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5G Wireless Technology Is War Against Humanity & 5G - The Global Human Experiment Without Consent
August 3 2019 | From: GlobalResearch / ChildrensHealthDefense / Various

Disclosure about 5G - and its considerable risk for humanity - is occurring within the United Nations. This is thanks to longtime UN staff member and whistle-blower Claire Edwards, who recently contacted me with this powerful story which touches all of humanity and our shared future. Watch the interview above, or on YouTube here or on Facebook here.

The first eight months of WWII with no fighting was called The Phoney War. Using millimetre waves as a fifth-generation or 5G wireless communications technology is a phoney war of another kind.

Related: YouTube begins banning critics of 5G cell towers to cover up the crimes of the telecommunications industry

This phoney war is also silent, but this time shots are being fired – in the form of laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from banks of thousands of tiny antennas – and almost no one in the firing line knows that they are being silently, seriously and irreparably injured.

In the first instance, 5G is likely to make people electro-hypersensitive (EHS).

Perhaps it was sitting in front of two big computer screens for many of the 18 years I worked at the UN that made me EHS.

When the UN Office at Vienna installed powerful WiFi and cellphone access points – designed to serve large, public areas – in narrow, metal-walled corridors throughout the Vienna International Centre in December 2015, I was ill continuously for seven months.

I did my best for two and a half years to alert the UN staff union, administration and medical service to the danger to the health of UN staff of EMR from these access points, but was ignored.

Related: 5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

That’s why, in May 2018, I took the issue to the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres[transcript]. He is a physicist and electrical engineer and lectured on telecommunications signals early in his career, yet asserted that he knew nothing about this.

He undertook to ask the World Health Organization to look into it, but seven months later those public access points remain in place. I received no replies to my many follow-up emails.

As a result, I welcomed the opportunity to join the effort to publish an International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space because it was clear to me that, despite there having been 43 earlier scientific appeals, very few people understood the dangers of EMR.

My experience as an editor could help ensure that a new 5G appeal, including the issue of beaming 5G from space, was clear, comprehensive, explanatory, and accessible to the non-scientist.

The 5G Dragnet

Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This Warning Regarding 5G

The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space is fully referenced, citing over a hundred scientific papers among the tens of thousands on the biological effects of EMR published over the last 80 years.

Having spent years editing UN documents dealing with space, I know that outer space is hotly contested geopolitically and any untoward event involving a military satellite risks triggering a catastrophic response.

Space law is so inadequate – just one example is the complexity of space liability law – that we could really call the Earth orbits a new Wild West. China caused international consternation in 2007 when it demonstrated an anti-satellite weapon by destroying its own satellite.

Space debris is the main concern among space-faring nations, with a so-called Kessler syndrome positing a cascade of space debris that could make the Earth orbits unusable for a thousand years.

Does launching 20,000+ commercial 5G satellites in such circumstances sound rational to you?

Related: 5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

I live in Vienna, Austria, where the 5G rollout is suddenly upon us. Within the last five weeks, pre-5G has been officially announced at Vienna airport and 5G at the Rathausplatz, the main square in Vienna, which attracts tens of thousands of visitors to its Christmas market each December and skating rink each January, which are special treats for children.

Along with birds and insects, children are the most vulnerable to 5G depredation because of their little bodies.

Friends and acquaintances and their children in Vienna are already reporting the classic symptoms of EMR poisoning:[9] nosebleeds, headaches, eye pains, chest pains, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, tinnitus, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, and cardiac pain.

They also report a tight band around the head; pressure on the top of the head; short, stabbing pains around the body; and buzzing internal organs.

Other biological effects such as tumours and dementia usually take longer to manifest, but in the case of 5G, which has never been tested for health or safety, who knows?

5G Technology: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time?

5G Exposed: A Must-See Documentary on this Wireless ‘Experiment on Humanity’

Seemingly overnight a forest of 5G infrastructure has sprouted in Austria. In the space of three weeks one friend has gone from robust health to fleeing this country, where she has lived for 30 years.

Each person experiences EMR differently. For her, it was extreme torture so she and I spent her last two nights in Austria sleeping in the woods.

Interestingly, as she drove across southern Germany, she suffered torture even worse than in Austria, while in northern Germany she had no symptoms at all and felt completely normal, which suggests that there has been as yet no 5G rollout there.

There are no legal limits on exposure to EMR.

Conveniently for the telecommunications industry, there are only non-legally enforceable guidelines such as those produced by the grandly named International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which turns out to be like the Wizard of Oz, just a tiny little NGO in Germany that appoints its own members, none of whom is a medical doctor or environmental expert.

Canadian Doctors and Former Microsoft Canada President Warn About Grave Health Risks of 5G

The telecom industry has provided no scientific evidence that 5G is safe and there is research that already proves it isn’t.

Because of this, some government leaders have already declared moratoriums on installation.

5G industry leaders admit NO safety testing when questioned by Senator Blumenthal

Like the Wizard of Oz, ICNIRP seems to have magical powers. Its prestidigitation makes non-thermal (non-heating) effects of EMR exposure disappear into thin air, for taking into account the tens of thousands of research studies demonstrating the biological effects of EMR would invalidate its so-called safety guidelines.

It has bewitched the International Telecommunication Union, part of the UN family, into recognizing these guidelines.

And one little email sent to ICNIRP in October 2018 to submit Professor Martin Pall’s comments on ICNIRP’s new draft guidelines conjured up an immediate explosion of interest in the sender’s online presence – which had hitherto attracted none – from companies and individuals worldwide, one country’s immigration authorities, the office of the Austrian Chancellor (head of government), a firm of lawyers in Vienna and even Interpol!

I hope that people read and share our Stop 5G Space Appeal to wake up themselves and others quickly and use it to take action themselves to stop 5G.

Even eight short months of this 5G Phoney War could spell catastrophe for all life on Earth. Elon Musk is set to launch the first 4,425 5G satellites in June 2019 and “blanket” the Earth with 5G, in breach of countless international treaties.

This could initiate the last great extinction, courtesy of the multi-trillion-US-dollar 5G, the biggest biological experiment and most heinous manifestation of hubris and greed in human history.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

People’s first reaction to the idea that 5G may be an existential threat to all life on Earth is usually disbelief and/or cognitive dissonance. Once they examine the facts, however, their second reaction is often terror.

We need to transcend this in order to see 5G as an opportunity to empower ourselves, take responsibility and take action. We may have already lost 80 per cent of our insects to EMR in the last 20 years.

Our trees risk being cut down by the millions in order to ensure continuous 5G signalling for self-driving cars, buses and trains.

Are we going to stand by and see ourselves and our children irradiated, our food systems decimated, our natural surroundings destroyed?

Our newspapers are now casually popularizing the meme that human extinction would be a good thing, but when the question becomes not rhetorical but real, when it’s your life, your child, your community, your environment that is under immediate threat, can you really subscribe to such a suggestion?

If you don’t, please sign the Stop 5G Appeal and get active in contacting everyone you can think of who has the power to stop 5G, especially Elon Musk[20] and the CEOs of all the other companies planning to launch 5G satellites, starting in just 20 weeks from now.

Life on Earth needs your help now.

Related: 5G Is War on Humanity. Towards An Unspoken Global Health Catastrophe? Claire Edwards

The transcript of my exchange with the UN Secretary-General of 14 May 2018 follows.

Staff member: Mr. Secretary-General

UN staff have repeatedly been told that they are the most important resource of this Organization.

Since December 2015, the staff here at the Vienna International Centre have been exposed to off-the-scale electromagnetic radiation from WiFi and mobile phone boosters installed on very low ceilings throughout the buildings. Current public exposure levels are at least one quintillion times (that’s 18 zeros) above natural background radiation according to Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

The highly dangerous biological effects of EMFs have been documented by thousands of studies since 1932 indicating that we may be facing a global health catastrophe orders of magnitude worse than those caused by tobacco and asbestos.

Mr. Secretary-General, on the basis of the Precautionary Principle, I urge you to have these EMF-emitting devices removed immediately and to call a halt to any rollout of 5G at UN duty stations, because it is designed to deliver concentrated and focused electromagnetic radiation in excess of 100 times current levels in the same way as do directed energy weapons.

In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, to “Protect, Respect and Remedy”, 5G technologies MUST be subjected to an independent health and safety assessment before they are launched anywhere in the world.

There is currently an international appeal (Scientists call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure) signed by 237 EMF scientists from 41 nations urging the UN and particularly the WHO to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines, encouraging precautionary measures, and educating the public about health risks, particularly risk to children and fetal development.

Mr. Secretary-General, we have a unique opportunity here at the UN Office at Vienna. Since our medical records are digitized, you have the possibility of releasing data on a closed population exposed to off-the-scale levels of electromagnetic radiation to establish if there have already been abnormal health consequences for the UN staff here in the last 28 months.

I urge you to do so and stop any 5G rollout in these buildings immediately.

Thank you.

UN Secretary-General:Sorry, because you are talking to someone who is a little bit ignorant on these things. You’re talking about the WiFi systems?

Staff member:On the ceilings of these buildings, WiFi boosters and cell phone boosters were installed without consultation, without information to staff in December 2015. Now, if you understand electromagnetic radiation, the signal is – if you cannot get a signal from your mobile phone, the signal goes to maximum strength and that then bounces off metal walls affecting the body multiple times at maximum exposure levels. So the situation here is extremely dangerous. I have heard anecdotally of many people who have had health problems. I don’t know if they are related but the Precautionary Principle would dictate that we use our medical records to look into this and that we remove these dangerous devices immediately. Thank you.

UN Secretary-General:Well, I’m worried because I put those devices in my house. [Laughter & applause]

Staff member:Not a good idea!

UN Secretary-General: This I will have to – I confess my ignorance on this but I’m going to raise this with WHO [World Health Organization] – which I think is the organization that might be able to deal with it properly for them to put someonetheir staff or organizations to work on that because I must confess I was not aware of that danger – [humorously] to the extent that I put those things in the rooms of my housein the ceiling.

Staff member:I would suggest that everybody start looking into this issue and particularly into 5G, which 237 scientists from 41 countries consider a threat that is far worse than the tobacco and asbestos threats of the past.

UN Secretary-General:Well, maybe I have learned something completely new. I hope it will be very useful to me but I confess it is the first time I hear about it.

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5G Dragnet

The Global Human Experiment Without Consent

5G is the next generation of cell phone infrastructure, yet it is categorically different than its predecessors (4G/LTE, 3G, 2G, etc.). It is not a simple upgrade. It is a major increase – and change – in the type of wireless radiation to which we will all be exposed, without consent, whether we use this service or not.

5G builds on existing infrastructure and, in addition, uses extremely high (millimeter-wave) frequencies of 24 gigahertz (GHz) or more.

Related: Mobile phones and 5G networks are accelerating the mass dumbing down of humanity… and it’s all by design

These 5G signals don’t travel far, so antennas will be installed approximately every 2-10 homes in residential neighborhoods.

5G will significantly increase our wireless RF radiation (radio frequency microwave) exposure on a 24/7 and 365 days a year basis.

No Safety Studies

In a February 2019 U.S. Senate hearing, senior telecom executives admitted they have not done any safety testing on 5G, nor do they plan to do any.

Currently, there are over two dozen cities in the U.S. and countless cities abroad that have 5G, yet there is no scientific evidence to support any claim of safety for it.

5G Exposed: A Must-See Documentary on this Wireless ‘Experiment on Humanity’

This new documentary by Sacha Stone investigates the science (and lack thereof) behind the effect of wireless technology on the human population – especially children. Exposing the industry bias and aversion to the overwhelmingly strong evidence that 5g is not just harmful, but a genuine threat to Humanity and all biological life.

The documentary features weapons development experts, biologists, molecular & cellular scientists, blood microscopists and activists outlining the first-hand science behind 5G and electro magnetic radiation with alarming calls to action.

With what’s at state - especially as 5G is now being rapidly deployed despite there being very strong evidence it is harmful - this is perhaps the most timely documentary.

Related: Senator Patrick Colbeck Testifies Against 5G

What related research does show is cause for alarm. Thousands of independent studies indicate adverse health impacts from wireless radiation.

These range from cancer and sterility to DNA damage. The government’s human exposure guidelines haven’t been updated in more than 20 years, while radiation from cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi and wireless baby monitors has increased exponentially in that time.

Planet Earth Blanketed in Radiation

The 5G agenda is vast. It includes 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, that will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, with one trillion transmitting objects a few years later.

5G is meant to usher in more robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, including 5G antennas installed inside cars – behind our heads and irradiating our brains – so we can talk to people in other vehicles and instruct our driverless cars on where to take us.

5G base stations and 5G devices will have multiple antennas in phased arrays that work together to emit focused, steerable, laser-like beams that track each other.

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects

Each 5G phone will function like a mini cell tower, containing dozens of tiny antennas working together to track and aim a narrowly focused beam to search and connect with the nearest cell antenna. The FCC has adopted rules that permit those beams to be as much as 20 watts, ten times more powerful than levels allowed on current phones.

Alarming Evidence of Harm

More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world demonstrate the harmful biological effects of wireless radiation.

Because of their developmental stages, children are much more susceptible. In addition, wireless radiation effects are cumulative, putting children at greater risk.

Effects include:

Detrimental effects on fetal and newborn development

Detrimental effects on young children

Brain tumors and other cancers

DNA damage and altered gene expression

Neurological effects and cognitive impairment

Impaired sperm function and quality

Learning and memory deficits

Cardiovascular disease

Altered metabolism

And more...

The mechanisms of biological harm from wireless radiation were not well understood until Martin Pall, PhD, demonstrated how voltage-gated calcium channels are disrupted, resulting in excessive intracellular calcium ions affecting our cells.

Numerous independent studies on millimeter-wave radiation already show a range of biological effects, indicating that an increase in frequencies may worsen harmful effects.

Related: Information on Identifying 5G Small Cells

Government Corruption

The Telecommunications Act of 1996, section 704, gives the telecom industry free reign and prohibits opposition to wireless infrastructure based on environmental effects, which includes health effects. Thankfully, this prohibition is being challenged in court right now.

The telecom industry is supposed to be regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); however, the Harvard Center for Ethics describes the FCC as a “captured agency” that is dominated by the industry it is purported to regulate.

The multi-trillion dollar telecom industry wields massive lobbying power and formidable public influence through pervasive, propagandistic advertising and media presence promoting 5G.

In the Information Age, data drives the economy. 5G is being touted as the next industrial revolution, when, in fact, it amounts to surveillance capitalism, in which intimate details of our lives are tracked, recorded and sold to the highest bidder, irradiating us all the while.

Related: Vodafone New Zealand 5G Launches December 2019

Let’s Irradiate the Sky, Too

In addition to millions of new base stations on Earth, 5G includes an eventual 20,000+ satellites in low orbit, affecting the ionosphere. Players include Elon Musk’s SpaceX, OneWeb and Amazon.

At this time, 66 5G satellites have already been launched, with more on the way. The direct radiation from these satellites, combined with their contamination of our ionosphere, along with pollution of the global electrical circuit would likely be catastrophic to all life on Earth.

5G threatens to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to all of Earth’s ecosystems.

Immediate measures must be taken to protect life in all of its forms.

One solution is SafeG
, wired public networks that allow for wireless inside homes and businesses without forcing it on everyone.

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Have You Been Seeing 11:11 Everywhere? What Is The Significance Of 11:11?
August 2 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / In5D

11:11 make a wish! I’m sure you remember this saying, and maybe you still say it today. It is the only time of the day (using the 12 hour clock) that all the numbers on the clock are the same.

Where does this saying come from? Should you even bother to make a wish? What makes this time so important and what is the significance of 11:11?

Related: The Zen of 11:11

The Phenomenon

It seems everyone today is talking about seeing 11:11 everywhere. In fact, in the popular movie I Origins, the concept comes up yet again.

A highly scientific guy begins seeing 11:11 in many places and is guided to follow the numbers until he eventually meets a highly spiritual girl and there personalities collide. It’s a fascinating film about reincarnation and it truly makes the view think. But back to 11:11!

Why are so many of us seeing this right now. Is it a biological thing where our bodies get in the habit of looking at a clock during this time? If so, what about when we randomly keep seeing it even on clocks that are out of sync with other clocks?

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On The Path

For me personally, as I started to awaken, I began to see this number all the time.  After a while I started to notice that there was some sort of spiritual connotation that went a long with the numbers 11:11.

I sometimes go through phases in my life where for a month I see this number on the clock twice a day, and sometimes there are periods where I hardly see it at all.  What does it all mean?

Am I more enlightened during the times when I see it? Is my soul or the universe trying to express something important?

Theories Behind 11:11

There are many different theories out there to express exactly what this apparent phenomenon of seeing the numbers 1111 is all about.

The most common theory is that when you see these numbers you should simply make a wish, and it is believed that it will come true.

Some people claim that when this number is seen it means that there is some kind of window opening up in your life and you should ask for the guidance of your ‘angels’ to find out what it is. Other theories state that there is something significant happening in the moment that you are in and you should pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings.

One of my favorite ideas that I read was that when you see 11:11 you should simply stop, and recognize the significance of the moment.

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In my opinion and what resonates with me, is that when you see ‘11:11’ whether on a clock, a license plate, your bank statement or wherever you happen to see it, is like a friendly little sign from your soul, source, higher-self, or the entire Universe, whatever you choose to call it, God, if you will, that everything is in alignment and you are exactly where you need to be, right here, right now.

According to numerology the number 11 possesses the qualities of patience, honesty, spirituality, sensitivity, intuition and is idealistic.

I have read on a website that seeing 11:11 can be viewed as a glitch in the matrix, it is a very real way for the spirit world to communicate with us.

Related: Society Is Made Of Narrative – Realizing This Is Awakening From The Matrix

I don’t know if we will ever find out exactly what it means, I think you can decide for yourself what it means to you. I know I always get a smile on my face when I see it, it definitely makes me feel good and I love to share with others, ‘Hey look! It’s 11:11!’

What is the Meaning of 11 11?

There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11. From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on a daily basis. What does 1111 mean?

For example, you might be putting gas in your car and when you’re done, you’ll notice that you put exactly 11.11 gallons in your car. Or you might be at the checkout line in a store and the cashier gives you $11.11 in change. 

As you’re going home, you might notice a license plate with the numbers 1111 on it.

Related: The Human Aura And DNA: How You Choose Your Genes

This happens most often when looking at the clock.

We’ve all seemingly had this experience: You just happen to look at the clock and it’s 11:11 am or pm.  It’s not like you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.

From an esoteric standpoint, 11:11 appears to be something that is genetically coded within our “junk” DNA as a cue to spiritually awaken.

Related: 11:11 And Other Repetitive, Synchronistic Numbers

What does 11:11 mean? 16 Meanings for 11:11

11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation.  In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters!  Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.

11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment.  You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.

The actual word synchronicity was coined by psychologist Carl Jung, who described it as events that have “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no apparent causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related

Related: 11:11 And Synchronicity – What Does It Really Mean?

11:11 Gateway or Portal:  11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.

Angelic Humans:  According to George Barnard, 11:11 is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”.

Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.

Balance:  Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11.  This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.

Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s).  In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.

Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise.  11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.

DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people, this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.

Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying, “The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!”  Edgar may have meant, “The first lesson for six months should be 11:11.”

Related: Neuroscience Says Listening To This Song Reduces Anxiety By Up To 65 Percent + The Miracle Of 528 Hz Solfeggio And Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Sequence:  The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1.  The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation, so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.

Global Consciousness: When you see 11:11, you feel connected with the Universe and everyone else who is currently experiencing this phenomenon. You completely understand what “we are all one” means.

Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11.  If they notice that it’s 11:11pm, they make a wish.  Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?

Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.

Spiritual Purpose
: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.

Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you.  “When the pupil is ready, the master appears”.

Wake Up Call:  11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys. It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.

Also see: 11:11 Synchronicity - Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning

Also see: 11:11 Glitch In Time Anomaly

Most likely, you are reading this article because you have also experienced the 11:11 phenomena.  If you haven’t experienced 11:11, then chances are, you will in the near future.

What is it really about? “Time “ will tell.

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 Number Sequences From Our Spirit Guides

The Fibonacci Sequence: What Is The Golden Ratio?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Don’t Drink The Water: The Dark Side Of Water Fluoridation + Study Shows Water Has Memory: German Scientists Expand On Dr. Emoto’s Work
August 1 2019 | From: NaturalNews / CollectiveEvolution / Various

There are 7.7 billion people on this planet (as at March 2019). Only about 5 percent of them drink fluoridated water.

Why? Because their governments recognize that fluoride in large amounts becomes a toxic chemical that is not fit for human consumption.

Related: Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World’s Top Medical Journals & Perfluorinated Chemicals (PFCs) Found In Nearly Half Of All Fast Food Wrappers From McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks And other Food Retailers

The 328,000,000 citizens of the United States drink more fluoridated water than all other countries combined. Why? Because the U.S. government continues to doggedly insist that it is safe and improves dental health.

But what do the facts say? As reported by Waking Times, dozens of peer-reviewed studies published in prestigious journals like The Lancet, have confirmed that fluoride is in fact toxic – especially to the developing brains of children.

These chemicals are derived from unprocessed toxic waste which is not purified in any way before being pumped into the water supply. How could it possibly be anything but harmful?

The History of Water Fluoridation in the United States

So, what prompted the government to start adding something so obviously harmful to our precious water supply?

Waking Times, quoting from an article by The Children’s Health Defense Team, explains a little about the history of this practice:

"During World War II, fluoride (a compound formed from the chemical element fluorine) came into large-scale production and use as part of the Manhattan Project.

According to declassified government documents summarized by Project Censored, Manhattan Project scientists discovered early on that fluoride was a “leading health hazard to bomb program workers and surrounding communities.”

In order to stave off lawsuits, government scientists “embarked on a campaign to calm the social panic about fluoride…by promoting its usefulness in preventing tooth decay.”

To back up its decision, the government embarked on a series of flawed and poorly designed “scientific” studies, which an expert later lambasted as “especially rich in fallacies, improper design, invalid use of statistical methods, omissions of contrary data, and just plain muddleheadedness and hebetude.”

They then used these sham studies to enforce a national policy of water fluoridation.

Short Film Reveals the Lunacy of Water Fluoridation

Story at-a-Glance:

Research links fluoridated water consumption to endocrine dysfunction, hypothyroidism, ADHD and reduced IQ

Many water authorities do not use pharmaceutical grade fluoride; they use hydrofluosilicic acid- a toxic waste product of the fertilizer industry that is frequently contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins

97 percent of Western European countries do not fluoridate, and data show non-fluoridating countries have seen the exact same reduction in dental cavities as fluoridated areas

Related: Water Fluoridation Receives Three Major Body Blows

Studies Confirm Fluoride Lowers IQ and Harms Children in Other Ways

Interestingly, even government-backed studies have confirmed the dangers of fluoride in drinking water.

For example, a study published in 2017, which was largely funded by the government’s National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, uncovered a “strong relationship” between fluoride exposure in the womb and reduced cognitive function.

In addition, Natural News previously reported:

"More than 50 peer-reviewed studies have linked the consumption of fluoridated water to lower IQ in children.

A joint metanalysis by Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University, which examined 27 studies on the subject, found “strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children.

Fluoridation has also been linked to countless other devastating health effects in children, including premature birth, impaired neurological development, autism and preeclampsia.

A recent study also confirmed a significant link between fluoridation and ADHD.

Related: New Study Provides Further Evidence Of Low IQ In Children Due To Fluoride Exposure

Death Rates Up to 26 Percent Higher in the Most Fluoridated States

And it gets worse. As reported by Waking Times, death rates among people who live in the 10 states with the highest fluoridation levels are between 5 and 26 percent higher than among people living in the 10 least fluoridated states.

Furthermore, studies have linked fluoridated water to cancer, damaging effects on the brain, and dental fluorosis, which experts agree is the first visible sign of fluoride toxicity.

The National Research Council of the National Academies also issued a warning in 2006 that fluoride exposure might be a risk factor in the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

And to top it all off, there is literally no evidence that fluoride even prevents cavities! Even if it did, would that small benefit really be worth the massive potential for serious health problems that fluoridation has been scientifically linked to?

Learn more at Fluoride.news or TapWater.news.

Fluoridation Is Mass Medication, New Zealand Supreme Court Rules

FAN Handout on Fluoridation's Effectiveness

The primary argument made by the pro-fluoridation lobby is that adding the fertilizer industry’s wet-scrubber slurry to the public’s drinking water is not only an effective strategy to reduce dental decay, but absolutely necessary regardless of what alternative oral health strategies are implemented.

While a potential minor reduction in cavities is a weak reason to ignore the plethora of studies showing harm from fluoride- - or the current fluorosis epidemic, or the ethical issues with medicating our water supply - it’s important we understand the issue of effectiveness when talking about fluoridation.

To help with this, our team has created an efficient 1-page handout (see below). Before we get to that, we have to stress that none of the studies we summarize actually rises to a top level study.

This is because in the over 70 years of fluoridation practice and promotion, there has not been one single randomized control trial (RTC) to demonstrate that swallowing fluoride lowers tooth decay.
Click on the image above to download a PDF version

It’s ready for immediate use and distribution. Some possible target audiences include the public, city councilors, state legislators and the media.

It’s one page in lay-friendly language, making it a quick, easy read for anyone. Citations are included.

It can be printed in either color for small higher-level groups or black and white for higher quantities inexpensively. Fluoridationists carefully cite only percentages of higher estimates of fluoridation’s effectiveness.

In contrast, the one-pager includes the lower estimates and the actual numbers of cavities reduced, enabling readers to be more fully informed.

FAN has additional information and resources on fluoridation’s effectiveness, which can be converted to PDF or a printer-friendly format by scrolling to the bottom of any webpage and clicking on either the printer or PDF icons on the left.

Overview page on effectiveness

Report: Fluoride & Tooth Decay – The Facts

Studies: Topical vs. systemic effect Studies: Decay rates in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated communities

Studies: Tooth decay trends in fluoridated vs. non-fluoridated countries

Studies: Decay rates after fluoridation is stopped

Studies: Fluoridation and “Baby Bottle” decay

Studies: Does water fluoridation help the impoverished

It’s also important to keep in mind what the promoters of fluoridation don’t want to talk about: choice, dental fluorosis, the origins of the chemicals used, environmental justice, or the serious health consequences of systemic exposure to fluoride that outweigh any potential oral health benefit.

It’s also important to keep in mind what the promoters of fluoridation don’t want to talk about: choice, dental fluorosis, the origins of the chemicals used, environmental justice, or the serious health consequences of systemic exposure to fluoride that outweigh any potential oral health benefit.

They also don’t want to discuss safe, targeted, more effective, non-controversial alternatives that have been used in non-fluoridated communities and nations that have the same or lower decay rates than their fluoridated counterparts.

This includes school sealant and dental screening programs, early nutrition and dental health education (brushing, flossing), and increased access to cleanings and treatments for Medicaid and uninsured patients (mid-level providers, higher reimbursement rates, dental homes and clinics).

Related: The Dark History Behind Fluoride (That The Media Refuses To Report)

A Campaign Documentary from the U.K.

A determined group of residents in Bedford, UK have produced an excellent mini-documentary about their efforts to stop fluoridation and hold local officials accountable for their actions.

The veteran campaigners of Fluoride Free Bedford used new council procedural laws to the test, and were successful in postponing the approval of fluoridation, getting the Adult Services and Health Scrutiny committee to recommend the fluoridation scheme be "terminated", and getting the council to go through a full public consultation prior to taking any future action.  

Watch their video below, and visit their website for more info and videos about their campaign.

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Fighting Fluoridation for Over Three Decades

Study Shows Water Has Memory: German Scientists Expand On Dr. Emoto’s Work

I remember sitting in the car driving into downtown Toronto with this really odd feeling in my gut - a mix of excitement and curiosity. We were heading to an interview that I had been looking forward to for a long time.

Of course, finding parking in Toronto is always an interesting challenge. Row after row, street after street, trying to find a spot that isn’t a one week walk away from your destination (and that also doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg) to leave your car for a few hours is, to put it mildly, pretty difficult.

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After an exhaustive search, we found that elusive not-too-far and not-too-costly spot. We got out of the car and began walking under the grey, cool sky towards the hotel where we were going to be interviewing Dr. Masaru Emoto - the man who claims that water contains memory and that our consciousness can impact it.

He was in town for a speaking event and we had the chance to privately interview him for a couple hours, offering us the amazing opportunity to hear about his work firsthand. 

At this time, his research was finally being recognized in a big way by the mainstream and he was going to be having some very interesting high level conversations about it to move it forward. He was right on the verge of taking his work to a whole new level.

Just a few short weeks later, he passed away, on the cusp of his success.

Having sat with him in what very well may have been his last interview, I later thought to myself how disheartening it was that he died just before seeing his work truly flower. 

The Memory of Water - h2o Remembers Everything

Science can be amazing, interesting and incredible. Watch as we show how water can have a memory. The memory of water allows it to know everything that it has come in contact with h2o from the ocean and sea through rivers and lakes.

More ‘sustainable’ lies – 208 million litres of NZ’s water a year for $470

I really wanted to see his work fully explored at an openminded level which would allow for wonder and intrigue to exist in a study that could transform the way we view our reality.

You see, the scientific world has a culture which, inherently, has a difficult time accepting work like this. Why? Because things like this are hard to measure, and when we can’t fully measure and understand something in our modern scientific world, we are often afraid to study it and put our names on it.

The unfortunate reason for this is that materialistic science has simply become the new religion of today, in a number of ways

While that has provided a plethora of amazing insights and wisdom, it also limits our understanding of our world by disregarding things that may exist that we simply don’t understand yet or can’t access physically.

Emoto shared his thoughts on all of this as we interviewed him. Although he had received much ridicule from mainstream science for his work, the deeper spiritual understanding that came from his research helped him to stay humble and open to the transformation in the way people viewed his work as an inevitable part of the future.

And he was right there… it was ready to take off for him.

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Thankfully, people have been inspired by his work and have expanded upon it to find some amazing things about the data and information water carries.

New research from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany supports the theory that water has a memory. This idea was first coined by French immunologist Dr. Jacques Benveniste in a controversial article published in 1988 in the journal Nature as a way of explaining how homeopathy works.

Later, others, including Dr. Emoto, took their hands and theories to this idea, all of which also proved controversial.

But recently another breakthrough has been brought forth and it comes with very interesting, reproducible results. The video clip below, from the Oasis HD Channel, shows some fascinating recent experiments involving water and memory.

It comes from the Aerospace Institute of the University of Stuttgart in Germany. Although all aspects of the research you are about to see are intriguing, one thing that really struck me is the bit about different types of flowers being immersed in water and how the water keeps memory of that. Would this perhaps lend credence to the homeopathy theory?

More On Emoto’s Work

This is an excerpt taken from an article we published on Dec. 1st 2013 by Arjun Walia titled “If Human Thought Can Do This To Water – Just Imagine What It Can Do To Us.”

“The experiment I’m using in this article was conducted by Dean Radin, Ph.D., who is the Chief Scientist at IONS and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University.

The experiment was done to measure how intention alone affects water crystal formation. Co-Investigators were Masaru Emoto, a Japanese energy scholar and author, along with a few other researchers and scientists.

The experiment tested the hypothesis that water exposed to distant intentions affects the aesthetic rating of ice crystals formed from that water.

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Basically, it tested whether intentions could influence the physical structure of water (as mentioned earlier). Over a period of three days, approximately 2000 people in Austria and Germany focused their intentions towards water samples that were placed inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California.

Other samples were located outside of the shielded room so that they could act as a distant control. Ice drops formed from multiple samples of water in different treatment conditions were photographed by a technician.

Each image was assessed for aesthetic beauty by over 2,500 independent judges and the results of the data were analyzed by individuals who were blind with respect to the treatment conditions.

Results showed that the test was consistent with a number of previous studies suggesting that intention may be able to influence the structure of water.

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Monsters With Human Faces: The Tyranny Of The Police State Disguised As Law-And-Order
+ AG William Barr Will Deliver Justice To Any Obama Officials Who Committed Crimes
July 31 2019 | From: TheRutherfordInstitute / WashingtonExaminer / Various

“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind around - they were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” - Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

Enough already. Enough with the distractions. Enough with the partisan jousting.

Gerry Eckhoff: Freedom of expression

Enough with the sniping and name-calling and mud-slinging that do nothing to make this country safer or freer or more just.

Comment: Whilst this article is American-centric, the concepts are of global relevance in this pivotal time.]

We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too long.

We are approaching a reckoning.

This is the point, as the poet W. B. Yeats warned, when things fall apart and anarchy is loosed upon the world.

We have seen this convergence before in Hitler’s Germany, in Stalin’s Russia, in Mussolini’s Italy, and in Mao’s China: the rise of strongmen and demagogues, the ascendency of profit-driven politics over deep-seated principles, the warring nationalism that seeks to divide and conquer, the callous disregard for basic human rights and dignity, and the silence of people who should know better.

Yet no matter how many times the world has been down this road before, we can’t seem to avoid repeating the deadly mistakes of the past.

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This is not just playing out on a national and international scale.

It is wreaking havoc at the most immediate level, as well, creating rifts and polarities within families and friends, neighborhoods and communities that keep the populace warring among themselves and incapable of presenting a united front in the face of the government’s goose-stepping despotism.

We are definitely in desperate need of a populace that can stand united against the government’s authoritarian tendencies.

Surely we can manage to find some common ground in the midst of the destructive, disrupting, diverting, discordant babble being beamed down at us by the powers-that-be?

After all, there are certain self-evident truths - about the source of our freedoms, about the purpose of government, about how we expect to be treated by those we appoint to serve us in government offices, about what to do when the government abuses our rights and our trust, etc. - that we should be able to agree on, no matter how we might differ politically.

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Disagree all you want about healthcare, abortion and immigration - hot-button issues that are guaranteed to stir up the masses, secure campaign contributions and turn political discourse into a circus free-for-all - but never forget that our power as a citizenry comes from our ability to agree and stand united on certain principles that should be non-negotiable.

For instance, for the first time in the nation’s history, it is expected that the federal deficit will surpass $1 trillion this year, not to mention the national debt which is approaching $23 trillion.

There’s also $21 trillion in government spending that cannot be accounted for or explained.

For those in need of a quick reminder:

"A budget deficit is the difference between what the federal government spends and what it takes in. The national debt is the result of the federal government borrowing money to cover years and years of budget deficits.”

Right now, the U.S. government is operating in the negative on every front: it’s spending far more than what it makes (and takes from the American taxpayers) and it is borrowing heavily (from foreign governments and Social Security) to keep the government operating and keep funding its endless wars abroad.

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Meanwhile, the nation’s sorely neglected infrastructure - railroads, water pipelines, ports, dams, bridges, airports and roads - is rapidly deteriorating.

Yet no matter how we might differ about how the government allocates its spending, surely we can agree that the government’s irresponsible spending, which has saddled us with insurmountable debt, is pushing the country to the edge of financial and physical ruin.

That’s just one example of many that shows the extent to which the agents of the American police state are shredding the constitutional fabric of the nation, eclipsing the rights of the American people, and perverting basic standards of decency.

Let me give you a few more.

Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government officials, America’s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry at a rate of more than $15 billion a month (or $20 million an hour) - and that’s just what the government spends on foreign wars.

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The U.S. military empire’s determination to police the rest of the world has resulted in more than 1.3 million U.S. troops being stationed at roughly 1000 military bases in over 150 countries around the world.

That doesn’t include the number of private contractors pulling in hefty salaries at taxpayer expense. In Afghanistan, for example, private contractors outnumber U.S. troops three to one

No matter how we might differ about the role of the U.S. military in foreign affairs, surely we can agree that America’s war spending and commitment to policing the rest of the world are bankrupting the nation and spreading our troops dangerously thin.

All of the imperial powers amassed by Barack Obama and George W. Bush - to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which they might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to operate a shadow government, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability - were inherited by Donald Trump.

These presidential powers - acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president - enable past, president and future presidents to operate above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

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Senior Google engineer Greg Coppola has revealed to Project Veritas the political bias within Google’s culture, warning that it has compromised the integrity of its products and search engine.

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Yet no matter how we might differ about how success or failure of past or present presidential administrations, surely we can agree that the president should not be empowered to act as an imperial dictator with permanent powers.

Increasingly, at home, we’re facing an unbelievable show of force by government agents. For example, with alarming regularity, unarmed men, women, children and even pets are being gunned down by twitchy, hyper-sensitive, easily-spooked police officers who shoot first and ask questions later, and all the government does is shrug and promise to do better.

Just recently, in fact, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals cleared a cop who aimed for a family’s dog (who showed no signs of aggression), missed, and instead shot a 10-year-old lying on the ground. Indeed, there are countless incidents that happen every day in which Americans are shot, stripped, searched, choked, beaten and tasered by police for little more than daring to frown, smile, question, or challenge an order.

Growing numbers of unarmed people are being shot and killed for just standing a certain way, or moving a certain way, or holding something - anything - that police could misinterpret to be a gun, or igniting some trigger-centric fear in a police officer’s mind that has nothing to do with an actual threat to their safety.

No matter how we might differ about where to draw that blue line of allegiance to the police state, surely we can agree that police shouldn’t go around terrorizing and shooting innocent, unarmed children and adults or be absolved of wrongdoing for doing so.

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Nor can we turn a blind eye to the transformation of America’s penal system from one aimed at protecting society from dangerous criminals to a profit-driven system that dehumanizes and strips prisoners of every vestige of their humanity.

For example, in Illinois, as part of a “training exercise” for incoming cadets, prison guards armed with batons and shields rounded up 200 handcuffed female inmates, marched them to the gymnasium, then forced them to strip naked (including removing their tampons and pads), “bend over and spread open their vaginal and anal cavities,” while male prison guards promenaded past or stood staring.

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the entire dehumanizing, demoralizing mass body cavity strip search - orchestrated not for security purposes but as an exercise in humiliation - was legal.

Be warned, however: this treatment will not be limited to those behind bars. In our present carceral state, there is no difference between the treatment meted out to a law-abiding citizen and a convicted felon: both are equally suspect and treated as criminals, without any of the special rights and privileges reserved for the governing elite.

In a carceral state, there are only two kinds of people: the prisoners and the prison guards.

Russian TV Expresses Bewilderment Over West Transfixed With Identity Politics

An exchange between two speakers on one of Russia’s largest television shows illustrates how people in eastern Europe are completely bewildered by the west’s obsession with identity politics.

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No matter how we might differ about where to draw the line when it comes to prisoners’ rights, surely we can agree that no one - woman, man or child - should be subjected to such degrading treatment in the name of law and order.

In Washington, DC, in contravention of longstanding laws that restrict the government’s ability to deploy the military on American soil, the Pentagon has embarked on a secret mission of “undetermined duration” that involves flying Black Hawk helicopters over the nation’s capital, backed by active-duty and reserve soldiers.

In addition to the increasing militarization of the police - a de facto standing army - this military exercise further acclimates the nation to the sight and sounds of military personnel on American soil and the imposition of martial law.

No matter how we might differ about the deference due to those in uniform, whether military or law enforcement, surely we can agree that America’s Founders had good reason to warn against the menace of a national police force - a.k.a. a standing army - vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution.

We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, disguised as “the better good,” marketed as benevolence, enforced with armed police, and carried out by an elite class of government officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.

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For example, in Pennsylvania, a school district is threatening to place children in foster care if parents don’t pay their overdue school lunch bills.

In Florida, a resident was fined $100,000 for a dirty swimming pool and overgrown grass at a house she no longer owned.

In Kentucky, government bureaucrats sent a cease-and-desist letter to a church ministry, warning that the group is breaking the law by handing out free used eyeglasses to the homeless.

These petty tyrannies inflicted on an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace are what happens when bureaucrats run the show, and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government.

No matter how we might differ about the extent to which the government has the final say in how it flexes it power and exerts its authority, surely we can agree that the tyranny of the Nanny State - disguised as “the better good,” marketed as benevolence, enforced with armed police, and inflicted on all those who do not belong to the elite ruling class that gets to call the shots - should not be allowed to pave over the Constitution.

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At its core, this is not a debate about politics, or constitutionalism, or even tyranny disguised as law-and-order. This is a condemnation of the monsters with human faces that have infiltrated our government.

For too long now, the American people have rationalized turning a blind eye to all manner of government wrongdoing - asset forfeiture schemes, corruption, surveillance, endless wars, SWAT team raids, militarized police, profit-driven private prisons, and so on - because they were the so-called lesser of two evils.

Yet the unavoidable truth is that the government has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.

No matter how you rationalize it, the lesser of two evils is still evil.

So how do you fight back?

How do you fight injustice? How do you push back against tyranny? How do you vanquish evil?

You don’t fight it by hiding your head in the sand.

We have ignored the warning signs all around us for too long.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the government has ripped the Constitution to shreds and left us powerless in the face of its power grabs, greed and brutality.

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What we are grappling with today is a government that is cutting great roads through the very foundations of freedom in order to get after its modern devils. Yet the government can only go as far as “we the people” allow.

Therein lies the problem.

The consequences of this failure to do our due diligence in asking the right questions, demanding satisfactory answers, and holding our government officials accountable to respecting our rights and abiding by the rule of law has pushed us to the brink of a nearly intolerable state of affairs.

Intolerable, at least, to those who remember what it was like to live in a place where freedom, due process and representative government actually meant something.

Having allowed the government to expand and exceed our reach, we now find ourselves on the losing end of a tug-of-war over control of our country and our lives.

The hour grows late in terms of restoring the balance of power and reclaiming our freedoms, but it may not be too late. The time to act is now, using all methods of nonviolent resistance available to us.

"Don’t sit around waiting for the two corrupted established parties to restore the Constitution or the Republic,”
Naomi Wolf once warned. Waiting and watching will get us nowhere fast.

If you’re watching, you’re not doing.

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Easily mesmerized by the government’s political theater - the endless congressional hearings and investigations that go nowhere, the president’s reality show antics, the warring factions, the electoral drama - we have become a society of watchers rather than activists who are distracted by even the clumsiest government attempts at sleight-of-hand.

It’s time for good men and women to do something. And soon.

Wake up and take a good, hard look around you. Start by recognizing evil and injustice and tyranny for what they are. Stop being apathetic. Stop being neutral.

Stop being accomplices.

Stop being distracted by the political theater staged by the Deep State: they want you watching the show while they manipulate things behind the scenes. Refuse to play politics with your principles. Don’t settle for the lesser of two evils.

As British statesman Edmund Burke warned:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing.”

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AG William Barr Will Deliver Justice To Any Obama Officials Who Committed Crimes

A top Republican investigator said accountability is coming for any of those individuals who may have committed crimes during the Trump-Russia investigation.

With the Justice Department conducting a review of that operation, Rep. John Ratcliffe said during a Fox News interview Sunday that he trusts Attorney General William Barr and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz to provide answers.

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And while Ratcliffe said he does not want to prematurely accuse any specific person of a crime - as Democrats have done with President Trump - he stressed that it is clear crimes were committed by people during the Obama administration, including government officials.

"I think the first thing we need to do is make sure we don’t do what the Democrats have done,"
the Texas Republican told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures.

"They accused Donald Trump of a crime and then they try and reverse engineer a process to justify that accusation.

So I’m not going to accuse any specific person of any specific crime, I just want there to be a fair process to get there.

What I do know as a former federal prosecutor is that it does appear that there were crimes committed during the Obama administration.

Ratcliffe, a Texas Republican on the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees who was critical of special counsel Robert Mueller during his testimony in front of those committees last Wednesday, is Trump's pick to replace outgoing Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

Although many of the GOP lines of questioning last week focused on the origins of the investigation, Mueller largely shut them down, often saying these were issues that were "outside my purview."

Ratcliffe explained this is why Barr, who has tasked U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the so-called investigation of the investigators, must fill in the gaps.

"Now the things that Bob Mueller said he didn’t know about and his team clearly didn’t look at, those are things that would be fair for Bill Barr and the Department of Justice to look at.

Because we know that things happened in the Obama administration that haven’t been answered. There’s been no accountability for that yet,"
Ratcliffe said.

“Well, the special counsel told us ... that they didn't do it. And if they didn't do it, the only place we can get the answers is from the Justice Department right now," Ratcliffe said.

"The American people want that. Their faith and trust, Maria, has been shaken in our Justice Department, and the only way to get that back is for there to be real accountability with a very fair process.

Again, I have supreme confidence in Bill Barr's ability to deliver that. And at the end of the day, wherever the outcome may be, as long as we know that the process was fair, the evaluation was fair, justice will be done. Look, the truth always defends itself.”

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Relevant to the Barr-Durham review is Horowitz's inspector general investigation into alleged government surveillance abuses against at least one adviser for Trump's campaign, Carter Page, an American citizen who was never charged with wrongdoing.

Barr has said he is working closely with Horowitz, who is expected to wrap up his inquiry this fall, and the Justice Department could take prosecutorial action depending on the findings and recommendations.

Ratcliffe recommended three leads for the "investigation of the investigators."

Related: Deep State Swamp In Total Panic Over Trump Pick John Ratcliffe As Intel Chief

The first related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

"You talked earlier about Michael Flynn. His phone call with the Russian ambassador was a highly classified NSA intercept. Someone in the Obama administration leaked that call to the Washington Post. That’s a felony,"
he said.

Then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed in February 2018 that the Justice Department was investigating that leak, and that he was overseeing the inquiry himself. “I am directing it personally and we’re pursuing it aggressively,” Sessions said at the time.

Ratcliffe suggested investigators also look into conflicting congressional testimony between Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr.

Fusion GPS was the opposition research firm behind British ex-spy Christopher Steele's dossier, which was full of unverified claims about Trump's ties to Russia and was used extensively by the FBI in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act applications before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to justify surveillance of Page.

Related: Russia Gate Goes Down In History As A Remarkable Display Of American Stupidity + Barr ‘Right’ To Say ‘Spying’ Occurred On Trump Campaign

Ohr acted as an unofficial back channel between Steel and the FBI.

"Glenn Simpson from Fusion GPS in talking about the Steele dossier, said under oath that he and Bruce Ohr did not meet until after the election.

Bruce Ohr said under oath that they met three months before the election. One of them is not telling the truth. We need a process to identify that,"
Ratcliffe said.

The third area of interest, Ratcliffe said, is former FBI Director James Comey's memos on his interactions with Trump before he was fired in May 2017.

"Where it all started, Jim Comey. He admitted that he leaked his confidential conversations with the president to a reporter. Did that include classified information? We need a fair processes to find out answers to that,"
Ratcliffe said.

Comey said he leaked one of his memos to a friend to leak to the press in the hope that it “might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.”

Related: Obama State At Center Of Anti-Trump Coup Cabal

On May 16, 2017, the first Comey memo was reported for the first time. On May 17, 2017, then-Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel.

"I trust, because Bill Barr has earned my trust already and the trust of the American people, that there'll be a fair process with John Durham and with Michael Horowitz to get answers to that and provide accountability where it really belongs,"
Ratcliffe said.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind
July 30 2019 | From: FinalWakeupCall

A True and honest media is a dream: The mainstream mass media, is focusing their news programmes and lacking narratives with transparency on negative stories on fires, wrecks, murder, mayhem, third-party scandals, and not to forget; bashing Russia with flame and blame, intentionally creating fear, distrust and conflict.

Was this nothing more than an attempt to discredit Trump and his victory?

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The question is; Is there any good news? Yes, there is. But the mainstream media isn’t used to having their spin questioned – especially by the president. Since Donald Trump was elected, the aggressive media attacks against the administration have served as undeniable proof that the news is biased and unfairly controlled.

The editorial board destroys any illusion that the mainstream media has remained impartial. This is an outright dream. These are the people pulling the strings that everyday decide which story to run, when and where.

They edit the context and content of every story coming out of their newsroom. They decide, which story is front page, and throw away any idea they don’t like. It’s hard to imagine for honest journalists trying to work in that kind of environment.

Related: Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media

On the other hand; Fake news, it seems, is what people want. Because News is seen as a form of entertainment. They want entertainment that makes them feel smart, heroic, and honourable. This is the stimulus; people want lies! They don’t want to feel uncomfortable, inadequate, or stupid. So the last thing they want, is any serious contemplation or real insight.

The truth is too difficult to accept and too bitter to swallow. People seem to want news that goes down smoothly, and makes them feel taller and slimmer. The farther away from the hard facts – as in first-hand experience – the falser the news becomes.

The news you read in the newspaper, usually takes place far away, based on motives you can’t understand, built on compounded fantasies, myths, and delusions. This is clearly shown by looking, for example, at the economic news.

They propagate that the economy is doing great, while median income and the standard of living are declining, people are suffering under austerity measures, and can hardly can get by on two or three-part-time jobs, while being forced to pay more for most things.

Related: DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation - But Why?

What if a brave young reporter had a hot lead on a Trump story that could shake things up, and make the president look good to readers? Does one risk their job by speaking out, or does the reporter cave in to their bosses’ unfair pressure and kill the story?

This isn’t new, of course. The fascist-leftist spinning machine has been at work for decades. Only now, it has grown so out-of-control, it’s almost comical in its obviousness.

Nowadays, the only way to advance in the mainstream media is to push leftist views, instead of the truth. In the past ten years, liberal media sources have seen a sharp decline in distribution. People simply aren’t subscribing or reading anymore. As a result, advertising revenue and growth have both dried up. But the old guard – the big bosses with fat salaries, great pensions and thirty years of experience – haven’t left yet, while refusing to adapt to the market.

Mass Media Controls People’s Minds:

The mass media is controlled by only a handful of multinational corporations. Insightful journalism is continuously impeded, while secretive operations disregard the freedom of information Act.

The purpose of this law is to declassify governmental documents. It also is the subject of an ongoing conflict between government officials and news organisations, as well as private citizens.

Related: Behold, The Cognitive Dissonance Of The Media In One Graph

It is especially troubling that media ownership is so concentrated when considered that more than 98% of people in the West have a television. Of this 98%; 82% watch primetime TV, and 71% watch cable programs every week. Additionally, 84% listen to the radio regularly, while 79% are newspaper readers.

Nearly half of these people have access to the Internet, whilst certain demographic groups reach 70%. These totals suggest that most westerners spend an excessive amount of time staring at a screen, which in itself is bad enough.

But when realised that everything these people see and hear comes from a mere five major media outlets, the threat of potential propagandising and mind control becomes absolutely clear.

If people would know just how deeply they have been programmed and mind controlled, straight up truth could prove to be far too disruptive, negatively impacting too many.

Contemplate the starting of a transition for humanity into a sovereign consciousness, by inserting Trump into a leadership position, in which he can stir the pot with the mix of some bold-faced lies and hard truths, scaring everyone awake with a nonsensical missile strike on an abandoned airfield, coordinated as a reverse false flag operation in which the Chinese, Russians and Syrians are all involved on behalf of the Alliance.

They apparently feel this action will do the mass awakening trick. For people that are already awake, it’s very bad and awkward watching all this deceit playing out, both malevolent and benevolent. But for the ones that are still asleep, as most are, this will possibly be eye opening.

There is no substitute for free and unfettered news gathering. Journalists are not cops nor are they public relations agents.

They are reporters, for them there are no substitutes. One of the largest problems affecting freedom of the press is the corporatisation of the media, which dilutes news content in order to make it more appealing to larger audiences, in line with the instruction from the Deep State cabal.

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Corporate media giants are silencing conflicting voices to the spoon-fed narrative, abandoning quality journalism and eliminating local content. Society is in desperate need of better media.

The world is changing fast, and many people, at least in the developed world, are starting to see through corporate- owned mainstream media.

Television is specialised in ‘faking’ and lying about major global events on multiple occasions, meanwhile some media-employees are leaving their jobs and are telling the truth about what and who dominates a large portion of mainstream media.

The Future for the Media:

The future media, will be organised by private citizens who, making use of cell-phone cameras and the internet, take it upon themselves to find and report news, reporting on what people do, and what has happened.

If they have studied a specific profession and have become interested in the issues involved, they can actively search for, collect, and read numerous cases from others, on the same or related subjects, comparing different points of view and insights, all the while fact-checking. Sources should be scrutinised and then they could blog or write an article on the subject, eventually participating in the media debate, etc.

Related: Sharyl Attkisson: How Media Narratives Became More Important Than Facts & Every Nation Must Declare War Against Big Tech

A few conscious individuals believe that the world is undergoing an exciting, but uncomfortable change, that may be unsettling, but the current advances in technology and environmentalism, and the soon to be released thousands of patents that have been hidden by the cabal, will eventually lead to a brighter and more harmonious future, that comes with free energy, and engines that run on water. More specifically, technologies are to be released that are so advanced compared to what is currently known.

People will be totally amazed when these are revealed and implemented.

Time, to Listen to the Conspiracy Theorists:

But the public must be cautious and patient. We have been deceived for far too long by the cabal plutocrats who dominate finance, corporate life and the mass media. For many years now and from all different angles, awakened and conscious people have been warning of a coming New World Order, which entails socialist globalisation desired by the cabal.

Together with their puppets, centred in the various secret societies of satanic Luciferianism, this is the agenda they are pursuing.

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

In a world of ignorance, apathy, gross contradiction, cognitive dissonance and denial, what will it take for the masses to wake up?

Granted, they have been deceived, but living in zombie-like trances, they lack responsibility towards themselves and their fellow humans: It’s therefore no surprise to see them buy into the cabal’s chutzpah and blindly give their consent to the ruling elite’s agenda, not knowing about the underlying hidden, dark and destructive concealed motives.

A major objective of the cabal’s agenda is; the dehumanisation of the masses on many levels through manipulation, keeping people in the dark about what must be done to prevent the disastrous consequences.

They may have heard about untested vaccines, GMO, and toxic food, corporate drug companies influencing government policies, totalitarian martial law, like in France, and the ever-increasing restrictions on liberties.

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But people are unfortunately lacking the interest and motivation to come into action against these atrocities. This could be easily stopped through our mass refusal to co-operate, in the awareness of their disempowering and destructive secret motives.

Without a doubt, we have reached the point in time when the common public should listen to the ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the youthful activists.

Why should people believe the same officials that have made false statements and allegations over and over again, coercing us into making wrong choices? Why should people listen to anything these institutions say?

Individual Freedom:

If people are again to experience the individual freedom and capitalist initiatives that once brought prosperity to the middleclass and beyond, as well as social success, it is obvious that something must change. Simply bouncing back and forth between different administrations that actually are in essence the same; controlled by the deep state’s hidden government, and the globalists from the shadows, will not bring any improvement in the standard of living of ordinary people.

When people awaken en masse, and ally with the Eastern gnostic bloodline nobility, then the 13 Khazarian Archon bloodline families that comprise the Deep State, resp. the dark nobility, will soon be out of oxygen everywhere on planet Earth.

Related: The British East India Company: The Drug Company of the Venetian Black Nobility

Once the Central Banks are abolished, and all currencies are backed by gold or silver, they won’t have the money to create wars. They’ll lose their power structure, their agencies, allies, and weapons of mass destruction, resulting in game over for them.

What will remain, is their final public surrender announced by Donald Trump, which will bring down Netanyahu in Israel, and Poroshenko in the Ukraine, solve the 9/11, MH 17 downing, and all other false flag operations. It will also guarantee Marine Le Pen wins the French elections, that will bring down Merkel in Germany, end the European Union, and give rise to the default of the Euro.

People Unite:

People must unite, against their domestic fascist government, the most formidable enemy is the one that controls every nation’s government, the financial system, the educational system, the health system, and evencitizens’ lifestyle.

The force in numbers of the enemy is negligible, while we, the people have an impressive majority; provided many of us are awake and conscious. It is time for all individual citizens to become proactive!

Related: Why Don’t People Revolt?

If the people in this world of violence do not unite for the important purpose of destroying the Deep State with their murderous terrorist attacks, and drug organisations, we are lost. The cabal will not go away without a fight, but will rise in strength and will use force to suppress us even more.

People must unite, like an army that quickly diffuses their killers by mobilising their own rescue from a pending threat.

People’s sheer numbers and faith could free us all and we could experience a world of peace, prosperity, being able to take care of ourselves without intervention.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures
July 29 2019 | From: YourNewsWire

Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.

People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices.

Related: Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model

Much like anything else, politics and money have been used to warp people’s minds and encourage them to embrace what is bad for them.

It all began with John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America’s first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist.

By the turn on the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil etc.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

The Conspiracy to Rule the World: The House of Rockefeller

World Affairs reports: At the same time, around 1900, scientists discovered “petrochemicals” and the ability to create all kinds of chemicals from oil. For example, the first plastic - called Bakelite - was made from oil in 1907. Scientists were discovering various vitamins and guessed that many pharmaceutical drugs could be made from oil.

This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time!

The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.

But there was one problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry: natural/herbal medicines were very popular in America at that time. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

Rockefeller, the monopolist, had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution. (Similar to terrorism scare, followed by the “Patriot Act”).

He went to his buddy Andrew Carnegie – another plutocrat who made his money from monopolizing the steel industry – who devised a scheme. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel around the country and report on the status of medical colleges and hospitals around the country.

This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it.

Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.

Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.

Related: Huge Victory For Natural Medicine In Australia As Nation Rejects Pharma-Engineered Attempt To Outlaw
Nearly All Herbs

To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges, hospitals and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). This is the classic carrot and stick approach.

In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.

And you thought Koch brothers were evil?

Related: How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World

So, now we are, 100 years later, churning out doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practices. We have an entire society that is enslaved to corporations for its well-being.

America spends 15% of its GDP on healthcare, which should be really called “sick care.” It is focused not on cure, but only on symptoms, thus creating repeat customers. There is no cure for cancer, diabetes, autism, asthma, or even flu.

Why would there be real cures? This is a system founded by oligarchs and plutocrats, not by doctors.

As for cancer, oh yeah, the American Cancer Society was founded by none other than Rockefeller in 1913.

In this month of breast cancer awareness, it is sad to see people being brainwashed about chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  That’s another topic - but here is a quote from John D. Rockefeller that summarizes his New World Order vision for America…

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures
July 29 2019 | From: YourNewsWire

Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.

People these days look at you like a weirdo if you talk about the healing properties of plants or any other holistic practices.

Related: Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model

Much like anything else, politics and money have been used to warp people’s minds and encourage them to embrace what is bad for them.

It all began with John D. Rockefeller (1839 – 1937) who was an oil magnate, a robber baron, America’s first billionaire, and a natural-born monopolist.

By the turn on the 20th century, he controlled 90% of all oil refineries in the U.S. through his oil company, Standard Oil, which was later on broken up to become Chevron, Exxon, Mobil etc.

Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window

The Conspiracy to Rule the World: The House of Rockefeller

World Affairs reports: At the same time, around 1900, scientists discovered “petrochemicals” and the ability to create all kinds of chemicals from oil. For example, the first plastic - called Bakelite - was made from oil in 1907. Scientists were discovering various vitamins and guessed that many pharmaceutical drugs could be made from oil.

This was a wonderful opportunity for Rockefeller who saw the ability to monopolize the oil, chemical and the medical industries at the same time!

The best thing about petrochemicals was that everything could be patented and sold for high profits.

But there was one problem with Rockefeller’s plan for the medical industry: natural/herbal medicines were very popular in America at that time. Almost half the doctors and medical colleges in the U.S. were practicing holistic medicine, using knowledge from Europe and Native Americans.

Related: The Eradication Of Natural Alternatives: Big Pharma Wants To Eliminate The Competition

Rockefeller, the monopolist, had to figure out a way to get rid of his biggest competition. So he used the classic strategy of “problem-reaction-solution.” That is, create a problem and scare people, and then offer a (pre-planned) solution. (Similar to terrorism scare, followed by the “Patriot Act”).

He went to his buddy Andrew Carnegie – another plutocrat who made his money from monopolizing the steel industry – who devised a scheme. From the prestigious Carnegie Foundation, they sent a man named Abraham Flexner to travel around the country and report on the status of medical colleges and hospitals around the country.

This led to the Flexner Report, which gave birth to the modern medicine as we know it.

Needless to say, the report talked about the need for revamping and centralizing our medical institutions. Based on this report, more than half of all medical colleges were soon closed.

Homeopathy and natural medicines were mocked and demonized; and doctors were even jailed.

Related: Huge Victory For Natural Medicine In Australia As Nation Rejects Pharma-Engineered Attempt To Outlaw
Nearly All Herbs

To help with the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller gave more than $100 million to colleges, hospitals and founded a philanthropic front group called “General Education Board” (GEB). This is the classic carrot and stick approach.

In a very short time, medical colleges were all streamlined and homogenized. All the students were learning the same thing, and medicine was all about using patented drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cured diseases, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective, and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

A pill for an ill became the mantra for modern medicine.

And you thought Koch brothers were evil?

Related: How Big Pharma Greed Is Killing Tens Of Thousands Around The World

So, now we are, 100 years later, churning out doctors who know nothing about the benefits of nutrition or herbs or any holistic practices. We have an entire society that is enslaved to corporations for its well-being.

America spends 15% of its GDP on healthcare, which should be really called “sick care.” It is focused not on cure, but only on symptoms, thus creating repeat customers. There is no cure for cancer, diabetes, autism, asthma, or even flu.

Why would there be real cures? This is a system founded by oligarchs and plutocrats, not by doctors.

As for cancer, oh yeah, the American Cancer Society was founded by none other than Rockefeller in 1913.

In this month of breast cancer awareness, it is sad to see people being brainwashed about chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  That’s another topic - but here is a quote from John D. Rockefeller that summarizes his New World Order vision for America…

Related Articles:

Natural Health Special + What Is the Natural Allopathic Protocol Useful For? & Why Whole Foods Are
Always Better Than Nutritional Supplements

Holocaust Study: The Medical Cartel Is Destroying America (And The West) + Government’s Real War On
Natural Health

Natural Health: The Silver Bullet To Medical Vampires + Australia To Search Out And Prosecute Anti-Vax
Nurses And Midwives; Calls For Public To Turn Them In

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Obama State At Center Of Anti-Trump Coup Cabal
July 28 2019 | From: JudicialWatch / Various

New Emails Show Obama State Department’s Role in Anti-Trump Coup Cabal.

John Kerry, President Obama’s secretary of state, seems to be having trouble staying within the legal bounds of the Logan Act, so it’s not surprising that his State Department lieutenants were getting their hands dirty in the conspiracy to bring down Donald Trump.

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We now received more evidence of this anti-Trump conspiracy. With The Daily Caller News Foundation, we just released 16 pages of documents revealing senior State Obama officials – Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Special Coordinator for Libya Jonathan Winer – coordinated with incoming House Majority Whip Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD) national security advisor, Daniel Silverberg, to work on Russia dossier information provided by Christopher Steele.

Steele was surreptitiously paid by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to create the infamous anti-Trump dossier used to justify a series of FISA spy warrants targeting Carter Page.

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Winer is a former Obama State Department deputy assistant secretary who was implicated in working with Steele and Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal to circulate the anti-Trump dossier.

We obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018, on behalf of ourselves and The Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv- 00968)). The lawsuit seeks:

All records of communications between State Department officials, including former Secretary of State John Kerry, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, on the one hand, and British National Christopher Steele and/or employees or contractors of Steele’s company, Orbis Business Intelligence, on the other hand.

All records and/or memoranda provided by Christopher Steele and/or his firm Orbis Business Intelligence or by others acting on Steele’s/Orbis’s behalf, to State Department officials.

Any and all records in the custody of the State Department related to the provision of documents to British national Christopher Steele and/or his firm, Orbis Business Intelligence, or the receipt of documents from Steele or his firm.  Time period is January 20, 2009 through the present.

All records created in 2016 by Jonathan M. Winer relating to research compiled by Christopher Steele.

Here is some of what we learned from these documents.

In an email exchange on September 19, 2016, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS asks Winer if he is “in town?” Winer replies “For a couple of hours.”

In an email exchange on September 26, 2016, Winer emails Nuland asking for “15 minutes of your time today if possible,” to discuss a “Russia related issue” from his “old O [Orbis Business Intelligence] friend.”

Orbis was co-founded and run by Russia dossier author Christopher Steele. Nuland’s assistant suggests a secure call for the discussion and Winer asks his aide to postpone a meeting he was to have with the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) to accommodate.

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In an exchange beginning in November 2016, Hoyer top-aide Silverberg emails a “thank you” to Nuland, calling her a “warrior on these issues” and stating that he looks forward to pursuing “some of the things we discussed yesterday, albeit on the system integrity side.”

Nuland forwards this email to Winer who adds that he wants to talk about “some new info.”

From: Silverberg, Daniel [mailto:Daniel.Silverberg@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 10:57 PM
To: Nuland, Victoria J
Subject: Thank you


It was a delight to speak today, notwithstanding the context. You’ve been a warrior on these issues, and I look forward to speaking further to preserve and wherever possible strengthen the important work you have done. I’ll follow up regarding a possible working group meeting.

On Nov 29, 2016, at 10:07 AM, Nuland, Victoria J <nulandvi@state.gov> wrote:

Thanks, Daniel. I look forward to continuing our collaboration in whatever capacity life brings. Copied here is Jonathan Winer, who has some legal ideas that may be of interest to you and Cong. Hoyer.

From: Nuland, Victoria J
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:08 AM
To: Winer, Jonathan
Subject: RN: Thank you

They want to pursue some of the things we discussed yesterday, albeit on the system integrity side.

From: Winer, Jonathan
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:12 AM
To: Nuland, Victoria J
Subject: Re: Thank you

Want to talk briefly further. Some new info want you to be aware of. [Redacted] Phone call ok sometime this am? Five minutes is enough.

From: Nuland, Victoria J <nulandvj@state.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:23 AM
To: Winer, Jonathan <WinerJ@state.gov>
Subject: RE: Thank you

Of course, [redacted] Send me good number and time.

From: Silverberg, Daniel
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 10:52 AM
To: Nuland, Victoria J
Cc: Winer, Jonathan
Subject: Re: Thank you

Great. Jonathan, I am all ears.

From: Winer, Jonathan
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 2:10 PM
To: Silverberg, Daniel <Daniel.Silverberg@mail.house.gov>
Subject: Re: Thank you

I’ve reached out per our call yesterday. Please call me to talk further at your early convenience. Weekend best but can also talk Monday.

In a November 2016 exchange with the subject line “Would like to catch up on something at your convenience,” Winer reaches out to Nuland for a meeting, which gets booked in the Truman building on November 28.

In an email exchange dated December 12, 2016, Winer requests a brief meeting with Nuland saying, “Something new has come up of which I want you to be aware.” Nuland replies, “Ok,” and adds her assistant to the exchange. Winer’s assistant then emails Nuland’s assistant looking for a time to meet.

In February 2018, Winer wrote an op-ed claiming anti-Trump dossier author Christopher Steele and Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal approached him with separate dossiers.

Winer wrote: “In the summer of 2016, Steele told me that he had learned of disturbing information regarding possible ties between Donald Trump, his campaign and senior Russian officials.” Also, “While talking about that hacking, Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s reports. He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know …”

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Christopher Bedford, editor in chief of The Daily Caller News Foundation, had this to say about these documents: “Every day of digging reveals more and more political collaboration on this hit job, and at the highest levels.

While so much of the media is content to chase Russian conspiracies, The Daily Caller News Foundation and the fantastic lawyers at Judicial Watch are going to keep doing the hard work of holding power accountable.”

Here’s what else we’re pursuing in this area:

We recently released 43 pages of documents from the State Department revealing that its “Special Coordinator for Libya,” Jonathan Winer, played a key role in facilitating Steele’s access to other top government officials, prominent international business executives. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

We previously released two sets of heavily redacted State Department documents showing classified information was researched and disseminated to multiple U.S. senators by the Obama administration immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The documents reveal that among those receiving the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert Corker (R-TN).

Related: Highlights: Watch House Republicans Tear Mueller Apart At Hearing

We are also suing the State Department for communications between Nuland and employees of Fusion GPS, as well as top ranking Department of Justice, FBI, and State Department officials.

These new documents further confirm that the Obama State Department was a way station for Steele’s smear dossier and other anti-Trump activism.

Judicial Watch Investigates Left-wing Assault on Electoral College

The organized Left has invested much recently in “reforming” the Electoral College, established by the U.S. Constitution. Judicial Watch, again, is manning the wall against this assault on our election system.

We just filed a Colorado Open Records Act lawsuit on behalf of reporter Todd Shepherd against Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold for records of communications related to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (Todd Shepherd v Jena Griswold in her official capacity as Colorado Secretary of State (No. 2019-cv-032310))

This “compact” would award Colorado’s presidential electors to the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of whether Colorado’s voters chose that candidate.

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We sued after Griswold refused to turn over certain documents in response to a February 4, 2019, open records request for records about the Electoral College debate.

On February 21, 2019, the Colorado House passed a National Popular Vote bill and sent it to Governor Jared Polis. Colorado Secretary of State Griswold is a critic of the Electoral College and applauded Gov. Polis’s signing of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact legislation.

Currently, most states award all their Electoral College votes to the candidate who wins the popular vote in that state.

But, as described here by the National Conference of State Legislatures, when a state, such as Colorado, “passes legislation to join the National Popular Vote Compact, it pledges that all of that state’s electoral votes will be given to whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote nationwide, rather than the candidate who won the vote in just that state. 

These bills will take effect only when states with a majority of the electoral votes have passed similar legislation and joined the compact.”

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Five times a presidential candidate has won the “popular vote” but lost the election, most recently Hillary Clinton. Many opponents of President Trump have proposed undoing the Electoral College.

Supporters of the Electoral College point out that it balances the interests of citizens in both large and small states by requiring candidates to seek votes in less populous states whose interests might otherwise be ignored. In addition, under the reform, a state could award its Electoral College votes to a presidential candidate who lost the state’s popular vote.

Leftists in Colorado and other states want to undo the Electoral College and the U.S. Constitution in the hopes of guaranteeing control of the presidency. This attack on the Electoral College would give large left-leaning states and the perpetrators of voter fraud an unconstitutionally outsized impact on the outcome of our presidential elections.

This emerging threat to free and fair election is on your Judicial Watch’s radar screen and you can be sure this lawsuit is the just the beginning of our educational efforts to alert Americans about this important policy challenge.

Related: Judicial Watch President: Obama White House covered up Clinton email scandal

Christopher Steele’s Cozy Relationship with the State Department

The case of Obama State Department official Jonathan Winer just gets curiouser and curiouser (see our lead story above). He was President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry’s point man on Libya, but it seems he was freelancing in another area.

We released 43 pages of documents revealing that Winer played a key role in facilitating dossier author Christopher Steele’s access to other top government officials and prominent international business executives. Winer was even approached by a movie producer about making a movie about the Russiagate targeting of President Trump.

We obtained the documents in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 25, 2018, on behalf of The Daily Caller News Foundation against the State Department after it failed to respond to three separate FOIA requests (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv- 00968)).

In an email on December 11, 2014, Winer places pressure on his colleague Nina Miller to assist Steele by getting “O Reports” [likely Orbis] to Toria [Victoria] Nuland and Paul Jones ASAP.” Nuland at the time was the State Department Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs; Jones the European and Eurasian Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary.

From: Winer, Jonathan

Sent: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 17:41:32 +0000

To: Miller, Nina A

Subject: Please get “O Reports” to Toria Nuland and Paul Jones ASAP – they are time [sp]

I know you have other burdens, but this one needs to get done if you can as soon as possible.

In a series of emails on November 20, 2014, Winer openly acts as a liaison for Steele, attempting to set up meetings for “Chris” and referencing “Three Orbis Reports” in the subject line of the email.

This meeting was scheduled to be with Marialuisa Fotheringham, office manager to the principal deputy assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of European and Eurasian affairs and, again, Paul W. Jones.

In a series of emails on November 20, 2014, Winer negotiates a time with Ariuna Namsrai, APCO Worldwide’s senior director and managing director for Russia, CIS and Central Asia for her to meet Christopher Steele at “lunch or dinner.” APCO bills itself as one of the world’s leading advisory and advocacy communications consultancies.

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In a series of emails on January 13-14, 2015, with the subject line “Morocco immediate need,” Winer introduces Steele to Marc Ginsberg, former Ambassador to Morocco under Bill Clinton, former APCO Worldwide Senior Vice President and Managing Director and former CEO of One Voice Movement Foundation.

Weiner writes to Ginsberg: “Marc, Chris Steele is a friend of mine who has a very, very high­ end business intelligence service based in London. He formerly worked for the UK government.”

Ginsberg replies to Winer: “I spoke to Chris… complicated!”

In an email on April 13, 2015, to Steele and his partner Chris Burrows titled “Request for contacts with WB and IMF” Winer appears to ask Steele and Burrows to act unofficially on behalf of the United States with World Bank and the International Monetary Fund:

Winer writes: Chris and Chris, advice is that you brief the country team…. it would be best that this not come in from or through any US official, but be a straight-on request from you in light of impact on Mongolia and there [sic] need to know.”

On July 13, 2015, while trying to schedule a dinner in London with Steele, Winer discloses to Steele from an unsecure BlackBerry that he is scheduled to have a Secure Video Teleconference Call [SVTC] with “higher ranked people than I am at the NSC.”

Steele later confirms their dinner appointment, and says, “I shall wait for you on the park bench in the main square facing the front of the embassy building.”

Related: FBI Established Steele Dossier Was Bogus in Early 2017, Used It Anyway

In an email exchange on November 20, 2014, Winer attempts to introduce Steele to Nelson Cunningham, President of McLarty Associates, an international consulting firm co-founded by former Clinton White House Counselor Thomas ‘Mack’ McLarty.

In the email to Nelson, Winer describes Steele as “An old friend of mine,” and “a former senior British intelligence officer focusing on former Soviet Union with a number of US and European private sector clients these days…”

In an email on January 12, 2017, Hollywood producer Eric Hamburg forwards an article about the Steele dossier to Winer, asking him if he would be interested in working on a movie about it:

“Dear Jonathan, I have been meaning to write to you, and just came across this article which mentions your name… Let’s do a movie about this!

Christopher Steele: super-spy or dodgy dossier writer? The secret world of the man behind the leaked Trump document

I was wondering if you have decided what your next position will be after leaving government. I’d like to keep in touch and get together next time I’m in Washington. I’m currently working on a mini-series about Watergate for ABC with John Dean.

Assessing this new information, Daily Caller News Foundation President Neil Patel said: “It’s amazing how hard our government tries to keep the truth from the American people.

Thankfully, with Judicial Watch filing a lawsuit on our behalf, we have been able to uncover phony dossier author Christopher Steele’s previously hidden contacts with the Obama State Department. These guys at Judicial Watch are bulldogs and we can’t thank them enough.”

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Let there be no doubt: Fusion GPS and Clinton spy Christopher Steele had a close relationship with the Obama State Department. The State Department under John Kerry is emerging as another center of the Spygate conspiracy against President Trump.

Perhaps Hollywood would like to do a movie about that.

ISIS Fighter Affirms What JW Exposed Years Ago - Terrorists Enter U.S. Via Mexico

No one has done more to expose the dangers created by our unsecure border than your Judicial Watch. Recent news confirms Judicial Watch early warnings about the national security threat at the border were on the money. As our latest Corruption Chronicles blog confirms:

Five years after a Judicial Watch investigation uncovered evidence of Islamic terrorists infiltrating the United States through Mexico, a captured ISIS fighter is providing details of a plot in which jihadists enter the country through the southern border to carry out an attack.

The terrorists begin their journey in Central America and exploit vulnerabilities in the Mexican border to reach the U.S., according to Abu Henricki, an ISIS soldier captured by the Syrian Democratic Forces in Rojava, Syria.

Henricki and 160 of his fellow terrorists were interviewed at length by a research group called the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism. 

The nonpartisan organization published its findings recently in an alarming report that includes a video of the interview with the captured terrorist, who is Canadian and has dual Trinidadian citizenship

“They were going to move me to the Mexican side [of the U.S. southern border] via Puerto Rico,” Henricki says about the ISIS plot. “This was mastermind[ed] by a guy in America.

Where he is, I do not know. That information, the plan came from someone from the New Jersey state from America. I was going to take a boat [from Puerto Rico] into Mexico. He was going to smuggle me in,” Henricki explains.

“I don’t know where I’d end up.” In the report, the researchers reveal that the ISIS fighters were to travel from Syria to penetrate the U.S. southern order by infiltrating migration routes.

“Whatever one thinks of President Donald Trump’s heightened rhetoric about the U.S.- Mexico border and his many claims that it is vulnerable to terrorists, ISIS apparently also thought so, as knowledge of this ISIS plot came from the mouth of a now-repentant ISIS cadre,” the report states.

Judicial Watch has reported this for years as part of an ongoing investigation into the national security crisis created by the dangerously porous southern border.

Judicial Watch has interviewed local, state and federal law enforcement officials as well as U.S. and Mexican military sources and has traveled to remote Mexican border towns to interview American ranchers.

When the Central American caravan got started last fall, Judicial Watch deployed an investigative team to the Guatemala-Honduras border after Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales confirmed that nearly 100 Isis terrorists had been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation.

Judicial Watch’s reporting has confirmed that ISIS has a training cell just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

We also verified that Mexican drug cartels are smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links to stash areas in a rural Texas town (Acala) near El Paso. Back in 2014 Judicial Watch reported that four ISIS soldiers, who entered the U.S. through the Mexican border, were arrested in McAllen and Pharr Texas.

Two years ago, Judicial Watch exposed a plot involving Mexican drug traffickers that help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks.

Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso.

Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and at the time lived in Mexico for more than a year, according to information provided to Judicial Watch by high-ranking Homeland Security officials.

Khabir trains thousands of men - mostly Syrians and Yemenis - to fight in an ISIS base situated in the Mexico-U.S. border region near Ciudad Juárez, the intelligence gathered by Judicial Watch’s sources reveals.

The U.S. government - under both Republican and Democrat administrations - has long possessed intelligence indicating that Islamic terrorists exploit the southern border.

In fact, Judicial Watch uncovered State Department records confirming that, for more than a decade, the government has known that “Arab extremists” are entering the country through Mexico with the assistance of smuggling network “cells.”

Among them was a top Al Qaeda operative wanted by the FBI. Some Mexican smuggling networks actually specialize in providing logistical support for Arab individuals attempting to enter the United States, the government documents obtained by Judicial Watch say.

The top Al Qaeda leader in Mexico was identified in the September 2004 cable from the American consulate in Ciudad Juárez as Adnan G. El Shurkrjumah. The cable was released to Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act.

Just last year a Jordanian man was arrested by federal authorities for smuggling six citizens of Yemen - an Al Qaeda hotbed—into the U.S. through Mexico.

The smuggler, 31-year-old Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, conspired with others to sneak the six Yemeni nationals across the Texas border for a fee, according to a Department of Justice (DOJ) statement.

Weeks later a group of migrants from a terrorist nation managed to infiltrate the U.S. through Mexico, though the Border Patrol subsequently apprehended the men.

All were from Bangladesh, a south Asian Islamic country that’s well known as a recruiting ground for terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda Indian Subcontinent (AQIS).

Earlier in the year, Judicial Watch had reported on the epidemic of Bangladeshi nationals getting smuggled into the country via the porous southern border, especially through Texas.

Until next week …

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The Monetary System: Downward Slide Into Tyranny, Slavery, And Self-Destruction
July 27 2019 | From: FinalWakeUpCall

The Deep State Cartel: How does the current system work? It creates “money” out of thin air; controlled by the puppet-governments and central banksters; which ends up in the hands of Deep State cronies and the elite.

It creates an economy that runs on credit, not real wealth or real output. It can only grow by increasing the level of debt, and is thereby damned to its own destruction.

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But, the Central Bankers won’t impose self-restraint; instead, they facilitate more deficit spending; the Deep State needs it.

There are only two major threats to this system;

Debt levels cannot increase infinitely. Sooner or later the whole system will blow up.

Political: A determined, disruptive politician might be able to slow it down, but will unlikely be able to reform it.

The system is the biggest financial fraud in the history of mankind. It has transferred [in the US alone], over the last four decades, at least $15 trillion from the people who earned it, to the rich and the Deep State elite, resulting in the total household debt climbing $193 billion in the fourth quarter of 2017 to a record $14.5 trillion.

It has now risen for 14 consecutive quarters and five straight years. It now sits just shy of $500 billion more than the previous peak in the third quarter of 2008, that initiated the collapse and crisis of 2008.

Credit-card debt once again led the way. It rose 3.2% in a quarter to $834 billion. Student and auto loans increased 1.5% and 0.7%, respectively, to a record $1.38 trillion and $1.22 trillion. And even mortgage debt climbed substantially for the first time in several quarters, up 1.6% to $8.88 trillion.

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Instead of the 10% savings rate that was customary in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, household savings dropped to a near-record low of 2.4% last year. Readers are reminded that savings are the key to economic growth and prosperity.

Without savings, you live hand to mouth; consuming all that you produce.

Gradually, the machinery, pastures, and roads degrade. They must be continually maintained, renewed, with new factories and new businesses that offer jobs, compete in the market, and create wealth. Without savings, progress stops, and then reverses.

To keep the credit money system alive, for over 30-years, central banksters have intentionally discouraged savings.

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The difference between a rich country and a poor country is the level of savings – stored up capital – that is available for business and consumer use. Nowadays this trend is unsustainable. Sooner or later, it will end completely, and one of the largest credit-default cycles in history will begin.

This credit money monetary system has corrupted all institutions, all markets, our culture, politicians and governments. It is supported by all politicians, the mainstream media, academics, economists, international organisations such as the UN, the IMF, and the World Bank, by the “defence”, “education”, and “medical care” industries – all put in quotations to signal the deep scepticism that they are doing what they claim to be doing, and last but not least, most importantly, by Wall Street, and the TBTF banking industry.

In short, these are the Deep State institutions which rule over us. These are the great forces in our world which prevent positive change and ensure that we continually slide downward into tyranny, slavery, and self-destruction.

The International Banking Cartel

The geopolitical financial elite have for centuries been organising the consolidation of the mechanisms of wealth into the hands of a very few. The Rothschilds are the popular face of this cartel, but the banking and financial corruption goes far, far beyond their influence.

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class.” - Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

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Banks are in a unique position of power in our world, and can generate extraordinary profits without actually producing anything. Through the issuance of currency and credit, they can control the amount of money available to the economy and create economic booms and busts, seizing titles to land, homes, businesses, and property.

They hold extraordinary influence over government for their role as financiers of everything from public works to war, and enjoy extraordinary monetary advantages and privileges.

Combine this with the new influence of supra-national organisations like the Bank of International Settlements – BIS in Basel, and the World Bank, and you realise that the world is on the cusp of falling into the greatest trap of all time. The banking cartel is the primary instigator of wars, destabilisation and military grade destruction in our world today.

The Medical Establishment

Human health has been hijacked by the medical mafia establishment, which forces people into an extraordinarily expensive program of dependence on insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and other allopathic health service providers.

Deliberately, the medical industry is also a major cause of premature death for people as malpractice, drug overdoses, botched up procedures and poor patient care contribute to these statistics. Medical errors alone are the third leading cause of death in the world.

“Throughout the world, medical errors leading to patient death is an under-recognised epidemic.”

Dr Martin Makary and his co-author, Dr Michael Daniel, both of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine published an article in the British Medical Journal.

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They define medical errors as lapses in judgment, skill or coordination of care; mistaken diagnoses; system failures that lead to patient deaths or the failure to rescue dying patients; and preventable complications of care.

Furthermore, the government deliberately serves these corporate interests by limiting and preventing information and access to services and natural and homeopathic healing modalities, which may produce positive or even better results without dependence on hospitals and physicians.

Likewise, this cartel actually contributes knowingly to human misery by pumping deadly drugs like opioids across the globe, scheming to get as many people as possible addicted in order to cut greater profits

The Energy Industry

Raping the planet for fossil fuel energy is something that has been going on for decades, but is finally now beginning to create a substantial blowback as environmental destruction is proving to be something that cannot be ignored any longer.

There is an energy crisis because governments have created it. The mainstream media, controlled by the cabal, alias the ‘deep state’, obviously has never asked itself the obvious question:

‘Why is it that for a century or more before 1971 there were no energy crises, except during WW2, and the 1956 Suez crisis?

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Consumers have not suddenly become wasteful, and there have certainly been harsh winters in the past. Arab sheikhs have desired wealth as far back as human memory goes.

Ever since president Nixon uncoupled the gold connection with the US dollar in 1971, the US government has imposed maximum prices on crude oil and related products.

Be aware of the fact that the deep state fights against the rest of us – to hold onto its power, its money, and its reputation. The deep state’s money system will cut off funds to anyone who challenges it, and it diverts the nation’s output to itself. Watch the plain clothes! It is a nightmare, that’s true!

Free Energy:

The world would embrace and use free energy technology to solve all these problems, but the deep state, or more precisely the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, being the major owners of Big Oil, have boycotted the inventions of Nicola Tesla from the very beginning. Progress in this field has been boycotted since its inception about one hundred years ago.

But once the world is liberated of the cabal and freed from their manipulations, people will not only be able to enjoy free energy, but also other very advanced technologies; such as suppressed healing systems, water purification methods, better schooling of true quality; absolute freedom, a free market and complete independence

Unfortunately, for now, governments still suppress these technologies.

Next Best is Nuclear Energy

Nuclear with coal are the cheapest forms of energy. The nuclear industry is perfectly content to continue the pursuit of nuclear power, even in the face of the false flag catastrophes like Fukushima, which is used to demonstrate that nuclear energy simply cannot be contained and is a threat to all life on planet earth. Complete nonsense of course!

After years of doom and gloom, market distorting bailouts, ineffective stimulus packages, etc. governments should seriously turn to third generation nuclear energy that will be the real saviour for the economy, the job creator per excellence and greening the environment in the process.

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There is major growth in alternative or renewable energy, like wind and solar generators that are being built all over the world but these are far more expensive than coal or nuclear, while due to lack of continuity in the supply, only a small amount is added to the overall power demand.

The oil cartel has shaped our world in dramatic ways, most notably by creating near universal dependence on the automobile as the primary form of transportation, which has shaped both our cities and our mind-sets.

The never-ending push for oil exploration is killing the most precious environmental resources we have left, but the influence of the energy cartel is so great that it can practically buy entire nations, such as Ecuador, where foreign oil ventures are allowed to press ever further into the Amazon, where a new round of oil drilling goes deeper into Ecuador’s Yasuní national park. A state oil company has started second phase drilling in one of the world’s most bio diverse hotspots.

Agricultural Chemical Producers

Over the last 75 years, the industrial agro chemical giants have completely and detrimentally changed the face of farming on planet earth.

Family farms continue to go under at a record-pace and it is clear that the endgame of companies like Monsanto and Bayer is to own the patents to all food seeds, to become the dominators over a planet where people are prosecuted for planting their own food crops.

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This is quite startling, and when coupled with the fact that seed biodiversity is collapsing all around us, it may only be another ten years before this endgame is realised.

In addition to seed domination, these companies are polluting the world in incredible ways by pressing for the excessive use of toxic chemicals like glyphosate and other herbicides which are killing pollinator insects, destroying the soil and causing dreadful health problems for people living near farms.

The Information Industrial Complex

In 1961, outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower coined the term “military-industrial complex” to describe the fascistic conspiracy between the Pentagon and America’s burgeoning armaments industry. But in our day and age we are witnessing the rise of a new collusion, one between the Pentagon and the tech industry that it helped to seed.

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Together they are committed to waging a covert war against all people the world over. Now, in the 21st century, it is time to give this new threat a name: the information-industrial complex. In this video James Corbett explains the rise of this powerful institution.

Wake up! Everyone, everywhere! Wake up! You’ve been robbed, abused, bamboozled by some pedantic Wordsmiths. They are deluding and confusing you about what is really going on regarding What, Who, How and Why?

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Bob's Very Bad Day: Mueller Says He’s ‘Not Familiar’ With Fusion GPS, Firm Behind Steele Dossier
July 26 2019 | From: Hannity / Various

Former special counsel Robert Mueller stunned lawmakers on Capitol Hill during his Congressional testimony Wednesday; telling legislators he was “not familiar” with opposition-research firm Fusion GPS.

“When discussing the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, you reference ‘the firm that produced the Steele reporting.’ The name of that firm was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?” asked Rep. Steve Chabot.

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“Page 103. That’s correct- Volume II. When you talk about the firm that produced the Steele reporting, the name of the firm that produced that was Fusion GPS. Is that correct?” pressed Chabot.

“I am not familiar with - with that, I - ,”
Mueller replied.

“It was. It’s not a trick question. It was Fusion GPS,” Chabot said.

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"Steele authored and compiled information for the controversial and unverified anti-Trump dossier on behalf of Fusion GPS - the firm that was hired to conduct opposition research funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign through law firm Perkins Coie,”
reports Fox News.

That document was then used to obtain FISA warrants against individuals close to the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

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Sen. Lindsey Graham weighed-in Wednesday afternoon on Robert Mueller’s “confusing and sad” testimony before Congress; calling his behavior “dangerous and ridiculous.”

"Wow. Robert Mueller changing the job of a prosecutor from proving someone ‘Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt’ to ‘Not being able to exonerate someone accused of a crime.’ Dangerous and ridiculous. Thus far Mueller completely contradicts what he told AG Barr about the reason not to proceed on the obstruction of justice.

He told AG Barr that the decision not to proceed was not solely based on the OLC opinion but on complicated facts in the law. Mueller hearing becoming very confusing and sad,”
posted Graham on social media.

Related: Mueller Testimony an Absolute Trainwreck - Check Out These Liveblog Headlines to Get a Taste

The mainstream media is already downplaying Robert Mueller’s highly-anticipated testimony hours before its conclusion; labeling the event a ‘Day of Disappointments’ for Congressional Democrats.

Read the full report at Fox News.

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Governments: The Enemy Of Freedom & Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government
July 25 2019 | From: Sott / JonRappoport / Various

My friends, we're being played for fools. On paper, we may be technically free.

In reality, however, we are only as free as a government official may allow.

Related: When the Police Become Mother Hens

"Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter.

Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government ... doesn't care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety... It's interested in its own power.

That's the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible."

- George Carlin

We only think we live in a constitutional republic, governed by just laws created for our benefit.

Truth be told, we live in a dictatorship disguised as a democracy where all that we own, all that we earn, all that we say and do - our very lives - depends on the benevolence of government agents and corporate shareholders for whom profit and power will always trump principle.

And now the government is litigating and legislating its way into a new framework where the dictates of petty bureaucrats carry greater weight than the inalienable rights of the citizenry.

We're in trouble, folks.

Related: Government Versus Anarchy

Freedom no longer means what it once did.

This holds true whether you're talking about the right to criticize the government in word or deed, the right to be free from government surveillance, the right to not have your person or your property subjected to warrantless searches by government agents, the right to due process, the right to be safe from soldiers invading your home, the right to be innocent until proven guilty and every other right that once reinforced the founders' belief that this would be "a government of the people, by the people and for the people."

Not only do we no longer have dominion over our bodies, our families, our property and our lives, but the government continues to chip away at what few rights we still have to speak freely and think for ourselves.

If the government can control speech, it can control thought and, in turn, it can control the minds of the citizenry.

Related: Open Source Government: True Government Of The People, By The People And For The People

The unspoken freedom enshrined in the First Amendment is the right to think freely and openly debate issues without being muzzled or treated like a criminal.

In other words, if we no longer have the right to tell a Census Worker to get off our property, if we no longer have the right to tell a police officer to get a search warrant before they dare to walk through our door, if we no longer have the right to stand in front of the Supreme Court wearing a protest sign or approach an elected representative to share our views, if we no longer have the right to protest unjust laws by voicing our opinions in public or on our clothing or before a legislative body - no matter how misogynistic, hateful, prejudiced, intolerant, misguided or politically incorrect they might be - then we do not have free speech.

What we have instead is regulated, controlled speech, and that's a whole other ballgame.

Protest laws, free speech zones, bubble zones, trespass zones, anti-bullying legislation, zero tolerance policies, hate crime laws and a host of other legalistic maladies dreamed up by politicians and prosecutors are conspiring to corrode our core freedoms purportedly for our own good.

Related: Have You Ever Felt Like The Government Doesn’t Really Care What You Think?

For instance, the protest laws being introduced across the country - in 18 states so far - are supposedly in the name of "public safety and limiting economic damage."

Don't fall for it.

No matter how you package these laws, no matter how well-meaning they may sound, no matter how much you may disagree with the protesters or sympathize with the objects of the protest, these proposed laws are aimed at one thing only: discouraging dissent.

In Arizona, police would be permitted to seize the assets of anyone involved in a protest that at some point becomes violent.

In Minnesota, protesters would be forced to pay for the cost of having police on hand to "police" demonstrations.

Oregon lawmakers want to "require public community colleges and universities to expel any student convicted of participating in a violent riot."

A proposed North Dakota law would give drivers the green light to "accidentally" run over protesters who are blocking a public roadway. Florida and Tennessee are entertaining similar laws.

Pushing back against what it refers to as "economic terrorism," Washington wants to increase penalties for protesters who block access to highways and railways.

Anticipating protests over the Keystone Pipeline, South Dakota wants to apply the governor's emergency response authority to potentially destructive protests, create new trespassing penalties and make it a crime to obstruct highways.

In Iowa, protesters who block highways with speeds posted above 55 mph could spend five years in prison, plus a fine of up to $7,500. Obstruct traffic in Mississippi and you could be facing a $10,000 fine and a five-year prison sentence.

A North Carolina law would make it a crime to heckle state officials. Under this law, shouting at a former governor would constitute a crime.

Indiana lawmakers wanted to authorize police to use "any means necessary" to breakup mass gatherings that block traffic. That legislation has since been amended to merely empower police to issue fines for such behavior.

Georgia is proposing harsh penalties and mandatory sentencing laws for those who obstruct public passages or throw bodily fluids on "public safety officers."

Virginia wants to subject protesters who engage in an "unlawful assembly" after "having been lawfully warned to disperse" with up to a year of jail time and a fine of up to $2,500.

Missouri wants to make it illegal for anyone participating in an "unlawful assembly" to intentionally conceal "his or her identity by the means of a robe, mask, or other disguise."

Colorado wants to lock up protesters for up to 18 months who obstruct or tamper with oil and gas equipment and charge them with up to $100,000 in fines.

Oklahoma wants to create a sliding scale for protesters whose actions impact or impede critical infrastructure. The penalties would range from $1,000 and six months in a county jail to $100,000 and up to 10 years in prison. And if you're part of an organization, that fine goes as high as $1,000,000.

Michigan hopes to make it easier for courts to shut down "mass picketing" demonstrations and fine protesters who block entrances to businesses, private residences or roadways up to $1,000 a day. That fine jumps to $10,000 a day for unions or other organizing groups.

Ask yourself: if there are already laws on the books in all of the states that address criminal or illegal behavior such as blocking public roadways or trespassing on private property - because such laws are already on the books - then why does the government need to pass laws criminalizing activities that are already outlawed?

What's really going on here?

No matter what the politicians might say, the government doesn't care about our rights, our welfare or our safety

How many times will we keep falling for the same tricks?

Every despotic measure used to control us and make us cower and fear and comply with the government's dictates has been packaged as being for our benefit, while in truth benefiting only those who stand to profit, financially or otherwise, from the government's transformation of the citizenry into a criminal class.

Remember, the Patriot Act didn't make us safer. It simply turned American citizens into suspects and, in the process, gave rise to an entire industry - private and governmental - whose profit depends on its ability to undermine our Fourth Amendment rights.

Placing TSA agents in our nation's airports didn't make us safer.

It simply subjected Americans to invasive groping, ogling and bodily searches by government agents.

Now the TSA plans to subject travelers to even more "comprehensive" patdowns.

So, too, these protest laws are not about protecting the economy or private property or public roads. Rather, they are intended to muzzle discontent and discourage anyone from challenging government authority.

These laws are the shot across the bow.

They're intended to send a strong message that in the American police state, you're either a patriot who marches in lockstep with the government's dictates or you're a pariah, a suspect, a criminal, a troublemaker, a terrorist, a radical, a revolutionary.

Related: How A Secretive Elite Created The EU To Build A World Government

Yet by muzzling the citizenry, by removing the constitutional steam valves that allow people to speak their minds, air their grievances and contribute to a larger dialogue that hopefully results in a more just world, the government is deliberately stirring the pot, creating a climate in which violence becomes inevitable.

When there is no steam valve - when there is no one to hear what the people have to say, because government representatives have removed themselves so far from their constituents - then frustration builds, anger grows and people become more volatile and desperate to force a conversation.

Then again, perhaps that was the government's plan all along.

As John F. Kennedy warned in March 1962, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

The government is making violent revolution inevitable.

How do you lock down a nation?

You sow discontent and fear among the populace. You terrorize the people into believing that radicalized foreigners are preparing to invade.

You teach them to be non-thinkers who passively accept whatever is told them, whether it's delivered by way of the corporate media or a government handler. You brainwash them into believing that everything the government does is for their good and anyone who opposes the government is an enemy.

You acclimate them to a state of martial law, carried out by soldiers disguised as police officers but bearing the weapons of war. You polarize them so that they can never unite and stand united against the government.

Click on the image above to see more detail in a new window

Related: 10 Government Rulers Who Have Told Us A “Secret Government” Rules The Earth

You create a climate in which silence is golden and those who speak up are shouted down. You spread propaganda and lies. You package the police state in the rhetoric of politicians.

And then, when and if the people finally wake up to the fact that the government is not and has never been their friend, when it's too late for peaceful protests and violence is all that remains to them as a recourse against tyranny, you use all of the tools you've been so carefully amassing - the criminal databases and surveillance and identification systems and private prisons and protest laws - and you shut them down for good.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, once a government assumes power - unconstitutional or not - it does not relinquish it.

The militarized police are not going to stand down.

Related: The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History

The NSA will continue to collect electronic files on everything we do. More and more Americans are going to face jail time for offenses that prior generations did not concern themselves with.

The government - at all levels - could crack down on virtually anyone at any time.

Martin Luther King saw it coming: both the "spontaneous explosion of anger by various citizen groups" and the ensuing crackdown by the government.

"Police, national guard and other armed bodies are feverously preparing for repression,"
King wrote shortly before he was assassinated.

"They can be curbed not by unorganized resort to force...but only by a massive wave of militant nonviolence...

It also may be the instrument of our national salvation."

Militant nonviolent resistance.

"A nationwide nonviolent movement is very important," King wrote. "We know from past experience that Congress and the President won't do anything until you develop a movement around which people of goodwill can find a way to put pressure on them...

This means making the movement powerful enough, dramatic enough, morally appealing enough, so that people of goodwill, the churches, laborers, liberals, intellectuals, students, poor people themselves begin to put pressure on congressmen to the point that they can no longer elude our demands.

It must be militant, massive nonviolence,"
King emphasized.

In other words, besides marches and protests, there would have to be civil disobedience. Civil disobedience forces the government to expend energy in many directions, especially if it is nonviolent, organized and is conducted on a massive scale.

Related: A Constitutional Timebomb: Is New Zealand’s Government And Court System Unlawful?

This is, as King knew, the only way to move the beast. It is the way to effect change without resorting to violence. And it is exactly what these protest laws are attempting to discourage

We are coming to a crossroads. Either we gather together now and attempt to restore freedom or all will be lost.

As King cautioned, "everywhere, 'time is winding up,' in the words of one of our spirituals, corruption in the land, people take your stand; time is winding up."

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Globalists Interviewed: They Admitted They Controlled The Government

This is a bombshell. It’s a crucial piece of history that has been ignored by mass media.

I’ve published this interview before. Here I want to make new comments.

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First of all, David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission was born in 1973, in part because the Globalist plan to ensure “free trade” (no tariffs paid by predatory mega-corporations) had run into a glitch.

That glitch was President Richard Nixon. He began laying tariffs on certain goods imported into the US, in order to level the playing field and protect American companies. Nixon, a substantial crook in other respects, went off-script in this case and actually started a movement to reject the Globalist vision.

After Nixon’s ouster from the White House, Gerald Ford became president, and he chose David’s brother, Nelson Rockefeller as his vice-president. It was a sign Globalism and free trade were back on track.

But David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, wanted more. They wanted a man in the White House whom they’d created from scratch.

That man was a peanut farmer no one had ever heard of: Jimmy Carter.

Through their media connections, David and Brzezinski vaulted Carter into the spotlight. He won the Democratic nomination (1976), spread a syrupy message of love and coming together after the Watergate debacle, and soon he was ensconced in the Oval Office.

Flash forward to 1978, the second year of Carter’s presidency. An interview took place.

It’s a close-up snap shot of a remarkable moment. It’s a through-the-looking-glass secret - in the form of a conversation between a reporter, Jeremiah Novak, and two Trilateral Commission members, Karl Kaiser and Richard Cooper.

The interview concerned the issue of who exactly, during President Carter’s administration, was formulating and controlling US economic and political policy.

The careless and off-hand attitude of Trilateralists Kaiser and Cooper is astonishing. It’s as if they’re saying, “What we’re revealing is already out in the open, it’s too late to do anything about it, why are you so worked up, we’ve already won…”

NOVAK (the reporter): Is it true that a private [Trilateral committee] led by Henry Owen of the US and made up of [Trilateral] representatives of the US, UK, West Germany, Japan, France and the EEC is coordinating the economic and political policies of the Trilateral countries [which would include the US]?

COOPER: Yes, they have met three times.

NOVAK: Yet, in your recent paper you state that this committee should remain informal because to formalize ‘this function might well prove offensive to some of the Trilateral and other countries which do not take part.’ Who are you afraid of?

KAISER: Many countries in Europe would resent the dominant role that West Germany plays at these [Trilateral] meetings.

COOPER: Many people still live in a world of separate nations [!], and they would resent such coordination [of policy].

NOVAK: But this [Trilateral] committee is essential to your whole policy. How can you keep it a secret or fail to try to get popular support [for its decisions on how Trilateral member nations will conduct their economic and political policies]?

COOPER: Well, I guess it’s the press’ job to publicize it.

NOVAK: Yes, but why doesn’t President Carter come out with it and tell the American people that [US] economic and political power is being coordinated by a [Trilateral] committee made up of Henry Owen and six others? After all, if [US] policy is being made on a multinational level, the people should know.

COOPER: President Carter and Secretary of State Vance have constantly alluded to this in their speeches.

KAISER: It just hasn’t become an issue.

Source: “Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management,” ed. by Holly Sklar, 1980. South End Press, Boston. Pages 192-3.

Of course, although Kaiser and Cooper claimed everything being manipulated by the Trilateral Commission committee was already out in the open, it wasn’t.

Their interview slipped under the mainstream media radar, which is to say, it was ignored and buried. It didn’t become a scandal on the level of, say, Watergate, although its essence was far larger than Watergate.

US economic and political policy run by a committee of the Trilateral Commission - the Commission had been created in 1973 as an “informal discussion group” by David Rockefeller and his sidekick, Brzezinski, who would become Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor.

Shortly after Carter won the presidential election, his aide, Hamilton Jordan, said that if after the inauguration, Cy Vance and Brzezinski came on board as secretary of state and national security adviser, “We have lost. And I will quit.”

Lost - because both men were powerful members of the Trilateral Commission and their appointment to key positions would signal a surrender of White House control to the Commission.

Vance and Brzezinski were appointed secretary of state and national security adviser, as Jordan feared. But he didn’t quit. He became Carter’s chief of staff.

Flash forward again, to the Obama administration.

Related: EXPOSED: CIA – Swamp Monsters Three Factions that Control the World

In the run-up to his inauguration after the 2008 presidential election, Obama was tutored by the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Four years before birthing the Commission with his boss of bosses, David Rockefeller, Brzezinski wrote:

"[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”

Goodbye, separate nations.

Any doubt on the question of Trialteral goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, in his Memoirs (2002):

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Patrick Wood, author of Trilaterals Over Washington and Technocracy Rising, points out there are only 87 members of the Trilateral Commission who live in America.

Obama appointed eleven of them to posts in his administration. For example:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary;

James Jones, National Security Advisor;

Paul Volker, Chairman, Economic Recovery Committee;

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence.

Here is the payoff. The US Trade Representative (appointed by Obama in 2013), who was responsible for negotiating the Globalist TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) treaty with 11 other nations, was Michael Froman, a former member of the Trilateral Commission.

Don’t let the word “former” fool you. Commission members resign when they take positions in the Executive Branch of government. And when they serve in vital positions, such as US Trade Representative, they aren’t there by accident. They’re operatives with a specific agenda.

Flash forward one more time. Trump, who squashed the Globalist TPP treaty as soon as he was inaugurated, has been busy making staff appointments. Patrick Wood writes (2/6/17):

“According to a White House press release, the first member of the Trilateral Commission has entered the Trump administration as the Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs, where he will sit on the National Security Council:

Kenneth I. Juster will serve as Deputy Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs. He will coordinate the Administration’s international economic policy and integrate it with national security and foreign policy. He will also be the President’s representative and lead U.S. negotiator (“Sherpa”) for the annual G-7, G-20, and APEC Summits.”

Juster’s duties will take him into the heart of high-level negotiations with foreign governments on economic policy.

Keep your eye on Mr. Juster. Will he take actions in line with Trump’s avowed anti-Globalist stance? Or will Juster work as one more covert Trilateral operative in the center of American decision-making?

If the answer is “covert operative,” does Trump know this? Does he condone what Mr. Juster will do? Or is this a case of secret infiltration, on behalf the most powerful Globalist group in the world, the Trilateral Commission?

Related: ‘The Black Spider Memos': Prince Charles, Secrecy And The British Government

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

What Will It Finally Take For Everyone To Realise That “It” Is All A “Con”
July 24 2019 | From: LTS

William Tompkins likes to say throughout his interviews that “everything you’re told is a lie”.

He claims that many of the systems and sciences we pursue, such as astronomy, medicine, etc., have been seeded with lies to trick us.

Related: Yesterday’s Conspiracy Theory Is Today’s News + Spies Tell Lies, Spying Is Lying & Wikileaks Says Less Than 1% Of Vault 7 Released

I have spent the better part of a week trying to think of a better way to approach my writing. Forgive me if I have come to the conclusion that most of what I say is not really “getting” through to people!

"It just does not seem like anything I say is making a “dent”….

Let’s go back to the article that I posted yesterday!  Located here: www.toolsforfreedom.com

And, for those of my dedicated readers and followers who decided to read it… We have this quote from William Tompkins!

Related: Secret Space Program Disclosure: Founders Of Solar Warden SSP With William Tompkins

"Tompkins: Everything You’re Told is a Lie

William Tompkins likes to say throughout his interviews that “everything you’re told is a lie”. He claims that many of the systems and sciences we pursue, such as astronomy, medicine, etc., have been seeded with lies to trick us.

This harks back to his claim that every government on Earth right now is under Reptilian control. Whether that turns out to be true or not remains to be seen, but certainly, so much deception has already been uncovered in so many areas of life that it is wisest to remain open to this possibility."

How many times have I said myself that same thing: Everything You’re Told is a Lie

You see, what we have now, and are experiencing is extreme cognitive dissonance, where the minds and brains of most human beings just can not process that ALL of it’s “programs” are faulty!

This is what the LUCIFERIANS have done to humanity. It is “they” who gave you your “beliefs”, and they who gave you your “truths” (which were lies), and they who are running the show even now. So, when somone finally comes out and tells you the REAL TRUTH, it is so huge that it is difficult to even know where to start changing things.

They gave us their “courts”, (Laws), they gave us their “religions” (beliefs), they gave us their “systems” (Governments), and let me once again state exactly what you need to hear - The Truth.

All of it is a lie. It’s a CON GAME of epic and monumental proportions, and you, (yes, even you) have been “conned” all of your life. Here is the difficulty with this: We have been trained (yes trained) just like dogs and cats, to be OBEDIANT, to what we were “told” were the rules.

Only these rules were not made in heaven as we thought, but were made in HELL instead. These rules were not GODS rules, but man’s rules! (And the worlds governments are STILL AT IT, and making crazy and insane rules which NO ONE wants to follow)

Just ask yourself this logical question…, and be very honest!

WHY do you suppose there is a plan on the drawing board to KILL 90 percent of humanity?

The answer is clear. “They” realize that the population is waking up from the CON, and they also realize that once that happens, they will have lost positive control of the surface humanity.

Now, before I continue, guys like me are ALWAYS condemned by the readers for pointing out the problem, but offering no solutions. Here, I will offer suggestions to make a difference. You, and everyone one else who you are in contact with, must make the “decision” that you will no longer play or participate in their evil game.

This means:

Taking any and every action you can to be “in defiance” of their rules, their cons, and their “systems”

We need to become the resistance

We need to stop consenting to every single thing we are told we need to do, and start OBJECTING

When India was fighting for it’s Independence from Great Britian, tens of thousands of workers and men simply stopped particpating and consenting! Even if they were beaten, they stopped consenting, and that is how they won their freedom.

This battle will not be won without COURAGE, and if you think it can, then by all means, see if being a coward gets you anything, but a first class seat in a FEMA camp.

Now, for those who don’t know me, and think I’m joking or have not done my reasearch, or am talking off the top of my head, here are several articles written by: Anna von Reitz, (posted on the Maine Republic) which spell out and show you the extent of the GREAT CON in fine details.

So You Want Solutions?

Well, how about this? The court system is messed up because it has been turned into a giant debt collection agency run by the creditors of the Federal Government and its “State of State” franchises.

The rest of the story is that they are collecting on fraudulent debts - debts that:

1) Don’t exist for the most part - and that:

2) Aren’t your debts

Moreover, these courts are being run as quasi-military tribunals in military districts, under the pretense that the “American Civil War” was ever an actual war.

It wasn’t. It was never Declared by the actual Congress and no Peace Treaty ending it exists, either. It was and is nothing but an illegal commercial mercenary operation on our shores that has been enforced and promoted by disloyal military commanders and criminals in Congress and clueless Presidents.

So, given the fact that these “courts” are foreign military tribunals here on our soil as the result of an illegal and immoral commercial mercenary action now 150 years old - and that they are collecting on debts that are odious and fraudulent by nature.

And given the fact that Donald Trump is now the “Commander in Chief” and able to order the District Commanders to shut these so-called courts down and reopen the courts we are owed….

Why not light a firecracker up Commander-in-Chief Trump’s rump and suggest that he do so, post haste? Tell him that Judge Anna can show him precisely how and when this system got set up and how it has been abused, and what his power is with respect to ending the hideous mockery that “stands for” a court system in this country right now.

The Financial Curse

Banks create money out of thin air.

Banks are thought of as deposit taking institutions that lend money. The legal reality is that banks don’t take deposits and banks don’t lend money.

Confirmed - Loans & Mortgages Are Created Out Of Thin Air By The Banks

A deposit is not actually a deposit. It’s not a bailment. It’s not held in custody. At law the word “deposit” is meaningless.

The law courts and various judgments have made it very clear that if you “give” your money to a bank, even though it’s called a “deposit”, this money is simply a loan to the bank.

So there is no such thing as a deposit. It is a loan to the bank. So banks borrow their money from the public.

“Surely they are lending money?” you say. Not at all. Banks don’t “lend” money.

Banks - again at law it’s very clear - they are in the business of purchasing “securities”. That’s it.

So you say, “I want a loan.”

Fine. Here is the loan contract. Here is the “offer letter”, and you sign it. At law, it is very clear that you have issued a “security”, namely a “promissory note”, and the bank is going to purchase that “promissory note / security”.

That’s what’s happening. What the bank is doing, is very different from what it presents to the public that it’s doing.

But, you say, “So the bank purchases my promissory note, but how do I get my money?”

The bank will then say, “You will find it in your account with us.” That would be technically correct.

If they say, “We’ll transfer it to your account”, that would be wrong because no money is transferred at all, from anywhere, inside the bank, or outside the bank.

Why? Because what we call a “deposit” is simply the bank’s record of its debt to the public. Now the bank also owes you money, and the bank’s “record” of the money it owes you is what you think you’re getting as money.

That’s all it is. And that is how the banks create the money supply. The money supply consists of 97% of bank deposits, and these are created out of nothing by the banks when they “lend”, because they invent fictitious so-called customer “deposits”.

Why? The bank simply restates - a slightly incorrect accounting term - what is an “accounts payable liability” arising from the loan contract, having purchased your “promissory note” as a customer deposit, but nobody has deposited any money.

I wonder how the FDIC deals with this because in the financial sector you’re not supposed to mislead your customers.

In such a case, you loan (“give”) the bank the title to your collateral via your signed “promissory note / security” and the bank monetizes this by selling it to the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank to get the money the bank loans (“gives back”) to you disguised as a loan.

In other words, you “give” the bank your “signature” via you “promissory note / security” which the bank then monetizes via the non-federal Federal Reserve Bank, and the bank gives you back the value of your signature as a so-called “loan”.

We are on a “promissory note” standard, instead of a “gold” money standard.

If you don’t pay the money that the bank gives you back to the bank, plus interest, the bank then takes your stuff ! (It really doesn’t want you to repay the so-called loan; it would simply rather just take your stuff).

150 Years of British Criminality – The Very Short Version

We are Third Party Beneficiaries with respect to the National Trust created in the Preamble and are indemnified in the British system under two Royal Sovereign Seals - the seal of King George the III with respect to the delegated powers, and the seal of William Belcher with respect to the undelegated powers, otherwise known as the Great Seal of the United States.

William Belcher inherited his sovereignty as a result of the Norman Conquest of Britain and Wales. Thus, the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, calls George III the “prince of the United States” and does not mention who the actual Head of State - the “king” of the United States - was. Later generations simply presumed it was the British Monarch, with results disastrous to them and to us.

This split of delegated and undelegated powers held by two sovereigns in international jurisdiction ultimately resulted in the situation we have today, where the delegated powers are held by the British-backed United States and the undelegated powers are held by the “states and people” under the Belcher Seal and operated by the United States of America by default.

The misunderstanding about our states (and also, therefore, our state offices) comes about because people don’t grasp the difference between the international jurisdiction of the sea and the national jurisdiction of the land.

Everything discussed above, including the National Trust established by the Preamble, exists only in the international jurisdiction of the sea and has nothing to do with our sovereignty on the land.

We have all been taught to focus on the Constitution but that is substantially a red herring in that it discusses only our position with respect to the foreign international jurisdiction and says nothing about our own sovereign domain.

This can be excused in that our land jurisdiction was never the subject of The Constitution, so why would the Founders talk about that? We were expected to know the basis of our own sovereignty on the land, just as we were expected to know the history and protect our own Common Law Courts from British meddling.

Two centuries later, the situation speaks for itself.

As to our sovereignty on the land which vests itself in our nations called “states” for international purposes, that sovereignty derives from entirely different authorities and specifically begins with a land grant and settlement made by the King of Spain via (yet another) Treaty of Paris in 1778.

The situation was that the British King was financing both sides of the Revolution to hedge his bets - he emerged the victor to a greater or lesser extent, either way.

The King of France was intermediary funneling funds to the Americans. The King of Spain, however, had grudges against both the King of Britain and the King of France - and he was in charge of the land jurisdiction worldwide, thanks to the claims of the Holy See and its “dispensations” under the Unam Sanctum Trust.

So while the Americans were concluding their treaty with France to secure what most of them believed was French support for the American Revolution, the King of Spain quietly granted the entire continent (absent Spain’s holdings of course) to the rebels via the “other” Treaty of Paris, 1778.

If they could win the war, the land was already vouchsafed to them - and as of 1778, it was available to them to use as collateral to borrow against internationally.

This is how the Americans financed their loans from the French King who was actually acting as a pass-through agent for King George III. They wagered their claim to the land given to them by the Spanish King and used it as collateral.

If George III had won the ground war, he would have won the whole shooting match; as it was, he emerged with a tidy debt owed by the Americans and a great deal of leverage, which he used to secure the delegated powers granted to him and his proxy government in DC.

The land claim passed from the Spanish King to the colonies, which in the years immediately following the end of open hostilities with Britain (1783-1789) undertook a number of inter-colony initiatives to settle the land jurisdiction claims.

This all focused on settling the national borders of the separate nation-states, establishing trade relationships, currencies, treaties with respect to international commercial issues, taxation, interstate travel, security of the international Post Roads and Post Offices, and similar concerns.

As for the basic grant of land jurisdiction, they issued another trust known as The Supreme Republican Declaration of the United Colonies, grandfathering in the original thirteen colonies as a union of land jurisdiction states, and claiming all the rest of the land jurisdiction for themselves and their progeny subject to later arrangements and acquisitions.

The later arrangements were solidified by the Northwest Ordinance which provided for the orderly creation and inclusion of territories and from the territories the creation of new nation-states which would be enabled to enter the union under the Equal Footing Doctrine.

The inclusion of “other acquisitions” such as the Louisiana Purchase and the Republic of Texas and the Spanish Settlement followed the same basic pattern of establishing a form of territorial government and later, upon enrollment in the original union, a separate state government.

Throughout this discussion we are talking about geographically defined nations and their body politics simply called, “California” or “Wisconsin” or “Ohio”.

References in law books to these states always use the style “states”- no capitalization whatsoever. These are the sovereign states from which our sovereignty on the land of this continent derives. These states are nations in the fullest sense of the word, just like Britain or France.

They are completely different and separate from any “State of __________”, and in fact, the word “of” means “separate from, apart from, or belonging to”, so “State of Delaware” is talking about what? The international corporation used by the actual state known as Delaware and its people to operate in international commerce.

In trade, Delaware needs no “State of _________” to conduct business within its own borders or with other unincorporated sovereign states and nations. It is only when it wishes to engage in incorporated business transactions with the other nation-states, like the State of California, or with other countries like France, that it needs to use an incorporated “State of ___________”.

And therein lies the rub.

Each state retains its right to conduct trade within its borders and also retains the right to trade with other sovereign nations; it uses a “State of _________” corporation to operate in international commerce outside its borders— and the proxy “Federal Government” run by the British Monarch has delegated control of international commerce. This control is exercised by operating all incorporated businesses in all states as franchises of the United States, Inc.

So now you know the difference between the actual land jurisdiction sovereign state and the fact that each one is, in fact, a separate nation, an entire country unto itself, plus you know what the “State of _________” entity is and what it is used for and who controls it and why.

None of the states operated in international commerce until after the Civil War. At that time, The United States of America, Inc. was formed, and the original states were forced to write new “state constitutions”.

Under these new constitutions (all constitutions are debt agreements) the corporation used by the actual sovereign state was obliged to operate under names styled like this: California State, Wyoming State, Florida State.

Meanwhile, the name “State of California” and “State of Wyoming”, etc. was “adopted” by totally different entities under new ownership.

This switch and the use of the same old names applied to different corporate entities led up to the greatest fraud in human history. The “State of Illinois” prior to the Civil War was an entirely different beastie and under completely different ownership that the “State of Illinois” after the Civil War and the same pattern applies across the whole country.

There is a state constitution prior to the Civil War and a new state constitution after the Civil War.

Fast forward again to the 1930’s. FDR is working as liaison for the United States, Inc. at the Geneva Conventions, May, 1930.

As a business ploy, the G-5 nations agree by private treaty to bankrupt their “international corporations” and discharge all debts left over from the First World War.

Three years later, Roosevelt, now elected President of the United States, carries through and by sleight of hand and deceptive wordsmithing, sets up a constructive fraud by which the California State, Illinois State, and other land jurisdiction corporations are “assumed” to be sureties standing good for the debts of the United States, Inc. even though they are owned and operated by the United States of America, Inc.

This isn’t a corporate take-over. It’s just plain old commercial fraud in which false claims are made against the assets of a Third Party and false assumptions then lead to that innocent victim being charged for the debt via a process of commercial liens and titles and hypothecation of debt.

The American states and people were raped, pillaged, and plundered by the United States, Inc. and the British Crown from 1930 to 1999, when all debts of the bankruptcy of the United States of America were discharged and settled and our “States” doing business as “California State” and “Wisconsin State” were left derelict and adrift, mere shells - and in exactly the same condition as a man recovering from bankruptcy.

All this was accomplished in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract by the British Monarch and the British Government operating under color of law on our land, pretending to be our friends, allies, and protectors.

As a result of their vicious fraud our State corporations were left in financial ruin, but like a man recovering from bankruptcy, not dead.The vermin responsible for palming off their odious debts on us have tried by every means to “finish us off” in the intervening years, without success.

All this history is necessary for you to know before I can answer your “simple” question about the oaths of office owed to our actual States.

The “vacated offices” that we are occupying belong to the land jurisdiction state and are operated as offices of the formerly bankrupted “Alaska State”, “California State” and so on. These offices were “vacated” during the long bankruptcy and so far as the vermin responsible for this circumstance are concerned, it was never anticipated that they would be re-occupied by the states and the people they belong to.

During the bankruptcy, these States were operated by “State of State Legislatures” functioning as Bankruptcy Trustees - corporate con artists overseeing the rape and the pillaging, but nonetheless “representing” the state in the position of Trustees.

These legislatures operating in that capacity continued to pass “Session Laws” to administer the affairs of the victims. Thus, for example, we have Session Laws that establish the “California State” under a new “state constitution” in 1879, and we have Session Laws established for the bankrupt entity throughout the bankruptcy.

It is via the circa 1870’s “constitutions” creating the Wisconsin State, Louisiana State and so on, that we maintain a chain of title and succession of contract back to the original Constitution and are enabled to enforce it.

It is via the Session Laws related to the “second” state constitutions that we obtain the offices and the oaths.

All land jurisdiction offices are exercised under red ink. Business signatures are in script in Upper and Lower Case.

All land jurisdiction transactions are understood to be in trade, not commerce, and are not under the control of the United States.

Our business as State officials and State Citizens is all conducted under unincorporated business structures locally (hence the need for all state and county assemblies to operate as unincorporated businesses) and under undelegated powers internationally - note the red Post Marks.

All commerce is exercised in blue ink. Commercial signatures of “Account Holders” are in script in Upper and Lower Case. All sea jurisdiction transactions entered into by US PERSONS are understood to be in commerce. You are considered to be acting as a US PERSON if you retain such a PERSON.

You surrender these PERSONS via surrendering the BC to the Secretary of the Treasury and appoint him your Fiduciary and credit the United States of America, U.S. Treasury, without recourse.

That settles the issue of whether you are operating as a State Citizen or a US Citizen.

This entire history from the Civil War to date is nothing but a nasty scam designed by the British to bilk their Creditors and palm off their debts on innocent Third Parties, but once you have the history and the names nailed down, it gets easier to comprehend.


So when guys like myself, start writing and asking for the rest of humanity to “please wake up”, it isn’t just some joke or some opinion we are espousing. Humanity has until now been SLEEP WALKING into it’s own grave, and was for quite some time!

The trouble with trying to do this job is that we are not only up against the Satanists and the Luciferians, but are also up against very well meaning men and women who, have “taken the bait” and swallowed the new CON of the New Age.

In the new Con of the New Age, there are countless real spiritual “teaching” which have been “bastardiszed” into something they are not. The true and real meaning has been flipped or inverted so that it does NOT mean what it was supposed to mean.

The biggest of which is very simply this: Don't focus on negative things: a teaching, which the NEW AGE has bastardized into a very strange teaching which good men and women have come to believe means that you don’t even acknowledge real and truthful “information” about what is happening in the world if it can be catagorized as negative.

(You should just ignore it or LOOK AWAY instead)

This is the height of ABSURDITY, and, as David Icke points out, INFORMATION is neither negative or positive, it is just information (or knowledge).


And it happens to be a fundament requirement in order to make progress.

No problem can ever be solved if you don’t “know” what the problem is or how it is being created, or even better who is doing it. And it's not just the Cabal causing problems, we also have the 'New Agers' and their channeled entities!

As David Icke says in the Title of one of his books: HUMANITY, GET OFF YOUR KNEES. Get off your knees and QUESTION EVERYTHING! There are no authority figures that you need to “obey".

The only real and true authority is the prime creator. There is only ONE AUTHORITY in this Universe, and no one on Earth represents him, not the Queen, nor the Pope, nor the Jesuits, nor the Police, nor the Governments, NOT ANYONE.

What will it really take for us to become free? Courage - nothing more, nothing less. We won't get out of this mess by ignoring it.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi
Six Ways To Break The Hypnotic Spell Of The Mainstream Media
July 23 2019 | From: UltraCulture / Various

Here’s six steps to filter out media noise, break the hypnosis of the mainstream media, and get to the information that truly matters.

There is no information age. It doesn’t exist. There is only the Age of Noise.

Related: Mind Control Theories And Techniques Used By Mass Media

Because although we now appear to have an infinite ability to see everything that’s going on in the world at once, from photos of the world from space to the fact that our friends are indecisive about what to eat tonight, we have no ability to filter that information and sort for what matters.

We have no reliable media gatekeeper. We only have the so-called “mainstream media,” which is just the advertising wing of multinational corporations.

We used to pay people to filter information for us: these were called professional journalists, writers and artists, whose job it was to dive into the sea of information and come back up with pearls for us.

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But we don’t pay those people anymore, because the media conglomerates that have consolidated into only a few massive holdings since the 1990s have realized that they don’t have to.

They don’t have to because their interest isn’t providing real information or truth, their interest is in providing content that gets as many people as possible to look at it, in order to get the most advertising money possible, because that’s how they get paid and can afford the salaries and insurance costs of the large staffs they need to do what they do.

That’s their daily reality. And so they’re in the business of giving people what they want.

Related: 10 Ways to Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control

Since the 90s, the trend has increasingly been to cut out professionals and get people to generate their own content. That means reality television, YouTube, Facebook. No big budgets needed and far more profit gained. Since everybody is a star now, everybody is constantly generating more free content than we can ever consume.

And so professional creatives have gone the way of the dinosaurs, and instead of getting reporting on, say, Karen Silkwood blowing the whistle on nuclear power, or Gary Webb’s expose of CIA drug trafficking, you’re getting reporting about how some celebrity is in a Twitter feud.

We have no more professional gatekeepers. We are scattered to the four winds, drowning in Facebook feeds or aggregation blogs. These mega-blogs, which we have mistakenly expected to replace mainstream media outlets, are in the same position: largely beholden to the tastes of their audiences, and stuck having to keep people happy with unchallenging, crowd-pleasing content to drive traffic to their site advertisers so that they can eat.

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So where does this leave the information-poor individual who hopefully wants to get their head over the waterline enough to start to see the things that actually matter?

It means you have to be your own media gatekeeper. Flat out. You can’t outsource that job to somebody else anymore, because the mainstream media, or the alternative media, or Blog X, Y or Z, are not going to comprehensively do that job for you the way you need it done.

They’re too beholden to economics, ratings and their own viewpoints and reality tunnels.

And more and more, they’re probably not able to do that job because they’re not properly trained for that job, and I don’t mean just bloggers, because these days very few people who work in the mainstream media have any journalistic training at all

Nobody can get the information you need for you, you’ve got to do it yourself.

"They Live" Sunglasses

Luckily, we’ve got tools that can help us do that. Here’s a few beginning steps:

1. Decide What Matters

Faced with infinite information, you’ve got to decide up front what you’re going to filter for, at least initially. You’ve got to restrict your data to some extent, which sounds counterintuitive, but is necessary.

You don’t need more information, you need more information about the things that matter. I suggest that the things that matter are, simply, information that can directly positively effect the welfare of you and your family, and information about the general welfare of the planet.

2. Use Web Tools To Automate Your Info Intake

Everybody on the web is largely in the same position: grab info from a few news sources (like AP or Reuters) and then recycle it into blog content. They’re using the same tools as you to get their info. So cut out the middleman. I recommend setting up Google Alerts, for a start, to give you info about the issues you actually care about instead of waiting for somebody else to.

Related: Trump: ‘Most Of The Media Is Fake’ + Donald Trump Invites Conservative Media To White House For Exclusive Briefing

Beyond that, I highly recommend using an RSS aggregator like Feedly to dump a lot of media outlets into an easy-to-digest feed. Work done upfront will pay off in time saved later. Reddit is also an excellent tool, as long as you stay off the dreaded, time-sucking front page and keep to subreddits pertinent to important topics.

3. Expand Outside of Your Demographic Bubble

Whoever you are, you fit a demographic, which means that the mainstream media specifically tailors content that it knows you will like for the shows you watch and blogs you read, so advertisers can sell you products they’ve determined your demographic buys and use the language and images they know you will respond to, all in order to get you to make that purchase.

Related: William S. Burroughs’ 7 Occult Techniques for Smashing Reality

Expand out of the box they’ve decided you fit in. Read blogs and consume media from sources outside of your demographic, and that definitely means outside of your political and religious persuasion. Otherwise you’re blinkered not only to things that are going on around you, but also to parts of life you might be ignoring.

4. Read a Book

You still won’t get nearly as good of an info download from months on the Internet as you will from reading a well-researched, info-dense book, a book which, never forget, can represent years or decades of professional research and experience rather than an afternoon spent dashing off a blog post to throw out into the netherworld.

Related: Corporate Mass Media Controls Your Mind

Don’t stop reading, and reading better and more challenging books. The Web is really only a menu of culture; don’t forget to eat the meal.

5. Think Critically

Understand what confirmation bias is, and always consider the source of an article. Who wrote this, and what’s their agenda? What are they selling? Do they cite their own sources? Is this from a professional journalist/writer or from some wackadoo or salesman spouting off on the net?

Related: How To Spot A Media Psy-Op

 To dig deeper, get this excellent, comprehensive primer in critical thinking skills.

6. Meditate

Sounds potentially hokey, but there is no better discipline for learning how to shut off what is pointless bullshit and go only for what actually matters than meditation, because in learning to control one’s own thoughts internally, dealing with external noise becomes immensely easier.

Related: How to Meditate: A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation, the One Skill That Can Transform Every Area of Your Entire Life

Information is power. Know how to get it. Don’t outsource it to the mainstream media to do it for you.

(The image and clip above are from They Live. If you haven’t seen this classic film, you must; it’s actually the best primer on seeing through social hypnosis and the mainstream media that you could hope for. Watch it here)

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

US Patent 6506148 B2 Confirms Human Nervous System Manipulation Through Your Computer & TV + Biological Effects Of Living Near A Cell Phone Tower
July 22 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / 5GOrgNZ / Various

It’s hard to find any information at all on a one “Hendricus G. Loos,” despite the fact that he’s filed multiple patent applications, with success, for apparatuses that deal with the manipulation of the human nervous system via a computer screen or a television monitor.

In the abstract, he explains the following:

Related: Important facts that you need to know about EMF and electro-sensitivity

"Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance.

Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation.

It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal.

The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program.

For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity."

The concerning thing about this, as the patent application explains, is that even a very weak pulse can have adverse affects on the human nervous system.

Related: Are There Patents To Manipulate The Human Nervous System Using Electromagnetic Frequencies?

He then goes on to describe that pulse variability and strength can be controlled through software, and explains how, with regards to a computer monitor, DVDs, video tapes and more, and also how it can be remotely controlled from another location.

Perhaps the most concerning part is this:

"Certain monitors can emit electromagnetic field pulses that excite a sensory resonance in a nearby subject, through image pulses that are so weak as to be subliminal.

This is unfortunate since it opens a way for mischievous application of the invention, whereby people are exposed unknowingly to manipulation of their nervous systems for someone else’s purposes.

Such application would be unethical and is of course not advocated.

It is mentioned here in order to alert the public to the possibility of covert abuse that may occur while being online, or while watching TV, a video, or a DVD."

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The application is full of cited examples that the “nervous system of a subject can be manipulated through electromagnetic field pulses emitted by a nearby CRT or LCD monitor which displays images with pulsed intensity.”

Our nervous system basically controls everything in our body, including the brain. It’s a network of nerves and cells that carry messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body, and it’s no secret that the United States government, among others, have a long history of experimenting on human beings for mind control purposes.

Could television be a mind-control tactic?

It would explain why so many people believe stories and explanations of events presented to them by mainstream media, instantaneously, without even questioning.

In some cases, we are made to idolize what we see on T.V, like celebrities, and imitate behaviour and wants.

Sometimes, a perspective that’s backed by evidence, which completely counters the story and information we receive from mainstream media, is thrown into the “conspiracy realm.”

Related: Five Thousand Inventions In Limbo And Under “Secrecy Orders” At The US Patent Office

This is dangerous, have we reached a point where our televisions are doing the thinking for us? Could they be using pulse techniques described above to influence our thoughts, behaviours and perceptions?

Given what we know about our governments and the unethical actions they’ve taken throughout history, it’s really not out of the question.

There is a reason why airplanes and hospitals ban the use of cell phones, it’s because their electromagnetic transmissions interfere with critical electrical devices.

Finally Admitted: "New" Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head

Related: Jolie Jones Interview of Professor Olle Johansson about EHS / EMF effects

The brain is no different, it’s a bioelectric organ that’s extremely complex and  generates electric fields. 

Scientists can actually control brain function with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a technique that uses powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation beamed into a person’s brain to jam or excite particular brain circuits.

This is the same type of thing described in the patent, so to what extent are our computer monitors and television screens doing this? This is why, for example, when somebody turns on their Sony Playstation, the screen warns them to read the important health information before playing.

Related: Patent For Video Monitor Nervous System Manipulation

Research has also shown that simple cell phone transmissions can affect a person’s brainwaves quite significantly, which in turn leads to effects on their behaviour as well.

“Electromagnetic radiation can have an effect on mental behaviour when transmitting at the proper frequency.”

 James Horne , from the Loughborough University Sleep Research Centre - Source

Not only this, but hundreds of scientists have come together, and are currently creating awareness on and petitioning the United Nations about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.

They’ve been linked to cancer, and have been shown to manipulate our DNA. You can read more about that here.

The initiative was started by Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University, who has joined a group of scientists from around the world making an international appeal to the United Nations regarding the dangers associated with the use of various electromagnetic emitting devices, like cells phones and WiFi.

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“Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely,” said Dr. Martin Blank, from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, in a video message.

“We have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. Before Edison’s light bulb there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment.

The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels, and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation.”

This information is a separate effect on the body from mind control, but it’s still important to mention and bring light to.

Not only are our electronic devices monitoring, watching, and recording everything we do, they may also be influencing our behaviour, perceptions, thoughts and feelings on a large-scale as well, but who really knows if “the powers that be” are using these devices for mind control, in the same way they use them for surveillance.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not hard to see how corporations use television to influence our behaviour and perceptions, but perhaps they, and other authorities, are changing things around, as mentioned above, and manipulating our nervous systems purposefully for their own personal gain, and knowingly do so.

Wireless Wake-Up Call

A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold.

Jeromy Johnson is an expert in mitigating the negative impacts of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure. He has a leading website on the topic and consults with individuals, families and organizations around the world to implement solutions that reduce and eliminate EMF pollution.

Jeromy has an advanced degree in Civil Engineering and has worked in Silicon Valley for 15 years. After becoming what medical doctors call “Electro-hypersensitive” (EHS) in 2011 after extensive exposure to EMF radiation, he embarked on a journey of regaining his own health and educating others to critically evaluate theirs.

Related: Why Did They Try to Bury This Sci-Fi Film?

Chamath Palihapitiya, the vice-president for user growth at Facebook prior to leaving the company in 2011, said, “The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that we created are destroying how society works. No civil discourse, no cooperation, misinformation, mistruth.” So, we are seeing a similar type of thing there as well.”

When it comes to mind control, project MK ultra was the CIA’s baby. It’s commonly believed that it was only LSD that was used on human test subjects, but that was just one program.

As the US Supreme Court brought to light in 1985, MK ultra consisted of 162 different secret projects that were indirectly financed by the CIA, and contracted out to several universities, research foundations and similar institutions.” The majority of the MK Ultra records were actually destroyed, and have never been seen.

Perhaps television programming was a part of the MK Ultra program?

Concluding Comments

It’s hard to fathom the idea that we could be manipulated and used so much, for the purposes of profit, control, and other agendas, but it’s a reality we have to face.

There are limitless examples of this throughout history all the way up to the modern-day, and all aspects of human life seem to be controlled by a select group of very few people from health, to finance, education, entertainment, big food and more.

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We’ve become tools for their use, and our thoughts, behaviours, and perceptions, for the most part, seem to be the same. If they’re a little different, or don’t really fit the frame, one can instantly be labelled, or become a ‘social outcast.’

There is no doubt in my mind that our Television, and other electronic devices has detrimental health effects, and that they do/can effect our nervous system in several different ways. The science on this is clear, but what is not so clear is the idea that there are others using these techniques, knowingly, to control our minds.

Based on all of my research into mind control ,and the actions our governments have taken and to what extent they’ve taken them to, I would be surprised if Television was not apart of the MK ultra program.

All and all, it’s another great reason to spend less time in-front of your screen, and more time with a book or spending time outside, or with family and friends. If there is one thing that’s for sure, our screens are detrimental to our health in several different ways.

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Biological Effects of Living Near a Cell Phone Tower

The article that you are about to read is one of a series of articles designed to de-mystify the science relating to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health.

The 5G system proposed for NZ would greatly increase the number of 4G cell phone towers that produce microwave radiation and also see the proliferation of wireless “small cells” on lamp posts etc.

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So-called “small cells” are essentially a form of mini cell phone tower and emit microwave radiation and/or millimetre wave radiation. If 5G is allowed to proceed in NZ a lot more people in NZ would be exposed to health risk from cellular phone infrastructure than is currently the case.

Biological Effects of Living Near a Cell Tower

Governments and the wireless industry have been assuring us for years that:

(a) There is no biological effect of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) aka microwave radiation at intensities less than those permitted by the current regulations and

(b) Cell towers emit only a tiny fraction of the radiation permitted by the current regulations. 

The truth of the matter is that statement (b) is correct, but statement (a) is not. 

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This short article provides some hard data on the measured effects of living close to a cell tower. 

These data are not epidemiological.  Epidemiology is a discipline fraught with many complications, and there are very likely multiple causes for any given case of, for example, cancer. 

Rather, the data reported here are simple comparisons of blood chemistry and anatomy between people living close to cell towers and  similar people living further from cell towers. 

1. DNA Damage

Refer to this paper: Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes of humans residing in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations

It compares DNA damage and antioxidant status between the white blood cells of 40 adults living within 80 metres of a cell tower (called the exposed group) and 40 adults living more than 300 metres from a cell tower (called the control group). 

The two groups were matched for age, gender, dietary pattern, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, duration of mobile phone use and average daily mobile phone use. 

Measured RF power densities to which the exposed group were exposed (2.80–7.52 mW/m2; average 5.002 ± 0.182 mW/m2) were significantly higher than the RF power densities to which the control group were exposed (0.014–0.065 mW/m2; average 0.035 ± 0.002 mW/m2). 

Related: What Seven Creepy Patents Reveal About Facebook

It should be noted that these exposure figures are completely consistant with the sorts of exposures experienced by people living in the Auckland region, as measured by meters obtainable from electrosmog.org (with which company the present author declares no personal or financial association).

The results of the study in question were that the white blood cells of the exposed group had significantly more DNA damage than those of the control group and a significantly lower concentration of antioxidants (antioxidants are compounds that are protective against cancer).  

2. Diabetes

This paper: Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

It measures blood markers predictive of developing Type 2 diabetes, and reports that children attending a school located close to a cell tower have more of these markers than similar children whose school is further from a cell tower.

This paper immediately attracted commentary to the effect that the control group was not well enough matched with the experimental group, so that the increased diabetes risk might actually have been due to increased exposure to cellphone or WiFi radiation at home (in Saudi Arabia cellphone use is strictly prohibited in schools) and not to the proximity of the school to a cell tower.

Finally Admitted! "New" Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head

World on Fire ~ with Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

The original authors replied that they had used a questionnaire to match the groups for individual cellphone and WiFi usage as well as they were able, that both groups came from the same socio-economic background so there was no particular reason for one group to be more exposed to cellphones and/or WiFi at home than the other, and that even if the increased diabetes risk were due to subtly different use of cellphones and/or WiFi in the two groups, the principle remains that it is not a good idea to expose children to either cell tower radiation or any stronger source of radiofrequency emissions.

Response to Comments on Meo et al. Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

3. Effects of Cell Towers on Cows

This paper reports that a dairy herd pastured in a paddock close to a number of radio emitters first showed a significantly lowered milk yield (which recovered when they were moved to a different paddock, and became lower again when they were moved back) and then started aborting calves, hiding from the transmitters behind a shed in preference to grazing out in the open, and showing a number of other unusual behaviours which in some cases culminated in actual death, at a relatively early age.

Related: Microwave weapons no longer Conspiracy Theory – Now deployed in China

4. Effect of Cell Towers on Trees

This paper reports a high level of damage to trees in the vicinity of cell towers. 

NB: This effect is separate from the projected deliberate removal of trees because they block the millimetre waves that will be emitted in the pending “5G rollout”. (NB: A post specifically on 5G and trees may be read at this link– Ed.)

Want to Help Stop 5G in NZ?

Please visit this link for suggestions for steps you can take to help: Thank you! If you are on Facebook, please like and follow the new FB page.

Website editor’s note:

Thank you for reading this post on www.5G.org.nz, NZ’s 5G information website. If you found it to be interesting, please share it with your friends and family.

If you would like to help in any way with the campaign against 5G in NZ, please email through the Contact Form on this website.

Related: Microwave EMF Science: Deliberate Claptrap Misinformation? + ElectroSensitivity - A Case Study

There is a now Resources page on the site where you can download flyers and poster for printing and distribution and also download the new 5G Free New Zealand Personal Action Plan.

We now also have an Events Page in which events relating to 5G will be listed as information comes to hand.

If you would like to stay up to date with information on what is happening in NZ in relation to smart technology, 5G and wireless and health issues, please visit www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz  and email through the contact form and ask to be signed up to the free email list.

This will mean that you receive occasional newsletters from Stop Smart Meters NZ which include information on 5G as well as smart meters and related wireless technologies.

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World Of Naked Lies
July 21 2019 | From: DrSircus / AllGovernmentsLie / Various

Lying seems to be the foundation of human intelligence and civilization. Robert Fisk writes, “We do not live in a “post-truth” world, neither in the Middle East nor in the West – nor in Russia, for that matter. We live in a world of lies. And we always have lived in a world of lies.”

Anyone alive today that believes we are living in a world of truth, justice and love needs to have their heads examined.

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We live in a world of lies and half-truths, which are really the same or worse than outright lies, because they confuse the human mind. Lies cause unmeasurable amounts of human suffering and lead people to early graves.

We lie and we never stop lying, even to ourselves. Governments lie and they want us to believe in their lies. The press lies pretending to represent the truth but that is understandable because they are wholly owned by elite masters who tell them what to publish. Historians lie but not all of them.

Egyptologists lie because they do not want to know anything besides what they have already thought of as the truth of Egypt’s ancient past.

Certainly, bankers lie about their honesty and doctor’s lie about the dangers of their drugs and surgery done without supplementing with magnesium.

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They even lie about heart attacks never saying people who go into cardiac arrest are actually dying of magnesium deficiencies. Dentists of course lie about fluoride and their use of the highly toxic neurological poison mercury.

Therefore, we lie and our institutions are built on pyramids of lies. So why do we trust liars? How can anyone be arrogant about realities of lies when there is no truth left? What is truth if we have nothing but lies?

What is amazing is that these past years they have even been lying about the weather. Imagine the weatherman telling people in New York that it is sunny and warm but when you step outside it is cold and raining. It is that bad.

I have written for nine years on global cooling probably publishing over 70 essays on the subject. Do a Google search on, Record high temperature and Record low temperature and see what comes up. I just got 9,460,000 results (0.55 seconds) for high temperatures and 78,100,000 results (0.58 seconds) for cold temperatures.

Not that the google search means much but it does suggest one start reading about what is going down on our planet if one is interested in surviving the future.

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We have become accustomed to white lies in our everyday lives and have become accustomed to not believing everything we hear. Whether it is someone’s description on a dating app or a resume for work, we take what we listen to with a grain of salt.

Some people fiercely filter information for fabrications, exaggerations, plagiarism, white lies, and most of all: deception. However, as one study suggests, we are on average only able to catch 54% of lies. Strikingly, in the same study, trained police officers, judges, and FBI agents were not that much better than the average person was.

All forms of information have lost their integrity. All institutions - from the academy to commerce to governance to non-profits - have lost their integrity. Worse perhaps, than secret agencies telling lies with no evidence and the mainstream media telling lies on command from its financial masters, is an all-out war on truth.

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“There are facts, there are opinions, and there are lies,” says historian Deborah Lipstadt who encourages us all to go on the offensive against those who assault the truth and facts. “Truth is not relative,” she says. Therefore, we really have no choice but to question and challenge everything.

What is the truth of the liberal mind? What is their greatest wet dream? They want the whole world to be one big happy family, where borders are meaningless, people can freely move from one country to the next, and no society is inherently better than another is.

They preach diversity, but they want the world to be blended into one drab monoculture that falls in line with their beliefs and violently oppose others, who believe in quaint ideas of nationalism for example.

Today nationalists and patriots are evil people in the eyes of liberals and progressives who forget the truth of what these words mean. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, nationalism simply means “love for or devotion to one’s country.” According to thefreedictionary.com, a patriot is “a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests.”

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So for sure they lied about 9-11, what started the Second World War and about how the world is doing with global debt now hitting $217 trillion, which is 327% Of GDP. We could go on forever listing lies.

Religions lie. We know that because if that were not the truth then only one religion is a true one and the rest bull because they all contradict each other.

In a world of lies one has to wonder the truth about everything, even what happened in Germany during WWII?

Come on, they even lie about iodine in salt, as if it would do anyone any good because once put on the table the iodine evaporates quickly. Most people have no idea what truth is or the process of finding it. The truth is as unpopular today as it has always been. If you are a person of truth and you hear the truth, it rather excites you. The truth, if we are not living it, is almost unbearable to hear.

The sounds of silence are the sounds of lies, omissions of fact and reality so large it is more than manipulation. Did you know that one’s silence could be deadly? One can actually do mass murder with silence by deliberately holding back information that can be lifesaving.

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Tell that to your doctor for he is the one who most needs to know this. What is going on in Fukushima is perhaps the greatest silent lie. Things are so bad there we hear nothing about it.

Perhaps the most dangerous lies today center around Russia. Sick politicians in both American and Europe are risking all of our lives in a nuclear war with their lies. Crimea is Russian. All the people there speak Russian. Almost every one of them voted to rejoin Russia.

The West is completely irrational, not only about Islam but also about just about everything. It is inviting its own destruction. They have even convinced the Russian high command, which has already announced its conclusion, that Washington is preparing a surprise nuclear attack on Russia.

The West is completely separated from reality says Paul Craig Roberts.

Conclusion – A Little Bit of Truth

The heart can only stand the truth but our minds can wonder all over the universe of lies without problem. We said in the beginning that lies hurt people. Powerful people everywhere routinely make decisions that hurt others. The old saying is right: Power really does corrupt.

No one is honest about their corruption so they have to lie. Therefore, the lies that permeate civilization start at the top among the most powerful.

Recent psychological research suggests that powerful people behave remarkably like traumatic brain injury victims. Controlled experiments show that, given power over others, people often become impulsive and less sensitive to risk.

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Most important, test subjects often lose empathy, that is, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Said another way they lose their hearts, the intelligence of the heart, their own organs of truth so in a sense they become stupid.

Rich in money and possessions but without hearts leaves the most powerful without the kind of vulnerability that leads to love so actually they are poor in spirit, poor in their ability to feel but strong in their ability to abuse. They also lose their capacity to mirror and listen to others.

All Governments Lie

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Digging In The Dirt Makes You Happy - Here’s Why
July 20 2019 | From: WakeUpWorld

“It came to me while picking beans, the secret of happiness. I was hunting among the spiraling vines that envelop my teepees of pole beans, lifting the dark-green leaves to find handfuls of pods, long and green, firm and furred with tender fuzz. I snapped them off where they hung in slender twosomes, bit into one, and tasted nothing but August…” - from Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants

For anyone who has spent time cultivating a garden - vegetable, landscaping with ornamentals or a bit of both - there’s no question about it’s mood-boosting quality.

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Even a potted plant or two can have an uplifting effect. During my most bleak times in dealing with depression and bone-crushing fatigue, the simple act of caring for an outdoor plant by watering and plucking the dead bits has had a near miraculous effect, with a tangible boost in energy and overall brighter outlook.

Whether this shift is attributed to the fresh air, slowing down to appreciate a bit of greenery or nurturing another living thing, the entire experience tends to border on the mysterious. Whatever the reason, one aspect is clear: gardening is strong medicine.

The Power of Soil-Based Organisms for Health and Happiness

Science has shown time and again that spending time in nature - along with playing in the dirt and gardening - has a powerful impact on our physiological and psychological health.

Over the last decade, researchers have explored why soil microbes improve the nutritional value of our food and why rural children - like those who live on farms - are far healthier than their city-dwelling counterparts.

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Clean air, water, and fresh produce aside, one of the main factors for the health of farm-living kids boils down to soil microbes.

As it turns out, these microbes help develop healthy human immune systems. Not only that, but soil organisms can boost our production of serotonin - a feel-good neurotransmitter that keeps anxiety and depression at bay.

Writes Daphne Miller in The Curious Case of the Antidepressant, Anti-Anxiety Backyard Garden:

"[Jill] Litt, a professor at the University of Colorado School of Public Health, was studying gardening’s impact on a variety of health outcomes - including mood disorders.

She rattled off a list of possible explanations, including that gardens create community, encourage physical activity, offer a bounty of nutrient-rich food, and expose one to Vitamin D-producing sunshine, which helps regulate serotonin, the “happiness” neurotransmitter.

But then Litt surprised me by adding, “Also there are the microbes themselves. We have no idea what they are doing.”’

It all began with a study where British researchers were testing to see if Mycobacterium vaccae - a benign microbe found in soil and water, along with unwashed vegetables - could help treat lung cancer in humans. While the life expectancy of the participants wasn’t affected, those who received the microbe reported enhanced mood and quality of life.

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The torch was then taken up by Chris Lowry, a behavioral endocrinologist at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research team found that rodents who were injected with heat-killed M.vaccae exhibited less depression and anxiety - and had more endurance - during a forced swim test.

The control mice paddled on average for two and a half minutes, while the M. vaccae-injected animals swam for four. It’s already been established that antidepressants increase active swimming and decrease immobility. Interestingly, the soil organism “had the exact same effect as antidepressant drugs,” explained Lowry.

The researchers believe that an immune reaction to the microbe activates the release of brain serotonin. Low levels of this important neurotransmitter are linked with a range of disorders, including aggression, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), bipolar disorder, irritable bowel and fibromyalgia.

The results so far suggest that simply inhaling M. vaccae - you get a dose just by taking a walk in the wild or rooting around in the garden - could help elicit a jolly state of mind. “You can also ingest mycobacteria either through water sources or through eating plants- lettuce that you pick from the garden, or carrots,” Lowry says.

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Graham Rook, an immunologist at University College, London and coauthor of the paper, points out that depression may partly be an inflammatory disorder. By triggering immune cells that diminish the inflammatory response to allergens, M. vaccae could actually ease inflammation and, in turn, depression.

Further studies on M. vaccae’s mood-boosting properties followed, one of which by Susan Jenks and Dorothy Mathews of Sage Colleges in Troy, New York. The team cultured the live organism and fed it to mice with Wonderbread and peanut butter.

"It was just amazing,” said Jenks about a stressful maze test used for the rodents. “We would place them in the maze and could clearly see that there were some mice doing better than others.

We would think: ‘Is that the M. vaccae [mouse]?’ And sure enough it was.” She adds, “What our research suggests is that eating, touching, and breathing a soil organism may be tied to the development of our immune system and our nervous system.”

The takeaway from all this? If you struggle with depression or immune disregulation, gardening without gloves and spending time in nature may be just what the doctor ordered. Or, as Danielle Mariott writes in a piece for Backcountry magazine, “Get outside, get in the dirt, get happy.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Kevin Spacey’s ‘Let Me Be Frank’: Is This Madness Or Is There A Deeper Meaning?
& Adding P To LGBT
July 19 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / TheCatholicThing / Various

As many of us already know, given it has now garnered 9.4 million views on Youtube, former House of Cards star Kevin Spacey posted a cryptic video on Christmas Eve of last year.

The video was published immediately following the announcement that he will face a charge of felony sexual assault in Massachusetts on accusations that he groped a young man in 2016.

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The allegations were first brought forward in November 2017, when former Boston TV anchor Heather Unruh told reporters that Spacey groped her teenage son in a crowded bar inside a Nantucket restaurant.

Since the charge was announced, the 59-year-old Oscar-winning actor argued that he should be excused from attending his Jan. 7 arraignment at the Nantucket District Court because his presence would “amplify the negative publicity already generated in connection with this case.”

In Brief:

The Facts: Kevin Spacey released a cryptic video on Christmas Eve right after news of his indictment for sexual assault was announced, inspiring several theories about his true motive behind it.

Reflect On: Do you think this video is genius or madness? Which interpretation makes the most sense to you, or do you agree that several theories must be combined in order to understand what Spacey was thinking?

However, Judge Thomas Barrett denied Spacey’s request. For the record, Spacey has said he will plead not guilty to felony indecent assault and battery.

Related: House of Cards | Official Trailer

‘Let Me Be Frank’

Back to the video, titled ‘Let Me Be Frank,’ which is an ironic double-entendre between him offering to speak honestly (frankly) while in the character of Frank Underwood (his role as a ruthless and dishonest politician in House of Cards).

And even a third meaning pops out from this title, where the plea to ‘Let me be Frank’ is a request to return to House of Cardsas Frank Underwood, a role that was stripped away from him when the sexual assault allegations first surfaced.

With the multi-level meaning of this title as an indicator, I believe Kevin Spacey thought about and worked on the words and the delivery of this video for a very long time, carefully working a single narrative to move in and out of different levels, speaking to different audiences at different times, and sometimes several audiences at once.

Rather than believing that there was one ultimate purpose for releasing this video, I sense that Spacey was dealing with a host of internal emotions and desires that he wanted to express, and felt the need to give birth to this idea that he may have become obsessed with.

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As an actor, few would deny that Spacey was one of the best in Hollywood, and I believe he used those talents to create a mysterious narrative that would have a host of pundits weighing in with different theories.

I am not saying this video is genius and will be studied by academia and media studies for years to come; however, I do think that it seems to be the result of a lot of thought and effort, and may even be clearly understood by his target audience. He probably had said the whole monologue hundreds of times over and over again before shooting it.

There is a sense that he had a lot to say here. Whether or not it accomplished what he intended is a different matter, but I think it is worth a deeper investigation than what I’ve seen on social media and mainstream media.

Let’s look at some of the different ‘takes’ people have had on it and see if the real ‘message’ can be found by analyzing them, regardless of your personal opinions of Kevin Spacey.

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Take One: Comeback Attempt

This first take is what I would consider the most literal interpretation of the video, in which the very title ‘Let Me Be Frank’ may be a plea to his fans to do what they can to lobby Netflix for Spacey’s character on House of Cards, Frank Underwood, to literally come back from the dead.

Indeed, the way the video starts, with Spacey facing directly into the camera, he seems to be talking to fans, much in the same way his character Frank Underwood sometimes talks directly to the audience:

"I know what you want. Oh sure they may have tried to separate us but what we have is too strong – is too powerful. I mean after all we shared everything, you and I. I told you my deepest darkest secrets. I showed you exactly what people are capable of."

Here, Spacey discusses his role as Frank Underwood and elevates it to the level of an extremely important disclosure of the true means and motives of the elite, of the people who have power in the world.

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Of course, one could say that about the show House of Cards in general, as it does indeed reveal the shadowy forces behind politics.

But acting as the main character, not only with his lofty acting skills but also his firsthand knowledge of this dark world (more on that later), Spacey may really believe that he was doing a great service to humanity, bringing occult knowledge out of the darkness and into the public domain.

Perhaps there is something in that, but he may have given himself over to self-aggrandizement. After all, he’s not the only one on this mission.

This form of disclosure is now seeping out from all realms of human activity. His characterization of the desire on the part of fans to have him return to continue revealing the dark side is a bit over the top:

"So we’re not done no matter what anyone says and besides, I know what you want. You want me back."

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There may be some emotional entanglement between his character being killed off and his personal experience of being shunned by the allegations of sexual misconduct, to the extent that he questions the legitimacy of the death of Frank Underwood in the same vein as the legitimacy of the claims against him, so that the restoration of Frank Underwood somehow equates to the restoration of his innocence:

"Anyway all this presumption made for such an unsatisfying ending, and to think, it could have been such a memorable send-off."

His Brother Weighs In

In an episode of Inside Edition on the very subject of ‘Let Me Be Frank’ (see video clip below), we see that this ‘comeback attempt’ is exactly the take of Spacey’s younger brother, Randy Fowler:

Fowler: "The man has no shame. He’s begging for his job. This video was a rationalization to try and convince his fan base to convince Netflix to bring it back. He thinks that he’s gonna make a comeback."

Interviewer: "You think he shouldn’t have done it."

Fowler: "Of course he shouldn’t have done it, but it’s ‘Act 3’ of a desperate man. He got dethroned overnight, It’s over."

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Kevin Spacey’s brother wrote a book in 2017 titled ‘A Moment In Time: Living In The Shadows,’ which details the sexual and physical abuse Randy endured from his father, whom Randy refers to as ‘The Creature,’ as well as his mother’s denial and indifference to his pain and her almost erotic favoritism toward Kevin.

Going more deeply into this is not possible here, but it will serve us to know that Randy believes Kevin to be a man who has suppressed all emotions from their devastating childhood, and as a result of never coming to grips with his childhood, is probably capable of extreme brutality and sexual deviance like their father was. In the book;

"Randy discusses in detail his practically non-existent relationship with his estranged younger brother, Kevin Spacey Fowler, whom Randy tried so hard to protect during their abusive childhoods.

Randy asks the following questions:

“Why is one brother brutally honest and the other dishonestly brutal? Why does one have character and the other plays characters?

Why was one a plaything for their cruel, mentally ill, perverted pedophile father and the other embraced by a loving mother, who ignored Randy’s screams of pain and suffering?

Take Two: A Denial Of Guilt To Victims

When we combine Randy’s testimony with the number of accusations of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse that have surfaced against Spacey over a number of years, as well as Spacey’s prominence in the industry, it’s presumable that Kevin Spacey has been deeply involved in Hollywood pedophilia for a number of years.

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Is it possible that Spacey’s main aim for putting out the video was as a kind of offence against those that claim Spacey abused them, like the felony sexual assault charge in Massachusetts, as evidenced by the video in this Independent article? If so, that puts these words in a completely different context:

"I know what you want. Oh sure they may have tried to separate us but what we have is too strong – is too powerful. I mean, after all, we shared everything, you and I. I told you my deepest darkest secrets.

And you trusted me even though you knew you shouldn’t. So we’re not done no matter what anyone says and besides, I know what you want. You want me back.

Oh well, of course they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful not playing by the rules like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I never did and you loved it."

The suggestion that, even in his own mind, Spacey believes that his victims were actually willing participants who made the choice to trust him and therefore have no right to accuse him of wrongdoing, is just too gruesome to even contemplate - especially since he is known to have been a guest on Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, as evidenced in the ‘Lolita Express’ flight log below and detailed in this Infowars article.

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In truth, I do not think that the main purpose of this video is to speak to any of his past victims and try to justify his actions or absolve himself of what he did to those young boys.

But it does seem like, in Spacey’s mind, there is a connection between his relationship with his audience, in which he deeply reveals / confesses his character’s desires and motives (and his own, in many ways), and his relationship with his victims, in which Spacey may imagine that he is making himself vulnerable to them and revealing his ‘deepest, darkest secrets.’

I have no idea what is going on in Spacey’s mind, but it is not inconceivable that, coming from the highly dysfunctional home life that he did, he might feel he is not to blame and in some twisted way is giving his victims something they wanted.

Take Three: A Warning To The Illuminati

For me, a more cogent reason for creating this video was to make a hidden threat to those above him in his elite ‘Illuminati’ pedophile circle who may have allowed allegations of sexual misconduct against him to be taken seriously by law enforcement and the mainstream media.

The impression I hold from my research is that those who follow the rules and do what their higher-ups tell them to do are able to escape most or all crimes with impunity.

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In a sense, Kevin Spacey may have done something to displease his masters to make them turn his world of high status, fame, wealth, and capacity into a world of being shunned, dismissed, hated, and even incarcerated.

Spacey’s bitterness may very well be best explained by the engraving in the Royal Windsor cup he drinks from in the video, which reads ‘Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust.’

My feeling is that Kevin Spacey enjoyed moving up the ranks of the Illuminati, and even surprised some of his higher-ups by his audacity and insubordination, perhaps to the extent that they were entertained and even enlightened by his participation in their activities.

One of the ‘rules’ that must be followed by the Illuminati in accordance with their spiritual principles, as David Wilcock elaborates on in the video clip below, is that they must ‘make known’ all they do in the world in order to get humanity’s tacit ‘consent’ to their actions and their rule.

But these public revealings are often cloaked in symbols, popular culture, comedy and drama, and other metaphorical forms.

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Indeed, House of Cards could stand as one of the most prominent forms of revealing Illuminati means and tactics in the film industry, and perhaps the ‘game’ is to see how far they can go in revealing who they truly are and what they truly do without knocking down their ‘house of cards’ entirely. Perhaps Kevin Spacey liked to push the envelope in this regard.

"Oh well of course they’re gonna say I’m being disrespectful not playing by the rules like I ever played by anyone’s rules before. I never did and you loved it."

Certainly this scene from the show, in which Frank Underwood is not only participating in a ceremony at Bohemian Grove but is also explaining what his purpose as a high-ranking American politician is for being there, pushes the envelope:

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Perhaps Spacey was threatening to go even further, and was empowered by the fact that he was actually rewarded for his past insubordination.

Perhaps there was a dispute about what season 6 would actually reveal. These are all suppositions, of course, but this message seems to fit best with some of the more powerful phrases from the video:

"I mean, if you and I have learned nothing else these past years, it’s that in life and art nothing should be off the table.

We weren’t afraid, not of what we said, not of what we did, and we’re still not afraid because I can promise you this.

If I didn’t pay the price for the things we both know I did do, I’m certainly not gonna pay the price for the things I didn’t do

If Kevin Spacey is guilty of unspeakable crimes, that would render the acts he is currently being accused of as ‘insignificant’ in the eyes of the Illuminati.

The more serious acts were likely committed within the protected bowels of the Illuminati, and would not surface because they would implicate other members and may endanger the Illuminati itself.

When they turn on one of their own, the tactic of the Illuminati tends to be to support accusations that are outside of ritualistic Illuminati practices.

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Hence, this is perhaps why Spacey acknowledges that he and other members don’t pay for the true crimes that are part of Illuminati ritual and that he’s ‘not gonna pay the price for things I didn’t do.’

But does Spacey’s threat that he’s ‘not gonna pay the price’ mean he’s threatening to tell all and bring down others if the higher-ups don’t use their power and influence to free him rather than convict him in court? Perhaps this line gives us the answer:

"And my confidence grows each day that soon enough you will know the full truth."

The Takeaway

As interesting as it may be to speculate on what Kevin Spacey’s true intent was with this video, his actions were unjustifiable, and no video could argue against that.

However, I believe this video also reflects the significant power the Illuminati holds. Gone are the days when the Illuminati ruled over a public that was oblivious to the fact that they were being subjected to a slow process of mind control and subjugation.

Today, thanks to the Internet, camera phones, and growing public knowledge, the Illuminati is in a precarious position in which they’re no longer capable of completely controlling the narrative and are in danger of being brought out of the shadows.

If disgruntled members like Kevin Spacey have their way, that may happen sooner rather than later.

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Adding P To LGBT

I don’t want to write about pedophilia. You don’t want to read about it. 

But the threat of pedophilia becoming acceptable isn’t going away. The sudden embrace of transgenderism didn’t come from nowhere. And it isn’t going to stop there, as I argued in this space not long ago.

Related: Shocking photos: Kids lie on man dressed as woman at ‘Drag Queen Story Time’

Targeting children comes in two general phases. The first involves bombarding them with LGBT messaging in schools. Or now, on public television (PBS) cartoons in which an 8-year-old Aardvark named Arthur and his peers are portrayed as pleased that his male teacher is “marrying” another male.

Other offenses in this category include Drag Queen Story Time at public libraries, which now seem to be cropping up all over the country. Scary to say, but chances are your local librarian may also be a monster-enabler – or at least too feeble a frog to jump out of water that is now well past the boiling point.

Drag Queen Story Time typically gives a platform to gay males (some are even convicted sex offenders) to abuse children by encouraging them to flout reality and to explore gender “fluidity.” Who thinks that is a good idea? Relatively few, in all likelihood.  But that doesn’t tell us how many otherwise decent people are unwilling to draw a line in the sand.

Related: Pediatricians Call Gender Ideology What It Is: Child Abuse

Appeals to “tolerance” show their true colors when they are enlisted to support the blatant grooming of children – grooming being a term we used to be happily unacquainted in this abusive context.  Such grooming also presents some commonality with certain elements in Islam; I refer to authorities in the UK willfully ignoring the systematic rape of local girls by Muslim “grooming” gangs for decades.

In short, a great many people in positions of authority are so keen on protecting both Islam and homosexuality that even the grotesque abuse of youngsters must be swept under the rug.

Sure, one could say that not all LGBT folks are on board with pedophilia.  But a larger point is in play: when the goal is rationalizing LGBT behavior, the very innocence of children must be targeted.

Concepts of normality, morality, and virtue must be radically inverted because they stand as a rebuke to the depravity we must now esteem with “pride” – or else!

The second phase involves attempts to accommodate or actually espouse pedophilia.

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This can take the form of classifying it as a clinical condition, which amounts to a plea for exculpation; after all, no blame is attached to the person who comes down with Parkinson’s or pneumonia.  But it can also be couched in terms of advancing “rights,” breaking down barriers, and allowing “love” to win out.

Indeed, influential medical bodies seem to be biding their time to classify pedophilia not as a disease but as just another sexual orientation.  One that is unchangeable, you understand – because according to current dogma, anything that goes against human nature and common decency is unchangeable.

This would essentially amount to adding a P to LGBT.  Another P, I should specify; not Pansexual, which is already included in the ever expanding LGBTQIAP+ acronym. (Look it up – and ask: what does the “+” exclude?)  We all know what that would mean: “hate” would be the only thing standing in the way of legitimizing pedophilia.

So which is it: a disease one haplessly contracts, or a legitimate orientation that is unjustly oppressed? Who cares; doesn’t matter; whatever “argument” will do. Innocence will be targeted.

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Pedophilia-friendly messaging can be found on TV and on stage; a recent play appearing in Chicago and London portrays pedophilia in a sympathetic light.  It can be found on social media and even in academic journals; one such journal published in 2018 a convicted pedophile’s contention that “child-adult sexual relations” should be seen as virtuous.

Benedict XVI recently asserted that, “Part of the physiognomy of the Revolution of ‘68 was that pedophilia was then also diagnosed as allowed and appropriate.”

He sheds a bright light on the disturbing developments during this past half-century. But this matter goes all the way back to the confrontation between Christianity and the paganism of antiquity, which was fine with treating children as sexual objects.

Christianity reversed the prevailing approval of such practices, which makes our current crisis even more troubling because it entails the paganization of the Church and not just the de-Christianization of Western society.

So we now contend with bishops (in the UK) actively endorsing curricula developed by gay activists, while dodge ball is derided by some educational authorities on the grounds that it inappropriately treats kids as “human targets.”

As if kids throwing balls at each other on the playground is of more concern than insidiously targeting them via perverted indoctrination.

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It’s curious that, even on the heels of revelations that some of the Catholic hierarchy are in the business of perpetuating homosexual predation, there are nonetheless actors out there saying that maybe such targeting, grooming, and abusing of youngsters is not really such a bad thing after all. 

Apparently the task for those in the driver’s seat of our post-decency culture is to strike the right balance: condemn Christianity for its views on sexuality, and also for the violation against those norms by its pastors, while promoting such transgressions in the wider world – in just the right doses as the timing of our ongoing collapse permits.

We are not just dealing with a simple or abstract disagreement here. We are dealing with dangerous people and disastrous ideas.

Perhaps the ever more brazen attempts to target children will lead people to see how one transgression logically leads to the next, and reject the sexual revolution outright.

But our degradation runs so deep, our divide is so unbridgeable, that talk of some sort of pending civil war is not rash. Nobody wants that, but if we can’t push back against the ongoing – indeed accelerating – targeting of children, we’ll have lost without firing a shot.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Ten Things You’re Not Supposed To Know
July 18 2019 | From: AnonymousNews

The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” - Noam Chomsky.

1. It is Nearly Impossible to Pay Off the National Debt

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“Nothing is so well calculated to produce a death-like torpor in the country as an extended system of taxation and a great national debt.” - William Cobbett

This is because money is created out of debt in a one-to-one increase in public debt. The national debt is $20 Trillion. That means the (roughly) 234 million US Americans would have to pay approximately $62,000 each to pay it off. This includes babies, children, poor people, and homeless people. There are even those who claim that it’s mathematically impossible to pay off the debt. And almost every country is in debt to every other country. It’s the height of insanity.

As former Governor of the Federal Reserve Marriner Eccles said, “If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”

2. There is No Underlying Thing Backing Money (It’s all an Illusion)

“Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything. The notes have no value for themselves.” ~The Treasury.

All money is fiat money. A dollar bill is a dollar bill because everyone agrees it’s a dollar bill. The dollar bill is not lawful money, but rather “legal tender.” Money used to be backed by a “gold standard” – which meant the government had $100 worth of gold in a vault from which they made a $100 bill that went out into the market (though even gold only has value because we’ve all agreed since time immemorial that it’s valuable).

However, they moved away from gold years ago, so now we must take the government’s word for it that the note is worth $100. The bill itself is just an IOU note, made from thin air, based on debt, and laundered by the government.

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

Even the debt issue discussed in the first bullet is based on nothing, and is nothing more than a financial concept financiers agree on. The debt isn’t actually there.

But since we all just go along with it, it affects us through inflation, and devaluation, and the sky-is-falling knee-jerk reactions to money meaning something only because we give it meaning. Money is little more than a cartoon in the brain that we’re addicted to watching.

3. How to Live Off the Grid

“Live simply so that others may simply live.” - Gandhi.

You’re not “supposed” to know how to live off the grid, because then you can’t be controlled by the government. The more self-sufficient you are, the less money the corporations can make off you. The more rain water you catch, the less you’ll need to pay the water companies.

The more windmills you build and solar panels you erect, the less you’ll need to pay the electric companies. The more composting toilets you install, the less you’ll have to pay plumbing companies. The more gardening you do, the less you’ll have to pay someone else for your food.

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In short: the more independent you become, the less codependent you will be on the state. And the state doesn’t like that, because they like your money way more than they like your freedom.

4. Planned Obsolescence

“Armaments, universal debt and planned obsolescence – those are the three pillars of Western prosperity.” ~Aldous Huxley.

Speaking of making money off you, planned obsolescence is a way for companies to keep making money off you by capitalizing on your consumerist tendencies. Let’s face it, we’re a nation of consumers with Big Macs for brains and iPhones for hearts. We need our fix and we need it fast, and we are willing to fill all the landfills in the world, and then some, to get it.

Related: Planned Obsolescence: How The Products You Buy Are Designed To Break

Planned obsolescence is designed into a product to encourage the consumer to buy the next upgrade. Everything from toasters to automobiles, microwaves to cell phones are prone to planned obsolescence by greedy companies that know you will come back for more no matter how many times your things-things-things fall apart.

5. Civil Asset Forfeiture

“The State is nothing more nor less than a bandit gang writ large.”~Ludwig Von Mises.

As if police brutality, extortion, and overreach of power weren’t enough, unscrupulous police officials have been manipulating the deeply flawed federal and state civil asset forfeiture laws that give them permission to seize, keep, or sell any property allegedly involved in a crime. The key word is “allegedly.” Because most of the time property is taken without even being charged with a crime. That’s crazy!

Originally meant to be used on large-scale criminal organizations, it is now used almost entirely on individuals, ruining people’s lives over petty “crimes.” More and more police departments are using forfeiture to benefit their bottom lines. It’s less about fighting crime and more about profit. John Oliver did an excellent piece on the matter that gets right at the heart of the issue.

6. The US Imprisons More of its Population Than Any Other Country (And Profits Off it)

Some may say that jailing people over their debts makes poverty into a crime. Well if that’s true, maybe we should just cut out the middle man and put all poor people in jail. Of course, this will require new prison facilities, which we can build using people who can’t pay their prison fees. Not as workers, as the bricks.” 

- Stephen Colbert.

Living in what is widely considered the “land of the free,” this one should come as a body blow to anybody who truly believes in freedom. The total prison population has grown by 500 percent over the last 30 years. 500! The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet we have almost 20 percent of the world’s total prison population. Even though crime is at a historic low.

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The icing on this shit-cake is the deplorable fact that big corporations are making a killing off the prison system. Equal parts extortion and slavery, for-profit prisons do nothing in the way of rehabilitation and therapy, and everything in the way of profit and criminal relapse.

7. Forced Taxation is Theft

“Since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others.” ~Edward Abbey.

When taxation is forced, one cannot say they live in a free country. When taxation is not optional, the country forcing the tax is not free. Bottom line. If one does not pay their taxes, in such a country, they are threatened with violence or prison if they don’t pay. That is point-blank extortion. And since it is being done by an authoritarian government, it is naked tyranny.

If one feels like paying taxes, then they should feel free to pay. That’s fair, because that’s voluntary. But if the state is using its monopoly on violence to get money out of you, that is not fair, that is extortion. It really is that simple.

If freedom is primary then voluntarism is paramount. The use of state services built off taxes is an entirely different matter with entirely different solutions, and is an irrelevant red herring to the issue at hand.

8. You’re Not “Allowed” to be Stateless, But You Can Be

A man without a government is like a fish without a bicycle.” 

- Alvaro Koplovich

Statelessness is an alien concept in our world, even though it can be extended to all living beings “in principle” and “in theory,” at its irreducible bedrock truth, it is exceptionally difficult to be sovereign and stateless. This is because the entire world is plagued with the disease of statism.

It is so second-nature to our existence that we never question it. We might as well be fish questioning water. But we are not fish. We are human beings with the ability for deep logic, higher reasoning, and basic common sense. That is, unless we are being oppressed into blind servitude and myopic subordination and we are unwilling to question things… And here we are.

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Similar to living off the grid, you’re not supposed to know this one because then the corrupt nation states of the world would have less control over you. And, don’t be fooled, it’s all about control, as Mike Gogulski found out firsthand. Unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros on becoming a stateless person (Though these two gents seem to be enjoying it).

Especially because we are social creatures and most of the other social creatures in our world are conditioned statists. As Nietzsche famously said, “State is the name of the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies; and this lie slips from its mouth: ‘I, the state, am the people.’”

9. The Police Are Not legally Obligated to Protect You

There’s no weakness as great as false strength.” 

- Stefan Molyneux.

Most people falsely and ignorantly assume that it is the sworn duty of the police to protect and to serve. But it is actually the exception, not the rule. A cop protecting and serving is doing so in a humane capacity and not because he/she is obligated to do so. They just happen to be acting humanely while wearing a badge.

The reality is that power tends to corrupt. This applies especially to police. And especially-especially to police that are trained to be offense-minded, oppressive, extorting, overreaching, and violent enforcers of a statist agenda.

The solution is not more ill-trained offense-minded police with too much power, but more well-trained defense-minded police with just enough power (a power with built-in checks and balances in place to prevent power from corrupting). In short: a complete eradication of the Thin Blue Line.

10. We Live in an Oligarchic Plutocracy Disguised as a Democratic Republic

We may have democracy or we may have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” 

- Louis Brandeis, Supreme Court Justice.

In our world, money is power. Money concentrated in the hands of a few, means power concentrated in the hands of a few. And since power tends to corrupt if it goes unchecked, the people must be free to check it, lest tyranny prevail. But because of an overreaching militarized police force, the people are not free to check it. And here we are, slipping into tyranny.

Related: The Telltale Signs The Western Oligarchs Are Doomed

If we lived within a horizontal democracy, we would have a better chance at being free. No masters, no rulers, and hence, no chance for power to become concentrated in the hands of a few. Easier said than done, sure, but nothing worth doing was ever easy.

As it stands, it is impossible to live freely within an oligarchic plutocracy. The plutocrats will simply continue buying up power by creating oppressive laws and “legal” extortion rackets that keep the people without wealth and power in a permanent state of poverty and powerlessness.

Add to that the use of lobbyists and a fiat currency based on debt, and you have a nation of hoodwinked debt slaves under the delusion that they live in a free democratic republic.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

It’s Not That We’ve Failed To Rein In Facebook And Google. We’ve Not Even Tried
July 17 2019 | From: TheGuardian / Various

The tech giants use our data not only to predict our behaviour but to change it. But we can resist this attack on democracy

In a BBC interview last week, Facebook’s vice-president, Nick Clegg, surprised viewers by calling for new “rules of the road” on privacy, data collection and other company practices that have attracted heavy criticism during the past year.

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“It’s not for private companies … to come up with those rules,” he insisted. “It is for democratic politicians in the democratic world to do so.”

Facebook’s response would be to adopt a “mature role”, not “shunning” but “advocating” the new rules. For a company that has fiercely resisted new laws, Clegg’s message aimed to persuade us that the page had turned. Yet his remarks sounded like Newspeak, as if to obscure ugly facts.

A few weeks earlier Facebook’s chiefs, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, snubbed a subpoena from the Canadian parliament to appear for questioning.

Clegg then showcased Silicon Valley’s standard defence against the rule of law – warning that any restrictions resulting from “tech-lash” risked making it “almost impossible for tech to innovate properly”, and summoning the spectre of Chinese ascendance.

“I can predict that … we will have tech domination from a country with wholly different sets of values.”

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Both Facebook and Google have long relied on this misguided formula to shield them from law. In 2011, the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warned that government overreach would foolishly constrain innovation, “We’ll move much faster than any government.”

Then, in 2013, Google co-founder Larry Page complained that “old institutions like the law” impede the company’s freedom to “build really great things”.

This rhetoric is a hand-me-down from another era when “Gilded Age” barons in the late-19th century United States insisted that there was no need for law when one had the “law of evolution”, the “laws of capital” and the “laws of industrial society”.

As the historian David Nasaw put it, the millionaires preached that “democracy had its limits, beyond which voters and their elected representatives dared not trespass lest economic calamity befall the nation”.

The tech companies’ innovation rhetoric effectively blinded users and lawmakers for many years. Facebook and Google were regarded as innovative companies that sometimes made dreadful mistakes at the expense of our privacy.

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Since then the picture has sharpened. It’s easier to see that what we thought of as mistakes actually were the innovations – Google Glass, Facebook giving private information to developers, and more.

Each of these was an expression of a larger breakthrough: the invention of what I call surveillance capitalism.

Surveillance capitalism is not the same as digital technology. It is an economic logic that has hijacked the digital for its own purposes.

The logic of surveillance capitalism begins with unilaterally claiming private human experience as free raw material for production and sales. It wants your walk in the park, online browsing and communications, hunt for a parking space, voice at the breakfast table.

These experiences are translated into behavioural data. Some of this data may be applied to product or service improvements, and the rest is valued for its predictive power.

These flows of predictive data are fed into computational products that predict human behaviour. A leaked Facebook document in 2018 describes its machine-learning system that “ingests trillions of data points every day” and produces “more than 6m predictions per second”.

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Finally, these prediction products are sold to business customers in markets that trade in human futures.

This economic logic was first invented at Google in the context of online targeted ads where the “clickthrough rate” was the first globally successful prediction product, and targeted ad markets were the first markets to specialise in human futures.

During the first years of discovery and invention from 2000 to 2004, Google’s revenues increased by 3,590%. Right from the start it was understood that the only way to protect these revenues was to hide the operations that produce them, keeping “users” in the dark with practices designed to be undetectable and indecipherable.

Surveillance capitalism migrated to Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon – and became the default option in most of the tech sector. It now advances across the economy from insurance, to retail, finance, health, education and more, including every “smart” product and “personalised” service.

Markets in human futures compete on the quality of predictions. This competition to sell certainty produces the economic imperatives that drive business practices.

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Ultimately, it has become clear that the most predictive data comes from intervening in our lives to tune and herd our behaviour towards the most profitable outcomes.

Data scientists describe this as a shift from monitoring to actuation. The idea is not only to know our behaviour but also to shape it in ways that can turn predictions into guarantees. It is no longer enough to automate information flows about us; the goal now is to automate us.

As one data scientist explained to me: “We can engineer the context around a particular behaviour and force change that way … We are learning how to write the music, and then we let the music make them dance.”

These economic imperatives erode democracy from below and from above. At the grassroots, systems are designed to evade individual awareness, undermining human agency, eliminating decision rights, diminishing autonomy and depriving us of the right to combat.

The big picture reveals extreme concentrations of knowledge and power. Surveillance capitalists know everything about us, but we know little about them.

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Their knowledge is used for others’ interests, not our own. Surveillance capitalism thrives in the absence of law. In a way, this is good news.

We have not failed to rein in this rogue capitalism; we’ve not yet tried. More good news: our societies successfully confronted destructive forms of capitalism in the past, asserting new laws that tethered capitalism to the real needs of people.

Democracy ended the Gilded Age. We have every reason to believe that we can be successful again.

The next great regulatory vision is likely to be framed by warriors for a democracy under threat: lawmakers, citizens and specialists, allied in the knowledge that only democracy can impose the people’s interests through law and regulation.

The question is, what kind of regulation? Are existing approaches to privacy and antitrust law the answer? Both are critical but neither is adequate.

One example is privacy law’s call for “data ownership”. It’s a misleading notion because it legitimates the unilateral taking of human experience – your face, your phone, your refrigerator, your emotions – for translation into data in the first place.

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Even if we achieve “ownership” of the data we have provided to a company like Facebook, we will not achieve “ownership” of the predictions gleaned from it, or the fate of those products in its prediction markets.

Data ownership is an individual solution when collective solutions are required. We will never own those 6m predictions produced each second. Surveillance capitalists know this.

Clegg knows this. That is why they can tolerate discussions of “data ownership” and publicly invite privacy regulation.

What should lawmakers do? First, interrupt and outlaw surveillance capitalism’s data supplies and revenue flows. This means, at the front end, outlawing the secret theft of private experience.

At the back end, we can disrupt revenues by outlawing markets that trade in human futures knowing that their imperatives are fundamentally anti-democratic. We already outlaw markets that traffic in slavery or human organs.

Second, research over the past decade suggests that when “users” are informed of surveillance capitalism’s backstage operations, they want protection, and they want alternatives.

Big Tech ‘Indenture Entire Populations Into Servitude’ to Corporations & Govts – Snowden

Tech giants such as Google or Facebook store vast amounts of personal data for their own gain but they are also “happy to hand over” this data to governments, making people vulnerable to persecution, Edward Snowden warned.

Sebastian Gorka at the center of Rose Garden ruckus following Trump event

We need laws and regulation designed to advantage companies that want to break with surveillance capitalism. Competitors that align themselves with the actual needs of people and the norms of a market democracy are likely to attract just about every person on Earth as their customer.

Third, lawmakers will need to support new forms of collective action, just as nearly a century ago workers won legal protection for their rights to organise, to bargain collectively and to strike.

Lawmakers need citizen support, and citizens need the leadership of their elected officials.

Surveillance capitalists are rich and powerful, but they are not invulnerable. They fear law. They fear lawmakers. They fear citizens who insist on a different path. Both groups are bound together in the work of rescuing the digital future for democracy. Mr Clegg, be careful what you wish for.

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Gold Standard Versus Keynes: Which Is Economically Illiterate?
July 16 2019 | From: ClassicalCapital / Various

Eureka! Today we find a rare opportunity to confront the misled acolytes of John Maynard Keynes, who, sometimes unknowingly, attempt to advance the cause of global mercantilism by denigrating the principles of classical economics.

President Donald Trump recently nominated Dr. Judy Shelton to become a governor on the board of the Federal Reserve - a selection previously recommended here - but she is vehemently opposed by those who control the U. S. outpost of mercantilism known as the Federal Reserve System.

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Shelton is opposed by the mercantilists because she is an exponent of sound money, meaning currency which maintains stable value over time. She maintains that stable value in currency is best achieved by using a “gold standard” methodology to manage the currency system.

For this offense, Shelton has already been called "macro-economically illiterate" by a University of Chicago defender of the mercantilist Fed. Let’s examine whether economic illiteracy best describes classical economic theory or Keynesianism.

Keynesian Economics: Mercantilist Tool

Keynesian economic theory pretends to aim for benefits to common people of the middle class, but uses the same assumptions and economic constructs previously espoused by globalist kingmakers to achieve mercantilist objectives.

This assessment is essentially the same as was made by Eli F. Heckscher within a dozen years after Keynes published The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money in 1936.

Heckscher was the Swedish author of a two-volume treatise published in 1931 (translated into English in 1935), which has been regarded in academia as the international authority on mercantilism since that time.

Keynesian economists on the Fed’s board of governors and on its staff enable the Fed to operate as a black box. The Fed does as it wishes, discloses only what it chooses, and explains only as necessary to appease political constituents.

Related: Keynes Must Die

Each of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the Fed apparatus is a private corporation whose shares of stock are owned by the privately owned banks and by financial interests which own the banks in the twelve designated regions of the U. S.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York dwarfs all other regional Fed banks, both in size and influence, conducting all “open market operations” for the Fed system. These open market operations greatly influence financial conditions in the U. S. and globally, and are routinely rubber-stamped by the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) without public disclosure of their details.

The Federal Reserve System

All banking activities of the Fed are conducted by privately owned banking corporations, organized under corporate charters authorized by federal statutes – much as each state authorizes private corporations to be formed under state laws.

In some instances, the Fed calls itself “the central bank of the United States,” without details of private ownership. 

However, the Fed describes the Federal Reserve System as comprised of the seven-member Board of Governors (“a central, independent government agency”) plus the 12 Regional Banks, each of which is privately owned and operated. 

Importantly, all monetary policy-making authority rests with the FOMC, which is comprised of the seven governors, plus the president of the New York Fed (who always serves as FOMC Vice Chairman), plus four presidents chosen from among the eleven other Fed regional banks.

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With these details on the table, the tremendous leverage over U. S. financial and monetary policies wielded by the big Wall Street banks – J. P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citibank – becomes more readily apparent.

These and other banking firms called "Too Big To Fail" (and furnished billions of dollars) during the 2008 financial crisis own and control the New York Fed. Anyone who has dealt with these firms (or with their lawyers) knows they are neither guided nor motivated in their business actions by objectives of public service or social responsibility.

Those who understand the 2002 federal criminal indictment of Arthur Anderson, the most respected independent accounting firm in America at the time, for an alleged crime not created by any federal statute know also that J. P. Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley were more deeply involved in Enron's activities than was Arthur Anderson.

Yet both Chase and MS were dealt with discreetly by imposing civil fines. Later, Goldman Sachs and MS stepped into the business void vacated by the destroyed Enron.

Related: Why Gold Is Money - Fiat Money Creates An Immoral Society: Money With Real Value Is Crucial

These events illustrate both the motives and the power of the TBTF Wall Street banks and their owners. They own control of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and effectively control the FOMC.

The Federal Open Market Committee

In this context, let’s focus now on FOMC monetary policy making since the Fed was “reformed” in 1935. Its first acts in August, 1936, and in January, 1937, were to increase the mandated amounts of bank reserves by 50% and then by an additional 33% - thereby cutting lending capacity of banks in half.

These callous actions by the FOMC caused many loans on farms, small businesses and homes to be foreclosed, even if performing, and many small bank failures when the banks were not otherwise seriously troubled.

Also during 1936-1937, the Fed chairman Marriner Eccles cooperated with President Franklin Roosevelt’s demand that $7 billion in gold inflows to the U. S. Treasury from Europe should not be monetized as required by the gold standard rules previously in effect.

Related: The Three Varieties Of Money

At the time, Eccles was fully aware:

1. that FDR’s government was purchasing thousands of metric tons of gold with dollars taken from the U. S. economy as federal taxes or by selling Treasury bonds, and:

2. That none of this purchased gold was permitted to be monetized.

These actions and others by the FOMC and by FDR produced severe deflation and the “Roosevelt Depression” during FDR’s second term as U. S. president, causing death by starvation of millions of Americans.

Yet neither the Fed, nor the FOMC, nor the Treasury Department acted even to announce the concern, much less to alleviate or to end the directly deflationary actions.

Destruction of the Gold Standard International Monetary System

Such tragic, inhumane outcomes were not produced by gold standard rules of monetary policy, but rather by extreme violation and abuse of gold standard rules.

The international gold standard monetary system was effectively destroyed by Roosevelt’s intentional, deliberate actions. Other nations which sold gold in order to feed their citizens during the Great Depression could not return to the gold standard in later years due to their lack of gold.

Related: The Truth About Money Is Out & Austerity In 8 Minutes: Why It Does Not Work, Why It Is Still Practised

Americans' right to exchange paper currency for gold at a guaranteed price were taken from them by presidential edict within the first month FDR was president in 1933.

This action destroyed an essential mechanism of true gold standard money at that time. Then, after January 31, 1934, other central banks of the world were guaranteed the right to exchange dollars for gold at the price of $35/oz, but the previously held rights of Americans were not returned to them.

In these conditions, the FOMC gradually inflated the dollar while still selling gold to foreign banks at $35/oz until August 15, 1971.

That was the date when President Richard Nixon (with formerly Chase Manhattan’s Paul Volcker advising) “closed the gold window,” and the market price of gold promptly quadrupled ($140/oz.) within 18 months.

This turn of events was surely known in advance by the international banks which purchased gold from the U. S. Treasury during the previous 25 years.

Related: The Astounding Profit Australian Banks Make In New Zealand Every Hour & Debt Scam Disclosure

After this brief review of Fed/FOMC monetary policy and practices – all conducted under the auspices of mercantilist (i.e., Keynesian) theories and practices – are reasonable observers expected to assume that 1971 was the time at which socially beneficial motives and practices would kick-in at the Keynesian-dominated FOMC meetings?

Of course, any such expectation, suggestion or hope borders on utter foolishness. Yet mainstream media, aka “fake news,” still gives complete support and protection to each policy and practice the Fed/FOMC proposes or reveals.

This attitude and outlook was evidenced in the recent "mainstream" television news report (first linked above) of Dr. Shelton's nomination to the Fed board of governors.

FOMC's "Mainstream" Monetary Policy

Before proceeding to consider the "mainstream" opposition to classical economic principles, first we should consider briefly how the FOMC has claimed to manage monetary policy since 1971.

Ignoring the serious harm done to economic productivity by instability in currency value, the FOMC has permitted the dollar's value to float - mostly decreasing in value (inflation), but on two important occasions exhibiting severe deflation.

Related: A Central Banker’s Plan For Your Money

In conducting its monetary policy, FOMC has claimed to use as its "primary tool" the interest rate paid by member banks for borrowing funds overnight from the Fed. Use of this Fed Funds Rate "tool" has meant setting that interest rate by vote of the FOMC.

The great policy flaw in the FOMC's choice of the Fed interest rate on loans of overnight funds as its primary policy tool is this: the FOMC has no mathematical formula indicating that the Fed funds rate has a controlling relationship with the value of the dollar, or with the number of dollars in the monetary base, or with the number of dollars in the economy.

So why then does the FOMC set the overnight Fed funds rate by their vote? One motive may be to provide a benchmark rate which all Wall Street banks  may use to set their lending rates, seemingly without violating antitrust rules.

Regardless of the specific motive of the FOMC in selecting the overnight funds rate as its principal policy tool, the funds rate is infamously ineffective in achieving stability in the dollar's purchasing value.

Since 1971, the currency issued by the Fed has lost about 97.5% of its purchasing power relative to the stable value of gold. During the same period, the FOMC has produced three extended periods of severe collapse in economic growth resulting from the FOMC's deflationary actions purportedly taken to reduce or "break the back of" inflation.

Related: What's the future for cash in New Zealand?

One additional FOMC "mainstream" policy must be mentioned before moving on to examine competing classical views.

The FOMC "fights inflation" produced by its own "floating dollar value" policy by using the outrageously mercantilist "Phillips Curve" analysis.

The Phillips Curve reveals, completely unsurprisingly, that prices of goods and services will not rise as fast if a sufficient number of presently employed workers become unemployed so they have no money to spend.

Based upon this completely anti-social - if not downright evil - notion, the FOMC proceeded in 2007-2008 with monetary policies intended to cause the lay-off and termination of hundreds of thousands of previously employed American workers.

The FOMC succeeded in its intent, giving rise to eventual defaults in mortgage payments and setting up the subprime mortgage industry for destruction at the hands of Wall Street's short-side hedge funds.

Anyone still unwilling to acknowledge that the FOMC's use of the hateful reasoning contained in Phillips Curve theory as a central tool of U. S. monetary policy is based purely in mercantilist animosity towards the middle class must themselves be mercantilist to the core.

Related: France’s Yellow Vest Protesters: Unleash Chaos By Withdrawing All Money From Banks & How The 1% Profit Off Of Racial Economic Inequality

Classical Monetary Theory and Practice

The first principle of classical monetary theory is that the monetary unit should remain stable in value over time. Experience has shown that gold exhibits stable value more reliably than any other substance known presently.

This is due primarily to the very stable chemical structure of gold and its common uses. Gold also has the desirable characteristic of relatively high value per unit of weight and size, so considerable value can be possessed, handled and transferred with minimal physical difficulty.

With this basic nature, gold becomes a very beneficial tool of monetary policy, because any change in the price of gold in a particular currency indicates changed conditions in that currency - not in the gold.

Acknowledgement of this rule by the manager of the currency involved enables corrective actions to be diagnosed and taken.

The value of currency exchangeable for gold of a guaranteed quality and price is highly desirable both domestically and in international trade.

Related: Why The Whole Banking System Is A Scam - Godfrey Bloom MEP

That is why world trade and the middle class grew strongly during the 18th and 19th Centuries - the years when the gold standard was most prevalent in international trade as well as domestically in America and in other countries.

The international gold standard in effect in 1850 was surely a very significant component of worldwide economic progress and growth by the middle class when, at that time, Karl Marx credited capitalism for greater improvement in human conditions in 150 years than had been achieved in all previous human history combined.

The beauty of the gold standard for currency was (and is!) the relative ease with which money supply can be managed to achieve stable currency value.

The monetary authority for each nation sets the purchasing power of its currency relative to gold at the price which best reflects prices of other goods and services in its economy.

Then the monetary authority monitors the market price of gold in its currency. If the market price of gold rises above the target price, the monetary authority acts to reduce the supply of currency until the target price prevails.

If the price of gold declines below target, the monetary authority adds currency to the economy until the gold price rises to the target price.

Related: Trump Fed pick wants to revive the gold standard. Here's what that means

One additional point is highly relevant to America's present plight in having a monstrously high current account deficit. The U. S. economy annually buys $850 billion more goods and services from abroad than it sells abroad.

This results from trade agreements which do not prevent manipulation of currency values, either by the monetary authorities themselves or by other players in the foreign exchange markets.

Currency manipulation is easy to do and difficult to detect or prevent when all currency values are floating.

Intentional currency devaluation cheats on terms of trade, but leads to inflationary races to the bottom by all fiat currencies. An international gold standard for currencies would maintain currency values and restore fair trade among nations.

Where is the "irrationality" or the "macroeconomic illiteracy" in such direct and clear policy and practice?

Unrelenting Power of Mercantilism

"Mainstream" major media in the U. S. denigrate Dr. Judy Shelton's capabilities to assist much needed improvement of U. S. monetary policy because she professes appreciation of classical economic theory involving the previously very successful international gold standard.

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

Major media in America are as much the controlled operatives of the sponsors of mercantilism as are the Federal Reserve and the Federal Open Market Committee

Neither the MSM, nor the Fed, nor the FOMC serves the public interest. Each of them serves mercantilist masters.

A turn away from mercantilism towards capitalism is much needed and long overdue.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Counterfeiters
July 15 2019 | From: OpeningMinds / Various

Suppose you were a counterfeiter and were given the right to print all money in the United States [
Read: Any Western Nation] with the sole proviso that you could not directly buy anything. You could make all the money you wanted but you were only allowed to pass it onto an unsuspecting public by loaning it to them or to their government.

Your only source of income would be the interest you collected on the total American money supply which is currently more than ten trillion dollars.

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

Actually, the Federal Reserve Bank issued a notice in 2005 saying they would no longer tell us what the total money supply starting in 2006, John Williams at Shadow Stats says the total M3 money supply is now over 11 trillion dollars.

That means that if you were given the same license to print money that the bankers gave themselves in 1913 you would be collecting the interest on 11 trillion dollars.

You could transfer all wealth from those poor devils who had to work for a living to your family because you have the license to print their money. That is why I have always said that the goal of the Federal Reserve Bank is to transfer all wealth from us to Wall Street.

Money is a commodity that measures the value of all other commodities and goods and services for sale. Prices are a ratio of money to everything for sale. For example, if we doubled the money supply but did not increase our output of goods and services we might expect prices to also double.

Related: Why Gold Is Money - Fiat Money Creates An Immoral Society: Money With Real Value Is Crucial

Please note that when I say money I am not just talking about Federal Reserve Notes. The total money supply also includes checking account money which bankers create when you ask for a loan.

When you ask for a ten thousand dollar loan, they are not loaning you money from an old lady's deposits. They are adding ten thousand dollars to the money supply. They are counterfeiting money.

One reason why the Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913 was that Wall Street wanted us to enter World War I so the war would last longer.

If your family business were counterfeiting, you would want a war to run a huge deficit so you could create billions of dollars and enter them into circulation by loaning them to the governments so they get their young men killed.

And you could accomplish other worthy goals. The Great War as it was called did not end until General Allenby secured Palestine as a British colony which after just one more war was to become the state of Israel.

World War I also bankrupted our allies in England and France making New York the world's financial capitol. It bankrupted the Russians and enabled the Jewish Communists to take over.

Related: The Reality Of War: Memorial Day Normalizes Satanic Human Sacrifice

That they killed 350,000 priests in the first two years and over 64,000,000 other Russians before the collapse of the Soviet Union is not even a footnote in the history books.

There were people who wanted to stop World War II before it started. But the counterfeiters would have nothing to do with them. The German General Staff sent two officers to London in March of 1939 to negotiate a peace.

They even offered to arrest Hitler. Previously, the Emperor of Japan had offered to break his alliance with the Nazis, to pull out of China and even to become an ally of the United States against the Soviet Union which at that time had been killing millions of Christians every year since 1918.

The Counterfeiters said no to peace again and yes to war. 58,000,000 people like you and me died. They were real life and blood people.

After the Second World War, the Counterfeiters gave northern Korea to Joe Stalin even though he was never an ally against Japan until the war was over. This enabled the Counterfeiters to train an army in the north and to create the Korean War just five years after the cessation of hostilities.

Related: How The US Became A Warmonger Police State

Millions more died. But fortunately for the Counterfeiters they were able to draft lots of young anti-Communist men and send them to Asia to die before they could start a resistance at home.

But in 1960 something startling happened in America. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected. He dared to issue Executive Order 11110 which directed the Treasurer of the United States to replace Federal Reserve Notes with Treasury Silver Certificates.

This would have led to the end of legalized counterfeiting in the USA. JFK also opposed the nuclear arms race in the Mideast. He demanded the right to inspect the Israeli nuclear works at Dimona.

Something had to be done and it was. The Zapruder film of the assassination of President Kennedy clearly showed the President's body being thrown backwards by the force of bullets coming from his front.

CBS radio had Dan Rather go on the air and tell the American people that the Zapruder film showed JFK being shot from behind.

Life magazine followed up by publishing photos taken in the order 1- 2 -3 and publishing them in the order 3-2-1 so their readers would mistakenly conclude that their young President who had attempted to save them from the Counterfeiters has been killed by a lone assassin shooting from the Texas School Book Depository.

Related: JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father - But Nobody Was Paying Attention

A lot of strange things have been allowed to have been published about the assassination of President Kennedy but notice that only one group, the Counterfeiters, brings all the elements together.

Through their banks the Counterfeiters currently launder about a trillion dollars a year in drug money plus up to 400 billion dollars a year in illegal weapons sales.

They also launder 500 billion dollars a year in bribes. Some have theorized about the role of the Mafia in the JFK assassination but have failed to mention Meyer Lansky and the Counterfeiters, The Counterfeiters have flooded the world with drugs. They do not care that millions of lives have been ruined. They do not care that they are destroying America one family at a time.

They do not care that they are destroying American cities block by block and neighborhood by neighborhood. The Counterfeiters are making money and that is all that matters.

Others have the quaint notion that the Pentagon wanted JFK to go into the Vietnam War and to win a war against the Communists. To those I would say that Vietnam was a minor motive.

Related: The Monetary System: Downward Slide Into Tyranny, Slavery, And Self-Destruction

The goal was to get us into the the war so the Counterfeiters could kill another generation of anti-communists. Wall Street wanted to send a whole generation of young men to die in jungles of Asia.

That millions of Asians also died in the Korean and Vietnam wars was of no concern to them.

That million of American soldiers and Vietnamese civilians were exposed to Agent Orange making their children susceptible to birth defects was of no concern to the Counterfeiters. As you may suspect by now, Counterfeiters are not real human beings.

It seems like long ago but Lyndon Johnson was the first president to submit a budget that exceeded one hundred billion dollars a year. George W Bush just left office with a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit or 100 billion dollars a month. Times might be changing. Things might be getting worse for us. But business is great for the Counterfeiters.

To the two or three people who still think Bush was a great President I would say that 911 was an inside job and Dick Cheney knew it even if the village idiot from Crawford Texas did not.

I say to them one more time go to www.WTC7.net and look at the collapse videos of World Trade Center Tower 7. Please look at the intact glass in the building as it collapses.

Related: Summary On 9/11 And Inconsistencies Regarding The Official Story

Glass melts between 800 and 900 degrees Fahrenheit. A carbon based fire, such as, jet fuel burning in the open air without the benefit of added oxygen will not burn above 900 degrees.

So we know that the steel girders which required 2,200 degrees to melt were taken out within two seconds of each other simultaneously on 47 floors and that there must have been a source of oxygen inside WTC 7 that was adjacent to the girders but not the exterior glass.

There is a powdered substance called thermate which you can look up on Wikipedia. It uses a combination of aluminum, iron oxide, magnesium and other substances to generate an intense controlled heat and is capable of easily melting through steel girders with 4,800 degree temperatures in seconds.

For those of you who are not mathematically challenged I would point out that a few fires on several floors would not have brought down a 47 story building in 6.5 seconds. WTC 7 was not hit by a plane on 9-11-2001.

The Pentagon was also attacked on 9-11-2001. On 9-10-2001 Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted that neither he nor rabbi Dov Zakheim, the Comptroller of the Department of Defense (DOD), could adequately trace 2.3 trillion dollars in military spending from the previous Clinton and Bush I administrations.

Related: Electromagnetic Energy In The Air + CIA Whistleblower Speaks Out About Climate Engineering, Vaccination
Dangers, 911, And The Government’s Persecution Of Truth-Tellers

It would seem that the Counterfeiters were not satisfied with their profits from counterfeiting and from laundering drug money. They have been stealing money from unaudited federal spending for decades under both political parties.

On the morning of 9-11-2001 at 09:32 hours, Robert Andrews, a former Green Beret, was Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations.

He was entering the Counter Terrorism Center when it was destroyed by a bomb that had been centered in the auditing center next door. That bomb killed more than forty auditors who were attempting to trace that missing 2.3 trillion dollars.

The official story given by the government and the media, which must be apparent to you by now, are wholly owned by the Counterfeiters, is that Flight 77, a Boeing 757, alone was responsible for the deaths of the auditors and there was no bomb despite the testimony of April Gallop, a third generation soldier, Lt Colonel Karen Kwiatowski, Robert Andrews and Per Stig Moller, the Danish Foreign Secretary, that there was a bomb.

The aftermath photos of the Pentagon revealed that there was no wreckage from a Boeing 757 in front of the building nor was there a whole in the front of the building large enough for a passenger liner to enter inside.

Related: Reflecting On The Truth Of 9/11 - What Will Be The Straw That Breaks The Camel's Back?

Besides extensive testing bu the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) has revealed that what the Pentagon claimed was Flight 77 had no Arab DNA. Are we to believe that the hijackers were bodily resurrected into Heaven?

CNN listed the names of the flight crews and passengers who were on the four planes alleged to have been hijacked on 9-11. But none of the 19 alleged Arab hijackers were were on the lists.

Neither the media nor the government including the FBI has asked how 19 men boarded a total of 4 planes without tickets and boarding passes and without being recorded on surveillance videos.

What are the odds that you personally could board a plane without either a boarding pass or a ticket? What are the odds that an immigrant with a foreign passport could do the same?

Multiply those odds times itelf 19 times to determine the possibility that the government, the media and both political parties through the bi-partisan 911 Commission have been telling you the truth about the “War on Terror.”

So what has been happening since 9-11? We have invaded two countries that Richard Perle, a dual citizen of the United States and Israel, told the Likud party in 1996in a paper called A Clean Break A New Strategy For Securing The Realm where the Realm to be secured refers to Israel and not to America.

Related: Why Confronting Israel Is Important: The Jewish State Is No Friend

So lets review what happened on 9-11 and since then. Men were allowed to use thermate to take down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 an 7 using thermate and explosives.

Men were also allowed to blow up the Pentagon offices of the men and women who had been asked to trace 2.3 trillion dollars in taxpayer funds stolen by associates of the Counterfeiters.

Then we invaded two nations that had nothing to do with 9-11 Before anyone protests and says that Osama bin Laden was behind 9-11 please go to the FBI and ask them why he is not wanted for that crime. He denied he had anything to do with it.

Benazir Bhutto the former Prime Minister of Pakistan said he was murdered in December of 2001 by Omar Sheikh who was recruited by MI6 while he was a student at the London School of Economics.

All of those Osama videos telling us to vote for Bush in 2004, threatening to blow up Washington DC in 2007 and touting the “War on Terror” were made by an “actor” who does not even look like the original character he is playing.

The Counterfeiters blew up WTC Towers 1, 2, and 7 and the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. They killed the auditors tracing the 2.3 trillion dollars in missing money

Related: Exposé On Cabal-Driven Worldwide Terrorism Implemented By The United States And It's Allies

They have instilled sufficient terror in the politicians and the media that we have had no serious attempt to recover lost taxpayer money. Once a Counterfeiter has stolen your money it belongs to him forever or so he thinks. And the media has continued to allow the Counterfeiters to pull off other “terrorist events.”

On 7-7-2005 the Counterfeiters blew up the London subways and blamed it on four young Pakistani immigrants.

No matter that the London subway schedules made it impossible for thealleged bombers to get to the location of the train stations that were attacked. No matter that the trains were blown from underneath the cars and not by suicide bombers sitting inside.

The Counterfeiters have used the “War on Terror” to set up a National Security State. They have been working for a century for what I have called That Glorious Day when all wealth will belong to them.

They have stolen billions of dollars every week from unaudited federal government spending. They have sent the money overseas along with the gold they stole from Fort Knox.

It has joined their profits from the drug trade. When, not if. the dollar collapses, everything will belong to the Counterfeiters or at least according to their plans.

Related: The Great Transition: The Shadow Ruling Force Behind The Central Banks Secrecy Is Repugnant In A Free And Open Society

They will buy America for pennies on the dollar. They would hope to own the government and to eliminate excessive democracy so you will no longer be allowed to criticize bankers.

You have heard of the New World Order. I have interpreted it to mean a One World government with One Bank One Vote as the rule. Those of you who don't own a bank will have no vote.

We have entered the final stages. The dollar will soon die. The US debt is a fiction. The US debt ceiling is now 11.3 trillion dollars. It will soon be 15 trillion and after that 20 trillion if the United States lasts that long.

We will choke under the burden of the debt. Even at ten percent interest on 20 trillion we will have to triple the amount of income tax we paid long before the 2012 elections.

The Counterfeiters created wars for us and counterfeited money and debts to enslave us.

The Counterfeiters stole money from unaudited government contracts and counterfeited money and debts to enslave us, The Counterfeiters stole trillions of dollars from our largest banks and corporations and are now busily counterfeiting money and debts to complete our enslavement.

All of our pensions and savings are to be taken from us the Day The Dollar Dies, And the day after those of us who still have a job will see at least a fifty percent paycut that will be permanent.

Related: Angela Merkel: Nation States Must "Give Up Sovereignty" To New World Order

The Counterfeiters have devised an exit strategy to save them, their investments and their ownership of the government and the media from the wrath of an enraged citizenry.

The plan requires an end to democracy and sovereignty. They have been busy working on the merger of the United States, Canada and Mexico which further down the road will be merged with the European Union.

There has been much talk of another war in the Mideast. War is a price those of us who work for a living have to pay to maintain the Counterfeiters in the style to which they believe they were divinely appointed.

I had a vision of World War III when I was a child. It is one of the two visions that have guided my entire life. That vision will only come true if we fail to act and fail to get control of the banking system, the government and the media.

The Counterfeiters will fail. Let me repeat, The Counterfeiters will fail. The Glorious Day where all real wealth, the government and the media are belong to them will never arrive.

They will fail because Counterfeiters are not real people. They understand lying and manipulation. They know how to strike fear into men and women.

But they do not understand the human spirit because they are not real human beings. They do not understand that the Spirit of Man will rebel at the dismal future they have planned for us. I have called this the Rebellion of the Spirit.

Related: The Ongoing Destruction Of The Minds Of Children & The Mass Dumbing Down Of Humanity Is Now Confirmed By Scientists

If the Counterfeiters cannot win, does that mean we will triumph? Not necessarily. We could all die in World War III though even in my vision there was a remnant left to start the next age of mankind.

If you hesitate to join the resistance against Evil, please consider this: After the Counterfeiters have taken tour last dollar you will no longer be an asset to them. In fact you and several billion other people will become liabilities when people get angry and ask for their money and their jobs back.

To understand how Counterfeiters think and to predict their behavior you must understand banking. So now ask yourself this question: What does a banker do when he encounters a non-performing asset has become a dangerous liability? That's right. He liquidates it. That is why I conclude we are about to enter a war unlike any we have ever seen if we do not resist.

To stop the next war and to get control of the banking system and the government we need some better propaganda.

We need to tell people that billions of dollars are being stolen each week from unaudited government contracts by Wall Street.

We need to tell people that the Federal Reserve Bank is designed to transfer wealth from us to Wall Street.

Related: Reserve Bank Funding Agreement Ratified - But Who / What The Hell Is "The Reserve Bank Of New Zealand"? 

We need to tell people that those four planes on 9-11-2001 were hijacked electronically and that there were no Arabs on board.

We need to tell people that we cannot allow the government to put us into debtor's slavery to cover trillions of dollars stolen by Wall Street.

We need to tell people that neither Iraq nor Afghanistan attacked us on 9-11 and that we need to apologize and leave both of those nations now.

Of course we do need to help then rebuild.

We destroyed their nations and killed millions of their people because we believed lies.

We need to tell people that if Israel had not killed President Kennedy there would never have been a nuclear arms race in the Mideast and we therefore are under no obligation to attack Iran.

If Israelis want to feel safe, then they will have to learn to make others feel safe.

The Fall And Rise Of Truth, Trust And Society’s Capacity For Wisdom

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Discovery Of Massive Volcanic CO2 Emissions Puts Damper On Global Warming Theory & Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures
July 14 2019 | From: ClimateChangeDispatch / NaturalNews / Various

Recent research shows that the volume of volcanic CO2 currently being emitted into Earth’s atmosphere is far greater than previously calculated, challenging the validity of the man-made global warming theory.

Volcanic gas emissions breakthrough overlying fractured and partially melted glacial ice sheet

The cornerstone principle of the global warming theory, anthropogenic global warming (AGW), is built on the premise that significant increases of modern era human-induced CO2 emissions have acted to unnaturally warm Earth’s atmosphere.

Related: New Finnish Study Finds No Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change

A warmed atmosphere that directly, or in some cases indirectly fuels anomalous environmental disasters such as ocean warming, alteration of ocean chemistry, polar ice sheet melting, global sea level rise, coral bleaching and most importantly dramatic changes in climate.

There are numerous major problems with the AGW principle.

Identification of Volcanic vs. Man-made CO2

Natural volcanic and man-made CO2 emissions have the exact same and very distinctive carbon isotopic fingerprint.

It is therefore scientifically impossible to distinguish the difference between volcanic CO2 and human-induced CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels (see here).

This major problem with the AGW principle has been rationalized away by consensus climate scientists who insist, based supposedly reliable research, that volcanic emissions are minuscule in comparison to human-induced CO2 emissions (Gerlach 1991).

Terrance Gerlach’s volcanic CO2 calculation was based on just 7 actively erupting land volcanoes and three actively erupting ocean floor hydrothermal vents (seafloor hot geysers).

Related: Top New Zealand Scientist Describes “Global Warming” As Pseudo-Science

Utilizing gas emission data from this very limited number of volcanic features, Gerlach estimated that the volume of natural volcanic CO2 emissions is 100 to 150 times less than the volume of man-made CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and therefore of no consequence.

To put this calculation process into perspective, the Earth is home to 1,500 land volcanoes and 900,000 seafloor volcanoes/hydrothermal vents.

By sampling just an extremely small percent of these volcanic features it is impossible to imagine that the calculation is correct.

Especially knowing that volcanic activity varies greatly from area to area, volcano to volcano, and through time. Utilizing just 0.001 percent (10/901,500) of Earth’s volcanic features to calculate volcanic CO2 emissions does not inspire confidence in the resulting value.

Non-Erupting Volcanoes Can Emit Massive Amounts of CO2 into Earth’s Atmosphere

Recent geological research by the University of Leeds and others proves that non-erupting volcanoes can emit massive amounts of CO2 into Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.

The Gerlach calculation and all follow-up calculations utilized volcanic CO2 rates from actively erupting volcanoes.

Related: UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle On Lies About Climate, Sea Level

Lost in the numerous recent media articles concerning the argument of when, or if Iceland’s Katla Volcano will erupt is the discovery that this non-erupting subglacial volcano is currently emitting staggering amounts of CO2 into Earth’s atmosphere!

Researchers from the University of Leeds who studied the Katla Volcano said this:

“We discovered that Katla volcano in Iceland is a globally important source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) in spite of being previously assumed to be a minor gas emitter.

Volcanoes are a key natural source of atmospheric CO2 but estimates of the total global amount of CO2 that volcanoes emit are based on only a small number of active volcanoes.

Very few volcanoes which are covered by glacial ice have been measured for gas emissions, probably because they tend to be difficult to access and often do not have obvious degassing vents.

Through high‐precision airborne measurements and atmospheric dispersion modeling, we show that Katla, a highly hazardous subglacial volcano which last erupted 100 years ago, is one of the largest volcanic sources of CO2 on Earth, releasing up to 5% of total global volcanic emissions.

This is significant in the context of a growing awareness that natural CO2 sources have to be more accurately quantified in climate assessments and we recommend urgent investigations of other subglacial volcanoes worldwide.”

- See here

The Number of Volcanoes Emitting CO2 into the Atmosphere at Any One Time 

The calculation of the total yearly volume of volcanic CO2 emitted into the atmosphere is based on the presumption that very few volcanoes are erupting at any one time.

Scientists from various worldwide volcano research institutions, most notably the United States Geological Survey, have estimated this number to be 20.

This very low number has been challenged by many scientists including those at NASA.

World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering Dangers

How do we retain our health in an increasingly contaminated environment? Though there are countless forms of contamination from human activities, the climate engineering fallout is the most widespread and unavoidable of all.

In this interview world-renowned physician Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt discusses the extreme dangers posed to our health and the health of the planet from the ongoing climate engineering operations.

Geoengineered skies are occurring all over the globe. More and more are complaining about the resulting health effects. We face a rapidly darkening horizon on countless fronts, but it is not yet too late to make a difference. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard, make every day count.

Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

A  multinational team led by NASA has initiated a high-resolution satellite CO2 monitoring project (see here). This project is focused on determining how many geological features are emitting CO2 at any one time.

This project may eventually give scientists a better idea of how many land volcanoes are emitting CO2 at any one time.

However, it is doubtful the project will properly record ocean CO2 emissions from Earth’s 900,000 deep ocean floor and very difficult to monitor volcanic features.

In any case, this project is certainly a step forward towards achieving a better understanding of the climate influence of volcanic CO2 emissions.

The Amount of CO2 and Heat Infused into Earth’s Oceans by Seafloor Geological Features

About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans making it a water, not land, planet.

For many years now, scientists have contended that the nearly one million geological features present in these vast ocean regions have played a minimal role in heating and chemically charging ocean seawater.

Instead of contending that man-made atmospheric CO2 was the root cause of changes to our oceans.

An underwater volcanic erupts in the Pacific Ocean

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Recent research has proven that the contentions of these scientists are far from 100% proven. To the contrary, it has become clear that geological heat flow and chemically charged heated fluid flow into our oceans is far more influential than previously thought and possibly the root cause of changes to our oceans.

One example is that geological features are warming Earth’s oceans and causing El Nino’s and La Nina’s (see here, here, and here). Warmed seawater is not capable of holding as much CO2 as cold water.

So, the geologically warming of seawater indirectly leads to a large amount of CO2 being released from oceans and emitted into the atmosphere.

Recent research shows that seafloor geological features also directly emit large amounts of CO2 into our oceans and atmosphere(see here, here, here, and Figure 2).

In summary, the volume of volcanic CO2 being emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere has not been accurately assessed.

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Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in HistoryNASA Confirms: Sea Levels Have Been Falling Across The Planet For Two Years - Media Silent & Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception in History

Numerous research studies and articles conducted/written by qualified scientists concur with this contention (see herehere, and here).

In a geological time frame, Earth has gone through many periods of increased volcanism. These volcanic periods resulted in; major plant and animal extinction events (see here, here, and here), the end of glacial eras (see here) and the dramatic alteration of Earth’s climate (see here).

All indications are that Earth is currently experiencing another period of strong volcanic activity which is acting to infuse CO2 into our atmosphere thereby challenging the validity of the global warming theory.

Clearly, its time to put on hold all environmental action plans based on the cornerstone AGW principle of the global warming theory until additional geological CO2 emission research is conducted.

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Climate Change Hoax Collapses As New Science Finds Human Activity Has Virtually Zero Impact On Global Temperatures

The climate change hoax has collapsed. A devastating series of research papers has just been published, revealing that human activity can account for no more than a .01°C rise in global temperatures, meaning that all the human activity targeted by radical climate change alarmists - combustion engines, airplane flights, diesel tractors - has virtually no measurable impact on the temperature of the planet.

Finnish scientists spearheaded the research, releasing a paper entitled, “No Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate Change.”

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The paper explains that IPCC analysis of global temperatures suffers from a glaring error - namely, failure to account for “influences of low cloud cover” and how it impacts global temperatures.

Natural variations in low cloud cover, which are strongly influenced by cosmic radiation’s ability to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere due to variations in the strength of our planet’s magnetosphere, account for nearly all changes in global temperature, the researchers explain.

As this chart reveals, more cloud cover is inversely related to temperature. In other words, clouds shield the surface of the Earth from the sun, providing shade cover cooling, while a lack of clouds results in more warming:

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Cloud Cover Accounts for the Real Changes in Global Temperatures

This is further supported by researchers at Kobe University in Japan who published a nearly simultaneous paper that reveals how changes in our planet’s magnetic field govern the intensity of solar radiation that reaches the lower atmosphere, causing cloud formation that alters global temperatures.

That study, published in Nature, is called, “Intensified East Asian winter monsoon during the last geomagnetic reversal transition.” It states:

“Records of suborbital-scale climate variation during the last glacial and Holocene periods can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of rapid climate changes…

At least one event was associated with a decrease in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Thus, climate records from the MIS 19 interglacial can be used to elucidate the mechanisms of a variety of climate changes, including testing the effect of changes in geomagnetic dipole field strength on climate through galactic cosmic ray (GCR)-induced cloud formation…”

In effect, cosmic rays which are normally deflected via the magnetosphere are, in times of weak or changing magnetic fields emanating from Earth itself, able to penetrate further into Earth’s atmosphere, causing the formation of low-level clouds which cover the land in a kind of “umbrella effect” that shades the land from the sun, allowing cooling to take place.

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But a lack of clouds makes the surface hotter, as would be expected.

This natural phenomenon is now documented to be the primary driver of global temperatures and climate, not human activity.

Burn all the oil you want, in other words, and it’s still just a drop in the bucket compared to the power of the sun and other cosmic influences. All the fossil fuel consumption in the world barely contributes anything to actual global temperatures, the researchers confirmed.

As they explain, the IPCC’s climate models are wildly overestimating the influence of carbon dioxide on global temperatures:

“…the [IPCC] models fail to derive the influences of low cloud cover fraction on the global temperature. A too small natural component results in a too large portion for the contribution of the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.

That is why J. KAUPPINEN AND P. MALMI IPCC represents the climate sensitivity more than one order of magnitude larger than our sensitivity 0.24°C.

Because the anthropogenic portion in the increased CO2 is less than 10%, we have practically no anthropogenic climate change. The low clouds control mainly the global temperature.”

The Entire “Climate Change” Hoax is a Fraud

Carbon dioxide, in other words, isn’t the “pollutant” that climate change alarmists have long claimed it to be.

CO2 won’t destroy the planet and barely has any effect on global temperatures (the IPCC’s estimate of its effect is, according to Finnish researchers, about one order of magnitude too large, or ten times the actual amount).

In fact, NASA was forced to recently admit that carbon dioxide is re-greening the Earth on a massive scale by supporting the growth of rainforests, trees and grasslands.

See these maps showing the increase in green plant life, thanks to rising CO2:

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Importantly, reducing our global consumption of fossil fuels will have virtually no impact on global temperatures.

The far bigger governor of climate and temperatures is the strength and configuration of Earth’s magnetosphere, which has always been in flux since the formation of the planet billions of years ago.

The weaker the magnetosphere, the more cosmic rays penetrate the atmosphere, resulting in the generation of clouds, which shield the planet’s surface from the sun.

Thus, a weaker magnetosphere causes global cooling, while a stronger magnetosphere results in global warming, according to this research. This phenomenon is called the “Svensmark Effect.”

As reported by Science Daily:

“This suggests that the increase in cosmic rays was accompanied by an increase in low-cloud cover, the umbrella effect of the clouds cooled the continent, and Siberian high atmospheric pressure became stronger.

Added to other phenomena during the geomagnetic reversal - evidence of an annual average temperature drop of 2-3 degrees Celsius, and an increase in annual temperature ranges from the sediment in Osaka Bay - this new discovery about winter monsoons provides further proof that the climate changes are caused by the cloud umbrella effect..”

The “War on Carbon” is Derived from Sheer Stupidity, Arrogance and Scientific Illiteracy

The extreme alarmism of climate change lunatics - best personified by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ insistence that humanity will be destroyed in 12 years if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels - is all based on nothing but fearmongering media propaganda and faked science. (The IPCC and NOAA both routinely fudge temperature data to try to create a warming “trend” where none exists.)

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It’s all a massive, coordinated fraud, and the mainstream media deliberately lies to the public about climate change to push anti-free market schemes that would destroy the U.S. economy while transferring literally trillions of dollars into the pockets of wealthy globalists as part of a “carbon tax” scheme.

Yet carbon isn’t the problem at all. And the “war on carbon” is a stupid, senseless policy created by idiots, given that humans are carbon-based lifeforms, meaning that any “war on carbon” is a war on humanity.

See more research papers from Jyrki Kauppinen at this link on Researchgate.net. And stay informed by reading Climate.news.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Johnson & Johnson Faces Multibillion Opioids Lawsuit That Could Upend Big Pharma + Glaxo Settles Record Whistleblower Case For $3 Billion – Medicare Fraud Alleged
July 13 2019 | From: TheGuardian / PhillipsAndCohen / Various

Oklahoma is holding the drug giant with the family-friendly image responsible for its addiction epidemic.

Day after day, the memos flashing across screens in an Oklahoma courtroom have jarred with the family-friendly public image of Johnson & Johnson, the pharmaceutical giant best known for baby powder and Band-Aids.

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In one missive, a sales representative dismissed a doctor’s fears that patients might become addicted to the company’s opioid painkillers by telling him those who didn’t die probably wouldn’t get hooked. Another proposes targeting sales of the powerfully addictive drugs at those most at risk: men under 40.

As the state of Oklahoma’s multibillion-dollar lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson has unfolded over the past month, the company has struggled to explain marketing strategies its accusers say dangerously misrepresented the risk of opioid addiction to doctors, manipulated medical research, and helped drive an epidemic that has claimed 400,000 lives over the past two decades.

Johnson & Johnson profited further as demand for opioids surged by buying poppy growing companies in Australia to supply the raw narcotic for its own medicines and other American drug makers.

One expert witness at the forefront of combatting the epidemic, Dr Andrew Kolodny, told the court he had little idea about Johnson & Johnson’s role until he saw the evidence in the case.

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"I think it’s fair to characterize Johnson & Johnson as a kingpin in our opioid crisis,” he said.

Oklahoma’s attorney general, Mike Hunter, is suing Johnson & Johnson for billions of dollars for its alleged part in driving addiction and overdoses in his state in the first full trial of a drug maker over the opioid epidemic.

But Hunter’s lawsuit has put the wider industry in the dock, too, by laying out how opioid manufacturers worked together to drive up sales by using their huge resources to influence medical policy and doctor prescribing. Hunter said the strategy was motivated by the industry’s “greed” as profits surged.

The case is being closely watched by a host of opioid makers, drug distributors and pharmacy chains facing more than 2,000 other lawsuits by communities across the country to see if a court is prepared to hold a pharmaceutical firm responsible for the worst drug epidemic in American history.

Hunter accuses Johnson & Johnson of joining with other companies to create a false narrative of an epidemic of untreated pain in the US to which opioids were the solution, in part by funding front organizations such as the American Pain Society.

The strategy helped drive a surge in opioid prescribing as narcotic painkillers ballooned into a multibillion-dollar-a-year market.

They Actually Amitted There's No Money in Curing People

Purdue Pharma kickstarted the epidemic with its high-strength, long-lasting opioid, OxyContin, in the mid-1990s. The court heard how Johnson & Johnson quickly realized the potential and set about competing.

Its drug division, Janssen, was founded by Paul Janssen, a Belgian who invented an artificial opioid, fentanyl, in 1960. In the early 1990s, Janssen Pharmaceuticals was selling a fentanyl patch, Duragesic, to treat severe pain in people with cancer.

But with the arrival of OxyContin, the company aggressively widened the market for Duragesic by falsely claiming there was a very low risk of addiction to the drug, according to Hunter.

Hunter brought to court 35 boxes containing thousands of subpoenaed “call notes” – sales reps reports on their meetings with doctors – that he claimed showed Johnson & Johnson was more interested in increasing demand for its drug than seeing it properly prescribed.

Johnson & Johnson hired the consultants McKinsey & Company to identify opportunities to sell more. McKinsey recommended sales reps focus on doctors already prescribing large amounts of OxyContin.

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McKinsey also proposed a strategy to keep patients on Duragesic even if they had an “adverse event”. The broader push was to get as many patients as possible off of lower strength opioids and on to Johnson & Johnson’s more powerful drugs.

As the company ramped up its drive, sales of Duragesic surged past $1bn a year. A senior Johnson & Johnson marketing executive, Kimberly Deem-Eshleman, defended the sales strategy as reps “educating” doctors.

Johnson & Johnson, which is already facing compensation payments of several billion dollars after asbestos in its baby powder caused cancer, strongly denies that it bears responsibility for the opioid epidemic.

At the core of its defense is the claim that the company was distributing drugs approved by federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, and that it sold a relatively small amount of opioids in Oklahoma that cannot be tied to any specific overdoses.

Hunter is painting his case on a much broader canvas by characterizing the company as working in coordination with its rivals to change the narrative around opioids to drive up prescribing across the country so that they all benefitted from a bigger market.

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Some of the most damning testimony has come from Dr Russell Portenoy, a pain specialist and influential early cheerleader for the wide prescribing of opioids who was a paid adviser to Johnson & Johnson, Purdue and other drug makers.

Portenoy told the court that painkiller manufacturers:

"Understated the risks of opioids, particularly the risk of abuse, addiction and overdose” to boost sales.

He accused the drug makers of distorting his research and that of other specialists by selectively quoting the results, including omitting information about the dangers of narcotics.

“Those messages about risk were neglected and de-emphasised,” he said in recorded video testimony shown in court.

“I think the purpose of doing that was to improve the sales of their products.”

Portenoy was among a group of doctors hired by Johnson & Johnson and Purdue as speakers to promote opioids to other physicians.

He said the talks “generally favored the drugs created by the drug companies” even though they were ostensibly offering independent advice.

The court was shown Janssen’s 2012 business plan which said that “speaker programs often trigger first use” of Duragesic.

The Oklahoma case is closely watched by other drug firms being sued by towns, cities and counties in nearly 2,000 lawsuits combined in a single action in federal court in Ohio, known as the Multi District Litigation (MDL).

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Last week, lawyers for the plaintiffs in the MDL proposed that any compensation settlement cover every municipality and county in the US in order to deal with all potential lawsuits at once.

The lawyers believe this will be an incentive for the drug firms to settle because an agreement will shield them from further claims, although it would not deal with actions by state attorney generals such as the one underway in Oklahoma.

Paul Farrell, one of the lead lawyers on the MDL, said he was hesitant to put too much weight on any one trial. But he said that if Johnson & Johnson lose the Oklahoma case it would be a blow to the other drug companies pursuing similar lines of defence.

"If the judge decides to rule that Johnson & Johnson is not liable in Oklahoma because of the facts in Oklahoma, then I think they’re going to have to replicate that result in 49 other states and in at least 1,900 other governmental entity cases.

If, on the other hand, the judge does find liability against Johnson & Johnson, despite the fact that they claim their market share was so small, you would think that that would have reverberations across the industry,” he said.

Chris McGreal is the author of American Overdose, The Opioid Tragedy in Three Acts.

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Glaxo Settles Record Whistleblower Case For $3 Billion – Medicare Fraud Alleged

Two whistleblowers represented by Phillips & Cohen LLP provided the government with overwhelming evidence that was at the heart of the government’s case against GlaxoSmithKline - whose global headquarters are in London, UK - and the record-setting $3 billion settlement announced.

Glaxo’s settlement is the largest Medicare fraud and Medicaid fraud settlement ever made and the largest settlement of a whistleblower qui tam case.

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The whistleblowers – Thomas Gerahty, a former senior marketing development manager for Glaxo, and Matthew Burke, a former regional vice president for Glaxo - provided invaluable insider information that the London-based pharmaceutical company was engaging in corrupt nationwide schemes to push sales of Advair, Wellbutrin, Imitrex and other popular prescription drugs for “off-label” (unapproved) uses, that it used improper financial inducements to market its drugs, and that it misrepresented the safety and efficacy of those drugs.

Glaxo’s illegal practices caused Medicare, Tricare – the healthcare program for the military - and Medicaid to incur huge losses.

The civil settlement of Gerahty and Burke’s whistleblower case against Glaxo and a separate whistleblower lawsuit filed in Colorado total $1.017 billion out of total settlement. (Two other whistleblower lawsuits that alleged another improper practice concerning Advair marketing settled for $25 million, for a total of $1.042 billion paid under the settlement agreement for the four whistleblower cases.)

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In addition, one of the government’s criminal charges against Glaxo was based on information provided by Phillips & Cohen’s qui tam lawsuit about the marketing of Wellbutrin. Glaxo paid $554.4 million to settle that criminal charge plus an additional $455 million to settle two other criminal charges.

Gerahty, Burke and Phillips & Cohen worked closely with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston and the Justice Department since they filed their “qui tam” (whistleblower) case in early 2003 in Boston’s federal district court.

Gerahty and Burke gave the government new and detailed information about Glaxo’s nationwide improper marketing practices, including the use of financial inducements to doctors to prescribe Glaxo’s drugs and the promotion of Advair, Wellbutrin, Imitrex, Lamictal, Zofran and Valtrex for off-label, unapproved uses.

Unapproved use of prescription drugs can create significant risks to patients, and drug manufacturers are prohibited by federal law from promoting their drugs for unapproved treatments.

As the government investigation progressed, the whistleblowers and their attorneys made a significant difference in particular in the government’s case against Glaxo for its off-label marketing of Advair for mild asthma.

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Gerahty, Burke and Phillips & Cohen devoted substantial effort and time preparing the legal case that helped demonstrate Glaxo improperly marketed Advair as a first-line asthma treatment and for asthma patients previously treated with only a short-acting inhaler.

As a result, Glaxo paid $686 million out of the total settlement to resolve claims involving the off-label marketing of Advair to treat mild asthma – by far the largest amount Glaxo paid to settle any of the civil charges. (See the settlement agreement.)

Erika A. Kelton, a whistleblower attorney with Phillips & Cohen, was the lead attorney on the firm’s Glaxo case and also represented the whistleblower whose qui tam lawsuit against Pfizer alleging the off-label marketing of the prescription painkiller, Bextra, helped the government recover $1.8 billion as part of Pfizer’s record-setting $2.3 billion settlement in 2009.

“The gravity of Glaxo’s conduct cannot be overstated,”
Kelton said.

“The company’s improper marketing practices extended across a wide range of its prescription drug portfolio.

Given what we saw with Glaxo, Pfizer and other pharma companies, it’s fair to conclude there has been almost no limit to what pharma companies have done to sell their products.”

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Phillips & Cohen’s case was consolidated with the Colorado qui tam lawsuit at the request of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston since the Colorado lawsuit alleged certain off-label practices involving some of the same drugs named in the Massachusetts whistleblowers’ case.

In their qui tam lawsuit, Gerahty and Burke provided detailed allegations about numerous off-label treatments pushed by Glaxo across the country for six of its most popular drugs, along with concrete evidence to support those allegations.

Because of the depth and breadth of the information and evidence in Gerahty and Burke’s lawsuit, the government launched a massive investigation into Glaxo’s marketing practices, with the U.S Attorney’s Office in Boston taking the lead in the case.

“We filed our qui tam case because we thought what Glaxo was doing was wrong and might be causing injury to patients who were taking certain prescription drugs based on misleading information,”
said Burke.

“The more I thought about it, the more I felt that Glaxo was trying to skirt its responsibilities under the law.”

Gerahty said he felt the same way.

“I also felt that other employees had been scapegoated along the way for the very practices Glaxo encouraged,”
Gerahty said.

“That bothered me. We were worried that blowing the whistle would hurt our careers but felt that it was the right thing to do.”

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Attorney Kelton said Glaxo’s Advair marketing practices were a major concern from the start.

Gerahty and Burke provided evidence that Glaxo’s off-label marketing efforts for Advair began when the drug was launched and continued into 2010, even while the Justice Department’s investigation was ongoing.

“Glaxo practices were particularly troubling when it came to promoting Advair off-label, according to our complaint,”
Kelton said.

“Glaxo allegedly manipulated and misinterpreted data in scientific studies it sponsored, paid off doctors in various ways, urged them to prescribe Advair first line, and trained its sales staff to provide misleading information to doctors who had medical concerns about using Advair for their mild asthma patients.”

Both Gerahty and Burke expressed relief that a settlement was reached.

“We thought when we first filed our case that it would be resolved in a few years,”
said Gerahty.

“Instead, it took over nine years and was quite a roller-coaster ride. But the end result is good. We’re very glad that our case has had an impact on Glaxo’s sales practices, and that along with other whistleblower cases it may help change the way Glaxo and other pharma companies do business.”

Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers who file qui tam lawsuits are entitled to 15 percent to 30 percent of the amount the government recovers in a civil settlement as a result of their cases.

The reward in this case hasn’t yet been determined.

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Attorney Kelton, Gerahty and Burke expressed thanks to Assistant U.S. Attorneys Sara Bloom and Edwin Winstead, Justice Department attorney Andy Mao, Robert Patten with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office, John Guthrie of the Ohio Attorney General’s Office and all the attorneys, agents, investigators, paralegals and other federal and state personnel who helped bring about this historic result.

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The Violence-Inducing Effects Of Psychiatric Medication & The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children
July 12 2019 | From: KellyBroganMD / JonRappoport

On May 17, 2017, we learned that Chris Cornell of Soundgarden had reportedly committed suicide by hanging.

His family reports knowing a different Chris than one who would make this fatal decision, and suspect his anti-anxiety prescription in the altered state he was witnessed to be in the night he died.

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Perhaps an “addict turned psychiatric patient”, like so many, Chris Cornell seemed to have left the frying pan of substance abuse for the fire of psychiatric medication risks.

For reasons that remain mysterious, those under the influence of psychiatric medication often specifically choose to hang themselves in their moment of peak impulsivity.

Some, like Kim’s husband Woody who was never depressed a day in his life but prescribed Zoloft by his internist, even verbalize a felt experience of his head coming apart from his body in the days before he was found hanged in his garage.

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Then there’s 14 year old Naika, a foster child in Florida who hanged herself on a FB livestream after being treated with 50mg of Vyvanse, a drug treatment for ADHD that leads to a domino effect of diagnoses and psychiatric meds including a 13 fold increase in likelihood of being prescribed an antipsychotic medication and 4 fold increase in antidepressant medications than controls.

Are these just rare anecdotes? Is this just the cost of treatment that is helpful for most? Are we blaming medication for what might have been severe mental illness that was undertreated and/or undiagnosed?

Informed Consent: the Premise of Ethical Medicine

I believe first and foremost in informed consent. If you are informed of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a given treatment, you will be empowered to make the best decision for yourself based on your personal, family, philosophical, and religious life context.

But the truth is that prescribers are not in a position to share the known risks of medications because we learn only of their purported benefits with a short-tagline of dismissively rare risks that are thought to be invariably outweighed by the presenting clinical concern.

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But what about serious risks – including impulsive suicide and homicide – surely we are informing patients of that possibility, right?


In fact, the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry have gone to great lengths to conceal multiple signals of harm so we certainly can’t expect your average prescriber to have done the investigative work required to get at the truth.

In fact, from 1999-2013, US psychiatric medication prescriptions have increased by a whopping 117% concurrent with a 240% increase in death rates from these medications.

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So let’s review some of the evidence that suggests that it may not be in your best interest or the best interest of those around you for you to travel the path of medication-based psychiatry.

Because, after all, if we don’t screen for risk factors – if we don’t know who will become the next victim of psych-med-induced violence – then how can we justify a single prescription?

Are we at a point in the history of medicine where random acts of personal and public violence are defensible risks of treatment for stress, anxiety, depression, inattention, psychosocial distress, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and even stress incontinence?

Let the Science Speak


Prescribed specifically to “prevent” suicide, antidepressants now come with a black box warning label of suicide risk since 2010.

Multi-billion dollar lawsuits like the settlement of Study 329 have been necessary to unlock the cabinet drawers of an industry that cares more about profit than human lives.

A reanalysis of study 329 which initially served as a landmark study in 2001 supporting the prescription of antidepressants to children, has now demonstrated that these medications are ineffective in this population and play a causal role in suicidal behavior.

Concealing and manipulating data that shows this signal of harm, including a doubling of risk of suicide with antidepressant treatment, has generated seeming confusion around this incomprehensibly unacceptable risk profile.

In fact, a reanalysis of an influential US National Institute of Mental Health 2007 study, revealed a four-fold increase in suicide despite the fact that the initial publication claimed no increased risk relative to placebo.

Related: 10 Monumentally False Claims Made By Conventional Medicine About Health + How Far Has The Medical Profession Fallen From The Hippocratic Oath?

According to available data – 3 large meta-analyses – more psychiatric treatment means more suicide. Well, that might seem a hazard of the field, right? Where blaming medications for suicide would be like saying that umbrellas cause the rain.

That’s why studies in non-suicidal subjects and even healthy volunteers who went on to experience suicidality after taking antidepressants are so compelling.

Benzodiazepines (like what Cornell was taking) and hypnotics (sleep and anxiety medications) also have a documented potential to increase risk of completed and attempted suicide and have been implicated in impulsive self-harm including self-inflicted stab wounds during changes to dosage.

We also find the documented possibility that suicidality could emerge in patients who are treated with this class of medications even when they are not suicidal with recent research stating:

“Benzodiazepine receptor agonist hypnotics can cause parasomnias, which in rare cases may lead to suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior in persons who were not known to be suicidal”.

And, of course, these medications themselves provide the means and the method with a known lethal poisoning profile.


Clearly murderers are mentally ill, right? What if I told you that the science supports the concern that we are medicating innocent civilians into states of murderous impulsivity?

When Andrew Thibault began to research the safety of a stimulant drug recommended to his son, he entered a rabbit hole he has yet to emerge from.

After literally teaching himself code to decrypt the data on the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System website, he was able to cull 2,000 pediatric fatalities from psychotropic medications, and 700 homicides.

Related: The Drugs May Be The Problem – Inconvenient Truths About Big Pharma And The Psychiatric Industry + Psychologist Speaks Out: Psychiatry Is Misleading Public About Mental Disorders

A Freedom of Information Act and a lawsuit later, he continues to struggle with redacted and suppressed information around 24 homicides directly connected to the use of psychotropics including the homicide by a 10 year old treated with Vyvanse of an infant.

Another case, ultimately recovered, involved statements from a 35 year old perpetrator / patient, who murdered her own daughter, as directly implicating as:

“When I took nortriptyline, I immediately wanted to kill myself. I’d never had thoughts like that before”.

To begin to scientifically explore the risk of violence induced by psychotropic medication, a study sample needs to be representative, the reason for taking the drug needs to be taken into consideration, the effect needs to be controlled for, as do any other intoxicants.

Professor Jari Tiihonen’s research group analysed the use of prescription drugs of 959 persons convicted of a homicide in Finland and found that pre-crime prescription of benzodiazepines and opiates resulted in the highest risk (223% increase) of committing homicide.

Relatedly, eleven antidepressants, six sedative/hypnotics and three drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder represented the bulk of 31 medications associated with violence reported to the FDA.

Related: 4 Facts About ADHD That Teachers & Doctors Never Tell Parents

Now an international problem, a Swedish registry study identified a statistically significant increase in violence in males and females under 25 years old prescribed antidepressants.

Implicated in school shootings, stabbings, and even the Germanwings flight crash, prescribing of psychotropics prior to these incidences has been catalogued on ssristories.org leading me to suspect psychiatric prescribing as the most likely cause in any and all reports of unusually violent behavior in the public sphere.

Is Association Really Causation?

Beyond the cases where violence to self or others was induced in a non-violent, non-depressed, non-psychotic individual, what other evidence is there that speaks to how this could possibly be happening?

The most seminal paper in this regard, in my opinion, was published in 2011 by Lucire and Crotty. Ten cases of extreme violence were committed by patients who were prescribed antidepressants – not for major mental illness or even for depression – but for psychosocial distress (i.e. work stress, dog died, divorce).

Related: The Shocking Truth About Antidepressant Drug Studies + Peter Breggin MD: How Do Psychiatric Drugs Really Work?

What these authors identified was that these ten subjects had variants to liver enzymes responsible for drug metabolism exacerbated by co-administration of other drugs and substances including herbs. All returned to their baseline personalities when the antidepressant was discontinued.

Now referred to as akathisia-induced impulsivity, the genetic risk factors for this Russian Roulette of violence are not screened for prior to psychotropic prescribing.

Akathisia is a state of severe restlessness associated with thoughts of suicide and homicide.

Many patients describe it as a feeling-less state of apathy – and what I would describe as a disconnection from their own souls, their own experience of human connection, and any measure of self-reflection.

Related: Key Factors To Overcoming Depression Without Drugs

The genetic underpinnings of this kind of medication-induced vulnerability are just beginning to be explored with identification of precursor symptoms to violence including severe agitation.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, healthy volunteers exhibited an almost 2 fold increased risk of symptoms that can lead to violence.

A 4-5 fold increased risk was noted in patients prescribed a generic version of the antidepressant Cymbalta, off-label, for stress urinary incontinence (a non-psychiatric indication).

There is Another Way

Perhaps it’s as if we are offering the blade edge of a knife to those falling off the cliff of struggle and suffering. Because the idea of managing a chemical imbalance with chemicals seems to make sense.

But at what cost?

The laundry list of acute and chronic adverse effects is growing, and the unpredictable risk of medication-induced violence should lead to an urgent cessation of all psychotropics.

Because it takes 17 years for physician practice to reflect published science, we need grassroots level information sharing. We need to inform ourselves before we consent to engage a system that regards you as an impersonal statistic.

We live in a cultural context that makes no room for the relevance, meaning, and significance of symptoms – symptoms are simply bad and scary and they must be managed. We don’t make room for patients to ask why they are not ok.

Related: 7 Facts About Depression That Will Blow You Away

If you knew that your symptoms were reversible, healable, transformable, you might consider walking that path instead of assuming this level of risk for placebo-level efficacy of psychotropic medication. We would only euthanize a “mental patient” if we felt their condition was lifelong and unremitting.

In fact, every woman I have ever tapered off of psychiatric drugs into experiences of total vitality once believed that she would be a medicated psychiatric patient for life.

If you knew that radical self-healing potential lies within each and every one of us, if you only knew that was possible, you might start that journey today. It’s side effect free…

The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children

“Take a child who wants to invent something out of thin air, and instead of saying no, tell him he has a problem with his brain, and then stand back and watch what happens. In particular, watch what happens when you give him a toxic drug to fix his brain. You have to be a certain kind of person to do that to a child. You have to be, for various reasons, crazy and a career criminal.” - The Underground, Jon Rappoport

First, here are a few facts that should give you pause:

Related: When your child is a psychopath

According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness);

“More than 25 percent of [US] college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”

NAMI: “One in four young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have [we claim] a diagnosable mental illness.”

According to healthline.com, 6.4 million American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD. The average age for the child’s diagnosis is 7.

BMJ 2016;352:i1457: “The number of UK children and adolescents treated with antidepressants rose by over 50% from 2005 to 2012, a study of five Western countries published in European Neuropsychopharmacology has found.”

Getting the picture?

Related: Harvard Research Finds Link Between Fluoridated Water, ADHD & Mental Disorders

Children are being diagnosed and dosed with toxic drugs at a staggering rate. But, as I have shown in many past articles, NO so-called mental disorder is based on a lab test.

No blood, saliva, genetic, brain test. ALL 300 or so official mental disorders are defined by menus of behaviors concocted by committees of psychiatrists.

On that foundation, the diagnoses and the drugs are handed out.

Let’s look at just one of the drugs: Ritalin (or any similar ADHD medicine). After a creative child is seen fidgeting in class, looking bored, studying what he wants to study, ignoring classroom assignments, focusing on what interests him, he is diagnosed with ADHD. Then comes the drug.

In 1986, The International Journal of the Addictions published an important literature review by Richard Scarnati. It was called “An Outline of Hazardous Side Effects of Ritalin (Methylphenidate)” [v.21, pp. 837-841].

Related: Before His Death, Father Of ADHD Admitted It Was A Fictitious Disease

Scarnati listed a large number of adverse effects of Ritalin and cited published journal articles which reported each of these symptoms.

For every one of the following (selected and quoted verbatim) Ritalin effects, there is at least one confirming source in the medical literature:

Paranoid delusions

Paranoid psychosis

Hypomanic and manic symptoms, amphetamine-like psychosis

Activation of psychotic symptoms

Toxic psychosis

Visual hallucinations

Auditory hallucinations

Can surpass LSD in producing bizarre experiences

Effects pathological thought processes

Extreme withdrawal

Terrified affect

Started screaming



Since Ritalin is considered an amphetamine-type drug, expect amphetamine-like effects

Psychic dependence

High-abuse potential DEA Schedule II Drug

Decreased REM sleep

When used with antidepressants one may see dangerous reactions including hypertension, seizures and hypothermia


Brain damage may be seen with amphetamine abuse.

Under this chemical assault on the brain, what are the chances that a creative child will go on in life to become an innovator, rather than a victim of psychiatric drugging?

Make a list of your favorite innovators. Imagine them as bored distracted children sitting in classrooms… and then diagnosed, and then hammered with drugs prescribed by a doctor.

This is happening now. The institution of psychiatry is making it happen. What about the consequences of diagnosing clinical depression in larger numbers of young children? What about the antidepressant drugs?

Related: The Science And Pseudoscience Of Children’s Mental Health + Creating ADHD Is The New Education

Here is just a sprinkling of information about antidepressants, from a huge body of literature:

Psychiatrist Peter Breggin: February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) reports on:

“Six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed `intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.'

The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk.

While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding `suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that in five examined cases people on Prozac developed what is called akathesia.

Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.”

Related: The Roots Of Mental Health - Maybe They’re Not In Our Heads + Rising Rates Of Suicide: Are Pills The Problem?

Dr. Peter Breggin comments that akathesia:

"May also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathesia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior.

The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathesia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs,
may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” details some of the suspect maneuvers of Eli Lilly in its handling of suits against Prozac.

California Lawyer also mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug:

"David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that `contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events.

An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI antidepressant drugs (Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk.”

But the issue of benefits will not go away on that basis.

A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes:

“Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al.

It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.”

All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.”

Related: Evidence Points To Ft. Lauderdale Shooter Being “Jason Bourned” With Mind Altering Psychiatric Drugs And ISIS Video Indoctrination By U.S. Intelligence Operatives

September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor.

The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.”

Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

For money, for profit, for status, for control, there exists a professional class called psychiatrists. They approach children - particularly creative children who refuse to fall into lock-step with a regimented program of learning - as outliers, as ill, as strange, as maladjusted, as threats to the system.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud

And this professional class takes action. Diagnose the children, drug them, bring them back into line, make them “normal,” reduce their curiosity and independence and drive and will power.

Instead of using overt physical force, they use relatively invisible chemical force.

Under the banner of caring, they perform, on the young, a scientific ritual of sacrifice, a rite of passage into the dead world where they, the elite rulers, exist.

Public Schools Are Designed To Push Drugs And Poison Your Children

Related: Nature’s Prozac: Nutrition For Mental Health

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Monetary System Is Collapsing: The Most Insidious Form Of Theft
July 11 2019 | From: FinalWakeupCall

Lack of logical foundation: President Richard M. Nixon announced on August 15, 1971, that the U.S. would no longer officially exchange dollars for gold and many are still referring to that decision as one of the biggest mistakes ever.

Nixon, for one, thought gold-price stability was bogus. It has since become clear why he went off the gold standard.

Related: Financial Fraud: Easy Money Corrupts The Monetary System

A good controlling factor over the monetary system would be the price of gold. The implications; conduct monetary and fiscal policy such that the gold markets are content to sit tight, and marvel at the economic results. Do otherwise, and the ordeal of the 1970s will be repeated today.

Rarely in the history of political economy have choices been so stark, so obvious. One wonders whether it is being done on purpose. Which as we know is actually the truth.

The USD has no logical foundation behind it with regards to any sustainable value due to a lack of hard asset collateral. It’s just air! That means all people’s money, in their checking, savings, investment and retirement accounts is simply not real! And since 1971 never has been!

When the new gold backed USN is forced into play, money will obtain real value, and matters are going to change very fast. This dramatic event for change will start happening sooner than anyone realises, while the great illusion of western dominance will end.

Three quarters of a century of military dominance will be gone in the blink of an eye. No more grace periods to extend. No more meetings to renegotiate treaties and implement international bankruptcy rulings.

Related: The Old World Is Collapsing, Where Do We Go From Here?

It is clear, that the new global financial system has evolved to a higher standard. It will prevent many forms of fraud and allow for unrestricted movement of funds from place to place as needed, instead of delays or freezes or holds due to compliance issues.

Unimpeded movement of funds is important to the wellbeing of society. The timely arrival of funds according to budgetary needs is critical to the survival of businesses.

Today’s end of the line situation is far grimmer than anyone is being told. Only the implementation of RV followed by GESARA will deliver the fiscal remedy for folks who must now live in this new reality. By the way, only Americans enjoyed the continuing endless supply of currency being forced upon them by the holders of all global debt, known as The Chinese Elders.

The Weakness of Paper Money:

Precisely this non-backing of currency is the inherent weakness of “paper money” – governments have the power to declare paper to be “legal tender” – but they do not have the power to give that money value. This is something that no one, especially not politicians will tell you.

All Central Banks should be abolished.

The average citizen doesn’t have a clue how dangerous and corrupt the Central Banking System and their governments really are. Please read here how we the people can help to abolish all Central Banks.

The world over, governments have embarked on an out-of-control experiment with debt money, that they could alternatively have issued as ‘debt-free-money’, without interest. –In today’s world, credit money is printed in absurd quantities out of thin air, and so much of it is borrowed that it can never ever be paid back in full to the creditors.

Related: The Monetary System: Downward Slide Into Tyranny, Slavery, And Self-Destruction

It took the USA “216 years to rack up $8.5 trillion in debt… and then just 8 more years to double that amount.” – Governments won’t be able to do a single thing about this crisis, as they themselves have knowingly created it!

When governments tap out their ability to increase their tax revenue and their debts become too mountainous to maintain; they have one last way they can take what they need, and it is the most insidious. They can print the currency they need to pay for whatever they want.

The Most Insidious Form of Theft

The Central Banks’ balance sheet – which represents the total amount of currency in circulation or in central bank’s reserves – has the USD blown up from $1.1 trillion in 2008 to nearly $4 trillion in 2017.

Not many people understand the misconception of these actions or their inevitable failure. The great advantage of paper money is purportedly its flexibility.

They can, in theory, print more of it when they need it to facilitate economic growth or forestall a crisis. But that doesn’t really work. Printing money doesn’t create wealth or stimulate the economy. Instead, it simply makes each unit in circulation less valuable and leads to higher prices, a monetary phenomenon that is called inflation.

Related: Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

It is an insidious form of stealing. People feel wealthier as the numbers on their pay checks and bank balances rise. As nominal stock prices rise, people feel as though things are going well. But they don’t notice the value of each unit is eroding steadily.

Worse still, it provides incentives for going into debt. People who borrow today will repay those obligations in the future with units that are worth much less.

Inflation has been so prevalent for so long, most people don’t even know it’s not part of a normal economic system. Data on consumer prices from 1596-1971 in Great Britain prove that during gold-standard periods, commodity prices remain stable – even over hundreds of years – during periods of massive economic growth and soaring populations.

The most important test of paper money is whether it facilitates real, per-capita economic growth. And on that score, the evidence is overwhelmingly negative. When money is sound and reliable, it doesn’t lose value over time.

The Name of the Game is the ‘Race to Debase’ Purchasing Power

Today’s monetary system, however, isn’t sound or reliable. Politicians fool around with the money supply constantly. Sometimes, they increase the amount of money by huge amounts in response to demands from powerful groups, especially banks.

As a result, the products you need to live a regular life – like gasoline, milk, housing, and medical care – constantly increase in price. And these prices go up, year after year, even when wages don’t.

Paper money works great for the rich, who can hedge their exposure to the currency and whose access to fixed-rate credit allows huge asset purchases. But it is horrible for the middle class.

Related: The Money Scam Makes Us Slaves: Gold Is Waterproof And Indestructible In The Sea Of Fiat Currencies

When the US-dollar as the reserve currency was taken off gold, it allowed the central banks to continuously debase their currency, while the wages paid in the same currency no longer kept pace with inflation.

Any reasonable study of paper-money systems versus gold-backed monetary systems demonstrates the superiority of gold straightaway. So, why does almost every modern government choose paper?

The answer is because paper money allows the wealthy and powerful vested interests in the economy to manipulate interest rates, prices, the money supply, and credit to their exclusive advantage.

Today’s monetary system dooms every average worker to poverty and almost guarantees that the rich and powerful will become richer. And it is this massive gap that is ultimately fuelling the problems the world faces today.

The Problem with Paper Assets

Wealth is either physical, by for example owning a big house or a Rembrandt painting, or it is paper wealth.

Related: The 75 Trillion Dollar Shadow Banking System Is In Danger Of Collapsing

All paper assets are a claim against tangible goods and services. No more goods and services can be obtained than the economy can produce. Since the economy of 2008-13 produced only a fraction as much real wealth as the claims against it, those claims will have to be applied to future output.

The Debt

The IMF has just reported that total global debt is now at a staggering $164 trillion, which amounts to 225% of total global GDP. Every person on this planet could turn over everything they produce for the next two to three years and the world will still be in debt.

The number is so astronomically high that it is impossible to pay off, and so there really is no point in even trying. In fact, governments are not at all concerned with paying off the debt because they know the number has lost it’s meaning in the face of such cartoonish proportions.

Currency is created by private institutions who create as much money as banks and governments desire. This money is created out of thin air, literally by punching a few keys on a computer keyboard and sending tiny currents of electricity to a screen which displays whatever number the private corporation wants.

It is not backed by anything of value, yet these private institutions charge interest to governments and private sector borrowers.

Related: Paradise Papers: The Shadowy World Of Big Money

For every unit created and loaned, the magical money-lenders demand that unit back with interest. Since the lender is demanding more than was created, it is mathematically impossible to ever pay off debt, because the currency units to pay for interest simply don’t exist.

The modern-day debt system maintains a tragic if not dramatic tension in the world, and on a planet with such abundant resources, you have to wonder with a global debt number so high, do people of the planet owe money to each other, or are they really in debt to some type of institution?

It definitely does not make sense for the human race to enslave itself with such an insane system. Theoretically the debt is owed to the central banks that created the units out of nothing. So actually there is no debt owed to anybody!

Corruption of Debt

The only way the government can give away something is by first taking it from someone else. This is critical. The governments are taking what they want, and this is exactly what has created today’s crisis.

Taxes are the most obvious way governments take for redistribution. But governments are now reaching the limits of what they can generate from new or higher taxes. When governments realise they can’t take any more from you through taxes, they use debt instruments to take from your children and grandchildren.

Governments have taken advantage of that option to a historic degree; the U.S. and EU government owe more than $20 trillion each. The number is so large, it’s meaningless. No one can comprehend how much money $20 trillion really is. A better way to think about it is to say; each taxpayer owes roughly $175,000. That’s like a whole additional mortgage for most people.

Related: The Next Move To Steal Your Money: A Plan To Rip-Off Your Wealth

This massive amount of national debt cannot be financed at any real rate of interest. If governments have to pay even 6% interest on their debt, it would cost roughly $1.2 trillion a year. And that’s just to pay the interest on the debt. The entire government brings in about $3.3 trillion a year in taxes.

This debt addiction has filtered into four critical areas of the economy. Instead of learning from the mistakes that crippled the economy in 2008 when the mortgage bubble burst, they have created three new bubbles that could soon blow up.

1. The largest threat is the corporate bond market, particularly junk bonds.

When this crash occurs, it will be the largest destruction of wealth in history. There has never been a bigger bubble in bonds.

2. Student debt forms another looming bubble

Over the past 10 years, students, most of whom have virtually no income, have racked up enormous debts. As of 2017, student debt totals more than $1.5 trillion, the second-largest source of household debt after home mortgages.

All the signs show that the debt piled on our youth will become another catastrophic bubble in the western economy.

Related: The Bankers’ Scam - The Power Of Money: Beat The Bankers Through Debt Termination & Commonwealth Bank Of Australia: One Of The Largest Banks In The World Just Accused Of Laundering Millions For Drug Cartels

3. The subprime auto lending bubble is poised to cripple the automotive-industry

Most people have no idea how pervasive subprime loans have become in auto lending. Over 90% of cars sold are financed by loans of leases.

4. The housing bubble trouble

The housing bubble is going to repeat itself with even more unsold and unfinished houses. Spain in 2008 was stuck throughout the country with over 3,5 million unsold houses. That number is set to grow again as about half of the houses ‘sold’ were bought by speculators that cannot resell. So, expect more new and unfinished properties in this upcoming crash, than ten years ago.

How is this substantiated? It’s simple. Historically, “junk” bonds – aka high-yield bonds issued by less-creditworthy companies – have never yielded less than 5% annually. But they hit that low in mid-2014, and today, they’re not much higher than that.

Likewise, in 2014, the difference between the yields on junk bonds and the yields on investment-grade bonds had almost never been lower. That means credit was more available than almost ever before for small, less-than-investment-grade companies. The last time credit was that widely available – and at such low costs – was in 2007. And that ended badly.

Throughout 2015, the spread between low-quality corporate bonds and high-quality corporate bonds began rising. That indicated a growing fear in the market as people reduced the amount of risk in their portfolios and shifted to higher-quality and higher-rated assets.

During the first half of 2016, the high-yield spread began declining. It’s now close to the post-crisis lows of 2014, indicating complacency in the high-yield debt market. But it won’t last. It never does.

Related: Democracy Is A Front For Central Bank Rule & Financial Starvation In A Fiat Debt Slavery Financial System

Most investors don’t know anything about the Central Banks quietly reversing course. They have started draining the system of reserves. In October 2017, they began to “run off” their balance sheet by about $13 billion a month.

That is, as the bonds they hold mature, these assets won’t “roll” into new securities. And so, for the last seven months, their balance sheets have shrunk by $10 billion a month in bond securities and $3 billion a month in mortgage securities.

It took the speculative bubble a long time to reach negative interest rates on junk bonds. It likewise will take a shorter time for this to fundamentally change the financial markets, hurting sentiment and securities prices. But make no mistake, the tide is going out. And the tide is going to get more powerful as it moves on.

The coming collapse in the bond market also will be far worse than it was last time. The Federal Reserve’s twin policies of keeping interest rates near zero and buying tens of billions of dollars in Treasury securities and mortgage-backed debt have driven the huge bull market in bonds and properties.

As the Central Banks buy bonds, they push bond rates down and force the other buyers of bonds to buy riskier debt that historically offers much higher yields.

Related: Unless We Kick Our Addiction To Growth, We’re Heading Towards A Debt-Fuelled Dystopia

The Real Panic in the Corporate Bond Market Could Arrive Soon

Expect the average price of non-investment debt – junk bonds – to fall by 50%. Investment-grade bonds will fall substantially too, by an estimated 25%. This is going to wipe out a huge amount of capital, which is almost 100% guaranteed to happen.

Junk-bond guru Martin Fridson has projected $1.6 trillion of bonds and loans will default. That means three times as many debt issuers will default than in the last recession.

This would have happened already, according to Fridson, but the government has kept interest rates artificially low, making it possible for many at-risk debt-issuers to refinance their debt at a lower interest rate. This delayed an inevitable wave of defaults in the junk-bond industry, but only temporarily. The government can’t keep interest rates low forever. The obvious question is:

Why on Earth did so many people borrow so much money they have no hope of ever repaying?

Related: The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked The World & Worthless Pieces Of Paper - Interest On Fake Money Is Confiscating Your Freedom

You might assume it stems from a lack of personal responsibility or a decline in moral standards in recent years. As, there is always a segment of society that wants something for nothing. But this doesn’t explain how this problem could grow so large.

The real reason is something quite different: the conclusive corruption of governments and banks.

Because it is impossible to pay off the debts that have been accumulated. Society is fast approaching the point where the government cannot even afford to pay the interest on this debt and that leaves it with one last tool to extend its power over we, the people.

Consumer Society

We have been left with a heavily indebted economy that’s still being fuelled by consumption. The system rewards debtors and punishes savers. It makes long-term capital investments nearly impossible because of economic volatility and financial risks caused by inflation.

Worst of all, the system requires everyone to become a speculator because there’s no other way to safeguard savings.

Related: How Consumerism Is Ruining Our Lives And The World

The Need for Paper Money

What the gold standard would really do would be to ensure a level playing field for all economic actors – borrowers, lenders, and even governments.

That’s why bankers – who are always highly leveraged, media barons – who constantly borrow to buy more properties, and governments – which can never balance their budgets, all hate gold. To maintain their power, they all need paper money. The system and those who profit from it would not survive a transition back to the gold standard.

The little-known reality of a paper money system is that it robs the people of purchasing power.

That means the average person works harder and produces more, but cannot buy as much as he has been used to. Meanwhile, asset prices soar.

The wealthy become wealthier as the value of everything they own becomes inflated along with the currency.

Related: The Fraudulent Monetary System & The Occult Meanings Of Mortgage: Why A Mortgage Is A Pledge To The Dead

This explains why the wealth gap has grown so much since 2000. And it explains why the wealth gap will continue to grow, so long as governments continue their corrupt policies of quantitative easing, corporate bailouts, overspending, and over-taxation.

Simply working harder – or working smarter – isn’t benefiting employees anymore. On the other hand, People who own assets and businesses have seen their wealth soar over the last 40 years.

This system dooms every average worker to poverty and almost guarantees that the rich and powerful will stay that way. And it is this massive gap that is ultimately fuelling today’s problems.

The Entire System is Collapsing, a New System is Needed

Related: CIA Veteran Robert Steele Endorses Neil Keenan - Global Open Source Revolution About To Begin

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

An Invisible Form Of Oppression: Our Food System
July 10 2019 | From: Sott

On April 4, 2018, the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, I was honored to be asked to speak at Riverside Church in Harlem, the church where 51 years ago to the day MLK Jr. spoke out about the injustice of the Vietnam War. From that same pulpit, I gave a talk about the role of our food system and the food industry in deliberately subverting public health and targeting the poor and minorities.

The day was focused on MLK Jr's fight for civil rights and social justice for the minorities and poor. The harm of the food system, however, affects all of us. This is the transcript of the speech I gave on that auspicious night.

Related: Plastic found in most bottled water, triggering World Health Organisation review

As a doctor, I took an oath to do no harm. Today, I stand here because there is harm being done to millions and I must speak out. We know all too well the visible forms of racism in our society. We know the inequities in income and opportunity.

We know the brutal violence and discrimination of the police. We know the shooting of black children. We know the name of Tamir Rice. We know the name of unarmed black men shot in the back. We know the name of Stephon Clark.

But we don't know the names of millions of African Americans killed every year by an invisible form of racism, a silent and insidious injustice.

Related: Arsenic In Rice: How Concerned Should You Be?

This is an often-internalized force of racism and oppression that disproportionately affects the poor and African American communities.

We do know that 1.3% of all deaths are caused by gun violence. And it is real and tragic and needs to end.

But we may not know that 70% of deaths are caused by chronic disease - mostly the result of our toxic food system.

More African Americans are killed by bad food than anything else.

The science is clear - our processed, sugary, starchy diet is the single biggest cause of disease and death-type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and even dementia.

Our food system is the deadliest weapon used against the poor and minorities- keeping them poor, sick and fat, hijacking their brains and biology.

We are told that it is our personal choice, that being fat results from eating too much and not exercising enough. That blames the victim - the subliminal message is that it's your fault you are fat and sick.

We may think that what we eat is a personal choice that is rooted in our cultural heritage and family customs.

Related: Toxins from everyday products are probably in your body – even if you’re diligent about avoiding them

But we know that the food industry designs our food to be addictive, that they hire craving experts who work in taste institutes to design what they call the bliss point of food - all with the purpose of creating heavy users. These are their internal corporate terms.

What if I told you that the food industry specifically targets the poor and minorities? It is easy to get someone who is already drinking a 20-ounce soda to buy a 2 liter bottle of soda.

Research shows that African American kids drink twice as much soda as white kids.

What if I told you that sugar and processed foods were more addictive than cocaine, that the food industry has hijacked our brain chemistry, our taste buds, our metabolism, our bodies and our minds?

When our foods are biologically addictive the notion of personal choice is a fiction. It blames the victims for their choices.

How can we take care of our communities, when 23 million Americans live in food deserts? Where the only food available is processed junk from convenience stores, fast food outlets, and the closest grocery store is more than a mile away. And where it's hard to find fresh fruits and vegetables or healthy food.

But the problem isn't only food deserts.

Related: Toxic Food Is Killing Humanity: One-Fifth Of Global Deaths Now Linked To Processed Junk Food And Toxic

It is food swamps - communities filled with fast food chains and bodegas plying highly processed addictive foods. They sell gallon cups of soda, and other sugar-loaded beverages, and there are fast-food chains peddling burgers, fries, and fried chicken on almost every street corner.

We know that your zip code is more important than your genetic code in determining your risk of disease and death.

And what about our kids? Forty percent of them are overweight. We now see 3 year olds with type 2 diabetes - which we used to call adult onset diabetes.

We are told that kids' behavior problems results from bad parenting. The research shows that African Americans are far less likely to graduate from high school or go to college.

But if our children go to school with a breakfast of Coke or colored sugar water and Doritos or Flaming Hot chips how can we expect them to focus or pay attention?

These are not foods. They are food-like substances with no nutritional benefit.

Related: Gender-Confused: Shocking study reveals 86% of teenagers’ bodies contaminated with gender-bending chemicals from plastics

This diet creates an "achievement gap" because kids are too sick to learn - and affects far more kids of color than any other group. These kids are less likely to go to college, earn good incomes, and more likely to get sick and die young.

One in 10 of our kids are on ADD medication. And the science shows the junk our kids eat is a big part of the cause.

The food industry spends $10 billion on marketing junk food to our kids every year. The average kid sees over 6,000 ads for junk food and soda on TV and even more through social media. And minorities and African American kids are targeted more aggressively. These companies are junk food pushers.

Do you really think it was a coincidence that Paula Abdul and all the judges on American Idol had a 24 -ounce container of Coke in front of them at every show?

Top sports stars receive tens of millions of dollars from soda and fast food giants to promote their products to our children who idolize them.

Yet it doesn't have to be that way.

Related: Ultra-Processed and Plastic-Contaminated Food Wreak Havoc on Health

Charter schools in the poorest most disadvantaged communities of color who feed the kids two to three healthy meals a day find that the kids are more likely to go to college than go to jail.

And we incarcerate African Americans at five times the rate of white Americans. Much of that is the result of racial targeting by the police and judicial system.

But it could be that much violent crime is also the result of our diet that robs us of our minds, affects our thinking, judgement, and ability to make good choices.

You may think that's too far-fetched. But studies have shown feeding violent prisoners healthy diets in prisons can reduce crime by 56%. When adding a multivitamin - because they're all so nutritionally deficient - violent crime goes down by 80%. We know that the task of ending mass incarceration and the New Jim Crow is complex and urgent.

We know that the task of building a just food system is also complex and urgent. We have to build a new food system together. Part of this task is listening to the voices of those directly affected by our toxic food system.

Related: Heavy metal poisoning causes personality shifts in birds; they become less curious and unwilling to explore new places

I once received a letter from a prison, from a murderer who changed his diet in prison and realized that his whole life of eating junk had made him violent and eating real food transformed him into a different person.

The food industry employs nefarious tactics to prevent change. They buy friends, silence critics, and sweeten their profits.

I was part of a documentary called Fed Up - a movie about how our food system makes us sick and fat with addictive sugary, starchy products.

I met with Bernice King, Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter, and she explained to me to that non-violence also includes non-violence to ourselves. She was excited about showing Fed Up at the King Center in Atlanta.

But a few days later I got a call that the we couldn't show the film. Why, I asked? The answer: Coca-Cola funds the King Center.

The Dean of Spelman College in Atlanta told me that 50% of the entering class of African American freshman women had a chronic disease - type 2 diabetes, hypertension, or obesity.

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I asked her why there were Coke machines and fountains all over campus. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest donors to the college.

The NAACP has received $2.1 million dollars from Coca-Cola alone since 1986. Coca-Cola also funded the Hispanic Federation.

Is it any surprise the NAACP and Hispanic groups oppose a soda tax?

We cannot stand for this. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

We can no longer be silent about this.

If you are African American you are 80% more likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, over 4 times as likely to have kidney failure, and 3.5 times as likely to suffer amputations as whites.

Yet we remain silent about the role of the food system killing millions of Americans. They tell us it is all personal choice.

Related: We’re all gobbling down 100 pieces of plastic with every meal

Nonsense. Big food corrupts public health and advocacy groups. They fund hunger groups like the Food Research and Action Center and Feeding America.

These hunger groups strongly oppose limiting the use of food stamps or SNAP to buy soda, despite the fact the single biggest item of our food stamp bill (over $7 billion a year) is soda, or 20 billion servings a year to the poor.

Soda and sugar-sweetened beverages are the single biggest cause of obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Our bodies, our health, our children, our communities have been taken from us.

It is time we take them back.

It is time we say no to big food and institutionalized food injustice that is causing this slow-motion genocide.

It is time to free ourselves from corporate interests that privatize the profits and socialize the costs of their products.

Taking back our food and our food system is a revolutionary act.

There are things we can't change as individuals. But we all eat. We vote three times a day with our fork.

The single biggest political act and the single biggest act of self-love, of rebuilding our communities, is to choose real food.

Related: What NOT to Eat

So, what is real food? It's pretty simple. Next time you pick up something to eat, ask yourself this question: Did God make this or did man make this?

Did God make Doritos or a Coke? No. Did God make an egg or broccoli? Yes. We can teach our kids and teach ourselves how to choose and eat food that brings life not death.

Big Food would have you believe that it is expensive, that it is difficult, that it takes too much time. Don't believe them. It is not true.

We need to educate our kids, ourselves, and our communities. We have to do this together. In fact, we can only do this together. Black lives matter. Yes. And black health matters, too!

The harm done by the global food industry affects nearly all humans on the planet in some way.

This must stop. We can stop it with our fork, the most powerful weapon we have to change our health, our communities, our economy and the health the of the planet.

Wishing you health and happiness, Mark Hyman, MD

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

It Begins: Epstein Indicted, Black-Ops Mega-Base Destroyed
July 9 2019 | From: DivineCosmos / Various

It's True: Jeffrey Epstein has actually been arrested. Indictments have been unsealed.

This is the case that will bring down the House of Cards.

Everything we just prognosticated in DECLAS is coming true. Big Tech knew this was coming, and has grossly restricted freedom of speech online as a result.

DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation - But Why?

What independent YouTube creator Wouldn't want to talk about the biggest story of the year, which may soon become the story of the millennium?

Get ready for a TORRENT of new information coming out that none of us could possibly have foreseen. This is it. DECLAS is happening!

The California Independence Day earthquakes may have been strikes intended to take out the Deep State’s last, best chemtrail-attack facilities, as we will see. The Deep State may have intended to usese the facilities in a final attempt to destroy America right before the indictments unseal.

Mass censorship won’t stop this Truth Avalanche from falling. We are just now seeing the first pebbles… and we probably won’t need to wait very long.

Very Exciting, Had to Take Some Time Off for This

Once I got our epic, 53,000-word DECLAS Ebook done, I immediately plunged into finishing Awakening in the Dream, for its imminent release this December 3rd.

And I have to say, I am having a fantastic time with this creative process. A true spiritual renaissance. The best I’ve felt in many years! Awakening has gone much better than I could have even hoped, and will probably be seen as my most important and noteworthy book of all.

We are going FAR deeper into the spiritual arena than any of the previous volumes, blending science, philosophy, synchronicity, prophecy, the Law of One, Ascension, Secret Space Program, Disclosure, the Solar Flash, etc… but alas, I digress.

Please note that only hardcover orders count towards getting us on the New York Times Best-Seller List. You can pre-order now and lock in a lower price of around 20 bucks!

We need to clear about a thousand more to make it likely that we will hit the list, unless we get suppressed… so this is a great way to help us out. And it will be well worth it!

On 9/11, my father refused to go home until he had finished the article he was writing, regardless of what disasters may have been happening to New York State and the United States right outside his door.

In a mode like this, where I have cleared 100 percent of my time to write and am on a very strict deadline and solo retreat, any breaking news would have to be God-damned amazing for me to cover it.

This is that breaking news, my friend.

Texts, emails and you name it came slamming in. This is real. This is happening. This is NOW.

Are the Earthquakes At All Relevant?

Epstein’s arrest story first went up on July 6th, 2019. This was only ONE day after the second, very disturbing Los Angeles earthquake that I endured while deeply engaged in this mystical writing process.

Both the first and the second quakes were not at all random for me. Some part of me was very aware of what was going to happen. That doesn’t change the fact that both of them really freaked me out, and particularly the second one, which felt a lot more violent.

The July 4th quake happened just one paragraph after I wrote about the earth being dynamited and the ground shaking in Rosendale, New York. This was where I lived when the contacts described in the book began in 1996.

These dynamite explosions were used to mine the cement that launched the Industrial Revolution. Rosendale was the “Womb of America.” This was such a powerful synchronicity that I wrote it right into the book after it happened, in what is currently Chapter Six, Page 127.

Epstein - Trump on UFOs, the Fed, & Pence

The Second Quake

The second quake occurred on my mother’s birthday, the next day, July 5th. I had severe eyestrain and had decided to lie in bed and meditate deeply after dinner. This was very abnormal behavior for me.

A dog had been going super crazy outside for at least ten minutes, shrieking like a pack of coyotes. Jesus! Then it finally stopped. In relief, I decided to lie down and rest. Just five minutes after I got comfortable and began a deep meditation, IT began. I actually heard the shockwave before feeling it, which was extremely intense.

The sound was like a huge roar, similar to a massive bowling ball in a lane, heading due south. It appeared to be going about 1000 miles an hour. It was so fast. At the moment this very fast sound hit the house, WHOMP - a painting in my bathroom slammed against the wall. OK, that was definitely real. Uh-oh.

About four seconds later, everything started shaking like mad. I quickly realized this was not a meditative experience, but was very, very real. It kept getting worse. And before long I got the hell out of there.

Related: Epstein Arrest Lights The Fuse On Elite Bombshell

Synchronicities and Dreams

Let’s be clear that for someone living in Los Angeles, having a smaller quake and then a larger quake 24 hours later is very, very troubling.

As I was lying there on my bed, and it kept getting worse and worse, I didn’t know at first if I was about to die. That is a very humbling experience. That same morning, I had a dream about being on the top of a building that completely fell over. I was able to just step off of the roof onto the pavement safely. And I was indeed safe in this real-world quake.

I found out later on that a prominent friend of mine had texted me one minute before the quake began, for the first time since January.

In a subsequent text from late that same night, he revealed that he had just finished watching an episode of my show about how our consciousness influences earthquakes. He had texted me to talk about my show, at 8:18 PM. Just one minute later, that’s when the second quake happened.

Hopefully I can get his permission in the future to discuss this story in more detail. We will see. It was mind-blowing!

The Independence Day Quake?

The first quake was suspicious enough.

It was a whopping 6.4, the biggest in Southern California since Northridge in 1994 - 25 years - and it literally happened on Independence Day.

This is the day in which America celebrates her freedom. It is the ideal day for the Alliance to do something that will later be noteworthy.

Once you have the classified information in hand, you no longer see all earthquakes as simply “natural events.” The technology most definitely exists to produce earthquakes. It involves microwaving a fault line and melting the crust until it slips.

Some, but certainly not all of the earthquakes in today’s world will be deliberately generated. So, when we see the biggest shaking in Los Angeles for 25 years, and it lands right on July 4th, that certainly becomes… interesting.

What if it Was the Alliance?

One possible speculation is that this quake was an Alliance strike against a massive above-ground and likely underground base in the China Lake area. We have heard about many other quakes that were visible indications of attacks against underground military facilities engaged in nefarious activities.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

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Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief

DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

If you are new to this aspect of our work, start out with Disclosure Imminent? Two Underground NWO Bases Destroyed from September 17, 2011, currently with over a million views.

Then click the following links to read Part Two, and then Divine Intervention from May 9, 2012, for critical additional context and data.

A Very Special Day to End the War

It would certainly be appropriate and timely if the final strike that won the insider war against the Deep State was carried out on Independence Day.

This, of course, is the day where we celebrate America’s freedom from tyranny here in the US. The Alliance may intend to tell us all of this in a post-Disclosure society, making the news all the more interesting once we get there.

It is also possible that the second, larger 7.1 quake the next day, on Friday the 5th, may have been needed to finish the job.

Related: Independence Day Video Message: America Will Be Lost If Those Who Hate It Are Not Stopped + Trump Becomes The First US President To Set Foot On North Korean Soil

The initial July 4th strike may not have adequately solved the problem by wiping out the China Lake bases, if that’s indeed what was intended. There have apparently been many strikes like these that have destroyed various underground bases in this “shadow World War III.”

The epicenter of the second quake was only 12 miles away from the first one. China Lake’s own site says the combination of these two quakes wiped out their facilities.

The Correlation is Undeniable

Even on the surface, we know that great destruction was done to this GIGANTIC Naval Air Weapons installation at China Lake. How gigantic? Bigger than the state of Rhode Island. Fully 85 percent of the Navy’s entire testing area for weapons systems on land!

We will have a quote that proves this in the next paragraph section below.

As many insiders have revealed, underground bases almost always have a physical location on the surface that some personnel access them through.

With a base this gigantic, there would be absolutely no way for civilians to know where all those soldiers are actually working.

Now Let's Read About the Destruction of the Base

Although the Navy has a significant majority of Alliance components, nothing in today’s world is 100 percent. We are about to see that whistleblowers have already indicated that at least parts of this base were up to no good.

Before we get there, it is very important for you to see just how massive the damage was to this utterly gigantic military base from these two earthquakes.

Check it out:

7/6: Earthquakes Knock Out Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

The Navy’s massive base in China Lake, California, has ordered an evacuation for non-essential personnel after recent earthquakes have rendered the installation “not mission capable,” a message posted on the base’s Facebook page says.

“Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake is responding to a 5.0 magnitude earthquake at 8:16 p.m., and a 7.1 magnitude earthquake at 8:19 p.m. Pacific time and multiple, consistent aftershocks on July 5 following a 6.4 magnitude earthquake and numerous aftershocks on July 4,” the message says.

“NAWS China Lake is not mission capable until further notice; however, security protocols remain in effect. Safety of personnel is currently the highest priority.”


Accordingly, the commander of Navy Region Southwest has authorized non-essential active-duty service members, drilling reservists, civilian employees, and military dependents to evacuate to Naval Base Ventura County, California, the message says.

Base personnel who are evacuating can receive more information by calling a Family Information Call Center at 1-844-523-2025.

“NAWS China Lake access remains Mission Essential Personnel only,” the Facebook message says. “Do NOT attempt to access the Installation unless you are Mission Essential Personnel.”

Located in the Mojave Desert about 150 miles north of Los Angeles, the sprawling installation covers more than 1.1 million acres, which is larger than the state of Rhode Island, according to the base’s website.

The installation contains 85 percent of the land that the Navy uses for the research, development, acquisition, testing, and evaluation of weapons systems.

It is Very Compelling to Speculate

We have no briefings one way or another on this yet, but the correlation and timing of these events is very compelling, if not obvious. Look. It’s very simple. These quakes destroyed a gigantic military base. No one can stay there except for “Mission Essential Personnel” to assess the damage.

It is entirely possible that the Deep State was preparing some devastating, final attack against America from this China Lake base.

Think about it… this is one of the main military centers in America for air-based weapons, and that’s just the unclassified part. The more-classified part is that this facility may have been a key center for chemtrail operations.


Chemtrails Were One of the Only Attack Weapons Left

Our briefings had already indicated that one of the only covert “war toys” the Deep State still had left to fight with was a certain number of chemtrail planes.

Based on the insider testimony you are about to read, those planes may very well have been stored at China Lake. Now the runways are devastated and the planes cannot take off. The planes themselves may have been wiped out by falling debris.

Related: Chemtrails & Geoengineering

I could definitely see the Deep State doing a lethal aerosol attack from this base… as soon as DECLAS began, and top SatanicDiddlers(TM) started getting arrested.

In the case of an attack like this, whatever gets sprayed on us from these planes might be very different from “normal” chemtrails. God only knows what they could think up. Consider Michael Crichton’s classic 1969 thriller, The Andromeda Strain. Diseases, airborne pathogens, chemicals that induce mass hysteria, hallucinogens, nanites, you name it.

Now Let's Read From the Whistleblower

Additional, valuable data comes to us from Anthony Etienne Jaime, in a very interesting whistleblower article from December 1st, 2014.

The article is quite lengthy and you should read the whole thing. Here is a brief synopsis of Jaime’s credentials as a whistleblower:

12/1/14: China Lake Weather Modification: The Secret City

“I am a former employee of the China Lake Naval Weapons Center (NWC) as it was known when I worked there.

“During my time there, which spanned nearly 9 years beginning in 1973 and ending in 1982, I was employed in several different capacities.

“I started off as an apprentice electrician in the Public Works Department in 1973 and after completing the program and making journeyman, I wound up transferring to the Range Department and the Supersonic Naval Ordinance Research Track or SNORT, as it is commonly known.

“After leaving the base for a brief time in 1979, I returned to the Public Works Department as a power lineman in the high-voltage shop before leaving civil service again for good in 1982.

“All of these jobs afforded me plenty of opportunities to travel all over the base in the performance of my duties.

“In addition, I spent nearly 30 years working out of I.B.E.W. Local 428 in Bakersfield, Ca., including many DoD projects at China Lake, Edwards AFBFTC, Vandenberg, and spent several months working in the extremely secret and much speculated upon Northrup Tejon Ranch RCS facility located in the Tehachapi Mountains west of Rosamond, Ca.”

The Track Crew (1978) at SNORT w the Sierras in the background – L to R: Anthony Etienne Jaime, Dan Krausman, Cleve Warren, Eddie Mierta, Raphael Alvarado, Billy Brown

Consider the Location

Before we go on, remember that the China Lake base is close to Edwards and Nellis, both notorious for their underground cities - such as the infamous Area 51.

In this map it is listed as NAWS China Lake:

That base is over three times the size of Los Angeles!

The China Lake Whistleblower

Now let’s read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes:

12/1/14: China Lake Weather Modification: The Secret City

My journey began in the early morning hours of July 30th, 2012, with a UFO sighting that took place over the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station in California that lasted for several hours.

[This] led to continued UFO sightings and other strange sights in the sky for the next three days, including witnessing what I now believe to have been a full-on holographic demonstration of Project Bluebeam.

After overcoming my initial sense of shock and disbelief, I became completely engrossed in a search to find rational explanations for the strange sights I was seeing in the sky.

At that particular point in time I had never heard of a chemtrail or many of the other terms I was to become so familiar with, but that was rapidly to change.

Already, we are seeing UFOs and chemtrails here. This is looking very interesting indeed.

Many UFO Sightings and a Chemtrail Connection

Now let’s read from another section of this fascinating insider testimonial:

12/1/14: China Lake Weather Modification: The Secret City

As I struggled to wrap my mind around the incredible sights I was seeing in the skies, I compiled a short list of possible causes, but I kept coming back to the Navy and the China Lake base as the most likely explanation.

The top three possibilities of that list were: 1) government research with military applications; 2) ET really is here; 3) a combination of 1 & 2, which is still my favorite theory.

Over time, my personal observations and experiences have allowed me, along with a great many other people who were accompanying me, to witness an incredible assortment of extraordinary sights in many different locations.

The one constant throughout my journey to date has been my proximity to the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake, California, which in turn is in close proximity to a large number of other related military facilities that I believe also play a role in what we are witnessing in our skies.

While many of us may hear some the names of some bases mentioned frequently, far too few really know or understand what goes on behind those closed gates.

I believe that it is through understanding what role these bases play that we will come to a much fuller understanding of the nature of the Chemtrail phenomenon and what is occurring in the skies.

The majority of activists documenting Chemtrails are looking up in an effort to understand what we are seeing, but let me assure you that there is most definitely a terrestrial connection to ground-based facilities.

Our briefings do indicate that the Alliance now has control of the majority of all the earthquake- and storm-making technology, and has since last year’s infamous 11/11 incident.

We will cover this story in just a minute, as it provides extremely valuable context. For now, we will continue with the “China Lake Dossier.”

Weather Modification and Hidden Land

In this next excerpt, Jaime gets into more detail about the weather modification connection to China Lake, and how it is all being done on publicly-restricted land:

12/1/14: China Lake Weather Modification: The Secret City

As previously mentioned, China Lake is an enormous facility, most of which is comprised of sparse, unpopulated tracts of desolate desert.

In the eyes of the visionaries who chose this location, [it is] perfectly suited for testing a wide variety of naval ordinance and weapons.

[This includes] missiles, propellants, and bombs, with the list growing to include radar cross-section testing, electronic counter-measures, laser/optics research and testing, aircraft survivability, ejection seats testing, and also weather modification….

Another facet to consider is that while many people have their attention focused on bases like AREA 51, there are activities occurring at China Lake, hidden in plain sight, which go unnoticed because of that fact.

Additionally, there is the BLM, which has closed off large tracts of public lands from vehicle traffic, ostensibly to preserve wilderness areas from encroachment by the public.

However, from my experience, it is my opinion that the BLM serves as a plausibly benign first line of security by keeping prying public eyes to a minimum, since foot traffic only is allowed in some of the rugged areas of public land adjacent to the base - where I believe testing or other activities are occurring.

Related: Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed

The Chemtrail Connection

In this next quote, Jaime reveals that within the known world of weather modification disclosure, there is a clear connection to China Lake:

12/1/14: China Lake Weather Modification: The Secret City

I would like to bring the focus back to chemtrails and weather modification programs.

It is hard to believe now that I failed to make the connections, but so many things that seemed to just be loose threads with no connectivity were right there in front of me for a long time.

The first big indicator for me was the regular increase in lightning storms during the summer months of July and August, beginning around 1998.

They always occurred over the base in the northeastern mountain ranges surrounding the valley here, and much of it was point-to-point lighting and not ground strikes.

In addition, while there was a lot of lightning, there was very little thunder or rainfall.


During the early years of my life, earthquakes were far more common here than lighting storms, and these lightning storms were something new.

The odd storm or two might have gone unnoticed, but when they began to occur with such frequency over a long period of time, I began to notice the change.

The weather seemed to be just a little out of the ordinary, but nothing I could really put my finger on, and the words “climate change” had not yet gained much traction in the public’s or my own perception.

Also, during my early years I can remember the Navy’s Hurricane Hunter Squadron flying in and out of China Lake on a fairly frequent basis, which would seem to be a little out of their normal area of operation.


And from my years of employment aboard China Lake, I can remember the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, which was headed up by Dr. Pierre St. Amand, an individual whose name is frequently mentioned in regard to the development of military weather modification efforts.

[St. Amand is] most notably [linked to] Project Popeye and Operation Stormfury.

Dr. Pierre St. Amand

[This] explains the Hurricane Hunters coming to China Lake, since that project involved attempting to lessen the strength of hurricanes.

Project Popeye, the first wartime military weather modification operation, took place during the Vietnam War.

[This] was Dr. St. Amand’s brainchild, and really began the pursuit of weather modification as a weapon by the military.


And ironically enough, in both 1982 and 1984, there was some extremely bad flooding that occurred at China Lake that did some major damage to the facilities there.

Since I was working there in 1982, and was the temporary foreman of the high voltage shop, my hands were full directing crews that were restoring power to facilities all over the base that had been damaged by the flooding.

In the years since then, I have been informed by more than a few friends that the Earth and Planetary Sciences Department was experimenting with cloud seeding and it got away from them, causing those floods.

Another individual that played an integral role in China Lake’s development of Project Popeye was Ben Livingston.

[His] interview with Alex Jones regarding weather modification can be viewed in this video, The Father of Weaponized Weather:

This was just Part One. In Part Two, which was released just two weeks later on December 15th, 2014, Jaime went even deeper.

On to Part Two of the "China Lake Dossier"

Now we will continue with just a few brief excerpts from the very lengthy, detailed and fascinating Part Two installment, documenting China Lake’s extensive involvement with weather modification:

12/15/14: Connecting the Dots on Weather Mod and China Lake, Part II

Yet another historical link between China Lake and weather modification efforts is provided by the China Lake Museum’s reference to the CHINA LAKE WEAPONS DIGEST, and its description of “The Cold Cloud Modification System, successfully used in cold-fog mitigation;

“China Lake was for many years a world leader in weather modification for drought relief (GROMET), hurricane abatement (Cyclops, Stormfury), fog abatement (Foggy Cloud), and rainfall enhancement for military purposes (Project Popeye).”

Photo of Cold Cloud Modification System

Based upon the foregoing evidence and historical background, it should be patently clear that the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station has a demonstrated connection to military weather modification efforts, and that these are programs the government has been working on for decades.

The above link to Cold Cloud on China Lake’s own museum site was, of course, deleted… but thanks to the magic of Archive.org, here it is. Check it out, it is fascinating.

Although a Part 3 was teased at the end of Part 2, it does not appear to have ever been written… but what we already have here is more than enough.

Reviewing the 11/11 Quake

Now that we’ve seen some suitably disturbing data about the China Lake facility, let’s explore the idea that the Alliance may have been able to conduct a strike against it, using earthquakes. The big “reveal” that the Alliance could control earthquakes occurred with a very suspicious event on November 11th, 2018.

First of all, the date of 11/11 is a “numerical synchronicity.” Fans of Q and the Alliance are often looking for these types of repeating numbers in Q posts.

Read for yourself. No one can cover up how strange this worldwide earthquake was:

11/28: Strange Worldwide Earthquake Pulses Repeated Every 17 Seconds

On the morning of November 11, just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.

The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar.

The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.

These waves didn’t just zip by; they rang for more than 20 minutes. And yet, it seems, no human felt them.


Only one person noticed the odd signal on the U.S. Geological Survey’s real-time seismogram displays. An earthquake enthusiast who uses the handle @matarikipax saw the curious zigzags and posted images of them to Twitter.

That small action kicked off another ripple of sorts, as researchers around the world attempted to suss out the source of the waves. Was it a meteor strike? A submarine volcano eruption? An ancient sea monster rising from the deep?

“I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it,” says Göran Ekström, a seismologist at Columbia University who specializes in unusual earthquakes.

“It doesn’t mean that, in the end, the cause of them is that exotic,” he notes. Yet many features of the waves are remarkably weird - from their surprisingly monotone, low-frequency “ring” to their global spread. And researchers are still chasing down the geologic conundrum.

Why are the Low-Frequency Waves so Weird?

In a normal earthquake, the built-up tensions in Earth’s crust release with a jolt in mere seconds. This sends out a series of waves known as a “wave train” that radiates from the point of the rupture, explains Stephen Hicks, a seismologist at the University of Southampton….

However, there was no big earthquake kicking off the recent slow waves. Adding to the weirdness, Mayotte’s mystery waves are what scientists call monochromatic.

Most earthquakes send out waves with a slew of different frequencies, but Mayotte’s signal was a clean zigzag dominated by one type of wave that took a steady 17 seconds to repeat.

“It’s like you have colored glasses and [are] just seeing red or something,” says Anthony Lomax, an independent seismology consultant.

Step Back And Really Look At What’s Happening, Can You See The MOAB

Another Article on the 17-Second Pulse From the Next Day

A day after this very mysterious National Geographic article came out, other follow-ups appeared, like this notable one from Bustle:

11/29: Unusual Seismic Waves Shook Earth On 11/11, Scientists Still Don’t Know Why

For 20 minutes on Nov. 11, 2018, strange seismic waves reverberated around the Earth for nearly 11,000 miles - and we have no idea what they were.

No one felt them; nothing was destroyed by them; if it wasn’t for the data collected by various tools and sensors around the world, we might never even have known they had happened.

Scientists are hard at work unraveling the mystery as we speak - and they’re starting to have some idea of what might be going on, so it’s perhaps not quite fair to say that “we have no idea what they were” anymore - but the work is ongoing.

I love a good weird science mystery, so let’s take a look, shall we?


Many factors combine to make these seismic waves exceptional.

First, there’s the distance they traveled: The Earth’s circumference measures not quite 25,000 miles; with the waves covering 11,000 miles, they literally stretched almost halfway around the world.

Then, there’s their regularity: Whereas a typical earthquake would have produced waves of many different frequencies, these waves were “monochromatic,” consisting of one shape - what National Geographic described as “a clean zigzag” - repeated at regular intervals of 17 seconds.

As volcanologist Helen Robinson, a PhD candidate at the University of Glasgow, put it to the Independent, “They’re too nice.”

What is the Seventeenth Letter of the Alphabet?

We were told that the Alliance used newly-acquired Deep State satellites to pulse this long series of 17-second quakes through the earth. This precision of rhythm and wave shape seemed impossible, but it happened.

If it went on for 20 minutes, that’s [20×60=] 1200 seconds. Divide that by 17 and you get about SEVENTY different pulses, seventeen seconds apart.

The seventeenth letter of the alphabet…. is Q.

This was one of the most interesting and controversial “Q Proofs” of all. In case they did 71 different pulses instead of 70, which is fully plausible, that would be another “17” in reverse.

[Please make sure you have read DECLAS in order to fully understand this context.]


The Mega-Quake Originated Below the "Island of Death"

We can also look at the name of the island where the quakes began for further possible clues, since this appears to have been done deliberately:

The Word “Mayotte” Means “Island of Death”

The name is believed to come from Mawuti, contraction of the Arabic جزيرة الموت Jazīrat al-Mawt – meaning “island of death” (maybe due to the dangerous reefs circling the island) and corrupted to Mayotta in Portuguese, later turned into French.

The Alliance may have chosen to start this worldwide earthquake from the “Island of Death” to send a message to the Deep State….

Time’s up.

It is also possible that there was a huge underground base there, like Diego Garcia, which is also in the Indian Ocean. We have had many insider briefings about that base.

The Deep State Has Lost Almost Everything

This 17-second pulsing “Q-Quake” seemed to be the Alliance’s first major action after taking over the weather-control satellites, as they had indicated in preceding Q posts.

[This September 8th article, Stunning New Briefings: Spy Satellites Down, Deep State Arrests Imminent? was our biggest ever, with currently over 4.4 million views.]

If Yout Think it's Impossible...

Anyone who thinks ‘We’ don’t have the technology to create natural disasters through pulsed microwave beams is not paying attention.

Just because a technology is highly classified doesn’t mean it is fake. This is very, very real. The heat of powerful microwave beams can push clouds around or melt crust inside a fault line. We have heard in briefings that the Deep State is far less likely to be able to do any strikes like this now. They have lost almost all of their ‘toys’ already.

Now we have a working theory. The Alliance may have struck China Lake right before it was set to unleash chaos when the indictments unseal - and the BIG arrests begin. If so, it seems very likely that the Deep State never anticipated an attack this massive in the midst of this “Shadow World War III,” but look - China Lake is gone. Toast. The entire base.

Is there any other evidence to support this theory? Are there any weird hints that something big is about to happen? Absolutely.

POTUS Gives Very Fascinating 'Clues' on the Same Day as the Second China Lake Quake

At this point, we are still on July 5th. This was the day that the second and larger quake hit us as I laid there meditating in bed.

Very importantly, the China Lake Quake hit just one day BEFORE the all-important Jeffrey Epstein arrest occurred.

I was actually on my Iphone, reading about the second quake I just got through in the Daddy Chair, after heading downstairs.

Then I ‘accidentally’ clicked on the following article, which I hadn’t even seen (emphasis added):

7/5: Trump Gives Mysterious Warning of Events Happening in Two Weeks

President Trump deepened the mystery of why Vice President Mike Pence abruptly canceled a trip to New Hampshire

Trump said there was ‘a very interesting problem’ in the state and that all would be revealed in the next week or two

‘I can’t tell you about it,’ Trump said. ‘But it had nothing to do with the White House. There was a problem up there’

Earlier this week, questions arose when Pence canceled his trip at last minute

He was on Air Force Two preparing to leave when it was canceled


President Trump on Friday deepened the mystery of why Vice President Mike Pence abruptly canceled a trip to New Hampshire earlier this week, saying it had to do with a problem in the state and all would be revealed in ‘about two weeks.’

It was ‘a very interesting problem that they had in New Hampshire,’ he told reporters at the White House.

‘You will know in about two weeks,’ he added.

But the president, known for his frequent tweets on all manner of subjects, refused to give a hint as to what it could be.

I can’t tell you about it, Trump said. ‘But it had nothing to do with the White House. There was a problem up there. And I won’t go into what the problem was, but you will see in about a week or two.’ 

Pence abruptly cancelled an appearance at an opioid event in New Hampshire on Tuesday afternoon because of an ’emergency.’


Chief of staff Marc Short told reporters at the White House that it would be ‘weeks from now’ before the reason would be disclosed, according to Bloomberg.

The bizarre situation began at lunchtime, when a Pence representative came on stage at the New Hampshire event to say the VP had been recalled.

‘Air Force Two was heading this way. There’s been an emergency callback. The vice president has been asked to return to Washington, Randy Gentry said.

Pence’s office clarified later that AF2 never left the ground.

The vice president, however, was on the plane preparing to leave when the trip was canceled….


Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley tried to tamp down anxiety, telling a group of journalists huddled in the corridor outside his office that there was ‘no cause for concern.’

‘Something came up that requires the VP to remain in D.C. There is no cause for concern,’ he declared….

It remained a mystery what the ’emergency’ was that caused Pence to cancel, and who had called him and asked him to come back.

A senior official told White House reporters that neither the president nor the vice president was experiencing a medical emergency.

‘No medical emergency with either person,’ the person said.

National security concerns were also ruled out as reporters scrambled to figure out why Pence had cancelled his event.

What Are the Odds...

So in all honesty, let’s ask about the odds. We have the two biggest LA quakes in 25 years, beginning on Independence Day.

The Alliance already made it very clear on 11/11 that they had gained control of the earthquake technology and could use it for military strikes. Then this very mysterious article where POTUS telegraphs a “very interesting… emergency” with a one or two-week deadline comes out… at 5:37 PM Eastern time.

Geoffrey Epstein with his pal Prince Andrew

Related: The Luciferian Vatican Empire Is Imploding & As Many As 8 Million Children Are Kidnapped And Trafficked Into Sex Slavery Every Year By Global Pedophile Networks – Of Which Many Politicians Are Members

This was just six hours before the second quake.

Then the VERY NEXT DAY, FBI agents smashed in the doors at Jeffrey Epstein’s house… and arrested him.

7/6: FBI Agents Pound Down Jeffrey Epstein’s Door and Arrest Him

Around 5:30 p.m. Saturday, about a dozen federal agents broke down the door to Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse to execute search warrants, witnesses and sources said.

“We heard the loud banging and we walked over and saw all these FBI agents just pounding down the door,” a witness told the Herald.

Epstein, 66, is expected to be arraigned in federal court in New York on Monday on charges that he molested dozens of underage girls in New York and in Florida, the sources said.

His arrest, first reported by the Daily Beast, comes nearly two weeks after the Justice Department announced that it would not throw out his 2008 non-prosecution agreement, even though a federal judge ruled it was illegal.

Thus Begins the Fall of the House of Cards

With all the people who went to Epstein’s island, you’d better believe this arrest is a “kill shot” for the Deep State - and they know it.

Thus begins the fall of the House of Cards. Is this all a coincidence? If you don’t ‘get’ how important this arrest is, just look at the following Tweet:

OH. MY. GOD. is right!

Another Weird Synchronicity

Here’s another strange synchronicity. A couple of months ago I went to a local fancy restaurant here in LA for a nice dinner with my wife.

Jeffrey Epstein was there. Over by the wall, next to the fireplace.

He was wearing a tan felt baseball cap. I looked him right in the eye. He looked me right in the eye. He very likely knew who I was, and the shenanigans of his that I have reported on. I was not afraid… but it did definitely creep me out.

He had his back against the wall and people on either side of him. I thought about how brave he was showing his face in public, quite honestly. I wondered how in the world this man was still free and able to walk around… but that’s all changed now.

And best of all, a SEALED INDICTMENT was just unsealed and led to his arrest. That’s it, folks… the Proof has arrived.

It is On like Donkey Kong.

Let's Read About Epstein

We will first quote from the Daily Beast, followed later by Zero Hedge for more context. Take a look:

7/6: Jeffrey Epstein Arrested for Sex Trafficking of Minors

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources.

Saturday’s arrest by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

For more than a decade, Epstein’s alleged abuse of minors has been the subject of lawsuits brought by victims, investigations by local and federal authorities, and exposés in the press.

But despite the attention cast on his alleged sex crimes, the hedge-funder has managed to avoid any meaningful jail time, let alone federal charges.

The new indictment - which, according to two sources, will be unsealed Monday in Manhattan federal court - will reportedly allege that Epstein sexually exploited dozens of underage girls in a now-familiar scheme: paying them cash for “massages” and then molesting or sexually abusing them in his Upper East Side mansion or his palatial residence in Palm Beach….

Zero Hedge Gets Even More Direct: It's Clinton, Stupid

In their classic and fearless manner, Zero Hedge went for it. If Epstein is arrested - and he just was - the Clintons and the Deep State go down with him:

7/6: Zero Hedge on Epstein Arrest: It All Ties Back to the Clintons and the Deep State

Recall, back in 2017, we wrote about former secret service agent Dan Bongino threatening to reveal new details about Bill Clinton’s 26 documented trips aboard notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.”

Bongino dropped a ominous-sounding threat at the time: “…people know things not yet released publicly about your messiah Hillary. Don’t poke the bear loser, you may not like the results. #Epstein #EmailGate,” tweeted Bongino….

Epstein allegedly installed beds in his custom jet, and also purportedly filmed powerful men during romps with underage girls to obtain materials for blackmail.

Related: Trump Was 'Only One' To Help Prosecutor In 2009 Epstein Case

According to Fox News, Epstein allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on Epstein’s “Orgy Island,” an estate on Little St. James in the US Virgin Islands. Epstein now lives permanently in the US Virgin Islands.

Clinton chose to continue his association with Epstein even after the lurid trial, according to the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, “everyone within his inner circles knew was a pedophile.”

Speculation that Clinton was involved with Epstein was noted in “Bill Clinton Was Here”: The Elite One-Percent’s ‘Orgy Island’ Exposed.”

An article by the now defunct Gawker titled “Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet” added to speculation about Clinton’s troubling relationship with the convicted sex offender.

Back in 2017, we revealed the full flight logs from Epstein’s “Lolita Express”.


Also check out this compilation of data from Brad Kauilapele, which includes links to all of Q’s posts on Epstein and his little island.

The Story Keeps Heating Up

Just two hours ago as of the time of this writing, another article from the Miami Herald emerged with even more information about this fast-breaking case.

Check it out:

7/7: Epstein’s Arrest Could Bring Down Many Other Powerful Individuals

Jeffrey Epstein spent a second night in a New York jail cell Sunday, with a federal indictment expected to be unsealed Monday, charging him with sex offenses involving underage girls he and others allegedly trafficked in New York and Florida, sources have told the Miami Herald.

His Saturday arrest capped months of investigating, led by federal agents and prosecutors with the Southern District of New York’s Public Corruption Unit, assisted by investigators with the sex trafficking division.

Although details of the case remain undisclosed, there are indications that others involved in his crimes could be charged or named as cooperating witnesses.

Among those potentially on the list: Ghislaine Maxwell, a 57-year-old British socialite and publishing heir who has been accused of working as Epstein’s madam; and Jean-Luc Brunel, who, according to court records, was partners with Epstein in an international modeling company.

Epstein, 66, was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey shortly before 4 p.m. Saturday, as he arrived on his private jet from Paris, where he had been vacationing since June 14th, aviation records show.

About an hour after they picked him up, federal agents arrived at his imposing Manhattan townhouse, breaking down the door to execute search warrants….

The fact that search warrants were issued shows that federal investigators have new evidence against Epstein beyond the sex cases he was given federal immunity for in Florida in 2008, legal experts told the Miami Herald.


“They can’t take information from a case in 2002 or 2005 to get a search warrant today; there had to have been something for probable cause that contains evidence of a crime found now, so I’m interested in what that evidence is,’’ said Francey Hakes, a former federal prosecutor who once oversaw the Justice Department’s child exploitation crimes division.

Lawyers for Epstein’s victims, in court filings, have often likened Epstein’s sex operation to an organized crime family, with Epstein and Maxwell at the top, and below them, others who worked as schedulers, recruiters, pilots and bookkeepers….

For her part, Maxwell, whose social circle included such friends as Bill and Hillary Clinton and members of the British Royal family,

has been described as using recruiters positioned throughout the world to lure women by promising them modeling assignments, educational opportunities and fashion careers.

The pitch was really a ruse to groom them into sex trafficking, it is alleged in court records….

Epstein’s arrest could open a window to expose other influential people who knew about or participated in his crimes.

The question is what evidence or information does Epstein have against them and how might he use it?…

Monday’s first appearance is expected to be brief, with the actual indictment revealing little of substance.

More crucial will be a bond hearing later in the week to decide whether Epstein can go free while awaiting trial.

Update: POTUS Has Already Made Public Statements

Almost all of the MSM articles on this arrest are very quick to point out that POTUS was once acquainted with Jeffrey Epstein.

What none of them are ever going to say is that Alex Jones directly confronted him on this when he was on the show. The response was that he was invited out there, visited it once without knowing what was really going on, and was then disgusted when he found out.

He left, and never went back. However, good luck finding that video now that Alex has been “deplatformed.” Obviously, if the current administration ordered and authorized this arrest, POTUS is not in the least bit concerned about it.

As I often say, you don’t have to like the man. You could even look at this as two negative factions duking it out. Either way, it is tremendously exciting to see the complete destruction of child trafficking rings.

And, as we saw in the DECLAS Ebook, thanks to Quote 2700, we know this will NOT all be kept a secret. As I have said so many times, the Deep State has been withholding amazing UFO-related information and technology as well.

That all may be about to change. And if you can’t get excited about that, well, maybe you will once it actually happens.

A New Google Whistleblower Has Emerged as Well

If you read and enjoyed DECLAS, you will certainly recall the Facebook Insider Dossier.

That ‘leak’ inspired a similarly high-placed insider to spill the beans on Google founder Eric Schmidt. This is a long one and I will only give you a taste of its contents.

I do think this insider may be a little too heavily putting all the blame on China, rather than on the C!A and the Deep State itself.

Either way, it is SO ON:

7/2: Google Founder Eric Schmidt Exposed by Ex-Lover

JANE DOE: What I am about to tell you has seldom ever been said out-loud. Brin and Page were stooges. They were chosen because they would lie, not because they invented something.

They were given a top-secret DARPA program called Memex, which we had used as the best search engine we could develop. It was all military and the “dark web” at first.

We used it to sucker in the enemy, unbeknownst to them, and then subliminally brain-wash them attempting to create behavioral outcomes through digital dopamine reward systems and adrenalin excretions.


It worked like a charm, so the C!A’s In-Q-Tel agency suggested we give the system out to everyone in the world and see if we can’t control the world globally through digital addiction and manipulation.

Again, it worked like a charm, so we created the fake National Science Project that Brin and Page participated in.

They simply did the best job of the dozen people involved, but they didn’t invent anything. They simply used Memex and made it commercial.

Facebook and Zuckerberg did the same thing with Lifelog, which was another DARPA/In-Q-Tel project that needed a boy-genius as the front-man. Mark was simply used.

I find it amazing how easily people are lied to effectually. Eric is one big fat lie. Mark, Jim, Elon, Peter, and the whole gang got their inventions from DARPA and In-Q-Tel’s theft of patents. I know. I was there in the meetings.


PATRIOT: So, are you evil too?

JANE DOE: Yes, in a way I fell into the same evil trap, but for different reasons. I actually was naïve, and thought I was doing it for my country. I only found out after years in DARPA what was really going on.

It actually comes down to a handful of people who control the world. I happen to know most of them.

No one does anything without tech support.

I was at the heart of high-tech innovation at DARPA, Motorola, Boston Dynamics, Facebook Building 8, and many other “skunkworks” projects for Lockheed, Boeing, BAE and others….


PATRIOT: So, are you saying Eric’s plans to dominate America are already in place?

JANE DOE: Yes, I’ve already mentioned his election rigging activities, but his Digital News Service controls all main stream media outlets.

Eric owns the program that runs Avid and Isis Management, the system that filters every word on 127 media outlets.

That’s why the news is the same wherever you look. Eric’s program scrubs the news. Eric created a dozen look-alike programs for Europe, where his programs have effectively stopped free speech….

Any parting comments?

JANE DOE: I can’t tell you how this makes me feel. I am not one for sentiment but I feel a huge weight lifting off my chest.

I am pleased with my decision to have no further working with the companions of darkness. A new day needs to come when lies are like mill-stones around the neck of the liar.

Related: Google Whistleblowers: Search Engine Penalizing All Sites That Don’t Conform To Political Correctness & Everything You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

One Last Big One...

Last but certainly not least, Neon Revolt has done some truly ground-breaking independent work exposing the Secret Space Program, and deserves a mention here.

I had forgotten about the quotes supporting the idea of a secret lunar base in William Cooper’s classic, Behold a Pale Horse, but then it all came back when I read this piece.

Neon Revolt links the classic quotes from Cooper to recent revelations from William Tompkins, who I had regular telephone conversations with as an insider:

6/28: Majestic 12, the Secret Space Program and the Wilson Memo

[From Cooper’s book:] “A multi-million dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities.

Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build deep underground shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President.

Millions of dollars were funneled through this office to MJ-12, and then out to the contractors and was used to build top-secret alien bases as well as top-secret DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases)….


“A Moon base, Luna, was photographed by the Lunar Orbiter and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge T-shaped mining vehicles that left stitchlike tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small  alien craft appear in the official NASA photographs.

It is a joint United States and Soviet base: The space program is a farce and an unbelievable waste of money….

The Apollo astronauts were severely shaken by this experience, and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed.

They were ordered to remain silent or suffer the extreme penalty, death, which was termed an “expediency…”

Very Exciting

As one last tidbit, we were getting insider briefings to expect “something big” this past week, but then nothing happened.

Saturday, however, we were not disappointed. The arrest of Epstein may have been delayed by him delaying his own departure from his vacation.

This, in turn, may have synchronistically led to the possible China Lake earthquake strike being conducted on Independence Day.

History is in the making. These are very exciting times.

If things keep up at this pace, you will have to bear with me, as I simply must get this book done… and I am loving the process! At least this way, we are up to date as for right now.

I must admit I have never been more excited about anything in my entire life.

History is in the making. Disclosure is coming. GET READY.

Related: More Undeniable Signs That The Global Criminal Cabal Is Going Down + Obama, Hillary Clinton Both Supported Trump’s Plan To Stop Migrants At Border

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Trump Delivers The Google-Facebook Reckoning That Obama Refused & Google Suspends “Trending” Emails In New Zealand After Government Complaints
July 8 2019 | From: DailyCaller / Infowars / Various

Big Tech’s day of reckoning has finally arrived.

Both of the major antitrust enforcement agencies of the executive branch of the federal government are stepping into the fray, with the Department of Justice reportedly preparing for an investigation of Google parent Alphabet, Inc. and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) doing the same for social media giant Facebook.

Related: Fox News Still Not Covering Project Veritas Google Bombshell Report

The decision by President Trump and Attorney General William Barr to clear their regulators for action is a watershed moment, both in the history of antitrust law and in the evolution of Silicon Valley’s relationship with American society.

After years in which the Obama administration delayed and thwarted any major action against the Big Tech companies, the decision has apparently even shamed some House Democrats into playing along.

This change of tack is long overdue; Google and Facebook are undoubtedly massive, manipulative monopolies.

Google controls roughly 90 percent of the online search market. Three quarters of mobile and 70 percent of desktop web browsing takes place on Google software, and its YouTube subsidiary has completely dominated the user-generated streaming video market virtually unchallenged since its inception.

Facebook’s eponymous service alone makes up more than two-thirds of the entire social media market, and it owns the rapidly growing Instagram photo-sharing service, too.

Related: Google Whistleblowers: Search Engine Penalizing All Sites That Don’t Conform To Political Correctness &
Everything You Need To Know About Net Neutrality

The two companies together make up more than half of the total American online advertising market, and they’re rapidly branching out into new markets, such as self-driving cars and virtual reality technology.

It’s impossible to ignore the anti-competitive threat that this unchecked market dominance poses, especially given Big Tech’s increasing willingness to exclude and punish firms that do not conform to its vision of internet speech and conduct.

And yet, until now, Google and Facebook have avoided any significant antitrust scrutiny.

The last time antitrust regulators seriously examined Google, in 2012, FTC investigators concluded that major anti-competitive conduct was at play that “has resulted - and will result - in real harm to consumers and to innovation.”

President Obama’s political appointees at the FTC, however, nixed any meaningful sanctions, and Google had backchannel discussions with the White House, where dozens of former Google employees and associates worked. The issue was laid to rest.

That reckless inaction cannot be separated from Silicon Valley’s disturbingly close relationship with the Democratic Party and the broader political left.

Related: The best news websites to visit each day to beat the censorship purge by the evil tech giants

The vast majority of Google and Facebook’s political cash, not to mention the contributions made by its employeesflows to the Party that is its staunchest defender on Capitol Hill.

Then-Alphabet Chairman Eric Schmidt, for instance, was intimately involved in Hillary Clinton’s run for President, even wearing a “staff” badge to her thwarted victory party.

Even now, key Democrats such as House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler get their biggest corporate donations from Google, Facebook, and the other tech giants.

In return for political protection, Big Tech has delivered increasingly blatant and muscular enforcement of the political left’s priorities. In the latest outrage, Facebook appears to have revealed a private user’s identity to liberal journalists who wanted to punish him for making a meme out of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

But the cause for concern over Big Tech’s power goes far beyond politics.

Related: The Zuckerberg Dossier: Facebook Insider Confesses All - Mark Zuckerberg Is A Fraud Used By The CIA

The scale and power of these firms is staggering. Google and Facebook have a combined market capitalization of about $1.2 trillion, roughly equal to the gross domestic product of Mexico.

If you include Apple and Amazon - the other members of Silicon Valley’s “Big Four” - we’re talking about a market cap equivalent to the GDP of the United Kingdom, the world’s fifth-largest economy.

The tech giants manage more aspects of your life than any private entities in history and collect enough data about the average citizen to rival even the most intrusive totalitarian secret police forces.

It’s virtually impossible to live as a private citizen - let alone run an internet-related business - without being subjected to the terms and conditions of Google and Facebook on a daily basis.

That enormous economic power goes hand in hand with political and social might that Silicon Valley shows a disturbing willingness to flex in defense of totalitarian foreign regimes.

Related: Google’s meddling in 2020 election exposed by Project Veritas proves Leftist Dems can only win by deception and force

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the tech giants are on the verge of wielding significant global political power in their own right.

Addressing that kind of concentrated economic power is a central purpose of antitrust law. Yet, with few exceptions, Big Tech has operated with a complete lack of serious oversight.

The benefits our society accrued from their freewheeling disruption - the “move fast and break things” ethos at the core of tech innovation - were treated as an excuse for looking the other way.

Afraid to kill the golden goose, we’ve been too slow to reexamine that bargain.

It’s long past time for society to start evaluating Google, Facebook, and the other tech monopolies with a more skeptical eye.

It’s a credit to President Trump that his administration is finally doing so.

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Google Suspends “Trending” Emails In New Zealand After Government Complaints

Tech giant cuts entire feature from country after publishing sensitive information.

Google has suspended an email alert system in New Zealand after the government slammed the search giant for publishing suppressed details about a murder case.

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The “Google Trends” automated alert defied a court order that suppressed the name of a murder suspect by putting the accused killer’s name in an email’s subject line.

“In light of the concerns you expressed this week, Google has also suspended Google trends email about searches trending in New Zealand,”
said Google’s government affairs and public policy manager Ross Young in a Friday email.

“This means that people will no longer receive emails on any trending searches for New Zealand and provides even further assurance against any recurrence [of a similar incident].” 

Young was responding to Justice Minister Andrew Little’s accusations that Google had not done anything to change their alert system since the incident and that the tech titan was “flipping the bird” at the country’s legal system.

Every employee of Google is complicit in carrying out crimes against humanity (and coordinated online “book burning” to annihilate human knowledge)

“Google’s contempt for New Zealand law, and for [the murder victim’s] family is unacceptable, and I will now be considering my options,”
said Young earlier this week, later urging Google to not be “evil” and to “do the right thing,” in a clear jab at the company’s “don’t be evil” motto.

Interestingly, an earlier response from Google on the incident was reportedly downplaying the need to change their Trends system because the murder story was already “extensively reported on by overseas media.”

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Independence Day Video Message: America Will Be Lost If Those Who Hate It Are Not Stopped + Trump Becomes The First US President To Set Foot On North Korean Soil
July 7 2019 | From: NaturalNews / CollectiveEvolution / Various

The intense hatred of America by the intolerant, bigoted Left continues to accelerate by the day, with university professors, district court judges, media talking heads and left-wing legislators actively colluding to see America overrun and destroyed.

Yes, they hate their own country. They’re even triggered by the American flag.

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The radical Left is waging a civil war against America right now, while conservatives spend most of their time trying to appease the media and appeal to the “patriotism” of Leftists.

But Leftists have no patriotism.

They despise this nation. They hate liberty and freedom, and they actively collude to destroy the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Electoral College, the Constitution and all conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters.

The Democrat party has become a lunatic, murderous mob.

They blatantly lie about “concentration camps” on the border, but what they really want is concentration camps for conservatives.

Trump's Salute to America / Clinton Cancels Appearance / Epstein / Big Pharma

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Radical left-wing Antifa violence continues to escalate, and if the Left gets it way, every conservative will be executed in the streets by masses of angry, frothing Leftists who have long ago decided that they cannot coexist with anyone else.

The Left demands absolute obedience, conformity and subservience to their bizarre delusions (gender-fantasy lies) and twisted beliefs.

Leftists advocate violence against the political opponents, and they relish the idea of bashing in the brains of conservatives and Trump supporters, watching them bleed out on the streets.

This is where America is on this Independence Day, 2019.

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As I warn in this video, below, the time is coming soon when true Americans will respond with overwhelming force.

The day is coming when Antifa terrorists will be cleaned out and the tech giants will be raided and dismantled.

There will be a tipping point that will spontaneously trigger what I call “Second Amendment activation” which will see American patriots rise up in defense of this great nation, deploying the right of national defense that has already been granted to all Americans by our Founding Fathers.

That right is written into the Bill of Rights itself, and it guarantees the right to bear arms in defense of life, liberty and national defense.

The enemies of America must be removed from power and halted in their efforts to destroy this nation.

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Trump Becomes The First US President To Set Foot On North Korean Soil

Anytime I write an article regarding the presidency, it’s very important for me to mention the government within the government, because that’s what America has become, and became a long time ago.

It started with the warning that president Eisenhower gave in his farewell address about the military industrial complex, and his warning that it could infiltrate and take over politics by emphasizing that; “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for a disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

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He was not the only one to reference and warn about the secret government, in fact, dozens of presidents and politicians in the United States and many others have been quite outspoken about the ‘powers that be.’

In Brief:

The Facts: Donald Trump recently became the first president to set foot on North Korean soil. Regardless of the reasons and all of the nuclear talk, this type of "peace" has never been seen with North Korea. What does it mean?

Reflect On: For years the western military industrial complex has been pushing propaganda about foreign nations in order to infiltrate and take over under guise of 'saviour.' Would this have happened with Hillary?

A quote I’ve used many times before, because it illustrates my point so well, comes from president Theodor Roosevelt, he said that:

Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.”

It’s not just quotes, it’s the fact that the “black budget” world has gotten out of hand, as well as false flag terrorism, among other things.

A Michigan State University economist teamed up with multiple researchers, including Catherine Austin Fitts, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development and they found trillions of unaccounted for dollars missing from housing & D.O.D.

They went into more detail about the black budget, and you can read more about that here.

The point is, the presidency, as well has mainstream media, has long been controlled by this power, and more and more people are finally starting to wake up to that fact.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Deep State Tactics for Making Assassination Look Like Suicide

This series is my download about the tactics I have encountered personally or have observed at close hand.

I have experienced a wide spectrum of covert operations, information and economic warfare, and dirty tricks with and from both governmental and private parties.

Telling stories is a great way to communicate this experience; however, because stories expand the time necessary to convey the information, I will publish this material in several parts.

Related: Missing Money: A Personal History – 1989 to 2019

This is why when it came to the election of Donald Trump, things became interesting. No, this doesn’t mean we here at Collective Evolution “support” Donald Trump, at all, it simply means that so far, the Trump presidency has been the best example to see the existence of this secret government, and the government that exists within the government in the United States.

One of the plans of the secret government, for those who have done their research, is quite well known by now. It’s been to infiltrate multiple countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria etc by creating and funding “terrorist” events, so they (The US and their allies) can go in and become the hero, for not good reason at all.

Former Four Star General Wesley Clark, who was the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe of NATO from 1997-2000. Clark said, in an interview with Democracy Now, that the U.S. had plans to invade countries in the Middle East, including Syria, for no justified reason at all.  

He offered the sentiments of some within the American military, that they have a “good military” and that they can “take down governments.”  He spoke of a memo that described how the U.S. had “plans to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off, Iran” (Source).

Was Marker [1] Just Revealed, Was A Message Sent To The Deep State?

The MSM, AOC all reported that the crowds would be small at the 4th of July celebration, big fail, the crowds were huge.

Ted Cruz set the record straight in regards to  Kaepernick’s tweet. Trump moving forward with the citizenship question. Reporters asking about Pence, Trump said we will find out in 2 weeks, did Trump just indicated Market [1]. 

An Anon noticed that the call signs for planes were not showing up, only one did and it said end game 2020, is this a message to the [DS]?

North Korea was included on this list, and if Donald Trump was not the president you can be assured that more “fake news” about North Korea would be shared and perhaps, there would have been a war, like we saw in Iraq and most recently Syria, with North Korea in order to infiltrate that country and install a government that is subservient to the ‘powers that be.”

But it can be confusing sometimes, because the relationship he built with North Korea is something that’s never happened in the history of the presidency, no other president would have been able to do this, the establishment clearly wanted to infiltrate and take over North Korea, like they’ve wanted to do with Syria and Iran, but Trump has not followed these plans as he is with Iran, for example.

Perhaps he too has been compromised in some way?

The global elite did everything in their power to ensure a victory for Hillary Clinton, the entire mainstream media machine was used to shift the perception of the masses, and completely brainwash them, as they’ve done for years. This time it was used too.

A great quote I always use when talking about this comes from academician and researcher Richard Dolan, who stated a few years ago:

For more than a year, we have been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA Today, and the rest.

It reminded me very much of the concerted media attack against Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff which culminated earlier in 2016 in her impeachment and removal from power.

In the case of Rousseff, we see what has been alternately described as a soft coup or a Wall Street coup, rather along the lines of the “color revolutions” of a few years earlier (which are now largely understood as CIA-NGO orchestrated).

In both cases, pretexts were created and hammered home by an insistent media that whipped up public opinion. In Brazil, it worked. It seemed like it would work in the U.S

Again, this does not mean that we support Donald Trump, he’s clearly not someone who should be a ‘leader’ that would represent the best interests of humanity and our planet, the point is, he was an ‘outsider.’

Our position on Trump can be more clearly seen in this video, but he clearly was not a part of what Obama, Bush, and Bill and Hillary were a part of, which is the fact that they were nothing but puppets for a higher power pushing the agenda of their superiors.

Related: You’re Under Arrest: How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power

Whether they are part of this agenda or were simply compromised in certain ways in order to do so, who knows?

With all of this being said, although Trump has done and said many things that clearly go against the agenda of this powerful elite during his presidential campaign and even during his presidency, glimpses and going back on his words have been seen, and it’s something we always seem to see from every president.

His support and close ties with the biotech industry is one example, making it easier for genetically modified foods to be on the market as well as the spraying of harmful pesticides and insecticides.

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

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DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

His support for vaccines after speaking out against them during his campaign. His anti-war rhetoric during his campaign has not matched his actions that are currently being seen with Iran, he seems to be pushing the idea that Iran is a threat when, based on my research, they are simply being labelled a threat for ulterior motives that the secret government or the Deep State wants to accomplish.

At the end of the day, yes, Trump represents something different, but in a sense, he also represents something the same as what we’ve had in the past. It seems people with big money and connections to some type of power are allowed to hold the presidency, perhaps that will change with the next election, we are starting to see candidates that we’ve never seen before.

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Candidates That Seem Real & Could Possibly Make A Difference

[Comment: Nothing's going to change; the plan of the Alliance is in play.]

Tulsi Gabbard. If she’s elected, would her rhetoric change like all the others did? She has done many great things already. For example, when she was a Congresswoman, Gabbard introduced the Stop Arming Terrorists Act, the terms of which her website outlines succinctly:

“The legislation would prohibit the U.S. government from using American taxpayer dollars to provide funding, weapons, training, and intelligence support to groups like the Levant Front, Fursan al Ha and other allies of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, al-Qaeda and ISIS, or to countries who are providing direct or indirect support to those same groups.”

- Source

She recently made an appearance on Joe Rogan‘s podcast. Rogan asked her about WikiLeaks founder Assange and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, and she stated that they should not be persecuted for disclosing information. She has called out big corporations and government corruption.

The point is, we are seeing things in politics that we’ve never seen before, and that’s a direct result of more and more people’s perception about our world changing, and it’s reflecting in all fields as we continue to go through this change.

Related: DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation - But Why?

Marianne Williamson is another great example, she recently called out Big Pharma for their power and control, and has been an advocate for change within, a  ‘spiritual’ revolution that is needed at the heart of modern day politics.

According to her:

“We must do more than respond to external political issues. We must address the deeper, internal causes that have led to this current dysfunction.

We need a new, whole-person politics of love that stems not just from the head but from the heart, not just from intellectual understanding but from a genuine affection for one another.

By committing to love, we will make a meaningful contribution to the joyful, fierce and disruptive energies that are rising at this critical point in time.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, “we must think anew, and act anew . . . and then we shall save our country.”

- Source

The Takeaway

All aspects of humanity reflect human consciousness, and politics is clearly one of them. Political representatives that the establishment doesn’t want are usually ridiculed, mocked, and bombarded by mainstream media. This is because the global elite, who control mainstream media, want to control the perception of the masses and influence their minds, sort of make their decisions for them.

Despite this fact, every year we are seeing more and more candidates that reflect what’s happening with humanity right now, and that’s a huge shift in consciousness.

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We are seeing things in politics that we’ve never seen before, and that’s a direct result of more and more people’s perception about our world changing, and it’s reflecting in all fields as we continue to go through this change.

Corruption still rules politics right now. It’s full of lies and deception and that’s something that needs to change if it’s ever going to serve humanity. Right now, it remains a giant distraction and prevents us from moving forward appropriately.

Related: Trump calls bluff of critics in July 4th speech

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

America’s First Non-Binary Person Renounces Transgenderism, Says, “I Have Always Been Male” & Who Are The Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?
July 6 2019 | From: NaturalNews / TheFederalist / Various

The man who holds the title as the first in the United States to ever legally identify as “neither” in terms of his official gender status has since come forward to reveal that so-called “non-binary” gender identification is a total fraud, and that he’s “always been male.”

Jamie Shupe of Oregon has essentially had a 180-degree change of heart since the time he battled the courts, and won, to embrace “transgenderism” on his official government documents.

Related: Female Tennis Legend Labeled ‘Transphobic’ After Criticizing Transgenders in Sports as ‘Unfair’

But now Shupe says that he’s “renounced all ties to transgenderism,” referring to the transgender movement as “advancing harmful gender ideologies.”

“In my thirty-plus-year marriage, I am the husband,”
Shupe now says.

“To my daughter, I am her father … I no longer identify as a transgender or non-binary person and … I will not be a party to advancing harmful gender ideologies that are ruining lives, causing deaths and contributing to the sterilization and mutilation of gender-confused children.”

For more related news, be sure to check out Gender.news.

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Transgenderism is “Fraud” and “Pseudoscience,” Says Shupe

Born a male, Shupe served in the military and married a woman early on in his life before deciding years later in 2013 that he no longer wanted to be a man.

He embraced the doctrine of Leftist gender selection – the idea that a person can become any gender that he, she, or ze wishes – only to realize after the fact that it’s all fake.

“My history-making and landmark sex change to non-binary was a fraud based on the pseudoscience of gender identify,”
Shupe now admits.

“I am and have always been male. There should be no social or legal penalty for others to state that.”

Related: 3 Female Athletes File Federal Complaint Over Transgender Competition

Shupe tried taking female hormones, altering his appearance, and aggressively working against the natural order of male and female that he had been indoctrinated to oppose – but it was never enough.

“I figured I was a transgender woman,”
Shupe says.

“My thinking was, well, I’m not a male. I was in a deep, dark depression because I had boxed myself into this male identity that I couldn’t stand anymore.”

Even after pretending to be a woman for many years, Shupe still wasn’t happy, nor did he feel good about his quest to switch from male to female.

In the end, he realized that he had been duped, and that there’s no such thing as being a transgender.

“Now, I’m suddenly telling my spouse I’m the same thing she is? It didn’t make sense to me,”
Shupe admits.

“No amount of hormones is going to make me look like a female.”

Shupe’s Gender Confusion Stemmed from “Psychotic Issues,” He Says – And Nobody Was Willing to Help Him, Instead Choosing to “Affirm” His Mental Illness

As Shupe was beginning to come to the realization that he is, and always will be, a biological male, he began to also recognize that society had been so brainwashed into transgender ideology that he would never actually find help for his condition.

Instead, everyone was just “affirming” his “non-binary” status, without offering any help whatsoever.

Shupe says he eventually acknowledged the fact that he was suffering from “psychotic issues,” including “hallucinations, destructive behavior, and paranoia” – but, again, nobody was willing to help him out of it, as they had all been falsely led to believe that transgenderism and non-binary status were completely normal.

Related: Finally Parents Begin Removing Their Children From Public Indoctrination Center Over Teaching Transgenderism

“Cross-sex hormones failed to cure or even alleviate my gender dysphoria,”
Shupe now admits.

The only thing that did was to stop believing that I was a female.

The APA (American Psychological Association) claims gender dysphoria is a treatable condition with social transitions and hormonal and surgical treatments. My experience as a transsexual patient proves otherwise.”

You can read the rest of Shupe’s story at ChristianNews.net.

Related: Transgender Goes Nuts in Store After Being “Misgendered”

Who Are The Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?

Exceedingly rich, white men (and women) who invest in biomedical companies are funding myriad transgender organizations whose agenda will make them gobs of money.

As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development.

Related: British Woman Arrested For Calling a Transgender Woman a Man

A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project.

I have watched as all-women’s safe spaces, universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. 

I was astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and without consideration for women and girls’ safety, deliberation, or public debate.

Concurrent with these rapid changes, I witnessed an overhaul in the English language with new pronouns and a near-tyrannical assault on those who did not use them.

Related: Teen Expelled From School After Saying There Are Only Two Genders

Laws mandating new speech
were passed. Laws overriding biological sex with the amorphous concept of gender identity are being instituted now. People who speak openly about these changes can find themselves, their families, and their livelihoods threatened.

These elements, along with media saturation of the issue, had me wondering: Is this really a civil rights issue for a tiny part of the population with body dysphoria, or is there a bigger agenda with moneyed interests that we are not seeing?

This article can only begin to graze the surface of this question, but considering transgenderism has basically exploded in the middle of capitalism, which is notorious for subsuming social justice movements, there is value in beginning this examination.

Who Is Funding the Transgender Movement?

I found exceedingly rich, white men with enormous cultural influence are funding the transgender lobby and various transgender organizations.

These include but are not limited to Jennifer Pritzker (a male who identifies as transgender); George Soros; Martine Rothblatt (a male who identifies as transgender and transhumanist); Tim Gill (a gay man); Drummond Pike; Warren and Peter Buffett; Jon Stryker (a gay man); Mark Bonham (a gay man); and Ric Weiland (a deceased gay man whose philanthropy is still LGBT-oriented).

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Most of these billionaires fund the transgender lobby and organizations through their own organizations, including corporations.

Separating transgender issues from LGBT infrastructure is not an easy task. All the wealthiest donors have been funding LGB institutions before they became LGBT-oriented, and only in some instances are monies earmarked specifically for transgender issues.

Some of these billionaires fund the LGBT through their myriad companies, multiplying their contributions many times over in ways that are also difficult to track.

These funders often go through anonymous funding organizations such as Tides Foundation, founded and operated by Pike.

Large corporations, philanthropists, and organizations can send enormous sums of money to the Tides Foundation, specify the direction the funds are to go, and have the funds get to their destination anonymously.

Tides Foundation creates a legal firewall and tax shelter for foundations and funds political campaigns, often using legally dubious tactics.

Related: UK: Hate Crime Police Investigate Man's Thinking After He Criticized Transgenderism

These men and others, including pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. government, are sending millions of dollars to LGBT causes.

Overall reported global spending on LGBT is now estimated at $424 million.

From 2003-2013, reported funding for transgender issues increased more than eightfold, growing at threefold the increase of LGBTQ funding overall, which quadrupled from 2003 to 2012.

This huge spike in funding happened at the same time transgenderism began gaining traction in American culture.

$424 million is a lot of money. Is it enough to change laws, uproot language and force new speech on the public, to censor, to create an atmosphere of threat for those who do not comply with gender identity ideology?

Transgenderism: A New Medical and Lifestyle Market

It seems obvious now to look at the money behind transgenderism.

Many new markets have opened because of it. The first gender clinic for children opened in Boston in 2007.

In the past ten years, more than 30 clinics for children with purported gender dysphoria have arisen in the United States alone, the largest serving 725 patients.

Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in transgender medical infrastructure across the United States and world to “treat” transgender people.

Related: Britain Gives Half a Million in Grant Money to Organization Promoting Trans Kids

In addition to gender clinics proliferating across the United States, hospital wings are being built for specialized surgeries, and many medical institutions are clamoring to get on board with the new developments.

Doctors are being trained in cadaver symposiums across the world in all manner of surgeries related to transgender individuals, including phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, facial feminization surgery, urethral procedures, and more.

More and more American corporations are covering transgender surgeries, drugs, and other expenses. Endocrinologists seeking the fountain of youth in hormones for more than a generation, and the subsequent earnings for marketing those hormones, are still on a quest for gold.

Puberty blockers are another growing market. The plastic surgery arm of medicine is staged for an infusion of cash as well as organ transplants, especially womb transplants for men identifying as women who may want future pregnancies.

These surgeries are already being practiced on animals and the first successful womb implant from a deceased female donor to another female has already been a success. 

Biogenetics is poised to be the investment of the future, says Rothblatt, who has headed a massive pharmaceutical corporation and is now heavily invested in biogenetics and transplants.

Related: New Vermont Law Would Require Taxpayers to Fund Sex Change Operations For Children

Transgenderism has certainly made its way into the American marketplace, so it seems important to consider the implications of this as we pass laws regarding transgender individuals’ and our civil liberties.

Transgenderism sits square in the middle of the medical industrial complex, which is by some estimates even bigger than the military industrial complex.

With the medical infrastructure being built, doctors being trained for various surgeries, clinics opening at warp speed, and the media celebrating it, transgenderism is poised for growth.

The LGB, a once-tiny group of people trying to love those of the same sex openly and be treated equally within society, has likely already been subsumed by capitalism and is now infiltrated by the medical industrial complex via transgenderism.

Who Works to Institutionalize Transgender Ideology?

Much more important than funds going directly to the LGBT lobby and organizations, only a fraction of which trickles down to assist people who identify as transgender, is the money invested by the men mentioned above, governments, and technology and pharmaceutical corporations to institutionalize and normalize transgenderism as a lifestyle choice.

Related: The purge of trans-sceptical academics

They are shaping the narrative about transgenderism and normalizing it within the culture using their funding methods.

This article will use the Pritzker family as a case study, both to reduce length and because they are emblematic of how this works. Those funding trans organizations and normalizing transgenderism are channeling funds in the same ways and invested in the same medical infrastructure.

This can hardly be a coincidence when the very thing absolutely essential to those transitioning are pharmaceuticals and technology

It is also important to note that though the trans lobby has sewn itself to the LGB umbrella, LGB people as such are not lifelong medical patients.

The Pritzkers are an American family of philanthropic billionaires worth approximately $29 billion, whose fortune was gestated by Hyatt Hotels and nursing homes. They now have massive investments in the medical industrial complex.

California, the Devil’s PlayPen, SWATS Christian School Refusing to Push Transgender Exploration on Children

Examining just a few of the Pritzkers in this article will give you some indication of their reach and influence as a family, especially as regards the transgender project and their relationship to the medical industrial complex.

As you read, remember, transitioning individuals are medical patients for life and the Pritzker family are not an anomaly in their funding trajectory or investments in the medical-industrial complex.

Jennifer Pritzker

Once a family man and a decorated member of the armed forces, Jennifer Pritzker now identifies as transgender. He has made transgenderism a high note in philanthropic funding through his Tawani Foundation.

He is one of the largest contributors to transgender causes and, with his family, an enormous influence in the rapid institutionalization of transgenderism.

Some of the organizations Jennifer owns and funds are especially noteworthy to examining the rapid induction of transgender ideology into medical, legal and educational institutions.

Pritzker owns Squadron Capital, an acquisitions corporation, with a focus on, and orthopedic implants, and the Tawani Foundation, a philanthropic organization with a grants focmedical technology, medical devices us on Gender & Human Sexuality.

Related: Exactly as Adams predicted: LGBT parents begin physically maiming their own children in botched transgender mutilations

Pritzker sits on the leadership council of the Program of Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota, to which he also committed $6.5 million over the past decade.

Among many other organizations and institutions Pritzker funds are Lurie Children’s Hospital, a medical center for gender non-conforming children, serving 400 children in Chicago; the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago; a chair of transgender studies at the University of Victoria (the first of its kind); and the Mark S. Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto.

He also funds the American Civil Liberties Union and his family funds Planned Parenthood, two significant organizations for institutionalizing female-erasing language and support for transgender causes.

Planned Parenthood also recently decided to get into the transgender medical market.

Jennifer Pritzker funds strategically, as does his family, by giving to universities that become beholden to his ideology, whose students go on to spread gender ideology by writing pro-trans articles in medical journals and elsewhere.

Jennifer’s uncle and aunt, John and Lisa Pritzker, gave $25 million to the University of California at San Francisco for a center of children’s psychiatry.

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Jennifer likewise funds hospitals and medical schools where the alumni go on to create transgender specialties and LGBT medical centers, even though lesbians, gays, and bisexuals don’t need specialized medical services.

Here are just several current activities of Pritzker-funded medical school alumni and recipients of Pritzker money:

James Hekman founded the LGBT medical care center in Lakewood Ohio.

David T. Rubin sits on the advisory board of Accordant/CVS Caremark, the largest pharmaceutical chain in the United States. CVS acquired Target department stores’ pharmacies in 2015. Target, of course, is the site of a major social controversy about unisex bathrooms and is a corporate funder of the trans-pushing Human Rights Campaign activist group.

Loren Schecter is the author of the first surgical atlas for transgender surgery, author of pro-trans journals, was awarded for legal advocacy of transgenders, performs reconstructive surgeries, and is director of transfeminine conferences sponsored by World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH). He also performs reconstructive surgeries at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

Schecter is also the “surgeons only sessions chair” on the Scientific Program Committee of the newly formed United States arm of WPATH (World Professional Association of Transgender Health), USPATH, holding conferences in Los Angeles for surgeons in transgender surgeries.

Robert Garofalo, a gay man, is director of the St. Lurie children’s gender clinic, head of the hospital’s division of adolescent medicine, and a professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University, which J.B. Pritzker (whom we will meet later) funds.

Benjamin N. Breyer is chief of urology at San Francisco General Hospital and a professor at the University of California at San Francisco, specializing in transgender surgery.

Nicholas Matte teaches at the Mark Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies at the University of Toronto, with a specialty in queer studies. Jennifer Pritzker also funds the Bonham Centre. Matte lectures around the country on transgender issues, and espouses the idea that we are not a sexually dimorphic species.

Mark Hyman is the Pritzker Foundation Chair in functional medicine at the Cleveland Clinic and director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. Cleveland Clinic conducted the United States’ first uterus transplant.

Baylor College of Medicine is on the receiving end of the Pritzker School of Medicine’s “pipeline programs” for people studying to be doctors. Baylor is where the nation’s first child was born from a uterus transplant as part of an experimental program funding the procedure for 10 women in order to develop uterus transplants ultimately health insurance and taxpayers will pay for rather than being relegated to elective infertility treatment.

Jennifer Pritzker has also helped normalize transgender individuals in the military with a $1.35 million grant to the Palm Center, a University of California, Santa Barbara-based LGBT think tank, to create research validating military transgenderism.

He has also donated $25 million to Norwich University in Vermont, a military academy and the first school to launch a Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program.

Pritzker’s funding is not confined to the United States, but reaches other countries via WPATH, in conferences for physicians studying transgender surgery and funding of international universities.

Penny Pritzker

Cousin to Jennifer Pritzker, Penny Pritzker served on President Obama’s Council for Jobs and Competitiveness and Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

She was national co-chair of Obama for America 2012 and national finance chair of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. To say she was influential in getting president Obama elected would be an understatement.

Related: Girls’ sports being decimated by biological males claiming to be females… “transgenders” are Cheaters

As Obama’s secretary of commerce, Penny Pritzker helped create the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), by facilitating an award of $70 million from the U.S. Department of Commerce, the first funding of its kind. Obama made transgenderism a pet issue of his administration, holding a meeting at the White House (the first ever) for transgenderism.

The administration quietly applied the power of the executive branch to make it easier for transgender people to alter their passports, get cross-sex treatment at Veteran’s Administration facilities, and access public school restrooms and sports programs based on gender identity.

These are just a few of the transgender-specific policy shifts of Obama’s presidency.

Soros and Gill are two other major transgender movement funders who generated millions of dollars to get Obama elected, and Stryker was one of the top five contributors to Obama’s campaign.

Under Obama and President George W. Bush, the federal government also funded the Tides Foundation $82.7 million, which in turn donated $47.2 million to LGBTQ issues over the last two decades.

Related: Trans Tyranny Is Too Big To Ignore

Penny has funded the Harvard School of Public Health and, with her husband through their mutual foundation, The Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation, are funding early childhood initiatives as well as providing scholarships to Harvard University medical students.

The Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Management Services wing physicians are all affiliated with Harvard Medical School.

Penny Pritzker also sat on the board at Harvard, where student life offices teach students, many of whom go on to lead U.S. institutions, that “there are more than two sexes.”

J.B. Pritzker

Penny Pritzker’s brother, J.B. Pritzker, is an American venture capitalist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and business owner. He is co-founder of the Pritzker Group, a private investment firm that invests in digital technology and medical companies, including Clinical Innovations, which has a global presence.

Clinical Innovations is one of the largest medical device companies and in 2017 acquired Brenner Medical, another significant medical group offering innovative products in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology.

Related: Why Are Children Getting A Pedo Education?

J.B. provided seed funding for Matter, a startup incubator for medical technology based in Chicago. He also sits on the board of directors at his alma mater, Duke University, where they are making advances in cryopreserving women’s ovaries.

J.B. is running for governor of Illinois in 2018 and put $25 million into an Obama administration public-private initiative totaling $1 billion for early childhood education.

J.B. and his wife, M.K. Pritzker, donated $100 million to Northwestern University School of Law, partly for scholarships and partly for the school’s “social justice” and childhood law work.

We have to look at why this is framed as a civil rights issue when the main issues seem to be capital and social engineering.

There doesn’t seem to be a sphere of influence that is untouched by Pritzker money, from early childhood education and universities to law, medical institutions, the LGBT lobby and organizations, politics, and the military.

If they were the only ones funding the institutionalization of transgender ideology they would still be fantastically influential, but they are joined by other exceedingly wealthy, influential white men, who also have ties to the pharmaceutical and medical industries.

Related: The Rational Argument Against The Normalization Of Transgenderism

Pharma and Tech Giants All-In for Transgender

Along with support by pharmaceutical giants such as Janssen Therapeutics, the health foundation of a Johnson and Johnson founder, Viiv, Pfizer, Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, major technology corporations including Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Intel, Dell, and IBM are also funding the transgender project.

In February 2017, Apple, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Yelp, PayPal, and 53 other mostly tech corporations signed onto an amicus brief pushing the U.S. Supreme Court to prohibit schools from keeping private facilities for students designated according to sex.

As these corporations were pushing for transgender bathrooms, they were fighting President Trump’s travel ban and immigration policies.

In reporting the incidents simultaneously, CNN News made the obvious connection between the corporations’ interest in the immigration ban and commerce, quoting a legal brief signed by the companies that said, “It is inflicting significant harm on American business, innovation and growth.”

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It made no such equivalent connection for the corporations’ interest in transgender rights. The obvious question would be: Why do they care? The obvious answer is: money.

Melding this manufactured medical issue with civil rights frame entails the continuance and growth of the problem.

Transgenderism is framed as both a medical problem, for the gender dysphoria of children who need puberty blockers and are being groomed for a lifetime of medicalization, and as a brave and original lifestyle choice for adults.

Martine Rothblatt suggests we are all transhuman, that changing our bodies by removing healthy tissue and organs and ingesting cross-sex hormones over the course of a lifetime can be likened to wearing make-up, dying our hair, or getting a tattoo.

If we are all transhuman, expressing that could be a never-ending saga of body-related consumerism.

The massive medical and technological infrastructure expansion for a tiny (but growing) fraction of the population with gender dysphoria, along with the money being funneled to this project by those heavily invested in the medical and technology industries, seems to make sense only in the context of expanding markets for changing the human body.

Related: Transgender Mania Is A Symptom Of Cultural Collapse

Trans activists are already clamoring for a change from “gender dysphoria” to “gender incongruence” in the next revision to the international register of mental diagnosis codes, the ICD-11.

The push is on for insurance-paid hormones and surgeries for anyone who believes his or her body is in any way “incongruent” with his or her “gender identity.”

Bodily diversity appears to be the core issue, not gender dysphoria; that and unmooring people from their biology via language distortions, to normalize altering human biology. Institutionalizing transgender ideology does just this.

This ideology is being promoted as a civil rights issue by wealthy, white, men with enormous influence who stand to personally benefit from their political activities.

It behooves us all to look at what the real investment is in prioritizing a lifetime of anti-body medical treatments for a miniscule part of the population, building an infrastructure for them, and institutionalizing the way we perceive ourselves as human beings, before being human becomes a quaint concept of the past.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Flawed Germ Theory; Unfortunately The Basis Of Modern Medicine
July 5 2019 | From: Tbyil

Ever wonder why modern medicine is not helping the populations of the western world to become healthier? Maybe the foundation for health is wrong.

Pasteur's germ theory of disease has helped forward the one germ for one disease concept that has raised Big Pharma to the wealthy business of developing drugs for one germ to purportedly cure one disease while causing autoimmune and chronic diseases to flourish from destroyed immune systems.

The Medical Dictatorship of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, England and the USA

Germ phobia, here comes the flu, get your flu shots or you may wind up as one of the 36,000 who manage to die from it each year according to the CDC. It's never more, never less - 36,000 deaths each flu season. Isn't there something fishy about that?

Then get out the antibiotics for every case of the sniffles. Don't forget the pharmaceutical antiviral Tamiflu, expensive, not so effective, and dangerous. The germ theory has turned out to be great for the pharmaceutical business model.

Related: Patients at risk and billions of dollars being wasted because of tests, scans and procedures that don't work

Now we have those nasty mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus, which has no real history of being problematic. So spray everything and everyone with toxic chemicals that do cause disease. And let's not forget those new vaccines. Over a billion dollars of government money has been recently set aside for Zika virus research and vaccines.

Why the Germ Theory is Flawed

The following quote is used by Dr. Robert O. Young in his book Sick and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain:

“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat - diseased tissue - rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.”

Dr. Rudolph Virchow (Father of Pathology 1821 - 1902)

Related: Shocking Report from Medical Insiders: a shocking amount of published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false, as in, fraudulent

Pasteur was the original scammer of the germ theory, not considered a worthy scientist by his peers. But he had good press. Media bias and corruption are nothing new.

Other scientists, especially Claude Bernard, claimed the inner terrain, which includes overall and organ specific pH levels and all facets of the immune system countered Pasteur's one germ for one disease theory with claims of pleomorphism within damaged or diseased tissue, which the Medical Mafia and Big Pharma refused to acknowledge.

Pleomorphism was proven when Royal Raymond Rife's universal microscope in the late 1930s revealed structural changes in microbes, up to 16, according their host's environment.

Microbes can start out as benign then alter themselves to survive if one's inner terrain is unhealthy.

Related: The Hypnotic Symbols Of Modern Medicine

In other words, inflammation and tissue degeneration with acidic pH levels attract pathogenic microbes or encourage existing ones into morphing as pathogenic microbes if already present and harmless or even beneficial.

The germ theory hoax is the basis of modern pharmaceutical medicine and killing good food with pasteurization and irradiation.

Not only do our highly acidic junk and processed foods with add sugars promote acidic pH levels under 7.3, so do overworking, stress, and anger.

The combination of our environmental toxic load and inadequate nutrition lead to the stagnant pools within our tissues that become the breeding grounds for existing or new pathogenic microbes to thrive.

Detoxing and seeking fresh whole foods with the proper supplements offer more disease protection from germs than all the vaccines in the world.

Related: Why Medically Caused Deaths Continue To Be Ignored

Vaccinations offer the following tradeoffs for thwarting germs: Death, lifelong disability, or most commonly autoimmune disease vulnerability.

Haven't you noticed? Autoimmune diseases and allergies have risen with the rise in vaccination schedules.

There have been studies in the USA among Amish children and in Europe among those raised on small dairy farms that demonstrate how being exposed to germs at an early age exercises the immune system and make it stronger, thus rendering natural immunization.

This is where rude, crude, over the top and hilarious George Carlin comes in:

Another Reason to Not Trust the CDC's Fear Mongering

Sharyl Attkinson was the news producer for CBS's Washington Bureau. During the Swine Flu “pandemic” of 2008-9, she was intent at getting to the truth of just how much of an epidemic it really was.

Sharyl, who is now independent with her own website and her book Stonewalled in circulation, questioned the authenticity of the CDC's reportage on incidents of Swine Flu.

Related: Sharyl Attkinson On The Hypnotic Power Of Germ Propaganda

After being stonewalled by the CDC with her Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for detailed statistics on the Swine Flu, she and her CBS Washington Bureau news staff did an end around – they went directly to state health departments and discovered only a very few flu cases, mostly single digit numbers, tested positive for Swine Flu.

Those numbers were not nearly enough to justify claims of a level 6 pandemic, considered the most severe and dangerous international pandemic level.

Then the CDC attempted damage control by announcing they had stopped counting because there were millions of Swine Flu cases and they couldn't keep up with it.

Related: Flu Vaccines are Toxic

Wow, if the first lie doesn't work then tell a bigger one, even if it doesn't make any sense at all. This incident forced Sharyl out of mainstream news. Can't question the CDC on mainstream TV.

You're better off sticking with alternative media and holistic health approaches for establishing a stronger immune system by lessening your toxic chemical load and increasing your nutritional level with organic foods and supplements.

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Orwell’s 1984 No Longer Reads Like Fiction - It’s The Reality Of Our Times
& The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”
July 4 2019 | From: RT / PaulCraigRoberts / Various

70 years ago, the British writer George Orwell captured the essence of technology in its ability to shape our destinies in his seminal work, 1984. The tragedy of our times is that we have failed to heed his warning.

No matter how many times I read 1984, the feeling of total helplessness and despair that weaves itself throughout Orwell’s masterpiece never fails to take me by surprise.

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Although usually referred to as a ‘dystopian futuristic novel’, it is actually a horror story on a scale far greater than anything that has emerged from the minds of prolific writers like Stephen King or Dean Koontz.

The reason is simple. The nightmare world that the protagonist Winston Smith inhabits, a place called Oceania, is all too easily imaginable. Man, as opposed to some imaginary clown or demon, is the evil monster. 

In the very first pages of the book, Orwell demonstrates an uncanny ability to foresee future trends in technology.

Describing the protagonist Winston Smith’s frugal London flat, he mentions an instrument called a ‘telescreen’, which sounds strikingly similar to the handheld ‘smartphone’ that is enthusiastically used by billions of people around the world today.

Related: The Emergence Of Orwellian Newspeak And The Death Of Free Speech

Orwell describes the ubiquitous device as an “oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror” affixed to the wall that “could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely.”

Sound familiar? It is through this gadget that the rulers of Oceania are able to monitor the actions of its citizens every minute of every day.

At the same time, the denizens of 1984 were never allowed to forget they were living in a totalitarian surveillance state, under the control of the much-feared Thought Police.

Massive posters with the slogan ‘Big Brother is Watching You’ were as prevalent as our modern-day advertising billboards.

Today, however, such polite warnings about surveillance would seem redundant, as reports of unauthorized spying still gets the occasional lazy nod in the media now and then.

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In fact, just in time for 1984’s anniversary, it has been reported that the National Security Agency (NSA) has once again been illicitly collecting records on telephone calls and text messages placed by US citizens.

This latest invasion of privacy has been casually dismissed as an “error” after an unnamed telecommunications firm handed over call records the NSA allegedly “hadn’t requested” and “weren’t approved” by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

In 2013, former CIA employee Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA’s intrusive surveillance operations, yet somehow the government agency is able to continue – with the help of the corporate sector – vacuuming up the private information of regular citizens.

Another method of control alluded to in 1984 fell under a system of speech known as ‘Newspeak’, which attempted to reduce the language to ‘doublethink’, with the ulterior motive of controlling ideas and thoughts.

For example, the term ‘joycamp’, a truncated term every bit as euphemistic as the ‘PATRIOT Act’, was used to describe a forced labor camp, whereas a ‘doubleplusgood duckspeaker’ was used to praise an orator who ‘quacked’ correctly with regards to the political situation.

Another Newspeak term, known as ‘facecrime’, provides yet another striking parallel to our modern situation.

The Candace Owens Show: Nigel Farage

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage and Candace Owens discuss why Brexit and the election of Donald Trump was a revolt against the global political establishment.

They also examine the importance of the nation state, capitalism and the 2016 U.S. election. Don’t miss this special episode filmed in our London studio!

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Defined as “to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offense.”

It would be difficult for the modern reader to hear the term ‘facecrime’ and not connect it with ‘Facebook’, the social media platform that regularly censors content creators for expressing thoughts it finds ‘hateful’ or inappropriate.

What social media users need is an Orwellian lesson in ‘crimestop’, which Orwell defined as “the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought.”

Those so-called unacceptable ‘dangerous thoughts’ were determined not by the will of the people, of course, but by their rulers.

And yes, it gets worse. Just this week, Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘private company’ agreed to give French authorities the “identification data” of Facebook users suspected of spreading ‘hate speech’ on the platform, in what would be an unprecedented move on the part of Silicon Valley.

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‘Hate speech’ is precisely one of those delightfully vague, subjective terms with no real meaning that one would expect to find in the Newspeak style guide.

Short of threatening the life of a person or persons, individuals should be free to criticize others without fear of reprisal, least of all from the state, which should be in the business of protecting free speech at all cost

Another modern phenomenon that would be right at home in Orwell’s Oceania is the obsession with political correctness, which is defined as “the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.”

But since so many people today identify with some marginalized group, this has made the intelligent discussion of controversial ideas – not least of all on US college campuses, of all places – exceedingly difficult, if not downright dangerous.

Orwell must be looking down on all of this madness with much surprise, since he provided the world with the best possible warning to prevent it.

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For anyone who entertains expectations for a happy ending in 1984, be prepared for serious disappointment (spoiler alert, for the few who have somehow not read this book).

Although Winston Smith manages to finally experience love, the brief romance – like a delicate flower that was able to take root amid a field of asphalt – is crushed by the authorities with shocking brutality.

Not satisfied with merely destroying the relationship, however, Smith is forced to betray his ‘Julia’ after undergoing the worst imaginable torture at the ‘Ministry of Love’.

The book ends with the words, “He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

Will we too declare, like Winston Smith, our love for ‘Big Brother’ above all else, or will we emerge victorious against the forces of a technological tyranny that appears to be just over the horizon? Or is Orwell’s 1984 just really good fiction and not the instruction manual for tyrants many have come to fear it is? 

An awful lot is riding on our answers to those questions, and time is running out.

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The Propaganda Ministry Known As “The Free Press”

As I have reported on many occasions, the presstitutes constitute not a free press but a Ministry of Propaganda for the government and ruling oligarchic interests. 

Ben Norton explains that the New York Times gets permission from Washington before it prints a story:

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The New York Times has publicly acknowledged that it sends some of its stories to the US government for approval from “national security officials” before publication.

He explains that CIA control and manipulation of the media has a long tradition, a tradition exposed by journalists who know:

Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein, a former Washington Post reporter who helped uncover the Watergate scandal, published a major cover story for Rolling Stone in 1977 titled “The CIA and the Media: How America’s Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up.”

Bernstein obtained CIA documents that revealed that more than 400 American journalists in the previous 25 years had “secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.”

Bernstein wrote:

“Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services - from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries.

Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country.

Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad.

In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.”

Virtually all major US media outlets cooperated with the CIA, Bernstein revealed, including ABC, NBC, the AP, UPI, Reuters, Newsweek, Hearst newspapers, the Miami Herald, the Saturday Evening Post, and the New York Herald‑Tribune.

However, he added, “By far the most valuable of these associations, according to CIA officials, have been with the New York Times, CBS and Time Inc.”

These layers of state manipulation, censorship, and even direct crafting of the news media show that, as much as they claim to be independent, The New York Times and other outlets effectively serve as de facto spokespeople for the government - or at least for the US national security state."

Related: NY Times admits it sends stories to US government for approval before publication

Udo Ulfkotte, an editor of the German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Explained in his book, Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalism), that no significant journalist in Europe is free of CIA influence.

The English language edition, Journalists For Hire: How The CIA Buys The News, has been suppressed. A few copies managed to escape destruction. 

Two are currently available on Amazon, one for $910.99 and one for $1,994.99.

Related: Insider Confirms CIA Controls CNN + Mainstream Media Exposed Its Own Cannibalism And More

As I have often reported, in the “Western democracies” truth is suppressed and controlled explanations are put in its place.

Western peoples are largely unaware of the agendas of the national security state and ruling elites. People in all walks of life serve these agendas without knowing it.

Those who try to inform them are usually dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.”  Obviously, there can be no democracy when the electorate is kept in the dark.

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Why Mainstream Economists Don't See Recessions Coming
July 3 2019 | From: Mises

In his article released on March 21 2018 - Economics failed us before the global crisis – Martin Wolf the economics editor of The Financial Times expressed some misgivings about macroeconomics.

"Economics is, like medicine (and unlike, say, cosmology), a practical discipline. Its goal is to make the world a better place. This is particularly true of macroeconomics, which was invented by John Maynard Keynes in response to the Great Depression. The tests of this discipline are whether its adepts understand what might go wrong in the economy and how to put it right. When the financial crisis that hit in 2007 caught the profession almost completely unawares, it failed the first of these tests. It did better on the second. Nevertheless, it needs rebuilding."

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Martin Wolf argues that a situation could emerge when the economy might end up in self-reinforcing bad states. In this possibility, it is vital to respond to crises forcefully.

It seems that regardless of our understanding of the key causes behind the crises authorities should always administer strong fiscal and monetary policies holds Martin Wolf. On this way of thinking, strong fiscal and monetary policies somehow will fix things.

“A big question is not only whether we know how to respond to a crisis, but whether we did so. In his contribution, the Nobel laureate Paul Krugman argues, to my mind persuasively, that the basic Keynesian remedies - a strong fiscal and monetary response - remain right.

Related: Central Banking Exposed: Central Banks Only Care About Debt, Profit And Control

While agreeing with Krugman, Martin Wolf holds the view that, we remain ignorant to how economies work. Having expressed this, curiously Martin Wolf still holds the view that Keynesian policies could help during an economic crisis.

For Martin Wolf as for most mainstream economists the Keynesian remedy is always viewed with positive benefits - if in doubt just push more money and boost government spending to resolve any possible economic crisis.

It did not occur to our writer that without understanding the causes of a crisis, administering Keynesian remedies could make things much worse.

The proponents for strong government outlays and easy money policy when the economy falls into a crisis hold that stronger outlays by the government coupled with increases in money supply will strengthen monetary flow and this in turn will strengthen the economy. What is the reason behind this way of thinking?

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In this way of thinking, economic activity is presented in terms of the circular flow of money. Spending by one individual becomes a part of the earnings of another individual, and spending by another individual becomes a part of the first individual's earnings.

So if for some reason people have become less confident about the future and have decided to reduce their spending this is going to weaken the circular flow of money. Once an individual spends less, this worsens the situation of some other individual, who in turn also cuts his spending.

Following this logic, in order to prevent a recession from getting out of hand, the government and the central bank should step in and lift government outlays and monetary pumping, thereby filling the shortfall in the private sector spending.

Once the circular monetary flow is re-established, things should go back to normal and sound economic growth is re-established, so it is held.

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The Problem with the Mainstream View

Given that the government is not itself a wealth generator, this means that whenever it raises its outlays it also lifts the pace of the wealth diversion from the wealth-generating private sector.

Hence the more the government plans to spend the more wealth it is going to take from wealth generators.

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By diverting real wealth towards various non-productive activities, the increase in government outlays in fact undermines the process of wealth generation and weakens the economy’s growth rate over time.

The whole idea that the government can grow an economy originates from the Keynesian multiplier. On this way of thinking an increase in government outlays gives rise to the economy’s output by a multiple of the initial government increase.

Let us examine the effect of an increase in the government's spending on an economy's overall output. Can such an increase give rise to more output as popular wisdom has it?

On the contrary, it will impoverish producers. By means of taxation or other means such as borrowings, Government forces producers to part with their products for Government services i.e. for goods and services that are likely to be on a lower priority list of producers and this in turn weakens the production of wealth.

As one can see, not only does the increase in government outlays fail to raise overall output by a positive multiple, but on the contrary this leads to the weakening in the process of wealth generation in general.

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According to Mises;

“…there is need to emphasize the truism that a government can spend or invest only what it takes away from its citizens and that its additional spending and investment curtails the citizens' spending and investment to the full extent of its quantity.

For most commentators including Martin Wolf, the occurrence of a recession is due to unexpected events such as shocks that push the economy away from a trajectory of stable economic growth. Shocks weaken the economy i.e. cause lower economic growth so it is held.

The True Cause of Recessions

Following the Austrian Economics School of thinking - which Martin Wolf seems to ignore -  as a rule a recession emerges in response to a decline in the growth rate of money supply.

Usually this takes place in response to a tighter stance of the central bank.

Various activities that sprang up on the back of the previous strong money growth rate (usually because of previous loose central bank monetary policy) come under pressure.

These activities cannot support themselves - they survive because of the support that the increase in money supply provides.

Related: The Fundamental Flaw Of ‘Mainstream Economics’

The increase in money diverts to them real wealth from wealth generating activities. Consequently, this weakens these activities. That is, it weakens the the wealth-generating activities.

A tighter stance and a consequent fall in the growth rate of money undermines various nonproductive activities and this is what recession is all about.

Given that, nonproductive activities cannot support themselves since they are not profitable, once the growth rate of money supply declines, these activities begin to deteriorate. (A fall in the money growth rate means that nonproductive activities access to various resources is curtailed).

“Recession then is not about a weakening in economic activity as such but about the liquidations of various nonproductive activities that sprang up on the back of increases in money supply..

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Obviously then both aggressive fiscal and monetary policies, which will provide support to nonproductive activities, will re-start the weakening process of real wealth generation thereby weakening the prospects for a meaningful economic recovery.

It is for this reason that economists from the Austrian School such as Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard held that once an economy falls into a recession the government and the central bank should restrain themselves and do, as soon as possible, nothing.

Contrary to Martin Wolf, during an economic crisis what is required for the government and the central bank is to do as little as possible.

With less tampering, the more real wealth remains with wealth generators, which allows them to facilitate a further expansion in the pool of real wealth.

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With a larger pool of wealth, it will be much easier to absorb various unemployed resources and eliminate the crisis. Aggressive monetary and fiscal policies will only hurt the process of wealth generation thereby making things much worse.

As long as the pool of real wealth is still growing, the government and the central bank could get away with the illusion that they can grow the economy.

Once the pool starts to stagnate or decline the illusion of government and central bank policies is shattered.

The key reason why Keynesian economics fails to explain the occurrence of recessions is because it ignores the key factor behind this, which is the tampering policy of the government and the central bank.

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Putin Eviscerated Liberalism, Calling It "Obsolete", In Wide-Ranging Interview Ahead Of G-20
July 2 2019 | From: Zerohedge / Various

In an exclusive interview with FT on Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin touted the growth of national populism in Europe and America while saying that liberalism is "spent" as an ideology.

He spoke on numerous issues at length, which we have broken down here by topic. 

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Liberal Governments

On the eve of the G20 summit, Putin said that the "liberal idea" had "outlived its purpose" as the public has turned against immigration and multiculturalism.

His push back on liberalism aligns Putin with leaders like US president Donald Trump, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Matteo Salvini in Italy, and the Brexit insurgency in the UK.

Putin said: 

“[Liberals] cannot simply dictate anything to anyone just like they have been attempting to do over the recent decades.”

Immigration and Refugees

He said that Chancellor Angela Merkel's decision to admit over 1 million refugees to German was a "cardinal mistake" and praised President Trump for trying to stop migrants and drugs from Mexico

Putin said:

This liberal idea presupposes that nothing needs to be done. That migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected.

Every crime must have its punishment. The liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.”

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On Election Interference

While Putin has been targeted in the U.S., namely for attempting to intervene in the country's elections, Putin denied it and called the idea “mythical interference”.

Putin said:

“What happened in the US, and how did it happen? In the US, the leading US companies - the companies, their managers, shareholders and partners - made use of these benefits.

The middle class hardly benefited from globalization. The Trump team sensed this very keenly and clearly, and they used this in the election campaign. It is where you should look for reasons behind Trump’s victory, rather than in any alleged foreign interference.”

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The China / U.S. Trade War

With regard to the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China, Putin called the situation "explosive", blaming the issue on American unilateralism.

“Our relations with China are not motivated by timeserving political or any other considerations. China is showing loyalty and flexibility to both its partners and opponents.

Maybe this is related to the historical features of Chinese philosophy, their approach to building relations,”
Putin said. 

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A New Nuclear Arms Race

He also expressed concern about a new nuclear arms race. 

The cold war was a bad thing . . . but there were at least some rules that all participants in international communication more or less adhered to or tried to follow. Now, it seems that there are no rules at all,Putin said.

Syria and Venezuela

On the precarious situations in Syria and Venezuela, Putin said:

I believe that the Syrian people should be free to choose their own future.

At the same time, I would like the actions of external players to be substantiated and, just as in the case of the risks you have mentioned, predictable and understandable, so that we can consider at least our next moves.”

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He continued: “I believe that many things could have been done differently there when it comes to the economy. But we do not meddle in things; it is none of our business.

We are prepared for any developments in any country, including Venezuela, if they are taking place in accordance with internal rules and the country’s legislation, its constitution, and in line with the people’s will.”

Relations With UK

Putin also alluded that relations with the UK were on the mends. Relations had been stalled since the attempted assassination of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal in England. The UK blames the Russian government for the nerve agent attack, but Putin has refuted it. Putin said:

I think Russia and UK are both interested in fully restoring our relations, at least I hope a few preliminary steps will be made.”

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North Korea

Regarding North Korea, Putin said:

What we should be talking about is not how to make North Korea disarm, but how to ensure the unconditional security of North Korea. We must show it respect, and we must find a way of ensuring its security that will satisfy North Korea.

If we do this, the situation may take a turn nobody can imagine today.”

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The Russian Economy

Speaking about his own country, Putin said:

Real wages are not in decline in Russia. On the contrary, they are starting to pick up. The macroeconomic situation in the country is stable.

As for the central bank, yes, it is engaged in a gradual improvement of our financial system: inefficient and small-capacity companies, as well as semi-criminal financial organizations are leaving the market, and this is large-scale and complicated work.”

Spies and Treason

He also made it clear he had zero tolerance for spies against his country.

“Treason is the gravest crime possible and traitors must be punished. I am not saying that the Salisbury incident is the way to do it . . . but traitors must be punished,” he said.

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Sexual Diversity

Finally, Putin claims that liberal government have pursued a "mindless multiculturalism" that embraces sexual diversity. 

He concluded: 

“I am not trying to insult anyone because we have been condemned for our alleged homophobia. But we have no problem with LGBT persons. God forbid, let them live as they wish.

But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles. Let everyone be happy, we have no problem with that.

But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now
July 1 2019 | From: Geopolitics

Over 1,400 years later Khazarians are still proliferating unimaginable destruction, death and evil everywhere they go, only much worse than ever.

It’s a well-established historical fact that Khazaria was destroyed by both Russia and Persia (now Iran) in approximately 1250 AD, and with good reason.

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Many years of prior very stern warnings had been given by Russia and Persia with no changes by the Khazarians.

The reason for this final destruction of the Kingdom of Khazaria was that its rulers and its people ignored these warnings that were made jointly by Russia and Persia.

Russia and Persia had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop parasitizing its neighbors, or suffer complete destruction.

Khazarians were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler King Bulan did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.

When Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250 AD by Russia and Persia, it had been literally terrorizing, robbing, murdering and parasitizing neighbors and travelers for over 500 years.

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These endemic Khazarian criminal behaviors were institutionally supported by their leaders and by the Khazarian culture.

There was no rule of law in Khazaria, only the rule of manipulation, sociopathy, might, violence and evil.

Khazarians had repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria. Traveling in or near or through Khazaria was usually a fatal mistake. Women were often raped and then murdered afterwards or, if young enough, taken as sex slaves.

Khazaria was known by other surrounding nations as a lawless, evil nation that allowed the worst crimes against neighbors and travelers imaginable. Khazaria was known as the epitome of selfishness and evil, from the King all the way down to the average citizen.

It is now known for certain from peer-reviewed genetic studies done at Johns Hopkins that Khazarians carry absolutely no ancient Hebrew blood and are not Semites at all, and never were.

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Khazarians’ origin is believed to have been a hybridization between Turks and Mongols, with absolutely no genetic ties to the ancient Hebrews.

It is truly interesting that these Khazarians have absolutely no ancient Hebrew Blood at all, none, although their leaders usually claim to carry ancient Hebrew Blood and to be Semites, when they are not Semites at all, and have absolutely no ancestral rights to any land in the Mideast.

About 80% of the Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew Blood and thus are true Semites, and hold an un-abandoned, absolute ancestral right to all of Palestine, despite any Khazarian claims, which are all based on lies and political intrigue.

Thus it is fair to claim that the Israelis are not only NOT Semites at all, but are the biggest anti-Semites in the whole world for their massive land theft of Palestinian land and genocide against Palestinians.

And despite this stark reality, top Khazarians immediately accuse anyone that criticizes them or Israel of being anti-Semites – an obvious fallacy.

It is now becoming obvious to many that Israel is a deeply racist Khazarian state that is continuing the same anti-social criminal patterns that led to its destruction around 1250 AD.

Why Did Russia and Persia Destroy Khazaria in About 1250 AD?

The site of the Khazar fortress at Sarkel, sacked by Sviatoslav c. 965 (aerial photo from excavations conducted by Mikhail Artamonov in the 1930s)

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The Russian and Persian leaders had had enough, in about 750 AD – Khazaria’s King Bulan was given an ultimatum jointly by both Russia and Persia that he had to select one of the three Abrahamic religions to “clean up” the Khazarian People.

Khazarians at the time were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers, cons, robbers, road warriors, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them.

They repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria, usually a fatal mistake.

When the problem reached epic proportions and could no longer be accepted by the surrounding nations and peoples, the Russian and Persian leaders formed a coalition and delivered a stern ultimatum to the Khazarian King Bulan.

This ultimatum was that Khazaria as a nation had to immediately change its ways, and to do this, King Bulan must select one of the three Abrahamic religions and institute it as the official required Khazarian state religion. King Bulan was told in no uncertain terms that the religion chosen must be indoctrinated in all Khazarians to serve as rules of conduct and as a basis for integrity and ethics that were previously completely absent.

King Bulan agreed and selected Torah Judaism as Khazaria’s official religion. This worked somewhat for a while, but soon Khazarians were drifting back to their old ways of national banditry, murder and gross parasitism of others from surrounding nations.

Instead of working to establish morals and ethics in his nation by making a serious attempt to practice Torah Judaism, King Bulan and his top staff actually were inducted into the Black Arts and Black Magic of Babylonian Talmudism, better known as Baal worship or Satanism. Externally this looks a lot like Torah Judaism and can be used as false cover, which it was.

Khazar Empire flag

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The reason this choice by King Bulan failed to become a permanent solution to the Khazarian mass sociopathy was because he himself never really accepted or practiced only Orthodox Torah Judaism and merely displayed a phony outward appearance of such.

Instead, he learned the black arts of Babylonian Talmudism and practiced the secret occult rites of Satanic demonology to gain more power, wealth and status.

King Bulan’s secret worship of Babylonian Talmudism (Baal worship, Satanism) was well-disguised by his phony outward presentation of Orthodox Torah Judaism as cover.

His heart was not in setting an example and leading his people away from the cultural sociopathy, inhumanity and criminality Khazaria had become known for.

At first when the ultimatum was delivered jointly by Russia and Persia, the Khazarians backed off somewhat from their ways for a while, fearing destruction. But their culture remained the same; and their old ways of abusing, robbing and murdering neighbors started back up again – this time even worse than before.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn with Vladimir Putin

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Finally, in about 1250 AD, the situation became completely unacceptable to both Russia and Persia and they jointly decided to invade Khazaria and destroy it top to bottom.

The current King and his court were warned by his spies, and the top Khazarian nobility were able to flee with their great wealth of silver and gold before the invasion and destruction of Khazaria.

It is hard to know all the details about where this Khazarian Royalty went, but it appears that they continued practicing the Black Magick occult arts of Babylonian Talmudism and migrated to Italy and other western European nations.

Khazarian history has been carefully excised from most libraries in the Western world and one must dig to find it. Fortunately, Solzhenitsyn documented a fair amount of Khazarian history before he died.

The Truth about King Bulan and Khazaria’s destruction by Russia and Persia for its unrepentant evil is a closely guarded Khazarian secret even today, and Khazarian leaders greatly fear the disclosure of this to the masses.

These Khazarian royals who specialized in Babylonian Talmudic Satanism participated in child sacrifice because they believed it would provide them with more and more satanic powers.

Solzhenitsyn, historian

Here’s How Putin Will Defeat The Khazarian Mafia

These top Khazarians became known as the world’s greatest impostors, usually hiding in other groups by claiming to be part of that group’s genetic and cultural heritage.

Eventually these Khazarian Royals became adept at Babylonian Talmudic “money-magick” that is, making money from nothing by the use of pernicious usury. They often assumed the identity of Judaics and claimed to have ancient Hebrew blood, when they had none and only carried Khazarian blood.

Soon they became the Vatican’s Bankers and were known as “Hof Juden” or “Court Jews” by the various Kings, Queens and royalty of the European nations.

Babylonian Money Magic & How Modern "Commercial Law" Is Based On Ancient Babylonian Codes

They were easily accepted by the Old Black European Nobility families that hijacked the Vatican who also practiced Babylonian Talmudism and gained power from the satanic, dark-side using secret child sacrifice.

Khazarians became accepted as Cutouts and tools of the Old Black European Nobility who were also Satanists practicing Black Magick occult rituals.

Cutouts and tools. Will anyone be sad when they are swept away?

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But it is clear that these Khazarians were easily accepted by the Old Black Nobility because they worshiped Satan just like they, and shared in the secret Black Arts and Occult rituals such as child sacrifice. Soon the Khazarians bred their way into the British Royal families and other European Royal Families.

These top Khazarian leaders became known for their expertise in political intrigue, human compromise and blackmail, as well as the administration of hypnotic drugs and special poisons to create deaths that appeared to be due to medical conditions.

They gained control over the City of London when Napoleon was defeated, and proceeded to eventually gain control over all the western world’s monetary creation and distribution systems, which were all set up as private fiat systems with pernicious usury.

These top Khazarian “Black Magick” occult masters hijacked the American monetary creation and distribution system by setting up their own private so-called banking system – the Federal Reserve System in 1913.

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This was done by using sophisticated bribery, blackmail and human compromise schemes to gain enough votes in Congress and the President’s support to pass this clearly illegal, unconstitutional aberration, the greatest financial crime in history.

As an example – PNAC’s Khazarian Kagan family: Donald (dad) Victoria, Robert and Fred Kagan

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Khazarian Kingpins Established a Beachhead in America

Once the Khazarian Kingpins established a beachhead in America, they were able to buy up, bribe or human compromise almost all elected and appointed USG officials. Those that didn’t comply were sidelined or driven out by supporting competitors chosen by the Khazarian Kingpins.

Soon all the American political, governmental, corporate, law enforcement, Military and Intel systems were hijacked using the same methods. This has allowed the Khazarian Kingpins to parasitize America, which in practice means making serfs and wage slaves out of most Americans with little recourse.

America was then transformed into the Khazarian Kingpins’ tool to parasitize the rest of the whole world, as so well-described by John Perkins in his classic book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

The Khazarian Kingpins’ motto: buy everyone if possible, otherwise sidetrack them or kill them.

Related: More Confessions Of An Economic Hit Man: "This Time, They’re Coming For Your Democracy"

Money creation and distribution systems were hijacked by the Khazarian Kingpins (called “the Moneychangers” by insiders) in every western nation of the world.

The Islamic nations refused to set up banking systems with pernicious usury; and that is why Islamic nations have been targeted for destruction by the Khazarian leaders ever since.

The USG is now being used to provoke any nation like Russia and China and some Mideast nations that refuse to let the Khazarians run their banking.

Khazarian Kingpins are called the leaders of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, because that is what it is, a Khazarian Mafia run by the Rothschild family Banksters who have been alleged to be high satanic masters.


History documents what the Khazarians were as a people back in the period of 750 AD to 1250 AD before Russia and Persia destroyed Khazaria for their unrepentant and unimaginably evil ways.

Their rulers and their people in general were bad to the bone suggesting that criminal psychopathology was institutional and culturally based. Others have claimed it is genetic too, but this remains to be studied scientifically.

When King Bulan claimed to have selected Judaism for his own and as Khazaria’s official state religion, he lied and promoted only an outward phony appearance of such while encouraging satanic Black magick practices and unimaginably evil occult rituals such as pedophilia and child sacrifice and blood drinking.

The question needs to by asked and answered – after well over 1,400 years, have the Khazarian bloodlines and their leaders changed their ways at all?

Related: The Khazarian Mafia’s System Of Cartels

Are they still a bandit race of hijackers, impersonators, deceivers, cheaters, thugs, and murderers?

Obviously, their top leaders have not changed at all and are in fact worse, because now they have destroyed whole nations and peoples at will, using the American military as canon fodder to commit genocide by war.

Or have only their top Kingpins and their chosen Khazarians undeservedly placed in top positions of power remained so unimaginably evil and inhuman?

Since Khazaria was destroyed in about 1250 AD, over 150 nations have booted out the Khazarians for their evil ways. Now because of the Internet, there is a growing awareness that top Khazarians are anti-human thieves, mass-murderers, deceivers and parasites upon the whole world.

The Boycott, Divest, Sanction movement (BDS) is evidence of this growing awareness. Looks like soon the whole world will repeat the actions of Russia and Persia in dealing with the Khazarians.

City of London statue

Related: The Ongoing Historic Fall Of The Khazarian Empire

Yes, the whole world is getting informed fast about this Khazarian problem, the world’s biggest problem, and has just about had enough of the Khazarians’ abuse and inhumanity. It’s almost a certainty that the Khazarian City of London private Rothschild FIAT World Banking System is going to soon be eliminated in the coming months.

This alone will decapitate the Khazarian command and control and power base worldwide. Doubt this then do some basic research on BRICS, AIIB, Silk Road System, Shanghai Gold Exchange, and the recent erosion of the US Petro Dollar system with Saudi Arabia accepting currencies besides the USD.

Khazarian Kingpins always hold their timeless, inter-generational grudge. The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge against Russia for its destruction of Khazaria in about 1250 AD.

Approximately 80% of the Bolsheviks were godless Khazarians who raped, pillaged, tortured and murdered over 100 million non-Khazarian Russian citizens. These Bolsheviks did the same thing to Germans when they entered East Germany at the end of WWII. It’s a fact that Bolshevism was Khazarianism in disguise. Same for Maoism.

America has been infiltrated and hijacked by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia, which is dead set on destroying the Christian and Deist Heritage of our Founding Fathers, along with our economy, borders, language, culture sex roles and marriage.

Khazarians have become the destroyers of society and everything that occurs naturally, that is, the natural order of things.

Unless Americans and citizens of the world wake up and displace
 these Khazarian Kingpins from their high positions of control that they obtained by hijacking, bribery, blackmail and human compromise or murder, America is doomed and so is the whole world.

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Eleven Habits Of Genuinely Likable People
June 30 2019 | From: Inc

How to make a great first impression - and a great lasting impression.

There's a formula to making a great first impression: Smile, make eye contact, be engaging. But first impressions can also quickly lose their impact, especially when there's no substance beneath the surface glow.

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Being genuinely likable over the long haul is tougher. Building and maintaining great relationships, consistently influencing others in a good way and making people feel better about themselves, those are things relatively few people can do.

But you can, because being the most likable person in the room has nothing to do with your level of success, or your presentation skills, or how you dress, or the image you project. Being genuinely likable is all about what you do.

How can you be more likable, in a sincere and authentic way?

1. Give Before You Receive, Knowing You May Never Receive

Never think about what you can get. Focus on what you can provide. Giving is the only way to establish a real connection and relationship.

Focus on what you can get out of the other person, and you show that the only person who really matters is you.

2. Shift the Spotlight to Other People

No one receives enough praise. That means one of the easiest ways to be likable is to tell people what they did well. Wait, you say you don't know what they did well? Shame on you - it's your job to know.

Not only will people appreciate your praise, they'll appreciate the fact you care enough to pay attention to what they do. And then they'll feel a little more accomplished and a lot more important, and they'll love you for making them feel that way.

3. Listen Three Times More Than You Talk

Ask questions. Maintain eye contact. Smile. Frown. Nod. Respond - not just verbally, but nonverbally. That's all it takes to show the other person he or she is important.

When you do speak, don't offer advice unless you're asked. Listening shows you care a lot more than offering advice does, because when you offer advice, in most cases, you make the conversation about you.

Don't believe me? Who is "Here's what I would do" about: you or the other person? Only speak when you have something important to say - and always define important as what matters to the other person, not to you.

4. Never Practice Selective Hearing

Some people - and I guarantee you know people like this - are incapable of hearing anything said by someone they feel is somehow beneath them. Sure, you speak to them, but that particular falling tree doesn't make a sound in the forest, because there's no one actually listening.

Charismatic people listen closely to everyone, and they make all of us, regardless of our position or social status or "level," feel like we have something in common with them.

Because we do. We're all human.

5. Be Thoughtful Simply Because You Can

I pulled into a service bay to get my oil changed. As I got out of the car, one of the techs said, "Man, those are nice wheels. Too bad they're so dirty." He smiled, just teasing. "I know," I said. "My next stop is the car wash." Then I went inside to wait.

When I walked to my car to leave, the tech was just standing up, filthy rags in his hand. "It took some work, but I got 'em all clean," he said. Every rim sparkled. Every speck of brake dust was gone.

"Wow, that's awesome, but you didn't have to do that," I said. "We're not very busy," he shrugged. "I had time. Figured I would make 'em look better." Just then a car pulled into another bay so he hustled away, saying over his shoulder, "Have a good day."

That was years ago, but I still haven't forgotten it. Instead of turning idle time into "me time," likable people use their free time to do something nice - not because they're expected to, but just because they can.

6. Put Your Stuff Away

Don't check your phone. Don't glance at your monitor. Don't focus on anything else, even for a moment.

You can never connect with others if you're busy connecting with your stuff, too. Give the gift of your full attention. That's a gift few people give. It alone will make others want to be around you.

7. Never Act Self-Important...

The only people who are impressed by your stuffy, pretentious, self-important self are other stuffy, pretentious, self-important people. The rest aren't impressed. They're irritated, put off, and uncomfortable. And they hate when you walk into the room.

8. ...Because Other People are Always More Important

You already know what you know. You know your opinions. You know your perspectives and points of view. That stuff isn't important, because it's already yours. You can't learn anything from yourself. But you don't know what other people know, and everyone, no matter who he or she is, knows things you don't know.

That makes other people a lot more important to you than you - because you can learn from them.

9. Choose Your Words Wisely

The words you use impact the attitude of others.

For example, you don't have to go to a meeting; you get to go meet with other people. You don't have to create a presentation for a new client; you get to share cool stuff with other people. You don't have to go to the gym; you get to work out and improve your health and fitness.

You don't have to interview job candidates; you get to select a great person to join your team. We all want to associate with happy, enthusiastic, fulfilled people. The words you choose can help other people feel better about themselves - and make you feel better about yourself.

10. Never Talk About the Failings of Other People...

Granted, we all like hearing a little gossip. We all like hearing a little dirt. The problem is, we don't necessarily like - and we definitely don't respect - the people who dish that dirt.

Don't laugh at other people. When you do, the people around you wonder if you sometimes laugh at them.

11. ...But Readily Admit Your Own Failings

Incredibly successful people are often assumed to have charisma simply because they're successful. Their success seems to create a halo effect, almost like a glow. The key word is seem.

You don't have to be incredibly successful to be remarkably charismatic. Scratch the shiny surface, and many successful people have all the charisma of a rock.

But you do have to be incredibly genuine to be remarkably charismatic. Be humble. Share your screwups. Admit your mistakes. Be the cautionary tale. And laugh at yourself. While you should never laugh at other people, you should always laugh at yourself. People won't laugh at you. People will laugh with you.

They'll like you better for it - and they'll want to be around you a lot more.

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Why Don’t People Revolt?
June 29 2019 | From: Geopolitics

Our views about the world are moulded by those who cast and press the dies together.  

There are no independent ideas unless the slave mind completely severs itself from the chains which keep pulling those synapses apart.

Related: More Than Half Of Young Europeans Say They Would Join An “Uprising” Against The Elite: Europe’s Youth Don’t Care To Vote - But They’re Ready To Join A Mass Revolt

Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, queer, unemployed, female immigrant student – and not taking it any more. More info on: www.agnestorok.org

“What has to be explained is not the fact that the man who is hungry steals or the man who is exploited strikes, but why the majority of those who are hungry don’t steal and why the majority of those who are exploited don’t strike.”

- Wilhelm Reich “The Mass Psychology of Fascism”

Presuming that people are exploited and that it is in their interests to strike back, and we think they are and it is, what can we say about this?

Further reading: Marx and Engels “The German Ideology” / Steven Lukes “Power” / “In Defence of False Consciousness”

How Swedes and Norwegians Broke the Power of the ‘1 Percent’

A march in Ådalen, Sweden, in 1931

Related: Government Versus Anarchy

While many of us work to create a better world, it’s worthwhile to consider other countries where masses of people succeeded in nonviolently bringing about a high degree of democracy and economic justice.

Sweden and Norway, for example, both experienced a major power shift in the 1930s after prolonged nonviolent struggle. They “fired” the top 1 percent of people who set the direction for society and created the basis for something different.

Both countries had a history of horrendous poverty. When the 1 percent was in charge, hundreds of thousands of people emigrated to avoid starvation. Under the leadership of the working class, however, both countries built robust and successful economies that nearly eliminated poverty, expanded free university education, abolished slums, provided excellent health care available to all as a matter of right and created a system of full employment.

Unlike the Norwegians, the Swedes didn’t find oil, but that didn’t stop them from building what the latest CIA World Factbook calls “an enviable standard of living.”

Related: Anonymous: De-Mystifying The Concept Of The Deep State + Doctor Explains Why The Public Is So Stupid - Trusting The Government & Fake News

Neither country is a utopia, as readers of the crime novels by Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell and Jo Nesbø will know. Critical left-wing authors such as these try to push Sweden and Norway to continue on the path toward more fully just societies.

However, as an American activist who first encountered Norway as a student in 1959 and learned some of its language and culture, the achievements I found amazed me. I remember, for example, bicycling for hours through a small industrial city, looking in vain for substandard housing.

Sometimes resisting the evidence of my eyes, I made up stories that “accounted for” the differences I saw: “small country,” “homogeneous,” “a value consensus.” I finally gave up imposing my frameworks on these countries and learned the real reason: their own histories.

Then I began to learn that the Swedes and Norwegians paid a price for their standards of living through nonviolent struggle. There was a time when Scandinavian workers didn’t expect that the electoral arena could deliver the change they believed in.

They realized that, with the 1 percent in charge, electoral “democracy” was stacked against them, so nonviolent direct action was needed to exert the power for change.

Related: Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex To Be Ruled By A Government

In both countries, the troops were called out to defend the 1 percent; people died. Award-winning Swedish filmmaker Bo Widerberg told the Swedish story vividly in Ådalen 31, which depicts the strikers killed in 1931 and the sparking of a nationwide general strike. (You can read more about this case in an entry by Max Rennebohm in the Global Nonviolent Action Database.)

The Norwegians had a harder time organizing a cohesive people’s movement because Norway’s small population - about three million - was spread out over a territory the size of Britain. People were divided by mountains and fjords, and they spoke regional dialects in isolated valleys.

In the nineteenth century, Norway was ruled by Denmark and then by Sweden; in the context of Europe Norwegians were the “country rubes,” of little consequence. Not until 1905 did Norway finally become independent.

When workers formed unions in the early 1900s, they generally turned to Marxism, organizing for revolution as well as immediate gains. They were overjoyed by the overthrow of the czar in Russia, and the Norwegian Labor Party joined the Communist International organized by Lenin.

Labor didn’t stay long, however. One way in which most Norwegians parted ways with Leninist strategy was on the role of violence: Norwegians wanted to win their revolution through collective nonviolent struggle, along with establishing co-ops and using the electoral arena.

Related: Republic Or Democracy And Self-Governance

In the 1920s strikes increased in intensity. The town of Hammerfest formed a commune in 1921, led by workers councils; the army intervened to crush it. The workers’ response verged toward a national general strike. The employers, backed by the state, beat back that strike, but workers erupted again in the ironworkers’ strike of 1923 - 24.

The Norwegian 1 percent decided not to rely simply on the army; in 1926 they formed a social movement called the Patriotic League, recruiting mainly from the middle class. By the 1930s, the League included as many as 100,000 people for armed protection of strike breakers - this in a country of only 3 million!

The Labor Party, in the meantime, opened its membership to anyone, whether or not in a unionized workplace. Middle-class Marxists and some reformers joined the party. Many rural farm workers joined the Labor Party, as well as some small landholders.

Labor leadership understood that in a protracted struggle, constant outreach and organizing was needed to a nonviolent campaign. In the midst of the growing polarization, Norway’s workers launched another wave of strikes and boycotts in 1928.

Related: Everywhere In The Western World, Government Is A Conspiracy Against The People & Cartels That Run The World

The Depression hit bottom in 1931. More people were jobless there than in any other Nordic country. Unlike in the U.S., the Norwegian union movement kept the people thrown out of work as members, even though they couldn’t pay dues.

This decision paid off in mass mobilizations. When the employers’ federation locked employees out of the factories to try to force a reduction of wages, the workers fought back with massive demonstrations.

Many people then found that their mortgages were in jeopardy. (Sound familiar?) The Depression continued, and farmers were unable to keep up payment on their debts. As turbulence hit the rural sector, crowds gathered nonviolently to prevent the eviction of families from their farms.

The Agrarian Party, which included larger farmers and had previously been allied with the Conservative Party, began to distance itself from the 1 percent; some could see that the ability of the few to rule the many was in doubt.

By 1935, Norway was on the brink. The Conservative-led government was losing legitimacy daily; the 1 percent became increasingly desperate as militancy grew among workers and farmers. A complete overthrow might be just a couple years away, radical workers thought.

Related: Privatisation Of Australia And New Zealand's Natural Resources & Is The Australian Government Crossing The Line Into A Totalitarian State?

However, the misery of the poor became more urgent daily, and the Labor Party felt increasing pressure from its members to alleviate their suffering, which it could do only if it took charge of the government in a compromise agreement with the other side.

This it did. In a compromise that allowed owners to retain the right to own and manage their firms, Labor in 1935 took the reins of government in coalition with the Agrarian Party. They expanded the economy and started public works projects to head toward a policy of full employment that became the keystone of Norwegian economic policy.

Labor’s success and the continued militancy of workers enabled steady inroads against the privileges of the 1 percent, to the point that majority ownership of all large firms was taken by the public interest. (There is an entry on this case as well at the Global Nonviolent Action Database.)

The 1 percent thereby lost its historic power to dominate the economy and society. Not until three decades later could the Conservatives return to a governing coalition, having by then accepted the new rules of the game, including a high degree of public ownership of the means of production, extremely progressive taxation, strong business regulation for the public good and the virtual abolition of poverty.

Related: Snowden Smashes The Police State In Most Epic Rant Ever, ‘Terrorists Don’t Take Our Rights, Government Does’

When Conservatives eventually tried a fling with neoliberal policies, the economy generated a bubble and headed for disaster. (Sound familiar?)

Labor stepped in, seized the three largest banks, fired the top management, left the stockholders without a dime and refused to bail out any of the smaller banks. The well-purged Norwegian financial sector was not one of those countries that lurched into crisis in 2008; carefully regulated and much of it publicly owned, the sector was solid.

Although Norwegians may not tell you about this the first time you meet them, the fact remains that their society’s high level of freedom and broadly-shared prosperity began when workers and farmers, along with middle-class allies, waged a nonviolent struggle that empowered the people to govern for the common good.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

No End To Coverups
July 28 2019 | From: PaulCraigRoberts / Various

Craig Roberts (yes, there are two of us) is a former US Marine and a 27-year veteran of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, police force. He is a capable and committed person. 

Since 1989 he has written 13 books. His latest, just published, Medusa File II, consists essentially of his voluminous files of the investigation of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19th, 1995, known as “the Oklahoma City Bombing.”

Related: Fake evidence used in the Oklahoma Bombing

The FBI, appreciative of Roberts’ capabilities, requested his service in the investigation. As officially part of the investigation, he took the investigation seriously. The investigation proceeded rapidly, developing many leads.

Numerous witnesses saw Timothy McVeigh with many dark complexioned men prior to and just after the bombing. Leads were also developed to militias in Elohim City, to the German, Strassmeir, and others.

Before any of these leads could be developed, the investigation was taken over by President Bill Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno.

Once Washington took over, the investigation stopped. In its place was Washington’s theory that it was Tim McVeigh’s lonely protest.

The volumnious evidence of McVeigh’s accomplices or controllers, as might have been the case, was in the way of the official story that imposed itself on the investigation. Many people resisted the coverup that descended on the case, including local journalists who eventually lost their jobs or moved on.

Related: Summary On 9/11 And Inconsistencies Regarding The Official Story

Roberts stuck it out to the end. So did black Oklahoma City Police sgt. Terrance Yeakey. For resisting the official story Yeakey paid with his life. Roberts provides the reasons he believes Yeakey had definitive evidence that the official story was a coverup. The OCPD was called off once the official story was in place, but Yeakey wouldn’t quit and became a problem.

The official OCPD report says it was suicide, but Roberts recognizes homicide when he sees it. There was no autopsy and the police refused to release the police report to Yeakey’s family. Being black, they had little recourse.

Remaining skeptics were dismissed as “conspiracy theorists,” and that was the end of the case.

One of the striking details that Roberts provides is that in the immediate aftermath of the bombing with rescue workers removing dead and wounded from the rubble, numerous federal agents appeared, ordered the rescue workers out of the building on the grounds that there were still unexploded bombs in the building.

Then with the trapped still under the rubble, all rescue efforts halted until the federal agents had removed file cabinets from the building.

Related: The First Question To Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It A False Flag?

Roberts speculates that the cabinets contained the files of the Mena drug running operation that many believe involved Arkansas governor Bill Clinton, and that President Clinton and Janet Reno didn’t want these files to see the light of day.

For an official explanation of the case that relies solely on McVeigh’s “truck bomb,” the federal agents’ statement that unexploded bombs remained in the building is a conundrum.

If there were unexploded bombs remaining in the building, how could it be that McVeigh was the lone wolf perpetrator?

It reminded me of General Benton Partin, a US Air Force explosive expert, who produced a detailed report proving that the Murrah building blew up from the inside out, not from the outside in. Of course, by the time Gen. Partin got his study completed, the fix was in, and there was to be no challenge to, or reconsidering of, the official cover story.

Related: Exposed - Iraq War Was A Lie: The Invasion Of Iraq Took Place Under False Pretences

Roberts doesn’t know who did the bombing or why. All he knows is that leads were not followed and the case was solved by Washington and not by an investigation.

Just like the assassination of JFK.

Just like the assassination of RFK.

Just like the assassination of Martin Luther King.

Just like 9/11.

Just like Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction.”

Just like “Iranian nukes.”

Just like the “Gulf of Tonkin.”

Just like Gaddafi and Libya.

Just like Assad’s “use of chemical weapons.”

Just like . . .

It is endless, isn’t it?

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Anonymous: Will The Internet Get Real? A Manifesto On False Flags, Big Lies, And The Loss Of Integrity By All Law Enforcement Agencies And The Media

False Flag Terrorism: Murdering The Innocent In Order To Support The Lie + 15 Ways To Detect A False Flag Operation

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DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation - But Why?
June 27 2019 | From: DivineCosmos / Various

Finally, after a year and a half of buildup, the team behind Q Anon appears to be on the verge of unsealing thousands of indictments and declassifying a wealth of contentious information.

Our latest briefings indicate that there is a “hard deadline” of mid-September 2019 for what they are calling DECLAS. By then, a huge wealth of world-changing intel should have been released.

Related: Google Executives Panic and Go Into Hiding – Delete Social Media Accounts After James O’Keefe’s Latest Exposé

It has been quite a long and arduous journey to reach this point, but the proof of a coming Major Event is utterly undeniable once we survey the landscape.

This is a 51,000-word, completely free Ebook. Not one word of it has been wasted. It took nine days of non-stop effort and a 258-page document of nothing but select links, from last August to the present, to make this a reality.

We needed to put this data all together in one place so the overall message could not be suppressed, blocked or marginalized.

The Deep State has made a series of critical mistakes in this battle, now including the mass betrayal of ALL YouTube content creators in favor of “Approved” mainstream media sources.

In case you haven’t noticed, it has become nearly impossible to find any alternative news on YouTube now. It has become a wasteland of check-marked trash.

Battle for Disclosure: The Ultimate QAnon Brief

Related: US House Hosts Project Veritas Video Censored by Google

We will include unbiased statistics that make this plainly obvious. Then as we go on, you will see compelling new evidence that the all-important DECLAS is finally upon us.

We will review a stunning new insider disclosure that is one of the most significant testimonials we have ever seen… truly. It is an absolute must-read.

Additionally, we will discuss the all-important Quote 2700, what it means for disclosure, and why UFOs and Atlantis are now going mainstream.

This is our first write-up on current events since last October, and we hope you enjoy it! Every current events piece we have written since Christmas 2017 has had nearly 4 million views or more.

Disclosure and DECLAS is finally happening now. Everything we have been working towards throughout our entire online existence is finally coming to fruition.

It is scary and amazing all at the same time. Release the Kraken!

Continue Reading the full article at: DivineCosmos

Additional: Read about the Alliance that has been working behind the scenes for decades to take down the 'Cabal' within the work of David Wilcock.

Some of those reading this may be confused because the cabal-controlled mainstream media is doing everything within it's power to denigrate Trump - as he is part of the effort to take the Illuminati down once and for all.

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Who Is QAnon? An Introduction To The QAnon Phenomenon #QAnon #GreatAwakening

Global Alliance Moving For A Checkmate Versus The Deep State

DECLAS: Section Five: The Forbidden Story

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An Objective Analysis Of The QAnon Phenomenon

Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Comcast, Instagram Suffer Devastating Outages As Trump Goes To War With Big Tech’s Malicious Censorship And Fraud & "Wikipedia Is Broken," Controlled By Special Interests & Bad Actors Says Co-Founder

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Spygate: Trump Holds All the Cards In This Game + Insider Exposes Google’s Efforts To Influence 2020 Election Against Trump
June 26 2019 | From: TheEpochTimes / RT / ProjectVaritas / Various

While President Donald Trump’s official reelection announcement in Orlando, Florida, attracted more than 100,000 people who wanted to attend, Democrats who plan to run against Trump are struggling to fill their own venues.

The president’s approval rating is now approaching 50 percent and has even topped that mark in some recent polls.

Related: President Trump slams mainstream polls

This isn’t how the script for 2019 was supposed to play out, according to the plot known as “Spygate” hatched during the Trump transition period, from November 2016 to January 2017.

According to the script written by the Washington political elite class, Trump, by this point in his brief, ignominious presidency, was supposed to be trapped by extremely low job approval numbers, surrounded by countless investigations as the walls closed in on him, and preparing for impeachment or contemplating resigning - just to end the whole thing.

The reality we are seeing now is far different from what was planned.

The Mueller investigation has ended with a whimper, not a bang. After more than 2 1/2 years, the Trump–Russia collusion narrative was exposed as being a massive hoax perpetrated on the American public with the willing complicity of many in the Fake News media.

Mueller and his team of crack prosecutors, who searched diligently for more than 24 months, were unable to find any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the government of Vladimir Putin.

Related: Ten Minutes From War: Trump Stopped Iran Strike After Asking How Many Would Die

Even on obstruction of justice charges, Mueller and his team refused to come to a conclusion and punted that decision upstairs to Attorney General William Barr, who professed surprise at Mueller for ducking his responsibility on that issue.

As a result of Mueller coming up empty, key Spygate plotters James Comey, Andrew McCabe, and John Brennan have been reduced to lame media appearances, in which they have to walk back their former accusations of treason against this president, while simultaneously urging House Democrats to start impeachment hearings as soon as possible.

Other recent developments make it clear that, far from being in retreat and under siege, Trump is advancing and winning at a rapid pace.

After months of Democrat and DNC media denials, everybody can now see there is indeed a massive humanitarian crisis on the United States’ southern border. 

Despite criticism that it would never be possible, Trump engineered a deal with Mexico that included our neighbor to the south starting, at last, to enforce its own southern borders and help stem the flood of illegal immigrants into the United States.

Related: Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Comcast, Instagram Suffer Devastating Outages As Trump Goes To War With Big Tech’s Malicious Censorship And Fraud & "Wikipedia Is Broken," Controlled By Special Interests & Bad Actors Says Co-Founder

Earlier this month, there was Trump’s highly successful European trip on the 75th anniversary of D-Day, in conjunction with UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s stepping down as her party’s leader, and the revelation of the Hezbollah London bomb plot.

Crowdstrike and Perkins Coie

Now, there’s a new development in the Spygate scandal that takes things exactly where some people don’t want it to go: to the roles of both Crowdstrike and Perkins Coie.

A new filing in the Roger Stone case led to a massive spotlight being thrown on something the Spygate plotters would really rather nobody look at.

What has been the key cornerstone of the entire Trump–Russia collusion narrative that Democrats and the media spent over two years relentlessly pushing to the American public?

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It’s that there was a conspiracy between the Trump campaign, the Russian government, and WikiLeaks to hack into the Democratic National Committee’s servers, steal damaging emails, and then have Julian Assange publish them.

It’s been public information for some time that the longstanding claim that the FBI “proved” that Russian hackers broke into the DNC servers and “stole” the emails published by WikiLeaks is based only on a heavily redacted draft report created by a cybersecurity firm called Crowdstrike, a company working as a contractor for … the Democratic National Committee.

And how did the DNC go about hiring Crowdstrike as a contractor? Well, simple: They used the law firm Perkins Coie as the middle man.

Just as Perkins Coie was used as a middle man to hire Fusion GPS, which, in turn, hired Christopher Steele, to produce the now debunked “Steele dossier.”

The chief result of Stone’s new filing is going to be calling attention to this: that the FBI’s forensic experts were never allowed to see the actual servers or examine them.

Related: Dancing On The Crumbling Precipice: Jim Quinn Explains Why The Deep State Is The True Enemy Of Human Civilization

How then, could it be proven that any hacking was actually done, by Russians or anyone else? It turns out that the FBI was basing its “evidence” solely on Crowdstrike’s supposedly expert and impartial expertise.

This has been out there for months, but having Stone make this filing right now throws a huge spotlight on it.

Trump’s been calling attention to this very issue for a long time on his Twitter account. For instance, here’s his Tweet from July 14, 2018 “….Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?”

Related: Trump Mocks Pathetic Impeachment Protests: “Almost nobody showed up”

And then on Nov. 15, 2018:

The only ‘Collusion’ is that of the Democrats with Russia and many others. Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? They still don’t have it. Check out how biased Facebook, Google and Twitter are in favor of the Democrats. That’s the real Collusion!

Related: Democrats come up short in attempts to parallel Watergate, Russia probe

Trump Is Holding All the Cards

At this stage, Trump is holding all the cards. The slow, patient rollout of the case that there was an actual, real Spygate plot is working.

Understand that this has to come out in bite-sized chunks in order for people in the middle - who aren’t in the Trump camp but aren’t rabid Democrat partisans - to accept it.

Plenty of people who don’t follow political news every single day are slowly learning the truth.

Spygate plotters have been trying for two years to troll Trump into ripping the lid off this Pandora’s box, before there was majority public support for investigating and prosecuting the Spygate coup. They continue to fail to prod Trump into going early.

Trump is making moves to get the public ready for the declassification and the release of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s FISA report.

Related: DOJ to question senior CIA officials regarding origins of Russia probe

Forcing the Theresa May government in the UK, while on its way out the door, to finally reveal the 2015 Hezbollah bomb plot in London is another key piece of this slow rollout preparation.

Desperate Spygate plotters wanted Trump and his team to “go” more than a year ago. They were fully prepared to use their media allies to try to win the PR battle: that “Dictator Trump” was going after his enemies, using federal agencies to exact revenge.

If Trump had gone early, without that undecided middle who still thinks there just might have been something to the idea Trump was a Russian puppet, that would have been used against him.

By the time Trump hits the “go” button, his approval rating will be north of 50 percent and the majority of the public will know they were lied to for more than three years about this “Russiagate” stuff.

They will know Trump was never a Russian agent and that it was all a setup that had its origins inside the Hillary Clinton campaign and partisans entrenched inside federal agencies.

Related: Judicial Watch: State Department Emails Show Coordination Between Obama State Department and House Democrat Leader on Christopher Steele/Russia

Trump was under a cloud for the past 2 1/2 years. The House Democrats are trying their best to keep that cloud in place, but it’s not working.

During the 2004 presidential election, as John Kerry watched the results come in showing incumbent President George W. Bush was ahead, he was reported to have been caught by an observer muttering under his breath, “I can’t believe I’m losing to this idiot!”

I fully expect to see a lot of the people who thought they’d have Trump well on his way out of the White House by now to be mumbling something similar to themselves in coming months.

Because they’ll never let themselves accept the fact he’s been ahead of them in this game all along.

Spygate: Trump Holds All the Cards

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Insider Exposes Google’s Efforts To Influence 2020 Election Against Trump

Google interferes with search results, censors conservative views and even directly manipulates facts in the name of ‘fairness’, according to internal video and documents a whistleblower has turned over to Project Veritas.

The internet giant has a near-monopoly on web searches globally and owns the most popular video sharing site, YouTube. The alarming information provided to the conservative transparency activists shows the company’s executives putting their thumb on the scale in an effort to “prevent the next Trump situation,” as one of them put it. 

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Monday’s expose includes an undercover video of Jen Genai, Google’s head of ‘Responsible Innovation’, outlining the measures already being taken to fight the US president in the upcoming 2020 election.

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We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again..”

The company is currently at work “training our algorithms” to work in a way that might have prevented Trump’s electoral victory in 2016, she added, without specifying what the effect might be in 2020.

One of the documents provided to Veritas by a Google insider shows the way the company manipulates information in favor of liberal perspectives.

The document details what it calls “algorithmic unfairness,” meaning that when something factually true is considered unfair (sexist, racist, etc.), it “may be desirable to consider how we might help society reach a more fair and equitable state via product intervention.

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As evidence of this algorithm in action, Veritas was provided a screenshot of suggestions that appear when one searches for “Hillary Clinton emails” or the different search suggestions for “women can” and “men can.”

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Among the creators suppressed by YouTube’s algorithms are creators who self-identify as liberals, but frequently criticize Democrat talking points.

What YouTube did is they changed the results of the recommendation engine,”
the insider told Veritas.

“So content that is similar to Dave Rubin or Tim Pool, instead of listing Dave Rubin or Tim Pool as people that you might like, what they’re doing is that they’re trying to suggest different news outlets, for example, like CNN, or MSNBC, or these left leaning political outlets.”

Project Veritas has already felt YouTube’s wrath themselves, having the video revealing internal censorship at another internet company, Pinterest, censored and deleted.

There were also reports on Monday that Veritas has been banned from Reddit, a popular discussion platform, after publishing the Google revelations.

Related: Also on rt.com YouTube removes Project Veritas video on Pinterest’s ‘censorship of conservative views’

Earlier this month, YouTube went on a spree of banning and de-monetizing creators, after a journalist at a left-leaning outlet Vox demanded the removal of a conservative comedian for making fun of him. The fallout came to be dubbed the “VoxAdpocalypse.”

Since the 2016 election, social media companies have found themselves in a crossfire, with Democrats blaming them for Trump’s ability to bypass mainstream media gatekeepers and demanding censorship of ‘hate speech’ – which, according to repeated revelations by whistleblowers, insiders and other Silicon Valley dissidents, in practice translates into banning speech that Democrats hate. 

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Brexit Pulls The EU To Pieces
June 25 2019 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

The Great Awakening has begun: Anti-establishment forces are forging alliances. Euroscepticism is rising across Europe. Cabal and Deep State terms adopted by MSM.

Proven; Government works for the Cabal and not for the People.

Related: Nigel Farage is the one figure in British politics who has learnt from his mistakes

Theresa May is resigning, and in the upcoming British national election, the conservative party may become the 5th, while the Brexiteer party with Farage could win.

Theresa was working for the EU-cabal and not for the people. She clearly misjudged the underlying state of aggravation of the British people, she didn’t care what the people were saying.

She went stubbornly ahead with the EU-plan as was instructed by Brussels. Because the Rothschild ECB central bank wants to hold onto their power.

Despite this, change is coming, as was clearly evident in the EU-elections Farage won in the UK, Marine Le Pen in France, Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary, right wing is surging in Sweden and Poland.

Everything is shifting. Massive success for the right-wing and Eurosceptics has been scored. Now, the entire global system is about to be restructured and it is going the people’s way and even beyond all expectations.

In Britain for example, never before has a party, only 6 weeks into the game, won an election. If, Britain does not leave the EU on October 31st next, these results will be repeated in a general election.

Related: Farage Welcomes Trump's Brexit Support: 'Future of Entire Western World' at Stake

History has been made and this is only the beginning. The people wanted to leave and government did not want it and moreover refused to do it.

No doubt anymore, the UK is about to change, Farage’s party won and they are demanding change, they want to leave the EU just like the people voted in the referendum three years ago.

Before the UK was deceived by Edward Heath who received in his role as Prime minister, 1.5 million pounds from at that time the EEC, for signing away Britain’s sovereignty in 1972.

The same way Woodrow Wilson sold the US out to the Central Bank in 1913.

With the total results in, the Brexit Party won 29 of the 73 British EU seats up for grabs and almost a third of the votes. – On the pro-EU side, the Liberal Democrats took 20% of the vote and 16 seats.

Nigel Farage said that his party – which currently has no members and no policies apart from leaving the EU – would “stun everybody” in the next British general election if the country didn’t leave the EU on time.

Related: Nigel Farage Launches The Brexit Party With Promise To Fight Back Against 'Betrayal' Of Referendum Result

While Salvini, emboldened by his party’s gains in European parliamentary elections, said that his party’s first proposal in Brussels will be to propose a new role for the ECB as a guarantor of government debt.

He is also pressing his proposal for a flat tax and challenging EU budget rules, saying spending should be loosened to boost growth and allow more government investment in things like schools.

Salvini also has become increasingly combative in the face of a prospect of warning letter from the European Commission on Italy’s public debt.

Anyhow, Brexit will set an example for all European countries to return their sovereignty from the globalist EU, effectively pulling the EU to pieces.

The Great Awakening has Begun

Finally, the world is waking up. The weapon in the Great Awakening of the world is being used against the Deep State. The weapon is quite powerful, simply TRUTH with Transparency.

This weapon is so powerful that they are panicking because all is about exposing the things these people have been doing for over one hundred years.

They don’t want the people to know about all they have done, as they cannot fight against the truth of it all. This will destroy the whole cabal Establishment. That’s why they always keep the people in the dark. Except now, there is no way out anymore for them.

Related: European Union In Decay & More

Once the UK is out of the EU and doing better, other EU-nations will follow by doing the same. This is going to be a major shift, where the Rothschild-controlled EU is going to lose its grip over the people.

And the people will gain control. Once enough leaders show up and demonstrate that they are of the intention to follow the will of the people and band together, they will go after the EU establishment and sweep all unelected clowns out.

In the recently held European elections; the Brexit Party showed that the above viewpoint is correct. They owe their triumph in the European elections to voters from both the right and left who wanted to send a message to the ineffective and incompetent political establishment.

It is important to take a closer look at this new political phenomenon.

Brexit, the one-issue party, formed six weeks before the elections and won about 30 percent of the votes, placing the outspoken Eurosceptics ahead of the old guard parties like the Conservatives and Labour.

They collected more votes than the Conservatives and Labour parties combined. Hard-bitten cynical Britain, desperately trying to get out of the European Union, thought that it was never going to happen and thought this saga was going to last forever. They are convinced that Brexit must happen in order to survive in the long run.

Related: Exposed: The Nazi Roots Of The European Union

Having been founded by former UKIP leader Nigel Farage, Brexit success may be attributed to a new political orientation in the UK and other EU nations; as right versus left became; Leave versus Remain.

Support could be drawn from across the political spectrum, which is most likely the reason the Brexit Party emerged so victoriously over its establishment rivals.

Anti-Establishment Forces are Forging Alliances

Overall the populists, liberals and the greens garnered an enormous block in the new EU parliament, as Marine Le Pen in France and Salvini in Italy made grandiose headway. 

At the end of the day, the EU will fail at every level; politically, economically and socially. Take note, the EU cannot survive if the people don’t want it to. Even so, the EU’s collective productivity has already peaked.

The most pessimistic regarding the staying power of the EU are the Slovaks. No one who has been to Eastern Europe will be surprised to find pessimistic natives.

Related: Marine Le Pen Branded The European Union (EU) A “Totalitarian Institution” And Pledged To Free A “Weakened” France From The Crippling Burden Of EU Bureaucracy

But surprisingly in second place is France, the second biggest power in the EU, where 58% believe the EU will be consigned to the dustbin of history within a generation.

The 751 MEP seats will be up for takes, while various anti-establishment forces on both sides of the political spectrum will gobble up the shares currently held by centrists.

Adding to the confusion was Britain, which took part in the election, while simultaneously working hard to leave the EU. If the centrists are driven out to the periphery, the likelihood is considerable that the forged Eurosceptic alliance will be able to unseat the unelected clowns in Brussels. Just wait and see how the new spectrum develops.

Euroscepticism is Rising Across Europe

The fact is, Euroscepticism is rising across Europe, because it is obvious that the leadership in Brussels, controlled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, together with her Fellow-Rothschild slave Macron, are all devoted to the EU first and the needs of European populace second.

Now, people have voted to protect their local communities from dying through the political parties’ over-promising and under-delivering results, Brussels makes ever more bizarre and complex laws to stifle innovation and growth, the mood is leaning towards change; the earlier the better.

Eurosceptic parties have obtained the momentum and the passion over the unelected clowns in Brussels. By winning in simultaneously held local elections, they see clearly the opportunity to use these results as a springboard to even greater success at a later stage.

This was confirmed by the highest voter turnout ever of over 51%, which could put them in the position of being able to crush the establishment completely.

Related: Marine Le Pen: The French Election Was Rigged

This clearly demonstrates the hardening of political opposition against the path of the European Union. Even in the Netherlands, the cabal’s Pet-Test-Case-Kingdom, favoured because of its docile, sleepy population, puppet Prime Minister Mark Rutte was forced to beg voters not to abandon him after earlier disastrous local elections.

However, he has to share his power with the right-wing FvD party of  Thierry Baudet, a party only established in late 2016. Both the VVD and FvD obtained 12 seats each.

Most people in member states see a realistic chance that within two decades, or perhaps even earlier, the EU will have disintegrated.

That may sound like an optimistic prediction to the desperate Brexiteers in Britain, while the French, the Italians, the Hungarians, the Poles, the Austrians, the Swedes and the Finns are all finding it impossible to get out of the EU.

If it was not for Nigel Farage, Britain would probably still be trying to cut a deal to leave, long after the EU has gone?

The better focus with regards to the EU is the awareness that a monumental realignment is taking place in Britain. For months now, the traditional right/left political divide is breaking down.

It’s no longer about shifting the priorities of governments a little to the social welfare side or back toward the ‘’personal responsibility” side. It’s about sovereignty versus globalism.

Related: Trump Foiled Soros’ Master Plan To Impose New World Order + Theresa May: Brexit Britain And Donald Trump Can Lead The World Together

Nigel Farage branded his sovereignty movement perfectly to the tune and name of ‘The Brexit Party’.

This is the pivotal issue in the U.K., whereas beforehand, the main parties were tasked to keep the people fighting about insignificant details, so that the political elite could undermine the fundamental issue of sovereignty.

Theresa May should have resigned elegantly, at a much earlier stage in the process but now she has to resign by force, because the British want a BREXIT in their favour, but May stupidly kept presenting EU deals four times in a row.

This was not what the people wanted, which gave Nigel Farage the chance of his political life, resulting in an impressive lead in the EU election.

German Government Acts Like Master of the EU Universe

After East Germany was annexed, Germany was transformed from an emerging influential EU partner, into the most dynamic expansionist power within the EU, especially with the former Warsaw Pact economies.

The US and Germany tried to return Russia into the vassal status of the 1990s.

The cabal does not want normal relations with Russia at any cost. From the moment Putin moved to restore the Russian state and economy, the Western powers have engaged in a series of political and military interventions, eliminating Russian allies, trading partners and independent states.

Related: Angela Merkel: Nation States Must "Give Up Sovereignty" To New World Order

Angela Merkel has openly criticised Vladimir Putin’s apparent strategy to spread Russia’s sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the EU. The Chancellor doesn’t admit that Germany’s domination of Europe has been disastrous for some states.

Germany keeps dictating the EU path and asserts itself as the dominant power within the Union, says Ernst Wolff, journalist and author.

The EU problems originated from the time of its conception and were exposed in 2008 with the Euro crisis, problems which were never solved, but rather relabelled and swept under the rug.

They tried to solve these problems by printing more money, by incurring more debt. The general economic situation today is a lot worse than it was before 2008.

When an economy deteriorates, cracks between the individual countries become more evident and this can potentially lead to clashes.

The result of all of this is that Angela Merkel’s Germany stands exposed and extremely vulnerable, not only due to Brexit and a global trade slowdown, resulting from Trump’s changes in modernising trade.

At the same time, Germany is facing a potential political earthquake that will undermine Germany’s control over EU politics and bring greater policy uncertainty in the near future.

Related: Professor: Rory Stewart is an Establishment “Spy” Tasked With Destroying Brexit

The truth is that Germany’s economy is heading off a cliff; a reflection of the slowdown both nationally and globally – retail sales are drying up, overall factory orders are diminishing, while exports remain relatively high, which keeps the euro overvalued.

However, the global economy is being purposely readjusted via the US-China Trade War, which is an orchestrated Alliance plan with the goal of dethroning the Petrodollar and dismantling the Cabal’s fiat financial system to make way for the QFS, with the gold standard for all currencies.

In the meantime, the anti-establishment, Eurosceptic parties have given an impressive display in the European Parliament election, while the establishment-puppets, desperately cling to the ridiculous premise that the rise of these populist movements serve as evidence of successful Russian interference.

Russian Interference Campaign in European Politics

For some European and international officials, the problem would seem to be Russia, secretly supporting Eurosceptics – they fail to acknowledge the disconnect between political elites and the people they are meant to represent.

They desperately assign the blame of all electoral failure on Kremlin trolls – without, of course offering a shred of evidence. The claim is that Russian trolls are actively luring EU-voters, as it was accused of in 2016 in America.

For years, the European establishment has been sounding the alarm about a seemingly ever-imminent Russian interference campaign in European politics.

Related: Jared Kushner Explains How Mueller’s Junk Report Of Russian Facebook Influence Was Deep State Garbage

Accusations against the Russian media often take centre stage. Now, hundreds of conferences, articles and speeches later; shock and horror prevails, as there is absolutely no evidence of interference.

It can be attributed to full-blown propaganda. Even in the final efforts to pre-emptively find a scapegoat for unsatisfactory results, they have not been able to come up with anything.

However, it hasn’t stopped attempts to incessantly push that narrative. The most earnest attempt has come from France’s MEDIAPART, which published an extensive investigation entitled: “The Elysée is worried about Russian interference in the European elections.” 

The article admits that the President of France is “obsessed with a possible Russian interference.

This should not come as a surprise.

Mr. Macron, in his 2017 campaign at times appeared to be running, not against his political opponents, but against RT, which he repeatedly accused of spreading “fake news” about the then-presidential candidate, despite having failed to produce a single example to date.

Related: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Complicity Of Pope, Organized By Macron, Merkel, & May, Goal Of Saving EU & Central Banks

Today, the Elysée takes issue with RT’s coverage of the Yellow Vest protests, which have been going on for more than half a year throughout France.

It seems protests are only newsworthy when they take place in Russia – then they are covered obsessively by the MSM.

Cabal and Deep State Terms Currently Adopted by MSM

Nonetheless, the MSM mainstream media is using the term “Cabal’ in addition to “Deep State.”

Both terms used to be considered “a conspiracy theory”, just another addition to the list of so-called “conspiracy theories” which has silently been proven true.

Is the MSM waking up too?

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

Behold, The Cognitive Dissonance Of The Media In One Graph
June 24 2019 | From: Geopolitics / Various

The mainstream media has been shaping our thoughts and views for hundreds of years now.

It is one of the most important tool used by the ruling bloodlines, in cooperation with their own self-designated experts and scholars, who are interpreting for us the mundane events of the day.

Related: The KGB Agent Who Predicted Everything

Being taken for a ride does not surprise us anymore. I forgot the source now, but about 28% of those surveyed now believes that vaccines are ineffective and fraught with risks.

That is of course a very conservative assessment. The real figures should be higher.

Click on the image aboce to view a larger version in a new window

Nevertheless, we still have work to do and we must persevere indeed until Big Pharma is not in control of the regulatory bodies around the world anymore.

Dealing With Cognitive Dissonance In Others And Recognizing It In Yourself

Once again, thank you very much John for the valuable information.

Eliminate the threat of cancer and cripple the Deep State organized criminal cabal at the same time by boycotting Big Pharma for good.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

5G Technology Is The "Stupidest Idea In The History Of The World" Says Washington State Science Professor & Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies
June 23 2019 | From: CollectiveEvolution / SOTT / Various

We are in the midst of a 5G wireless technology rollout, and politicians have yet to address safety concerns.

I recently used Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example, but it’s happening worldwide.

Related: UN Staff Member & Whistleblower: “5G Is A Global Health Catastrophe”

It’s one of many examples that illustrates how large corporations completely control politics.

I also recently wrote about Robert F. Kennedy explaining how this came to be, and how they’ve been able to completely compromise government, big media, and our federal regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting and informing us.

The Facts: Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University outlines in a new report the many health risks associated with 5G technology and wireless radiation in general.

Reflect On: 5G is gaining attention, and it might make us a little fearful of the effects, but we must observe this fear and bring things back to awareness of the issue so we can make better choices, but not be fearful. Check out our CE Protocol for this.

In the video, he uses Big Pharma as an example, as they provide the most money to congress; even more so than big oil and gas. In that article I also outline multiple examples of fraud so readers can get a clearer picture of what’s going on and see some actual evidence of it.

It’s clear that we are not being protected, and politicians are simply abiding to the the will of their masters, the big corporations, who in turn act as slaves to their ‘financial overlords,’ the big banks.

Related: Calls for review of 5G technology amid health concerns

We continue to see products and services being approved and implemented without ever going through any safety testing.

This is a big problem, and one of the main reasons why we could be seeing a drastic rise in multiple diseases and ailments, especially when it comes to neuropsychiatric disorders. 

A study titled “Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression” published in the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy outlines this quite clearly, and it’s only one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies raising multiple concerns in regards to this type of technology.

Is there really any concern for the well being of humanity within these institutions?

If not, why do we continue to support them? Is it because we’re under the illusion that there is actual concern? And why do we continue to take power away from ourselves by electing corrupt politicians?

Anyway, in this article, I’d like to draw your attention to Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University.

Related: 5G: The Dominoes Are Starting To Fall

Taken from his report titled “5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field(EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them,” he states that:

Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.

That report goes through a lot of science, which only adds to all of the science that’s already available regarding the harmful effects of 5G technology.

If you’re looking for more information,I often point people toward the Environmental Health Trust because it’s a great resource that gives you access to more science.

This is not new information.

For years, numerous studies have been published proving the health concerns regarding 5G technology and hundreds of scientists have petitioned the United Nations about them.

Media Release: Ontario Doctors Warn of Rising Health Care Costs after 5G Roll Out

Related: Researchers invent 'anti-Wi-Fi' paint that blocks wireless signals

These initiatives started as a result of the work done by Dr. Marin Blank from Columbia University’s Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics.

According to him, with regards to wireless radiation in general:

We have created something that is harming us, and it is getting out of control. Before Edison’s light bulb there was very little electromagnetic radiation in our environment.

The levels today are very many times higher than natural background levels, and are growing rapidly because of all the new devices that emit this radiation. Putting it bluntly they are damaging the living cells in our bodies and killing many of us prematurely

Again, it’s unbelievable that these technologies are being rolled out without any safety testing done. How is this even allowed to happen?

The thing is, if there was safety testing done, there would likely be no changes made anyway, and these corporations would be allowed to rollout and utilize these technologies.

Seeing how this article is about the work of Dr. Pall, below is a lecture that goes into detail about his research and why we should be concerned with 5G technology.

It’s alarming that some people have been made to believe that this is “pseudoscience.” Not only is this surprising, but it’s also very concerning.

Related: 5G: The Big Picture & Brussels Becomes First Major City To Halt 5G Due To Health Effects

During the “Health in Buildings Roundtable” sponsored by the NIH and co-organized by the US CDC and several other organizations, Dr. Martin Pall from Washington State University (WSU) concluded that the “5G rollout is absolutely insane.

In this short presentation, Dr. Pall confirmed that the current 2G/3G/4G radiation the population is exposed to has been scientifically linked to: lowered fertility, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety, major changes in brain structure in animals, cellular DNA damage, oxidative stress, hormonal disruption, cancer, and much more.

Dr. Pall briefly explained the mechanisms of how the electro-smog emitted by our cell phones, wifi routers, cell phone antennas, and other wireless technologies affect human cells.

What You Can Do: We Don’t Have To Be Afraid

We’ve written about this topic in depth, and below are some recent articles we’ve published that go into more detail if you’re looking for more information.

On a side note, a lot of this information can spark a fearful reaction, and that’s normal.

It could elicit the same fearful reaction you may have to other humanitarian issues including the massive amounts of pesticides being sprayed in our environment and on our food, the rising deforestation rates, and several other aspects of the human experience that need to be changed.

As important as it is to not react with fear and panic, it’s even more important not to completely ignore these things and think everything will magically be okay.

Related: Why Is The Minister Of Health Taking Advice About The Health Effects Of 5G From A Committee Influenced By People With Ties To The Telecommunications Industry?

Earth has become engulfed with this mess as a result of our ignorance, as a result of us ignoring important scientific findings such as these.

If we continue along this path, disease rates will continue to rise. Awareness is key, and simply being informed about this issue is a huge step in the right direction.

So, what can you do? You could purchase some EMF protective clothing and bedding, or you could even paint your home with EMF protective paint. You can unplug your computer when not in use, turn off your cell phone, and unplug all your electronic devices before you go to sleep.

You could have a wired internet connection, which is actually much faster than any wireless connection. You can live a healthy lifestyle, and you can use mind-body healing techniques to help you.

Related: Los Alamos Research Explains How 5G Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA & Why We Must Stop The 5G Wireless Network

I write a lot about parapsychology, and it’s quite clear that our minds can have a significant impact on our biology.

I know it sounds a little ‘new agey,’ but the truth is, if you don’t believe you are being harmed, odds are that the impact on your biology will be significantly different than someone who is fearful and stressed out about health concerns.

Consciousness is huge, and it is one of the biggest factors in regards to preventative measures.

You can learn more about this balance through our CE Protocol.

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Doctor Daya uses T98 shielding paint in bedroom against RF radiation

Another good website re 5G, EMF

Poisoning Paradise - Ecocide New Zealand

Zero Hedge: Michael Snyder on 5G 100s of Scientist Sound the Alarm Over Genocidal Ecocidal 5G Networks

Lloyds Of London And Other Insurers Refuse To Cover Health Claims Caused By 5G Wireless Technologies

Lloyds of London, one of the world's premier insurance groups, is refusing to insure health claims made against 5G wireless ("wi-fi") technologies.

How curious that Lloyds of London has excluded from their policies any negative health effects caused by wi-fi technologies. Now, WHY would Lloyds leave all that money on the table if these technologies are so safe? And, why are other insurance companies following Lloyds' lead?

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If you think that following-the-money provides insights, you'll probably conclude that something VERY BIG is embedded in this decision.

Here's some background (including links):

The FCC and other government regulatory bodies, in collusion with the big telecomm industries, are ferociously pushing smart meters, 5G and the Internet of Things.

This roll-out is not only happening in the US, but all over the world. The giant telecomms gush enthusiastically about how EVERYTHING will be connected

OMG! We're gonna have Incredibly high-speed connectivity so your little girls and teens can, at supersonic speed, upload pix of their latest nail-polish jobs or cute puppy videos to FaceBook, Pinterest, etc., etc., for their friends to gasp and giggle.... - and, of course, click "like" and forward these to their friends... again, all at warp speed.

Related: “Nanogirl” says you don’t need to worry about health effects from cell phones or 5G – should you believe her?

It's pretty clear that this whole "play" by the giant telecomms is seen by them as a financial windfall - for them. And, via their lobby groups, it's seen as a windfall for all the politicians who support this agenda.

Politicians will be rewarded in the usual manner - pricey junkets to exotic places, elegant dinners, campaign contributions and, of course, cushy "golden parachute" jobs for those wi-fi supportive ex-politicians within the telecomm industries, or within their lobby groups. In short, crony business as usual.

But wait. There's a tiny but growing wrinkle in this rosy scenario of sugar plums dancing in the heads of these telecomm leaders.

Specifically, Lloyds of London, one of the world's premier insurance groups, is refusing to insure health claims made against wireless technologies. And, other insurance companies are following Lloyd's lead in this.

If you follow the money, this is HUGE. After all, if these wi-fi techno-toys are so safe, why is Lloyds leaving all this additional money on the table?

Well, Lloyd's November 2010 Risk Assessment Team's Report gives us a solid clue: The report compares these wireless technologies with asbestos, in that the early research on asbestos was "inconclusive" and only later did it become obvious to anyone paying attention that asbestos causes cancer.

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Keep in mind that Lloyd's Risk Assessment study of wi-fi was published over 8 years ago.

Even back then, however, their Risk Assessment Team was smart enough to realize that new evidence just might emerge showing that the various wi-fi frequencies do cause illness. The result? Lloyds opted to exclude coverage for wi-fi related illnesses.

And then, PG&E followed close on, slipping in its own legal clauses (just as it was rolling out smart meters) that claim no liability for wi-fi related health damage.

The schools who opt to put in wi-fi are responsible, according to PG&E, and any other organizations that opt to have PG&E put wi-fi in their buildings are the responsible parties

Today, MANY more recent peer-reviewed scientific studies show a range of serious damage caused by these wi-fi frequencies. 5G brings a quantum leap in damage - to DNA, to cell mitochondria, and much more.

Fortunately the global public is waking up.

Conversations are in the air about a global class-action lawsuit vs. the SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALS WORLDWIDE who are recklessly ignoring the Precautionary Principle in their promotion of advanced wi-fi technologies.

Related: 5G Network Uses Same EMF Waves As Pentagon Crowd Control System + NZ 5G Update: June 2018

In part - goes the growing conversation - the lawsuit will be based on the Nuremburg Principle of "informed consent."

After all, what's going on is a tiny handful of people are pushing a huge experiment on what will be billions of people, all without have gotten their informed consent ... and without insurance for those who are electromagnetically sensitive - a growing group to watch.

These unfortunate individuals are our "canaries" in the coal mine.

Pay close attention. This whole issue is about to become a whole lot more interesting.

After years of listening to cellular phone companies assure us that WiFi and cell phone transmission is safe, why did Lloyds of London, a company who will take risks when other insurers won't exclude EMF injuries?

Are they expecting an avalanche of health claims related to EMF?

What Does Lloyd's of London Know That We Don't Know?

We think Lloyd's underwriters must be reading the research findings from major publications like the BioInitiative Report.

Included in this report are summaries of research publications between 1990 -2014 on the biological effects of radio frequency and cell phone radiation.

Related: 5G And IoT: A Trojan Horse + Wifi Linked To Cancer And DNA Damage, Says New Report: Here’s What To Do

The research news is chilling. Prolonged exposure to EMF causes cellular malfunction, the formation of free radicals which then leads to a multitude of health issues.

There are many physicians who now believe EMF effects underlie ALL medical issues.

This report was created by 29 authors from around the world, including 10 with medical degrees, 21 PhDs and 3 masters degrees.

More than 100,000 people visit their site annually.

No longer can public officials pretend EMF is harmless. The cat is out of the bag!

Schools May Foot the Bill With WiFi Injuries

Lloyds is dumping the blame back on schools. In their insurance waiver, they state clearly that it is schools responsibility to inform parents and teachers if WiFi is being installed in their schools.

Parents for Safe Schools and other groups want to know why schools are not acknowledging the proven health effects of EMF?

Related: There are more than 1,000 scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world concerning the biological effects of RF radiation. Here we present some of the most recent.

By allowing WiFi to be installed in the schools, they are acting as if WiFi is a safe technology. For many individuals, animals and plant life, serious health consequences occur with daily exposure to EMF.

Lloyd's Won't Discuss Their New EMF Exclusion Clause

My interpretation of this revealing statement is that CFC Underwriting, and perhaps all of "the market" has realized that the time has come to hedge against a future surge in "illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionising radiation exposure i.e. through mobile phone usage."

Why else would they refuse coverage "across the market as standard."?

Related: 5G Network Being Pushed On The Public With Zero Concern For Safety

Lloyds Refuse To Discuss Why They Excluded RF/EMF Claims

“Unfortunately, Lloyd's doesn't have a spokesperson who can talk about this so we're going to have to decline."

Now I'm used to rejection as a reporter, but I couldn't quite believe this and told her so in my reply, mentioning that their refusal to talk about the policy change would possibly "draw attention away from more important aspects of the story."

This is a huge problem that will not be solved by buying magical pendants. Everyone now understands tobacco and asbestos risks.

This is worse. This is also impacting on animals including livestock and on plants including food.

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Wake Up Kiwi Wake Up Kiwi

The Transhumanist Agenda And The [Attempted] Future Of Humanity
June 22 2019 | From: NaturalBlaze / Various

The Transhumanist agenda is more than just Artificial Intelligence (AI), or robots taking over jobs, or transgender restrooms at public facilities to accommodate an ever growing push for uniformity among the masses.

Transhumanism is Posthumanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out, a movement that advocates for the transformation and the “advancement of humanity through technology” that runs the gamut from nanotechnology to AI.

Related: Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda

This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche.

To be clear, Transhumanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution:

Where our bodies will be augmented and sterilized in utero.

Where divinity is exorcised out of humanity and humanity has outgrown its usefulness.

Where scientists are Gods to be worshipped.

Where politicians are priests who dictate new laws to live by.

Where the more you separate yourself from your divine nature…your heart-self…the more you create something non-human.

Related: A Deeper Understanding Of Technocracy & Seven Things I Would Do If I Wanted To Keep Poor People Poor

Transhumanism began taking shape in the 1930s under Social Engineers like Edward Bernays whose book Propaganda revealed the method of mind control for anyone curious enough to pay attention:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. … We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.…

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind."

- Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

These messages and themes are blatant for anyone to see, if the eyes are open.

Related: Propaganda Is The Art Of Overwhelming Logic

They represent a form of consent, which individuals must give for the agenda to be carried out.

Social engineers have informed us through fiction, non-fiction, film, media, the educational system, politics, religion, sports, Hollywood celebrities, and rigged elections throughout the centuries. And each time we have consented.

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World informed us of a world of bio and social engineering in black and white. He described a future that had already begun to take shape under his pen.

To grasp the Huxleyesque nature of current culture we only need to look at one of his personal quotes:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution."

- Aldous Huxley

Related: Brave New World And Individual Power & How The Elite Dominate The World: They Buy Politicians, And Incumbents Almost Always Win

Transhumanism is mind control to shift perception to a hybrid society. As perception shifts, the individual is homogenized into an amorphous “public persona.” 

The term “Public Health” is, itself a public relations term, created in 1913 when the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR) to convince individuals to give up their power to an outside, unseen authority.

Public Health” dilutes the power of individuals. An individual is real. A ‘public’ is a concept. Therefore, Public Opinion, Public Safety, Public Body, and Public Perception are myths used to justify a transfer of power to a higher authority.

There is no power in the group. As each human is born an individual, there is only individual perception, individual opinion, individual bodies, and individual safety.

Once you are convinced to do things for the good of the “public,” such as implanting tracking chips to keep your job, or merging yourself to a machine to enhance your memory, or taking nano-chipped pharmaceutical drugs to ensure compliance, or agreeing to public checkpoints, you lose individual identity.

Related: Space Fence: Connecting The Surveillance And Transhumanist Agendas

You are part of the blob. And how do you measure the success of “the public?”

Has the nation become stronger as a result of handing over individual power to an outside authority?

We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy."

- Chris Hedges

Inversion Reality

Transhumanism is Inversion Reality to create order out of chaos, where up is down, black is white, sickness is health, male is female, abnormal is normal, and uniformity is unity.

It is a reality of a perfect “controllable race.” The Transhumanist movement is not new or out-of-the-box.

It has been playing out before our eyes under the deception of politics and Hollywood make-up and glamour for more than a century.

Transgendered actors are now coming out to be recognized as separate from male or female; non-gendered.

Like Caitlyn Jenner, anyone has a right to reshape themselves and choose a different identify. However, what happens when true identity is concealed and used for deception? 

Related: Finally Parents Begin Removing Their Children From Public Indoctrination Center Over Teaching Transgenderism

How many Hollywood actors, mainstream news anchors, super models, politicians, are disguised behind wigs, false eyelashes, or beards to create the Great Deception?

What deeper meaning rests behind celebrity worship, the golden idols actors give themselves, or the pentagrams they bow down to on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Have people been measuring themselves against a standard of beauty and worth based in illusion? Do New Age teachings go back to the Freemasons? Back to Babylon and the Gnostic teachings?

Transgenic Wars - How GMOs Impact Livestock And Human Health Around The Globe

With more questions than answers, is it time to look behind the curtain of the Media Industrial Complex?

The Transhumanist-Posthuman agenda is not about the equality of the sexes since the sexes are meant to merge into an androgynous blob.

Under the Trans Agenda, an era of social and ecologic inequities are the new standard where nature is unnecessary and human relationships are replaced by sexbots that cook, clean, converse (or not), and provide for physical needs.

Related: People To Be Allowed To Pick Their Own Gender Without Doctor's Diagnosis, Under UK Government Plans & American College Of Pediatrics Reaches Decision: Transgenderism Of Children Is Child Abuse

What if the deeper agenda is to weaken the male energy as “protector and defender,” subvert the female essence, and neutralize the divine through technologies such as CRISPR?

CRISPR genetically modifies DNA to redesign gender at the level of the human embryo to create an androgyne that cannot reproduce.

The Transhumanist agenda offers a radical upgrade of humanity to something smarter, bigger, better.  It suggests we are entering a virtual reality without a discussion of morals or spiritual matters, where we can transcend our biological limitations with implants and injections.

Is this the wet dream of a robot or the musings of a madman? Do we extend life, prevent death, or bring the dead back to life even if life is no longer worth living?

As TV and films try to convince us that vampires are sexy, do we leave the light behind because the darkness brings a different type of eternity? Do we accept that the Transgender agenda has infiltrated the classroom to indoctrinate children from Kindergarten?

Human 2.0 Is Almost Here: The Transhumanism Agenda Just Went Mainstream

Related: The Rational Argument Against The Normalization Of Transgenderism

In agreeing to the Trans Agenda, we need to know the consequences of our actions instead of rushing headlong over a cliff. What are the risks?

Were the risks knowable when corporations introduced new technology that promised to feed the world with genetically-modified foods or connect the world through electro-magnetic frequencies?

Now that GMO foods are not enough to feed the world, the message has shifted to taking a shot in the arm to feed the world: “For every flu shot given at our Pharmacy or The Little Clinic, we’ll donate a meal to Feeding America.

Are the negative health effects of these previous untested technologies the real reason humanity needs to preserve itself in new ways?

Are GMO foods and vaccines just part of the agenda to bioengineer humans to prevent procreation? Will babies be made-to-order to maintain order?

Related: “A Blatant Display Of Unscientific Propaganda:” Cornell Student Exposes GMO Propaganda In Scathing New Letter

The Transhumanist Agenda will declare that humanity will go extinct or permanently destroy itself unless transhumanistic technologies are realized. Are we repeating an extinction that happened once before in Atlantis?

Yet, they will never suggest that there is meaning to living an imperfect life or dying a natural death because nature and God are no longer part of the equation.

Never Rush to Decision

“While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you and what you truly seek."

- Rasheed Ogunlaru

From The Rocky Horror Picture Show to The Truman Show, the message is clear.

Related: Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

But are the risks of Transhumanism clear? Does the original personality remain the same? Does the soul remain intact?

Can a posthuman being with increased life expectancy, intelligence, health, memory cease to exist on a higher level? Are we sacrificing divinity to worship androgyny?

Is policy guidance written by a hidden government enough to forge ahead to a Brave New World? What happens to peace, love, caring, and cooperation? 

Those who “believe” in the Trans religion have a right, as long as it does not infringe upon another’s Rights. And those who choose not to?

Their Rights must be preserved too. Informed-consent means no deception from the inside-out.

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