy Metals Act Like "Binary Weapon" To Destroy Kidneys & Four Popular Companies Who Own The Medical Treatments For The Diseases Their Products Cause

The lawsuits are challenging Monsanto’s claims that the herbicide is proven safe and argue that the giant corporation has intentionally concealed the dangers and the cancer links from both regulators and the general public.

Given the corruption that exists within the EPA, however, the level to which Monsanto has had to hide Roundup’s cancer links is debatable.

As The Guardian writes,

“The litigants cite an assortment of research studies indicating that the active ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicides, a chemical called glyphosate, can lead to NHL and other ailments.

They also cite research showing glyphosate formulations in its commercial-end products are more toxic than glyphosate alone. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen in 2015.

Monsanto “championed falsified data and attacked legitimate studies” that revealed dangers of its herbicides, and led a “prolonged campaign of misinformation” to convince government agencies, farmers and consumers that Roundup was safe, according to Johnson’s lawsuit.

“We look forward to exposing how Monsanto hid the risk of cancer and polluted the science,” said Michael Miller, Johnson’s attorney. “Monsanto does not want the truth about Roundup and cancer to become public.”"

Obviously, Monsanto denies the links between its product and cancer as well as any attempt to intentionally hide those alleged links.

Monsanto’s biggest defense seems to be findings by the EPA and other regulatory agencies (so corrupted by ties to the corporate giant they should be known as Monsanto pension plans).

For instance, the EPA’s “risk assessment” on glyphosate concludes that the chemical is not carcinogenic.

Related: Incriminating Documents Reveal Monsanto Knew They Were Poisoning The Environment With Their PCBs

Monsanto also plans to argue that there were other factors causing Johnson’s cancer and to challenge the “validity” of the science Johnson’s lawyers are relying on.

Glyphosate and its commercially available variants have a rather extensive documentation of harm not just through lymphoma and cancer but also from a myriad of other negative health effects such as liver damage (see here also), gut microbiome damage, and damage to the reproductive system.

Related Articles:

Breakthrough in explosive lawsuit against Monsanto

California Defeats Monsanto in Court to List Glyphosate as Carcinogen

Siding With Monsanto, GOP Threatens to Cut Off WHO Funds Over Glyphosate Finding

Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners Can Rip Apart and Alter DNA

Glyphosate linked to autism; how to detox this “sleeper toxin” from your bod

Glyphosate and the Human Microbiome

The FDA is blatantly hiding the fact that glyphosate is contaminating many foods in your pantry

The Company that Is Taking Over Monsanto Knowingly Gave Thousands of Children HIV

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Criminalization Of Science Whistleblowers: A Mind-Blowing Interview With Judy Mikovits, PhD
+ The Connection Between Sudden Infant Death, Vaccines And Vitamin C

June 18 2018 | From: NaturalNews / NaturalHealth365

In one of the most shocking science videos you’ll see this year, molecular biologist Judy A. Mikovits, PhD, reveals the disturbing true story of how she was thrown in prison for blowing the whistle on deadly viral contamination of human vaccines.

With a well established history of working for the National Cancer Institute as a cancer research, Dr. Mikovits worked with human retroviruses like HIV. Her work focused on immunotherapy research and involved HIV.

Related: Are Doctors Being Trained to Manipulate Patients About Vaccines?

In 2009, she was working on autism and related neurological diseases. She found that many of the study subjects has cancer, motor-neuron disorders and chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

She believed a virus may have been responsible for these symptoms, and through her research, she isolated the viruses that turned out to come from mice.

She soon realized that these protein and viral contaminants were being introduced into the human population via contaminated vaccines.

“Twenty-five million Americans are infected with the viruses that came out of the lab… into the humans via contaminated blood and vaccines.”

In response to this discovery, she was fired from her job, indicted, prosecudted, jailed and ordered to retract her research and publicly claim she “made it all up.”

She refused to cover up the scientific evidence and was targeted and punished by the “vaccine deep state” establishment.

Related: What Do Smart Meters And Vaccinations Have In Common? + Another Vaccine Dump

She was actually thrown in prison.

“Just dragged out of my house in shackles… I refused to denounce the data… we have the data… they basically said tell everybody you made it all up and you can go home. If you don’t, we’ll destroy you. And they did.”

This is what modern “science” has come to. Watch the full, astonishing video below, and check out Dr. Mikovitz’ book, Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases.

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The Connection Between Sudden Infant Death, Vaccines And Vitamin C

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is defined as the ‘unexplained death’ – usually during sleep – of an infant under a year old. And, although (conventionally speaking) many experts say the cause is ‘a combination of physical and sleep environmental factors,’ others blame this tragic event on the toxicity of vaccines.

The peak age for SIDS occurs at a time when infants are undergoing many vaccinations, giving rise to concerns that vaccines and SIDS may be linked.

Related: Neuropathologist Doctor: I Believed in Shaken Baby Syndrome until Science Showed I was Wrong

Of course – citing many studies – government health agencies deny this connection. But, there are still heartbreaking accounts that exist of SIDS occurring within hours or days of a vaccination.

As the controversy continues: cardiologist Thomas Levy, MD, JD points to vitamin C as a natural intervention that could potentially protect our children from a vaccine injury or premature death.

Medical Doctor Says: SIDS is Linked to Acute Infantile Scurvy

SIDS, the leading cause of mortality in infants between one month and one year old, claims the lives of 2,300 infants in the United States every year.

Western medicine is at a loss to explain SIDS, but points the finger at a variety of possible factors – including respiratory infections, brain defects, low birth weight, bed-sharing, and babies sleeping on their stomachs or sides.

Related: Daughter of “Autism Speaks” Founder Shares Shocking Information About Vaccines

However, the late Australian physician Dr. Archie Kalokerinos postulated the theory that the primary culprit in SIDS is severe vitamin C deficiency – or acute scurvy.

Determined to reduce the rate of SIDS among Aboriginal people (which was a shocking 50 percent in the 1950s and 1960s) Dr. Kalokerinos noted that almost all of the victims were severely deficient in vitamin C. After supplementing with vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, he reported that the incidence of SIDS fell to zero.

Vitamin C Corrects Depletion Caused by Vaccine Administration

Dr. Kalokerinos noted that many of the infants had died immediately after being vaccinated, and that almost all were so low in vitamin C that only trace amounts of the nutrient could be detected. He declared that this was due to the fact that the body needs extra vitamin C in order to counter the toxic effects of vaccines.

Massive amounts of vitamin C are utilized during times of sickness, injury, and other forms of immune system stress. As vaccines force a hyper-immune response, Dr. Kalokerinos reasoned that they create a similar demand for vitamin C.

Whereas vitamin C deficiencies put infants at risk of developmental problems and even death, prenatal supplementation with vitamin C helps prevent the onset of SIDS.

Related: An open secret: Childhood allergy epidemic launched by alum adjuvant vaccines

In addition to poor diet, the use of infant formulas can contribute to low levels of vitamin C. Saying there is “no acceptable substitute for breastfeeding,” Dr. Kolakerinos points out formula lacks the essential vitamins and minerals found in human breast milk – and increases the likelihood of childhood health catastrophes.

(Note: although Western medicine tends to not embrace some of Dr. Kalokerino’s findings, they do agree with him on this point. Mayo Clinic advises breastfeeding for the first six months to lower the risk of SIDS.)

Dr. Levy Weighs in: Vitamin C Can Prevent Vaccine Harms

In an article published in Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, board-certified cardiologist and high-dose vitamin C advocate, Dr. Thomas Levy endorses vitamin C as an effective antidote to adverse effects from vaccines.

Referencing Dr. Kalokerino’s work, Dr. Levy noted that deaths rates from SIDS fell dramatically when the infants were dosed with vitamin C before and after vaccination.

Dr. Levy reports that vitamin C helps to neutralize and detoxify mercury – a neurotoxin used in the vaccine preservative thimerosol. Animal studies have shown that vitamin C can counteract even lethal dosages of the most toxic organic forms of mercury – including mercury chloride.

Another benefit of high-dose vitamin C before and after immunizations is that it stimulates production of antibodies, thereby making the vaccine more effective.

Related: 60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child

Although Dr. Levy advises high-dosage vitamin C before and after vaccinations, even a one-time dosage of vitamin C – given before the injections – can still have a significant toxin-neutralizing and antibody-stimulating effect.

The takeaway is obvious: there is no (good) reason not to give vitamin C in order to restore depleted levels, and to protect against SIDS and toxic effects from vaccines.

Vitamin C, arguably the most non-toxic nutrient on the planet, not only protects against toxins and oxidative damage, but also stimulates antibody production – the whole point, Dr. Levy comments, of vaccines.

Check out the video (below) from World Mercury Project, an organization that works to raise public awareness of the dangers and sources of mercury.

CDC: “Nothing to See Here” on Vaccines and SIDS (Go Back to Sleep)

Naturally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to insist that there is no connection between vaccines and SIDS – and to maintain that immunization actually lowers the risk.

And the agency has a pat on the back for medical associations and governmental authorities, saying that the declining rate in SIDS comes from a 1992 recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics that babies be placed on their backs to sleep – and a 1994 campaign by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to publicize it.

Obviously, many natural health experts and integrative healers beg to differ with the CDC.

But, says Dr. Levy, amidst all the controversy, there is one virtual certainty. Giving vitamin C before and after vaccinations for infants and children can only protect them.

Related Articles:

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Parallels Between The Civil Rights Movement And Denials Of Self-Determination Regarding Vaccines

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean + It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real
June 17 2018 | From: Omnithought

Knowing the difference between the words lawful and legal can one day free your mind and soul from the illusion of the Matrix. The word lawful is related to Natural Law (God’s Law). It is used to communicate things of substance. As for the word legal, it is related to laws created by man and is used to communicate things of form.

In simpler terms, something that is lawful is of substance so it is real. On other hand, something that is legal is of form so it appears to be real. In other words, the word legal deals with fictional things. A fictional thing is not real and therefore it is DEAD.

Related: Why a Birthday Is a Celebration for the Birth of a Corpse

One of the ways they secretly tell you that you are playing a role of a dead character is the all caps name. Hence, the name in all caps on tombstones. You can find the all caps name on government documents, such as a state-issued ID. For more information about the all caps name, read my empowering article titled The Legal Name Game to Enslave Your Soul.

"If you agree to participate in the legal system, you also agree to be a dead person, and therefore you have no natural rights. 

What is legal is of “form”, what is lawful is of “substance”"

- Blacks Law 1st Edition

That which is legal has been formed by man. A legal entity has been formed by man.

That which is lawful is of substance / essence and is a creation of God. A lawful man is of substance / essence.

Natural Person: Any human being who as such is a legal entity

Amon v. Moreschi, 296 N.Y. 395, 73 N.E.2d 716.” Max Radin, Radin’s Law Dictionary (1955), p. 216

What is legal is of “form”… therefore a “legal entity” is an entity of form.
Since “any human being who as such is a legal entity“,  a human being is of form as well.

Human: Of the form and characteristics of man. (From Ballentine’s Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition).

Form: The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. (Ballentine’s Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition).

Natural Person = human being = legal entity

Legal entities are a conception of man; they are known in legalese as legal fictions.

The creation of a civil or legal person out of a thing, the investure of a chattel with toga civillis, may be an achievement of the imperial power, but it is beyond the compass of an American congress.

Congress must first emancipate the slave, before it can
 endow him with the rights of a citizen under the constitution, or impose upon him the responsibilities of a legal person, or compel him to pay money, or part with liberty.

- United States v. Amy, 24 Fed.Cas.792, 794 #14,445 (1859)

The creation of a legal person also creates responsibilities and liabilities for this new legal person - esponsibilities and liabilities due to a nation/country, which is also a legal entity.

Legal is defined as”the “undoing of God’s law” (1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893).

James 4:12 "There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another."

Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered."

A fiction and a lie can never be a reality and a truth. That which is empty cannot be measured or counted.

Comment: There are many non-lawyers now operating in legal circles who have been clever enough to understand how much of our legal system is based upon elements written into the bible.

These practitioners have been having phenomenal success working within the current Admiralty law system that we are still encumbered by. They are succeeding by leveraging the 'cabal' laws by forcing the legal system back on itself - and they have had some excellent wins for the little guy.

It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

And 'We The People' are being enslaved because we aren't told the definitions!

Are you alive or dead?

Related: The Birth Certificate Odyssey

The key to the word game is “Person” and it is everywhere in our government and legal system from the federal level to the local level.

All laws and statutes are written for legal “Persons” not flesh and blood living men and women. The difference between the two is as significant as the difference between life and death . . . it’s everything!

Legal “persons” can’t walk

Legal “persons” can’t talk

Legal “persons” have no gender

Legal “persons” have no race

Legal “persons” cannot reproduce

Legal “persons” don’t occupy space


Hidden History

When the UNITED STATES went bankrupt in the 30s because of the banksters orchestrated “great depression”, so-called “federal” government representatives pledged (hypothecated) the future earnings and productivity of the American people to the banksters as payment of the debt.


1. To pledge (property) as security or collateral without delivery of title or possession.

Usage Problem To hypothesize.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) was put in office in 1933 to administer this new system of government/economics. It was called The New Deal and sold both to Congress and the American people as an emergency solution to a national economic nightmare.

The state of emergency declared at the time has been maintained ever since.

Related: The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

The people’s gold was confiscated and they were given a new currency to use called the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE, the scrip of the privately owned central bank, the FEDERAL RESERVE.

The creation of the US Dollar / FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE actually brought in Rothschild’s New World Order and it was displayed on the one dollar bill in 1935 for all to see:

The motto inscribed beneath the pyramid in the Great Seal of America is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which is Latin for “New Order of the Ages”, and synonymous with the “New World Order”.

Related: Central Banking and The Federal Reserve System

The accomplished researcher David Wilcock actually disputes this translation of Novus Ordo Seclorum:

“This passage is indeed quite revealing. What we learn is that "Novus Ordo Seclorum" does not mean "New World Order" as many conspiracy theorists would claim, but actually "A mighty order of ages is born anew."

- Source

We need to remind ourselves that the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE (the US Dollar) is the currency of the private Federal Reserve banking cartel - not the currency of a sovereign nation.

Related: A Brief 100 Year History Of 9/11 And The Jekyll Island Banks

The hypothecated population’s earnings had to be tracked and taxed, so UNITED STATES citizens were encouraged to sign up for ‘federal’ Social Insurance aka Social Security. Not coincidentally the Social Security Act was also passed in 1935. [Today it is almost impossible to work, open a bank account, or make a doctor’s appointment without presenting a Soc Sec number.]

The Birth Certificate

Fairly soon afterward, the Birth Certificate tracking system was created and mothers were strongly urged to sign a Certificate of Live Birth as soon as they named their newborn infants.

Unbeknownst to the baby’s Mom and Dad, this document creates a  brand new fictitious “Person” that is recorded, and tracked through their Social Security number from then on. The “Person” is named JOHN DOE to coincide with the baby’s family-given name John Doe.

President Woodrow Wilson’s private papers exposed this confession of Colonel Edward Mandell House:

“Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.

By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.

They will be our Chattel and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions.

Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.


Here is proof that our laws/statutes are written for legal fiction “Persons” and corporations – not for flesh and blood living men:

Federal Register Act [of the UNITED STATES] (1935)

”person” means an individual, partnership, association, or corporation

UCC Article 1 – General Provisions

Sec 1-201 General Definitions

(27) “Person” means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, government, governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity.

California Statutes:

Government code Section 1-26

17. “Person” includes any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, or company.

Ohio Statutes:

Statutory definitions 1.59

(C) “Person” includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, and association.

The words “man and woman” do not appear in any of these definitions. None of these legal entities are alive or even real. They are not substance, they are form. Essentially they are all artificial fictional legal constructs.

This is all done by subterfuge via the complicit, perhaps unaware, BAR Association’s army of attorneys. This scam is – and always has been – a fraud against all Americans.

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

In the 50s and 60s the Uniform Commercial Code was installed across America to fine tune and define this new legal system.

Related: Lord James Blackheath: 15 Trillion Dollar Fraud Exposed in UK Parliament Implicates Federal Reserve

This was done, without the knowledge or consent of the American people who still believe the US Constitution (with the Bill of Rights) is the law of the land. They cling to this belief in spite of overwhelming evidence that the opposite is true.

The reality is that they have been tricked into becoming tax and code slaves by the Rothschild international banking cartel and its BAR.

This nefarious system stays in place due to the “presumption” that we are all volunteering to be dead legal fiction “Persons”. According to UCC General Provisions, presumptions remain valid unless evidence is provided to the contrary.

The first step to rebutting the volunteer presumption is to recognize that President Bill Clinton presented us with a remedy in his Executive Order 13132 in 1999:


Section 2: Fundamental Federalism Principles

“(d) The people of the States are free, subject only to restrictions in the Constitution itself or in constitutionally authorized Acts of Congress, to define the moral, political, and legal character of their lives.”

So, we need to create and publish a (rebuttal) notice defining our political and legal characters - for the record.

This entails resurrecting ourselves from the dead (from legal personage) and rebutting the presumption that we volunteered to be federal US citizens obligated under all of the thousands of inane (and many times undisclosed) rules, regulations and statutes passed by federal, state and local corporate governments.

Related: Attorney / researcher Melvin Stamper did a relatively thorough job explaining the entire issue of “Persons” in his book Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. Here is one chapter of that book with invaluable info on this topic: The Magicians

Why a Birthday Is a Celebration for the Birth of a Corpse

Warning: Whilst the following video provides an accurate general overview - one needs to be extremely careful when embarking on such 'freeman' type measures.

One wong move and the system will decimate you. Winston Shrout is mentioned in the following and he has emerged to be a scheister who spreads disinformation which has resulted in well meaning people becoming incarcerated.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement
June 16 2018 | From: OmniThought

Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they can be used to strengthen the effects of magic, which is the art of directing and controlling energy.

When spoken out loud, words transform into frequencies and vibrations that can be used to direct energy. This is one of the first steps to creating magic effects.

Most people will laugh at the idea of magic being real, but if only they knew what magic really is and how magic is being used to control them, they would not be laughing. The world is dominated by magic. Until you train your eyes to see how magic is used to control you, you will never know how the world really works.

The Controllers who pull the strings of politicians are well aware of how magic works. Many of them actually practice the art of magic, which is why they are sometimes referred to as the Dark Magicians. Unfortunately, they like to use magic for power and evil purposes, instead of using it to change the world into a better place.

What is the definition of magic?

The word magic comes from Old French magique, Latin magicus, and Greek magikos. One of the earliest definitions of magic is the “art of influencing events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces.” In simpler term, it is the art of using natural forces to direct and control energy to produce a desired effect.

Magic has a strong relationship with magnetic and electrical energy. Did you notice that the word “magnetic” has the word “magic” in it? Take out “net” in “mag-net-ic” and you are left with the word “magic.”

The most powerful thing in the Universe is energy. If you learn how to control and direct this energy, you will become one of the most powerful people on Earth. Why do you think the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) are so obsessed with magic and energy?

The art of magic is often practiced along with certain words and sacred geometries. The types of words that are used in magic rituals are the words that produce powerful sound tones when spoken out loud. These sound tones have powerful vibrational patterns, which are used to direct energy and harness its power.

Sound is able to direct energy because it contains certain frequency patterns that attract energy to flow in a controllable manner. Furthermore, sound is one of the natural forces used by Nature to create crystalline structures and sacred geometries, which are some of the building blocks of matter.

For strong evidence that sound can direct energy, watch the video below.

Cymatics: Sacred Geometry Formed by Sound

For more enlightening information and videos about how sound creates structures and sacred geometries, read my article titled Understanding the Magic of Nature and Embracing It to Make Life Fun, Happy and Enjoyable Again.

The Power of Words

Once you know how words along with sound can be used to direct energy to produce magic effects, you will know that words can be as powerful or even more powerful than swords. When you move the letter “s” in “words” to the front, you get “sword.” This is not an accident.

Nearly all words in the English language are carefully designed and put together in a way that produces magic effects, so that the creators (the Dark Magicians) of these words can trick you into playing their “con game.” Is this hard for you to believe? Read further and I will show you the evidence.

How Words are Used to Enslave You

When you go to court for a trial in the United States, you are not really going to court but are going to a “game arena” where they are planning to con you using “legal words” and trickery.

Where do you go when you want to play basketball or tennis? You go to a basketball “court” or tennis “court.” Therefore, a “court” is where people go to when they want to play a game. Did you think they named the place where you go to trial a “court-room” by accident?

Once the trial begins, the judge will try to trick you to play the role of the trustee, which is the role of the slave. Why? Because the judge wants you to lose since you are in a game arena and he wants to make money for his master, the Crown Temple. This is why nearly 97 percent of the time people lose against the court and the Crown Temple.

Strawman - The Nature of the Cage is a cutting edge documentary like no other. It highlights the truth around debt, the Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern day Policing.

The judge tricks you to agree to be the trustee by asking you if you are the legal name, which is the name in all capital letters. This legal name is found on your driver’s license, social security card, birth certificate, etc. For example, if your name is JOHN DOE and you answer yes to being JOHN DOE, then you agree to be a legal person, which is a corporation. This puts you under the jurisdiction of the court.

What you should have done instead is tell the judge which role (beneficiary, administrator, or trustee) you are playing in the “game arena” (court-room). If you do not do this, the judge presumes that you are the trustee (slave), so he can make money for his master (Crown Temple). Once the roles are set, it is pretty much game over for you.

Related: What is the "Crown"?

Now, if you would have told the judge that you are the beneficiary or administrator of the legal person, then it would have been a whole different ball game. Like any game, you better know the rules before you agree to play. Otherwise you have very little chance of winning. Court “games” are serious games because real people do go to jail.

If you are too scared to play the game in court by yourself and want to hire an attorney to represent you, do not have too much hope because most attorneys and judges are a bunch of TRAITORS. However, I will have to be fair and say that there are a few judges and attorneys out there who are not traitors.

Attorneys are not really there to help you, because they are officers of the court. Their allegiance is to the court and their job is to create revenue for the court. Attorneys are actually foreign agents because they are agents of the Crown Temple, the secret society that controls the Crown of England. Guess who controls the Crown Temple? The Vatican!

Related: The Staggering, Eye-Opening History Of Britain’s Monarchy And Its Colonies & Why 'The Crown' Is Being Dismantled

All licensed BAR attorneys in the United States owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple. This is a requirement to be a member of the BAR association.

When American attorneys become a member of the BAR association, whether they realize it or not, they are pretty much spitting on the graves of the patriotic Americans who died fighting the British empire during the American War for Independence.

In my opinion, these BAR attorneys are TRAITORS and COWARDS and a bunch of SELLOUTS.

If you are confused about all this legal stuff, watch the video below and light bulbs should start flashing on like crazy in your head.

Freeman in Court – Judge Bows to Sovereign


The video above took place in Canada but it is still relevant to the courts in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. This is because the courts in these countries are operating under Admiralty Law and Maritime Law, not Constitutional Law. This is why judges do not want to hear your arguments about constitutional rights in court.

Are light bulbs flashing on like crazy in your head now? If not, you still have a lot to learn because you do not even realize that you have been slaved. Maybe this quote from the movie The Matrix can wake you up.

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch. A prison for your mind.

The Matrix is NOT “just” a movie. It was an experiment done by the Dark Magicians to see how the people would react to a movie that was telling them the truth in a metaphorical kind of way. The Dark Magicians like to tell you what they are doing to you or are planning to do to you in movies and TV shows. You want evidence of this? Read this shocking article.

The Binding Power of Words and Contracts

Another word that they like to use to trick you into playing their con game is “contract.” When you separate “contract” in half, you get “con-tract.” As a verb, the word “con” is defined as “to swindle or trick.” As a noun, the word “tract” is defined as “a brief treatise or pamphlet for general distribution.” Based on the two definitions, when you put “con” and “tract” together, you get a “deceptive treatise” or a “treatise full of trickery.”

When you sign a contract with a corporation or the government, you are agreeing to a fraudulent and deceptive treatise. In other words, you are being conned. The good news is that pretty much all contracts you made with corporations and government agencies are fraudulent since they do not come with full disclosure.

For more evidence of how words are used to deceive you, read this empowering article about the secrets of the court system.

How to Decipher Words to Find Their Deeper Meanings and Intent

If all you do is look at the common definition of a word, you will never know the deeper meanings of it. To find its deeper meanings, you need to look below its surface, dissect its layers, and look at it from many different angles. This means that you may need to use an etymology dictionary to find the origins of the word, and split and rearrange the word using the art of anagram.

Once you find the origins of a word, dissect its layers, and look at it from many different angles, the true intent and meanings of the word magically become noticeable inside your mind. So, next time you look up a definition of a word, do not only look at it at face value, but also look at its origins, prefix, and suffix.

A word that you may want to know its deeper meanings is baptism. When you look at the word baptism carefully and study its definitions to see what other words are associated with it, you should eventually come to the conclusion that baptism is a dark magic spell!

When someone is baptized, that person is considered to have entered into a “covenant” with the Lord. When you break down the word “covenant,” you get “coven-ant.” The word “coven” means “an assembly of witches, especially a group of thirteen.” The suffix definition of “ant” is “causing or performing an action or existing in a certain condition.” It can also mean “serving in the capacity of.”

Dictionary.com defines “ant” as:

Suffix forming adjectives and nouns from verbs, occurring originally in French and Latin loanwords (pleasant; constant; servant) and productive in English on this model; -ant, has the general sense “characterized by or serving in the capacity of” that named by the stem (ascendant; pretendant), especially in the formation of nouns denoting human agents in legal actions or other formal procedures (tenant; defendant; applicant; contestant).

Once you know the relationship between the word “baptism” and “covenant,” you will know that when a person is baptized, that person is serving in the capacity of a coven or is making a “contract” with a “coven,” which is a group of witches (male or female). The group of witches who controls all the churches of the world are the Dark Magicians!

The process of baptism actually promises the body, mind, and soul of a new born child to the coven of a church, which is controlled by witches from behind the scene! If you go to church, you may want to really think about that before agreeing to a covenant.

Baptism is nothing more than a dark magic spell to trick parents to give up their baby’s body, mind, and soul to the Dark Magicians and their demonic masters. Since you now know the real reason behind baptism, you might want to not baptize your new born. Even better, just stay away from all churches because they are all controlled by the Dark Magicians, especially the Roman Catholic Church.

How Words Can be Used as Magic Spells

When you speak words, you are casting your thoughts and vibrations into Earth’s magnetic field or magic field, which is the energy field that creates the reality of Earth. If you are not careful and say certain words together, you can actually cast a spell without even being aware of it. Have you ever wondered why one of the first things they teach you to do in school is how to “spell.”

When you go to school for the first time in your life, you are taught the alphabet, which is made of letters that are designed using sacred geometry. These letters are ideograms which are written symbols that represent ideas. One very important thing you need to know about all written symbols is that they are created into existence from the egg (the dot) and the serpent (the line). The egg and the serpent are important symbols in the religion of secret society.

After learning the alphabet, you are taught how to “spell” using the letters of the alphabet. This is to prepare you for the day you can cast magic spells through the use of spelling! Did you notice that “magic spell” and “spell-ing” have the word “spell” in them? This is no accident. It is right in your face! The hidden intent of spelling is to cast magic spells.

Most people are too ignorant (lacking in knowledge), so they have no idea what they are actually doing when they yell harsh words at one another using swear words or “curse” words. They did not call them curse words for no reason. Are you starting to see the big picture?

Why do you think most parents tell their kids to stop “cursing” when they swear too much? Even at a subconscious level, we intuitively know that it is not good to use curse words too much. Maybe next time we should listen to our intuition and do some research to find out why we feel that way.

The main reason why they teach you how to spell words correctly is to make sure that each letter or geometry is arranged the same way every time you write something. This will help strengthen the magic effects of certain words.

After learning how to spell words, you are taught to “cast” those “spell-ings” into sentences, phrases, and ideas without teaching you about their magic effects. The purpose of this is to prevent you from knowing the true intention of language, so that the Dark Magicians can control your mind using magic spells.

Their magic spells cannot control 100 percent of your mind, but they do affect your mind more than you may realize, just like how subliminal messages can affect your subconscious to a large degree.

Related: Is Subliminal Advertising Legit?

By now, you should know what I mean when I said early that nearly all words in the English language are carefully designed and put together by the minions of the Controllers (the Dark Magicians) to trick you into playing their “con game.” Most other languages are also created for this purpose.

How to Protect Your Mind From the Spells of the Dark Magicians

One of the most effective ways to protect your mind from magic spells is to become aware of them and how they are being used to control you. For example, when a magician does a magic trick, the magician can fool you into believing that the trick is real. However, if you figure out how the trick is done, you can no longer be fooled because you know it is an illusion. In other words, you have become aware of the trick and it cannot deceive you anymore.

The magic trick example above is similar to how the Dark Magicians are using real magic spells to control your mind. Once you realize that magic is real and become aware of how the Dark Magicians are using magic spells to control you, then their magic spells lose their effects.

Your awareness is one of the most powerful spiritual powers that you have. Learn how to use it wisely and the Dark Magicians will not be able to control you. To learn how to use the power of your awareness wisely, you need to learn the right knowledge. With the right knowledge, you can increase and strengthen your awareness. For more information on how to do this, read my empowering article titled How to Expand Your Awareness.

Since you now know how magic affects you, next time you make a wish using words or yell at someone using “curse” words, you may want to think twice before saying those words. Like they say, “be careful what you wish for.”

Jordan Maxwell – Magic Dominates the World


Do you want more information on magic and the power of words?

If you like this article, my fourth seminar should be of great interest to you. This seminar is free to download or view. It is titled Word Magic and the Power of Words. If you are interested in deep esoteric knowledge, my fourth seminar will satisfy your desire for occult (hidden) knowledge.

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The Relationship Between Compulsory Vaccination, Suicide & Euthanasia
June 15 2018 | From: TheContrail

The corrupt medical profession and inherent dangers of vaccines: The issues of vaccines - suicide - euthanasia are all inseparable in terms of Nazi philosophy.

That is why the media all around the world at present are pushing propaganda articles about the need to pass new laws to legalize “youth suicide and euthanasia” as “free choice” but take away the “informed choice” for anti-vaccinations groups, because vaccines are going to be used as an integral method to kill off millions of targeted groups soon.

Related: Eleven Common Symptoms Of The Global Depopulation Slow Kill

Remember, in Nazi Germany it involved not only killing off undesirable groups of people by lethal injection and gassing, but mass sterilizing others so that they could not reproduce.

I have a younger sister who, like myself, is a retired physician in Holland who has worked in Belgium also so I am very well informed what is happening there now. Although I live in NZ and am elderly, I still keep myself well informed.

As one who was brought up under the Nazis during WWII,  I can assure you that your description calling most modern medical doctors ‘neo-Nazis’ although I hate to admit it, is absolutely true in every respect.

In fact, modern doctors in The Netherlands and Belgium now are much worse than the Nazi doctors ever were, and what has already happened in Belgium is spreading out across the whole western world including here in New Zealand at present.

Related: The NWO Depopulation Agenda Is The Only Explanation Why Expensive Mainstream Medicine Is Lethal

The problem is when you tell the average uninformed person the full truth like this claiming that these physicians are “Nazis,” which they really are, most people just pull back, because they simply  cannot comprehend their supposedly ‘friendly family doctor’ could possibly be such a devil. But he or she is.

This was the case in Nazi Germany also, as the masses historically have always had a sort of ‘blind faith’ in physicians going back to Plato.

According to the End-of-Life Choice Voluntary Euthanasia Society Of New Zealand Inc. the Horizon Poll conducted in May 16-23 2017 on 1274 people from the public aged 18 and over, 75% supported euthanasia and 11% were opposed.

This is very much worse than would have been the case under Hitler.

When you’ve got 75% of brainless morons like this in New Zealand already supporting politicians to pass new laws to engineer their own euthanasia, (which  includes their own children if these pea brains only knew it) then you have almost an entire nation remarkably voting for their own premature death.

Related: Eugenics And Population Control To Save The Planet, Says Berkeley Professor

I note you included in your previous email some YouTube clips illustrating what is going on in Belgium right now. But may I say it is much worse than that.

Already, doctors are euthanizing not only the elderly, but young people with even very slight mental problems, or for example girls or women who have been raped and say they psychologically can’t cope, or any young person who is suffering depression or is unemployed and disillusioned.

This is MUCH WORSE THAN THE NAZIS EVER DID in the Final Solution! It is only beginning to escalate in Europe presently, yet is in the process of expanding worldwide.

Now if the euthanasia of these people itself is not bad enough, do you know that already in about half of the cases these people are being murdered without their consent.

Related: Explaining The Methods (And Insane Reasoning) Behind The Depopulation Agenda

Yes that is right. People are getting admitted into hospital claiming they are suffering from  such and such, depression, mental instability or dizzy spells – and they don’t come home.

So you see what you perceptively said about compulsory vaccination relative to the Nuremberg Code, why informed voluntary consent is so vitally important, and if it is removed, it is really the “last straw” and the last step before this medical tyranny is implemented worldwide.

I mean to say, it is not far away from anyone who criticizes the government being classified as mentally unstable, then being arrested and given a lethal injection without his or her consent and sent on their way – to paradise or hell as the case may be.

Here are some more YouTube clips about it which you may not have seen which I’ve gleaned. If people will not get the message after watching these in a strange way they all deserve what’s coming – because the video clips here are simply irrefutable – stunning:

1. “The Case of Tom Mortier”  - The Euthanasia Deception Promo
2. Why a rape Victim Was Euthanized 

3. The Euthanasia Deception – Documentary Promo 
4. Belgian woman approved for euthanasia says she lives in ‘extremes’ 

5. Hugh Scher, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Parliamentary C-14 Hearing   

6. 17-year-old becomes first minor to die by euthanasia in Belgium 

7. Allow Me To Die: Euthanasia in Belgium   

8. Assisted Suicide My Own Choice Science Documentary   

9. 24 & ready to die 

Related Articles:

Genetics Are The New Eugenics: How GMO’s Reduce The Human Population & This Major Report On GMO Safety Has Just One Small Problem: Undisclosed Conflicts Of Interest

Eugenics: Population "Control", New World Order Style

Debt, Vaccines And Food As A Weapon: When International Aid Is Used For Population Control

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Socialism Equals Triumph For Corporate Criminals + To Remind: Google Is Run By Totalitarians
June 14 2018 | From: PaulCraigRoberts

In several recent articles (all here under category: socialism), I’ve exposed the myth that socialism is a revolution of and for the people.

I’ve presented evidence that socialism is actually a movement owned, operated, and funded by ultra-wealthy elites.

Related: Thomas Sowell: Social Justice Is a Blank Check for Government Power

Dupes, foot soldiers, blind idealists, indoctrinated students, and low-level thugs are recruited through cutouts to serve the agenda of Rockefeller Globalists, for example, who are determined to bring about worldwide socialism.

Socialism, in a nutshell, equals ultra-rich elites (represented by the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, etc.) owning the free market, cutting out competition, and creating more powerful, overarching, central governments.

Hidden in the plan is the granting of greater dominion to mega-corporations. This is a key fact.

The US Constitution was a document that established extremely limited central government. Regardless of the motives of the authors and the state legislatures that ratified it, the ideas contained in the Constitution were, and are, extremely oppressive toward large centralized structures controlling the people.

But there was another factor present at the beginning of the American Republic.

Related: Council on Foreign Relations Tells Gov’t They “Have To” Use Propaganda on Americans

At the dawn of the United States, corporations were chartered and thus allowed to operate by the individual states. If a corporation, in the eyes of a state legislature, violated a basic trust by harming the people, committing offenses against the citizenry, the legislature could summarily cancel their charter and literally exile them from the state.

This power followed, in part, from the fact that corporations were not and are not individuals. They do not have the rights and freedoms of individuals. Corporations were not granted the rights of citizens in the Constitution.

Richard Grossman, an activist and scholar of US corporate history, unearthed and made lucid these facts.

At the birth of the American Republic, therefore, there was a double limitation on power. Central government and corporations were both strapped and shackled.

Of course, just as the federal government has been allowed to expand like an unchecked fungus, so has corporate power.

Under socialism (aka Globalism), mega-corporate power is the prow of a ship that sails on and on and conquers the economies of the world.

Related: Exposed: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World

Corporate crimes go unpunished. Contrary to popular belief, the real agenda of socialism has nothing to do with prosecuting those crimes.

The idea, for example, that greater socialism in America would defeat Monsanto is ludicrous in the extreme.

Monsanto is one of the components of actual socialism - the real, not the fake, version. Again, socialism is by, for, and of the ultra-wealthy elites. It is not a movement on behalf of the downtrodden.

As Gary Allen puts it in his 1971 classic, None Dare call It Conspiracy: “…pressure from above and pressure from below…

The pressure from above comes from secret, ostensibly respectable Comrades in the government and [elite Globalist] Establishment, forming, with the radicalized mobs in the streets below, a giant pincer around middle-class society.

The street rioters are pawns, shills, puppets, and dupes for an oligarchy of elitist conspirators working above to turn America’s limited government into an unlimited government with total control over our lives and property.”

Establishment Journalists Are Destroying The American Mind

Related: Rising Up Against The Oligarchs Does Not Equal Socialism

“The American middle class is being squeezed to death by a vise. In the streets we have avowed revolutionary groups… Virtually all members of these groups sincerely believe that they are fighting the Establishment.

In reality they are an indispensable ally of the Establishment in fastening Socialism on all of us.

The naive radicals think that under Socialism the ‘people’ will run everything. Actually, it will be a clique of Insiders in total control, consolidating and controlling all wealth.

That is why these schoolboy Lenins and teenage Trotskys are allowed to roam free and are practically never arrested or prosecuted. They are protected. If the Establishment wanted the revolutionaries stopped, how long do you think they would be tolerated?” Gary Allen wrote that passage in 1971. Does it ring a familiar bell now?

As philosopher George Santayana famously wrote in 1905, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

Equally famous is the prescription for all advertising: repeat the same message over and over, so it sinks into the mind and forms a false impression of truth.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

Thus it has been with the basic message of socialism. “This is a form of government that finally serves the people. It is the people rising up to take the reins of power.” Once that notion is rigidly fixed in consciousness, it is impossible to believe socialism is actually emanating from the elite of the elite.

Fortunately, more and more people are waking up to the basic con of fake news, which doesn’t only broadcast distorted current events spooling out through screens, day by day.

Basic themes of fake news also span decades and even centuries.

What will happen when enough young people, who want to tear down the structures of the monopolists, realize those same men are bankrolling them in the streets?

What will happen when these young people realize their teachers and mentors and handlers and professors have been feeding them the precise reverse of the truth?

As long as independent media continue to proliferate, that day is coming.

Related: Socialism: Thick Lipstick On A Global Pig

To Remind: Google Is Run By Totalitarians

Eric Schmidt, the head of Google, proudly announced that Google was cooperating with the orchestrated Russiaphobia by controlling the explanations fed to Americans.

Schmidt said that Google is engineering its systems to prevent news content from RT and Sputnik from being delivered to wide audiences.

So much for “free speech,” “American democracy,” blah, blah. Schmidt is committed to one-sided propagandistic “news” fed to Americans in order to keep them ignorant within the Matrix that Schmidt helps to run.

See: Google Executive Says New Algorithm Will Hide RT, Sputnik Articles

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'Complete Denuclearization Of The Korean Peninsula'
June 14 2018 | From: TheWhiteHouse

Overnight, President Trump led a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. "We had a tremendous 24 hours. We've had a tremendous three months, actually, because this has been going on for quite a while," President Trump said. "I want to thank Chairman Kim for taking the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people."

The two leaders signed a joint statement that outlines such a future. Here is the key phrase: "President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK [North Korea], and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula."

Related: Infowars Was Right: North, South Korea in Peace Talks Thanks to Trump

The statement also commits to reestablishing U.S.– North Korean relations. "Nearly 70 years ago . . . an extremely bloody conflict ravaged the Korean Peninsula," President Trump said. "Yet, while the armistice was agreed to, the war never ended. To this day, never ended. But now we can all have hope that it will soon end. And it will. It will soon end."

"Chairman Kim has the chance to seize an incredible future for his people," the President continued. "Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace."

Joint Statement of President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at the Singapore Summit

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a first, historic summit in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un conducted a comprehensive, in-depth, and sincere exchange of opinions on the issues related to the establishment of new U.S. – DPRK relations and the building of a lasting and robust peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. 

Related: Is North Korea Really A Dictatorship?

President Trump committed to provide security guarantees to the DPRK, and Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Convinced that the establishment of new U.S. - DPRK relations will contribute to the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and of the world, and recognizing that mutual confidence building can promote the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un state the following:

  1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new U.S. - DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.

  2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.

  3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

  4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW / MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.

Having acknowledged that the U.S. - DPRK summit - the first in history - was an epochal event of great significance in overcoming decades of tensions and hostilities between the two countries and for the opening up of a new future, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un commit to implement the stipulations in this joint statement fully and expeditiously.  

The United States and the DPRK commit to hold follow-on negotiations, led by the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and a relevant high-level DPRK official, at the earliest possible date, to implement the outcomes of the U.S. - DPRK summit.

Related: North and South Agree to End Korean War in Historic Accord

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have committed to cooperate for the development of new U.S.–DPRK relations and for the promotion of peace, prosperity, and security of the Korean Peninsula and of the world.

President of the United States of America

Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

June 12, 2018
Sentosa Island

Related: MSM Praised NKorea at Olympics, Now Bashes Trump For Diplomacy

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G7 Summit: Trump Gives Masterclass In ‘America First’ To Globalists
June 13 2018 | From: Breitbart

President Donald Trump wrapped up a whirlwind trip to Quebec, Canada for the G7 Summit Saturday, reaffirming his “America First” approach to trade in a series of highly-anticipated meetings with world leaders.

Prior to leaving for the gathering, President Trump said Russian president Vladimir Putin, booted from the group for annexing Crimea, should be invited to future summits.

Related: Wind of Change: G7 Crumbles, SCO Rises Up

“They should let Russia come back in. We should have Russia at the negotiating table.” Trump said. “Why are we having a meeting without Russia being in the meeting?”

Related: Trumpting Aproval Rating Better than Obama and Reagan at Same Point in their Presidencies

“It may not be politically correct – we have a world to run,” he added.

In an unscheduled statement, Trump said he wants to put an end to the United States’ status as the world’s “piggy bank” and suggested eliminating trade barriers between allies.

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

“Ultimately that’s what you want,” Trump remarked. “You want a tariff-free [arrangement]. You want no barriers. And you want no subsidies. Because you have some cases where countries are subsidizing industries, and that’s not fair.”

“If they retaliate, they’re making a tremendous mistake, because you see we have a tremendous trade imbalance,”
the President warned. “The numbers are so much against them, we win that war 1000 times out of a 1000.”

“I blame our leaders and I congratulate leaders of other countries for taking advantage of our leaders.”

“It’s going to stop. Or we’ll stop trading with them. And that’s a very profitable answer, if we have to do it.”

One U.S. official told Breitbart News Economics and Finance Editor John Carney that world leaders were mistaken if they believed President Trump would soften his position on tariffs.

Related: Judge Jeanine: There Was a Deep State Agenda to Make Sure Trump Was Teed Up for Collusion

“If they thought they were going to lecture Trump on the glories of free trade, they got a rude awakening. He came to a gun fight armed with a stealth bomber.”

President Trump departed the summit early, skipping out on a meeting to discuss climate change.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters on Friday that Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs Everett Eissenstat would fill in.

President Trump on Saturday said the United States will not endorse a G7 communique via a tweet accusing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of making “false statements.”

“Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market!,” the president tweeted.

Related: Poll: 71% Percent of Voters Say Economy Has Improved Under Trump

In a second tweet, Trump said, “PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, ‘US Tariffs were kind of insulting’ and he ‘will not be pushed around.’ Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

Related: House lawmakers formally nominate Trump for 2019 Nobel Peace Prize

The President’s move to reject the communique followed a statement from Trudeau earlier, in which the prime minister announced, “We have released a joint communique by all seven countries” indicating that the United States had signed on.

President Trump took issue with Trudeau’s remarks on trade between the U.S. and Canada, in which the prime minister warned his government would take retaliatory measures if new tariffs were introduced.

“I highlighted directly to the president that Canadians did not take it lightly, the United States’ move forward with significant tariffs on our steel and aluminum industry,” began Trudeau.

“[I] particularly did not take lightly the fact that it’s based on national security reason that for Canadians who either themselves or whose parents or community members have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with American soldiers in far-off lands, in conflicts from the First World War onwards, that it’s kind of insulting.”

“And I highlighted it was not helping in our renegotiation of NAFTA and that it would be with regret but it would be with absolute certainty and firmness that we move forward with retaliatory measures on 1 July – applying equivalent tariffs to the ones that the Americans have unjustly applied to us,” Trudeau continued.

Related: TPPA Dead In The Water At Last: Why Do Some NZ Commentators Continue To Believe It Was A ‘Free Trade’ Agreement?

The 42-year-old concluded his remarks with a warning shot to President Trump: “Canadians are polite, we’re reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around.”

Related: Roseanne: ‘I don’t give a f**k’ if you hate my Trump Support

Trump’s tweets about not signing the communique were sent while he was traveling to Singapore ahead of a planned diplomatic meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un.

Related: 133 G77 Nations Vow To Destroy America’s New World Order

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies
June 13 2018 | From: AncientCode

In the modern world, we are surrounded by countless logos, symbols, and graphs that make up our everyday life.

No matter where we look, willingly or unwillingly, we find ourselves immersed in a deep layer of information that is in turn filled with secret symbols and eerie meanings.

Related: Secret Societies Are No Longer A Secret

And while ancient societies such as the Illuminati, Masons, etc date back to more ancient times, in the century of communications, icons and logos that we see every day on our screens seem to be paying a subtle tribute to a few of such secret society.

Related: The Swastika: How The Nazis Turned A Sign Of Good Luck Into A Symbol Of Evil

You can’t help but see the similarity.

It takes a while to notice the mystery hidden in symbols we see every day, but once you spot it, it becomes obvious that we live in a world of secrecy and mystery.

Symbols, Freemasonry, Illuminati and Secret Societies

One of the fundamental characteristics of Freemasonry is the use of the symbols as a channel of communication.

Beyond its immediate and obvious meaning, simple images become symbols carrying a connection between man and the principle they represent and from which they originate.

Similarly, companies that dominate the market resort to a similar philosophy when designing their logos or icons.

Next, we will take a look at some images associated with three of the most dominant companies in the technological world and its equivalent or possible masonic reference.

And because there’s nothing without Facebook…

Related: The Language Of Symbolism: How To Recognize These Three Symbols Hidden In Plain Sight

Facebook is without a doubt one of the most famous social networks in the world, if not the most famous of them all.

Lately, it has also become the most controversial due to its privacy policies, and the leaking of personal information to third parties for commercial and political purposes.

Facebook’s logo is a letter “f” placed inside a blue square.

One could well say that it is not a very thoughtful logo and it is rather simplistic or minimalist. I must admit however that minimalism is sometimes the best way to go.

The Facebook logo and the Masonic Two Ball Cane, aka Tubal Cain - both with the "f" and the little hand...

Related: Facebook President Revealed Something About Zuckerberg's Dark Intentions You Should Know & Facebook Denies Former VP Claims It’s Destroying ‘Fabric Of Society’

See what we did there?

However, the position of the letter, off-center, and the fact that it was written in minuscule may have a meaning that not many are aware of.

The mysterious Facebook logo and the company itself may be paying tribute to a mason symbol within the lodges: the Two Ball Cane, aka Tubal Cain.

Notice the wicked similarity? Scary right?

But Facebook isn’t the only symbols embedded in secrecy as on a daily basis, we come across many more such symbols.

Let’s take a peek at Gmail, the famous mail platform.

Google’s email service is probably the most used in the world.

At first glance, it looks like a sealed envelope, but on a more meticulous inspection, we can see that the red lines (and the color used in the logo is not by chance) that cross and go through the folds form an “M”…

Obviously, M stands for Mail, what’s the mystery there?

Related: The Hidden History Of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia [Illuminati Cabal Zionists...]

What a coincidence, right?

Gmail’s logo has a stunning similarity with the classic masonic apron, a piece of cloth that is fastened to the body at waist height by means of a rope or ribbon.

The Masonic Apron is steeped in spiritual and mystical meanings.

If we take a look at Genesis 3:7 we read that Adam and Even made aprons of fig leaves to hide that which they were most ashamed of, the genital area of the body.

Related: The God Of Freemasonry Exposed

7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

The earliest representations of the Freemason’s Apron are seen on the engraved portrait of Antony Sayer, the first G.M. of the modern Craft. (1717), and on the frontispiece illustration of Anderson’s first Book of Constitutions (1723).

But Facebook and Gmail aren’t the only ones out there embedded in occultism and secrecy, as there are many other symbols.

Let’s take a look at Android App market or Google Play Store.

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That’s strange.

The Google Play’s Store icon is an arrow pointing to the right and many would agree that there’s nothing strange to see here right?

We just see the well-known playback button (Play). However, take a look more closely and you will notice a curious pattern embedded within the symbol itself.

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The problem with comparing such symbols is that we need to have something to compare them to, and most people are unaware of the numerous ancient symbols that exist around the globe.

If we compare the Google Play Store logo with the above image we see an undeniable similarity.

In the below Giph image, we see on the left side the Google Play icon, and on the right side the Sigil of Lucifer, also known as the “Seal of Satan,” a symbol used mostly by Satanists.

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The image dates from the sixteenth century, according to the Grimorium Verum, an 18th-century grimoire attributed to one “Alibeck the Egyptian” of Memphis, who purportedly wrote in 1517.

Like many grimoires, it claims a tradition originating with King Solomon. that explains how pacts with spirits are carried out, it also details the great diversity of magic formulas and the role played by stamps.

And despite the fact that we looked at two symbols belonging to Google, which may be connected to more occult meanings, there is another third symbol which we explore.

One of the most famous internet browsers on Earth is without a doubt Chrome, made by Google. As I am writing this, I am using Chrome.

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According to dat from 2016, Google Chrome is being used by around 2 Billion people.

And while there are many who would disagree with the following similarity, we decided to mention it nonetheless.

This comparison could also be a “999”. Check out more about 999 here.

Although if we consider the above logos and their curious meaning, it becomes easier to make a connection between chrome, and the numbers 666.

The numbers 666 is also referred to as the number of the beast. The Number of the Beast is a term in the Book of Revelation, of the New Testament, that is associated with the Beast of Revelation in chapter 13.

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Save Our Landlines NZ Launches Petition
June 12 2018 | From: SaveOurLandlines

Save Our Landlines NZ has launched a petition on the copper landline phone issue.

The petition asks New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters to withdraw the Telecommunications (New Regulatory Framework) Bill which threatens New Zealanders’ access to the copper phone line network.

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Save Our Landlines is a community project by New Zealanders who do not want to see our copper landline infrastructure, which will function in a power blackout to be allowed to be run down or destroyed.

A corded phone that is connected to the copper landline network is a lifeline to emergency services if a storm or other event causes widespread power outages since this type of phone will work even if your home has no power.

The copper landline phone system allows people to choose to have a safe corded home phone.

This is particularly important in households with children given that their developing brain may be more vulnerable to adverse effects from cordless or cellular phones.

Many more reasons why the copper landline system is important and should be preserved may be found at this link.

Maintaining New Zealanders’ Access to Copper Based Phone Lines is Important for Two Main Reasons:

Public Health

Equity and Fairness

These are detailed below:

Public Health

The copper based landline phone infrastructure allows almost everyone in New Zealand to have access to a safe home phone that will work even in a power outage.

The copper based infrastructure allows most people in New Zealand to choose to have an inexpensive corded phone.

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Such a phone does not expose the user to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in the microwave range as do cellular phones (or any other sort of wireless phone.)

Access to a safe corded phone is important because use of any type of wireless phone (such as cordless home phone or cellular phone) is associated with increased risk of brain tumours, particularly if wireless phone use begins prior to the age of 20.

RFR microwave radiation has been classified by the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a possible carcinogen (Class 2B) on the basis of increased brain tumour rates in longer term users of wireless phones.

(Babies and children absorb more of the RFR microwave radiation into their brains compared to adults as their skulls are smaller and the bones of their skulls thinner.)

The Benefits of a Safe Corded Home Phone are Many and Include the Following:

Allowing people to call emergency services if needed. (Cellular phone services cannot be relied upon in a power blackout as the local cellular infrastructure may lose its power source.)

Allowing people who are home bound due to illness or disability to maintain more frequent contact with friends and relatives thus reducing the social isolation that helps to cause many health issues, including depression.

A corded landline phone is a safe phone for pregnant women. (The children of mothers who used cellular phones during pregnancy have been found to have more behavioural problems than children of mothers whose unborn babies were not exposed to this type of RFR microwave radiation.)

A corded landline phone may be safely used by almost everyone including most individuals who are electrosensitive who cannot tolerate the microwave radiation from cordless or cellular phones. (Some people who are electrosensitive may not be able to tolerate electromagnetic fields produced by computers or computer screens so having a safe corded phone is particularly important to the community of people who are electrosensitive.)

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In homes/businesses that have access to the copper landline infrastructure, safe hardwired internet access can be organised for very little cost.

Such an inexpensive safe hardwired system provide a safe alternative to wireless based internet options such as wi-fi or cellular phone based systems as the wireless systems expose the user, other household members and neighbours to RFR microwave radiation that has been classified as a possible human carcinogen.

Accessing the internet via a hardwired computer (rather than a cellular phone) is better for people who have visual impairments as the larger screen size of the computer allows people to increase the font size to help to compensate for low vision.

Equity and Fairness

Much of New Zealand’s telephone infrastructure was installed at taxpayers’ expense beginning with the formation of The New Zealand Post and Telegraph Department in the 19 century. The New Zealand Post Office was responsible for phone lines until telecommunications services were privatised in NZ in 1987.

A copper based corded landline phone is the safest type of phone (because this type of phone does not emit potentially carcinogenic RFR microwave radiation as do cordless or mobile phones).

It would be unfair to deny people who live in areas where fibre optic cabling has been laid to be deprived of the opportunity to continue to use safe copper based corded landline phones give that they are a proven and safe technology.

Related: The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation: What We Know, What We Need To Find Out, And What You Can Do Now

VOIP phones with corded headset could be considered to be an alternative to corded landline phones and VOIP phones will work with a fibre basd system,  They may be an acceptable option for some people. However the VOIP option can have lower voice quality and they may not good for hearing impaired or for people who have to talk on the phone in a language that is not their mother tongue.

Corded VOIP phones are also considerably more expensive (at least four times the price) than corded home phones and unlike traditional corded home phones, VOIP phones are dependent on electricity so will not work in a power blackout (unless the fibre system has a special component to to provide backup power in an emergency.

VOIP phones contain a lot more electronics than a basic corded home phone and may not be a usable option for people who are electrosensitive.

Homes and businesses that have a copper based landline infrastructure can use that copper landline to access inexpensive safe hardwired internet services.

It is unfair to expect people for whom copper phone line based internet works well for their home or business needs to have to pay extra cost to have fibre optic cabling installed in their home or business (as would be the case if a reliable copper landline service were no longer available in their area.)

This link shows how easy and inexpensive it is to set up a safe hardwired internet system in a house or other property with copper phone line access.

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Making any changes to telecommunications regulations that would be likely to increase the cost of and/or reduce access to safe copper based landline corded phones and safe copper phone line based internet could increase people’s use of wireless phones and wireless internet access devices.  If this were to happem it would likely to increase the numbers of people who are suffering from a diverse range of illnesses caused (at least in part) by exposure to RFR microwave radiation.

These health problems can include brain tumours, salivary gland cancers and other cancers at sites of the body exposed to high levels of RFR microwave radiation.  Other problems that have been linked to exposure to RFR microwave radiation include autism and other developmental problems and dementia.

Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen

Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors - A Nationwide Case-Control Study

Dr Andrew Goldsworthy – The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields

Making any decisions about telecommunications infrastructure that could increase the numbers of people who become ill as a result of exposure to RFR microwave radiation (because they assume that the technology would not be on the market if it were not safe and they are unaware of the health risks of their devices) is not fair to the potential victims of this technology.  It is not fair to their families.

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Neither it is not fair to the taxpayers who have to fund the public health system. It is also unfair to people who require treatment for any other conditions as they may face longer waiting lists.

NB: It is unclear if private insurance cover for conditions caused by RFR microwave radiation will continue as a policy from Lloyds of London indicates the company may no longer be prepared to cover these types of injuries.

Given that learning and behaviour issues can be at least in part caused or exacerbated by exposure to RFR microwave radiation any decision that increases exposure to this type of radiation is likely to increase the numbers of children who have these conditions.  In turn, this is likely to mean that more children will require extra support within the education system.

This is not fair to teachers (because resources within the education system are already constrained so teachers often have to manage challenging children without support from teacher aides). [Personal communications] Neither is it fair to taxpayers who fund the public education system, nor the parents of children who are adversely affected who may have to pay for extra educational help themselves.

Any change to telecommunications policy that increases people’s use of cellular phones (for example because they no longer have access to a safe copper based landline corded phone) would increase the number of cellular phone infrastructure sites and the negative health and other impacts of these sites.  

Related: Massive Government Study Concludes Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer + The Effects Of Smartphone Light On Your Brain And Body

Research has shown increased cancer risk in people who live closer to cellular phone infrastructure, so regulations that are likely to increase cellular phone use are unfair to people who could develop cancer as a result of new infrastructure being installed in their area.

Property values close to cellular phone infrastructure sites may be adversely affected so any policy that causes proliferation of these sites is not fair to property owners.

Thank you for reading this post!  Now, please help share this information with others. Please share this post widely such as through social media and with friends and family and ask others to make a submission.

Please also share the links in this article so that people understand the reasons why maintaining the copper based landline phone system is important.

The Petition

The petition requests that the bill be re-drafted it so that it protects the copper phone line system and ensures that it remains accessible at an affordable price.

The petition, hosted by Change.org may be accessed at this link.

Save Our Landlines NZ asks supporters to please share the link and encourage friends and family to sign the petition.

Ed note:  We have had feedback that the petition would not work properly for someone who was using Chrome as their browser.  It works fine when using Firefox.

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Please Join Us

Your voice in defence of New Zealand’s copper landline network and your taking the time to help educate others about the importance of this important national infrastructure would be most appreciated.

If you would like to write to your MP and ask him or her not to vote for the bill that will destroy much as NZ’s copper landline system, there a template letter that you can adapt and information to help you do this here.

If you would like to volunteer to help with this campaign, please contact us via the Contact Form.  Thank you.

We also have a Facebook page that you can like and/or follow.

All of the submissions on the bill may be read at this link.

For updates, please check our NEWS section regularly at this link.

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Elon Musk Just Exposed The Oil Oligarchy’s Control Over Mainstream Media In Epic Rant
June 12 2018 | From: ActivistPost

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, Space-X, and PayPal, recently posted a series of Tweets pointing out how media organizations have an obvious incentive to give bad press to electric cars and alternative energy in general.

Musk was unforgiving towards the mainstream media in his epic Twitter rant, calling them hypocrites and saying that the public no longer trusts them.

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He said that he doesn’t advertise for Tesla, his electric car company, which means that he contributes no money to the media, who depend on advertising dollars to stay in business.

On the other hand, the traditional auto industry and fossil fuel companies are among the world’s largest advertisers, meaning that they are one of the primary industries keeping the mainstream media in business.

When it comes time to cover a story that involves these industries, journalists, and media organizations have an obvious bias and conflict of interest that will influence their coverage of the story even if they were not given explicit orders to create propaganda.

“The holier-than-thou hypocrisy of big media companies who lay claim to the truth, but publish only enough to sugarcoat the lie, is why the public no longer respects them.

Problem is journos are under constant pressure to get max clicks & earn advertising dollars or get fired. Tricky situation, as Tesla doesn’t advertise, but fossil fuel companies & gas/diesel car companies are among world’s biggest advertisers,”
Musk said.

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One of the dark secrets of the advertising industry is the fact that commercials are not always intended to sell something, but are sometimes an undercover bribe, which corporations use to control the narrative on the sponsored news sources.

An obvious example of this is how military arms suppliers like Boeing or Lockheed Martin will advertise on major networks despite the fact that their products are not available for sale to the people watching the advertisements.

It is no coincidence that international stories are covered with a pro-war slant on every major media platform when the arms dealers are advertising on each one - in fact, that is the very reason they advertise.

The same goes for recruitment ads for the military, these serve the double purpose of recruiting and also controlling the narrative of the media outlet by becoming their sponsor.

Next, Musk announced that he was planning on creating his own media ranking website that would rate the credibility of journalists by crowdsourcing reviews from readers. He also put up a poll asking his followers if it would be a good idea, or gave the sarcastic option of “no, media are awesome.”

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Musk suggested that he would call his site “Pravda,” and while it would seem that these were thoughts coming off the top of his head, one Twitter follower pointed out that one of Musk’s agents “incorporated Pravda Corp in California” in October 2017.

As opposed to centralized fact-checking sites like Snopes or Politifact, which have an obvious bias, a site that allowed the public to decide who they trusted could be an interesting way to rate journalists.

Of course, any type of rating system is dependent upon the opinions of the masses, which can sometimes be wrong, and are almost always controversial. However, this seems to be the best model that has been proposed thus far, and it does not seem to favor the mainstream media as other popular “fact checkers” do.

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Edward Snowden: 'The People Are Still Powerless, But Now They're Aware'
June 11 2018 | From: TheGuardian

Five years after historic NSA leaks, whistleblower tells the Guardian he has no regrets.

Edward Snowden has no regrets five years on from leaking the biggest cache of top-secret documents in history.

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He is wanted by the US. He is in exile in Russia. But he is satisfied with the way his revelations of mass surveillance have rocked governments, intelligence agencies and major internet companies.

In a phone interview to mark the anniversary of the day the Guardian broke the story, he recalled the day his world – and that of many others around the globe – changed for good.

He went to sleep in his Hong Kong hotel room and when he woke, the news that the National Security Agency had been vacuuming up the phone data of millions of Americans had been live for several hours.

Snowden knew at that moment his old life was over. “It was scary but it was liberating,” he said. “There was a sense of finality. There was no going back.”

What has happened in the five years since? He is one of the most famous fugitives in the world, the subject of an Oscar-winning documentary, a Hollywood movie, and at least a dozen books.

The US and UK governments, on the basis of his revelations, have faced court challenges to surveillance laws. New legislation has been passed in both countries. The internet companies, responding to a public backlash over privacy, have made encryption commonplace.

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Snowden, weighing up the changes, said some privacy campaigners had expressed disappointment with how things have developed, but he did not share it. “People say nothing has changed: that there is still mass surveillance. That is not how you measure change. Look back before 2013 and look at what has happened since. Everything changed.”

The most important change, he said, was public awareness. “The government and corporate sector preyed on our ignorance. But now we know. People are aware now. People are still powerless to stop it but we are trying. The revelations made the fight more even.”

He said he had no regrets. “If I had wanted to be safe, I would not have left Hawaii (where he had been based, working for the NSA, before flying to Hong Kong).”

His own life is uncertain, perhaps now more than ever, he said. His sanctuary in Russia depends on the whims of the Putin government, and the US and UK intelligence agencies have not forgiven him.

For them, the issue is as raw as ever, an act of betrayal they say caused damage on a scale the public does not realise.

This was reflected in a rare statement from Jeremy Fleming, the director of the UK surveillance agency GCHQ, which, along with the US National Security Agency. was the main subject of the leak.

In response to a question from the Guardian about the anniversary, Fleming said GCHQ’s mission was to keep the UK safe: “What Edward Snowden did five years ago was illegal and compromised our ability to do that, causing real and unnecessary damage to the security of the UK and our allies. He should be accountable for that.”

Jeremy Fleming of GCHQ addresses a security conference

The anger in the US and UK intelligence communities is over not just what was published – fewer than 1% of the documents – but extends to the unpublished material too. They say they were forced to work on the assumption everything Snowden ever had access to had been compromised and had to be dumped.

There was a plus for the agencies. Having scrapped so much, they were forced to develop and install new and better capabilities faster than planned. Another change came in the area of transparency.

Before Snowden, media requests to GCHQ were usually met with no comment whereas now there is more of a willingness to engage. That Fleming responds with a statement reflects that stepchange.

In his statement, he expressed a commitment to openness but pointedly did not credit Snowden, saying the change predated 2013. “It is important that we continue to be as open as we can be, and I am committed to the journey we began over a decade ago to greater transparency,” he said.

Others in the intelligence community, especially in the US, will grudgingly credit Snowden for starting a much-needed debate about where the line should be drawn between privacy and surveillance.

The former deputy director of the NSA Richard Ledgett, when retiring last year, said the government should have made public the fact there was bulk collection of phone data.

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The former GCHQ director Sir David Omand shared Fleming’s assessment of the damage but admitted Snowden had contributed to the introduction of new legislation. “A sounder and more transparent legal framework is now in place for necessary intelligence gathering. That would have happened eventually, of course, but his actions certainly hastened the process,” Omand said.

The US Congress passed the Freedom Act in 2015, curbing the mass collection of phone data. The UK parliament passed the contentious Investigatory Powers Act a year later.

Ross Anderson, a leading academic specialising in cybersecurity and privacy, sees the Snowden revelations as a seminal moment. Anderson, a professor of security engineering at Cambridge University’s computer laboratory, said: “Snowden’s revelations are one of these flashbulb moments which change the way people look at things.

They may not have changed things much in Britain because of our culture for adoring James Bond and all his works. But round the world it brought home to everyone that surveillance really is an issue.”

MPs and much of the UK media did not engage to the same extent of their counterparts elsewhere in Europe, the US, Latin America, Asia and Australia.

Among the exceptions was the Liberal Democrat MP Julian Huppert, who pressed the issue until he lost his seat in 2015. “The Snowden revelations were a huge shock but they have led to a much greater transparency from some of the agencies about the sort of the things they were doing,” he said.

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One of the disclosures to have most impact was around the extent of collaboration between the intelligence agencies and internet companies. In 2013, the US companies were outsmarting the EU in negotiations over data protection. Snowden landed like a bomb in the middle of the negotiations and the data protection law that took effect last month is a consequence.

One of the most visible effects of the Snowden revelations was the small yellow bubble that began popping up on the messaging service WhatsApp in April 2016: “Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption.”

Before Snowden, such encryption was for the targeted and the paranoid. “If I can take myself back to 2013,” said Jillian York, the director for international freedom of expression at the digital rights group the Electronic Frontier Foundation, “I maybe had the precursor to [the encrypted communication app] Signal on my phone,

TextSecure. I had [another email encryption tool] PGP, but nobody used it.” The only major exception was Apple’s iMessage, which has been end-to-end encrypted since it was launched in 2011.

Edward Snowden’s interview with The Guardian in 2013

Developers at major technology companies, outraged by the Snowden disclosures, started pushing back. Some, such as those at WhatsApp, which was bought by Facebook a year after the story broke, implemented their own encryption.

Others, such as Yahoo’s Alex Stamos, quit rather than support further eavesdropping. (Stamos is now the head of security at Facebook.)

“Without Snowden,” said York. “I don’t think Signal would have got the funding. I don’t think Facebook would have had Alex Stamos, because he would have been at Yahoo. These little things led to big things. It’s not like all these companies were like “we care about privacy”. I think they were pushed.”

Other shifts in the technology sector show Snowden’s influence has in many ways been limited. The rise of the “smart speaker”, exemplified by Amazon’s Echo, has left many privacy activists baffled. Why, just a few years after a global scandal involving government surveillance, would people willingly install always-on microphones in their homes?

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“The new-found privacy conundrum presented by installing a device that can literally listen to everything you’re saying represents a chilling new development in the age of internet-connected things,” wrote Gizmodo’s Adam Clark Estes last year.

Towards the end of the interview, Snowden recalled one of his early aliases, Cincinnatus, after the Roman who after public service returned to his farm.

Snowden said he too felt that, having played his role, he had retreated to a quieter life, spending time developing tools to help journalists protect their sources. “I do not think I have ever been more fulfilled,” he said.

But he will not be marking the anniversary with a “victory lap”, he said. There is still much to be done.

“The fightback is just beginning,” said Snowden. “The governments and the corporates have been in this game a long time and we are just getting started.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

New York Times Commits Treason In Fake News Attempt To Overthrow The United States Government - Is It Time To Start Arresting Traitors Who Pretend To Be Journalists?
June 10 2018 | From: NaturalNews

The New York Times is now actively engaged in deliberate acts of treason against the United States government.

Following in the “journo-terrorism” practices of the Washington Post, the NYT has just published a wildly irresponsible innuendo piece that, predictably, cites anonymous intelligence officials in an attempt to discredit the Trump administration and enrage opponents.

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As the Daily Caller points out, the hysterical NYT article is nothing more than a “rehashed” collection of innuendo and paranoia that lacks any real journalistic substance.

“While the story states that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has found no evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and essentially is a rehash of a previous story, journalists have gone bonkers over it,” reports the Caller.

The entire story is bogus, right from the false insinuation of the headline itself, which even the story refutes. As explained by The News Commenter:

"The New York Times bombshell headline reads “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence”. But note the third paragraph in, it reads “The officials interviewed in recent weeks said that, so far, they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.”.

Shouldn’t the headline read “No Evidence Trump Campaign Had Contacts With Russian Officials”? What a joke. New York Times is #FakeNews."

This new habit of the anti-Trump “fake news” media of citing “unnamed” intelligence officials to roll out wild, unsubstantiated accusations is the new modus operandi of the treasonous, anti-American media.

The NYT, Washington Post, CNN, the Atlantic and other Trump-hating media outlets are now focused almost entirely on waging a “soft coup” overthrow attempt against President Trump, and they’re all willing to blatantly lie or fabricate “facts” in order to pull it off.

“The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred,” Trump tweeted last night. “MSNBC and CNN are unwatchable. Fox and Friends is great!”

Related: Is the NSA the real president of the United States?

He’s right: The left-wing media has devolved into a conspiracy cabal fueled by blind hatred… hatred for Trump, hatred for America and hatred toward the truth about anything.

So they invoke “fake facts” and cite unnamed sources - most of which are no doubt imaginary - to wage a media disinformation campaign with the sole purpose of removing Trump from office.

Even the very basis of the NYT story turns out to be complete fiction. The Russians have officially denied the basis of the story.

“Overnight, as the three liberal-leaning US newspaper launched another attack on Trump, alleging that officials linked to the president, most notably Tim Manafort, engaged Russian intel officials in the not too distant past, the Russian government dismissed allegations that the country’s intelligence officials were in repeated contact with Donald Trump’s team ahead of the US election,” writes Zero Hedge:

“Let’s not believe anonymous information,” Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “It’s a newspaper report which is not based on any facts.”

A Russian senator, Vladimir Jabbarov, cited by the Independent went so far as to tell state media the latest claims “were part of an intelligence community conspiracy to have the President impeached.”

“This is a common tactic to try to discredit a particular person,” he added.

As I’ve explained in my podcast below, there is also a “civil war” raging inside the bureaucracy, and some elements — Obama “sleeper cell” saboteurs - are trying to set off land mines to destroy Trump from within.

Click here for my podcast at the Health Ranger Report, or listen below (story continues below the podcasts)…

The Bureaucracy Opposing Trump is Like a Cancer Tumour!

Obama’s Team had Contact with Iran… and Nobody at the NYT Screamed About it

Even if such contact with the Russians had occurred, what’s the big deal? “[R]epresentatives for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign were accused of meeting with Hamas and Iran,” writes Breitbart.com:

Depending on what took place, the alleged contacts with Iran may have violated the Logan Act, which bars citizens from negotiating with foreign governments in dispute with the United States…

In 2008, Robert Malley stepped down as an informal foreign policy adviser to Obama’s campaign when it was revealed that he met with Hamas members.

Malley admitted to the meetings, but he claimed he met with the terrorists as part of his private job.

Note carefully that President Obama flew a cargo plane load of illegally laundered cash into Iran during the last few months of his presidency, literally “paying off” the No. 1 state sponsor of terror.

Yet the New York Times didn’t blink. Apparently, when Trump team members talk to Russia, it’s a national emergency, but when Obama hands over hundreds of billions of dollars in cash to a nation that promises to build nuclear weapons to nuke Israel, that’s perfectly fine.

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As usual, every insane, anti-American act that Obama pulled off was accepted and even glorified by the media, while every act that Trump pursues to save America is venomously demonized. The real position of the left-wing media is: “Obama could do not wrong, and Trump can do no right.”

NYT is now a Domestic Enemy of the United States Government

With this latest assault on the Trump presidency, we really have reached the point where the NYT, Washington Post and CNN are all active enemies of America, working to deliberately overthrow the legitimate United States government.

At the same time, they are also poisoning the minds of the people with disinformation and hatred in order to gin up violent riots and foment social unrest. In effect, the left-wing media is actively trying to cause a violent uprising while pushing fake news to discredit the President.

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Just today, an anti-Trump protest group knocked a 71-year-old congressional staffer unconscious.

Rohrabacher denounced the left-wing violence, saying:

“I am outraged beyond words that protesters who mobbed my Huntington Beach office violently knocked down my faithful district director, Kathleen Staunton, causing her to be hospitalized…

And, yes, deliberate or not, the incident came as part of a mob action that not only intimidates but coerces. Though the protesters think of themselves as idealists, they engaged in political thuggery, pure and simple.”

Where does all that hatred and violence come from? The NYT, of course. The entire left-wing media is now focused on fomenting hatred, intolerance and violence in the streets while assaulting Donald Trump with fake news reports that they hope will build toward demands for his impeachment.

This is the same America-hating media that excused every violation of law and ethics committed by the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton’s State Department, which sold off uranium mining rights to Russian companies, draining a vital military resource from the United States.

Related: Designer Of Make America Great Again Dress Is a PRO-TRUMP IMMIGRANT

The degree of active subversion, collusion and treason now being committed by NYT and Washington Post “journalists” has reached the level of active “information warfare” against America… and it calls for a law-and-order response from the Trump administration which will sooner or later be forced to make arrests of the treasonous subversives who have infiltrated the left-wing media.

Active Subversion to Overthrow the Government is a Crime Punishable by Death

The justification for making such arrests is already here: Those traitors have knowingly and deliberately fabricated false reports, false accusations and false charges against the legitimate President of the United States government. They are deliberately working in collusion to cause social chaos, hatred and derision across the population.

Their goal is the overthrow of the U.S. government and the installing of Hillary Clinton as their “replacement” President, whom they will shower with mindless worship while covering up her long trail of corruption and crimes.

The Deep State Bumps Off General Flynn. Who’s the Next Target?

The left-wing media has truly become the single greatest threat to the future of America. Long gone is any pretense of engaging in legitimate journalism or factual reporting.

Now, the media has become the propaganda wing of left-wing radical organizers like international terrorism financier George Soros and former U.S. President Barack Obama, who’s actually running much of this behind the scenes from his “shadow White House” from where he commands 30,000 activist “troops” who are conspiring to overthrow President Trump.

With Obama now controlling “sleeper cell” traitors inside the bureaucracy, and the media committing treason on a daily basis by either fabricating anti-American news or publishing genuine intelligence secrets, the subversive Left is going all-in to try to foment a literal communist takeover of the country.

Removing Trump from office is their highest priority, followed by installing so much hatred in the minds of obedient left-wing sheeple that they rise up and start executing their political enemies. The goal, of course, is to cause so much chaos and mayhem that the nation becomes “ungovernable” and is therefore relatively easy to overthrow.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: The Rise Of US Wealth Inequality, Visualized

The plan is already crystal clear in the mind of left-wing agitator Michael Moore, who has now called for Hillary Clinton to be “installed as president” while Trump is arrested.

That’s been the plan from the very start, of course: LIE about the President, gin up hatred across the population, fabricate fake news “facts” from the news cartels, and make sure they are sufficiently repeated across a sufficient number of complicit websites (HuffPost, Politico, Salon, etc.) to magically transform “lies” into “FACTS!”

The Civil War has Begun… You are Watching its First Phase Unfold by the Hour

Click here for my Health Ranger Report podcast that explains why civil war is “inevitable” if this escalation continues.

Unhinged Left so far Gone that Civil War now Seems Unstoppable

What’s clear at this point is that America is already in a civil war. The first phase of every war is “information warfare,” where opposing sides attempt to establish a justification narrative for the violence they plan to pursue in phase two.

Understand that right now, the NYT, Washington Post and CNN are deliberately engaged in establishing the justification narrative for the violent uprising they plan to announce and support. They are laying the groundwork, in other words, for a violent coup attempt against the United States government.

The next phase, by the way, is for them to stage a false flag attack on liberals that can be blamed on Trump supporters, so watch for CNN to stage a mass shooting any day now, complete with “crisis actors” who can cry for the cameras and relentlessly sob while explaining that pro-NRA, pro-Trump gun supporters massacred their innocent children (or some such thing).

California Professor Warns Of Leftist Plan To Destroy Humanity

Once that false flag is accomplished, the media hammers it home in the minds of the obedient left-wing sheeple until anger boils over and every major U.S. city revolts with mass chaos, riots and violence… all of which the media will characterize as “peaceful protests” or “justified resistance” against the “murderous Trump regime.”

This is how they plan to overthrow America, and they are frighteningly close to achieving it.

This is why I predict we are all going to “beg for Martial Law” in the very near future as the radical Left goes full-on bat-s##t crazy with violence and mayhem, all egged on by a complicit media that is deliberately and actively working to overthrow the U.S. government.

That’s why I say it’s time for Trump to start making arrests of the anti-American subversives who pretend to be journalists at the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, etc.

Related: Michael Flynn: Minding our Own Business vs. Saving the World

It has all come down to this: You either protect America by defeating her enemies, or you lose the country to left-wing radicals. If you lose the country, America becomes a killing fields scenario, with uncontrolled civil war raging in the streets and towns while communist terrorists run by Obama and Soros stage a coup in Washington D.C. This scenario is no longer fiction.

It is, in fact, the undisclosed goal of the New York Times.

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Is The NYT a Failed Newspaper Sustained By CIA Subsidies?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How To Be Lucky
June 10 2018 | From: Nautilus

It pays to imagine your life is on a winning streak.

“Luck is believing you’re lucky.” - Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire

Related: The Swastika: How The Nazis Turned A Sign Of Good Luck Into A Symbol Of Evil

In 1995, a wounded 35-year-old woman named Anat Ben-Tov gave an interview from her hospital room in Tel Aviv. She had just survived her second bus bombing in less than a year.

“I have no luck, or I have all the luck,” she told reporters. “I’m not sure which it is.”

The news story caught the eyes of Norwegian psychologist Karl Halvor Teigen, now an emeritus professor at the University of Oslo. He had been combing through newspapers to glean insights into what people consider lucky and unlucky.

Over the following years, he and other psychologists, along with economists and statisticians, would come to understand that while people often think of luck as random chance or a supernatural force, it is better described as subjective interpretation.

“One might ask, do you consider yourself lucky because good things happen to you, or do good things happen to you because you consider yourself lucky?” says David J. Hand, author of The Improbability Principle, emeritus professor of mathematics and a senior research investigator at Imperial College, London.

Smart Parkers: Game theory reveals drivers who found spots near where they work early in their search continued to search in a narrow radius in the following days. If they didn’t find spots near work early on, they searched in a wider radius.

Psychology studies have found that whether you identify yourself as lucky or unlucky, regardless of your actual lot in life, says a lot about your worldview, well-being, and even brain functions.

It turns out that believing you are lucky is a kind of magical thinking - not magical in the sense of Lady Luck or leprechauns.

A belief in luck can lead to a virtuous cycle of thought and action. Belief in good luck goes hand in hand with feelings of control, optimism, and low anxiety. If you believe you’re lucky and show up for a date feeling confident, relaxed, and positive, you’ll be more attractive to your date.

Feeling lucky can lead you to work harder and plan better. It can make you more attentive to the unexpected, allowing you to capitalize on opportunities that arise around you.

In a study comparing people who consider themselves lucky or unlucky, psychologist Richard Wiseman of the University of Hertfordshire, author of the 2003 book The Luck Factor, asked subjects to count the pictures in a newspaper. But there was a twist: He put the solution on the second page of the newspaper.

“The unlucky people tended to miss it and the lucky people tended to spot it,” he writes.

One of the easiest measures you can take to improve your luck is to shake things up.

On the other hand, feeling unlucky could lead to a vicious cycle likely to generate unlucky outcomes. Psychologist John Maltby of the University of Leicester hypothesized that beliefs in being unlucky are associated with lower executive functioning - the ability to plan, organize, and attend to tasks or goals.

In a 2013 study, he and colleagues found a link between a belief in being unlucky and lower executive function skills like switching between tasks and creative thinking.

Then in 2015, he and other colleagues found more electrical activity related to lower executive function in the brains of 10 students who believed themselves very unlucky than in the brains of 10 students who believed themselves very lucky.

“People who believe in bad luck didn’t necessarily engage in some of the processes that are needed to bring about positive outcomes,” Maltby says.

He offers a simple example of running out of ink in the middle of a print job. “The lucky person will have got a spare cartridge just in case because they have planned ahead. When the cartridge runs out they’ll say, ‘Oh, aren’t I lucky, I bought one earlier, that’’ fantastic,’ ” Maltby says.

“However, the unlucky person won’t have planned ahead, won’t have done the cognitive processes, so when the printer cartridge runs out and they’re left with something to print, they go, ‘Oh, I’m so unlucky.’ ”

If this kind of vicious cycle takes hold, it can make a big difference. Economists Victoria Prowse and David Gill of Purdue University think responses to bad luck might even explain part of the gender gap seen in the workforce.

In a lab experiment using a competitive game that involved both skill and luck, they found that women were more discouraged by bad luck than men. After experiencing bad luck, women had a greater tendency to reduce the amount of effort they put into the next round of the competition, even when the game’s stakes were small.

Luck frequently plays a role in careers, Prowse points out. Whether you get a job could depend on how much time a manager has to look at resumes, or whether she likes a color you wear to the interview. Companies often hold competitions that pit employees such as salespeople against each other.

“Even a small reduction in the effort of a woman after one interaction, where she gets unlucky, could potentially mean you miss the opportunity of getting promoted and getting to the next level, which has all sorts of future repercussions,” she says.

“It would be dangerous to dismiss these small differences as something that couldn’t potentially accumulate to something we really care about.”

While personality and gender seem to play a role, random events could also kick-start a virtuous lucky cycle or a vicious unlucky cycle. Economist Alan Kirman of the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris realized this could be the case when he worked in an office with relatively few parking places nearby.

One guy on his team always seemed to get lucky with parking spots close to the office, while another always had to park far away and walk. To figure out why, the team created a simple game-theory model to simulate the situation. It revealed that if would-be parkers happened to find spots near work early on, they continued to search in a narrow radius in the following days.

If they didn’t find spots near work early on, they began to search in a wider radius. Guess who had lucky streaks when it came to finding spots near work? The ones who were actually looking for them.

At least in the simulation, the parkers quickly sorted themselves into lucky and unlucky groups, without any reference to personality or gender, Kirman says. That means that a good or bad luck cycle could happen to anybody without their conscious knowledge.

It also means that, to the extent that life is a zero-sum game like parking, our bad luck cycle could be facilitating someone else’s good luck cycle - and that’s maddening. “The unlucky guys learn to choose the spots far back and leave the spots for other spots for the guys who are ‘lucky,’ ” Kirman says.

If you believe you’re lucky and show up for a date feeling confident, relaxed, and positive, you’ll be more attractive to your date.

Of course, believing in your own good luck isn’t always a good thing. In gambling, for example, lucky streaks are never what they seem. Take the case of online sports betting.

Juemin Xu, a graduate student at University College London, and her advisor, experimental psychologist Nigel Harvey, analyzed a 2010 database of 565,915 sports bets made by 776 online gamblers. In all those bets, they found something apparently at odds with laws of probability: Bettors were more likely to win after winning.

Those lucky streaks weren’t supernatural, Xu says; they were generated by the “gambler’s fallacy” - the widespread but misguided notion that your luck must eventually change. Thinking that a loss was imminent after a run of wins, bettors would make safer and safer bets, generating an even longer run of wins.

Unfortunately, the bettors didn’t make much money off of these streaks; over time, they still tended to lose to the house. “The best strategy in gambling is to control loss,” Xu says.

Teigen points out that, in many activities, lucky is the opposite of safe. In one study he found that people who have lucky stories are often those who have taken a lot of serious, often careless, risks.

For example, a woefully inexperienced paraglider told him about having averted a crash. Ultimately, that approach to courting luck could backfire.

“I am a little bit careful about wishing people good luck,” he says. “I’d rather they be safe than lucky.”

The trick, then, may be to find the areas of life where you can be both safe and lucky.

In the early 2000s, Wiseman capped his long study of lucky people with the creation of what he called a “luck school,” in which he gave unlucky people exercises that taught them to spot chance opportunities, listen to their guts, take an optimistic view, and not dwell on mistakes - in other words, to do the things that lucky people do.

He reported that, a month later, 80 percent of the unlucky people in his school said they were happier and luckier.

One psychology study coined the “George Bailey effect,” named for the jolt of happiness that comes from being surprised that a good thing can and did happen to you.

One of the easiest measures you can take to improve your luck is to shake things up. Think about the case of looking for parking. If you always default to the areas with merely tolerable spots, you’ll never find a really good spot.

Similar types of routines can settle in at work, at home, or in your social life. To introduce variety, one of Wiseman’s subjects picked a color before going to a party and then introduced himself to all of the people wearing that color. Another frequently took different routes to work.

More difficult, perhaps, is to learn how to not dwell on bad luck. Studies have found that people who are victims of assaults and accidents tend to ruminate on questions like “Why me?” or “What did I do wrong?”

This strategy is adaptive only if the victim can learn something that will help them avoid a similar disaster in the future. But that’s often not the case, and people are left with envy, self-blame, and useless, invasive thoughts.

However, certain kinds of unfortunate events - even very serious ones - seem to result in the mirror-opposite of this line of thinking. Teigen and his colleagues read interviews with 85 Norwegian tourists who took family vacations in Southeast Asia in the winter of 2004.

When the devastating earthquake and tsunami hit, their and their children’s lives were at risk, their Christmas holidays ruined.

Unlucky, right? Well, not from their perspective. Two years later, 95 percent of them said they had been lucky to survive, not unlucky to have picked that moment to travel there. (The remaining 5 percent said they had been a combination of lucky and unlucky.)

The key to deciding whether an event is lucky or unlucky is the comparison you make between the actual event and the “counterfactual” alternative you’re imagining, Teigen says. The people asking “Why me?” are making an upward comparison to other people who weren’t assaulted or who avoided an accident.

The people who feel lucky to have survived are comparing themselves downwardly to people who had a worse fate. Both are valid interpretations, but the downward comparison helps you to hold on to optimism, summon the feel-good emotion of gratitude, and to weave a larger narrative in which you are the lucky protagonist of your life story.

Consider George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life. He embraces life again after an angel takes him on a tour of what the world would have been like had he never been born.

In a 2008 study, researchers found that subjects who took themselves on a similar mental journey - thinking about a counterfactual life path in which a positive event like meeting a future spouse never happened - ended up “a little bit happier” than those who simply thought about the positive event itself.

The jolt of happiness, which they called the “George Bailey effect,” comes from being surprised that a good thing can and did happen to you.

When times are tough, it might seem frivolous to cultivate a belief in luck. But that belief, psychologists say, can cast a spell that heals our wounds and gives us another shot at success, whether we’ve survived a bombing or just been on a bad date.

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A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money
June 9 2018 | From: DailyReckoning / ReserveBankOfNewZealand

Jim Rickards calls them ‘silent dog whistles’. Through these signals, in the frequencies beyond normal human hearing… elites communicate with each other.

Their communications are public. But their language can be so thick, so technical — so innocuous — not one in a hundred can crack it open.

Related: The Khazarian Debt Scam: Debt that isn’t Debt

Only the intended audience can penetrate the deeper message within…and that audience is their fellow elites.

Hold this information close when you consider the recent ‘speech’ by a certain Benoît Coeuré. This Coeuré fellow is a grandee of the European Central Bank (ECB).

He dispatched the following message last week at a monetary conference in:

I would like to share some more general thoughts on the role of the central bank’s balance sheet in the economy. My focus will be on central bank liabilities — that is, money created by central banks to be used as a means of payment and store of value…

What distinguishes the discussion today from previous discussions…are three new facts:

The first is that we are seeing a dramatic decline in the demand for cash in some countries, in particular Sweden and Norway.

Let us interrupt briefly to translate this ‘fact’:

Cash limits our options as central bankers. Private citizens should not be allowed so large a voice in monetary affairs. Besides, no one wants it anyway. The time has come to discard cash altogether, as we previously discarded the ‘barbarous relic’, gold.

Related: Overseas Banking Villains Suck New Zealanders’ Wealth Offshore

Pardon our manners, Monsieur Coeuré. Please continue:

'The second is that central banks today could make use of new technologies that would enable the introduction of what is widely referred to as a “token-based” currency — one based on a distributed ledger technology (DLT) or comparable cryptographic technology.

Once again, we must break in. The unvarnished message:

Cryptocurrencies are a threat to our control of the monetary system. Unacceptable. We cannot stop the technology, so we must co-opt it. We must ensure that the masses can only use authorised cryptocurrency - ours, that is. We must ban all rival cryptocurrencies.

Related: The Babylonian Money Changers: Jesus Christ was Crucified for speaking out against the Money Changer

Please…proceed, sir:

'And the third “new” fact, at least from a long-term perspective, relates to the role of central banks in setting monetary policy, and more recently to the emergence of negative rates as a policy instrument and the consequences for the transmission of monetary policy.

The problem comes back to cash. No one will pay the bank to hold their cash, so the masses would withdraw their money from the banking system. Cash therefore prevents us from employing truly negative interest rates. In consequence, cash must go. Once all money is digital, we’ll completely capture the monetary system and make negative interest rates a reality.

Out of kindness…we spare you the remainder.

Perhaps you think we overweigh an obscure talk by some two-bit corporal of a banker. But this Coeuré is no understrapper.

There are only six members on the ECB’s Executive Board - the board that sets policy.

Related: War On Cash Goes into Full Effect - Purchases Over $10,000 ILLEGAL in Australia

Coeuré is one of them. As Phoenix Capital, specialising in asset management, sizes him:

'There are fewer than 100 people on the planet who are as familiar with how central banks perceive the risks in today’s financial system as well as the policies said central banks will unleash when the next crisis hits.

And the implication:

'Put simply…discussions of ending physical cash and introducing strictly digital money are taking place within the highest circles of central bankers.

The war on cash.

Jim Rickards has been up on his rooftop hollering about it for years now. His message is simply - but deeply - this:

The elites must ban cash so they can herd us all into the ‘digital pens’.

Related: Face to Face with John Mcafee on Cryptocurrency | Founder of Mcafee Antivirus and Crypto investor

Only then can they unleash the negative interest rates they believe are necessary to repair a sick economy. And you are among the flock:

'This is of course part of the war on cash. [People] are being led like sheep to the slaughter. They’re being herded into digital pens, which are the banks.

It will not happen at once. The resistance is too heavy in the center. These elites intend rather to outflank and surround the sheep…to cut off all escape routes.

Then when the next crisis strikes, it’s off to the digital pen…to be sheared.


Brian Maher,
For The Daily Reckoning Australia

Editor’s Note: Brian Maher is The Daily Reckoning US Managing Editor. A long-time independent researcher and writer covering economics, politics and international affairs, Brian’s work has appeared in the Asia Times and news outlets all around the world.

Related: War is a tragic hoax

What Is Digital Currency?

Bulletin article discusses digital currencies.

An article published in the Reserve Bank Bulletin outlines different forms of digital currencies.

Related: Bank Of America Admits Cryptocurrencies Threaten Its Business Model

In recent years there have been continuous advances in financial technology and increased interest in digital currencies.

The advent of crypto-currencies, first introduced in 2008, has added a dimension to digital financial services.

In this environment, central banks, which have a role as national issuers of cash around the world, are considering the

implications of these new technologies, including the potential for issuing their own digital currencies. This article by Amber Wadsworth is the first of a series to be released over the next few months. It explores different forms of digital currencies using a money tree classification. Future articles will compare distributed ledger technology

to existing financial market infrastructure for payments, and assess the pros and cons of a central bank issuing its own digital currency. These articles do not propose a design for a digital currency or suggest that the Reserve Bank will issue digital currency.

Related: Banks Are Stealing Our Future? How To Put An End?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Top 10 Food And Medicine Myths You Probably Fell For At Some Point + How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”
June 8 2018 | From: NaturalNews / JonRappoport

Everybody wants to be healthy, well-informed and financially free, but most of us receive the wrong advice, believe in popular myths, get sick from ridiculous illnesses that are totally preventable and curable, and then spend our money trying to get ourselves “fixed” by doctors who don’t understand a lick about nutrition.

All this while we keep eating the same bad food and taking the same symptom cover-up, chemical-based medicines.

Related: The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine

Why do we heed all this bad advice and consume chemicals to treat chemical disorders? We do this because corporations are very sneaky, and they push the same lies over and over, across different mediums and even through the mouths of shill doctors, dentists, scientists, academics, journalists and the like.

You hear the Big Food and Big Pharma tales repeatedly, and then you start to believe them. You read them everywhere; you hear them on television. You read them in Prevention Magazine or via WebMD. You look them up in Wikipedia and your MD regurgitates them for bonus cash.

Let’s put an end to all this self-inflicted misery. So, here they come and here they’ll go – away for good, now that you know better. Don’t fall for the top 10 food and medicine myths!

1. Milk… It Does a Body Good

Wrong! Think about this for a minute: Humans are the only animals that drink milk after infancy and from another animal; it’s just not normal.

Plus, all dairy products cause excess mucus to accumulate in the body and lead to inflammation.

2. Red meat is Worse for Your Body Than Chicken, Turkey or Pig

Most meat in America comes from confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) where the animals are cooped up in overcrowded pens, rarely if ever see sunlight or pastures, are shot up with synthetic hormones (that cause cancer), injected with massive amounts of antibiotics to stave off bacterial infections, fed genetically modified feed (that also causes cancer) and slaughtered inhumanely – then processed with bleach, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites for human consumption.

So, with that in mind, it doesn’t really matter if the meat is red, brown, white or green, because it’s all doing the same chronic damage to the humans that consume it regularly. “Eat less red meat?” Try eating no processed meat and you’ll be far better off.

3. Organic Canola Oil is a Healthy Choice

Everything organic is not healthy. Let’s go there. Organic means it doesn’t contain chemical-based insecticides, algaecides, fertilizers and herbicides. What it doesn’t mean is that it’s free of heavy metals or trace amounts of dangerous chemicals.

Canola is not a natural plant to this earth. Canola comes from rapeseed, which is toxic to all animals. What the manufacturers do is remove the stench of rapeseed using hexane, a constituent vapor of gasoline, but there’s still some left in the final product. Irrespective of whether canola is organic or not, it strangles your mitochondria (cells) that need oxygen to function.

Organic canola also inhibits enzyme function. Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed during the deodorizing process into trans-fatty acids. The reason why canola is particularly unsuited for consumption is that it contains a very long-chain fatty acid called erucic acid, which is associated with fibrotic heart lesions.

Organic Soy (That’s Unfermented) is a Healthy Choice

Some people think if a product is organic, it’s “good to go.” Wrong. You still need to stay informed. Let’s talk about any soy that’s not fermented, including the organic stuff. Big Food is quickly buying up medium-sized organic companies and pushing soy and canola like it’s healthy.

Just over the past 15 years, 3,000 new soy-based foods, all labeled “certified organic” have hit the shelves. Why? Big Food likes to trick healthy-minded people, that’s why. Remember, Big Food works hand-in-hand with Big Pharma.

All soy that’s not fermented screws with the balance of human estrogen and testosterone. Got breast cancer or “Low-T?” Did you know unfermented soy is linked to immune-system malfunctions, thyroid dysfunction and cognitive decline?

Yep. In fact, hundreds of health studies reveal infant abnormalities, kidney stones and food allergies thanks to soy consumption. No soy was fit to eat until the discovery of fermentation techniques during the Chou Dynasty. Your organic soy “protein” may be causing you chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. Destroy the soy myth and protect your body.

5. Vaccines No Longer Contain Mercury (Thimerosal), and the CDC Even Says So

The CDC says they removed mercury from all childhood vaccines over a decade ago, but they’re lying. Influenza vaccines contain massive amounts of mercury and are highly recommended by the CDC for pregnant women, infants 6 months old, and every person for every year of their lives thereafter.

Yes, influenza vaccines (flu shots) are one of the main causes of the flu and still contain thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum and other dangerous preservatives, adjuvants, emulsifiers and virus “deadeners.”

6. Chemotherapy is the Best Chance to Beat Cancer Once You’ve Been Diagnosed

Fact: Chemotherapy yields a miserable 2.3 percent success rate on average. Another fact: 75 percent of MDs and oncologists would never take chemotherapy themselves nor recommend it for their family members.

Chemotherapy destroys the human immune system – the one thing humans need the most to fight off cancer.

Quite ironic, huh? Natural remedies for cancer are abundant and inexpensive, including vitamin C, garlic, oregano oil, CBD oil, hemp seed oil, chaga and reishi mushrooms, baking soda in water, and of course, plenty of vitamin D.

7. Many Cancer Cases Are Inherited in Our Genes From Our Parents or Their Parents

Doctors tell patients almost everything is inherited from their parents so they won’t go out and seek natural remedies that work. Why would any greedy doctor want you cured when you’ll never come back to them? Most cancer is caused by chemical consumption, period.

8. There is No Cure for Cancer

The search for the cure is the ultimate boondoggle. Honest scientists have been curing cancer for decades – even brain cancer. Google the Burzynski Clinic and you’ll be blown away!

Related: Introduction / Overview: The ‘Healing Computer’ Technology

Then research natural remedies online.

9. The FDA and the CDC function in the best interests of American consumers by inspecting food and medicine for dangerous substances

Laughing out loud. The FDA and the CDC are in business with Big Pharma and have been for decades. Want to die of preventable diseases? Just heed their advice.

10. Fluoride in Toothpaste and Tap Water Helps Humans Keep Their Teeth Strong and Free of Decay

If you aren’t already aware of it, it’s time to learn the raw truth about tap water and toothpaste.

Watch this mini-documentary by the Health Ranger, right now!

The Fluoride Deception Exposes the Truth About Water Fluoridation and the Phosphate Mining Industry

The Fluoride Deception exposes the truth about where fluoride really comes from: The toxic byproducts of the phosphate mining industry.

How The Mind Treats “Impossible Things That Couldn’t Be Happening”

I recently published an article that highlighted the numbers of medically caused deaths in America.

When little fragmentary stories about this fact emerge in the mainstream press, they’re one-offs. There is no serious follow-up and no deep investigation. Therefore, the public isn’t aroused.

On May 3, 2016, the Washington Post ran an article detailing deaths from medical errors. This bomb dropped: doctors’ errors account for “about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”

Let that sink in. Roughly one out of every 10 deaths in the US is caused by medical errors. (Under “errors,” you can include a wide range of toxic treatment.)

No major newspaper or news network pounds on this factoid day after day. It’s here and then it’s gone. It’s on the level of: “The last seven presidents have been assassinated. And now, here’s the weather.”

Something else is going on, too. I’ll lay it out for you. Most of the general public, and many reporters, can’t even begin to absorb that medical-death statistic. It bounces off them. They either reject it out of hand, misread it, or fail to transport it to the part of their mind where they think about things.

The statistic is virtually invisible to them. “Let’s see, 10% of all deaths in America are caused by the medical system. REJECTED.”

I even had one person tell me ten percent “wasn’t very much.” I’ve had people change the subject rapidly when I presented them with the statistic. “Car accidents are terrible. My aunt was in a car crash and she…”

So it isn’t just major media. People are running their own fake news operation on themselves.

This has been called “cognitive dissonance” or some other fancy name. It’s just the “bounce phenomenon.” A fact bounces off a person. It has no effect. I’ve dealt with this for more than 30 years as a reporter. I’m in the business of presenting “bounce-able” facts. I’ve seen the full array of reactions, time and time again.


Bounce, bounce, bounce. Here is another process that goes on in the mind. It starts this way: WELL, IF THAT WERE TRUE, THEN…

The person starts to think about the boggling fact. He starts to flesh out the implications. And he stops. Because the implications are too much. His mental processes and his basic orientation aren’t flexible enough to deal with them.

I’ve been interviewed and watched this happen. The interviewer begins to absorb what I’ve just told him, and he quickly backs away and redirects the conversation. Or tries to. I bring him back to the boggling fact. But it’s like trying to drive a faulty car. He just can’t make it. He stalls. His wheels spin, and then he gets out of the car and moves on to something else.

Here is a paraphrase of such an exchange. The interviewer was telling me about the purported effects of a disease he claimed was being caused by a virus. I happened to know the virus had never been isolated from a single human being, so I asked him:

“How many deaths would you say occur from the disease, every year in the US?” He puffed up his chest a bit and said, “At least a thousand. It’s terrible.” I said, “Well, did you know that the medical system is the third leading cause of death in America, behind heart disease and cancer?”


He said, “This virus I’m talking about can spread rapidly…” Bounce.

Perhaps the most interesting conversation I’ve ever had illustrating the bounce phenomenon occurred at the home of an acquaintance who is a psychologist. I mentioned that every year in the US the medical system kills a minimum of 225,000 people, and then I got part-way into explaining how most people don’t even register the fact when they come across it.

He launched into a major lecture about cognitive dissonance, deploying a few pseudo-technical terms I’d never heard of. I let him go on for a few minutes and then I stopped him. I asked, “Can you remember what I said that started you down this path?”

He scratched his chin, thought about it, and said no. In his case, the bounce brought on a case of outright amnesia.

Of course, I’ve mentioned medically caused death to doctors. Their comments go something like this: “That couldn’t be true.” “That was just one study.”

Then I say no, there are other confirming studies, and I cite them. At that point the big bounce happens, and they change the subject. Or they look at their watches. Or they walk away.

I’ve found reporters more honest - as long as I’m talking to them off the record, and preferably after a few drinks. One reporter said, “I know. But we can’t write about that. We’d get reamed out.”

I don’t care what journalism schools and editors claim the profession is all about. I know what it’s about. You overturn reality. That’s what you do.

In the process, you reveal there are people who are creating that reality for all of us. And if that is true, and it is, then each individual is capable of inventing his own reality. A better one. Along the way, certain facts are going to jump up out of the hopper that tear conventional thinking and perception to shreds.


“Wow. That would make it the third leading cause of death. That means the more people who are in the system, the more deaths. The public has to know about this…”

No bounce. Ah, now we’re on to something.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe
June 8 2018 | From: Mercola

"Transgenic Wars," an award-winning film by French investigative journalist Paul Moreira, takes us on a journey through Europe and Latin America, looking at the effects of genetically engineered (GE) crops, both on livestock and human health.

It also delves into tangential concerns, such as the increased use of glyphosate-based herbicides, atrazine and 2,4-D, the latter of which was an ingredient in the devastating defoliant Agent Orange, used during the Vietnam War.

Super high demand for organic produce across USA means an agricultural goldmine for farmers willing to go organic

Coincidentally, Monsanto was a leading producer of Agent Orange during the war, and its war contributions, which began with its involvement in the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb, help explain how Monsanto has managed to secure such staunch allegiance from the U.S. government.

It's a destructive and often incomprehensible allegiance that continues to this day, with the U.S. government's support of and involvement in spreading Monsanto's genetically engineered (GE) crops and toxic chemicals around the world - now repackaged as "necessary" for agriculture.

Related: Monsanto's Dirty Dozen: 12 More Crimes Against Humanity And The Environment Concocted By The World's Most Evil Corporation + New Evidence About the Dangers of Monsanto’s Roundup

Monsanto, being a leader in GE seeds and the chemicals that go with them, receives a fair share of the attention throughout the film. Ecologist Patrick Moore, Ph.D., who made the unlikely transition from co-founder of Greenpeace to being a professional GE supporter and lobbyist, is also featured.

In a sensational video that has garnered more than 1.4 million views, Moreira suggested Moore drink a glass of Roundup to prove his assertion that the herbicide is completely harmless. Moore's refusal, saying he's "not stupid," is included in the film.

Danish Pig Farmers Struggle With Mysterious Swine Disease

The film starts off in Denmark, where pig breeders are struggling to determine the cause of a mysterious swine disease, simply referred to as "the yellow death." The disease causes violent diarrhea, and is often lethal to the affected pigs.

Virtually all feed their pigs GE soy, and many suspect this may be the source of the problem. Ib Pedersen is a long-time pig farmer in Denmark.

When he first started feeding his pigs GE soy in the 1980s, the mix contained about 20 percent GE soy. Over the years, the ratio increased, and by 2002, about 90 percent of the soy in the feed was GE.

Like other farmers, Pedersen struggled to contain "the yellow death," which would kill up to 30 percent of the piglets born each year, until one day he decided to remove the GE soy from the feed mix. Within two days, changes were noticeable. There was not a single case of diarrhea among his pigs.

In the three years he's been feeding his pigs all non-GE feed, he's never had a single case of "the yellow death" again. Pedersen single-handedly managed to raise doubts about the safety of GE soy among Danish farmers. Interestingly, Pedersen may have identified the problem even more closely.

He noticed two intriguing connections:

1. When GE soy was sourced from Argentina, all of the farmers who received it ended up with outbreaks of diarrhea among their pigs. What was it about this Argentinian GE soy that was so much worse than others?

2. He found images of deformed Argentinian children online, which local doctors and scientists insist are caused by pesticide exposure, as many villagers are surrounded by GE fields where toxic chemicals are sprayed with wanton abandon.

He was struck by how similar these deformities were to the deformities found in his piglets. Could pesticide-contaminated GE soy be the cause of the pig farmers' problems?

Transgenic Wars

Transgenic Soy Destroying Argentina

Argentina is the third largest grower of transgenic crops in the world, and the second-largest producer of GE soy. GE crops have radically altered the face of the country.

Transgenic crops have eliminated the need for large workforces on the farm, eradicating entire villages and contributing to massive poverty.

Gone is the agricultural diversity Argentina used to boast, replaced instead by massive single-crop fields of GE corn, soy and cotton.

Moreira visits Avia Terai, a small rural village surrounded by GE fields. Here, children are born with strange maladies and degenerative diseases of unknown origin. One little girl has large brownish-black spots all over her face and body - marks she's had since birth.

Another is slowly wasting away from an undiagnosed degenerative disease thought to be genetic, aggravated by exposure to herbicides.

Many of the children are deformed in one way or another. Many of the elders are dying from cancer.

The villagers refer to Monsanto's Roundup as "the poison," and do their best to avoid getting sprayed. They all fear the large tractor that sprays one of two things on the fields: water or herbicide, and there's no telling what is being sprayed when.

One woman describes how she shuts herself and her children inside whenever she hears the tractor. Still, avoidance is difficult when you're surrounded by fields, and spray drifts in the wind, settling in water and on clothes hanging out to dry.

Argentinian Farmers Recognize GE Soy Cannot Be Used for Animal Feed

Tellingly, a GE farmer being secretly taped by Moreira reveals they do not feed this GE soy to any of their animals; "If you feed your chickens with it, you can no longer eat their eggs," he says. When asked why, he says because the eggs smell so bad you cannot eat them. This is why all of his GE soy is exported.

Meanwhile, the nearby villagers suffer, being regularly fumigated. Efforts to dialogue with the GE soy farmers have led to naught, and the companies that own the fields are so rich, fines do not dissuade them from spraying well within the illegal perimeter of residential housing.

In the 15 years that transgenic crops have been grown in Argentina, there have only been three convictions for illegal fumigation, despite it being a common occurrence. In the case of Avia Terai, the village is only 200 meters (656 feet) from the transgenic soya field.

By law, pesticides are not permitted to be used within 1.5 kilometers (just under 1 mile) of resident housing.

Their situation is not unique. In fact, the problem is so great, the Argentinian government has been forced to subsidize pesticide-induced disability centers to manage the growing health crisis.

These centers are now filled with children from villages where the parents were exposed to agricultural chemicals. Overall, birth defects are about 350 percent higher in areas where GE crops are grown, compared to the rest of the country.

As noted by one of the nurses at a disability center in Saenz Peña;

“We export our [GE] soy to your countries to feed the animals you are eating … But we are the ones truly paying the price for it."

Retired pediatrician Dr. Maria Del Carmen Seveso goes so far as to call it genocide, saying the situation is really serious.

Deformed Children, Deformed Pigs - Are Herbicides to Blame?

It was images of these deformed Argentinian children, posted on the internet, that got Pedersen, the Danish pig farmer, thinking. Like all other pig farmers, he had his fair share of deformed pigs being born.

He hadn't paid it much attention, other than to recognize that these things happen from time to time, but deformities had become more common, and he was struck by the similarities of the deformities he saw in the Argentinian children who'd been exposed to pesticides in utero.

Related: Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Link To Cancer Over 35 Years Ago + How You Can Have Yourself Tested For Glyphosate Contamination

When it comes to determining which pesticides are to blame, there are many open questions. As it turns out, glyphosate is not the only chemical being used on Argentina's GE soy fields. As resistant weeds flourish, many farmers have resorted to adding other chemicals to the mix, and it's unclear who's using what.

The synergistic action of chemicals will typically augment the toxicity of the mixture, compared to any given chemical on its own, but no studies have been done to determine the exact hazard level of various concoctions.

As Moreira comes across a tractor set to spray a field, he finds not only Monsanto's Roundup, but also atrazine - which is banned in Europe but extensively used in the U.S. - and 2,4-D, one of the main components of the military herbicide Agent Orange, extensively used over the jungles during the Vietnam War.

One thing's clear: The promise that transgenic crops would lead to "greener" agriculture and less chemicals has NOT come to pass. Instead, more and more chemicals are being used on our food and the feed we raise our livestock on.

Mutant Enemies

As transgenic crops have taken over Argentina, herbicide-resistant weeds have become a serious problem. More than 30 million hectares (74.1 million acres) of GE soy is planted in Argentina, and glyphosate is applied to each field at least three or four times a year. This has spawned a whole new kind of weed - one resistant to glyphosate, just like the GE crop itself.

Sonoma County, Calif. has become part of the largest GMO-free zone in the US - thanks to voter turnout

To address the problem, farmers not only apply more pesticides, they also mix different pesticides together to prevent the weeds from adapting to a single formula. As a result, anywhere from three to five additional chemicals are routinely added to the glyphosate. Newer GE seeds are also designed to resist even more toxic combinations. 

As noted in the film, there's no definitive proof that agricultural chemicals are responsible for the health crisis in Argentina. But there's no evidence proving they're not responsible either. And the government has done nothing to determine the truth.

In fact, the government of Argentina has been and continues to be very supportive of the GE industry, and Monsanto ads are commonplace on Argentinian TV, assuring the people their products are safe and effective. Meanwhile, no studies have ever been done to ascertain whether all of these chemical cocktails create dangerous interactions or cause the severe health problems now seen among children raised in agricultural areas.

Staggering Increases in Cancer

The only independently organized investigation of the health impact of GE crops, conducted by students of the Rosario Medical University, found that cancer rates increased by 40 percent in a single year in one village.

In another, the cancer rate shot up by 250 percent. What these villages have in common is that they're surrounded by GE fields and the fumigation border is extremely close to where they live.

Sadly, Argentina's economy is now fully dependent on transgenic agriculture. According to Alejandro Mentaberry at the Ministry for Science, Argentina made about $65 billion on GE crops between 1996 - the year GE crops were introduced - and 2011. Mentaberry believes the country owes its "miraculous economic recovery" to the export of transgenic crops.

But at what price this miraculous economic boon? In April 2014, Argentinians took to the streets in Cordoba to protest against Monsanto and the use of their products. "Monsanto out! Yes to life, no to Monsanto! Monsanto is poison. Monsanto is corruption," the people chanted as they marched through the streets.

The film goes on to discuss the political powers that support and steer countries into accepting genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

For example, Wikileaks revealed how U.S. government officials are secretly doing the chemical technology industry's dirty work, cajoling and threatening governments with retaliation as needed. U.K. government officials have also been caught acting like lobbyists and spokesmen for the GE industry.

Transatlantic trade agreements also stand poised to dismantle any remaining prohibitions against the free flow of GMOs and toxic chemicals into Europe, where laws protecting human and environmental health are stricter than in the U.S. Depending on the final outcome of these agreements, it's possible no country will be able to oppose GMOs in the future, no matter what the human or environmental cost.

Patrick Moore and Golden Rice

Moore, a former Greenpeace activist, has become a prominent adversary of the movement against GMOs. According to Moreira, Moore left Greenpeace 30 years ago on bad terms, and has since made a name for himself as a supporter of all things anti-nature, including the nuclear industry, the mining industry and the transgenic industry. "He also thinks global warming is great for the planet," Moreira notes.

He's been a leading advocate for GE Golden Rice, designed to contain high amounts of beta-carotene, ostensibly to combat vitamin A deficiency in Third World countries. There are problems though. For starters, beta-carotene is a fat soluble vitamin. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, you need at least 3 grams of fat to ensure absorption of beta-carotene supplements.

This enriched rice is intended for impoverished nations where dietary fats are nearly impossible to come by with any regularity, thereby rendering this type of supplementation useless at best.

It's also unknown whether the beta-carotene in Golden Rice will hold up during storage between harvest seasons, or whether traditional cooking methods used to prepare the rice will destroy the beta-carotene. Last but not least, the rice is still under development, and all claims are therefore little more than wishful thinking.

Such facts should have shut down the Golden Rice fairy tale right from the get-go, but it hasn't stopped the likes of Moore from spending much time and effort to promote it, likening the refusal to approve Golden Rice to genocide and Greenpeace's opposition to the rice "a crime against humanity."

To Build a Saner, Safer Food System, Start Close to Home

The problems may seem insurmountable, but there are solutions. The fact of the matter is farmers do not have to use chemical cocktails to produce ample food. Many areas would need serious intervention to improve and rebuild soil quality, which has been destroyed by decades of mechanized farming and chemicals, but it can be done.

As an individual, you can help steer the agricultural industry toward safer, more sustainable systems by growing your own foods and buying what you cannot grow from local farmers you trust.

By far, processed foods are the most likely to contain GE ingredients, so avoiding processed foods of all kinds, including condiments, is one of the best ways to avoid them - and the chemical cocktails sprayed on these crops.

Related: Denmark Intends To Be The World’s FIRST 100% Organic Nation

If everyone were to refuse to buy products containing GMOs, insisting on feeding their families pesticide-free, GMO-free foods, the food industry would have no choice but to respond.

They cannot stay in business if people don't buy their goods, and if food companies refuse to buy GE ingredients, the chemical biotechnology industry will lose its financial power to corrupt and manipulate governments.

It's really just a massive trickle-down effect, and the masses really do have the power, even though Monsanto and their allies would like you to think otherwise.

There's a way out of this mess, and it starts with each person making different purchasing choices for themselves and their families. While many grocery stores now carry organic foods, it's preferable to source yours from local growers whenever possible, as much of the organic food sold in grocery stores is imported.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Language Of Symbolism: How To Recognize These Three Symbols Hidden In Plain Sight
June 7 2018 | From: TheMindUnleashed

On the path of trying to figure out what this world is really about, many people ease into the study of symbolism.


When one recognizes the deliberate nature of power, and the characteristics power displays in various activities, they can begin to recognize deeper, more subtle layers of truth about power.

Related: The Swastika: How The Nazis Turned A Sign Of Good Luck Into A Symbol Of Evil

For example a government being the power, participating in psychological warfare against its own people, the government being composed of people who have histories with fraternal orders and secret societies who value symbolism, ect.

This video explores connections between fraternal orders and secret societies to high levels of power: an extremely thorough examination, well past the well known ones such as Skull and Bones at Yale.

Understanding the cult-like behavior of people in power, from royal bloodlines, to banks and corporations, to governments, one can reasonably deduce that their choice of symbolism is often well thought out. Symbols have historically been very important to people in power.

Symbols almost always have multiple layers of meaning: one layer of symbolism may be explained as a simple thing to the public, when it actually alludes to something deeper that only initiates to the symbol can recognize.

Understanding how symbols are deliberate and purposeful, suddenly meaning can be recognized in all kinds of things we see every day. Of course, they are also prone to being misunderstood, or having false meaning attributed to them. Certainty can be scarce in the study of symbolism.

Logos of different corporations and businesses, government flags, emblems, and more are rich with symbolism that speaks a language only those who pay close attention can understand.

Here’s an example I always think of: why do so many flags in the world display 5 pointed stars? Other symbols such as crosses, 6 pointed stars, 7 pointed stars, crescent moons, and more also appear on flags across the world.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Why would so many various factions of power across the world all unanimously decide that a 5 pointed star would best represent them on their flag?

Why do countries (China and the US) that appear to conflict with each other both have 5 pointed stars featured prominently on their flags?

It’s like an inside joke: there must be something that common civilian populations do not understand about the significance of the 5 pointed star. I don’t think so many governments and corporations unanimously decided a 5 pointed star is aesthetically pleasing for a flag.

It has to mean something more than we know.

It’s not difficult to make the case that some natural shapes and geometric formations are used as symbols simply because they look good. However, I think there are many more layers.

I believe shapes such as squares, octagons, triangles, and others are astrotheological references: references to the angles that planets make in the sky, and a system of esoteric knowledge that has been successfully hidden from most people. It is through understanding astrology and its significance to these people in power that I’ve come to this conclusion.

Some videos online can be found about astrotheological symbolism (essentially astrology related symbolism).

This video in particular examined symbolism in the auto-industry. Aries the Ram on the Dodge Ram logo, a Ford Taurus, a Mercury, the Mars symbol on Volvo: the astrotheological references are endless.

In addition, Marty Leeds explored what may be a reference to Pi (3.14), symbolism about the mathematics of creation in auto-industry logos.

To understand the 5 pointed star as an astrotheological reference, one would have to look at an unusual astrology aspect that seems to have been hidden from mainstream astrologers: the quintile, a 72 or 144 degree angle between two planets.

If 5 planets were locked into quintiles, that would make a pentagram in the sky.

Related: The Auckland War Memorial Museum: An Expedition Into Esoteric Symbolism

There may be some hidden esoteric information in this 5 pointed star, but as of right now, I haven’t figured it out at all. People say the 5 pointed star represents the 4 elements (fire, air, earth, water) and spirit, but I don’t think that’s where the rabbit hole ends. There must be deeper layers of meaning to this strange symbol that appears everywhere.

However, the symbols that have my attention the most are probably the symbols that seem to represent slavery. The octagon, the 8 pointed star of Inanna, the oblong square, the hypercube: these symbols are said to represent slavery, being boxed in and trapped, never-ending loops, and things of that nature.

It would make sense to me, considering the malefic aspects in astrology are squares and oppositions. When planets make squares to each other, bad things happen, to sum it up briefly.

Trines and sextiles, multiples of the 6 pointed star are functional, positive aspects in astrology: and I’m starting to believe that’s why the 6 pointed star is chosen for some business logos and flags. Perhaps it’s a symbol of their effort succeeding or coming to fruition with ease.

The Octagon, or 8 Pointed Star of Inanna

The 8 pointed star or octogon is thought to be a symbol of slavery: of being boxed in and trapped, controlled or things of that nature.

The United Nations logo is an 8 pointed star engulfing the planet. It can be found on many more government logos in particular.

In Stanley Kubrick’s final film Eyes Wide Shut, which is essentially about a psychopathic ruling class of people, the 8 pointed star is featured prominently in the first scenes of the movie.

Kubrick was known for his meticulous attention to detail: we know for sure the placement of this symbol was not an accident.

The Square, or Oblong Square, Hyper-Cube

The oblong square is a square that is positioned sideways like a diamond. It appears on many corporate logos, and all over architecture and things we see in every day life. It is said that it’s a symbol of boxing people in and trapping them at base consciousness.

However, it’s nearly impossible to have certainty recognizing the oblong square as a symbol meant to depict this. It’s everywhere, so differentiating coincidence from intentful symbolic representation is very difficult.

Over time, a person looking into symbolism can begin to make this distinction. It seems obvious for example, in the Chase Bank logo because it’s a square inside an octogon, making a sort of swastika shape.

The hypercube is thought to represent a never-ending loop, a prison of consciousness. Researchers such as Mark Passio have presented this theory.

The 6 Pointed Star, or Triangle

While for some reason, certain governmental, corporate, or institutional entities choose seemingly negative symbolism, such as the squares that seem to represent people being boxed in, other entities choose symbols that point to a focus on success.

From the Wal-Mart logo to the 6 pointed “Star of David” found on the Israeli flag (which is of course a symbol older than we could ever know), this symbol can be found everywhere.

Some claim that it represents a cube, since a cube looks like a hexagon if you look at it from an angle.

Theories about symbolism depicting the “Black Cube of Saturn” have circulated widely, and I think they are credible because something certainly is being represented by all these monuments in the picture below.

One of Saturn’s poles has a hexagonal storm on it, depicted below. However, somehow Saturn symbolism involving a black cube has been around for longer than the public has known Saturn has a hexagonal storm on it.

What do these symbols actually do to people? I’m not completely sure. Perhaps they work against our subconscious in a way we don’t understand. Perhaps they don’t do much to us, and people in power just have a belief that they do.

Whatever the reason, this much is clear: people in power care very much about symbolism, and meaning can be found in it that tells us about the world we live in.

Related: The Secret And Hidden Agenda Of Language: Why Many Words Are Magic Spells

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Is Wikipedia An Establishment Psyop?
June 6 2018 | From: Antimedia

If you haven’t been living in a hole in a cave with both fingers plugged into your ears, you may have noticed that an awful lot of fuss gets made about Russian propaganda and disinformation these days.

Mainstream media outlets are now speaking openly about the need for governments to fight an “information war” against Russia, with headlines containing that peculiar phrase now turning up on an almost daily basis.

Related: Assange Exposes the Truth About Corporate Media: ‘You Are Reading Weaponized Text’

Here’s one published today titled “Border guards detain Russian over ‘information war’ on Poland“, about a woman who is to be expelled from that country on the grounds that she “worked to consolidate pro-Russian groups in Poland in order to challenge Polish government policy on historical issues and replace it with a Russian narrative” in order to “destabilize Polish society and politics.”

Here’s one published yesterday titled “Marines get new information warfare leader“, about a US Major General’s appointment to a new leadership position created “to better compete in a 21st century world.”

Here’s one from the day before titled “Here’s how Sweden is preparing for an information war ahead of its general election“, about how the Swedish Security Service and Civil Contingencies Agency are “gearing up their efforts to prevent disinformation during the election campaigns.”

This notion that the US and its allies are fighting against Russian “hybrid warfare” (by which they typically mean hackers and disinformation campaigns) has taken such deep root among think tanks, DC elites and intelligence/defense circles that it often gets unquestioningly passed on as fact by mass media establishment stenographers who are immersed in and chummy with those groups.

Related: House Intel: No Evidence Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia

The notion that these things present a real threat to the public is taken for granted to such an extent that they seldom bother to even attempt to explain to their audiences why we’re meant to be so worried about this new threat and what makes it a threat in the first place.

Which is, to put it mildly, really weird. Normally when the establishment cooks up a new Official Bad Guy they spell out exactly why we’re meant to be afraid of them.

Marijuana will give us reefer madness and ruin our communities. Terrorists will come to where we live and kill us because they hate our freedom. Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction which can be used to perpetrate another 9/11. Kim Jong Un might nuke Hawaii any second now.

With this new “Russian hybrid warfare” scare, we’re not getting any of that. This notion that Russians are scheming to give westerners the wrong kinds of political opinions is presented as though having those political opinions is an inherent, intrinsic threat all on its own.

The closest they typically ever get to explaining to us what makes “Russian disinformation” so threatening is that it makes us “lose trust in our institutions,” as though distrusting the CIA or the US State Department is somehow harmful and not the most logical position anyone could possibly have toward historically untrustworthy institutions. 

Related: 10 Shocking Facts You Did Not Know About Wikipedia And Jimmy Wales

Beyond that we’re never given a specific explanation as to why this “Russian disinformation” thing is so dangerous that we need our governments to rescue us from it.

The reason we are not given a straight answer as to why we’re meant to want our institutions fighting an information war on our behalf (instead of allowing us to sort out fact from fiction on our own like adults) is because the answer is ugly.

As we discussed last time, the only real power in this world is the ability to control the dominant narrative about what’s going on. The only reason government works the way it works, money operates the way it operates, and authority rests where it rests is because everyone has agreed to pretend that that’s how things are.

In actuality, government, money and authority are all man-made conceptual constructs and the collective can choose to change them whenever it wants.

The only reason this hasn’t happened in our deeply dysfunctional society yet is because the plutocrats who rule us have been successful in controlling the narrative.

Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. This has always been the case. In many societies throughout history a guy who made alliances with the biggest, baddest group of armed thugs could take control of the narrative by killing people until the dominant narrative was switched to “That guy is our leader now; whatever he says goes.”

Related: Unbiased: Help Support A Writer As He Exposes The Truth About Wikipedia's Censorship Of Alternative

In modern western society, the real leaders are less obvious, and the narrative is controlled by propaganda.

Propaganda is what keeps Americans [Westerners] accepting things like the fake two-party system, growing wealth inequality, medicine money being spent on bombs to be dropped on strangers in stupid immoral wars, and a government which simultaneously creates steadily increasing secrecy privileges for itself and steadily decreasing privacy rights for its citizenry.

It’s also what keeps people accepting that a dollar is worth what it’s worth, that personal property works the way it works, that the people on Capitol Hill write the rules, and that you need to behave a certain way around a police officer or he can legally kill you.

And therein lies the answer to the question. You are not being protected from “disinformation” by a compassionate government who is deeply troubled to see you believing erroneous beliefs, you are being herded back toward the official narrative by a power establishment which understands that losing control of the narrative means losing power.

It has nothing to do with Russia, and it has nothing to do with truth. It’s about power, and the unexpected trouble that existing power structures are having dealing with the public’s newfound ability to network and share information about what is going on in the world.

Related: Why We’re Calling For The Regulation Of Google, Facebook, YouTube And Twitter To Halt Malicious Censorship And Create A Fair Platform For Public Debate

Until recently I haven’t been closely following the controversy between Wikipedia and popular anti-imperialist activists like John Pilger, George Galloway, Craig Murray, Neil Clark, Media Lens, Tim Hayward and Piers Robinson.

Wikipedia has always been biased in favor of mainstream CNN/CIA narratives, but until recently I hadn’t seen much evidence that this was due to anything other than the fact that Wikipedia is a crowdsourced project and most people believe establishment-friendly narratives. That all changed when I read this article by Craig Murray, which is primarily what I’m interested in directing people’s attention to here.

The article, and this one which prompted it by Five Filters, are definitely worth reading in their entirety, because their contents are jaw-dropping. In short there is an account which has been making edits to Wikipedia entries for many years called Philip Cross.

In the last five years this account’s operator has not taken a single day off–no weekends, holidays, nothing–and according to their time log they work extremely long hours adhering to a very strict, clockwork schedule of edits throughout the day as an ostensibly unpaid volunteer.

Related: O’Keefe Tears Into Twitter Censorship

This is bizarre enough, but the fact that this account is undeniably focusing with malicious intent on anti-imperialist activists who question establishment narratives and the fact that its behavior is being aggressively defended by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales means that there’s some serious fuckery afoot.

“Philip Cross”, whoever or whatever that is, is absolutely head-over-heels for depraved Blairite war whore Oliver Kamm, whom Cross mentioned as a voice of authority no fewer than twelve times in an entry about the media analysis duo known collectively as Media Lens.

Cross harbors a special hatred for British politician and broadcaster George Galloway, who opposed the Iraq invasion as aggressively as Oliver Kamm cheered for it, and on whose Wikipedia entry Cross has made an astonishing 1,800 edits.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of constant malicious editing, as well as outright admissions of bias by the Twitter account linked to Philip Cross, Jimmy Wales has been extremely and conspicuously defensive of the account’s legitimacy while ignoring evidence provided to him.

Related: Google News Will Hide RT And Sputnik News & Google Launches Colossal Censorship, Disinformation
Campaign Under Cover Of Night

“Or, just maybe, you’re wrong,” Wales said to a Twitter user inquiring about the controversy the other day. “Show me the diffs or any evidence of any kind. The whole claim appears so far to be completely ludicrous.”

“Riiiiight,” said the totally not-triggered Wales in another response. “You are really very very far from the facts of reality here. You might start with even one tiny shred of some kind of evidence, rather than just making up allegations out of thin air. But you won’t because… trolling.”

“You clearly have very very little idea how it works,” Wales tweeted in another response. “If your worldview is shaped by idiotic conspiracy sites, you will have a hard time grasping reality.”

As outlined in the articles by Murray and Five Filters, the evidence is there in abundance. Five Filters lays out “diffs” (editing changes) in black and white showing clear bias by the Philip Cross account, a very slanted perspective is clearly and undeniably documented, and yet Wales denies and aggressively ridicules any suggestion that something shady could be afoot.

This likely means that Wales is in on whatever game the Philip Cross account is playing. Which means the entire site is likely involved in some sort of psyop by a party which stands to benefit from keeping the dominant narrative slanted in a pro-establishment direction.

Related: Censored, Surveilled, Watch Listed And Jailed: The Absurdity Of Being A Citizen In A Police State

A 2016 Pew Research Center report found that Wikipedia was getting some 18 billion page views per month. Billion with a ‘b’. Youtube recently announced that it’s going to be showing text from Wikipedia articles on videos about conspiracy theories to help “curb fake news”.

Plainly the site is extremely important in the battle for control of the narrative about what’s going on in the world. Plainly its leadership fights on one side of that battle, which happens to be the side that favors western oligarchs and intelligence agencies.

How many other “Philip Cross”-like accounts are there on Wikipedia? Has the site always functioned as an establishment psyop designed to manipulate public perception of existing power structures, or did that start later?

I don’t know. Right now all I know is that an agenda very beneficial to the intelligence agencies, war profiteers and plutocrats of the western empire is clearly and undeniably being advanced on the site, and its founder is telling us it’s nothing.

He is lying. Watch him closely.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
The Global Power Hierarchy: Three City States Control The World
June 5 2018 | From: FinalWakeupCall

Octogon is the Empire of Darkness: Many may think they are pretty well informed about all of the main players in the Deep State “conspiracy” playing field, regarding the various elements of society that control our world from behind the scenes.

But the organisational structure consisting of eight layers is far more complicated, than often is known.

NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

The real top of the pyramid is the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon established in Switzerland which appears to be the core of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society. 

These are the Pharaonic Templar Bankers of Switzerland with their 5th Column Masonic minions that forms the ruling Oligarchy around the world. These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt. They now are identified as the Global Elite or cabal, who see us as their slaves and property, to do with as they please.

Octogon is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, which by the end of WW2 acquired all of its fortune from looted Nazi Gold and goods deposited into Switzerland, in order to use it for future wars and illegal actions.

Related: Core Edicts Of The Khazarian Mafia Top Command

A well-known German scandal from the 90’s concerned black funds with which the political election campaign of Helmut Kohl and the CDU were financed by using Nazi Gold, laundered in Switzerland and organised by the Octogon secret Nazi organisation under the secret code wordTemplars of Switzerland’.

At the top of the pyramid hierarchy sit the Swiss OCTOGON Templars, followed by the 2nd layer consisting of Soros and the Nazis. Actually, the Nazis are an integrated part of the Octogon, and somewhat belong to the top too.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

According to the highly recommended Documentary “The Pharaoh Show” The Crusaders’ last stronghold of the Templars fell on May 18th 1291, and only 2 and a half months later Switzerland was founded on August 1st 1291. According to the documentary, the Templar’s treasure was hidden in Switzerland, with which the Swiss banks were founded.

The Freemasons came out of the Templars. “The Pharaohs are still here and are ruling the world through secret societies, as the Pharaoh and his army disappeared into the sea”.

In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was the most powerful person. The pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles: ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ and ‘High Priest of Every Temple’.

As ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ the Pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all of the land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners.

Related: Propaganda Techniques Of Empire + P.C. Language Control And The Rise Of The Third Reich

As ‘High Priest of Every Temple’, the Pharaoh represented the gods on Earth. He performed rituals and built temples to honour the gods. Many pharaohs went to war when their land was threatened or when they wanted to control foreign lands. If the pharaoh won the battle, the conquered people had to recognise the Egyptian Pharaoh as their ruler and offer him the finest and most valuable goods from their land.

The sea of peoples refers to the fact that through mixing they are amongst us in all key positions, and Switzerland is their biggest base; and is the home of the Templars. This is why their flag shows a simplified Templar`s flag in exactly the same colours.

Preserved by the Knights Templar, the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, as part of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, directly connects the Order with the oldest civilisations, the ancient Pharaonic Egyptian Priesthood, the Priesthoods of the Biblical King Melchizedek and King Solomon, as well as the Essenes who recorded the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the Lost Gospels and the Book of Enoch.

The Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek within the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon is compatible with the practices of Reformed Catholicism. This more ancient part of the Solomon Priesthood is rooted in the Egyptian Djedet Priesthood as the earliest foundations of Christianity, as practiced by the 12th century Templars within Roman Catholicism.

It includes elements which later became 15th century Rosicrucians as Gnostic Protestantism, and 16th century Hermetic Theosophy as part of Liberal Catholicism.

Related: The Knights Templar And The Pharaohs

This lineage of priestly succession also connects the Templar Priesthood with some of the most important leadersof civilisation in human history, including King Khufu – the architect of the Great Pyramid of Egypt, Amenhotep III – father of Queen Nefertiti and grandfather of King Tutankhamen, Sheshonq I – who returned the Ark of the Covenant from the Temple of Solomon to Egypt and Cleopatra – the High Priestess of Isis.

The Pharaohs morphed into the nobility, aristocracy and freemasonry. Out of the Freemasonry came the new world order. All politicians are mixed descendants of the nobility and all are mixed descendants of their former knighthood called Octogon of the Templars; This is the pharaonic bloodline that rules the entire world, to which we the people are the slaves.

The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortium of corporations – mainly banks – run the world.

A mere 147 corporations which form a “super entity” have control over 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy.

These mega-corporations are at the centre of the global economy. The banks found to be most influential include:

Barclays plc.

Capital Group Companies Inc.

FMR Corporation


State Street Corporation

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Legal & General Group plc.

Vanguard Group Inc.


Merrill Lynch & Co

These top ten transnational companies that hold the most control over the global economy – and if you are one of the millions that are convinced Big Banks run the world, you should get a creeping sense of justification from this list:

Some of the other usual suspects round out the top 25, including JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, and Goldman Sachs. What you won’t find on the list are ExxonMobil, Microsoft, or General Electric, which is strange. In fact, only China Petrochemical Group Company at number 50 is the first company on the list that creates something.

Related: International Ownership of New Zealand's Banks

The top 49 corporations are financial institutions, banks, and insurance companies - with the exception of Wal-Mart, which ranks at number 15. The rest essentially just pushes money around to one another. This is the interconnectedness of the top players in this international scheme:

“However, as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the world, they become the catalyst for the global financial collapse. James Glattfelder, complex systems theorist at the SFI explains: “In effect, less than one per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network.”

The 3rd layer is the Palantir the most powerful structure for spying ever devised. Palantir has long sought to sell governments an unmatched power to sift and exploit information of any kind. Peter Thiel presents a perfect nexus of government clout with the kind of corporate swagger Trump loves.

The Intercept can now reveal that Palantir has worked for years to boost the global dragnet of the NSA and its international partners, and was in fact co-created with American spies.

The 4th layer is formed by the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas Pachón, who is the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolical Plan for a New World Order, of the Roman Empire.

He controls the 5th layer with the secret societies who in turn control the CIA and via the JTTF – The Joint Terrorism Task Force – the FBI and US Intel agencies that run the drug trafficking, the depicted uranium weapons shipments, the illegal white phosphorus weapons, the organ harvesting, the paedophilia rings, the car theft rings, the illegal use of the diplomatic containers, etc. Human sacrifices and trafficking.

Related: The British East India Company: The Drug Company of the Venetian Black Nobility

The secret societies are puppets of the Black Pope, while the Black Pope is puppet of the CIA. The Clinton Foundation serves the CIA and its agenda is served by the US-Congress. The department of Defence is sucked and drained by the CIA and has its spies in Congress. On the other side, the CIA is the puppet of the Swiss Octogon Templars. They hide their money in Bitcoin, which was created by Alice at the CERN LHC laboratories in Geneva. Bitcoin is run by AI.

The Black Pope’s foot soldiers are Jacob and Evelyn Rothschild, who are completely subordinate to the Jesuit run Roman empire, that also conducted the assassinations, among many others, of John F. Kennedy executed by the CIA and they now have their sight set on murdering Trump.

The Black Pope also collaborates with the Secret Societies and the CIA together with the FBI and all US-intel agencies. – Q Anon reveals the Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State.

Comment: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

The 6th layer consists of the Khazarian Mafia who are fake Jews. The Vatican – Pope Francis – and Queen Elizabeth II with among others the Dutch and Spanish Royalties, are in charge. They form the three-part rule of the Secret Government, and are puppets of the Vatican.

Three City-States Control the World

The 7th layer is the Roman Empire – with its three-principal city states in the Vatican, the City of London and Washington DC. These are the puppets of the six-higher layers in the hierarchy.

Related: Holy Smoke And Mirrors - The Vatican Conspiracy

The Vatican is the power structure that wants to merge all religions into one, the City of London the financial branch, and Washington DC controls the military.

These are three sovereign, corporate- ‘city states’ that control the whole world and are not part of the country they are located in. They have their own laws, no taxes, and their own identities as indicated by their respective flags.

Related: Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union

The 8th layer is formed by the banking cartel and is controlled by the Knights of Malta, a military order whose members, are the top of the Western elite, and must obey the given orders. The member list includes enough senior U.S. military officers and agency officials to control the military-industrial complex (MIC). Initial members include George Bush Sr. and Jr., Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, King Juan Carlos of Spain, the late Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Joe Biden, Tony Blair, Pat Buchanan, James Buckley, William F. Buckley, Jr., Frank Capra, William Casey, Bill Clinton, William Colby, Cardinal Terence Cooke, Kenneth Copeland, Senator John Danforth, Roy E. Disney, Allen Dulles, Archbishop Edward Egan, Rudy Giuliani, Dr Lawrence Gonzi, Sir John Gorman CVO, Thomas K. Gorman, J. Peter Grace, Alan Greenspan, William Randolph Hearst, Baron Conrad Hilton, J. Edgar Hoover, Daniel Imperato, Lee Iacocca, Alex Jones, Francis L. Kellogg, Joseph Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy, the late Nelson Mandela, Rupert Murdoch, Oliver North, Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill, Dr Ron Paul, President Ronald E.  Reagan, William Westmoreland, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Amschel Mayer von Rothschild, Rick Santorum, Antonin Scalia, Joseph Edward Schmitz (Blackwater), televangelist-pastor Robert Schuller, Frank Sinatra, Cardinal Francis Spellman, Ted Turner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Gen. William Westmoreland. Robert, President of the World Bank Robert Zoellick.

Related: The Crown Of England Is Owned And Operated By The Vatican

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Schiffs are a part of the main actors of in total 13-Archon bloodline families. They own the private U.S. Federal Reserve and almost all other Central Banks in the World, in which The Bank of England and the German Deutsche Bank serve the Octogon Bank of International Settlement – BIS in Basel Switzerland.

The Bilderberg group, the Counsel of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, form an integral part of the banking cartel which is completely a Scam.

The Bilderberg group and the CFR are charged with the implementation of the agenda for the NWO, with the command over population control, vaccinations, Chemtrail spraying, food, water and air poisoning, and the drug cartels.

All together these comprise the GLOBAL SWAMP that is now rapidly being drained by the TRUMP – team. With the help of every patriot who has awakened. Be aware, all countries that are incorporated by the cabal are bankrupted by the banking cartel, that constitutes the thirteen archon bloodline families.

Their wealth and that of all banking families is seized by the militia of the people of planet Earth, under the order of the 188 members of the board of governors of the World Bank, under the Global Overseer mandate trustee of the Global Debt Facility assigned by all leaders to lead the new global freedom movement, guided along by The Power Transition Rule.

Related: The Secretive Bank Of England - Controlling The World's Money Supply + Banking Data Dump

The Swamp Is Being Drained

The swamp’s satanic possession is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

The rich and powerful, more precisely the banksters, are using their power to oppress the weak, and are essentially destroying the economy. The curtain is now being pulled back to fully expose the Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to infiltrate and tyrannise the whole World and eradicate all Abrahamic Religions and allow only for their Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Luciferianism, Satanism or ancient Baal worship.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

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From the hidden history of the incredibly evil Khazarian Mafia we learn:

“The masses of people have more to fear from combinations of the wealthy and professional classes - from an aristocracy which through the influence of riches and talents, insidiously employed, have sometimes succeeded in preventing political institutions, however well-adjusted, from securing the freedom of the citizens.”

“The Bank has by degrees obtained almost entire dominion over the circulating medium, and with it, the power to increase or diminish the price of property and to levy taxes on the people in the form of premiums and interest to an amount only limited by the quantity of paper currency it is enabled to issue.”

Privately-Owned Central Bank has Been Vigorously Opposed

President Andrew Jackson, 7th president of the USA from 1829 – 1837 was probably the most intrepid man of his era to vigorously oppose a privately-owned central bank, because he foresaw that eventually the usurers would end up cheating the common people.

He also knew that fractional reserve banking was a sophisticated way of cheating that always ends up killing the economy. Jackson wanted to restore the economy. Yet some of his detractors, both past and present, have tried to dismiss him as ignorant, saying he knew little about economics. Nothing could be further from the truth.

They were not against all banking systems but against usurious bankers, who Jackson called “hydra-headed” monsters “eating the flesh of the common man.

Related: Central Banks Are Trojan Horses, Looting Their Host Nations

The Illuminati use paedophilia to blackmail and control their puppet members, the revelation of which has rendered the masses in denial. In the meanwhile, corruption and sexual abuse abound and no one mentions the involvement of the Jesuits and the Freemasonry.

The legal system and police are comprised, and fully complicit in subversion of civilisation. The masses suffer from the Stockholm syndrome, and hope the psychopaths won’t harm them if they keep their heads down and play along. Fully invested in their enslavement, people are too corruptible, cowardly or dumb to face reality, as the slaves are taught daily to love their slavery!

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM)

The source of the evil that drives the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) is taken from the Babylonian Talmud. It is based on religious delusions of racial superiority.

The RKM has a well-developed spy network through which they obtained prior warning and were able to escape from Khazaria to all European nations specifically Germany, taking their vast fortunes with them. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals, and trusted Baal to deliver to them the whole world and all its riches, as they believed it was promised to them, as long as they kept sacrificing children and infants to Baal.

Related: The Top Of The Pyramid: The Rothschilds, The Vatican And The British Crown Rule World

The Rothschilds designed a private fiat banking system that specialised in making counterfeit money from nothing, charging insidious usury to governments while this should have been the people’s own money, free from interest charges. 

The fake money idea came from the black art of Babylonian money-magic, claiming to insiders that such technology and secret money power was given to them by Baal, because of their frequent child-bleeding sacrifices and rituals to Baal.

Once they infiltrated and hijacked the banking system, they interbred with the Royals and infiltrated and completely hijacked all of England and all its major institutions. Some experts believe that the Rothschilds genocided the Royal Family members by staging secretly-managed illicit and adulterous breeding with their own Khazarian men in order to replace the Royals with their own pretenders to the throne.

The Necessity of The Great Awakening

The masses are still in large part in denial. The ruling class is fully complicit in the subversion of civilisation. People, adapted to their enslavement are too venal, craven and dumb to face reality. Many have neither an idea nor perception of the restraint that is eventually going to be put on them.

They would rather ignore the obvious and go into denial of a truth that has already become reality and they prefer reassuring each other that ‘they would never take people’s freedoms away and make us serfs of the elite’.

Humanity has on a large scale given away its mind and its responsibility – consider the broader consequences of this behaviour for human existence. When we give away our mind and responsibility, we also give away our freedom and in essence, our lives.

Related: The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible

If we don’t awaken en masse, we will soon be totally degraded until humanity is completely lost. Then our culling under some false pretext will seem like Divine Retribution. And that is how Satan works. The satanic possession is the product of a highly organised long-term conspiracy to establish the New World Order, based on the Luciferian revolution against God and Nature.

Luciferians detest all of Creation and Life itself, while they embrace Destruction and Death. It is a Death Cult. THE GREAT AWAKENING must now arrive in full force as it is our plight to save humanity for our future generations.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Christchurch Earthquake: Remember September?
June 4 2018 | From: Uncensored

The Article Kiwi's have been waiting for whether they knew it or not.

These dots represent quakes in Christchurch starting on the 4th Sept 2010 and up until the 2nd April 2011

“I was outside on the back lawn at my house in Wigram. I had returned from Europe only 36 hours earlier and suffering jet lack – hence why I was up at 0430! Everything was unbelievably quiet – no sound from any animal, human or even any wind to speak of. The sky was crystal clear with as many stars out as I have ever seen. It was unseasonably warm for that time of morning at that time of year.

As I surveyed the skyline a huge flash of bright white light – very similar to sheet lightning- flashed across the sky from South to North. As soon as it had flashed the rumbling began and the quake hit. This phenomenon happened again in the middle of the quake and the quake subsequently felt to intensify after the second flash of ‘lightning’ had occurred.” -
Eye Witness Account, Greendale Earthquake September 4, 2010.

Study Raises More Serious Questions About The Christchurch Earthquake Who Knew It Was Coming And Why?

With so much focus on the 6.3 magnitude earthquake that devastated Central and Eastern Christchurch on February 22 2011, it’s easy to forget that it was preceded by a larger 7.1 ‘ quake that shattered the northern township of Kaiapoi and surrounding districts, and yet it is not only a vital part of the Christchurch earthquake story, but the key to understanding the whole sequence of events and how “artificial triggering” might have been accomplished.

Everyone knows (or should know!) of the amassed evidence that leading up to Feb 22 and the interminable beaurocratic aftermath, not to mention 20,000 plus aftershocks.

There is indication of foreknowledge and possible artificial triggering of the quake, and the motives for capitalising on the aftermath in accordance with an agenda that extends far beyond New Zealand.

Related: Christchurch: The Man-Made Earthquakes - What Really Happened, How And Why

A major flaw in treating the Feb 22 event as a “stand alone” is the assumption that no one can possibly have known it was imminent without some secret knowledge or involvement in HAARP.

As one can see from the links and data in this work, the 6.3 ‘quake was a part of a sequence that could, to a degree, have been predicted. The real crime here is that the general public were allowed to believe that the September event was “over”, a “once in fourteen thousand year event’, with no deaths, and plenty of money in the EQC insurance coffers to splash around.

Clearly, though, the “powers that be” were preparing for another imminent big quake, and they well and truly knew what the effects would be when the Port Hills Fault ruptured. Indeed, human activity may well have triggered or manipulated the February earthquake.

Not as a stand alone event, but as part of a sequence of events that were carefully stage managed. The result of decades of experimentation.

Visit: ChchQuake.co.nz/eqarchive.pdf

A sceptic quick to dismiss the whole Feb 22 “Man Made Earthquake” scenario would conclude that the military preparedness, the rapidly instigated Red Zone house/land “buy back”, the apparent attempts to bankrupt City Council (in order to force privatisation of services and asset sell off), even the Clinton “..and on cue” email, simply amount to Disaster Capitalism based on a relatively predictable earthquake sequence.

Heck, I remember after September 2010 berating anyone who told me “it’s over”. And I certainly had no clandestine knowledge!

As far back as 1991 there was a government report that outlined seismic effects on Christchurch with remarkable accuracy: Capitalism based on foreknowledge.

Case closed? No way. First of all, there’s that EQC report indicating that something anomalous was going on in the ionosphere above Christchurch just prior to Feb 22.

Then there’s all the other stuff. The stuff I’m about to show you. Stuff that goes back decades.

Related: Smoking Gun For Christchurch Killer Quake: Hillary Clinton Emails Show Advance Warning Of Christchurch

Joining The “Dots”

Let’s start with that striking image from the aforementioned report. Everyone agrees that this TEC chart shows something highly unusual going on in the atmosphere above Christchurch on 18/2/11, that is unexplainable by any known solar or geomagnetic process.

What no one seems to have asked is: “So, what does it actually show?”

Let’s join the dots. Literally.

Related: Artificial Earthquakes

As you can see, we get some interesting alignments! The labels I’ve applied to the locations will click into place as we proceed. According to GNS, precursor anomalies were unique to Feb 22 2011.

Not so, as China demonstrates.

Data and result:

"The N-S displacement components of GPS stations in New Zealand recorded a quasi-synchronous fluctuation on July 31 and Aug. 1 2010. This is consistent with the time of the thermal anomalies, and reflects tectonic activity enhancement before the earthquake.”

 So despite GNS’s claims to the contrary, a whole month prior to the Darfield / Greendale quake, there were in fact anomalous precursors recorded. At least by China’s UMT!

It is interesting to note the difference between the temperature anomalies: The Greendale Anomaly is a single “blob” directly over the fault area, while the Feb 2011 Anomaly consists of three localised spots that correlate with the Canterbury Basin, Pegasus Basin, and a point approximately 600kms out from the West Coast, the Gilbert Seamount.

The Greendale Anomaly sits where my white lines converge on the Feb TEC chart.

Note that the Chinese are also quite certain that the 2010 Greendale precursor is thermal emission from beneath the earth: Localised heating.

Right on target? Christchurch CBD

Related: Smoking Gun For Christchurch Killer Quake: Hillary Clinton Emails Show Advance Warning Of Christchurch Earthquake

Strange Phenomena Reported

Eyewitness reports of precursors to the Sept 4 event, collected by Dr. Neil Whitehead, make for extraordinary reading:

Air / Sky / Clouds: oughly 30seconds ;40; on Clifton Hill, Christchurch looking towards town.

Just before the quake I noticed that there was interesting colours in the sky, this then moved on to some very low frequency vibrations and then there was what looked to be a large lightning bolt and then the big quake started. I did some research after seeing this online and found that the HAARP site was running full power around this time and I was surprised to see that this was the same for the Chilli earthquake and also another 2 earthquakes

Electronic: Early June when we moved to Canterbury; still going; 50 Leeston. Both me and my parter keep getting these electric shocks: turning appliances on and off, touching doorknobs, kitchen bench, each other(!) It was really bad close to the quake, but there’s still some ‘sparking’ left now.

Electronic:; Week before ; brief electric shocks ; 40; Burwood/Parklands Electric shocks (static electricity) before main (week before and almost constant). Also similar before aftershock

Electronic: Friday 3rd Sept 11am ish ; Varied, probably seconds, as it happened several times and each time we fixed it ; 30; West Eyreton The TV lost it’s signal several times, maybe 6 or 7 times, from 11am ish to 11:30pm ish when we went to bed. It kept displaying “no service” and could only be resolved by turning the TV off and on again.
This was the first time this sort of thing had happened and we thought it was weird as the TV is only a couple of months old. Thought maybe it was faulty, but it hasn’t happened again since the quake.

Related: Are Microwave Transmission Weapons Of Mass Destruction Being Used To Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes? + New Zealand Earthquake: The world’s biggest offshore seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior 

In the second part of this article I will present more extraordinary eyewitness accounts (including my own) that suggest these quakes were very far removed from your average earthquakes!

But first…

Let’s take a look at some stills from the ‘quake sequence animation (Christchurch Quake  Map) beginning on Sept 4. (the white lines are my own addition showing correlation between Birdlings Flat, Weedons, Eyrewell, and the two faultlines).

The activity begins with the 7.1 Greendale event. Until late December, most of the activity is on the Greendale fault but eventually  diminishes to a rather uniform series of small tremors at Five Kms depth,  then the little remembered Boxing day Quake hits Central Christchurch, with no quakes on Greendale. As if activity had temporarily jumped The Gap before a return to the previous pattern.

From 18 February 2011 onwards there is practically NO seismic activity, (which is when we get the ionospheric anomaly aforementioned) except for a series of small tremors of a uniform five Kms depth, until on 22 February, Rolleston wakes up, and shortly afterwards, Christchurch CBD and the Eastern suburbs are hammered relentlessly and exclusively  with NO seismic activity westwards at all:

A very sudden and dramatic change in focus, as sudden as the flip of a switch. The “gap”has been jumped!

Was the Boxing Day Quake  a practice run before the 6.3 CBD quake?

Anyone claiming that the February 22 event was “unexpected” or that no one knew about the CBD and Port Hills Faults, take note: The Boxing Day quake was the wake up call we all missed….or ignored.

I strongly recommend watching the animation and both the Rolleston “pulse” and dramatic “focussing” of quake activity post Feb 22 (and several days of seismic calm prior) become breathtakingly obvious.

Note also the consistent pattern of events between the Boxing day and Feb 22 quakes.

Visit: ChristchurchQuakeMap

The East to West correlation to the Greendale and Port hills faults are obvious, but where does the Birdlings Flat/Rolleston (Weedons) alignment fit in? All signs point to something curious in the Rolleston/Weedons area, and it is a place that has quite a history.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s add the other factor I haven’t touched on yet:

Seismic Surveys and seabed exploration:

The $12 Million Carrot

“Globe Claritas used in major NZ seismic survey – 30/11/2009

19/01/2010 9:36 am

Software from GNS Science is being used to get a first look at New Zealand’s offshore geology as part of a major push to open up new areas for oil exploration.

The New Zealand Government initiative will see will see $12 million invested in the next six months gathering a large amount of seismic data to help the oil and gas exploration industry explore for petroleum over New Zealand’s frontier basins.

Reflect Geophysical has been awarded the seismic survey contract and has chartered the MV Bergen Resolution for the task.

Crown Minerals, a division of the Ministry of Economic Development, is overseeing the collection of the 7000km of seismic data from offshore areas in the North and South Islands.

On board the Bergen Resolution are staff from Singapore-based Quantum Geoservices, who are processing the seismic data to get the first look at the potential of these offshore regions.

The onboard processing is a vital element of ensuring the data being gathered is of high quality. Quantum has chosen GNS Science-developed software, GLOBE Claritas, as the software platform for their international operations, including projects in South East Asia, Australia – and now New Zealand.”

- Source

Take note of some of the names highlighted here. And note that the government funded $12 million initiative was under Environment Minister at the time, Gerry Brownlee.

The same Gerry Brownlee who assumed the highly controversial “Emergency Earthquake Minister” role following the 22 Feb event.

Related: New Zealand's 'Unusual' Earthquake Raises Complex Questions + USGS: “Early 20th Century Earthquakes
May Have Been Man Made

03 Nov 2009

The New Zealand Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee has announced the MV Bergen Resolution has been contracted by Crown Minerals for an offshore seismic survey this summer.

‘This latest seismic data acquisition will increase exploration activity across our frontier basins,’ said Mr Brownlee. ‘In 2008 oil was our third largest export earner and we have the opportunity to increase the value of this industry to our economy.

The data acquisition initiative has the potential to open up new areas which are prospective for oil and gas,’ he said. ‘Continuation of this initiative is vital if New Zealand is to maintain the current momentum of exploration activity.

We have a vast offshore continental area of which New Zealand’s frontier basins cover an area of about 1.2 million square kilometres and may be capable of generating billions of barrels of oil’.

The Bergen Resolution will make a short port call in Wellington and then head out into the Pegasus Basin to acquire approx. 3,000 km of 2D seismic data. Preliminary studies by GNS Science suggest this basin has considerable hydrocarbon potential.”

- Source

Pegasus Basin: Right on the doorstep of the Easternmost end of Port Hills / Greendale Fault alignment, and where significant seabed quake swarming occurred post Feb 22. And also the upper eastern point on our “anomaly” chart of 18/2/11

Myself and several other local witnesses clearly recall watching from the pier at New Brighton in this time frame as a research vessel equipped with a crane or “probe” at it’s stern kept a stationary position several Kms offshore with the crane boom active, but doing what?

One wonders if this was The Resolution, or NIWAs ship below? (MV Tangaroa)

Did they plant something in the seabed? One can only speculate.

All I can say is that this location became extremely seismically active after December 23, 2011, to the exclusion of every other location.

So what about the second “point” on our alignment? This is smack bang in the upper end of the Canterbury Basin exploration zone, where the infamous MV Aquila was waiting for it’s exploration permit to be signed off by John Key.

We know this ship was already here on the 22 Feb ’11, but how much earlier was it here? Was it present on the 18th?

I will go into more detail on this subject later, especially the third “point” on our TEC chart.


One more item of note in the immediate hours before the Feb 22 quake is a series of highly localised small tremors at Eyrewell, just across the Waimakariri River from Weedons and Rolleston:

“If you go back and check before any of the bigger quakes you will see there is always one or more at eyrewell forest within 48hrs before the big quake.Eyrewell forest quakes have been my warning signal of trouble brewing since 2010…..

On the 20th Feb, there was 2.6 at 5pm in Eyrewell, then 5.01pm 2.8 near Castle Hill then 5.09pm 2.7 at Eyrewell, then 5.58pm in Rolly, then 3.7 at 6.34pm at Eyrewell and 7.13pm 2.65 at Eyrewell and at 9.45pm 2.27 at Eyrewell. 11.35pm 2.6 at Eyrewell, then 21st Feb at 1.57am 2.2 at Eyrewell.

This keep on going for awhile during 21st Feb and bouncing between Rolly, Greendale Fault, Linwood, and Cashmere.Cashmere was 9.16am on 22nd Feb, just a few hours before 12.51pm.

This could be a WARNING sign, so must keep an eye out for the Eyrewell faults going off.We already have the rolly one going one and greendale, just need inland canterbury and then Eyrewell to go.BE PREPARED.”

Visit: ChristchurchEarthquake-Eyrewell

These are highly interesting as this was. at that time, the location of the Eyrewell Ionosonde. a vital part of the puzzle.

Note I said “at that time”. In 2014 it was dismantled and put in storage according to to this communication:

Can it be any coincidence that quake activity in Canterbury diminished noticeably during the ionosonde’s inactive period?

The “Eyrewell Magnetometer” and Ionosonde are apparently back in action, but where are they?

I have a number of separate sources that it’s precise location: partway between Birdlings Flat and Rolleston. (See co ordinates below).

At one time, the Eyrewell Ionosonde was one of three forming a 30km per side triangle around Christchurch. They were Eyrewell; Godley Head, and Birdlings Flat. And coupled with antennas at Rolleston, they make for some extraordinary history and revelations.

I will return to this trio of ionosondes later,  and in a very surprising context!

But first let’s hunt out that relocated ionosonde:

Following the cocordinates On Google Earth, here it is….or isn’t? Is that all there is to it? It was upgraded to an remotely operated digisonde. There could easily be a magnetometer here however.

And it does fall within  “line of sight” between Birdlings and Eyrewell. That’s not the end of the story as far as “antenna hunting” goes.

Again, there’s more to come with relation to our antenna lineup.

To Summarise So Far:

The September 4 2010 Greendale Earthquake was preceded, by at least a month prior, by a significant number of reports and observations of earthquake precursor phenomena, some of them highly unusual.

Repeated viewings of the Christchurch Quake Map animation sequence show a distinct pattern of activity that focuses on “the Gap” that separates the Greendale and Port Hills faults. Small quake clusters at Rolleston and Eyrewell precede a sudden switch from Greendale to Port Hills.

The onset of all this seismic activity correlates with mineral prospecting and seabed explorationzones , but the nature of the relationship is speculative: We can simple see that the Feb 22 TEC anomaly aligns with three significant oceanic features, each visited by research vessels within the earthquake time frame.

By aligning the three TEC Anomaly points with the September 4 anomaly and joining the points, the lines cross over Birdlings Flat, Rolleston, Weedons, and Eyrewell: All sites of present and former radar and ionospheric research facilities. These alignments converge on The Gap, which both separates and bridges the two faults primarily associated with the post Sept 4 seismic sequence.

World’s Biggest Seismic Testing Ship – Amazon Warrior – Parked On Top Of New Zealand Fault Line & 6.2 Aftershock Shakes New Zealand After Powerful 7.8 Earthquake Kills At Least 2

In Part two, we get down to some historical revelations including chilling remarks made by a scientist decades ago, and the connection to a classic UFO encounter.

Meantime, the reader is going to see a certain scientific term used a lot in the forthcoming article instalments (you’ve seen it already above): IGW (Internal Gravity Wave).

Here is an  example of an internal Gravity Wave:

I believe most “awakened” readers would call it a HAARP cloud!

Visit: Gravity Wave Clouds and Their Fractal Content

Thanks for reading, and remember that I always welcome feedback and constructive criticism!

See you in part Two.

Christchurch Earthquake: Remember September Part Two:
The Von Biel Thesis

Christchurch Earthquake: Remember September Part Three: The Great Unmapped

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Zombie-Like Lives Of Sheeple From Birth To Death
June 3 2018 | From: Omnithought

This article is not meant to offend anyone. It was written with the intention to strengthen people’s spiritual awareness, allowing them to break the spells of words and see beyond the boundary of mainstream and alternative media.

Please read with an open mind and pay attention to the words, because the truth is hidden in the definitions, origins and phonetics of words.

Related: An Excellent Televised Exposé: The Facts On Banksters, Perpetual War & Fooling Sheeple

To innerstand the zombie-like lives of sheeple, we need to first investigate the word sheeple, so we know what it means. According to Merriam-Webster.com, the word sheeple means, “people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheep”.

This word is derived from the combination of the words sheep and people. In many ways, sheeple are people who are naive and lack critical thinking skills, and obediently follow orders because they are too afraid to question their so-called authorities. This article will show you proof that most people are acting like sheeple and are far from being “awake”.

Why Sheeple are Properties of the State and are in a Daze

The zombie-like lives of sheeple begin on the day they are born. Shortly after sheeple are born, their parental sheeple give them a name and register them to the State using the “birth” certificate.

The sad thing that parental sheeple do not know is that the birth certificate is the legal document used by the State to trick them to “abandon” their babies or “lambs”, allowing the government to claim their babies/lambs as chattels (personal properties).

It also allows the government to transfer their babies/lambs to the land of the DEAD (legal fiction), turning their babies/lambs into dead entities in the eyes of the law. Hence, the name in all capital letters on their social security cards and driver’s licenses. The name in all capital letters is the same all caps name written on gravestones.

Related: Lawful And Legal: Why You Need To Know What They Mean & It Is All A Word Game: Why “Persons” Are Not Real

What sheeple do not know about governments is that nearly all of them have been incorporated and thereby are legal fictions. In the United States (incorporated), the U.S. government is a FOREIGN corporation with respect to a state of the United States of America (unincorporated).

For evidence of this, read this article. In the article, there is a sentence that says, “The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.” Most, if not all, sheeple have been brainwashed so bad that they actually think that governments are living entities and have power over them.

There is NO government that is living in reality because there is no living man or woman who is the government itself. There are only men and women acting as agents for the government.

Sheeple wake up in the morning thinking they are awake, but they do not realize that they are actually in a daze, which etymologically means “to become weary”. The word weary is derived from the Old English word werig, meaning “tired, exhausted; miserable, sad”.

As for the word awake, it secretly means “a night watch for the dead”. The evidence of this can be seen when you use the art of word magic to decipher the word awake. When you move the first letter “a” from the word “awake” a space to the left, you get the term “a wake”.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

According to Dictionary.com, the word wake means “a watch or vigil by the body of a dead person before burial, sometimes accompanied by feasting or merrymaking.” (Bold emphasis added)

Another word you need to investigate, using the art of word magic, in the previous paragraph is morning. Phonetically, the word morning sounds like the word mourning, meaning “the act of a person who mourns; sorrowing or lamentation” or “the conventional manifestation of sorrow for a person’s death, especially by the wearing of black clothes or a black armband, the hanging of flags at half-mast, etc.” What do sheeple do at “a wake”? They mourn the dead wearing black clothes.

Why do sheeple mourn the dead? They mourn the dead because they are in a daze and feeling weary. Remember, the word weary is derived from the Old English word werig, meaning “tired, exhausted; miserable, sad”. To help ease the weariness, some sheeple give money to the family of the dead, but what they do not realize is that the so-called money that they give is called “legal tender”, which is a deceptive way of saying “debt”.

Phonetically, the word debt sounds like the word dead. All legal debts are fictitious because they are created by banks, which are corporations, also legally known as artificial persons. In other words, all legal debts are created for the dead (legal fiction). Why do you think sheeple “bury” their money in the bank? Sheeple bury their so-called money because it is dead/debt

The Sins of Sheeple

One of the worst debts that sheeple have is called a mortgage. What sheeple do not know about the word mortgage is that it secretly means “a pledge to the dead”. To find evidence of this, you need to use an etymological dictionary and the art of wordplay to decipher the word mortgage.

Related: The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

When you split the word mortgage into two words, it transforms into the term “mort-gage”. Keep in mind that the word mortgage is derived from two Old French words, which are mort and gage. In Old French, mort means “dead” and gage means “pledge”.

The word pledge comes from Old French plegier, meaning “to promise”. Dictionary.com defines pledge using these exact words: “a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something”. Based on the etymological definition of mort and gage, the term mortgage/”mort-gage” can be translated as “a pledge to the dead”.

All legal debts are for the dead, which is why the word debt can mean “sin”. Hence, the Bible verse Romans 6:23 (KJV), “23 For the wages of sin is death”.

is debt/dead/death. To find evidence that the word debt can mean sin, go to Merriam-Webster.com and search for the definition of debt and you should see the word sin as one of its definitions. The word sin is derived from the Old English word synn, meaning “moral wrongdoing, injury, mischief, enmity, feud, guilt, crime, offense against God, misdeed”.

Deep down, sheeple feel bad for all the debts/sins that they created, so many of them go to church to see if they can find God and hope that God will forgive them for their sins/debts. What sheeple do not know is that nearly all churches throughout the world have been incorporated and thereby are dead corporations.

Related: How You Were Tricked To Live In The Land Of The Legally Dead

To make matters worse, nearly all clergies (e.g., pastors, priests and ministers) do not know the secret knowledge of the Bible. How many clergies do you know that have the knowledge and courage to teach sheeple that the true church or temple of God is WITHIN them? In this lifetime, I have never met one, have you?

To make matters even worse, sheeple baptize their babies/lambs, thinking that this external act will free their babies/lambs from original sin. External baptism will not free their babies/lambs from original sin. How do I know this? Because if it did free them from original sin, they would be immortal and not die.

To be free from original sin is to be free from death. External baptism is nothing more than a dark magic spell designed to deceive parental sheeple to give up their babies’ bodies and souls to the antichrist and the false gods of the false church. Unlike external baptism, internal baptism is a holy process that occurs within the body, not outside of it.

Like the government, the church is also a fictitious entity. In other words, it is “an invisible body”. The evidence of this can be seen in the definition of the word parson. According to The Law-Dictionary (Tomlins, 1835), the word parson means, “One that hath full possession of all the rights of a parochial church.

He is called parson, persona, because by his person the church, which is an invisible body, is represented; and he is in himself a body corporate, in order to protect and defend the rights of the church (which he personates) by a perpetual succession. 1 Inst. 300.” (Bold emphasis added)

Related: The Opiate Of The Masses: When Religion Becomes An Addiction

Esoterically, the word church means “body”. In other words, the temple or church of God is man’s physical body (gender-neutral). To be more specific, it is the TRUE temple/church of God. As a result of that, all external churches (buildings) are false churches.

No external church or temple built by man is more holy than the physical body of man (gender-neutral), because man was created by God and the Spirit of God dwells in man. Hence, the Bible verses 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (KJV):

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

The Corporate Life of Sheeple

Nearly every morning/mourning, especially during the weekday or “week-daze”, millions, if not billions, of sheeple throughout the world go to work at corporations, which can be abbreviated as corps.

Phonetically, the word corps sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as “a dead body, usually of a human being”. Black’s Law Dictionary (6th edition) defines the word corporation as, “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state.”

Related: When Corporatocracy Is Disguised As Rule Of Law

An artificial person is considered dead in the eyes of the law and thereby can be defined as a corpse. Hence, the word corporation/corps/”corpse”. You can also find the word corps in the term “marine corps”. In law, all military personnel are considered dead and thereby have no natural rights, which is why government superiors order them around like dogs and make them wear dog tags.

To ease the pain of working at a corporation/corps/corpse, most sheeple are given a break during the “weekend” because they are “weakened”. Besides the weekend/weakened, sheeple like to celebrate yearly parties, so they do not have to think about their dead-end jobs.

One of these yearly parties is commonly known as a birthday. What sheeple do not innerstand about a birthday is that it is a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse, which is a dead body. Some of the evidence of this can be seen in certain legal definitions of the word birth.

An interesting fact you need to know about the word birth is that it can mean “a still-birth”. In New Zealand, the interpretation section of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 defines the word birth using these exact words: “includes a still-birth”.

An important word you need to investigate in the previous definition is include. In law, when the word include is used in an expression or definition of a legal matter, it EXCLUDES everything else that is not in that expression or definition. The evidence of this can be found in the legal definition of “inclusio unius est exclusio alterius”.

Black’s Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines “inclusio unius est exclusio alterius” using these exact words: “The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. The certain designation of one person is an absolute exclusion of all others.”

Related: The Birth Certificate Odyssey

The word birth is often used to describe the emergence of a new entity. In law, nearly every entity that is “birth” falls under the jurisdiction of the legal system. When it comes to jurisdiction, the legal system only has jurisdiction over fictitious entities, which are legally dead entities.

Because of this, all living babies that are “birthed” and registered to the State through the “birth” certificate are presumed to be dead in the eyes of the law. One of the major reasons that they are presumed to be dead by the State is so that the government has the right to administer them. Remember, the government is a fictitious entity and thereby can only administer other fictitious (dead) entities.

To secretly tell sheeple that they are dead in the eyes of the law, the agents of the government indoctrinate sheeple to celebrate their birthdays with cakes and candles. When it comes to corpses, candles are traditionally used to dispel the darkness, so the spirits of corpses can find their way home.

This is one of the hidden reasons that they teach sheeple to light candles and stick them on cakes during birthday ceremonies. Every time sheeple light candles during their birthdays and stick them on a cake, their actions tell the Dark Forces (false gods and self-serving thought-form entities) that they consent to be participants of the birthday ceremony, which is a ritual for celebrating the birth of a corpse or dead baby.

During birthday ceremonies, many sheeple like to drink alcohol beverages. What they do not know is that alcohol is effective for weakening the connection to the true God that dwells within the “temples” of their head. They did not call that area of the head the “temples” for no reason. Besides weakening their connection to God, alcohol also drains their life force energy.

Alcohol is able to do this because it has the ability to extract the essence of an entity. This is why alcohol is an important substance for herbalists. With the aid of alcohol, herbalists can extract the essences of plants to make essential oils.

Related: The Spiritual Consequences Of Alcohol Consumption + The Likely Cause Of Addiction Has Been Discovered,
And It Is Not What You Think

Because of the extracting effect of alcohol, when sheeple drink enough of it to make them drunk, it can temporary extract the essences of their souls, which contain their life force energies. This weakens their spirits, making their bodies more susceptible to being possessed by foreign spirits.

Why Sheeple Have Been Legally Dead Their Whole Lives

After decades of working, partying and drinking, sheeple’s bodies cannot handle the stress anymore, causing them to die prematurely. After they die, their names are written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS on gravestones to seal the deal and let other sheeple know that they are officially DEAD.

What sheeple do not know is that shortly after their births, the government incorporated them, turning them into dead entities before they even learn how to say a word. It is often hard for sheeple to see the truth that they have been incorporated and thereby are corps/corpses, so to make it easier for them to see the truth, let us investigate the legal document known as “writ of summons”.

When a court agent serves sheeple a writ of summons, the first question he asks them is often related to their legal name, which 99 percent of the time is written in all capital letters on court documents. For example, the court agent may ask them the question “are you JOHN HENRY DOE?”

Most, if not all, sheeple would answer “yes”. By saying yes or responding with a similar answer and accepting the writ of summons, they basically agree to play the role of a dead character, which is the legal name (e.g., JOHN HENRY DOE). This occurs because the legal name is not living, but is a fictitious entity that has no life force of its own.

Related: Strawman - The Nature Of The Cage

As a result of that, it is as DEAD as a fictional character in a storybook. The writ of summons is used to summon the dead using sheeple as mediums. This is why a court agent has to serve them a writ of summons with their legal name on it before a judge can demand them to appear in court.

To connect the dots, when sheeple accept a writ of summons, whether they realize it or not, they agree to raise the dead, so they can play the role of a dead character. In other words, they agree to be “zombies”. What do witches do when they want to communicate with dead spirits? They summon them using certain magic spells. Do you innerstand now why it is called a writ of summons?

The sheeple are so brainwashed and spiritually brain dead that they are not even aware that they have been monetized and turned into dead entities, so they can be sold on the stock market by the stock traders/traitors of mankind. To make fun of them, the Elite order their minions to create TV series and movies about zombies, such as The Walking Dead.

In this TV series, the zombies represent the sheeple that do not even realize that they are legally dead. The so-called zombie apocalypse is already here, because the sheeple are, in a sense, the walking dead!

It is time to wake up sheeple and stop acting like zombies! The grass is much greener on the side of the living.

Related: How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

A Third Mole Has Now Been Revealed, This Time Inside The White House
June 2 2018 | From: Infowars

Soros insiders now exposed to the public.

Fiona Hill, a George Soros insider, is another globalist mole inside the White House.

Related: Exposed Mole Inside Trump Campaign Paid by Obama Admin

Hill, who also serves on the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, was first brought to the White House in 2017 by then-National Security Adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster, who was the first major mole exposed.

Infowars first reported on Hill’s questionable ties in May 2017, which is now in the public spotlight once again after Cambridge professor Stefan Halper was recently accused of spying on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

“George Soros has penetrated the Trump White House,” said Roger Stone during an appearance on The Alex Jones Show on May 31.

“Soros has planted a mole infiltrating the National Security apparatus: a woman named Fiona Hill, who has a Harvard background, and has been on the Soros payroll and the payroll of the Open Society Institute.”

3rd Obama / Hillary Mole Discovered Inside Trump White House

Related: House Intel: No Evidence Trump Campaign Colluded With Russia

Hill still serves on the National Security Council, despite McMaster’s departure in March.

As Infowars exclusively reported last summer, McMaster, who was a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies which was funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation, was actively briefing Soros on White House matters while serving as the National Security Adviser, according to Roger Stone.

“I have confirmed from sources from inside the White House, the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence that the Israelis have intercepted email communications from General McMaster to George Soros, informing him of everything that’s going on inside the White House,” Stone reported in Aug.

“…I have double checked this with two different sources very high up in Israeli intelligence, and I actually expect the Israeli ambassador to the US to confirm this.”

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Related: Shut It Down: Tom Fitton & Julian Assange Hail Implosion Of Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative After
Mueller Indictments

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Revenge: MKULTRA Victims Plan Class-Action Suit Against Government
June 2 2018 | From: Infowars

‘These were innocent people who went in for mild depression…they came out completely ravaged, their life was ruined.’

Survivors and families of those victimized by Project MKULTRA, a CIA mind control program, are preparing a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. and Quebec governments due to the alleged abuse they suffered through decades ago.

Related: July 20, 1977: CIA Mind Control Project MKUltra Documents Released For The First Time

Over forty Canadians, who have called themselves Survivors Allied Against Government Abuse (SAAGA), gathered in Montreal last weekend to share their horrific stories about how MKULTRA destroyed their lives, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

“The government should offer an apology and there should be recognition of the injustice that was done,” said Gina Blasbalg, who unknowingly became a patient at the Allan Memorial Institute – where MKULTRA subproject 68 took place – during her teens in the 1960s.

Marlene Levenson, whose aunt Phyllis Goldberg was victimized by the mind control program in 1945, said the U.S. and Canadian governments are obligated to apologize for the suffering they put the patients through.

“I could not believe this was allowed,” Levenson told CTV Montreal. “These were innocent people who went in for mild depression – even if it was severe depression, post-partum, neurological things that happened – they came out completely ravaged, and their life was ruined.”

Related: What The History Channel Left Out About The Declassified CIA Program: “History Of MK-Ultra”

Montreal lawyer Alan Stein, who is representing the collective of MKULTRA survivors of the Allan Memorial Institute, says he believes the survivors have a case, and it should be acknowledged by both respective governments.

“[We’re preparing] a class-action lawsuit to sue the Canadian government, maybe also the Quebec government and the Allan Memorial Institute. It would first have to be approved by the Quebec Superior Court, which could take four to six months,” Stein said.

“Certainly I believe we can claim moral damages and damages resulting from the detrimental effect that the treatments had on their behavior,” he added.

Patients initially entered the program at the Allan Memorial Institute seeking treatment for mild mental health issues like anxiety or depression, but were quickly administered cocktails of powerful hallucinogenic substances and subjected to bizarre psychological experiments under the supervision of Dr. Ewen Cameron - who later became the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association.

Related: NY Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing MKUltra?

“Cameron, co-founder of the World Psychiatric Association and president of various other psychiatric associations over his career, ran ‘depatterning’ and ‘psychic driving’ experiments that attempted to erase a patient’s memories and reprogram them with new thoughts,” CBC reported.

“He tested experimental drugs like LSD and PCP, medically induced sleep for extended periods, and oversaw extreme forms of electroshock therapy and sensory deprivation. Many of his patient’s brains were then left damaged.”

MKULTRA was officially shut down in 1973 over fears of public backlash, but ironically, many documents initially ordered for destruction were inadvertently exposed to the public which led to several congressional investigations, who concluded the CIA did engage in “illicit and unethical activities” for the program.

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CIA MK-ULTRA Mind Control Victims File Class Action Lawsuit

How the CIA Hid their MKULTRA Mind Control Program

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind
June 1 2018 | From: FinalWakeupCall

A True and honest media is a dream: The mainstream mass media, is focusing their news programmes and lacking narratives with transparency on negative stories on fires, wrecks, murder, mayhem, third-party scandals, and not to forget; bashing Russia with flame and blame, intentionally creating fear, distrust and conflict.

Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

Related: Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN + Mainstream Media Exposed Its Own Cannibalism And More

The question is; Is there any good news? Yes, there is. But the mainstream media isn’t used to having their spin questioned – especially by the president. Since Donald Trump was elected, the aggressive media attacks against the administration have served as undeniable proof that the news is biased and unfairly controlled.

The editorial board destroys any illusion that the mainstream media has remained impartial. This is an outright dream. These are the people pulling the strings that everyday decide which story to run, when and where.

They edit the context and content of every story coming out of their newsroom. They decide, which story is front page, and throw away any idea they don’t like. It’s hard to imagine for honest journalists trying to work in that kind of environment.

On the other hand; Fake news, it seems, is what people want. Because News is seen as a form of entertainment. They want entertainment that makes them feel smart, heroic, and honourable. This is the stimulus; people want lies! They don’t want to feel uncomfortable, inadequate, or stupid. So the last thing they want, is any serious contemplation or real insight.

The truth is too difficult to accept and too bitter to swallow. People seem to want news that goes down smoothly, and makes them feel taller and slimmer. The farther away from the hard facts – as in first-hand experience – the falser the news becomes.

The news you read in the newspaper, usually takes place far away, based on motives you can’t understand, built on compounded fantasies, myths, and delusions. This is clearly shown by looking, for example, at the economic news.

They propagate that the economy is doing great, while median income and the standard of living are declining, people are suffering under austerity measures, and can hardly can get by on two or three-part-time jobs, while being forced to pay more for most things.

What if a brave young reporter had a hot lead on a Trump story that could shake things up, and make the president look good to readers? Does one risk their job by speaking out, or does the reporter cave in to their bosses’ unfair pressure and kill the story?

This isn’t new, of course. The fascist-leftist spinning machine has been at work for decades. Only now, it has grown so out-of-control, it’s almost comical in its obviousness.

Nowadays, the only way to advance in the mainstream media is to push leftist views, instead of the truth. In the past ten years, liberal media sources have seen a sharp decline in distribution. People simply aren’t subscribing or reading anymore. As a result, advertising revenue and growth have both dried up. But the old guard – the big bosses with fat salaries, great pensions and thirty years of experience – haven’t left yet, while refusing to adapt to the market.

Mass Media Controls People’s Minds:

The mass media is controlled by only a handful of multinational corporations. Insightful journalism is continuously impeded, while secretive operations disregard the freedom of information Act.

The purpose of this law is to declassify governmental documents. It also is the subject of an ongoing conflict between government officials and news organisations, as well as private citizens.

It is especially troubling that media ownership is so concentrated when considered that more than 98% of people in the West have a television. Of this 98%; 82% watch primetime TV, and 71% watch cable programs every week. Additionally, 84% listen to the radio regularly, while 79% are newspaper readers.

Nearly half of these people have access to the Internet, whilst certain demographic groups reach 70%. These totals suggest that most westerners spend an excessive amount of time staring at a screen, which in itself is bad enough.

But when realised that everything these people see and hear comes from a mere five major media outlets, the threat of potential propagandising and mind control becomes absolutely clear.

If people would know just how deeply they have been programmed and mind controlled, straight up truth could prove to be far too disruptive, negatively impacting too many.

Contemplate the starting of a transition for humanity into a sovereign consciousness, by inserting Trump into a leadership position, in which he can stir the pot with the mix of some bold-faced lies and hard truths, scaring everyone awake with a nonsensical missile strike on an abandoned airfield, coordinated as a reverse false flag operation in which the Chinese, Russians and Syrians are all involved on behalf of the Alliance.

They apparently feel this action will do the mass awakening trick. For people that are already awake, it’s very bad and awkward watching all this deceit playing out, both malevolent and benevolent. But for the ones that are still asleep, as most are, this will possibly be eye opening.

There is no substitute for free and unfettered news gathering. Journalists are not cops nor are they public relations agents.

They are reporters, for them there are no substitutes. One of the largest problems affecting freedom of the press is the corporatisation of the media, which dilutes news content in order to make it more appealing to larger audiences, in line with the instruction from the Deep State cabal.

Corporate media giants are silencing conflicting voices to the spoon-fed narrative, abandoning quality journalism and eliminating local content. Society is in desperate need of better media.

The world is changing fast, and many people, at least in the developed world, are starting to see through corporate- owned mainstream media.

Television is specialised in ‘faking’ and lying about major global events on multiple occasions, meanwhile some media-employees are leaving their jobs and are telling the truth about what and who dominates a large portion of mainstream media.

The Future for the Media:

The future media, will be organised by private citizens who, making use of cell-phone cameras and the internet, take it upon themselves to find and report news, reporting on what people do, and what has happened.

If they have studied a specific profession and have become interested in the issues involved, they can actively search for, collect, and read numerous cases from others, on the same or related subjects, comparing different points of view and insights, all the while fact-checking. Sources should be scrutinised and then they could blog or write an article on the subject, eventually participating in the media debate, etc.

A few conscious individuals believe that the world is undergoing an exciting, but uncomfortable change, that may be unsettling, but the current advances in technology and environmentalism, and the soon to be released thousands of patents that have been hidden by the cabal, will eventually lead to a brighter and more harmonious future, that comes with free energy, and engines that run on water. More specifically, technologies are to be released that are so advanced compared to what is currently known.

People will be totally amazed when these are revealed and implemented.

Time, to Listen to the Conspiracy Theorists:

But the public must be cautious and patient. We have been deceived for far too long by the cabal plutocrats who dominate finance, corporate life and the mass media. For many years now and from all different angles, awakened and conscious people have been warning of a coming New World Order, which entails socialist globalisation desired by the cabal.

Together with their puppets, centred in the various secret societies of satanic Luciferianism, this is the agenda they are pursuing.

In a world of ignorance, apathy, gross contradiction, cognitive dissonance and denial, what will it take for the masses to wake up?

Granted, they have been deceived, but living in zombie-like trances, they lack responsibility towards themselves and their fellow humans: It’s therefore no surprise to see them buy into the cabal’s chutzpah and blindly give their consent to the ruling elite’s agenda, not knowing about the underlying hidden, dark and destructive concealed motives.

A major objective of the cabal’s agenda is; the dehumanisation of the masses on many levels through manipulation, keeping people in the dark about what must be done to prevent the disastrous consequences.

They may have heard about untested vaccines, GMO, and toxic food, corporate drug companies influencing government policies, totalitarian martial law, like in France, and the ever-increasing restrictions on liberties.

But people are unfortunately lacking the interest and motivation to come into action against these atrocities. This could be easily stopped through our mass refusal to co-operate, in the awareness of their disempowering and destructive secret motives.

Without a doubt, we have reached the point in time when the common public should listen to the ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the youthful activists.

Why should people believe the same officials that have made false statements and allegations over and over again, coercing us into making wrong choices? Why should people listen to anything these institutions say?

Individual Freedom:

If people are again to experience the individual freedom and capitalist initiatives that once brought prosperity to the middleclass and beyond, as well as social success, it is obvious that something must change. Simply bouncing back and forth between different administrations that actually are in essence the same; controlled by the deep state’s hidden government, and the globalists from the shadows, will not bring any improvement in the standard of living of ordinary people.

When people awaken en masse, and ally with the Eastern gnostic bloodline nobility, then the 13 Khazarian Archon bloodline families that comprise the Deep State, resp. the dark nobility, will soon be out of oxygen everywhere on planet Earth.

Related: The British East India Company: The Drug Company of the Venetian Black Nobility

Once the Central Banks are abolished, and all currencies are backed by gold or silver, they won’t have the money to create wars. They’ll lose their power structure, their agencies, allies, and weapons of mass destruction, resulting in game over for them.

What will remain, is their final public surrender announced by Donald Trump, which will bring down Netanyahu in Israel, and Poroshenko in the Ukraine, solve the 9/11, MH 17 downing, and all other false flag operations. It will also guarantee Marine Le Pen wins the French elections, that will bring down Merkel in Germany, end the European Union, and give rise to the default of the Euro.

People Unite:

People must unite, against their domestic fascist government, the most formidable enemy is the one that controls every nation’s government, the financial system, the educational system, the health system, and evencitizens’ lifestyle.

The force in numbers of the enemy is negligible, while we, the people have an impressive majority; provided many of us are awake and conscious. It is time for all individual citizens to become proactive!

If the people in this world of violence do not unite for the important purpose of destroying the Deep State with their murderous terrorist attacks, and drug organisations, we are lost. The cabal will not go away without a fight, but will rise in strength and will use force to suppress us even more.

People must unite, like an army that quickly diffuses their killers by mobilising their own rescue from a pending threat.

People’s sheer numbers and faith could free us all and we could experience a world of peace, prosperity, being able to take care of ourselves without intervention.

FBI Treason: Comey Trying to Frame Trump - NWO Paradigm:

The first 20 min. of this video is related to the content of this essay.

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